FT. NIOBRARA NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Valentine, Nebraska Annual Narrative Report Calendar Year 1995 REVIEW AND APPROVALS FORT NIOBRARA NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Valentine, Nebraska ANNUAL NARRATIVE REPORT Calendar Year 1995 Refuge Manager Date Refuge Supervisor Review Date Regional Office Approval Date INTRODUCTION Ft. Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge is located five miles east of Valentine, Nebraska, in Cherry County. The refuge consists of19,130 acres ofbigh and rolling prairie traversed by the Niobrara River. It is managed as part of a complex with Valentine National Wildlife Refuge The Ft. Niobrara NWR was created by Executive Order in 1912 as the "Niobrara Reservation" - a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. rt was enlarged by Executive Orders of 19121 1920, and 1936 and the name was changed to Ft. Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge by Presidential Proclamation in 1940. The area which comprises the refuge was once a military post, but was abandoned in I 912 and portions of the post were placed under the jurisdiction ofthe Federal Bureau of Biological Survey. During the 1930's, additional lands were acquired. One of the original goals of the refuge was to preserve and protect the bison which at that Hme were in danger of extinction. A native species, elk, was introduced in 1913, and protection was given to other prairie species; in 1936, Texas longhorns were brought here. Emphasis now is in the maintenance of bison and elk herds representative of the vast herds that once roamed the plains. The longhorn herd is maintained as one of two government herds which serve to protect basic breeding stock of a historically important animal.
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