Number of Flea Markets at Southside Train Station Draws Resident Unit's

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Number of Flea Markets at Southside Train Station Draws Resident Unit's -HOW TO GET THE LEADER=fl Just Fill in the Form On Page 10 And Return It to Us! — Serving the Town Since 1890 — USFS6W20 OUR 105th YEA Senxri Ctaa Pt«U«t TM •• MtetJMd, NJ. Thursday, January 26,1995 232-4407 FORTY CENTS RULES COMMITTEE TO LOOK INTO MATTER Number of Flea Markets At Southside Train Station Draws Resident Unit's Ire One Recommendation Would Limit Sales to Local Groups That Have Members in Town or Benefit Westfield By PAUL J. PEYTON Sprdatly Wwinrnfor TJr WtnfMUaJrt The Laws and Rules Committee of the Westfield Town Council is set to look into the town's policy regarding flea markets at the Southside Train Station sometime next month or in March. A represenlative of a neigh- borhood group asked the council Tuesday to reduce the numberof lle;i markets to where it was five years ago. Tocld Evans of 419 Boulevard, President of Ihe Boulevard Neigh- borhood Association, said the group recently held a meeting at which its FUTURE MUSEUM-.The Westfleld Historical Society announced plans last week lo (urn the Reeve House, bull! around 50 members unanimously approved 1872, Into B museum and new home Tor Ihe society. The house Is located at .114 Mountain Avenue and is slltl the home tha! a request be made to the council or Edgar Reeve whose father, William Edgar Reeve, was one of Hie founders of the Wcstfleld "V" and helped In the to act on the problem as soon as development ofMlndowaskln Park in 1906. possible. Officials have stated there are 18 flea markets held at the train station Former Mayor Chin Reappointed during the year. Nine occur in the spring and nine take place in the fall. The flea markets are held by chari- table groups which raise funds by To Rah way Valley Sewerage Authority TOUCH OF NATURE...'l he Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library will be charging vendors for space. sponsoring "A Touch of Nature," a program with live, small animals given by "Currently we have flea markets Mrs. Gerald Zetcnka, on Saturday, January 28, at 11 a.m. at the library. Free Questions Arise at Meeting Over Long-Running Suit at Agency on the southside that are operating tickctsareava liable lochildreninkindergarlenlofourth grade at the Children's really without any rules or regula- Desk. Pictured, left to right, are Pauline Yt, Darren Kucab an J Amber Yl with By PAUL J. PEYTON gation that has gone on for seven were not reappointed. tions.They have a great impact on the a rabbit. Sptcutb V/ttntnfcrnr WnifirUUadir years, Second Ward Councilman James neighborhood," Mr. Evans said. Former Mayor Allen Chin was re- While staling he has no objection J. Gruba said he did not want to leave The neighborhood group supports appointed to » new five-year term on lo the appointment, Councilman Hely ihe town "voiceless" on (he sewerage the recomniendationsof former Third the Rahway Valley Sewerage Au- said he believed the "i nabilily" of the authority. Mr. Brandt said the author- Ward Councilman Kenneth L. Deadlines Announced thority on Tuesday after a motion to sewerage authority to settle the law- ity would have probably been forced MacRilchie which allow Westfield table the resolution by Fourth Ward suit sooner wasa"bureaucratie thing" to name a new chairman, organizations that need to hold flea Councilman James Hety was de- within (he authority. First Ward Councilman Norman markets as fund raisers but exclude feated. Mr. Chin currently serves as "This should not be arubber-stamp N. Greco said he was concerned that those organizations which do not have For School Elections Chairman of the authority. appointment. This is our representa- in five years a new member wi II have membership in the town 'or do not Councilman Hely had wanted to tive for five years," he said. to be added to the authority as benefit the town in any way," Deadline to File Petitions for April Race Is February 23 delay the appointment until after Mr. Town Attorney Charles H. Brandt Westfield's sole representative, He Mr. Evans also asked the council to Chin had attended a council meeting said the authority would be presented said this person will have little or no support Ihe recommendation lo pro- In preparation for the Tuesday, The seats of Board President, Mrs. to answer questions regarding a liti- with "a major problem" if Mr. Chin first-hand knowledge of the opera- vide a rotation of alternate sites in tions of the authority. April 18 School Board elections, rules Susan H. Pepper of Sunset Avenue, order that no one particular neighbor- regarding the filing of nominating and Mrs. Darieile Walsh and Mrs. After his motion was defeated, hood is overburdened with llic tlea petitions and for voting in the elec- CONT!HUEO ON PtBE 10 Signal Armory in Town Councilman Hetyjoined with Ihe rest markets. tion were released last week. of the council in supporting thereap- "We feel we are unjustly overbur- poinlment of Mr. Chin. The deadline for filing nominating dened by the numberof flea markets petitions as candidates is 4 p.m. on Taxes Due February 1 Under New Commander In other business, an ordinance to in our area," he stated. Thursday, February 23. Petitions may The WtFtficld Tax Assessor's rename tworoadwaysintownas Gold Fourth Ward Councilman Michael be obtained from the Board Secretary Office reminds residents that quar-i Lieutenant Colonel Janek Skutnik Assumes Post Star streets after soldiers who gave E. Panagos, Chairman of the Laws of the Westfield Board of Education, terly taxes are. due this Wednesday, their lives in World War I was intro- and Rules Committee, said the issue Dr. Robert C. Rader, at the district's February l.Theofficewillbeopen The 250th Signal Battalion of the 50th Armored Division at the Westfield duced. The two soldiers are the last of of flea markets is a top priority item from 7 lo 9 p.m. that day in addition Signal Armory welcomed its new Commander, Lieu tenant Colonel James A. offices located at the School District's 18 Westfielders killed in the war to this year, He said a numberof ques- Administrative Building on Elm to the regular office hours of 8:30 Skutnik, during ceremony on January 7. He replaced Lieutenant Colonel W. receive Ihe tribute. tions must be addressed such as how a.m. to 4 p.m. James Bover who had held the post since 1991. Street. Fontana Road from the Boulevard C0\7>WED OX PiGE 10 Prior to assuming command. Lieutenant Colonel Skutnik was a Staff to Manchester Drive wil I be renamed Ordinance Officer in the Directorate of Logistics of the State Area of Cauefield Place in honor of Privale Command in Fanwood. He joined the United States Army in 1968, serving Bernard T. Cauefield, in Vietnam, and the 250th Signal Battalion in 1979 as a Sysiems Control Millhaven RoadfromClovcrStreet Joseph Wheatley Is Sponsor, Friend Officer. to Manchester Drive will be desig- While working in Military Support as Civil Defense Plansand Operations nated as Reese Place in memory of Officer at the State Area Command in 1985, he participated in Ihe mobiliza- Sergeant Walter D. Reese. To New York's Disadvantaged Youth tion of Ihe New Jersey National Guard during Hurricane Gloria. The two men were mistakenly Lieutenant Colonel Bover, a graduate of the Potsdam, New York-based omitted from the December 27.1920 Retired Postal Worker Is Helping to Give Students a Quality Education Clarlcson University who served in ihe Reserved Officers Training Corps, Gold Star Ordinance. Both soldiers received his Doctorate in Analytical Chemistry in 1974. He joined the state's were listed though on the World War Providing financial support for a worker from Weslfield. Friend" two-year-old program at St. Army National Guard and the 250th Signal Battalion as the Company A Memorial which was constructed at parochial school education along with Mr. Wheatley, who wasinterviewed Agnes Boys High School in Manhat- Commander in October, 1978 when the "Alpha" Company was in Westfieki. the plaza in 1923. a friendship for inner city youths in for an article in The New York Post tan. The program is part of the Inner- Lieutenant Commander Skutnik resides in Fanwood with his wife, Mrs. Private Cauefield was the son of New York is "the most rewarding last month, is just one of Ihe many City Scholarship Fund founded in Mary Jo Skutnik, and two sons. Lieutenant Colonel Bover lives in Scoich Police Sergeant Martin T. Cauefictd thing I've ever done in my life," says people who have become financial 1971 by the late Terrence Cardinal Plains with his wife, Mrs. Carta Bover, and four children. and resided at 53 New York Avenue Joseph Wheatley, a retired postal sponsors in the "Be a Student's Cooke and a group of businessmen. which is now Trinity Place. The mission of the program is "to He was one of the first teenagers to help bridge the gap between the tu- join Ihe National Guard when war ition charged and (he actual cost to was declared in 1917. He later joined educate each student" in the inner- Company F of the 1 f 3th Infantry at cily Catholic schools within the Ro- the war front in France. He died of man Catholic Archdiocese of New pneumonia at the age of 18 in 1918. York. The program provides finan- Private Reese lived at 249 Walnut cial assistance to some 47,000 stu- dents in poor neighborhoods in Man- hattan, (he Bronx and Staten Island. Mr. Wheattey provides half of the DEADLINES HELP $3,000 annual tuition of Ruben Leon PAPERS SERVE YOU Those preparing press releases lor submission io The WcsifleldLraiierm TheTinwswe reminded nil copy should Calendars Available he in [he hands nl ihe lidi lor at 5U Elm To New Subscribers Street, Westfield.
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