Bulletin de liaison et d’information N°359 FEVRIER 2015 La publication de ce Bulletin bénéficie de subventions du Ministère français des Affaires étrangères (DGCID) et du Fonds d’action et de soutien pour l’intégration et la lutte contre les discriminations (FASILD) ————— Ce bulletin paraît en français et anglais Prix au numéro : France: 6 € — Etranger : 7,5 € Abonnement annuel (12 numéros) France : 60 € — Etranger : 75 €

Périodique mensuel Directeur de la publication : Mohamad HASSAN Numéro de la Commission Paritaire : 659 13 A.S. ISBN 0761 1285

INSTITUT KURDE, 106, rue La Fayette - 75010 PARIS Tél. : 01- 48 24 64 64 - Fax : 01- 48 24 64 66 E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin de liaison et d’information de l’Institut kurde de Paris N° 359 février 2015







BAGDAD : L’ACCORD SUR LE PÉTROLE KURDE FORTEMENT COMPROMIS lors qu’un accord de Organization for Marketing of desquelles ils se sont lourdement plus sur le pétrole avait Oil), la société qui est à la fois en endettés. A été signé entre Bagdad charge de l’exportation, de la com - et en décembre mercialisation et de la distribution Les contreparties demandées par dernier, accord qui du pétrole et des produits raffinés les Kurdes – le versement de 17% devait prendre effet au début de en Irak. En contrepartie, la Région du budget irakien, l’entretien et la l’année, il semble aujourd’hui du Kurdistan doit recevoir enfin solde des Peshmergas – ne sont menacé tant pour des raisons de ses 17% du budget irakien, lequel, toujours pas respectées concrète - suspicions politiques que par la pour 2015, devrait être d’un mon - ment, même en violation de l’ac - difficulté ou l’incapacité des tant de 103 milliards de dollars. cord. Certaines voix, au sein du deux parties à en respecter, GRK, soupçonnent Nouri Maliki, financièrement et économique - Mais le 1er février, une délégation l’ancien Premier Ministre mainte - ment, les termes. du GRK s’est rendue à Bagdad nant vice-président d’Irak, mais avec l’intention de renégocier les toujours irréductible ennemi des L’accord stipule en effet que le termes de l’accord, indiquant que Kurdes, de mettre des obstacles au Kurdistan doit envoyer 300.000 550.000 barils par jour était un versement effectif des sommes barils par jour de Kirkouk et montant trop lourd pour Erbil, car dues par Bagdad aux Kurdes. Sur 250.000 du reste de la région les Kurdes doivent aussi céder son site, le GRK affirme que kurde à la SOMO (State leur pétrole à des sociétés auprès Bagdad n’a, de toute façon, pas le • 2 • Bulletin de liaison et d’information n° 359 • février 2015

fonds suffisants pour respecter sa tions ne se fassent plus que tous les Massoud Barzani a à son tour envi - part de l’accord : « Il est apparu trois mois sagé, lors d’une conférence de pres - clairement, lors de la réunion, se, de cesser les envois de pétrole si qu’en raison de la crise financière « Nous leur avons dit de vérifier le la part kurde du budget ne parve - et du manque de liquidités, le montant de pétrole que nous leur nait pas enfin à Erbil. gouvernement irakien ne peut enverrons tous les trois mois. Si nos donner au GRK la part du budget livraisons sont en dessous du volu - Quant au Premier Ministre kurde, qui lui revient. » me prévu, ils pourront couper notre deux jours après la déclaration de budget au début du quatrième son homologue irakien, il a de nou - Le 16 janvier, le Premier ministre mois. » veau donné une conférence de pres - Nêçirvan Barzani a déclaré à l’agen - se, où il a répété que son gouverne - ce Reuters que l’accord de décembre Nêçirvan Barzani a ensuite donné des ment « ferait de son mieux » pour pourrait être rompu si le gouverne - précisions sur la crise financière que résoudre la question du budget, ment central ne reprenait pas les traverse l’Irak surtout en raison de la mais que sa patience n’était pas infi - paiements dus sur son budget : « chute des prix du pétrole qui ont bais - nie. Selon l’accord, si les deux parties ne sé de 60 % en sept mois : en 2014, le parviennent pas à respecter les budget national a perdu 50 milliards « Nous souhaitons un accord avec articles, l’accord prendra fin. Nous de dollars, alors que 95% de ses res - Bagdad et nous voulons que le avons exporté le montant requis de sources dépendent de ce secteur. peuple du Kurdistan, les États-Unis pétrole, mais le problème est que Quant au Kurdistan, il est lui aussi et les autres pays sachent que nous Bagdad n’a pas d’argent à envoyer à touché par cette baisse et aurait avons fait de notre mieux envers la Région du Kurdistan. » besoin de 10 milliards de dollars pour Bagdad. Mais il faut aussi que ceci surmonter sa crise financière. soit clair : nous ne pouvons tolérer Les deux parties souffrent d’une plus longtemps cette situation […] grave pénurie de ressources finan - Mais si le Premier Ministre a tenu Malheureusement, Bagdad agit cières, en raison de la guerre qui a d’abord un langage conciliant, comme une compagnie pétrolière ralenti l’exploitation, des chutes du d’autres voix, notamment parmi les envers une partie du pays plus que prix du baril et, pour le Kurdistan, députés et les ministres kurdes à comme un État. » du poids économique que font peser Bagdad, ont souhaité ou menacé de plus d’un million et demi de réfu - rompre l’accord voire même de se « Bagdad nous a dit que nous avons giés, venus d’Irak ou de Syrie. retirer du gouvernement. Et les pro - exporté plus de pétrole qu’il était pos qu’a tenus, quelques jours plus prévu dans l’accord, ce qui est vrai, « Il est évident que nous avons signé tard, le 22 février, le Premier mais nous avons dit à Abadi lors de un accord avec un pays en faillite », Ministre irakien sur les chaînes ira - notre première réunion, que nous a ajouté Nêçirvan Barzani. « Nous kiennes, n’ont guère conforté le avions reçu des avances de fonds avons respecté totalement l’accord, camp des modérés à la table des pour les salaires de nos gens [les mais son application doit être rem - négociations. fonctionnaires] de la part de socié - plie par les deux parties. » tés, en échange de notre pétrole. Hayder Al-Abadi a en effet déclaré Nous leur avons dit que même si Le Premier Ministre a révélé que que le Gouvernement régional du nous exportons un million de barils Bagdad proposait maintenant d’en - Kurdistan devait « prendre la res - par jour, nous ne pouvons leur don - voyer aux Kurdes 300 millions de ponsabilité » de payer ses propres ner que 550 000 en raison de ce que dollars, « ce qui est moins de la moi - fonctionnaires au lieu de recevoir nous devons aux sociétés pétro - tié de ce que nous avions convenu l’argent du gouvernement central : lières. » auparavant. » « Je ne suis pas contre l’envoi du traitement des fonctionnaires, mais Ainsi, si l’on veut résumer le dia - Malgré l’incapacité de Bagdad à res - il y a un problème que chacun doit logue de sourds qui dure depuis pecter ses engagements, le Premier savoir, et c’est qu’il y a des plus d’un mois, Bagdad reproche Ministre kurde a cependant indiqué employés du GRK qui n’ont pas été aux Kurdes de céder leur pétrole à le 16 février que son gouvernement engagés par le gouvernement ira - des sociétés étrangères afin que ces ne stopperait pas les envois de kien mais sont plutôt employés par mêmes Kurdes paient leurs fonc - pétrole, revenant sur la menace de la Région du Kurdistan. » tionnaires privés d’un traitement couper les exportations, qu’il avait que Bagdad leur refuse depuis un émise le 29 janvier, avant que sa Cela n’a évidemment pas incité les an, et pour cette raison continue de délégation ne se rende à Bagdad. Kurdes à continuer sur le ton de la geler l’envoi du budget kurde ; ce Mais il a proposé que la vérification compréhension et de la bonne qui oblige Erbil à s’endetter plus du volume global de ces exporta - volonté et cette fois, le président encore auprès des sociétés. n° 359 • février 2015 Bulletin de liaison et d’information • 3•

KIRKOUK : LE GOUVERNEMENT KURDE S’OPPOSE FERMEMENT À L’ENTRÉE DES MILICES CHIITES e gouvernement irakien quand l’EI a tenté de pénétrer régions sunnites prises par Daesh, a adopté un projet de loi, dans la ville et que des combat - notamment dans la Diyala, elle est L le 3 février, qui ouvre la tants de la Mobilisation populaire accusée de représailles aveugles voie à la légalisation du l’ont repoussé aux côtés des contre des civils. Des officiers ira - statut des groupes para - Peshmergas. Ce n’est pas la seule kiens se plaignent par ailleurs de militaires chiites disparates et des fois où Peshmergas et miliciens voir les forces para-militaires forces sunnites tribales, qui chiites ont coopéré dans des mieux équipées et armées, que seraient regroupés sous le com - régions où ils étaient déployés leurs propres troupes. mandement d’une Garde nationa - ensemble, comme à Amerli, une le. La loi suscite de vives opposi - ville chiite turkmène qui a subi un Massoud Barzani s’est lui-même tions de la part des Kurdes qui long siège de Daesh l’été dernier, rendu à Kirkouk, sur la ligne de refusent catégoriquement l’entrée ou à Jalawla, zone mixte. front de ses Peshmergas, le 18 de ces milices, en principe desti - février, et a tenu un discours des nées à chasser l’État islamique, Le 7 février, en visite à Kirkouk, plus fermes concernant l’avenir de dans les territoires kurdes contrô - Hadi-Al-Ameri, le commandant la cité et des régions kurdes « dis - lés par les Peshmergas et leurs des brigades Badr, un groupe chii - putées », en affirmant notamment autres forces. te ouvertement pro-iranien a, à que « Kirkouk est au Kurdistan et l’issue d’une rencontre avec le ne tombera plus jamais aux mains Aussi les députés kurdes au parle - gouverneur kurde Najmaddin de l’ennemi. » Comme jamais l’EI ment d’Irak tentent-ils de faire Karim, souhaité une coopération n’a conquis Kirkouk, il est aisé passer, dans cette loi, la garantie plus étroite avec les Peshmergas d’en déduire que cet « ennemi » que ces unités para-militaires n’était pas uniquement les n’ont en aucun cas vocation à « Kirkouk a une haute importance, groupes djihadistes dans l’esprit entrer au Kurdistan d’Irak, et sur - et a des ressources en gaz et en du président, qui a renchéri : « tout pas dans les régions kurdes pétrole, ainsi que des centrales Kirkouk est aussi important pour réclamées depuis longtemps par électriques. Nous devons agir l’ennemi qu’il l’est pour nous. Il Erbil, comme Kirkouk ou pour mettre fin à la menace posée est important pour eux en termes Khanaqin, où les forces du GRK se par Daesh, au moyen d’une gran - de moral et de politique – s’ils sont déployées en juin 2014, après de coopération avec les forces parvenaient à prendre Kirkouk. la fuite de l’armée irakienne. Ce Peshmergas et le gouverneur, et Mais ils doivent savoir que soit projet de loi devait faire l’objet cela requiert une action rapide. » nous mourrons tous, soit Kirkouk d’une première lecture au parle - (Al-Monitor). ne tombera jamais aux mains de ment de Bagdad le 10 février. Mais l’ennemi. Nous garderons l’opposition qu’il rencontre a En prévention des menées chiites Kirkouk, même si nous devons retardé ce premier vote. ou iraniennes en direction de retirer des forces dans d’autres Kirkouk, le président Barzani a régions. » Dans un entretien accordé au jour - ordonné que les Peshmergas nal arabe basé à Londres Al- empêchent les milices irakiennes Après avoir loué le courage et le Hayat, le président du Kurdistan, Al-Hashid as-Shaabi (Forces rôle des Peshmergas dans cette Massoud Barzani a rejeté l’hypo - volontaires irakiennes), environ lutte, il s’est adressé ensuite direc - thèse d’un retour dans les régions 7000 combattants, d’entrer à tement à l’EI, qui venait tout juste kurdes de l’armée irakienne ou de Kirkouk, ce qui a déclenché la de diffuser des images de l’arrivée des milices chiites, appe - colère de Hadi Al-Amiri, qui se Peshmergas capturés lors de l’at - lées « Mobilisation populaire » : « serait plaint auprès de Qassem taque du 29 janvier, exhibés dans Nous n’avons pas besoin de la Soleimani, le commandant iranien une parade sinistre, au milieu Mobilisation populaire et nous ne des forces Al-Qods, omniprésent d’une foule en joie, en tenue oran - permettrons à aucune force d’en - sur le front irakien depuis juin ge et dans des cages évoquant le trer à Kirkouk. » 2014. (Source Rudaw). Cette milice sort du pilote jordanien brûlé vif a été mise en place par l’ayatollah dans la même cage et dans la Cela dit, dans les faits, les nécessi - Ali al-Sistani en 2014 pour proté - même tenue. tés du terrain militaire ont déjà ger les lieux saints shiites des des - amené des unités chiites à Kirkouk tructions de Daesh. Mais au fur et Massoud Barzani a averti les depuis l’attaque du 29 janvier, à mesure de sa reconquêtes des Daesh que si ces Peshmergas • 4 • Bulletin de liaison et d’information n° 359 • février 2015

étaient tués, «ceux qui commet - conque fait de même. Si nous dent Barzani de revenir sur l’iden - traient ce crime comme ceux qui avons besoin d’aide, nous devons tité kurde de la ville et de son l’applaudiraient le paieront cher » être les seuls à en décider. Jusqu’à appartenance au Kurdistan et visiblement ulcéré par le sou - ce que nous prenions une telle tien populaire que cette humilia - décision, aucune autre force n’est « Certains disent que nous avons tion a rencontré dans certaines admise à Kirkouk. » occupé Kirkouk. C’est faux. Les localités arabes sunnites, le prési - Peshmergas ont toujours été à dent kurde a critiqué leur inaction Sur la question de savoir si cette Kirkouk. Kirkuk est une ville du devant l’État islamique et stigma - interdiction concerne tout aussi Kurdistan et son identité kurde tisé leur ambiguïté dans cette bien la milice de Hadi al-Amri, n’est pas un sujet de débat. Nous guerre : « Nous ne voulons pas que l’armée irakienne, Massoud défendons Kirkouk, nous ne l’oc - entrer en guerre avec le monde Barzani a rejeté tout aussi catégo - cupons pas. » arabe, mais qui et où sont ces riquement l’idée de laisser revenir Arabes qui s’opposent à l’EI ? S’il la 12ème division qui était Pour Masrour Barzani, à la tête en existe, nous les remercierons et déployée à Kirkouk avant sa fuite des services de Renseignements les laisserons [nous] aider, mais devant l’EI en juin 2014 kurdes, le surarmement de ces avec des actions, pas des paroles. milices, à la fois par les Mais nous ne pourrons fermer les « On parle de faire revenir la Américains, obstinés à ne livrer yeux s’ils abritent l’EI qui conti - 12ème division à Kirkouk, mais des armes qu’à Bagdad et jamais nuerait de nous attaquer de leurs cela n’arrivera pas. La 12ème divi - directement aux Kurdes, et à la régions. Si vous êtes avec l’EI, par - sion ne remettra jamais le pied à fois par l’Iran, même si c’est un fait, mais si vous êtes contre, eh Kirkouk. Le passé ne doit pas se paradoxe, désavantage considéra - bien montrez-vous et envoyez répéter. La réalité d’aujourd’hui blement les Peshmergas qui ne votre peuple combattre l’EI est le fruit d’un sang précieux et sont, eux, pas payés par l’Irak et comme font les Peshmergas. Jouez nous ne tolérerons aucun change - voient en plus leur solde gelée votre rôle ! » ment à ces frontières. Chacun doit depuis un an. Mais si Washington, garder cela en tête. Les Bagdad et Téhéran y voient peut- Enfin, revenant sur la question des Peshmergas ont payé de leurs vies être une façon de freiner le retour milices chiites désireuses de s’im - et de leur sang et par conséquent, de Kirkouk au sein du Kurdistan, miscer dans la défense de personne ne doit envisager de mettre sur pied des groupes para - Kirkouk, Massoud Barzani a venir ici pour prendre des déci - militaires aussi puissants est un répondu qu’il était du ressort des sions ou diriger. Je ne dis pas que risque fort de replonger l’Irak Peshmergas seuls de décider s’ils nous nous imposons ici. Je répète dans une guerre civile désastreuse avaient besoin d’aide et de choisir que la population de Kirkouk est entre chiites et sunnites, et d’accé - qui devait les aider. la seule qui doive décider de son lérer spectaculairement la désinté - avenir. La décision et la volonté de gration de l’Irak: exactement ce « Notre principe est celui-ci : nous cette population doivent être res - que ces trois capitales voudraient à n’épargnons aucun effort pour pectées. » tout prix empêcher et c’est cet ‘à combattre l’EI partout où nous le tout prix’ qui peut mener cette pouvons et nous remercions qui - Ce qui n’a pas empêché le prési - politique droit dans le mur.

L’ÉTAT ISLAMIQUE S’EN PREND AU PATRIMOINE CULTUREL lors que l’État isla - ment destructeurs, filmés avec en état de choc. Daesh a en effet mique perd du terrain, complaisance et diffusés dans les diffusé une vidéo montrant le A des hommes et de l’ar - réseaux sociaux comme un défi à pilote, en tenue orange, enfermé gent en raison des la Coalition et aux « traitres » de dans une cage, aspergé d’un frappes aériennes, de l’islam. liquide inflammable et brûlé vif. l’offensive des Peshmergas et des YPG, et de la baisse des Ainsi, le supplice infligé à un Ces faits se seraient produits le 3 cours du pétrole, sa désintégra - pilote jordanien, capturé après janvier, alors que le lieutenant tion interne ne se traduit pas par que son avion se soit écrasé lors Muath Al-Kaseasbesh a continué un assouplissement de la poli - d’une frappe aérienne en Syrie, de faire l’objet d’une tractation tique de terreur mais s’accentue, en décembre dernier a horrifié tout le mois, visant à libérer, en au contraire, dans une série l’opinion mondiale et plongé la échange, une djihadiste irakien - d’actes atroces ou dramatique - Jordanie tout particulièrement ne, arrêtée, jugée et déjà n° 359 • février 2015 Bulletin de liaison et d’information • 5•

condamnée à mort pour sa parti - Revenant précipitamment des soutenir financièrement sa famil - cipation à un attentat suicide qui États-Unis, le roi Abdallah a pro - le. Le Premier Ministre Nêçirvan avait coûté la vie à 60 personnes, noncé une allocution à la télévi - Barzani s’est aussi engagé à en 2005. Le dernier ultimatum sion jordanienne, qualifiant cet envoyer en Allemagne les de Daesh avait été lancé ‘en jan - acte de « lâche », venant d’un enfants handicapés pour qu’ils vier dernier, et lu par l’otage groupe étranger à l’Islam, et pro - reçoivent des soins adéquats. japonais Kenji Goto, avant son mettant une riposte impitoyable exécution : «Si Sajida al-Rishawi à Daesh : « La vengeance sera Le 14 février, Daesh a de nou - n’est pas à la frontière turque le aussi grande que la calamité qui veau diffusé une vidéo filmant 29 janvier à l’heure du coucher a frappé la Jordanie. » Mais au- une « parade » exhibant dans les de soleil à Mossoul le pilote jor - delà de la décision symbolique rues d’une localité non loin de danien sera exécuté ». La et spectaculaire du roi Abdallah, Kirkuk, 17 Peshmergas prison - Jordanie avait accepté l’échange lui-même pilote, de participer en niers, en tenue orange et enfer - contre la libération du pilote personne aux frappes aériennes, més dans les mêmes cages que le mais avait demandé une preuve et du maintien de son pays dans pilote jordanien. Le groupe affir - de sa vie. La réponse a été, le 29 la Coalition, les représailles de la me par ailleurs avoir décapité 21 janvier, la diffusion de la vidéo. Jordanie ne pourront se limiter prisonniers kurdes, sans que cela qu’à une recrudescence des ait pu être confirmé. En représailles, Sajida al-Rishawi peines de mort à l’encontre des et un autre prisonnier d’al- djihadistes. Mais la barbarie de Daesh tente Qaeda, Ziyad Karboli, ont été aussi de laisser sa marque sur presque immédiatement exécu - Les Kurdes de tous bords ont des domaines plus « culturels », tés par pendaison par les autori - condamné cette exécution barba - et le 26 février, une autre vidéo a tés jordaniennes. Sajida-Rishawi re et le PYD a inscrit le pilote à la montré des militants en action était la sœur du bras droit de liste de ses propres « martyrs » dans le musée de Mossoul, bri - Zarkawki l’ancien leader de la puisque c’est en bombardant sant et détruisant des statues branche irakienne d’al-Qaïda, et Daesh à Kobanî qu’il a été captu - dans les salles des antiquités appartenait à un clan irakien ré. Mais une autre exécution a, assyriennes, notamment un des sunnite extrêmement influent. dans le même temps, secoué grands taureaux ailés à face Tous les groupes djihadistes profondément le Kurdistan : le humaine, les fameux « Lamassu » réclamaient la libération de leur 25 janvier, un des 30 peshmergas ou « Shêdu », gardiens des « sœur emprisonnée », devenue capturés par Daesh à Mossoul a entrées palatiales et des portes une figure symbolique de leur été publiquement décapité par de remparts de Khorsabad, lutte, qu’ils soient d’Al-Qaïda ou un membre de Daesh, lui-même comme le décrivait Hérodote. de Daesh. Même si, en principe Kurde, qui a été identifié sur la et peut-être surtout à cause de vidéo comme faisant partie Là encore, ce vandalisme média - cela, Al-Qaïda et Daesh sont des d’une fratrie de trois djihadistes, tique a suscité une grande émo - groupes rivaux dans la prépon - habitant auparavant à Bardarash tion, rappelant la destruction, en dérance à la tête du Djihad : (province de Duhok) la ville- mars 2001, par les Talibans, des obtenir la libération de Sajida al- même d’où était originaire le Bouddhas monumentaux de Rishawi aurait renforcé la posi - Peshmergas tué, Hujam Khidr Bamian, en Afghanistan. tion de Daesh au sein des mou - Surçi. Deux des frères, Musa et vances du Djihad. On ignore Yunis Askandar, ont été tués au Les spécialistes et conservateurs pourquoi ils ont choisi d’assassi - combat. Et c’est donc le dernier des Antiquités orientales ont très ner de la sorte le pilote, et de dif - survivant, Muafaq, qui a assassi - vite estimé qu’il ne pouvait fuser les images seulement né Hujam Khidr, qu’il connais - s’agir à 90% que de copies, l’es - lorsque la Jordanie a exigé des sait très bien avant la guerre, sentiel des objets de Mossoul preuves de vie. On pouvait diffi - d’après le frère de la victime. ayant été depuis 2003, transpor - cilement imaginer que dans une tés par les Américains de telle tractation, Amman eût pu Hujam Surchi laisse une veuve Mossoul à Bagdad. Par ailleurs décider d’un échange en toute et 12 enfants, dont deux infirmes bon nombre de ces antiquités confiance, sans s’assurer de la et, comme tous les Peshmergas orientales ont enrichi depuis le vie de son otage. au front, n’avait pas touché sa 19ème siècle les grands musées solde depuis un an. Son meurtre occidentaux, comme le musée de Le pilote appartenait lui aussi à a ému profondément les Kurdes Pergame à Berlin, ou celui du une puissante tribu jordanienne, et un appel aux dons a été lancé Louvre à Paris, avec notamment très liée avec la famille royale. pour collecter des fonds afin de la reconstitution de la cour du • 6 • Bulletin de liaison et d’information n° 359 • février 2015

palais de Khorsabad (un seul des lui aussi que 90% des statues de chrétiens ou d’apostats. Mais deux taureaux ailés étant cepen - dans ces salles sont des copies. l’État islamique a, dans une dant authentique, l’autre ayant Plus intéressant, il affirme que le fatwa, daté du 2 janvier 2015 et coulé dans le naufrage du bateau grand taureau Lamassu (qu’il dit distribué dans les rues de Raqqa, qui l’amenait de Mossoul à la être authentique) a été en fait en Syrie, justifié le recours à France, en 1855 et dort depuis au détruit durant l’été dernier et cette forme d’exécution. Le site fond du Tigre, au sud de l’Irak). que les films diffusés dateraient du MEMRI en a traduit et publié de juillet-août 2014. Mais des extraits Interrogée par le Figaro, d’autres objets manquent dans Élisabeth Fontan, ancien conser - les salles et l’on ignore ce qu’ils « Question : Qu’est-ce qui a été vateur en charge des collections sont devenus, détruits ou ven - décrété sur le fait de brûler vif assyriennes au Louvre, souligne dus. Des pièces auraient été ainsi un infidèle jusqu’à ce qu’il que le plus grand danger ne pèse convoyés secrètement via la meure ? pas sur des objets qui ne sont Turquie, le Kurdistan et Bagdad, Réponse : Les écoles [de pensée que des copies, voire même sur par un réseau de trafiquants. islamiques suivant] Hanafi et des originaux qui sont plutôt Shafi’i soutiennent que ce procé - destinés à un trafic clandestin, Quant aux manuscrits anciens, dé est totalement permis. Elles (de toute façon leur célébrité les arabes, syriaques ou latins qui ont interprété la parole du rendra immédiatement identi - ont aussi été confisqués par Prophète « Seul Allah torturera fiables sur le marché). Mais des Daesh, prélevés dans les églises, par le feu » comme [un appel à] sites assyriens comme celui de monastères ou dans la biblio - l’humilité. [Le savant de l’islam] Ninive et son palais dont « de thèque de Mossoul, il semble, Al-Muhallab déclare : « Cette nombreux bas-reliefs n’ont comme prévus, plus promis à un injonction n’est pas [une réelle] jamais été retirés » n’est plus sur - juteux trafic qu’à un autodafé. interdiction, mais plutôt un veillé ni fouillé depuis long - moyen de [prôner] l’humilité. » temps et a été souvent en proie Les hommes filmés en train de au pillage. Maintenant le Daesh casser les statues se sont adres - [Le savant Shafi’i] Ibn Hajar, menace de les détruire après les sés aux « Musulmans » et ont puisse Allah avoir pitié de lui, salles du musée et leur dispari - désigné ces objets comme des « dit : « [Cette injonction] indique tion serait, par contre, une perte idoles et des dieux adorés à la qu’il est permis de brûler vif, irrémédiable pour l’archéologie. place d’Allah par des peuples comme l’ont fait les qui ont vécu il y a des siècles. Compagnons. Le Prophète a En plus des sites assyriens de Ceux que l’on appelait les rendu aveugles deux hommes Ninive, Kalhu, Dur Sharrukin- Assyriens et les Akkadiens, et d’Arina [qu’il considérait Khorsabad ou Assur, un autre d’autres, se tournaient vers les comme des apostats et des crimi - site est aussi menacé par Daesh : dieux pour la guerre, l’agricultu - nels] au moyen d’un fer rouge. il s’agit de la ville de Hatra, fon - re et la pluie, et leur offraient des Khalid bin Al-Walid [l’un des dée au II ou IIIe siècle avant JC sacrifices. Notre prophète a Compagnons du Prophète] a par la dynastie grecque des ordonné d’enlever toutes ces sta - également brûlé vifs des apo - Séleucides, et qui passa ensuite tues, comme l’ont fait leurs stats. » dans la sphère d’influence des fidèles quand ils ont conquis les Parthes, puis des Romains, avant autres nations. » Certains savants soutiennent que d’être prise et saccagée par les brûler vif est interdit en principe, Sassanides. C’était une des plus Si le vandalisme est une constan - mais admis quand il s’agit de prestigieuses villes arabes pré- te dans le fanatisme religieux et représailles, comme le Prophète islamiques, au même titre que politique, au cours de toute l’his - l’a fait avec les deux hommes Palmyre. Vouée au dieu Soleil toire de l’humanité, le supplice d’Arina. Il les a rendus aveugles Shamash, ses ruines circulaires du bûcher, si courant en avec un fer rouge en représailles de 2 km ne sont qu’à 110 km de Occident, de l’époque romaine [“mumathala”, Loi du Talion, Mossoul au sud de la province jusqu’aux Temps modernes, ne principe jurisprudentiel de la de Ninive, dans le district de Al- fut jamais un mode d’exécution Charia], comme mentionné dans Hadhra, et ont été aussi la proie très fréquent en Islam, même s’il un authentique [hadith]. Et c’est des pilleurs. se produisit quelquefois, plus là la principale preuve. » fréquemment en Afrique du S’exprimant sur le vandalisme nord (peut-être par imitation des Cet argument de la loi du Talion du musée de la ville, le blogueur royaumes chrétiens hispaniques) s’appuie sur le fait que le pilote, anonyme « Mosul Eye » précise et surtout à l’encontre de juifs, en allant bombarder des combat - n° 359 • février 2015 Bulletin de liaison et d’information • 7•

tants du Daesh, se rendait cou - riposter à la contre-offensive un groupe qui a besoin, pour pable à la fois d’apostasie, kurde et aux bombardements de maintenir son élan, d’une dyna - puisque le Calife Al-Baghdadi la Coalition par des actes d’hor - mique permanente dans la sur - est censé être le commandeur reur surmédiatisée, sans que l’on enchère des défis aux puissances des Croyants » et de rébellion sache s’il s’agit d’une stratégie occidentales et aux États musul - armée contre les soldats de l’is - de la terreur visant à décourager mans « traitres » et des couver - lam. Le fait d’être brûlé vif serait ou freiner ces contre-offensives, tures médiatiques sensation - ainsi « l’équivalent » d’une mort ou bien une tentative pour éclip - nelles. Mais il ne faut jamais sous les bombes. ser, auprès de l’opinion interna - négliger l’aspect religieux de tionale, ainsi que de ses Daesh, et son idéologie eschato - Qu’il s’agisse de supplices bar - membres actifs ou sympathi - logique, qui vise à accélérer la bares commis sur des êtres sants, leurs revers stratégiques. fin des temps dans une purifica - humains ou de la destruction tion dévastatrice du monde des vestiges d’une des plus Il peut s’agir plus simplement entier, dont les meilleurs des anciennes et des plus presti - d’une spirale plus folle que froi - fidèles, les plus radicaux des dji - gieuses cultures du monde, dement concertée, emportant hadistes, en somme, seraient l’État islamique semble ainsi dans une violence désordonnée promis à la miséricorde divine.

TURQUIE : ÖCALAN APPELLE LE PKK À DÉSARMER e 17 février, le Groupe président Selahattin Demirtas, qui – Des directives concernant les de communautés du assure que le PKK est prêt à rendre relations entre la politique démo - L Kurdistan, (Koma les armes seulement si le processus cratique, l’État et la société et l’ins - Civakên Kurdistan, entre enfin dans une phase de titutionnalisation de ces dernières. KCK), l’organisation négociation active. – Les dimensions socio-écono - politique du PKK, a demandé des miques du processus de résolution avancées concrètes dans le pro - Quant à Cemil Bayik, à la tête du – Une nouvelle structure sécuritai - cessus de paix entre le PKK et la KCK, il insiste sur la nécessité d’un re à laquelle le processus mènera Turquie, processus que le mouve - congrès mais qui réunirait tous les – Des garanties légales concernant ment estimait être dans une phase partis du Kurdistan (cette fameuse les questions des femmes, de la cul - « très critique et dangereuse » et conférence générale des Kurdes ture et de l’écologie même « près de sa fin. » annoncée depuis des années et qui – Le développement des méca - a toujours été reportée, en raison nismes d’égalité au regard de la Mais dix jours plus tard, le leader de la mésentente des partis et sur - définition et de la notion d’identité du PKK, Abdullah Öcalan, appe - tout des tensions PDK-PKK). Cemil – Définir la république démocra - lait, de sa prison d’Imralı, sa gue - Bayik souhaite aussi publiquement tique, la patrie commune et le rilla à rendre les armes, dans ce la formation de forces kurdes uni - peuple selon les critères démocra - qu’il a qualifié de « décision histo - fiées (tout en s’opposant à l’indé - tiques rique ». pendance du Kurdistan d’Irak, ce – Une nouvelle constitution qui qui semble assez compliqué à envi - aidera à assimiler toutes ces étapes. L’appel a été lu en direct sur les sager). télévisions par Sirri Sureyya Comme on le voit, ces demandes Onder, député HDP au Parlement Quoi qu’il en soit, les 10 articles ou sont plus l’émanation de vagues turc, aux côtés du vice-premier demandes qu’Abdullah Öcalan principes généraux plutôt que les ministre Yalçin Akdoğan. Dans cet considère comme essentiels à la points de départ concret de véri - appel, Sirri Önder annonce résolution de la question kurde en tables négociations, hormis le der - qu’Abdullah Öcalan demande au Turquie (et à l’adieu aux armes du nier point, qui réclame une nouvel - PKK de se réunir dans un congrès PKK) sont les suivants le constitution, mais sans en préci - extraordinaire au printemps, afin ser détailler les articles ou les de « prendre la décision historique – Le contenu d’une politique amendements à introduire.. et stratégique de déposer les démocratique doit être débattue. armes. » – Les dimensions nationales et En tout cas, le gouvernement turc, locales d’une résolution démocra - le président Erdoğan et le Premier Mais cette annonce de « désarme - tique doivent être débattues. Ministre Ahmet Davutoğlu, se sont ment » est contestée par d’autres – Des garanties légales et démocra - empressés de saluer la déclaration, personnalités du HDP, dont le co- tiques d’une citoyenneté libre. en ne parlant que du désarmement • 8 • Bulletin de liaison et d’information n° 359 • février 2015

« préliminaire » à ces négociations. Un des atouts de cette déclaration Demirtas sur sa propre interpréta - Mais pour la suite des événements, est, pour Erdogan, l’espoir que le tion (plus nuancée, concernant le la présidence turque reste toute désarmement du PKK ait lieu désarmement) des dix articles et les aussi vague, en parlant de « proces - avant les législatives de juin pro - prises de position « contradic - sus démocratique », d’« unité natio - chain. Le président turc a aussi cri - toires » des différentes voix au sein nale » et de « projet de fraternité ». tiqué les propos de Sebahattin du HDP, comme au sein du PKK.

KOBANÎ : LIBÉRATION DE TOUS LES VILLAGES DU CANTON près la libération de la Mais le 23, c’est en direction d’une accrochages ont encore lieu à Tell ville de Kobanî en janvier autre ville, Tell Hamis, dans la pro - Temir. » A dernier, les YPG, avaient vince de Hassaké, que se sont lan - à reconquérir l’ensemble cés les YPG. C’est alors qu’en repré - Ce qui s’apparente plus à un raid du canton et ses 400 vil - sailles ou pour faire diversion, les de chasseurs d’esclaves (ou lages conquis par les Daesh. Mais combattants djihadistes ont attaqué d’otages dans le meilleur des cas) la retraite de l’EI sous le feu conju - des villages assyriens autour de n’a pas empêché les Kurdes de gué des frappes aériennes de la Tell Tamr, à 20 km de Hassaké et reprendre presque la totalité de la Coalition et de l’opération Volcan enlevés autour de 200 ou 220 chré - ville de Tell Hamis, hormis sa zone de l’Euphrate, regroupant les tiens, tous civils, dont de nom - ouest, le 27 février, dans un assaut forces conjointes des YPG et celle breuses femmes et des vieillards. qui, selon l’OSDH a coûté la vie à trois groupes armés de l’ASL Cette attaque soudaine a déclenché 175 djihadistes. D’après le porte- basées à Alep s’est avéré presque un exode de chrétiens vers la ville parole des YPG, le commandant aussi rapide que leur avancée fou - de Qamishlo (environ 150 familles) Rêdûr Xelîl, Tell Hamis abritait le droyante à l’automne, qui avait ou celle de Hassaké (80 familles) plus grand quartier général de l’EI submergé tout le canton de Kobanî. toutes deux sous contrôle mixte des dans la région de Djézireh. YPG et du régime syrien, d’après Alors que le 1er février, l’Assyrian Human Rights Network, Les relations de la Turquie avec le l’Observatoire syrien des droits de ainsi que d’Arabes bédouins fuyant PYD syrien, d’un autre côté, sem - l’homme (OSDH) donnait les aussi l’État islamique. blent, par ricochet avec l’appel chiffres de 17 villages repris par les d’Öcalan à déposer les armes, YPG à Daesh, à la fin du mois, c’est Le pote-parole des YPG, Rêdûr s’orienter aussi vers une certaine presque la totalité des villages per - Xelîl a donné les chiffres d’une cen - détente, puisque les troupes turques dus qui a été repris, les forces taine d’Assyriens massacrés par sont entrées en Syrie quelques jours kurdes et arabes rencontrant peu de l’État islamique à Tell Temir avant l’annonce d’Öcalan, dans le résistance, comme l’a déclaré à canton de Kobanî, pour relever les l’AFP Rami Abdurahman (OSDH) : « Après avoir subi de lourdes pertes soldats qui gardent le tombeau de « Dès que les YPG entrent dans un à Tell Hemis les militants de l’EI Süleyman Shah, l’ancêtre de la village, l’EI retire ses combattants. » ont fait route sur Tell Temir, et y dynastie ottomane, Le mausolée est En à peine plus d’une semaine, plus commis un massacre contre le dans une enclave appartenant tou - d’un tiers des villages avaient été peuple assyrien, tuant plus de cent jours à la Turquie, en vertu du trai - ainsi réinvestis et les forces kurdes civils assyriens et en enlevant des té d’Ankara signé avec la France en et arabes parvenaient ainsi aux dizaines d’autres. » 1921, quand elle avait mandat sur abords de la province de Raqqa, la Syrie, traité qui fixe la frontière avec pour objectif affiché la recon - Les YPG ont alors formé une ligne syro-turque dans ses grandes quête de , ville qui avait de défense autour d’autres localités lignes. L’article 9 prévoit que : été le théâtre d’une défaite sévère susceptibles d’être attaquées par les « Le tombeau de Suleiman Chah, le des YPG quand ils avaient tenté Daesh. grand-père du Sultan Osman, fon - auparavant d’en chasser les Daesh, dateur de la dynastie ottomane en janvier 2014. Le 20 janvier, « Cette attaque est un coup dure (tombeau connu sous le nom de l’OSDH annonçait aux agences de contre les Kurdes, les Arabes et les Turc Mézari), situé à Djaber-Kalessi presse que 19 villages de la provin - Assyriens. Une femme assyrienne a restera, avec ses dépendances, la ce de Raqqa étaient tombés aux résisté aux djihadistes de l’EI et a propriété de la Turquie, qui pourra mains des Kurdes, alors que la tué quatre d’entre eux quand ils ont y maintenir des gardiens et y hisser Coalition poursuivait ses frappes attaqué le village de Hirmiz à Tell le drapeau turc. » aériennes. Les YPG ne se trouvaient Temir. Cette femme a été capturée plus alors à 25 km de Raqqa. et décapitée par les gangs. Des Il faut noter que les historiens de n° 359 • février 2015 Bulletin de liaison et d’information • 9•

l’islam considèrent comme plus nouvelle de l’opération, assurant coopération avec les YPG n’ont eu que douteuse la présence des restes qu’ils avaient assisté dans leur lieu, au contraire de l’Armée de Süleyman Shah dans le mauso - périple les véhicules blindés et les syrienne de libération, mise au cou - lée. On a parfois émis l’hypothèse soldats venant soulager enfin de rant par Ankara. que le mausolée abrite en fait la leur longue garde les sentinelles. Le dépouille du fondateur de la dynas - déroulé de ce sauvetage et la coopé - Mais à 21 heures, en temps de tie des Seldjoukides de Roum, ration YPG-Turquie auraient été guerre, il y avait évidemment Süleyman ibn Kutulmush, mais il planifiés et discutés avec le com - assez de témoins parmi les n’abrite probablement ni l’un ni mandement militaire de Kobanî. Le Kurdes, que ce soit les combat - l’autre. Les données biographiques convoi a traversé la ville le 21 tants, les civils ou les journalistes de Süleyman et de son fils Ertugrul, février à 21 h et a fait route en sui - pour voir passer un convoi mili - lui-même père d’Osman, le fonda - vant un itinéraire préparé par les taire turc dans Kobanî et le rap - teur du sultanat ottoman, sont par YPG. porter aux agences de presse. À ailleurs largement légendaires. ces objections, Kalin a répliqué Mais la présidence turque et son que, dans la situation actuelle de Le mausolée : se trouve au bord de gouvernement ont nié toute partici - la Syrie, il était « difficile de l’Euphrate, où Suleyman Shah se pation des YPG. Le porte-parole de déterminer à qui le territoire, çà serait noyé, à 35 km de la ville de Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ibrahim et là appartenait ». En ce cas, les Kobanî, qu’ils ont dû pour cela tra - Kalin, s’est fait l’écho des propos soldats turcs ont dû se donner verser. Il s’agissait pour la Turquie d’Ahmet Davutoğlu, lequel assure bien du mal pour ne pas remar - d’évacuer 40 hommes, dont 20 que tout s’est passé en accord avec quer les drapeaux du PYD et les appartenant à une troupe d’élite, le gouvernement syrien, après une portraits d’Öcalan qui pavoisent qui n’avaient pu être relevés « note diplomatique » émise par la la ville et toutes les portions du « depuis 11 mois. Turquie, et que la Coalition en était canton » que les combattants informée. Par contre, selon lui, kurdes ont reprises à l’État isla - Les YPG ont très vite diffusé la aucun contact, coordination et mique.

CULTURE : MORT DE YACHAR KEMAL ’écrivain Yachar Kemal lac de Van, dans le village spécialiste du folklore turc, le est mort le 28 février d’Ernis, où sa famille résidait peintre Abidin Dino, ou Arif L dans un hôpital avant de fuir l’occupation russe Dino, peintre et poète et est d’Istanbul, à l’âge de 92 durant la Première Guerre mon - emprisonné pour la première ans, « des suites de com - diale. Il a vécu les premières fois, pour des raisons politiques, plications survenues après une années de sa vie dans le milieu alors qu’il a à peine vingt ans. infection pulmonaire et d’aryth - de la paysannerie pauvre mie cardiaque », selon l’agence d’Anatolie. Tout jeune, il perd Sa première publication, en 1943, Anatolie, citant les médecins. un œil accidentellement et à 5 s’intitule Ağıtlar ou « Élégies », ans, assiste à l’assassinat de son une compilation de complaintes Écrivain de langue turque, mais père, scène traumatique qui affli - populaires. Il part à Istanbul d’origine kurde, et engagé dans ge son élocution jusqu’à l’âge de après son service militaire et tra - cette cause, Yachar Kemal était à 12 ans. Il étudie d’abord à l’école vaille comme inspecteur du gaz la fois un des plus célèbres du village voisin, puis à Kadirli, pour une compagnie française. auteurs de la littérature turque et hébergé par d’autres membres En 1948, il retourne dans sa son doyen. Il a plusieurs fois été de sa famille. C’est à Adana région natale, où il exerce pressenti pour recevoir le prix enfin qu’il fait ses études secon - notamment l’emploi d’écrivain Nobel, qui échut finalement à un daires, tout en travaillant dans public pour les illettrés de plus jeune compatriote, Orhan une filature de coton. À la fin de Kadirli. Mais il est de nouveau Pamuk. ses études secondaires, il exerce arrêté en 1950 pour « propagan - divers métiers, travaillant aussi de communiste » et incarcéré un Né en 1923 ou 1926, dans le vil - bien dans des fermes que dans an. Après sa libération, il retour - lage de Hemite, à Kadirli, pro - une bibliothèque, ou bien dans ne à Istanbul et travaille au jour - vince d’Osmaniye, en Cilicie, l’enseignement. C’est au début nal Cumhuriyet comme grand Kemal Sadık Gökçeli est issu des années 1940 qu’il côtoie des reporter, jusqu’en 1963. C’est là d’une famille dont les racines se artistes et écrivains de gauche qu’il prend le nom de plume de trouvent plus au nord, près du comme Pertev Naili Boratav, Yachar Kemal, et publie son pre - • 10 • Bulletin de liaison et d’information n° 359 • février 2015

mier recueil de nouvelles en oppresseurs, leurs rêves et aussi Il est emprisonné en 1971 puis 1952, Sarı Sıcak ou « Chaleur leurs vendettas, campant un uni - relâché sous la pression interna - jaune » et Mehmed le Mince en vers pétri de beauté et de cruau - tionale. Mais dix ans plus tard il 1955, son premier roman, qui té, écartelé entre tragédie et poé - s’exile deux ans en Suède, après connut rapidement un grand sie, qui rappelle l’Albanie légen - le coup d’État militaire. succès et a été traduit en une daire d’Ismaïl Kadaré. quarantaine de langues, le pre - En 1995, ses prises de positions mier volume d’une quadrilogie Écrivain populaire, Yachar contre la guerre au Kurdistan de racontant les aventures d’un Kemal fut aussi un homme enga - Turquie lui vaut une condamna - Robin des bois turc, jeune pay - gé. En 1962, il adhère au Parti tion avec sursis et il prend aussi san révolté contre la tyrannie des Ouvriers de Turquie (TIP) la défense d’Orhan Pamuk, atta - d’un agha et prenant alors le où il exerça des fonctions comme qué en justice et menacé de mort chemin des montagnes pour membre du conseil d’adminis - après ses déclarations sur le devenir un brigand légendaire. tration et membre du conseil génocide arménien. Le personnage de Mèmed fut exécutif central. Il fut de nom - peut-être inspiré par l’oncle de breuses fois attaqué en justice S’il n’obtint jamais le prix Nobel, l’auteur, « bandit » fameux qui pour ses activités et ses écrits Yachar a reçu de nombreuses mourut à 25 ans, mais le thème politiques. En 1967, il avait éga - récompenses et distinctions à des petits seigneurs et aghas lement co-fondé un hebdoma - l’étranger, particulièrement en d’Anatolie et l’oppression de la daire politique et participa à la France où il reçut en 1979 le prix paysannerie est récurrent dans création de l’Union syndicale du meilleur livre étranger pour toute son œuvre, même si dans des écrivains de Turquie en L’Herbe qui ne meurt pas et le prix une trilogie, « Les Seigneurs de 1973, dont il fut le premier prési - mondial Cino Del Duca en 1982 l’Aktchasaz », il porte aussi un dent, en 1974-75. pour l’ensemble de son œuvre. La regard ironique et sensible France le fit aussi Commandeur envers la classe des beys, cheva - En 1995, après un article sur la de la Légion d’honneur en 1984 et leresques et anachroniques, s’en - sale guerre du Kurdistan, publié Grand Officier en 2011 et dix ans tretuant dans une vendetta au dans le journal allemand Der avant que le titre de Docteur profit d’une classe de nouveaux Spiegel, il fut jugé par la Haute honoris causa lui fut décerné par riches qui se montreront encore cour de Sûreté d’Istanbul, mais plusieurs universités grandes plus impitoyables envers leurs acquitté. Mais la même année, il turques, il avait déjà obtenu cette serfs. Mais sa trilogie « Au-delà fut condamné à un an et 8 mois distinction par l’université de de la montagne », comme celle de prison pour un article sur Strasbourg, en 1991. Son dernier de « Salman le solitaire » et bien l’oppression des Kurdes en prix littéraire fut le prix Bjørnson d’autres romans, reviennent sur Turquie, publié dans Index on de l’Académie norvégienne de lit - le monde des affamés, des villa - Censorship , sentence finalement térature et de liberté d’expression, geois et des révoltés avec leurs annulée. le 9 novembre 2013. Reaue de P r e sse-P r ess Reaiero -B erheaokn Çap ê- Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de Ia Prensø-Basin Ozeti

.fcJl[onûe l0 février 2015

chichement son aide miliaire et humanitaire et ne leur áccorde Injustice française aucune assistance fi nancière. Autant dire qu'avec une telle stratégie minimaliste, la victoire sur le Daech, qui contrôle encore la envers les Kurdes moitié du territoire ryrien et le tiers de I'Irak n'est pas plus proche Par Kenrlal Nezan, Président de I'Institut kurde de París que la chute du régime de Damas annoncée depuis zou. française lourdement engagée aux A cet égard, le rôle des associations côtés de la terrible dictature de oeuvrant pour llntégration si peu On aurait pu espérer qu'à défaut de en guerre contre évoqué dans les débats actuels peut venir en aide aux Kurdes dans f 'Institut kurde de Paris, qui I'Iran des ayatollahs et contre sa être décisif, notamment pour les l'épreuve, le gouvernement IJdepuis trente-deux ans porte population kurde. Cette image fut familles et les exclus du système fiançais ferait preuve de solidarité dans le débat public en France et parachevée lors de I'exode massif scolaire. læ gouvernement de en assurant sur son sol la ¡Érennité pres en Europe la voix de ce peuple sans de de derx millions de Kurdes Lionel Jospin, conscient de ce rôle, de l'Institut kurde. Il n'en est mal- Etat, victime des pires injustices du irakiens qui suivit la Guene du avait mis en place un dispositif du heureusement rien. Des démarch- XXème siècle, qui informe et docu- Golfe quand la France fit adopter renforcement du secteur associatif es que nous avons entreprises mente journalistes, chercheurs, par le Conseil de Sécurité une réso- avec des conventions triennales. depuis deux ans auprès de I'Elysée étudiants, associations et parle- lution creant une zone d'exclusion Dans ce cadre, et après un audit et de Matignon pour le rétablisse- mentaires sur le monde kurde, est aérienne au nord de l'Irak pour fi nancier et d'activités approfondi, ment de nos subventions n'ont pas condamné à disparaître ou à s'ex- permettre le retour sur leurs terres il avait accordé à I'Institut kurde, abouti. L'argument invoqué: les patrier en raison du désengage- de ces réfugiés. Cette zone évolua un financement public de pres de contraintes budgétaires. A par ment des pouvoirs publics. vers le Kurdistan autonome actuel 6oo ooo euros an. geométrie variable, celles-ci n'em- où notre pays jouit d'un exception- pêchent pas le gouvernement de Créé en féwier 1983 avec le soutien nel capital de sympathie. Ce financement, réduit année continuer de subventionner des du gouvernement et du president apres année à partir de zooz, fut écoles et des centres culturels Mitterrand pour gérer I'afflux con- Organisme laic indépendant et non totalement supprimé sous la pÉsi- d'autres commu nautés, d'accorder sidérable des réfugiés kurdes partisan, ouvert à tous les Kurdes, dence de Nicolas Sarkozy sous ple- un financement de rz,8 millions généré notamment par la guerre I'Institut kurde fut longtemps con- texte qu'il appartenait désormais d'euros à I'Institut du Monde gouvernement Iran-Irak et le coup d'Etat militaire sidéré comme une ambassade ofñ- au du Kurdistan de arabe. Et c'est tant mieux. Mais il en Turquie et faire connaître à cieuse facilitant le dialogue entre financer l'Institut. La même affirme avoir du mal à trouver 4% l'opinion publique la culture, I'his- les leaders kurdes et les autorités logique devrait conduire à deman- de cette somme pourl'unique insti- toire et la situation politique du françaises, un relais entre la France der aux pays arabes, autrement tution en France des 4o millions de peuple kurde, cet institut est rapi- et le Kurdistan. plus riches que le modeste Kurdes du Proche-Orient. dement devenu une référence en Kurdistan, de financer I'Institut du Europe et au-delà à tous ceux qui En 1999, le gouvernement de Monde arabe. L'argument est d'au- Naguère être de gauche signifiait que s'intéressaient à la question kurde. Pierre Bérégovoy lui accorda le tant plus absurde I'Institut partager, défendre les plus dému- statut de fondation reconnue d'u- kurde qui entretient la plus impor- nis, les plus {ragiles, les plus mod- est Ses colloques et conférences, ses tilité publique en raison de sa con- tante bibliothèque d'Europe un estes, privilégier la culture et le actions de défense des droits de tribution à l'intégration républi- centrc de ¡essources unique et un tissu associatif qui cree du lien l'homme, ses appels interna- caine des Kurdes en France, lieu de mémoire pour les quelques social, qui donne de l'espoir, voire tionaux en faveur d'un reglement notamment des Kurdes irakiens 2So ooo Kurdes de France, un idéal de vie. pacifique de la question kurde ont accueillis à I'occasion du bicente- citoyens intégres et payant leurs qui à à été honores du soutien d'une ving- naire de la Révolution française. impôts ont droit I'accès leur Ia gestion comptable court-ter- taine de Prix Nobel, d'éminentes culture d'origine. Ia valorisation miste semble depuis avoir pris le figures comme E. Kennedy, B. Ces rescapés des gazages de I'ar- de celle-ci est même un facteur dessus sur toute vision politique Kreisky, N. Mandela, Danielle mée irakienne venant des villages majeur d'une bonne intégration. avec des conséquences lourdes Mitterrand, ,A- Sakharov, ainsi que reculés et conservateurc longeant pour notre vie collective. Iæ monde de nombreux ministres et par- la frontière turque paraissaient dif- Privé de subvention, I'Institut associatif est sinistré. Iæs associa- grâce lementaires des pays européens et ficiles à intégrer. Or grâce à un kurde a pu survivre au sou- tions d'integration disparaissent et des Etats-Unis. encadrement assuré par l'Institut tien du gouvernement du avec elles des rìizaines de milliers kurde et à l'extraordinaire hospi- Kurdistan. Or celui-ci est depuis d'emplois. [æs réseaux islamistes Plusieurs pays, dont la France, ont talité des Auvergnats, ce millier de plus d'un an privé par Bagdad de sa richement dotés investissent le ter- mis à sa disposition des bources réfugies furent parfaitement inté- dotation financière. Submergé par rain socio-culturel délaissé. poids qui ont permis de former plusieurs gres. [æurs enfünts ont fait des le écrasant de r,7 millions de centaines d'étudiants kurdes. études. Certains sont devenus avo- déplacés et réfugiés irakiens et Face à la position injuste et Devenus avocats, médecins, cats, enseignants, pharmaciens slriens, engagé sur plus de I ooo absurde du gouvernement français ingénieurs, diplomates, ministres, d'autres, artisans pâtissiers, km de frontière dans une guerre envers les Kurdes, en ultime universitaires, ils jouent un rôle policiers. L'un d'eux occupe tres coûteuse, le Kurdistan traverse recours nous appelons à nos conci- important dans la construction actuellement au siège du FMI un une crise financière grave et il toyens français qui tout au long de d'une société démocratique au poste d'économiste. peine à payer salaires et soldes ces trois decennies ont, dans des Kurdistan et aussi dans l'intégra- avec des mois de retard. I¿ coali- moments difficiles, fait preuve tion républicaine des Kurdes en Ce cas d'ecole, qui fait I'objet de tion internationale qui sur le papi- d'une magnifique solidarité avec le France. thèses de doctorat, montre qu'en er rassemble une soixantaine de peuple kurde. r dépit des origines sociales et cul- pals et qui sur le terrain compte Ce rayonnement international turelles variées, l'intégration n'est sur le courage des Kurdes pour donna un supplément d'âme, une pas tâche impossible si l'on s'en vaincre les djihadistes de < I'Etat donne les moyens. Islamique (Daech) leur mesure image humaniste, à une diplomatie "

1 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti d lrak: à Erbil, on ne vient plus en vacances ma¡s pour fuir les jihadistes

Par Jean Marc MOJON I AFP - dim. 1 février 2015

"BIENVEI.¡UE À enell, capitale 2011 du tourisme arabe". Les panneaux publ¡cita¡res sont restés en place mais les visiteurs ont déserté depuis ju¡n la cap¡tale du Kurdistan irakien qui reçoit à la place des milliers de dépla- cés ayant fu¡t I'offensive des jihadistes de l'El. L'annêe 2014 devait être celle de le décollage du tourisme dans la région auto- nome du Kurdistan irakien au nord de Bagdad, prisée pour son calme sécuri- taire, ses paysages montagneux et autres sites archéolog¡ques m¡llénaires. L'assaut fulgurant lané au début de l'été par les combattants de I'El, qui se sont emparés de pans entiers du tenitoire irakien, en a décidé autrement. "Je ne peux même pas parler d'un déclin chiffrable, mais plutöt d'un effondre- ment total" de la fréquentat¡on tourist¡que, explique Hearash Ahmad Karem, res- ponsable de I'assoc¡ation des hôteliers et restaurateurs du Kurdistan irak¡en. Le secteur étrait pourtrant en ple¡ne expansion: en 2013, ¡l avait représenté un milliard de dollars et près de trois millions de visiteurs étaient venus à Erbil. Les quatre millions attendus en 2014 n'ont pour la plupart þmais mis les pieds dans la v¡lle, ¡nqu¡étés par les combats se déroulant tout proche et I'engagement Lø citailelle il'Erbil, cøpitale du Kurdistan irøkien, des combattants kurdes peshmergas dans la bata¡lle. Photo pm Safin HømedlAEP dim.7 þaL2015 "Après le l0 juin ( ) le tourisme a été anéanti", expl¡que M. Karem, faisant étjat cours des six derniers mo¡s. de la femeture d'au moins 72 hôtels au des prix du pétrole et ses dépenses mil¡taires exploser. Un nombre équivalent a dû femer ses chambres, ne c,onservant que I'activité - ERBIL Épnnc¡¡Ée pAR LES vroLENcEs - restaurat¡on, ajoute-t-il alors que la plupart des projets en cours, de la construe par professionnels t¡on d'un zoo en passant par la rénovation de citradelle d'Erbil dassée au patri- La désertion de la ville les touristes touche de nombreux pied moine mondial de l'Unesco, ont été m¡s en suspens. comme Burwa Mohamed Aziz, vendeur de souvenirs au de la citadelle. - euELeuE oÉpucÉs - Ce garçon de 22 ans se désole en exh¡bant une paiæ de 'klashs', I'espadrille tra- dit¡onnelle qui faisait fureur chez les touristes étrangers "Avant, ça se vendaient "Au lieu d'avo¡r des touristes, nous avons des déplaces", constate aujourd'hu¡ M. comme des pet¡ts pains, mais aujourd'hu¡ les seuls Occidentaux qu'on voit ic¡ Karem en éférence aux 900.000 lrakiens qui ont quitté les régions en proie aux habitent Erb¡l et ils savent comment négocier" violences pour se réfugier dans les trois provinces du Kurdistan. Baxtiar Sad¡q Ahmed lui auss¡ regrette ces touristes, souvent de retraités euro- quatre pays le De longue date, les lrak¡ens amuaient des coins du vers péens désireux de fuir le tour¡sme de masse, pour qui il avait mis en place des Kurd¡stan célèbre pour ses sommets enneigés et ses cascades spectaculaires. c¡rcuits haut de gamme axés sur les richesses culturelles de la région. Mais plutôt que les violences, c'est la chaleur de l'été qu'¡ls fuyaient en venant juif, présence passer leurs vacances dans les montiagnes kurdes. Ces formules permettaient d'explorer "l'héritrage la arménienne, I'histoire des Assyriens ou encore le temple de Lalish, centre sp¡rituel de la mino- Erbil auss¡ dest¡nat¡on prisée occidentiaux en était devenue une des touristes rité yazidie", énumère-t-il. mal d'aventures. La région avait acquis la réputation d'un l¡eu sûr, contrastant pour avec le reste de I'hak ravagé par les v¡olences confessionnelles. Dans son agence de voyage du centre-ville d'Erbil "tout allait le mieux, les afiaires commença¡ent à décolle/', raconte-t-il Et finalement, au lieu des huit Aucun v¡sa n'y est requis pour la plupart des ressortissants occ¡dent¡aux et le groupes attendus l'année passée, il n'en a reçu que deux "avant le début de la disposait d'une économie et d'institutions sol¡des. Kurdistan crise". prét, pour pÉparer des "Tout était nous avons dépensé énomément l'accueil" Le Kurdistan est resté un lieu sûr durant cette période, assure-t-il. Pourtant touristes, explique Nadir Rwsty, membre de I'Ofüce du tourisme assureurs et tours opérateurs sont sur leurs gardes. "ll va falloir que je me rende La région pétrolifère, qui ava¡t misé sur ce secteur pour devenir le second pilier en Europe (...) pour les Essurer. Je suis même prêt à payer pourqu'ils viennent de son économie, a vu en quelques mo¡s ses revenus diminuer avec la chute ici et se rendent compte par eux-mêmes", avance-t-¡l.o

2 février 2015 Découverte dfun nouveau charnier de l?Etat islamique IrakAu moins 25 personnes de la minorité Yézidie ont été retriuvées par les forces kur^des dans le nord-ouest de I'Irak.

2 février 2015 tués> par I'EI, a déclaré Myasser Haji Saleh, un www, responsable local dans le secteur de Sinjar. La minorité Yêzidie, considérée coÍune hérétique par I'EI, a été particulièrement visée T\es combattants kurdes ont découvert les par les exactions du groupe extrémiste, qui a sexuelle, selon Amnesty Intemational. lJrestes des corps de 25 Yézidis, hrés par conquis I'an demier des pans entiers du terri- L'EI multiplie les exactions dans les des djihadistes du groupe Etat islarnique (EI), toire irakien. régions sous son contrôle en Irak cornrne en dans un chamier situé dans le nord-ouest de EXACTIONS DE DAECH Syrie voisine, où le groupe djihadiste, est I'Irak, ont indiqué lundi 2 fêvner 2015 des res- Le groupe a notamment conquis un temps impliqué dans la guerre depuis 2013. ponsables. les alentours du mont Sinjar (nord) fief des Les défenseurs des droits de I'Homme et

2 Reaue de Presse-Pr ess Reoíeut-B erheaokn Riaista Sta Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

3 fir rier 2l) I 5

Le cri de Vian Dakhil, députée irakienne 'LE MONDE DOIT EiíPÊCHER UN GÉNOCIDE DES YÊZIDIS'' Unique députée yézidie au Parlement ¡rak¡en, Vian Dakhil lutte pour sauver son peuple, première cible des atrocités de Daech.

ces Propos recueillis par Alfred de [úontesquiou à Erbil, P.M.: Quels soutiens espérc2 vous, notamment de la part de la com- Kurdistan irakien, 03 f,évrier 2015 munauté internationale ? V.D.: ll y a plusieurs niveaux d'aide qui sont nécessaires. D'abord, aider le peuple Kurde - dont nous faisons partie - en améliorant l'équipement mili- ta¡re I'armée Kurdistan pour qu'elle puisse enfin repousser l'E.|. es dj¡hadistes considèrent la minorité religieuse yézidie comme des de du I y e pour améliorer les conditions de vie dans les Lpaiêns dont I'islam autoriserait le massacre. Pourchassés dans les Ensuite, il I'aide financière, camps de réfugiés. Voire, comme je le fais moi-même, pour racheter des zones du Kurdistan tombées aux mains du califat autoproclamé, de nom- prisonnières. Et enffn, ¡l y a le soutien moral des musulmans pour breux Yézidis ont été mis en esclavage, notamment les femmes, ven- Þmmes perpétrées sous couvert de la religion. Les plus dues comme esclaves sexuelles sur les marchés à bestiaux de I'Etat condamner æs horreurs ch¡ites ont émis une fatwa pour condamner sans appel le lslamique. Pour la seule députée yézidie au Parlement irakien, Vian hautes autorités fait de tuer ou de réduire en esclavage les Yézedis. Mais les imams sun- Dakhi, la communauté internationale doit réagir avant qu'il ne soit trop nites n'ont pris aucune position pour condamner publiquement ces atroci- tard. tés... Paris Match : Vous avez alertó le mondo Eur les souffrances du peu- P.M.: Votre nom circule pour le prix Nobel de la Paix. Qu'en attendriez- ple Yézidi dès loc exactiono de I'E.|. on août demior, Avez-vous eu Ie voug ? sentiment d'avoir óté ontonduc ? V.D.: Soyons clairs, le Nobel ne m'importerait pas du tout d'un point de vue Vian Dakhil : Pas assoz, voire pas du tout. La situat¡on continue d'empi- personnel. Mais ce serait une bonne chose pour tous les Kurdes qui souf- rer, notamment à cause de I'hiver. 500 000 Yezidis, sur les 650 000 que frent en lrak et en Syrie. J'ai tellement peur qu'on oublie le supplice des compte le pays, vivent aduellement sous des tentes, dans des camps de Yézidis que ce soit une de ces causes dont tout le monde parle pendant réfugiés boueux. Et lcs atroc¡tés cont¡nuent dans les zones contrôlées par ; quelgues semaines avant que l'actualité ne passe à autre chose. Or il faut Daech. Les Ëmmes, parfois des fillettes de 9 ans à peine, sont vendues savoir que c'est un véritable génocide que vise Daech. ll y a déjà des m¡l- pour être violées. J'estime qu'elles sont au moins 3000 à ètre aduellement liers de morts, sans qu'on puisse vraiment les dénombrer. Pas plus tard esclaves. Et il y a autant de petits garçons de moins de 10 ans qui ont été qu'hier, par exemple, les Peshmergas (kurdes) ont repris le village de kidnappés. lls ont été convertis de force par Daech of se bnt endoc{riner Senouni. lls ont découvert une fosse commune avec querante corps, prin- pour devenir des combattants ou des kamikazes pour les attentats suicide. cipalement des Þmmes et des enËnts yézidis I r "Les imams sunnitcs n'ont prit aucuno position pour condamner

February 5,2015

ment at the same time as it's battling lslamic extremists in northern lraq. "The biggest setback has been the crash of oil prices internat¡onally Kurd O¡l Producers because it limits the amount of revenue that can be shared," the chairman said. "Had it not been for the oil crash, I think the situation would have been quite difierent. This squeezes everybody, governments and the companies." Resort to $gO Sales SHIPPING CRUDE Producers built up produclion and Þd rising exports from Kurdistan through as rt lncome a pipeline to Turkey through 20'14 as the local government started shipping crude to international markets in defiance of lraq's cenkal authorities. While Baghdad and the KRG struck a deal on exports in December, it's still unclear lled when producers in Kurdistan will be paid, according to DNO. February 5, 2015 / by Mikael Holter "l don't try to predict what they can do and when they can do it," Mossavar- http :// Rahmani said in the interview. DNO, afrer a $253 million loss in the fourth quarter on charges linked to (Bloomberg) - Fore¡gn oil producers in lraqi Kurdistan are resort¡ng to lower oil prices, says it plans to boost local lraqi seles ¡n the first quarter. Still, sell¡ng crude at about $30 a barrel in the domestic market as the export volumes will keep rising, Mossavar-Rahmani said, declining to esti- govemment hangs on to compan¡es' export eamings amid weaker mate what share fiom the Tawke field in Kurdistan will be sold locelly. world prices and a costly battle with lslamic State. The company, and its partner Genel, cunently export 100,000 barrels a day "The governmenfs announcement was that there would be payments from Tawke and are set to reach their target of increasing cepacity at the coming," said Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani, executive chaiman of Norwegian field to 200,000 barrels early this yea¡ according to Oslo-based DNO. producer DNO ASA, said in an interview in Oslo. "That payment I think got Producers need revenues to invest in fields such as Tawke to increase, let disrupted because of lower prices and the resolution of the budget issues." alone maintain, output, Mossavar-Rahmani said. "Every field has a natural That's forc¡ng DNO to ¡ncrease sales to the local market. decline in produclion," he seid. "Unless you keep investing, that's what's "The companies cannot go on forever investing," Mossavar-Rahmani said go¡ng to heppen." "Local sales are an opportunity for us to get oxygen as we wait for those lar- The Kurdish government and producers will split revenue from local sales ger issues to come together." evenly, a higher share for companies than their contracts would indicate, DNO, Genel Plc and Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd. received an initial $75 Mossavar-Rahmani said. The price for local sales of Tewke crude of a little million fiom the Kurdistan Regional Government for their exports last yeer more than $30 a banel comperes with about $55 a barrel for benchmark that was to be followed by a second payment. However, prices that have Brent crude. o slumped by half in the past six months are squeezing income for the govern-

3 Rwue de Presse-Prcss Reoiew-Berheaoka Çnpê-Riuista Stømpø-Dentro de Ia Prensø-Basin Özeti

f¡rtcnr¡tion¡l ñtu llorlc @i¡rrcø FEBRUARY 2;2015 Pride in victory outweighs Kobani's grief

Devastatlon ln the Syrian town of.Kobanl, a result of the Islam¡c State slege. "We don't care about money or buildings, only vlctory" a resident sald' '3We were not broken by ISIS."

KOBAf{I, SYRIA remained in Kobani for the entire siege. American-led coalition, took on outsized She has washed many bodies of Kurdish importance as the signature test of Residents repel ISIS fighters for burial, and said she had President Obama's strategy for defeat- three in the house where she has been ingthe Islamic State, also known as ISIS and now hope to carve staying. .or ISIL: American airpower combined out a Kurdish homeland The devastation of this city, wrought with local forces on the ground. by the Islamic State siqge and the Amer- More than 700 airstrikes from the pounded icanled air campaign that ultimately American-led coalition this BYTIMARANGO cþ over nearly five montls more exç,elled the militants, is so thorough - tltan in any other place in Syria or lraq, Lasheen white that it,manages to feel unreal, like a Abdulla steered her where the Islamic State controls a vast minivan her movie set. through the streets of territory that straddles the border be- past of Even so, now that the city has been hometown, the cha¡red husks tween the two countries. storefronts, liberated, pride in victory outweighs car bombs, the shattered American said Kobani be- grief over the losôes for the who officials the unexploded mortar shells. Across came important to them only because live here. As the battle unfolded, with its it the gray of destruction were streaks of became Islamic State, outcome uncertain, Kobani had taken important to the color; the purple sheets hung to hide the which rushed reinforcements to city on mythic status Kurds called it their the Kurdish snipers who, months, - providing a steady stream of targets for Stalingrad as a place from which the defended this city from the extremists - for- pilots Kurds hope to carve a homeland from coalition fighter and used of the Islamic State. the battle pitch- the turmoil õf the Middle East, as a recruiting for for- She pointed to the spots where her eign jihadis. "All I can feel now,is happiness be- cþ's martyrs fell five over there, In a statement released on Friday, - carise of this victory," said Anwar the near the bullet-pocked wall of a girl's Islamic State acl¿nowledged its retreat Jarmesh, 33, who lost two brothers in school, six at a heap ol rubble that used from Kobani, saying it was of the fighting. He had escaped to T[rkey "because to be an open-air vegetable market. In the bombardment and because some of at the height ofthe conflici, but returneä recent days, the ruins have yielded the brothers to make his own contribution: washing were killed," corpses of Kurdish fighters, their heads .,We bodies of fighters. don,t care The message continued, "they severed. Even children's dolls were aboui money or buildings, only victoiy. flattened the land with their rockets, so a symbol, Ms. Ab- We found decapitated, were not broken by ISIS." we were forced to retreat. Then those dulla said, of the crueþ of their énemy. rats advanced," The battle for Kobani, a border out- Secretarlr on "When you see your hometown de- po of State John Kerry said stroyed like this, you feel destro-ved Se Saturday that the Islamic State had from within," said Ms. Abdulla,43, who of "said all along that Kobani was a real

4 Reuue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Rit¡istø Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

symbolic and strategic objective. They more destructive. fntcnntion¡l l\ctu llork @inrcø said so themselves; they defined it as Acknowledging this, Rear Adm, John FEBRUARY I, 2OI5 such. So pushing them out of there is a Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, said of big deal." the victory in Kobani: "Nobody's doing Nearly 400 Kurdish fighters died in touchdown dances here. This is going to Kobani, but the Islamic State took more be long and hard." Kurds struck losses, more than 1,000 fighters, many of From the start, tìe battle for Kobani them jihadis from abroacl. put the Tt¡rks in an awkward position. The body of one of those fighters ar- The Syrian Kurdish group that was the by surprise rived at the city's border gate with Tilr- dominant fighting force is an offshoot of key on Friday afternoon, in a brown the P,K.K,, an avowed erremy of Türkey. coffin on the back of a white truck. As the battle raged at its doorstep, T[¡r- assault from A Kurdish man lifted the lid of the key refused entreaties from the United coffin and unzipped the body bag to States and other Western allies to inter- show a bearded man dressed in camou- vene directly against the Islamic State., Islamic State flage. A Kurdish officer said the dead Türkey did take in nearly 200,000 \¡/as man a T\¡rk who had been living in people fleeing the fighting in Kobani, BAGHDAD Germany, and the body was being de- and even as the citywas being liberated, livered to his family, which lives in the refugee crisis was taking on a sense Konya, a conservative Türkish city, of permanence. In recent days, TUrkey Bold attack on Kirkuk "He came here to behead otrr people," kills senior leader and the Kurdish officer, Ismet Hassan, said to reporters as photographers and fight- prompts U.N. evacuation ers snapped pictures ofthe body. At a traffic circle here, a Kurdish BYKAREEMFAHIM fighter stood and looked around, as gun. fire and shelling from combat þ nearby Exploiting afoggy night as cover, Islam- villages could be heard. ic State militants launched a surprise at- "Barbarians," said the man, Zagros tack on Kurdish positions on the out- Mohammed, who used to be a house skirts of the northern Iraqi city of painter in a quiet village outside Kobani, (irkuk early on Friday, killing a senior as he pointed to a hospital destroyed by Kurdish commander and at least five of an Islamic State car bomb. his men, security officials in the city

Still, he said, "regardless of all of this, ¡ULENT KILIC/ACENCE FRANCE.PRESSE said. we are victorious and they are on the A Kurd in Kobani. The town galned mythlc The assault was one of the most ag- run." status Kurds called it thei¡ Stalingrad. gressive undertaken against Kirkuk in Despite the destruction and the - recent weeks by the Islamic State, the dangers of unexploded bombs and Sunni extremist group that controls a booby-trapped buildings, there were opened its largest refugee camp, in large area of and Syria. small signs that Kobani was awakening. Suruc, a border town near Kobani, Families fled their homes as the fight- Down the strêet and around the corner Local Tl¡rkish authorities on Friday ing intensified, and at one point, the mil- from the traffic circle, a handful of chil- enticed a group ofjournalists to tour the itants stormed an abandoned hotel in dren played'in a doorway, Their aunt, new camp, by promising them that af- the Kirkuk city center. After calling in Fayhaa Hamza, was watchingthem and terward they would facilitate entry to emergency reinforcements from Iraqi said she and the children had returned a Kobani for the afternoon. Kurdistan, the Kurdish fighters, backed few weeks ago, and she wanted to thank So far, there are about 4,000 Kobani by airstrikes, killed dozens of militants Mr. Obama for helping to liberate her refugees in the camp, and will soon and eventually repelled the attack, offi- city. n¡ell to 35,000, highlighting the reality cials said. "ISIS has been attacking Syrians that despite the liberation of the city it Even so, the foray by the Islamic State everywhere and it was only the Kurds could be a long time before its citizens fighters underscored the group's who could defeat them," she said. .i can return. strength and audacity, as well as its de- A constellation of Kurdish forcds, Regardless of how long it takes to re- termination to capture Kirkuk, an oil- rich city that is seen backed by American airpower, defend- populate Kobani, the Kurds say they as vitally imþortant by Kurdish leaders. ed Kobani. Many ofthem were local Syr- will never again accept dominion by ian Kurds, but some were Tl¡rkish outsiders - neither the Arabs of Syria, The United Nations said on Friday Kurds with the Kurdistan Workers' who treated them as second-class cit- that it was withdrawing its foreign staff from Pa.rty, br P.K.K., who have waged an in- izens, nor the Tbrks, who ruled them Kirkuk and sending it north to Er- because surgency against the Tl¡rkish state for duringthe days of the Ottoman Empire. bil of the "rapid deterioration secirrity," decades. Iraqi Kurdishforces, known as There are already plans to open a school in according to The Associ- ated Press, pesh merga, were also dispatched here, in Kobani, where lessons will be taught Security officials said and on Friday atruckfullof Iraqis drove in the Kurdish language, something that the militants had used armored through the main streets. Kurds also had long been prohibited, vehicles and deployed car bombs positions came from Europe, including Sweden Standing just inside the gate that sep- as they attacked of Kurdish militia fighters, known pesh and Germany, to fight in Kobani. arates Kobani from TLrrkey, Mohammed as from Even some Syrian Arabs, with the Jarada, a fighter guarding tìe post, merga, the east and south of the city early Friday. pesh moderate , which rose savored the recent victory and A merga com- mander, Brig. Gen. Shirko Fatih, who led in 20ll after a peaceful uprising against shrugged off the costs. the First President Bashar al-Assad turned viol- "This means that the Kurds exist," he Brþade, was killed along with five of his soldiers, the officials said. ent,joined the light. said, "We exist." The scenes of destruction in Kobani Later in the day, militants from the group, provide a haunting panorama of what Karam Shoumali co ntr ib uted. rep orting also known as ISIS or ISIL, at- tacked the abandoned hotel inside the may lie ahead, as the war against the ls- from Kobani, and Eric Schmitt lrom city with a car bomb. lamic State unfolds in other places, es- Washington. A securþ official in Kirkuk said Islamic pecially in lraq. There, in cities like Mo- three State fight- ers had infiltrated the hotel, reaching sul and Falluja, where the Islamic State its roof. Kurdish troops and local police of- is entrenched, a campaign to oust them ficers stormed the hotel, killing the mil- will likely be more difficult, and perhaps itants, the A.P. reported.

5 Reaue de Presse-Press Reoiew-Berheaoka Riaistø Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti fntcnr.rtio¡¡¡l Ñtu llork @inrcø wEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2ot5 TürkeÉ eroding democrac>l

Fethullah Gulen

ruling party's oppression and corruption today. It is our right and duty to speak or simply stay silent. Those whouse the out about government policies that have language and symbols olreligious obser- SAYIOnSBURG, PA, It is deeply disap- a deep impacton society. Unfortunately, the core principles of pub- pointing to see what has become of Thr- vance but violate our democratic expression against deserve such loyalty key in the last few years. Not long ago, their religion do not lic corruption and authoritarianism has it was the envy of Muslim-majority from religious scholars. made us victims of a witch-hunt; both Speaking againstoppressionis a . the Hizmet movement and I are being countries: a viable candidate for the a and for European Union on its path to becom- democratic right, civic duty targeted with hate speech, media smear The ing afunctioning democracy that up- believers, a religious obligation. campaigns and legal harassment. people should holds universal human rights, gender Quran makes clear that Like all segments ofT[rkish society, in the face of in- participants a presence equality, the rule of law and the rights of not remain silent Hizmet have in Kurdish jristice: "O you who believe! Be uP- government organizations and in the and non-Muslim citizens. This justice, historic opportunity now appears to holders and standard-bearers of private sector. These citizens cannot be to the truth for God's be have been squandered as Tl¡rkey's rul- bearing witness denied their constitutional rights or be ing party, known as the A.K.P,, reverses sake, even though it against Your subjected to discrimination for their parents kindred." that progress and clamps down on civil own selves, or or sympathy to Hizmet's ideals, as long as past years, been for- society, media, the judiciary and free For the 50 I have they abide by the laws of the country enterprise. tunate to take part in a civil society the rules oftheir institutions and basic principles. T\rrkey's current leaders seem to movement, sometimes referred to as ethical Profiling any seg- claim an absolute mandate by virtue of Hizmet, whose participants and sup- ment of society and viewing them as a winning elections. But victory doesn't porters include millions of Tl¡rkish cit- threat is a sign of intolerance. not of grant them permission to ignore the izens, These citizens have committed We are the only victims the Peaceful Constitution or suppress dissent, espe- themselves to interfaith dialogue, com- A.K.P,'s crackdown. environ- protesters, cially when election victories are built munity service, relief efforts and mak- mental Kurds, Alevis, non- some on crony capitalism and media subser- ing life-changing education accessible. Muslim citizens and Sunni groups not aligned the vience. The A.K.P.'s leaders now depict They have established more than 1,000 Muslim with rul- party have too. every democratic criticism of them as modern secular schools, tutoring cen- ing suffered, Without checks and balances, no individual or an attack on the state. Byviewing ters, colleges, hospitals and relief or- group is safe from the ruling party's every critical voice as an e4emy or ganizations in over 150 countries. They - Regardless religious ob- worse, a traitor they are leading the are teachers, journalists, businessmen wrath. oftheir - servance, citizens can and should country toward totalitarianism. and ordinary citizens. unite around human and The l4testvictims of the clampdown The rhetoric used by the ruling party universal rights freedoms, and democratically oppose are the staff, executives andeditors of repeatedlyto crackdown on Hizmet independent media organizations who participants is noth- those who violate them. T[rrkey has now reached a point were detained and are now facing ing but a pretextto Bv viewinq'-- '- and human rights charges made possible by recent -" .-.' , iustifv their own au- where democracy evctar cnuc¡¡ i. .: been hope changes to the laws and the court sys- tnontarlanlsm. fllz- have almost shelved. I and pray those power tem. The director of one of the most pop- voloe aa an met participants have that in reverse their path. In the past ula¡ TV channels, arrested in December, enemy, the never formed a politi- currentdomineering people have rejected elect- is still behind ba¡s. Public officials inves- government calpartynorhave the Tilrkish tigating corruption charges have also isleading theypursuedpolitical ed leaders who stfayed from a demo- cratic path. I hope they will exercise been purged and jailed for simply doing the country jobs. judiciary, their legal and democratic rights again their An independent a toward total- functioning civil society and media are to reclaim the future of their country. itarianiem. checks and balances against govern- FETHULLAH is an Islcmdc scholar, ment transgressions. Such harassment not extrinsic ones. culEl'¡ preacher and social advocate, sends the message that whoever stands I have spent over S0years preaching in the way of the ruling party's agenda and teaching the values of peace, mutu- will be targeted by slande¡ sanctions al respect and altruism. I've advocated and even trumped-up charges. for education, community service and Tlrrkey's rulers have not only alienat- interfaith dialogue. I have always be- ed the West, they are also now losing lieved in seeking happiness in the hap- credibility in the Middle East. T[rkey's piness of others and the virtue of seek- abilit¡'to assert positive influence in the ing God's pleasure in helping His region depends not only on its economy people. Whatever influence is attrib- but also on the health of its own democ- uted to me, I have used it as a means to racy. promote educational and social projects The core tenets of a functioning de- that help nurture virtuous individuals. I mocracy - the rule of law, respect for in- have no interest in political powêr. dividual freedoms - are also the most Many Hizmet participantS, including basic of Islamic values bestowed upon us me, once supported the ruling party's by God. No political or religious leader agenda, including the 2005 opening of has the authority to take them away. It is accession negotiations with the Euro- disheartening to see religious schola¡s pean Union. Our support then was provide theological justification for the based on principle, as is our criticism

6 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çøpê- Riaistø Stnmpa-Dentro de Iø Prensø-Basin Ozeti fe Jlfonûc MARDI 3 FTVRIER 2015 Ladéfaiteen trompe-l'æil del'EIàKobané La ville syrienne porte les stigmates des combats acharnés contre les djihadistes

REPORTAGE ont rÉduit la ville à presque rien le < premier ministre > de Ko. KoBANÉ (suntn\ - envoyé spécíal - bané, AnwarMuslim, envisage de endant quatre mois, Ma- la reconstruire ailleurs, s'il trouve Le corps d'un dfthadtste de l'f,tat islamique git d¡ns une rue dc hmoud Hassan a suivi, Ies fonds. kurdes tentats-suicides en Turquie, En piégée de la ville la semaine demière. Le (YPG) lançaient des raids depuis ment. Il a lancé voiture piégée les octobre 2olo, un groupe cadavre sþst momifié dans l'es- zor3, avec les forces de lArmée sy- après voiture contre affilié à leur l'organisation revendiquait sence. L'homme dresse un poing rienne libre, sur les portions de tranchées kurdes, masquant en- de core presque intact, raidi vers le ciel. route que tient l'EI entre son fief progression par des feux une attaque qui avait fait YPG paradaient, ven- trente-deux Aujourd'hui, debout sur son de Rakka et Alep. pneus. Des morts dans le centre Kobané sur I'une de d'Istanbul. perron, les pieds dans un tapis de Canons de char contre kalach- dredi, dans i camion Selon les douilles, Mahmoud Hassan aime- nikovs, les djihadistes ont d'abord ces bombes mobiles un autorités kurdes de Ko- à la tête soudée bané, la plupart rait savoir pourquoi cet homme progressé sans lrande difficulté à plaqué de métal, des dfihadistes en double biseau. étaient des étrangers de est venu mgurir ici. < ll n'y a pas travers les campagnes. En ville, ils venus L'EI de nouveaux fronts toute l'Europe, de pétrole, íl n'y a rien que Daech ont ensuite bénéficié de la supé- a ouvert notamment de en bombardant par tanks, c'anons France, du Golfe et du Maghreb, [acronyme arabe de l'EI] puissedé- riorité de lews armes, prenant en etmortiers, puis lâchant d'impor- du Caucase, dAsie centrale, re- sírer à Kobané rr, dit-il. quatre iours le n quartier de sécu- tantes forces, notamment des dii- groupés en unités partiellement Ce combat a coûté cherà I'EI : un rité r des YPG, puis marchant ius- nationales. Les YPG millier d'hommes, sêlon un dé- qu'à la principale voie de ravi- hadistes étiangers peu expéri- citent volon- tiers les Tchétchènes pourleur ca- compte, approximatif mais crédi taitlement de la ville, près du mentés, selon Asmat Cheikh Has- Pos- pacité de combat et leur nombre. ble, de l'Observatoire syrÍen des te-f¡ontière de Mursþinar, entre san, qui fait visiter, l'æil éteint, la droits de l'homme, parmi les- la Syrie et Ia Turquie. place de la Liberté écrasée par les La plupart des Tchétchènes actifs quels des djihadistes expérimen- Malgré les armes larguées par bombes, dans le centre-ville. en Syrie, affiliés à l'émirat du Cau- tés et de nombreuses recrues les Etats-Unis; dès le zo octobre, case, sont fidèles à Al-Qaida et à sa étrangères. Mais la capacité de ré- pour les forces kurdes et celles de filiale syrienne, le Front Al-Nosra. sistance que le groupe a montrée, < Leur première force, c'est leur Mais des groupes se sont consti- sous les objectifs des caméras du idéologie. Ils venaient icí pour tués au sein de l'El. < Sur les talk- monde entier, est saisissante. On ( Leur premlère mourír r, dit Zagros Dlian (un ies-walkìes, Ies djìhadistes par- peut se demander au terme de pseudonyme), 39 ans, qui pèse IaÍent d'un camp dÞntraînement cette batàille si la perte de Ko- force, c'est leur son compliment. Diian est un of- tchétchène ò lþst de Kobané, dit bané, obiectif secondaire pour ldéologle. ficier du Parti des travailleurs du Asmat Cheikh Hassan. lls'éta¡ent l'EI, est réellement une défaite, Kurdistan (PKK), organisation concentrés dans Ie centre-vìIle, à tant elle illustre la difficulté de lls venalent lcl mère des YPG, d'inspiration Iþst de "Ihire de sécurité". IIs sont lutter contre les djihadistes. pour mourlrn marxiste et experte en raideur très bien entraînés: dþxcellents Il aurafallu pourles chasserqua- idéologique. Il dit avoir passé ccimbattants, r t ZAGROS DJIAN vingt-cinq ans basé dans les tre meis de combats et Plus de I.OUIS IMEERT officier du PKK monts dans le nord de 7oo bombardements aériens, qui Qandil,

7 Reaue de Pr esse-Pr ess Reuieu) -Berhea oka Çapê- Riaista Stamuø-Dentro de la Prensø-Basin Ozeti Dc¡ officicr¡ turc¡ dan¡ - mercredi 4 février 2015 - lc¡ rang¡ diihadi¡tc¡ Membre d,e l'Otan et allióe des Etats-Ilnùsr la Turquíe soutient pourtant l'Etøt ßlamique. Par hostilitó etwers les Kurdes, qui rôaent d,'únd.ópend,ance. t stes cains lors de leurs interventions au I aire Proche ou au Moyen-Orient, eù héber- I des geant en permanence des militaires US, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ces partisans de Kurdes, ses ennenris intimes. ses installations modernes, à quelque l'Etat islamique et de son calife Ibrahim Comment s'étonner dès lors que, de- 100 kilomètres de la Syrie, auraient per- mènentuneguerrequiluiconvientpar- puis plus de deux ans, les autorités misunemultiplicationdesraidssurleurs faitement: ils veulent chasserBachar- turques aient ouvert leurs frontières à objectifs. i':ï1ffåii:Tiäi"Î"1'"-rå?äi?:#: fi'*ii'iä',ffiåXî"ällilÏ;äîïä: coopóration beröourede toire s¡rrien, plus un gros tiers de I'Irak. aux rebelles dits modérés de l'Armée sy- Mais, si Erdogan se garde d'apporter Mais Erdogan apprécie davantage en- rienne libre, dont les effectifs sont de plus son concours au combat de ses n alliés ', :ft fJ*"r":ËiT,:':;'"i"ä?:::":li'"Lli; apprécié que des volontaires européens

mauvais exempte aux 12 à 15 miuions åtå"å:ä-råT#3J+îffi;å,ì?*iJfåi sifiés, au fil des ans, au nom de la lutre de Turcs d'origine kurde qui revendi- les combatüants djihadistes en Syrie ou contre le n temorisme kurd,e ,, formule quent wr statut dautonomie, voire plw. .. en Irak. Même constat pour les blessés, chère à Erdogan, Des officiers du MIT Précision nécessaire, la Turquie a re- soignés dans les hôpitaux turcs avant de ont infiltré les camps de réfugiés syriens joint - par obligation ? - la coalition in- repartir au combat, ou pour les convois installés en T\rrquie. Et d'autres agents ternationale, dirigée par les Etats-Unis, d'armes et les trafics divers qui approvi- sont allés exetcer leurs talents, et ris- avec pour mission d'en finir avec I'Etat sionnent les forces de I'Etat islamique. quer leur vie, mêlés aux combattants de islamique. Mais Erdogan n'en a cure, de Erdogan a fait mieux : il a refusóaux I'Etat islamique. cet objectiflointain, et sans doute en- avions de la coalition I'accès de la gi- Leur présence a été détectée par cer- rage-t-il de voir des avions américains, gantesque base turque d'Incirlik. Concé- tains services alliés, mais il n'est pas trop canadiens ou français pilonner chaque dées à I'Otan, utilisées par les Améri- question d'en faire état. Une pudeur très politique qui ne convainc pas un expert du Quai d'Orsay, lequel reconnalt que n I'on n'ose gu.ère parler de ce double jeu d'Erdogan, alors que personnz n'imagine Etat de sévíces que cette coopération clandestine puisse se prøtiquer ù sotl corps d,éfendant assurent la distribution d'eau, ",Les ^^, N connaît Daech par le naïfs. oeut-être^ ? | | .""g versé. Egorgeurs, d'électricité, veillent au bon Clcudc Angoli \.t coupeurs ce malns, vlo- fonctionnement du téléphone, leurs de femmes, voleurs d'en- revendent à vil prix le blé, le fants, ses troupes crucifient les maïs, le coton dérobés par ré- opposants et exterminent les coltee entières. En Syrie et en minorités. Mais Daech est aussi Irak, le drapeau noir flotte sur une gigantesque rnachine éco- plus de 20 banques, qui n'ontja- nomique. Une start-up crimi- mais cessé leurs transactions puits nelle née denière les barbelés internationales. Autant de et peshmergas kurdes se font affirmeñt que, même vaincu mi- de pétrple sonù des américains du camp de prison- aux mains face, des milliers de personnes rirement, l'esprit du califat de- terroristes sunnites, ca- ^'' niers de Bucca (Irak), avant de Leurs traversent chaque jour cette mourera sur ces terres. Et les ac- mions-citernes lancer une OPAvictorieuse sur encombrent les ligne de front devenue frontière cuser de renvoyer leur peuple au l'internationale islamiste, En routes, empruntanü les réseaux illégale. Daech seul décide de Moyen Age est pour eux un de place deux ans, écrasant ses concur- contrebande mis en qui a le droit d'entrer et de régal. Age d'or de l'islam, pour ceftê rents et ringardisant Al-Qaida, sous Saddam Hussein sortir. période n'est pas vécue comme Daech est devenu une véritable contourner I'embargo. L'or noir Des f¿rmilles entières vont obscure mais revendiquée multinationale. Un Etat voyou de Daech est bradé partout. faire leurs courses à Kirkouk, comme bénie. Bandits qui règne sur 10 millions de sr¡n- irakiens, mafieux sy- ville kurde, avant de retourner SoriCholondon nites syriens et irakiens, dans riens, trafiquants kurdes, le librement au pays du drapeau O . Daech, naissance d'un Etat un territoire prison grand brut voyage sans encombre en noir. Devant la caméra, les gens terroriste ", le 10/2 à 20 h 50, en ou- comme la moitié de la France. Jordanie ou en Turquie. Apiès ont peur de parler, La foule est verture d'une soirée spéciale sur Car les illuminée d'Abou Bal

n" tz66 du 5 au rr février zor5

d'Irak contre les Kurdes irakiens. Aujourd'hui pourtant, les Kurdes irakiens sont les plus proches alliés - d'Ankara dans la région et de solides partenaires commerciaux, même si cette amitié a été mise à rude épreuve par le refus des Turcs de lutter franchement contre l'Etat islamique. Le même scénario serait- il surle point de sejoueren Syrie ?

lombsr h tor¡c. "LøTurquie n'a pas pu stopper les Kurdes en Irak, elle atout aussipeude chances d'y parvenir en Syrie, analyse le diplomate occidental déjà cité. A Un mécontentement partagé du défaut d'urir leurs chèfs, Ia stra' côté américain. Washington n'a tégie turque aura uniles Kurdes." guère apprecié le refus d'Ankara de Ankara conserve toutefois sa capa- laisserles avions de la coalitionuti- cite de nuisance à leur égard. De liserlabase dlncirlik, dans le sud fait, les Kurdes de Syrie sont de de la Turquie, pour leurs missions plus en plus dépendants de l'aide de combat contre I'Etat islamique. turque. Et, confrairement à la très montagneuse frontière turco-ira- 2oo ooo réfr¡!ftÉr. Si la Turquie kienne où est établile PKK, la région avait soutenu les Kurdes dès le frontalière entre la Turquie et les départ, "I'idée qu'Ankarø est du régionskurdes du nordde laSyrie côté de I'Etøt isldmique ne serøit est totalement plate - ce qui faci- pas øussì répandue dujourd'hui", lite grandement de potentielles lâche un diplomate occidental. interventions militaires. Car, pour le PKK, la Turquie arme Pourtant, Erdogan a beau et entraîne les djihadistes, façon bomber le torse, cette éventua- pour elle de combattre par procu- lité reste la moins probable. Caç ration les Kurdes de Syrie. outre le tollé quiil susciterait dans Mais Ankara nie toute collu- la communauté internationale, sion avec les djihadistes contre les ce choix serait lourd de consé- Kurdes de Syrie, rappelant qu'elle Pourlapremière fois,Washington quences sur la scène intérieure lrl (e xt raits) on ito r a accueilli plus de zoo ooo réfu- Erdogan et son gouverne- -A1- collabore ouvertement avec le PKK, turque. Washington giés de Kobané. Ungros millier de alors même que le mouvement ment négocient depuis deux ans combattants des YPG blessés sont le kurde reste surlaliste des organisa- la paix avec öcalan, et cessez- t obané est líbéré ! Prochaine soignés dans des hôpitaux turcs, tions terroristes du ministère amé- le-feudéclaré en mars 2or3 apour - tiøarøtion, öcølan !" lle ajoutent des responsables turcs. l( ricain des Affaires étrangères. Les l'essentiel été respecté. Aucune Õlleader du PKK emPri- Il nþn reste pas moins quAnkara frappes aériennes incessantes de la des deux parties ne peut se per- sonné en Turquie], ont scandé aurait certainement préféré que Le coalition menée par les Etats-Unis mettre de relancer la guerre. des milliers de Kurdes à travers la situation s'enlise plutôt qu'au- PKK l'Etat conre des cibles de I'Etat islamique est trop occupé par laTurquie, I'Iran, I'Irak et la Syrie, cun des deux camps ne I'empone. à Kobané et dans sa région ont islamique, et I'AKP par les légis- alors que cette ville à la frontière Erdogan nälaissé aucun doute joué un rôle décisif et fait pencher latives du 7 juin prochain, qu'il turco-syrienne venait d'être débar- sur son hostilité à tout accord la balance en faveur des Kurdes. entend bien remporter pour la rassée des combattants de I'Etat en Syrie qui instaurerait dans le Le président turc, Erdogan, n'a quatrième fois con sécutive. "r{r,¡ec islamique après t33 jours de guerre nord du pays quoi que ce soit qui pas caché le déplaisir que lui cau- Kobané, Ies Kurdes de Turquíe et sanglante, Une victoire durement ressemble à l'Etat de facto des sait la tournure prise par les évé- de Syrie ont vu leur sort inextrica- gagnée, et qui apparait ici comme Kurdes d'Irak. Une position qr/il nements. S'exprimant devant des blementlié, analyse Arzu Yilmaz, un tournant historique dans la a réaffirmée le z6 janvier devant journalistes le z6janvier, il a ainsi chercheuse à l'université d'Ankara. longue lutte que mènent depuis des la presse : "De quoi pørle-t-on ? laissé entendre qriil avait demandé Aleurs yeux, quand on attøque les décennies les Kurdes pour défendre Du nord de I'Irak ? Maintenant, au président américain, Obama, Kurdes de Syrie, c'est à'eux aussi leurs droits. Pour certains obser- qu'on s'en de ne pas intervenirauxcôtés des ljls voudreientl une Syrie du Nord. prend." vateurs, les premiers vainqueurs Nous ne pouvons pds l'accepter,,. Kurdes. 'iJe luí ai dit :'N'allez pas -Ambcrlnzø,man en sont, pour l'heure, le Parti des Publiélez8 jawier parachuter ces bombes [entendre De telles entités seront sources de travailleurs duKurdistan (PKK) et par là des armes et d'autres aides grøves problèmes à I'wenir." son chefAbdullah Öcalan; ducôté matérielles] aux forces kurdes. Ce Des propos qui rappellent for- des vaincus, il faudrait, àl'Etat isla- qu'avait serait une erreur de votre Part.' tement les ultimatums mique, ajouter la Turquie. lancés les arurees MøIheur eu s ement, møl gr é c et t e Ankara dans r99o Le PKK et son pendant syrien conversation, ils ont parøchuté tout quand les Kurdes dlrak avaient des Unités de protection du peuple le nécessaire depais troís ø'rtions de formé leur gotrvernement régional. kurde (YPG) sont de fait les fers transport C:r3o, et Iø moitié ile tout A lþoque, la Turquie avait cher-. de lance du combat contre les dji- cela øfini entre les møins de combat- ché à monter les Kurdes irakiens hadistes en Irak et en Syrie. tent s de l' Et at islørnique." contre le PKK, et les Turkmènes

9 Reaue de P resse-Pr ess Reaiew-Berheaokn Riaista S Dentro de la Prensø-Basin Ozeti H FEBRUARY 4,2015 Kurds dream of independence as they defend perilous border

i I VAIJ^EY OF THE CROWS, ¡ northern l¡aq, February 4, 2015 (Reuters) t By Samia Nakhoul and Isabel Coles / t¡ .ç.+e.[isþ...4r$]rve'+s.t/...... a)rJ Flihe black banner of the Islamic State, fixed I to a shack within sight of this frontline, is evidence of the existential th¡eat menacing the Kurds from across the 1,000-km Iong frontier. Kurdish Peshmerga fighters are digging trenches and building defense berms in Wadi al-Ghorab (Valley of The Crows), less than 2 km away from the lS-held Sultan Abdullah village, which demarcates the new border of their autonomous region. The Kurds have enjoyed de facto self rule since the first Gulf War in 1991. They are now closer than ever to achieving their dream of full independence. Yet they are menaced by the deadly ambitions of the Islamic caliphate r.'\ across the frontline. Kurdish Peshmerga fighters stønd guørd on the outskirts of Mosul fanuary 26,2015, Not far from Wadi al-Ghorab, mostly Crc dit : REUTERS I Az ø d L øshkari Sunni A¡ab lraqi fighters were undergoing military training to help fight to regain Mosul, one of lraq's largest cities, and other rule. The ties that bind Kurds with Arab Iraq Sunni towns that were overrun by Islamic They recount tales of beheadings, execu- are few and fraying. State last June before it surged menacingly tions, flogging and stoning to death in public Most Kurds born in the autonomous towards Erbil, the heart of Kurdish power. squares. Punishments are meted out to Sunni region, created after the Kurdish uprising The jihadi movement declared its cross- Muslims seen by IS as not adhering to their that followed the 1991 Gulf War, don't speak border caliphate last year after seizing terri- nihilistic brand of Islam. Smoking cigarettes, Arabic. Signposts along roads, on shops, mil- tory in eastem Syria and west and northern watching movies or even world cup football itary bases and govemment buildings are all Iraq. It now directly threatens the lraqi games are all deemed un-Islamic. Music and in Kurdish, the official language of Kurdistan. Kurdish entity across lines that Iie 45 km (30 all forms of arts are forbidden. Prime Minister Nechiwan Barzani said miles) from Erbil, the bustling capital of the IS insurgents have taken over the Iraq, which has been ravaged by sectarian Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). schools, segregating girls from boys, even in warfare since the 2003 U.S.{ed invasion that To the southeast Kurdish forces battled nurseries, and changed the curriculum to toppled Saddam Hussein, does not exist as a IS insurgents and last week recaptured an oil implant their vision of Islam in young minds. unified country. field near the city of Kirkuk, which Kurds They have set up military camps to train and 'There is no loyalty to a country called seized last summer and proclaimed as their recruit boys to replace fighters they have lost Iraq," he told Reuters in an interview. own. on the battlefield, residents say. "It really is important to find a formula for 'To have ISIS ... we can't sleep well," said On the KRG-run side of the frontier, how to live together within the boundaries of Fuad Hussein, Chief of Staff to Massoud Kurdistan has witnessed not just political what is called lraq. Unless a formula is found, Barzani, President of Kurdistan. "It means independence but hitherto unknown eco- there willbe more bloodshed and the country every night having a nightmare." nomic prosperity over the past decade, as will remain a destabilizing factor in the hotels and construction projects mush- region." TWOWORIÐS roomed. The boom froze last year when Pointing to Shi'ite-Sunni secta¡ian strife Najat Ali Saleh, a Peshmerga commander, Baghdad stopped paying the Kurds' share of across lraq, all Kurdish factions agree that a said not a week passes when IS doesn't try to the national budget as punishment for the unified country ruled from Baghdad is a wage a new offensive or attack to regain lost region's move to export oil on its own terms. dream of the past and that power must be villages, devolved to give each of the main sects, 'They are stronger than us," said Saleh BROKENCOT.INT?Y Sunnis, Shi'ites and Kurds their autonomous near the Wadi al-Ghorab frontline. 'We need For Kurds, the rise of IS has reinforced regrons. heavy weapons to fight them. They have thei¡ belief that lraq is a broken state, that heavier weapons. We need artillery, mortars, they are better off in their own entity and that PARTMON ONLY SOLUTION? armored cars and Humvees. Right now we all other sects should emulate them. But any such vision is unlikely to materi- have Kalashnikovs and machine guns." From ordinary Ku¡ds to top officials it is alize unless they get rid of the Islamic State Across this new frontier, Sunni residents impossible to find anyone who believes in first, they say. intewiewed in Mosul, just 80 km from Erbil, Iraq as one united country, All those inter- "The only solution (to stop the bloodshed) tell of another world under Islamic State's viewed want partition or at least federation. is to partition lraq, everybody will be Ð

10 Reaue de P r esse -P r ess Reaiezo -B erheaokn Çøp ê- Rir¡ista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

Ð relieved. What are the benefits of keep- massive displacement by Saddam's forces. independent enclave in northem lraq, its ing lraqunited with people killing each other More than 4,500 Kurdish villages were neighbors in Turkey, Syria and lran have fret- every da¡z' said Sirwan Barzani a prominent destroyed and around I million Kurds dis- ted at the nightmarish prospect of a pan-Kurd businessman but now a Peshmerga com- placed. state which might incite thei¡ own Kurdish mander, and also a nephew of President The al-Anfal Campaign, known to Kurds minorities to secede. Barzani. as the Kurdish Genocide waged by Saddam While neighbors dread Kurdish secession Speaking at the Black Tiger Camp, f¡om 1986-89, is still engrained in the Kurdish that might break up their states, the reality on Barzani" dressed in combat uniform, added: psyche. It is hard to meet anyone who hasn't the ground is that the Kurds have given birth "At least if we can't have independence, let's been marked by al-Anfal, which culminated to a nation - at least in lraq. Three enclaves in have three federal entities - Kurdish, Shi'ite with a nerve gas attack in 1988 on Halabja in neighboring north-east Syria are practically and Sunni." which up to 5,000 Kurds were killed. under Kurdish control, although menaced by The sense of Iraqi national identity has "I don't feel any sense of belonging to IS. evaporated since the 2003 invasion which Iraq," said lhsan Sheikh Almozuril, 46, who Kurdish officials said Kurds were fighting handed power to the Shi'iteg ending decades- works in a money exchange shop. Islamic State for areas that rightfully old Sunni rule with the toppling of Saddam, "Our loyalty is first and foremost to belonged to the Kurdish region but that they triggering sectarian wars and leading to the Kurdistan. Even when Iraq plays a football would avoid using Peshmerga fighters to rise of radical Sunni groups, including al match against another country we support drive IS from Sunni areas - much less to Qaeda, which spawned Islamic State. the opponent. spearhead the recapture of Sunni Mosul. Qubad Talabani" Deputy Prime Minister of Sarkaft Ahmed, 18, who works in a shop They insist that fight will have to be led by KRG, said the reality is that a whole genera- selling household appliances and speaks no Iraqi army units, mostly Sunnis. tion of Iraqis has grown up in a highly sectar- Arabic said: 'We want to separate from them. But any recapture of Mosul seems distant. ian envi¡onment in the last decade.'We have Arabs are the enemy. They are treacherous PM Barzani and others emphasized that the Shi'ites promoting and defending Shi'ite poli- and they kill." timetable for such an offensive would depend cies; Sunnis rallying around Sunni identity Ali Tahsin, 3Z and whose mother is Arab on the rebuilding of the lraqi army, which col- and Kurds doing the same." and father is Kurd, said: "Right now no lraqi lapsed as IS conquered Mosul and raced "Iraqi unity as we knew it is over, so what feels as though they are lraqi - it's not just in across northem lraq. political system could be devised to salvage Kurdistan. We are living in a country where Atheel al-Nujeifi, the former regional gov- the country? We have a model here in there is no value for human life." emor who fled Mosul when IS pushed in, said Kurdistan - maybe our exact model is not On the ground the war in Syria and IS's the coalition's response has been very slow applicable to Sunnistan but some so¡t of push into lraq from 2013, have burst open the and late. He said Mosul residents were too autonomy is," he said at his office in Erbil. boundaries in the Middle East - fixed after the frightened to revolt unless supported by a He said Sunnis living in scattered areas l9t6 Sykes-Picot accord, which carved up not force from outside. could have autonomy within their gover- just Iraq but the Levant between Britain and 'We think that if there were forces close to norates even if they don't have a contiguous France based on interests. Mosul or on the outskirts, the city will mobi- region. "So long as Baghdad remains the cen- These frontiers ignored the complex eth- lize (against IS) very quickly," said Nujeifi, ter of all decision making people will fight nic, tribal and religious differences that dom- whose properties and Arab thoroughbred over it. There's no leader today in the country inated Middle Eastem politics. And they left horses were looted by Islamic State, and that can talk on behalf of all lraqis," he added. the Kurdish people, estimated now at 30 mil- whose Rolex watch was the one seen on the lion and mostly Sunni by religion, to live as wrist of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi when NOLOYALTY minority communities in Turkey, Iraq, Iran he appeared at a mosque in Mosul last year to Less than a generation ago tens of thou- and Syria as well as in the diaspora. declare his caliphate. sands of Kurds in northem Iraq were victims t¡l of attempted genocide: aerial bombardment RIPPI^E EFFECT mass executions, chemical gas attacks and Ever since the KRG carved out a de facto

o February 4r?,015 for the Kurds to take control of a swathe of disputed territory they have long wanted to 1,000 Peshmerga Fighters Killed by incorporate into their autonomous region over Baghdad's objections. ISIS Since Kurdish But after driving south towards Baghdad, |une: Official ISIS turned its attention to the Kurds, push- ing them back towards regional capital Erbil a news conference that 999 Kurdish fighters in a move that helped spark USJed airstrikes were killed and 4,569 wounded between February 4,2015 fune against the jihadists. l0 and February 3. englishal-akhbarcom The Kurds have now regained most of the Previous released on casualty figures ground they lost, but commanders complain December put the toll at 727 killed and l0 they remain ill-equipped compared with ISIS 3,564 wounded. ¡learly 1,000 lraqi Ku¡dish peshmerga militants, who plundered Iraqi arms depots Iì fighters have been killed battling the Large swathes of land in Iraq have become when they overran Mosul in |une. as extremist group, Islamic State oflraq and Syria (ISIS) jihadist ISIS strongholds the Kurdish Prime Minister declared a "caliphate" in the territory it group since fune, a senior security official which told Reuters in an interview on Thursday seized in Iraq and Syria, drove lraq's army said on Wednesday. - that the US-led coalition against ISIS was the recipient of billion in US training and Meanwhile, a monitoring group reported $25 inadequate and said US policy would at best funding since the 2003 invasion to col- that ISIS has killed 50 people in Syria since - contain the resilient and carefully structured lapse the beginning of the year. in |une. grouP. Several federal army divisions collapsed in fabbar Yawar, the secretary general of the The conflict is redrawing some of the de the early days of the assault, clearing the way ministry responsible for the peshmerga, told facto internal boundaries of Iraq in favor *

11 Reaue de P r esse-P r e ss Reaiew-B erheookn Çøp ê -Riaista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti

€ of broader Kurdish control in the north. 50 killed in Syria in 2015 captives. On Sunda¡ the United Nations Assistance Meanwhile, a monitoring group said The group has executed thousands in Iraq Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) said in a state- Wednesday that ISIS has killed 50 people so and Syria, targeting, in particular, ethnic and ment that fighting and other violence in Iraq far this year in Syria, people the jihadist religious minorities. killed at least 1,375 people including 79O group accused of insulting God, spying or Other militant groups in Syria have also exe- civilians in fanuary. being enemy fighters, including a |ordanian cuted people in 2015, the Britain-based UNAMI added that the worst affected city pilot it burned alive. Observatory said. Al-Qaeda's Syria wing al- was the capital, Baghdad, with 256 civilians The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Nusra Front killed six while around 20 others killed and 758 wounded. Moreove! at least said the hardline group killed them mainly were put to death by other insurgent groups, 2,240 civilians and soldiers were wounded through beheadings and shootings. the pro-opposition Observatory said. during the same period. An ISIS video showing the burning to death Four of those killed were women. According to UNAMI figures, last year was of pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh, released on The Observatory reported in November that the deadliest in Iraq since 2OO6-2007, with a Tuesda¡ sent shockwaves through fordan. ISIS had killed 1,432 captives since declaring total of 12,282 people killed and 23,126 ISIS also published footage last month pur- a caliphate in fune. o wounded. porting to show the killing of two fapanese ( AF R Reuters, AI- Akhb ar )

February 19,20lS Washington's tr'ear of Kurdistan

ciple - the inviolability of current the Kurds'ability to secede cames cerely at their real choices in the borders. If a Kurdish s[ate emer- an added embarrassment for region, as opposed to a false ged in any part of Kurdistan - pea- Washington: An admission that the dichotomy of a Kurdish Pandora's cefully or via armed conflict - [ea- state they spent so much blood and Box versus an idealized, stable ders in the West fear that state money rebuilding after 2003 is a Middle East full of eager, depen- By DAYID ROMANO would harbor irredentist aspira- failure. If Kurdistan seceded, rvhat dable friends. American fears of 19 february 2015 - tions to liberate the rest of remained of Iraq would include a independent Kurdistans also seem Kurdistan. Once the genie of bor- much larger Shiite majority and a to prevent the Americans from been correspondingly greater chance of acquiescing to the of exten- Jn last week's column.I criticized der revisions has released in kind Ithe United State's apparent wil- even a part of Kurdistan, no one is close, enduring alignment with sive autonomy the Kurds, given lingness to heavily arm just about sure they could get it back in its Iran rather than the United States. their history, need in order to feel anyone except the Kurds - Shiite lamp. This seems particularly true The Arab world would no doubt secure within present state boun- militias (via' the Iraqi Army), if the nascent Kurdish state does accuse Washington of having plan- daries. The resultant message Syrian Sunni rebels of questiona- well for itself while ethnic kin in ned the creation of "another Israel" from Washington seems to be ble allegiance, a NATO "ally" that neighboring s[ates remain oppres- in their midst all along. "help us with our interests, but regularly peddles conspiracy theo- sed minorities. The demonstration Tn the case of the Kurdish move- stop causing trouble for the sake of ries about the Americans, and very effect rvill give Kurdish rebels all Iment in Turkey and Syria. the your ovin interests." repressive regimes in general. across Kurdistan something tangi- Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) That message needs to be Washington shies away from pro- ble to aspire to, much the way long association with Marxist- changed, especially if Washington viding more to the Kurds because Iraqi Kurdish autonomy is already Leninism and now anarchist "anti- wants a more effective local hgh- it fears strengthening the push for doing. statism" helps alienate American ting force against the Islamic an independent Kurdish state. ¡{ merican diplomats and policy elites, no matter how well the PKK State¡ r This happens despite the fact ltlmakers also spend a lot more and its sister parties fight the that the Kurds appear to be a much tlme speaking to the diplomats and Islamic State. Turkey also draws a David Romano has been a more dependable ally of the policy makers of other existing lot more water in the region - with Rudaw colu¡nnist since 2010. He Americans. From 2003 to 2011, states than leaders of "sub-state its huge economy, population and is the Thomas G. Strong Professor not a single Coalition soldier died groups." They get socialized to geo-strategic position - than any of Middle East Politics at in . Kurdish move- their points of view. So when a Kurdish group. Even as Missouri State University and ments from other parts of Turkish ambassador or Iraqi Washington's relations with author ofThe Kurdish Nationalist Kurdistan likewise have never tar- minister asks them to refrain from Ankara sink to historic lorvs, it is Movement (2Ø6, Cambridge geted Americans, even when "destabili zing their government by still not enough to cause a reap- University Press) and co-editor Washington was arming the supporting the Kurds," they tend praisal of whom to listen to and (with Mehmet Curses) of ConJlict, repressive regimes they rebelled to listen readily. The argument has whom to back. Only a very severe Democratization and the Kurds in against. This week it might there- a naturally compelling logic, espe- falling out with Turkey might the Míddle East (2014, Palgrave fore prove useful to discuss what cially for a country that suffered prove sufficient to move the Macmillan). the American policymakers fear through its own very bloody war Americans to look for new allies from the prospect of Kurdish inde- of attempted secession not so long against Ankara's wishes. The views expressed in this pendence. ago. In the case of completely All these obstacles to a "spe- article are those of the authar and First and foremost, we should delegitimized, "rogue states," cial relationship" between do not necessarily reflect the posï remember that America is a "stabi- Washington prefers to support America and the Kurds should be tion of Rudaw. lity seeking power." The country governments in exile such as the weighed against the alternatives that created and benefits the most than and potentlal benef,rts of backing from the posFWorld War Two secessionist movements seeking to the Kurds, holvever. Your humble international order remains very redraw boundaries and challenge columnist does not think leaders in leery of any changes to the order's the whole system. Washington have displayed the most fundamental underlying prin- In the case of Iraq, supporting imagination or courage to look sin-

12 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riaista Stampø-Dentro de la Prensø-Bøsin Ozeti l0 février 2015 Massoud Biairzani à Paris pour plaider la cause des Kurdes Le chef du Parti démocratique du Kurdistan (PDK) était mardi ro féwier à Paris ou il a rencontré le président français, qui avait déià reçu dimanche I février des représentants kurdes de Syrie.

Agnès Rotivel internationale conduite par les États-Unis, rc I z I zor5 - ont repris ces derniers jours un cinquième du territoire aux djihadistes dans le nord de près la ville de Mossoul, I ¡f ardi ro février. c'est au tour de l'lrak, de stratégique IYlvlurrou¿ Barrani, le chef du parti selon des informations publiées par l'armée démocratique du Kurdistan, d'être reçu par américaine. François Hollande. Ce responsable de l'une LE MYTHE DE DAECH VAINCU des deux principales composantes politiques S'exprimant samedi 7 féwier, à Munich à la du gouvernement régional du Kurdistan, conférence sur la sécurité, Massoud Barzani région quasi autonome de I'lrak, succède a déclaré que < même si Daech n'a pas ainsi aux représentants du principal parti encore été éradiqué, les Peshmergas kurdes kurde de Syrie, le PYD (Parti de l'Union ont réussi à vaincre le mythe de Daech >. par qui démocratique) dirigé Saleh Muslim, Il est sûr que Massoud Barzani a l'intention avaient eux aussi monté les marches de l'Ély- de demander des cornpensations le moment sée, dimanche 8 fewier. venu. Absent récemment d'une réunion de la Massoud Barzani, 69 ans, est le fils de coalition internationale à Londres ou il Le mardi 1-0 þarier sur le penon de l'Elysée. Mustapha Barzani, chef historique du mou- I Photo Présidence de Ia République. n'avait pas été invité, il a regretté que < le vement national kurde en lrak. Il est né à peuple du Kurdistan se sacrifie et que le cré- Mahabad, en lran, à l'époque de l'éphémère dit aille à d'autres >. vince de Ninive l'été a obligé les République de Mahabad, alors que son père dernier, Dans un entretien à Al Hayat, quotidien y occupait le poste de général en chef. Peshmergas (combattants) kurdes à interve- arabe publié à Londres, publié samedi 7 pour les UN LEADER INCONTOURNABLE nir militairement repousser combat- février, il a lancé un avertissement au pre- tants islamistes en épaulant une armée ira- À la tête du gouvernement régional du mier ministre irakien, Haidar al-Abadi. Pour kienne incapable de relever le défi. Kurdistan, il s'est imposé comme un des lea- que le Kurdistan demeure au sein de l'lrak, ders incontournables de la région. Son terri- Massoud Barzani y a gagné d'obtenir de fait le pays doit adopter ( un autre système de toire dispose désormais d'une quasi-autono- la souveraineté sur des territoires longtemps gouvernance >, a-t-il déclaré. < Les frontières mie par rapport à la capitale Bagdad depuis disputés avec Bagdad comme Kirkouk et ses du Proche-Orient sont en train d'être redes- 199r. riches gisements pétroliers. sinées par les armes et dans le sang, Haidar al-Abadi a entre ses mains la dernière chance L'irruption de Daech dans la province fronta- Les Peshmergas en première ligne de sauver l'unité de l'lrak. > o lière du Kurdistan, à Mossoul et dans la pro- Ses combattants, soutenus par la coalition

12 février 2015 Une princesse kurde É défend un Kurdistan t indépendant Alors que les combattants kurdes regagnent du terrain face aux djihadistes de I'Etat islamique en lrak, la pr¡ncesse Sinenkham Bedirkhan milite pour une rena¡ssance du Kurdistan. La pfincesse kurile, Sinenkham Beilitkhan, chez elle à Efuil, en lrøk. taires qui font espérer aux Kurdes d'lrak une indépendance pleine et par Camille SarretFrançois-Xavier Freland entière. Pour la princesse Sinenkham Bedirkhan, ( c'est ma¡ntenant ou - 12fév 2015 jamais > qu'il faut faire re-naftre le Kurdistan. La princesse Sinenkham Bedirkhan est la dernière descendante des u milieu du chaos irakien, les combattants kurdes résistent à I'ex- princes kurdes Badrakhan en ligne directe. Elle habite une maison à Apansion^ de l'État islamique (El) et parv¡ennent même à reprendre deux étages dans le quartier chrétien d'Erbil, la capitale du Kurdistan du terrain. Appuyées par des frappes aériennes de la coalition interna- irakien, qui ressemble plus à un musée qu'à un domicile. Y sont entas- tionale emmenée par les États-Unis, ils ont déjoué I'opération des djiha- sés une multitude de photos, d'objets, de textes, qui racontent I'h¡stoire distes qui cherchaient à s'emparer de la ville de Kirkouk. lls ont aussi du Kurdistan qui se confond avec celle de sa famille qui a longtemps repris le contrôle d'un champ pétrolier et libéré près d'une dizaine de régné sur la presqu'île de Botan, à proximité de l'extrême nord-est du par villages dans le sud-ouest de la province de Kirkouk. Des succès mili- Kurdistan irakien, avant d'en être dépossédée les Turcs. Elle fait visi- ter le < château > familial à l'envoyé spécial de TVSMONDE. I

13 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çøpê- Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Özeti w ro rÉvnrnn zors Le dimanche 8 février à Les héros kurdes l'Elysée. / Photo Présidence de Kobané reçus de la République. par Franço¡s Hollande

par FRANCE 24 Avec Reuters et AFP tiquées, nous avons besoin d'armes", a-t-elle guérilla sur le sol turc. Le PKK figure également l0 février 2015 - affirmé. "François Hollande a salué la victoire de sur la liste des organisations terroristes de Kobané, on lui a dit qu'on éta¡t prêts à combattre l'Union européenne, sans que le PYD, ni sa plus qu'on branche armée le YPG, ne soient mentionnés. Hollande a reçu, pour la première fois, de manière forte encore et souhaitait ¡-rançois gu'il y l-des représentants de la principale organisa- ait un bureau entre la France et les kurdes qui permette de coordonner ces actions', a rap- tion des Kurdes syriens, le PYD, dont la branche LA VICTOIRF KURDE À KOBANÉ porté les jihadistes I'El Kobané. la coprésidente du YPG. armée a vaincu de à La visite du PYD a Paris fait suite à son avancée lls demandent un soutien accru de la France. sur le terrain face à I'El en Syrie. Le mouvement Le président Hollande a reçu, dimanche I février, LE PYD, "ORGANISATION TERRORISTP AU est sorti renforcé de la bataille de Kobané, ville une délégation du principal parti kurde de Syrie, uÊue rrRe euE LE PKK ? syrienne kurde à la frontière turque. Sa branche qui contrôle depuis 201 t les zones kurdes du Cette rencontre interv¡ent après les contacts armée, appuyée par les frappes aériennes de la nord syrien. Lors de cette rencontre, qualifiée directs survenus en octobre entre le parti kurde et coalition emmenée par les États-Unis, a infligé d'historique par les Kurdes, la co-présidente du des responsables américains à Paris, présentés I'une des plus importantes défaites à I'El en repre parti de I'Union démocrat¡que (PYD), As¡ya comme sans précédent par Washington. Par ail- nant le contrôle de la ville le 26 janvier. Abdellah, et Nassrin Abdalla, commandante de la leurs, le président de la région autonome du Après leur victoire à Kobané, les combattants du branche féminine des Unités de protection du Kurdistan irakien, Massoud Bazani, doit rencon- YPG s'emploient désormais à sécuriser les zones peuple (YPG, branche armée du PYD), ont trer Franço¡s Hollande, mardi soir à Paris. alentour 'La campagne de libération des envi- pour demandé une aide logistique de la France À l'Élysée, la rencontre organisée dimanche avec rons de Kobané a déjà commencé, cette cam- jihadistes contrer les de I'organisation de l'État le PYD est qualifiée de "réunion plutot de nature pagne continue avec succès, et nous avons à ce islamique (El). d'information privée' et I'on insiste sur les "très jour libéré 140 villages", a souligné la co-prési- "C'est une rencontre historique et c'est peut-être bonnes relations avec les Kurdes" sans donner dente du PYD. 'Ce qui est stratég¡que pour nous une première åtape vers quelque chose de posi- davantage de précisions sur I'aide qui leur est c'est d'avo¡r un corridor, notamment entre les tif', a déclaré Asiya Abdellah, lundi soir. "La ren- apportée. deux cantons de Kobané et de Cezire, mais entre passée pour contre s'est bien mais maintenant on Le parti kurde syrien est considéré par la Turquie les deux il y a les forces de Daech, c'est cela attend des gestes concrets, des actes de la part comme une 'organisation terroriste" au même qu'on a besoin d'aide.' o de la France. Pour vaincre Daech [acronyme t¡tre que le mouvement frère du Parti des travaiF qui arabe de I'El, NDLRI, dispose d'armes sophis- leurs du Kurdistan (PKK) qui mène depuis 1984 la

D'après M. Barzani, I'accord de décembre "n'a pas de sens ac{uellement". Pour le Kurdistan irakien, "Bagdad n'a pas d'argent à donner... On a passé un accord avec un Etat qui est fauché", a-t-il indiqué lors d'une conlérence de presse à Erbil. Bagdad ne respecte pas Qoubad Talabani, I'adjoint de de M. Barzani, a indiqué que le gouverne- ment irakien entenda¡t envoyer une partie du budget de janvier mais que I'accord sur Ie pétrole cette somme "ne répond pas aux attentes" de la région autonome. s'exprimait quelques heures après avoir mené une délégation Erbil (Irak), 16 février 2015 (AFP) M. Barzani kurde à Bagdad pour s'entreten¡r avec le Premier ministre Haider al-Abadi. "Nous avons invité M. Abadi à venir au Kurdistan et il a promis de venir", a- LE PREMIER min¡stre du Kurdistan irakien a accusé lundi le gouver- nement fédéral de Bagdad de ne pas verser à la région autonome sa t-¡l indiqué. part de ¡evenus pétrolierc, en dépit des stipuletions de I'accord signé Un communiqué du bureau du Premier ministre irakien a précisé que les en décembre. discussions de lundi ont porté sur des 'questions en cours" entre Bagdad façon de les résoudre 'Uans le cadre de la En vertu de cet accord, qui aurait dû prendre effet en début d'année, le et le Kurdistan, et sur la Constitution" Kurdistan doit mettre à disposition du gouvernement Édéral 250.000 barils par jour, tandis que 300.000 barils par jour doivent être kansÉrés de la pro- "L'lrak fait ec{uellement face à de nombreux défis, dont la chute des prix du vince contestée de Kirkouk. pékole et son impacl sur le budget (fedéral)", a souligné le Premier minis- communiqué. Ce pékole doit être transporté par le réseau d'oléoducs kurdes, mais sous tre dans ce le contrôle de la compagnie pétrolière fédérale. Le pétrole brut a perdu plus de la moitié de sa valeur depuis le mois de juin. En contrepart¡e, Bagdad doit débloquer la part dévolue au gouvernement L'lrak, engagé dans une guerre coûteuse contre les jihadistes du groupe régional kurde dans le budget net¡onal, gelée depuis plus d'un an en raison Etat islamique (El), qui occupent une bonne part du pays depuis I'an der- du diffirend pétrolier qui empoisonne les relat¡ons entre Bagdad et Erbil nier, dépend presque entièrement des revenus de son or noir. Selon Nech¡rvan Bazani, chef du gouvernement du Kurdistan irekien, la Le Kurdistan irakien, région r¡che en pékole, a lui besoin de liquidités pour région autonome devait recevoir "1 .200 milliards de dinars (environ 1 mil- payer ses fonclionnaires et financer sa lutte contre I'El dans le nord du liard de dollars) de Bagdad" chaque mois, en contrepartie de ces 550.000 pays.o barils par jour versés à Bagdad qui est chargé de les exporter.

14 Reaue de Presse-Press Reoiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensø-Bøsin Ozeti

Since the inauguration of the Arab Spring in Tunisia and with the removal of President Hosni Mubarak's regime in Egypt in February 2011, the talk that dominated was whether we would be witnessing the end of the Sykes- W¡il'Kurdish Picot order in the region with a new map. The Arab Spring ultimately produced the human tagedy and carnage in Syria and began to be called "Arab Winte/' by some Western pundits. lf there is any reference to a new map for the Middle East, it is drawn by lS Spring'redraw with unrecognized and illegitimate boundaries. However, it is still far from certain what history is shaping for the Kurds'des- tiny and how a new map might be drawn in the Middle East. Middle East map? There could be no better timing for a book with the title "Kurdish Spring: A New Map for the Middle East." A 264-gage, very reader-friendly book from A crltic looks at "Kurdlsh Spring: A New Map for the Transaction Publishers, it was published on Dec. 22, 2014. lt has a fore- Middle East," a new book by David Fhillips that could word by Bernard Kouchnel the former French minister of foreign affairs become a main rcfercnce on the Kurdish struggle. who has a ræry good reputation ¡n the region, greater than his ministerial t¡tle, as the co-founder of Médécins Sans Frontiéres (Doctors Without Author Cengiz Çandar Borders), Fobruary 5, 2015 Not surpris¡ngly, the author is David Phillips, a Columbia Universi$ profes-¡ sor, a former State Department official known for his close relationship with the late US envoy Richard Holbrooke. Kouchner describes him as "The It was almost three years ago that , then prime minister of Activist Professo/' and defines him in the following lines: Ithe Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), on seeing me for the first "Political science keeps events at bay and touches upon them with caution. time atter an unusually long interval, shouted from the distance, even David L. Phillips loves to embrace them. lf you get lost in the day-to-day before we greeted each other: "The Kurdish moment has arrived!" confusion of events, read his book and you will be able to distinguish what His jubilant mood reflected the sentiments shared by most of the Kurds is important from the mundane. ... Phillips knows how to project the real around the region. ln the aftermath of the Arab Spring upheavals that star- world into stale lecture rooms. To commentators and diplomats alike, he is ted in North Africa, rapidly moved to the Levant and took a violent turn in a reality detector, and for us all, a lightning rod in times of confusion." Syria, the insurgent organization of the Kurds of Turkey had begun to issue ln Phillips'own words: "'The Kurdish Spring'draws on my experience as a calls to begin a "Kurdish Spring" by the year 2011. The KRG's self-confi- practitioner and scholar of Kurdish issues for orær twenty{ive years. I hatæ dence was boosted by international oil magnates rushing in to explore and been engaged in various capacities, working with the US Congress, as a produce Kurdistani hyclrocarbons, bringing with them not only the techno- US oíicial, at think tanks, institutes, and universilies. Based on my expe- logical inputs but also the much-needed legitimacy for the quasi-indepen- rience, Kurds are one of America's best and most reliable friends in the dent Kurdish entity. M¡ddle East. ... The Syrian Kurds had started to exercise self-rule in the three cantons, "The Kurds are at a histor¡c crossroads. This book tells their story. There though lack¡ng tenitorial continuity along the long Turkish-Syrian frontier. are many scholars knowledgeable about Kurdish issues and the Middle The one around the largest Syrian Kurdish town, Qamishli, was also at the East. However, few have been inrclved in Kurdish issues for as long as I proximity of the KRG, the other around Kobani at the midpoint of the 911- hal¡e. Few have my experience working with Kurds across party lines and kilometer (566-mile) Turkish-Syrian border and the third around Afrin, which in different countries. Few have been engaged as both a scholar, activist was also right across the Turkish border, a half-hour driræ from the largest and as an official. These pages describe the tragic history of betrayal and c¡ty of Syria, Aleppo, where nearly a half-million Kurds lived. abuse experienced by the Kurds. They also tell a hopeful story of progress, Since then, a new phenomenon was added to the map of the M¡ddle East with Kurds poised to realize their rights and national aspirations." in the name of the lslamic State (lS), which declared itself a caliphate under l^rhile reading, I came across some minor errors - such as the exact Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on June 29. Controlling large tracts of land in eas- Y Y date of the PKK's declaration of its first cease{ire. There could be tern Syria and the western and northwestern parts of lraq, lS has become some people who might disagree with the analys¡s of the author on cer- the neighbor of the KRG, having the longest frontier, nearly 1,000 kilome- tain issues pertinent to the history of the Kurds and the Kurdish struggle. ters (621 miles), which is ludged as the line of confronlation. lS emerged Nonetheless, nothing prevents the book from being the most concise as the main threat to Kurdish self-rule in Syria. The siege of Kobani com- eccount on the history of the Kurds of lraq, Turkey, Syria and lran since pelled US President Barack Obama's administation to respond, form¡ng an David McDowall's seminal book "A Modern History of the Kurds" (1.8. anti-ls coal¡tion and pounding lS positions with US-led coalition aircraft. Tauris, 1996). Kobani was hailed as the "Stalingrad of the Kurds," adding an epic dimen- It is an updated, a very fresh information arsenal on the Kurdish issue and sion to Kurdish nation-building that was accelerated on the ashes of the Kurdish history There is no doubt that it will take its rightful place on the Arab Spring, wh¡ch is no longer blossoming. bookshelves of everyone around the world concerned with the issues of the fhe resistance of Kobani that ended with the withdrawal of lS has Middle East, despite that ¡ts content is less scholarly but more of a "Kurdish I become the pride of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the leading issue for EÞginners" or "Overall Kurdish History 101" for the English-rea- Kurdish party of the resistance. lt was considered the Syrian affiliate of ding public. Turkey's Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which was banned and listed as It can be seen as a wake-up call for the US administration from a pro- a terrorist organization by the US State Department and the European Kurdish independence pundit implying that it is high time for the United Union since the latter half of the 1990s to appease Turkey, a NATO ally States to assist Kurdish efforts for the eventual independent state of the that has become a disappointment for not jo¡ning the West's policies Kurds in the region, so that the map of the Middle East could change. against lS. It is good for Phillips' book that he did not elaborate further. The future of The Kurds, ranging from Barzani's KRG to its main compel¡tor, Turkey's vil- the Middle East is so uncertain that even many Kurds would love to consi- lain, Abdullah Ocalan's PKK and its Syrian affiliate, PYD, presented them- der what is happening or what still may occur as the "Kurdish Spring," but selves as the most valiant and reliable resistance forces for the Western it is still far from certain what is in store for them. world's ant¡-ls dr¡ve We should consider "The Kurdish Spring: A New Map for the Middle East' The paradox is that Turkey is engaging the PKK by talking directly with its to be one of the main reference sources that will ably serve all those leader, Ocalan, who is serving a life sentence on Turkey's prison island, concerned with the Middle East and the Kurdish issues. a lmrali. Turkey's strongman, President Recep Tayy¡p Erdogan, who has see- EU mingly lost any residue of sympathy in Washington and in most of the Cengíz Candar is a columnist for Al-Monitor's Turkey Pulse. A journal¡st since 1976, capitals, has his closest ally in the Middle East as Massoud Barzani, the he ¡s the author of seven books in lhe Turkish language, mainly on M¡ddle East president of the KRG. issues, including the best-seller Meñpotamia Express: A Journey in History.

l5 Revue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stømpø-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

F'cbruarl' 7th 2015

the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The war against Islamic State On the ground the battlefront remains fluid ln November lraqi government forces, with help from coalition air power, retook Baiji, It will be a long haul the site of lraq's biggest oil refinery, in a major reverse for lS. A month later they had ThefightagainstlslamicStateismakingsomeprogressrbutthejihadists lost it again Though lS appeared to have are hardly on the back foot consolidated its grip on the mainly Sunni province of Anbar, some Shia militias, invit- Feb Zth zor5 | RTYADH ed in perhaps surprisingly by local Sunni tribal leaders, have made advances. ln late January, lraqi government and Shia forces pushed lS out of its remaining stronghold in THE repertoire of new horrors keeps Diyala province, north-east of Baghdad expanding. On February 3rd the jihadists of lslamic State (lS) released a video show¡ng Further north the jihadists are also on the the immolation of Flight Lieutenant Moaz retreat. American commanders say that air al-Kasasbeh, a Jordanian pilot captured strikes combined with a ground offensive after he ejected from his F-16 jet, over by lraqi Kurdish forces have pushed back Syria in December. The sickening footage lS from their positions west of Mosul, lraq's appears calculated to attract potential lS second-biggest city, which fell to jihadists recruits; scare and provoke its enemies into last June. lS supply routes from its territory actions that would feed lS's propaganda; in Syria are being cut. Talk of an early sum- and create cleavages between the leaders mer assault on Mosul has also resumed and populations of countries who have That seems premature Efforts to rebuild joined in coalition against it. the lraqi army are unlikely to bear fruit so previously rounding villages held by lS. quickly And the city could not be taken provinces Sure enough, within a few hours Jordan Rebels in to the west of Kobane without a heavy toll in civilian lives. responded by hanging two convicted terror- say their front lines with lS have been quiet, jihadists ists, including one whose freedom lS had suggesting that the are struggling The coalition is also having some success demanded in exchange for Lieutenant to fight on multiple fronts. in hitting lS in its wallet. By destroying oil Kasasbeh But in other respects lS may installations, the air strikes have denied lS have miscalculated. Jordan, which along The biggest setback appears to have been its main source of cash Oil receipts may of invincibility that lS acquired with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had to the aura have dropped by two-thirds to $750,000- last year when its advance through lraq stopped flying sorties against lS after the $1.3m a day from $2-3m in June. Banks in pilot's capture, vowed a "severe" response and Syria seemed unstoppable. Although areas under lS control may have run out of The Jordahian people, many of whom had lS still controls an area of Syria and lraq cash. lS is killing rather than ransoming about the size and population of Jordan, it just days earlier been protesting the hostages, having raised at least $20m in monarch's decision to join the coalition has been unable to expand into areas of 2014. "The key thing is these sources of against lS, now seem united in outrage and lraq where Shias or Kurds are a majority. financing aren't renewable," says Matthew demands for revenge. Even jihadist groups Threatening Baghdad or Erbil now appears Levitt of the Washington lnstitute for Near have expressed outrage at the killing. beyond lS's capacity. East Policy, a think-tank. "While lS is a rich terror group, it is a poor state " People in Desp¡te the ghoulish propaganda, the coali- lS sees no distinction between lraq and Raqqa, lS's Syrian headquarters, say group tion can claim to be making slow progress. Syria, as the coalition does. As the salaries are still being paid, but services- gets It is six months since Barack Obama gath- squeezed in lraq, it is likely to expand crucial to lS's claim to rule-are drying up. ered 60-odd countries into a coalition to into Syria where there is little the coalition "degrade and ultimately destroy" lS. Since could do but increase the number of air These setbacks may help explain the population potentially-friend- the first air strike in lraq on August 8th, the strikes The of group's turn to ever more ghoulish acts to greater campaign has efended into Syria and ly Sunnis is far than in lraq and the bolster morale and keep up the flow of new widened to include arming and training atrocities of Bashar Assad's regime contin- recruits. That suggests an opportunity, says allies such as Syrian and lraqi Kurds, and ue to stir Sunni resentment Outside the Mr Levitt. Stories are emerging of lS fight- lraqi government forces. Kurdish areas there are no local forces to ers who are killed or jailed by the group partner with. Until the coalition can resolve when they try to leave it, but they are not its conflicting interests in Syria, above all America's Central Command claims that widely circulated. "We need [videos ofl for- about 6,000 lS fighters have been killed, how it intends to get rid of the Assad eign fighters who have returned saying: 'l including up to half the group's "top com- regime, lS will at most be contained went but was cleaning toilets;'...'l went and manders". Some reckon it has 30,000 fight- wanted to leave and they killed my two ers in fray. At the end of January Kurdish Foreign fighters appear to be flowing in to brothers'," says Mr Levitt. A long war needs fighters in Kobane, a Syrian town on the replenish losses as fast as eve¡ reckons not just guns and planes but also a compre- journalist border with Turkey, said that they had Rami Jarrah, a Syrian who lives hensive strategy and the patient waging of expelled lS after four months of grim fight- on Turkey's border with Syria ln January a battle of ideas. r ing with help from coalition bombers the lnternational Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence, a More than 1,000 lS fighters are thought to London-based think-tank, suggested there have been killed in that battle. Syrian Kurds were at least 20,000 foreign jihadists, sur- have also extended their control ¡nto sur- passing the number that flocked to defeat

16 Reuue de Presse-Press Reaimt-Berheuoka Çnpê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Bøsin Ôzeti lrrtcnurtio¡¡¡lñtu llork @irncø THURSDAy, FEBRUARy s, 20l5 King Abdullah received rave reviews at home for his tough talk in Washington, where in a meeting with congressional ISISvideo leaders he said his retribution would re- mind people of the Clint Eastwood movie "Unlorgiven."' unites Arabs While the Islamic State video, with its vows to kill other fighter pilots bombing Islamic State positions, was clearly on all sides aimed at trying to scare Jordan out of the American-led coalition fighting ISIS, it seems to have had the opposite in revulsion effect among many Jordanians. Jordan is one of a half-dozen A¡ab countries ac- tively participating in the coalition, and AMMAN, JORDAN Jordan's government spokesman said the kingdom would now step up its in- Jordanian pilot's burning volvement. denunciations "I guess in a way we lost a pilot, but at brings the, same time I think the government and vows of revenge gained a collective support for fighting them, in Jordan and from all around too," said Adnan Abu Odeh, a former BYROD NORDLAND may have been because, according to head of Jordan's intelligence service. ANDANNEBARNARD many comr.neritàtors Wednesday, burn- made big When "Daesh have a error. ing someone alive is prohibited in Islam, There was one thing that manY of the you are weakened âs they have been, aS a punishment that belongs to God Middle East's fractious clerics, compet- you try to make your supporters think alone, applied in hell. Beheadings, on ing ethnic groups and warring sects you are strong by being more mon- the other hand, have a long Islamic his- upon Wednesday: a shared strous, but this time they went too far." could agree tory. sense of revulsion at the Islamic State's In Syria, where a chaotic foúr-year in- Others, while condemning the Islamic latest excess, its video showing a Jorda' surgency provided an incubator for the State, sotrght to draw attention to the nian pilot being burned alive inside a Islamic State, both those supporting Syrian government's barrel bbmbings cage. President Bashar. al-Assad and those of cities, which, according to Human In Syria, the government denounced opposing him condemned the act. Rights Watch and other organizations the group, which has been for Iran, the Syrian government's most tracking the conflict, kill far more civil- months; but so did fighters froin Al important ally and no friend of Jordan, ians than Islamic State, however atten- who oppose both the called the pilot's killing "inhumane and Qaeda Sovern- tion-grabbing the militant group's and the Islamic State. un-Islamic." Al Mana¡, the channel of ment methods. Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood another ally of the Syrian government, In , the president of the Egyptian government for once the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, and the main Syrian exile opposition group, were in acpord on something, the bar- called it "the most gruesome" of many linked the pilot's participation in the barity of the militant group for the way atrocities by Islamic State. struggle against the Islamic State di- it killed the Jordanian, First Lt. Moaz al- which opposes Mr. Assad, like- Qatar, rectly to the Syrian oppositioh's Kasasbeh. Grand Sheikh Ahmed al- wise condemned the killing as "contra- Tayeb, the head of Cairo's thousand' vening the tolerant principles" of Islam. struggle against Mr. Assad. year-old institute Al Azhar and a leading T\rkey, blamed by many in the region "Moaz's blood has mingled with the Sunni scholar, was so angered that he as allowing foreign fighters to cross its soil of our beloved Syria, and whose re. called for the Islamic State's extremists borders into Syria, where some join the mains mingled with those of hundreds Syrians As- to be "killed, or crucified, or their hands Islamic State, also weighed in. Presi- of thousands of killed by and lqgs cut off." dent Recep Tayyip Erdogan called it an sad's barrel bombs and the terrorist ln a way that regular beheadings of act of " savagery" that had no place in group ISIS," Mr. Khoja said in a state- hostages had not, the immolation of Islam, adding, "I curse and damn the ment. "While I strongly condemn this Lieutenant Kasasbeh united the Arab búrning of the Jordanian pilot." barbaric act, which symbolizes pure evil group world in an explosion of anger and dis- In Cairo, Sheikh Tayeb denounced the that the terrorist represents, and gust at the Islamic State, also known as Islamic State as a "diabolical" terrorist the deepest of depravity to which they prepared the ISIS or ISIL, or to mostArabs as Daesh, group, and he cited Quranic verses to are to sink, I call upon governments a word derived from its Arabic ac- show that Islam forbids the burning or peoples and of the world ronym, mutilation of enemies atwar. to stand by the Syrian people and end caused by the Assad re- The sense of anti-Daesh unity made for "This vile terror¡st act," he said in a their suffering strange scenes throughout the region. statement issued by Al Azhar, "requires gime ánd ISIS alike." King Abdullah II of Jordan, caught by punishment as cited'by the Quran for "ISIS's despicable conduct shouldn't surprise in Washington when the video oppressorS and spoilers on earth who make us lose sight of the largest killer of was released on Ttresday, returned home, tigtrt Cod and his prophet, that they be civilians in Syria: Assad's barrel notto anger at his absence, butto aherols killed, or crucitied, or their hands and bombs," he said in an email, "The world has been reluctant to address them out welcome. Crowds lined his route from the legs cut off." airport to cheer Jordan's decision to Al Azhar, a seat of Islamic learning, of a misguided sense that nothing should be done that might constrain the promptly retaliate by executing two con- considers itself a beacon of moderation victed terrorists, both with connections and tolerance for the Sunni Muslim fight against ISIS, but barrel bombs to the Islamic State, only hours earlier. world, and the statement offered no ex- have little if any military significance. The convicted terrorists, a would-be planation for the incongruity of Sheikh They are so inaccurate that the Syrian suicicle bomber, Sajida al-Rishawi, and a Tayeb's advocating some of the same Air Force doesn't dare drop them near the of former top lieutenant of Al Qaeda in medieval punishments typically em- front line for fear hitting its own haq, Ziad al-Karbouli, were executed ployed by extremists. troops. be hard Wednesday at dawn, less than 12 hours Mainstream Arab leaders reacted to "It will to win the hearts and people after the Islamic State vide'o was re- the burning alive in a categorically dif- minds of the Syrian by arguing leased. ferent way to the long string of hostage that they should stand up tq ISIS's atroc- government's." Never known as a charismatic leader, beheadings that preceded it. Partly that ities while ignoring lhe

17 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stampø-Dentro de Ia Prensø-Bøsin Ozeti

l¡¡tcnr¡tion¡l ¿\clu llork @ir¡rcø FEBRUARYS;2015 ISIS is lositrg, but what huppens next?

(if our Kenneth M. Pollack On top of that, many of lraq's recent ward political stability only after conquests were won by lranian-backed disastrous mistakes, which pushed Iraq Shiite militias. The government does into civil war in the first place). \4re are not like to admit it, but these Shiite mili- the only country that can do the job, tias often lead Iraqi attacks and form and we need to do it, or lraq will un- wASHlf{GToN In lraq, the good news the backbone of their defenses. ravel again and President Obama's ju' always seerns to come mixed with bad. In these circumstances, offensive op- dicious decision to recommit to lraq The good news right now is largely on erations into the Sunni heartland An- will be for naught, the military front. Iraqi, Kurdish and - bar, Nineveh and Salah al-Din The White House should designate a American forces appear to be turning Provinces could be disastrous. high-level representative to take on the the tide against the Islamic State, also - The Sunni populace is terrified by re- challenge, like the United States ambas- known as ISIS or ISIL. American air op- ports of Shiite troops sador to lraq, Stuart E, Jones, or anotler inflicted heavy Iosses on erations have diplomat with Ifaq experience, like Brett the group killing its fighters, destroy- - To achievc H. McGurk, now the envoy to the global ing its equipment, disrupting its com- rcal peacc in coalition fighting the Islamic State. impeding its movements. mand and lraq, the U.S. This representative should serve as a As a result, the Islamic State is more must power-sharing mediator, bringing Sunnis and Shiites and more on the defensive. It has not insist agreement, Prom- together to hammer out a new power- made any significant cbnquests since that Shiitc¡ ises that they will sharing arrangement and establish the the summer. During the past month, it and Sunnis--- ;-- - --. not be mistreated, mechanics ofthe reconquest ofthe mounted a major offensive in western Snarle Dower. ' anq a program lor Sunni lands, However, because of the Province but achieved only mod- Anbar reconstruction, the fragmentation of the Sunni leadership, est gains, Sunnis may well see Iraqi government the American representative will prob- American military officials in Iraq tell forces (and even the Kurds) not as lib- ably have to act as its surrogate in ne- me they are conlident that a smaller, re- erators, but as a conquering Shiite gotiations. This is effectively what Am- vamped Iraqi Army will be ready to be- army. bassador Ryan C. Crocker did in gin big operations to retake Iraq from .If that is the case, they will defend the Baghdad in 2007-8. the Islamic State in the next four to Islamic State and, even if it is defeated, Finally, the American representative eight months. Kurdish and Iraqi forces resist the Shiite forces. Military victory will mostlikely need some additional have largely secured Baghdad and its would not erid the slow-burning Iraqi leverage to secure a deal. If Washing- made gains intle cities of environs, civil war, but inflame it. ton were willing to offer additional mili- Baiji and'Samarra, cut off the road by Unfortunately, there is little prospect taiy training, hardware and support which the Islamic State was supporting that the Iraqis will reach a reconcili forces, as well as diplomatic, technical, its garrison in Mosul from its base in ation to avert the danger of catastroph- financial and targeted economic assist- Syria, and are encroaching on Mosul it- ic success on their own. ance, it could persuade Iraqi Sunnis self. In sixto 18 months, the Islamic Mr. Abadi is a goodman in adifficult and Shütes to accept less frem one an- State may,be driven out of lraq alto- position. He understands the importance other in expectation of getting more gether. ofpolitical reconciliation, but he is badly from the United States. Thatwould seemto be agoodthing - constrained in his ability to deliver. Mr. Obama's willingness to recommit a stunning reversal from just six months Many of the most important Shiite to lraq has already yielded important ago, whenthe Islamic State swept leaders oppose reconciliation because results, but the military victories that across northern lraq like ajuggernaut. they distrust the Sunnis. Others will have been achieved could backfire if The problem is that political progress block an¡hing Mr. Abadi does so that military progress is not coupled with in Iraq hds not kept pace with the mili- they can undermine him and take his political reconciliation. Doing so will be tary campaign. In fact, political recon- place. Mr. Abadi is further constrained hard, but hardly impossible. It is essen- ciliation between the Sunni and Shiite by lran, which seems interested in re- tiat if we are to turn the battlefield gains communities is at a standstill. A military conciliation, but only on its own terms. against the Islamic State into lasting victory under these circumstances For its part, the Sunni leadership is political achievements. couldturn into a "catastrophic success." fragmented as a result of Mr. Maliki's Iraq's Sunni and Shiite communities campaign against it. Many Shiite lead- KENNETH M. PoLLAcx, o senior fellow ot the are captive to the mistrust from the drs shrug off calls for compromise with Broohings Institution, is the author, most 2006-8 civil war, inflamed by Prime the Sunnis by claiming that they have recently, of "Unthinhable: Iran, the Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki's violent no strong, legitímate Sunrii partner to B omb, and Amer lcan Str ategY." treatment of the Sunnis from 2010 to bargain with. Yet the government isn't 2014 and the subsequent Sunni embrace doing enough to help unify them. De- of the Islamic State. spite Baghdad's claims to the contrary, The government's securitY forces, there has been little outreach to the both army and police, are overwhelm- Sunni tribes. ingly Shiite. Prime Minister Haider al- The lraqis are not going to solve these Abadi has done a heroicjob replacing problems by themselves. Someone is many Shiite loyalists and political going to have to help them. That hacks at the top of the military chain of someone can only be the United States. command with more competent of- The United States still retains credi- ficers, including many Sunnis. But the bility with lraqis because we pulled off enlisted ranks and junior officers re- the sarne feat in 2008, pacifying Iraq main disproportionately Shüte. militarily and setting it on a path to-

18 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê-Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti fe Jllonû 12 février 2015 chemin du par Urfa Thrcs, Kurdes et djihatistes se livrent à une guerre discrète dans la ville frontalière, théatre de tous les trafics

(oH D;iL¿¿ L!ø-)-.rG¡ ' TURQUIE

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Jtt1æ k',/z a:w.!us, ult

ê Sr I' z;. Lø grande pløce ile la uille il'Urfø accueille de nombreux t téfugiés chaque iour. ville frontière d'Akçakale, où par l'EI au consulat de Turquie à SYRIE" Abou Issa devait être livré à des Mossoul, en Irak, et à la suite \ membres de l'Etat islamique d'intenses pressions diploma- contre Soo ooo dollars, ravis- tiques occidentales, la Turquie a seurs et commanditaires se sont resserré ses filets à l'automne. préparation, de lien avec les affrontés. L'armée turque est Quelque 5 ooo policiers et 10 agents de I'EI qui guident les intervenue. Abou Issa s'en est tiré ooo soldats ont été dépêchés en Texte: Louis Imbert volontaires étrangers des avec une balle dans l'estomac. renfort dans la région, selon les Photos : Laurence Geai pour faubourgs d'Urfa vers la terre du autorités locales, soit une aug- "Le Monde'? djihad ? "Il y a deux guerres contre I'EI en mentation des effectifs de go %. rz février zor5 ce moment. L'une en Syrie et Depuis l'émergence de I'EI, en I'autre ici", dit Redvan Yawz, Cet effort se fait discrètement, et zor3, Sanliurfa ("Urfa la glo- coprésident du Parti démocra- la Turquie se garde bien de fe4janvier,Hayat rieuse", littéralement), 8oo ooo peuple (HDP, filiale déclarer une guerre ouverte aux est purié" tique du LJsou-"¿diene habitants, est devenue un car- politique du PKK) dans la région djihadistes aux côtés de la coali- par Sanliurfa, dite "Urfa", chef- refour majeur sur la route de la d'Urfa. "Urfa est une capitale tion internationale menée par les lieu de région dans le ventre mou guerre syrienne. Cette ville con- pour I'EI, mais les autorités Etats-Unis, qui les bombarde en de la Turquie, à frontière la servatrice, dévote (elle est turques disent qu'elles n'en Irak et en Sy'rie. Car le pays est syrienne, au bord du Kurdistan. réputée avoir lu naître Abraham savent rien. font-elles ? Elles rtlnérable, plus qu'aucun autre, C'était cinq jours avant que son Que et le prophète Job), peuplée attendent que les djihadistes à des attentats de I'EI sur son sol. compagnon, Amedy Coulibaly, ne majoritairement de Kurdes et fassent leur travail en Syrie Un récent rapport des services de soit tué à Paris dans la prise [en d'Arabes sunnites, s'est muée au luttant contre le PKK, que le police turcs, qui a fuité en janvier, d'otages sanglante du magasin fil des progrès de l'EI en une base président turc Erdogan a estimé mettait en garde contre des "cel- Hyper Cacher de la porte de arrière du conflit. Elle est le lieu par le passé aussi nocif que I'EII lules dormantes" de I'EI, qui Vincennes. Selon le quotidien d'une guerre discrète, complexe, ou bien elles en ont peur." comprendraient près de ooo turc progouvernemental Yeni 3 entre les autorités turques, les personnes directement liées au Safak, la veille de cet attentat, le B djihadistes et les miliciens du Dans sa lutte contre le régime groupe. A la mi-janvier, le min- janvier, elle traversait la fron- Parti des travailleurs du syrien, la Turquie a longtemps istre des affaires étrangères, tière. A km au sud d'Urfa, à 5o Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste êtê accusée d'avoir favorisé Mevlüt Cawsoglu, évoquait les travers des champs de blé, de interdit en Turquie), qui affron- l'émergence des groupes radi- craintes de son gouvernement coton et de pierraille, elle dispa- tent I'EI de l'autre côté de la fron- caux, dont I'EI. Sa frontière, face à l'éventuel retour de 7oo raissait dans le territoire tenu par tière, dans les campagnes de poreuse, constamment traversée citoyens turcs qui combattraient les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique Kobané. parles de (48o ooo dans les rangs de l'EI. (EI). réfugiés Syrie pour la seule région d'Urfa), est Un exemple : en octobre, Abou devenue une nasse dont il est dif- Ainsi, le 6 janvier, une femme Ce passage a été lent : il est possi- Issa, commandant syrien de la ficile d'évaluer à quel point les identifiée par la presse russe ble de le faire en une journée. Liwa Thuwar Al-Rakka, qui com- autorités turques la contrôlent. comme Diana Ramazova, origi- Etait-ce parce que la jeune battait à Kobané aux côtés des L EI yfait passer ses hommes, ses naire du Daguestan, en Russie, a femme, enceinte de quatre à cinq Kurdes, a été enlevé en plein cen- armes. Il y vend son pétrole en perpétré un attentat suicide à mois, selon une source proche de tre-ville d'Urfa. Selon ses contrebande. Istanbul, dans un commissariat l'enquête française, savait que les proches, l'attaque avait été non loin de la Mosquée bleue, autorités turques la recher- menée par la mafia turque locale, Après la libération, en septem- tuant un policier. Venue de Sy'rie chaient, sur signalement de la avec I'aide de son chauffeur. A la bre, de otages turcs capturés par la région de Gaziantep, a France ? Ou bien par manque de 46

19 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaieut-Berheuoka Çøpê-Riaista Stampø-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti

é selon la presse turque, elle Erdogan, qui tient la mairie et Ìa était la veuve présumée d'un dji- région. hadiste de IEI, un Norvégien d'o- rigine tchétchène, mort en Syrie. Pour compliquer les choses, un civil ha'issant cordialement l'Etat "Nous avons arrêté r45 dji- islamique peut aussi en être un hadistes venus de Syrie dans la allié fidèÌe. C'est le cas d'Abou région depuis un an, affirme le Shahadi (un nom d'emprunt), z8 gouverneur d'Urfa, Izzelin ans, père d'un enfant, fumeur Küçuk. Mais nous avons 9oo invétéré, qui officie comme kilomètres de frontière com- passeur dans la région de mune. [à-bas, il n'y a pas d'au- Jaraboulous, à roo km au sud-est torité ! Il y a le régime syrien, les d'Urfa. C'est là le deuxième point Kurdes et, au sud d'Urfa, I'Etat d'entrée de l'EI dans la région, Utfø, ile nuit. Døns lø ztieille aille, deux combattønts kurdes ont islamique. Je peux contrôler la qui contrôle les principales villes été blessés aux jambes en iléfmilønt Kobané contte I'EI. frontière de notre côté, pas du syriennes à I'ouest, jusqu'aux leur." faubourgs d'Alep. d'Urfa ou à celui, voisin, de faible. C'est une région tradition- Gaziantep. Abou Shahadi nelle : les tribus sont puissantes", la ville que M. Küçuk est charge Pour Abou Shahadi, I'EI, "ce sont emmène le client à la frontière se lamente ce responsable d'une de défendre est peu riante. Ses des criminels". Sa maison est sans trop causer, dans la journée organisation laique d'inspiration artères épaisses de poussière, située à 3oo mètres de la fron- si possible. Sinon, il le fait dormir marxiste, qui tient le Kurdistan perpétuellement travaux, tière. Comme la plupart de ses en dans une cache de I'EI en ville, turc à I'est d'Urfa. tà-bas, I'EI semblent avaler un centre-ville voisins, il faisait, avant la guerre, plutôt que dans un hôtel. aurait grand peine à prendre ancien perché sur sa butte, où les de la contrebande de cigarettes. pied. Mais dans ces campagnes, il réfugiés syriens traînent en quête Depuis l'êtêzotg, il s'est adapté à De l'autre côté du fleuve a le champ libre et recrute : de travail. On vit ici d'agriculture la demande : il fait passer des Euphrate, d'autres yeux que cerD( Youssouf Yeshiltepe soupçonne et de I'industrie textile. On com- combattants. Des Arabes pour la de l'armée turque essaient de une trentaine de jeunes de merçait auparavant avec la Syrie, plupart, originaires de Tunisie, suivre les mouvements d'Abou Bireçik, la ville voisine, d'avoir suivant un axe devenu la colonne d'Arabie saoudite, mais aussi des Shahadi et de ses clients. Des rejoint les rangs de I'EI. vertébrale de I'Etat islamique. A Européens et deux Français. Une volontaires kurdes ont planté des km, le poste frontière de Tal- cinquantaine au total, qui paient 5o tentes, discrètement, à deux kilo- "Iæs Kurdes votent pour les nota- Abyad, contesté jusqu'au mois de entre 2oo et 1 ooo dollars, selon mètres d'un village que la f¡on- bles, affiliés à I'AKP, dit-il. Iæs juin, est aujourd'hui fermement l'épaisseur de leurs poches. tière coupe en deux, T,iaraL (4o villageois vivent dans leur coin et tenu par I'EI. A zoo km au sud, la votants aux dernières élections, ne nous disent rien, la plupart du ville de Rakka, fief de I'organisa- Pendant un an, Abou Shahadi a côté turc). Iæ responsable local temps. De ce côté de l'Euphrate, tion. Puis, suivant partiellement travaillé pour Jabat Al-Nosra, la du HDP, Youssouf Yeshiltepe, à il y a des villages arabes, qui le cours de l'Euphrate, la ville de branche syrienne d'Al-Qaida. Il qui Ìes volontaires font leur rap- s'arrangent avec l'EL Et de I'autre Deir ez-7nr, au cæur de la région versait régulièrement une port, raconte de drôles d'his- côté, vers Jaraboulous, il n'y a pétrolière gouvernée par l'EI, et trentaine d'euros à un militaire toires. Celle du minibus charge plus de Kurdes." province turc pour sa discÉtion. Iorsque la irakienne d'Anbar, de quinze barbus, passé par que les djihadistes contrôlent l'EI a pris le contrôle de sa ville, il Ziarut en novembre en direction L'armée turque dispose d'une partiellement. Plus loin, c'est a changé d'employeur et s'est fait d'Urfa, et revenu deuxjours plus base en face de Jaraboulous, à Bagdad. plus discret. "Depuis le début des tard, chargé des mêmes, et de une vingtaine de kilomètres de la bombardements lde la coalition quoi d'autre ? Celle des deux dji- frontière. Ses guéútes jalonnent Des Arabes sunnites originaires internationale menée par les hadistes "costauds comme des les villages frontaliers. Mais pour de ces provinces forment une Etats-Unis contre I'EI en Syrie et boxeurs" qui se sont battus dans le gouverneur Küçuk, même dans large part des réfugiés d'Urfa. en lrak, en septembre], c'est un champ, une nuit de décembre, ces regions à haut risque, il est Parmi eux, qui saura distinguer devenu plus difficile. La police avec un paysan de Zérin, village impossible de boucler entière- un membre de l'EI d'un civil ? cherche les combattants voisin. Des concitoyens sont ment la frontière. "L essentiel des "Nous acceptons tout le monde. étrangers." venus lui porter secours, armés trafics de l'EI est fait par de Mais ces gens-là, nous ne les con- de fusils. Puis, des combattants petites mains", dit-il. Ce sont naissons pas, nous ne savons pas Le jeune homme attend ses sans uniformes de la branche quelques armes, de la drogue, un ce qu'ils font", note Ibrahim ordres d'une connaissance au syrienne du PKK (les Unités de camion de pétrole... "Læs villages Kaymaz, vice-président à Urfa du bureau de l'EI, chargée des protection du peuple, YPG), ont de la frontière vivent d'échanges Parti pour justice le médias à Jaraboulous. Ce contact la et sorti les étrangers de ce mauvais du même genre. Si nous fermons développement (AKP, islamo- lui donne un nom, l'heure d'atter- pas. Ils leur ont promis de les totalement les routes de conservateur) du président rissage d'un avion à l'aéroport aider à franchir la frontière et à Jaraboulous et d'Akçakale, ils rejoindre I'EI. "On n'en a plus mourront de faim !" entendu parler", rigole Youssouf -! Yeshiltepe. Abou Shahadi, le passeur, ne dit pas autre chose. "Certains de Selon lui, une trentaine de dji- ceux que j'emmène en Syrie, ce hadistes ont ainsi été arrêtés sont des malades, des fous", qui, cette année par les volontaires dit-il, feront long feu dans les kurdes des environs, et remis rangs de I'EI. "Mais si je leur dis pour la plupart à la police turque. 'je ne prends pas celui-là', ils ne C'était, dit-il, du menu fretin : des m'appelleront plus. Je perdrai hommes isolés, qui n'avaient pu mon travail, et il n'y en a pas se brancher sur les filières de l'EI d'autre." ¡ et improvisaient leur passage. Passeur ile djihailistes, Abou Shøhøilí await aídé une cinquøn- taine ile combattants ,à enfuer en Syñe. Aoant il de la con- laisait parti est trcbande de cigarcttes. "Ici, notre [e PKK]

20 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê-Rioista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti

gas (combattants kurdes), a ajouté que 4.569 de ces combattants avaient Un millier de kurdes en outre été blessés entre le 10 juin et le 3 Évrier. Un préédent bilan faisait état le 10 déæmbre de 727 morts et 3.564 bles- irakiens tués en sés. L'El a lancé en juin 2014 une ofiensive qui lui a perm¡s de prendre le combattant l'El depuis juin contrôle de larges pans de territo¡re en lrak, principalement dans les face à la déroute des forces armées. Après avoir mené (Irak),4 2015 (AFP) régions sunnites, Erbil février son oftnsive vers le sud en direclion de Bagdad, I'attention de l'El s'est tournée vers le Kurdistan. UN MILLIER de combattants kurdes irakiens ont été tués dans les jihadistes, affrontements avec le grcupe Etat islamique depuis juin 2014, date du Les combattants irakiens ont alors voulu stopper I'avancée des début de I'offensive jihadiste en lrak, a indiqué mercredi un responsa- soit en déþndant seuls les villes soit en se ralliant aux brces armées ira- ble de la sécurité kurde. kiennes, avec le soutien crucial des frappes de la coalition internationale menée par les Etats-Unis. a Jabbar Yawar, le secrétaire général du ministère en cherge des peshmer-

12 février 20L5 Les femmes kurdes marchent pour öcatan t2/o2/2015 azadi r>, < Libérez Öcalan o. Abdullah Öcalan, dirigeant du Parti des travailleurs du rrnviron 80 femmes kurdes Kurdistan (PKK), emprisonné .Eet une vingtaine d'hommes depuis 1999 en Turquie pour ont traversé le secteur à I'oc- activités terroristes. Son parti casion de leur marche de figure lui aussi dans la liste < En plus de sa lÍbératÍon, >, rectifie Nursel dans la parfaite Berne à Strasbourg. Ils récla- internationale des organisations nou s reve nd Íquo ns I' autono - wlgate PKK. ment la libération d'Abdullah terroristes. míe démocratÍque >, explÍque Les marcheuses et leurs Öcalan, leader du Parti des Cette nuit, les marcheurs ont Nursel, Ia ttentaÍne, une des compagnons célèbrent aussi un travailleurs du Kurdistan dormi à Erstein, chez d'autres rares milÍtantes présentes à événement qui a mis la cause (PKK). sympathisants du PKK, avant de pailer Ie français. Pas I'Iîtat kurde sous les feux de la rampe : Ils - mais surtout elles, qui reprendre la route pour Índépendant réclamé par les la prise de Kobané, ville martyre organisaient la marche - sont Strasbourg vers 8h30, escortés Kwdes de Turquie, d'Iran, de de Syrie, après une bataille partis le 4 féwier de Berne, la par les gendarmes. Direction le SyrÍe et d'Irak depuis un sÍècle acharnée contre l'État islamique capitale suisse, avec leurs dra- Conseil de I'Europe, où ils ? << En tant que socÍalistes où s'est illustrée I'YPJ, force peaux kurdes, les portraits de retrouveront demain deux autres révolutÍonna ire s, no u s d'autodéfense féminine kurde. r leur leader et cette phrase au dos cortèges partis respectivement sommes contte I' État - nation, de leurs gilets : < Ii Ocalan're de Francfort et du Luxembourg. centre de tous les monopoles

!Á\l-src 14 février 2015

J il ,È Strasboury : Des millierc de r t t I Kuldes man¡festent pour ¡) la libération döcahn étaient venus à pied de Berne, du 14 février 2015 par AFP Luxembourg et de Francfort (ouest de lAllemagne). >, a-t- pour ex¡ger la libération de leur chef historique quand je de l'Union européenner>, a déclaré à IAFP Hélène elle estimé. . tique en ple¡n a¡r, pour le rassemblement annuel tion de M. Öcalan, ayant récolté à travers le monde en deux notamment reçu dimanche dernier la et des pays voisins. principale ans, selon Mme Erin, a été officiellement remise mière fois des représentants du PYD, la Comme chaque année depuis une première qui a vaincu les à des représentants du Conseil de l'Europe à organisation des Kurdes de Syrie marche des Kurdes à Strasbourg en 2000, de jihadistes Strasbourg. de l'EI à Kobané, avant de recevoir nombreux manifestants étaient venus de pays président gouvernement Le défi|é avait également pour but dãfficher mardi le du régional du voisins comme llllemagne, la Suisse ou la la solidarité des Kurdes d'Europe avec les Kurdes Kurdistan d1rak, Massoud Banani. a Belgique. Et comme chaque année, certains qui se battent contre l'Etat islamique (EI) en Syrie

2',1 Retsue de P r esse-P r ess Reaiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riaistø Stampø-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Basin Özeti

9' 2015 úorc: or ¡¡l¡¡rcr FEBRUARY Kurdish Push in lraq, Syria Prompts Sunn¡ Fears

Jamie Dettmer A Kurìlish is PM fløg February Gr, 2015 1:48 seen next to L..-l.--rlI Peshmerga fightets takìng posítìon Ahe lraqi Kurds' offensive against lslamic with their I militants in mainly Arab areas outside weapons on the their autonomous region in northern lraq is against powers ftontline being applauded by Western the lslømic State, jihadist relieved at setbacks. But analysts I on the outskirts of worry that the advances hold serious risks of Mosul, høq, fan. undermining U.S. strategy to coax Sunni 26,2075. Arab tribes to join the battle against the lslamic State. They say the seeds of future cycles of sub- national conflicts are being sown by current fighters will turn their offensive against The Sunni-dominated Western-backed Free hostil¡ties and roiling of sectarian and ethnic lslamic militants into a land grab, retaking Syrian Army brigades - as well as lslamist fault lines. territories they have long maintained were militias - have long fumed at the refusal of Kurds Syr¡a in Few analysts and locals believe the sectarian stolen from them during the rule of lraqi dic- Syrian in northeast to throw pursued forgo focus map across the region can be returned to tator Saddam Hussein, He an their lot with them and to their policy con- an Kurdish state how it was before the uprising against Syrian aggressive Arabization involving on setting up autonomous Their non-aggression pact President Bashar al-Assad triggered wider fiscation and eviction of Kurds, Christians of their own. with gov- fighting among religious communities. That and Turkmen. Damascus following the withdrawal of from northeast early in provided the opening for al-Qaida and rival ln a recent news conference in the lraqi cap- ernment forces the civil prompted fury in Syrian rebel lslamic State, also known as lSlS, to exploit ital of Baghdad, the minister for provincial the war the violence for their own purposes. affairs, Ahmed al-Jabouri, accused Kurdish ranks. fighters of "denying the return of Arab resi- recent involvement of some FSA units From lraq through Syria and on to Lebanon, =he ¡n ttre defense of the Kurdish sectar¡an divisions have been widened. dents ¡n localities where lS has been I bordertown expelled." of Kobani has done little to build bridges Kurdistan Regional Leaders of the between the FSA and the PYD, the dominant (KRG) have reassured Arab According to Denise Natali, an analyst with Government Kurdish party in northeast Syria. neighbors that they have no intention of the lnst¡tute for National Strategic Studies, seeking to liberate the northern lraq city of "U.S.-led efforts to counter the lslamic State "We don't trust them, they have not been partners having a Mosul, now in the hands of the lslamic State. with Kurdish Peshmerga is with us in the fight against Assad," said an But the so-called disputed territories of backlash on Sunni Arab communities." Aleppo-based FSA commander, Abdul Nineveh, Kirkuk, Salahaddin and Diyala gov- ¡he added that "relying on lraqi Kurds to Rahman. ernorates, with their significant Kurdish pop- Jact as coalition boots on the ground may Both Assad, a member of the minority Alawi ulations and history, are another matter. help eliminate some lS safe havens, but is offshoot of Shi'te lslam, whose members Kurds see the KRG as a reduced version of fueling Kurdish land grabs." dominate the government in Damascus, and Southern Kurdistan. The jihadists were able to recruit local Sunni lslamic State, have purposefully set out to Kurdish officials are already talking about Arabs in northern and western lraq to their pit religious and ethnic groups against each eventually being able to establish a multi- cause because of widespread feelings of dis- other, according to Michael Weiss and confessional state going beyond the formal enfranchisement and anger towards a Shi'ite Hassan Hassan, co-authors of a new book, Terror." borders of the KRG. Muslim-dominated central government in "lSlS: lnside the Army of They say the welcome they have received Baghdad. lslamic State deliberately fuels sectarianism from Christian, Turkmen and Yazidi minori- The Kurdish offensive isn't helping to just like the Assad regime, attacking its ties show their fight back against lslamic mil- assuage a deep-set sense of alienation, nor enemy sects to "prompt their counter-reac- itants, whose so-called caliphate straddles is the role being played by lraq's lran-aligned tion [and overreaction], in order to drive protective Syria and lraq, is appreciated, Even among Shi'ite militias, who have been accused of Sunnis into lSlS's arms," they said. those minorities in the Nineveh plains, how- retaliating against Sunni Arabs and engineer- The group then couches its f¡ght in "sectari- ever, there are groups radicalized by what ing their evictions from villages. ln Kirkuk, an-existential grammar," they said, they suffered at the hands of jihadists who the city Kurds see as their lost Jerusalem, That aggressive sectarian¡sm is also spread- are now promoting the idea of their own Shi'ite militiamen have even clashed with ¡ng into Lebanon, risking re-igniting a civil statelet. Others remain wedded to the idea Peshmerga fighters. war the country is still struggling to recover of a unified lraq. Sectarianism has riven also the oppos¡t¡on in from Local Arab tribes are even more suspicious Syria to President Assad. oao of the Kurds. They worry the Peshmerga

22 Reaue de Presse-Press Reriew-Berheaokn Çøpê-Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Bnsin Ozeti

Februara 9,2015 Peshmerga Ministry Criticises Baghdad For Insufficient M¡litary Support Goalition countries to send more weapons to Kurdish forces

Basnews I Shwan Baøir\ii 09.02.2015 - ERBIL Region soon. "Coalition countries also train the Peshmerga and support Kurdish forces by shelling lslamic State (lS) bases." Secretary General of Peshmerga Mlnlstry Jabar Yawar says that "A team of military experts from the coalition will visit the Kurdistan the coalltlon wlll scnd more weapono to Kurdlsh Peshmcrga forces. Region," said Yawar. "As part of the military support of the USled coalit¡on, they will send He criticised the Baghdad government for insufiicient military support, more weapons to Peshmerga," Yawar told BasNews on Monday. saying that although they have sent weapons and ammunitions to the He continued, "Coalition countr¡es continue to send ammunition, Peshmerga twice, it was not enough. weapons and military aid to the Kurdistan Region. Some new German He concluded by pointing out that the MILAN anti-tank systems that weapons have been received and we have asked them for some specific have proved so effective against lS armoured vehicles were donated by heavy weapons, that are expected to be delivered to the Kurdistan members of the coalition. o

February 9,?,O15

"What is important is that they Allies pledge more arms to the all have a lot of respect for the bra- very and dedication of our Peshmerga forces," said Barzani. Kurds at Munich conference Barzani also met with lraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for - february 11,2015 the first time in Munich where they Kutilistan discussed the war against ISIS and Region future plans for Mosul. Germany-The l' íUNICH, Prcsident "I met with Abadi and we dis- IVlwestern' powers. partìcularl y Møssoud cussed many issues among them promised to supply Germany have Banani (R) the situation in Mosul and we more arrns to the Kurdish forces in tpith German agreed to have more cooperation the coming days, said Kurdistan Chancellor between us from now on," said Region President Massoud Barzani Angela Barzani. on Sunday. MerkeL The Peshmerga forces have Angela "Our meeting with pushed back ISIS on many fronts Merkel was very productive and and are currently positioned 25 she is very concerned with the kilometers outside Mosul, but situation Kurdistan," Barzani in German Defense Minister and her Ursula von der Leyen has visited Kurdish leaders believe the Iraqi told Rudaw. "She also told me that European counterparts on the side- Erbil twice in the past few months. government and local Sunnis are they have decided to send m lines of the conference. Banani said that he also met responsible for the city's final president who The Kurdish Germany has been one of with a number of US senators who liberation. ¡ attended the Munich Security Kurdistan Region's staunch allies had pledged to pursue more anns Conference with other world lea- in the war against the Islamic State to the Kurds with the US govern- ders said that he had met with the (ISIS). German Defense Minister ment.

February ll,?Ã15

Peshmarga camps where more than 50 Italian trainers have been Italy adds military stationed. Manetelli is also expec- ted to meet KRG Peshmarga minister, Mustrafa Said Qdir. muscle for ISIS fight Italy, a member of the USJed coalition against ISIS, has also decided to send another 300 mili- - February ll,2015 its ongoing fight against the tary trainers to Kurdistan along guns Islamic State.. with more than 100 machine Itølian ilefense chiel has pro- rìrRBIL, Kurdistan - Italy's top Defense chief Luigi Binelli and an undisclosed amount of anti- mised to prooìile Kurdistan's official has promised Manetelli made the announcement, tank missiles. l!d"f"n.. first -eaer military helicopter his country will provide arms, which also included Kurdistan's The promised helicopter will ammunition and advanced wea- first-ever military helicopter, in reportedly be used for logistical and ponry to the Kurdistan Region in Erbil on Wednesday before visiting medical support on the frontlines r

23 Reaue de Presse-Press Reoiew-Berheaoka Çapê-Riaista Stømpa-Dentro de la Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti

f ntcrn¡tion¡l ñtu llork @irncø FEBRUARY9,2OIS A Shiite militia drives back the Islamic State, but divides much of lraq


BYKAREEMFAHIM At theif victory rally, the Shiite militia- men used poetry, song and swagger to sweeten their celebration of an ugly battle. More than a hundred fighters from the militia, the Badr Organization, had been killed in the farms and villages of Diyala Province in recent fighting against the Sunni extremists of the Is- lamic State. During the battle, thou- sands ofresidents had been forced from their hor:nes - including Sunni families who accused Shiite paramilitary groups like Badr of forced displacement and summary executions. But the militias had,pushed the Islam- ic State back from key areas in a crucial AHMAD ÀL-RUBÀYÊ/A6ENCE FRANCE.PRESSF- in Diyala Province on Feb. 2 alter battle. So on Monday, the Badr Organi- Shllte tlghters ofthe Badr Orgonlzation celebrating zation convened in a mosque at CamP defeating Islamic State mllltants. The mllltia is accused of atroc¡ties against Sunnis. Ashraf, its base in DiyalA to celebrate its "llberation" ofthe province - and to serve notice that it was the vanguald ang to tour the liberated villages. Collaborators were \¡vorse than the ter- force battling the Islamic State, also A group of young fighters in fatigues rorists, he said, warning, "Their punish- known as ISIS or ISIL. gathered in a circle, singing religious ment will be more severe than Daesh's." Speaking at the rally, to an audience hymqs, and broke to join the mob that Fears of retaliation by the militias in past that included giddy fighters barely formed around Mr. Ameri, the guest of Diyala grew last month after residents their teens, the head of the Badr Organi' honor. of the Sunnimajority village of Barwa- zation, Hadi al-A¡neri, boasted of the Standing in front of a backdrop that nah accused Shüte militiamen of ex- towns his men and allied militias had set said "Diyala Wins. Iraq Wins," Mr. ecuting 72 people. Mr. Ameri and other free, "These were big operations that Ameri lightly admonished supporters Badr officials have denied that their others must learn lessons fromi' he said. who chanted his name, telling them to fighters were responsible, even as they But even as Mr. Ameri was fishing for praise lraq instead. He reached out to have promised to clamp down on abus- broad support and recognition, his Sunnis, pledging.that Diyala would be a es. group stands among the most divisive "safe area," and responded to the accu- A localBadr leader in Diyala, Harath in Iraq, accused of atrocities against he had been in Barwanah sations ofatrocities by his fighters, warn- al-Rubai, said Sunnis and known for its close ties to executions occurred, ing that there would be consequences for on the day the Irah, The new government of Prime cards of retugees abuses, including kidnappings and checking the identity Minister Haider al-Abadi, which has killings, though he did not explicitly ac- from other villages. the promised to rule inclusively, has been knowledge that they had happened. He said he had heard about next day. don't know under pressure to distance itself from "We are determined to complete our killings only the "I killed," he retaliatory attacks against Sunnis by mission," Mr. Ameri added,listing other how and when theY were promised a both Shiite and Kurdish militiamen. Iraqi provinces that his fighters would added. The govèrnment has into the allegations. At the same time, Mr, Ameri's boast liberate soon. "God willing, we will de- full investigation for Human rings true: His militia has been among feat Daesh in lraq," he said, using the Erin-Evers, a researcher for the most elfective fighting forces Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. Rights Watch, said it was dangerous military against the Islamic State, gaining His fighters seemed to be spoiling for the government to outsource ground even as the lraqi ArmY has the coming battle. Haida¡ Aidan, 25, de- operations to Badr and other militias in faltered in many places despite support scribed eight days of grueling work in Diyala, a mixed province home to Sun- from American airstrikes and trainers. the village of Mansouriy4 dodging nis, Shütes, Kurds and Tl¡rkmen. Now, the Badr Organization's leaders snipers and defusing explosive devices. "It's a place where anywhere You have asserted that their fighters and TWenty-five other Badr fighters, he light a match, it's guaranteed to start a other alied militias - organized under said, had been killed there. fire," she said. She said her organizâtion the banner of "popular mobilization" Families had been displaced, but Mr. had received reports that the militias, forces - are ready to advance to neigh- Aidan seemed confident that they would with the cooperation of some Iraqi secu- boring provinces and other Iraqi cities be able to return soon, echoing the as- rity forces, had been "disappearing" menaced bythe Islamic State: a shadow surances of his superiors, Now that Mr, people in the province for at least the army to lraq's official security forces, Ameri had declared the province free of last year and a half. flush with its own success, Islamic State militants, "we will go find Salah al-Jabouri, a Parliament mem- At their celebration on MondaY, the other places to liberate," he said. ber from Diyala, said there had been at- militia's leaders úere feeling expansive. Ali Jassim Kadham, another fighter, tempts by "bad people" in the militias Tlibal sheikhs had been invited to Camp also said it was important to return to alter the province's demographic bal- Ashraf from around the country, some Sunni families to their homes. But his ance by not.allowing Sunnis to return to milling around a small photo exhibit of talk of reconciliation faded as he spoke their homes. "Violations against Sunni the Diyala battles. Journalists had been about Sunni tribes who he asserted society in Diyala will weaken the asked tojoin as well, to listen to speeches were allied with the Istamic State. strength ofthe popular mobilization and

24 Reaue de P r e sse-Pr ess Reaieu) -B erheooka Çapê- Riaistø Stømpø-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

make Daesh stronger," he said. ter shorta$es in the region. The water and some homes in rubble But there were few signs of tension as was flowing again, and a bridge over the One shopkeeper, Hafiz Hussein, said Badr ¡nilitiamen, accompanied by Iraqi dam tltat was damaged had been tem- that some of the residents, especially security forces, led journalists on a tour porarily repaired, allowing passage Sunni neighbors, were frightened bythe of the province in a heavily armed con' over the waterway. Shiite militias and had fled. He said he voy on Monday. A militia anthem blared The Badr Organization's signs were hoped they would return. from speakels on a truck toward the freshly planted along the roads of For manywho had stayed, the militias head of the convoy, catchy but dark, a Muqdadiya District, in a show of author- had brought only relief. "Daesh was like warning to Badr's enemies: "Fight lty. hell," he said. them!" men sang, "Killthem!" Things appeared to be slowly return- The fighters proudly showed off the ing to normal even in villages like Al Folih Hassa¡¡ contributed repor ting. Sudour irrigation dam, which the Sunni Aqoud, where a battle between the mili- extremists had taken ove¡ causing wa- tias and niilitants had left stores burned

fnfcrn¡tion¡l lfctu llork @inrcø FEBRUARv s, 201S How Iraq subsidizeslslamic State

AkiPeritz to pay civil routine in some enables hospitals in occupied areas fO servonts places,evenonthe remain open (if starved of medical sup- in territory frontlines. Referring plies), even though they now primarily jihadist The Islamic State generates all sorts of controlled to such practices, one serve the fighters. funds to power its terrorist empire bviihadists. Iraqiofficercon- There are a number of steps Baghdad by smuggling oil, imposing taxes from- trolling a military could take to choke off these funds. To the locals, plundering archaeological checkpoint outside of cut off these thousands of civilians im- treasures and ransoming hostages. But Falluja recently noted, "There is a kind mediatelywould cause great hardship, there'S one major source ofrevenue of strange coexistence between ISIS especially now when fuel for heating is that often goes unmentioned: funds and the government authorities." in short supply. But one action the Iraqi earmarked for lraqi civil servants. Evidently, the Islamic State gener- government can take is to place these At least five million people are em- ates significant income by skimming off salaries in an escrow account, to be ployed by the lraQi government, and it the top of this cash trafficking. Accord- paid out when the employee perma- is reasonable to assume that a signifi- ingto one researcher's estimate, the Is- nently flees Islamic State territory. cant portion of lraq's $102 billion lamic State confiscates up to 50 percent Another measure would be to oblige budget for 2015 will be committed to the of the civil servants' salaries. Naturally, each individual to collect his or her in- sala¡ies and pensions of these civil ser- the organization monitors the distribu- come personally from the Iraqi govern- vants. And tens ofthousands of govern- tions : In a neighborhoöd of Mosul, for ment. This would play havoc with the ment workers still collect salaries from example, a jihadist guard is ässigned to Islamic State's revenue streams, An- Baghdad even though theylive and wait for the trusted individual to return other tactic would be to persuade the work in cities controlled by the Islamic with the rnoney. His job is to appropri- Sunni tribes to demand ISIS reduce its State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. ate any unclaimed cash "1or those who cutr causing dissent within Islamic These include doctors, teachers, did not show up," State territory. nurses, pharmacists and the whole Why does Baghdad persist with this All ofthese policies risk causing spectrum of municipal workers. system? After all, most of the Shiite or grave hardship among mostly innocent Despite the de facto partition ofthe other non-Sunni government workers people caught in an already terrible country, a majority of these Iraqi gov- in Islamic State-held temitory have situation. The real solution, of course, is ernment employees report for work either been murdéred or forced to flee, to wrest those towns and cities from Is- just as they did before. According to the leaving behind Sunni employeeS, some lamic Stäte control. London-based Arabic newspaper of whom may in fact have sympathies Smothering the Islamic State's finan- Asharq Al-Awsat, workers from the withthe militants. cial resources is one of the waysthis electrical and water departments in the There is a humanitarian justification, group can be degraded and ultimately Islamic State-controlled city of Falluja since these salaries help pegple survive destroyed. The jihadist organization is go about their regularjobs unmolested the winter, but lraq also claims that it already contending with lower oil by their new rulers. needs to show it has not forsaken its prices, and there is only so much money And government emplóyees still need civil servants. But this argument falls the group can extort from struggling lo- to be paid. For example, Baghdad flat, considering that Kurdish employ- cal people. This makes it even more im- provides about $130 million every month ees have gone without pay for ayear portant to stop the river of money flow- to pay all its workers in Mosul, accord- because of oil disputes that for a time ing from Baghdad to its Islamic State- ing to the head of the Nineveh provincial led Baghdad to freeze funding to the controlled civil service. It's a politically council's finance committee, who was Kurdistan Regional Government. unsustainable situation that must be torced to flee when the Islamic State There might also be a deeper cultural stopped in one way or another. took over. We can estimate that the Iraqi explanation embedded in the Iraqi state. pEnrrz treasury has paid over $t billion to these Despite the turmoil over the last AÍt is aformer C.I-A,, counter- generation, workers since the city fell last June. the Baath Party socialist ter r orism analy st and the co-author job The official financial system has been mentalitythat a government is a of " Find, Fix, Findsh: Insíde the Counter- protected job down since the jihadist militia seized for life is still deeply in- terrorism Campaigns that Killed bin grained control ofthe banks, so department in Iraqi society. To cut all its Laden and Devøstated Al Qaeda.'' emissaries are sent into lraqi or Kurd- workers off is anathema to this ethos. ish territory. They collect the salary Bureaucratic inertia is a powerful force, money and return to Baghdad is nevertheless spending a fair portion of its budget to keep alloat a Money still disburse it. This regular rickety system that benefits its most flows from shuttle for trusted in- fearsome enemy, Besides providing the Baghdad dividuals has become Islamic State with cash, this policy also 25 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaieut-Berheaoka Çapê-Riaista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensø-Bøsin Ozeti

NBCNE\ February ll,20l5

a f Analysis: \Mhy Kurds-Are Losing Patience With the fI.S.

American flags hangíng behind the cash By Rlchard Engel registers at shops and restaurants. The February tr, ror5 Kurds belíeve that a strong relatíonshíp wíth the U.5. is key to achieving their ultí- mate goal of independence. Kurds, who make up about t7 percent of çRBIL-Hewler, Kurdlstan reglon'¡lraq'r- lraq's population, are members of an ethnic LJust a few dozen soldlers with automa- group often referred to as "the largest sta- tlc rlfles and an old Humvee guard the teless nation." Theír historical homeland is Kurdlsh front llne against lSl5. divided between Syria, lran, lraq and This Kurdísh outpost near the Mosul Turkey. Kurds spent the past century Dam is attacked several times a day, every demanding, fíghtíng and dying for the right Rìchanl Engel on Peshmerga Eront day. So far, lSlS has sent twenty car bombs to a free and independent homeland. Now, Lìne ìn Northern lrøq to try to destroy it. The Kurds are hanging at last, that dream seems within reach, on, barely, and are increasingly frustrated, During the U.5. war ín lraq, the Kurds They want to know why the U.5. their were constructive partners in a fragile ally ísn't helping more or supplying- the three-way government with their Sunni and now. And the referendum, oríginally sche- guns- and ammunítion they seek. Shiite neighbors. But the Americans have duled to take place last year, is almost gua- But Washington isn't ignoring the Kurds gone and lSlS has ended the illusion of lraqi ranteed to show that lraqí Kurds are ready out of spite. lt's dragging its feet out of unity, leaving the Kurds free to declare their to break away. concern that those weapons would not just lands as their own. All of this puts two key elements of the be used agaínst lSlS and would eventually, As lSlS fighters marched through one U.S. polícy ín the region on a collision serve another cause: Kurdísh indepen- lraqi city after another last summer, lraq's course. dence. army withdrew in advance of their arrival. "The United States not only has to Fight lSlS orfightto keep lraq together? While lraqi forces ran away, the Kurdish worry about the lslamic State, but it also To hear President Barack Obama and forces known as Peshmerga grabbed needs to worry about the future uníty of Secretary of State John Kerry describe it, the city- of Kirkuk and its vast oíl -fields. lraq," says Anthony Cordesman, a Middle the war on lSlS sounds straightforward. The It was a hugely important moment. East specíalist at Washington's Center for vícious terrorist group has spread through Now that they have the city, they have no Strategic Studíes. Syria and lraq and ís slowly kíllíng both intention of giving it back to the central "This is a little bit of a combination of a nations. government in Baghdad, whích they see as juggling contest and a tightrope walk," lSlS has often been described as a can- corrupt and sectarían, Cordesman continued. "lf you make a mis- cer. The U.S. air campaign is designed to The Kurds believe Kírkuk's oil will make take, essentially you can trigger a new form destroy the cancer and heal the nations it the autonomous Kurdish regíon ín northern of civil conflict." ínfected. But lSlS has ínsínuated itself along lraq an economically viable, even wealthy, MORE ARMS old, unresolved fault lines in lraq. And now- state. Control of Kirkuk is the key to nation- Políticians ín Washington, desperate for here is this plaíner to see than ín Kurdistan hood that Kurds have always sought. good news from the war against lSlS, often El- or northern lraq, as the government in There is a formal referendum comÍng on heap praise on the Kurds, -who, with the Baghdad calls it. the fate of lraqi Kurdistan. Before lSlS came help of U.S. advisers and close air support The U.S. military has a special alliance along, Kurds míght have seen the benefit of from the U.5. military, have managed to with lraq's Kurds. Unlike the Arabs both keeping their uneasy alliance with the lraqi take back large areas that were lost to the Sunni and Shiíte the Kurds have never- rai- state. They needed the money that the cen- extremists in June. sed arms against- U.S. troops. ln fact, even tral government was sending north and the But, in an exclusíve interuiew, the man before the U.5. invasion in 2oo3, the Kurds lraqí army, with its superior, American-pro- who runs the Kurdish region's security have been unabashedly pro-American. vided weapons was a better guarantee of councíl told NBC News that neither airs- Erbil the Kurdísh capital is unique safety in a volatile regíon than the lightly- tríkes nor praise from Washington are in being -an lraqi city where you- can see armed Peshmerga. All that has changed enough to win the war. +

26 Reaue de Presse-Press Reoiew-Berheookn Çøpê- Riaistø Stampø-Dentro de la Prensø-Basin Ozeti

"Praising is good. We also see our- lndependence, Barzani said, "Iis] a God found is to split the difference, arming the selves as trusted allies of the United States given right of the Kurdish people to be equal Kurds just enough to fight lSlS but not with and the free world," Masrour Barzani, not less than any other nation on the face of heavier weapons that could later be used in an internal war Baghdad. The Kurds are Chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security the Earth." with JLONG WAR' frustrated. And so, they say, are the Council, said. "But fighting needs more The more Kurds speak of an indepen- Americans that were sent to help them. than just praising. lt needs guns, it needs dent future, the less comfortable U.S. offi- "Basically, they're doing their best," cials will likely be to send them weapons. Barzani says about the American advisers. "l Speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press" on But failing to adequately arm the Kurds think many of them are as frustrated as Sunday, Kerry said he fully understood iust would not only be a betrayal, but it could we Barzani's but added: fact "impatience" "The slow or even reverse the progress they Balancing competing ¡nterests and goals is that the lraqi Army itself needs to be have -already made against- l5lS. seems líke sound policy. But what seems retrained and stood up." looks like this is going to be a long sound on a power-point presentation in However, the Kurds and the lraqi Army "lt war,tt Barzani told NBC News. "Peshmerga Washington does not seem reasonable to want different things for lraq. There is little armies are doing their best, fighting lSlS men who are fighting on the front lines. The doubt that arming the Kurds will hasten the with whatever they have in their possession Kurds have lost t,ooo Peshmerga in the fight day when the Kurds declare themselves which is not much really. lt's a very difficult against lSlS and absorbed an unpreceden- independent. Kurdish leaders are increasin- ted wave of refugees, The patience of one gly comfortable speaking of an independent The solution the administration has of our closest allies is wearing thin. o Kurdistan in northern lraq as their goal.

F-cbruarv I Jth 20 ¡ 5

Ttrkey and its Kurds f)reams of self-rule I t,.- The dance of Kurds seeking autonomywith a government wanting support

Feb r4th zor5 | CIZRE AND SURUC

ON A reænt evening in Cizre, an old Kurdish Yet many Kurds believe the state is behind the settlement sk¡rted by the ïgris river in south- v¡olence that has recently gripped Cizre. At least east Turkey, a family grieves. Muhammad, their six people have died, four of them children. One 2O-year-old son, died fighting jihadists of lslamic l2-year-old was shot, allegedly by security State (lS) across the border in the Syrian town forces, on January 14th. One police officer has of Kobane shortly efter Kurdish forces declared been arrested so far. vic{ory on January 26th "Cizre gave'17 martyrs The unrest began in October when Turkey refu- for Kobane," says Mullah Qassem, an imam sed to let Kurdish fighters open a corridor to who has come to pay condolences. Pan- Kobane. lt escalated into street battles between Kurdish sent¡ments have been sharpened by PKK supporters and Huda-Par, an lslamist Where Kobane's now lie the battle against lS, in turn stining the long- Kurdish party, whose precursor, Hizbullah (unre- standing rebelliousness of Cizre, where a legen- lated to the eponymous Lebanese militia), was dary Kurdish emir, Bedr Han, rose up egainst used by the Turkish state to fight the PKK in the suggesting it may not clear the hurdle the Ottomans in the early 19th century. "Cizre is 1990s. The PKK insists that Huda-Par has links ln the regional capital, Diyarbakir, many Kurds ours, Kobane is ours, we must fight for both," to lS and that Turkey backs both. Huda-par and don't want to be part of the Turkish parliament says Muhammad's mother, Selma Turkey deny these claims. anyway. "We should form our own parliament The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) started ln Cudi, a gritty part ol Cizre, men and women uniting all the Kurdish parties," argues S¡tk¡ fighting for Kurdish self+ule in 1984. Scores huddle round wood-burning stoves as they keep Zilan, ot Azad| an lslem{¡nged group. Sahismail were killed in Cizre in 1992 when Turkish forces nightly vigil at "checkpoints" to keep Huda-par Bedirhanoglu, a businessman, blames the opened fire on civilians who celebrated the and Turkish forces out. Earthen mounds serves government. "Their Kobane policy has deepe- Kurdish new yeer in defiance of orders to stay as banicades. PKK banners and portraits of ned separatist impulses. lf the HDP is not repre- year home. Muhammad was imprisoned for a Ocalan are strung above the skeets. "The state sented in perliament, tensions could spiral out of for throwing stones at a police vehicle. "He was cannot come here, we are in charge." boasts control," he warns only 14, he then vowed to join the PKK," Selma Sami, a 16-year-old Like thousands of Kurds he Farther west, in Suruc, which stands opposite recalls. ekes out a living harvesting crops in western Kobane, some 200,000 Syrian Kurds who fled The Justice and Development (AK) party has Turkey. "l began going to the fields in my the war preËr to stay in rough camps run by the made unprecedented overtures to the Kurds, mother's tummy," he says. Unemployment in HDP-run municipality rather than a shiny refu- easing bans on the language and talking to the Cizre runs alTOo/o, against a net¡onal average of gee complex built by the government. "We feel imprisoned PKK leader, Abdullah Ocalan. Atwo- 10%, says Leyla lmret, the 27-year-old HDP free and et home here," said Nejaha, a war year ceasefire is holding Adeal giving the Kurds meyor. widow A section for "martyrs of Kobane" has pert package more r¡ghts is on the table as of e She insists the HDP will win the minimum 10% been added to the local cemetery where this pro-Kurdish that AK hopes would see the of the national vote needed to win parliamentary correspondent counted 66 fresh graves. But (HDP) People's Democracy Party back a new seats in June's elec{ion. The party used to field Muhammad was buried in Kobane. "No need to presidency, constitut¡on, including an executive independents to circumvent the 10% rule But bring him back. lt's all Kurdistan," says his afrer Turkey's June 7th election. this time it plans to run as a party despite polls mother. r

27 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stampø-Dentro de lø Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti Ft'lrtt¿rrr ll. llll5 Hollande-PYD meeting challenges Erdogan French President Francois Hollande, by hosting at Elysee Palace two Kurdish female leaders from Kobani, sends a strong message to Ankara. f

Fehim Tagtekin a February '12,20'15 t f rench President Francois Hollande has ¡n¡t¡ated a diplomatic move I strongly challenging President Recep Teyyip Erdogan, who consid- ers the Syrian Kurds' People's Protection Units (YPG) in the self-styled .[ Rojava canton to be a terror organization and who is seriously dis- -L,.- b turbed by the US military assistance to the Kurds in their fight aga¡nst French President Francois Hollønile receiaes Kutilish leaders the lslamic State (lS). On Feb. 8 et the Elysee Palace, Hollande host- Asya Abilulløh ønd Nesrin Abdullah at the Elysee Pøløce in ed Asya Abdullah, the co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD); Paris, Feb, 8,2075, Nesrin Abdullah, the commander of the YPJ (YPG's women units); and Khaled lssa, the PYD representative in France. The meeting was held at the personal and ofücial invitation of Hollande. Aysa Abdullah attend- When asked whether there was discussion on expanding the anti-ls ed the meeting in her traditional Kurdish costume and Nesrin Abdullah war to outside of Rojava or whether the Kurds will participate ¡n the in her combat uniform. Accounts difier, but the two Kurdish women struggle against the Damascus regime, Kobani replied: "We explained reportedly flew from Erb¡l to Paris ¡n e private plane sent by France or our views on Syria. Our resistance is the resistance of all freedom- on a scheduled flight with ell expenses peid. seeking Syrian groups. Our goal is to democratize all of Syria We want proven ourselves militarily and political- Even more significant was the dissemination of photographs of the e decentrel¡zed Syria. We have ly. put together democratic governance model incorporating all meeting that put on record recognition of the Kurdish identity, Kurdish We a political, groups. to preveil in political entity and Kurdish defense forces by French leaders through ethnic and religious We want this system Syria. lt is not possible to put this system in place under the cur- the website of the Elysee Palace. all of rent dic{atorship " One of the major intended targets of this message by Hollande is undoubtedly Ankara. PYD representat¡ves told Al-Monitor that the mes- WAR WILL EXPAND, BUT HOW? sage is mostly aimed at Turkey. The visit has thus become the most My next question was: lf it is impossible to move forward w¡th the cur- momentous indicator of the legitimacy Rojava is gaining in the interna- rent regime, would th¡s mean that Rojava forces would adopt an oftn- tional arene PYD Co-Cha¡r Salih Muslim previously held meetings with sive posture, abandoning their defensive policy of try¡ng to keep the Western ofücials, but they were not as notable or symbolic. war away from their territory? GUNS FROM THE WESI CORRIDOR FROM TURKEY Kobani answered: "We will go into alliance with free Syrian forces that share our objective. haven't given up our legitimate self-defense, PYD ofiìcials told Al-Monitor that the Kurdish representatives recount- We l¡ke Burkan el-Firat Volcano] attached to the ed the situat¡on in Rojava and asked for advanced weapons to fully but ¡f forces [ Free Syrian Army are attacked, we will play our role end help eliminate the lS threat. Kurds are mostly seeking ant¡-tenk weapons of [FSA] like they did at Hasakah, we will the type Germany supplied to the Kurdistan Regional Government. them lf regime forces again attack respond. We already have had several clashes with regime forces at Hollande said support for the Kurds in their anti-lS shuggle will contin- Aleppo." ue lssa said of the Elysee meeting: "We explained that we are propos- ing our Rojava model for all of Syria. We emphasized that internation- When reminded that the FSA had lost its effect¡veness in the field, and al support against the lS threat must continue." that in addition to lS, organ¡zetions such as Jabhat al-Nusre, the Army Ahrar al-Sham were becoming prominent, Kobani said: Zuhat Kobani, the PYD foreign relations official, also spoke to Al- of lslam and "We are talking of cooperation with forces that accept the model we Monitor about the visit: "The visit was made at the official invitation of The organizat¡ons you listed are actually fraternal brothers of the French president. All facilities were provided for the delegation to created. lS. Partnership with them is not possible. We had made an agreement come to Paris. Our representatives told Hollande that the Kobani victo- with them when Serekaniye was ettacked but they immediately exploit- ry ¡s not a success only for the Kurds but for all of Syria. They told him, and tried to dominate region. is when the 'We are also fighting against those who attacked Charlie Hebdo. Our ed this agreement the This YPG expelled them. Our experience shows there can be no agreement res¡stance is your resistance. We must move this struggle fonrard. The with those groups. We are now trying to ¡mplement an egreement at YPG and the PYD are your friendly forces.' Afrin similar to our alliance with Burkan el-Firat." "They discussed how to jointly fight lS. lnternational assistance is badly NEXT, WASHINGTON VISIT need for the reconstruction of Kobani, which wes destroyed in the war. We want Turkey to open a corridor to Kobani. This conidor is vital to Kobani said the YPG and YPJ will be having other meetings in Europe bring in supplies for reconstruction and international teams that will and that an expanded PYD delegation, including Asya Abdullah, is come to work on those projec{s in Kobani We esked for his help to planning to visit Washington. The United States had earlier denied a reelize our requests. The French president was positive and stressed visa to Musl¡m, reportedly because some of h¡s statements had dis- that their support will continue. France wants to lead the war aga¡nst lS turbed Washington. But PYD sources sa¡d the United States has and is seeking ways to cooperate w¡th Rojava actors ¡n that frame- already issued a v¡sa to PYD Europe representative Sinem work." Muhammed, and they are now expecting visas for the other members of the delegation. +

28 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riuista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

+ Turkey will learn a lesson now." European countries are closely following the model thet is now oper- The photos from the Elysee Palace were yet more signs of how deep ational at Rojava. Former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner Turkey's regionel isolation has become. Ankara was in harmony with and Gregor Gysi, a leader of the German party The Left, visited the France when cracks appeared in Turkey's relations with the United Jazee¡a canton in November 2014. Around the same time, a delega- States about Syria afrer 2013. A êw hours after US President Barack tion of the European Parliament also visited the area. There is defi- Obama listened to Erdogan's objections, US military planes delivered nitely a growing interest in Rojava after the deÞat of lS at Kobani. weapons to Kobani and the bombing campaign age¡nst lS began as unmistakable harbinger of the new Middle East policy of WISHED ERDOGAN HAD DONE IT BEFORE HOLLANDE the Washington "despite Ankara." Hollande's gesture to the Kurds will ln contrast with the spectacular ¡nterest France showed the Rojava expedite the process of the legitimization of the Kurds. There are no government policy actors, the Turkish stuck to its of discrediting the signs that Erdogan and his team are go¡ng to reverse their policy of Kobeni res¡stence. The negative language used by Erdogan, who trying to elim¡nate the Rojava actors. Only recently, the Turkish branded the PYD as a terror organization and equeted it with lS, is Foreign Ministry reaffirmed its position that the PYD is a terrorist now reflected in ofücial statements from other Turkish bodies, led by organization. o the Turkish armed forces Fehin Taçtekin ¡s a columnist and ch¡ef editor of fore¡gn news at the Tufuish Zuhat Kobani, refening to Turkey's supportive position of lS against newspaper Radikal, based in lstanbul. He ¡s the host of a fotTnightly prcgran the Kurdish resistance while there is growing European support for the called "Dogu D¡vant" on IMC Tv. He ¡s an analyst specializ¡ng ¡n Tur4¡sh for- Kurds, said: "The reception accorded to our delegation in their tradi- eign policy and Caucasus, Middle East and EU afÍairs. He was founding ed¡tot tional costumes and military uniform at the Elysee Pelace wes en of Agency Caucasus. open message of the acceptance of the PYD, YPG and YPJ. We wish that Erdogan had done th¡s before Hollande and had received the Kurds. As a neighbor, that is what we expected ftom Turkey. We hope

THE WORLO BANK :,). tBnD. tûA The Kurdistan Region of lraq Needs an Estimated US$ 1.4 billion this Year to Stabilize the Economy

http:/Arww.worldba nk. org and fiscal effects on the KRG economy public ser"rices. we accepted and treated and budget, while stabilization cost refers them as our own by providing access to all ERBIL, February 12. 2015 - The to the additional spending that would be public services in our region," said or. Rli l- Kurdistan Regional covernment (KRG) needed to restore the welfare of residents Sindi, KRG Minister of Planning. "while our is facing an economic and humanitarian cri- of the KRl. government has allocated significant sis as a result of the influx of Syrian refu- "The international community remains resourcesflrrough the lmmediate gees (starting in early 2012) and more deeply concerned by the circumstances Response Plan[b accommodate the needs recently the lnternally Displaced Persons facing the refugees and lnternally of the displaced population, it cannot (lDP) in 2014. According to a newly com- Displaced Persons in the Kurdistan Region address this big scale humanitarian crisis pleted KRG - world Bank report, econo- of traq," said Robert Bou Jaoude, wodd on its own. Greater support from the natio- mic growth contracted 5 percentage Bank Special Representative for lraq. "We nal and international partners will be nee- points in the Kurdistan Region of lraq hope that this assessment will support the ded to rise above this humanitarian crisis (KRl), and poverty rate more than double KRG's dialogue with its national and inter- and meet the needs of the displaced." increasing from 3.5 percent to 8.1 percent. national counterparts and that a swift reso- The report is an outcome of close col- The report, Economic and Social lution to this problem will be identified." laboration between a wide spectrum of lmpact Assessment of the Syrian Conflict gank The study highlights how prices and world experts and regional govern- tSlS Crisis, provides national and regio- and unemployment have increased, and refu- ment institutions and international partners. nal policy makers with a technical assess- gees and tDPs entering the labor market "A national and international response is ment of the impact and stabilization costs are pushing wages down. A surge in vio- needed in the immediate future and in the needed for 2015, associated with the influx lence led to supply side shocks. The lSlS medium-term there is a need for structural of refugees and tDPs. The stabilization cost crisis has had a significant effect on trade reforms," said Sibel Kulaksiz, world Bank is estimated at US$1.4 billion in for 2015 of goods and services. Transportation Senior Economist and Project Leader. "The additional spending above and beyond the routes were disrupted. Foreign direct authorities have already recognized the KRG budget. This estimate could get much investment flows have declined and opera- need for economic reforms and the diver- higher depending on how long the crisis tions of foreign enterprises have been siflcation of the economy. lndeed, one of persists. while the KRG has been respon- adversely affected. Disruption of public the main pillars of the KRG Vision is the sive to addressing the needs of the displa- investment projects have had a negative development of a diversified economy dri- ced population up till now, more resources impact on the economy. ven by the private sector." o are needed to avert this humanitarian crisis a result the Syrian conflict and and address the needs of the displaced "As of population population in the medium and long-term. the lSlS crisis, KRI's increased percent placing on local lmpact refers to the immediate economic by 28 strains the economy, host community, and access to

29 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheookn Çapê-Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

étiaient auparavant contrôlées par Daech", acronyme arabe pour l'El, a préc¡sé les Kurdes ont repr¡s dans un communiqué le commandement américain interarmées qui d¡rige les d raids contre IEI (CJTF-OIR) du terrain à l'El près de L'assaut kurde a été soutenu par quatre ra¡ds "précis et eficaces" de la coalition entre vendredi et dimanche, a-t-il ajouté. Des conseillers militiaires de la coalition Mossoul (armée américaine) ont auss¡ foumi aux Kurdes "une aide en matière de ænseignements" Washington,9 février 2015 (AFP) "Les peshmergas contrôlent maintenant les positions qu'ils ont reprises et sont LES COMBATTANTS KURDES soutenus par la coal¡tion ¡nternationale prêts à reprendre encore du tenain à Daech dans les env¡rons de Mossoul", conduite par les Etats-Unis qui lutte contre le groupe Etat islamique ont note le commandement interarmées. repris du terrain aux jihadistes dans le nord de I'hak, près de la ville stra- Les forces irak¡ennes vont mener dans "les semaines à ven¡/' une offensive ter- tégique de Mossoul, a affirmé lundi l'armée américaine. restrc contre les jihadistes de I'El avec I'appui de la coalition, a annoné Mossoul est considérée comme une ville cruciale pour une éventuelle contre- d¡manche le coordinateur américain de la coalition contre I'El, le général à la offensive des soldats ¡rakiens et des combattanb kurdes, les peshmergas, retra¡te John Allen, lors d'un déplacement à Amman. visant à repousser les jihadistes de I'El qui contrôlent de vastes pans de terri- A la date de dimanche, la coalit¡on avait mené 2.34'l raids en lrak et en Syrie toires en hak et en Syrie. depuis le I août, dont une tês large majorité (1 .890) opéree par des avions "Les forces de sécurité de la région kurde se sont emparées de trois postes américains, selon le Pentiagone. a avancés sur la rive gauche du Ïgre au nord de Mossoul, dans des zones qui

tué un Éseau de "relations sales" avec la communauté ¡ntemationale dans le Turquie: la menace seul but de calomnier le gouvernement ¡slamo-conservateur à la barre de la Turquie depu¡s 2002. Gülen plus grave que Constitué d'une galax¡e d'écoles, ONG, médias ou entreprises, le mouvement de I'imam Gülen, qu¡ vit aux Etats-Unis depuis 1999, a soutenu à bout de bras celle du PKK, selon Erdogan le régime de M. Erdogan contre I'armée et l'él¡te lahue du pays. pays guerre y Ankara, 10 février 2015 (AFP) Mais l'homme fort du lui a déclaré la totale il a an à la faveur d'un scandale de corruption sans précédent qu¡ a éclaboussé tout son entourage. LE MOUVEMENT de I'imam Fethullah Gl¡len constitue une menace plus M. Erdogan reproche à M. Gülen d'avoir fabriqué de toutes pièces ces accusa- grave pour la sécurité de la Turqu¡e que les rcbelles du Parti des travail- tions pour lui nuire et d'avoir bâti un "Etrat parallèle" destiné à le renverser. ll a leurs du Ku¡distan (PKK), a estimé le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan répliqué en ordonnant des purges mass¡ves et des enquêtes contre tous les citó mardi par les médias. proches de I'organisation guleniste. "Aujourd'hui, sur le plan international, même I'organisation tenoriste PKK n'a pas Le PKK constitue depuis des décennies l'ennemi numéro un des autoítés provoqué autant de dégâts pour la Turquie que la +structure parallèle+" de turques. Cette rébellion a fa¡t quelque 40.000 tués depuis 1984 dans le pays Gülen, a ¡nd¡qué M. Erdogan à des joumalistes qui I'accompagnent en visite ofrì- Depuis l'automne 20t2, le gouvemement de M. Erdogan a engagé des pourpar- cielle en Colombie. lers de paix avec le chef emprisonné du PKK, Abdullah Öcalan, qui n'ont pour En autres grieß, le chef de I'Etat a reproché à son ex-allié Gúlen d'avoir consti- l'heure pas abouti. O

iH' 15 février 2015 Syrie: les forces kurdes ont repris 163 villages autour de Kobané (avec AFP) La libération de Kobané est intervenue 15 Février 2015 26 janvier dernier grâce au soutien des pesh- aofes sa pat les mergas kurdes venus d'lrak ainsi qu'aux bom- Kurdes sur le groupe Etat islømique le 30 Des pilotes revenus de Syrie bardements quas¡ment quotidiens des pays racontent les offensives de la alliés. i.qp.i:r..291Í...P.!!-L..ElY.X!!.Lc-.1..Ary...... coalition contre les diihadistes Les Kurdes ont également pu compter sur la participation d'autres rebelles syriens qui trôler en octobre. de I'EI se sont joints aux combats dans cette zone Les forces kurdes, par "Quand on partait pour Kobané, on pou- armées appuyées stratégique, précise encore l'OSDH. Ces les raids aériens de la sous vait être quasiment certain de larguer une coalition comman- rebelles appartenaient à la brigade Chams al bombe", a expliqué le capitaine Todd Saksa, dement américain, ont repris au cours des Chamal, à la brigade des révolutionnaires de le un officier d'armement de B-18 de 31 ans, trois dernières semaines contrôle de 163 Rakka et à des groupes opposés à l'El venus interrogé depuis la base aérienne de Dyess villages autour de la ville syrienne de Kobané. du nord de la Syrie. L'information émane samedi de (Texas) après son retour de six mois de mis- l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme "Faire Winchester" sion au-dessus de I'lrak et de la Syrie. (osDH). Les pilotes américains appellent cela "Personnellement j'ai fait Winchester Selon cette source, les peshmergas kur- "faire Winchester": larguer toutes ses trois fois", renchérit le major Brandon Miller, pas des ont repris le contrôle de nombreuses bombes en une mission. Ce n'était rare à un pilote de 38 ans à qui cela n'était jamais localités depuis leur victoire fin janvier pour Kobané en Syrie, ont raconté à I'AFP les arrivé lors de ses missions précédentes. pilotes de bombardiers B-18 engagés contre le contrôle de Kobané, ville située à la fron- Lors des déploiements au-dessus de le groupe de I'Etat islamique. tière avec la Turquie. I'Afghanistan, l'escadron de Saksa et Miller, le bombardements intenses, inédits Leur avancée a toutefois été ralentie par Les 9ème escadron de bombardiers, larguait en depuis l'offensive américaine en lrak en 2003, de nouveaux heurts à l'ouest et au sud-ouest moyenne 15 à 20 bombes en six mois. Mais à groupe (El) ont aidé les forces kurdes à reprendre la ville Kobané, les avions ont largué plus de 2.000 de Kobané où le Etat islamique a que concentré des combattants. frontalière avec la Turquie, les dji- bombes, et touché plus de 1.700 cibles. ¡ hadistes étaient presque parvenus à con-

30 Reoue de Presse-Press Reaisw-Berheaokn Çapê-Riuista Stømpø-Dentro de la Prensø-Basin Ozeti fclllontc IEUDI 12 FÉVRIER 2o1s En Turquie, Erdogan veut un Parlement aux ordres Le présidentturc espère obtenirune maiorité des deuxtiers aux législatives de juin pour modifier la Constitution

secrets (...l,Iui trouver vier zor4, des gendarmes turcs ISTAN BUL - cofte spondante ma boîte à un remploçant est décisif quand ont intercepté dans la région A ouatre mois d'une on sait tout ce que nous ovons dAdana, non loin de la frontière /l éìhéance électorale soqffert ilans Ia lutte contre la svrienne, des camions chargés fl cruciale. les islamo- structure parallèIe l, a-t-il expli- darmes destinées aux rebèlles sY- I \ conservateursdu.Parti qué aux ioumalistes de HüniYet riens sous escorteduMff. DePuis, a étouffée. de la iustice et du développement dans l'avion qui le menait à Bo- I'affaire éié (AKP) sont sur la brèche. Les légis- gota (Colombie), dans le cadre A l'heure où les affaires - scan- rePrise en latives du 7 iuin constituent un d'une tournéti sud-américaine dale de corruPtion, temps fort pour le président Re- commencée lundi ro février. La main de l'appareil iudiciaire, har- journalistes, fragi- cep Tãyyip Erdogan, qui les Per- périphrase est le qualificatif en cèlement des érodent la çoit comme un moYen de consoli- usage pour désigner la confrérie lité de l'économie - Po- derencore sonpouvgir. de son ancien allié, le predicateur pularité des islamo-conserva- Si IAKP obtient la maiorité re- Fethullah Gülen, accusé d'avoir ieurs au pouvoir depuis 2oo2, les quise au Parlement, soit367 déPu- comploté pour le reriverser. législatives auront valeur de test tés sur 55o (contre 32o actuelle- Nommé il y a cinq ans à la tête pour le président Erdogan. La Par- ment), il lui sera possible d'amen- des services, Hakan Fidanr 47 ans, tie est loin d'être gagnée à en der la Constitution dans le sens ftitpartie du preniiercefde des fi- croire un sondage récent de l'ins- Arastirma, dun ienforcement des Prérogati- dèles du président. Réputé d'une titut d'enquêtes Gezici ves du chef de ÏEtat. Ce dernier loyauté sans failles envers son pa- selon lequel IAKP obtiendrait què score (S+ %) réalisé placelabarretrès haut : << Le 7 iuín, tron, il a mené les pourparlers de moins le ilnousfaut 4oo députés pour Pas' paix avec Abdullah öcalan, le chef lors du scrutin de zorr. la ser au système présldentiel etfaire du Parti des travailleu¡s du Kurdis- Mettant en garde contre Pola- émerger Ia nouvelle Turqule >, a- tan (PKK, séparatiste, interdit) em- risation croissante des forces poli t-il déclar4le 6 féwier. prisonné depuis 1999 dans l'îlot- tiques, le vice-Premier ministre Mardi ro féwier, soit la date bu- prison d Imrali. Le dévouement et Bülent Arinc dit craindre que le toir donnée aux hauts fonction- la discrétion de M. Fidan sont fort pays ne devienne t ìngouvema- naires pour démissionner et se t. < Avant; nous étions aìmés, < [.e7fuln, ble porter candidats, des centaines de même nos oPPosants nous resqec- personnes se sont dédarées. A tel ll nous faut taíent, maíntenant, ie vois de la point que le premier ministre, Ah- 4OO'dépuûepour haíne dans Ieurs regards r, a-t-il met Davutogltr, s'est interrogé : déploré sur la chaîne de télévision < Maß qui va diríger I'Etat. si tous falrc émetger CNN Turk. t Nous dwrions nous r que >, a sug- démissionnent I Quatre conseil- la nouvelle adoucír plutôt de crter lers dupremier ministre ainsi que séré ce vieux briscard de liAKP, tel- son médecin personnel Celil Gö- Tutqule n iement indisposé Par les sonori- cer, sont candidats, Deux anciens TAYYIP ERDOGAII ministres et députés de IAKP RECËP président de [a Turquie - Muammer Güler, ex-ministre de Iintérieur, et Zafer Çaglayan, ex- ministre. de l'économie -, sortis parti, qui ne tolère que trois man- blandris in extremis d'un récent appréciés dansla lutte contre le ãats cónsécutifs selon son règle- scandale de comrption, briguent guide de la Confrérie Gti'len, < plus ment inteme, va miser sur I'aPPa- chacun un nouveau mandat. dangereux que Ie PKK n, a estimé rition de nouvelles têtes' Parmi les Hakan Fidan,le chef des services M. Erdogan qui vient de lui faire re- candidatures attendues, celle de la de renseignements turcs (MIT), a tirer son passeport. fitle cadette du Président, Su- été I'un des premiers à se lancer 30 ans, conseil- dans labataílle en démissionnant La partlc n'ort pa¡ gagnée de son Père ius- de son poste le 7 féwier. Sa candi- tl est aussi l'artisan de la politique celui-ci à la Prési- dature a semblé plonger M. Erdo- controversée d'aide aux,diihadis- zor4' LAKP' qui gan dans I'embarras. < Ihvais tes du Front Al-Nosra et de l'Etat compte le Plus grand nombre de nommé àla dírection du MITune islamique en Syrie. Ses services députées (44 sur 77), ambitionne personne extrêmement fiable, ont connu quelques déboires, no- d'en avoir 6o aPrès le 7 iuin. r queþu'un que je considère comme tamment lorsque le 19 jan- rnn¡¡Júco

3l Retsue de Presse-Press Reaieu)-Berheaokn Çøpê- Ritsistø Stømpa-Dentro de In Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti {l#Í*r,*: Les négociations sur le nucléaire iranien piétinent Téhéran et Washington s'accusent mutuellement de manquer de volonté politique pour parvenir a un accorcl A lors que les négocia- Hassan / t tions sur le pro- Rohanl A grammenucléairéira- a dénoncé L I nien sont entrées les sanctlons dans une phase critique à l'appro- che de la date butoir du 3r mars a lnfustes, pour parvenir à un accord politi- que, aucun compromis n'est en lnhumalnes vire. Au contraire, le ton monte et lllégales r entre l'lran et les Etats-Unis, les deux pays qui pilotent ces pour- lmposées parlers, menés dans le cadre du à l'lran < P5 + r )), regroupant les cinq membres du Conseil de sécurité La formule vise à rappeler que de IONU, plus lAllemagne. l'Iran n'envisage pas de consentir Ic Guidc ruprômc lrenlcr¡ All Kh¡menel, a dlt préférer un échec Le président iranien, HassanRo- àd'importantes réductions de ses hani, a prononcé un discours capacités nucléaires, réclamées dei négociationc sur le programme nucléalre à un

32 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Rioista Stømpa-Dentro de Ia Prensø-Basin Ozeti Barzan¡: The new borders w¡ll be blood lraqi Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani speaks about the current conflict with the lslamic State, relations with Baghdad and his predictions on what's next.

Author Ghassan Charbel / Al-Hayat TranslatorTy ler H uffman t oa February 15,2015

Prcsidentof the lnqi Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani is also the commander-in-chief of thø peshmerga. Because âe consF derc he war wîth the lslamic State lrS) an existenüal bal'Ue, Bazani spends mosf of ärs time on trc frcnt line, mecting with leaderc of various uniß and making surprise vrbiús fo staúons. ln the opela,tions noom near trc long border with the area lS conhols, Banani met with Al-Hayat We asked him to tell the story of this wati which he acknowledges is tougher than the tle of the Kasak Junclion between Mosul and Tel Afar, the battle to l¡be- previous conf¡ontation with Saddam Høssernb army. Herc is rate Jalawla and Saadia, and the battle of Tel \Â/ärad southwest of K¡rkuk. the fìrct paâ of the interuiew: These w€re intense battles. Al-Hayat D¡d the peshmerga fight by itself? Barzani: Yes, but with air support from the coalition forces. The airstrikes Al-Hayat: On June 13,2014, you cut short a trip abroad and rctur- were efieciive and very precise. ned to Erbil. How did you find the Kurdistan Region three days after Al-Hayat: How much has this war cost financially? IS had entered Mosul? Barzani: The war is very expensive, exceeding the capacity of the sensitive situation. Barzan¡: I found the Kurdistan Region in a new and [Kurdistan] Regional Government (KRG). But the Kurdish people did their The region now had a 1,05O-kilometer [652-m¡le] border with a new duty and bear the burden of the crime committed by Maliki when he cut neighbor, lS. Unfortunately, when lS entered Mosul the army of fformer ofi the KRG's budget. flhe peoplel are bearing the burden of this mali- Prime Minister Nouril al-Maliki collapsed. ln the span of 24 hours, lS rea- c¡ous plot, and both the wealthy and the poor have taken the initiative to ched the outskirts of Baghdad and headed east to near the lranian bor- provide support, each according to his or her ability. Some wealthy indi- der. lt's a new and dangerous situation. viduals took it upon themselves to prov¡de food for m¡litary un¡ts at their When lS targeted the Kurdistan Region, taking advantage of the wea- own expense. pons they plundered from the lraqi and Syrian armies, they made some Al-Hayat: How many peshmerga members are involved in the breakthroughs and progress We adopted a two-stage strategy: first conflontation with lS? resisting lS attacks, and second going on the ofiensive against them. ln Barzani: The border with [the region controlled by] lS stretches 1,050 less than two weeks we were able to contain lS attacks and stop the kilometers [652 miles] from Sinjar to Khanaqin. The forces involved in the group. We then transitioned to the atteck stage, and the first thing we did fighting from our side number about 70,000. Th¡s is e long border, and was recover the Mosul Dam, which constitutes strategic goal. a thus somet¡mes there are unannounced operations, espec¡ally given the Subsequently there was a succession of battles and vidories, bringing us absenoe ofquick and advanced capabil¡ties to transport troops. to where we are now. I can say that the peshmerga furces managed to prcvided have an impact on the break the "thorn" of lS and achieve great vic{ories. Al-Hayat: Did those who weapons counse of the battles? Al-Hayat: How many victims were thero frcm the peshmerga? Barzani: I must thank ell the countr¡es that have provided assistanæ. Barzani: About 800 martyrs, induding 300 commissioned and noncom- lndeed, US a¡r support was significant. French President [Francois] missioned oficers. This is in addition to 4,000 wounded. Hollande called [me] immediately and expressed France's readiness [to Al-Hayat Were a lalge number of senior leadeß martyred? provide supportl. The German chancellor contac{ed [us], as did Britain's Barzani: Our leaders are at the front of the foræs. Two major generals prime minister and foreign ministers from a large number of countries. and 10 brigadier generals were martyred, in addition to c¡lonels, lieute- I must point out that there has been air support from the French, British, nant colonels, staffsergeants and others. Canadians, Dutch and Belgians. The French provided exællent machine Al-Hayat: How do you feel when you hea¡ that a major general, bri- guns. The Germans provided MILAN missiles, as well as another less gadier general or lieutenant has been killed? anti-armor type. German arms contributed to thwarting a number of car bomb attacks. The MILAN missiles have proven to be very effeclive. We Barzani: These are the dearest to my heart. ln a number of instanæs, I had met with one in the morning and then learned of his martyrdom that also rece¡ved assistance in the form of ammunition manufadured in evening. I know a large number of them. Some of them are themselves Eestern Europe. Many stetes supported us, such as Canada, Hungary the son or grandson of a martyr. Even a drop of blood spilt is pa¡nful. the Czech Republ¡c, Bulgaria, Croatia and Albania. lndeed there has been support, and the most prominent was the French machine guns, the Al-Hayat: What have been the most importent battlos fought by the German missiles and other less sophisticated missiles. peshmerga so far? Al-Hayat: Did you receive heavy weapons? Barzani: The battle to recover the Mosul Dam, the battle of Makhmour, the baftle br the Rabia border crossing, the battle to liberate Zammar, the Barzani: We have yet to receive heavy weapons, which would allow us bettle to liberate Mount Sinjar, the battle south of the Mosul Dam, the bat- to resolve the entire battle. The peshmerga forces are confident, and if they had received the weapons they needed they wouldn't have +

33 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stømpa-Dentro de la Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti

* hesitated. lS has not resisted any large-scale attack by the peshmerga, boders of the Kurdistan Region. The next steps depend on the readiness but the group has resorted to surprise operetions, car bombs and suicide of the lraqi army and residents of these regions to cooperate with us - and attacks. Seventy percent of our losses were the result of car bombs and we are ready. For our forces to advance fiom their current pos¡tions improvised explosive devices (lEDs). requires study and thought. Al-Hayat: ls lS sk¡lled in those forms of attack? Al-Hayat: Has Ruesia prcvided you any assistance? Barzani: Yes. Barzani: I think they have just sent a plane of humanitarian aid. I met with Deputy Minister of Foreign Afiairs Mikhail] Bogdanov about a Al-Hayat: Whers did they get this experience? lRussian week ago and he expressed his sympathy and willingness to cooperete, Barzani: They have experts ftom various countries of the world. They but he didn't ofier anything specific. have attracied retired offcers from the brmer Soviet Union army ftom Al-HayaÍ There is talk about complications in the Russian afms deal Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Chechnya, as well as Tartars. They have with Baghdad. members from Pakistan, in addition to a large number of offcers from the lraqi army. There are offcers from Arab armies who joined lS. They have Barzani: Yes, because of Western senctions on Russia. experts on us¡ng sniper rifles as well. Al-Hayat lf I asked you, "Vvhat is lS," how would you respond? Al-Hayat: What ir lS'strong point? Barzani: lS is an extremist organ¡zation that brings together religious and Barzani: Car bombs driven by suicide bombers, lEDs and snipers. They nationalist fanaticism. lt is a combination of extremist jihadist thought and are also proficient in the use of ertillery due to the presence of profressional the chauvinism of some Arabs. The coming together of these two elements ofücers in the group. produced this organization, with its backwerds, violent and dangerous ideo- logy end its cruel and ofünsive pradices. Here I'm talking about the Al-Hayat A rush of thosc cagor to "go to paradise"? essence of lS. As for penetrat¡ng the organization, or using or impading its Barzani: This is how they think and behave. lS has a so-called "caliphate prac{iæs, these are other issues. army'' comprising foreign immigrants, and they fight with viciousness. I Al-Hayat: Gould thc fKudietanl Region coex¡st with a permanent lS think the majority of them are ftom Chechnya, as well as other [places]. The p¡aience on ¡ts border? bodies they leave [in the wake of battles] show the presence of multiple could nationalities [among their ranks]. I also sew bodies of Afiicans. Their mem- Bazani: This would be very difficult, even impossible. No one bers are from Asia, Europe and Aftica. They have another fighting entity coexist with these people, who can be considered monsters This is not to comprising those who were members of al-Qaeda. Afrer [S] took control of mention that they don't even believe in the idea of coex¡st¡ng with others. various areas, those who wanted to protect themselves fom lS' evils joined Al-Hayat: What ¡s tñe rcle of the Baathists in lS' miss¡on? the group. Barzan¡: ln the beginning, those who stood against the political process in Al-Hayat: How many people arc astimated to be f¡ght¡ng under the lS lraq following the fall of Saddam Hussein [supported] lS. Now I think that flag? lS is dominant in Sunni areas and the role of Baathists and their ilk has Barzani: About 50,000 in lraq and Syria combined. reæded. Al-Hayat ls this a large army? Al-Hayat: A]l thef? a lalge number of former lraqi officers in lS? Barzan¡: Of course Barzani: Yes, a very large number. They are currently in cherge of leading lS military units. Al-Hayat What about thcir military aÉenal? Al-Hayat: ls th¡s the reason that lS is able to cnter into simultaneous Barzani: They have looted weapons from the lraqi and Syrian armies. battlcs in rcgions separated by hundrcds of kilometers? They seized the stretegic storehouses in Beiji, and it could take them two years to complete the transËr of their contents. They also obtained Syrian Barzani: lS is skong and dangerous. lt has limitless fanaticism, expe- army weapons ¡n Raqqa and elsewhere. lS captured about 1,700 armored rience, money and violenæ. lt also has a number of people who are will¡ng US-made Humvees, which are resistant to gunftre ftom Kalashnikovs and to commit suicide. lt ¡s a great honor for the Kurds that lS has been milita- rily shattered at their hands. PKC lmachine guns]. These are armored vehicles that protect occupants. But they are not ¡n a state of retreat. Al-Hayat: Gan you say it has been shattered? Al-Hayat: ìlìlas the lraqi Kudistan Rcgion facing an existcntial thr€at? Barzan¡: I can almost say "yes." lt is about to shatter. Barzani: Certainly. lt was a very serious threat. Al-Hayat: What is the lcvel of cooldinat¡on between you and the lraqi Al-Hayat: lran was the f¡rst to send you emmunition. Who did you army? meet with from the lranian sidc? Barzani: Now, afier Haider al-Abadi became prime minister, there is more Barzan¡: I received the foreign minister and a delegation from the lranian room for coordination. And this exists currently. parliament. Al-Hayat: Do lraq¡ weelanes support thc peshmerga? Al-Hayat: ìlllas Qaoem Solcimani, the commander of the Quds Force, Bazani: ln facl, lsupport] ¡s st¡ll weak, but there is coordination between the first person you rcceived? us. We know the situation of the lraqi army, and if it improves the coordina- Barzan¡: He confirmed lran's readiness to provide support, which arrived tion will produce good results. We are ready to cooperate. via two planes at Erbil. AI-Hayat: Therc arc those who say that the war against lS will take Al-Hayat: ls flranl continuing to send ammunition? yealB. Barzani: From time to time. Barzani: Th¡s is diffcult to predid. Also, confronting lS is not limited to the military part. The confrontation should take place on several fronts: milita- Al-Hayat: What othcr parties have supported you? The Amer¡cans? rily, economically, socially, politically and ideologically. Moreover, lS is not Barzani: Yes. Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry and only present in lraq, it also has a presence in Syria, Egypt, Libya and Commander of United States Central Command Gen Lloyd Austin contac. Lebanon. lS has almost taken the place of al-Qaeda. ted me. They expressed US readiness to provide air support, which they Al-Hayat: How does lS attract youths from Mosul, for example? did and it had a big impact. Barzani: lthink there are several factors. They deceive the youth and pro- Al-Hayat: Has the a¡r support caused you human casualties, or did it mise them paradise and virgins. Then there are also the efiec{s of the sec- allow you to avoid losing the battle? tarian conflid, which pushes some youths to consider lS es a source of Barzan¡: There is no doubt thet, without the air support, the battle would strength and a savior. There are a lot of [Arab] chauvinists who Þel empo- greater. have been more diffcult and the losses wered by lS against the Kurds and are under the delusion that the organ¡- Al-Hayat: lf the peshmerga forces stopped in their cunent positions, zation has dominated the Kurds and is brcing them to return to the moun- would you considercd yourselves to have won tñe war? tains, thereby ending the issue of Article 140 [of the lraq¡ Constitutionl that Barzani: We do not place limits on where we str¡ke lS. lf we can shike talks about a mechanism for resolving the problem of the "disputed areas," them in any locetion, we will do so. They are criminals and monsters who as they are commonly called. Perhaps in Syria, Egypt and Libya there are have committed unforgivable crimes. Our troops have now reached the other fac{ors relating to the political situation and the composition of +

34 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheookn Çapê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

+ these countr¡es. Barzani: Sometime befure lS entered Mosul, we eæived inbrmation that extremists were establishing bases in al-Khudr, a region southwest of Al-Hayat: Do you have prisonerc f¡om lS? Mosul near the Syrian border. I sent messages to Maliki via Ammar al- Barzani: Yes. Hakim, lcurrent Deputy Prime Minister] Rowsch Shaways, and the US Al-HayaÍ Did you obtain information about the organization flom ambassador at the time, Stephen Beecrofr. I told them: "Tell [Maliki] that he them? is preoccupied with Anbar and uninterested in Mosul, which has become an Barzani: Of course. Some cooperate, while others won't utter a word. open arena." I suggested that we carry out a joint operation to prevent gain¡ng control of Mosul and its environs. Al-Hayat: Some aæ cooperating? extremists from Barzani: Yes, some are providing good information. Al-Hayat: When was this seven months before Mosul into the Al-Heyat: Have you uncovered sleeper cells in Kurdistan? Barzani: ln December 2013, þll hands of lS. Maliki was unconoerned. I contaded him by telephone, I think Barzani: I can't say that lS does not exist at all, but it is ærtain that the in early 2014, and said: "My brother, the situation is very dangerous in existing cells are small and limited. Establishing fixed and permanent Mosul, let's carry out a joint operation. I can't send the peshmerga alone, bases is very diffcult. There may be some infiltration, but this has become because this would raise sensit¡vities bet\rveen the Kurds and the Arabs. more diffcult with the changing fronts. There are certainly sleeper cells in Also, the government brces are present in the area. There is the second Kirkuk, which was the site of forced Arabization operations. Unbrtunately, division of the lraqi army, as well as a division from the Êderal polioe and there are those who init¡ally rejoiced at lS' victories, brgetting that they others We are prepared to bear to largest burden, but let's carry out a joint came to the Kurdistan Region as guests and enjoy security and serviæs. operation." He responded: "My brothet look afrer the [Kurdistan] Region Al-Hayat: Do you re¡y on a Kurdish consensus on the fight against and don't worry about anything outside it. The situation is under control." ts? I have heard that Maliki denies these contacts. The linvolved] people are Barzani: Yes, there is a consensus on this matter. There is an unprece- alive, you can ask them. unity. Kurds are united against this danger. dented national Al-Hayafi And what happcned next? Al-Hayat: ls the fight against lS harder than the fight against Saddam Barzani: lS expanded. The truth is the organization hadn't even dreamed of gaining control of Mosul, end didn't expecl this. Our information indica- Barzani: Yes, it is. We are now an organized foræ conftonting unorgani- ted that flSl had contaded guards at Badush Prison [Bazani points to a zed groups. Also, the battle [against lS] involves diftrent methods. We held location on the map 10 kilometers (6 miles) west of Mosull. They wanted to courses for young engineering special¡sts in order to be able to confront car liberate lS prisoners being held there, and [planned] to engage in fighting progress I bombings and mines. We have made clear in this context. with an army base [to distrad them] to implement this miss¡on. ln the past, repeat: lS is not e "legend" that is unbeatable. The peshmerga have struck skirmishes had occuned ... and Maliki sent the commander of ground down this image, which was prevalent. forces and the deputy chief of stafi br operations, given that they were two prominent offcers. POST SYKES-PICOT lS launched bombs in the diredion of al-Ghazlani military base as a dishac- tion for the operation to liberate prisoners. The two offoers sent by Maliki fled and were joined by the commander of the division. This state of fiag- Al-Hayat: We frcquently hea¡ that tho Sykes-Picot borderc arc a thing mentation spread like wildfire and the division dispersed. There was a of the past. What is your opin¡on? quasi-alliance in Mosul between the opposition brces and those disgrun- Barzani: The facl is the Sykes-Picot boders were always artificial. tled with Malik¡'s policies, in addition to sleeper cells and the remnants of Al-Hayat: The Baathists werc saying th¡s, too. the Baath Party. The army disintegrated and left the city entirely, so the [Sl Barzani: Each side speaks basod on ¡ts rationale and interests. But these operation expanded. borders are huly artificial and not natural. Any forced division cannot last Al-Hayat: Arc you certain that lS wasn't cxpecting Mosul to fall into indefinitely. The new borders in the region are those drawn in blood, rather its hands? than the Sykes-Picot borders. Barzani: They never imagined this would happen. This is a significant and Al-Hayat: Do you moan thef6 is no going back to the former lraq? terrible issue. The army did not resist. Senior offcers took refuge at pesh- Barzani: A new lraq must be formulated. The former lraq failed. Kurdistan merga checkpoints. We saved them and sent them to Baghdad at their has transformed into a saþ haven for other components of society, inclu- request. There are areas loutside the Kurdistan Region] that we proteded, ding Christians, Turkmens and Arabs who rejed the policies of lS and its such as south Kirkuk and regions near the Mosul Dam. Some criticized the cohorts. lf a reþrendum were held, perhaps some residents living outside fact that our furces entered these regions. lt's strange - would they have of the [Kurdistan] Region would request to be part of it. The Kurdistan prebrred we left them to lS? Region today is hosting 1.5 million displaced lraqis. This is in addition to There is something strange here. After the , Maliki and those 250,000 displaced Syrians. around him began talking about us being involved in a conspiracy to over- Al-Hayat: How would you describe rclations between Shiites and throw Mosul. These lies reached the po¡nt of claiming that there was a joint Sunnis in lraq? operations room between the peshmerga and lS. flhey used] this seas of lies and slander to cover for [their own] scandal. Afier the city Ëll they said Barzani: Unfortunately lthey are not good]. We wish that they were good, to us: "Send your forces to the city." We said: "ffhis requestl is too late, I and if we could help improve them we would not hes¡tate. lf you want the can't contribute to provoking Arab-Kurdish fighting." Had Maliki listened to truth, relations between the Sh¡¡te and Sunni components are bad. us at the appropriate time, everything we see now wouldn't have happe- Al-Hayat: What does the US want from lraq? ned. Following what happened, the Kurdish parties met together. We said Barzani: I wish I had an answer to this question, and I hope to find the per- we would monitor the situation and debnd our borders if they were subject son who has the answer. [to attack]. Thankfully the situation later changed - there was a new Al-Hayat: What does lran want? government and an opportunity br coordination. Barzan¡: lran wants to have the greatest influence in lraq, and lthink that's Al-Hayat: Why did IS do this? what is happening now. Barzani: I believe [S] is being paid to carry out two agendas. First, to curb Al-Hayat What does Turkey want? the Kurdish issue, after it reached a very advanced stage in terms of the Ba¡zani: Turkey also wents to have influence in lraq. Yet lran has aded issues of a reËrendum and independence. I want to say that neither lS nor people. process more accurately and faster. any greeter fforcel can break the will of the Kurdish The will continue. The second agenda involves Arab chauvinists who tried to Al-Hayak Have any Arab countries provided you with assistance? strengthen themselves via lS and supported the group on the basis that this Barzani: Yes, some have, and I would like to thenk these countries. I won't would settle the fate of the so-called "disputed areas." But they miscalcula- specifu names, because perhaps they don't want that. ted. They didn't expect that US and European support would come so Al-Hayat: \,túas what happened in Mosul truly a surprise? quickly, and they didn't properly estimate the peshmerga and Kurdish r}

35 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riaista Stampø-Dentro de la Prensø-Basin Ozeti

+ people's ability to remein steadfast. Al-Hayat: Was the battle at al-Kasak difficult? Al-Hayat: ìfUhen the Kurdish parties said "we ar€ defending our Barzani: Very. lS put up fieræ resistance in th¡s area, which lies atthe mid- areas," do they mean the "disputed arcas" as well? way point on the road between Mosul and Tel Afar. The peshmerga regai- ned control of this area after fierce battles on three axes: one to the west Barzani: We did not allow lS to take control of some areas such as Kirkuk, of the Ïgris River, one to the east of the river and the Hassan Jallad axis. Tuz Khormato, Zamma¡ and Sinjar at the time. The battle ended with cutting the road between Mosul and TelAfar and libe- peshmerga Al-Hayat: llVhat is the s¡ze of the area defended by the rating the region south of the Mosul Dam to the Tgris. lS used many car toda bombs and suicide attacks. Bazan¡: More than 60,000 square kilometers [41,631 square miles]. Al-Hayat: What ¡s the estimated size of the regions liberated by the Al-Hayat: This is a large area? peshmerga in thÉ ìrúar? Barzan¡: And a rich one as well fiaughing]. Barzan¡: I can't provide you with a very precise figure, but it's about 17,000 Al-Hayat: Has a rþle io¡ lzat al-Duri [a former deputy of Saddam square kilometers ['10,563 square miles]. Husseinl appearcd in thß war? Al-Hayat: How can you get out of this war? Barzan¡: ln the beginning, the Baathists cooperated with lS in the same Barzani: By breaking lS'back in the war militarily, politically, economically way they dealt with other Sunni organ¡zat¡ons opposed to the political pro- and ideologically. Look at Afghanistan large, powerful and advanced cess. Now, lS completely controls the areas it occupies and I don't think armies have been fighting there for 14 years.- There is also what happened others play any role. lS does not believe in allies or partners. lS wants alle- in Alger¡e. I don't think [the war against lS] will end quickly, but I can say giance Fom othersl. that lS' open conhol of fronts will not last long. Yet when it comes to com- Al-Hayat: Doca this mcan that the goal of striking ths Kurds was a pletely eliminating lS, I cannot speculate on this topic. fundamental part of lS'program? Al-Hayat: lf you rere g¡ven a suitablc military force, could you Barzani: Yes. The attack targeting the Kurds is large and dangerous. resolve thc battle against lS? Al-Hayat lsn't it strange that you have yct to meet with lraqi Prime Barzanir Militarily, if we received advanced heavy weaponry we would Minieter Haider al-Abadi? resolve the battle militarily very quickly. Ba¡zani: The fact is I am very preoccupied with the situation in Kurdistan, Al-Hayat: Wlrsrc can you obtain these weapons? the war and the fronts. I haven't had a chance to visit Baghdad, and þbadil Barzani: From lthe lraqi Ëderal government], via [the Þderal govern- is very preoccupied as well. I was hoping there would be a meeting, whe- ment], or diredly. lf the Kurds are expected to play e decisive role in the ther in Baghdad or in Erbil. I hope this happens in the future. battle against lS, we must have appropriate weapons. Al-Hayat: How dld you fcol whcn you saw what happcned to the Al-Hayat: What arc theoe weapons? you Yazidis? Do im¡gino ths Kurdt could face a similar fate? Barzan¡: Tanks and combat helicopters. Sometimes helicopters are more Barzani: I Ëlt sorry anger and determination when I saw the scenes. efiective than combat planes in these types of wars. Tanks are also essen- Yazidis are [ethnically] Kurds, only their religion is difrrent. I had not ruled tial, along with armored transport vehicles br soldiers. out that lS would kill Kurds, but I never thought that any group - regerd- Al-Hayat: lt's unlikely that Baghdad would agrce to hand over these less of how brutal and criminal it may be - would enslave women. I never types of weapons, espccially after you sa¡d that boders arc drawn in expeded this, and this had created a fissure that can never be mended bet- blood. ween those who committed these crimes end the Kurds. We will not forgive Barzani: Let me clariff the subject of the borders. Let's be realistic, new them and we will not be silent about their crimes. borders are drawn in blood sometimes between states and sometimes Al-Hayat: Were fthose crimesl committed at the hands of militanb within states. These are borders- for groups, roles, Þars, guarantees and coming from abroad? aspirations. The crises experienced by most countries are crises of compo- Barzani: This was the work of militants ftom abroad, but local militants at nents and identities. Look at what's happening in Yemen and in Syria. least played the role of guides. They fled from the scene of the crime, but Other states are experiencing tribal and reg¡onel problems, such es Libya. we know who they are. We will carry out random ac{s of revenge. The accu- The equations that have lasted for decades and emerged from World l/Var sed will appear before the courts, where all conditions of justice are provi- I have been violently shaken. partic¡pated ded. lt is impossible for us to forgive anyone who in enslaving l'll return to the question. lf the lraqi government does not agree to provide women and rapes. such weapons, we'll cross the bridge when we come to it. Right now lraq Al-Hayat: Wers lthcao accounts ofl rape real? is lacking capabilities. lf the capabilities are provided, then what we agreed Barzani: Yes, even worse lthan reports]. upon should be implemented - i.e., the peshmerga gets a shae of the Al-Hayat: And thc enslavement of women? military equipment received by Baghdad. We won't accept a repeat of what happened with Maliki, who confiscated our share of weapons and equip- Barzani: Yes. Can you imagine that in this day and age, militants enter a ment. We won't be silent about this from now on. We must get our share. village, kill the men, take the women and rape them, and then ennounæ lf lraq receives 300 tanks, we must take our share of them. their enslavement. This is terrible. ln war, you kill and are killed. You detain Al-Hayat: And if lraq rcceives combat helicopters? and are detained. Let me be frank, we lthe Kurds] have been subjecied in the past to the AnÞl campaigns, chem¡cal weapons and mass graves. All Batzani: Yes, as long as the peshmerga is part of the lraqi deËnse sys- of these crimes were less severe than the issue of enslaving and raping tem, it should not be excluded. a women. Al-Hayat How did you feel when you leamed of this? Barzani: My heart almost exploded. Al-Hayat: What did you decide to do? Barzani: I decided to go to war with lS to the end, and without leniency. The proof is that I met you today on the front line and not in Erbil. lt is a bat- tle for destiny. They wanted to el¡minate the Kurds. Al-Hayat: Are therê lanian experts in Kurdistan? Barzan¡: No. We have a number of Western experts and trainers, and off- cers to coordinate with the air forces. Al-Hayat: \Mrat is the most important battle waged by the pesh- melga? Barzani: From a moral perspec{ive, the battle of Mount Sinjar. From a m¡li- tary perspective, the battle of al-Kasak.

36 Reaue de P r esse-Pr ess Reaiew -Berheuolçi Çapê- Riaistn Stampa-Dentro de Iø Prensa-Basin Ozeti fntcnt¡tion¡li\ctullork@inrcs FEBRUARY t6, 2ots Islamic State spans new territories, raising prospect of widerwar on terror

to some neighboring country, that tltey of the putative caliphate. WASHINGTON will be esseritially in a safe haven and Although thereis little or no public ev- not within the range of United States ca- idence that the Islamic State's leaders in Expansion of the group pability," Josh Earnest, the White House Syria and Iraq have practical control press secretary, said on Wednesday. over its North African provinces, its in- raises the prospect of a The Islamic State began attracting fluence is already apparent in their op- new global war on terror pledges of allegiance from groups and erations and is destabilizing the coun- individual fighters after it declared the tries around them. A publication formation of a caliphate, or religious released by the central group last weelt BY ERIC SCHMITT state, in June 2014. Counterterrorísm included a photograph of fighters ih AND DAVID D, KIRKPATRICK analysts say it is using Al Qaeda's fran- Libya with its affiliate there parading 20 The Islamic State is expanding beyond chise structure to expand itsgeographic Egyptian Christian captiveS in the Is- its base in Syria and Iraq to establish reach, but without Al Qaeda's rigorous, lamic State's trademark orange jump- militant affiliates in Afghanistan, Algd- multiyear application process. This suits, indicating at least a degree of ria, Egypt and Libya, American intelli- could allow its franchises to grow faster, communication, easier and farther. Egypt, gence officials assert, raising the pror- In the Sinai-based extremist "Factions which were at one time group Ansar Beit al-Maqdis sent emis- pect of a new global war on terror. part of Al and its affiliates, as well saries to the Islamic State in Syria Intelligence officials estimate that the Qaeda last :as groups loyal to it or in some ways year to seek financial support, group's fighters number 20,000 to 31,500 weapons ivorking in tandem with it, have moved and tactical advice, as well as the public- in Syria and Iraq. There are less formal ,on to whàtthey see asmore of awinning pledges of support from "probably at ity .and recruiting advantages that g¡oup," said Steven Stalinsky, execu- might come least a couple hundred extremists" in with the Islamic State 'tive director of the Middle East Media countries such as Jordan, Lebanon. name, according to Western officials Research Institute Washington, briefed classified Saudi Arabia, Ti¡nisia and Yemen, ac- in on intelligence re- which monitors Arabic-language news ports. cording to an American counterterror- rhedia and websites. ism official who spoke on the condition Ansar Beit al-Maqdis began adopting The State's attraction, even in of anonymity to discuss confidential in: lslamic the Islamic State's signature punish- the West, was proved when Amedy formation about the group. ment, beheadings, even before a formal Coulibaly, one óf the gunmen in the Par- Lt, Gen. Vincent R. Stewart, the direc- merger. After becoming the Sinai is terrorist attacks last month, declared tor ofthe Defense Intelligence Agency, Province of the Islamic State in Novem- allegiance to the group. ber, the group's online videos and state- said in a asiegsment this month that In Afghanistan last week, ah AmerÈ the Islamic ments claiming responsibility for at- State, also known as ISIS or can drone strike a killed lormer Taliban tacks began to take on more of the ISIL, was "beginning to assemble a commander, Mutlah Abdul Rauf Erowing international footprint." Nich- sophistication and gore associated with olas Rasmussen, the director of the Na- its new parent group. tional Counterterrorism Center, echoed Factions affiliated with or Unlike the Islamic State fighters in General Stewart's analysis in testimony loyal to Al Qaeda "have Syria and lraq, the Sinai Province has so before Congress last week. moved on to what they see as far focused on hitting the security forces But it is unclear how of the military-backed Egyptian gov- effective these more of a winning group," affiliates are, or to what extent this is an ernment, largely avoiding attacks on opportunistic rebranding ji- by some Westerners, members of Egypt's Chris- hadist upstarts hoping to draft new Khadim, who had pledged allegiance to tian minority or other purely civilian members by playing off the notoniety of the Islamic State and had recently be- targets. the Islamic State. gun recruiting fighters. But thatrpledge government's Critics But despite the escalát fear such assessments will seemed to indicate less a major expan- ing crackdown in Egypt, the militants once again enrnGeh the Unitäd'states in sion of the Islamic State than a deepen- appear to have grown bolder and more a protracted, hydra-h'eaded confllct' as ing of internal divisions in the Taliban. advanced since linking themselves to President Obama appeals to Congres5 There is no indication that the Islamic the Islamic State. powers Islamic for neui war to fight the State controls territory in Afghanistan, On the night of Jan. 29, for example, Staté. "I'm loath to write another blank but ithas signaled its interest in Æghan- the Sinai Province claimed responsibili- justifying check the use of American istan and Pakistan, and has reportedly ty for a series of coordinated bombings just troops about anywhere," said Rep- sent envoys there to recruit. that targeted Security forces across the resentative Adam B, Schiff of California, Similarly, until recently, Ieaders of Al region, killing 2l soldiers, six police of- Democrat on the House Intel- Peninsula, in Ye- the senior Qaeda in the A¡abian ficers and 14 civilians, according to the ligence Committee. men, used nonconfrontational language Egyptian state riews media. The sudden proliferation of Islamic to mask simmering disagreements with In neighboring Libya, at least three ino- State affiliates and loyalist fighters the Islamic State and its head, Abu Bakr distinct groups have declared their affil- push give peaked in No- tivated the White House's to al-Baghdadi. But tensions iation with the Islamic State, one in each Mr. Obama and his successor new au- vember, when a faction of Qaeda fight- of the country's component regions: thority to pursue thé group wherever its ers there swore loyalty to Mr. Baghdadi. Barqa in the east, Fezzan in the desert followers emerge - just aS he and Pres- Any authorization to use American south, and Tlipolitania in the west, ident George W Bush hunted Qaeda military force againsi the Islamic State around the capital. franchises outside the group's head- could arguably also cover interventions With fighting among other regional quarters, first in Afghanistan and then in Egypt and Libya, where active mili- and ideological militias having already in Pakistan, for the past decade. tant organizations have pledged allegi: plunged the country into chaos,'the Is- group "We don't want anybody in ISIL to be ance to the and have received its lamic State affiliates pose a ne$/ public left with the impression that if they move acknowledgment as "provinces" obstacle to Western attempts to negoti

37 Reoue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaolcrj Çapê-Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

ate a truce or a unity government, the Islamic State. tractor who had served as a Marine. Western officials, especially in south- The Islamic State's self-proclaimed Tþvo of the Islamic State fighters died in ern Europe, fear that the three Libyan provinces have compounded Libya's in- a battle against government forces, a "provinces" could evolve into bases for stability by introducing the prospect of sign of the Islamist-versus-Islamist vol- Islamic State fighters traveling across Islamist-against-Islamist violence be' atility the group had injected into thê the Mediterranean, into Egypt or else- tween those who support and those who Libyan chaos. where in North Africa. oppose the group. But Tfipolitania has "It is a real conflict," said Frederic Eastern Libya has already become a leapt to the fore as the province that lVehrey, a senior policy analyst at the training ground for jihadists going to most clearly threatens Westerners and Carnegie Endowment for Inteinational Syria or Iraq and a haven for Egyptian Western interests. Peace who recently visited LibYa. fighters staging attacks in the neighbor- Last month, fíghters under the "The Islamic State guys are trying to ing desert. group's banner claimed rersponsibility carve out territory" apart from the Ambassador Deborah K. Jones, the for a brazen attack on a luxury hotel in broader Islamist coalition and are American envoy to Libya, posed a ques- the capital, Tfipoli, that is a hub for vis- "challenging them on their own turf," tion on Tlvitter in a plea for unity this iting Westerners and leaders of the Is- he said, while other extremists are month: "Can a divided +Libya with- lamist-backed provisional govemment. "peeling off, gravitating to the Islamic stand #ISIL/Daesh?" she ivrote, using At least eight were killed, including State and becoming bolder." the English and Arabic shorthand for David Berry, an American securiW con-

fntcrn¡tion¡l ¡\ctu llork @imcs FEBRUARy tz, zots Türk"y treads a positive path West's problematic policies in the re- Mr. Erdogan's party followed its elec- M. Hakan Yavuz gion, such as its sup-, tion in 2002,by strengthening ties with port for the coup that Mujeeb R. Khan Anlffa's Israel, signaling that Tbrkey.would r-noTa8Ee*vc-. brouehtGen.Abdel treat lsrael as a legitimate partner in FattÃel-sisito its attempt to broker comprehensive toTe¡q:t Poncy powerin Egypt. acnlalryærY€s peace in the region. But after hundreds For decades, Thrkey was a dutiful ally WhentheUnited of Palestinian civilians died in the Gaza government that mostly followed America's lead. American States War of 2008-9 and Israeli forces raided Butsince the Justice and Development intetcsts. refuses to helP im- the Mavi Marm¿ua, an unarmed T\¡rk- pose a no-flight-zone Party's re-election in 2007, it has assert- ish vessel, in 2010, Türkey decided it ed a more independent foreign policy in in Syria or to enforce would no longer indulge the belligi:rent the Middle East, which often puts it at its own red lines on chemicalweapons, fantasies of lsrael's ruling Likud party. previ- odds with Washington. Tt¡rkish officials are reminded of The A.K.P. has also done more than instances seemed in- There have been sharp disagree- ous whentheWest any other T[rkish leadership to end the to onslaughts against Muslim ments over the 2013 coup in Egypt, the different Kurdish conflict. T[rkey hosts l.p mil- populations in Bosnia and Chechnya to Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the need lion Syrian retugees, including 200,000 trace back for intervention in Syria. Tlrrkey's crit- which many T[rkish citizens Kurds, Christians and Yazidis fleeing perceptions ics have called into question its reliabil- their ancestry, Such were the Islamic State. Ankara has provided months, as Wash' ity as a NATO ally, including in the fight underscored in recent military aid to the Kurdish pesh merga to pressure TUrkey in- against the radical Wahhabi group ington attempted fighting Sunniradicals in Syria, and the to entering full-þlown combat against known âs the Islamic State. Kuidistau Regional Government in the But much of this concern is mis- the tslamic State while ignoring I.raq has'become one of Tl¡rkey's closest by the As- guided. The ongoing crises in the greater bloodletting caused strategic and economic partners. Sunni civilians, with Middle East have only underscored sad regime against The United States has long allowed whom many Sunnis in Tirrkey identify. TUrkey's pivotal geostrategic position : client states like SaudiArabia, the government also It's no surprise that Pope Francis, Pres- Critics of the Ttrrkish United Arab Emirates and Israel to argue that it is becoming intolerant of ident Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and pursue shortsighted goals in the Middle domestic dissent and promoting an Prime Minister David Cameron of Brit- East. "r'his has onlyrb¡ought despotism ethno-sectarian agenda in tlre Middle ain have visited Ankara in the past few and strife. Wai¡ltington's failure to fully East. The Justice and Developmeút inonths. And Tl¡rkey's detractors, suppcr,r't the democratic government of Party, known as the A.K.P., has been partly because they do notunderstand Moha¡ned Mofsi.and his Muslim Broth- rightly condeqned for its ha¡sh re- the sources of its new assertiveness, fail erhood in Egypt contributed to its col- sponse to the 2013 Gezi Park protests to see that its transformation actually lapse, and so to the instability and vio- and for weakening democratic institu- serves America's long-term interests. lence thathave occurred there since. tions. YetTürkey remains far more TUrkey's new foreign policy is often And it was President Obama's cynical democratib than its neighbors. Its elec- credited to President Recep Täyyip Er- abandonment of the tions are free and fair, and it does not dogan, whowas prime ministerfrom during the first two years of the upris- eliminate its political opponents or per- 2003 to 2014. But its roots lie in the politi- ing against Mr. Assad that set the stage secute its ethnic and religious minorities, cal and economicreforms of Prime Min- for the advent of the Isiamic State. Tlrrkey is also trying to move the re- To avoid any more such calamities, ister Ttrgut Ozal during tìe 1980s, which gion away from the cycle of despotism, policy makers in Washington, and other accelerated the country's dem ocràtwa- conÍlict and outside intervention that has Western capitals, should abandon their tion and the rise of the Muslim middle plagued it since the end of the Ottoman counterproductive approach : They class in the Anatolian countryside. era. After President Basha¡ al-Assad's founding should embrace Ttrrkey's growing, and After the ofihe ïUrkish Re- first visit to Ti;rkey in 2004, the A.K.P. public positive, engagement in the Middle East. in 1923, a small, secula¡ and au- leadership embraced the young presi- thoritarian establishment tore the couil- dent's promises of reform and relations M. HAIlnN YAvuz is ø professor of political try awayfrom its magnificent Islamic with Syria improved. It was only after science at thÞ University ol Utah ond the heritage. By the late 20th century Mr. Assad ignored the Turkish govern- author ol '' Secularism and Muslim De- however, many Tl¡rks were looking back ment's appeals for reform and carried mocracy ínTurkey." MUJEEB R. Kx¡lt is c on the unity and leadershipprovided by out mass killings of Syrian civilians that the doctoral cqndidate inpolitical science øt Ottoman Empire with nostalgia. Ankara demanded his removal. Today, they no longer simþl¡l accept the the University oJ Caliþrnia, Berheley.

38 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheookn Çapê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti Syrie: 35 jihadistes tués dans des combats avec des Kurdes

Beyrouth, 15 février 20f5 (AFP) syriens et les avions de la coalition intemationale antij¡had¡stes menée par les Etats-Unis. AU MOINS 35 jihad¡stes du groupe Etat islam¡que (El) ont été tués Depuis, les YPG ont étendu leur emprise autour de la ville, ne rencontrant dimanche dans différ€nts combats avec des Kurdes syriens aux alentoufs qu'une faible résistjance des jihadistes. de Kobané, a rapporté l'Observato¡re syrien des droits de I'Homme Selon I'OSDH, les combats autour de Tal Bagdaq sont les plus féroces dans la (osDH). région depuis la libération de Kobané, et les avions de la coalition ont mené des Les heurts ont eu lieu dans trois endroits différents autour de cette ville symbole, frappes dans la zone dimanche. L'ONG, basée en Grande-Bretagne et qui à la frontière syro-turque, repr¡se entièrement à l'El fin þnvier après quatre mo¡s bénéficie d'un vaste éseau de sourc€s à travers la Syrie, ne pouvait foumir de de combats sanglants. bilan de ces raids dans l'immédiat. Au moins 22 j¡had¡stes sont morts dans des afirontements à la lisières des pro- Selon un communiqué militaire américain, la coal¡tion a mené trois frappes vinces syriennes d'Alep et de Raqqa, dont le chef-lieu est la "capitale" du califat autour de Kobané entre samedi 08H00 (locales) et dimanche 08H00, détruisant instrallé par I'El à cheval sur la Syr¡e et I'lrak vo¡sin. un bátiment et deux véh¡cules appartenant à I'El. C'est la pæmière fois depuis des mois que des miliciens des Unités de protec Le conflit en Syrie, commencé en mars 2011 par une révolte pacifique contre le tion du peuple (YPG, kurdes syr¡ens) vont se battre à la frontière de la province régime de Bachar al-Assad réprimée dans le sang, s'est transformée en une de Raqqa. lls y ont saisi la colline stratégique de Tal Bagdaq, mais quatre d'en- guene civ¡le complexe, dont l'El a profité pour s'emparer de pans entiers du tre eux y ont perdu la vie, selon I'OSDH. pays. En quatre ans, plus de 2 10.000 personnes sont mortes et plus de '10 m¡l- Les autres jihadistes ont péri dans des combaß à l'ouest et au sud de Kobané, lions ont dû fuir leurs foyers. O reprise entièrement le 26 þnvier par les Kurdes, appuyés par les rebelles

19 fevrier 2015 . ljlÞ Une m¡lice attire

Par AF?, 19 février 2015 massif la région autonome du Kurdistan irakien. guerre f)iercing brillant sous la lèvre et Expérimentés de la I tenue de camouflage, ce com- Brett explique que l'un de ses battant américain ne passe pas ina- objectifs est la création d'une perçu dans la ville chrétienne d'Al- en Irak. Grâce à Qosh, dans le nord de I'Irak. ses talents de recruteur, il a convaincu cinq autres volontaires Composée d'une centaine Brett (d), un volontaire américain engagé au sein de la milice d'hommes, Dwekh d'Amérique du Nord et du la milice chrétienne Dwekh Nawsha, le 5 février 2015 à Al-Qosh Nawsha a été formée dans le but de Royaume-Uni de le suivre. Ils ont défendre les chrétiens d'Irak des tous, selon lui, une expérience dans ment ne veut pas combattre (l'EI), enrôlés auprès des combattants persécutions de I'organisation Etat I'armée ou avec des sociétés mili- je le ferai.> kurdes. Scott, un vétéran qui a islamique (EI). taires privées. Et il prétend avoir Andrew, un quinquagénaire servi dans ['armée américaine pen- Brett,28 ans, incarne un mou- 20 candidats de plus en attente. canadien grognon, a rejoint Dwekh dant sept ans, explique qu'il sou- vement émergeant d'Occidentaux l-a première recrue de Brett est Nawsha parce qu'il a entendu par- haitait rejoindre les Unités de pro- qui abandonnent tout pour venir Louis Park, qui a quitté les ler d' < où I'EI découpe- tection du peuple (YPG), jusqu'à défendre les Assyriens, I'une des Marines en décembre. <>. tiennes du monde. Un tatouage de temps de paix>, explique ce Texan, jamais été prouvées mais large- D'autres étrangers de Dwekh mitrailleuse sur le bras gauche et en chiquant du tabac. <. < dans la ville syrienne Kobané face le combattant de la liberté des post-traumatique (PTSD) <(et à Brett, c'est un verset aux djihadistes de I'EI a séduit de autres>>, explique Brett. < qui I'ont Quant de la Bible qui I'a poussé à revenir nombreux volontaires. nous battons pour que les gens empêché de retourner au combat en lrak. Selon lui, la résurgence de Jordan Matson, un vétéran ori- puissent vivre en paix, sans persé- avec I'armée américaine. la nation Assyrienne est le signe ginaire du Wisconsin qui est cution, pour que les cloches de Dès octobre, il a commencé à que I'Apocalypse est en marche. devenu une petite célébrité parmi l'église continuent de sonner.>> mettre de I'argent de côté pour pou- < les combattants étrangers des YPG, Aucun djihadiste n'a mis les voir partir en Irak se battre contre dans l'avènement de la fin des rétorque que certains volontaires pieds àAl-Qosh mais la population I'EI. Selon l,ouis, c'est surtout un temps, explique-t-il. Dwekh ont < face à a fui début août, quand l'EI s'est moyen de défendre son propre Nalvsha signifie d'ailleurs , d'autres groupes armés, comme militaire normal>, assure Jordan. o ont alors rejoint dans un exode explique-t-il. <

39 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaieut-Berheaokn Çapê-Rioista Stømpø-Qgnlro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

Contre l)aech? Les Kurdes

Bemard-Henri Lévy 18 févr.2015 I*p.:14-:.'.:.-el:fll!.."-".*tF......

Erbil, capitale du Kurdistan d'lrak. Sortir d'Erbil et, par la route du Sud, prenlre lø direction de Mossoul. Et lò, dans un paysage de collines verdoyantes mais nues, la ligne de front où les peshmergas du général Barzani font face aux combattants de Daech. Bernøtd-Henrí Lézty au Kutdistan,Bernøril-Henti Lézty øu La moyenne d'âge, sur les remparts de terre où les hommes sont pos- Kurdistan, tés tous les trois mètres, doit être, en effet, supérieure à 40 ans. Et cer- lains, comme , le juif kurde qui, au bivouac, évoquera la pré- plaider pour les chebabs de Benghazi tout en imaginant bien qu'ils sence millénaire de saJamille sur cette tene, ont plus de 60 ans. pourraient, un jour, faire mauvais usage de leurs équipemcnts. N'est- ce pas la première dans cette région, que nous appellent au intérêts militaires coihcident avec la défense de nos idéaux? Je vois, posé sur le remblai, le tube du missile qui a déjà, me filoguidé L'Occident temporise pour, comne de coutwne, ne pas ajouter la dit-il, repoussé deux assauts. guerre à la guerre. L'administration américaine a la hantise de voir ces peshmergas, Il s' interronpt pour donner un ordre à un septungénaire, rescapé des venus à bout de Daech, se retourner contre Bagdad et achever de nurssacres au gazde Saddarn Hussein il y avingt ans, et resté I'un des démembrer I'lrak. meilleurs tireurs de la compagnie. Puis reprend. Mauvais calculs. ) sans réserves ni arrière-pensées. Peut-être mêmc cette grande oconfé- Ce discours, combien defois ne I'ai-je pas entendu? rence d'Erbil> dont j'ai, le lendemøin de mon passage sur le front, proposé l'idée au Premier ministre et où seraíent mises sur la table Ce n'est-il p&s un classique de toutes les monde par la montée en puissance des nouveaux barbares. guerres de résistance et de libération que j'ai couvertes depuis qua- rante ans? lz Kurdistan est le bouclier. Sans doute. Mais c'est awsi l'épée. Sauf qu'il y a, ici, une dffirence - ou plutôt deux. Voire I'aimant auquel peuvent et doivent s'agréger toutes les forces concernées par I'avancée de I'Etat islamique. D'abord, c'est plus vrai que ce ne le fut jamais. C'est littéralement, concrètement, tec hniqucment vrai. Les commanditaires de I' exécution Lò est le cæur de la contre-offensive. de l'équipe de Charlie, cew du nrßsaue de Bruxelles et de I'Hyper Ià est le vrai cerveau d'un monde sans imagination ni visionface à Cacher, les inspirateurs de la double finillade de Copenhague, les ce terrifiant défi. égorgeurs de Coptes en Libye, c'est ici qu'on les affronte, ici qu'on Izs Kurdes sont les seuls à avoir non seulement la détermínation, les contient et ici que I'on pourrait, si I'on en avait les moyens, com- mais la claire évaluntion de la menace. mencer de les défaire. Non seulement le courage, mais la capacité à définir une stratégie et Et puis, surtout, on a lò des alliés avec lesquels - et c'est si rare! - on pour peu, encore une fois, qu'ils en reçoivent les moyens à la mettre partage non seulement des buts de guerre, mais des valeurs. Laicité... en application. Respect des P luralisme politique et religieux... C hrétiens et femmes... ll de cette situation, tirer sans tarder les conclusions. yazidis se battant au coude-à-coude avec leurs catnarades musul- .faut, nans...Une minorité d'Arabes dont certains ne craignent pas de se dire incroyants... Je repense ò ces Afghans armés pour contrer I'Union soviétique et devenus talibans. A ces dictateurs africains dont on équipe les forces armées pour cause de . Je me revois

40 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê-Riuista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti Fort de ses succès militaires, lundi l6 février 2015 le PKK rêve à un avenir politique engqgernent contre Døech et ce qu'íl repré- sente. >, Une contradiction que I'Occident tan (PKK) a de plus en plus de mal à justifie4 d'autant se atrx côtés sont engagés que le PKK participe à des pourparlers de despeshmergas kurdes paix avec la Turquie depuis mars 2013. de la coalition imkiens et Le PKK justifie son engagement contre internationale contre Daech. Daech comme le prolongement de son Ils espèrent que cel,a lèur vaudra ) combat pour l' < autonomie démocratique ,. de la liste d'être retirés Ce concèpt, inventé parAbdullah Öcalan, des organisations terr,oristes de vise à instau¡er une démocratie respec- I'Unioã etrrcpéenne et des États-Unis tueuse du droit des Kurdes à l'autodéter- mination dans les quatre pays oìr ils vivent (Iran, Irak, T\rrquie, Syrie). (lr¡k) MONIS QANDII IJobjectif est dbbtenir pour les régions De notre envoyée spéciale kurdes r.rne autonomie politique et admi- des monts scin- Le flanc irakien Qandil nistrative dans un cadre fédéral et démo- feux alors qu'un cortège tille de mille cratique. De fait, la régionkurde syrienne s'aventure sur ses routes si- ' funèbre est déjà administrée par un conseil révo- Arborant le drapeau bleu etjaune r nueuses. lutionnaire élu o oìr le PYD - branche à l'effigie de son fondateur Abdullah " syrienne du PKK - est prépondérant. < Nous le du PKK (Parti des tra- Ocalan, convoi souhøitons conshaire une Syrie sur la base transporte le corps du '' vailleurs kurdes) d,u système étebli au Rojava (Kurdistan o chahid > Armandj, un cámarade tombé du PKK se trouvent à la frontière Ces combattants syrien), puisque ni lc régime syrien ni Daech à scius un tir de mortier de Daech Kirkouk entre l'lrak et la Turquie. lls ont perdu une centaine ne peuvent seruir de modèles pour établír (État islamique). des leurs dans la lutte contre Daech' une démocratle r, explique Cemil Baflk. ans sur ces Hébergée depuis trente En Turquie, nous construirons unfront dé- à l'Irak, l'Iran et Ia hauteurs cheval entre mocrati4ue autour du parti pro-kurde HDP guérilla du PKK est tion de Kobané, à la frontière turque. Cet Turquie, la marxiste pou( obstøcle øufascßme de IAKP, le l'espoir la re- engagement contre Daech a cofité la vie løíre née en 1979 dans dbbtenir parti au pouuoir, lors des éIections législa- des droits politiques des à près de cent combattants, comme lä connaissance tives de juin2015. > áe Turquie. Une branche ira- rappelé Murat Karayilan, le chef des HPG. Kurdes Ce discours veut séduire les Occidentaux. nienne, le PJAK, et une branche syrienne, Pourtar i, ceprix < Le PKK a le uent en poupe, c'est indíícu- apparues pour pro- Kobané Monts Qandil le PYD, sont ensuite du san tarde à table, analyseAhmed Meera, rédacteur en d'Öcalan auprès des 3 mouvoir l'idéologie Iur r¡uie faire évoluer chef de la publication kurde,IuinMagøzine. ces pays, étendant populations kurdes de l'imr ge de ce Son combat contre Daech et son discours l'influence du PKK hors de Tirrquie. En Erbil grou pe dans la prodémocratie ne pourront que fauoríser en guene 1984, ce combat s'est transformé régi'rn. un changement d'appréciation de Ia pørt contre le gouverne.ment turc, un larvée lr¡n T rndis que les de lø communauté internationale qui, pør qui a fait près de 40 000 mofts. conflit Ku des irakiens ailleurs, est de plus en plus uitique uis-à-uis Mais aujourd'hui, le branche sc nt en route de laTurquie. )) (HPG), composée essentiellement lo¡d. armée v rs une autono- Néanmoins, le pari du PKK de transfor- turcs, apparaissent de nouveau de Kurdes l@km r rie politique mer ses victoires militaires en victoire po- la com- çomme fréquentables auxyeux de ;roissante, le litique n'est pas gagné. Beaucoup s'inquiè- Depuis août Zones sous contrôle munauté internationale. !^ des forces kurdes PKKreste inscrit tent de son influence croissante dans la côtés des dernier, ils sont engagés aux ryrlennes ou iøklennes @ sur la liste des région. Lfintervention du PI(K au nord de kurdes irakiens et de la coa- peshmergas organisations terroristes de l'Union euro- l'Irak dans les monts Sinjar, à travers la contre Daech' lition internationale péenne et des États-Unis. Une contadiction formation de milices yézidies et la création acclamés Les HPG sont notamment que souligne Cemil Bayik, ngméro deux d'un conseil révolutionnaire sur le modèle pour avoir arrêté l'avancéel'été dernier du PKK. << Nous sommes dans le camp des de Rojava, n'a pas été appréciée du prési- des djihadistes sur la capitale kurde ira- droits de I'homme et de la démocratie. Nous dent kurde Massoud Barzani. Il s'est èm- kienrre Erbil. La branche syrienne a quant donc êtrejugés à lhune de notre pressé d'envoyer ses peshmergas irakiens joué dans la libéra- souhaitons à elle un rôle central à Kobané, où le PKK était jusqu'alors en . ,ifffiiffiml positÍon de force. Ankara de son côté, tente de décrédibi- nilrl tìi: :; o l-c¡ Kurdcs d'lr¡k: deux partis princípaux Iiser le discours kurde en Ttlquie alors que l¡l¡Ar {XEf¡r¡OE et concurrents, le Parti démocratique du le PKK lhccuse de soutenir Daech contre o l¡¡ K¡¡¡d¡¡ dr Turqulo: représentés par Kurdistan (PDKI de Massoud Barzani et les Kurdes syri ens. K Il nelaut pas surestimer le Þrti des travailleur¡ du KurdiEtan (PKK), l'Union démocratique du Kurdistan (UPK) les capacités politiques du PI(K conclut mowement marxiste-lénlniste, anti-impérialiste de Jalal Talabani. Ce dernier est issu d'une Ahmefl Meera . Ilexpértence døns le Rojava et communiste.5a branche mllitai¡e est le HPG. scissio¡ du PDK survenue en l9l5. Chacun fo¡tctionne car íl s'agit d'un contexte de o L¡¡ Kurd¡¡ dc Syrh: il s de Kobané, aux côtés des Kundes du HP6. du Kurdistan iranien (Komala). aGNÈs RtcHrERt

41 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çapê-Riaista Stampø-O:@tp igþPrensa-Basin Ozeti

Erbil: The Kurdistan Region's share of Iraq's 119.5 trillion dinar budget for this year amounts to 14.8 trillion dinars, based on the 17 Percent share to which Erbil is constitutionally entitled. Following the approval of the budg- D ¡ ¡ et bill by the Iraqi parliament on Thursday, the Defense Ministry in KI,]RDISTAhI REGION Baghdad must send salaries, weapons, and military equipment to the Peshmerga forces. This will be based on the size of the Kurdistan Region's NEWS IN BRIEF population, not the 17 percent share. Masoud Haydar, a member of the Iraqi parliamenfs Finance Committee, said that the Peshmerga should receive 1.2 trillion dinars. The amount was agreed by Erbil and Baghdad, but it is not included in the budget bill. In addition, Kurdistan has also IRAQ TO RECEIVE F-l6S FROM US: ABADI secured one trillion dinars from the sovereign budget. Haydar said that Erbil is also entitled to a share of every oil barrel sold. "In the Petr.o-Dollars February 2,2015 clause, $1 dollar for each sold barrel of oil will go to the province that pro- Baghdad: Iraq expects to receive a delivery of F-16s in a few months time, duced the oil, except for Basra, which will get $1.5 for each barrel. This Iraqi Defense Minister Khalid Obeidi announced during a news conference clause applies to the Kurdistan Region," he in Baghdad. "Iraqi's [military] has an arranged plan for battle. Retaking Mosul and repulsing IS will come soon," Obeidi said. Obeidi has faith in Iraq's military and ability to defeat Islamic State IS militants who seized SOME KURDISH.LIKE AUTOilOMY large swathes of land in the country in 2014, including kaq's second-largest FOR IRAQ: city, Mosul. Iraqi and Kurdish security lorces are reportedly planning and APPLIGABLE QUBAD TAI.ABANI preparing for a takeover of Mosul sometime this summer. "Good progress February Ç 2015 can be seen within Iraq's air force in recent years after receiving many Erbil: Kurdistan's Deputy PM Qubad Talabani there is no longer a unified updated weapons," Obeidi added. In November, US officials delivered the Iraq and the autonomy in Kurdistan region can be model for Iraq on the F-16s to Tuscon, Arizona instead of Balad Air Base north of Baghdad due to whole. Qubad Talabani, also son to lraqi former President Ialal Talabani, is a whole generation has gror,t'n security concems relating to ISIS' presence in the area. I told Reuters that the reality that of kaqis up in a highly sectarian environment in the last decade. 'nVe have Shi'ites promoting and defending Shi'ite policies; Sunnis rallying around Sunni identity and Kurds doing the same." "Iraqi unity as we knew it is over, so MASSOUD BARZAÌ{I OVERSEES HEETING OF what political system could be devised to salvage the country? We have a THE MAIN KURDISH PARTIES TO DISCUSS model here in Kurdistan - maybe our exact model is not applicable to HOW TO ENSURE THE SUCGESS OF KRG Sunnistan but some sort of autonomy is," he said at his office in Erbil. He said Sunnis living in scattered areas could have autonomy within their gov- February 2,2015 emorates even if they don't have a contiguous region. "So long as Baghdad Erbil: senior source Erbil revealed on Monday, that the frve main A in remains the center of all decision making people will frght over it. There's Kurdish political parties participating in Kurdistan Regional Govemment no leader today in the country that can talk on behalf of all Iraqis," he (KRG) have started an expanded meeting under the supervision of added. I Kurdistan's president, Massoud Banani to discuss how to support KRG and the success of its program agreed upon among the involved parties. The source said that " the main objective of the meeting, which is held in KURDISTAN PM NECHIRVAN BARIZANI: KRG ministers council building, is collaboration among the five parties ; IRAQ NO LONGER A UNIFIED STATE Democratic Party of Kurdistan KDP, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK, Change (Gorran) Movement, the Islamic Union and the Islamic Group, February 6,2015 with KRG as a pârt in it, and must work to make it successful. The source Erbil The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Nechirvan Barzani said lraq, said that a number of govemment ministers participated in the meeting, which has been ravaged by sectarian warfare since the 2003 U.S.-led which was held in the presence of Roze Nuri Shaways , Azad B arwan ,Faztl invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, does not exist as a unified Mirani , Mahmoud Mohamed from KDP. Adnan Mufti , Arslan Baez , country. "There is no loyalty to a country called Iraqr" he told Omar Fatah fncm PUK, Jalal Jawhar, Omar al-Sayed, Rebaz Mohammed Reuters in an interview. "It really is important to find a formula for and Mustafa Sayed Qader from Change movement , Muhammad Faraj , how to live together within the boundaries of what is called Iraq. Khalil Ibrahim and Mustafa Abdullah from the Islamic Union , Baber Ali Unless a formula is found, there will be more bloodshed and the and Mohammad Hakim from the Islamic I country will remain a destabilizing factor in the region." Pointing to sectarian strife across lraq, all Kurdish factions agree that a unified KIRKUK GOVERNOR BLAMES DELAY IN country ruled from Baghdad is a dream of the past and that power must be devolved to give each of the main sects, Sunnis, Shi'ites and ANNEXING PROVIìICE TO KURDISTAN REGION Kurds their autonomous regions. I February 4,201.5 Kirkuk The govemor of the Iraqi northem province of Kirkuþ Najmaldin Karim, blamed the vague situation of the province and inactions to annex UK DEFENGE REPORT CALLS FOR the province to Kurdistan Region in the north. Also a member of the KURDISH PESHMERGA ARMY UNIFIGATION Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), he said no action has been taken for the February 8,2015 province in the past 10 yearc and said due to the Islamic State (IS) insur- London: A report published by the UK Parliament UK Defence select com- gency on the province the Arab and Turkmen's outlook has changed and mittee on Thursday recommends that the UK should support the unifica- they want the province to have an independent self-mling system. He went tion of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and reports on concems about comrp on to say that the province cannot be ruled in this way any longer and "we tion within the Peshmerga forces. The critical report focused on the British and all Kurds want the province to be annexed to Kurdistan Region and military contribution to fight against the Islamic State (IS), emphasizes that this is the demands of all people in the province." The govemor believes a the role of UK military in Iraq is small compared to other countries such as different situation should exist in the province and if the province cannot be Germany. Therefore, the UK Defence select committee urges the UK to do region then an independent ruling system annexed to the northem Kurdish more in lraq. One of the report's conclusions is that although the should be established for four years and them people would decide Peshmerga's are an impressive fighting force, "it faces a number of organi- want a part of or not. Kurds have a strong cul- whether they to be the region sational challenges besides a lack of sophisticated tural and emotional attachment to Kirkuk, which they call "the Kurdish weaponry."... Jerusalem." Kurds see it as the rightful and perfect capital of an autonomous Kurdistan state. I Ekurd,net MORE VILI.AGES LIBERATED IN KOBANI KURDISTAN'S SHARE OF THE IRAQI February 9, 2015 Kobani: YPG Press Centre reported in a written statement that the opera- BUDGET: 15 TRILLION IRAQI DINARS tion to liberate Kobani of Syrian Kurdistan is continuing and that YPG/YPJ February 4,2015 fighters liberated many more villages and strategic points in east, west +

42 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çøpê-Riaista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti

=â and south Kobani Sunday night. The statement said that the Islamic The Texas Republican tells ABC's "This Week' that "if need be, we should State group IS militants in east Kobani were inflicted major blows in an go that step. But it should be driven by the mission." Cruz says Iraqi Kurds extensive operation as a result of whidr the villages of Mîlê, Bîr Omerê and have a good fighting furce but need to receive arms more effectively from Xanikê were cleansed of IS jihadists. 11 IS militants were ascertained killed the United States, rather than through the central government in Baghdad. while corpses of ó among them and a bomb-laden vehicle was seized by Cruz, who was attending an intemational security conference in Munich, Defense Units. ln west Kobani, YPG/YPI furces who have made a remark- wants to use Kurdish 6ghters - known as the peshmerga - as the ground able progress carried out an operation targeting the villages of Ciblê and furces in combination with U.S.-led airstrikes. He says those fighters are Çariqli where operations and clashes are going on, the Press Centre said. effective and ready. "I¡Ve need to arm the Kurds now because they are our The Press Centre reported that Defense Units carried out another simulta- boots on the ground," he told CNN's "State of the Union." AP neous operation in south west of Kobani, after which the villages of Qoçlê, Nayif and Bestekê were liberated. One fighter of the Defense Units was KERRY, MASROUR BARZAI{I DISPUTE martyred and one other was wounded in the operation. Also clearing a large area in south Kobani, YPG/YPJ fighters liberated the villages of OVER US STRATEGY AGAINST IS Qilomerg, Zinarê, ltweran and Qela Zîrik I February 9,2015 The U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry denied daims by lraq's Kurdistan BAR:ZANI AND ABADI AGREE ON OPERA. Security chief Masrour Barzani that Pentagon lacks a clear and specific strategy to fight against the militants of the Islamic State (IS) and said Iraqis TION TO FREE MOSUL, SAYS ZEBARI are not rcady to defeat the grcup. Barzani told NBD TV that the U.S. does February 9,2015 not have a clear strategy to fight against the jihadist militants. He went on In a meeting held in Munich, Germany, Kurdistan Region Presidmt to say that the situation would lead to the death of more people. Keny Massoud Barzarri and Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Abadi agreed to a joint blamed Barzani's remarks and said a powerful ground furce is needed to operation to fight Islamic State (IS) militants in Mosul. On Sunday, Iraqi defeat the jihadist group, adding that the force should be Iraqi not an Finance Minister Hoshyar Zeban, one of the Baghdad govemment dele- American or European 6orce. He went on to say that the Iraqi army is not gates in Munich, told Basnews, "Iraqi delegates took part in the Munich ready and needs training. Kerry added that he understands Masrour Security Conference (MSC) and held meetings with senior offrcials fnrm Barzani's impatience, Peshmerga forces have been brave in fight against the many countries." "In Berlin, we held a meeting with German Chancellor IS and we give them weapons and ammunition and our allies have helped Angela Merkel, which was positive," he said. He continued, "We held Kurds in this regard. I many meetings in Munidr. One of them was with President Barzani and the In the meeting, we discussed the role of Peshmerga Kurdistan delegates. 22,OOO BODYGUARDS PROTECT OFFICIALS brces in fighting terro¡ the budget and cooperation between Baghdad and Erbil." "In the meeting, Barzani and Abadi agreed that Baghdad and Erbil lN KURDISTAN REGION: DEPUTY must cooperate to combat IS insurgents and liberate Mosul as soon as pos- February 17,20L5 sible," added Slemani: There are some 22,000 bodyguards in lraq's Kurdistan Region and protect the region's govemmental officials as well as political leaders. A U.S. VICE PRESIDEIIT JOE BIDEN AND member of Gorran (Change Movement) Bisetoon Fayegh told the inde- pendent Levin Press that the bodyguards protect govemmental and party KURDISTAN PRESIDENT BARiZANI DIS. officials and receive salary from Kurdistan Region's interior ministry. He CUSS BATTLE AGAINST IS went on to say the he has ac-hieved the statistics by himself indirectly, adding that the number ofbodyguards puts a heavy burderì on the region's February 9,2015 weakening economy. He further lashed out at dedicating a large number of Munich: U.S. Vice President Biden met with Iraq's Kurdistan Region Ioe bodyguards fur the people who have no ofÊcial post It is worth mention- President Massoud Barzani on Sunday in Munich and discussed the region ing that a member of interior commission of the Region's Parliament stated and lraq's battle against the jihadist group of the Islamic State (IS). last year that there a¡e 19 separate forces inside Peshmerga and eadr one is According to a readout of the meeting from the White House, Biden spoke under the control of a separate party and line. i with Barzani about "regional developments, cooperation between Erbil and Baghdad, and the ongoing fight against [IS]" and Barzani expressed his appreciation for the U.S. support and assistance. The two leaders also dis- ISLAMIC STATE DIGGING TASSIVE cussed "addiüonal U.S. and coalition assistance" for Kurdish Peshmerga TRENCH ON KURDISTAII BORDER forces during the intensification of operations against IS. Bazani took part in a Munidr conference on security and Biden was in the city, taking part in Febnrary 19,2015 a NATO conference regarding the ongoing tensions in Ukraine. Kirkuk: Frontline commanders have reported that Islamic State group IS is I diggrng a SOGkmlong trendr from Shingal (Sinjar) to Kirkuk to defend against Peshmerga attacks. Attempts by IS to construct the security trendr have been stymied by coalition airstrikes and Peshmerga attacks on the KURDISTAN REGION EXPORTS ¡II'OOOO OIL areas where the militants are using bulldozers to dig. Several weeks ago, BPD: DEPUTY Peshmerga forces captured many ISI$held areas on the western Tigris front, including Wanke tor¡¡n and surrounding villages. I February 9,2015 Ekurd,net Baghdad: A member of the Iraqi parliament has stated that document prove the autonomous Kurdistan Region is exporting 450000 barrels of cmde oil per day. Also vice president of parliamenfs finance commission, STREET CI-ASHES, 3 WOUNDED AS Hareth al-Harethi told Dijeh Channel that according to documents PESHMERGA REPULSE ISI-AHIC STATE achieved by Baghdad from Turkey the region is drilling and exporting 4.50000 barrels of oil every day. According to a December 2014 deal between OFFENSIVE IN SINJAR the region and the central govemment in Baghdad, Erbil should export February 13,2015 250000 barrels of oil from the region and 300000 barrels from oil wells in Shingal: Three Peshmerga were wounded in Shingal (Sinjar) Thursday, northem province of Kirkuk that is completely contr,olled by the Kurdish where Kurdish forces repulsed an Islamic State attack on Kurdish-con- forces of Peshmerga after the IS insurgency began in kaq. The official went trolled positions in the war-ravaged city. General Hashim Sitayi from the on to say that issue is to be discussed in an upcoming meetingbetween del- 8th Peshmerga division told Rudaw the attack involved intense street clash- egations from the two govemments. I es in the city. "The clashes went on 6or several hours, till late in the eventngi' Sitayi said, adding that coalition warplanes were involved in US SENATOR: IIEED TO ARM THE some of the fighting. He could not provide details of ISIS casualties because "YYE of the poor visibility at night. Kurdish Íorces in December last year recap KURDS'' tured most areas around Shingal, including Mount Shingal, where thou- February 9,2015 sands of Yazidis had taken refuge after an IS offensive last summer. Parts of Washington: Sen. Ted Cruz, a potential presidential candidate in 2016, isn't the city are in Peshmerga control but roadside mines and explosives plant- ruling out sending American ground troops to fight Islamic State militants. ed by the militants have hampered advances. Meanwhile Kurdish +

43 Reoue de Pr e sse-Pr ess Reaian¿ -B erheaoka Çapê- Rivista Stampa-Dentro de l"a Prensa-Basin Ozeti

+ security forces seized three tons of TNT in the border town of Rabiaa SUNNI LEADERS TO GATHER IN and arrested several suspects, according to Qasim Smo, a Kurdish security KURDISTAN TO ADOPT UNITED ANTI.ISIS official in Shingal, about 30 kilometers away. mdawnet I STANCE February 16,2015 US HAS SENT 60 TILITARY CARGOS TO Erbil: Leaderc representing lraq's Sunni factions are set to gather in Erbil for KURDISTAN a second time to adopt a unified stance against the radical Sunni group February 14,2015 fighüng under the banner of the Islamic State (ISIS) a Kurdish Islamic party Washington: The U.S. has stated that is has sent 60 military cargos to offrcial said Monday. "The Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU) will support any Kurdistan Region in the north of Iraq since the outbreak of the Islamic State effort that is aimed at saving Iraq from the current crisis," the KIU's (IS) war against the region, Kuwait News Agency reported. U.S. Muhammad Rauf told Rudaw. "The main problem Sunnis face in Iraq is everyone could follow," he Department of State Spokeswoman Jen Psaki stated Washington has sent 60 lack of a recognized Sunni authority whidr military cargos to the Kurdish administration since the IS insurgency onto added. Mosul's eiled govemor Osama Nujaifi, a Sunni, has pushed Sunni the region in September last year, adding that most of the aids indude tribal leaders in Nineveh province, where Mosul is the capital, to distance heavy weapons and have been sent to the region through Germany. She themselves from ßIS. Last month, Nujaifi said Sunni volunteers have reg- further said all the military cargos, induding 15000 grenades, 40 bullets, istered "in their hundreds" to take up arms against ISIS. Rauf said even the 18000 machine guns and 45000 sells, and have been sent to the region under Kurdish Islamic parties that are defined as Sunnis have been invited to the Baghdad's supervision. congress in Erbil, along with religious and political leaders of the Sunni communities in KURDISTAN R,EGION IS TO DECI.ARE INDE. FOREIGN PENDENCE: AYAD ALLAWI PESHMERGA FROWN ON VOLUNTEERS Febmary 15,2015 Baghdad, haqi Vice President and former PM Ayad Allawi said the February 76,2015 Kurdistan Region in lra's north to dedare its independence from Iraq and Erbil: Peshmerga leaders have been tuming away ftrreign volunteers eager establish an independent state, al-Ma'alomeh news agency reported. to fight against the Islamic State, explaining the Kurdish military needs Allawi's office said in a statement that the region would declare its inde- weapons, not manpower. Citing reasons ranging from safety to diplomatic pendence soon or later, adding that the situation is not suitable fur such a r.elations, Peshmerga officials say the practice of putting foreigners on the move. The statement, however, went on to say that if the central govem- frontline is just not done. For one thing, as Ministry of Peshmerga ment in Baghdad and the Kurdish govemrnent in Erbil readr accrcrd on oil spokesman Helgurd Hekmat explained, ifs illegal. "The Peshmerga is a and its venues then there would be no place fur the expected decision. The professional fighting furce," Hekmat said, adding that Kurdish law express- militants of the Islamic State (IS) are not removed though bombing, the best ly forbids admission of foreig¡ers to the iconic fighting furce whose name wa¡ however, is to overcome the extremists group in ideological ways. means "those who face death." Still, Hekmat said he routinely tums away Stressing on haq's unity and integrity to fight the group, Allawi said clash- wideeyed Westemers drawn to put their lives on the line in the name of es are continuing between Iraqi Áorces and the IS jihadists and the northem fighting ISIS, and adventure. "Just last week an American man anived second-biggest city of Mosul is still under the control of the group. kurd- wanting to volunteer. I couldn't help him. Yes, they are volunteers, but we I Ekurd,net have to guarantee their lives and we can't do that " he

PESHMERGA READY TO TRADE HOS. WASHINGTON AND BERLIN REFUSE TO TAGES WITH ISLAMIC STATE: OFFIGIAL GRANT VISA TO IRAQ'S VP MALIKI February 15,2015 February 17,2075 Erbil: Recent Islamic State gmup IS video of caged Kurdish Peshmerga Baghdad. The Saudi newspaper "Al-Sharq al-Awsaf' revealed that the being paraded through a militant-held village has ramped up efforts of the United States has rejected a request made by the current Vice President and KRG to negotiate prisoner exchanges. Kurdish parliamentarian Dler former Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki to give him a visa for the pur- Mawati, who serves as deputy drief of the Committee of Peshmerga poses of treatment. The newspaper, citing sources said from l¡ndon, " Martyrs and Genocide Sacrifices Affairs, said an estimated 50 Peshmerga Maliki had made the same request to Germany before, but it was also have been caphrred by ISIS with a larger number taken prisoner by Kurdish refused ." ln tum, a smior ofÊcial in the US State Department declined to forces. Malawati said the KRG is ready to free those Peshmarga in IS cap commmt and said, "As a general rule, we cannot comment on visa applica- tivity by exchanging hostages with the militants. "Ide intensified our tions." attempts to free the hostages when IS showed the Peshmerga in caged pro- cession on the streets of Hawijja. We now have two options: either to pay ISLAMIC STATE DECI-ARES NEW money to free our hostages or by exchanging IS hostages," he said. Mawati added that the KRG is ready to even exchange by IS captives taken in PROVIIICE INCLUDING PARTS OF Kobani. I Ekurd,net THE KURDISTAN REGION February 18,2015 MASROUR BARiZANI : KURDS NOT A new dedaration from Islamic State (IS) released 18th February, has announced the formation of a new province, or'Wilaya' whidr includes SEEKING TO CONTROL ARAB REGIOì{S parLs of the Kurdistan Region. Social media accounts linked to IS published Febnrary 16,2015 a document arurouncing the new fazira Province in northem Iraq. The doc- Ebit Chief of Kurdistan Region Intelligence Agency Masrour Barzani said ument daims that Jazira Province includes Sinjar, Tal Abga, lvlhallabia, the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga would attack Arab regions of Iraq in their Talaafar,Zoomar and Ba'aj. It is the first time that IS has claimed Kurdistan fight against the militants of the Islamic State (IS). Speaking with CNN, Region territory fur the so-called Caliphate. After taking control of parts of Barzani, son to the region's President Massoud Barzani, said the Peshmerga Syria, IS announced the establishment of provinces such as Al Barakah, Al- Áorces have retaken the control of 500 square kilometers frorn the jihadists Khayr, Raqqatr, Homs and Halab. In June20l4, after the extremist group and are at war the militants from Shingal to Kirkuk about 1000 kilometers. moved into lraq, it declared new provinces; Al Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuþ Although the legend of the group's invulnerability has ended but the group Salahadin and Nineveh. It also claims other provinces in Lebanon and is still very strong as it has 40000 forces in kaq and Syria and is backed by Libya but has no practical conbol in defined areas of the territories. The dec- some Sunni tribes. "Now it is the Iraqi army's tum to fight against the IS. laration of Islamic State's new Province in Northem lraq. r) The Kurds should not and cannot enter Arab-dominated regions like Tel Afar. We don't like to make a politically sensitive situation for Sunni Arabsi'he said, adding that the situation is dire in the regions liberated by the Kurdish forces and people are

44 Reaue de P r esse-P r e ss Reaieut -B erheaokn Çap ê -Riaista Stømpa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

ATJAZEERA February ll,20l5 lraq's Kakais: 'We want to protect our culture' lraq's Kakai religious minority is taking up arms against lSlL.

that Kakais give lmam Ali a divine status.

Mohammed A Salih , Kakais believe ¡n reincarnat¡on, a notion Wladimir van Wilgenburg 11 February 2015 that ¡s also shared in certain ways by the follo- Køkøi wølk touards the main wers of the Yazidi faith. fighters .lY:v.tY:3liLS..9.T*.1-o..T-...... road in the oillage of Kobøne, in the The lraqi Kobane and ¡ts surrounding southetn part of Kirkuk proaince to areas, populated mostly by Kakais, have been green check out lSlL positions a couple of kilo- l^7lRKUK,- ln the middle of the vast largely quiet compared to most other parts of metres azoay Aplains ôf southern Kirkuk, Farhad Ñezar, the front line between Kurdish+uled areas and [Mohammed A SalihlAl group and a of mostly young men, roam lSlL that runs over 1,000km. fazeeral around the dirty village streets carrying light and medium machine guns. The most recent battle here took plece on pene- The force that Nezar leads is unique January 10, but lSlL f¡ghters could not by Daesh [SlL]," Liza Kakai, a Kurdish Kekai "Just because it's exclusively made up of the follo- trete through Peshmerga lines. activist said. like the Yezidis, we are afraid wers of a m¡nor¡ty relig¡ous group known as Kakais are a small community and there ¡s of extremists afrer the arrival of Daesh ilSlLl in Kekei. lt is formed to defend the non-Muslim no exact fìgure of their numbers. Sherzad Mosul." minority aga¡nst a possible attack by the lslamic Kakai, a notable person in the community, esti- ln August, lSlL destroyed some holy State of lraq and the Levant (lSlL). mates there are around 75,000 Kakais in lraq. shrines in Kake¡ villages near Hamdaniya area, The Kekai faith, also known as Yarsanism, fhe group has been marginalised and sub- west of Mosul city, lSlL's major stronghold in is a syncretistic mystical faith that is believed to I jected to persecution for much of the lraq. lSlL now controls s¡x Kekai villages in have originated in Kurdish dominated parts of contemporary history of lraq. western Nineveh. western lran in the 14th century. lts followers Ever since the Kurdish Peshmerga forces A unit of the Kakai Battalion is based in the speak a dialec{ of Kurdish known as Gorani and extended their control to this part of Kirkuk afier Kakai villages in Nineveh province for now ere scattered across northern lraq, lran and lraqi forces deserted their positions in the face The religious minority has been a target of many live in exile in Europe and North America. of lSlL's assault, the Kakais say they have reas- lSlL's extremist predecessors in lraq as well. The Kakai Bettalion, as Nezar's force is serted themselves. Dozens of Kakais have died in suicide attacks known, was established in January and has The villege of Kobane itself once used to be and assassinations since 2003. around 680 fighters in its ranks. lt is answerable elmost completely Kakai. "We want to protect our culture," says to lraqi Kurdistan's Ministry of Peshmerga. But like many other parts of Kirkuk, it was Sherzad Nezar, a Kakai man from a nearby v¡l- The brutality that lSlL demonstrated in dea- subjected to a campaign of demographic gerry- lage of Shalyar. "We want strong international ling with religious minorities in lraq and Syria mandering by Saddam Hussein's government support." prompted the Kakeis to opt for forming their in mid-1970s and beyond There ere some holy religious sites in sou- own protection force. During the campaign, known as thern Kirkuk, around Daquq district, that Kakais Last June, lraqi army forces abandoned Arabisation, hundreds of Arab tribesmen were fear will be destroyed if lSlL gets its hands on their positions in Kirkuk when lSlL fighters ran settled in this area by the government. As a them. over the neighbouring areas of Nineveh and result, many Kakais lost their lands. The vast majority of the residents of Salahuddin provinces. And the Kurdish Kobane, formerly known as Arab Koi, is Kobane and neighbouring villages have deci- Peshmerga failed to protect the Yazidi and now actually a predominantly Arab village with ded to stay behind despite the precarious and Christian-dominated areas in Nineveh plains, over 50 Arab households and around 30 Kakai uncertain conditions. leading to a large-scale massecre and brutali- families. Llayaz Hamid,22, used to spent most of his sation of the Yazidi community in August. The fear of being uprooted from their ereas I ltime working on the family farm. Now, for "We es Kakais feel very threatened," said has galvanised the Kakais into action. many of the villagers here it's risky to cultivate Nezar, who like almost every other Kekai man Of the seven Kakai villages in this corner of their land as they ere within reach of lSlL fire. here sports a big moustache that covers his Kirkuk province, one named Albu Mohammed Hemid has now taken up arms like the "lf get mouth. they [SlL] their hands on us, they is under lSlL control. "Some Kakai villages in majority of young men in this area. genocide people " will attempt a of our Gwer, Hamdaniya and in Kirkuk are controlled He says he is emotionally attached to the On a pleasant recent sunny afrernoon, land and fellow members of his vulnerable com- Nezar and his men walk rather cheerfully to the munity main road to check out the situation on the front "We just can't accept other people to line which is a couple of kilomekes away. occupy our villeges and land," Hamid says with They stand next to a sign that identifies the his AK-47 gun hung from his shoulder. "We I village as Kobane. lnspired by the stifi res¡s- consider it a sacred and necessary duty to tance that the Kurdish forces put up against deþnd our areas." lSlL in the northern Syrian town of Kobane, the Meanwhile, like many parts of the country, go locals here decided to for the namesake. communal tensions have heightened here lSlL's black banner can be spotted on a hill since lSlL attacks began. in the d¡stance. Nezar, the Kakai commander, says the "Don't gather you. here all of They míght local Arabs have not volunteered to take up fire mortar rockets at us," Nezar, a former major erms to defend the area. in the lraqi army and commander of the Kakai push Battalion tells his fighters. But some Arab villagers here say ¡f The Kakai religion shares elements with lslam and other Mesopotamian religions. The followers of the fa¡th hold lmam Ali - a figure among Muslims particularly the Sh¡a A Køkeyi Kuril. Photo credit: Køilos high esteem. That has led some to believe ZuriltuzafiPS

45 Reaue de Presse-Press Reoiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riaista Stnmpa-Dentro de la Prensø-Basin Ozeti

IRÂOI Februaryl5, 2015 NEUTTS Kurdish officials: Peshmerga to exchange pr¡soners w¡th ISIL

February 1 5, 2015 by Ahmed Hussein,

paghdad ( - Recent lSlL video of caged Peshmerga lJbeing paraded through a militant-held village has ramped up efforts Peshmarga in lSlL captivity by exchanging hostages with the militants. of the Kurdistan Regional Government to negotiate prisoner exchanges. "We intensified our attempts to free the hostages when lSlL showed the Kurdish parliamentarian Dler Mawati, who serves as deputy chief of the Peshmerga in caged procession on the streets of Hawijja. We now have tvvo Committee of Peshmerga Martyrs and Genocide Sacrifices Affairs, said an options: either to pay money to free our hostages or by exchanging lSlL estimated 50 Peshmerga have been captured by lSlL with a larger number hostagesi'he said. taken prisoner by Kurdish forces. Mawat¡ added that the Kurdistan Regional Government is ready to even Malawati said the Kurdistan Regional Government is ready to free those exchange by lSlL captives taken in Kobane. o

.-?1fi February 16,2015

fore, free hand in parliament to change the constitution and the political system. The idea The Kurdish paradox of risk could work for HDP if those who are scared of such a prospect decide to vote for the HDP to halt the ongoing authoritarian ten- dency. However, it is obvious that even if the In theory. the best way to peace with NURAY MERT Kurdish party manages to transcend the thres- Kurds should have been within the framework rebruarylrclzots hold, the subject of "the big deal" will not of general democratization, but in fact, Turkey change; the ruling party will expect the is in the reverse process of de-democratization. Kurdish party to compromise on its biggest Under those circumstances, I thought it was aim. namely, accepting the native version of better to at least not risk negotiations with the fter a series meetings between the govem- the presidential system in exchange for more [ ruling party. -/1,ment and the main Kurdish party, the rights for Kurds. Peoples'Democratic Party (HDP), the pair has Now things are getting even more com- fhe other option for Kurds is to confront the announced that they will prepare a "joint text" plex, since President Recep Tayyip ErdoSan I ruling party, but it will lead to the end of "Kurdish process." and his ruling party have determined the poli- for the so-called resolution negotiations. Finally, the paradox of Kurdish it would be tical target of the coming election as winning Under different circumstances, politics is not only about the elections but it the that an absolute majority to replace the existing very good news, but because of fact will be even more pressing after the election election process, is rather system with a "Turkish-style presidential sys- Turkey is in an it under any circumstances. If Kurds fail to enter tem." confusing. I am among those who support the parliament, they will either play into the peace process unconditionally and avoid I s for the Kurdish party, it is supposed to hands of the ruling party and expect Erdo$an a fuss about need to deal making Kurds' with l'Lcampaign against the ruling party's unde- and his party to be benevolent to Kurds, or goveming party. the mocratic ways and get more votes from demo- Kurds will choose to launch civil disobedience Nevertheless, the beginning two from crats and leftists to cross the 10 percent elec- and unrest; such a policy would lead to politi- years âgo, the peace process has been oversha- tion threshold. The same Kurdish party is sup- cal chaos in Turkey. In the event that the HDP possible dowed by skepticism about a deal posed to avoid risking its relations with the manages to get into the parliament, they will the and party. between Kurds the goveming It goveming party in the name of the peace pro- face the dilemma of compromising with the agreed was thought that Kurds might have cess or negotiations. Kurds are clearly in a dif- presidential system project or risking negotia- with the ruling party on the presidential sys- ficult position, but it is more than that; it is tions. tem in exchange for Kurdish rights. Such a "mission impossible," which may end up Finally, there is the problem of transpa- thought was protested by the Kurdish party, endangering both the Kurdish peace process rency; the HDP is asking for democratic sup- separating which said it has never considered and Kurds'political credibility and their politi- port but is unable to discuss its politics, since peace from the democratization processes. cal/moral alliance with leftist democrats in the negotiations that it is currently engaged in f.fowever, since then the debate has conti- Turkey. are all secret and rather enigmatic. Both par- I Inued, especially revolving around some hr fact, the decision by the HDP to run in ties took the decision of secrecy so as not to events like the Gezi protests, when many lef- the elections as " a party" for the first time, endanger the peace process. It means that the tist democrats questioned why the Kurds did rather than running as independents candi- HDP is in the odd position of seeking demo- not participate in the protests wholeheartedly. dates, is being debated widely, even by demo- cratic support for secret decisions. In short, the I have never been among the critics, not cratic supporters of Kurdish rights. It has been Kurdish paradox seems to be very complicated because I believed that the "peace deals" could argued that the Kurdish party is running a big and difficult to r"a r1,.. not be separated from the democratization risk, since in the event that it fails to overcome process as Kurds claim, but I thought the the 10 percent threshold, it will give the ruling opposite in the name of political realism. party an overwhelming majority and, there-

46 Reaue de P r esse-P r ess Reaieut -B erheooka Çøp ê- Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Özeti I ,, @ È t'hlualr l:. ll) l5 Kurds re¡ect proposed rival force in K¡rkuk The law to establish the National Guard forces in lraq raised the ire of Kurds in northern lraq who would rather remain in full control of their areas.

Rashad, host the majority of Sunni Arabs in the province and are currently Mohammed A. Salih controlled by lS forces. February 12,2016 But Sunni Arab leaders who are not residing in lS-conkolled tenitories demand the brmat¡on of a Sunni force as part of the National Guard. "Sunni Arab tribes want to be part of the forces deþnding Kirkuk alongside lreq law to found a paramilitary National Guard force in ERBIL, -A the peshmerga," lsmael Hadidi, the chief of the SunniArab Hadidi tribe, told Llraq to assist ¡n the fight ega¡nst the lslamic State (lS) has put Kurds Al-Monitor. "Daesh [S] poses a huge threat to us all." at loggerheads with other communities in northern lraq. served governor for a number of Kurds strongly reject the formation of any rival armed units in the parts of Lladid¡, who also as Kirkuk's deputy US-led invasion in 2003, said that the structure ofthe northern lraq that are known as disputed territories to which Kurdish, Sunni I lyears afier the Guard forces and their command structure must be clearly defì- Arab, Turkmen and Shiite Arab populations lay claims. Most of the dispu- National added that in the event that the National Guard forces ere esta- ted tenitories are now under the conkol of Kurdish peshmerga forces. ned. He blished in Kirkuk, there should be "coordination and a joint command" Members of the other communities want to play a role in the security arran- between them and the peshmerga forces. gements of those areas and hope that the National Guard will become a placed vehicle for their return to the secur¡ty scene in disputed territories. Another draft law aimed at relatively easing the restrictions on the return of the former members of Saddam Hussein's outlawed Baath Party But Ëarful that the birth of other armed groups can weaken their control to public liË is expeded to be discussed alongside the National Guard bill. over those areas amid a d¡fficult war with lS and give rise to chaotic out- The SunniArabs want a board that was in charge of identifying and disqua- comes, the Kurds have resisted the idea of other competing forces in the l¡fy¡ng Baethists from engaging in public liþ to be dismantled as they disputed territories. accuse it of praciically launching a witch-hunt cempaign against Sunni Shakhawan Abdullah, a Kurdish member of the lraqi parliament, told Al- Arabs. Monitor that the law has to make it clear that the National Guard will not be "There are many probssional and pahiotic oftcers from the former lraqi established in Kurdish-controlled areas. "The National Guard law should army [under Saddam Hussein] who we can draw on their capabilit¡es," stipulate clearly that the peshmerga is ¡n cherge in the disputed territories Hadidi said. and that's it," said Abdullah, a Kirkuk deputy in the lraqi parliament's secu- parliament rity and debnse committee. While the majority of Kurdish members of the lraqi and Kurdish politicians in Kirkuk appear to be against the formation of National Guerd lreq's Cabinet passed a draft law on Feb. 3 that paves the way for legali- units in Kirkuk, there is already some measure of cooperation between the zing the status of disparate Shiite armed groups and organizing tribal Sunni Shiite Popular Mobilization units. forces under the umbrella of a Nat¡onal Guard force. lS launched a multi-pronged assault on Kirkuk ci$ on Jan, 29, but afrer two National Guard draft law wes scheduled for a llrst reading by lraqi The days of intense fighting, Kurdish forces pushed back lS militants, preven- members of parliament during a meet¡ng on Feb. 10. But deep disa- I ting them from reaching the city. Following those attecks, scores of Shiite greements regarding certa¡n items of the bill led the speaker to delay dis- armed elements reportedly set up shop south of Kirkuk city with the stated cussions indefinitely. aim of assisting the peshmerga forces in deÊnding the city. There were Grappling with e resilient and formidable foe in the form of lS, the lraqi some Popular Mobilization forces in Kirkuk even before Jan. 29. government desperate to use the National Guard as a key element to is There appears to be a rifi in the stance of the two dominant Kurdish par- turn the tide against the jihadist group. There appears be nationwide to ties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of support for the creation of the National Guard as far as fighting lS is concer- Kurdistan (PUK), in terms of their approach to the Shi¡te armed groups. ned in the areas that the group controls in northern and central lraq. the KDP, led by Barzani, is adamant in rejec{ing the pre- While Kurds also support the idea of the National Guard to fight lS in other \^rhereas U V sence of Shiite armed groups in areas under Kurdish control, the parts of the country they do not want those fighters in areas they run such PUK, led by former lraqi President Jalal Talaban¡, appears to have a luke- Kurdistan Region parts Kirkuk, Ninevah, as the and the disputed of warm position. Peshmerga forces affiliated with the PUK have coopera- Salahuddin and Khanaqin prov¡nces under their control. ted with the Shiite armed groups in liberating areas such as Amerli in ln particular, the oil-rich province of Kirkuk has been at the center of the Salahuddin province and Jalawla in Diyala province. controversy sunounding the Netional Guerd. Abdullah, the Kurdish member of parliament, says that the Shiite groups ln an interview published Feb. I in the London-based pan-Arab daily, Al have violated their earlier agreements with Kurds to leave the Kurdish- Hayat, lraqi Kurdistan President Massoud Bazani said, "We are not in controlled areas after Amerli was recaptured from lS in September and need of the Popular Mobil¡zetion fforcesl and will not allow any forces to Jalawla in November last year enter Kirkuk." ln a visit to Kirkuk on Feb 7, Hedi al-Ameri, the head of the Badr Brigades, Popular Mobilization reÞrs to the armed Shiite groups formed after the col- an lranian-backed Shiite armed group, hinted et possible plans for coope- lapse of several divisions of the lraqi army when lS attacked Mosul and ration between the Popular Mobilization units and the peshmerga forces other main areas in northern and central lreq. "Kirkuk is of high importance and has oil and gas resources as well es Afrer the lraqi army forces were routed by lS militants last June, the ermy's power stations,"Ameri said following a meeting with Kirkuk Gov. Najmaddin peshmerga 12th Division abandoned its bases in Kirkuk. Kurdish forces Karim. 'We have to act toward ending the threat posed by Daesh ilSl moved swiftly and set up shop ¡n the areas of the province where Kurdish through high coordination with the peshmerga forces and the governor, and populations reside, including the city of Kirkuk and the rich oil fields in its this requires swift adion." a envtrons. Mohammed A. Sal¡h ¡s a journal¡st baæd in EùiL lrcqi Kutd¡stan. He has wr¡tten Sunni Arabs form the vast majority of the Areb population in the ethnically about Kurd¡sh and lraqi affa¡rs br local and ¡ntemational med¡a. and sedarianliverse Kirkuk province and other disputed territories. The southern parts of Kirkuk province, around the dishicts of Hawija and

47 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stømpa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

l9 tér,rier 2015 Rojava, I'Etat rnsoumrsoo Face au califat, un mini-État kr¡rde et démocratique se fédère

Bruno IÞniel-Laurent r.9 février zor5

1 'un des aspects les plus fascinants des guerres civiles reside peut- L¡être dans leur génie à susciter I'apparition d'États de facto dont contre François Hollande, accusé d'être le < meilleur allié de la les actes fondateurs sont sculptés dans la frénésie des combats. Turquie , ; enfin, Nazira Gawriya, la coprésidente - syriaque ortho- Deux étranges entités politiques sont ainsi en train de naître sous doxe - du Conseil législatif du Cizîrê, formulera une requête primor- nos yeux en Syrie, prospérant sur les décombres d'un régime baa- diale : " Que la France arrête d'accorder des visas d'entrée aux chré- siste qui ne maîtrise guère plus que la moitié de son territoire : pro- tiens d'Orient ! > On l'aura compris : aller en tant que Français à la clamé le z9 juin zor4, l'État islamique impose désormais I'autorité < rencontre des officiels du Rojava - surtout s'ils sont chretiens -, califale > d'Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi sur une superficie égale à celle du c'est prendre le risque d'être accueilli par une soupe à la grimace, Royaume-Uni, partageant des frontières communes avec la Turquie, qui, heureusement, se mue généralement en franche hospitalité. Ìa Jordanie, I'Arabie saoudite et le gouvernement régional du Kurdistan d'Irak ; et au même moment, dans I'extrême nord de la Iæ Rojava - littéralement, Kurdistan < de I'Ouest > - est né d'un Syrie, trois cantons kurdes disjoints se sont fédérés pour créer le ter- compromis historique entre les Kurdes du parti PYD et le régime de ritoire < auto-administré " du Rojava, dont la charte fondatrice, Bachar el-Assad : ne pouvant se battre sur tous les fronts à la fois, ce publiée le zr janvier zor4, semble comme sortie de l'imagination dernier a en effet choisi de laisser les militants du PYD former en d'un socialiste-révolutionnaire du xixe siècle. zorz des assemblées populaires dans trois cantons disjoints - Efrîn, Kobané et Cizîrê - qui, ensemble, couvrent un territoire désormais Au-delà de I'antagonisme fondamental qui oppose ces deux entités aussi étendu que le Liban. Territoire éclaté mais aussi enserré entre ennemies, I'une et I'autre se pensent comme des modèles de gouver- deux puissances qui ontjure sa perte : le gouvernement islamo-con- nance au Proche-Orient et se rejoignent sur un même refus de la servateur turc, au nord, rêve évidemment d'écraser dans l'æuf cette conception occidentale de l'État-nation : tandis que les combattants entité politique dominée par les idées " confédéralistes démocra- de Daesh - acronyme arabe de l'État islamique - clament leur tiques r d'Abdullah öcahn, leader omnipotent des Kurdes de volonté de restaurer une forme califale de pouvoir tout en pul- Turquie. Mais c'est l'État islamique qui exerce sur le Rojava la pres- vérisant les frontières héritées des accords franco-britanniques de sion la plus brutale : en septembre zot4, les combattants de Daesh 1916, les dirigeants du Rojava n'aspirent pas tant à créer un État, se sont ainsi lancés dans une guerre-éclair contre le canton de füt-il kurde, qu'une < confédération démocratique des peuples Kobané, provoquant I'exode de centaines de milliers de civils vers la kurde, arabe, assyrien, chaldéen, turkmène, arménien, tchétchène ). Turquie, où ils s'entassent désormais dans des camps de fortune. Ainsi, ce n'est pas une Constitution qui fonde l'< auto-administra- Bataille épique, mais aussi fondatrice : il n'est pas besoin d'avoir lu tion démocratique > du Rojava, mais un contrat social appuyé sur Carl Schmitt pour comp¡endre que la figure de l'ennemi total per- un idéal multiethnique, inclusif et < laïique >, tandis que l'État met de fonder des solidarités opératives. En ce sens, I'existence de islamique s'appuie quant à lui sur une conception intraitable et Daesh et la menace existentielle qu'il fait peser sur les peuples du guerrière de la charia, vue comme un réseau de canaux divinement Kurdistan syrien sont peut-être une chance historique : I'acte de prédisposés pour l'équilibre d'une société musulmane pleinement naissance du creuset multiethnique du Rojava restera à jamais lié au victorieuse. Aucun doute : la Syrie est devenue, pour le meilleur ou souvenir d'une guerre totale rassemblant sous un même drapeau pour le pire, le laboratoire des nouvelles utopies proche-orientales. Kurdes, Arabes, chrétiens, mais aussi hommes et femmes, les médi- atiques Unités féminines de protection (YPJ) totalisant quelque 3o .Et n ce mois de novembre zor4, je traîne mes guêtres, justement, % des troupes combattantes dans la ville assiégée de Kobané ou sur I)dans le canton syrien du Cizîrê, le plus vaste des trois territoires la ligne de front du Cizîrê. qui forment le Rojava. Si des milliers de Français, de Belges ou de Scandinaves sont venus grossir les ranç des moudjahidine de l'État 1l est évidemment plus intéressant d'évoquer la réalité de l'État islamique, ici, il n'y a pas foule : les Européens présents au Iislamique avec celles et ceux qui se défendent quotidiennement Kurdistan de Syrie se comptent ainsi sur les doigts d'une seule main, contre ses assauts que de subir les assommants clichés véhiculés en ce que I'on me fera remarquer dès mon arrivée. Ia vice-premier France, oscillant entre I'hystérie va-t-en-guerre d'une certaine droite ministre, Elizabeth Gawriya, me posera ainsi cette colle : < Pourquoi et I'euphémisation anti-amalgamiste d'une certaine gauche. Ainsi, à mille Français se sont-ils engagés dans une milice qui coupe nos I'encontre de tous ceux qui parlent en France de " pseudo-É,tat isla- enfants en morceaux tandis que pas un seul n'est venu défendre le mique , ou d'État . prétendument islamique >, les Kurdes savent ( Rojava ? > ; elle s'étonnera aussi que la France - pays chrétien " - que le califat d'al-Baghdadi possède tous les attributs régaliens : une n'aide pas le Rojava alors qu'il est le premier pays du monde à avoir administration efficiente, deux Premiers ministres Q'un pour I'Irak, fait de I'araméen - la langue du Christ - l'une de ses langues ofñ- I'autre pour la Syrie), des ministères organisés, des structures pro- cielles, à côté du kurde et de I'arabe... Plus tard, un officier nous vinciales décentralisées, des agences de presse, des services de ren- apprendra que les daeshistes sont équipés de missiles Milan de seignement et un gigantesque budget alimenté par les raffineries fabrication française ; puis un membre du Parlement s'emportera artisanales, les trafics frontaliers, les confiscations et le pillage tr>

48 Reuue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Rioista S Dentro de ln Prensø-Basin Ozeti

o des sites archéologiques. L'État islamique a la vocation d'être un hasard, un siècle jour pour jour apnès la prise de la Bastille. Puis les foyer : sa propagande martèle sans cesse que le premier devoir des chretiens du Rojava savent ce qui les attend en cas de victoire des < vrais musulmans - ( Arabes et non-Arabes, Blancs et Noirs, djihadistes > : en 2012, les miliciens de Jabhat al-Nosra et du groupe Orientaux et Occidentaux > - est de quitter les nations impies turco-caucasien Ghuraba al-Sham sont ainsi entrés à Ras el-Ain, d'Europe et de se livrer à I'hijra (émigration) vers les terres < cali- l'une des principales villes du Cizîrê, et n'en ont été chassés qu'un an fales >. Ceux qui en France s'inquiètent du . grand remplacement > plus tard, après avoir vandalisé les églises et crevé les yeux des devraient s'en réjouir ! icônes mariales. Au projet d'homogénéisation radicale de l'État islamique répond donc la volonté poþphonique du Rojava, inscrite Iæs Kurdes - qui sont sunnites pour la plupart - et les Arabes du dans le marbre de sa charte fondatrice : chaque ministère est Rojava savent aussi qu'il serait absurde ou mensonger de nier le car- tricéphale et doit inclure au moins une femme et un(e) représen- actère < islamique > de cet État de facto, car c'est un rêve grandiose, tant(e) d'une des trois grandes communautés, c'est-à-dirr, dans les puissamment ancré dans la mémoire sunnite, que renouvèle l'État faits, un/une Kurde, un/une Arabe, un/une chrétien(ne). Des règles islamique d'al-Baghdadi : celui du califat abbasside de Bagdad, similaires sont appliquées dans les différentes instances politiques détruit par les invasions mongoles du XIIIe siècle et auquel suc- qui reposent sur les comités communaux, les initiatives populaires cédera I'avatar califal ottoman, qui sera formellement aboli en r9z4 et le bénévolat. Et le plus incroyable est peut-être que, dans ce con- par Mustafa Kemal. Ainsi, contrairement à la ( rue occidentale > qui texte de pénurie et de guerre totale, les administrations du Rojava ne voit dans l'État islamique qu'un ramassis de fous ou de barbares trouvent aussi le temps de travailler sur des questions que certains - tandis qu'une partie de la < rue musulmane > le suspecte d'être pourraient juger secondaires : Amina Omar, la ministre de la condi- une création des services occidentaux et israéliens... -, le rêve califal tion féminine, æuvre ainsi à la création de refuges pour les femmes d'al-Baghdadi est perçu par de nombreux musulmans comme un battues, arguant qu'il faut déployer la même énergie contre ceux qui processus historico-religieux d'une inégalable beauté, prompt à sus- sont violents qu'ils soient de I'extérieur ou de l'intérieur. Et, pendant citer de virils et d'idéalistes engagements, depuis la Tunisie ce temps, Luqman Akhmi, ministre de l'écologie, de l'archéologie et jusqu'aux Philippines en passant par Lunel et Berlin. S'inscrivant du tourisme (sic), travaille à préserver les sites antiques d'Urkesh et dans le sillage de l'intransigeante école de jurisprudence hanbalite et d'Halaf, une démarche qui contraste fort avec les agissements des se référant constamment aux écrits d'Ibn Taymiyya (un théologien fonctionnaires de l'É,tat islamique. Lesquels, dégoûtés par les d'origine kurde du xiiie siècle), les combattants de Daesh sont, qu'on æuwes façonnées sous l'ère antéislamique de la jâhilîya, oscillent le veuille ou non, l'un des visages de I'islam contemporain, et pas le entre les pillages lucratiß et les destructions méthodiques. Enfin, moins belligène, puisque leur conception de I'apostasie, partic- dans les rues de Qamiçhlo ou dans les casernements de la ligne de ulièrement extensive, n'est pas de nature à nous rassurer : sont en front, la jeunesse du Rojava se livre à une activité désormais crimi- effet considéres comme apostats, donc passibles de mort, les musul- nalisée à I'intérieur de l'É,tat islamique : elle danse. mans non sunnites dans leur ensemble - ce qui fait beaucoup de monde dans la région : chiites duodécimains, ismaéliens, alaouites, Dour I'heure, sous-équipées et seulement aidées par le soutien alévis, druzes -, mais aussi la plupart des confréries soufies, ainsi -f aérien de la coalition arabo-occidentale, les troupes combat- que les sunnites collaborant avec les États arabes jugés apostats. tantes du Rojava continuent de subir le siège de Kobané et tiennent Même les Frères musulmans ou les islamistes palestiniens du fermement la ligne de front du Cizîrê, intervenant aussi en Irak afin Hamas, coupables selon Daesh de s'être compromis dans les joutes de protéger les Yézidis, une population kurde mitlra'úste vivant dans électorales, sont accusés d'être des idolâtres... On le voit : si le la région des monts Sinjar. Iargement ignorés par les États, boudés monde est contre l'État islamique - la coalition arabo-occidentale par les visiteurs, menacés de toutes parts, les peuples du Rojava n'en regroupe vingt-deux pays dont dix pays musulmans -, c'est aussi gardent pas moins la virile assurance de la légitimité que confère parce que l'État islamique a déclaré la guer¡e au monde entier. Mais, l'ancienneté. Ce sont de vieux peuples : contre la prétention hégé- contrairement à Al-Qaida, qui avait choisi de frapper - et de quelle monique de l'État islamique, les chrétiens de Kobané et du Cizîrê qu'ils patriarcat manière extraordinaire ! - < I'ennemi lointain ", l'État islamique n'oublient pas sont les enfants du d'Antioche, dont privilégie pour l'instant < I'ennemi proche r. l'institution remonte aux apôtres Pierre et Paul ; les Kurdes, peuple indo-européen, se savent quant à eux les héritiers des royaumes T e 20 novembre dernier, j'arpentais ainsi les ruines de la ville mèdes, tandis que le calendrier yézidi entre dans sa 67ó5e année. I-rsyrienne de Tel Maarouf, centre religieux de la conf¡érie soufie Aussi, l'on comprendra que ces populations, dont les mythes fonda- des naqçhbandi et haut lieu de pèlerinage du canton du Cizîrê. En teurs s'enracinent dans une mémoire autrement plus ancienne que février zor4, une brigade internationale de miliciens de l'État isla- l'hégire, restent un peu dubitatives face aux leçons de vie adminis- mique - parmi ìesquels des Français - a nuitamment pénétré dans trées par des " djihadistes twitter > shootés aux amphétamines - la ville, n'y restant que vingt-quatre heures, le temps de d¡mamiter dont certains sont par ailleurs des transfuges des milices baasistes les deux mosquées, dévaster l'école primaire et profaner la tombe de irakiennes ou d'anciens alcooliques venus des Flandres ou d'Indre- Sheikh Khaznawi. Les miliciens ont quitté Tel Maarouf sans coup et-Loire... Iæs daeshistes ont beau cultiver un zèle surhumain à tran- férir, emportant avec eux les fruits de leurs pillages et quinze villa- cher des gorges récalcitrantes ou profaner des corps adolescents, geois parmi lesquels des jeunes filles et des bambins, celles-là pro- pour les peuples du Rojava, les vertus de la révolution califale n'ap- mises aux viols et ceux-ci à la reassignation identitaire. Dans les paraissent pas enco¡e dans leur pleine lumière.[/access] *Photo décombres des mosquées, les daeshistes ont aussi dispersé des : Bruno Deniel-Inurent. exemplaires piégés du Coran, espérant ainsi défigurer encore Bruno Deniel-Laurent quelques Kurdes après leur départ. Tel Maarouf est desormais une cnllaborc rcgulíèrement à. Ia Reuue des Deux Mondes, Marianne, Grand ville morte, abandonnée aux chats qui se faufilent entre des matelas kþneur et est cn-fondateur de feu Ia rue littéraire &nær ! . éventrés, des jouets denfants, des liwes souillés. Voilà ce qu'il en coûte aux sunnites syriens de ne pas entrer dans le moule étroit du *** salafi sme révolutionnaire.

Iæs chrétiens de la région, on s'en doute, n'ont pas été les derniers à s'associer à la construction de l'. auto-administration > du Rojava. Ils sont, ne I'oublions jamais, les rescapés du génocide assyro- arménien de rgr5 au cours duquel un million de chrétiens ont été exterminés, avec la complicité de supplétifs kurdes, par les Jeunes- Turcs, ce très < progressiste > mouvement fondé, comme par

49 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çøpê- Riuista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Özeti

18 février 2015

ments sont maintenant terminés, nous récupérons leurs corps Irak : les Kurdes repoussent une (ceux des jihadistes, ndlr)", a déclaré Najat Ali, commandant adioint des peshmergas sur le attaque de I'EI au sud d'Erbil front de Makhmour. Gweir et Makhmour ont été il 78 fév 2075 (AFP) déjouée. Elle a duré quatre heures en raison des tranchées creusées y a six mois parmi les premières et nous avons tué 34 membres de par les peshmergas sur les lignes cibles des frappes aériennes amé- I'EI", a affirmé à I'AFP Sirwane de front", a expliqué M. Barzani, ricaines contre les jihadistes. La Erbil (Irak), - Les combat- Barzani, le commandant local des neveu de Massoud Barzani, prési- région est régulièrement I'objet tants kurdes (peshmergas) ont peshmergas. dent du gouvernement régional d'offensives de I'EI. Les jihadistes repoussé une attaque majeure de Selon M. Barzani, quelque 300 du Kurdistan d'lrak y avaient déjà mené le mois der- I'organisation Etat islamique au jihadistes ont attaqué deux vil- M. Barzani a affirmé que les nier une attaque surprise, traver- sud-ouest d'Erbil, capitale de la lages entre les localités de Gweir peshmergas avaient reçu I'appui sant les eaux du Zab en bateau et région autonome du Kurdistan et Makhmour, situées dans une aérien de la coalition internatio- s'emparant de la zone kurde de irakien, ont indiqué mercredi des zone à 40 lcn au sud-ouest d'Erbil. nale anti-jihadistes conduite par Gwer avant d'en être repoussés. responsables. "Daech (acronyme arabe de I'EI) les Etats-Unis, qui depuis août Vingt-six membres des forces de "L'attaque qui a été lancée n'a pas pu utiliser des véhicules 2O!4 a mené des centaines de sécurité kurdes avaient été tués. I mardi à 20h00 (17h00 GMT) a été militaires ou des voitures piégées frappes contre I'EI. "Les affronte-

19 février 2015 IRAK. Jusqu'à looooo femmes vendues par I'Etat islamique Un rapport d'un groupe de défenseurs des droits erçlique que le trafic de femmes a "enplosé" ces dernières années. Leur destin ? Eue violées, forcées à se prostituer ou tuées.

r9 février zor5 (L'EI a introduit et 2oo et Soo dollars. Dans certains cas, les tempsreel.nouvelobs. com filles ont été forcées de subir une chirurgie légitimé la pratique de de reconstruction de I'hymen afin d'être vierges. ¡usqu'à femmes et filles en Irak I'esclavage sexuel à une vendues une nouvelle fois comme femmes tJ ont été enlevées ou victimes de la traite L'EI a capturé au moins la pour l'esclavage sexuel, la prostitution ou échelle sans précédent", et filles en Irak en zor4 seulement, dont la rançon, selon un rapport du Minority écrivent les auteurs du majorité vient de la minorité yézidie. Rights Group International and the Iæs femmes capturées qui sont parve- Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights rap- rapport.> nues à parler aux défenseurs des droits porté par Reuters. disent que les combattants de l'EI violent Ces femmes sont envoyées à Bagdad ou leurs victimes quotidiennement. Toute fille Quelque femmes ont été tuées dans les villes du nord de I'Irak ou en Syrie, depuis l'invasion américaine de zoo3, et qui essaye de se suicider ou de s'échapper en Jordanie ou aux Emirats arabes unis. beaucoup de femmes et filles ont été vio- est torturée avec des câbles électriques. Une fille yézidie a expliqué avoir été emme- viennent espérer que des lées dans ce laps de temps. læs auteurs du Certaines en à née en Syrie avec autres filles où elles leur rapport expliquent que le trafic en Irak a 3So frappes aériennes s'abattent sur ont été exposées et vendues dans la rue pour à souf- "explosé" ces dernières années et que l'Etat emplacement mettre fin leurs "comme des poulets sur un marché". islamique est devenu un acteur majeur frances. méthode commune consiste à en avant des cas dans I'achat et la vente de filles. Une læ rapport met aussi nouer un mariage temporaire avec une vic- Iæs déplacements massifs ont créé un terrifiants. Par exemple, un soldat a violé puis à desti- environnement favorable pour les trafi- time, divorcer une fois arrivés une enfant de 4 ans avant de la battre à place, I'homme force sa com- quants. Les femmes déplacées, comme nation. Sur mort avec une brique. Une fille de 5 ans a pagne à se prostituer, avant de retourner violée avant d'être étranglée celles qui ont fui des violences domestiques été en réunion en Irak pour répéter le processus. ou des mariages forcés, sont particulière- avec un lacet. ment vulnérables. Certains trafiquants Iæ Minority Rights Group a demandé DE DOLI,ARS recherchent des fugueuses dans des lieux zoo À5oo I.ANUIT aux gouvernements irakiens et kurdes de AVEC T'NE \rIERGE pour publics, comme le marché par exemple, redoubler leurs efforts obtenir la libéra- selon le rapport. D'autres les trouvent en tion des femmes kidnappees, mais aussi de En dehors de l'Irak, les femmes sont prison en établissant des cautions pour les renforcer les lois contre les violences vendues jusqu'à dollars. En Irak, crimes femmes et en les forçant à rembourser leur sexuelles et d'enquêter sur les une nuit avec une femme vierge coûte entre dette en se prostituant. commis.a

50 Rea ue de P r e s s e -P r e s s Reaiezu -B erheo okn Ç ap ê - Riaistø Stømpa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti

20 FEVRIER 2015

dant à Téhéran de respecter ses engagements dans le domaine des droits de l'Homme. En Un ieune kurde exécuté en effet, l'lran est signataire de la convention de I'ONU sur les droits de l'enfant, qui interdit les mob¡lisation condamnations à mort pour les mineurs. Iran malgré la "Saman Naseem était mineur au moment des faits qui lui sont reprochés. Son droit fonda- mental à un procès juste et équitable n'a pas internationale été respecté. La France appelle les autorités iraniennes à respecter leurs engagements Texte par FRANCE 24 internat¡onaux dans le domaine des droits de 20 février 20I5 I'Homme, notamment la convention des Nations unies relative aux droits de I'enfant", F¡econnu couoable d'actions armées contre avait déclaré le ministère des Affaires étran- jeudi. ñbs Gardiens de la ¡évolution, le jeune kurde gères dans un communiqué émis iranien Saman Naseem a été exécutéjeudi 19 En français, en anglais, en japonais, en turc... février en lran, selon la FIDH. Ulren est resté les messages s'étaient multipliés sur Twitter D'après I'ONG, la famille de Saman Naseem, à sourd aux appels intemationaux à la clémence. depuis les quatre coins de la planète pour qui il a été demandé de garder le silence sur l'af- La menace de son exécution était imminente. demander à l'lran de ne pas exécuter Saman faire, a été contactée par les autorités ira- Le jeune Kurde iranien Saman Naseem,22 ans, Naseem. Certains internautes n'hés¡tant pas à niennes jeudi après-midi pour venir chercher reconnu coupable en avril 201 3 d'actions s'adresser directement au Guide suprême ira- les effets personnels du jeune homme, comme armées contre les Gardiens de la révolution, nien, qui possède un compte twitter décliné en cela est d'usage après une exécution. l'armée d'élite du régime iranien, n'a pas été plusieurs langues, alors même que le réseau amnistié. ll a été exécuté jeudi 19 février dans MINEUR À L'ÉPoQUE DEs FAITS social est interdit en lran. r la matinée, selon la FIDH quia obtenu ces infor- L'lran est resté sourd aux appels internatio mations vendredi. naux, notamment celui de la France, deman-

20 février 2015

Des hommes de I'organisa- le Pentagone annonce tion Etat islamique paradent dans une offensive prochaine les rues de Mossoul, en Irak, le 23 sur Mossoul iuin.

Par Roland Gauron contre-offensive des forces ira- ne soient irrémédiablement impac- conquise. Enfin, des hommes spé- 2olo2l2o1s kienne et kurdes. tés,, explique. l'intéressé. Daech, cialisés dans I'antiterrorisme pren- irruÀique perd chaque "i¡tui part à jour du terrain>, estime te ."rpår1- dans une position défensive' serait dront I'assaut. uniquement capable micro- Un tel niveau de détails laisse 'armée irakienne et les combat- sable américain. D'après lui, les de J offensives' néanmoins perplexe. Le Pentagone L-¡tants kurdes, forts de 20.000 à frappes de la coalition provoquent n'a pas pour habitude de divulguer 25.000 hommes, se prépareraient à d'énormes oertes dans les ranss IRAKI- d'informations sur une opé- reprendre au printemps la djihaclistes, à tel point q,r" i" S]IpPry-GlpEs autant ration en cours de préparation. deuxième ville du pays, tenue par gio,,p" n'est plus en capac'ité o" t*"fl?,*?t3"äT\!l"t",**.", Interrogé sur ce point, le responsa- l'État islamique. lenue par 1000 à 2000 djihadistes. ble américain a expliqué que ces L'opération doit débuter avant ((Ctest Et, à en croire le responsable du chiffres illustraient le degré d'im- le Ramadan. C'est du moins ce leur plan. Ils y plication de I'armée irakienne et qu'affirme un responsable du cfoient fortement. )) I'importance de l'opération à venir. Pentagone. Celui-ci a dévoilé jeudi i:låx:":iJi#ï'"ä:Ïïå:i UnræponsableduCmtcor.n,Iecom- ¿ aligner enire 20.000 et 25.000 y a beaucoup d'éléments à ras- devant plusieurs joumalistes amé- mandemmt militaire "Il américain. ho-å"r. La majeure partie de ces sembler et nous voulons nous ricains les préparatifs en cours afin de reprendre Mossoul. .Nous troupes seront foumis par I'armée assurer que les conditions seront irakienne. brigades vont réunies, ajoute-t-il. Mais c'est leur visons toujours le créneau avril- former suffisamment de combat_ "Cinq par nos camPs d'entraîne- plan. Ils y croient fortement." La mair>, déclare sous couvert d'ano- tants pour remplacer ceux tombés Passer ment avant que ne commence participation de contrôleurs avan- nymat Ie responsable du Centcom, sur leìhamp dé bataille. À titre de I'opération s,ur Mossoul"' précise cés américains, chargés de guider le commandement militaire améri- comparaison, détaille-t-i1, Daech a encore le.m.ilitaire américain' Éga- les bombardements pendant I'of- cain. Mais il reste

51 Revue de Pr esse-Pr ess Reuiew -Berhet)okn Çapê- Riaista Stampn-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Basin Ozeti

fntcnt¡tion¡li\ctullork@inrco TUESDAY FEBRUARy tz,zots

In some cases, victims of exposure said, officers forbade them to discuss To curb lraqi arms, what had occurred. The Pentagon norV says hundreds efother veterans feport- ed on health-screening fgrms that they believed they too had bêen exposed. C.l.A. paid cash The Borak warheads, which a¡e roughly 40 inches long and attach to a motor compatible with the common Purchases in'05 and'06 Grad multiple rocket launcher òystem, were domestically produced. But no took chemical weapons çlear picture even emerged of how many Iraq manufactured or how many it fired market, during the American occupation in bur- off officials say during the Iran-. ied caches, as part of improvised bombs confidential declarations or on black markets. In in the BY C.J. CHIVERS 1990s to the United Nations, Iraq gave The potency of sarin samples from ANDERICSCHMITT shifting production numbers, up to the putchases, as well as tiihtly held as- 18,500. It also claimed to have destroyed The Central Intelligence Agency, work- sessments about risks the munitions its remaining stock before international ing witlt American troops during the oc. posed, buttresses veterans' claims that inspectors arrived after the Gulf war. purchased during the war the military did not cupation of lraq, repeatedly One veteran familiar with the pro- nerve-agent rockets from a secretive shafe important intelligence about bat- gram saidwarheads vyere tested byput- Iraqi seller, part of a previously tlefield perils with those at risk or main- undis- ting them in "an old cast-iron bathtub" closed effort to that old chemical tain an adequate medical system for ensure and drillirig through their metal exteri- weapons remaining in lraq did not'fall treating victims of chemical exposure. ors td e:dract the liquid sarin within. into the hands of terrorists The purchases were madè from a sole or militant The analysis of sa¡in samples from groups, accordingto current and former Iraqi source who was eager to sell his 2005 found that the purity level reached American officials. stock, officials said. The amount of 13 percent : higher than expected given extraordinary arms purchase money that thê Uníted States paid for , The the relatively low quality and instability plan, known as Operation Avarice, the rockets is not publicly known, and of Iraq's sarin production in the 1980s, bogan in 2005 and continued into.2006, neither are the affiliations of the seller. officials said. Samples from Boraks re- and the American military deemed it a Most of the officials and veterans who covered in 2004 had contained concen- nonproliferation success. It led to the spoke about the program did so anony- trations no higher than 4 percent. mously because, they said, the details United States' acquiring and destroying The new data became grounds for at least 400 Borak rockets, one of the in- remained classified. The C.I.A. declined concern. "Borak rockets will be more chemical to comment. The Pentagon, citing con- ternationally condemned hazardous than previousþ assessed," weapons that Saddam Hussein's tinuing secrecy about the effort, did not Baath- one internal report noted. It added a government manufactured answer written questions and acknowl- ist in the warning: The use of a Borak in an im- but that were not edged its role only obliquely. .1980s accounted for by provised bomb effectively dis- Nations inspections speaking to any specific pro- "could United mandated "Without perse the sarin nerve agent." after the l99l Persian Gulf war. grams, it is fair to say that together with The Americans believed the weapons The our coalition partners in Iraq, the U.S. effort waÉi run out of the C.IA. came from near Amara, a city not far military worked diligently to find and re- station in Baghdad in collaboration with from lran. It was not clear, ho\reveç move weaponsthat could beused against the Army's 203rd Military Intelligence whether rockets had been retrieved Battalion and teams of chemical-de- our troops and the Iraqi people," Rear from a former forward firing point used fense and explòsive ordnance disposal Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon p.ress by lraq's military during the lran-Iraq troops, officials and veterans of the secretary, said in a written statement. war, or from one of the ammunition de- units said. Many poor rockets were in Retired Army Lt. Gen. Richard P. pots around the city. Neither the C.LA. condition, and some \À¡ere empty or held Zahne4 the top American military intel- nor the soldiers persuaded tlte man to a nonlethal liquid, the officials said. But ligence officer in Iraq in 2005 and 2006' reveal his source of supply, the officials others contained the nerve agent sarin, said he did not know of any other intelli' said. "They were pushing to see where which analysis showed to be purer tltan gence program as successftd in reduc- did it originate from, was there a niother the intelligence community had expect- ing the chemical weapons that remained lode?" General Zahner said. given ed the age ofthe stock. in lraq after the American-led invasion' Eventually, a veteran familiar with A pub- New York Times investigation Through the C.l.A.'s purchases, Gen- the purchasès said, "the guy was get- lished in October found thatthe military eral Zal¡ner said, hurtdreds of weapons ting a li,ttle cocky." At. least once he had recovered thous'ands of old chemic- with potential use for terrorists were scammed his handlers, selling rockets al and waiheads shells in Iraq and that taken off tlte market. "This was a timely filled with something other thdn sarin. Americans been and lraqis. had and effective initiative by our national Then in 2006, the veteran said, the wounded by them, but the government intelligence partners that negated the Iraqi drove a truckload of warheads to kept much of this information secret, use of these unique munitions," he said. Baghdad and "called the intêl guys to from the public and troops alike. Not long after Operation Avarice had tell them he was goingto turn them over These munitions were remnants of an secured its 400th rocket, in 2006, Amer- to the insurgents unless they picked Iraqi special weapons program that wirs ican troops were exposed several times them up." Not long after that, he said, abandoned long before 2003 tlte inva- to other chemical weapons. ManY of the relationship appeared to dry up. sion, and they turned up sporadically these veterans said tlrat they had not been warned by their units about the Marh Mazzetti and John Ismay contrib- In Operation Avarice, at least risks posed by the chemical weapons utedreporting. 400 Borak rocketr, soine and that their medical care and follow- part containing the nen'e agent up were substandard, in because military doctors seemed unaware that sarin, were destroyed. chemical munitions remained in lraq.

52 Reaue de Presse-Press Reuiew-Berheaokn Çøpê- Riaista Stømpa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti

ATJAZEERA February 19,2015

It is not clear yet if the KRG would go as far as including Kirkuk's oil in its exports in the event lraqi-Kurdish oil deal that the deal with Baghdad collapses and the Kurds embark on extens¡ve independent oil sales. Meny expect the Kurdish government will have is slipp¡ng away a hard time in the coming months to make ends meet es its coffers are almost empty. Collapse of revenuecharing deal with Baghdad could have dire The government has often come under criticism financial consequences for Kurdish Regional Government. for not carrying out reforms to diversify and bet- ter regulate its economy and the current situa- tion might further compound the situat¡on. The KRG is already behind schedule ¡n paying Mohammed A Salih / 19 Fêb 2015 its civil servants and while March is approa- ching, it has not yet fully paid its employees for December. !rbil - A deal on oil exports and revenue "lt's a triple whammy crisis ffor KRGI," seid Lsharing between lreq's government and Shwan Zulal, meneging director of Kurdistan the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) focused consultancy Carduchi firm. "You have appears to be in tatters as both sides s¡gnal Baghdad not paying you, oil prices crashing their reluctance to uphold it prompting the and you have e war with lSlL. lt's diffcult even Kurdistan government to seek alternat¡ve ways if it had a plan, or ¡f it had cont¡ngency funds, or It ìs not clear if the KRG would include of monetising its oil. had economic robustness, [then] the KRG Kirkuk's oil in its exports in the euent would have probably withstood it much better." prices, of At the currently lower oil any severing thøt the ileal uith Baghdad collapses [AI the deal can, at least in the short run, afied Some analysts and officials who spoke to Al both sides' war efiorts against the lslamic State lazeetal Jazee¡a suggested that one reason why of lraq and the Levant (lSlL) and further frag- Baghdad has not been willing to fulfil its side of ment lraq, enalysts say. member of the energy committee at lraqi the agreement might be that Kurdish contribu- tion to the lraqi budget is significantly below The deal, signed last December, essentially Kurdistan's perl¡ament. whet it is entitled to receive. amounted to a cash for oil exchange: The Of the nearly 500,000 barrels its produces per Kurds committed to hand¡ng over 550,000 bar- day, the KRG has withheld at least an average While Kurdish oficials admit that "KRG is com- rels of oil per day from areas under their conhol of 150,000 banels per day from SOMO in a bid mitted to the egreement with Baghdad and to lraq's national oil marketing entity known as to pay those international firms, multiple Kurdish wants it to work", some, however, accuse SOMO. sources said. Around 150,000 additional barrels Baghdad of double standards in distributing the nationel budget. ln return, the federal government in Baghdad are used for domestic consumption. agreed to pay Kurds 17 percent of lraq's natio- Kurdish offcials also said that since the begin- nal budget That meant, afier deducting certain ning of February, the KRG has only pumped expenses for common national purposes, the around 150,000 barrels per day from Kirkuk The prime minister's visit to KRG would get around $1bn per month from fields which has been under Kurdish control Turkey is aimed at talks about lraq's budget, estimated at about $105bn. since lSlL's emergence lest June. independent oil sales so that the ln late January, the deal was ¡ncorporated into The budget law mandates that the KRG provide Kurdistan Region can overcome lraq's national budget law for 2015 250,000 barrels of oil on a daily basis from the financial crisis. Baghdad three provinces under its jurisdiction, and the If On Monday, KRG's Prime Minister Nechirven does not commit to the agreement, Bazani threatened to withheld oil exports 300,000 banels fiom oil fields in Kirkuk pro- without getting KRG's share. "lf they don't send vince that is now under the Kurds'de-fac{o then the KRG will opt for inde- the budget, we won't send oil," Barzani said. control. pendent oil sales. But according to several sources speaking to Al But it does not clearly address the issue of a Shaban, MP and member of Barzani's Jazeera, the KRG has not been able to fulfil the time fiame for calculation purposes. target level of 550,000 barrels per day. Although Bezeni recently said due to fluctuations in out- Kurdish offc¡als say this was due to technical put caused by technical diffculties, the lraqi diffculties, critics argue otherwise. government should not measure his govern- The Baghdad government, say Kurdish ofrcials, 'There is enough produc{ion capacity within ment's commitment to the deal by calculating has withheld KRG's funds for most of the pest Kurdistan whether fiom the originally KRG- the amount of oil the KRG provides on a daily year, but it has paid civil servants in the rest of controlled fields as well as the Kirkuk fields," basis. the country. said Luay el-Kheteeb, the executive director of The lraqi government, Batzani suggested, 'Why does Baghdad pey other provinces even the London-based lraq Energy lnstitute who should rather take an average of KRG's oil deli- those under lSll's control but it refuses to pay has also advised the lraqi parliament on energy veries within a three-month period and expres- KRG's budget?" asked Shaban, the Kurdish policy. sed optimism the Kurds can meet the target MP. "But Kurdish authorities are very interested to that way. But even as the distrust between Baghdad and keep enough margin of produdion for export to On Thursday, Ba¡zani met with Turkish presi- the KRG has deepened, some believe the deal pay the lOCs [international oil companies] dent and prime min¡ster in Ankara to discuss is not beyond redemption yet. investing in the north [in Kurdistan] as well as energy matters The Kurdish prime minister's Both sides say they need to cooperate in the elloceting enough production to meet local visit to Ankara and his previous statements that fight against lSlL and oil should not hamper consumption and this has reduced the share the central government in Baghdad is "ban- thet. agreed with Baghdad." krupt" are seen as signs that KRG might Aziz Alwan, a member of the lreq¡ parliament, resume its independent oil sales through a The Kurdish government has grappled with a believes the federal government should accept p¡peline it has built with the help of Turkey in deep financial crisis since the beginning of 2014 the idea to calculate the KRG oil output in recent years. when the then lraqi Prime Minister Nouri al- three-month blocks and not on a daily basis Meliki cut its share of the national budget. 'The prime ministe/s visit to Turkey is aimed at 'There is a weakness in commitment to the talks about independent oil sales so thet the To prov¡de the salaries of employees in ¡ts vast deal but not a total collapse yet," said Alwan, Kurdistan Region cen overcome the financial civil service, the KRG increased independent oil also a member of the lraqi National Alliance of crisis," said MP Shaban, who is also a member sales that it had already started through Turkey which lraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abbadi is a of Bazani's Kurdistan Democratic Party. "lf It also borrowed around $3bn fiom internationel member as well. 'There is still some good will Baghdad does not commit to the agreement, firms operating in Kurdistan particularly those ¡n left and attempts will be made to resolve the then KRG will opt for independent o¡l sales." the energy sector, said Dilshad Shaban, a matter." a

53 Rea u e de P r e s s e -P r e s s Reaieza -B erhea oka Ç øp ê - Riaistct Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

I lft ¡l¡ t Kurdish Institute of t Paris Threatened w¡th Closure The director of the Kurdish Institute in Paris has pleaded for public support

The Kudish lnstitute in French CapitøI Pørts Basner rs - 20 february 2015 - PARIS Sarkozy, who argued that the government of Kurdistan should be funding 1.he director of the Kurdish Inst¡tute in ParÍs, Kendal Nezan, the Institute. I has pleaded for public suppo¡t, after the French and Kurdish However the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is facing an eco- governments withdrew fu ndi ng. nomic and humanitarian crisis due to the refugee situation and the war In a letter to French newspaper Le Monde, the French-Kurdish aga¡nst Islamic State. The KRG needs an estimated $1.4 billion this year nuclear physicist has appealed to the public for solidarity and support. to stabilize ¡ts economy, the World Bank has said in a recent report. The institute is home to one of the largest Kurdish libraries in the world. Nezan believes the French government should continue to support The survival of the institute is threatened after both the French and the Institute, since it annually gives €12.8 million to the Institute for the Kurdish governments ended their financial suppoft. Arab World. The Kurdish Institute was established in February 1983 with the sup- "This is an unfair and absurd position of the French government port of the French government and former President François Mitterand. against the Kurds. As a last resot we call on French citizens, who throu- Funding was reduced year after year under the presidency of Nicolas ghout these three decades, in difflcult times, have showed a magnifìcent solidarity with the Kurdish people," he wrote. a

February ll,2015 US opening air base near Erbil, Kurdish offïcial says

Hekmat said the base - once ready - February 11,2015 - lvould be used by all countries that are part of the US-led coali- nRBlL, Kurdistan Region - tion arrayed against insurgents llrn. Únit"d stut.. is opening frghting under the Islamic State an air base in the Kurdistan (ISIS) banner. The US støtioned seueral Black Høztk helicopters in Erbil this Region, and planes based there US lvarplanes have been pounding to. :. A!.?..t !:Y. rvill carry out surveillance mis- ISIS positions in Iraq since early sions but not bombing raids, a August, rvith some Western and Kurdish official said. Arab states more recently taking Black Harvk helicopters to Erbil the Kurds as a possible step toward Helgurd Hekmat, spokesman for part. this month, enabling quicker res- the Kurdistan Regional the Kurdish Peshmerga forces In a nervs briefing in Washington cue missions, after insurgents Government (KRG) declaring fighting on the ground against on Tuesday, Pentagon Spokesman killed a dorvned Jordanian pilot by independence for Iraq's estimated ISIS, sald that US military planes Rear Adm. John Kirby denied that burning him alive. 5 million Kurds. and personnel rvould be deployed the US had any military bases in The deployment reportedly hap- But Kirby said that every US move across - at the nelv base, lvhich was still Erbil . pened after the United Arab Iraq - including Kurdistan under construction. "We don't have a military base in Emirates refused to fly missions - rvas coordinated with Iraqi offi- "The base Is close to Erbil," he Erbil. There are some Combat over Iraq unless there lvas a quick cials: "We coordinate and consult told Turkey's Anadolu Agency, Search and Rescue assets that lve rescue operation in place to rescue lvith them before we make any rvithout giving more details. "The have up in Erbil, should they be other dolvned pilots. major decisions inside their coun- aircraft rvill carry out surveil- needed, and we're grateful for the The Nerv York Times reported that try. It is their country." r lance," he added, "but those on space that they're able to occupy the Black Harvks were sent to bombing misslons will not take off up there," he said. Erbil over objections by Baghdad, from the nerv base." The United States sent a number of which sees any strengthening of

54 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê-Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti le>lsrtsvvulpoli{ FEBRUARY IE,2015 --J (!u&,l¡¿\¡rI¡ìrlfuujl¡t(øuNfcu Fight for Kirkuk Goes Beyond the Islamic State

Analysis / F"bro..y 18, 2ols

SUMMARY rfrhe Islamic State is not the only concern for Kurdish leaders in I XirtuL province. The Shiite-dominated Iraqi government and its backers in Iran will prevent the Kurds from consoÌidating control over the oil-rich province. Theywill do so by operating through Shiite mili- tias that have been battling alongside the peshmerga against the Islamic State and playing off the personal ambitions of the Kirkuk governor. Such territorial competition and potential violence could help the Islamic State, destabilizing the province and the efforts against the militant group. Analysis The gooemor of the haqi ptovince of Kirkuk' Naimaililin Kurdistan Regional Government President Massoud Barzani arrived ' ": -'" -ì Kañm (R)' attends a meeting utith haqi Kutilish leadet in the city of Kirkuk on Feb. 17 to show a united :- Møssoud Bøtzani (o on rebl n ¡n the o¡l hub of Kitkuk' rslamic state. However, upon his against the i,rPiì1f;ïlt;J:ii (MARWAN lBRAHlMlArPlGetty lmøges) declared that only the Kurdish peshmerga".ri*r will be allowed in the province, and that Kirkuk belongs to Kurdistan. His declaration was directed squarely at the Shiite militias that, after successfully beating THE VALUE OF KIRKUK back Islamic State positions in Dþla province, have been creeping north along the border with the Kurdistan region toward Islamic State . . ly expected . Barzaniordered Kurdish positions iä ri.kuk province. The Islamic S"tate is positioned in the ]l^tojtotoverKrrKuKwasentlreto seize the Kirkukoil fields and establish control over both northern and western porrion of Kirkuk provir.., *üËü"tì'i.ïit,ü P.eshmer8a and province after the Iraqi army fled during the Islamic state are encroaching into southern Kirkuk. siegell^t-:t] in luly 2014. At that time, Stratfor cautioned that the Kurdish After Barzani ordered the peshmerga to prevent shiite militiamen gT:ir*"ttdnotbepermanent'becausejihadists'TehranandBaghdad t"cuct in an elaborate game of "keep away'' to prevent the from the Iraqi volunteer Forces from entering ,ü';;;;;;:'öis y::]9- Government from consolidating control over the Khazali, rhe leader of one of lraq's most active shiite äitit"rl'nì"iu }ïi1l:j],ltcionalKrrKuK Ahl al Haq, said that his -.n *ooid enter Kirkuk if the province's res- Prrze' idents requested it and that it was not Barzani's place to decide who the threat oI lslamrc 5ta^ te_induced cooperation between the enters sinie Kirkuk belongs to Iraq and not the Kürds. Meanwhile, the ,i::T-9" Baghdad' including an agreement on how to share control Kurdistan Resional Government has redeployed oil ;ä;il;ilä ---o -- ' - ';*::'-," - "'-. " and5:io-: revenue ""0 over northern exports, this relationship isbarelyworking. from nearby blocks to reinforce:;::^: security:::,-::ï;'-;:;,-, at the Kirkuk oil domes to The:i-;,,:;;*:;;::ì';::;:;: Kurdistan Regional Government maintains the right to D prevent further encroachment by shiite militias. ISLAMIC STATE POSITIONS RELATIVE TO THE KRG ()mi a0 ' Refineries t-r To Medilerlànëan (lkm 80 (eyhan port ¿* XRG-Turkey pipellnc (olt) a -u, - Fi¡hkhebur Kl rkuk-Ceyhan/lraq-Turkcy plpetlne (olt) r Oil fields





Copyr¡ghr Suôrlo. 2015 dr srtlor (ñ

55 Reaue de P r e s se -P r e ss Reaieut -B erhea okn Ç ap ê -Ria ist a Stampa-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Basin Ozeti

D unilaterally export oil from the north, while Baghdad retains the Arbil's authority in the Sunni-Kurdish borderland. power ofthe purse to withhold budget allocations to the cash-strapped Kurds. A number of international oil companies awaiting payments - Baghdad can also exploit the personal ambitions of local ofiìcials, not to mention an overwhelming number of civil servants (including including the eminently pliable governor of Kirkuh Najmaddin Karim. peshmerga forces battling the Islamic State) awaiting their salaries - Karim understands that he presides over an oil-rich land, and he does have put significant pressure on Arbil as the dispute with Baghdad per- not want to see those riches go exclusively to Arbil. Instead, he has qui- sists. etly bargained for autonomy for Kirkuk - an idea that Baghdad and Tehran have entertained and even encouraged in their private talks Baghdad is also feeling the crunch from $50-per-barrel oil as it wages with the governor. Karim also works closeþwith the Patriotic Union of an expensive war against the Islamic State. Moreover, it needs the coop- Kurdistan, led by the Talabani clan, and has used the party's rivalrywith eration ofKurdish forces to dislodge Islamic State fighters from urban Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party to his advantage in carving out a strongholds like Mosul, with support from the United Søtes. But Arbil more independent role for Kirkuk The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Baghdad are still in a largely asymmetric relationship. As long as has a strong presence in Kirkuk province and its members have openly Baghdad can maintain ambiguity over the legality of unilateral questioned Barzani's move to take over out of concerns that Kurdish Kurdistan Regional Government oil sales, the Kurds will remain in a occupation of the province could invite more problems. tenuous financial position and unable to capitalize on their own infra- structure and energy assets to divorce themselves from Baghdad. Karim and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan may in fact be willing to defi Barzani's order to keep Shiite militias out of Kirkuk Stratfor Regardless ofwhether Baghdad needs peshmerga assistance, the Kurds received information that in recent days, Karim held a closed-door have their own reasons for establishing a security buffer and extricating meeting with Hadi al-Amiriç the leader of lraq's oldest and most polit- the Islamic State from the north. Moreover, the price of U.S. backing for ically integrated Shiite militia, the Badr Organization. The details of the the Kurds will entail peshmerga cooperation against the Islamic State meeting have not been disclosed, but there are hints that both Karim threat and a commitment to workwith Baghdad as Washington tries to and Hero Talabani, who is married to Patriotic Union of Kurdistan preserve the authority of the central goyernment and the territorial leader falal Talabani and wields considerable influence over the party, integrity of lraq. are both in negotiations to allow Shiite militias into Kirkuk We can assume Barzani had a stern message for Karim and Talabani upon BAGHDAD'S OPTIONS learning about this meeting, but his Kurdish rivals could still openly flout his order. The Shiite-run government in Baghdad has several tools other than its financial clout to undermine the Kurdish position in Kirkuk Shiite The battle over Kirkuk will intensifr as Shiite militias inevitably militias have been highly effective against the Islamic State and will be encroach on the Kurdistan Regional Government's claimed sphere of a necessary component of offensives. The Islamic State threat provides influence. This competition could result in violent clashes betlveen a useful pretext for Shiite militias to move into disputed territories like peshmerga and Shiite militias, an outcome that the Islamic State would Kirkuk, where they can then try to reshape the demographics of the welcome as it tries to hold its position in the north. The Islamic State province by giving abandoned Kurdish property to cooperative Arabs remains a priority threat for both Baghdad and Arbil, but that threat as people start returning to areas where the Islamic State has been alone will not be enough to allow for a sustainable compromise on flushed out. Growing local Arab resistance to Kurdish rule, along with energy exports, much less to neutralize the territorial competition over the ethnic and sectarian violence that ensues as Shiite militias target Kirkuk Sunni communities in these territories, will continue to challenge aar)

basrews= February 16,2015 Kurdish Official: Deployment of Sh¡ite M¡litia in Kirkuk is "Dangerous" Deployment of Shiite militia group ¡n { Kirkuk banned by President Barzan¡, says ¡ KDP official Basnews I Hoshmand Sadiq - Kirkuk 16 feb. 2015 -

l/lember of Patriotic Union of Kudistan (PUK) pol¡t¡cal bureau lUlS"'¿¡ Ahmed Pira wams that the threatened deployment of the Hashd¡ al-9ra'bi Shiite militia to the Kirkuk Province will des- tablise tñe area ñ¡rther. "Hashdi al-Shati is fur the provinces in which it is oEanized, and they should only be deployed therc," said Pira to BasNews. Shäte Militia groups getting reaily to entet Kitkuk "In the constitution of lraq, Hashdi al-Sha'bi is a force that combats tenorist groups like lraqi army." He suggested a þint force cons¡st of Kurds, Turkmen, Sunni Arab and Shiite "After the ll?qi army left Kirkuk last year, the Peshmerga have protected the Arabs, declaring that forces from outside KirkuK other than the Peshmerga, province and will continue to do so," he said. will not be tolerated. "Hashdi al-Shab¡ is supported by the federal government. If the militia's Previously, Kudistan Democratic Party (KDP) official in Kirkuk Mohammed deployment to the province is for a military operation against Islamic State Kamal told BasNews, "The Kudistan Region President Massoud Baaani ban- (IS) insurgents, it is normal. However, if they are being deployed to rcmain ¡n ned the deployment of Hashdi al'Sha'bi to Kirkuk." the province for the long term, then it causes dangerous uncertainty," added Iraqi local media repofted that Shiite Badr militia Brigadier Hadi Amri Pira. rcvealed that Hashdi al-Shabi will enter Kirkuk soon. o

56 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çøpê- Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti frlllontc SAMEDI 21 FÉVRIER 2015

A Dfalaoula, le I février. MATT CETTI-ROBERTS

En lrak, le recul de I'EI laisse face à face Kurdes et chiites Les milices chiites soutenues par l'Iran n'entendent pas laisser aux seuls Kurdes les régions'désertées par l'Etat central irakien et reprises aux djihadistes

Mossoul STRIE sa population, éventrée par les bombes, dé- Kurdistan (UPK), l'entité politico-militaire Xirlouko sossée par les pillàrds, oÎr aucun gouveme- kurde dominante dans la région, petlent ve- ment n'exerce plus son autorité. nir récupérer en camion ou en pick-up òeux de leurs biens qui ont échappé aux pillages. Tllslto ( DJAIAOUTA,C,ESTTERMNÉ I Pour les effrayer, des coups de feu se font en- ') Depuis juin zot4 et la conquête de Mossoul tendre de temps à autre en provenance des par les djihadistes de l'EI, l'Etat irakien a dis- bâtiments oir les milices ont pris leurs quar- IRAK paru du nord dupays. Siles Kurdes ont gagné tiers. Les portes métalliques des maisons vi- du terrain dans les régions qu'ils disputaient des leur répondent en écho, claquant att souf- o fle d'un vent de poussière qui apporte avec lui B¡Sú.d autrefois à la souveraineté de Bagdad, des odeurs de pourriture. 100 km d'autres groupes ont émergé du vide laissé parl'armée irakienne devant l'avancée djiha- < Les miliciens sont venus ici pour se venger, t-im¡te du Kurdistan autonome irakien O diste. Répondant.à une fatwa de I'ayatollah explique anonymement ie responsable local Sistani, la plus haute autorité religieuse des Asayiches, les services de sécurités kur- chiite d'lrak, des dizaines de milliers de vo- des, Maintenant, íls veulent empêcher les sun- REPORTAGE lontaires ont pris les arines, rapidement en- nítes de revenir, > Ceux qui sont présents alt cadrés par les milices confessionnelles réap- centre de Dialaoula appartiennent au groupe ALLAN I(AVAL 2oo3, certaines étant Saraya Al-,Khorasani, une milice formée ini- DJALAoULA (tntx) - envoyé spécial parues en Irak depuis directement liées aux gardiens de la révolu- tialement en Irak pour participer au conflit es eaux boueuses de la Diyala dis- tion iraniens, même si ces volontaires sont, syrien en soutien au régime de Bachar Al-As- paraissent lentement dans une dans leur ensemble, reconnus par Bagdad sad. Ioints au téléphone p ar Le Monde, ils ont brume où se dessine la silhouettè bomme une force légale réunie sous le voca- manifesté leur refus catégorique de recevoir d'un antique pont ferroviaire, ble de < mobilisation populaire >, tout représentant de la presse française. vestige du temps oir Dialaoula Bien qu'ils aient été rapprochés par cet en- était encore un.coin reculé de nemi commun, Kurdes etgroupes armés chii- IRþMPIIALISME MIS EN CAUSE l'Empire colonial brÍtannique. En août zor4, Dans le souk ravagé, jonché dbrdures, de gra- tes ne lont pas toirjours de bbns voisins. Dans les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique (EI) ont fait vats, de jouets chinois en mauvais plastique et le nord, ces demiers ont investi plusieurs lo- sauterlbuvrage d'art alors que le secteur était de mannequins démembrés, d'anciens habi- calités de peuplement chiite qui voisinent le sous leur coñtrôle. Puis ils ont été repoussés, tants ont formé un groupe d'autodéfense. Pla- territoire kurde, mais aussi Djalaoula, ville en novembre, par une alliance de circons- cés sous la protection des services kurdes, ils majoritairement sunnite dont les habitants tance passée entre les peshmergas kurdes et n'envisagent plus de rentrer chez eux, mais ont été chassés par les combats et restent les groupes armés chiites irakiens soutenus simplement dbccuper l'espace en attendant maintenus à distance par l'épotlante que par un détachement des forces iraniennes, La d'avoir pu sauver ce qu'ils peuvent de leurs leur inspirent les miliciens qui s'y sont instal- frontière de la République islamique ne se échoppes dévastées. t Dialaoula, cþst ter' lés. En vertu d'un accord passé récemment des trouve qu'à 4o kilomètres à l'est, et Djalaoula miné ! \ lâche, désabusé; un membre entre Kurdes et chiites, quelçes réfugiés sun- est ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler une zone Asayiches derrière son foulard noir orné nites autorisés par l'Union patriotique du grise, une ville fantôme entièrement vidée de d'unetête de moft.

57 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka. Çapê-Riaistø Stampø-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Basin Ozeti

Les désolations de Dialaoula préfigurent ce cependant dans une situation délicate. Allié que pourrait être l'après-El dans ces zones de DJAIAOUIA EST historique de l'Iran, dépendant pour partie de son soutien, il ne peut sbpposer f¡ontale- front devenues frontalières, désertées par UNE VILLE FANTOME, leurs populations et oi¡ des alliés de circons- ment aux forces chiites qui ont pris pied ddns' que tance coexistent, d'accords temporaires en ar- ÉvnrnÉ¡ sa chasse gardée. Bien certains de ses res- jusqu'à rangements locaux, troublés de loin en loin ponsables aillent se déclarer prêts à li- PAR BOMBES, par des accrochages ponctuels. Si Djalaoula IES wer bataille aux milices chütes si elles ne se n'est retirent pas une fois éloignée la menace de , pas un foyer de population chiite, oÉsossÉn PAR tEs d'autres lc,calités, otr les milices sont mieux l'EI, la position la mieux partagée parmi ses cadres consiste à saluer le rôle de Téhéran et implantées localement, ialonnentla route qui P|IIARDS, OÙ nUCUtt ses la guerre mène de la frontière iranienne à Kirkouk. de alliés irakienS dans contre les Ville-frontière au sous-sol riche en hydro- GOUVERNEMENT djihadistes, remettant à plus tard un accord politique portant sur le contrôle des régions carbures, partagée entre Kurdes, Arabes, N'EXERCE PI.US Turkmènes chiites et Turkmènes sunnites, disputées. Kirkouk marque b límite entre le Ktirdistan SON AUTORIÉ La situation de guene n'empêche cepen- et l'Irak arabe. Les forces kurdgs qui y étaient dant pas l'Iran d'assurer l'aVenir de son in. déià solidement implantées en ont pris le fluence dans la region. les demières attaques contrôle en juin zor4, profitant du retrait to- de I'EI sur Kirkouk ont ainsi donné lieu à un de Taza que se partagent chiiteS tal de I'armée irakienne dans le nord du pays miliciens et déploiement renforcé des miliciens chiites peshmergas. son et réalisant ainsi l'un de leurs obiectifs histo- Dans QG - décoré d'un dou- dans les environs de la ville. riques. Mais le triomphalisme qui s'en était bleportrait de l'imamKhomeyniet de l'actuel En traitant directement avec les barons lo- suivi est aujourd'hui largement mis en cause Guide suprême de la Républigue islamique caux de I'UPK comme le gouvemeur de Ki- par le renforcement des forces chiites dans d'Iran, I'ayatollah l(hamenei, flanqué de deux rkouk, Naimaldin Karim, lllran, vieille puis- ses environs. religieux venus du sud de I'Irak arborant tur- sance impériale, construit progressivement Dans les localités de Tuz Khurmatu, ban blanc et treillis de combat et d'un homme dans sa nouvelle zone d'influence une clien- la Dakouk et Taza situés au sud de Kirkouk, aux discret dont barbe finement taillée, le mo- tèle dépendante, tentant de contraindre les marges du têrritoire kurde, une multitude de deste costume beige et le keffieh rappellent deuxparties à une forme de coejristence mili- taire et politique, quitte à renforcer les divi- groupes armés ont pris position. Formés sur {apparence des dignitaires du régime iranien sions kurdes. De passage dans la ville Ie r7 la base de l'engagement de Turkmènes chii- -, il évacue toute éventualité d'un contrôle ex- Ë tes locaux, organisés par des cadres venus du clusivement kurde de Kirkouk à I'avenir, Sur vrier, une semaine après la visite d'Hadi Al- (le sud de l'Irak et encadrés par des officiers ira- un mur de la pièce, un écran géant relié à une Amiri chef de lbrganisation Badr), Mas- niens, ils sont dominés par lbrganisation puissante caméra gyroscopique placée en un soud Barzani, le président du Kurdistan. Badr, ungroupe forméparla République isla- endroit stratégique de la ligne de front re- irakien, affilié au Parti démocratique du Kur- mique pour combattre le régime de Saddam transmet en direct l'image d'un bâtiment gris distan (PDK) et rival historique de I'UPK, avait Hussein lors de la guerre lran-lrak et tou- au-dessus duquel flotte la bannière de I'EI. déclaré qu'aucun groupe armé autre que les jours lié organiquement aux pasdarans, et peshmergas ne serait jamais admis àKirkouk, notamment au tout-puissant Ghassem So- EMEARRAS Quelques iours auparavant, Haii Remzirévé- leimani,le chef de laforce Al-Qods, bras armé Côté kurde, c'est I'embarras qui domine. lait pourtant le déploiement opéré en accord de la politique régionale iranienne. n Nous nous battons depuìs trop longtemps avec les autorités locales de ses hommes, des ( Personne ne peut mener cette guene seul et pourKirkouk pourquÞIle nous échøppe à nou- autour mosquées et quartiers chütes de la Ies peshmergas ne peuvent pas protéger Kí- veau r, semble regretter un haut responsable ville avant de lâcher en guise d'avertisse- rkouþ sans nous r, tranche Haii Remzi un offi- des services de renseignement de I'UPK, do- ment : n les Kurdes doivent comprendrc qu'ils piésent, ¡ cier de la brigade Badr_qui commande le front minant dans laville. Le parti kurde se trouve doivent compter avec nous à t

2l fevrier 2015

d'antiquités pillées par le groupe djihadiste, désormais privé d'une partie de ses revenus Daesh cherchera¡t à à revendre et contraint de trouver de nouvelles rentrées d'argent, poursuit la FAS. Daesh a aussi réduit jusqu'à deux tiers les corps de soldats kurdes les soldes de ses combattants et selon les estimations des experts, I'El ne retirerait que (10 par pétrole vendu, l'Etat islamique se livre directement au trafic à 20 dollars> baril de écrit encore la FAS. 20 Minutes avec AFP d'organes, I'organisation ne possédant pas 21.02.2015 les infrastructures ou les compétences Par ailleurs, mi-février, le Conseil de médicales, techniques et logistiques néces- sécurité de I'ONU avait adopté à I'unanimité une résolution visant asphyxier les est prêt à tout. Et les nouvelles saires, écrit la FAS. à flaesh groupes comme Daesh ou le l¡lrévélations à paraître d¡manche Une activité de conlrebande à la peine djihadistes Front al-Nosra, branche syrienne d'Al-Qalda, dans la Frankfurter Allgemeine de cette nouvelle pratique: A I'origine qui tirent des millions de dollars du pétrole, Sonntagszeitung (FAS), le confirment une quête de nouveau financement alors du trafic d'antiquités et de rançons. une nouvelle fo¡s. que l'organisation est durement touchée par aux les offensives de la coalition internationale. Le texte rappelle notamment Etats I'obligation de s'abstenir de toute transac- Selon le journal allemand, qui cite des Ses bombardements dans le nord de I'lrak et tion pétrolière directe ou indirecte avec I'El (sources sécuritaires>, l'organisation Etat en Syrie, pour appuyer les soldats kurdes, et de geler ses avoirs financiers. Le Conseil islamique chercherait ainsi à revendre aux ont détruit de nombreuses infrastructures, leur demande également de signaler à I'ONU forces kurdes les corps de leurs soldats explique l'édition dominicale du quotidien pétrole ou raffiné venu tombés au combat, qu'elle monnaierait Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). leurs saisies de brut de zones tenues par les djihadistes en Syrie

58 Reaue de P r esse-P r ess Reaiew-B erhea okn Çøpê-Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

MASSOUD BARZANI ORDERS KURDISH PESHMERGA TO BATTLE ANY FORCES NEWS IN ENTERING KIRKUK BRIEF Eebraary 22,2O15 KT,JRDISTAN REGION Erbil: Iraq's Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani has ordered bat- tling any forces that is intending to enter into Kirkuk province, official said. NEWS IN BRIEF Peshmerga ministry press Chief Halgurt Hikmat denied reports that volun- teer forces have entered Kirkuk and revealed that Barzani has ordered responding to any forces that is intending to enter into the pr.ovince, now under the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga, al-Mada Press reported. Hikmat went on to say that whatever volunteer forces' entrance into Kirkuk is con- sidered preparing to attack Hwaija or any other goals since the regions CHANGE: WE ARE CONGERNED FROM around Kirkuk are under Peshmerga control as the Kurdish forces have sac- REPEATING MALIKI'S POLIGIES SCENARIO rificed to protect the regions. I TOWARD KURDISTAN R.EGION PUK MP: KIRKUK GOVERNOR AND SHIITE February L8,2015 Baghdad: The Head of Change (Gorran) bloc in the Iraqi Parliament, BADR LEADER AGREED ON A PLAN TO Hoshyar Abdullah said, in a statement that " his bloc is annoyed from the RESTORE SECURITY IN LIBERATED AREAS lack commitment by PM al-Abadi to implement the agreement between , February22,2015 Kurdistan and the center, which resulted in passing in the budget in 2015, Baghdad: Kirkuk govemor and the secretary general of the Shiite Badr explaining that the federal govemment should have launched dues and Organization agreed on a plan to restore seorrity deployment and secure salaries of the staff of Kurdistan since the beginning of the new year under the stability of all the liberated areas from Islamic State group (IS) in Kirkuk the agreement and the law. Abdullah expressed the fear and concem that The MP for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Leila Barznji told the National al-Abadi may repeat the scenario of the previous government headed by Iraqi News that Kirkuk govemor, Najimalddin Kareem and Secretary- Nuri al-Maliki in delaying the dues exchange "but in a quieter way," call- General of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri agreed to a plan to achieve ing to urge the govemment to abide by the application of the budget law security and stability in all the liberated areas and villages in Kirkuk after and the agreement between the center and the region. He said that the pol- the expulsion of the elements of IS," pointing out that "the plan based on icy of delaying to pay Kurdistan Region's salaries is rejçcted by all segments the re-deploymerìt of the security forces of the army and police in all the vil- of the Iraqi people "because reminds us of al-Maliki's policies." it lages and districts, including Riyadh and Hawija and other liberated areas I to secure the rehrm of displaced families and ensure access of services and retum to normal life I TEACHERS PROTEST IN SLEMANI AND HALBJA FOR DELAY IN RECEIVING IRAQI KURDISH PESHTERGA FORCES SALARIES BOMBARD ISI.AMIC STATE BASES IN February 21,2015 SYRIAN KURDISTAN Slemani/Flalabia: Teachers in Slêman1 (Sulaimaniyah) city and in Halabja February22,2O15 city in Kurdistan Region have demonstrated on Saturday in protest at the Sinjar Peshmerga forces in the Kurdistan region have begun shelling delay in the payment of their salaries, local media reported. Teachers Islamic State-held villages in neighboring Syrian Kurdistan region (north- haven't received their monthly salaries from December 2014. The delay in em Syria also kno'¡m as Rojava). Qasin Shasho, the Shingal (Sinjar) securi- the distribution of employee's salaries in the Kurdish region led to the staff ty administrator told Rudaw the purpose behind this attack is to retake to strike consistently during the past months. Since December 20\3, Kurdish villages held by IS in the area. Shasho said Peshmerga artillery has Baghdad has suspended salary payments towards to Kurdistan due to the shelled IS bases in Syrian Kurdistan and gr.ound forces have advanced from ongoing disagreernent between Iraq's federal govemment and Kurdistan the Kurdistan region of lraq. "As a result of the Peshmerga advance the vil- govemment on the issue of oil exportation. Baghdad is unable to honour the lages of Tarbik and Tal-Mushrif were liberated in southem Kurdistary" said Kurdistan Region's budget for and February, due to the ongoing January Shasho, referring to communities inside Iraqi Kurdistan. Brigadier Hashim fi nancial crisis. Sitai, a Peshmerga commander in Shingal, told Rudaw: "I//ith the help of the Peshmerga more than 500 YPG fighters managed to cross into Rojava to REBWAR TALABANI: THERE lS NO AGREE- fight IS." The YPG, or People's Prrctection Units, is an armed group com- MENT WITH AMERI TO ENTER KIRKUK posed of Syrian Kurds fighting IS. I EXCEPT BARZANI.ABADI AGREET ENT NECHIRVAN BAR:ZANI, IRAQ'S KURDISH February 21,2015 Kirkuk: The provincial council of Kirkuk said that there is no agreement MPS AND OFFICIALS MEETING STARTS TO with the head of the Shiite Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri to make the DISCUSS FINANCIAL CRISIS popular crowd trcops enter to Kirkuk province, and begin liberation oper- February22,2O75 to southem regions ofthe province in coordination ofthe Kurdish ations the Erbil: A meeting between Kurdistan PM Nechirvan Barzarri with lraq's Peshmerga forces.The deputy head of the council, Ribawar Talabani said, Kurdish MPs, ministers and Kurdish officials of the Kurdistan Alliance is that "there is no agreement until now between the local administration in taking place to discuss developments in the relationship with lraq's federal Kirkuk and head of Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri to enter the popular govemment in the light of the recent results of the meetings of the Kurdish crowd forces to Kirkuk and start liberating areas operations."He added, delegation to Baghdad, media reported. The source said that the meeting, '"What remains general agreement between Kurdistan President, is a which was attended by Kurdish members in the Finance and energy Massoud Barzani and Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi in Munidr that there , Committees and being held in the Council of Ministers building of the would be common liberation operations of land from the presence of ISIS, regional govemment in Erbil to discuss the position of the developments in but there was no agreement at the time on the areas that will witness the the relationship between Erbil and Baghdad in light of recent talks between joint operations. Massoud Barzani said on Tuesday during his visit to the Kurdish negotiator in Baghdad, headed by, Nechirvan Barzani. He Kirkuk province that Peshmerga is ready to cooperate with any power added that it is likely the meeting would focus on ways to tackle the finan- stand against ISIS organization.President Barzani pointed out that "we cial crisis in the region, after the Kurdish delegation was confirmed that the have to work with the Arabs and Turkmen in fighting ISIS, but we want federal govemment is unable to abide by the agreement, which took place otherc to take their fighting against the terrorist organization," and between the two parties on the issue of export quantities of the region's oil expressed "his readiness to cooperate with any power that stands against and Kirkuk oil lor the Iraqi govemment through the Kurdish- Turkish IS". I pipeline and depriving the region from financial dues of the Iraqi +

59 Reoue de P r esse -Pr ess Reaieu)-B erheaoka Çap ê- Riuista Stømpa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti

+ I Ekurd,net the accord would help the Kurdish forces is wake of any threat against Peshmerga. He, however, blamed the U.S. for failing to support and help the province that is largely under the control of the radical jihadists. Isawi SHIITE GLERICS GIVE $ T.¿ MILLIOII TO went on to say that dashes between security forces, civilian and nomad vol- KURDISH YAZIDI FIGHTERS unteers against the jihadists are continuing in the province, adding that aids would be sent to people in besieged Iraqi town of al-Baghdad, in Eebruary 23,2O15 Salahaddin province. The offrcial further hailed haqi religious authorities' Siniar A Kurdish Yazidi Commander has confirmed that Baghdad sent guide supporting Anbar province in fighting against the jihadists. kurd- IQD 1.6 billion to Kurdish Yazidi forces through Iraqi Shiite derics. The Iraqi federal govemment has been regularly sending money through Shiite clerics to Yazidi fighters. There are over 1,000 volunteers, supervised and led by Qassim Shasho. The total amount sent so far is IQD 1.6 billion IRAQI FINANCE MINISTER ZEBARI: IRAQ [almost $ 1.4 million]. Commander Qassim Shasho, said, "Yes, it is true that we have regularly received subsidies from the Baghdad govemment HAS WASTED STE BLN SINCE2OI3 through Shiite derics. The money covers the costs of transportation, food February 25,2015 and living of our fighters." 'nVe get less financial support ftom the Baghdad: Iraq-s Finance Minister acknowledged that Iraq Kurdistan Regional Govemment (KRG) and we haven't received any mili- has wasted $18 billion USD from the Iraq Development Fund in 2013 as a tary aid sudr as weapons and ammunition that has been given to the result of mismanagement. Speaking to the Financial Times, Zabari stated, Peshmerga," he said. "Ifs gone. We no longer have that cushion. All of that was spent because of poor govemance and poor financial management." Iraq is suffuring eco- nomically with a war against Islamic State militants and recordlow global KURDISTAN BORROWS $5OO MILLION oil prices, along with mismanagement issues. "\Me need an overall reshuf- FROM TURKEY: INTERFAX EIIERGY fling and restructuring of the eco nomy i' Zæbari said. Up to 90 percent of the country's national budget is said to be directly tied to oil revenues and with Febmary 2t,2015 prices well below the average per barrel of the last several years, Iraq The Kurdistan Regional Govemment (KRG) has sought to reduce its $100 is enacting a set of necessary dranges. New taxes on SIM cards, tobacm, reliance on Baghdad by borrowing $500 million from Turkey to pay civil alcohol, cars, and intemet are expected to bring in $13 billion but the coun- servants' salaries. Kurdish relations with Iraq's federal govemment have try still faces a $21 billion budget beerr shained by the KRG's demand to receive 77% of Baghdad's budget and the right to export its own hydrocarbons. Kurdistan has plans to devel- op its gas reserves for export to the Eurcpean market, and has agreed to IRAQI GOVERNMENT ALLOCATES $60 supply Turkey with 4 billion cubic metres per year Írom2077, rising to L0 ÍTILLION TO SHIITE ilIILITIAS b crn I y by 2U20. interf February 25,20L5 Baghdad. The govemment has earmarked $60 million to Shiite militias 60 ISLAHIC STATE MILITANTS BODIES known as popular mobilizaüon force. The Iraqi Council of Ministers LEFT BEHIND IN UAKHMOUR DEFEAT approved in its meeting on Tuesday, the draft of the popular crowd furces at an estimated cost of $ 6() million. The Statement of the Council, said that February 23,2015 it has agreed to the implementation of building capacity of the popular Makhmoun Islamic State group (IS) militants have attacked Kurdish crowd included in the investmentbudget on exception of the Implementing Peshmerga frontlines twice in the last three days in the heights of Sultan of govemment regulation contracts and instructions for implementation of Abdulla and on the Makhmour front. In each case the militants were defeat- the budget for 2015 project. I Ekurd,net ed, and repulsed in such a way they reportedly left behind 60 dead bodies ftir the first time. IS suffered heavy casualties from the Peshmerga defense and coalition warplanes. Many bodies were abandoned in the village of KIRKUK DOESN'T NEED SHIITE MILITIA Talarim, northweast of Mekhmor, and 20km from Mosul. Peshmerga com- SUPPOR,T: GOVERNOR manders said the warplanes arrived in the area very quickly and effective- ly hit the targets. Once the airstrikes started, the ISIS guns were silenced in ßebruary 27,2O75 about 90 minutes. I Kirkuk: During an interview with Kurdsat TV, the govemor of Kirkuk province, Najmadin Karim, denied presence of Shiite militants in Kirkuk city. Karim also confirmed that there is no need for deploying Shiite mili- MASSOUD BARZANI AND NAWSHIRWAN tants in the city as Kirkuk is protected by the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and MUSTAFA DISCUSS FILES LINKED TO they are able to defeat attacks by Islamic State goup (IS) militant. The Shiite militants have committed crimes against humanity in Diyala, TikriL Jalawla ERBIL and Daqooq areas. Kurdistan president Massoud Barzani has ordered the February 23,2015 ministries of Peshmerga and interior to prevent Iraq's al-Hashid al-Shaabi Erbil: A senior source revealed in Erbil on Monday, that Kurdistan presi- Shiite militia from entering Kirkuk and othe Kurdish areas to counter dent Massoud Barzant received in Biermam resort, the leader of Change Islamic State group (IS) militants. I (Gonan) Movement, Nawshirwan Mustafa to discuss the latest develop ments on Kurdish and kaqi arenas. The source said that a meeting gather- ing the two sides before noon today took place to discuss the Kurdish and PRO-ISLAME STATE GLERIG: NO Iraqi situation and the latest developments on the political and economic EXCHANGE OF PESHMERGA HOSTAGES levels and ways to reach a common vision to unify positions about a range February 27,2O15 of issues that have ernerged in recent times, especially regarding the signs E¡bit A pro-Islamic State group (IS) imam has rejected prisoner swaps of of the emergence of problems conceming the implementation of the agree- captured Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, calling the any possible hostage ment signed by Kurdistan govemment with the federal govemment on the exchange a "lie of the media," a Rudaw reporter in Mosul has leamed. general kaqi budget and the share of the region and the oil export pipeline '"Whoever flees the frontlines, will be immediately executed," said Abu through the Turkish- Kurdish pipeline. A press conference expeted after the Asad al-Ansari, the IS cleric in his sermon for Friday prayers at Mohammad I Rasul Alla mosque in Mosul. "Over the last few days, rumors are being published conceming negotiations for exchanging Peshmerga hostages ARAB OFFICIAL: US, KURDS STRATEGIC with ours in the hands of the Peshmerga, but these rumois are untrue," said al-Ansari. Speaking to roughly 250 people at the mosque amid tight securi- AGREETENT ON PESHMERGA ty, he continued: 'nVhoever fights for Allah must readr prosperity or ßebruary24,2O75 receive the reward of martyrdom. We must not comply with the erìemy at A member of the Iraq northem prcvince of Anba/s council said the U.S. a11." He also had fierce words for those who have joined Mosul Govemor and Kurdish forces of Peshmerga have made a strategic agreement in fight Asil Nujaifi to fight the Islamic State to recapture Mosul. "Nujaifi is leading against the militants of the Islamic State (IS) that is mntrolling a large part the infidels and traitors of the Islamic State, but the fate br all of them is of the state as well as neighboring Syria. Rafea al-Isawi told al-Tejah TV that fire," he said. I Ekurd,net l)

60 Rezsue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê-Riaista Stnmpø-Dentro de In Prensa-Basin Ozeti

Thc l'cblualr'2lsl 2l)15 Economist

Kurdistan His canny predecessor as the Kurds'prime minister, Barham Salih, is looking fonrard to a time when lS has been pushed back. Baghdad must be 'the ancho/' of a new Ever give inde- closer to structure that would the Kurds pendence, he says. 'The minute Mosul is lib- erated we'll need to sit down and sort every- independence thing out." The disputed borders between Kurdistan and the rest of lraq have been Iraq's Kurds are independent in all but name. They must play redrawn in the Kurds'favour since the lraqi their cards cleverly if they are to break away completely army fled before the jihadists, letting the Kurds fill the vacuum (see map). Other lead- ing Kurds vary overtactics and timing. But all Feb 21st 2015 | ERBIL AND MAKHMOUR I www.economi¡ think Kurdistan should, and can, become independent in the end.

The Kurds' immediate priority is to fend off lS. When neaöy Mosul fell overnight on June 9th-10th, a frisson of honor rippled across Kurdistan. The jihadists, rolling south- ward towards Baghdad, were soon up against a border with Kurdistan that stretch- es for more than 1,000km (621 miles), com- ing almost within artillery range of Erbil. ln August and September they took the Sinjar mountain area, home to 200,000-plus teni- fied mEmbers of the esoteric non-Muslim Yazidi sect, and made assaults along the border with the Kurds.

The Kurdish forces, known as the Peshmerga ("those ready to die"), fought indifierently. They had not been seriously raced across the Syrian desert and captured tested in battle for two decades, their equip- THEY are questions that no politician can Mosul, lraq's second city, barely an hour's ment is out of date, and they are anyway bet- avoid in what the intemational lexicon calls drivE from the Kurds' capital, Erbil. lS ter suited to guenilla warfare. "lt was a the Kurdish Region of lraq. ls Kurdistan declared that it had effaced the colonial+ra shock," admits a former Kurdish minister. go¡ng to be indepondent? And, if so, when? Sykes-Picot border between lraq and Syria 'Our morale was badly hurt." Only speedy Virtually all lraq's 6m Kurds would give an to create a new caliphate. But in seeking to action by the American]ed coalition, which emphatic yes to the first question. tsut most break the statcs of the Arab world, lS may be bombed lS forces relentlessly, kept the would wobble and waffle on the second. Nor helping the birth of a Kurdish one. The pres- jihadists at bay. do they know exactly whcre the borders of ident of the Kurdish region, Masoud Bazani, the new state would run. a son of Mustafa, declared that independ- Even so, lS is still a menace, recently sur- ence was around the corner. For lraq, he prising the Peshmerga with a series of Many nations have declared independence argued, had ceased to exist. "The time has attacks along the front line near Gwer (half the past century: after Africa was come to decide our fate, and we should not in an hour's drive from Erbil) and Makhmour. decolonised; as the Soviet Union splintered; wait for other people to decide it for us," he The Kurds, who secured the area thanks in and often after civil wars (witness the coun- declared. Masrour Barzani, the president's large part to American and allied bombing, tries that once made up Yugoslavia). And the most powerful son, who runs the security admit to at least 24 deadi the true figure may Kurds have several advantages: a well- council and the pervasive intelligence serv- be far higher. More than 800 Peshmerga defined identity and language (close to ice, is also thought keen to hasten towards have been killed and 3,600 wounded since Persian); lack of religious strife (most independence. a lS took Mosul-a heavy toll for a fledgling adhere non-fanatically to Sunni lslam). state. "The situation after Mosul is completely dif- For the birth of an independent Kurdistan, ferent," agrees Nechirvan Barzani, the prime The plain between Gwer and Makhmour is the omens have never been so propitious. minister (and the president's nephew). "You spookily desolate, save for the odd herd of "We have waited long enough," says Sirwan can't go back to the same structure, the goats and sheep. Arabs have been driven Barzani, grandson of Mustafa Bazani same system, because lraq is now a failed a out of the villages they once inhabited. The (1903-79), the Kurds' legendary leader state. There is no lraqi nation. But independ- town of Makhmour, retaken from lS by the whose descendants are in the vanguard of ence won't be offered to us, we'll have to Kurds, is devoid of life. Shops are shut, cars today's fledgling state. "lt has been a hun- take it." lf the Kurds are diplomatically skilful, are feq walls are pockmarked with bullet dred years since we were divided between it could be achieved, he reckons, "in five or holes. At the ubiquitous checkpoints sur- the four devils," he says, referring to the six years, maybe." rounding the town, no one has bothered to regional carve-up of Kurdish lands after the paint over graffiti that still say, "Welcome to first world war between the rump of Ottoman Yet he is acutely conscious that a stable, the lslamic State" and "Long Live al- Turkey, lran, Syria (then run by France) and independent Kurdistan can emerge only with Baghdadi", lS's "caliph". Mesopotamia (run by Britain, and soon to the co-operation of its neighbours, especially become lraq). "We will be independent with- Turkey, and with the agreement of the gov- HOLDING THE LINE in two years." emment of lraq, such as it is. "The first coun- try to talk to is Baghdad itself," he says. "We The Kurds have had notable successes. > Last June the jihadists of lslamic State (lS) have to convince them."

61 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensø-Bøsin Ozeti

l"u,''" Diyarbakir ! Iraqi Kurdistan north-west, they have retaken the town of l- l Laild no!v under l , Zumar and the border town of Rabia, and TU R K E Kurdrsn conLrot -l ofhigh may | Area have recaptured most of Sinjar city. lS lzetno '- Kurdish dcrrsrty westward Arêas uf lose control of the road from Mosul '"Ke::^" Dohuk LIf--l lS.ontrol to its Syrian headquarters at Raqqa, which is ¡nd suppo¡ t jihadists. Sources: Jils¡Lutêfor a lifeline for the ln the south-east, o; tlìe Sludy oÍt!¿r; tlA; close to the border with lran, the Peshmerga Tlrc Eaoùoùti9l have consolidated around Jalawla and oErbil '€r, Saadiya, which they recaptured from lS in the autumn. And they have tightened their grip ez-Zot on Kirkuk city and the northern half of sutaoymanl6tr Kirkuk province (Tamim to the Arabs), which Ð they seized in the summer after the lraqi saiji security forces fled. SYRIA

But few independent observers think Mosul urn will be recaptured soon. Unless the lraqi gov- 150 ltrÌ IRA rì ernment of Haider al-Abadi, a Shia, can per- Loke IRAN Ihotth0t o suade lraq's alienated SunniArabs that they ufL Baguba will be given a fairer deal, it will fail to moti- ¡ vate a retrained national army to retake the city. Despite reports that lS is losing popular- l\ ,J ity in the city as supplies and services begin to dry up and its brutality palls, the Sunni Hence all new arms to the Kurds must go via long regarded an independent Kurdistan as majority in the city is unlikely to welcome as Baghdad, since Western governments a useful potential ally.) Moreover, since the liberators the Shia militias, still the basis of accept that lraq's government still has sover- Peshmerga expanded the Kurds' zone of Mr Abadi's armed forces, which they consid- eignty over the Kurdish region "lt's ridicu- control deeper into Kirkuk province to the er to be just as murderous as lS. lous," says Nechirvan Bazani. But even a south after the lraqi army fled from lS, they modest roundabout supply is a lot better than are now upgrading a pipeline to pump As for the Kurds, they say they will back up nothing. Kirkuk's abundant oil northward to join the lraqi forces seek¡ng to retake Mosul but will flow to Turkey. not be the spearhead Their aim is defensive: ln another respect, however, the Kurds to secure their borders with the rest of lraq, should get their own way-over oil, which But lraqi Kurdistan's economy is still a rentier especially those they have expanded since could enable economic independence. For one, based almost solely on oil. lt sorely the summer, but not to help Baghdad restore ten years the regional government in Erbil needs to diversify. Banking, commercial law the status quo ante. has argued bitterly with the authorities in and basic services such as the post are all Baghdad over how to share the revenue rudimentary. Corruption is rife. The two fam- The lraqi Kurds also want to bolster their from oil and what laws should apply to old ilies that dominate the two main political par- cousins in what they call Rojava, a Kurdish- wells and new ones. Ayear ago the Baghdad ties, the Barzanis and the Talabanis, domi- populated north-eastern salient of Syria. authorities stopped sending Erbil its 17% nate business, too Sirwan Barzani owns Rojava is under the sway of a party with links share of the national budget, a portion rough- Korek, the main cell phone company. The to the Turkey-based Kurdistan Workers' ly commensurate with the Kurds' share of the prime minister owns Rudaw the main televi- Party (PKK), which has recently been patch- total population, which had been agreed to sion channel. ing up long-standing differences with lraq- long ago. based Kurdish parties. And they are keen to Nonetheless, the Kurdish economy is incom- help Kurds farther west in Kobane, on Syria's But in December, thanks in part to parably livelier than that of the area con- northern border with Turkey, from which lS Baghdad's dire need for Erbil's military help trolled by Baghdad, let alone Mosul. The has recently been ejected. A rapprochement against lS, a deal was struck that lets the Kurds welcome foreigners. Above all, it is far between lraq's Kurds and the PKK, together Kurds export oil from their own territory safer than the rest of lraq-though a suicide- with the current ceasefire between the PKK through a new pipeline connecting to an old bomber blew himself up, killing five other and Turkey, has improved Kurdish fortunes one to Turkey, as long as they send the rev- people, opposite the Erbil governor's office in elsewhere (see article), though tens¡on enue from 250,000 banels a day back to November, and there are worries that sever- between the Kurdish rivals persists in parts Baghdad. The Kurds hope to be producing al hundred Kurds have gone to Mosul and of Rojava and in the Sinjar area 800,000 barrels a day by the end of this yea¡ may return as jihadists. and 1m by 2017. They should profit hand- The Kurds' most pressing military needs, somely-though they complain that the gov- Moreover, despite corruption, nepotism and apart from Western air support against lS, ernment in Baghdad has been slow to hon- feudal habits, lraqi Kurdistan enjoys a level are training and equipment, especially anti- our the deal, as falling oil prices play havoc of democracy that should be envied in most tank weapons and artillery France and with its budget of the Arab world. The two main parties-the Britain have sent advisers Germany has Barzanis' Democratic Party and the provided some Mll-AN anti-tank guided mis- PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPELINE Talabanis' Patriotic Union

62 Rea ue de P r e s s e -P r e s s Reaiezo -B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Basin Ozeti

> referendum to op¡ne on two statements: As for lran under its ayatollahs, it has per- "l want Kurdistan to stay as part of lraq," and But of course things could still go wrong. Mr fectly good relations with lraq's Kurds, "l want Kurdistan to be independent." Nearly Salih also notes that Turkey has "golden warmed by discreet diplomacy and brisk 99% voted for the second. lt is hard to handcuffs" over Kurdish o¡l exports. "We cross-border trade. At the same time the believe the verdict would differ today must not exchange one dependency for ayatollahs still suppress the PKK's currently another," he says. "We need three pipelines." quiescent sister-movement, known by its WILL THE NEIGHBOURS BE NICE? The Kurds must sguare the governments in Kurdish initials, PJAK, which has a haven ¡n lran and Baghdad as well as in Turkey if they the mountain borderland of northcastern lf the landlocked lraqi Kurds are to win state- are to fulfil their dream. He and other Kurdish lraq. Like its Syrian counterpart, PJAK tends hood by peaceful means, plainly they must leaders still doubt whether Turkey would let to echo whatever the PKK says, so it too now reach an accommodation with their neigh- them break entirely free. Hence some of demands only autonomy. bours. Their biggest new hope on this score them talk of confederation with Baghdad, ¡s the transformation of their once-scratchy perhaps as a way-station to independence. lraqi Kurdistan exists, in whatever form, in relations with Turkey. Nechirvan Bar¿ani, the dangerous and shifting surroundings. But prime ministe¡ emphasises friendship with Syria and lran, the lraqi Kurds' other neigh- that has been the case since 1991 , when it Turkey and Masoud Bazan| the president, bours, are less predictable. But their co- first got extreme autonomy, thanks to the no- gets on well with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, operation, though it would be useful, is less fly zone imposed by America and its allies. Turkey's president. Annual bilateral trade vital. Whatever kind of country emerges from Since then, it has steadily entrenched itself now exceeds $8 billion and 100,000 Turks the wreckage of Syria is unlikely to let the as the rest of lraq has fallen apart, especial- are reckoned to be working in lraqi Kurds of Rojava, ¡n the north€ast, break off ly after lS grabbed a chunk of it. Never Kurdistan. They built the snazzy new airport or join up with lraqi Kurdistan. But they are before has Turkey been so friendly to lraq's in Erbil, where Americans and Europeans, not bidding for that. They, too, want autono- Kurds. Never before has the government in among others, can enter without a visa. my. When peace eventually returns to Syria, Baghdad needed the co-operation of the Turkey is easily the region's leading investor. Rojava could perhaps be part of a Syrian Kurds in Erbil so badly. Noq surely, is the "lt's amazing," says Mr Salih. "Who would federation. Kurdish moment. I have thought it five years ago?"

February 21,2015


February lrøqi Shüte fight- KIRKUK- With the arrival of Popular Mobilization Forces (Hashdi ers on the out- Shabil in northem Iraq's Kirkuk region, purportedly to join Kurdish skitts oÍ the city of Peshmerga forces in the fight against the Islamic State group (IS), the Tikrit, February question of how these shifting alliances will play out remains. 78,2015. Photo: Reuters According to the head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Hadi al-Amiri, there are now approximately 7,000 of the Arab Shiite fighters near the city of Kirkuk, and they are ready to enter the city on his order. On the Kurdistan Regional Govemment's (KRG) side, President Massoud Barzani said during a meeting in Kirkuk Tuesday, "We do not need Hashdi Shabi. and if we were in need, we would tell them." The province of Kirkuk is one of the most disputed areas by the Kirkuk is in Kurdistan and "will never fall to the enemy again," Kurdish Kurdistan regional govemment and the lraqi govemment in Baghdad. President Massoud Barzani vowed, declaring that Iraq's Kurds would die The Kurds are seeking to integrate Kirkuk prcvince into the semi-autono- defending the city from the Islamic State (IS). mous Kurdistan Region clamming it to be historically a Kurdish city, the "Kirkuk is as important to the enemy as it is to us," Barzani. said after visi- population is a mix of majority Kurds and minority of Arabs, Christians ting some of the highest-ranking Kurdish military leaders, frontline com- and Turkmen. Kurds have a strong cultural and emotional attachment to manders and the Kirkuk govemor on Tuesday. Kirkuk, which they call "the Kurdish Jerusalem." Kurds see it as the right- ful and perfect capital of an autonomous Kurdistan state. Barzani had given previous orders to Kurdish Peshmerga leaders not to allow the Popular Mobilization Forces into the city. Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution is related to the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk city and other disputed areas through having back its According to Stratfor the govemor of Kirkuk Najmaddin Karim and the Kurdish inhabitants and repatriating the Arabs relocated in the city during Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK may in fact be willing to defy Barzani's the former regime's time to their original provinces in central and southem order to keep Shiite militias out of Kirkuk Stratfor received information Iraq. that in recent days, Karim held a closed-door meeting with Hadi al-Amiri, the leader of Iraq's oldest and most politically integrated Shiite militia, the The former regime of lraqi President Saddam Hussein had forced over Badr Organization. The details of the meeting have not been disclosed, but 250,0ü) Kurdish residents to give up their homes to Arabs in the 1970s, to there are hints that both Karim and Hero Talabani, who is married to PUK " Arabize" the city and the region's oil industry. leader Jalal Talabani and wields considerable influence over the party, are Kirkuk fell to the full control of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces after the IS both in negotiations to allow Shiite militias into Kirkuk June insurgency in Iraq and the withdrawal of Iracli army form the pro- While Peshmerga forces and the Popular Mobilization Forces now face a vince and some other northem region of the state, including second-big- shared enemy in the form of IS, it is unknown how long this fragile alliance gest city of Mosul. <)

could hold, particularly if Iranian-backed Shiite militias increase their pre- Copyright @, respectiae núhor or ileus 0 gency, Eh rd. net I nr I sence in the area. Agencies

63 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaierv-Berheaoka Çapê-Riaista Stømpa-Dentro de ln Prensa-Basin Ozeti

lcbruarr 2lsl 2l)15

Kurdistan's right to secede The regional politics are trickier. Turkey and lran have long been opposed to an independent Kurdistan carved out of lraq, Set the Kurds free lest their own Kurds try to follow suit, if lraqi Kurdistan becomes a magnet for neigh- The case for a new state in northern Iraq bouring Kurdish rebel movements. Feb zrst zo5 Yet even here there has been progress for the Kurdish cause. Syria, which is unlikely soon to recreate a centralised state, is hardly in a position to object to secession for lraq's Kurds. lran has forged a pragmat- ic relationship with them. Relations between lraqi Kurdistan and Turkey, the most concerned of its neighbours, have warmed remarkably. For now the Kurds of southcast Turkey, far more numerous than those in lraq, seem genuinely to have forsaken their desire for a separate state, seeking autonomy instead. Moreover, most of Turkey's Kurds, assimilated in lstanbul and elsewhere, do not want secession. Hence Turkey might accept an independent Kurdistan across its south- eastern border.

The longer-term prospects are also good. Other countries based on an ethnic group-Albania, for instance-have resis- ted the temptation to incorporate the teni- THE Kurds, at least 2Sm-strong, are one vote that they want their own homeland. As tory of their brethren in neighbouring of the world's most numerous peoples well as being economically and democrati- states. Landlocked lraqi Kurdistan will without a state. Other small nations in their cally viable, the new state must be militari- need access to markets for its oil, making region have a home alongside the Arabs, ly defensible and disavow any intention to it all the more vital that it is on decent terms the Persians and the Turks: the Jews cre- create a Greater Kurdistan by biting with its neighbours, especially Turkey. ated (or, in their book, recreated) lsrael chunks off Tukey, lran and Syria. lt needs \Â/estern countries should make plain that after the second world war; Armenia and its neighbours'endorsement. And it must an independent Kurdistan will get no help if Georgia re+merged as independent as settle terms with lraq's government, includ- it stirs up secessionist Kurds across its the Soviet Union bll apart. ing where to draw its boundary. border.

The Kurds have twice come close to fulfill- MARRIAGE MISGUIDANCE As for lraq's Arabs, the longer they fail to ing their dream, once affer the first world govern their bit of the country the less right war and the Ottoman cmpire's collapse, A sustainable economy is within the Kurds' they have to stop the Kurds governing when they were promised a state by the grasp. They are exporting increasing theirs. Secession sets a precedent in the treaty of Sèvres, and again after the sec- amounts of oil, and lraq's central govern- Middle East. Even so, the lraqi Kurds know ond world wa¡ when for ten brief months ment in Baghdad has at last agreed a for- they must work with the powers in the Kurdish republic of Mahabad rose up in mula that will let them keep the lion's share Baghdad and go through a difficult negoti- what is now north-western lran. Today the of the profits. Soon they hope to produce ation over oil. Since the fall of Mosul Kurdish Region of lraq, home to at least 800,000 barrels a day, worth $17 billion a (where lslamic State holds sway), 6m people, is independent in all but name year at today's prices. Kurdistan has crept towards de facto inde- (see article). lt is that benighted country's pendence, with its capital in Erbil. While only fully functioning part. Since 1991 , Democracy is established, though still lslamic State's maniacs are howling at the when the West began to protect it from rough+dged. lraqi Kurdistan has regular gates of Baghdad, a divorce cannot take Saddam Hussein, it has thrived. ln due elections, a boisterous parliament, an place. But in due course separation would course, it deserves its place in the commu- array of political parties and a raucous give the Kurds international protection from nity of independent nations. media. Certainly its courts are weak, its any violent lraqi Arab attempt to reassert leaders' habits feudal, its joumalists some- control. The Kurds want a country of their The principle, promoted by America's times harassed and its human-rights own. They have eamed it. ¡ President Woodrow Wilson a century ago, record far from spotless. But it is more is that nations should have the "unmolest- democratic than most of the region-and ed opportunity of autonomous develop- far safer than the rest of lraq, even though ment". A country should be able to gain the fanatics of lslamic State press against independence if it can stand on its own its long border. Suicide-bombings and feet, has democratic credentials and atrocities of the sort committed by sectari- respects its own minorities. To qualify, an militias in Baghdad and elsewhere in lraq's Kurds should confirm (again) in a Arab lraq are mercifully rare.

64 Reaue de Presse-Press Reoiew-Berheookn Çapê-Riz¡is ta Stampø-Dentro de ln Prensø-Basin Özeti

sAMEDr 2r ET DrMANcse zz rÉvRlER 2ot5 200000 C'¡¡t b nombre d¡ mort¡ LaSyrie,source ryrient depuis le début du confl¡t, en mars 2otl, quand plusieurs villes s'étaient soulevées contre le régime, selon I'Observatoire syrien des droits du chaos de I'homme. régional

Alors que les forces de Bachar al-Assad, en ralson de I'lnßapaclté aidées par le Hezbollah et Téhéran, piétinent duréglme àhùrc venir desrenforts.>> devant Alep, I'Etat islamique se bat s;r tous les fronts, inquiétant même I'Arabie Saoudite. Rrrnl Abdol Prhm¡no directeurde lOSDll TURQU}E rectlon. Mais rien n'indique que les troupes loyallstes sont en meswe de Mør remporter la bataille. Pour le moment, Médìlø¡¡o¡ée elles piétinent. Elles manquent vlsible- ment de renforts. En fait, la commu- nauté alaouite (à peine 10% de la popu- lation) apparalt désormais saignée par les quelfe années de gu.erre et peine à fourrtir lessentiel des officiers et des hommes, comme elle le falsait aupara- INAK vant. <, souligne un expert.

ll Zone d'in0uence Gofe Persique ¡-g PRocREssE-T.tL de I'Etat islamique nÉcrvg SUR LES AUTRSS FRONTS? La faiblesse criante de cette armée sy- Par JEAN-PIERPE PERRIX nable exécutiôn par le feu d'un pilote rienne, ce sont ses effectiß. En fait, elle Jordanienn'empêche pas les idées les ne peut guère engager d'offensive de grande ampleur sans dégarnir Damas où la rébelllon, essentiellement isla- miste, conserve faubourgs et banlieues, comme celle de Douma. C'est pourquoi le régime fait autant appel à des milices pour tenir villes et réglons. Mais cel- les-ci ne constituent pas pour autent mique (EI) ausudd'Erbil. crisesyrierureamutéenun une armée. D'où I'appel aux forces Elle est à Bagdad où se pré- conflit généralisé qui me- étrangères. C'est ce qu'un éditoriallste pareunegrandeoffensive nace I'existence des fron- libanais proche du Hezbollah appelle de I'armée irakierme pour tenter de re- tières au Proche-Orient et même la pé- l' <, qui réunit De- prendre les territoires conquis par lesji- rennité de certains Etats' mas, Téhéran et le Hezbollah. Cet axe a hadistes. Elle est dans les airs au rythme permis à Bacha¡ al-Assad de merquer desbombardementsaériensdelacoali- POURQUOI LA IAT ILLE D'ALEP tion mise sur pied par Washington. Elle EST-ELLE sl cRuclAtE ? estsurleversantsyrienduplateaudu Pour le régime, reconquérir cette Golan oìr le Hezbollah et les forces loya- glande ville, qui fut la capitale écono- sw Alep, de progresser sur le front sud, listes, assistés par des otficiers iraniens mique du pays, est absolumeht vital s'il ce qui permettra de dégager Damas et et des chütes afghans, avancent à la li- r¡eut faire valoir qu'il est en passe de ga- au Hezbollah d'avancer sur le versant sière des posltions tenues par IsraëI. gner la guerre et qu'il domine désor- syrien du Golanotr ilentend allongerla Mais la guerre menace aussi Ie Liban, mais I'essentiel de la Syrie utile. Le zone de confrontatlon avec IsraëI, qui avec la présence de cellules de I'Etet is- contrôle de la ville, déchirée en deux part du Liban.

; eugl nôl¡ LE r{EzlolL^tt ET UIRAN JOUENT.ILS EN SYPIE? Un rôle fondamental. Sur les 15 que tière avec l'Irak ; à Amman, où l'abomi- provlsionnement en armes de l'insur- 000 combattants compte la for-

65 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riaistø Stampø-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

mation chlite libanaise (sans compter souvent compensées par des progres- administrative. Ies réservistes), les experts israéliens, slons aillews. Laville de Al-Baghdadi, qui observent le parti de Dieu à la loupe, que les Jihadistes assiégeaient depuis LES FRAPPES DE LA COALITION estlment qu'entre 5 000 et 6 000 sont des mois, est ainsitombée le 12 féwier SONT.ELLES EFFICACES? actuellement engagés en Syrie et que entre leurs mains et leu¡s mortiers me- Les avions de la coalition bombardent plus de 600 d'entre eux ont déjà été tués nacent à présent la base aérienne toute les jihadistes depuis le 8 aott en lrak et au combat. Pour la première fols, avec proche de Aih al-Assad, oìr 320 Marines le 23 septembre en Syrie. Selon Barack une franchise totalement insoupçonnée, américains entrairent la 7e division ira- Obama, plus de 2000 tappes aérlennes Damas a reconnu le rôle primordial du kienne. Globalement, I'organisation de ont été menées. Si elles ont permis Hezbollah et des officiers iraniens dans Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi ne progresse aux Kurdes de tenir l(obané et de fteiner I'offensive sur le front sud. Pour cette plus en Irak et a renoncé à conquérir I'avancée de I'EI, elles n'ont pas été opération, préparée depuis plusieurs Bagdad, qu'elle avait commencé à en- suffisantes pour entamer une véritable mois et lancée contre le FTont al-Nusra, cercler - la grande crainte du gowerne- reconquête territoriale. D'où la volonté jamais le Hezbollah n'avait engagé des ment irakien, l'été dernier -, de même du président américain de mener forces aussi nombreuses, si bien que les que les territoires oir les chiites sont une guerre plus lntensive sens pour troupes syrlennes apparaissent à pré- majoritaires. autant envoyer des troupes mener une sent comme supplétives. Mais elle n'a pas renoncé à s'emparêr offensive terrestre en lrak, oìr I'armée des ré$ons mixtes (sunnites-chütes ou Quant à I'Iran, elle ne fait pas non plus américaine a déjà perdu près de arabes-kurdes). Une grande offensive mystère de son engagement en $rrie (et 4500 soldats entre 2003 et 2011 - déJà, en Irak), comme le montrent les visltes de I'armée irakienne, soutenue par quelque 1830 militaires assistent des conseillers dméricains, iraniens répétées du général Qassem Soleimani, Ies forces irakiennes sur le terrain. le chef de Ia Force Al-Qods des Gardiens et même français, est prévue en A présent, la bataille fait rage aussi de larévolution (chargée des opérations mars contre I'EI mais le chercheur au CongÈs, oir démocrates et républl- extérieures) à Damas, à Beyrouth mais Pierre-Iean Luizard, spécialiste de cains auront du mal à trouver un aussi à Bagdad et dans le Kurdistan I'Irak, est sceptique sur ses chances de consensus sur la meilleure façon de d'Irak. Dans la presse iranienne, on a réussite : << Etqnt donné l' étqt de l' armée contrer les jihadistes. pu voir I'officier sur le front aux côtés irokienne aujottrd'huí, elle rw pant ryìùF Les uns et les autres ont powtant de de combattants kurdes irakiens et de dte que desterrcs mixtes kurdes ouchlÍ- quoi s'inquiéter : la campagne de bom- n'a nullement militalres irakiens. Dernièrement, un rcs. me ne Wt ql échøuu m mne We- bardements endigué <> <>. liimplication iranienne ßIamÍEte, onpeut compendte qt'ily ait combanwrc étnngæs se mtfurt en ffi n'est pas sans conséquence est sans précédent>, soulignait derniè- sw la sou- une ré sßtsrrc e loc ole þrte >>, insiste - t - il, verai:reté dupays: des écoles iranien- citant >. En Syrie, l'EI se bat à la le terrorisme, devant la Chambre I'Achoura, la grande fête religieuse fois contre le régime d'Assad, des rêprésentants. Il a estimé à chiite, y a été célébrée. I'orgânisation jihadiste rivale du Flont > le nombre de volon- al-Nusra et toutes les autles composan- taires étrangêrs en provenance de UET TISTAMIQUS tes de la rébellion. A ce jour, c'est plus de 90 pays à avoir rallié I'EI en ÞEÞD.IL DU TERNAIN? toujours I'organisation d'Al- Baghdadi Syrie. <>-

A fóvrier 2015 Irak: París renforæ (douæment) I'opération - De notre envoyé spécial à pourrait représenter l'équipement complet de pour Bagdad, Jean Guisnel - z4 fiêvr. zor5 deux ou trois divisions mécanisées, I'es- sentiel offert pal les États-Unis. La visite du CEMA t ¡faleré I'envoi rle maisres renfols en lrak, la glande question de I'heure, pour les diri- lVlpån"" ne souhaite pãs participer à I'offensive Ia préparer qui se prépare contre Daesh pour la reconquête de geants irakiens, consiste à la recon- visite à Mossoul. quête de Mossoul. Lors d'une récente des La situation de I'Irak est au-delà de la catas- Bagdad et à Irbil, le chef d'état-major général de - trophe. Les trois composantes formant le pays armées françaises, le Pierre Villiers (chiites, sunnites et Kurdes) sont aujourd'hui que nor¡s avons accompagné à cette occasion -, complètement divisées et écartelées entre des a pu préciser à ses interlocuteurs les conditions stlaté- objectifs antagonistes. La minorité sunnite qui (GAN, constitué øutour du porte-aaìols dans lesquelles la France aiderait cette renfolcer tenait le pays sous Saddam Hussein est Chørles de Gaulle, est officiellenrent etgøgé gie. Elle consiste essentiellement à I'opération Chammal en ajoutant une centaine aujourd'hui exclue du pouvoir par les chiites dans l'opératiott Chømttøl en Intk, pour d'hommes à ceux qui se trouvent déjà sur place majoritair:es, tandis que les Kurdes jouent leur httter contre Døesh propre jeu. en nombre équivalent, notamment à h'biì, au Kurdistan. L'offensive des djihadistes de I'organisation part au com- É,tat islamique l'été dernier, spectaculairement tête, sans livler le moindre combat. Appartenant pour une large couronnée pal la prise de la deuxième ville du Abandonnant de surcroît aux djihadistes des mandement des opérations spéciales, les deux pays, Mossoul, a illustré l'improbable faillite de prises de guerre hallucinantes, dont les Irakiens Français d'Irbil forment actuellement l'État irakien : les quatre divisions qui défen- se sont bien galdés de pr'éciser I'inventaile, qui détachements d'instruction opérationnelle peshmergas (...) daient la région se sont débandées, officiers en (DIO) mis en place aupràs des

66 Revue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheuokø Çapê- Riuistø Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Özeti

mardi 24 fév¡ier 2015

Sous les verrous, Ij'ai rencontré cet])c que j'appelle les grands hommes et les grandes femmes d'Iran: des opposants bahais, des partisans des moudjahidins, des réformateurs, bref tout ce que Faezeh Rafsandjani: (En lran, le pays compte de gens qui se battent les libertés ont encore reculé ) pour leurs idées 7 Pour cette représentante cle la contestation interne au régime. le présiclent iranien a cependant fait des avancées dans le domaine économique.

Après un net recul sous la présidence à Téhéran par de son prédécesseur Malunoud Ahmadinejad' les llbertés lndividuelles ou Ia liberté de la presie ont-elles regagné duterrain ? Là encore, la situation s'est dégradée depuis l'élection de M. Rohani. Juste après son élection en aezeh Rafsandjani est la fille cl'Hache- juin 2013, le régime a libéré certains prisonniers mi Rafsandjani, I'un des fondateurs de politiques et des journalistes. Mais mâintenant, la République islamique d'Iran en norrs voyons que des sont fermés, des jeune ¡ournâux 1979. Cette femme est pourtant journalistes et des opposants politiques sont mls I'une des figures de proue de la sous les verrous, Le pouvoir aglt dans l'ilIéþalité, contestation interne au régime de Té- quand il ordonne, par exemple, à I'ensemble des héran. Emprisonnée en 2012, M*" Rafsandjani journalistes de ne pas parler de Mohammad Kha- presse étrangère. s'exprime rarement devant la tami (l' ancìen pr é sídent r éf ormateur, NDLR), Or, c e Pour Le Figaro, elle a accepté de nous livrer son dernier n'a jamais vorùu changer le régime. Ce re- regard sur la situation politique en Iran et les déli- des est à I'obstruction (le cates négociations qui cint lieu actuellement à Ge- cul libertés dù du Majlis Pqrlement domíné par les consewateurs, NDLR). nève sur le programme nucléaire de son pays, Quand, à Ispahan, de I'acide est jeté au visage de plusieurs femmes, personne ensuite n'a été arrêté, Le FIGARO. - Quel est l'état d'esprit des lraniens, ce pas signe, un an et demi après l'élection du président n'est vraiment un bon Mais atten- n'allez pas conclure que malgré toutes ces Hassan Rohani ? tion: déceptions, nous soyons proches d'une chute du Faezeh RAFSAI\¡DJANI. - La population attendait beaucoup d'Hassan Rohani. Aujourd'hui, les Ira- régime. Certes, nous faisons face à beaucoup de niens ne sont pas complètement déçus, mais ils problèmes, mais il n'y a pas de demande pour une ont moins. d'espoirs qu'il réponde à leurs deman- nouvelle révolution. Même en 2009, la plupart des des. Pourtant, le président Rohani affiche un pro- manifestants ne réclamaient qu'un changement à gramme de nafure à fai¡e avancer les choses, no- l'intérieur du régime. tamment en économie, otr il a obtenu des résultats'. L'inflation par exemple est retombée à 15 Yo contrr-. Malgré votre appârtenance au régime, 40 % auparavant. Le problème, çe sont les ultra- vous-rnême avez été mise en prison peridant conservateurs qui lui mettent des bâtons dans lçs six mois en 2012 ? roues. Leur but est clai¡: ils ne veulent pas qu'il Comme beaucoup d'autres prisonniers, j'ai été dé- réussisse. Ainsi les Iraniens seront-ils encore plus tenue sous I'accusation de propagande contre le déçus, et c'est comme cela qu'ils persent rempoi- régime. Placée dans la section politique de la pri- ter les prochaines élections législatives de I'an son d'Evine, j'ai été traitée cornme les autres cap- prochain. N'oubliez jamais que le président de la tifs, même si je suis la fille de l'un des fondatetus République en Iran ne dispose pas du vrai potloir. dè la République islamique. Mais les premiers jours Celui ci est entre les mains du guide suprême de ma détention, certains prisonniers ont protesté. (t'ayotollah All Khamenei, NDIR), qui est soutenu Lgs responsables du ce¡itre pénitentiaire sqnt alors par les ultraconservateurs. venus me dire que c'était à cause de moi, qu'avant

67 Reuue de Presse-Press Rwieut-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stamvø-Dentro de Iø Prensø-Basin Ozeti

nous les ennemis d'un tel accord. De son côté, Ro- mon arrivée, il n'y avait P3s de problèmes. Ils m'ont punie en me plaçant pendant cinq jours à hani fait tout pour alriver à un accord en respec- I'isolement total. Etant détenus avec la fille Raf- tant les li¡[res rouges fixées par le guide. Mais plus plus gens sandjani, les autres prisonniers avaient de I'espoir le temps passe, les éprouVent une certai- que leur sort s'améliore. Et les matons, ellx, atten- ne déception. daient que je les calme, puisque je faisais partie, Vous faites partie de ceux qui poussent Hassan disaient-ils, du pouvoir'. Malgré toutes ces diffi- Rohani à organlser un référendum sur le nucléaire. cultés, je ne reglette pas cette expérience, j'en ai A-t-il les moyens d'affronter atnsi le gride même retiré de nombreux points positifs. Sous les suprême ? verrous, j'ai rencontré ceux que j'appelle les Le réféièndum est prévu par la Constitution. Puis- grands hommes et les grandes femmes d'Ira¡r : des que tout le monde prétend parler au nom du peu- opposants bahaib, des partisans des moudjahidins, ple, laissons donc le peuple s'exprimer sur une des réformateurs, bref tout ce que le pays compte question aussi fondamentale. En brandissant cette de gens qui se battent pour leurs idées. menace, le président Rohani a simplement voulu dire qu'il manquait de pouvoir. En face, les Croyez-vous à un accord su¡ le nucléaire conservateurs ne devraient pas penser que cette entre I'Iran et les Occidentaux ? initiative vise à affaibli¡ leur pouvoir. Le référen- Là aussi, l'espoir s'est amenuisé. Des extrémistes dum est la seule solution pour sortir de I'impasse, mettent des obstacles à un accorcl que ce soit chez comme le prévoit, encôre une fois, notre Constitu- nous, les ultraconservateurs, ou aux Etats-Unis, tion. Jusqu'à maintenant, I'autre partie du pouvoir certains membres dtr Congrès, Barack Obama par- (sous-entendu le guide, qu'elle ne nomme po.s par le bien en général à propos des 4égociations, mais prudmce, NDLR) ne I'a pas accepté, mais j'espère il utilise parfois des formules du genre ( toutes les que cela changera. C'est une question juridique, optiors sont sul la table )> pou.r évoquer d'éven- pas politidue. En agissant de la sorte, Hassan Ro- tuelles frappes militaires, ce qui renforce chez hani reste bíen dans la légalité. r

23 FÉVRIER 2015 L'EI exhibe des peshmergas dans des cages Le groupe extrémiste a diffusé une vidéo dans laquelle il exhibe dans des crges des hommes présentés comme des combattants kurdes. L'EI y profère des menaces ò leur encontre.

une cinquantaine de kilomètres arme automatique ou un revol- de Kirkouk. ver. Le film montre chacun des 21. otages, en tenue orange et la tête ATTAQUE TERRORISTE basse. Ils sont emmenés vers des Les images sont entrecoupées cages sur une place entourée de cle celles de l'exécution du pilote murs de béton, et devant les- jordanien et de celle des 21 quelles se tiennent des combat- otages coptes tués en Libye, le 15 tants cagoulés de I'EI portant un février. Un commandant des pistolet. peshmergas à Kirkouk, le général Hiyowa Rach, a affirmé que les OTAGES AGENOUITLÉS peshmergas otages ont été captu- aucune exécution. Un homme barbu portant un rés le 31 janvier .lorsque les com- Les 21 hommes sont présen- turban blanc adresse alors un battants kurdes avaient repoussé tés comme étant seize peshmer- message aux peshmergas, les une attaque terroriste de l'EI 23 févr.20l5 gas, deux officiers de I'armée ira- appelant à cesser leur combat visant Kirkouk". kienne et trois policiers de contre l'EI. nSinon votre sort sera L'EI contrôle depuis juin 2014 240 kilo- des de larges territoires dans le nord T a mise en scène de ce docu- Kirkouk, ville située à comme ceux-là, soit dans une Lment diffusé dimanche rap- mètres au nord de Bagdacl. Cette cages ou sous terre>, prévient-il. et I'ouest de I'Irak, Il a mené jan- pelle celle clu pilote jordanien vidéo ne précise ni le lieu ni la Par la suite, ces derniers, tou- offensive contre Kirkouk fin jours pour de capturer cette brtlé vif dans une cage, selon date des événements filmés. dans les cages, sont exhibés vier tenter pétrolière où se trouvent les une vidéo diffusée par le groupe Des sources kurdes ont toute- sur cles camionnettes dans une ville peshmergas depuis le retrait des EI le 3 février. La vidéo de fois affirmé à I'AFP que les scènes rue au milieu de dizaines d'habi- mois aupa- climanche, reprise par le centre ont été tournées il y a une tants et d'hommes armés. Enfin, troupes irakiennes un ravant. américain de surveillance des semaine. Elles auraient été fil- la vidéo montre les otages age- sites islamistes, ne montre mées sur le marché principal du nouillés avec clerrière eux un district de Hawiia, tenu par l'EI, à homme cagoulé portant une

68 Reaue de Presse-Press Reuiew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riuista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti February 22,2015 I NTERNATIONAT- BI]S IN ESS TI M TiS Isis funding coming from Gulf States 'protection moneyt - senior Kurdish Presidentts chief-of-staff

Despite recent setbacks Isis remains formidably well-funded says Kurdish President's chief-of-staff

By Mark Piggott February 22,2015 .@ fr ulf states are continuing to provide Islamic State (Isis) with Lfnug" levels of funding, fartty in the hope this will dissuade the group from launching attacks in their countries, it has been claimed. The group remains well-equipped and has hundreds of thousands of fighters. Fuad Hussein, Kurdish P¡esident Massoud Barzani's chief of staff, has told the Independent on Sunday that removing the organisation lsìs execution ofPeshmergø løtest lsis oideo shows the from cities like Mosul would require huge amounts of weapons and forcesThe 27 Kutdish Peshmetga zaho zoere tecently executeil (Islamic State) troops, as well as an improbable partnership involving local Sunnis as well as the Baghdadi government. Hussein was remarkably frank about how difficult it is to beat Isis úsks. pos- in combat. "So far we are only defeating them in various places in "The lraqi army has two divisions to p¡otect Baghdad, but is it Kurdistan by giving our blood. We have had 1,011 Peshmerga killed sible for the Iraqi government to release them? How will they get to and about 5O00 wounded." Mosul? If they have to come through Tikrit and Baiji, they will have to Hussein's gloomy assessment comes after a number of recent fight hard along the way even before they get to Mosul." reports which appeared to show Isis are on the retreat after being bea- In yet another attempt to horrify the world, intimidate its enemies ten out of Kobani, local tribes disgusted by their brutality turning and attract more militants, Isis released a video showing 21 Kurdish against them and hghters are deserting the organisation. Peshmerga imprisoned in cages before they were reportedly being mur- Isis militants There are suggestions the lraqi arrny may try to drive dered - either by beheading or burning alive like Jordanian pilot Muadh Isis out of Mosul(Reuters) al-Kasasbeh. join Both the Iraqi government and US have begun to talk openly of Young men - and women - still flock to Islamic State, and attempting to wrest back Iraq's second-most populous city from Isis. revenue from oil, extortion and Gulf supporters continues to flood in. politician Mahmoud Othman, such Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi told the BBC last week that "We are now According to Iraqi Kurdish Dr planning an offensive on Mosul in the coming few months. We have to donations aren't simply gestures of goodwill - they are also a form of protection prepare for it carefully because the only choice we have in Mosul [is to money. the countries because they are afraid of winl. We have to win in Mosul to keep [sis] out." Isis "gets money from Arab (Isis) However, Hussein believes re-taking Mosul would be fraught with it", says Dr Othman. "Gulf countries give money to Da'esh so it promises not to carry out operations on their territory." a


ment does not have enough money to send the KRG its L7 percent share of the national budget. SPEAKING to Iraqi television broadcasten in Baghdad on Saturday night, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the Kurdistan Following the meeting. KRG Regional Govemment (KRG) should bear the responsibility of paying President stated its civil employees not hired through the central govemment during a press conference that the KRG is abiding by the terms of the "I am not against sending the civil servants'salary, but there is a matter oil deal struck by officials in everyone should know, the case is, there are some employees of the KRG December and will cease exports to who have not been hired by the Iraqi Govemment but rather, are Baghdad if the budget is not recei- employed by Kurdistan Region," Abadi stated. ved. Iraqi and Kurdish leaders have been locked in a dispute over the KRG's Under the terms of the oil revenue budget and payment of civil servants' salaries which have repeatedly sharing accord, the KRG is to send 25O000 barrels per day þpd) to the been delayed since the beginningof20l4. Iraqi govemrnent to be exported by the State Organization for Marketing KRG employees, including Peshmerga on the frontlines fighting against of Oil (SOMO) in retum for 17 percent of the total national budget. Islamic State militants, report having gone months at a time without The KRG is then allowed to export 300,000 bpd to Turkey via pipeline receiving salaries. from the Kirkuk oilfields. I Abadi's speech comes after talks with KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Copyright @, respectiue author or neu)s agmcy, Barzani in Baghdad on February 16 where he said Iraq's central govem-

69 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiero-Berheaokn Çapê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti guaf( February 23,2015 Kurdish Peshmerga call for heary vveaponry to take their fight to Isis Fighters deride western fears that sending them weapons could groe real impetus to frequent talk of sovereignty at the exlrense of Iraq

add to that. Since early February, Kurdish roughly square Martin Chulov in lluhok forces have recaptured 4oo seized by Isis, including the Mosul z3 February zor5 miles of land dam, which supplies water to most of Iraq. "And what do you get for all of that?" asked Barzani. "We have redrawn the Kurdish borders Errom his perch b€hind sandbags on a with our own blood." I'last approach towards Mosul, Kurdish advances have been secured by a Captain Ibrahim of the trturdish USled air campaign, which was particularly Peshmerga lives and breathes his enemy. effective around the Mosul dam. From the giant Down the hill, around a mile across an open waterway, built during the Saddam years, to the plain, Islamic State (Isis) gunmen hide in a front lines, hundreds of concrete homes lie in partly-ruined village. At least a haH dozen times ruins. Many have clearþ been hit by air strikes, a day, they drive a flatbecl truck from a hiding but others were dynamited as Isis retreated. spot and send a large mortar arcing towards the Kurdish border police take iloun an Isis Large yellow diggers gouge trenches from green Kurds. øftet tøking control ofYøngiia ail- fields, which will act as defensive positions if "They're good," Ibrahim said with a wince, fløg jihadis lage in September løst year Photogrøph: the try to reclaim their losses. seconds after a shell thumped into the dirt just Much of the front line fighting appears to be Erín Tieb I Efin Trieb I C oú is outside his outpost. "They're very good. The a throw back to bygone eras of warfare. The Iraqis have taught them well." Peshmerga have enough Kalashnikovs and In between the Kurds and their enemy, two ammunition, but their pleas for heavy battle- dead gunmen lie in no-man's land. "They tried try in June. to attack us last night," he said. The scent of Isis promptly looted more than 2oo armou- death wafts on the breeze. "They are Chechens. red troop carriers, more than 1,ooo humvees 3 We asked the UK for Terrorists from everywhere are being hosted in and several dozen US battlefield tanks, and weaPonry from those villages, and there's only us to stop them." have used them ever since to menace Iraq's Afghanistan. We were Beyond the village, at what the Kurds call army and the Peshmerga. pfepafed to buy it, but it Kiske junction, is the Isis hear"tland, a rz-mile Iraq's western partners fear that sending - stretch of farms and villages that spreads weapons to the Kurds could give real impetus to is sold elsewhere and towa¡ds Mosul and then beyond into Anbar frequent talk of sovereignty at the expense of denied to us s Iraq - the current borders of which they remain province and west into Syria. Kurdish leader Masrour Barzani One leg of the spring offensive touted by committed to, even as the post-Ottoman boun- Washington to push the gunmen from Iraqs daries of the modern Middle East continue to second biggest city will likely start from here, wither. field weapons that could help them make more Such a view is derided and across but those doing the bulk ofthe fighting now are in Irbil gains have been rejected by the US, Britain and much of "We're fighting a war for a far from convinced that they should also be the the north. other European allies. part that we ones to go further. country that we are not a of, and Barzani bristles at the notion that the What to do about Mosul looms as a seminal have no future in," said Falah Fikri, a business- Peshmerga may use any new weapons to "We state because the moment both in Kurdish history and in more man in Irbil. are in this conquer Mosul, or lands closer to Kirkuk that army collapsed, and we are told to believe recent faltering steps towards nation building - Iraqi are more central to the Kurds' ancestral claims. a fact that Kurdish leaders are adamant that its in them?" "The east bank of Mosul is part of months against Isis, allies should acknowledge upfront. In six of fighting Kurdistan, but we are not claiming that," he Kurdish leaders have already faced a series of "We are not naive," said the chancellor of said. "We will go as far as we are welcomed into the Kurdish region security council, Masrour reckonings: what to do about the contested cþ all those areas that are part of the greater after the Barzani, from his position an hour or so away of Kirkuk, which they now control Kurdistan. Anything above the Tigris river, we Iraqi army abandoned it in June; how to defend from the front lines. "We are very careful not to have taken it, but we are not aspiring to a grea- take any Arab lands. We are not going to go into their seat of government, Irbil, which was ter Kurdistan. We are talking about Iraqi by the jihadis two months later; Mosul alone. We are not agents. nearþ stormed Kurdistan. We have to convince the countries and what the collapse of Iraq meant for their "We asked the UK for some of their wea- that we live with that it is in the interests of eve- ambitions etch a sovereign state from its ponry from Æghanistan," said Barzani. " We to rybody. We have to convince Baghdad through were prepared to buy it, but instead we find it is ruins. an understanding. As US war planners tout plans for z5,ooo being sold elsewhere and denied to us." "Kurdish lraq has for too long been a taboo men 12 Iraqi brigades, three of them Britain has sent the Peshmerga 4o heary - that we can not even talk about. For lraq [the Peshmerga - to launch a final battle in April, machine guns and ammunition, but has denied Kurdish north] is just an economic base. But we are set their own rules of other requests, insisting privately that will Iraq's Kurds trying to don't need Kurdistan for its economic value. engagement. channel its deliveries through Iraq's central This land is ancestral. police take down an Isis flag government. Kurdish border "Waiting for the local forces to fight Isis is Kurdish leaders seethe at the decisive wea- after taking control of Yangija village in going to give them the option to grow, reorga- year ponry sent to Baghdad in recent months, much September last nise, recruit and be a constant threat to the The Peshmerga have lost more than r,ooo of which is being used to replaced six divisions region and the rest ofthe world. To defeat Isis since August, with more than worth of trucks and tanks that were abandoned members 4,5oo requires a lot more engagement, to send troops The baüle ahead will certainly when the Iraqi army fled the north of the coun- others injured. and to give the right equipment to the D

70 Reoue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê-Riaistn Stampa-Dentro de la Prensø-Bøsin Ozeti

- forces who are defeating them, and that is don't likes us, even though we are helping Another Peshmerga unsheathed an Italian the Kurds. There is no excuse not to arm the them,'he said. "I'll give you an example. When supplied rocket, part of a small cache sent by Kurds. No justification. " we arrived here we found a boy with a phone. Rome several days earlier. "This is what we As bullets ping past the Kiske junction out- He was telling llsis] our positions. I told my need, he said. "But it won't get us to Mosul." post, Ibrahim points to the skies. The roar of a commanders and they said to let him go. Sipping a coffee in his dugout, brahim said: jet comes into earshot. "I called them a while "A few weeks later, we went back to that vil- "You know, we're puzzled being out here with ago," he said. "They need to deal with that mor- lage and were giving them food. That same boy such a lack of support. Why is this happening? ta¡. We don't have any trouble getting them to was at the front of the line. We told the locals We like freedom. We are just like you. We want help, but we would rather do it ourselves. and they started throwing shoes at him. Maybe what you have." o "We are operating in areas where we cannot now they know we're on their side, but we can trust the people. It is very hostile. The villages never believe it."

February 20r2015 lran executes young Kurd Saman Naseem arrested as minor: media

February 20, 2015, by Editorial Staff in Kurdistan An older photo of Saman Naseem on death row in Iran Saman Naseem,22, is scheiluleil to be execut- URMIYE, Iranian Kurdistan - The young Iranian Kurdish man who has eil Thursilay February been at the center of an intemational campaign to urge Iranian authorities 79, after being found to spare his life was executed Thursday, according to local media in Iranian guilty of membership Kurdistan. of the rcbel Party of Saman Naseem,22,who was arrested as a minot was executed in Urmiye Free Lìþ ofKurdistøn (Orumyiah) prison in the capital of lran's West Azerbaijan Province, the (PIAK) ønil inztolae- reports say. ment in atmed con- Naseem's family was reportedly threatened by Iran's Ministry of Irontøtions with the Intelligence to remain silent after the execution order had been carried out. Reoolutionøry Guatds. Saman's family have been told o collect his body on Saturday, according to Photo: Irøniøn Media several independent sources. Despite the intemational appeals to halt the execution, Naseem was hanged on Thursday. Two Kurilish (IHR) Iran Human Rights reported earlier that Saman's family were brothers AIi contacted by the authorities on Friday to meet at the prison to collect Afshañ and Saman's belongings on Saturday. According to several independent Habibulløh sources, Saman's family have been asked earlier today to collect Saman's Afshøri høzte body on Saturday February 21,. It is still unclear whether Saman was exe- ølso been execut- cuted Thursday or Friday. ed in Urmiye y'hile the politi- \ Naseem's lawyer has confirmed the execution of Kurdish pfison in ltanian cal prisoner despite all the calls by human rights organizations, worrying Kurdistan, wait continues for three other Kurdish prisoners on death row. Photo: sm In the meantime. two Kurdishbrothers Ali Afshari and Habibullah Afshari have also been executed Friday. The Afshari family has been informed on Friday that the bodies of the two brothers could be reclaimed on Friday. Naseem had been charged with "enmity against God" and "comrption on earth" in April 2013, following his arrest in 2011 at the age of 17. The charges were connected to Naseem's suspected membership in the The PIAK or the (Partiya Azad. a Kurdistane) (Party of Free Life of armed opposition group Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PIAK) and his Jiyana Kurdistan), is a militant Kurdish nationalist group based on the border alleged participation in an armed battle with lran's Revolutionary Guards. areas between Iraq's Kurdistan region and Iran's Kurdish regiory that has Rights groups and activists made repeated calls for Iran to cancel Naseem's been carrying out attacks Iranian forces in the Kurdistan Province of Iran execution in recent days on the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights (Eastem Kurdistan) and other Kurdish-i¡habited areas. of the Child, of which Iran is a signatory. PJAK, the most active Kurdish group in Iranian Kurdistan, is a member of Amnesty Intemational wamed Thursday of a potential secret execution, the Kurdistan Democratic Confederation (Koma Civaken Kurdistan or with the organization's deputy director for the Middle East and North KCK) which is an alliance of Kurdish groups and divisions led by an elec- Africa, Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, saying, "The lack of news about Saman ted Executive Council. Naseem's fate or whereabouts with prison officers denying his family any Since 2004 the PJAK took up arms took up arms to establish a semi-auto- information is cruel and inhuman." nomous Kurdish regional entities or Kurdish federal states in lran, similar In a letter released by Amnesty Intemational last week, Naseem described to the Kurdistan Regional Govemment (KRG) in Iraq. The PIAK has about "so torture severe that it left me unable to walk " and activists have said his 3,000 armed militiamen, half the members of PIAK are women. original confession had been made under duress. Estimate to over 12 million Kurds live in Iran. o UN experts on Wednesday joined a chorus of calls for Tehran to halt plans Copyrigjht@,respecthtenuthororneusngency,nrtto.comlEkurd.netlAgencies to execute a young Iranian Kurdish man. Five others were set to be executed along with Naseem, including four Kurds and one Azeri prisoner.

71 Rea ue de P r e s s e -P r e s s Reo iezo - B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti

Strategic 24 FEBRUARY2Ol5 an operation of large-scale in a full-fledged war. And ¡t's not about Culture achieving a military victory only. lraq defends its very national state- Foundation Nikolai BOBKIN hood. The US Afghanistan experience provides a warning. Moiahedin ONLINE fOURNAL Strategic- Cultrre. org got US arms to fight the USSR. Now they have become the Taliban. After 13 years of US and NATO occupation the civil war is not over, the Taliban is on the way to seize power. lt is all being repeated in lraq. Few believe that the U5 will win. The US-planned military operation with the mission to defeat the US Plans to lslamic State has three phases: - to deliver air strikes against the Taliban positions; - to provide tra¡ning to lraq¡ government forces and Kurdish self- Separate Kurdistan defense units, and, perhaps, some Sunni tribes. - to eliminate lslamic States forces in Syria - the final objective of the campaign. from lraq According to the Pentagon, it will take three years to implement the plans, Somebody else will have to accomplish the mission as obama is leaving in zo16. Before his tenure is over he can lay a mine under the Middle East faces the vicious circle of US-incited changes of ahe lraq's statehood. That's what his lraqi Kurdistan policy is aimed at. states. Perhaps I regimes and the established borders of Arab There is no united front against the lslamic State. The forces con- Americans are guided by view expressed decades ago by for- the four fronting the group include the US-built coalition, government forces in Prime Golda (Except Egypt and lsrael, mer lsraeli Minister Meir: for Syria and lraq, as well Kurds formations in these two countries. Kurds which are the true states, the rest of the Middle East - it's just tribes wav- realize well that under no circumstances willjihadists accept the idea of plundered Libya has ceased be a unified state, ing their flags". The to Kurdistan's independence or its autonomy within the borders of the is threatened. The Yemen is divided, and the integrity of Syria and lraq state they want to create. Being formally an autonomous entity in the lslamic State, a new product of US diplomacy, has emerged to control north of lraq, the Kurdish independent state has been in existence for Britain, is preparing an invasion of the territory larger than Creat lt many years, practically since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in zoo3. Lebanon and Jordan, lts further plans include establishing control over Under George Bush Jr., the United States became a guarantor of lraqi's Mecca and Medina. The organization has become a much bigger threat territorial integrity within the borders that existed at the time. Back then than any another terrorist group. Washington was not interested in the partition of the country. President present joint At a z5-thousand strong contingent of lraqi army and Obama views things differently. With him in power the U5 withdrew Kurdish armed formations is preparing free Mosul from the lslamic to from lraq to deviate pretty soon from its commitments as an ally. States militants, An operation to liberate the second largest lraqi city Washington is concerned over the growing rapprochement 6 with the population of two million ¡s not just an ant¡-terrorist action - it's

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GEORCIA I tri I isi Arrk¿ra {¡' Kars o IA 5ivas AZERBAUAN o 9 Eaurunr Nagorno-Kar altaklt a lÌ,rku TURKMENISTAN Agr Bingot o *orufr,,,ro* Van (A1tR.) (,1!l)iilll TURKEY D yarbakrr a o S¡ rt f¿briz Yurnurtalrk a t1A kiltt)lL SAIAIIUDDIN ¡10UNf/..)Nt . ,9., Koisinjaq Deir al /or SyRIA Strl¡im¡n Kirtuk a (, a BFKAA Dlm¡¿ llalabja íe) Tc h r¿n :l Dðrnascus rRAQ Kermlnshah 13aghdad ANBAR (.) IRAN

Kut .

. Malekiyt:h Nasiriy.r e 200 lm B¡sra .

lì0r<1cr proposcd by thr,Krrrd slr dclcgalrorr at tlro TOWARDS KURDISH SELF RULE - i Kurrii:lr ,¡rlr¡brk:

72 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stampø-Dentro de la Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti s between the Shia leadership of lraq and the government of lran, a Shia state. This prospect frightens it more than the emergence of terror- ist monster, such as the lslamic State, on lraqi soil, Again, it makes a mis- proiect" undermine take by thinking that the "Kurdish it sponsors will the position of lran. Perhaps, to the contrary, by playing the Kurdish card the US President strengthens lran. lf Kurdistan becomes independent, the Shia Muslims will enioy vast support to increase the lran's influence inside the country. Political opponents keep on asking Obama why he has wasted the opportunities produced by the victory over Saddam Hussein to make the effofts requiring huge funds and great casualties go down the drain, Has it all been in vain? The US plans to make Kurdistan secede are not supported by neighbors. The Arab world believes that the Obama's Kurdish policy leads to the appearance of the "second lsrael" in the Middle East. The Arabian Peninsula monarchs are afraid that the peshmerga (Kurdish self-defense armed formations) will do country. Turkey refuses to help Kurds in lraq and Syria. lt is ready to veto away with the lslamic State threat and then turn the arms provided by the unification of Kurds and flatly refuses the idea of establishing a Washington against Baghdad. Such development of events will result in Kurdish state. Some time ago Syrian Kurds announced the creation of the partition of lraq. The fears are grounded. The U5 scenario of anti- their own administration in Western Kurdistan (a de facto Kurds-popu- lslamic State campaign does not envision the support of lraq as a whole lated autonomous region in northern and north-eastern Syria). ln zotz t6 state, Fragmentary aid is to be rendered to three groups inside the coun- Kurdish political parties united under the umbrella of the Kurdish try: pro-government Shia forces, Kurdish armed formations and Sunni National Council to take the northern part of Syria under their control. tribes. The US cooperates separately with each of these forces trying to The powerful Syrian Kurdish Democratic U nion (the PYD) loined with the make them politically subiugated. At that the amount of military aid is to form the Kurdish Supreme Committee, The well balanced and calculated. The strategy by itself lays down the basis Union has teeth and keeps up close ties with the Kurdistan Workers for future internecine feuds. Party, a Kurdish rebel group operating in Turkey, Ankara wants its stance It's not without reason Saudi Arabia is going to erect a looo-km long be taken into account as Washington builds its relationship with Kurds. wall at the lraqi border to prevent the spread of chaos from lraq to the Turkey calls for thorough assessment of possible repercussions resulting Arabian Peninsula. Saudis have no wish to participate in the war against from possible partition of lraq. the lslamic State. The wall is rather a publicity stunt than a fortification Criticizing Obama for foreign policy failures at the Chicago Council to prevent aggression. zo Arab states met in Riyadh a few days ago to on Global Affairs, Jebb Bush, former Florida governor and the Prospec- discuss the issue of providing military aid to Baghdad. Saudi Arabia tive 2016 presidential race runner on Republican ticket, warned that stands against US-style part¡tion of lraq and it opposes the idea of you look, you see slipping out of control> in a the "everywhere the world independent Kurdish state. Riyadh believes that the recognition of lraqi speech that appeared to be a next step in a carefully choreographed roll- Kurdistan will split the governing coalition in Baghdad tipping the bal- out of a zot6 presidential bid. Criticizing Obama's foreign policy is an ance in favor of Shia Muslims close to lran. ln this case, the lslamic State issue on the agenda. The United States has always been rather inconsis- will turn into one of two evils along with the pro-lranian lraq. tent in its Kurds policy. Washington supports the lraqi Kurds while fight- The emergence of lraqi Kurdistan, being to large extent dependent ing the lslamic State, but it turns its back on Syrian Kurds. Washington of US comprehensive aid, is not acceptable to Turkey, The Turkey's rela- uses lranian Kurds to undermine the lranian regime and Turkish Kurds to tionship with Washinggon has marked a low ebb recently. lt has never blackmail Ankara. For instance, the US threatens to transfer the US Air been worse. The Kurdish issue is a burning national problem for this Force base in lncirlikto Erbil, the capital of lraqi Kurdistan. o

24 February 2015 Baghdad continues to hold back Kurdish budg€t, situation intolerable Barzani warns - 2412/20L5 Kurdish share of lraq's budget, Baghdad cut off Kurdistan said: "Unfortunately Baghdad is Region's share of the federal bud- ETRBIL. Kurdistan acting like an oil company get January last year and this has IJrRegion-ln a meeting rvith towards a part of the country not placed severe strain on the members of the press on like a state," Kurdish government that is at war (ISIS) Monday Kurdistan Region Barzant said that Abadi had with the Islamic State and Prime Minister Nechirvan told him in Baghdad that his hands received 1 4 million refuges from Barzani said that Erbil rvould do were tied by the Shiite alliance. the rest of lraq. its best to resolve its budget dis- A meeting between a Kurdish Kurdistøn Region Prime The Kurdish prime minister delegation by Barzani said that on his visit to Turkey last pute with Baghdad but that led PM Minister N e chiro an B arz ani patience is also running out. rvith Abadi and other Iraqi minis- week he borowed $500 million to government "We want to be in agreement ters earlier this month ended in help pay salaries. agreement last year whereby Erbil with Baghdad and we want the lmpasse. Barzani said that the Kurds are would contribute to the federal people of Kurdistan, the US and "Baghdad is telling us that we willing to run another round of budget by selling 550,000 barrels other countries to knolv that we have exported more oil than it is in negotiations with Baghdad to ofoil for Baghdad daily. have done our best with the agreement and that is true," resolve the disputes and that he "We had told Baghdad back Baghdad," said PM Barzani. "But said Barzani. "But we had told has tasked Roj Nuri Shaways- then that even if we export one bil- it also must be clear that we can no Abadi in our first meeting that we Abadi's deputy-and Kurdish lion barrels a day rve could only longer tolerate this situation." had received cash advances for MPs in Baghdad to talk with give them 550,000 barrels because Barzani who recently met with our people's salaries from compa- Abadi and members of the Shiite we owed the companies money, " his Iraqi counterpart Halder al- nies in return for oil." alliance. ¡ that need to be paid back. Abadi in Baghdad over the Erbil and Baghdad signed an

73 Rea u e de P r e s se -P r e s s Rea iezu -B erhea oka Ç øp ê - Riaistø Stampø-Dentro de la Prensø-Bøsin Ozeti 22 fevrier 2015 L'armée trrrque pénètre en S¡trie pour évacuer2 un mausolée ottoman

Pc¡ LEXPRESS,IT auec AFP, ) l(X)lm zzféuríer zot5 uiìQUiF

Tombe de de Critué en territoire swien, le tombeau oAlep ùsouleTmane Shah, ancêtre de la dynastie Shah Suleiman ottomane est aujourd'hui dans une zone aux aLattaquié Deirez_Zorr mains de Daech. Le contingent de 4o soldats turcs et les reliques du dignitaire ont été oHoms IRAK rapatriés en Turquie. la Turquie a mené une vaste mais brève II,IAN SYRIE de i opération militaire en Syrie, dans la nuit I Danus samedi à dimanche, afin d'évacuer un mau- solée et les 4o soldats turcs qui le gardaient. læ tombeau de Souleänane Shah, I'ancê- est situé dans IORDANII tre de la dynastie ottomane, Des chats turcs traaersent le 27 féarier une zone tenue aujourd'hui par le groupe 2015 la aille ile Kobané Etat islamique (EI), à une quarantaine de kilomètre de la frontière turque. læ contin- gent truc qui gardait le mausolée était Une quarantaine de chars sont entrés en assiégé par I'EI et avait été pris dans des Sy.rie, a précisé le Premier ministre turc. Un échanges de tirs entre djihadistes et combat- soldat turc a été tué lors de I'opération. tants kurdes. Les services de sécurité turcs Toutes les troupes turques et le contin- craignaient en outre un assaut de cibles gent gardant la tombe sont rentrés tôt turques par I'EI. dimanche. "Les reliques du dignitaire ont été Les Þoupes turques et les reliques temporairement rappatriées en Turquie rapatriées (près de Sanliurfa) pour être inhumés ulté- Cette opération a été décidée en raison rieurement en Syrie", a indiqué Ahmet de la détérioration de la situation autour de Darutoglu et tout ce qui reste du mausolée a la minuscule enclave turque de quelques été détruit. centaines de mètres carrés où gît Souleimane Considéré comme un territoire Le nouveau site du mausolée de Shah, le grand-père d'Osman Ier, fondateur turc depuis rgzr Souleyman Shah vu du côté turc de la (Photo au début du XIVe siècle de I'Empire otto- L'emplacement du tombeau est consi- frontière, dimanche 22. Ilyas man. Il est mort dans le désert sy'rien au déré comme un territoire turc depuis la XIIIe siècle, alors qu'il fuyait devant I'avan- signature d'un traité entre la France, qui cée mongole. occupait alors ce territoire, et la Turquie en L'opération "a été lancée à zrh locales 192r. En tg7¡, la sépulture a été transférée taire par le gouvernement" islamo-conserva- avec le passage de soldats par le poste- 572 plus au nord, en raison de la construction teur turc. "Pour la première fois de I'Histoire frontière de Mursitpinar" (en face de d'un barrage, mais Ìa propriété turque du de la République turque, nous perdons nos Kobané), a annoncé ce dimanche le Premier mausolée est restée inchangée. terres sans combattre, c'est inacceptable", a ministre turc Ahmet Davutoglu, lors d'un L'opposition turque a vivement critiqué martelé Gürsel Tekin, secrétaire général du point de presse à l'état-major des armées. "un retrait présenté comme une victoire mili- parti républicain du peuple (CHP). tr

cq*rr!¡ 23 février 2015 Incursion turque en Syrie pour sauYer un mausolée ottoman courrierintemational, com depuis 1921,, se trouve dans une zone à I 23 Íévnet 2015 risque à proximité des lieux d'affrontements .' entre l'organisation Etat islamique et les f 'armée furque est intervenue en Syrie, Kurdes. I l-¡sur le seul bout de territoire qui appar- Hürriyet a d'ailleurs littéralement titré tient à Ankara et qui se trouve à l'extérieur en une "Passage du Shah par Kobané". Et le des frontières de la Turquie. Il s'agissait en quotidien d'expliquer que cette opération a Lø une ilu quotiilien effet de sauver le mausolée de Suleyman été déclenchée après que les militaires turcs 23 fétnier 2075 Shah (grand-père du fondateur de la dynas- se sont assurés que les parties liées à la fois tie ottomane) et les militaires qui le gar- à l'organisation Etat islamique et au PYD ment réinstallé en territoire syrien, à proxi- daient, écrit le quotidien turc Hùrriyet. Ce (parti kurde syrien, proche du PKK) les lais- mité de Kobané, explique Hürriyet, "en mausolée, considéré comme territoire turc seraient faire. Le tombeau a été provisoire- attendant que la situation se normalise". a

74 Rea u e de P r e s s e -P r e s s Reaieru -B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Riaista Stømpa-Dentro de lø Prensø-Basin Ozeti

Libre o zs r'Évnrnn zors SONT t-D!\ QUI , LES YEZIDIS?

persécutée, depuis des siècles, par les musul- Christophe Lamfalussy et Johanna de Sheikhan, "le pays des cheikhs", une région (photos), mans sunnites. Ceux-ci considèrent les Tessières Envoyés spéciaux en agricole au nord-est de Mossoul. Irak Yézidis comme "des adorateurs du diable" parce qu'ils vénèrent sept angeg dont l'un On trouve aussi des Yézidis en Turquie, en 25 février 2015 à d'eux, le plus puissant, l'Ange Paon Taous Arménie, en Géorgie, en Syrie et en be Malek, serait la réincamation du diable. Allemagne où ils seraient près de 35 000. Ils près et dans le Les Yézidis démentent cette interprétation seraient de 800 000 en Irak 40 000 Yézidis monde, selon le site f 'ÉTÉ DERNIER, iusqu'à qui a la dent dure chez les experts de confes- sur le mont Sinjar, qui L¡se sont réfugiés sion sunnite. Ils ajoutent que ces anges se LALESH EST LE SANCTUAIRE DE LEUR culmine à | 462 m au-dessus de la plaine de réincarnent parmi les hornmeg les "khas", RELIGION MILLÉNAIRE Ninive en lrak. Certains sont morts de soif et notamment sous la forme des anciens chefs Pour entrer dans le périmètre immédiat du de faim, d'autres ont survécu. Mais jamais de clans yézidis. sanctuaire des Yézidis à Lalesh, au nord Daech n'est parvenu à conquérir ce mont Des saints et des prophètes d'autres religions d'Erbil dans le Kurdistan irakien, il faut ôter mythique qui, selon la croyance yêzidie, lut comme la chrétienne et chaussures et chaussettes et marcher, en plein le port d'attache de l'arche de Noé. - Jésus de religion hiver, sur des pierres glaciales. Au cours de la première guerre mondiale Hassan Al-Basri, un proche des compagnons du prophète Mahomet - sont aussi considérés dédale déjà, l'armée ottomane avait buté contre cette Puis les fidèles déambulent dans un comme des "khas", des réincarnations des petits murs noir- montagne insolite où des dizaines de milliers de temples, de couloirs aux anges, c'est l'Ange Paon qui, selon les de chrétiens arméniens et syriaques s'étaient mais cis et de grottes. gouverne monde, explique réfugiés. Sommés par les Ottomans de rendre \êzidis, le A intervalles réguliers, ils apposent leurs Christine Allison, spécialiste l'université leurs armes, les Yézidis du Sinjar déchirèrent à lèvres aux endroits où les sept anges, réincar- d'Exeter en Grande-Bretagne. L'Ange Paon la proposition de reddition et renvoyèrent les nés notamment dans d'anciens chefs de clans n'est pas le Dieu en lequel les Yézidis croient, émissaires complètement nus dans leur camp. Yézidis, se seraient tenus. mais l'émanation bienveillante de lui. D'ORIGINE KI.JRDE Des torches à l'huile laissent des traînées noi- AU LEVER ET AU COUCHER DU SOLEIL râtres sur les murs. Un serpent sur un mur Qui sont donc ces Yézidis revenus subitement Inspirée par le soufisme et le zoroastrisme de symbolise celui qui, en se glissant dedans, dans l'actualité ? la Perse antique, le yézidisme est une religion aurait réussi à colmater un trou dans l'arche Cette population d'origine kurde affirme syncrétique qui existait avant l'islam et le de Noé. Jamais les fidèles ne posent le pied aujourd'hui vivre la pire épreuve de son his- christianisme. Elle attache beaucoup d'impor- sur le seuil d'une porte car celui-ci, pensent- toire, la 74e persécution, et ne compte que 800 tance à la pureté et à la nature. "Nous respec- ils, a été foulé par les prophètes. personnes 000 000 dans le monde, dont 600 tons le soleil, la lune, le ciel" explique Ziyad jusqu'il , UN N(EUD, UN V(EU y a peu en lrak. Shammo, qui a lui-même rang de " cheikh" Dans le temple du cheikhAdi, un savant soufi "Le sort des Yézidis est inconnu, nous dit dans la communauté yézídie. du XIIe siècle devenu la principale figure de Trois castes existent : les murids, les cheikhs la foi yézidie, des tissus pendent le long des et les (é)mirs. Plus on monte dans la hiérar- colonnes. Chaque fidèle doit faire un væu en chie, plus ceux-ci sont dépositaires des secrets nouant l'un des bouts, puis dénouer un autre de la religion. bout pour délivrer son prédécesseur de la De tout cela découle une série de règles qui charge de ses intentions. Ainsi se forme une peuvent paraître exotiques aux yeux des chaîne de solidarité. étrangers. Ainsi les anciens ne s'habillent pas en bleu pour ne pas se confondre avec le ciel. Il est inconvenant de cracher pour ne pas souiller la terre. Certains ne mangent pas de salades car, en kurde, il se traduit par "khas". Salim Ginos Hamoka, un homme de 82 ans De tradition orale, le yézidisme ne dispose assis près du sanctuaire de Lalesh. Je crains que depuis récemment d'ouvrages théolo que quelque chose de pire arrive. J'ai vécu à giques. Il n'y a pas de liturgie. Chaque fidèle Bassorah et à Bagdad comme ouvrier dans la prie de façon plutôt individuelle, principale- construction. A l'époque, les gens ne distin- ment au lever et au coucher du soleil. guaient pas un Yézidi d'un autre citoyen ira- COMBIEN SONT-ILS ? kien." La plupart des Yézidis vivent dans la plaine fond du temple, un escalier mène à plu- Structurée en castes, la communauté yézidie de Ninive en Irak. Leur nombre reste vague Au sieurs grottes. Dans la première, des escaliers vit traditionnellement repliée sur elle-même. en raison des émigrations successives dues la roche mènent à une source Iæs mariages interreligieux sont interdits, de aux persécutions. Les estimations varient de creusés dans d'eau pure où les Yézidis viennent se laver le même qu'entre castes. Elle n'accepte pas les t:ili t 600 000 personnes en Irak, selon les convertis. Mais elle s'ouvre progressivement vrsage. jeunes Dans la seconde, les Yézidis peuvent lancer à la modemité grâce aux générations. Ils habitent dans deux régions en particulier : tissu sur une saillie dans la roche. Ils ont LE CULTE DE L'ANGE PAON la région du Sinjar, où Daech et les peshmer- un droit à trois essais. S'ils réussissent à stabiliser C'est surtout sa religion qui vaut d'être gas kurdes se font face actuellement, et le lui le tissu sur la saillie, leur vceu est exaucé. *

75 Reaue d e P r e s s e -P r e s s Reo ieza -B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Riu i st a Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Bøsin Ozeti

* Plus loin, des amphores stockent l'huile ment échappé à I'offensive de Daech. Le tenu d'y faire un pelerinage par an. d'olive récoltée dans la vallée et qui sert de groupe extrémiste a détruit de nombreux Lalesh, qui signifie "le levain", est aux yeux combustible aux torches. Enfin, il y a la tombe temples Yézidis mais n'a jamais réussi à des Yézidis le centre.du monde car le du cheikh Adi, recouverte d'un épais drap atteindre Lalesh, protégé par la milice yêzidie Kurdistan irakien est une terre bénie des noir, devant laquelle les croyants s'inclinent et les peshmergas kurdes. dieux, avec peu d'activité sismique, rarement et tournent autour. Le hameau date d'au moins 2 000 ans avant des inondations, quatre saisons bien mar- UN SANCTUAIREINTACT fésus-Christ. Il est le lieu saint de cette reli- quées et est un point de contact entre (selon Situé dans une vallée au nord d'Erbil, dans la gion préislamique, vieille de 6 765 ans l'Europe, l'Asie et le golfe Arabo-Persique. province de Ninive, Lalesh a miraculeuse- les Yézidis) qui trouve ses racines dans la aaa Perse antique et le soufisme. Chaque fidèle est

feJf[O.lfûe le février 2015 turque. Washington, dont la force aérienne mène des attaques Etats-Unis et Turquie signent un accord ciblées contre les positions de l'EI en Syrie, veut former les rebelles pour former et équiper les rebelles dans le cadre de sa lutte contre le groupe EI. Le avec AFP I étrangères turc, Feridun DÉBUTER EN MARS Le gouvernement américain 19 février 2015 Sinirlioglu, et I'ambassadeur des La Turquie, très critique vis-à- espère que le programme pourra Etats-Unis à Ankara, John Bass. vis du président syrien, Bachar débuter d'ici à la fin de mars, de es Etats-Unis et la Turquie ont T L'annonce met un terme à des Al-Assad, souhaite que des fac- manière à ce que les premiers jeudi 19 février, à Lsigné, mois de négociations difficiles tions de rebelles modérés soient combattants rebelles formés puis- Ankara, un accord, scellé il y a entre les alliés au sein de entraînés pour combattre tant le sent être opérationnels d'ici à la deux jours, pour former et équi- I'Organisation du traité de régime de Damas que les insurgés fin de l'année, selon le Pentagone. per des opposants syriens modé- I'Atlantique Nord sur la forma- du groupe djihadiste Etat isla- L'objectif du programme est d'en- rés en Turquie, ont annoncé des tion de rebelles syriens et sur quel mique (EI), qui contrôlent de traîner plus de cinq mille combat- responsables américains et turcs. ennemi il faudrait se concentrer. larges zones de territoires en Irak tants syriens dès la première Les signataires sont le sous-secré- LE PROGRAMME POURRAIT et en Syrie, jusqu'à la frontière année. ¡ taire au ministère des affaires

26 février 2015

mettent des massacres contre des minorités, compte tenu de Pourquoi des Occidentaux partent tous les éléments de propa- gande auxquels ils ont eu accès sur internet. Donc d'un côté il y combãttre l'État islamique a les massacreurs, et de I'autre les massacrés. La démarche Par Anne-Laure Debaecker ressemble donc plus à la volonté 26102120L5 - de participer à une forme de légi- time défense des massacrés, chré- tiens ou kurdes. FIGAROVOX/ENTRETIEN Ne risquent-ils pas néan- Tim Locks, un quadtagénaite moins de perturber les vrais britannique, vient de tout pla- militaires sur place? quer pour aller grossir les rangs Pour le moment, il n'y a pas des Occidentaux qui s'engagent sur place de militaires occiden- auprès de milices kurdes et taux sur le terrain. S'ils rejoignent chrétiennes pour combattre l'É- des groupes constitués en milice, tat islamique. Thibault de Des z¡olontaircs américains, aétérøns d'lrak, ont reioint iles mil- cela renvoie à la question d'une Montbrial décrypte ce ices kurdes pour combøt*e lEtat islamique. Ctéilits photo: coordination éventuelle entre les phénomène nouveau, Emilien URBANO MNOP POUR LE FIGARO chrétiens, les kurdes et la coali- Des dizaines d'occidentaux ont tion qui mène les raids aériens reioint des milices kurdes, les persécutés. C'est dans I'ordre tre camp reioindre les djiha- contre l'Etat islamique. Unités de protection du peuple naturel des choses. distes. Ce parallèle vous paraît- Le premier occidental pro- kurde (YPG ou chrétiennes ), Pensez-vous qutil va s'accen- il iuste? kurde est mort mardi lors d'une qui ont pris les ames contre l'É- tuer? Je ne trouve pas. fe pense offensive contre l'État isla- tat islamique pour défendre des Il est trop tôt pour le dire qu'il y a d'un côté des gens qui mique. Ces hommes peuvent-il villages. Ce phénomène vous mais cela n'est pas exclu. On sont sincèrement choqués par les être devenit des utiles étonne-t-il? manque encore de vision globale massacres commis envers les pour mobiliser I'opinion? Ce n'est pas particulièrement sur les identités et parcours des minorités de ces régions et qui Cela dépend d'encore beau- étonnant: il était inévitable qu'à intéressés, c'est un phénomène veulent aller aider. Et de l'autre coup de facteurs mais je ne suis force de voir des massacres com- qui en est à ses débuts. les djihadistes, c'est à dire des pas str que, dans leur ensemble, mis quotidiennement sur des Certains parlent de ou encore idéologie islamique qui est poli- tales soient prêtes à ce jour à par les islamistes, des initiatives entre ces occidentaux qui par- tique, conquérante et guerrière, associer des initiatives indivi- individuelles soient prises ici et tent combattre l'État islamique pour rejoindre des gens dont ils duelles de cette nature à de l'hé- là dans les pays occidentaux et ceux qui vont, eux, dans I'au- ne peuvent ignorer qu'ils com- roisme. tr pour aller aider ceux qui sont

76 Reuue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokø Çapê-Riaista Stampa-Dentro de Iø Prensa-Basin Ozeti ma¡di 24 féwier 2015 REPORTAGE

tl g

populalre YPG. Début févrler, dans le Kurdistan syrlen, lnstructlon et entralnement mllltalrê de la mlllce ElvllLlEN URBANO/tvlYOP POUR LE FIGARO Syrie: les l(urdes en embuscade Avant de monter sur le front comme à l(obané, les recrues de la milice chir grésille.sans cesse. Il confi¡me les positioru, ra- SamuelForcy lentit ceux qui avancent trop vite. On n'attaque pas les le Kurdlstan syrlen envoyé spédal dans kurde YPG,labranche djihadistes comme ça. Les Kurdes, en deux ans et syrierule du Pl(I(turc, demi de guêrre civile, ont affiné leurs tactiques. Il ne t @samForey s'agit plus de guerre de partisans, en montagxe, suivent un entraÎnement contre une armée régulière. Maintenant, c'est glérilla militaire dans Djézireh, contre guérilla, dans les plaines, dans les villes. L'en- change au gré des rlli¿¡1ss5 et des retowne- I y a quelques cahutès de terre et de par- nemi la région du nord-est ments. Moins orgdnisé, il peut rester redoutable, qu'il paings, au loin, dans la plaine, Que s'Y passe- s'a$ise des groupes djihadistes, de I'A¡mée syrienne t-il ? Difficile de le savoir. Mais il faut y aller. de la Syrie détachée C'est I'objectif d'une petite unité de quirze libre, voire de I'armée du régime ou de ses milices pouvoir central. que les Kwdes soient dans une paix froide avec combattants YPG les < Unités de protection du - bien I'Etat Syrien. La guerre civile syrienne sþ¡ difficile à du peuple >>, cette milice kurde qui s'est bat- Les jeunes s'engagent Les alliés sont souvent les e¡rnemis de tue, entre autres, à Kobané. Les YPG consti- li¡e. d'hier de- pourprotéger main. Dans ce chaos, seul les djihadistes de l'État isla- tuent le principal groupe armé du Kurdistan syrien, mique arrivent à faire I'unanimité contre eux. de facto autonome depuis l'été 2012. Parmi les multi- leurs terres et par rejet Les YPG se rapprochent cabanes et du danger. ples factions de la guerre cívile syrienne, c'est I'une des Bachir a gardé le porteur de I'iinique lance-roquettes des plus nombreuses et des mieux organisées. des djihadistes. auprès de lui. fait avancer une mitrailleuse lourde Pour pawenir aux cahutes, il faut franchir un petit Il potu porteur kilomètre de terrain à découvert. Le vent vient de couwir la route, déporte le du lance-ro- queites à droite, à gauche, pour faire avancer ses ailes à I'est, balaie la plaine. Elle semble plate à I'infini. C'est gauche, à droite. Les groupes s'épaulent la Djézireh, une région au nord-est de la Syrie qui deux l'un I'autre. On ne progresse pas sans ses ap- s'enfonce cornme un coin entre la Turquie et I'Irak. avoir assuré puis. Les champs commencent déjà à se coúvrir d'un vert C'est I'aile drolte qui arrive la première. À I'appro- tendre. C'est le grenier à blé du pays ; c'était la Méso- potamie. ft?fiiEl che du dénouement, les combattants avancent trop sans se couvrir. Bachir n'arrive plus à les tenir. L'unité avance dans les sillons. Elle est guidée par vite, I Alors tant pis, il envoie tout le monde.' Bachir, un jeune chef de 24 ans, muscles épais et para- ¡Alep Les petités masures sont conquises sans résistance. les brèves. Les gars progressent, à petits pas, courbés, o Rãqqd Et pow cause : elles n'étaient protégées que par quel- le doigt tout.près de la détente de leurs kalachnikovs 0 Honìs Delr ez-¿or ques poules, chèwes et dindons. Les combattants sa- hors d'âge. À 500 mètres des tnaisons, Bachir fait un ' sYRIE poliment les trois paysannes qui la seu- signe. Les combattants mettent. un genou þ terre, luent occupent épaulent leurs armes, couvrent toutes les directions. Iemaison. oDanìas Aucun coup de feu élé Tiré, aucune roquette Pas unbnút dans la plaine. n'a Bachir sépare le groupe en deux. Six côté gauche, or lln al-Atob n'a été lancée. On rentre à la base. cnoEôe Les YPG se école primaire six côté droit. Deux ailes se forment. Le talkie de Ba- sont installés da¡u une

77 Reaue de Presse-Press Rwiew-Berheuoka Çapê-Riaistø Stømpø-Dentro de lø Prensa-Bøsin Özeti

adossée à un village. II n'y a plus assez d'enfants pour Dans la base YPG, les ,. cours de politique > prennent faire cours. À ce jour, plus de 3,8 millions de Syriens ont autant de plâce que le sport. Pour rur responsable du fui leur pays. La Djézireh, powtant relativement épar- PYD, <( il s'agit de changer les mentalités corrompues gnée par les combats, est elle aussi victime de cet exode. par le régime sy'ien. On øweígne la philosophie de notre << On est arrívés ícííly d dewc moß. Au départ, on était leader Apor>. Apo, .Oncler> eí kutde, le surnom une ilemi- douzaine. Pr¡ís desvolontaires nous ontrejoints. d'Abdullah Öcalan. On est 18 aujourd'huí >, explique Rudi, fin, athlétique, C'est une nouvelle vie qui comnience, sous les dra- légèremeirt barbu, compagnon d'armes de Bachir. peaux YPG, ftappés de l'étoile rouge. C'est un engage- ment à vie. Quand on rentre, on prend un nom de Véritable petit camp d'entra¡nement. guerre. À eux deux, iis ont monté un véritable petit camp C'est le cas de Rachid. Il y a toujours, dans un petit d'entrainement. Ils s'inspirent de quatre ans d'expé- groupe de combattants, Ie géant, celui qui dépasse rience dans les YPG, des batailles auxquelles ils ont tout le monde d'une têÎe. Le fort tranquille, à qui on pafiicipé. Ils ont aménagé leur propre parcours du fait porter les camarades blessés. Rachid a 25 ans, II est combattant : saut d'obstacles, rampingsous lesbarbe- arrivé il y a un mois et demi. Il a demandé à un check- lés, bientôt une mâre de boue. C'est rudimentaire. Ils point oìr était la base YPG la plus proche. ll a été en- font avec les moyens du bord, o le m'ínspire qùsst de ce voyé dans lapetite école de Bachir. .Ils ontlongue- que jevoís ù,latélé. Ieregardetousles documeftalres de ment parlé avec moi. l'ai dít qrc j'ëtaß prêt, que je N atíorÎr¡l C*ographic sur la guen e ), dit Bachir. v oulaís prendre le relaß de mon oncle. >> Le matin même, l'attaque dçs cahutes avait fait I'objet d'un cours théorique. Dans une salle de classe, << Il y a eu rne qufuzaine de martyrs Bachir avait expliqué à grands coups de craie sr¡r wr ce jour-là>> tableau noir lès différentes tactiques de déploiement, L'oncle de Rachid était dans les YPG, basé du côté de I'importance de I'appui-feu, le rôle de chacun. Devant Hassakeh, au sud de la Djézireh, Il y a deux mois, un lui, des élèves e¡ ¡¡sillis, avec pour ca.rtables des kala- homme se pitésente à l'entrée pour faire réparer sa chnlkovs, écoutaient, pa¡faitement alignés. IIs se Ie- voiture. Le garde se méfie, ne veut pas le laisser en- vaient pourprendre Iaparole. Un rêve de professeur, trer, mais I'autre ne veut pas partir. Soudain, derrière Màis Bachir estime I'exercice réussi seulement à Ia base, une voihue exþlose. Tout le monde sort, Le o/" < 80 ,>.Ils font le bilan après la fausse bataille. Cha- garde comprend que c'est un piège. Il crie à. tout le cwr prend la parole, Pów I'un des combattants, (< c'est monde de rentrer, mais c'est trop tard, I'homme à dfficíle de se coordonner, onesttrop éloignés les uns des l'entrée fait exploser sa voiture soi-disant en panne, anttÍes, >> Bachir répond: << C'est ùcause des cttaques < Ily a euune quinzaíne de martyrs ce jour -lit, dont mon suicides. les djihadistes visent les groupes. C'estpour ça oncle.I'øívoulucontínuersonchemin.Iesuisvenuícide qt'íl faut se dìsperser . >> Il enchaine : << II faut waiment møpropre initiative. Et j' aireprß son nom, Rachid. >, suiweles ordres devotre chef de groupe. Laplupart des Le neveu est iszu d'une mère kurde et d'un père soldcrts deviennent mart}rs Wrce qu\ls n'écoutent pas at abe. < Des deux côtés de ma famille, je suis soutenu >, ou prennent de mawoßes initiafives. Votre chef , il est dit-il. En plus de lui, ils sont cinq autres Arabes à avoir chef pour uneheure ou ilanx, pas présídent irvie ! > Utile rejoint cette petite unité. Ils partagent tots Ie même à rappeler dans un pays où Ia dynastie Assad est au rejet de I'Etat islamique - et la même wgence de pro- pouvoir depuis 1970, téger lew terre. Fait exceptionnel, Rachid a une fem- L'entrainement continue, Au maniement cles ar- me et trois enfants, alors ipe I'engagement dans les mes, le jeune chef crie : << Vßez vers le clel ! Vers Al- YPG interdit,,en théorie, le mariage et la propriété loh !, Frisson dans les rangs, sourires gênés. Bachir privée, est hilare, fier de sa próvocation. L'entraînement est Mais Rachid était volontaire et le Kwdistan syrien autant une affaire de reconditionnement physique que manque de combattants. Le porte-parole des YPG af- mental. Il faut diffrrser I'idéologie des nouveaux mal- firme qu'íls sont 35 000, hommes et fenimes. C'était il tres du Kwdistan syrien, sous Ie contrôle du PYD de- y a r¡n an et demi et, depuis, plw aucun responsable puis l'été 2012. Le Parti de I'union démocratique est la n'a avancé de chiffre précis. Les autorités kwdes sy- branche syrierure du PKK, fondé par Abdullah Öcala¡r. riennes ont jUgé la situation suffisamment grave pour Les portraits du leader indépendantiste kurde ont mettre en place un service militaire obligatoire. Mais remplacé ceux de Bachar ou Hafez el-Assad, Il trône auprès de la population, ça passe mal. Les pratiques dans le bureau du directew, aujorud'hrú occupé par rappellent trop celles de I'ancien régþe de Bachar el Bachir, oh, Ie soir, il fume cigarette sw cigarette en Assad. Il faut montrer patte blanche aui checkpoints, compagnie d'Ahmed, un civil, jeune, visage'fin, peti ou on est enrôlé de force. Le responsáble d'un parti tes lunettes, I'archétype du commissaire politique. d'opposition affirme que de nombrerx jeunes hom- Ahmed s'asswe du bon erseþement des nouvelles mes quittent le pays porlr fuir le service. doctrines, En plus du service, le PYD parsème la Djézireh de Le PKK et ses partis affiliés ont officiellement aban- bases YPG coÌnme celles que commande Bachir. II y dormé le ma¡xisme-léninisme - et les revendications ep a près de chaque ville, grande ou petite. Une école, indépendantistes - au profit d'une icléologie anarcho- une ancienne caserne, des installations pétrolières, libertaire - qui se contente de velléités autonomistes. prennent les couleurs jaune, rouge, vert du Kurdistan. Homme ou femme, il suffit de se présenter pour être recruté. L'un d'entre eux vient d'arriver, justement. Mohammed, un Kurde - il n'a pas encore changé de prénom. ll affirme qu'il a 18 ans - il en fait moins. II ne s deviennent martyrs sait pas lire. Il ne travaille pas. << Les martyrs qui sont nt pas ou prennent morts ne sont pas meilleurs'que moi, Ie vewc protéger ma terre, mon honneur. Je lewc tuq des djíhadístes. >; es, Votre chef, il est chef L'un de ces milliers de jeunes Syriens qui n'ont pour perspective que gu.erre. son pow wre heure ou deux, pas président à vie ! la Bachir met la main sur ¡ épaule : <. Onvaletester'pendantunmoß. Ensuite, on BACHIR. UN JEUNE CHEF YPG DE 24 ANS verrd. > Il vient de gagner une nouvelle recrue. I

78 Reo ue de P r e s s e -P r e s s Rea ieut -B erhea okn Ç øp ê -Riu ist a Stømpa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti guar( February 24,?,015 After Isis: Kurds and Arabs return to old lives and nevv tensions In lraqi areas recaptured by peshmerga from Islamic State neighbours are turning on each other as population movement redraws the map

lmnl6 cing Sunni Arabs to abandon their towns 'tîrkey Fazel HawramyinZumar and villages and leading to huge demogra- z4 February zor5 phic changes in Dþla and Salahaddin pro- vinces. "Iraqi civilians are being hammered 5 rrj.ìr Mosrl lr¡[ Syri¡ a a by Isis, and then by pro-government militias in areas they seize from Isis. With the who T A Then Shvan, is a Kurd, returned government responding to those they deem VV norn" to Zumar in north-west Iraq and Iraq terrorists with arbitrary arrests and execu- saw his property had been reduced to rub- a l¡krt tions, residents have nowhere to turn for ble, he found an empty house belonging I to protection," the report said. his family in. { an A¡ab and moved When Kurdish forces captured Ztmar Now, life is gradually returning to the þ ¡ Eaghdad and its surrounding area from Isis in k I town, which was seized by Islamic State in October, they flattened some villages they captured Kurdish August zor4 then by accused of cooperating with the militants, forces with coalition air cover October. in A and turned others into ghost towns. Villages schoolgirl with a satchel on her back walks where the residents did not assist Isis home past shattered buildings while men appear to have been left untouched. sell meat and vegetables by the roadside. While thousands of Kurds fled Zumar as There are plans to restore water and electri- Isis approached, many Arab residents cþ. stayed, some because they s¡'rnpathised with prove harder rela- But it will to repair the Sunni Islamist militants, but others sim- tions between Kurds and A¡abs in what was ply because they were not a target, or had a mixed town. Zumar shows how the demo- nowhere else to go. graphy of northern Iraq is changing in the Clunni Arab Salem Ahmed, who served in aftermath of the Isis incursion and Kurdish A peshmerga fighter in Zumar, north- ùthe traqi army, was one of those who left. and Shia counterattacks, turning neighbour He fled his home village of Abuni, outside against neighbour and redrawing the map. .ly9:t.ln-q..1.Lh9l9g.T3p-\*9r-,-...... Zrmar, as Isis - known locally as Daesh - Zumar is located in the disputed territo- made its advance, and returned with the ries which Kurds and to both the the Iraqi other residents after peshmerga forces took government Ztmar. He said his two sisters, both married in Baghdad lay claim. Before Ztmar and its surrounding settlements in Isis came, the was the to Arabs, had lived there, and he tagged town under control of October and early November. Now them because he worried they would be loo- Iraqi federal authorities. the Kurds are "Daesh are ted by fellow Kurds. doesn't represent us; they in charge, and they have no intention of let- criminals," said Ahmed, surrounded by his go. r raiid. who is married to an Arab woman ting mother and several children while a group garden lVlft¡-."ff said he hoped Arabs who had Shopfronts and walls have been of peshmerga removed about a dozen IEDs grafñti not sided with Isis would come back and be daubed with since the militants left Ìeft by the militants in an outhouse. "God reads: "Reserved "Kurdish compensated to avoid further problems with that for Kurds", peshmerga, us with Kurds in the town. "While there were some bless the they treat res- House",'Kamal Kurdish" and "Mohammad pect." Kurdish". problems in the past between A¡abs and Kurds, they lived together in relative har- West of Zumar is Sinjar, where Isis mas- Only Kurdish residents are returning to enslaved mony," he said. sacred thousands of Yazidis and the bombed-out town and, like Shvan, those girls women. graves Elsewhere in Iraq, entire towns and vil- about 5,ooo and Mass whose homes were destroyed are taking the are being discovered by members of the Isis lages are being abandoned by their Sunni houses of Arabs they accuse of helping minority who are returning to the area after Shvan house now A¡ab residents as Shia militias retake them overrun it. said the he Kurdish forces drove out Isis in December. belonged to an Arab who joined the from Isis. When the US assistant secretary lives in Angered by these gruesome discoveries, and went them self- of state for human rights, Tom Malinowski, militants with to their some Yazidi militiamen are taking revenge proclaimed caliphate when he was forced to visited Iraq earlier this month, he highligh- on Arab neighbours they accuse of collabo- flee. ted the issue of revenge attacks by the Shia rating with Isis. Iate last month, a group of When the Kurdish peshmerga forces militia and Kurdish peshmerga forces and told the authorities these attacks were unac- Yazidi militiamen entered two Sunni Arab advanced on Zumar in mid-October, the villages near the Syrian border and massa- entire Arab population of the town left for ceptable. cred more than zo people, with 17 still unac- areas under Isis control, including Mosul. In a recent report, Human Rights Watch counted for. "Whether the A¡abs should come back condemned the abuses by Shia militia for- When a Yazidi militia attacked the Sunni per- or not is up to Kurdish authorities, but I Arab residents of Sibaya, near the Syrian sonally don't want them to return," said (< Daesh doesn't repre- border, Salah Mohammad, a farmer, asked Kurdish resident Mohammad one of the Yazidi men why they were Abdulrahman. '"Ihere is no trustbetween us sent us; they are crimi- attacking his village. The militiaman any more. They took our belongings, plun- nals. God bless the pesh- replied: "You started it." dered our homes and destroyed them." trtrtr Kamal Majid's telephone number is merga, they treat us with written on the facades of two houses in fespect >>

79 Reuue de Presse-Press Reoiew-Berheookn Çapê-Riaista Stampø-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

ol"khb enq[ish FEBRUARY 23,2OIS How Turkish Troops Entered Syria w¡th lSlS and Kurdish Assistance

strategy in north Syria. lt is the country that viewed the Ain al-Arab By: Elie Hanna battle as a win-win situation, as it February 23,2075 sponsored breaking the backbone htþ :// of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) (which had launched a "self-management" proj- Jurkish troops entered Syria, as ect), through the massive lSlS inva- I part of a well-planned operation, sion of the village of Ain al-Arab and to relocate the remains of Suleiman its countryside in September 2014. Shah. The "seamless" operation Ankara then used the presence of relied on alliances and understan- the fundamentalist organization dings forged by Ankara with the near its borders to justify interfer- Kurdish force in the region and the ences in Syria, and allowed lraqi lslamic State of lraq and Syria (lSlS). peshmerga fighters to step in and Today, Turkey chose a new location support Syria's Kurds after the to bury the grandfather of the Baghdad-Erbil agreement, which Tutkish Army aehicles and tanks mol)e neøt the Syrtan boilet Ottoman empire's founder Osman l, coincided with the start of the US in Suruc on Eebruøry 23,201,5 as ølmost 600 Turkish troops pus- thus playing a more active part in coalition's strikes. hed deep into Syrtø in øn unprecedented incursion on Februøry the operations taking place in north )) 8u4r- Syria, particularly in matters regar- aurkish military vehicles arrived in ding the Kurds and the Syrian Army. I Syria on Sunday through the Murshid Binar border crossing (in ïurkey seems to be the only state to Ain al-Arab), and peacefully entered Turkey confirmed its "official" pre- have accomplished such strong rela- locations manned by the Kurdish sence in nearby operations - as its PLANNING THE OPERATION tions with Syrian opposition fac- People's Protection Units (YPG), to tanks and soldiers advanced about tions. Over the past few years, reach the "besieged" tomb of 30 kilometers deep into Aleppo's Turkey's allies paved the way for Qatar and Saudi Arabia witnessed a Suleiman Shah, thus completing a countryside - as well as farther the Turkish operation prior to its number of setbacks with groups several-hour long operation without away in the region extending from implementation. On Saturday, the they were supporting in Syria, while firing a single bullet. Ankara, which the city of Aleppo to the borders, Euphrates Volcano Operations Ankara has maintained improving is seemingly at ease in north Syria, through thousands of armed men. Room (which includes Shams al- and varied relations with different placed the village of Esmesi (west of However, Ankara had previously Shamal (Sun of the North), Jabhat opposition factions. This success Ain al-Arab) "under the control of informed Syria of its operation, indi- al-Akrad () and Raqqa was crowned on Sunday with an the army," and raised the Turkish cating Turkish unwillingness to risk Revolutionaries factions)) declared operation "without clashes," carried flag above it, making it the new a war between the two countries. the Qara Quzak bridge and the Qara out on Syrian territories that are location of the tomb. Ankara is Quzak region, as well as the Sirrine controlled by Turkey's supposed regarding the new location, about The YPG confirmed that several of junction and the Sirrine silos, a mili- enemies: the Kurdish units and lSlS. 200 meters away from its borders, its members, "designated by the tary zone. A few days back, these as part of Turkish territories. lt is leadership," met with Turkish offi- factions had seized three villages - Away from its "direct" relationship now guarded by the PYD, an affi- cials for four days before the opera- Nasro, Kharous and Ja'da - in the with groups such as the Syrian liate of Kurdistan Workers' party tion, helping to set up its plan and southern countryside of Ain al- Turkmen Brigades, Turkey has (PKK) in Syria, which means that the determine their own role in it. Arab, after clashes with lSlS insur- exerted a great influence over most Turkish presence in the Kurdish- gents. They thus reached the sur- major factions (such as al-Shamia Syrian region has became a key ¡-or its part, Turkey confirmed roundings of the Qara Quzak Front), in north Syria. lt may even be launching point in the north. This J-th"t ¡t had contacted its allies, bridge, closer to the tomb of Sultan the only major power to have achievement also gives Ankara an the peshmerga in Kobani. Turkish Suleiman Shah. entered into tacit agreements with "armed wing" in the Kobani Canton. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu lSlS. The besieged mausoleum com- Accordingly, Syrian-Kurds must indicated that "39 tanks, 57 armo- t I eanwhile. the YPG declared plex of Suleiman Shah "al-Sharqi"- think twice, from now on, before red vehicles, 100 other military lVltn"r" same regions conflict as referred to by lSlS - did not wit- adopting policies that contradict vehicles and 572 soldiers" were zones, confirming that there was no ness the same fate as other tombs Turkish interests. involved in the operation. He added direct lSlS presence in regions sepa- and graves, where citizens and lead- that "another military force rating the Kurdish units from the ers were buried, in regions infiltrat- As the critical battle between the [meanwhile] headed to the village of tomb of Suleiman Shah. The YPG ed by the "soldiers of al-Baghdadi." Syrian Army and Turkish-backed Esmesi to prepare it for receiving media center further reported that armed opposition groups continues the remains within the next few "those designated by the Kobani Turkey today is implementing a new in Aleppo's noÉhern countryside, days, after they were temporarily leadership met with Turkish officials moved to Turkey." Davutoglu also for four days and discussed the plan his achievement also gives Ankara an /'armed indicated that the decision to launch of the Suleiman Shah tomb cam- this operation dubbed "Shah paign." ln a statement, the center wing" in the Kobani Canton. Accordingly, - Euphrates" - "was made in Ankara explained that "our units transpor- Syrian-Kurds must think twice, from now on, according to legal regulations, ted Turkish soldiers in their vehicles before adopting policies that contradict without requesting permission or to the tomb of Suleiman Shah on Turkish interests. authorization." the previously set path. Our -

80 Reo ue de P r e s s e -P r e s s Rea iew -B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Ria i s t a Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Özeti

- men were entrenched in their Turkish forces to replace the sol- The YPG media center further reported that locations, and successfully comple- diers guarding the tomb lof designated by the Kobani leadership ted their tasks in order to lead Suleiman Shah], provided that the "those Turkish Army forces [to the mauso- Turks would supply arms and take met with Turkish officials for four days and leuml." down the Turkish flag raised on the discussed the plan of the Suleiman Shah tomb tomb." camPaign." A,PREVIOUS REHEARSAL' same context, spokes- I n the YPG statement, the Syrian Foreign is perched on the banks of the Last month, renowned Turkish lman Redor Khalil stressed that Ministry said that "although the Euphrates river, near Manbij in Metehan Demir, former facilitated protection of reporter "lS15 the Turkish Foreign Ministry had con- Aleppo's countryside. When Selim I editor-in-chief of Hurriyet newspa- the Turkish troops after they cros- veyed to the Syrian Consulate in first conquered Syria in the battle of per in Ankara, wrote that "lSlS has sed Kurdish regions." The Aleppo lstanbul, on the eve of the aggres- Marj Dabiq (in Aleppo) in August been providing water and food to Media Center had confirmed that sion, its wishes to move the tomb of 151ó, he built a mausoleum worthy the [Turkish] soldiers who have lSlS insurgents accompanied Suleiman Shah elsewhere, it did not of the grandfather of the Ottomans, been trapped in the tomb," as sup- Turkish Army troops near the tomb wait for Syrian approval as required, and the pilgrims called it the plies from Turkey were late. of Suleiman Shah in the countryside according to the treaty signed in "Turkish sanctuary." ln 19ó8, the Therefore, official Turkish concerns of Manbij as they returned to 7921 by Turkey and the French Tabqa Dam was constructed in al- regarding a military response from Turkey. "[SlS] militants accompa- occupation at the time." On Sunday Tabqa region (currently al-Thawra lSlS seem untrue, as Ankara had nied the troops to secure them, night, Turkish Foreign Minister or The Revolution), and water from delivered supplies to its soldiers in which led to believing that the orga- Mevlut Cavusoglu explained that the dam's lake flooded the shrine, as the tomb back in April 2014 and nization had seized them," the cen- "we had informed the Syrian well as parts of the Qal'at Ja'bar replaced them. Al-Sharq al-Awsat ter reported. Consulate in a diplomatic memoran- monument. lt was then decided to newspaper then cited opposition dum that we were evacuating the move the tomb to a high hill, north countryside DAMASCUS CONDEMNS INCUR- leader in Aleppo's location [of the tomb], but this land of Qara Quzak. According to Article Munzir Salal, as saying that "coordi- SION AS BLATANT AGGRESSION is ours and we shall return to it. We 9 of the Treaty of Ankara, which nation between the Turkish govern- also told them we were moving the was signed in 7921 by Turkey and paÉ, ment and lSlS is not new." Salal con- For its Damascus declared that tomb to the village of Esmesi, and France during the French mandate firmed that "three months ago, it Turkey "committed a blatant therefore, no lands shall be aban- of Syria, it was agreed that the tomb IlSlS] secured the entrance of aggression on Syrian territory." ln a doned..." of Suleiman Shah would remain under the Turkish sovereignty, and [T]his land is ours and we shall return to it. TOMB OF SULEIMAN SHAH: would be guarded by Turkish sol- We also told them we were moving the tomb FROM MARJ DABIQTO ESMESI diers, with a Turkish flag raised to the village of Esmesi, and therefore, no above it. The mausoleum complex of lands shall be abandoned." Turkish Foreign aaa - Suleiman Shah, grandfather of the Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu Ottoman empire's founder Osman l,

qN? February ?3, 2015 r New lSlS video jr shows Kurdish Peshmerga ìó tt, soldiers in cages ¡ in lraq I - By Yousuf Basil and Holly Yan, CNN ¡nterviews some of the But a man in the video gives an ominous war- edit¡ 23,2015 captives, who say they are Peshmerga soldiers. nrng. from Most of those interviewed say they are "We say to the Peshmerga: Leave your jobs, or Kirkuk. The prisoners, under duress, call on their (CNN)|S|S released propaganda your fate will be like these, either the cage, or has a new fellow Peshmerga soldiers to give up the¡r fight Kurdish under the ground," he says in Kurdish. video showing what appears to be against lSlS. Peshmerga fighters paraded down lraqi streets The Peshmerga are armed forces protecting rn cages. The video also features superimposed bios for Kurdistan, a semiautonomous region in northern each prisoner. One capt¡ve is described as an The video features a man saying the Peshmerga lraq. The fighters opposed Saddam Hussein's officer for the lraqi army. soldiers were captured by lSlS. regime and supported the United States in The heavily edited footage also includes flashing Operation lraqi Freedom. CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity clips of the recent beheadings of Christian ln recent months, the Peshmerga have been of the video. But ¡t shows at least 21 men ¡n Egyptians in Libya orange outfits hauled in the cages atop the beds battling lSlS as the terror group tr¡es to establish of pickup trucks. It's not clear what happened to those in the a rad¡cal lslamic state across parts of lraq and video. The last scene shows them alive. Syria. o A man w¡th a microphone bearing the lSlS logo

81 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çøpê-Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de la Prensø-Basin Ozeti Kurdistan Regional Government February A,?.O12 PM Barzani: We are fully comm¡tted to the agreement w¡th Baghdad 24fEB 2015 | KRG Cabinet http ://cabinet.govlrd Kurd¡stan Region will use all its constitutional rights regarding the oil sector and w¡ll not waive its const¡tutional rights. Erbil, Kurdlstan Region, lraq, ( - Kurdistan Region He told the press that Baghdad is important for the Kurd¡stan Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani told the press that Kurdistan Region not only in oil field but also in trade, security, military and eco- Regional Government ¡s committed to the agreement reached bet- nomic cooperation as well as many other areas, and for this, he is ween Erbil and Baghdad last December on oil export and Kurdistan ready to visit Baghdad to find longterm solutions for all the issues. Region's share in the 2015 federal budget. The meeting w¡th the press was also attended by Deputy Prime yesterday ln a meeting held with representatives of media outlets Minister, Qubad Talabani, KRG Minister of Natural Resources, Dr in Kurdistan Reg¡on, Prime Min¡ster Barzani highlighted the technical Ashti Hawrami, Minister of Culture, Khalid Doski, Min¡ster of Planning, and political problems and obstacles which stood as imped¡ments to Ali Sindi and the Minister of Finance and Economy, Rebaz the ¡mplementation of the budget law. Muhammad. Prime M¡nister Barzani stated that the KRG will exert all ¡ts efforts Deputy Prime Minister Talabani highlighted KRG plans on how to to overcome the problems and obstacles that hamper the implemen- address the problems that have emerged as the result of the financial tation of the agreement, adding that the Kurdistan Region's priority is crisis and the war against the lslamic State terrorist organisation, also to resolve the outstanding issues with the federal government and known as lSlS, In addition to the large numbers of refugees and dis- the implementation of 2015 budget law. This is in the interest of the placed people who fled lSlS violent repression and took refuge in the Kurdistan Region and the rest of lraq. Kurdistan Region. He said that the government is confident that the Prime M¡nister Barzani said, however, if the lraqi governmentwas plans to combat these problems will succeed. not to honour the agreement, the Kurdlstan Region will have no other The KRG Minister of Natural Resources, Dr Ashti Hawrami briefed options but to look elsewhere for solutions. He reaffirmed that the the press about the technical aspects of the agreement with the Kurdistan Region has so far honoured its obligations towards Federal Government of lraq, re¡terating that as stipulated in the Baghdad. agreement, oil is being exported to the Turkish Ceyhan port on a daily Regarding the Kurdistan Region's oil policy, the Prime Minister basis. I stressed that ¡t is in line with lraqi federal constitution and that the

24 February 2015 Peshmerga-YPG - drive out ISIS from - AU20l5 ISIS used to attack the Peshmerga and YPG," said Eminki. "But fol- DRBIL, Kurdistan Region - lowing a plan, the Peshmerga and llPeshmerga forces and the YPG managed to drive the mili- People's Protection Units (YPG) tants away and reach the border." drove out Islamic State (ISIS) The Kurdish military official militants from areas near the said that the joint Kurdish forces Syrian border in a joint operation bombarded the militants with Peshmerga ønd IPG in solidørity outside Kobøne. on Sunday, a Kurdish military heavy artillery as they moved for- fighters Ruilau photo. chief said. ward, while "coalition fighter jets Jamal Eminki, chief of staff of also joined the operation." Meanwhlle, Kurdish forces tn lages and areas between Kobane the Peshmerga forces, told Rudaw Eminki added that the Kurdish Rojava said Monday that the YPG and Gire Spi have been retaken by that the Peshmerga and YPG laun- forces had crossed the border into and Peshmerga are closing in on the Peshmerga and YPG forces, ched a major offensive against YPG-controlled Syrian Kurdistan the city of Gire Spi (Tel Abyad), and that the Kurds are within three ISIS positions at Khanasur, captu- (Rojava), where they also liberated around 70 kilometers east of kilometers of the town. ring six villages from the group two villages from ISIS control. Kobane. Over the weekend, the Kurdish and extinguishing an ISIS threat to "The ISIS threat to Mount Muslih Zebari, the commander forces recaptured the Lavarj Mount Shingal forever. Shingal is gone forever and their of the Peshmerga forces in cement factory on their way to "Khanasur is located at the end routes to the area are cut off com- Kobane, told Rudaw that all vil- Gire Spi. r of Mount Shingal and from there pletely," he said.

82 Reaue de Presse-Press Reoiew-Berheaokn Çøpê- Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

February 22,2015 Barzâni: Those Who Help lS W¡ll Suffer the Same Fate as the Insurgents US to deliver extra support to Peshmerga Kurdish forces and the US will work to provide ¡t. He emphasised that fos- tering closer ties between Erbil and Washington was a priority. ln response Barzani thanked the people of the US and the - ERBIL - 22February2015 Washington administration for supporting the Peshmerga and the Kurdistan Region. He explained the situation on the frontlines and stated Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani warns that those who that the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and people of Kurdistan help and support lslamic State (lS) can expect to face the same fate as are doing as much as they can to help refugees and displaced people. the insurgents. He explained that the KRG and the international coalition cannot bare On Saturday, Barzani welcomed US Senator Jack Reed, rank¡ng the responsibil¡ty of fighting lS alone; other countries must also step up member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. He was accompanied their efforts in defending aga¡nst the global threat posed by the organisa- by US Ambassador to lraq Stuart Jones, US Consul General Joseph tion. Pennington and other US military and political officials. Barzani claims that destroying jihadists through military operations Reed praised the leadership of Barzani and acknowledged the bra- only is not the complete solution; lS must also be tackled politically, eco- very and sacrifices of the Peshmerga He promised that Washington nomically and ideologically. would continue to aid the Peshmerga with air support, training and the He gave details about areas liberated by the Peshmerga alongside provision of arms. those who have been standing against the extremists. Those who sup- He added that the people of the US have deep appreciat¡on for the port lS can expect to meet the same fate, Barzani cautioned. sacrifices made by the people of Kurdistan in combating lS militants and The meeting concluded by addressing the ongoing cooperation bet- their generosity in providing refuge to the many internally displaced peo- ween the Peshmerga and the international coal¡tion, and preparations for ple from other parts of lraq. an operalion to liberate lraq's second city, Mosul. Reed agreed that more military support is needed for the lraqi

February 26.2015

Complicating the situation is the history PESHTEROA HÍITIII]IO BACK ISIS, BUT I|E]IIES behind the Arab Sunni presence in many of the areas affected by Kurdish victories agairst the Islamic State. As Haaretz reports, many SUlI]il ARABS RETUR]I 1IOTE Tfl KURI|ISH IRAO Kurds contend that Arab populations in areas near Kirkuk are illegitimate, artificially created by relocation initiatives during Saddam by Frances Martel / zó Feb zor5 Syria from the Islamic State maylead to a Hussein's tenure. "Saddam brought Iraqis htþ : // conclusive creation of a Kurdish state. Their here to try and turn Kirkuk into an Arab city," reluctance to act in Sunni Arab areas is not one Kurdish military leader tells Haaretz. just ttZhile the Kurdish Peshmerga a product of the fear of having their sol- "This was to change the population. But no YY for.." in lraq have managed Io diers killed to help the Arab Shiite govemment one will take this city from us; this area-all of holdbackthe Islamic State (ISIS) from in Baghdad, however; Sunni Arabs are the it-is Kurdish, Kirkuk is Kurdish." key areas, including the shonghold of only acceptable population for the Islamic Erbil, Sunni Arabs displaced by ISIS State in its territories, leading to fears that any Reports earlier this month indicated that attacks are protesting that tl.e Kurdish Sunni Arab attempting to travel into Kurdish violence has increased in the newly liberated army is not allowing them to return territory may be operating undercover for the northem areas ofNineveh, near Mount Sinjar, home following the pushbaclc Islamic State. where thousands of Yazidis-a religious sect composed of ethnic Kurds-were forced, upon Kurdish Peshmerga forces in Iraq have Human Rights Watch issued a report this the arrival ofthe Islamic State, to hide. been pivotal in stemming the spread of the week condemning Kurdish ofñcials for restric- Thousands more died on that mountain before ting the freedom of movement of Sunni Arab Islamic State terrorist group, itself a Sunni the Peshmerga could rid the area ofthe "Kurdish forces Arab outfit, since the group began its unp¡ece- civilians, claiming that for Islamic State. Now, Yazidis returning to the displaced dented expansion last summer. While the months barred Arabs by fighting area are allegedly engaging in revenge mur- portions Kurds have successfully protected Erbil and from retuming to their homes in of ders of Sunni Arabs who remained in the ter- provinces, fought to protect Kurdish Yazidi populations Ninewa and Erbil while permitting ritory and, due to their ethnic and religious near Mount Sinjar, Al Monitor reports that the Kurds to return to those areas and even to bacþround, were spared by the Islamic State. move into homes of Arabs whofled." HRW Kurds have yet to attempt breaching some ter- of also claims Kurdish forces have destroyed Those who escaped the ISIS siege Sinjar ritorial lines near the city of Kirkuk, a move that dozens ofArab homes" in territories they have told reporters and Kurdish soldiers that most that would serve to protect the area's Arab of the violence against Yazidis did not come Sunni population. reclaimed. They also released a video featuring interviews and images of areas discussed in from foreign Islamic State invaders, but Arab Al Monitor notes that the Kurds have the report: Sunnis who lived in peace with Yazidis before resisted an attempt to move the Islamic State ISIS's arrival. "It wasn't even IS who did most further south of Kirkuk. When asked, HRW nonetheless notes that Kurdish of the killing," said one Yazidi refugee at the eased on Peshmerga Capt. Rebwar Maìa Ali responded, authorities restrictions travel in time. "It was our Sunni Arab neighbors. ... We NGO issued concerns "Why should we shed Kurdish blood for January after the their looked after these people's children, and as the úghts of those affected. Kurdish Hawija when we know the Iraqi government for soon ¿ìs ISIS appeared, they immediately tur- Rights will claim it back once the IS threat is gone?" Peshmerga leaders relayed to Human ned against us."O Watch their concern that "many Arabs had Kurdish ofEcials have made no mystery of assisted the ISIS advance and might again col- their hopes that liberating swathes of Iraq and laborate u/ith the armed group."

83 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê-Riaista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti ltt'tl¡¡t'r ]2.lll l5 Vt, t ltr, 'r [)C At Kurdish front-line outpost, skepticism abounds about assault on Mosul

By Mitchell Prothero McClatchy Foreign Staff February zz, zor5 The Kutdish Peshmetga base on the outskirts of the tiny contested ham- let of Sultan AbduIIøh, SULTANABDULIAH' Iraq øbout 35 miles the Deliar Shouki, comman-- lrom 1Ju"¡o.^UTSIDE the Kurdish cøpital of ltbil, der of a string of Kurdish ñre bases less comes undet constønt than zo miles from Mosul, admitted he attøck lslamic was skeptical when he'd heard the news lrom Støte militants less thøn last week that a U.S. ofÊcial had told Pentagon reporters that z5,ooo lraqi 1.000 yatils øuay. troops would attack the Islamic State- MITCMLL PROT¡IERO held city perhaps as soon as April. McClatchy- "There really is no lraqi army, so I don't know where get the idea that they can they "We need more armored vehicles and but there are concerns they could become a train z5,ooo soldiers in two months to fight heavier weapons," Shouki explained. "We major source of conflict, especially after house to house in Mosul," he said on Friday fight to defend Kurdistan and the coalition recent statements by Shiite militia leaders he gave a journalist a his as visiting tour of air strikes have been very helpful but we need that they would force the Kurds to allow men's positions on the outskirts of the tiny [American] special forces 'boots on the them to deploy around oil-rich Kirkuk, a city hamlet of Sultan Abdullah, which lies about ground' to help guide them in and heavier the Kurds have vowed not to return to Arab midway between Mosul and the Kurdish weapons if we are to drive them out of lraq." control. capital of lrbil. "Americans need to understand we are Shouki said it's possible the Kurds would a yards ground Only few hundred ofopen fighting them here for you because if they cooperate in an assault on Mosul, but there separates his troops from the Islamic State stay in Mosul and take lrbil, they'll come to were in his opinion many conditions that positions, with Shouki's men dug in deeply New York and Washington eventually," he would need to be met: the govemment in State on the tops of hills and the Islamic figh- added. Baghdad would have to assemble an army, ters occupying the tiny village below. Nearly Over a hot lunch ofchicken and eggplant give the Kurds significant amounts of wea- every night, the area is the scene World War brought to the base by a local family as a pons, and pay some of the nearly g6 billion it I-style battles as the extremists attempt to thank you to the troops, the commanders of owes the Kurdish regional government. storm the Kurdish trenches, only to be this section of the front line dismissed the In addition, he said, Kurdish cooperation thrown back, with heavy casualties. notion that any major operation led by the is likely to depend on the United States just "lt seems to me like the lraqi [Arabs] central government in Baghdad to recapture agreeing to put combat air controllers on the soldiers, lack a certain morale to be and I Mosul is imminent. ground to ensure the accuracy ofair strikes, dont want to directly accuse them of any- "The Arabs can't take Tikrit and Bayji," something the Pentagon has said might be Daash, thing, but every time they fight they laughed one, referring to two much smaller possible, but that would place U.S. troops in lose ground and equipment that ends up cities held by the Islamic State. "There is no danger. the being used against us," he said, using Iraqi army, just Shüte militias." "We are the only ones fighting and Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. 'lt's I nother dignitary, dressed in traditional dying," he said. very suspicious and I don't think theywant to f\Kurdish garb and heavily armed who That sacrifice is obvious at one ofthe tiny fight them." declined to give his name but described his hillside fire bases overlooking Sultan American-made Doth Shouki and the occupation as an "arms dealer for Kurdistan," Abdullah. The Kurds' bunkers there were he uses to Darmored vehicle shuttle amnu- said the only capable fighting forces that the deep for protection from the better-equipped his nition and evacuate the wounded from Iraqi Arabs can field are the lranian-trained, - lslamic State artillery, and sand bags covered front line area are examples of how the led and -equipped militias, which he said, to a series oftrenches that were sunounded by Kurdish peshmerga adapted after the Islamic much agreement in the room, aren't interes- barbed wire. State stormed into Mosul and took over ted in Sunni Arab Mosul, for both sectarian rTrhe Kurds are better armed now than they Iraq last much of northern and central sum- and strategic reasons. I *"r" last summer, thanks to donations of mer. "Shiite militias and Kurds are going into gear from the United States and Germany what his Shouki isn't exactly a major, it's Sunni Arab Mosul?" he asked. "We Kurds will and British logistical help that brought in men call him. In fact, though, he'd retired fight to protect our homeland but Mosul is large amounts of ammunition from former from the peshmerga after years of fighting not, it's the Arabs'home. And the Shiite only Soviet stockpiles. But the peshmerga still lack Saddam Hussein; when he volunteered to care about protecting Baghdad and their the heary artillery and armored vehicles the as Islamic State threatened, he was return the areas in the south from the Sunnis ofAnbar," Islamic State has. one most given command of of the bitterþ the lraqi province to the west of Baghdad Pointing at his command vehicle, Shouki Iraq. contested sections of northern that has largely fallen to the Islamic State. noted that the Iraqi army abandoned about And his command vehicle once carried Adding to these concems are the role of z,ooo similar vehicles last June; his men have U.S. troops before being given to the Iraqi Shiite militias in the area south of the city of one, plus about dozen American-made army when the Americans left in zou. lt was Kirkuk, which is now in Kurdish hands. The Humvees mounted with heavy machine captured by the Islamic State in June when peshmerga lines and the Shiite militias' ope- guns. the lraqi Army abandoned its equipment and rations intersect there, and tensions between Still, his men are able to hold off the fled before the extremists' advance. The the two forces occasionally flare into fighting, Islamic State's frontal assaults on their posi- a few months peshmerga captured it in battle even though both are battling the the Islamic tions, thanks to the German anti-tank wea- ago and immediately put it to use. State. So far the incidents have been minor, pons theyle been given - the Milan D

84 Reaue de P r e s s e -P r e s s Reoieut -B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Riaistø Stømpa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

Þ guided anti-tank missile and the up than down but in this case it was the oppo- the Islamic State fighters Panzerfaust anti-tank rocket system. site," he said. "All the Daash guys had to do air power was able to go to work. The men described a battle last was get their grenades over our sandbags and "Daash is a lot less powerful now because Wednesday night, where under the cover of that was it. But they were so close, we had to of the planes," he said. '"They can still attack fog, Islamic State fighters - estimated in the hold our grenades live for a few seconds so but we see them growing weaker because they hundreds - pushed to within z5 yards ofthese they would go offbefore they rolled past the can't reinforce or retreat without getting hit. trenches, sparking a five-hour close quarters Daash guys." But we also get their best fighters attacking gunfight that left the peshmerga unsupported ffe pointed to dark shapes throughout the here because it is important, mostly foreign by coalition air power. I lfield. "You can still see a lot of their fighters with good training and discipline." "They told us we were on our own because bodies, I don't know how many but nobody The same position was hit again Saturday, both sides were too close to bomb," said one can go out there to get them." according to a text message from Shouki. This peshmerga fighter as he stared down the bar- Shouki said in that fight they recovered 38 time, he said, 53 extremists were killed and rel of his PKM medium machine gun through Islamic State fighter bodies, many snared on about a dozen ofhis own men were wounded, a slit in the sandbags at the Islamic State lines the barbed wire just outside the trenches, but the bunkers and trenches held. just a few hundred meters away. while his men lost one killed and six woun- ootr He described the pitched battle that follo- ded, all from grenades. He claims the Islamic wed. "Normally it's harder to throw grenades State death toll was likely much higher; once

Islamic State snatches zzo from Christian villagess syria monitorins sroup February 26,?/ù15 / BEIRUT / REUTERS

ISIIIMIC STAIE militants have abducted at least zzo people füom Ass¡æian Christian villages in northeastern S)ria duúrg a three- day offensive, a monitoring group that tracks violence in S)ryia said a onThursday. The British-based Syrian Observatoryfor Human Rights saidthe aMuctions at took place when Islamic State captured ro villages inhabited by the ancient Christian minority near Hasaka, a city mainly held by the Kurds, in the past three days. Islamic State has rutlùesslytargeted members of religious minorities, as well a,-- as fellow Sunni Muslims who refuse to swear allegiance to the 'caliphate' it has \'. : declared in pars ofgria and lraq. > r¡L A video released last week showed its members beheading zr Eg¡,ptian Coptic a,u Christians in Libya. last August it killd or enslaved hundreds of lraq's Yazidis, whom it considers devil worshippers. The militants have previously used kidnappings to trade captives for their own captured fighters but it was not clear ifthey planned to use the same tac- KutilishYPG fighters stønil in of a church in the tic with the Assyrians, whose aMuction they have not yet claimed. front Assyrtøn ztillage of Tel lumaa, north of Tel Tømt town, The United States on Wednesday condemned the attacks on Assyrian 2015. Photo: Reuters Christian villages, which it said included the burning of homes and churches and aMuction of women, children and the elderþ Hundreds of Christians have now fled to the two main cities in Hasaka pro' He said dozens had died ovemight in clashes, which underline the emergence vince, according to the Syriac National Council, a Syrian Chrisian group. of well-organised Syrian Kurdish militia as the main partner for the U.S.-led alliance against Islamic State in Syria. I"AIYDBRJDGE SOUTIIERI.IPUSH The region is strategicallyimportantto Islamic State as one of the bridges bet- ween land it controls in Syria and lraq. In recent weeks it has lost ground in Islamic State fighters also launched an attack on rival insurgents east of northeast Syria after being pushed out of the Kurdish town of Kobani in Damascus, the group said on social media on Thursday, a rare skirmish near January by Kurdish forces backed by U.S.Jed airstrikes. the southem capital from the militant organisation, which is shonges in the northeåst. These same strikes, however, have been unable to stop its advance into smal- ler villages. An official T\¡¡itter account for Islamic State said its fighters ambushed mem- bers of the Free Srrian Army, an alliance of westem-backed rebels, on Heavy fighting continued through Wednesday night between Syrian Kurdish Wednesday in the Eastem Ghouta area. militants and Islamic State, Kurdish officials and the human rights observa- torysaid. It said the FSA suffered casualties, and Islamic State fighters seized tanks and ammunition in what it called a strategic location close to the govemment "ISIS now controls ro Christian villages," observatory head Rami stronghold of central Damascus. The Observatory confrrmed the attack but Abdulrahman said by phone, using an acronlnn for Islamic State. ''Ihey have said it had targaed rivaljihadist brigades. taken the people they kidnapped away from the villages and into their terri- tory," he said. Mainstream rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad's forces in Syria's civil war have mostly been eclþed by jihadiss, complicating a U.S. plan to train T\¡¡o Kurdish officials said around people had been aMucted. One of the 9o and equip Syrian opposition forces to fight Islamic State. ofñcials, Nasir Haj Mahmoud, from the YPG militia in northeastern Syria, said they were taken to Shedadeh village, which is Islamic State territory. Units from Islamic State are staging increasing attacks in the south, mostly in "Some Assyrian villages are still under Islamic State control," he said. the Qalamoun Mountain range that runs north-south to Damascus and aìso borders læbanon. Mahmoud said YPG had cut a main road linking Tel Hamis with al-Houl, a town just a few miles (kilometres) from the Iraqi border, and prevented The Iæbanese army deployed along that border on Thursday near the vil- attempts by Islamic State to reopen it. "The YPG are still in control," he said. lage of Ras Baalbek and fired artillery at jihadists who move between Syria and læbanon, a læbanese security source said. o

85 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaíew-Berheaokn Çapê- Riaistø Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Özeti lntcnr¡tion.rlñtullork@irrreø FEBRUARv 29, 2ors Battle to regain key lraqi citywill test Obama administration's strate gy


Obama administration struggles to gauge odds of retaking k"y Iraq city

BY MICHAELR. GORDON AND ERTC SCHMITT American intelligence agencies and the Pentagon are struggling to determine how difficult itwillbe to retake Mosul, the Islamic State's de facto capital in lraq, as planning intensifies for a battle that is be- coming a major test of the Obama admin- istration's strategy to stop the spread of the terrorist group in the Middle East. The assessment will be pivotal in driving important policy and military decisions that President Obama will need to make in the coming wêeks, in- . ÂR|JA[,^1,/REUTSRS cluding whether the Pentagon will need pesh m".g" À..u, restlng on the outskirts ofMosul,Iraq,last month' Reclaim- to deploy teams of American ground Kurdish ing the city wtll require up to 25,000 Iraqi and Kurdish troops, United States olficials said. forces to call in allied airstrikes and ad- vise Iraqi troops on the battlefield on the challenges of urban warfare. he make that decision." Central their use on the battlefield to call in air' Reclaiming Mosul, which has a popu- and will American military strikes or advise Iraqi forces in combat' lation of more than one niillion people Command oversees East, and offi- Gen. Martin E, DemPseY, the chairman and is lraq's second-largest city, will re- operations in the Middle are helping lraqis in the war of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said he quire 20,000 to 25,000 Iraqi and Kurdish cials there would ask the president tor such autho- forces to clear it block by block, with planning. plan to retake Mosul, which the rization if needed. many of the streets and buildings likely The since June, In preparation for the assault on Mo- to be rigged with explosives, American Islamic State has éontrolled The sul, the United States and its allies are officials said. The battle is planned for faces an array of challenges, is to draw on five of the most trying to weaken the Islamic State by as early as April. strategy experienced Iraqi Army brigades, about cutting its supply lines. Kurdish forces' The cþ is being held by 1,000 to 2,000 put through backed by American-led air poweç have Islamic State militants, according to 10,000 troops in all, them and recently positioned themselves near an United States military estimates. It sits several weeks of special training important crossroads at Kiske,25 miles ast¡ide one of the major infiltration then use them in conjunction with Kurd- pesh other forces to west of Mosul. "The isolation of Mosul is routes that the Islamic State, also ish merga units and the main assault. But both Amer- going on now," said the official at Cen- known as ISIS or ISIL, has used to ferry mount have raised tral Command. troops ancl sup¡rlies intn northern Iraq ican and lraqi commanders lraq's In addition, American officials took from Syria. doubts about the readiness of American intelligence agencies say ground forces, which have struggled to the unusual step on ThursdaY of an- pose far they do not yet know whether Islamic recapture smaller to\l/ns that nouncìng the timing of the battle and the Mosul. State fighters will dig in and defend Mo- less of a challenge than number of lraqi and Kurdish forces to power will be crit- sul to the death or whether, fearing en- Since American air be deployed. Openly discussing future circlement, most fighters will.slip out of ical to helping the Iraqi and Kurdish military operations is normally off-lim- question Mr. the city for other lraqi towns or cross forces advance, the main its to avoid aiding the enemy, but Amer' is whether the border into Syria, leaving behind a Obama will have to answer ican officials said it was done this time posed Mosul smaller force and booby-trapping build- the challenges in retaking to try to weaken the resolve of the Is- of American joint ter- ings with bombs to tie down and bloody mean that teams lamic State fighters and to spur Mosulis or JTACs, need thousands of Iraqi troops. minal attack controllers, residents to rise up against the occupi- ground so that the airstrikes "We are looking at all the things that to be on the ers and help the lraqi ground forces. precisely. are out there, i.e., what is the final en- cari be delivered That strategy angered Mr, McCain, most emy disposition in Mosul?" said a These teams, if deployed, would the chairman of the Senate Armed Ser- protectedby Special Op- United States Central Command official likely need to be vices Committee, who, with Senator also need to who briefed reporters at the Pentagon erations forces. There would Lindsey Graham, Republican of South quick-reaction forces held on Thürsday. The briefing drew sharp be additional Carolina, sent a blistering letter to Mr' well as criticism from Senator John McCain, in reserve for emergencies, as Obama on Friday denouncing the brief' helicopters in Republican ofArizona. medical personnel and ing for reporters. "Never in our memo' heavy The official, who spoke on the condi- case the Americans came under ry can we recall an instance in which tion of anonymity to discuss future op- fire, former commanders said. our military has knowingly briefed our Although Mr. Obama has sent Mar- erations, continued, "All those things own war plans to our enemies," Mr, Mc- will have to be considered in the final ines a¡rd Special Forces to train lraqi Cain and Mr. Graham wrote, analysis, and then, ultimately, they will and Kurdish troops and advise them at A defense official said Friday that the go to the president with those things, tþe brigade level, he has not approved White House and Ashton B, Carter, the

86 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çøpê- Rivista Stampø-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Özeti

new defense secretary, "had no ad- pressure by launching counteroffens- vance knowledge" of the briefing. Mr. ives elsewhere." To prepare for the Mosul Carter, speaking to reporters on Friday Michael Knights, an expert on Iraq at assault, the United States and en route to Afghanistan, gave no date the Washington Institute for Near East for the assault on Mosul. "Even if I Policy, said the Islamic State's strength itó nllies are trying to cut the kneù exactly when that was going to be, was in the western half of Mosul, which Islamic Statet supply lines. I wouldn'ttell you," he said. has important government buildings American officials said it was possible and is predominantly Arab. There are that announcing the battle for Mosul more Kurds in eastern Mosul. "My gut likely to be overwhelming Shiite, which ahead of time could prompt many of the is that they continue doing an economy- may create friction with the local popu- Islamic State fighters to slip away and of-force effort, screening and lively raid- Iation. The Sunni Arab population could make the retaking of the city less of a ing, on the east bank until the Kurds get be alienated if their neighborhoods fight - perhaps to the point that it serious and push forward," Mr. Knights were held by Shiite-dominated units or might not be necessary to have Ameri- said. "Then they fall back to the west pesh merga forces. cans call in airstrikes and advise Iraqi and blow the bridges." The plan calls for introducing a stabi- troops on the battlefield. But the offi- "They'll fight like devils for west Mo- lizing force that would be composed of cials acknowledged that they did not sul, making the entire place into a huge former Mosul police officers and Sunni know how the militants would respond. harassment minefield full of unex- tribal fighters. But it is unclear how syn- Some experts who recentþ visited ploded car bombs, roadside I.E.D.s and chronized this effort will be. Iraq, however, said that the Islamic masses of fake I.E.D.s," he added. "It may well be the lraqi forces are State's actions in the towns of Kobani in The battle, he said, could be a slugfest, ready to assault Mosul in a couple of Syria and Baghdadi in lraq's Anbar reminiscent of the epic 2004 battle for months," said one Europeân military of- Province did not suggestthat the fighters Falluja in the Iraq war, unless local res- ficer who had been briefed on some of would flee. They said the Islamic State idents or neighboring tribes took mat- the battle planning. "But what comes would not only try to hold parts of Mosul ters into their own hands, or the Ameri- next, who holds the ground taken, that but would also launch diversionary at- cans and lraqis had an effective covert could be just as difficult," tacks against the Iraqi forces elsewhere. program to undermine the Islamic "They are going to fight back hard," State's defenses from within, Michael S. Schmidt contributed. report- said Kenneth M. Pollack, a former C.I.A. Another challenge will come if the city ing f r o m Kabul, AJ ghoni stan. analyst now at the Brookings Institu- is retaken. While Mosul is overwhelm- tion. "They are not only going to try to ingly Sunni, the Iraqi attacking lorce is hold Mosul but will try to relieve the lntern¡tion¡l ñtu llork @in¡es ruESDAy, FEBRUARv 24, 20 ls day. "We have made some progress,,' a se- nior administration official told report- LJ.S. and lran seek ersj "We still have a long way to go." The March deadline has beðome an important milestone since the White House is eager to show that progress is to outline accord being made to dissuade Congress from moving to impose new sanctions on Iran. rifuges that Iran could operate might be GENEVA It is unclear what form March maintained lor the first l0 years of a po- a agreement might take, is tential l5-year-agreement and then re- if it reached. BY MICHAEL R, GORDON Would it be a signed document that laxed in the last 5 years. Such an ap- the Iranian and American officials ended a proach would allow the Iranians to say United States, its allies and Iran would round ofhigh-level nuclear talks here on the tough constraints would lastfor only make public? Or would it be a confiden- Monday with aproposal under consider- l0 years, and the Americans could say tial record of the status of the talks on ation that Ìyould strictly limit for at least they had a l5-year agreement. which Congress might bé briefed but l0 years lran's ability io produce nuclear The official, who could not be identi: that would not be published? material, but might ease restrictions on fied under the Obama administration's This latest round of talks is the first Tehran in the final years of a deâI. protocol for briefing reporters, was de- timc, t¡¿¡ ¡¡s sountries' top nuclear offi- A senior American official traveling liberately vague on how long the year- cials have participated, a reflection of with Secretary of State John Kerry and long limit on bréakout time would need the complexity of the potential agree- Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz said to be preserved beyond the first l0 years ment, which seeks to constrain Iran's the United States would insist that of ah agreement, suggesting that the nuclear program in return for suspend- Iran's nuclear program be constrained United States wâs looking for-Ira¡r to ing and eventually removing economic for "at least a double-digit number of make concessions in return for a short- sanctions. years" from being able to produce er second phase. The presence of Mr. Salehi, who re- enough material for a nuclear bomb The official said American and lrani- ceived a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering should it decide to "break out" ofthe ac- an officials had made progress during from the Massachusetts Institute of cord, the negotiations here, which for the first Technology, and Mr. Moniz, who once The United States has insisted that time, included Mr. Moniz and AliAkbar led the physics department there, could Iran's breakout capacity be constrained Salehi, the director of the Atomic En- ease progress, though there were no in- from producing enough nuclear materi- ergy Organization of lran, who joined dications that an agreement was immi- al to produce a bomb in a year for as Mohammad Javad Zarif., Iran's foreign nent. Hossein Fereydoon, president long as possible. minister. Hassan Rouhani's brother, was also a Iranian officials have said they want The negotiations, which begart on Sun- member of the Iranian delegation here. an agreement that wöuld allow their day night in a luxury hotel near Lake "These meetings are steps in a long country to ramp up the number of cent- Geneva, sought to make progress toward and tough process," the State Depart- rifuges as soon as possible. an agreement before a March deadline ment said in a statement. One way to bridge the difference for finalizing an outline of an agreement A would be to impose the limits in phases. to limit Tehran's nuclear program. The ing Strictconstraints on the number of cent- two sides plan to meet again next Mon- ing,

87 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaoka Çapê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti "Time is passing," Mr,.Kerry chimed f ¡¡tcnnfior¡¡l Ñtu llork @i¡lreø FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2ot5 in. "We are working." But some Western observers have also raised concerns that Mr. Salehi, ISIS steps up abductions who also served as foreign minister in Iran's previous hardline government, might seek. to protect the country's nu- of Christians in Syria clear activities from being subjected to stringent limits and testrict Mr. Zarif's ISTANBUT room for maneuver. Area ol abductions Qamishli In July, for example, Mr. Salehi ar- BYANNE BARNARD TURKEY gued that'Irân needed to have industri- Lfl.]J Continuing its assaults on a string ofAs- a Hasaka ' The talks have also included syrian Christian villages in northeast- .e ern Syria, the Islamic State militant A epÉo energy Raqqa the American secretary group has seized scores more residents and the director of the Atomic over the past two days, bringing the SYRIA Energy Organization of lran. number of captives to as many as sever- al hundred, Assyrian organizations in- side and outside Syria said on Thursday. '' . . Damascus IRAQ al-scale ability to enrich uranium by The number of captives reported by ,f' 2021, when a contract under which Rus- different Assyrian groups has varied sia supplies fuel for lran's nuclear reac- because, in the chaos of fighting, many tor at Bushehr is to expire. families are fleeing and it has taken time JORDAN When the negotiations were extended to verify by name those caþtured. in Novembeç American officials out- The , a militia lined atwo-step process for making pro- formed in recent years to protect Assyr- offered no resistânce, but flatly rejected gress. The first step, they said, would be ian villages in the traditionally diverse releasing those who fought back." to work out an agreement outlining the area of Hasaka, in northeastern Syria, In a video posted to iou'iUbe, a resi- main provisions of an accord by the end said in a statement that more than 350 dent of the village of Abu Tineh in the of March. The final step would be to civilians from 12 villages had been ab- Tal Tamer district described what he complete the entire accord, including its ducted. said had been his dramatic flight as technical annexes, by the end of June. George Stifo, a leader of the United fighters from the Islamic State, also Both sides have said they are not in- States .branch of the Assyrian Demo- known as ISIS or ISIL, approached the terested in extending the negotiating cratic Olganization, part of the Syrian village after midnight. deadlines further. opposition, provided the names of 96 "We took a small boat to go to the oth- Adding to the pressure to show pro- captives, which included several chil- er side of the riverj ' he said. ' 'We took the gress, Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- dren. The Assyrian lnternational News children and women, then the youths." yahu of Israel is scheduled to address Agency, a website tracking community He said he knew of scores of people in the United States Congress in early news, reported that 150 were missing. nearby villages, including eight women, March to present his criticism of the po- The Syrian Observatory for Human who had been captured. "We don't know tential accord. On Sunday, Mr. Netan- Rights, an antigovernnfent monitoring what happened next," he said. yahu said the emerging deal would be group with anetworkof contacts in Syria, Video also surfaced on Thursday ap- "dangerous for Israel." He added that it said on Thursday that 220 were missing. pearing to be an official Islamic State was "astonishing" that the talks were Assyrian organizations and the ob- production made in Iraq's Nineveh continuing since Iian had yet to answer servatory reported that negotiations Province, which is also traditionally longstanding questions that the Inter- were taking place for the release of the home to many Assyrian Christians. The national Atomic Energy Agency had prisoners in exchange for Islamic State video appeared to show black-clad men posed about Tehran's suspected earlier fighters held by Christian and Kurdish using sledgehammers and drills to de- work on nuclear designs, militias, with local Arab tribal leaders stroy ancient artifacts, including some acting as mediators, dating from the ancient Assyrian Em- The Assyrian news agency said that pire from which many Assyrian Christi- the tribal leaders were pushing the Is- ans claim to be descended. lamic State to release civilian Assyrians and that the group had agreed in prin- Hwqida Saad contributed reporting ciple "to release those Assyrians who JromBeirut,Lebsnon.

IRAOI February 23,2015 t{Ews bod¡ indicating that th¡s confirms that the organization is facing financiaI problems. lSlS o'ffers to hand over Kudlsh The German newspaper 'Frankfurter A[[gemeine Sonntagsze¡tung' wrote in a report fottowed by lraqiNews' "lSl5 has been suffering from financial problems, and it offe- frght€rs bodþs in exchangp for red to hand over the bodies of Kurdish fighters kitl'ed in the fights against it in exchange for money.' fior each The newspaper quoted some security sources, who refu- $zo,ooo sed to give out their name, as saying, "The organization seeks in batttes against it February 23,2075, by Abdelhak Mamoun - to deliver the bodies of those were kitted to the Kurdish forces, in exchange for sums ranging between 10 and 20 thousand doltars for each bodY." Sunday, a German newspaper fated that the lSlS organization fin The newspaper said that it is unl,ikety for lSlS to be able to take to hand over the bodie s of Kurdish fighters kitted in the \Joffered advantage of these bodies by seLting the¡r organs, because it lacks the f¡ghts aga¡nst it in exchange fo¡ 10 to 20 thousand dotlars for each medical technoLogy and expertise that witt altow it to do so'

88 Reaue de Presse-Press Reaiew-Berheaokn Çøpê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de ln Prensa-Basin Ozeti

En revanche les Kurdes ont pu retourner dans ces mêmes régions et dans lrak: les Kurdes bloquent certains cas ont été autorisés à s'installer dans des foyers appartenant à des résidents arabes déplacés, souligne I'ONG. le retour d'Arabes dans HRW dit avoir répertorié des "actes vraisemblablement discriminatoires" dans les province de Ninive et Erbil (capitale du Kurdistan) lors de v¡sites en décem- des régions disputées bre et janvier. Bagdad,26 février 2015 (AFP) Lorsque le groupe El a lancé son offensive fulgurante dans les régions sun- nites du nord de l'lrak en juin 2014,|es forces kurdes ont occupé le vide laissé par les forces de sécurité fédérales ayant fui devant I'avancée des jihadistes. LEs FORCES lRttlÉeS kurdes ont empôché des hab¡tants arabes déplacés par los violences de retourne¡ dans des rég¡ons d'lrak que le Elles ont ains¡ pr¡s le contrôle de zones conteslées de longue date et revendi- Kurdistan autonome d¡spute aux autorités fédérales, a aff¡lmé ¡eud¡ quées par le gouvernement central à Bagdad et le Kurdistan autonome (nord), Human Rights Watch dans un rappoÊ élargissant d'environ 40% la région sous contrôle kurde. L'ONG, basée à New York, met en garde le gouvernement régional du Les jihadistes s'étaient emparé de plusieurs de ces zones multi-ethniques et Kurdistan contre I'imposition d'une "pun¡tion collective à des communautés multi-confessionelles en août, mais les forces kurdes, aidées par les raids arabes entières" pour les violences commises par les jihadistes du groupe aériens de la coalition internationale, ont repris du tena¡n extrémiste Etat islamique (El). Selon HRW certa¡ns responsables kurdes ont défendu les mesures discrimi- "Bloquer les habitants arabes et refuser d'autoriser leur retour chez eux sem- nato¡res en arguant que les habitants arabes sunnites de la région avaient ble bien au-delà d'une réponse sécuritaire raisonnable", juge ainsi Letta soutenu I'ofiensive des jihadistes et collaboraient toujours avec le groupe El. Tayler, experte de HRW HRW a afflrmé que certaines restr¡ctions imposée aux Arabes sunnites Selon le rapport, les forces kurdes empêchent depuis plusieurs mois les habi- avaient été allégées en janvier, mais souligné que les autorités kurdes tants arabes déplacés par l'offensive lancée I'an dernier par I'El de rentrer devaient faire plus. a chez eux dans des zones disputées. w 28 février 2015 Abdullah Ocalan, I e chef du PKK, appelle son mouvement à déposer les armes 28fév¡.2O15- AvecAFP

¡ e leader du Parti des travailleurs du Kudistan (PKK), Abdullah öcalan, Lemprisonné en Turquie, a ¡elancé samedi le processus de paix avec Ankara en appelant son mouvement à prendre la décision'historique" de déposer les armes. Le chef historique du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan, emprisonné depuis 1999 en Turquie, a appelé, samedi 28 février, les dirigeants de son mouvement à prendre la décision "historique" de déposer les armes dans le cadre du processus de paix entamé avec Ankara. Une démarche qui a ravivé de façon spectaculaire, à trois mois des élec- tions législat¡ves du 7 juin, I'espoir que soit mis fin à la rébellion séparatiste kurde qui ensanglante la Turquie depuis I 984. Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a qualifié cet appel de'très, très Sirri Süreyya Oniler en trøin de líre l'øppel d'Ocalan à lstanbul, important" mais s'est montré prudent. 'J'espère qu'ils respecteront cette le 28 REUTERSlTurkish Pilme Minister's Ptess déclaration et qu'ils prendront les mesures nécessaires, at-il déclaré. féztrier. O I Hønd out tt iø Reut et Mais je me dois d'insister sur le fait que ceux qui déposent les armes sont ffice des membres d'une organisation terroriste". L'annonce de samedi intervient après la visite rendue par une délégation "REMpLACER LE coMBAT eRuÉ pm LA pouflquP d'élus du HDP aux chefs militaires du PKK dans leur base du mont Kandil, 6â05 urì message lu devant la presse par le député du Parti démocra- dans le nord de I'lrak, puis à Abdullah öcalan dans son île-prison d'lmrali, lJtique du peuple (HDP, pro-kurde) Sirri Sureyya Önder, samedi au cours en mer de Marmara, non loin d'lstanbul. d'une conférence de presse commune inédite avec le vice-Premier minis- LES PONTS ENTRE LES DEUX PARTIES NONT JAMAIS fiÉ COUPÉS tre Yalçin Akdogan, Abdullah Ocalan a appelé son mouvement à organiser au printemps un congrès sur son désarmement. 'Nous nous rapprochons près un premier échec en 201 0, le gouvernement islamo-conservateur, d'un règlement de ce conflit vieux de trente ans sous la forme d'une paix Aau^ pouvoir depuis 2002, a réactivé à I'automne 20l2les discussions définitive, et notre objectif premier est de parvenir à une solution démo- avec le PKK pour tenter de mettre un terme à un conf lit ayant fait en trente cratique", a estimé le chef rebelle. ans quelque 40 000 morts. ll avait cette fois directement engagé le dia- logue avec Abdullah öcalan, qui purge une peine de prison à vie. "J'appelle le PKK à organiser un congrès extraordinaire au printemps pour prendre une décision stratég¡que et historique de désarmement", a-t-il En octobre 2014, elles ont failli capoter lorsque des milliers de jeunes poursuivi, "c'est un appel historique à remplacer le combat armé par la Kurdes sont descendus dans les rues des villes de Turquie afin de dénon- politique". Les deux parties sont 'plus proches de la paix que jamais", a cer le refus du gouvernement turc d'¡ntervenir pour soutenir les miliciens commenté devant la presse Sini Sureyya önder kurdes qui défendaient la cité syrienne de Kobané, assiégée par les dji- hadistes du groupe Etat ¡slamique (El) avant d'être reprise. "Nous avons franchi une étape importante et h¡storique dans le processus de paix", a renchéri Yalçin Akdogan, premier représentant d'un gouvernement Malgré ces fortes tensions, les ponts entre les deux parties n'ont jamais turc à assister à la lecture d'un message du chef du PKK, encore largement été coupés et le gouvernement a fa¡t pression en vue d'une solut¡on avant considéré en Turquie comme un 'terroriste". les législatives du 7 juin. e

89 Reaue de P r e s se -P r e s s Rea ieut -B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Riaista Stømpa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti z¡ r'Évnrnn zors se sont retirés sans grande résistance après que les forces kurdes épaulées par des combattants arabes de Jeich Sanadi (Armée des héros) sont rentrés à Tall Hamis", qui se trouve à un trentaine de km de Qamichli, a fait savoir vendredi I'Observatoire syrien des droits de I'homme (OSDH). Les Kurdes occupent désormais une bande de ter- ritoire reliant Tall Hamis à la frontière avec I'lrak, pays où l'El est bien implanté, ce qui gène les jihadistes dans leurs mouvements dans ce secteur. L'Union démocratique kurde (PYD), principal parti kurde de Syrie, a affirmé dans un communiqué que sa branche armée, les Unités de protection du peuple kurde (YPG), avait libéré Tall Hamis et les locali- tés environnantes à la demande des villageois (arabes) qui voulaient se débarrasser de ces terroristes" Cette victoire à Tall Hamis, aux mains de I'El depuis plus d'un an, inter- 7 vient après sept jours de combats avec le groupe jihadiste durant les- r quels les YPG se sont emparés d'une centaine de villages et hameaux @ Delil Souleiman, AFP I Des conbattants kurdes dans un de la région. Depuis le début des combats dans le secteur, au moins quartier de la ville de Tall Hamis, le 26 fêvnen 175 jihadistes ont été tués dans les accrochages et les bombarde- ments de la coalition internationale dirigée par Washington. 30 COMBATTANTS KURDES TUÉS Dans I'autre camp, 30 combattants kurdes et des rebelles ont été tués, lls s'emparent d'un nouveau fief dont un Australien, le premier Occidental à mourir en combattant avec les unités kurdes en Syrie. Selon le Pentagone, la coalition a mené plusieurs raids jeudi dans la province de Hassaké, dont trois près de Les Kurdes infligent Tall Hamis. Les jihadistes ont enlevé cette semaine 220 chrétiens assyriens au sud-ouest de Qamichli, dans une autre partie de la pro- une nouvelle défaite vince de Hassaké, selon I'OSDH Quelque 5.000 chrétiens assyriens ont ensuite fui ce secteur, se réfu- giant à Qamichli et Hassaké, deux villes tenues par les forces kurdes I'El et gouvernementales. Jean Tolo, un responsable assyrien à Qamichli, à en Syrie a affirmé que le rythme des arrivées des déplacés s'était ralenti ven- dredi, après un grand afflux en début de semaine. - C.R. avec AFP - 28 février 2015 "Nous offrons aux déplacés de la nourriture et tout ce dont ils ont besoin. Des médecins travaillent gratuitement pour faire face à tout I es combattants kurdes ont infligé vendredi une sévère cas urgent", a-t-il expliqué, précisant que 200 familles avaient trouvé l-O¿ta¡te aux jihadistes du groupe État islamique (El) en s'em- refuge à Qamichli et 900 autres à Hassaké Les Assyriens, une com- parant d'une de leurs places fortes dans la province de munauté parmi les plus anciennes converties au christianisme, sont Hassaké, dans le nord-est de la Syrie, selon une ONG. environ 30.000 en Syrie, soit 2,5% des 1,2 million de chrétiens du pays, et ils vivent en majorité dans la province de Hassaké. r Un nouveau revers de I'Etat islamique face aux Kurdes. "Les jihadistes

iH' z¡ nÉvnrnn zors fin janvier, après que Bagdad et le gouverne- pétrolier ment kurde ont trouvé un accord tempo- Un du Kurd¡stan raire sur les ventes de pétrole. Le pétrolier a ainsi été vu se dirigeant vers le port israélien d'Ashkelon. irakien livre du brut à lsraël Plusieurs pétroliers qui ont transportent du brut venant du Kurdistan irakien depuis 28 Février 2015 le port de Ceyhan en Turqu¡e en Méditerranée, ont déchargé une partie de leur cargaison dans plusieurs ports israé- I e Un¡ted Kalavrvta était bloqué depuis liens, selon différentes sources marit¡mes et Lplusieurs mois au Texas, suite à une industrielles.. pla¡nte déposée par Bagdad Les Kurdes ont pourtant refusé, dans le Un pétrolier du Kurdistan irakien, bloqué passé, de vendre du pétrole à lsraë|, qui au Texas depuis l'été dernier après une n'est pas reconnu par la grande majorité des contestation judiciaire émise par Bagdad, pays arabes, et notamment I'lrak. et a livré cette Une source du gouvernement kurde a est revenu en Méditerranée Une cour américaine avait ordonné la partie affirmé au Post que l'intégralité semaine une de sa cargaison en saisie du pétrole nord-irakien, jugeant illé- Jerusalem lsraë|, selon des sources rapportées par le du pétrole que le navire transportait avait gale la vente du pétrole sans l'accord du gou- été livré à ses clients. Jerusalem Post. vernement irakien central, suite à une pétrolier transpor- Une grande partie du brut vendu avait Le United KalavMa, plainte du gouvernement de Bagdad. près million de barils de pétrole été payé à l'avance l'année dernière, car les tant d'un Le gouvernement régional du Kurdistan Kurdes avaient besoin de fonds après la nord-irakien, d'une valeur de 100 millions de avait protesté, rétorquant que les ventes port réduction du budget de la région par le gou- dollars, était ancré au large du indépendantes étaient autorisées, confor- Bay (Texas), suite à un imbroglio vernement central de Bagdad, a ajouté la Galveston mément à la constitution irakienne. juridique. source. a Le navire avait finalement qu¡tté le Texas

90 Reau e de P r e s s e -P r e s s Reaiezo -B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Riaista Stampa-Dentro de lø Prensa-Basin Ozeti February 28,2015 Alç N A\^VA the stage reached in the process thus: öcalan calts on PKK to hold congress HDP and AKP "While taking the 30-year period of conflict to a lasting peace our principal aim has been to reach a democrat¡c resolut¡on. I call on the PKK to hold an extraordinary congress in the spring months to take a strategic government issue and historic decision to abandon the armed struggle based on a mini- mum consensus of principles. This invitation is a historic declaration of joint the ¡ntent¡on to replace the armed struggle with democratic pol¡tics, statement These are the headings which will constitute the backbone of both The HDP lmrali delegation and represcntatives our real democracy and our great peace: | - Democ¡otic politìcs, íts delin¡t¡on ond content of the AKP government have held a joint press 2 - Democrotic rcsolution and the recognition of lhe notionol ond conference on the process of resolution. local dÍmensíons of tesolution 3 - Legal ond democrotíc guorontees of free cìtizenship February 28,2Ol 5 4 - Heodings rcgordìng the relatÍonship of democrot¡c pol¡t¡cs to -lstanbul-Anf htt p: / / c n, iì to to jo n s. co m stotc ond socÍety ond the ¡nst¡tut¡onal¡sot¡on of th¡s 5 - Th¿ socío-¿conomic dimensions of the rcsolution process The HDP lmrali delegation and representatives of the AKP government 6-Tcatíng thc relotionship betvteen d¿mocracyand sccurítyin thc process publÍc I have held a joint press conference on the process of resolution. Ín a woy thot will protect ordet and lrccdoms The HDP lmrali delegation, that a few days ago met KCK executives in 7 - Legol solutíons ond guøronteesfor problems of women, cultu¡c Kandil, comprising deputies Pervin Buldan, idr¡s Baluken and Srrrr 5üreyya and ecology Önder today met Deputy Prime Minister Yalçrn Akdogan and lnterior 8 - Development of o plurolistic understanding of the concept of M¡nister Efkan Ala. Following the meeting a joint press conference was ìdentity íts dcÍìnitìon ond recognition held. 9 - Íhe rccognition of o demoqatíc ¡epubliç common homcland A statement was read out by Srrrr Süreyya Önder. and peoplc wÍth democ¡atìccriterio, within o plurolist demooatic sys- 'Thc problcm conccrns thc transformation of thc state' tem with legal and constìtutíonol guoronteet The statement was as follows: lO - A new const¡tut¡on for the purpose of inte¡nolisìng oll this "We are on the verge of an historic decision process. Since the begin- de moctatÍ c tan sfot m ati on !' ning of the process the problem has concerned the transformation of the Call for support state. The existing dominant state mental¡ty has always seen this ques- Önder said the following at the conclusion of his speech: "There is no tion solely as a means of maintaining power, which has led to it being the doubt that in order for these historic developments to become reality victim of violence. Unless strong t¡es are establ¡shed with peace and uni- there must be no conflict. We, as the HDB call on all democratic circles versal democracy we cannot expect r¡ghts, justice and equality from the and those who are in favour of peace to support these democratic nego- state and soc¡ety. The process will develop with the recognition of all the tiations and the stage of resolut¡on. We salute all those forces that are communities that have been ostracised throughout the history of the working hard for peace, which is now closer than ever." republicl' Akdogan: wc considcr this to bc an ¡mportant statcment 'The process has rcachcd a scrious stagC Akdogan said: "We know that ¡n the process of resolution we will "The great responsibility for this question put on our shoulders by achieve an outcome through sincerity, bravery and decisiveness. We history is one that does notjust concern our own society, but affects the consider this statement highlight¡ng democratic politics as a method and whole region and even the world. While the century-old equilibrium in the move towards the giving up of arms and the complete ending of the region is being overwhelmed and violence spirals, it is important that actions to be significant, With arms out of the equat¡on democratic deve- perceptions and approaches are developed on the basis of universal lopment will gain momentum. ldeas and policies with public support human values. There is a need for a dynamic approach g¡ven cond¡t¡ons gain value in democracies. We are determined to reach an ultimate solu- in the region. ln the light of this the occasionally faltering process of dia- t¡on with the blessing and support of our people. We see a new const¡tu- logue has now reached a formal, responsible and serious stagel' tion as an important opportun¡ty to resolve many long-standing and Önder explained Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Ocalan's view on chronic problemsJ' o

February 27,2015

attacked 11 Assyrian Christian villages ¡n the Tal Tamr area, where they reportedly took 220 peo- Kurdish Fighters Seize Key ple prisoner. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Director Rami Abdurrahman told VOA they have now been moved to the Abd el-As¡z lslamic State Stronghold in Syr¡a mountains, where they are still in ceptivity. Kurdish service. "ln th¡s operation a significant The U.S. Stete Department this week called for the immediate release of the kidnapped February 27,2015 number of local Arab forces also helped them because people came to realize that there is no Assyrian Christians future under this terrorist organization." "lSll's latest targeting of a religious minority fighters say they have "liberated" a l1/urdish is only further testament to its brutal and inhu- f\northeastern Syrian town that has been a The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights mane treatment of ell those who disagree with key shonghold of lslamic State militants. said at least 175 lslamic State militents were kil- led by Kurdish fighters and air strikes by the its divisive goals and toxic beliefs," State A spokesperson for the People's Protection U.S. led coalition ¡n recent deys. Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, Units, or YPG, confirmed to VOA that the using an âcronym for the group "lSlL continues Meanwhile, VOAs Kurdish service reports Kurdish fighters had seized the city of Tal Hamis, to exact its evil upon innocents of all faiths, and people were killed when in Hassakeh province. that at least nine the majority of its vict¡ms have been Muslims." lslamic State militants canied out a bombing of "This victory is a huge blow for lS terrorists a church in Ghibsh village, neer Tal Tamr. At The lslamic State group hes tergeted reli- because they orchestrated their attacks egeinst leest four people were abducted. gious minorities w¡th kidnappings and killings Qemishli and other Kurdish cities ¡n Syria and during its spread across northern lraq and Syria. Sinjar region in lraq from this c¡ty," he told VOA's Eerlier this week, lslam¡c Stete m¡litants

91 Rea ue de P r e s s e -P r e s s Reaieut -B erhea okn Ç ap ê - Riaista Stampa-Dentro de Ia Prensa-Basin Ozeti

I'crr¡ar'.r 2tl.2l)15 Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan calls on followers to lay down arrrui 'We view this statement as important to accelerate the work on disarmament,' Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan said. ByAylaleanYackley / Reuters ISTAT,TBUL February 28,2015

lailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah rJ Ocatan called on his followers to take a "historic" decision to lay down their arms, according to a statement on Saturday, a crucial step in Turkey's drive to end a SO-year insurgency by Kurdish rebels. Turkey's president, Tayyip Erdogan, welcomed the call but cautioned the rebels had failed to deliver on previous pledges. Sirri Sureyya Onder, a lawmaker from parliament's pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), read a state- ment from Ocalan that urged the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to attend a congress on disarmament in the spring months. "I invite the PKK to attend an extraor- Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Yølcin Akilogan (C), accompanied by lnteriot dinary congress in the spring months in Ministet Efkan AIa (3fu1 L) meets zoith pro-Kutilish Peoples' Democratic Patty order to make the strategic and historic (HDP) Iøwmøkers Siti Sureyya Oniler (3rd R), Peroin Bulilan (2nd R) anil ldris decision to abandon the armed struggle." Bøluken (R) in lstanbul Febtuary 28,2075. lailed Kutdish militant leailer Abilullah Onder said, quoting Ocalan, with whom Ocaløn cøIleil on his follozoets to tøke ø "historic" ilecision to løy down their ørms, an HDP delegation met this week. øccording to a statement on Søtutday, a ctucial step in Turkey's drtoe tu end a 30- Onder spoke live on television year insurgency by Kurdish rebels. alongside Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Credit: ReuterslTutkish Pfime Ministet's Press OfficelHøndout aia Reuters Akdogan, who said the move towards disarmament showed "an important phase in the resolution process has been ted in the field ahead of an election?" Selahattin Demirtas, whose deputies reached," after the two sides met briefly Erdogan said at a news conference. have shuttled from Ocalan's island pri- in Istanbul. "I hope (they) will stand behind these son near Istanbul to Oandil mountain in "We view this statement as important statements." northern lraq, where the PKK is based. to accelerate the work on disarmament EI.ECTION The disarmament congress would be ... and for democratic politics to come to held after consensus on the measures Facing a parliamentary election in the forefront," Akdogan said. outlined in the statement is reached, he June, the government has said it expec- said. It was not clear who would attend statement also attributed to ted to declare an end to the PKK's The Ocalan the conference or whether PKK forces I Ocalan 10 measures that Kurds want armed struggle for greater autonomy outside of Turkey would be expected to to ensure peace, including a new consti- and cultural rights for Turkey's estima- lay down arms. tution which Erdogan is also seeking - ted 15 million Kurds. more Turkey, the United States and the to imbue his office with executive The PKK's units have joined other powers European Union list the PKK as a terror and to replace a charter drawn Kurds to battle Islamic State in Syria and organization. The militants declared a up by technocrats after a 1980 military Iraq. Kurdish victories, especiaþ in the ceasefire in Turkey in 2013, but violence coup. Syrian town of Kobani, have raised wor- still sporadically erupts.r¡ Erdogan has risked a nationalist ries in Ankara about an emboldened PKK backlash to pursue an end to the insur- at the bargaining table. gency that has claimed more than ess than two weeks ago, the PKK war- 40,000 lives, mostly Kurdish, since 1984, T .L¡ned the government negotiations launching jailhouse talks with Ocalan - once derided as a "baby killer" - in late could break down unless it took concrete 2012. steps to further the peace process. "With today's events a critical point "Of course calls are good, but what is has been reached in Turkey's democrati- most important is implementation. How zation, the expansion of freedoms and much will implementation will be reflec- for lasting peace," said HDP chairman

92 Reuue de Presse-Press Reaiaa-Berheaokn Çøpê- Riaista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ozeti

lntcrnation¡l Ñtu llork @irrrcø FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2OI5

Robert Einhorn Howto stop an Iranian WASHTNGToN When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel address- es ajoint session of Congress on Tl¡es- day, he can be expected to argue that any nuclear deal with Iran shoulcl elim- nuclearbreakout inate its capability to produce nuclear weapons, notjust aim to prevent Iran tained in the Interna- against a future Iranian decision to pur- from producing them. But such an ac- tionalAtomic Energy sue nuclear weapons. In forming these cord is neither achievable nor neces- Agency's additional protocol, including judgments, it is importánt to,compare sary to safeguard the security of the frequent access to eentrifuge produc- the eventual deal not with an ideal but Uriited States and its friends in the tion racilities, cletailed reporting of nu- unattainable agreement but with the al- Middle East. cléar-related procurement and robust ternatives to a negotiated solution. To Mr. Netanyahu, eliminating Iran's ihspection procedures. One alternative is to try to ratchet up nuclear weapons capability means ban- Second, the accord should ensure sanctions dramatically in the hope of nin$ uranium enrichment, a dual.capa- that the time Iranians would need to pressuring Iran to make concessions it ble technology that can produce both produce one bomb's-worth of weapons- has been unwilling to make. But it may fuel for civil nuclear reactôrs and grade uranium would be long enough to be very difficult to persuade states that weapons-grade uranium for nuclear enable the United States and others to have supported sanctions at consider- bombs. Allowing even a limited enrich- intervene decisively to stop them. The able cost to themselves to adopt much ment program, in his view, would make Obama administration is seeking to in- tougher measures, especially if Iran is Iran a "threshold" nuclear weapon crease this " breakout time" from the portraying state able to break out of an agree- successful in itself as not to current two-to-three months to at least ment -and produce nuclear weapons at a blame for the negotiating impasse. And one year, which is more than enough per- time of its choosing. even ifthe United States could time to exhaust diplomatic efforts and Banning enrichment and dismantling suade others to adopt stronger sanc- economic pressures before turning, if Iran's existing enrichment facilities tions, it is questionable whether they necessary, to military force, produce would indeed be the best negotiated would the desired Iranian flex- Getting to oné year would depend on given outcome. But such an agreement is not ibility, lran's ability so far to with- a package of interrelated constraints, punishing attainable. stand sanctions and the re- including on the number and type of op- peated Iran's leaders have convinced the assertions by the country's erating centrifuges and the amount of supreme leader, Ayatollah Khame- Iranian people that a ban on enrich- Ali enriched uranium Iran would be al- ment would deprive them of an inalien- nei, that lran can make do economically lowed to retain, There is nothingmagic able right to pursue civil nuclear power without an agreement, Another alÌernative is force. as they see fit and impede their scientif- about any particular number of centri- military A ic aclvancement. Iranians across the po- ftrges. The lower the amount of en- military attack could set back lran's litical spectrum would prefer to forgo riched uranium, the higher can be the nuclear program. But such a setback ptobably an agreement and muddle through un- number of centrifuges without shorten- would only be temporar¡ and der existing sanctions rather than ac- ing breakout time, and vice verSa, the use of fdrce could trigger an Iranian to go cept what they would regard as ana- With the Iranians reportedly willing decision for nuclear weapons as tional humiliation. to ship most of their enriched uranium soon as possible, a decision the Ameri- Moreover; in afundamental sense, it stoclçs to Russia, the so-called P5+l can intelligence community believes - has so far been deferred. is too late to eliminate an Iranian en- the United States, France, Germany, Moreover, the richment capability. Iran already has Russia, China and Britain - may be use of force could end LA,E.A. monitor- the knowledge ofhow to produce and closing in on a package that would ing, the best source of information about program, operate centrifuges. Even if somehow achieve the desired one-year breakout Iran's nuclear and lead to the unraveling of international sanctions Tehran could be coerced into dismant- time. Negotiators mayhave taken a step closel last weekend in Geneva by that would be needed to keep pressure ling its curren! enrichment program, it making headway on the agreement's on Iran in a post-attack environment, would retain the ability to reconstitute it duration, apparently discussing a dura- Those like Mr. Netanyahu who have at a future time. tion of perhaps 15 years, with some re- opposed any agreement except on terms Fortunately, even if an agreement can- strictions on Iran gradually relaxed in that cannot be reaiized shôuld not en- not eliminate Iran's capability to enrich the final years of the agreement, gage in wishtul thinking about the likeli- uraniun to weapons grade, it can pre- Third, it is necessary to convince hood of such alternative approaches vent Iran from exercising that capability' Iran's leaders not only that breakout succeeding. They should be clear-eyed It can do so by deterring lran's leaders would take a long time and would be de- in comparing these alternatives with the from making the decision to break out of tected promptly, but also thatthey kind of agreement that can be realized. tìe agreemenüand produce nuclear would face a ha¡sh international re- Of course, if lran is not prepared to ac- weapons. Tb deter such a decision, a deal sponse that would prevent their break- cept a reasonable deal, the United States should meet three requirements. out from succeeding. To dupplement would have little choice but to turn to First, it should have rigorous moni- ¿rny agreement, the Obama administra- nondiplomatic approaches. But before it toring measures to convince lran that tion should collaborate with its interna- does, Washington should make every ef- any attempt to vio- tional partners and the Congress on fort to negotiate a sound agreement late and break out of A package of contingency plans including both eco- which, while not eliminating Iran's capa- the agreement at - serious con- nomic and military options to ensure bility to produce nuclear weapons, can either declared or - that the threat of a decisive response to effectively deter lran's leaders from ex- straints can covert sites would be a breakout attempt is credible. ercising that capability. allow urani- detected very Members of Congress and other in- um enrich- quickly. This would terested parties, both at home and RoBERT ETNHoRN is a senior at the mentwithout require intrusive fellow abroad, will judge for themselves Broohings Institutíon. He served on the path verification provi- a quick whether any agreement eventuallY U.S. delegationto the lran nuclear nego- sions that go beYond to developing redchecl provides a sufficient deterrent tíations to 2013. the measures con- from2009 the bomb.