The following items can be purchased at the Centre:

1. Pills - $20 per packet (10 pills per packet)

2. Guru Amulet (made from Dharma medicine)

- $65 with casing

- $55 without casing

3. Wealth Vase

- $128 per vase

- Tupes

- Dzambala Wealth Vase

- Guru Rinpoche Wealth Vase

4. Protective Chakras

- $20 per chakra

5. Handy

- $25 small

- $35 large

6. Prayer Flags

7. Kathok Incense

- $15 per box

8. Commemorative Books

- The Origin of Kathok Monastery

- History of Kathok Buddhist College 噶陀寺万僧甘露丸简介

噶陀金刚座寺,位于四川省白玉县河婆乡朵念神山上。是藏传佛教宁玛派(俗称红教)前藏 的祖庭,为红教三主流传承之首。建寺至今已逾八百多年历史的噶陀,现有分寺一千二百 座,遍及全球,宏扬佛法。

大法会中产生的万僧甘露丸是根据经典的记载,依据红教特殊的四不修成就法中“触解脱” 教法,精心配制出来的。这是超过一百多位仁波切、堪布及一万多位僧众聚集在一起不眠不 休共修了十天十夜的四碧观音、忿怒莲师、金刚萨缍、八大法行、普巴金刚的仪轨所制成 的。

根据经典的记载,此噶陀万僧甘露丸有着不可思议的神秘妙用。比如,此药能治一切孽障 病,唯除怀疑不敬不忏悔等。若人诚心请服此药一颗,能消罪开慧,死后不堕三恶道。 万僧甘露丸的用途

(1)身上佩带有七颗甘露丸者能免一切横祸飞灾、消除违缘、延年益寿、发财如愿、功德圆 满。 (2)家中供奉有七颗万僧甘露丸,家庭和顺,兴旺吉祥。 (3)口中含药诵经祈祷者,无愿不遂。 (4)将此药一颗泡水供奉,常饮少许,可清洁身心之大净,消罪去垢,免除疾病及灾祸,一 切吉祥。 (5)放生时略洒此药水少许,放生物不再堕三恶道,且生道心开始修行。将此药水洒少许于 尸体或坟墓上,亡者可立即获得很大的加持甚而解脱。 (6)佛像中有此药七颗装脏,会倍增灵异,具有很大的加持力。

总之,此万僧甘露丸之神气妙用不胜列举,其妙用是来源于其珍贵的组成成分和三宝的加 持,不应因我等凡夫慧浅不解而生怀疑,否则罪过是很大的。

希望有幸得到此噶陀万僧甘露丸的人士们自身做起,熄灭贪嗔痴,勤修戒定慧,努力不懈, 并配合此万僧甘露丸的方法使用,与无量众生广结西方胜缘,普沾佛恩,共趋极乐!

洛噶.仁波切 (噶陀寺)

Brief Introduction of Kathok’s Ten-Thousand- Dharma Pills

Kathok Monastery is situated on Do Nyan mountain in the Hor Po region of Bai Yu (Pal Yul) county, in Shichuan, . It is the source of tradition. The of Kathok is the main lineage among the three Nyingmapa lineages. The Kathok Monastery has had over 800 years of history. There are as many as one thousand and twenty branch monasteries all over the world propagating the Buddha-dharma.

The ten-thousand-sangha dharma pills are made only during the grand puja in Kathok Monastery. They were meticulously produced in accordance with the ‘Liberation upon Contact’ teaching, one of the four teachings on "Attaining Accomplishments without practice" found only in Nyingma tradition. Over one hundred and Khenpos, and ten thousand gathered to practice the sadhanas of Avalokitesvara, Wrathful Guru Rinpoche, Vajrasattva, the Great Eight-Dharma, and Vajrakilaya, round the clock for ten days and ten nights.

According to a Vajrayana text, Kathok’s ten-thousand-sangha dharma pills have inconceivably miraculous power. For instance, these pills have the ability to cure illnesses caused by negative karma. But, if you have doubts about the pills, have no respect for the pills or are not remorseful of your non-virtuous actions, then the pills will not be effective. If you are sincere in your practice and have faith in the pills, accumulated negative karma will be cleansed and the door to transcendental wisdom will open. And, when you pass from this world, you will not be reborn in the lower realms.

Using the Ten-Thousand-Sangha Dharma Pills

(1) Wearing seven dharma pills would help you to avert accidents, mishaps and disasters; obstacles to attaining your wishes will be removed; you will have a long life; you will have wealth if you so wished and you can complete your accumulation of merits.

(2) Offer seven dharma pills on your home altar and your family will have harmony, prosperity and good fortune.

(3) If you chant or recite a with a dharma pill in your mouth, whatever you wished will be fulfilled.

(4) Put a dharma pill into a bottle of water, offer it on the altar and consume a small amount of it regularly. This will cleanse your body and mind of negativities and spiritual pollution, avert and eradicate illnesses, mishaps and disasters and you will enjoy propitious conditions.

(5) When performing animal liberation, sprinkled a little water from a bottle containing a dharma pill, on the animals. The animals thus blessed will not be reborn in lower realms. They will become inclined towards the Dharma and will begin to practice it at some stage. Sprinkle some water on a corpse or grave and the deceased will receive blessings immediately and may even be liberated.

(6) Placing seven dharma pills inside a Buddha statue will imbue it with miraculous powers and exceptionally effective blessings.

It is impossible really to enumerate the miraculous uses and effects of the dharma pills. It is the special ingredients used and the blessings of triple gems that enable the dharma pills to work their wonders. Hence, ordinary persons like us should not doubt or be dismissive of its effectiveness due to our shallow knowledge or lack of understanding if we were to avoid creating negative karma.

May those fortunate enough to get hold of the ten-thousand-sangha dharma pills, beginning with themselves, remove greed, hatred and ignorance and make assiduous efforts without any lapses, in the three trainings of discipline, concentration and wisdom. May they also use the dharma pills to connect countless sentient beings everywhere to the Holy Dharma, imbuing them with Buddha-like kindness and hastening them along the path to great bliss.

Lhoga Rinpoche (Kathok Monastery)



古到今诸多高僧大德遗留下来的众多圣物调配精制而成。诸如:伏藏大师邓都多吉的伏 藏品,七世佛之舍利子,释迦牟尼佛之舍利子和法衣,大圆满十二佛、文殊亲、西日森



法脑、天灵盖、法体、法骨、法衣、舍利子,七世婆罗门的法体,斯度曲吉嘉措主持的 千僧大法加持过的甘露丸,彩虹甘露法药,莲师与唐东杰波的长寿甘露法药作基础,按




洛噶.仁波切 (宁玛巴噶陀寺)

Guru Rinpoche Liberation Upon Sight Amulet

The Great Guru (Guru Rinpoche) is considered as the second Buddha after Lord Buddha Shakyamuni. The Guru Rinpoche liberation upon sight amulets have been exquisitely hand-made using rare medicinal herbs from as a base and mix with numerous holy items left behind by enlightened beings throughout the centuries. The ingredients of the amulets include the following sacred items, such as: The great terton Dundrul Dorje’s items, the relics of the first seven Buddhas of this fortunate eon, Shakyamuni Buddha’s relics and his robes, the relics of the twelve Great Perfection Buddhas, Manjushrimitra, Shri Singha, Vimalamitra etc. as well as Guru Rinpoche’s hair, hat, robe and garment; the holy hair, brain, skulls, bodies, bones, robes and sariras of Abbot Shantaraksita , the Tibetan King Trisong Deutsen, Kathok lineage founder Tampa Deshek, Situ Mahapandita and various lineage masters, and the flesh of a seven successive reincarnation of a pure Brahmin. They also contained dharma pills that were blessed in the thousand-sangha puja presided by Situ Chokyi Gyamtso, the “rainbow” dharma pills, Guru Rinpoche and Thang-tong Gyalpo long-life dharma pills. These pills formed part of the base ingredients. The amulets were made in accordance with Guru Rinpoche’s sadhana and gilded with gold powder from the statue of Buddha Sakyamuni in ’s Temple in Lhasa.

Anyone who wears such an amulet will have his/her obstacles removed and his/her wishes fulfilled. One will be protected from the mishaps of the four great disasters and the harm of robbery, guns and weapons, one will have longevity. Things will go according to one wishes and one will perfect the accumulation of merits.

Lhoga Rinpoche

Guru Rinpoche Liberation Upon Sight Amulet 莲师见解脱圣像


供奉如意财神宝瓶能迅速脱离魔难,增长福报! 如果虔诚供奉如意财神宝瓶, 对个人、家庭乃至社会皆有

其殊胜之功德!此精心如法制作之如意财神宝瓶由宁玛巴噶陀第八十四代教主洛噶仁波切和众喇嘛们 修法加持。 善信们遇此因缘,可以迎请依法供奉。其供奉之功德不可思议!

一、 个人: 能常行布施,增长世间财富,出世间财事业顺利、运势转佳、善缘早熟。

** 可以放置佛桌、干净高处


合家眷属健康长寿、和合不争、增加财富、净除精灵、魔障、贼客、疾病、苦难、平安和乐。** 可以 放置佛堂、保险箱

三、公司、工厂: 增加员工向心力、促进公司业务兴隆、调整改变四周风水、使运作顺利、财库富饶。 ** 可以放置干净隐秘高处

四、建筑工程者: 增加地理精华,使居者聚集福报、平安顺利。

** 可以放置四方墙壁中四角地基



** 可以放置工程地基下二尺


增加大地精华、作物丰收、风调雨顺。 ** 可以放置田地深处二尺

七、所有山河大地: 增天地精华、山神地袛护持、避免水火风灾、减少怪病疾厄及交通意外灾难、使大地安。 ** 可以放置山川地下二尺

八、各行政长官: Zambala Treasure Vase

Harm from evil spirits and demons will vanish quickly when you make offerings to Zambala Treasure Vase. Your fortune and merits will grow tremendously. If you make offerings to Zambala Treasure Vase with pure devotion, you, your family and even the society can benefit from it and gain merits. The Zambala wealth vase has been blessed by the 84th Throne Holder Lhoga Rinpoche and the from Kathok Monastery. Those who made karmic connection with the treasure vase should make to the Zambala treasure vase with pure heart as the merits from such offerings are inconceivable.

Benefits of Offering the Treasure Vase

1) For yourself

You will have the ability to make regular offerings and donations and grow your secular wealth. You will progress smoothly in your career, your fortune will improve and your virtuous karma will ripen earlier.

** Place the wealth vase on the altar or at a high and clean place.

2) For your family

Your family will enjoy good health, long life, harmony and increasing wealth. Evil and obstructing spirits will be removed, and burglary, illnesses and sufferings averted. Your family will enjoy peace and happiness.

** Place the wealth vase on the shrine or in a safe.

3) For your company or factory

Your employees will be more motivated and your company will prosper. The feng-shui of your company will adjusted so that its operation will be smooth and will rake in abundant profits.

** Place the wealth vase in a clean and secluded high place

4) For building

Essence of the earth will increase, the residents will accumulate tremendous merits and experience peacefulness, and all wishes will be fulfilled.

** Place wealth vases at the four corners of the foundation within the four walls of the building

5) For contractors

The essence of the earth will increase and natural disasters are avoided. ** Place the wealth vase two feet under the ground in the foundation

6) For land lords/farmers

The essence of the earth will increase and the crops will grow in abundance.

** Place the wealth vase two feet under the ground within the farmland

7) For the environment

Increase the essence of heaven and earth, obtain the protection of the mountain and earth deities, prevent natural disasters, avert attacks of rare diseases and diminish the chances of traffic accidents, thereby bringing peace and tranquility to the area.

** Place the wealth vase two feet under the ground.

8) For State Officers / Administrators

The citizens will live in peace and harmony. There will be stability within the society as everyone will be pulling in the same direction. State affairs will run smoothly and the state will develop and prosper.

** Place the wealth vase at an important place within the area under your administration.

9) For places without Buddha-dharma

Minds will naturally become virtuous; merits will be diligently accumulated, and evil forces and demons will be subdued.

** Place the wealth vase in a clean and secluded place







文殊菩萨护身符 - 可增长智慧, 消除烦恼

财神护身符 - 可招财, 聚集福慧资粮

触解脱护身符 - 触动此护身符即播下未来成佛解脱之种子

忿怒莲师护身符 - 可降伏邪魔, 挡煞避灾, 免受小人欺负

增福护身符 - 给佩带者带来各个方面的好运和福气

药师佛护身符 - 消除病魔, 减轻业障违缘

Protective Chakras

These protective chakras were hand-made according to tradition by gurus and monks of Kathok Monastery and therefore carry great blessings. They are the best gift for your loved ones and friends. The protective chakras can either be worn or hung on the headboard of your bed. They should not be put in your wallet or purse. There are different types of protective chakras for different purposes.

The following types are available at our Centre:

Manjushri chakra - for increasing wisdom and dispelling vexations.

Dzambala chakra - for attracting wealth and accumulating provisions of fortune and wisdom.

Chakra that liberates upon contact - for planting the seed for your liberation and supreme enlightenment.

Wrathful Guru Rinpoche chakra - for warding off evil spirits, disasters and threats of villians.

Great Blessing chakra - to bring good luck and fortune to the wearer.

Medicine Buddha chakra - for dispelling illness and reducing obstacles from bad karma.

转 经 轮











* 正确的转经轮方式,顺时钟转动。

Handy Prayer Wheel The prayer wheel in Tibetan is known as the wheel that liberates through touch. The wheel contains or of the Buddha.

The benefits of using prayer wheel: Any sentient being who sees, hears, thinks of or touch the prayer wheel will quickly enter the virtuous path and purify karmic hindrances. In future, they will become a wheel-turning king - powerful, majestic, wealthy, have longevity - perfect in every way. Thus the prayer wheel possesses great blessings.

If you turn the prayer wheel regularly, in all your lives, you will be able to meet face-to-face with all Buddhas, Sanghas, Gurus, Yidams, and Dharma protectors. You will possess the karmic connection to enjoy and spread the Buddha Dharma.

Turning the prayer wheel is a controlling# practice, a wealth deity practice and a long-life practice. Thus it enables you to enjoy a long life in abundance and free from illnesses.

Turning the prayer wheel will free you from enemies and robbers, natural disasters, and free you from harm by weapons, poisons, illnesses, epidemics and sufferings.

You will also be able to avoid unwanted attention, oppressions, evil spirits and spiritual harm.

In short, turning the prayer wheel regularly will help dispel negativities and enable you to accomplish your objectives.

# controlling refers to attracting the positive and repelling the negative.

* The proper way to turn the prayer wheel is to turn it clockwise.


也称为经幡, 以白黄红绿蓝五种颜色为主, 串连成一套, 五色深含寓意, 表征: 西红赤, 东青蓝,

南黄, 北绿的宇宙四方。白色代表纯洁善良,黄色仁慈博才,红色兴旺刚猛,绿色阴柔平和,


在生活当中存在许多我们 “肉眼无法看见” 的冤亲债主。他们在因缘具足下,会作诸障碍,影



为经咒之加持,种下解脱恶趣,往生净土的殊胜因缘!总而言之,县挂经旗能起着 “解冤释

结,互惠互利” 的作用。

功 德 简 介


除了宿业成熟外,暂时一切违缘悉皆消灭。更因一切经咒为诸佛菩萨之身口意,所以 “恭敬并

具信心” 县挂经旗之人,必得减除身心病魔,回遮一切恶咒魔障。避免火灾,水灾,风灾等天




Prayer Flags

Prayer flags come in a set of five colours with sutric verses printed on each flag. The flags are strung together at the top. The colours have the following symbolization: white - centre, purity and virtue; yellow - south, kind and learned; red - west, thriving and firmness; green - north, suppleness and tranquility; blue - east, wisdom and courage.

Each of us has many karmic creditors, beings to whom we owe karmic debts incurred in past lives. They are not visible to our fleshy eyes but are there nevertheless. When the conditions are ripe, they can create various obstacles that will affect our career, family, relationships, health, study and our practice. By hanging prayer flags, these obstacles can be removed and adverse circumstances reversed. As winds blow over the prayer flags, they are blessed by the sutric verses and mantras. When the winds thus blessed contact with sentient beings such as our karmic creditors, the cause is created for them to be free from evil tendencies and to be reborn in a pureland. In short, hanging of prayers flags will benefit everyone.

Benefits of Prayer Flags Sutras, sutric verses and mantras, all will have Dharma protectors around them. Thus, to evil spirits, the prayer flags will appear as a inpenetrable vajra-tent, thereby preventing them from creating harm. Other than past karma, prayer flags can temporarily reverse adverse circumstances. As sutras and mantras are the body, speech and mind of Buddhas and , hanging prayer flags with respect and faith can purify our body and mind of sickness and interferences from curses and demons. It can help avert various natural disasters, and evade harm from robbers, demons and evil spirits. Our practices will be free from obstacles and our fortune, status and life-force will increase. Your descendants will flourish and without want. If the prayer flags are hung with the intention of not only to benefit self but also to benefit all other sentient beings, all Buddhas will rejoice and you will have the protection of Dharma protectors.






供 香 功 德




(3)身妙香洁; (4)形相端严;



(7)尊贵自在; (8)声誉远近驰名;



The Incomparable Kathok Incense - the King of Incense This is a high-grade Tibetan incense produced in the traditional way based on a formulation of Kathok monastery, a place commonly described as the second Bodhigaya. The formulation is hundreds of years old. Whether in terms of fragrance, colour, richness and purity of ingredients, it is in a class of its own. Therefore, where Tibetan incense is concerned, Kathok incense is incomparable. In Tibet, it is called the King of Incense and is considered to be the best offering that one can give to the Triple Gems.

The benefits of offering incense: The offering of incense signifies the keeping of pure vows. According to the Buddha, there are ten merits in the offering of incense:

(1) one will have pure sense of smell (2) one will be free from bad body odour (3) one will have a beautiful and fragrant body (4) one will have an awe-inspiring appearance

Kathok Incense

噶 陀 寝 香 / 藏 香 王


总策划 顾问

尊贵的洛噶法王 尊贵的其美泽仁堪布 (噶陀传承第 84 代教主) (噶陀佛学会前常驻上师)

编著: 古亚东大德

一本对噶陀法脉传承, 最忠实和完整的记载, 上 百幅从多角度捕捉噶陀风采的彩照




无论珍藏, 或是赠友

皆属极品! The Origin of Kathok Monastery

Hard Cover Edition

Conceptualised by H.H. Lhoga Rinpoche

(Nyingma Kathok 84th Throne Holder)

Consultant :

Chimed Tsering Khenpo

(Ex-Resident Guru)

Author: Gu Ya Dong

The most reliable and complete compilation of Kathok lineage, with more than a hundred colourful and exquisite photos of current and past Kathok masters, captivating sceneries, interest narrations and more……..

*A superb gift and ideal keepsake*

Available in Mandarin only.



分门别类的介绍 言简意赅的阐述 将你我带入佛学院日常生活 和修行当中 …

此书是由佛学会在 2004 年 万僧大法会时带返狮城。 那次大法会值逢莲花生大师 猴年圣诞,亦即十二年一轮次的法会。因此,此书因缘, 亦殊胜无比。无论是噶陀旧友或新知,温故及与知新, 可丛此书中寻! Kathok Buddhist College History An insight view to daily life in Kathok Buddhist College with exclusive photos on gurus, great adepts, monastery, , holy objects, activities and detailed records on the lineage.

Kathok Buddhist College History was brought back from Kathok Monastery in 2004 when Kathok Monastery held a Ten Thousand Sanghas Gathering. This Gathering was held on Guru Rinpoche Holy Birthday (Monkey Year), a once-in twelve year event. The book is therefore a unique collectible!



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