CELSIUS A peer-reviewed bi-annual online journal supporting the disciplines of ceramics, glass, and jewellery and object design. ISSUE 1 July 2009 Published in Australia in 2009 by Sydney College of the Arts The Visual Arts Faculty The University of Sydney Balmain Road Rozelle Locked Bag 15 Rozelle, NSW 2039 +61 2 9351 1104
[email protected] www.usyd.edu.au/sca Cricos Provider Code: 00026A © The University of Sydney 2009 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of the copyright owners. Sydney College of the Arts gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the artists and their agents for permission to reproduce their images and papers. Editor: Jan Guy Publication Layout: Nerida Olson Disclaimers 1. The material in this publication may contain references to persons who are deceased. 2. The artwork and statements in this catalogue have not been classified for viewing purposes and do not represent the views or opinions of the University of Sydney or Sydney College of the Arts. www.usyd.edu.au/sca/research/projects/celsiusjournal CELSIUS A peer-reviewed bi-annual online journal supporting the disciplines of ceramics, glass, and jewellery and object design. Mission Statement The aims of Celsius are to - provide an arena for the publication of scholarly papers concerned with the disciplines of ceramics, glass and jewellery and object design - promote artistic and technical research within these disciplines of the highest standards -foster the research of postgraduate students from Australia and around the world - complement the work being done by professional journals in the exposure of the craft based disciplines -create opportunities of professional experience in the field of publication for USYD postgraduate students Editorial Board The Celsius Editorial Board advises the editor and helps develop and guide the online journal’s publication program.