The Nanday

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Conures have been known to Those are in contrast with The has red thighs brownish attack and eat smaller bird species their behavior in the wild not suit pink feet reddishbrown eyes and during migration in the fall Thus it able for keeping in community blackishgray bill The birds length follows that should will fellow 12 its logically they not type aviary they peck at is 12 to 30 to 32 cm be placed with smaller birds in the species and any other species that wings are to 18 to 19 same housing comes too close to them and their cm and its tail 17 loud almost constant screeching can Providing that the birds

Aratinga he very disturbing to other birds accommodations are roomy they

Many ornithologists consider especially those breeding will breed quite quickly The nesting the Nanday Conure member of the This screeching also makes boxes should not be placed too genus these birds indeed them poor candidates for keeping high because the birds like to sit on come in many different indoors though we have seen sever top of them and watch the world go

their the is the and even size and origin are al hand reared Aratingas sitting on by When female sitting on not common denominators They all their perches and talking great deal the male may sit for hours on come from the New World from They can indeed he tamed quite top of the nest box The female lays both the male Mexico south to most parts of South quickly and will then be very affec two to four eggs and

America and they generally have tionate When they are tame their and female will incubate clearly defined eye or perioph screeching is often reduced consider During the breeding season fair birds thalmic ring some even have ably no doubt some are just Nandays need plentiful amounts of

the rich ly broad region The mandibles worse screechers than others any following variety of which are never red are sturdy and way but we think its still best to greens fruits buds and willow thick in the in varieties build Unlike Brotogeris keep them large aviary Initially twigs almostripe grain in species with such charming species they probably will have some difficul the wild by the way they are quite as the Tui and the Canary ty adjusting to aviary life but if they damaging to many agricultural hunted winged Parakeet the upper and are left alone for the first few weeks efforts and as result are vir lower mandibles of these birds are things probably will fall into place tually yearround corn on the cob not shut well If them hardboiled cut into small very strong when clamped enough keeping on eggs

The wedgeshaped tail has perch it should he at least 30 75 cm pieces Birds should have calcium smaller dimensions than the long long and about ft long for available to them including salt pointed wings The last four larger Aratinga species including the block or cuttlefish bone If nutrition of the wings are noticeably narrow Nanday Conure al requirements have been fully in shape Most of the species are pri taken care of breeding results will least marily green in color and have large The Nanday Conure be completely successful at heads and They live either in Of the many species belonging that is our experience jungles or mountains up to the tree to the genus Aratinga the Nanday These delightful birds can has line or in wide open spaces but Conure some morphological dif adjust very well to even miserable they always are together in small ferences so it warrants place in climate we kept them in the troops of 2030 birds Most species separate genus Nandayus although Netherlands in outdoor aviaries even even stay together in troops during most ornithologists consider it an during the winter months although the breeding season the Nandays extremely close member of the they had draftfree and dry shelter we have seen breeding in groups of Aratingas The species is found in Our best results always have been and while 12 18 22 pairs roosting particularly in south obtained with fairly roomy aviary

is outside the which mainly breeding eastern especially housing just one couple season they gather in treetops and southern Mato Grosso and Handfed domestically raised sometimes several hundred birds northern Formosa and Nandays are very hard to beat as may be seen Chaco feral populations however pets They are naturally social birds

have become established in Buenos love to get but also demand arten

Nesting Habits Aires California and southern USA tion preferably 24 hours per day

The birds build their nests in Both sexes are primarily green and get along extremely well with hollows of palm and other trees with blackishblue cap The light other birds We have pet Nanday fencepost cavities and such so green color is traversed with the who is deeply in love with Aratinga species including the black below the eyes Some blue Celestial Pacific Parrotlet you

Nandays should be given roomy appears on the throat and upper should see them while preening in the feathers bluish Its nesting boxes aviary Some breast The flight are Very charming indeed simply

build their in rock black tail olive with be indifferent about species even nests The is green impossible to crevices Practically all of the beautiful bluishblack point under these charmers with their acrobatic the and Aratinga species are partly migrato neath tail is very dark green moves manners

38 Fourth Quarter 2001