SOUTH DAKOTA 1 ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION SOUT H DAK OTA B I RD N 0 TE S VOL. 56 DECEMBER 2004 N0.4 SOUTH DAKOTA BIRD NOTES, the official publication of the South Dakota Ornithologists' Union (organized 1949), is sent to all members whose dues are paid for the current year. Life members $320.00; Family lifemembers (husband and wife) with 1 subscription to Bird Notes $480; sustaining members $30.00, regular members $16.00; family members (husband and wife) with 1 subscrip tion $20.00; juniors (10-16) $8.00; libraries (subscription) $20.00. Single and back copies: Members $4.00, Nonmembers $5.00. All dues payments, change of-address notices, and orders for back copies should be sent to the Treasurer, Nelda Holden, 1620 Elmwood Drive, Brookings, SD 57006. Manuscripts for publication should be sent to Dan Tallman, NSU Box 740, Aberdeen SD, 57401, or to
[email protected] via E-mail. VOL. 56 DECEMBER 2004 N0. 4 LEUCISTIC RING-BILLED GULL, Dan Tallman Cover PRESIDENT'S PAGE 83 2003 REPORT OF THE RARE BIRD RECORDS COMMITTEE, David Swanson 84 PREPARATION OF RARE BIRD REPORTS, David Swanson 88 GENERAL NOTES- Red-belliedWoodpecker in Vale, Aberdeen Banding Recoveries 95 BOOK REVIEWS 96 SEASONAL REPORTS 97 SOUTH DAKOTA ORNTI110LOGISTS' UNION Officers 2004 - 2005 President Dan Tallman NSU Box 740, Aberdeen 57401 Vice President Rosemary Draeger 528 E. Lotta St., Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Secretary David Swanson USD, Vermillion 57069 Treasurer Nelda Holden 1620 Elmwood Drive, Brookings 57006 Editor Erika Tallman NSU Box 740, Aberdeen 57401 Librarian Jeff Palmer DSU, Madison, SD 57042 Elected Directors For Tenn expiring 2005: Addison Ball, Piedmont; Kent Jensen, Brookings; Ron Mabie, Pick stown; Kenny Miller, Pierre; Erika Tallman, Aberdeen.