Airwaves (1983-12 and 1984-01)
AIR\XAVES A Service of Continuing Education and Extension University of Minnesota, Duluth Volume 4 Number 6 December 1983-January 1984 Tom .Paxton Thursday, Dec. 1 Marshall Performing Arts Center, UMD I\UMI) 103.Jfm Station Manager .... Tom Livingston Program Director ...... John Ziegler Asst. Program Director . Paul Schmitz Engineering ........... Kirk Kersten Re or¾ lo the Listener Producer/ Outreach .... Jean Johnson ~olunteer itaff By Tom Livingston, Station Manager Bill Agnew, Jay Anderson, Kath like " Bottle of Wine," "Ram bl in Boy, " Anderson, Mark Anderson, Bob "The Last Thing on My Mind," and Andresen, Leo Babeu, Chris Baker, Fall Fund Drive Concert Serles: Koko Taylor, Botto; "I'n:t Changing My Name to Chrysler" Todd Borstad, Dave Brygger, Jeff By just about every count our fall fund Paxton Coming Up . are just a few of the dozens he ha~ Cherne, Jan Cohen, Katrina drive was a great success. The Beatles Our second concert in the series that is written that are sung and p layed all over DeConcini, Bruce Eckland, Pat Eller, day and the Koko Taylor concert were funded in part by the Arrowhead the wor1d. We are proud to be Phil Enke, Doug Fifield, Susanna highlights and the hundreds of people Regional Arts Council featured Koko sponsoring this event, and hope you'll Frenkel, Matt Fust, Bev Garberg, Stan who called in with pledges made the Taylor and her Blues Machine. The join us December I, at the Marshall Goltz, Doug Greenwood, Jim Gruba, drive both emotionally and financially band was hot, and the large audience Performing Arts Center. Paul Hanson, Gordon Harris; Dean rewarding for the station and the staff.
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