CURRICULUM VITAE (September 2011) David William Steadman Present Positions and Address: Curator of Ornithology; Associate Director for Collections and Research Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, P. O. Box 117800, Gainesville, FL 32611. Telephone (352) 273-1969; Fax (352) 846-0287; E-mail,
[email protected] Primary Research Interests: Ornithology, zooarchaeology, and vertebrate paleontology of tropical and subtropical regions. Extinction, systematics, and historic biogeography of birds on Caribbean and Pacific islands. Paleontology, biogeography, evolution, and community ecology of New World landbirds. Education: Ph.D. Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1982 M.S. Zoology, University of Florida, 1975 B.S. Biology, Edinboro State College, 1973 Recent Employment History: August 2001 – June 2004, August 2007 – present: Assistant/Associate Director for Collections and Research, Florida Museum of Natural History March 2000 – February 2003: University of Florida Research Foundation Professor August 1995 – present: Assistant/Associate/Full Curator of Ornithology, Florida Museum of Natural History February 1985 – July 1995: Associate and Senior Scientist (Zoology), and Curator of Vertebrates, New York State Museum Research Grants: August 2011 (ongoing) Collaborative Research: Long-term Dynamics and Resilience of Terrrestrial Plant and Animal Communities in the Bahamas. National Science Foundation (J. Franklin, DWS, P.L. Fall; total award $414,000; UF portion $164,573). August 2011 (ongoing) U.S.-Peru Planning Visit: Planning a Collaborative Program of Vertebrate Paleontology in Northwestern Peru. $21,296. National Science Foundation. November 2009 (ongoing) Logistical and Intellectual Foundation for Teaching Field Courses in the Bahamas and Turks & Caicos Islands. $22,168. Faculty Enhancement Opportunity Award, Provost’s Office, University of Florida.