N.H. Leader’s Mrs. Loeb 19-year-old clarinetist Is O’Neill: Don’t cut] gets Democratic flowers on her way to Big Time funds for trains page 2 .. page 11 ... page 10

Cloudy today; Manchester, Conn. sunny Sunday Saturday, Feb. 25, 1984 — See page 2 iianrhpHtpr Jlprato Single copy: 25

Fireworks will light the Man­ By David Zenlan presidential palace in Baabda. United Press International chester skies for the first time in at Christian militia sources said least five years this coming Fourth the outpost, located on a mountain of July it an ad hoc committee ^ 'beilRlTT,Jiri Lebanon — Explo­ ridge 3 miles above the palace, boosting the project gels its way. sions and gunfire in Beirut and a came under heavy bombardment rocket duel between Druze rebels just before dusk. ■'We're going to need a lot of and Lebanese troops Friday at the The rightist Christian Voice of help, " Town Director James key town of Souk el Gharb Lebanon and the rightist militia ■'Dutch'’ Fogarty said Friday. He shattered a daylong lull in fighting Voice of Free Lebanon radio is helping two town hall seergthries following an announced cease-fire. stations reported Bandar’s an­ organize a group to promple the The renewed clashes could be nouncement without comment. event. "We think it's feasible, but heard at Beirut Airport, where the But in Syria, the state-controlled it'll be a little bit expensive, " he U.S. Marine peace-keeping con­ press made no mention of it. said. tingent continued packing gear for Shiite Amal militia leader Nabih Not only will the newly formed the gradual withdrawal underway Berri told a news conference in his committee launch fireworks from to U.S. Navy ships offshore. west Beirut home that his faction the grounds of the Manchester Officials of Syrian-supported was not appraised of any cease­ Community College Bicentennial Druze and Shiite Moslem militias fire. “ We have not been informed Bandshell. but it will also hold a battling to oust the Christian- of such a thing. We are not aware of concert and a chicken barbecue dominated government of Presi­ this,” Berri said. beforehand, if plans materialize. dent Amin Gemayel said they were The truce announcement was unaware of the cease-fire an­ also dismissed by Druze officials, Already, the Governor’s Foot nounced by Saudi Arabian Prince one of whom said, “ I know nothing. Guard has been booked for a 7 to 9 Bandar Bin Sultan. Maybe Prince B anda^an tell you p.m. performance, leading up to Bandar, a member of a Saudi what the cease-fire dgreement is the sky-show. mediation team, told a news all about.” rs "W e re guessing it'll cost $7,000 conference in Damascus late In Damascus, a spokesman for UPl photo or $8,000, " said Terry Kotch, oneof Thursday the truce was set for 11 Druze leader Walid Jumblatt said Two students of the 49th School are girl was killed and at least eight others the two secretaries who was a.m. local time (4 a.m. EST) he could provide no information. checked by a paramedic after a sniper present along with Fogarty at an Friday. Jumblatt indefinitely postponed a were injured. Police have not released Army & Navy Club parly Friday Despite the rebels’ denial of March visit to because fired onto the schol grounds Friday as the name of the girl who was killed night. “ We re hoping to haveabout knowledge of the cease-fire, fight­ of the fighting. school was letting out for the day. One a half-hour long aerial display. " ing appeared to stop Friday Bandar, the Saudi ambassador morning. to Washington, said the cease-fire A ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■■■■ FOGARTY PREDICTED that ' “ Call it a de-facto truce, call it was not tied to any “ trade-off” of anything. The fighting died down political concessions by Gemayel, at daybreak and except for the whom Syria and the Lebanese Schoolyard sniper kills child, occasional burst of machine gun opposition are demanding abro­ College officials, including MCC fire, the ‘green line’ and the gate a May 17 peace accord with ,mountains are quiet,’’ said a Israel. Lebanese military officer. Gemayel is reportedly trying to wounds eight others: police But the lull ended around dusk, obtain an'agreement from Damas­ ■ Herbert Bandes — have been with automatic gunfire and rocket- cus on the withdrawal of its 40,000 named to the fireworks panel, propelled grenade blasts erupting troops in eastern and northern the ground, but most of them 'Irrational behavior." which will soon seek official status on the “ green line” dividing army Lebanon in return for canceling By Mark Barabak United Press International weren’t hurt, they were just trying Police SWAT officers stir- u ol July troops in Christian east Beirut and the accord, which Syria considers to hide.” rounded the house where the man Cv vbralion Committee, Fogarty Moslem militiamen holding the de facto recognition of Israel. — A sniper with western half of the city. Dessi McClain, who lives across was believed barricaded and Hit- u. ui ic In Tel Aviv, an Israeli military a history of drug use and "irra ­ the street from the school, said she ter said, "W e expect they'll handle . “ •‘ODanly 15 or 20 of us are Government-run television re­ source said two people were tional behavior" opened fire on first thought the shots were a car this.” ' over, he added. Bar- . ported a rocket duel between slightly wounded when an Israeli dozens of children leaving an backfiring. The wounded at Orthopaedic brought up Druze Moslem villages and go­ patrol fired warning shots after elementary school Friday after­ “ Butthenitwassomanyshots," Hospital were identified as Myra ineidea of bringing fireworks back vernment troops holding Souk El being pelted with stones by demon­ noon, killing one student and she said. “ The kids were running Cruz, Iran Macias and Alicia Pena, Manchester and Nathan Agosti- Gharb, the last army stronghold strators in the Shiite village of injuring at least eight other people. out of the school screaming and all 10; and Latreece Willkims, 11. c ? ;, Pr®®‘dent of Manchester between rebel forces and the Maarake, 7 miles east of Tyre. The student victims ranged in hollering. They were running The wounded playground supervi- among the age from 8 through 11. across the street. sor was Albert Jones, 50. j Three of the injured, including “ The teachers were trying to get ~. j j • . Ms. Kotch said the group hopes an adult bystander, were reported the kids out of the vard to eet them critically wounded victims to solicit donations to raise money, in critical condition and undergo­ away from t h S o L at Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital "I think the whole committee^ ing surgery for multiple gunshot ing was going on all the time. It just as Anna Gonzalez, 8, pretty confident it will work well. A wounds at Martin Luther Kin; kept coming - Boom! Boom! Steve Gomez 9, and Carlos Lopez lot of people are enthused, ” she Hospital. Boom! Boom! Boom !” Bernal,24 who was walking by the said Four other students and oi school when the suspect started She said that Fourth of July Seven ambulances were sent to shooting. fireworks used to be held over adult, a playground supe|pvlsor the school. Some of the injured Mount Nebo near the Nike site but who suffered pellet wounds, were students were flown out by police that the construction of Interstate treated for less serious injuries at Orthopaedic Hospital. All five hehcopter. Other students were 84 extension in that urea put a stop evacuated from the prem,ises to the. annual event. were listed in good condition. The sniper, shooting from a The suspect was tentatively IflSiCl© T o d S y BOTH SHE AND Fogarty said two-story house across the street identified as Tyrone Mitchell, 28. new committee members are from the 49th Street School in South The man’s uncle, Willie Mitchell, » P°oes. 2 sections welcome. "Anybody in town who'd Los Angeles, fired just as the said his nephew had a ’’history of ,, like to work on it, we'd certainlv children were let out of class at the end of the day. problems.’ Area.,,:::::;:: ;;.::::::::::::::::: 9 uke to have them, " Fogarty said “At that time there probably . „ __ ,, , . . Business...... 20 H the planned festivities are th ® Classified...... 18-19 rained out, they'll simply take were 100 kids in the yard,” Bea the Newton Street area, ” Deputy Comics...... 9 n|ace the next ri iv Me Kmnh =..ia Ransome, the school’s office man­ Chief Lew Ritter said. “ Many of Entertainment...... 12 'ri,„ ager, told UPL the officers have dealt with him J:0»|erv...... 2 xS av -it vTm fn Vhi 2 “ The kids were screaming, but hpfnrp Hp ha« a hictnnr nr Obituaries...... 10 inursday at 7 p.m. in the they were quickly brought into the mvoiveain v X e d withw it^d drugs, ^u K particularly peopietalk ...... ‘ ...... 2 anyone may attend. sold room,For more and school building by adults in the yard. When I first heard shooting I Ritter also said the man, armed TSrev?sian |!|,\7eHher‘ ’ T e r ,^ T o trh didn’t know what was going on. Then I saw dozens of kids down on rifle,w ask *n ow n tooffU for^lT i^ ...... 5 Jury says IVs negligent homicide Trucker faces six-month jail term

BRIDGEPORT (UPl) - A Su­ Kluttz was freed on $10,000 bond The state had argued Kluttz was and negligence as a "breach of perior Court jury convicted truck and planned to return home, said driving at high speeds and was reasonable care" or violation of driver Charles Kluttz Friday on his attorney, John Robert Gulash guilty of misconduct for failing to state law. The jury of five women seven reduced counts of negligent of Bridgeport. stop his rig filled with sweet and one man returned after 20 homicide for a toll station crash Calling the conviction the potatoes from slamming into a line minutes of deliberations to listen last year in which seven women “ lesser of two evils," Gulash said of cars waiting at the exact change again to the explanation. and children died. he and Kluttz were “ not in lane at the Stratford Tolls. Although Kluttz was convicted of Kluttz, 36, of Cooleemee, N.C., agreement with the verdict, but we Skid marks indicated Kluttz seven counts, Bingham ruled be­ had been charged with seven feel certainly that was the most applied his brakes, but nut soon fore the trial he could only be counts of misconduct with a motor desirable of the alternatives.” enough to stpp the 30,000-pound sentenced on one count. vehicle, a felony offense, after the Gulash said his client was tractor trailer, Satti said. January 1983 crash at the Stratford Gulash said the judge concluded Herald photo by Phlo “ feeling similarly disappointed Gulash argued the state did not Toll on Interstate 95. “the legislative intent was to that he was convicted of a crime, prove its case against Kluttz, The six-member jury, deliberat­ penalize the act, not the conse but relieved that the trial is over.” saying there was “ a reasonable Friday was auction night ing since Thursday afternoon, quence. It was but one act and it He said he must discuss the likelihood” of mechanical failure. returned a guilty verdict on the was that interpretation of the law decision in greater detail with A Stratford doctor Gulash called Dave WIggin and his wife, Janet, look over some of the reduced charges around 12: ISp.m. which prevented more than one Kluttz before deciding whether to as his last witness testified Kluttz offerings at the art auction heid at the Manchester Kluttz faces a maximum six possible penalty." appeal the conviction. suffered a concussion in the Country Ciub Friday night. Proceeds from the auction months in jail and $1,000 fine when accident and "retrograde- Physical injuries now prevent went to the Manchester Area Conference of Churches. sentenced April 6. Conviction on State’s Attorney C. Robert Satti amnesia.” Kluttz did not testify. Kluttz from working as a truck the misconduct charges could have Jr. said “ the state presented its In his instructions to the jury. driver, Gulash said, and the state Wiggin is a former footbaii coach at Manchester High resulted in up to five years in School. evidence and felt the jury verdict Judge James Bingham explained Department ol Motor Vehicles has prison and $5,000 fine. was fair.” the difference between misconduct revoked his license. I MANCHKSTER HKHALl), .S:iUir(l;i\. Ki'h. 25. H)B4 - 3 t - MANC’IIKSTKK IIKHALU, Siiturdiiv. Feb. 25. I9«4 Flowers in hand,. Loeb says McGovern’s one of ‘sad bunch’ Nine town robberies In past six weeks \

By Leon Daniel the widow who took over the helm that branded Sen. Alan Cranston, Muskie's wife, June, prompted the Excitement." Asked to characterize McGov- United Press International at the Union Leader after the 1981 D-Calif., a "pacifist wimp,” Mrs. candidate to weep in public, President Reagan has the Union et-n, after he had departed, Mrs. Police baffled by series of store and station holdups death of William Loeb, a man who Loeb said she could not recall who raising doubts that the front Leader's support but he does not Loeb said,- "H e ’s another one of runner was up to the presidency. those people who lias a never.- MANCHESTER, N.IJ. — George had the power to wreck presiden­ on the staff wrote it. entirely escape Mrs. Loeb’s wrath. By Sarah Passell town, which he declined td name, where he lias worked lor almost includes three in one day last w eek Murk T. Shannon, 17, was appre­ that residents thinlf'-nSlhing is As for contentions that the Union never land approach. I don't care McGovern, a dozen roses in hapd, tial candidacies. Then, smiling, she added, "I A headline on Reagan's reaction Herald Reporter that has not been included among two years. at the Shell service station on hended in Hartford shortly alter being done. Police have taken Leader editorials lack the killer to the downing of a Korean jetliner (or where he stands.” came calling Thursday on Nackey "1 wouldn’t expect you to,” wouldn't disagree with it.” the targets in the recen( crime Burbank said the store has not Tolland Turnpike, all at gunpoint: Manchester police notified sur­ special- measures since the wave instinct of the old days, Mrs. Loeb by the Russians proclaimed “ Ron Then, noting the roses on her Scripps Loeb, New Hampshire's responded the small woman who Reminded that the Democratic Manchester police say they are wave. Brooks attributes the stores’ been robbed in at least five years. one Jan. 15 at the Wesiown rounding towns of a robbery at the begun, he said, declining to be said, "All I can do is just go on desk, she added, "But it was nice to most powerful publisher and a has worked from a wheelchair candidates had been employing goes moderate.” baffled over a string of nine apparent immunity to prominently He said he has seen suspicious Pharmacy on Hartford Road; one Memorial Corner Store last month. more explicit'. doing what we're doing. I don’t Still, the president is more or less see him.” woman who does not suffer Demo­ since a crippling traffic accident. some rather harsh criticism of commercial robberies, five of displayed signs warning would-be people epter from lime to time and Jan. 23 at Burger King on Center Police brought a witness to the mind criticism. ! in Mrs. Loeb’s favor. "The robbers have enough of an cratic presidential aspirants * "Ify o u did. I ’d start worrying.” their own against each other, she She said 2,000 votes "would be a them armed, that have occurred at robbers that only a small amount appear to case the store self­ Street; one Jan. 25 at the Memorial robbery to the scene of the arrest, " I don't have the magnificent advantage," he said. " I ’m not gladly. After a brief exchange of plea­ said, " I don't think invective hurts "I would much rather have 80 good solid base” in the c a m i^ g n convenience stores, a fast food of cash is kept in the store at one consciously. But he said he thinks Corner Store on Main Street; one who positively identified Shannon twist of the pen that Bill used to about to tell these people any "One thing we have in com­ santries, McGovern left and Mrs. all that much. W e've become an percent of the original Ronald Jier newspaper supports to urge outlet and a service station in the time. the warning signs deter them. Jan. 26 at on as one of two men involved, police have,” she said. “ He could pull m ore." mon," the politically liberal South Loeb resumed her interview with awfully bland nation. It seems to Reagan than loO percent of anyb­ Democrats to write in Reagan’s last six weeks. "People see it (the signs), and Hartford Road and another the said. some pretty fine words out of the Dakotan said as he handed over the United Press International. me a lot more people used to speak ody else,” she said. name in their primary, m CapL-Joseph Brooks, head of the THE TWO 7-11 STORES in they may not think about it, but it same night at Dairy Mart on "Robbers know that facial iden­ air and use them very effectively.” MANCHESTER POLICE regu­ flowers to Mrs. Loeb, a staunch "They're a pretty sad bunch,” out strongly and 1 think it was good Asked if Reagan coulcLlfe de­ police Igetective division, said Manchester, however, have bright registers in the long run, " he said, Spencer Street; and one at the tification is the most important ■Thfe late publisher described Mrs. Loeb accused the Demo­ larly brace for an outbreak of conservative whose newspaper she responded when asked to for the country. If you disagree feated in November, h fl^ L o e b Fridt^Bp wonders if the seem­ green signs posted on their front Spencer Street Dairy Mart last clue," Brooks said. Masks or Dwight Eisenhower as "Dopey cratic hopefuls of spreading the robberies and burglaries before has been long known to employ characterize the eight Democratic totally with somebody, why said: " I have no idea. P o ln M is an ingly RjEe number of convenience doors, inside and out, notifying BROOKS SAID he has no idea Monday. scarves have been used to cover Dwight.” as "Jerry notion that "w e will have imme­ the Christmas holidays, and police invective against candidates like hopefuls. ” I can't see much pussyfoot?" absolutely crazy business.” stores in town attracts robbers. anyone who enters that clerks why there have been so many Brooks said it is difficult both to robbers' faces in three of the the Jerk” and John Kennedy as “ a diate understanding with the Rus­ have said they were surprised McGovern, “ we both say exactly difference between them.” When Loeb died two years ago Police have not actually counted cannot open the time-lock safe kept robberies recently. It is not the prevent robberies and to catch the recent robberies, according to skunk's skunk.” sians if we just sit down and talk Then, the frail woman whose when there was no such outbreak what we think.” That seemed pretty mild criti­ after 35 years as publisher of the how many targets are vulnerable inside and that the store keeps less normal season, he said. Although culprits. Witnesses^ have been police accounts of the cases. One Loeb described Jimmy Carter as with them. Nobody is looking back power and influence on the N ew last December. 'T respect you for that,” she cism from a woman whose front­ Union Leader, some said New to such robberies. Brooks said. than $30 in cash on the premises up from the total of 13 in 1983, the unable ^o provide detailed physical unmasked Shell Station robber an “ out and out leftist coated over and seeing the long history of Hampshire primary can make a said, accepting the roses page editorials veteran readers of Hampshire journalism would He said he thinks the stores after dark. Other signs warn that a number of robberies so far this descriptions in most of the recent wore sunglasses, police said. Aside from Shannon's arrest, and disguised with peanut oil.” broken agreements. It is not quite hard-slogging candidate quake in graciously. the Union Leader say can be, on never be the same, and neither themselves are in some ways video camera is in use inside. year is not out of line with ihe cases, he said. Brooks said he has hud no none of the other cases has been John Glenn might figure he got as simple as running up the his snowshoes, said softly, “ I ’ve “I always know where you occasion, almost as vituperative would the state's first-in-the- better able than police to protect "W e've never had any problems average of 30 in each of the complaints from the business solved, and Brooks said he has no off easier when he recently and Kremlin steps and saying ‘ Yoohoo, got to get these roses in some stand," McGovern said, adding as her late husband's. nation presidential primary. against robberies. He cited one here, knock on wood,” said Lee preceding four years, Brooks'said. THE ONE PERSON who has coftimunity about police handling reason to believe the same people sarcastically was dubbed “ Mr. here I am.’” water.” that he did not always agree with Asked if she wrote the recent one Loeb’s 1972 attack on Edmund chain of convenience stores in Burbank at the Center Street 7-11, The rash of thefts this year been arrested, Hartford resident of the cases, but he is concerned were involved in more than one.

P e o p l e t a l k Weather Manchester Calendars in Brief Judge's hours, 6:30 p.m., ^’robale Court. Public building Commission. Community Hall Today’s forecasts Manchester Saturday fireplace room, 7:30 p.m. Birthday almanac What people are saying IRS aides, 9 a.m. to noon, Lincoln Center hearing Tuesday Connecticut, Massachusetts and Car dealers shining lights room. Recreation Commission, Community Hall, 7:30 Feb. 26 — Tony Randall (1920-), the actor who " I know I'm in love when every day's sunny, Rhode Island: Becoming cloudy,, Monday Those searchlights^ cutting across the evening Pension Board, 3 p.m., Lincoln Center gold room. p.m. has starred in theater, television and films. He is everything’s romantic and the person I'm with showers developing during the sky for the past week are part of a plot — to attract Advisory Board of Health, 4:30 p.m, Lincoln Centcr Wednesday best known for comedy roles, especially Felix can do no wrong." afternoon. Snow flurries possible motorists to sales at several Manchester car Conservation Commission, Herrick Park, 7:30 p.m. Unger in TV's "The Odd Couple," from 1970 to — Christopher Atkins, actor. (Seventeen) in Berkshires. Highs upper 30s to gold'room. Andover dealers, that is. IRS aides, 6 to 8 p.m., Lincoln Center gold room. Thursday 1974. upper 40s. Saturday night showers Kevin Krause, a "petroleum transfer techni­ Monday Library directors, Bentley Memorial Library, 7:30 Feb. 27 — Elizabeth Taylor (1932-), the “ These books exploit the needs of evangelical changing to light snow during the Zoning Board of Appeals, 7; 30 p.m., Lincoln Center cian" (gas pumper) at Moriarty Brothers, said Planning and Zoning Commissiori, Town Office p.m. Hollywood actress who is one of the major stars of women who are sexually unfulfilled by offering evening. Clearing late at night. hearing room. the lights are part of the George Washington Commission on Aging, 7:30 p.m., senior cilizen.s Building. 7:30 p.m. her time. She made her film debut in "National them romances to read about.” Lows in the 20s. Sunday sunny and "sale-a-thon " Manchester car dealers have been center. Velvet" in 1944. She won Oscars as best actress — Jan P. Dennis, editor in chief of Crossway breezy. Highs 35 to 45. sponsoring. RHAM Board of Education, RHAM High School ^ O l f O n t r i # for "Butterfield 8" in 1960 and "Who’s Afraid of Tuesday Books, an evangelical publishing house in Vermont; Clouding up Saturday “All the dealers in the Manchester Automobile library. Hebron, 7:30 p.m. y Virginia Wolf?” in 1966. Westchester, III. with mainly afternoon snow show­ Downtown Coordinating Committee, 8 a.m., Lin­ Association have gotten together to do this as a Monday Feb. i!8 — Mario Andretti (1940-), the auto racer Research has shown ers. Becoming windy and cold, coln Center gold room. Andover Board of Education, Andover Elementary promotional-type thing," said Archie Kelly, a Board of Directors and Board of Education, 8 p.m.. Steering-Liaison Committee, Town Office Building who won the 500 in 1969. The World that 85 percent of afternoon temperatures falling School, 7:30 p.m. salesman on duty at Bob Riley Oldsmobile Friday nurse's office, 7:30 p.m. Grand Prix champion in 1978, he is a three-time Christian bookstore through the 30s. Still blustery and Lincoln Center hearing room. night. Planning and Zoning Commission, Town Office U.S. Auto Club champion. patrons are women cold Saturday night. Some linger­ Wednesday He said other dealers taking part in the light Building planning office, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 29 — Henri Richard (1936-), the ex-NHL between 25 and 45; ing snow and flurries. Lows in the Democrats' subcommittee, 7 p.m., Municipal Bolton show include Lynch Toyota-Pontiac, Cardinal Building coffee room. hockey player, brother of Maurice "Rocket” the demand for reli­ mid teens and 20s. Morning clouds Thursday Buick, and Moriarty Brothers. Thursday Monday Richard. Henri was known as the "Pocket gious romances is Sunday followed by increasing Housing Rehbilitation Committee, Town Office Economic Development Commission, 8 a.m. Board of Selectmen special meeting on revenue Rocket” during his playing days with the booming.(News­ sunshine. Remaining windy and Rubin joins task force Building planning office, 7:30 p.m, Montreal Canadians, from the 1950 to the 1970s. week) cold with highs 25 to 35. Lincoln Center gold room. sharing proposals, Community Hall selectmen's He is a member of the hockey hall of fame. Gov. William A. O'Neill has appointed Dr. Ben Cheney Historic District Commission, 4:30 p.m., office, 7:30 p.m. Saturday March 1 — David Niven (1910-1983), the ■’We feel the Maine; Mostly cloudy north Z. Rubin, of 124 Highland St., to the Task Force on Probate Court. Board of Finance budget workshop. Community Open meeting with U.S, Rep, Sam Gejdenson, Town Scotland-bom actor and author who was a American people Saturday and clouding up with a Cloudy today In Connecticut Home Equity Conversion Plans for the Elderly. IRS aides, 6 to 8 p.m., Lincoln Center hearing room. Hall, 7:30 p.m. , Office Budding board room. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. debonair leading man in films from 1935. He won are better served chance of light rain or snow south Rubin is a member of the town's committee on a 1958 Oscar as best actor for his performance in when certain infor­ portion by late in the day. Highs in Saturday skies will become cloudy during the morning. There is a 60 affordable housing. "Separate Tables." mation is not given the mid 30s to mid 40s. Occasional percent chance of a few late afternoon showers. Highs will be 45 to 50 “ Your willingness to take on this challenge is Fire Catts March 2 — Sam Houston (1793-1863), the Christopher Atkins to the press." light snow or flurries likely Satur­ with winds variable around 10 mph. Saturday night showers changing appreciated," O'Neill said in a letter to Rubin. frontiersman, soldier and politicai leader who — Rex Lee, U.S. day night. Lows 20 to 30. Occa­ to snow flun-ies during the evening. Clearing late at night. Lows 20 to "The task force was set up to examine the need commanded the Texas revolutionary army and solicitor general and President Reagan’s lawyer. sional light snow or flurries likely 25. Sunday sunny and breezy with highs near 40. Today's weather for home equity conversion in Connecticut and north and clearing south Sunday. Manchester was the republic's first governor. He served for 14 (Forum ) picture was drawn by Diane Kuezek, 9, of Pilgrim Lane, a fourth-grade will examine ways of implementing home equity WACKY. WlNO-yP; years in the U.S. Senate after Texas joined the Windy with highs near 30 north to student at St. James School. plans. Friday, 10:30 a.m. — Union. near 40 south. medical call, 9 Mather St. March 3 — Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), Lot reldbation considered "Everytim e he cast a vote or took a stand, it New Hampshire: Clouding up (Eighth District, the inventor who was the first to patent and was exactly where I was. And when I saw that his Saturday with light rain or snow The town w”ll consider relocating the proposed Paramedics). commercially exploit the telephone in 1876. His campaign was in trouble. I thought it might be a likely in the afternoon. Highs in the parking lot for the soccer field complex on Friday, 3:37 p.m. — first words on the telephone were, "Watson, good time for me to come forward and speak out. ” mid 30s to mid 40s. Occasional light Kennedy Road as a result of a request by Mr. and medical call, 47 Maple St. please come here, I need you." — Carole King, singer and songwriter, on her snow or flurries likely Saturday Mrs. Lopuis Terzo of 148 Kennedy Road. (Paramedics). current benefit concert tour for Sen. Gary Hart, night. Lows 20 to 30. Variable The Terzos formally challenged a decision of D-Colo., a candidate for the Democratic presiden­ Friday, 3:44 p.m. — cloudiness with a chance of flurries the the tree warden, Robert Harrison, to remove tial nomination. The public service call, 117 north and clearing south Sunday. some trees from the area to make way for the lot. Center St. (Tow n). tour is her first in sbi The couple, who live across Kennedy Road Glim pses Windy with highs near 30 north to Friday, 7:^9 p.m. — years. from the proposed parking lot, asked at a public near 40 south. smoke investigation, Oak­ Rock superstar Rick Springfield has completed hearing that the lot be screened from view as day only -Sat land and North Main production on his forthcoming RCA Records "A t the time Bill throughly as possible. and I felt we didn't streets (Eighth District). soundtrack for the Universal Pictures release Extended outlook ______^ "Hard to Hold,” which features Springfield in his need to marry. I felt motion picture debut. totally committed to Extended outlook for New Eng­ Lionel Richie will be one of the guests of honor him in many ways, land Monday through Wednesday: ALL SELECTED GROUPS • MANCHESTER STORE ONLY! / T ib March 8 at the United Negro College Fund’s 40th but in retrospect, FORM 1040 PREPARATION marriage would Connecticut, Massachusetts and t i ' Anniversary Dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria in Rhode Island: Fair Monday. New York City. have been better.” — Stefanie Pow­ Chance of rain or snow Tuesday. DRESS SHIRTS LEVI SPORY SHIRYS New music videos by Musical Youth, Phil Clearing Wednesday. Highs EXPENSIVE? Not Anymore! Collins, Tracey Ullman and Tiggi Clay will debut ers, actress, on her relationship with mostly in the 30s. Overnight tows in Professional service, at an Select Select this weekend on cable television’s WTBS the teens to low 20s. $500 $500 program "Night Tracks..” the late William inexpensive fee for your tax Group Group Holden.(Ladies’ return preparation. Our con­ Vermont: Fair Monday, snow cern is saving you money. PM will recreate "Purlie,” the Broadway Home Journal) Stefanie Powers musical that made Melba Moore a star, on its likely Tuesday. Tapering to flur­ Good tax representation Great Performances telecast Monday, March 12 ries Wednesday. Cold, highs 25 to should not be available only^ SWEATERS "We all may be in Caroiina's conference, but 35 and lows in the teens to low 20s. to the wealthy anymorel Coupon PURITAN RUGBY'S at 9 p.m. (Check local listing for exact date and we’re not in their ieague.” " Satellite view time.) — Jim Valvano, North Carolina State head Maine, New Hampshire: Fair Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 2:30 p.m. ES T shows Select Don Rickies has signed a new contract with the Select $500 .$800 coach, comparing University of, North Carolina Monday. Becoming cloudy with a frontal clouds extending from the Great Lakes through the Ohio $500 Group Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas that will continue his YOUR TAX Group with the rest of the Atlantic Coast Conference. chance of snow late Tuesday into Valley and Into the lower Mississippi Valley. A strong storm oH the performances there through February 1986. This Wednesday. Highs in the 20s north Northeastern coast is spreading cloudiness across New England PREPARATION agreement may be the longest association a Thick, layered clouds cover the West Coast and are moving Into the 55®»off to the mid 30s south. Lows in the performer has had with a hotel; Rickies first single numbers north and teens nO C Kies. appeared there in 1959 when he became a regular. "Diana is one of the bossiest people they’ve south, warming into the teens and U T A X SA V ER ENRO FUNNELS ENRO SPORY SHIRYS Lee Majors will have Roy Rogers, Peter Breck ever had in the royal family and she’s only 22. low 20s Wednesday morning. , 105 MAIN STREET ALL and John Russell as his guests on the 20th Imagine the effect she's going to have on the royal family over the next 20 years.” .MANCHESTER, Select Select SALES Century-Fox TV series, "The Fall Guy " on Feb $ 8 < w $ 8 0 0 Group 29. — Audrey Whiting, royal correspondent of the ^ 3 0 ^ 4 30.00 646-0015 Group FINAL London Sunday Mirror, on Princess Diana. CASH « CARRYI (McCall’s) Stone toll SEATTLE V /K • The tombs of chiefs of the Afar SILK YIES Tribe in Dankalli, Africa, were TOP COATS BIG A TALL DRESS SHIRTS Now you know " I feel that my life is a heck of a lot richer now... once constructed by piling ADELE P. LEMIEUX I notice when I get up in the morning whether it's branches in the form of a.hut. The $500 2 r o . n S 00 * The body has many natural defenses against sunny or cloudy. I notice when somebody number of stones lining the path CHICAQO $ 5 0 0 0 (18 Only) STRIPES & NEATS the invasion of disease-causing germs, one of the smiles.” leading to its entrance revealed the SAN FRANCISCO best of which is the skin. The surface of the skin is — Sen. Paul Tsongas, D-Mass., who recently number of enemies the chief had slightly acidic and too cold for most germs to announced he would not seek re-election because killed. V n ' survive. he is suffering from cancer. LOS ANQELE8 SUMMER PUID PANTS WOOL BLEND PANYS SPORTCOATS A BROWN HIGHEST ^ALLAS SAVE BIG ON EVERY BOOK, EVERY BRAND, & GREEN TEMPERATURES Select $ 4 0 0 HUNDREDS $1500 $3500 2 EVERY PATTERN WE SELL! TO PICK FROM CHECKS & PLAIDS BLAZERS (75 Only) W A R M NEW Group N # MIAMI Lottery \ / ORLEANS V 60 60 Almanac m SP R IN G SUITS 70 CORDUROY PANYS SPORTCOATS Connecticut daily 70 'O HAQGAR Today is Saturday, Feb. 25, the 56th day of 1984 with EZZ3 SHOWERS UPI WEATHER FOTOCA8T □ WAUPAPER SALE WOOL 100 TO PICK FROM 310 to follow. Friday: 670 Sizes $ 8 0 0 26 to 32 BLEND ^ 2 0 0 0 , 0 . . * 5 0 0 0 NO ALTERATIONS The moon is moving toward its new phase. Play Four; 4368 SAVE A ^ ^ 0 7 The morning stars are Mercury, Venus, Mars, 5 MINIMUM OF...... W W / O Jupiter and Saturn. Lotto: 1, 2, 10, 15, 21, 36 National forecast There is no evening star. -' Other numbers drawn Friday in Today, snow is expected in the North Atlantic Coast states and the GLOVES SLIPPERS Those born on this day are under the sign of Pisces. New England; northern Rocky Mountains. Elsewhere skies will remain (air In ^ and They include French painter Pierre Renoir in 1841, New Hampshire daily: 2104. general. Maximum temperatures are expected to include: Atlanta 63 Select Select operatic tenor Enrico Caruso in 1873, and American Rhode Island daily: 6816. Jack­ ^ UP TO...... $ 2 0 0 „ $ 4 ( $400 .$800 $3oo.$5oo Boston 48. 35. 37. Dallas 75. Denver 42, Duluth 28’ 70% Group Group statesman John Foster Dulles in 1888. pot: 43-09-01-13 Houston 77. Jacksonville 69. Kansas City 49, Little Rock 72, Los Maine daily: 347. Angeles 84, Miami 78, Minneapolis 32. New Orleans 66, New York 48 7 ^ . Vermont daily: 248 Phoenix 69, San Francisco 58, Seattle 50, St. Louis 41 and OFF MANUFACTURER'S LIST PRICES On this date in history: Massachusetts daily: 7159. Washington 58. ’ SHOES Conv«rs« Ltathar Snaakart OUTERWEAR In 1868, President Andrew Johnson was Impeached for violation of the Tenure of Office Act. He was Vy^^^OTHING FANCY acquitted of the charges the following May. Select QPlElD SALES $ 3 0 0 0 Group * 2 Q 0 0 . $ 4 0 0 0 $ 2 0 0 0 (60 Only) Select Group In 1901, J.P. Morgan formed the United States Steel* Manchester Herald ^ BACK! GIMMICKS! Corporation in New Jersey, the nation’s first Richard M. Diamond, Publisher billion-dollar enterprise. ^ JUST GOOD HONEST VALUE! THIS SALE AT MAIN ST. STORE ONLY, SATURDAY ONLY, 9:30 to 5:30 In 1967, American warships began shelling USPS 327-500 Vietnam. V O L cm , No. 126 6 ALL SALES CASH, CHECK, MASTER CHARGE OR VISA Suoemted cdrrlar ra tn or* $1.20 WMkiy, $5.12 (or one In 1975, President Ford warned that Cambodia for three monthi, $30.70 (or tlx months and NOW THRU 3-31-84 would soon (all to the communists unless Congress UPi photo $41.40 for one year. Moll rotes ore available on rSquest. approved his request for |222 million dollars in new To place d clossltled or display advertisement, or to aid. Today In history report o news Item, story or picture Idea, coll A43-27I1. ANCHESTER WALLPAPER & PAINT R f i O A L ’ S Ottice hours ore 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through M^ndi“ tI?,Conn“ (S3«.“ **" Friday. "Your Quality Men’s Shop" On Feb. 25,1868, President Andrew Johnson was ,iJ2oJ9*5Sr,***•',. or to report a delivery problem, call !85 West Middle Turnpike Manchester 646-0143 A thought for the day: American Philosopher impeached for violation of the Tenure of Office The Manchester Herald It a subscriber to United Press 4^-»W4. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 o m MonSU SERVICE • SAVINGS • SATISFACTION DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER - TEL. 643-2478 William James said, "There is no more miserable Act. He was acquitted of the charges three International newsservices and Isa member of the Audit ^ o.m. Saturday. Delivery human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but months later. Johnson's term as 17th president Bureau o( Circulations. 7-^M ••’’■“ooh Friday and by Mont.he$ter't Leading Paint A Wallpaper Store i indecision.” ended in March 1869. brings You The Be$t For Lett

\ \ \ \ MANCHKSTKR H KKAl.l). S.iturd.iv Feb 25 J984 - MAN'CHESTKR IIK R A U ), Saturdiiy. FVI) 25, 1984 White House sees inflation as temporary HOUSEWASHING U.S./World GENERAL OIL High Pressure Power Washing WASHINGTON (UPI) - Consumer prices jumped The broadest measure of food prices, including I AARON COOK Of Vinyl, Aluminum And Wood In Brief 0.6 percent in January, the biggest inflation surge in restaurant meals, was up 1.6 percent, four times Sided Homes. nine months, because ol food costs and a record December’s increase. MANCHESTER F o o d Prices HEATING OIL MAK Painting State rests Alvarez case increase in telephone bills following AT&T's breakup, The rise in phone bills was an unwelcome dividend the government said Friday. for the consumer from January’s, breakup of AT&T ^ 6 4 3 -2 6 5 9 M IAM I — In a spur-of-the-monu‘nl move that If inflation kept up at the same pace for the year, the into seven regional telephone companies. Up 1 .6% in January IQUALITY SERVICE ^stunned the courtroom, the state rested its case rate would be 7.8 percent, compared with 3,8 percent Fuel oil prices also surged, up 2.6 percent in m 4 'F rid ay in the manslaughter trial ol policeman for all of 1983. January alone, the biggest jump since February 1981. Meats, Poultry, CALL 568-3500 Luis Alvarez, who killed a young black man in a But the White House and private analysts agreed But a 1.1 percent drop in gasoline prices, the fourth Fish & Eggs...... UP 4.1% ghetto arcade setting off a three-day riot. that last month's spurt is based on temporary factors, consecutive decline, together with slightly cheaper HAS IT! The state used only 3U witnesses, less than a such as the dismantling of the Bell system that natural gas, pulled the overall energy price index Fruit & Vegetables.....UP 5.3% OPTICAL third of the number it subpoenaed for the volatile sparked a 5.2 percent rise in phone bills and frigid entm «IT0 BODY \_ down 0.4 percent. ROUTE t3 TALCOTTVILLE. CT. trial, in te,s|imony covering 18 days and .30 winter weather that helped cause grocery prices to The Consumer Price Index for January was 305.2, Grocery Prices...... UP 2.4% minutes. jump 2.4 percent — the most since February 1974. equivalent to a price of $305.20 for the government's Immediately after the prosecution rested, "Tlje prospects remain excellent for continued low FEATURING THIS WEEK ... sample market basket of goods and services that cost Dairy Products UPH.4% rates of inflation," White House spokesman Larry £ 4 HR. TOWING defense attorney Roy Black asked lor a directed $100 in 1967. verdict of acquittal. Black then reviewed for 45 Speakes said. V 643-0016 763 ond 191 Mom St ft^m hestof Egg prices took off in January, up 21.3 percent, one Phono 643-1191 or 643-1900 minutes nearly every point ol the state's case The January rise in the Labor Department's *COMFLlTt COiUtiOM RtFAIR • Easfbtoeh M oil M ontfiold against Alvarez. Consumer Price Index was the biggest since April onseqrientifence of the fight to contain the Avian flu virus. •FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CARS Circuit Judge David Gersten took less than 10 1983, when a nickel-a-gallon gasoline tax drove the It has forced the destruction of hundreds of thousands Phono 456-1141 of chickens but producers hope it has passed its peak. sake 1947 MINIT-MAN PRINTING minutes deliberation, however, before ruling index up 0.7 percent. gMsrmm coNmcrtcurs against the motion. He ordered I he trial to resume The CPI has risen only an average of 0.2 percent Beef prices were up 3.5 percent, pork 5.2 percent Art CunUffe^ F-op. 423 Confer St., Manchester Fhone 646-1777 UAPmo Ml SMVfcr orTKiAmi at it a.m. EST Monday. each month since prices first began a dramatic and poultry 3.7 percent. The Cuban-born Alvarez, 24, latally shot Nev'ell deceleration late in 1981. The index also went up a Fresh fruit prices climbed 7.8 percent in January, Johnson Jr.. 20, on Dec. 28, t982. The riot that revised 0,2 percent in December. • more than their 3.8 percent increase for the entire STEVEHSON'S tollowed raged lor three days, leaving another Analysts blamed January's food price increases on period since September 1981. Low Cost Printing Is Only MINITS RAZOR’S man and more than two dozen injured. cold December weather, the summer drought and a The overall transportation price index went up only Auto Servicenter, Inc.J EDGE Roffim- chicken-killing virus, the Avian flu. 0.2 percent. New car prices remained unchanged. away at Your MINIT-MAN Printing fAMItV HAIR CtNTtK Angolan rebels seize hostages I Emissions ^ A u t O S o lo S & CO. 968 Main St. T H E CU T LISBON, Portugal — Guerrillas fighting Iran threatens U.S. about gulf intervention WASHING - WAXING - RUG SHAMPOOING Downtown Angola's Marsist government said Friday they LUBRICATION - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES Y O U K EEP took hostage 77 European and Asian diamond TIRES - TUNEUPS - TEXACO PRODUCTS Call 647-1167 According to the official Iranian threat to close the strait. Britain has soldiers were killed or wounded Thurs­ mine technicians in a move threatening a Bv Mark Schacter 401-405 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER. CT. (or your appointment news agency IRNA, monitored in indicated it could join in such a day night. U.S.-mediated cease-lire between Angola and United Press International London. Khameini warned the United blockade. But the official Iraqi news agency Phone: 649-5533 BOB STEVENSON South Alrica, On the battlefront, IRNA. said Iraq INA disputed the Iranian reports and The rebels said they .seized 46 Portuguese, 16 LONDON — Iran accused Iraq Friday Stales that if it intervenes in the war, launched rocket attacks on the Iranian' said “the Iraqi armed forces are in full Britons and 15 Filipinos — all civilians — and 14 ol launching rocket attacks on two Iran will retaliate. cities of Khorramabad and Borujerd and firm control over the situation." Angolan soldiers m a dawn raid Thursday at a cities that killed at least SOcivilians and "If (the United States) wants to 140 miles inside Iran, killing at least 80 diamond mining compiex in northeastern Ango­ warned the United States "not one compensate for their disgrace in An Iraqi statement monitored in For Only Lebanon with adventurism and^upport civilians and wounding 350 others. la's Lunda province. drop" ol oil will leave the Persian Gulf Beirut reported that two Iranian Iran warned that in retaliation, its There was no immediate independent confir­ if it intervenes in the 42-month war. for Iraq, it is impossible for us to let warplanes w‘ere shot down and crashed forces had orders to "open fire on all mation ol the claim contained in a statement Iran's President Ali Khameini, even a drop of oil leave the Persian over the war zone. The'statement also Iraqi cities except the holy cities of A Week, Your released in Lisbon by Jonas Savimbi's National speaking on the ninth day of heavy Gulf, ” he said at a prayer service in said “hundreds of Iranian prisoners For All Your Neods Karbala, Najal, Samcra and Kaze- Union for the Total Independence of Angola, fighting along the Iran-lraq border, Tehran. were paraded in the streets" of the main. " Khameini was quoted as known by its Portugue.se acronym UNITA. said his country would not block the "And if necessary, we will destroy all major southern Iraqi port city of TRAVELelNSURANCE UNITA alsosaidits guerrillas, in a blow against vital Strait of Hormuz oil route unless American interests in the region." saying. Basra. 391 Broad St., Manchester Iranian shipments are hampered. President Reagan warned this week Tehran also made victory claims for Ad Can Be Here! Angolan economic interests; dost royed .340 trucks At the United Nations, Iraq warned 646-7096 belonging to the Angolan stale-owned Diamang The strait, leading out of the Persian ho is prepared to use warships its new" ground offensive, saying 37 Gull, is the outlet of 20 percent of the stationed in the Arabian Sea to prevent Iraqi villages had been captured in a Friday it would "certainly use all that diamond eompany and .seized quantities " ol COMMEDOAl INOUSTRIAl KSIDtNTIAt 48-hour period and that 1.500 more Iraqi is at our disposal" to stop the fighting gemjj during Thursday 's raid. petroleum used by the West. Iran from carrying out its oft-repeated "Start ing Mnnvhv.stvr h\tr O ivr ~>0 ) vnrs UNITA has been lighting .Angola's Marxist governmCiiKJiJth IliPand-run tactics since the -southern AmcatrTMiuntry won its independence Family of escapee is armed and waiting LEDOUX ELECTRIC Pentland The Florist from Portugal in November 1075. Some 25,000 Cuban troops are in .Angohi to help the (2031 A49-447S 24 BIRCH ST The manhunt spread throughout the south. FBI TEL. 843-6247 government light UMT.A Bv Connie Maxwell ^ agents descended with shotguns on a Birmingham 25 Years Service^ 643-4444 Reagan meets Muldoon United Press International hotel early Friday in response to a reported sighting of NEW CONSTRUCTION - REPAIRS - REWIRING MASTER CHARGE the fugitives, but found only two startled travelers VtrGRLb WIDE WASHINGTON — Prime Mini.ster Robert BRISTOL, Tenn. — Officers scoured the snow­ from Tennessee, SERVICES c h a n g e d - APPLIANCES INSTALLED AMERICAN EXPRESS capped mountains of Ea.st Tennessee Friday for two iw iM M IN G POOL WIRING - OUTOOOFVllGHTlNG TSERVICE Muldoon promised President Reagan during Bristol police said Clegg telephoned a former AOOlTiDNS - REC ROOMS - WATER HEATERS Iriendly White House talks Friday that New deadly convicts they (ear may now be armed with cellmate just before dawn Thursday from a pay- Zealand won't be "a lair weather friend " to automatic rifles, and the foster mother of one kept five telephone booth and bragged that he had stockpiled guns at her side. America, .223 ammunition — most commonly used in the U.S. \SPECIALIZING IN m SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL A senior administration olficial said the two "They may have automatic weapons. " said Chief military's automatic M-16 rifles. AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION leaders discussed minor trade disagreements Deputy Keith Westmoreland, "but whatever fire­ SUPERIOR MUFFLERSl The former cellmate. Wayne Taylor, now lives in economical prices^ We are open 8:30 a.m. to and world financial problems during a two-hour power they've got, we ll come up with more." Florida and told authorities that Clegg didn't say We Started our business in 1970 as the first HEATING and SHEET METAL luncheon visit by Muldoon as well as shwing up Fog that shrouded the mountains Thursday night where he was. DON WILLIS GARAGE, INC. quick print and copy center in Manchester. Be­ 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; Saturdays lifted at mid-morning and the manhunt resumed for specialists their relations. "Jim told him he was out and he was going to slay- WHEEL alignm ent BRAKE SERVICE • WRECKER StR.'CF cause of our specialized high speed equipment, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Our facilities also in­ New England Mechanical Services. Inc The prime minister reassured Reagan that James Clegg, 30, and Ronald Freeman, 41 out and they had plenty of ammunition,” Detective general re pairing clude punching, padding, stitching, cutting, The two convicts escaped from Fort Pillow Prison we are able to print from your photo ready copy New Zealanders remain sttiunch Iriends with the Bill Smith said. “ These are mean bullets he was Propane Cylinders Filled collating and folding. We are located at 423 in West Tennessee Saturday, killed a Sunday school in just a matter of minutes. We also have a United States "in an uncertain world. " The> are talking dboui. When they hit you. they tumble over Air Conditioning Service Center Street, across from Willie’s. For any in­ 166 TUNNEL RD. teacher Tuesday, abducted his wife and (led across telephone m ain street valuable new 3-M Bond Copier which makes not, he said, "lair weather friends who are only and over and do a lot more damage than regular I IB VERNON, CT. 06066 649-4531 MANCHESTER CONN 06040| formation, please phone 646-1777. too ready to attack American motives and the slate before freeing her unharmed. bullets." beaiitiful copies on bond paper. We can also do 871-1111 policies. " Across the slate in Brownsville,’ near Memphis, Authorities knew Clegg and Freeman were armed flyers, letters, business cards, index cards, en­ Reagan, noting New Zealand and neighboring (Shown in the above photo, left to right, is: mourners gathered for the funeral of the fugitives' with a shotgun and at least four pistols, but the phone velopes, postcards, stag tideets, rubber /voir OPE\ SI \DAYS 1.1 Australia are the only two countries to stand with call raised fears that they may have picked up M16s. Kevin Barry. Linda Thatcher, Tom Barry and victim, Paul Windrow, 59. who was shot and killed as stamps and engraved name plates and pins of SI PPORT Your i\eighborho€ul Pharmacy the United States in all four wars it fought this "They know people in East Tennessee and they he grilled steaks in his back yard. OVER 45 all sizes within a reasonable time, at very Brian Barry.) S en ior Citizen Ihscotinl.i century, told Muldoon. The strong bonds haye had the opportunity to obtain additional MANCHESTER At a mountainside house near Bluff City, 10 miles YEARS Lowest Prices in Area between our two nations rellect our common weapons,” said Arzo Carson, director of the south of Bristol, where Clegg’s foster mother lives, EXPERIENCE values, shared history and mutual interests. We Mickey Begicy stood guard with a shotgun. Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. I M EM ORIAL CO. CROWN PHARMACY are more than good Iriends.' "W e (eel they are holed up somewhere with some ^ UPI photo Opp. Eait Cemetery PRESCRIPTION CENTER "He's in these mountains here. He’s living by.his friends providing food and a dry place to stay. They've C A LL 649-5807 wits,” said Begley, a friend of Celia Cloud. "H e's a Mickey Begley stands guard outside the got to have a safe haven (or now — laying low, pooling New England AHMAD K ALTAF 208 Wast Cantar Straat \ Defict panel uses knife mountain fellow-. He's standing up there laughing at Aog/srorotf Pharmacist Manchastar. Cl 06040 home of the foster mother of James their resources and planning theirescape," Highway- UALITY HARRISON ST. us right now. ” WASHINGTON — A Senate Republican leader Clegg, one of the convicts who is sought Patrol Sgl. Bill Hampton said. MANCHESTER (203f 6494)312 i, W I.K proposed to President Reagan's bipartisan In the cabin, Mrs. Cloud, 38, who raised Clegg when Freeman, serving 198 years for the murder of his MORIALS PROMPT, PHRSO\ 4 i. FROSf his parents abandoned him, said, "1 have got guns by authorities after escaping from a 2 Mechanical Services, inc. COIRTEOVS SERI ICE delicit-reduction task lorce Friday that it slash wife and stevdaughter, and Clegg, serving life as a nearly 9 billion Irom Reagan's proposed military here — three rifles and two shotguns. He knows that if Tenessee prison. habitual criminal, were among five prisoners who buildup over the next three years. he would approach me I ’d whip him. That kid of mine escaped Saturday. 166 TUNNEL RD., VERNON, CONNECTICUT 06066 As seen on PM Magazine is more or less a coward." The FBI said he had threatened to kill an unidentified EVERYTHING IN GLASS ‘The White House has no response. " Senate One of the fugitives was arrested Sunday, another “WE CAN T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT" Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domeniei. She said she once turned Clegg in to police and he stepfather in Bristol, Va., but Mrs. Cloud said he had surrendered Tuesday and a third was believed to have R-N.M., told reporters shortly after he made the threatened to kill her and her 12-year-old daughter. no stepfather. fled north to . GREG offer at a two-hour meeting of the bipartisan J.A. WHITE GLASS CQ. the panel. “W'e're looking lor a tdelicit-reduction) pnekage. I hope they're looking lor a package" CHIMNEY The tusk lorce — compo.scd ol Republican and Victim says she fought accused rapists 6 4 « - 7 3 i a Democratic leaders ol Congress and Reagan SWEEP representatives, including White House chiet of (*iafi:iri^ ifi II inca governme;its and political parties in Europe and minute session on the witness stand. ing and joking” after the rapes as the "She pointed toward the tavern,” Vieira are being tried in afternoon Latin America that had praised the Sundinista of industrial and commercial air conditioning, refrigeration, heating & ventilation One of her attackers had "beady hysterical woman waited outside for Silva said. "She said she wanted to go sessions. The six men, all in their teens O LCO n PACKAGE STORE decision. eyes, and he was grubby looking," said police. back in. We had to restrain her.” or early 20s, all are charged with systems, and energy management. There are presently 50 employees in our serv-, 654 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER, CT. "Elections in Nicaraguii are still being aggravated rape. the tall, slender, dark-haired woman, New Bedford policeman Raymond Inside, Quintin said he noticed a pair ice, construction, sheet metal and energ y management departments to serve you. Pine Shopping Plaza praised, " read the Friday headline in Barricada. pressing her hands' together as she Quintin, the first officer at the scene, of jeans on the floor, along with a Phone 646-2756 Another Barricada headline said the interna­ Prosecutors have said the incident Satisfied customers have been our best a dvertisement. quietly answered questions for ­ told a Bristol Superior Court jury that pocketbook and one sock belonging to NO SERVICE CHARGE DISCOUNT LIQUOR STORE tional support behind the early elections had left began when the victim entered the On* of M inchM ltr’i Lirgetl Selecliont Of Flgur*l CtramIco In ant District Attorney Raymond Veary. Big Dan’s Tavern was calm when he the woman and one pair of men’s the I'nited States "stuck and on the defensive." now-closed bar to buy a pack of Stock. Our Volum* Savat You Monay. lOO'a Of Spacialt. She added that when the man arrived just after midnight March 7, undershorts. Other witnesses testified Elsewhere in Central America, a moderate cigarettes. They said she stayed to talk AaMrvaUom for • Hotoli • AlrllnM • Slaimthlpt Afatfar Charga and Visa Accaplad grubbed her, she had asked, "What the 1983, and there was no sign of any earlier that the vVoman left the bar Tala-Chack. . . 5 with a woman at the bar, and when she AIR CONDITIONING, REFRIGERATION, HEATIN6, ENERGY rightist party in Guatemala w arned that violence hell do you think you're doing?" disturbance. wearing only a jacket and a sock and |627 RMn Strait Manchailarl Pirtonil Chacks Cuhtd up to SI50.00 could be used as an exi use lor "another change in tried to leave later, she was dragged to The two defendants looked away as Three of (he defendants were sitting Stepped into the street to flag down the military government command. " a pool table and raped repeatedly for the woman, wearing a maroon dress, at the bar, drinking with several other passing cars for help. nearly two hours as patrons cheered MANAGEMENT, SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS Ferench truckers desist described the incident, which began men, Quintin testified. ’’They were Quintin told the jury he talked briefly the men on. Hundreds of MINIT-MAIN PRINTING Designs & Styles] 423 CENTER 8T.*MANCHE8TER 644-1777 PARIS 1' 11. b truckei's weary of a weeklong protest that .-.traiKteit thousands of vacationers VERNON HARTFORD CONTtni MNTMG A COFYM SnVKI and blockeii i.iat supplies Friday moved their Britain said to break ‘Mata Hari’ spy ring LOW COST PRINTIN6 rigs oil highways ami prepared to bargain with P€RSONi;iL T€€ Personalized Pun A Sportwear WHILE YOU WAIT (PHOTO READY) the govci im.em over tuel taxes. LONDON (UPI) — British intelli­ by its defense correspondent in Limas­ colony. “OONC WHILE YOU WAIT" knowing it had come trom ^^Soviet The drivers, responding to appeals by the two gence cracked a Soviet spy network in sol, Cyprus, said several young "a ir­ > it]^ S ( Great Ollla For Any Oeoaaton 871-1111 7 2 8 -6 6 0 0 BBaus CMK-ninamH m a n "She asks the young man home, agent in return for coopei^B n ” it main trucking associations, dismantled dozens of Cyprus in which female agents tried to men have already been sent back to encourages him into a compromising roadblocks on key arteries, a week after said. ’ lure British soldiers into divulging England after telling officers of spy situation then springs the trap with an m e Are Now Located At 825 Main Street, SEE US FOR ENGRAVED NAME PLATES beginning the protest that prompted some secret information using "M ata H ari" approaches.” angry ’husband’ who suddenly appears The paper said that in every ctise, the I (next to the Brass Key) TRY OUR NEW S-M lONO COPIIM frustrated motorists to hurl firebombs. Wt SHI • Hit $H«nC£ • WE CARt blackmail techniques, news reports The spokesman said only that "an threatening divorce proceedings and young men who reported the incidents Some drivers, demanding a cut in fuel taxes, said Friday. airman is assisting in the inquiry” but publicity," the report said. were immediately sent back to Britain were openly hostile to the order, which appeared "The British intelligence teams were he would not release his name. “ There The Daily M$il said blackmail was to be reassigned. to result from weariness of wintry weather, lost surprised by the old-fashioned Mata may be no charges filed,” he said. also attempted after a hidden camera­ Custom Kitchen Center revenue and conlrontations with police and Britain s Royal Air Force base at Hari techniques being used by the The newspaper said a team of agents man photographed the couple in bed. If You Would Like To 643-2072 When You’re On This motorists. Akrotiri supplied British troops who Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Russians and their hired agents,” the from M15, Britain’s counter­ "Y e t another ploy is an apparently "W e've been betrayed by our unions," said an recently left Lebanon’s peace-keeping Daily Mail newspaper said. intelligence service, flew to Cyprus and innocent invitation to dinner with a See Your Ad Here, Call Page — You Tell Your angry driver outside Paris. "Eight days of th i^ " force. The base is also used'by U.S Visit Our Showroom At: • DRAPERY • CARPET • WALLCOVERING A Defense Ministry spokesman in cracked the sex and blackmail Cypriot family, at the end of which the and nothing hps been resolved.' planes monitoring Lebanon and the The colorful storo that comos to your door,'"' London said "an investigation is going network. British guest is pressed to accept a gift The Herald Advertising 25 Olcott Straat Story Not Only With An Iran-lraq conflict, the newspaper said. Nearly 300 truck barricades paralyzed traffic on at the moment in Cyprus into an The trap was set by women working — often whiskey,” the paper said. nationwide at the height of the protest earlier in Mon. - Sat. 9 - 5:30 Ad, But Also With A unauthorized disclosure of official as. barmaids, or' simply posing as "Always at the dinner table would be The legendary Mata Hari was a Department At: DECORATING DEN the week. Officials at the national traffic control » Custom dropory • wovan wroeds • mini*bllnds • bodsproads information." Asked if it involved clients at a disco or clubs popular with a man posing as a friendly uncle. This Thurs. till 9 PM Dutch double agent who worked for • varticol blinds • swogs/cornlcas • shodos Picture Write-Up... center said only two blockades remained in place Soviet agents, the spokesman said ” I off-duty servicemen, the report said. man would later contact the service­ 643-2711 Friday. both the Germans and the French in E >pa>i daco'ohng odvica al your convemarH* with rxi obl>gaiion don't know." Britain has military bases on the man and threaten to blackmail him, World War I. She was executed by the 649-7544 Appeinlm anU

6:00 A.M. 10:15A.M. ** News/Sports/Weather 9 - Untamed World - Batman (2D stay home ^ 5:00 A. M. - Bugs Bunny. J .J . and Tex 0 - N aw s 12:30 P.M. GD high ratings • Ktdaworld S3) - Cooking/Korr 9 - Jugendo a Vivir GD 1:15A.M. ® - Sign On/N*we 9 - Jim m y Swaggart 0 - AH-Day Movies 3 ) ( D - Yoeng and the 0 - Happy Days Again ■ Opportunity Knocks Raatleaa ' 9 - Eight Is Enough ® 10:30 A.M. @ ) - Health Weak - Verted Program* 9 - Master* of th* Unhraree 0 - Instructional Programa ( 0 - Pink Panther and Frianda - New Jersey Report - Ryan's Hope 9 - Bugs Bunny/Pofky Pig 0 - Dating Gama ® ® - TV Mass 1:30 A.M. IB - Enterteinment Tonight 8:00 A.M. 9 - Facts of Life Q D 0 Independent Network with their dad (S) - French Chef O T - ® > Austin City Limits ® - Eyewitness Magazine ® - Woody Woodpecker 0 - Weltons 03) - Movie 0 - Scooby Doo for network N ew s 6:30 A.M. ® - That'i the Spirit 9 - Educetioruil Programs 9 9 - Search For Tomorrow 3:30 P.M. ® - HBO Theatre: 'Vanities' ® ® - New* ® - Veried Program* ® 9 - Varied Program* ® - Three.,Stooges - Woody Woodpbekar NEW Y O R K (U P I) — ABC won the prime time This comedy, filmed at the West- ® - Indapandent Network ® - Jo* Franklin Show 9 - Pink Panther Show 10:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. CD 5:00 wood Playhouse in to s Angeles, S9) - M O VIE: 'Hit the Ice' Side- STAR WARS By Julianne Hostinos ® - Hour Magazine 9 9 - Scooby Doo ( D - T a x i network competition last week, carried to the top by ® - Independent Network 9 - C a l l i o p * CD - All In the Family traces the lives of three cheer­ walk cameramen become in­ United Press International (3$ - Sports Probe N ew * 9 -Underdog ® 9 - All My Children 9 - Over Easy CD - Six Million Oottar Man its coverage of the XIV Olympic Games, five nights of leaders volved with Q gang of bank Robots C3P0 and R2D2 GD - Joker's Wild ® » N ew sm aker Sunday B - CNN Headline New* 9 - El Chavo/EI Chapulln CD - Movie 0 - Batman CD - Paopla'a Court which placed among the week's Top 20 shows. - New Zoo Revue robbers. Bud Abbott. Lou Cos­ battle evil forces In "Star Co- anchor Jane Pauley returns;® 03) * Varied Programs tello. Patric Knowles. 1943. ® - Risk/Merriaga NEW YORK - Moneyline 9 9 - Days of Our Lives (5f) - Wild World of Animala 0 - Uttla House on the Prairie The A.CC. Nielsen prime time ratings for the week (2t) - N ew s Update Wars." the fantasy-action film, IS) 9 - Bug* Bunny/Porky Pig 0 0 - Sale of the Century ^ - ABC News NBC's "Today''showhow Monday,i leaving her 8-week-old ending Feb. 19, gave ABC a 19.7 rating with a 30 @ ) - Newsmaker Sunday airing SUNDAY, PEB. 26 on IB - Jim Bakker 9 - Mr. Rogers' Neighbor­ 9 - Dick Van Dyke 9 - Instructional Programs 4:00 P.M. 0 - Candid Camara Hour 6:15A.M. twins under the part-time care of their dad,d, cartooncartoonist... percent share of the viewing audience. CBS a 17.8 d l “ Electric Company CBS. 1:45 A.M. Jip OA.M. hood ^ 9 - Newton's Apple 9 - Mundo Latino Jesse Lo- CD - Jafferaons 9 - CH IP. CD - N ew s Gary Trudeau. JB , sada y Sonia Vorhauer son los an- rating with a 27 share and NBC a 16.7 rating with a 25 (3) - MOVIE; Abbott and ® - MOVIE: 'Seniors' A group - He-Man & Masters/ 9 - Nawawatch Miss Pauley took a leave of absence f ra o n n flH B t sh show i ® (Bi^^pried Programt J-€:30A.M. fritiones de este programa de CD 0 ^ ~ Media Watch Costello Meet the Mummy' of college seniors hatch a get- Universe share. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME oo GD- Flintstones asuntos publicos nacionales pre­ 9 Hogan'S Heroes Bud and Lou slip into the crypt of rich-quick scheme. Dennis Quaid, at Thanksgiving and twins Richard Rossi anPRacbelanPRacI ® - N ^ R Revg* 11:00 A.M. ABC's coverage of the Games in Sarajevo, 6:30 A.M. ® - Straight Talk sentando entrevistas, noticias. CD QD - Movie ^ 0 - Mr. Rogers' old King Tut and get chummy Priscilla Barnes. Rated R. were born Dec. 30. ® - CBS Early Morning New* ® - Price I* Right Yugoslavia, for the week averaged a 19.7 rating with a C$) - Captain Kangaroo with a mummy. Bud Abbott. Lou depones y un segmento desde CD - Bamaby ^onaa Neighborhood "1 do live in the real world," Miss Pauley said. " I t ^ ® ® - ABC New* Thi* 9 9 - Great Space Coaster Costello, Mane Windsor. 1955 2:00 A.M. ® - Brsskawsy Hollywood titulado 'En Pantalta'. 0 - En Buses del Paraiao 30.2 percent share, up from the previous week’s 16.8 rS1 - Black News Morning 9 - Mr. Roger*’ Neighbor­ 03) - Uttla Rascals ® ® - CBS News time to get back to work. --.t ® - Price Is Right (@ - Educational Programs rating with a 26 share. CE) “ Ask the Doctor 0® - Insight Qg - Buelnea* Time* on ESPN hood 0 - N ew sline 0 - W KRP in Cincinnati Nightwatch " I ’m going back with a sense of excitment that'i - Benson The network won Wednesday, Thursday and d D - N ew s 10:45A.M. ^ O ( 9 - 20 Minute Workout 9 - El Show de Eduardo II 1:30 P.M. 0 - Newlywed Game 0 - Chariia'a Angels GD ~ ABC News didn’t have a couple of weeks ago," the 33- year-old ® 9 - Fam ily Saturday nights and tied on Monday when Part 2 of the ® ) - Wild Kingdom (® (5D - A . the World Turns 9 9 - Sesame Street (Closed 0 - Alice ,(1Q) - Jew ish Life CD - Children's Christian Fund anchorwoman said. "1 had a lot of anxiety about being - Daybreak 9 - Bewitched 3-part NBC miniseries "Celebrity" aired. It lost on 9 -R h o d e 9 - Varied Program. Captioned] - Insight 11:00 A.M. separated from the two most beautiful babies in the 9 - All-Day Movies 9 • Sesame Street (Closed Tuesday to NBC's “The A- Team" and Part 3 of 0D - Wall Street Journal Captioned) 9 - Designs for Living 9 - Caaagrande @ ) - Style With Elsa Klensch CD - MOVIE: 'Western Union' world and about whether I could do my job anymore;"- 9 - HeaHhfield 2:00 P.M. 5:30 P.Me “ Celebrity," on Friday to CBS' "D allas” and “ Falcon 0 1 - Royal Winter Fair Horae 9 9 - Wheal of Fortune 9 - Quincy - New Generation The laying of the first transconti­ She said she started going into the studio recently to 9:00 AeMe ® - N e w . CD 0 ) - News Crest' ’ and on Sunday to CBS’ ' '60 Minutes'' and Part 1 nental telegraph wires is por­ Show 6:30A.M. 0 - Andy Griffith 0 ) - Masters of the Universe d $ - Ring Around the World watch the show and get a feel for the atmosphere. ~, CD - New $26,000 Pyramid ® 9 - One Life to Live CD - M*A*S*H of the miniseries "Master of the Game.” trayed. Robert Young, Dean (2D “ Sports Update ® ® - CBS Earty Morning @ ) - Gettin' to Know Me 0 - Uttla House on the'Prairie (IQ) Davey/Goliath "Now I ’m ready for the job.” N ew * m - I Love Lucy 9 - Sonya 0 - Entertainment Tonight ABC’s entire Olympic programming over the past Jagger. Randolph Scott. 1941. 2:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 6:45 A.M. CD - Jerry Falwell - Skiing: World Freestyle Miss Pauley said she had no plans to bring the twins ® - Popayo GD - Movie 9 - 1 Love Lucy 9 9 - Electric Company two weeks earned an average 18.2 rating with a 28 (H (21 - Tony Brown's Journal 8:30 P.M. 0D - MOVIE; Paradise Alley' Invitational/ Celebrity Pro-Am to work as did her counterpart at ABC's "Good ® - Jimmy Swaggart f P (8) - Donahue CD 0 - Loving 0 - N ew s Day CD - Three'a Company 0 ) - Bob Newhart Show share, down 23 percent from the ratings for its - Sacred Heart (D ~ Issu e s - Para Genta Grande Vivo ( H *■ Siem pre en Domingo Raul An old-time film director sets out from Breckenridge, CO S I 03) - Happy Days Again 7:00 A.M. CD - Make Peace With Nature desde Mexico. Richard Rocha es Velasco es el anfitrion de este to prove people's basic good­ Morning Am erica," Joan Lunden, who lives outside ® - Tom & Jerry 0D - Utde Rascals 9 9 - Another World coverage of the 1980 Winter Games in Lake Placid, CH “ Tales of the Unexpected el anfitrion de este programa gan- programa de entretenimiento in- ness. Hugo Haas. Maris Windsor, the city. 2 9 - War and Peace (D - Hour of Power (iD - MOVIE; Abbott and 9 - Buiiwinkie 01) - Alive end Weill 0 - Great American N.Y. ador del premio Emmy en el que ternacional producido en Mexico, Billy Gilbert. 1961 Homemaker Costello in the Foreign Legion’ d l - MOVIE; High Society' A "The babies don't go to work, mother does," Miss 9 - NBC New* at Sunries (2D - M ass 9 - Nueva York Ahora The 7-hour time difference between Yugoslavia and GD ■ Kenneth Copeland Bud and Lou rush off to Algeria reporter and a photographer cov­ presenta acontocimienlos re- en el cual se presentan los mas 2 ) ■* Money Week cientes en los Estados Unidos. Pauley said. .? - Daywatch 0 0 - Dream Housa 9 - What’s Happening the East Coast had to account for some of the drop. In CE) - Th is is the Life and land in intrigue, harems and ering a wedding for a fashion ma­ populares artistes de la farandula 9 - Varied Programa 2 ) Nude pictures cost title Conveniently, Trudeau's studio is in the couple^’g ( 0 - Hoy M iamo Anfritlones 1976, when the Winter Games were held at Innsbruck, the Foreign Legion. Bud Abbott, gazine cause the bride to think "SD - Tony Brown's Journal hispana asi como invitados ospe- 2:45 A.M. 9 - Rompgr Room & - Sesame Street [Closed CS) - Newark & Reality Guillermo Ochoa, Lourdes Guer­ 2:15P.M. Lou Costello. Patricia Medina. twice about marriage Grace The Longest Struggle The ‘75 ciales de todo el mundo. 03) - HBO Theatre: 'Vanities' apartment. Captioned] (DPI) — The recently crowned Miss Austria, ABC got a 19.7 rating with a 30.3 percent (S) - Old Time Gospel Kelly, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra 6:4lR\;M. rero y Juan Dosal presentan este ® - Popeye 1950 Year March ' 9:00 P.M. This comedy, filmed at the West- "We intend to trade off (baby care) around the 9 9 - Love Connection San Diego has been stripped of her title because she share of the viewing audience. The Lake Placid QS - Sunday Cartoon Express 1956 wood Playhouse in Los Angelas, ® - N ew s programa de asuntos pubticos (H - All American Wrestling clock." ' 2:30 P.M. Games had a 23.7 rating and a 37 share. CD - To Be Announced traces the lives of three cheer­ 0 - 20 Minute Workout presentando notidaa y variada in- bared all in last month's Penthouse magazine. m - Dr. Gene Scott <(^(2D - W eek In Review (8) - W eather formacion. ® ® - Capitol dD - News Update - New Jersey Report leaders Miss Pauley said that even six years of getting up in George Bye, executive producer of the Miss San In the 21-week-old television season, CBS has won - World of Gospel d l d l - NCAA Basketball: 6:00 P.M. CD 9:30 A.M. S2) - Memories with Lawrence the middle of the night to get to the "T od a y " studios 7:00 A.M. 0 - Independent Network ® - In Search of... the prime lime ratings 14 times, ABC 6 and NBC 1. Michigan State at ® ® IS) g® - News SD - Week In Review 3:00 A.M. CD - Card Sharks Diego Scholarship Beauty Pageant, disclosed Thurs­ (Si) - News/Sports/Weather W elk didn’t train her for the grueling schedule the twiijs (® GD ~ CBS Morning News N aw s 03) - Magic Garden In the early Evening news category, "CBS Evening s i S I - Masterpiece Theatre day that Rhoda Swanson, 22, has given up the title 5 - Shakespeare Plays ‘The ® - MOVIE: ‘Chinese ® - MOViE: ‘Rhythm on the - My Three Sons - Jimmy Swaggart (H - MOVIE: 'Hanover Street' (23) CD (@ - 3-2-1. Contact Comedy of Errors ‘ Two pairs of Connection' Bruce Lee single- ‘The Irish R.M.' Sally wants to River' The story of two ghost have put her on. -: ® - Woody Woodpecker 9 - Leave It to Beaver because of "certain indiscretions.” News with Dan Rather" had a 14.3 rating with a 25 Caught in a bombing raid on Lon­ CD - CNN Headline News di) - MOVIE: ‘Rocky III' A twins, who are constantly m is­ handedly takes on the Japanese buy Tom Sheehy's colt and Flurry writers who back up a phony "I'm as tired as I ever remember being. Talk about ® 9 - Good Morning 9 - Vivir Enamorada share; ABC's "World News Tonight” had an 11.3 don in 1943, an American pilot "M iss Swanson has been asked to relinquish her boxer finds out that it is tougher taken for each other, come onto a gang that brutally murdered his hatches a scheme to get Tom to composer. Bing Crosby. Mary Airwrtca 0D - Munatere and a married English nurse must irregular hours. One baby is unpredictable. Two arc 12:00 P.M. 9 - My Three Sons crown, and she has agreed to do so. ” Bye said. " I t was rating with a 20 share and "N BC Nightly News” had to stay on top than it is to gel scries of different adventures. (2 master! bring the colt's price down. (60 Martin, Basil Rathbone. 1940. 0 > Jimmy Swaggart there Sylvester Stallone. Bur­ choose between desire and incredible. It seems one of them is always hungry ® - 700 Ciub ® ® ® 9 9 - N e w . 9 - Magic of Oil Painting brought to the attention of the association that she had an 11.0 rating with a 19 share. hrs.) (Closed Cap(tonod) ■® - CBS News min.) (Closed Captioned] gess Meredith, Talia Shire. 1982. honor Harrison Ford. Lesley- g g - NCAA Basketball: North Miss Pauley said she won't be doing any traveling (B) - Joaio and the Pustycat* 9 - Rosa da Lejoa ® - Midday — Bill Boggs committed certain indiscretions by appearing in a The Top to prime time shows for the week ending Anne Down, Christopher Plum­ ^ ) - MOVIE: 'Leave It to ® ) - Hawaii Five-0 - Hogan's Heroes Carolina at Clemson (This game Rated PG ^ for the show immediately — her co- anchor Bryapt, 9 - Business Times on ESPN 0 - Morning Stiatch ® - Tattletales Feb. 12, according to the A.C. Nielsen Co.; mer 1979 Rated PG Blondie' Oagwood wins a song is subject to blackout) 3:00 P.M. national magazine contrary to the ideals of the Miss - it's Your Business (m - 19B4 NBA Slam Dunk 9:30P.M. 0 > Daytime contest but changes the words to gS - News/Sports/Weather Gumbel is going to New Hampshire Tuesday for the 9 - USA Cartoon Expiess d g .(9 - Varied Programs ® ® - Guiding Light Am erica pageant. 1. Dallas (CBS) d3) ' Supersoccer impress the daughter of a big Champ. " Meet the Mayors - Sacred Heart CD primary. > Dr. Gene Scott 0 - More Reel People 9 - USA Movie 2. NBC Movie ot Week (Celebrity Part III) (H - New Jersey Hispano ® - MOVIE: Daffy Duck's 9 ® - Inspector Gadget "M iss Swanson appeared nude in several photos, client Penny Singleton. Arthur m - Wall St. Journal Rep. 3:15A.M. (S) - Electric Company 7:30 A.M. Movie: Fantastic Island' Daffy Next summer, however, she is scheduled to cover, - Flintstones 9 - Dr. Gene Scott - General Hospital under the name of Nina Lee. it is very unfortunate. 3. Master of Game Part 1 (CBS) dO) - Adelante Lake, Larry Simms. 1945 gg - MOVIE: Rocky III' A CD 9 ) finds himself on a tropical island 10:00 P.M. the economic summit in London and President 4. Falcon Crest (CBS) f5~) - W e Believe (H - Undersea World of boxer finds out that it is tougher ® - Today 10:00 A.M. 9 9 - Movie ® - Saint Miss Swanson is extremely intelligent, and we all 00) - Conversation With... where the wildest dreams come (33 - Insight Jacques Cousteau CD “ N ew s to stay on top than it is to get Reagan's trip to Normandy lor the 40th anniversary-irf t ( 0 - Batmen - Hour Magazine - Take thought she had all the qualifications and an excellent 5. 60 Minutes (CBS) true. Animated 1983. Rated G. CD 9 2 - Tom & Jerry and Friends (S) - Now Literacy there. Sylvester Stallone, Bur­ the Normandy invasion, with a stop at his ancestral 6. Winter Olympics Thursday (ABC) CS3 - Jack Van Impe Presents CD (^ - Jimmy Swaggart - Sesame Street (Closed GD - Mi^e Room For Daddy 9 - El Show del Medio Die g g - Alive and Weill chance of being crowned Miss and perhaps 2:30P.M. 0 1 - Alfred Hitchcock Hour gess Meredith, Talia Shire. 1982. IS) 11:15A.M. ^ ) - Independent Network home in Ireland. , Captioned) Miss America." 7. Winter Olympics Saturday (ABC) ( S ) - V ic’s Vacant Lot Program­ dJ ® - NCAA Basketball: Rated PG. (D - Tic Tac Dough 9 - Hot Potato 9 - Woody Woodpecker ming for Children ' (2) - Your Money o s - Dr. Gene Scott N ew s She also will be at the Democratic and Republican Miss Swanson will also give up her $2,500 worth of 8. "The A'-Team" (NBC) Louisville at OePaul 7:30 A.M. 9 ) - Rompar Room 9 - Family Feud 2 ) - Afternoon Break g® - Fame - NBA Basketball: Boston at 3:30 A.M. national conventions 9. Simon and Simon (CBS) (33) - MOVIE: 'Missing' When 11:30 A.M. ® S3) - USFL Football: Teams 01 0D - Veried Programs awards, including a fur coat and a health club Phoenix (This game is subject to Q 3 - Bugs Bunny/Porky Pig 9 - Sesame Street (Closed 0 - Match Game/Hollywood an American writer disappears to be Announced (2D “ News/Sports/Weather (2 ) “ Crossfire “ So I have a lot of travel ahead. At one time. I ’d Ijg scholarship. . 10. Winter Olympics (Tuesday) CD ~ Face the Nation 0D - Superfriends 0 - 7 0 0 Ciub Captioned] Squares Hour during a military coup in , his g g - MOVIE: The Wilderness blackout) happy. Now I ’m a little concerned,” family launches a full-fledged in­ CD SO) ” This Week with David 0D - MOVIE; 'Three Days of 4:00 A.M. the Condor' An unknown band Family’ A family faces a rocky 03) - MOVIE: 'Missing' When She praised NBC for being cooperative right from vestigation Jack Lemmon. Sissy Brinkley an American writer disappears 0 1 - All American Wrestling of killers closes in on a CIA agent road to survival in the Rockies A WEEK IT IS WITH SREAT OH,THANK BUT WE PIPN'T PO Spacek. John Shea 1982 Rated “ Bex Humbard the early days of her pregnancy when she wasn’t CD and the woman who is reluctantly when they abandon the urban rat during a military coup in Chile, his 2 ) - News Update UATER... ^ PRIPE I AWAR.P YOU. THANK ANVTHINE A MIU-ION PG family launches a full-fledged in­ feeling well. BRIDGE 03) - Fraggle Rock Cotterpin hiding him Robert Redford, Faye race for life in the wilderness. t h e s e PRESIPENTIAL YOU. OTHER AMERICANS ASTRO vestigation. Jack Lemmon, Sissy 4:15A.M. CS) - World Tomorrow Doozer would rather* play with Dunaway. Cliff Robertson 1976 Robert Logan 1975. Rated G "But now I have a feeling they are anxious to get an CITATIONS TO VOU TWO WOULDN'T h a v e Spacek, John Shea. 1982. Rated 2 ) -* Media Watch ^ - Big Story Red Fraggle than work (23) “ Sneak Previews 3:00P.M. PG employee back — and not necessarily a mother." WOMEN FOR BRAVERY PONE. GRAPH dgl - El Club 700 (2) - Sports Week (21 “ Embajadores de la Musica ANP COURASE ABOVE ® - M O V I E : ‘S h e's Dressed to Programa musical presentando la (31 - 'Youl' Mag. for Women ANP BEVONP THE dO) - Kingdom Living Today g g - Foro 41 A tale of two kings Kill' A once-reigning designer in musica y el folklore de Colombia. (2D - News/Sports/Weather CALL OF AMERICAN (§Q) - Momingtown ^ - Newsmakers the fashion industry stages a m - MOVIE: The Bridge On CITIZENRY, (§Z) • N ew Literacy comeback that soon turns into a (3) - Odd Couple he had to win the third lead. 8:00 A.M. terrifying ordeal as a mystenous (@ - All Creatures Great and the River Kwai’ A hardened, re­ 7/ Trovatore’ delivei^ A quick count showed eight Ofour solute British officer, who is a - Barrio 12:00P.M. slayer stalks her Eleanor Parker. Small 33 captive of the Japanese, drives winners and no legitimate ® ® - NBA Basketball: Los Jessica Walter 1979 (33 ~ Jimmy Swaggart his men to build a bridge as ther­ NORTH :-2S-«4 way to collect nine, since ^Birthday Angeles at 01 - Ovation (33 ~ Confluence 6:30P.M. apy William Holden, Alec Guin­ what the audience wants ♦ A973 Elast surely held the heart F (D ' Robert Schuller; The Hour dD " News Update (D - CBS News ness. Jack Hawkins. 1957. VQ75 ace. South then tried decep­ CD - Celebration/Eucharist of Pow er [Closed Captioned) Fab. 26,1984 ® - M OVIE: Fury' A young - News g $ - Glittering Prizes ♦ K52 tion. CD - Terry Cole-Whittaker - HBO Theatre: ‘Vanities' CD Changos lor the better are in man, after setting his worthless gg - Ask the Manager 4Q63 He ran off five diamond (5l) - Frederick K. Price This comedy, filmed at the West- brothers up in business, starts CD 01 - ABC News OPERA: Giu- the otflng In the year following @ - Fall & Rise of R. Perrin WEST EAST tricks, discarding two clubs - SportsCenter wood Playhouse in Los Angeles, out West to join his fiancee Syl­ 0 1 - SportsCenter seppi Verdi’s "II your birthday. Several of your traces the lives of three cheer­ via Sidney, Spencer Tracy, Wal- 4> 10 4>Q and a heart from his own (10) - Woody Woodpecker 2 ) - inside Business 10:30P.M. Trovatore" dreams will have excellent leaders ' ’ ter Able. 1936 K632 VJ984 hand. He had chucked two of chances of being fulfilled. dD - News/Sports/Weather ® S I - NBC News CD Sports Extra DIDUUH S E T THAT YESSIR...AN' GOOD.' LAOIKS AN' I GOT 800 SKINS SAYS AN' I'LL ♦ QJ10 3 *A91 dummy’s clubs on the earli­ (IS - MOVIE: ‘Three For 3:15P.M. MESS CLEAREP UR. TH' TORCH IS aXHTLCMEM.... PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) (H) - Robert Schuller Bedroom C A glamorous film (21 - Soapbox 0D - From the Editor's Desk PRODUCTION: Center Stage M Y BOY BEATS TH' BOTH COVER THE K 982 ♦J 10754 er spade leads. Persons with influence and ~ M OVIE: ‘Lady In Cement' li SARGE? BEIN' LIT NOW.' LET TM' GAM ES O F YOU OTHER aOO.' d3) @ ) - Sesam e Street [Closed star romances a handsome scien­ CD (21 - Temas y Debates 01 - Ovation Connecticut Opera West had to make three clout will view favorably any tist aboard a transcontinental A private detective is hired by a — BCGINU SOUTH Captioned) S I - This Is Your Life ® - Larson Sunday Night Company. Con­ discards. The first was easy. request you make of them train. Gloria Swanson, Fred Clark, small town hood to locate his ♦ K J86542 E ductor Im re Pallo, Alex Girelli today. If you're In need of dl) - El Ministerio de Jimmy James Warren 1952 missing girl friend. Frank Sinatra. 7:00 P.M. dZ) - David Susskind VAIO He chucked a Heart. The sec­ Swaggart Presenta Raquet Welch, Richard Conte Director Franco ♦ 864 ond caused a problem, but assistnace, go to the guys In 0 1 - Dr. Gene Scott 1968 CD CD " 60 Minutes 11:00 P.M. the catbird seats. Your roman­ dQ) - Expect a Miracle Gentilesca. ♦ a West decided that South had (SD - MOVIE: ‘A High Wind In CD (S) - Ripley's Believe It or @ ® - N ew s tic compatibilities are revealed (^ - Dr. James Kennedy (2D - Media Watch CD CD CD (H no interest in clubs so he let Jam aica' Five children are sent Not! Vulnerable; Both In the Astro-Graph Matchmak­ Religion CD - Off the Set PLOT: This op­ two go. One had been by their parents back to England 3:30P.M. - Switch er set. Get yours by mailing $2 for proper schooling, but are at­ CD CD ~ Wbrid Tomorrow Dealer: South enough, so South collected ® ) - Latinos - MOVIE: 'Missing' When era remains a fa­ tacked enroute by pirates An­ 03) 0D S I - Solid Gold to Astro-Graph, Box 489, an American writer disappears 0D - Odd Couple vorite either be­ West North East South three clubs before conceding 8:30 A.M. thony Quinn, Lila Kedrova, James Radio City Station, New York, during a military coup in Chile, his 0 1 - NHL Hockey: New York (^ - Children Running Out of !♦ the last two tricks to East. CD - Portuguese Around Us Colburn. 1965 Islanders at Philadelphia cause of or despite its highly Lynne Strow Piccolo, the soprjintj NY 10019. For your sign's ye?'^- family launches a full-fledged in­ Tim e Pass Pass !♦ “How could I have ahead predictions, send an ~ Dialogue (2) " NQws/Sports/Weather melodramtic plot about an old gypsy who sang the role of Leonora wa^ (D vestigation Jack Lemmon. Sissy (2D - News Update - Sports Tonight Pass Pass known?" moaned West. Spacek. John Shea 1982. Rated woman bent on revenge against the additional $1 plus your zodiac B 33 “ Day of Discovery (H - Day Dad Got Fired (^ - First Can^ somewhat less even in vocal per!fd^ We can tell him. South had sign. PG (S) - Indepervlent Network noble family who burned her mother to A dO) - Bugs Bunny & Friends . (23) - Connecticut Lawmakers (23) ~ Innovation N ew s mance than the other principals. ’B ® opened the bidding with a ARIES (March 21-April 19) (2) - Big Story death. Opening lead: 4Q dl) - Crossfire (H - Miami Grand Prix (21 - El Malefick) 11:30P.M. the first scene of the last act is club and could easily have Important objectives can be dO) - Robert Schuller; The Hour (H - What About Women 4:00P.M. ® ) - Starsky and Hutch Leonora's, and Ms. Strow-Piccolo won I'M NOT ^ been dealt five of them. He achieved today because, in of Pow er (Closed Captioned] (D - CBS News SINGING and ACTING: The four addition to your luck, you have - M O VIE: To Hell and Back' 01 - NCAA Basketball; North the audience with it. ; had shown up with three (H - Classic Country ■* David Susskind ..WE'U.. (1$ - Directions This IS the true story of war hero- Carolina at Clem son (This game CD principals sang very well, but it was spades and two diamonds, two other factors going lor you The chorus sang very well, particu­ .„60,PeEN i: ON WITH IBV CAMEBA6 turned-movie star Audio Murphy, is subject to blackout) 7:15P.M. CD - Laugh-In Bianca Berini. Metropolitan Opera larly the male chorus, which is so leaving eight unaccounted — ambition and Imagination. 9:00 A.M. ■nHE & T E E W 6 1 T - I O F THANIC6, ANP PHYUUI6 IN THF By Oswald Jacoby TAURUS (April 20-May 20) the most decorated soldier in 1^ - MOVIE: ‘Jennifer: A 0 1 - NBA Tonight CD ■ Bay Charles: A Man and Company mezzo-soprano, who won the important in Trovatore, cards in nis hand. They CD - Up Front W W II Audie Murphy, Susan E^CtH T A F T E & COJ^XtOOW^ and James Jacoby Understate your case today Woman's Story’ A widow be­ SD “ Spoils Sunday H is Soul greatest tribute from the audience for TT^E-r"^ might have included four - Wonder Woman Kohner, Marshall Thompson. comes involved in a bitter power T H E 6 E Instead of trying to hammer CD CD - It Is Written hearts to the ace, but in that 1955 struggle for control of. her hus­ 7:30P.M. her excellent vocal and dramatic DIRECTION: This opera must be-a ME;fi6AeE5.,. The old saying, “Oh what your points home. CD - Sunday Morning “ Honeymooners case East would have been (@ - All New This Old House band's company afrter he dies 01 - NBA Basketball: Portland 0D p.ortrayal of the half-crazed old gypsy nightmare to direct, with its episodic a tangled web we weave, GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) You CD - M ake It Real void of hearts. West’s best Elizabeth Montgomery, Bradford at Indiana (This game is subject (2D - Inside Business woman, Azucena. Hers is a thrilling chopped scenes and its sudden entran­ when first we practice to could be extremely lucky today CD - Oral Roberts Dillman, Scott Hylands 1979 bet would have been to play 12:30P.M. tb blackout) - Entertainment This Week voice, gripping one moment and ces, but Gentilesca handled it well. deceive,” does not apply to in matters relating to your (3D - Tom & Jerry and Friends (2D - News Update Ekist for the ace of hearts CD * High School Bowl 03) - Fraggle Rock Cotterpin (SD - MOVIE: The Naked enchantingly beautiful at the next. It is declarers at the bridge finances or career. Be alert so dD - 1984 Davis Cup Tennis: Doozer would rather play with Runner’ An American business­ and queen of clubs and to that you can take advantage of CS) - MOVIE: 'Who's Minding (21 ~ MOVIE: 'The Undefeated' equally controlled throughout its table. It is surprising how United States vs. Rumania - Red Fraggle than work man IS asked by the British Intel­ SETTING AND LIGHTING. The sets hang on to all his clubs. the Store?' A man who earns his The leader of a Union cavalry unit spectrum. often deception works. all possibilities. First Round - Singles Matches ligence to do a crucial job for enhanced the somber tone of this (NinraPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) living as a poodle walker falls attacks a Confederate position CANCER (June 21-July 22) C and D (21 - Sea Power them on a business trip to East Valise Moldoveanu, the Metropolitan South ducked spades until madly in love with a girl he be­ John Wayne. Rock Hudson ominous work. ;; Something promising may Germany. Frank Sinatra, Peter dQ) - Superman lieves IS |ust an elevator operator 1970 (21 - Grandes Series: 'Romeo y Opera tenor who sang the role of develop today where you can Julieta' Vaughan, Michael Newport. in a department store Jerry Manrico, the noble man who believes serve as a middleman or dD - News/Sports/Weather S I - MOVIE: 'Whistle Down 1967. OVERALL RECOMMENDATION:"* Lewis. Jill St. John, Agnes the Wind' Three children dis­ S I - Soapbox he is Azucena's son, sang in a strong broker. You'll benefit from both (H) - Expect a Miracle @ ) - Exchange Curtain time at Bushnell Memorial CROSSWORD Moorehead, John McGiver cover an escaped murderer hiding voice ideally suited to his melodic dD - MOVIE: The Wilderness 1963 in a barn and believe he is 'Jesus - MOVIE: 'The Savage Is Hall tonight is 8, Devotees of ;tRe Fam ily' A family faces a rocky (31 I LETTuce ( LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) A close Christ ' Alan Bates. Hayley Mills, 8:00 P.M. Loose’ A family, shipwrecked on arias. His "'D i quellapira" stunned the standard opera repertoire should' road to survival in the Rockies (2) " Crossfire A CRO SS 2 Priggish Answer to Previous Puzzle associate, or perhaps a rela­ Bernard Lee 1962 CD CD - MOVIE; Star Wars' a desert island, must come to audiencf^ the \^y all Travotore there. SID'S C4 FE I T o m MVJ JA N lp W lCW when they abandon the urban rat (H - Meet the Press 3 Be concerned tive, wants to be helplul today, An orphan, a renegade and a prin- grips with the primal forces of life. audiences (a^/derto be stunned by it. race for life in the wilderness. D - SportsWorld Today's pro- ' f 1.41 1 Animal 4 Chancel table but he doesn't know how to d3) - Lawmakers gram fealutos a WBA junior lVgh-_^®^r ° George C. Scott, Trish Van Dev- Baritone Widrew Smith of the New Robert Logan. 1975. Rated G ere, John David Carson. 1974. socrety (abbr.) S Earth's star handle It. Make it easy by stat­ 0 1 - Spotlight on Government iweight tiile bout boiween'*^ York City Opera Co. did a credible job . ^ $o/AC AS5£MBLy ing your needs. d3) (ID - Sesame Street (Closed champion Roger Mayweathor and Carrie Fisher. Harrison Ford 5 Exude 6 Adjusted © ) - Working Women 1978. Captioned) Rocky LOckndge and road racina 11:45 P.M. as the Count di Luna. Those in the 9 Compass beforehand VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sapl. 22) II (2 hrs.) - Star Search point 7 Existence those with whom you're 2 lH) - Nuestra Familia 1:00P.M. CD ® - Sqlyt.l audience who heard his outstanding Rating ayatem 12 River in Involved today aren't having a CD - MOVIE: 'Yours, Mine and - MOVIE: Goodbye. ® g® - MOVIE: ‘U c*‘ PMt 1 performance as Amonasro in the (Let.) dfi) (3(Sl - W orld Tomorrow & 12:00 A.M. C Russia 8 good a time as you think they Ours' A family manages to be Columbus' A young man. who An international sex-symbol uses Connecticut Opera Company’s “ Aida” ♦ = Bravol : Did not exist 9:30 A.M. happy with 18 children • and one ® - MOVIE; Th* Whit* 13 Celestial bear . should, elect yourself social vacations with the family of a all her power and influence of her came expecting to hear a full, rich (cont.) CD - Com ment more on the way. Lucille Ball, wealthy businessman, has an af­ fame to find and destroy the Horses of Summer' The contin­ = Entertaining 14 Refrigerate g Stingy chairman. You'll do a good job. Her\ry Fonda, Van Johnson. mother she never knew. Bess ual quarrels and Infidelity of a hus­ voice and to see dramatic talent. They 15 Sootiness LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) CD ~ Joy of Gardening fair with the daughter. Richard College A L ■ F 0 R E 1968 Benjamin. Ali MacGraw, Jack Armstrong, Brooke Adams, band and wife shut out their child did. ** = Mildly entertaining •' 17 Four quarts Some extraordinary factors are CD " Point of View causing his complete demoraliza­ j Z-lS athletic group B E A U T 1 E 8 - Music City, U.S.A. Ktugman. 1969 Phoebe Cates. 1984. (abbr.) , , working for you today which CD tion. Jean Seberg, Frederick Staf­ All three had excellent diction. . ^ T R N V « Water hols C E N t I L A P (3D - Jo sie and the P ussycats ~ Straight Talk * = Go see a movie instead 18 Defame could enhance your financial ® - MOVIE: ‘Jo« Panthar' A 4:15P.M. CD ford. 1973 Sarcastic 8 T V e | L Y (33) - HBO Coming Attractions Seminole Indian youth achieves 19 African land 20 position. Luck and old friends (2) - Health Week ® - MOVIE: High Noon' A 0D - Star Trek Important do) - Batman manhood by fighting alligators small town marshall must face a 21 Fixed routine occurrence i Shrewd 51 Goddess of will each play a part. Brian Keith, Ray Tracey. Ricardo 03) *■ Billy Crystal -A Comic's 23 New Deal 22 dD - Evans and Novak 4;30P.M. killer he sent to prison five years Tithe I Partial SCORPIO (Ocl. 24-Nov. 22) Montalban 1976. earlier. Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Line People’s Awards coming project (abbr.) ” CBS Sports Sunday Remember the names and 5 CD CD DD'IOUUKeiT,BRUr05? Falls asleep I Author of fate dD - Day of Discovery Today's program features the Otto Kruger 1952. 01 - Dr. Gene Scott 24 Direction other pertinent Information (2) - News/Sports/Weather Use a hammer "Robinson dD - Misa Del Domingo d l - China; Other Voices To­ Men's World Speed Skating O - MOVIE: 'That Champion­ (21 - Gavin/Lott Show The Tenth Annual People’s Choice IT^ A*BTOM?TA1U', (abbr.) ; ; pertaining to people you meet Brolin, "Hotel” ; Emmanuel Lewis, Mistaken Crusoe" 52 Swerve day's program looks at The Cen- Championships, a World Figure ship Season' Four former high- Awards" based on a special Gallup poll 27 Catches today. They could shortly play dO) - Celebrate (2D - News/Sports/Weather "Webster" (ABC); Mr. T. "The Game result turymen. a choral group, as they Skating Championships Preview school basketball stars reunite to determine the American public's 29 Energy unit i Birds an Important role In your d i - Top Cat and John Madden's Journeys every year to try to recapture the (21 - Despedida A-Teahi " (NBC). (pi.) 30 Kind of perform during a 1983 tour of favorites in television, movies and singing club i Burdens 55 One of 3 stfoirs (30) - Miracle Revival Hour China (60 min.) (90 min.) glory of that moment in their lives (S) - Mass. Council of Rabbis Fem ale in New TV Show — Kate 32 Thole 31 Evening in ' Half (prefix) 8AOI1TARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. @ ) - Pinnacle when everything w as perfect music, will be broadcast on CBS March 34 Light 21) Material conditions lock gg - MOVIE: ‘The Bridge On Bruce Darn, Stacy Keech, Robert 12:30 A.M. "Scarecrow and Mrs. King” I Italy I Paris airport Stooges the River Kwai' A hardened, re­ - S p aces 'The Architecture 15. 9-11 p.m. EST. 38 Enjoin 10:00A.M. (21 Mitchum. 1982. Rated R. ~ Fam e (CBS); Ann Jillian, “Jennifer Sl^t I Implement quite hopeful lor you today. solute British officer, who is a of Paul Rudolph ' Cliff Robertson CD 37 Stable worker^^ Thin out CD ~ Sunday Morning Although "M-A-S-H” no longer is in However, Lady Luck may wait captive of the Japanese, drives 1^ - MOVIE: The Howling' A 01 - 1984 Davie Cup Tennis: Here” (NBC); Madeliile Kahn. "Qh 38 Narrow narrates this look at controversial production and is seen only in syndi­ Madeline ” (ABC). V/ 1 3 3 4 8 8 7 8 9 10 11 until the last minute before C D * Bionic W oman his men to build a bridge as ther­ contemporary architect Paul Ru­ young journalist, seeking refuge United States va. Rumania - aperture making her closing moves. from the city, finds terror at a Cali­ First Round - Deciding Match cated reruns, it won two awards, CD " PopI Goes the Country apy William Holden, Alec Guin­ dolph and his work (Closed Cap­ Overall N e ^ T V Show - "The A-T ea 39 Harm (2 13 14 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jsn. 19) ness, Jack Hawkins 1957. tioned) fornia retreat. Dee Wallace, Pa­ including Favorite TV Comedy. C D - M ass 0 1 - New Serendipity Singers m” (NBC); “Hotel, 41 Cry of Your optimism Is easily trick Macnee, Dennis Dugan Of the three favorite children’s affirmation 18 18 (ID - Pink Panther Show d3) “ Presentel 1981 g® - Christian Children's Fund (ABC). 17 aroused today, and this will 5:00 P.M. programs, none was network. 42 Comedian (31 - Misconceptions In History gfi - Styl. WHh EIm K Itn tch New TV Miniseries fiedy”I'l' work to your advantage. Better (13) - MOVIE; 'Daffy Duck's S D ~ Fame (2D - N«ws/Sports/Woather Sparks 16 19 20 ® - U.S. Alpine Skiing Results of this year's survey of yet, It will also lilt the spirits of Movie; Fantastic Island' Daffy gg HD - MOVIE: ‘Urban (S) - Taking Advantag* ' Thorn [ “ The 44 Nine (Fr.) finds himself on a tropical island Championship CD - S.W .A .T . "favorites"; those who walk by your side. Cowboy' A Texas refinery la­ ® - Th* Athlata* Winds of W ar" (ABC). 46 Of which 21 23 23 where the wildest dreams come dD - MOVIE: 'The Howling' A TV Female — Joan Collins, Linda AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) (@ - Firing Line borer, who spends his free hours Non-TV Favorites: (. 49 Carries true Animated. 1983. Rated G. young journalist, seeking refuge in a Houston honky-tonk, finds 12:45 A.M. Evans, "Dynasty" (ABC). 34 28 z. 27 38 39 30 31 Pay attention to your hunches 1:30 P.M. from the city, finds terror at a Cali- Motion Picture Actress — M eiyi THE TROUBLE IS MfHENiS THE ITfe N(0T THE S3KTO F TH IN

Editor's note: This column is TH ERE W ILL be a meeting on 647-3173; 9:30 a.m, pharmacist; to set the record straight March 19 at 7 p.m., for those senior podiatry screening; caning class; prepared by the staff of the Manchester Senior Citizens' Cen­ men who desire to play golf. This crewel embroidery class: 10 a.m. DEAR ABBY: "An I told her I didn't know ter. It appears in the Heraid on meeting is mandatory as the Friendship Circle; pinochle Abby Fan" su^ested that anything about it, but I Wednesdays and Saturdays. league roster will be drawn from games: noon lunch; 12:30 p.m. those who didn't know feel terrible lying to her. If those who attend. bridge games. 1 p.ni. arts and how to introduce their she asks me again, what Bv Jeanette Cave The center’s lunch program will crafts class; 1:30 p.m. exercise son's or daughter's live-in should 1 tell her? She is 7 Senior Center DIurector resume on Monday. Don't forget to class; bus pick up at 8 a.m.: return partner should do as Lord Dear Abby sure to find out eventu­ purchase your ticket for Thursday, trips at 12:30 and 3:15 p.m. and Lady Greystone ally. Then she will know I It seems that the winter months by Tuesday, 12 noon. Thursday's Thursday: 9:30 a.m. quilting would have done, to wit; Abigail Van Buren lied to her. 1 don’t know have passed by very quickly. In the program will present Lou Joubert class; basketweaving; noon "This is my son, Tarzan, how to handle this situa­ coming weeks, senior center staff for your listening and dancing lunch; 1 p.m. entertainment by and his mate, Jane.'" tion. Your help is needed. has planned a host of activities for pleasure. Please wear soft-soled senior center orchestra; bus pick Wrong. In the first IN THE MIDDLE your enjoyment, Piease make note shoes if you plan to dance. For the up at 10 a.m.; return after place, the name was of any that interest you. March 8 program we will present program. "Greystoke" — not D EAR IN; As long as We wili be having several trip to you the East Catholic High • Friday: 9:30 a.m. chess and "Greystone." And in the the most famous "T a r­ not up on how to properly this man is your boss, sign-ups in the coming weeks. All School Chorus. Don’t miss these checkers; 10 a.m. bingo: exercise second place, they could zan" — Johnny Weiss­ summon a waiter Down keep mum about his pri­ Ann M. Mitchell-Elliott D. Jacqueline Anne Piantanida trip registrations will take place in two events. with Cleo; 12:30 p.m. setback vate affairs. If his wife RoseMarie Gervase Since our new greenhouse has not have introduced their muller — had died. E erie?. Under, but since "g a r­ Herald photo bv Richmond the dining room. The schedule is as gamce; 1:30 p.m, exercise class; son, Tarzan, and his mate, And the end of an era. con" is French for asks again, tell her that Nadelman follows: been in place, Joe and a host of bus pickupatOa.m. return trips at Jane, because Lord and "w aiter," you were cor­ her husband’s private Feb. 27 — 9:30 a.m., registration faithful volunteers have been 12:30 and 3: 15 p.m. Lady Greystoke both died DEAR ABBY: Last rect, though somewhat business is none of your Rounding up this litterof 13 puppies, for her young neighbor, Lynn Salonen, 6. Gervase-Harrington Mitchell-Nadelman Piantanida-Demko for Boston Flower Show, $16. Will sowing seed in preparation for our when their son was a mere summer I visited some pretentious. business. a photo session, wasn't easy for Beverly Lady, the mother dog, disappeared leave on March 14. There will be a gigantic spring flower and vegeta­ MENU FOR WEEK: ble plant sale. It is really a' infant. Lady G. died in her cousins in Australia. One In America, one sum­ Hayes, the owner of the puppies, and while all of this was going on. ■Y stop at the Quincy Market. sleep, and Lord G. was evening we were dining at mons a waiter by first DEAR ABBY; In "Con­ , Dr. and Mrs. Charles J . Gervase Mrs. Ernestine Mitchell of 117 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Pian- Feb. 29 — 9:30a.m..registration pleasure to see an idea develop Monday: hamburg on roll, soup, killed by a great (ape. a very exclusive continen­ catching his eye, then fidential to Mulling it of New Britain, announce the Summer St., announces the en­ tanida of Manchester announce the for St. Patrick's Day party at Aqua from the time the Grants Request dessert, beverage. Tarzan was then adopted tal restaurant. At one raising one's hand with Over in Mankato," you engagement of their daughter, gagement of her daughter, Ann engagement of their daughter. Turf, $19. Creative Tours has was written to the time when there Tuesday: stuffed cabbage, by Kala, a she ape whose point I was trying to get one finger pointing hea­ wisely pointed out that RoseMarie Gervase, to Mark Marie Mitchell, to Elliott David Jacqueline Anne Piantanida to changed this date to March 19. ' is a finished product. mashed potatoes, vegetable, des­ own infant had been the attention of one of the venward, and, if neces­ "education without com­ Thirteen pups scare Mom away Turner Harrington of Boston, Nadelman, son of Sally and Max Gary Demko, son of Dr. and Mrs. March 5 — 9; 30 a.m., sign-up for sert, beverage. killed. Others will proba­ waiters, so I raised my sary, calling "Waiter." mon sense is a load of Mass., son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nadelman of New Berlin, N.Y. Ms. Richard Demko of Manchester. trip to 1000 Islands and Oltawa DON’T FORGET our Doll House Wednesday: ham salad sand­ books on the back of an Harrington of Manchester. Mitcheii is also the daughter of the bly write in to inform you. hand andsaid, "Garcon." Oddly enough, in other another week. them, such as Sleepy, Baby Boo, Tulip Festival. $259. includes five Raffle. You must visit the Hobby wich, soup, dessert, beverage. ass.” By Barbara Richmond The bride-elect is a 1977 gradu­ late Elmer Mitchell. R.A.J., Well, my cousins were countries it is quite accep­ The puppies are part shepherd Angel and Fluffy. They don’t have The bride-elect is a 1979 gradu­ days and 4 nights, 7 meals, boat Shop to see the finished product. It Thursday; roast chicken breast, Herald Reporter ate of Pulaski Senior High Schooi cruise, city tour. Flyers arc JACKSONVILLE, aghast and politely repri­ table to summon a waiter and part black labrador retriever. to be called by name though when ate of East Catholic High School. is truly a work of art. mashed potatoes, peas, dessert, FLA. manded me for my "poor by clapping one's hands, .That caused me to re­ and a 1981 graduate of Central available at the center upon Other programs are as follows: beverage. What would you do if you had 13 And, of course, they are sweet and it comes time to eat. Just show The bride-elect is a 1978 gradu­ She is employed as a teller at etiquette." 1 maintained tapping one's glass with a call the words of Rabbi • Connecticut State University with request. A $50. deposit is required Feb. 27 — Lecture on Sound Friday: tuna fish sandwich, babies climbing all over you? cuddly, and more than one house­ them a dish of food and they are all ate of Manchester High School and Heritage Savings and Loan Associ­ D E AR R.A.J.:- Others that since "garcon" is knife, and even whistling! Benzion Kaganoff: "Edu­ a bachelor of arts degree in at registration. Facts about Hearing. soup, dessert, beverage. Probably leave home — and that's hold can handle. Eleven of them present and accounted for. is employed by Crispino's Su­ ation Inc. of Manchester. most certainly did'write French for "waiter," it But don't try any of those cation which is simply English. March 7 — 9:30 a.m., registra­ Feb. 29 — Hearing screening. No what Lady, the mother of 13 are shades of brown and black and preme Foods of Manchester. in. I was also informed was not improper to have methods in New York, intellectual taxidermy — The prospective bridegroom is a tion to see Liberace at Radio City appointment necessary. FEB. 17 SEi^ACK SCORES: puppies, did Thursday when she two are white. There are eight It was a little difficult trying to The prospective bridegroom is a that Tarzan and Jane summoned a waiter in unless accompanied by a the' scooping out of the 1971 graduate of Edwin O. Smith Music Hall in New York, $32. Trip Feb. 29 — 9:30 to 11 a.m.. Doris Jacobs, 137; Mary Colpitts, was supposed to be posing for males and the rest are females. round them ail up for a picture. 1978 graduate of Manchester High were not live-in lovers; that fashion. food-taster. mind and the stuffing in of High School and a 1981 graduate of The prospective bridegroom is will leave on April 17, Podiatry screening. 124; Arthur Bouffard, 123; Robert pictures with her over-sized litter. They were born Jan. 7. There They were outside and found too School and a 1983 graduate of the they were married by Did I act improperly? facts — that kind of Central Connecticut State Univer­ serving with the United States March 9 — Registration for March 2 — Hearing screening, Schubert, 122; Ernest Grasso, 121; were 14 of them but one died on the many fascinating things to do, University of Rhode Island. He is Jane's father, who was an And if I did, what is the education is worthless. sity with a bachelor of arts degree Navy and is a sonar technician dinner at Wright's Chicken Farm by appointment. Call Health De­ Lorraine Smith, lil; Rene Higbie, D EAR ABBY: My boss Lady belongs to Beverly Hayes third day. Mother dog, Mrs. Hayes such as chewing on a rose bush, employed at N.O. NelsonCompany ordained minister. proper way to summon a The human mind is not a in physical education. He is third class with the Submarine in Nasonville, Rhode Island. All partment at 647-3173. 119; Paul Ottone, 118; Dom Anas­ is having an affair and he of Manchester. Mrs. Hayes has said, is losing patience with so investigating the box of dog of Manchester. As coincidence would waiter? deep-freeze for storage; employed as a customer service Force - USS GATO SSN-615. you can eat, $14. Trip will leave March 16 — St. Patrick's Day tasia, 117; George Brooks, 117; Sue knows that 1 am aware of owned her since November when many babies — one reason Mrs. biscuits, and getting tangled up in have it, the day that item NEW YORK it. His wife suspects some­ the human mind is a force clerk at Black & Decker, Brighton, March 23. dance, 7; 30 to 10; 30 p.m. Tickets on Horvath, 116; Helen Silver, 116. her daughter brought the pooch Hayes is anxious to find good Lady’s rope. A June 15 wedding is planned at appeared in my column, NEPHEW thing because she asked for production." Mass. The Variety Show rehearsals arc' sale in the office. $2. in advance. $3. home from Nichols College. Lady homes for them. There's never a dull moment in An August wedding is planned. the newspapers were ARTHUR PRINCE, A Sept. 8 wedding is planned. St. Bartholomew's Church. going Nvell. Tickets will be on sale at the door, WEDNESDAY PINOCHLE: me if he was seeing was sort of a dorm dog. it was The puppies are used to being the Hayes’ household these days. filled with the news that DEAR NEPHEW; I'm MEMPHIS, TENN. soon for the two performances on Carl Popple, 610;. Paul Ottone, 610; . someone else. discovered she was pregnant after around children. Although the Dog lovers, you'd better get your April 6 and 7 at the Manchester SCHEDULE FOR WEEK; Arnold Jensen, 597; Lillian Lewis, she was taken into Mrs. Hayes’ three Hayes children are grown bid in early to adopt one of these High School. Watch fur details. 595; Lottie Lavoie, 581; Mary Hill. home. and away from home, all of the puppies that will be your best We have received correspon­ • Monday: 9:30 a.m., ceramics 581; Ernest Desrocher, 579; Clara Mrs. Hayes didn’t realize what young children in the neighbor­ friend forever. Mrs. Hayes can be Bacterial body odor sets in she was in for. However, she loves reached by calling 643-0527. dence from Sen. Dodd's office that class; 10 a.m. "Sound Effects on Hemingway, 575; Rene Maire, 569; hood visit the puppies frequently. he will be sponsoring a senior to Hearing"; bingo: noon lunch; Bob Schubert, 568. all of the puppies. She plans to keep Mrs. Hayes said the children are Oh yes. Lady only left temporar­ participate in the 1984 Congres­ 12:30 p.m. pinochle games: 1:30 one but would like to give the such a big help in caring for the ily so she wouldn't have to pose for sional Senior Citizen Intern Pro­ p.m. exercise class; bus pick up at BOWLING SCORES: Women hi others away to loving homes. The puppies that she doesn't know what a picture. She doesn’t know it yet gram, scheduled tor the week of 8 a.m,; return trips at 12:30 and single and hi triple — Edna puppies are 7 weeks old today and she wouid do without them. They but she's scheduled to be spayed in after birth of second child will be ready for adoption in April. May 7 thru 11. This affords a senior 3:15 p.m. Christensen. 191 and 523. Men hi have also been naming some of the opportunity to spend a week in • Tuesday: 9 a.m. shopping bus; single and hi triple — Jim Washington, DC., learning of 9; 30 a.m. macrame class; driver's Stackpole. '247 and 635. DEAR DR. LAMB: DEAR READER: I sus­ federal and private programs and ed class; 10 a.m. square dancing; Since I delivered by se­ pect that your doctor was policies on aging. If you are noon lunch; 12; 30 p.m. bus returns BRIDGE SCORES: Ruth cond child six years ago, trying to tell you that you Reagan a champion of women? interested, you may get an applica­ from shopping: 1 p.m. driver’s ed; Search, 4,310; Mabel Loomis; I've had a terrible prob­ have an enlargement of tion at the center or call Sen. 1:30 p.m. exercise with Cleo. 3,940; Helen Bensche. 3,660; Tom lem with underarm body the thyroid. The normal Your Health ingenuity.” Dodd's office at 722-3470, Trans­ • Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Giordano, 3,590; Irene Foisy, odor. I'v e gone from doc­ thyroid gland .consists of WASHINGTON (UPI) - Repub­ She said that those in her licans have their answer to the Both NOW, which has endorsed portation and lodging expenses hearing screening, by appoint­ 3,590; Nadine Malcom, 3,290; Hans tor to doctor trying to find little lobules filled with a coalition take exception to "the gender gap — a group of women former Vice President Walter will be reimbursed. ment. Call Health Department at Bensche, 3,260. a cure. They prescribe Lawrence Lamb, M.D. gelatinous material Judy Goldsmiths of the National Mondaie for president, and the different medicines and called colloid. These can who will campaign for President Organization for Women and the Reagan 'as the "champion of Kathy Wilsons of the National women’s caucus, which has made deodorants, but nothing enlarge and cause a col­ X working women.” no presidential endorsement, fa­ seems to work. loid goiter. Women’s Political Caucus when vor the Equal Rights Amendment! / It's not as if I don't keep Betty Heitman, co-chairman of they imply that women do not Reagan does not. About Town clean. I take a shower When they’re small and the Republican National Commit­ possess the inherent skili, motiva­ every morning before go­ that will kill bacteria and to control perspiration, the thyroid function is tee, appeared at a news conference tion and eduction to succeed in Mrs. Heitman asked Janice M. Lappen Luann Limberger Kimberly J. Russell ing to work. It has gotten penetrate the skin. You're too. I've discussed these normal, the doctor may Thursday to present two dozen today's world." rhetoricaiiy: to the point that I hate an ideal candidate for measures in more detail elect to do nothing. It professional women who will Later Ms. Wilson responded in a Lappen-Mawson Planters to me/st Monday Marion McCarthy and Peg O'Connor, third. going to work, gee my hexachlorophene. You in the Health Letter 18-2, really depends on the rest travel the country campaigning telephone interview: "Who's the champion of working Limberger-Macintosh Russell-Latta Open Pairs Club Champion.s are Jim Baker and fellow workers turn up can't buy it yourself any­ Sweating, Antiperspi- of his studies. If there’s an for the president as part of the "What n erve!" she said. "T o women? Let me give you a clue. In The Perennial Planters Garden Club will meet Sonja Gray, first; Penny Weatherwax and Ellen 1981 the child care tax credit for their noses and hear the more, but your doctor can rants and Deodorants, indication of thyroid over­ RNC’s "National Women’s suggest that women leading the Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Lappen Mr. and Mrs. Walter Limberger Ms. Nancy L. Hathaway of 151 Monday at 7 p.m. at the home of Ruth Chambers, 41 Goldberg, second: and Ann DeMartin and Tom Coalition." working women was increased to sly talk and laughing. It give you a prescription for which I ’m sending you. activity, he may wish to women’s movement don’t have of South Windsor, announce the of Ellington, formerly of Manches­ Walnut St., announces the engage­ White St. Donna Maloney and Bernice Manning will Regan, third. make it easier for working women really hurts. Please help a 3 percent emulsion of treat it medically or he "The Democrats are not the confidence in women is like engagement of their daughter, ter, announce the engagement of ment of her daughter, Kimberly J. assist the hostess. party that has done the most for to work. That’s President me. hexachlorophene. There DEAR DR. LAMB: My may recommend surgery. suggesting doesn’t Janice M. Lappen of Glastonbury, their daughter, Luann Limberger, Russell to Dennis Kirk Latta of Ginny Aniello will lead a workshop on pressed women,” she said. "W e are." have confidence in Yankee Reagan.” Group seeking members have been some objec­ thyroid scan showed I had I suspect your sister is to Thomas J. Mawson of East to Neil Macintosh Jr., son of Mr. Fort Wayne, Ind. flower pictures. Flowers in Whiton Memorial Library DEAR READER: Such tions about its use in a colloid cyst. What either taking medication Hampton, son of Helen C. Mawson and Mrs. Neil Macintosh Sr. of for this month are being provided by Martha Parents Anonymous, a local group, and Parents infants. causes this? Is it inher­ to replace her thyroid of Oaklyn, N.J, and the late Lavanway. body odors are not related Ellington. The bride-elect is a graduate of Anonymous of Connecticut, have positions open for You only need it in ited? Can it be treated function following Thomas H. Mawson. The bride- to sweating too much or to The bride-elect is a graduate of Manchester High School and the volunteers with professional backgrounds to lead localized areas. After us­ medically? Is surgery in­ surgery or to suppress the elect is a graduate of East Catholic cleanliness. Usually Ellington High School and is prospective bridegroom of Wood- parent groups. They are also in need of staff members they're caused by bacte­ ing it, don't use anything dicated? How serious is development of additional High School. Golden Agers plan meeting employed by the State of Connect!-' lan High School, Woodbury, Ind. for the children's program and drivers to volunteer ria that live just under the else, especially a solution it? colloid material. The bride-elect is also a gradu­ cut Labor Department. The pros­ Both are with the U.S. Army The Golden Age Club will meet Tuesday at 1 p.m. at one or more nights per month to transport children skin. Most soaps don't that contains alcohol. The My sister had surgery The colloid material is a- ate of the University of Connecti­ and parents to meetings. pective bridegroom is a graduate stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. •the Manchester Senior Citizen Center, East Middle penetrate the skin deep hexachlorophene will for the same thing last gelatinous substance nor­ cut with a bachelor of science of Ellington High School and is Turnpike. For m ore information on volunteer opportunities enough to kill these bacte­ penetrate the surface of year. She’s on some kind mally produced by the degree in civil engineering. She is employed by Aqua Pool & Patio. throughout the state, call Evie Hermann-Keeling, ria, and they can't be the skin and kill the of medication for the rest thyroid. If you have too enrolled at RPl lor her master's A May 12 wedding is planned. A March wedding is planned. director for the state, at 523-5255. removed by simply wash­ bacteria. In many people, of her life. I'd like to avoid much, it could be thought Coming April 30th. degree in business administra­ Film to be showi^n ing the surface of your this solves the odor prob­ medication if possible. of as a cyst or nodule filled tion.. She is employed as an The movie, "StartingX Over,’’ will be shown Inter-Faith Exchange skin. lem. It's worth a try. I ’m 51 and take no with the soft colloid engineer at Northeast Utilities in -Henderson-King- Thursday at 7; 30 p.m, at th^Educational Community, YouYOU need sometningsomething You'llyou ii want to Knowknow nowhow medicines. maieriai.material. Berlin. 645 Birch Mountain Road. The annual Inter-Faith Exchange between Temple The prospective bridegroom is a The film, which is open to tfte public, is being shown Beth Sholom and South United Methodist Church is Our Annual ^graduate of Camden Catholic High Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henderson by the law lirm of Harrison & as part of the Community’s imnthly film series. It scheduled for Sunday at 7; 30 p.m. in the sanctuary of ;School in New Jersey and Drexel of Yuma, Ariz., announce the Lereh, stars Burt Reynolds, Jill C la^urgh and Candice South Church. The topic will be, "How We Use the •University with a bachelor of engagement of their daughter, Bergen. For more information c^646-0711. Psalms in Worship." To keep your resolutions, ■science degree in civil engineer­ Diana Gail Henderson of Phoenix, The prospective bridegroom is a The joint committee has made arrangements to ing. He is also enrolled at R P I in Ariz., to James T. King III, of 1967 graduate of Manchester High Looking for musicians have David Morse and the Chancel Choir of South Community the MBA program.. He is supervi- Phoenix, son of Mr. and Mrs. School and a 1971 graduate of United, Cantor Israel Tabatsky, The Rev. Dr. !sor of stress analysis engineering James T. King Jr. of Tuck Road. Syracuse University. He is em­ The Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and Drums Inc. and Shepard Johnson and Rabbi Richard S. Plavin lat Northeast Utilities. The bride-elect is a 1976 gradu­ try starting with only one ployed by the U.S. Postal Service. its companion units, Knowlton’s Connecticut Rangers participate. A May wedding is planned in St. ate of Kofa High School, Yuma, A May 12 wedding is planned in and Captain Stephen Buckland's company of Artillery There will be a time for questions, fellowship and Paul's Church, Glastonbury. Ariz. She is a paralegal, employed Phoenix, Ariz. and the Company of Artificers, are recruiting new refreshments. DEARDR.BLAKER: I I am certain that his members. am just sick because I Profile Edition illness makes life hard for Musical instruction, instruments, uniforms and have broken my New Bake sale Sunday the both of you. When he music are provided to members. "The corps is a 2 Year's resolutions. This Ask does not sound very ra­ non-profit, self-supporting group interested in pre­ year I promised myself Weddings Scandia Lodge pjans a bake sale at 10:45 a.m. tional, do not try too hard serving 18th century heritage including music, dress, that I would stop smoking, Sunday in Luther Hall of Emanuel Church. Dr. Blaker to please^ him. It may be crafts, drill and authenticity. Individuals as well as lose weight, dress with impossible. You Certainly Won’t WantTo families are welcome. Members of the music unit more flair, curb my Karen Blaker, Ph.D. must be at least 10 years of age. swearing, and learn Evans-Urban Process to be described A peformance is planned for Illing Junior High French. Miss Out On This Eagerly Shy? Write for Dr. Blak- School, among others. The kick-off meeting of the Accreditation process of I did not tell anyone Janice Urban of Vernon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. er’s newsletter ‘‘Shy­ For more information write to the corps in care of about these resolutions Stanley Urban of 138 Bolton St., and David Evans of the Chamber of Commerce, will be held Tuesday at 8 ness. ” Send 50 cents and a P.O. Box 1776, Coventry, or call John Hetzel in a.m. in the chamber conference room, 20 Hartford because I did not want to Awaited Publication ... Your Vernon, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Evans of stamped, self-addressed Coventry, 742-7644; or David Sutcliffe in Manchester, Road, be embarrassed when and posed changes tend not to Glastonbury, were married Jan. 28 at South DEAR READER: It is envelope to Dr. Blaker in 649-8918. Chairman William R. Johnson will describe the 5 Congregational Church, Glastonbury. if I failed. Now that I have be definitive enough, but important for you to go out Business Should Be A Part care of the Manchester The Rev. Ralph Sundquist officiated at the double Regular Sunday practices are held in Manchester at process and the role each committee will have in it. made a mess of things, I instead are too general. even if your husband will Herald, P.O. Box 475, ring ceremony. Stephen Solosky of Meriden was Orange Hall on East Center Street. am certainly glad that I You wanted to lose not accompany you. You Radio City Station, New Of It! organist. The bride was given in m arriage by her had the foresight to make weight. How much? You should be proud of your York, N.Y. 10019. Pinochle Club results father. Nancy Hungeford of Manchester was maid of that decision. wanted to dress with more adventuresome spirit. Lions to serve pancakes honor. James Evans of Glastonbury was best man. The following are the results of the Feb. 23 pinochle flair. Who will be the The problem may lie in Write to Dr. Blaker at DEAR READER: judge? You wanted to After a reception at Gordie's Place in Glastonbury, Manchester Lions Club will have its fourth annual games played at the Army & Navy Club. Play is each your sensitivity to his the above address. The Please Call The Herald Ad­ "A ll You Can Eat," pancake and sausage breakfast Thursday at 9:30 a.m. and is open to all senior There are two problems learn French. A few criticisms. It is not easy, volume of mail prohibits the couple went on a two-week honeymoon trip to here that I can see. phrases for use in a Hawaii. They are making their jio me in Vernon. March 4 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Army and Navy citizens: but try to take him a little personal replies, but ques­ vertising Department Club, 1090 Main St. Edith O'Brien 644; Eleanor Pisch 637; Charles One is your decision not restaurant or a fluent, IcM seriously when he tions of general interest Now The bride is a graduate of Manchester High School to tell anyone because of working knowledge? and attended St. Joseph College in West Hartford. She % The breakfast, which is a major fund raiser for the Gidrites 635; Paul Ottone 606; Bert Turner 604; Helen tries to make life difficult will be discussed in future your fear of failure. Fran­ is HHjDloyed by the Planned Parenthood League of club, will feature unlimited pancakes, sausage, Bensche 593; Hans Fredericksen 592; Jennie Schubert Next time go easier on for you. columns. For Your Space Reservation, ^ ces Marion once said, CoJ^Nticut. coffee, tea or milk. Products made by the Blind 591. yourself by taking these "Prom ises that you make 'rnegroom is a graduate of Glastonbury High School Workshop in Newington will also be on sale. Also: Peter Casella 578; Anthony D. Maid 575; suggestions. to yourself are often like ant is a graduate of Cobleskill College, Cobleskill, Proceeds will help the sight and hearing impaired Sylvia Gower 576; Domenic Anastasio 572; Bud 643-2711 ^ and other disabled residents of Manchester. Paquin 571; Robert Schubert 570; Marge Reed 568 the Japanese plum tree — N ."!. He is employed by Manchester Honda as Where to write Tickets are $2.75 for adults and $1.50 for children they bear no fruit." D EAR DR. BLAKER: I assistant service manager. Next year, make your Here’s where to write for advice from the age 12 and under. have been blind, for 20 Steve Casavant, 646-3091 and Tracy Heavens, resolutions and then ver­ syndicated columnists featured in the Man­ years, but I manage to get 643-2967, are chairmen'. balize your commitment out from time to time. I chester Herald: lianri|rHtpr HrralJi to someone else. That will Think about spring skiing enjoy these excursions • Dear Abby Abigail Van Buren, P.O. Service notes help strengthen your very much. But my hus­ box 38923, Hollywood, Calif; 90083. JM v W jI rMfikr W |*n NEW YO RK (U P I) — A spring ski trip can be a Bridge Club results ^ resolve. band objects and makes vacation bargain, says Cal Conniff, president of the • Dr. Lamb — Dr. Lawrence Lamb, M.D., The following are the winners of the Feb. 13 and In addition, and this is life miserable for me. National Ski Areas Association. Reports for duty P.O. Box 1551, Radio City Station, New York, Feb. 16 games of the AM Bridge Club: my second point, next I don't know what to do. After the winter rush ends in mid-March, many N .Y . 10019. North-South: Mike Franklin and Bill Levy, first; Marine Gunnery Sgt. John A. Atkinson, son of year make only one reso­ We are both 74 years old resorts offer reduced rates that allow families and Linda Simmons and Terry Daigle, second; Burt Edward D. and Marion Atkinson of 102 Oxford St., has lution. You have taken it and want to stay together. • Dr. Blaker — Dr. Karen Blaker, P.O. Box other groups to save 25 percent or more, Conniff said. Smyth and Flo Smyth, third. reported for duty with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, upon yourself to make That's fine. But he is 475, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. He said most resorts offering family rates have sweeping changes in your 10019. day-care facilities for toddlers and special, super­ East-West: Lettie Jane Glenn and Pat Schackner, Marine Corps Helicopter Air Station, N ew R iver' manic-depressive and Mr. and Mrs. David Evans Jacksonville, N.C. behavior. Also, these pro- won’t go out. vised ski programs for youngsters. first; Joyce Driskell and Murray Powell, .second:

.ijy It MANCHKSTKR HKRAU), Siilurday. Fob, 25. I9M MANCHKSTER HKRAU), S.iturdu) . Ft i» 2.5 IIW4 I ^MACC News can’t help all who are hungry SFORTS

Human Needs are fully funded by the United Way This column is propaicd by the stall of the you have to be a resident of Manchester or Bolton, The opening of Sherpherd's Place five days a or transient to receive food from the Pantry. week has literally been a health saver for them, of Manchester. They provide the money to pay Red-hot Indfan cagers make CCIL Playoffs Manchester Ari'a Conference of Churches. When can you get help? Only when you are out and maybe a mind saver to those of us who made salaries for Marie Michael-Rogers, Fern O'Con­ nor. Joanne Coykendall and all the department By Nancy Carr ol food. The Pantry is an emergency pantry not a the decision not to feed persons or families on an ongoing basis out of the Pantry. operating expenses — $40,000 this year. The By Rich Cahill ftAACC executive director grocery store. 1 remember a lady who called to Herald Sports Writer say she was out of cereal and milk but when we Who operates the Pantry? Volunteers. Lucy money for the Human Needs Fund, the Pantry, talked, it turned out she had canned soup and Desmond has been the coordinator for the past and all our other special assistance programs, is How many of you have donafed food or money For what it’s worth, Manchester hamburger and a fair amount of other food, and five to 12 years. She and her volunteer crew — contributed by the churches, local organizations to the Emergency Pantry during the past year? High is red hot as it heads into the would be getting a check in a few days. I didn't Diana Longchamps, Doris Stoltenberg, Leona K. and businesses, and hundreds of caring men, Probably some'fO percent of Manchester Herald Central Connecticut Interscholas­ think it would hurt her and the children to have Lavery, Eleanor Cotton, Kay Holstrom, Doris women, and children in the community includu|& readers, if not more. tic League playoffs. tomato soup and crackers for breakfast for two Marchand, Marilyn Miller, Grace Holman, the following contributors: the Chai G r o u p ,^ ^ In addition to individual gifts, 43 Manchester The Indians overcame some days. However, we would supplement if you have Phyllis Porcheron, and Ceretha Lechausee — do Friendship Group of Emanuel Lutheran, U nm F groups including churches, church groups, early ragged play to defeat a nothing but cereal and dry milk tor the next few everything from notify participating groups what Methodist Women, and James Jones. almost all the Manchester public and parochial physical Windham High team, days, particularly if you have children. food is needed this month, to actually sorting the schools, civic organizations, locaj^retail food 53-47, Friday night at Clarke How? Getting food is a fairly simple process the food, stamping reception date, filling food orders, THANK VOU'S • stores and other local businesses — all Arena. Manchester begins the first time around. Anyone out of food can go up to and keeping record of Pantry users. contributed food or monev tor food to the Pantry CCIL Playoffs Tuesday night with the MACC Human Needs Department on the They do everything that you need to do in a To Sally Robinson, Susan Scott, Mark Winslow, in 1983. a record of 13-6, including seven second floor of Center Congregational Church grocery store except ring the cash register. They Betty brtolani, Ella Herbie, Tessie Kehl, wife of Several churches — Concordia Lutheran. wins in a row. and fill out an intake form, and if you meet the do your shopping. They make sure thatthe clients Chef Eddie, who helped make MACC's annual Second Congregational, South I'nited Methodist. Manchester finished in fourth residency requirements, receive a lood pack for leave the Pantry with not only sufficient food, but dinner such a success. Bolton Ecumenical Council consisting of St. place with an 12-6 conference up to three days. If you are in more serious a nutritious, balanced selection of non-perishable To A1 Bourret who sent us warm socks, instant George Episcopal, Bolton Congregational, Bolton record and will face either Hall or difficulty, this may be the time to begin to talk to coffee, and a check to buy soap and underwear for I'nited Methodi.st, Church of St. Maurice, have foods. They are absolute jewels. Simsbury on Tuesday. Those two the staff and see how we can help or help you find the men in our shelter. Thank you, Al. scheduled monthly collections lor lood items teams were tied for the conference help. VOLUNTEERS specially needed in the Pantry. Along with the lead going into Friday's action. If. alter three days you are still in trouble and EMERGENCY PANTRY churches, the schools are of tremendous The team that wins the conlerence need more food, there is a signal system that And speaking of volunteers, they play an THANK YOU’S assistance in the Pantry and Seasonal Sharing will host the CCIL playoffs and will baskfts. Bennel Junior High School alone, in a alerts staff that there may be an ongoing serious essential role in keeping the whole Human Needs 2 face Manchester in the first round. problem. If you need food for the third time, one of office moving. Volunteer Jane Galeucia, works To St. George Episcopal, South United school-wide effort, collected over 1,500 items of The second-place team will face the staff will sel aside time to work with you. In two days a week in the MACC office and has Methodist, Bolton Methodist, Eighth Utilities non-perishable lood. Any lood items left over third-place Penney in the other fact, you can't receive food more than threetimes become our right-hand woman. Not only does she District, Peg Keeler, Tim and Michelle O’Neill, from the Seasonal Sharing also went into the conference semifinal. in any one year (a possible total of 9 days) unless handle all the paperwork involved in the in-kind Ed Bushnell, Center Congregational Men’s Club, Pantry and Soup Kitchen, filing Junior High The playoffs will not decide the you have sal down with Fern or Marie or Joanne. voucher system, she is receptionist and house Second Congregational, John O’Connor, and four School, Manchester High School, and Howell conference champion, however. After that interview, there has to be staff mother, making up food packs and taking care of anonymous donors. Special thanks to Ray and Cheney Technical School, all helped swell the Either Hall or Simsbury will be the agreement that we'll make an exception to the emergencies when MACC staff are all on the Leona Lavery for hauling cartons ol juice to the Panti'y. champion or co-champs. They three times only rule? Often, persons with road. She covers the entire office by herself Pantry. were tied going into Friday's continuing need and persistent critical financial during staff meetings, allowing us to put our action. The playoffs simply allow 5 problems are eligible for fown or state assistance heads together over exceptionally difficult and^r the teams to get some work as they programs. We can assist, advocate, and help. complicated cases where unusual or chronic need ttecause of all ol you good people, we were prepare for the state tournament. One ol the hardest, most difficult problems we strains everyone's resources and inventiveness. Who do we feed? All kinds of able to teed 1,446 children and adults more than But, a playoff win would give the have had, was working with those individuals and Joining Jane in the Department of Human 6500 meals during the past 12 months. That's people — babies, toddlers, Indians a lift as they get set for the families who didn't or couldn't fit into a program, Needs, are volunteers Dorothy Williams, Gerry almost double the number we fed in 1981, and state Class LL tournament. or who couldn't make ends meet on the financial Marcoux, Nancy Greir, and a brand new moms, dads, elderly, disabled, considerably more people we provided meals to “ We've won seven in a row, " assistance programs for which they were volunteer, Ethel Scott. They answer the phone, in 1982. transients, unemployable Manchester coach Doug Pearson eligible. The Pantry is obviously not geared to provide information, in-kind tons of clothing and Who do we Iced" All kinds ol people — babies, said. “ Nobody else has won seven. subsidize those who are chronically in need in food donations, act as liaison, and make it toddlers, moms, dads, elderly, disabled, tran­ chronic mental health patients Maybe we can win the playoff," Manchester, Such persons need help every possible for staff to work directly with the sients. unemployable chronic mental health and people in crisis ... The Indians, who have split two patients, and people in crisis who pull things month, and a sad increasing number need to be applicants. fed every day. games each with Hall and Penney together and we never see them again. However. The administrative costs for the Department of and lost two to Simsbury, have been the CClL's top team over the past month. "W e're a decent team right now," Pearson said. He added he would rather face Hall in the playoffs, because Simsbury runs a methodical offense not Calendars suited to the Indians' type of game. In the first period Friday, the Herald photos by Pinto Indians reverted to some of the Tuesday — 10 a.m.. Old Guard, all retired men of The week at South Church impatient play which led to their Manchester coach Doug Bible study at Concordia community invited; 1:30 p.m,. We Gals, all retired Hit; rocky 6-6 start this season. They women of community welcome; 4 p.m.. Youth Choir; The following events are scheduled for the coming Pearson Voices his (jisplea- The following evcnls are scheduled al Concordia took several long jumpers and hit 7; 45 p.m., Claudia Circle. Manchester co-captain Ken Willis (32) has authoritative Manchester 6-8 center Brian Spano (44) reaches up with sure with what he sees on Lutheran Church lor the coming week; week at South United Methodist Church: only 4-for-12 in the period. Man­ Wednesday — 6:30 p.m., Y E A potluck supper, Monday — 7:30 p:m., church school stall: worship Sunday — Noon, farewell pot luck dinner for the rebound as teammate Russ Anselmo (right) hooks up chester led 9-8 at the end of the two hands as he a tt^ p ts to take rebound away from the court. Pearson was board room; 7; 30 p.m., ^pianuel Choir. and music committee. Hills; 7; 30 p.m., annual Interfaith Night with Temple with Windham’s Shawn Hanka in CCIL action at Clarke quarter, however, as Windham Windham’s Tim Thompson (25). Indian guard Chris happy at the end with 53-47 Thursday — 10 a.m., prayer group; 11; 15 a.m., care committed six turnovers and, Tuesday — 6:30 p.m., children's choir rehearsal; Beth Sholom, at South Church with Cantor Tabatsky and visitation; 3;45 p.m., Belle Choir; 6:30 p.m., A ro n 9 Petersen (33) watches action above. victory over Windham. 6:45 p.m., catechetics classes, education wing: 8 p.m,, and the Chancel Choir participating. consequently, took only seven F confirmation classes; 7; 30 p.m,, basketball practice Bible study, church room. shots. at Waddell; Scandia in Luther Hall. Tuesday — 10 a.m.. The 'Vineyards; “ Healing for margin, however, and hit 15-tor-23 che.ster in scoring lor the eighth Wednesday — 7 p.m.. Fit and Slim, 7:45 p.m., The Whippets committed six to play. With 43 seconds letl, Saturday — 8 p.m,. Alcoholics Anonymous, Luther Damaged Emotions.’’; 3 p.m., Asbury Bell Ringers; time in a row with 19 points Junior Concordia Choir. more turnovers in the second Manchester guard Greg Turner at the free throw line. Windham Hall, 60 Church St. 7; 30 p.m., Women's Prayer and Study Group at 337 W. Knicks fall in OT quarter, allowing Manchester to missed the front end of a one-and- made five foul shots in only 11 forward Russ Anselmo had 11. Thursday — 9:30 a.m., Bible discovery group, Middle Turnpike and Finance-Stewardship Commis­ build a 24-17 lead at the half. After one free throw situation, but center attempts. Windham had 17 turnov­ The game marked the tin;il home church room: 7:30 p.m., social ministry, church sion. at the church. appearance lor Willis and fellow room, three periods, the Indians led 36-28. Brian Spano grabbed the reboOnd ers. and Manchester committed Events at Baptist Church co-captain Chris Petersen. They F'riday — 8 a.m., mayor’s breakfast, Kaiser Hall. Windham scored the first lour and scored to clinch the win. 16. The following events are scheduled for the coming Wednesday — 6:55 p.m,, Wesley Bell Ringers; 7; 30 to Hawks, 105-104 points of the final quarter and then Manchester shot only 35 percent "We were a little sloppy to­ were honored in eeremonies before week at Faith Baptist Church, 52 Lake St. p.m.. Chancel Choir; 7; 30 p.m.. Adult Bible Study at twice cut the lead to two points. from the field, while Windham hit night. ” Pearson said, adding that the game The two will he the only 277 Spring St. players Irom this year's team lost E Love topic at North Sunday — 7 p.m., a new film will be shown titled ATLANTA (DPI) - DanRound- crucial free throws with 11 seconds The final time came at 49-47 on a 50 percent. The Indians outre- the physical nature of the game "John Wycliffe, the Morning Star of the Reform a­ Thursday — 6:30 p.m,. Junior Choir; 7;30 p.m.. field and Dominique Wilkins each remaining, Friday night to lead the Tim Thompson jump shot with 1:08 bounded their opponents by a wide was partly to blame. to graduation. • The lollowing events are scheduled at North United tion." The public is invited. A free-will offering will be Youth Choir; 7; 30 p.m.. Council on Ministries. scored 22 points to lead the Atlanta Portland Trail Blazers to a 119-114 "The kids probably have marks "With the young team we have, I Methodi.st Church for the coming week: » taken. Friday; — 10 a.m., Al-Anon. Hawks to a 105-104 overtime victory over the Philadelphia on their arm s," he said. "They think we did what we want to." Sunday — Nancy Hajek, guest preacher, topic (Windham) should have had 40 Pearson said ot the season. "Next "Perfect in love." victory over the 76ers. It was the third straight triumph fouls. ” He didn't complain about year. 1 think we have a chance to be Monday — 7 p.m.. finance committee. Events at Nazarene Friday night. The week at Concordia The game was tied at 98 when for Portland and its eighth win in 11 Canadiens axe Berry the officiating, however. "It was a very good team. " Wednesday — 10 a.m., pastor's Bible study. games. The 76ers dropped their consistent. They were delinitely WINDHAM (47) — F'iguero;i 6 1-4 Thursday — 7:30 p.m., Bible study. Atlanta went ahead by four points, Monday — 7; 30 p.m., church school staff; worship The following events have been scheduled for the including two by Roundfield. New third straight and have now lost 11 calling it a certain way lor both 13, Barrett 2 2-4 6. M. Mitchell 3 0-1 and music committee. coming week at the Church of the Nazarene: York tied the game when Rory of their last 16 games. and appoint Lemaire teams. 6, Hoare 0 0-0 0, Desautels 5 0-0 10. Here’s Emanuel’s week Tuesday — 6:30 p.m., children's choir rehearsal; Tuesday — 7 p.m.. Board of Christian Life meeting Sparrow hit two baskets. The 76ers were without head The Whippets, who finished the Hanka 1 2-2 4, Thompson 4 0-0 8. 6; 45 p.m., catechetics classes, education wing; 8 p.m., and T O P ’S Meeting; 2 p.m.. Service at Crestfield Atlanta's Johnny Davis hit an coach Billy Cunningham, who was regular season with a record of 8-10 Totals 21 5-11 47. club," Robinson said. "Nobody The lollowing events have been scheduled at Bible study, church room. Convalescent Home; 3 p.m. Service at Vernon Manor. 18-foot jumper with 1:34 remain­ sidelined with the flu, leaving JHONTREAL (UPI) - The in the conference and an overall M ANCHESTER (53) — Anselmo can say he didn't work hard. He Emanuel Lutheran Church for the coming week; Wednesday — 7 p.m.. Fit and Slim, classroom 7; Wednesday — 7 p.m.. Family Prayer Time, Chancel ing, giving the Hawks a 104-102 assistant coach Matt Guokas in Montreal Canadiens, who have mark of 8-12, were led by senior 5 1-2 11, Turner 2 1-3 5. W illis 6 7-8 Herald photo by DuBois was dedicated and he did what Sunday — 6:30 p.m., youth group, slides of 7; 45 p.m., Concordia Choir. Choir rehearsal, and Teen Bible Study. lead. charge. lost a team record 15 home guard Israel Figueroa, who had 13 19, F'etersen 0 4-6 4, Spano 3 2-4 8, Appalachia with Glastonbury youth invited. he thought was right. It just Thursday — 9; 30 a.m., Bible discovery group, Thursday — Counseling sessions available with the Roundfield connected on 1-of- 2 Pacers 108, Pistons 100 games this year, Friday fired points. Senior forward Leo Desuu- Janenda 2 0-0 4, Harris 0 0-0 0. A nearby tree is reflected in the doorway didn’t work out. Monday — 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., fair workshop, yduth church room; 7;30 p.m., social ministry, church Rev. Eddy, Contact church office, 646-8599, for free throws with 1:10 left, putting At Indianapolis, Butch Carter head coach Bob Berry and tels scored 10. Woolbiight 1 0-0 2. Totals 19 15-23 'of Emanuel Lutheran Church, 60 "Whether he didn't have the room: 3:30p.m., stalf meeting; 6:45p.m., scouts; 7:30 room. appointment. Atlanta ahead by three points. The scored 31 points, 24 in the first half, replaced him with assistant Co-captain Ken Willis led Man- 53. p.m., property committee. right tools or whether he didn't Church St. Friday — 8 a.m., mayor’s breakfast, Kaiser Hall, Friday — World Day of Prayer, Knicks’ Bernard King drew the and the posted a coach Jacques Lemaire. have what it took, we'll know by New Yorkers to a 105-104 deficit comeback 108-100 decisionoverthe Team general managerSerge the end of the season, " with four seconds left. Detroit Pistons Friday night. Savard announced the firing in Berry, a Montreal native, An Atlanta turnover gave the Detroit led 91-86 with six minutes a brief statement about 8 p.m. coached the Los Angeles Kings Bolton hoopsters Knicks a chance to win with four to play, but the Pistons went EST. The Canadiens dropped a Religious services for three years before coming to seconds left, but a jumper by Ray scoreless for the next 3:12 while 5-3 decision to Winnipeg Thurs­ Montreal. He had also ployed Williams missed at the buzzer. Indiana took a lead it never lost. day night. seven seasons with Kings. With New York leading 98-96, The Pacers fought back to tie the Lemaire, a former Canadiens study. Nursery provided for day. Theocratic school Lanier, pastor, 9:30 a.m., outlast Vinal Tech Sunday school; 11 a.m., o.m. (742-6655) player, was to take over as Berry signed his first profes­ Assemblies of God all services. (646-2903) Covenant (speaking course), 7:30p.m.; church school; 11 a.m., wor­ morning worship; 6 p.m., Soclety-Eastj 153 W. Vernon Glenn Rivers missed two free game on two Jerry Sichting Church o l St. M aurice, 32 St.r Manchester. Rev. Arnold coach immediately, the state­ sional contract with the Cana­ Calvary Church (Assem­ Trinity Covenant Church, Service meeting (ministry ship service, nursery. (649- evening w orship; 7:30 p.m., Hebron Road, Bolton. The throws with two seconds left. baskets and a Carter free throw BOLTON — With a 24-14 edge in stanza with Mai Ferguson and training), 8:15 p.m.; Sunday, 3472) bible study (Tuesday); 7 Westwood, minister. 10:30 ment said. Jacques Laperriere diens in 1967, but played in only blies ot God), 400 Buckiand Congregational 302 Hackmatack St., Man­ Rev. J. C lifford Curtin, pas­ o.m., service. (646-5151) Rivers was then fouled by Sparrow with 4:38 to play. Carter’s basket the final quarter, Bolton High Keith Owen each netting eight Road, South Windsor. Rev. chester. Rev. Norman Swen­ Public Bible Lecture, 9:30 North United Methodist p.m.. Ladles' prayer (Thurs­ tor. Saturday mass atSp.m.; is to be Lem aire’s assistant. two NHL games with Montreal. a.m.; Watchtower Study, Church, 300 Parker St., Man­ day); 7 p.m.. Men's prayer and hit two free'throws with one 16 seconds later put Indiana ahead outlasted Vinal Tech, 76-64, in points and Bill six in the Kenneth L. Gustafson, pas­ Bolton Conoregational son, 8 a.m., worship; 9:25 Sunday masses at 7:30, 9:15 Montreal is in fourth place in He toiled with the Springfield tor. 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church, 226 Bolton Center a.m., Sunday school; 10:25 10:25. (646-1490) chester. Richard W. Dupee, (Thursday); 7 p.m.. Youth and 11 a.m. (643-4466) second left, tying the game at 98. for good. Charter Oak Conference basket­ quarter. Owen and Ferguson fin­ school; 10:30 a.m., worship, pastor. Schedule: 8:45 a.m., service (F riday). (649-9848) the Adams Division with a 28- Indians of the American Hockey Rood, at the Green, Bolton. a.m., coffee and fellowship; For Atlanta, now 30-27, Mike The win lifted the Pacers to 17-39, ball action here Friday night. ished with 17 and 16 points child-core and nursery; 7:00 Rev. Charles H. Erlcson. 11 a.m., worship. (649-2855) worship, adult Bible class, 30-5 record; 11 points behind the League before joining Los Jewish — nursery; )0:15a.m.,worship, Glenn came off the bench to score still the worst record in the NBA, The win lifts the Bulldogs to 6-11 respectively for Bolton with Alan p.m ., evening service of Minister. 9;30 o.m., worship Salvation Army Quebec Nordiques. The loss to Angeles. praise and Bible preaching. service, nursery, church church school (or age 3 Presbyterian 15 points while Davis added 12. The while the Pistons fell to 31-24 and in the conference and 6-13 overall. Carpenter letiding the way with 18 (644-1102) Conservative through 6 grade, nursery; Salvation Army, 661 Main THE the Jets was the Canadiens' Berry foreshadowed his firing school; 10:30 a.m., fellow­ Episcopal Coventry Presbyterian Hawks picked up their third out of a first-place tie in the Central Bolton winds up its 1983-84 cam­ markers. .Alex Zorba and Sheetz ship; 10:45 a.m., forum pro- Temple Beth Sholom, 400 5:30 p.m.. Senior Methodist St., Manchester. Copt, and after the club’s defeat Thurs­ St. George’s Episcopal Youth Fellowship ot church; Church, Route 44A and Trow­ Mrs. Randall Davis. 9:30 BIBLE victory in three games against the Division. third in a row. made it five players in double grom. (649-7077 office or E. Middle Turnpike, Man­ bridge Road, Coventry. Rev. day. " I t ’s pretty hard to swal­ paign Tuesday night on the road at Baptist 647-8878 parsonage.. Church, 1150 Boston Turn­ chester, Richard J. Flavin, 7 p.m. sacred donee rehear­ a.m., Sunday school; 10:45 Knicks this year. Bullets 102, Bulls 96 The team is three losses from figures tor Bolton with 12 and 10 pike, Bolton. Sunday 8 o.m., sal. (649-3696) Brad Evans, pastor. Sunday, a.m., holiness meeting; 7 SPEAKS low when you keep losing key Rocky Hill High. Center Congregational rabbi; Israel Tabatsky, can- 9:30 a.m., worship; 10:45 For New York, now 33-23, King At Chicago, Ricky Sobers scored tying its all-time worst record, tallies respectively. Boptist Bible Church of Church, 11 Center St., Man­ Eucharist; 10 a.m. Holy South United Methodist P.m., salvation meeting. ■y games at home, ” he told Vinal dips to 4-13 in the confer­ 2 Coventry, the Grange build­ tar; Dr. Lean Wind, rabbi a.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., set in 1939-40. chester. Rev. Newell H. Cur­ Eucharist, Rev. John Hoi- emeritus. Services, 8:15 p.m. Church, 1226 Main St„ Man­ (649-7787). scored 24, Williams 22 and Sparrow 25 points and Greg Ballard added ence and 4-14 overall with the Owen and Zorba hauled down 14 ing, Route 44, Coventry. Ste­ llger, vicar. 11 a.m., fellow­ chester. Dr. Shephard S. Bible study and fellowship. Berry, 39, began his stint reporters. phen Smith, pastor. Worship tis Jr., senior pastor; Rev. Friday and 9:45 a.m. Satur­ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., 20 as the Knicks suffered their 21 to lead the Washington Bullets to setback. and 13 rebounds respectively. Robert J. Bills, minister of ship hour. Monday through day. (643-9563) Johnson, Rev. Laurence M. behind the Montreal bench in it was the second time in nine services Sundoy at 11 a.m. Friday, 4:45 p.m.; Wednes- Hill, pastors. 9 and 10:45 prayer meeting. (742-7222) Unitarian Looking out lor #1 do- fourth straight loss. a 102-96 victory Friday night over Bolton had a slender 52-50 lead 'We had a couple of steals and visitations; Rev. C lifford O. Presbyterian Church ot the 1981-82 season. Under his months Berry was fired. He, and 7 p.m. A ll are welcome. Simpson, pastor emeritus; doy, 9 o.m., Holy a.m., worship; 9a.m., church mlnatM our toclal phllo- the . going into the final eight minutes of rebounds ol missed shots in the (742-7937) Eucharist. (643-9203) Lutheran school, nursery through se­ Manchester, 43 Spruce St., Universalist Blazers 119, 76ers 114 leadership, the club has been along with (Jeneral Manager Michael C. Thornton, asso­ Manchester. Rev. Richard aophy today. But lha The Bullets held a 82-81 lead play. It, however, was able to take tourth quarter and converted, Comgiunity Baptist ciate pastor. 10a.m., worship St. Mary's Episcopal nior high; 10:45 a.m., At Philadelphia, Calvin Natt beateen in the first round of the Irving Grundman, got the axe Church, 585 E. Center St.. Church, Pork and Church Concordia Lutheran nursery; 6 p.m. United Meth­ Gray, pastor. 10:30 a.m., UflitQrian universalist Chrltllan vlaw axprattad entering the final quarter. Jeff the verdict thanks to the 24-14 fortunately," Leete said. service, sanctuary; 10 a.m. Church (LCA), 40 P itkin St., worship service, nursery, by tha ApoiOa Paul In scored 31 points, including two Stanley Cup playoffs three from club President Ronald Manchester. Rev. James I. church school. (647-9941) streets, Monchester. Rev. odist Youth Fellowship; 7:30 Malone had eight of his 14 points in closing quarter. "W e had a pretty Vinal was witliout the services of Meek, minister. 9:15 a.m., Stephen K. Jacobson, rector; Manchester. Rev. Burton D. p.m., Bible, song, prayer 9:15 o.m., Sunday school; 7 Phil. 2:3 takaa Itaua. “Do seasons in a row. Corey shortly after the 1982-83 First Congregational Strand, pastor. Schedule: 8 p.m.. Informal worship. (643- the final quarter to pace the Bullets high-scoring Kent Pope, who suf­ church school for all oges, Church of Andover, Route 6, Rev. Frederick P. Moser, fellowship. (647-9141) nothing out ol aalllth am­ season ended. But Savard, good four quarter," said Bolton kindergarten through Grade associate rector. 7:30 o.m.. o.m.. Holy Communion, 0906) in the final period. “The team was going no­ fered a cracked bone in his wrist in Andover. Rev. Richard H. nursery; 9:15 a.m., church For a daily meatage bition or vain concall, but appointed to replace Grund­ coach Dave Leete. 4 continuing during the ser­ Holy Eucharist; 9a.m., Holy where and I thought the change Tuesday's win over Cheney Tech 5 Taylor, pastor. Sunday wor­ school and Christian Growth of Christian hope and love, In humility conaidar oth- Graves hits David Greenwood added 16 One key for the Bulldogs in the vice; 10:30 o.m., morning ship: a.m., nursery care Eucharist and Church School Mormon might help our playoff chan­ man, quickly rehired the couch. worship. Nursery provided. 11 with child care; 11 a.m.. Holy hour, nursery; 10:30 a.m.. Roman Catholic dial art battar than your- points for Chicago. The Bulls' stanza was cooling off Vinal's Erie BOLTON (76) — F’erguson 6 4-4 provided. Church school: Holy Communion, nursery. Church of Jesus Christ of ■alvaa." ces." Savard said. Lemaire, a former all-star (643-0537) ^:30a.m ., Sunday. (742-7696) Eucharist. (649-4583) 2,000 points home record fell to 15-15, while the Winzer. They used multiple de-' 16, Owen 7 3-4 17, Sheetz 4 2-3 10, Faith Baptist Church, 52 (649-5311) Latter Day Saints (Mor­ Church of the Assumption, Whlla tMa It atatad at a Veteran defenseman Larry center, retired from the Cana­ First Congregational Emanuel Lutheran mon), 30 Woodside St„ Man­ Adams Street at Thompson (6A9-467V Bullets won for the eighth time in lenses in attempts to cool him and Zorba 4 4-5 12, Carpenter 7 4-6 18, Lake St., Manchester. Rev Church of Coventry, 1171 command. It goat daapar Robinsion said it would be a long diens at the end of the 1979-80 jomes Beliasov, pastor. 9 30 Gospel Church, 60 Church St., chester. Wayne S. Taylor, Road, Manchester. Rev. Ed­ than any grudging com- NEW HAVEN (UPl) — For­ 29 road games. Frank James. The latter remained Haloburdo 1 1-2 3. Totals 29 18-24 Main St., Coventry. Rev. Manchester. Rev. Dale H. ward S. Pepin, pastor. Satur­ A Ministry ol MarKhester's time until it’s known whether season after 11 years with the o.m., Sunday school; 10:30 bishop, 9:15 a.m ., sacrament ward Joe Carrabino scored 38 76. / Bruce Johnson, pastor, II Church ol the Living God, Gustafson, pastor; Steven P. meeting; 10:15 a.m., Sunday day moss at 5; Sunday CENTER congregational CHURCH pllanoa. It tpringt Irom club. He then spent two years hot in the final period, finishing o. m., worship service;o. 7 m., worship; 9:30 a.m., loving ona'a nalghbor aa Bucks 95, Mavericks 88 the team's poor showing was p. m., evening service. (646- an evangelical, full-gospel Sabin, intern; Rev. C. Henry school and primary; 11:25 masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and points Friday night to lead . coaching in Switzerland before with 20 points. Winzer settled tor 16 VINAL TECH (64) - Winzer 5 church school In Church church, Robertsan Schoal, Anderson, pastor emeritus. a.m., priesthood and relief noon. (643-2195) onaatll. Altruism hat At Dallas, Sidney Moncrief Berry’s fault. 6-8 16, Tyler 2 2-2 6, Townes 4 2-2 10, 5316) Lane House. Nursery care Harvard to an 80-72 come from signing a two-year contract as points. First Boptist Church, 240 North School Street, Mon­ Sundoy schedule: 9:30 o.m., society. (643-4003) St. Bartholom ew's Church, baan Wanllllad by ra- scored 18 points and Bob Lanier “ When you’re losing like that provided. (742-8487) chester. Rev. D avid W. worship In the sanctuary; 741 E. MIddleTurnpIke,Mon­ behind victory over Yale and assistant coach last summer. Bolton had a couple of hot James 10 0-2 20, Young 4 0-0 8. H illstown Road, Manchester. Second Congregational aaarctiara aa a ma|or fac­ it's very tough to motivate a Dr. C. Conley, pastor. (649- Mullen, pastor. Meeting Sun­ nursery, children's chopel; chester. Rev. Martin J. tor In ona'a amotlonaland overshadow Eli Captain Butch added 16, including a jumper with shooters of its own in the final Bruzik 1 2-2 4. Totals 26 12-16 64. 7509) Church, 385 N. Main St., days, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Nursery 10:45 a.m., Sunday church National Catholic Scholsky, pastor. Saturday "How To Fool 32 seconds remaining, to help the Manchester. The Rev. V. phyalcal haalth, hal Graves' reaching the 2,000 First Baptist Chapel of the and Sunday school. school, nursery, Bible study. mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday Joseph Milton, postor. 10 Full Gospel Interdenomi­ (643-1193) St. John's Polish National masses at 8:30, 10 and 11:30 him to b a n d it ' cq|gpr point plateau. notch their sixth Deaf, 240 H illstown Road, a.m. worship service and Manchester. Rev. K. national Church, 745 Main Latvian Lutheran Church Catholic Church, 23 Golwav a.m. Good About atraaaaa conatrucl h J J ~rabino was 12 for 20 from victory in seven games, a 95-88 church school; 11 a.m., fel­ St., Manchester. Rev. Stan­ Kreutzer, poster. (643-7543) SI., Manchester. Rev, Philip ot Manchester, 2) Garden St., St. Bridget Church, 70 Main A major study t3|meld, pumped in 14 of 16 free decision over the Dallas M aver­ lowship hour. (649-2863) P. Saunders. Sunday, 10:30 Manchester. (643-2051) ley M. Lancola, pastor. 9 St., Manchester. Rev. Philip that paopla who uaai Second Congregational a.m., mass. (643-5906) throws and had 10 rebounds to icks Friday night. Fouls hurt Cheney In loss to Terriers a.m., adult Bible study and Prince at Peace Lutheran A. Sheridan and Rev. E m ilio Yourself" “ma", and “my" moa. w,- Church of Coventry, 1746 Sunday school; 7 p.m., wor­ Church, Route 31 and North P. Padelll, co-pastors. Satur­ l^ d the Crimson over its Dallas, 30-27, which entered the Christian Science Boston Turnpike, Coventry. Call: lan In InlaivltwwarafBoal trouble with four personals early in started, it was out of control," ship service. Tuesday at 7:30 River Road, Coventry. Rev. day moss 5 p.m.; Sunday llkaly to davalopcoronary archrival and move into a first game with three victories in its last With its leader on the bench in ROCKY H ILL (78) - Lucente 6 First Church of Christ, Rev. David Jarvis, minister. P.m., speclol Bible studies; W.H. Wllkens, pastor. 9a.m ., Nazarene masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and the third quarter. That meant he Silvia said. Elliott didn't foul out. Regular schedule: 10 a.m., haarl ditaaat. Ona physi­ place Ivy League tie with four games, staged a furious foul trouble, Cheney Tech couldn't 3-5 15, Dzikiewicz 4 5-6 13, Shea 52-5 Scientist, 447 N. M ain St., Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., Sunday school; 10:15 a.m., _ Church ot the Noiarene, noon. (643-2403) had to sit. And with hirp sitting, the but his absence for a stretch of Manchester. 10:30 a.m., worship; 8 a.m., Dial-A-Rlde worship service. Prayer line, worship service. (742-7548) , St. James Church, 896 Main cian ralalaa locut on aetf fourth-quarter comeback that saw stay within arms length and fell 12, Sharp 5 2-3 12, Rettberg 3 0-1 6, to church; 8:45 a.m., church 236 Main St., Manchester. Princeton. visiting Terriers look advantage to time proved damaging beyond church service, Sunday 646-8731, 24 hours. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Rev. Neole M cLain, senior St„ Manchester. Rev. Fran­ to a aanaa o( Isolation or it narrow an 18-point deficit to four hopelessly behind alter three quar­ Morzano 4 2-3 10. LaPorta 0 2-2 2 , school, and care for small school, nursery to grade Gospel Hall, Center Street, Church (Missouri Synod), cis V. KrukowskI, Rev. Ro­ lonallnaaa. A laadhtgapo- Graves collected 28 points to pastor; Rev. George Emmitt, 647-8301 break matters open. repair.W Murk 0 0-0 0, Montante I o-o , children. (649-14^) Reading eight, adult discussion; 11 Manchester. 10 a.m., breok- Cooper and High streets, bert Burbank, Rev. Richard for an Important give him 2,022 for his career and points after two consecutive Mark ters en route to a 78-59 loss to Rocky 2 a.m., coffee and fellowship; minister of visitation and ciallal In ptyehoaomatlc Mike Lucente had IS points, Tom Goodrich 0 0-0 0, Cristalli 3 0-1 6 Room, 656A Center St., Man­ Ing bread; 11:45 a.m., Sun­ Monchester. Rev. Charles W. outreach. 9:30 a.m., Sunday A. Lamore, team ministry, madicina hat doeu- become the first Yale player Aguirre three-point shots. Hill High in Charter Oak Confer­ "W e couldn't hold it close until chester. (649-8982) 11:15 a.m;, lunlor choir; 4 day school; 7 p.m., gospel Kuhl, pastor. 9 a.m.. Divine Edward J. Reardon. recorded message Dzikiewicz 13 and Dan Shea and Totals 31 16-'26 78. p. m., Jr. pilgrim fellowship; school; 10:45 a.m., worship, manlad lha cotralallon and only the second player in Aguirre connected on his second ence basketball action Friday he got back in there," said Tech meeting. worship; 10:15 a.m. Sunday Saturday massesat4and6:30 Tom Sharp 12 apiece to lead five 6 p.m., senior church school school and Youth Forum. children's church o n d btiwaan lonallnaaa and Ivy league history to surpass shot from 25 feet and sank the night at the Beavers' gym. coach Aaron Silvia. “Th^just end Pilgrim fellowship. (742- nursery; 7 p.m., evening masses at 7:30, haart dlttaia. Trua al­ Terriers in double figures. Elliott CHENEY TECH (59) — Haw­ Church of Christ Holy Communion first and service, nursery. (646-8599) the 2,000 point mark. Former ensuing free throw to complete a Cheney, 1-16 in the conference broke it open." -----^ 6234) Jehovah’s third Sunday. (649-4243) (64^6129)'’''’ 5 p .m , truism nol only la Godly, II totaled 15 points and Kyle Dougan kins 6 1-2 13, Martin 0 0-2 0, Church of Christ, Lydall Talcottville Congrega­ Princeton and pro great Bill four-point play as the Mavericks and 1-18 overall, finishes its St. M ary Church, 1600 Main la htallhlul. Rocky Hill, 8-9 in the COC and 16 to pace Cheney, which was and Vernon streets, Man­ tional Church, Main Street Witnesses Bradley had 2,503. closed to 90-86 with 54 seconds to regular season Tuesday at home Gonzales 3 2-2 8, Dougan 8 0-3 16 chester. Eugene Brewer, and Elm Hill Road, Talcot- Pentecostal S* - PQ*her James minus Yuri Westry, out for a Methodist J. Williamson, pastor. Harvard, 13-10, is 7-4 in league play. against East Hampton High. 9-10 overall, went from a 32-26 Wright 0 2-2 2. Elliott 5 5-9 isj minister. Sundoy services: 9 tville. Rev. Kenneth E. Knox, Jehovah's witnesses, 647 Masses Soturday at 5:15 second straight game due to a.m., Bible classes; 10 a.m., pastor. 10 a.m., worship ser­ Tolland Turnpike, Manches­ Bolton United Methodist United Pentecostal CHURCH OF CHdST play. Yale slipped to 6-17 and is But Lanier hit a jumper from the Cheney's Bob Elliott, who has halftime edge to a 56-38 bulge after Owens 11-33, Weiss 10-0 2, Gerichd Church, 187 W oodbrldge St., p.m .; Sunday 9:30 and 10:45 Feeling Good About three periods. illness. Melton Hawkins chipped in worship; 6 p.m., worship. vice and church school. (649- ter. Tuesday, Congregation Church, 1041 Boston Turn­ Manchester. Rev. Marvin a.m .; holvdays. 5:30and 7:30 Lydall and Vamgn Olraak 3-8 in league competition. right baseline to halt Dallas' been leading scorer and rebounder 0-0 0 , Eaton 0 0-0 0. Totals 24 11-23 Wednesday, 7 p.m., Bible 0815) Bible Study, 7 p.m .; Thurs- pike, Bolton. Rev. Stewart Yow-m H Stuort, minister. 10 a.m.. p.m. Confessions 4:30 to 5 Phont! MO-MOl comeback hopes.- all year, found himself in foul “ By the lime the fourth quarter with 13 points for the Techmen, 59. I ( IK M A N C U K S T K K 11 K H A L I), S a tu rd a y , Kt-b. 25. 1984 MANCHESTER IIERAI.I), Satiii(l.i.\ l•■■ll 2.3 1M84 17 Connors and McEnroe Ski Scene post Davis Cup wins New Englanders to get taste of the Olympics 1976 Olympic silver medalist. Dan "WOODSTOCK, VI. - New Eng­ in the same event, and Tamara who became so well known during races and finally to the champion­ mented, are a one-day lest while the game of tennis and loves to be refreshment pause in the final set Siniuneau and Tim Caldwell. At lUCHAREST. Komania (UFI) landers will have their own taste of McKinney, last year’s women's the 14lh Olympic Winter Games ship at Furano, .) the World Cup series tests skiers around the gam e," McEnroe said when a small boy, who disrupted Sarajevo. Simoneau linished 18th. — John McEnroe and Jimmy O^mpic style skiing on back to World Cup champion, who took will be in the competition. And third, the Sunday. March 18 continuously lor four months. They play by walking down the side­ Koch 27th and Ctildwell 39lh in the Connors, the two biggest guns in after his victory. "But I have no back weekends in March when the fourth in the Olympic giant slalom. Second, the 'races fall close running of the Nation's Cup is the are not as well publicized, he lines, stopped long enough»for the the American tennis arsenal, eas­ fun playing him when he goes out top women Alpine and men Nordic At Waterville, both slalom and enough to the end of the World Cup final in the series. The event was noted, but they do reflect skiing 15 kilometer event. American to take a swig of the soft • ily dispatched their Romanian there to distract his opponent. I skiers in the world compete at giant slalom events are scheduled. season that their outcomes will be made part of the international skills more accurately. went out there to win, but getting drink he was carrying back to his Waterville Valley has a long opponents Friday in Davis Cup ^■1 Whterville Valley, N.H. On the following weekend, critically important in terms of cross-country racing circuit last Aside from Armstrong, Cooper seat. tradition ol being Involved in ski first round world group play to give ready for a guy like Nastase, who Both events are part of the World March 17-18, Waterville Valley overall points. July. The cup is awarded to the and McKinney, the Alpine In the doubles Saturday, Wim­ racing that has included live the United States a 2-0 lead in the used to be one of the world's best, Cup schedu le, a series of races held hosts the World Cup 15 kilometer nation whose racers have accumu­ women’s roster will include Par- bledon champions McEnroe and previous World Cup events in 1969. weekend series, isn’t often easy." itesrly every weekend, December cross-country ski race on Saturday (This aspect ol the World Cup lated the greatest numberof World rine Pelen of France, who won the Peter Fleming face Nastase and McEnroe, 25,. a two-time Wim­ U.S. Open champion Connors, th ro iM March, in Europe, the and on Sunday the final Nations was dramatized last year by Cup points over the course of the giant slalom bronze medal at 1978. 1980, 1982 and 1983. Segarnecau. bledon champion and present playing Davis Cup for the first time iJ m t^ Mates, Canada and Japan. Cup cross-country relay, an event Tamara McKinney who had had a winter. Sarajevo, long-time U.S. team The resort's president. .Tom Connors, five times U.S. Open World No, 1, had a less than festive since 1981, won 11 of the final 13 women will compete for the consisting of three men who ski 10 disappointing mid-season before World Cup races differ in empha­ member Cindy Nelson, and other Corcoran, was the L'.S, national champion, needed just over two time with colorful Romanian Hie points against the 22-year-old Subaru World Cup March 10-11 kilometers each. her arrival at Waterville Valley sis from Olympic competition. top U.S. skiers including Holly slalom and giant slalom champion hours to win the opening match. Nastase, a legend in his country Segarneacu, but he admitted. "I wiUi interest focusing particularly The events mark the first timfe despite a strong early season start. Following his winning of the gold Flanders of Deerfield, N.H. in 1956 and slalom champio^i in Segarceanu drew his biggest and especially among his home­ got a little uncomfortable at 2-2 in oj{Q>ebbie Armstrong who gained an American resort, other than an During that March weekend she medal in the men's slalom at Among international competitors 1957. He w as a member ol both the round of cheers in the penultimate town fans in Bucharest, the second set." • iqgtant fame at Sarajevo, Yugosla- Olympic site, has had World Cup captured second place in the Sarajevo, Phil Mahre, who has will be the Epple sisters of West 1956 and 1960 Olympic teams and game of the match when he broke The leit-handed New Yorker But it was the Nastase-McEnroe vuai' when she came out of the blue races in both Nordic and Aipine slalom and first in the giant slalom won the World Cup the past three Germany. Hanni Wenzel and Ur­ placed lourtli in the giant slalom in Connors' service for the only time defeated Nastase, 6-2, 6-4, 6-2, in encounter which delighted the full tojltin a gold medal in the women's disciplies. putting her ahead in the overall years, remarked that winning the sula Konzett of Leichtenstein and the 1960 Squaw Valley games of the afternoon. IS the second mutch ol the day at the house of about 5,000 packed into the giant slalom. The races promise excitement World Cup point standings. The gold medal did not compare to his Erika Hess of Switzerland. which still the best .-Xmencan But the American left-hander, Sports and Culture Palace, but the .suburban arena. The mix of drop Also competing will be Christin on three counts. momentum from those showings victories on the World Cup circuit. Leading the U.S. men's cross­ finish in men's Olympic giant who last appeared in a Davis Cup slalom skiing. American said he didn't get any shots, lobs and the usual quota of Cooper, who won the silver medal First, many of the competitors ’ carried her through successive Olympic races, Mahre com­ country team will be Bill Koch, the enjoyment out ol playing the disputed line calls guaranteed warmup jacket in the 1981 victory 37-year-old veteran because of plenty of entertainment. over Czechoslovakia, clinched vic­ UPI photon Nastase's famed distraction McEnroe was never in any tory on his second match point tactics. danger, but that didn't mean when Segarceanu put a shot into Earlier in the afternoon, 31-year- Nastase could not work his shot­ the net at close range. Philadelphia 6tars' running back Kelvin week. The Stars will open their USFL old Connors beat Florin Segar- ■ making magic to keep the Ameri­ Connors said later he wasn't 2 season Sunday against the Memphis ceanu, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, to open up the can from totally dominating the surprised by Segarceanu’s big Bryant (44) flips the ball back to expected American lead in the proceedings. serve. Chuck Fusina during a Showboats. Scoreboard three day matchup. Nastase, never known for avoid­ "You just try to keep the ball in workout in Veterans Stadium earlier this The winner of the best-of-five ing a confrontation with match play," Connors said. "You go in Sundoy. March 25 Sunday, M ay 13 competition advances to a second officials, challenged a few line there and do what you ha ve to do to Bucks 95, Mavericks 88 Tri-Town , Jacksonville at Los Angeles. 1 p.m. Michigon at New Orleans. 1: X p.m. round series in July against the calls and got slapped with a point win. I wasn't at all surprised the Denver at Memphis. 1:30 p.m. at Oakland. 1 :X p.m. Roy Bessette Jr. 229-548, Bernie Los Angeles at Philadelphto. 2:X p .m . penalty for verbal abuse in the match went two hours. Segarceanu Chicogo at New Orieons. 1:30 p.m. winner of this weekend's Skiing Hockey M ILW A UK EE (9S) Quesnel 214-533, Wayne Gauvin 200, Washington at New Jersey. 2:Xp.m . Monday, May 14 Australia-Yugoslavia tilt. ninth game of the second set. gave McEnroe a tough time at Johnson 7-16 1-2 15, Lister 1-2 1-2 3. Bab Edwards 204-538, Rob M igliore Mondoy. MOTCti 26 Oklahoma at Tempo Bay, 8 p.m. Wimbledon last year." Lanier &-11 CM) 16, Moncrief 6-13 6-10 18, 214-539, Vinnie Strlano 212, (Seorge Michigan at Houston. p.m. Friday, May 18 "It's obvious that Nastase loves McEnroe took an unscheduled Expanded USFL ready M ayer 20G553, Vinnie Pinto 522, Bob 8 Archibald 3-5 CM) 6, Pressev 7-11 1-3 15, Birmingham at Tampa Bay. p.m. Birmingham at Chicogo. 7 p.m. 5 8 NHL standings Romar 0-4 2-2 2, Cotchinos 1-1 0-0 2, Arendt 557, A rt Geer 524, Stu Parker Soturdoy. March 31 Saturday. May 19 New England Ski Guide Mokeski 1-1 0-0 2, Bridoeman 5-14 2-2 12, 505, N orm Soren 519, Ken MaroottoS39, Houston ot Oklohoma. 1:30 p.m. Memphis at Oakland, 5 p.m. Grevev 2-3 00 4. Totals 41-81 13-21 95. Steve Murrov 524, Bob Muska 521. Chicago at Weshington. 2:30 p.m. Denver at Arizona. 7 p.m. (Friday Night’s Games Not Included) DALLAS (M ) Jacksonville at Memphis. 7 p.m. Jocksonvilleat Philadelphio. 8p.m. WOODSTOCK, Vf. (U P I) — Here Is Die Aguirre 6-15 2-3 16, Nimphius 4-5 0-1 8, Sunday, M ay 20 New England Ski Areas Council official Wales Conference ■ Nile Owis Sunday. April I Sports in Brief Cummings 4-8 0-0 8, Davis 3-10 2-3 8, Arizona at Denver. 12:30 p.m. Michigan at Los Angeles, 1 p.m. to open second season summary of snow condlflons of New Patrick Division Blockman 9-19 9-10 27, Garnett 1-4 4-4 , 6 M a rio n G ordon 178-180-191-549, New Jersey at Los Angeles. 1 p.m. Oklahoma at Houston, 1 :X p.m. Engl ondsklareasasofnoon Friday. W L T Pts. GF GA Vincent 2-8 1-1 5, Harper 3-6 1-2 5, West San Antonio at Washington, 2 :X p .m . x-NY Islondrs 38 22 2 78 269 216 Laurie Gagnon 210-509, Dot HItls Tampa Bay at Philadelphia. 2:30p.m. Skiing condlflons are sublecffo change 1-2 1-4 3, Phegiev 1-6 OO 2. Totals 33-88 New Orleans at Tampa Bov. 2 :X p.m. Little League signups set due to weather, skier traffic, and other x-NY Rangrs 34 20 8 76 247 230 191-502, P atti Herdic 178-186-499, Annie Oakland at Pittsburgh. 2:30 p.m. been thoroughly remodeled exept scored a triple when they signed 20-28 88. Gagnon 193476, Judy Cierpson 188, San Antonio at Michigan. 2 :X p.m. Monday, May 21 By Dave Raffo foctors. Be oworeof changing conditions. x-Washlngtn 35 23 4 74 237 187 Milwaukee 24 29 27 15—95 Manchester Little League will conduct signups three top college linemen — center x-Phllodelph 32 19 10 74 263 219 Joyce Michaud 182-480, Karen Tracey Mondoy. April 2 Pittsburgh at New Jersev. 9 p.m. for Walker, who led the league last Legend: new-Inches of new snow Deltas 24 16 22 26-08 Friday, May 25 for the 1984 season March 11 and 18 at the UPI Sports Writer Mike Ruelher of Texas, guard spqwfall ending In last 24 hours, pdr- Pittsburgh 13 43 5 31 190 287 183461, Pam Fortuna 184-451, Beth New Orleans at Birmingham. 7 p.m. year with 1,812 yards and 17 Three point goals—Aguirre 2. Fouled Kenyon 485, M orion Smith 452, Rox- Soturdoy. April 7 Tempo Boy at Memphis, 7:Xp.m. American Legion Hall from 1 to 4 p.m. each day. Gary Zimmerman of and! powder snow, pp-pocked powder, wet gr- New Jersey 13 44 5 31 180 ^ out— None. Total fouls— Miiwoukee Denver at San Antonio, 7:X p .m . . Cribbs, the sparkplug wet granular, tegr-loose granular, frgr- Adorns Division dnne Wilson 471, Kennie M olr 453, San Anton io at Chicago. 1: X p. m. Signups are lor youths ages 7-12. Children must be NEW YO RK - The USFL opens 26, Andrea Ahl 450. Michigan at Oklahoma. 1:30p.m. Houston at Jacksonville. 8 p.m. of the offense the past tackle Mark Adickes of Baylor — ; trozen granular, corn-corn snow, (where Buffalo 40 17 6 86 257 206 Dallas 22. Rebounds— Milwaukee in four new cities Sunday, as six Boston 38 20 4 80 273 206 Birmingham at Jacksonville. 8p.m. Saturday, May 26 seven before July 31, 1984 and not older than 12 as to protect returning quarterback' two such terms appear, the former shows 42 Arizona at Los Angeles, 5 p.m. teams, nine head coaches and at four years, returns to the area conditions on 70 percent or more terrain, Ouebec 33 23 6 72 281 216 Sundoy. April 8 ol that dale. Birth cerlificats should be brought at Tom Ramsey. Denver- had the. (Lister 9), Dollas 40 (Cummings 7). Pittsburgh at New Orleans. 1:30 p.m. Ooklond at Oklahoma. 7 p.m. where he starred ih college at ond the loiter the next-most-prevalent Montreal 28 30 5 61 238 232 Assists—Milwaukee 19 (Johnson time ol signup. Registration fee is $8 per player least nine starting Hartford 21 32 8 50 223 251 Phllodelphio at Arizona. 2 p.m. Sunday, M ay 27 Auburn. league's worst offense last season condition) vc-yarloble conditions, 6), Birmingham at New Orieons. 1 :X p.m. make their debuts in the first sc- Campbell Conference Memphis at New Jersey. 2:30 p.m. and $12 per family. Anyone interested in Arizona fans get a peek at their and coach Craig Morton isn’t sure Dallas 14 (Aguirre 4). Technicals— Oakland at Tompa Bay. 2:30 p.m. Washington at Pittsburgh, 2:X p.m . . weekend of the league's second sprlng conditions xx of 00 tralls-number Norris Division Milwaukee coach Nelson. A— 17,007. Football Phllodelphio at Michigon. 2:Xp.m . coaching, umpiring or serving in any other if incumbent Craig Penrose or Bob W L T Pts. GF GA Monday. April, 9 season. new team, when George Allen's of trolls open, mm-snow mode In last 24 Monday. May 28 capticily is asked to attend a signup session. For Gagliano is the answer at hours, tc-thin cover, wbln- Minnesota 30 27 6 66 272 276 Los Angeles at Denver. 7 p.m. Expansion teams opening at .Wranglers move in after playing Chicago 24 32 7 55 215 238 Woshlngton at Houston. 8 p.m. New Jersev at Chicago, 8 p.m. further inlorniation; contact Gerry Hollis. quarterback. wlndblown Pacers 108, Pistons 100 Friday, June 1 home are the Memphis Showboats the first season as the Chicago snow, ns-night skiing avalloble, no-not Detroit 23 32 7 53 232 258 Soturdoy. April 14 643-11904, or Ed Dettore, 643-4482. The Breakers moved south from USFL 1984 scheduie Oklahoma at Washington, 2:30 p.m. New Orleans at Memphis. 7:X p .m . Blitz. Allen calls on second-year Qperoting, opr-operating. St. Louis 23 33 6 52 224 256 Michigan ot San Antonio, 7:X p.m , (vs. Philadelphia), the San Anto­ Connecticut Toronto 21 34 7 49 230 297 DETROIT (100) Memphis at Los Angeles, 5 p.m. men Tim Spencer at fullback and Boston to New Orleans, but the Son Antonio at Jacksonville. 8 p.m. Saturday, June 2 nio Gunslingers (vs. New Or­ Mohawk Mtn Isgr 16 trails 4 lifts Smvthe Division Tyler 4-14 3U 11, Benson 4-4 0-7 8, (All Times Loool) Trumaine Johnson personnel is mostly the same. x-Edmonton 44 14 5 93 354 259 Sunday. A p rin s Jocksonvilleat Oakland, 5 :X p.m. leans) , the Oklahoma Outlaws (vs. Ski Sundown Isgr 11 trails 4 lifts mm Lambeer 4-9 4-6 12, Thomas 11-24 5-6 27, Sunday, Februory 26 Chicogo at Oklahoma. 7:X p.m. Angels don’t want Baker Quarterback John Walton was one Calgary 26 22 13 65 235 244 Denver at Pittsburgh. 2:30 p.m. to spark his offense directed by ns Long 3-12 1-2 7, V. Johnson 9-15 8-9 26, (Joklond at Arizono, 12:30 p.m. Sunday. June 3 Pittsburgh) and the Jacksonville Woodbury S&R opr sot 2-25 2 trolls 2 Winnipeg 23 27 10 56 264 286 Arizona at New Jersev. 2:30 p.m. MESA. .Ariz. — The California Angels olficially veteran quarterback Greg of league's best last year and his Levlngston 3-7 GO 6, Cureton G1 1-4 1, Denver at Los Angeles, 1 p.m. Birmingham at Michigan. 2:30 p.m. Houston ot Denver, 12:X p.m. Bulls (vs. Washington). lifts Vancouver 23 35 6 52 243 263 Thirdkill 1-3 GO 2, Hollins G1 GO 0. New Jersey at Birmingham, 1 :X p.m. Arizona at Birmingham, 1 :Xp.m. notilied Dusty Baker's agent F’riday that they Landry. The Wranglers have loads counterpart Sunday will be Rick Maine Los Angeles 19 31 12 50 249 283 Totols 39-93 22-66 100. Chicago at Philodelphla. 2:30 p.m. In other games Sunday, it's New Philadelphia at Memphis, 1:30p.m. Monday. April 16 Los Angeles at Washington, 2:XD.m. have no interest in acquiring the former' Los of experience and safety Luther Neuheisel of UCLA. The Gunslin­ ^ u o w Mtn Isgr all 16 trolls all lifts (Top tour In each division quolify for IN D IA NA (108) New Orleans at San Antonio, 1 :U p.m . New Jersey at Tompa Bay, 2:X p.m. Jersey at Birmingham, Denver at opr Stonley Cup ployotts.) Houston at Oakland, 6 p.m. Angeles Dodgers outfielder. Bradley led the league wKh six gers won a court fight to play in San McKenna G5 2-2 8, Kellogg G16 3-6 15, Pittsburgh at Oklahoma, 1:30p.m. Tampa Bov ot New Orleans. 8 p.m. Monday, June 4 Los Angeles, Oakland at Arizona Suoarloot Isgr 42 trails 13 lifts x-cilnched ployoN berth Stipanovich 1-4 3-4 5, Corter 14-20 G5 31, Washington at Jacksonville, 2:30 Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, 8 p.m. Agent Jerry Kapstein inquired Friday morning last year. The Oak­ Antonio’s Alama Stadium. Saddleback Isgr 32 trails all lifts opr Friday's Games Friday. April 20 and Houston at Tampa Bay. On Sichting G10 1-1 13, Steppe 3-6 2-2 8, G. p.m. Oklahoma at Birmingham. 7:30p.m. Friday, June 8 about any interest in the 14-year veteran w ho was Washington, trying to rebound Sunday River Isgr 21 trails 4 lifts all Calgary at Edmonton, night Johnson 6-11 7-8 19, Combs 1-2 1-3 3, Houston at Tampa Bov, 2:30 p.m. Monday night, Michigan is host to land Invaders call on 1,043- yard Los Angeles at Vancouver, night Memphis at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. Philadelphia ot Denver, 7 p.m. from a terrible inaugural season, trails open Walters 2-2 0-0 4, Lowe 1-1 GO 2. Totals Monday, February 27 Jacksonville at Arizona, 7 m. abruptly released by the Dodgers last week. rusher Arthur Whittington and M t Abram Isgr 12 trails 4 lifts Saturday's Games 43-78 22-30 108. Los Angeles at Chicago. 8 p.m. F Chicago. Chicago at Michigan, 7 p.m. New Orieons ot New Jersev, 9 p.m. Following a briel stall meeting, Angels' vice- will have a lot of new faces but still Pleasant Mtn Isgr trgr 12 trolls 4 litis (All Times EST) Saturday. April 21 Former NFL coaches Walt Mi­ quarterback Fred Besana. Detroit 26 22 29 23 100 Friday, Mordi 2 Arizona at Houston. 8 p.m. Saturday, June? president Mike I’ort inlormed Kapstein ol the League runner-up Philadelphia no high-salaried stars outside of winter carnival New Jersey at N.Y. Islanders, 7:05 Indiana 29 29 21 29— 108 Tampa Bay at Arizona, 7 p.m. Michigon at Oakland, 1 :Xp.m . chaels (New Jersey), Marv Levy Lost Valley corn snow 12 trails 2 lifts p.m. Sunday. April 22 club's decision not to pursue Baker. will test the expansion Showboats. returning running back Craig Three-point baskets— None. Fouled out New Jersey at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. Denver at New Orleans, 1:30 p.m. Memphis at Tempo Bov. 0 o.m. UPI photo (Chicago) and Jack Pardee (Hous­ Eistem Mossactiuselts Washington at Detroit, 7:35 p.m. —Walters. Total tools—Detroit 24, In­ Saturday, March 3 Sunday, June 10 James. Jacksonville coach Infante Noshobo Valley opr 2-2S trails 4 lifts Philadelphia at Hartford, 7:35 p.m. Philadelphia at Son Antonio. 1:30 p.m. ton) get their first taste of spring The Stars added linemen Pete 6 diana 27. Rebounds— Detroit 47 (Lorn- Denver at Oklahoma, 1.30 p.m. Washington ot Oakland. 1 :!K) p.m. Washington at Birmingham, 1:30 is passing-minded and has given Wachusett Mtn wet gr 7 trails 3 lifts ns St. Louis at Quebec, 7:35 p.m. beer, Levlngston 8), Indiana 45 (Carter, Pittsburgh ot Michigan, 9 p.m. Seaver casualty in camp Kugle’' and Mike Fuller to an N.Y. Rangers at Montreal,8:05p.m. New Jersey at Pittsburgh. 2:X p.m . p.m. Sugar Ray Leonard announces that he football. Former pro assistants ' Bradford may opr 2-25 3 trails 2 lifts G. Johnson, Stipanovich 11), Assists— Sunday, M arch 4 Los Angeles ot Oklahoma. IrX p .m . already solid defense and league the starting quarterback job to W ard Hill may opr 2-26 3 trolls 2 lifts Chicaga at Pittsburgh, 8 :()5 p.m. Mondoy. April 23 S.-\RASOTA, Fla. Tom Seaver. chosen as Joe Pendy (Pittsburgh), Lindy Detroit 18 (Thomas 11), Indiana 30 Birmingham at Los Angeles, 1 p.m. Tampa Bay at Michigan. p.m. Chicago ot Houston, 1 ;X p.m. has the medical go-ahead from his eye veteran Matt Robinson. call ahead Toronto at Edmanton, 8:05 p.m. 6 Type-A Iree agent compensation off the New Infante (Jacksonville), Woody Wi- M VP Kelvin Bryant is again the (Sichting 9). Technical fouls—Thomas, Chlcogo at Memphis, 1:30 p.m. Fridoy. April 27 Monday, June 11 The defending champion Michi­ Western Massachusetts Boston ot Winnipeg, 8:05 p.m. Del. A— 11,794. New Orleans at Oakland, 1:30 p.m. San Antonio at Pittsburgh, 8 p.m. doctor to resume his boxing career. At a denhofer (Oklahoma) and John backbone of the team which had Brodle Mtn wet gr 14 trails 4 lifts ns Buffolo at Minnesota, 8:35 p.m. New Orleonsat Philadelphia. 7 p.m. York Mots' unprotected rosier last month, was gan Panthers open at home Mon­ Philadelphia at Washington, 2:30 Jocksonvilleat Oklohoma. 7p.m. Friday, June 15 the first casualty of the Chicago While Sox news conference Friday, Leonard said Hadl (Los Angeles) make their the USFL's best regular season Berkshire East Isgr corn snow 12 trails Sunday's Games p.m. Washington at Philadelphio. 7 p.m. E Pittsburgh at Memphis. 7:30p.m. record last year. day night, with quarterback Bobby 4 lifts ns Washington at Hartford Monday, March 5 Jocksonvilleat New Orleans. 7 p.m. training ctimp Friday. head coaching debuts, while Jlmlny Peak Isgt 13 trails 4 lifts 5 St. Louis at Quebec Biazers 119, Sixers 114 Soturdoy. April 28 he plans his comeback fight for May 11 Rozier makes his debut in the Hebert back after a training camp Houston at San Antonio, 8 p.m. San Antonio at Arizona. 7 p.m. Arizona at Chicago, 7 p.m. Seaver was oUt with lower back spasms and Pepper Rodgers (Memphis) and miles of terrain N.Y. Islanders at Phllaelphia, night Saturday, March 10 (Oakland at Los Angeles. 7 p.m. in Worcester, Mass. hoidout. Michigan again has a nice Pittsburgh at N.Y. Rangers, night Washington at Tampa Boy. 8 p.m. probably will not pilch again until next week. Gil Steinke (San Antonio) join the only game that features two Bousquet vc 11 trolls 2 lifts ns pro am PORTLAND (119) Jocksonvilleat Tampa Bav, 9 p.m. Sundoy. April 29 Soturdoy. June 16 biend of experience and young races wknd Toronto at Vancouver, night Sunday, March It Denver at New Jersev. 1 :X p.m. USFL from the college ranks. expansion teams. The Pittsburgh Detroit at Chicago, night Non 12-17 7-7 31, Carr 4-7 2-2 10, Birmingham at Denver, 12:30 p.m. stars like receiver Anthony Carter Otis Ridge Isgr 5 trolls 3 lifts Thompson 5-8 5-6 15, Paxson 10-18 2-2 22, Michigon at Denver, 12:30 p.m. Oakland at Chicogo. 1:30 p.m. Birmingham at Memphis, 7 p.m. Maulers have N FL veteran coriier- Butternut Basin wet gr Isgr 14 trails 5 Calgary at Los Angeles, night ' Memphis at New Orleans, 1:30 p.m. Cut player decks HadI and safety David Greenwood. The Valentine 3-8 0-0 6, Lever 2-8 0-2 4, Michigan at New Jersev. 2:30 p.m. Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh. 8 p.m. Star players new to the league back Jerry Holmes to go along with ims Cooper 7-12 1-1 15, Drexler 37 1-2 7, Houston at Chicago, 1:30 p.m. Mondoy. April 30 Monday, June 18 new Chicago Blitz hardly resem­ M t Tom wet gr Isgr 7 trolls 4 lifts ns Norris 3-4 33 9, Lamp 0-0 0-0 0. Totals San Antonio at Oklahoma, 1:30p.m. Oklahoma at Michigon. 8 p.m. MANH.ATTAN BEACH. Calif. — Asheadcoach include Heisman Trophy winner Rozier and Stoudt, while Okla­ Catamount Isgr 7 trails 4 lifts Los Angeles at Houston, 8 p.m. Medical okay 49-89 21-25 119. Los Angeles at Oakland, 1:30 p.m. Frktoy. Moy 4 San Antonio at Houston. 8 p.m. homa quarterback Williams plays bles the team which floundered in ol the I S. Football League's Los Angeles Mike Rozier (Pittsburgh), former PH ILA D ELPH IA (114) Philadelphia at New Jersey, 2:30 p.m. Phiiodelphia at Birmingham. 7:30p.m. Friday, June 22 Express, John Hadl has learned that the NFL quarterbacks Brian Sipe his first USFL game. Arizona last year. Evans, running Basketball Erving 16-25 2-4 34, Williams 0-5 1-2 1, Birmingham at Pittsburgh, 2:30p.m. Soturdoy. M ay 5 Oakland at Denver, 7 p.m. back Vegas Ferguson and safety •eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Malone 2-7 6-9 10, Richardson 5-8 (M) 10, Monday, March 12 Pittsburgh at Jacksonville. 8 p.m. B awkward business ol releasing a player can (New Jersey), Doug Williams John Reaves leads, the Tampa Pittsburgh at Los Angeles. 5 p.m. Washington at Arizona, 7 p.m. (Oklahoma) and Vince Evans Bay Bandits quarterback derby Doug Plank have N F L experience,. Cheeks 5-8 2-2 12, B. Jones 4-6 0^ 8, Denver at Oakland, 5 p.m. Saturday, June 23 sometimes cause the lo.ss ol sleep. Hadl has also given Leonard Toney 7-11 &6 20, Edwards 1-2 (M) 2, Saturday, March 17 Tampa Bay at Jacksonvllle.'8p.m. Los Angeles at Arizona, 6 p.m. learned it can cause the loss of blood. (Chicago), former All-Pros Joe that might not get settled until Scholastic NBA standings Johnson 2-3 2-2 6, iavaroni 5-8 1-1 11. Los Angeles at San Antonio, 2 p.m. Sunday. M ay 6 Sunday, June 14 Inlormed by Htidl that he had been cut, 6-foot-6, Cribbs (Birniingham), Gary Bar­ several weeks into the season. Totals 47-83 20-26 114. Oklahoma at Chicago, 3 p.m. Chicago of Son Antonio, 1:30 p.m. Tempo Bay at Birmingham, 1 :Xp.m . BOSTON (UPI) — Sugar Ray Leonard got the Pofilond 38 20 26 35->119 Memphis at Birmingham, 7p.m. Oklahoma at New Jersev, 2:30 p.m. Michigan at Chicago. 1 :X p .m . 263-pound delensive end Greg Fields punched the bara (New Jersey) and college Whether it’s Reaves, Jimmy Jor­ Phllodelphio 29 26 31 28—114 Sunday, March 18 Houston at Michigan, 2 :X p.m. New Orleans ot Washington, 2:X p.m . medical go-ahead Friday from his eye doctor to (LateGamnNot Included) Tampa Bav at Denver, 12:30 p.m. coach in the eye, the Express said. Friday All-Americas Reggie White (Mem­ dan or Wayne Peace calling Eostern Conference Three-point goals—None. Fouled Memphis at Washington, 2:X p.m . New Jersev at Philadelphia. 2:Xp.m. Cheney giris out— New Jersey at Houston, 1:30 p.m. Oklahomoat San Antonio, 7 :X p.m. morning. Hadl sported evidence — a large cut resume his boxing career and plans his comeback phis), Gordon Hudson (Los An­ signals, they'll be looking for Atlantic Division Mondoy. Moy 7 None. Total fouls— Portland 23, Phila­ Pittsburgh at Washington, 2:30p.m. Arizona at New Orleans. p.m. Monday, June 25 over his lelt eyebrow . bout for May 11 in the Worcester Centrum. geles) and Freddie Gilbert (New running back Gary Anderson and Lewises Cheney Tech girls' basketball team W L Pet. GB 8 delphia 21. Rebounds— Portland 42 (Natt Oakland at Philadelphia, 2:30 p.m. Memphis at Houston. p.m. completed Its first season of play Boston 42 13 .764 — 8 Dr. Edward A. Ryan of the Massachusetts Eye and Je.rsey). wide receiver Eric Truvillion. 11), Philadelphia 34 (Malone 10). Assists Arizona at Michigan, 2:30 p.m. Friday. May 11 Saturday. June X and-Sundoy, July 1 Friday with a 25-24 win over the Philadelphia 34 22 .607 8Vz —Portland 31 (Thompson ), Philadel­ Monday, March 19 Chicago at Denver. 7 p.m. Divisionol playoffs Ear Infirmary said a Feb. 13 operation in which part Stafford High junior varsity team at New York 33 23 .589 9'/s 8 Standout running backs Cribbs Houston Gamblers, who have V’t / phia New Orleans at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. New Jersey at Washington, 7:Xp.m. Saturday, July 7 and Sunday, July 8 of Leonard’s right eye was frozen to repair damaged and Herschel Walker will square strong-armed rookie quarterback the Beavers' gym. Diane Sandbergand New Jersey 28 29 .491 15 Saturday, March 24 Son Antonio at Memphis, 7 :X p.m. High jump mark set Washington 26 30 .464 I V 25 (Cheeks 13). Technical— None. A— Conference championships retinal tissue was a success, and the former double Nora Kosha each hod eight points and 6 3 15,221. Oakland at Son Antonio, 2 p.m. Jocksonvilleat Birmingham, 7:Xp.m. off at Legion Field in Birmingham, Jim Kelly, suffered their first loss Sholene Weslry added five tor Cheney, Central Division welterweight champ could return to the ring. Phllodelphio at Pittsburgh, 4p.m. Soturdoy. M ay 12 Sunday, July 15 BERLIN — West German Carlo Thraenhardt along with former NFL quarter­ in the courtroom when running which finished at 7-7 tor the season. Milwaukee 33 24 .579 — Oklahoma at Arizona, 7 p.m. Houston at Pittsburgh, 8 p.m. USFLchampionship, Tampa, Fla. set a world indoor best high jump mark of 2.37 '' I guess in the past two weeks Dr. Ryan and 1 were Cgrleen Lazure ployed well Detroit 31 24 .564 1 Big East standings backs Cliff Stoudt and Sipe. back Billy Sims was sent back to defensively. Atlanta 30 27 .526 I'A meters Friday at West Berlin's Schoeneberger able to see eye to eye,” Leonard said, his remark From coach Michaels on down, the Detroit Lions. Chicago 22 32 .407 9'A L W L' McEnroe, U.S., def. Hie drawing laughter at a news conference held with his in jumps Cleveland 21 33 .389 lO'A Georgetown Sport Hall. the New Jersey Generals have Los Angeles Express recently 2 23 3 Nastase, Romania, 6-2, 6-4, He bettered the previous mark of 2.36 meters physician, fight promoters and members of the Indiana 17 39 .304 15'A Syracuse 3 17 6 G2. Western Conforonce Villanova 4 14 10 set by the Soviet I'nion's Igor Paklin. Massachusetts Boxing Commission. At Hrodec Krolove, Ciechoslo- Radio/ TV Midwest Division St. John’s 6 16 8 Deals vokio NO GIMMICKS! The fight will mark the first time Leonard has NEW YO RK (U P I) - Carl and W L Pet. GB Boston College 6 16 8 Libor PImek, Czechoslo- fought since February, i983. The bout will be Carol Lewis kept the national long Utoh 34 22 .607 — Pittsburgh 8 15 9 •••••••••••••••• . voklo, det. Michael Mor- >■ Connecticut Wilander gets Sweden even broadcast on Home Box Office television. Dallas 30 27 .526 4>A 9 13 11 Boseboll tensen, Denmark, 10-8, G2,6-4;/ I N O G IFTS! jump crowns in the family Friday Kansas City 24 31 .436 9'A Providence 9 13 11 Tomas Smid, Czechoslovo- ■ That decision to step down came after he had SATURDAY San Antonio 25 34 .424 10'A Seton Hall 13 17 .N'ORRKOPING. Sweden — Mats Wilander by winning their respective events ' 10:00 Tennis: U.S. Davis Cup vs. 8 Houston — Acoolr^d klo, ' det. Peter Bostlansen, undergone surgery for a detached retina in his left at the U.S. Track and Fieid Indoor Denver 23 34 .404 11'A catcher Tom Wleghqus from DenW>ark,G2,G1,G2. scored a 6-3, 6-2, 6-1 triumph over Ricardo Ycaza Rumonia, ESPN Houston 22 34 .393 12 Today's Gomes l2:OOTennls: Women's Indoor, Chan­ Montreol for a player to be At Tbiford, England ' Friday, helping Sweden even its Davis Cup match eye. Championships. Pacific Division UConn at Holy Cross, 2 p.m. named loler. nel 3 Leonard is slated to fight Kevin Howard, who was to Los Angeles 35 19 .667 — Seton Hall at St. John's Glonhl OcleoOo, Italy, JUST PRICE!!! against Ecuador Ihrough the opening two singles 12:00 : Seton Hall Portland 35 23 .625 2 Georgetown at Bosotn College matches. have been his opponent in the fight originally Once again facing an imminent Vs. St. John's, Channel 20 Football def. Colin Dowdeswell, Bri­ defeat, Carl Lewis waited until the Seattle 29 25 .537 6 Pittsburgh at Syracuse tain, 1-6, G2, 7-9, G2; John Earlier. Ecutidor's Andres Gomez fought for scheduled for Feb. 25. . 2:00 College basketball: Cannecticut Phoenix 26 30 .464 10 Villanova at Providence VS. Holy Cross, WDRC Oklahoma (USFL) — Re- Lloyd, Britain, def. Cor­ 74 AMC HORNET 75 OPEL 1900 third of his preliminary jumps Golden State 25 32 .439 11'A ' leased running back Kerwin rado Barazzutti, Italy, 6-4, 3-6, three hours before beating Anders Jarryd, 6-1, 2:00 College basketball: Bostan Cal- San Diego 19 37 .339 17 2-6. 8-6, 3-6, 6-3. before getting off a fair mark — lege vs. Georgetown, Channel 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• Bell and traded runnlngback G2.G3. 2 Friday's Results and it proved good enough for the 2:00 College basketball: St. Joseph's Larry Key to Jacksonville At Stuttgart, West Germany Portland 119, Philadelphia 114 for 0 future draft choice. »995 *1295 victory. The Wiliingboro, N.J., vs. Rutgers, SportsChannel Indiana 108, Detroit 100 2:00 College basketball: Marquette (Sulllermo Vilas, , 74 DODGE DARI 76 GRAN TORINO WAE Britain, Italy split athlete, who has not lost a long Atlanto 105, New York 104 (OT) Bowling Hockey def. Hans-Dleter Beutel, West Spinks defends vs. Notre Dame, ESPN Milwaukee 95, Dallas 88 jump competition in three years, 2:30 Skiing: U.S. championships, Germany, G6, 8-6, 7-5; Jose- TEI.FORD. England — Britain and Italy split Washington 102, Chicago 96 New York Rangers — As­ Luis Clerc, Argentina, del. followed two fouls with a ieap of 27 Channel B Denver at Phoenix *1595 *1695 the opening day singles Friday for a 1-1 standoff 3:00 College basketball: UCLA vs. signed center Chris Kontos to Michael Westphal, West Ger­ feet, 9'/4 inches. He later improved use, USA Boston at Los Angeles Powder Pull theOiiersoftheCentralHockey many, G3, 3-6, G 3 ,1-6, 8-6. 76 OLDS OMEGA CHRYS. NEWPORT in their Davis Cup world group first round match. light heavy title Utah at Seattle League. that to 27-lOVi in holding off the 3:30 Bowling: M elster Brau Tourna­ Gianni Ocleppo marred Colin Dowdeswell’s Saturday's Games Nancy Hahn 193-461, Vivian Matava A l NorrkopinG, Sweden By Dave Ratto challenge of long-time rival Larry ment, Channel 8 (All Times EST) 468, Laura Rapson 456, M ary W right ••••••••••••••••• British Davis Cup debut by coming from behind to 4:00 Boxing: Eddie Davis vs. Michael New York at New Jersey, 7:35 p.m. 456, Edith Tracy 176-454, Bernice Prior *1795 *1995 UPI Sports Writer Myricks. Spinks, Channel 3 Andres Gomez, Ecuador, take the opening match, 1-6, 6- 2, 9-7, 6-2, but John Washington at Cleveland, 8:05p.m. 455, Noella BertuzzI 453, Sharon Oliver det. Anders Jarryd, Sweden, 76 MERC COLONY PARK WAG. 77 CHRYS. CORDOBA 5 4:00 College basketball: Kentucky Chicago at Atlanta, 8:10 p.m. 463. Lloyd .squared matters by defeating Corrado vs. Georgia, Channel 30 G l, 2-6, 8-6, 3-6, G3; Mats Myricks, who first won the M l Iwoukee at San Antoni 0,8:30p. m. Tennis Wilander, Sweden, det. Ri­ Barazzutti, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2, 6-3. i ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — Michael Spinks likes to national title in 1976, notched the 4:00 College basketball: Illinois vs. Golden State at Houston, 8:40 p.m. ^Purdue, ESPN LaVae Industrial cardo Ycaza, Ecuador, G3, G2, *1995 *2595 prepare for Dwight Muhammad Qawi (Braxton) by best indoor mark of his career, Dollas at Utah, 9:30 p.m. Gl. beating up on the Davises. 7:00 Hockey: Flyers vs. Whalers, Kansas City at Denver,9:40p.m. 77 CHEVY IMPAIA 78 TORO LTD II 27-8‘A, but it was not enough to SportsChannel, W TIC Sunday's Games Jo)in Belos)(v 2)1-572, Don Wilson Davis Cup results Spinks defends his world light-heavyweight title in a 7:30 College basketball: H artford vs. 242-208-6)1, Ed Bochl 206, Nick AAorottl •••••••••••••••• AM’s toe takes kayo catch Lewis, who is the world) Los Angeles at Phllodelphio, night 224-562, Denny Carlin 203, Dick M urpliv Davis Cup, World Group, 12-rounder against Eddie Davis Saturday in what he •Bentley, W INF San Diego at Seattle indoor record holder at 28-10>/4.i 8:00 College basketball: Pittsburgh 2)5-223-617, Roy Chittick 20G559, Jo)in first round *2695 *2695 CHICAGO — The three-time heavyweight hopes is his last bout before a rematch against Qawi. Cleveland at Detroit, night Myers 223-20G602, Butch Savino 210, matches, Feb.24 9 Myricks was the last athlete toj vs. Syracuse, USA Portland at Indiana, night 79 DODGE COLT 77 OLDS DELIA 88 R boxing chump who flouted like a butterfly got Before he unified the 175-pound title against Qawi in 9:00 College basketball: Iowa vs. Charles Hartley Sr. 210, Al Senna 205, Bowling < beat Lewis, 33 meets ago in thiq Boston at Phoenix, night Charles H artley Jr. 224-603, Dave AtChristchurch, New Zealand stung in the foot, fracturing his right big toe while Minnesota, ESPN March of 1983, Spinks knocked out Eddie’s brother meet in 1981. Mazzoll 208, Ken Cooley 217-588, John •••••••••••••••• stepping.out of a hotel room shower. Johnny Davis. Van Tassell 20G573, Leon Bilodeau Francisco Gonzalez, Para­ *2995 *2995 A spokesman at Michael Reese hospital said Since Johnny Davis handed Qawi his only previous Earlier, Carol Lewis, who U, * 9-OOaan. Tennis: U.S. Davis Cup vs. Bullets 102, Bulls 96 23G208-609, Carl Daren 223-213-586, Jim guay, def. Russell Simpson, 7 7 1-eiRD, AIR, IMMAC. 78 DATSUN 810 Magowan 22G557, Roger MIeezkowski New Zealand, G1, G3, G , 2-6, PDA results Muhammed Ali, 42, entered the hospital Thurs­ loss, Spinks used his victory as a confidence-builder. summer edged Tatyana Bnaaskij RumaaiO' ESPN 8 day morning to have doctors put a cast on his i;j|j|kpro basketball: Lakers vs. 556, Joe Parker 22), Ernie W hipple 550, 6- 4; Victor Peed, Paraguay, The same effect can come from an impressive win ryakova of the Soviet U nl|[J|a SIxd^Khonnel 3 WASHINGTON (102) Pot Costogna552, Fred KozIckI 24G594, det. Chris Lewis, New Zealand, At North Olmsted, Ohio, *2995 *2995 right fool. Ali left the hospital on crutches, the over Eddie Davis, since he gave Qawi all he could the bronze medal at theTivoji] zT^xollege basketball: Arkansas Ballard 8-15 5-5 21. Ruland 4-11 0-1 8. Gory Rowson 21GS89, John Stratton 4-6,G6,6-4,2-6,G3. Feb.24 spokesman said Friday. vs ttiouston, Channels 22, 30 Mahorn 2-6 1-2 5. F. Johnson 8-13 3-4 19. 236-580, John KozIckI 20G24G612, John (The leaders with match 78 GRANADA 78 OLDS DELTA 88 R handle before succumbing in 11 rounds in November Championships, repeated thpt fe' ^ 2:io Hockey: Capitols vs. Whalers, Sobers 12-17 M 25. McMillen 0-3 (H) 0. Jenkins 571. A l Perth, Australia play records of 1982. with a jump of 21 feet, 8 ihch' SoontsChannel, W TIC Dave 3-5 04) 6. Malone 7-13 04) 14. and total pintails after five °2:30 Pro football: Generals vs. KopIckI M 2-4 4. Totals 45-84 12-17 102. Paul McNamee, Australia, rounds— 34 " I was at that (Qawi-Eddie Davis) fight," Spinks, Proskuryakova had to settle Caterers games) *3295 *3595 Whalers recall Randy Pierce Stallions,iliions. ChonneiChannel b 8 CHICAGO (96) def. Slobodan Zlvollnovic, Yu- 27, said. "Eddie impressed me. he got knocked down third place when her mark of ':30 College basketball: Louisville Greenwood 8-14 0-116. Woolrldge 4-174- goslavla,G7,4-6,G7,lG8; John 1. Guppy Troup, Jackson­ 4 12. Corzine 2-5 1-1 5. Whatley 6-11 0-1 ville, Fla., 9-7, 7,779. 2. Gary HARTFORD (UPI) - The Hartford Whalers in the first round, then got up and did extremely well. was beaten by Jennifer Innia US DePoult Channel 3 Bunny Fellows 146-)33-397, Jeanne Fitzgerald, Australia, def. 4.00 Running: Orange Bowl 10-K, 12. Wiggins 4-7 2-2 10. Higgins 5-8 1-2 11, Marco Ostolo, Yugoslavia, 2-6, Skidmore, Albuquerque, announced Friday the recall of ring wing Randy He moved his head well. Braxton missed a lot of Cal State-Los Angeles with a 2), Dailey 8-21 5-5 21. Lester 3-6 3-4 9. S. Volp 132-133 )28-393, Linda Tomos- N.M ex, 12-4, 7,746. 3. Ernie UPI photo zewskl )32, Edie Cavanaugh 13G363, 7- 5, G \,6-2. Pierce from Binghamton to replace injured right punches. jump. ^ 4°00 Coneoe basketball: North Carol- Johnson 04) 04) 0. Totals 40-8916-20 96. Schlegel, Vancouver, Wash., Woshlfigton 23 30 29 20—102 Anne FIdler 125, Helene Oey 127-354, A l New Delhi, India 8-8, 7,739. 4. David Butt, wing Mike Crombeen. "But I'm taking him seriously. I can’t see much ina vs. Clemson. ESPN Dorothy Mothes )35, Linda Lozorotf In a mostly lackluster sp. 00 Boxing: Rocky Lockrldge vs. Chicogo 203427 1 5 - H Springfield, Mo., 10'6, 7,72). 5. O L D IE S BUT Crombeen suffered a broken right hand in the problem right now. In fact, this might be one of my 4 12G344, Bettve Ortolonl )37*376, Lblne Yannick Noah, FronCe, M ike Durbin, Chagrin Falls, Seaver now with Sox exhibition, Stephanie HightodL. Roger Mayweother, Channel 30 Three-point gools—None. Fouled Steullet 129, Angle Ortolonl 139-125, quickest fights. My guns are too heavy for him. I ’m out— det. Ramesh Krishnan, In­ Ohlo,8-8,7,682. Whalers' 3-2 victory Thursday night over the (7.43) and Greg Foster (6.81) 4-30 Winter sports: Figure skating Carol Lewie 125-35., Audrey Cody 140. dia, G2, 7-5, G2; Henri •nn/i men's speed skotlngy Channel 3 None. Total fouls—Woshlngton 18. Chica­ 6. Ricky Solek, Highland, Buffalo Sabres and was expected to be out of the not saying I ’ll gel him in the first round, but I ’d like Tom Seaver, who needs just 27 victories to join the defended their 60-yard hurdigf go 18. Rebounds—Washington 44 (M a­ Leconte, France, del. Anond Ind., tO- , 7,628. 7. Frank 5%?College basketball: Texas A&M Amrltrol, 2-6, G2,6-3 (retired). 6 lineup from 10 days to two weeks. to," added Spinks, who is 25-0 with 18 knockouts. titles, Alice Brown captured hbr vs TexaSr SportsChonnel horn GOP Women Ellenberg, Mesa, ArIz., 12-4, 3(X)-win ciub, will be pitching for the Chicago White Sox 13). Chicogo 44 (Greenwood 12). Assists— 7,584. . John Paris, Keanes- G O O D IE S LTD.' Pierce was expected to report in time for the Qawi faces Larry Lane in a scheduled 10-rounder on 7:00 Hockey: Islanders vs. Flyersr 8 first women’s 60-yard dash cro w i Washington 31 (Ruland 8). Chicago 28 At Bucharest, Romania burg, N.J. 9-7, 7,517. 9. Mike 323 Center St., Manchester, Conn. Whalers’ game tonight with the visiting Philadel­ the undercard Saturday. If both fighters win, this season. Seaver was claimed by the Sox when the (6 .62) and Emmitt King clinched’ pro basketball: Blazers vs. (Whatley 13). Technical—Woshlngton Koren Paquette 194, Carolyn Wilson Edwards, Tulsa, okla., 9-7, phia Flyers. promoter Butch Lewis plans to stage the Spinks-Qawi New York Mets failed to Include him on their protected 194, Sandy Sawyer 189, Joyce Tyler Jimmy Connors, U.S., 7,5)5. 10. Alvin Lou, El Colon, the overall men’s Grand P rix tltlej *'prti-ars» ESPN llle- del. 'Florin Segarceanu, Ro- across from Mona'ty Broa) 647-0908 rematch in late April or early May. ^ 10:00 Pro bosketball: Celtics vs. gol defense. Chicago illegal defense. A— 20G521, G rayce Shea 180, Solly H eavi­ Colli., 8-8 7,494. list. with a 6.08 triumph in the men’s6o] 4.522. sides 177-507, Barbara Twible 457. monlo, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4. j'o"r ■'Suns, ESPN I IB MANCHKSTKK IIKHALU. SiiUircUiy. Fob, 25, 1984 MANCHESTER IIERAI.I). S.iliiid.iv. I^"<■l> 2.-i. imu 17 Connors and McEnroe Ski Scene post Davis Cup wins New Englanders to get taste of the Olympics

"WOODSTOCK, Vt, - New Eng- in the same ev^nl, and Tamara who became so well known during races and finally to the champion­ mented, are a one-day test while 1976 Olympic silver medalist. Dan BlXHARKST, Romimia (UPl) the game of tennis und loves to be refreshment pause in the final set Iraders will have their own taste of McKinney, last year’s women’s the 14th Olympic Winter Games ship at Furano, Japan.) the World Cup series tests skiers Simoneau and Tim Caldwell, At — John McEnroe und Jimmy around the gam e," McEnroe said when a small boy, who disrupted (J^mpic style skiing on back to World Cup champion, who took will be in the competition. And third, the Sunday, March 18 continuously for four months. They Sarajevo, Simoneau linished 18th, Connors, ihe two biggest guns in after his victory. "But I have no play by walking down the side­ back weekends in March when the fourth in the Olympic giant slalom. Second, the races fail close running of the Nation’s Cup is the are not as well publicized, he Koch 27th and Ctildwell 39th in the . the American tennis arsenal, eas­ fun playing him when he goes out lines, stopped long enough for the top women Alpine and men Nordic At Waterville, both slalom and enough to the end of the World Cup final in the series. The event was noted, but they do reflect skiing 15 kilometer event. ily dispatched their Romanian there to distract his opponent. 1 American to take a swig of the soft skiers in the world compete at giant slalom events are scheduled. season that their outcomes will be made part of the international skills more accurately. opponents Friday in Davis Cup went out there to win, but getting drink he was carrying back to his Waterville Valley, N.H. On the following weekend, critically important in terms of cross-country racing circuit last Aside from Armstrong, Cooper Waterville Valley has a long first round w orld group play to give ready for a guy like Nastase, who seat. Both events are part of the World March 17-18, Waterville Valley overall points. July. The cup is awarded to the and McKinney, the Alpine tradition ol being involved in ski used to be one of the world's best, In the doubles Saturday, Wim­ the United States a 2-0 lead in the Cup schedule, a series of races held hosts the World Cup 15 kilometer nation whose racers have accumu­ women’s roster will include Par- racing that has included live isn't often easy." bledon champions McEnroe and weekend series. r^ rly every weekend, December cross-country ski race on Saturday (This aspect ol the World Cup lated the greatest number of World rine Pelen of France, who won the previous World Cup events in 1969, U.S. Open champion Connors, Peter Fleming face Nastase and McEnroe, 25, a two-time Wim­ throusl March, in Europe, the and on Sunday the final Nations was dramatized last year by Cup points over the course of the giant slalom bronze medal at 1978, 1980, 1982 and 1983, playing Davis Cup for the first time Segamecau. bledon champion and present lln ^ ^ Itates, Canada and Japan. Cup cross-country relay, an event Tamara McKinney who had had a winter. Sarajevo, long-time U.S. team The resort's president, .Tom since 1981, won 11 of the final 13 Connors, five times U.S. Open world No. 1, had a less than festive ;.,33ie-iromen will compete for the consisting of three men who ski 10 disappointing mid-season before World Cup races differ in empha­ member Cindy Nelson,- and other Corcoran, was the U.S, national points against thfe 22-year-old champion, needed just over two time with colorful Romanian flie S ^ a ru World Cup March 10-11 kilometers each. her arrival at Waterville Valley sis from Olympic competition. top U.S. skiers including Holly , slalom and giant slalom champion Segarneacu, but he admitted, “ I hours to win the opening match. Nastase. a legend in his country interest focusing particularly The events mark the first time despite a strong early season start. Following his winning of the gold Flanders of Deerfield, N.H. in 1956 und slalom champion in got a little uncomfortable at 2-2 in ■ Segarceanu drew his biggest and especially among his home­ cijO>ebbie Armstrong who gained an American resort, other than an During that March weekend she medal in the men’s slalom at Among international competitors 1957. He was a member ol both the the second set."- round of cheers in the penultimate town fans in Bucharest. ingtant fame at Sarajevo, Yugosla- Olympic site, has had World Cup captured second place in the Sarajevo, Phil Mahre, who has will be the Epple sisters of West 1956 and i960 Olympic teams and But it was the Nastase-McEnroe game of the match when he broke The lelt-handed New Yorker wiat when she came out of the blue races in both Nordic and Alpine slalom and first in the giant slalom won the World Cup the past three Germany, Hanni Wenzel and Ur­ placed lourth in the giant slalom in encounter which delighted the full Connors' service for the only time defeated Nastase. B-2. 6-4, 6-2. in tojWin a gold medal in the women’s disciplies. putting her ahead in the overall years, remarked that winning the sula Konzett of Leichtenstein und the 1960 Squaw N'alley games house ol about 5,000 packed into the of the afternoon. the second match ol the day at the giant slalom. The races promise excitement World Cup point standings. The gold medal did not compare to his Erika Hess of Switzerland. which is still Ihe best American suburban arena. The mix of drop But the American left-hander, Sports and Culture Palace, but the Also competing will be Christin on three counts. momentum from those showings victories on the World Cup circuit. Leading the U.S. men’s cross­ linish in men s Olympic giant shots, lobs and the usual quota of who last appeared in a Davis Cup American said he didn't gel any Cooper, who won the silver medal First, many of the competitors carried her through successive Olympic races, Mahre com­ country team will be Bill Koch, the slalom skiing. enjoyment out of playing the disputed line calls guaranteed warmup jacket in the 1981 victory 37-year-old veteran because of plenty of entertainment. over Czechoslovakia, clinched vic­ Nastase's tamed distraction McEnroe was never in any tory on his second match point U Pl ptw to- tactics. danger, but that didn't mean when Segarceanu put a shot into Earlier in the afternoon, 31-year- Nastase could not work his shot­ the net at close range. week. The Stars will open their USFL Connors said later he wasn't Philadelphia Stars’ running back Kelvin old Connors beat Florin Segar- making magic to keep the Ameri­ season Sunday against the Memphis peanu, 6-2, 6-3. 6-4, to open up the can from totally dominating the surprised by Segarceanu's big Bryant (44) flips the ball back to e.\pected American lead in the proceedings. serve. quarterback Chuck Fusina during a Showboats. S co re b o a rd three day matchup. Nastase. never known for avoid­ "You just try to keep the ball in workout in Veterans Stadium earlierthis The winner of the best-of-live ing a confrontation with match play," Connors said. "You go in Sunday, Moy 13 competition advances to a second officials, challenged a few line there and do what you have to do to Sunday, March 25 Bucks 95. Mavericks 88 Tri-Town Jacksonville at Los Angeles, 1 p.m. Michigan at New Orleans, 1:30 p.m. round series in- July against the calls and got slapped with a point win. 1 wasn't at all surprised the A rizona at O akland, 1:30 p.m. R a y Bessette Jr. 229-548, Bernie Denver at M em phis, 1:30 p.m. winner of this weekend's penalty for verbal abuse in the match went two hours. Segarceanu H o c k e y Chicago at New Orleons, 1:30 p.m. Los Angeles ot Philadelphia, 2:30 p.m. Skiing M IL W A U K E E (95) Q uesnel 214-533, W ayne G auvin 200, W ashington at New Jersey. 2:30 p.m. Monday, May 14 Australia-Yugoslavia tilt, ninth game of the second set. gave McEnroe a tough time at Johnson 7-16 1-2 15, Lister 1-2 1-2 3. B ob E d w a rd s 204-538, Rob M ig llo re Oklahom a at Tom pa Bay, 8 p.m. 214-539, V in n ie Strlan o 212, <3eorge Monday, March 26 "It's obvious that Nastase loves McEnroe took an unscheduled Wimbledon last year." Expanded USFL ready Lan ier 8-11 0-0 16* M o n crief 6-13 6-10 18z M ichigan at Houston, 6 p.m. Friday, May 16 A rchib ald 3-5 0-0 6, Pressev 7-11 1-3 15, M a y e r 200-553, V in n ie P in to 522, Bob B irm ingham at Chicago, 7 p.m. Arendt 557, Art Geer 524, Stu Parker Birmingham at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m. Rom ar 0-4 2-2 2, Catchlngs 1-1 OO 2. Saturday, March 31 Saturday, May 19 New England Ski Guide NHL standings MokesKi 1-1 0-0 2, Bridgem an 5-14 2-2 12, 505, N o rm Soren 519, K en M a rg o tta 539, M em phis at O akland, 5 p.m. Steve M urroy 524, Bob Musko 521. Houston at Oklahom o, 1:30 p.m. G revev 2-3 0-0 4. Totals 41-81 13-21 95. Chicago at Washington, 2:30 p.m. Denver ot A rizona, 7 p.m. D A L L A S (88) WOODSTOCK, vt. (UPI) — Here is the (Friday Night's Games Not Included) Jacksonville at Memphis, 7p.m. Jocksonvilleat Philodelphia, 8 p.m. A gu irre 6-15 2-3 16, N im phius 4-5 O l 8, Sunday, April 1 Sunday, May 20 New England Ski Areas Council otficlal Wales Conference ■ Cum m ings 4-8 OO 6, D avis 3-10 2-3 8, Nite Owis Sports in Brief to open second season summary ot snow conditions at New Patrick Division Arizona at Denver, 12:30p.m. Michigan at Los Angeles, 1 p.m. B lackm an 9-19 9-10 27, Garnett 1-4 4-4 6, M a r ia n G o rd o n 178-180-191-549, New Jersey at Los Angeles, 1 p.m. Oklahom a at Houston, 1:30 p.m. England skloreososotnoon Friday. W L T Pts. GF GA Vincent 2-8 1-1 5, H arper 2-6 1-2 5, West x-N Y island rs 38 22 2 78 269 216 L a u rie G agnon 210-509, Dot H ills Tam pa B ay at Philadelphia, 2:30 p.m. San Antonio at Washington. 2:30 p.m. Little League signups set Skiing conditions aresublect to chonge 1-2 1-4 3, Pheglev 1-6 OO 2. Totals 33-88 scored a triple when they signed due to weather, skier traffic, and other x-N Y Rangrs 34 20 8 76 247 230 191-502, P a tti H e rd ic 178-166-499, Annie O akland at Pittsburgh, 2:30 p.m. New O rleans at Tam pa Bay, 2:30 p.m. been thoroughly remodeled exept 2028 88. G ag n on 193-476, Ju d y Clem son 188, San Antonio at M ichigan, 2:30 p.m. Monday, May 21 Bv Dave Raffo tactors. Be aware of changing conditions. x-WashIngtn 35 23 4 74 237 187 M ilw aukee 24 29 27 1S-r95 Manchester Little League will conduct signups for Walker, who led the league last three top college linemen — center Legend: new-inches ol new snow x-Phlladelph 32 19 10 74 263 219 Joyce Michaud 182-480, Karen Tracey Monday, April 2 Pittsburgh at New Jersey. 9 p.m. UPI Sports Writer D allas 24 16 22 26—88 Friday, May 25 for the 1984 season March 11 and 18 at the year with 1,812 yards and 17 Mike Ruether of Texas, guard spqwfoll ending In lost 24 hours, pilr- Pittsburgh 13 43 5 31 190 287 18^461, P a m F o rtu n e 184-451, Beth New Orleans at Birmingham, 7 p.m. New Jersey 13 44 5 31 180 266 Three point goals— Aguirre 2. Fouled Kenyon 485, Marion Smith 452, Rox­ Saturday, April 7 Tampa Bay at Memphis, 7:30p.m. American Legion Hall from 1 to 4 p.m. each day. Gary Zimmerman of Oregon and,’ powder snow, pg-pocked powder, wetgr- out—None. Total fouls—Milwaukee NEW YO RK - The USFL opens touchdowns. Cribbs, the sparkplug wet gronulor, Isgr-loose granular, frgr- Adams Division anne Wilson 471, Kennie Moir 453, San Antonio at Chicago, 1:30 p.m. Denver at San Antonio, 7:30p.m. Signups are lor youths ages 7-12. Children must be tackle Mark Adickes of Baylor — ; Buftalo 40 17 6 86 257 206 26, A n d fe a A h l 450. Michigan at Oklahoma, 1:30p.m. Houston at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. of the Buffalo Bills offense the past Irozen granular, corn-corn snow, (where Dallas 22. Rebounds—Milwaukee seven betore July 31. 1984 and not older than 12 as in four new cities Sunday, as six two such terms appear, the term er shows Boston . 38 20 4 80 273 206 Birmingham at Jacksonville, 8p.m. Saturday, May 26 four years, returns to the area to protect returning quarterback' 42 Arizona at Los Angeles, 5 p.m. of that dale. Birth certificats should be brought at teams, nine head coaches and at conditions on 70 percent or m ore terrain, Quebec 33 23 6 72 281 216 Sunday, April 8 where he starred in college at Tom Ramsey. Denver had the. M ontreol 28 30 5 61 238 232 (Lister 9), Dallas 40 (Cummings 7). Pittsburgh ot New Orleans, 1:30 p.m. Oaklond at Oklahoma, 7 p.m. least nine starting quarterbacks and Ihe latter Ihe next-most-prevalent Assists—Milwaukee 19 (Johnson time ol signup. Registration fee is $8 per player Auburn. league’s worst offense last season condition) vc-varlable conditions, H artford 21 32 8 50 223 251 Phllodelphia at Arizono, 2 p.m. Sunday, M a y 27 make their debuts in the first Campbell Conference 6), M em phis at New Jersey, 2:30 p.m. Birmingham at New Orleans, 1:30 p.m. and $12 per family. Anyone interested in and coach Craig Morton isn’t sure sc- D allas 14 (A guirre 4). Technicals— weekend of the league’s second Arizona fans get a peek at their sprlng conditions xx ot 00 tralls-number N o rris D ivision O akland at Tam pa Bay, 2:30 p.m. Washington at Pittsburgh, 2:30p.m. coaching, umpiring or serving in any other if incumbent Craig Penrose or Bob Milwaukee coach Nelson. A— 17,007. F o o tb a ll Philadelphia at Michigan, 2:30p.m. season. new team, when George Allen’s of trails open, mm-snow made In last 24 W L T Pts. GF GA ' M onday, A p ril, 9 c.ipacity IS asked to attend a signup session. For Gagliano is the answer at hours, tc-thin cover, wbln- M innesota 30 27 6 66 272 276 Los Angeles at Denver, 7 p.m. Monday, May 28 Expansion teams opening at Wranglers move in after playing New Jersey at Chicago, 8 p.m. lurlher inlormalion, contact Gerry Hollis. quarterback. wlndblown Chicago 24 32 7 55 215 238 Washington at Houston, 8 p.m. home are the Memphis Showboats the first season as the Chicago snow, ns-nlght skiing available, no-not Detroit 23 32 7 53 232 258 Pacers 108. Pistons 100 Saturday, April 14 Friday, June 1 643-1)91)4. or Ed Dettore, 643-4482. The Breakers moved south from USFL 1984 schaduie O klahom a at Washington, 2:30 p.m. New Orleans at M em phis, 7:30p.m. (vs. Philadelphia), the San Anto­ Blitz. Allen calls on second-year operating, opr-operating. St. Louis 23 33 6 52 224 256 Boston to New Orleans, but the Connecticut Toronto 21 34 7 49 230 297 D E T R O IT (100) M em phis at Los Angeles, 5 p.m. M ich ig o n a t San Antonio, 7:30 p.m. men Tim Spencer at fullback and Saturday, June 2 nio Gunslingers (vs. New Or­ Mohawk Mtn Isgr 16 trolls 4 lifts Smvihe Division T yler 4-14 3-4 11, Benson 4-4 0-7 8, San Antonio at Jacksonville, 6 p.m. wide receiver Trumaine Johnson personnel is mostly the same. x-Edm onton 44 14 5 93 354 259 (All Times Local) Sunday, April 15 Jackso n ville ot O akland, 5:30 p.m. Angels don’t want Baker leans) , the Oklahoma Outlaws (vs. Ski Sundown Isgr 11 trails 4 litts mm Lam beer 4-9 4-6 12, Thom as 11-24 5-6 27, Sundov/ February 26 to spark his offense directed by Quarterback John Walton was one ns C alg ary 26 22 13 65 235 244 Denver at Pittsburgh, 2:30 p.m. Chicago at O klahom a, 7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh) and the Jacksonville Long 3-12 1-2 7, V. Johnson 9-15 8-9 26, Oakland at Arizona, 12:30 p.m. Sunday, June 3 MESA. .Ariz. — The Calilornia Angels olficially of league’s best last year and hi^ Woodbury SSiR opr sot 2-25 2 trolls 2 W innipeg 23 27 10 56 264 286 Levingston 3-7 OO 6, Cureton O l 1-4 1, A rizona at New Jersey, 2:30 p.m. Bulls (vs. Washington). veteran quarterback Greg Vancouver 23 35 6 52 243 263 Denver at Los Angeles, 1 p.m. Birm inghom at M ichigan, 2:30 p.m. Houston at Denver, 12:30p.m. lifts T h ird kill 1-3 OO 2, H ollins 0-1 OO 0 New Jersey at Birmingham, 1 :Xp.m . notilied Dusty Baker's agent Friday that they Landry. The Wranglers have loads counterpart Sunday will be Rick M ain e Los Angeles 19 31 12 50 249 283 Chlcogo at Philadelphia, 2:30 p.m. Arizona at Birmingham, 1:30p.m. In other games Sunday, it’s New Totals 39-93 22-66 100. Philadelphia at Memphis, 1:30p.m. Los Angeles at Washington, 2:30p.m. have no interest in acquiring the former Los of experience and safety Luther Neuheisel of UCLA. The Gunslin­ Squaw Mtn Isgr all 16 trails all lifts (Top lour in each division aualilv lor IN D IA N A (108) Mondoy, April 16 Jersey at Birmingham, Denver at Stanley Cup playoffs.) New Orleans at San Antonio, 1:30 p.m. Houston at O akland, 6 p.m. New Jersey at Tom pa Bay, 2:30 p.m. ■Angeles Dodgers outfielder. gers won a court fight to play in San opr M cK e nn a 3-5 2-2 8, Kellogg 6-16 3-6 15, Pittsburgh atOkiahomo, 1:30 p.m. Los Angeles, Oakland at Arizona Bradley led the league wHh six Sugarloat Isgr 42 trolls 13 lifts x-clinchcd playoff berth Tampa Bay at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Monday, June 4 Antonio’s Alama Stadium. Stipanovich 1-4 3-4 5, Carter 14-20 3-5 31, Washington at Jacksonville, 2:30 Pittsburgh at Philodelphia, 8 p.m. .Agent Jerry Kapstein inquired Friday morning interceptions last year. The Oak­ Saddleback Isgr 32 trolls all lifts opr Friday's Games Sichting 6-10 1-1 13, Steppe 3^ 2-2 8, G. Friday, April 20 and Houston at Tampa Bay. On Calgary at Edmontan, night p.m. Oklahomaat Birmingham. 7:30p.m. Fridov, June 8 about any interest in the 14-year veteran w ho was land Invaders call on 1,043- yard Washington, trying to rebound Sundov River Isgr 21 frails 4 lifts all Johnson 6-11 7-8 19, Com bs 1-2 1-3 3, Houston at Tom pa Bay, 2:30 p.m. Monday night. Michigan is host to frails open Las Angeles at Vancauver, night Memphis at Jacksonville, 6 p.m. Phlladelphio at Denver, 7 p.m. abruptly released by the Dodgers last week. rusher Arthur Whittington and from a terrible inaugural season, Saturday's Gam es Monday, February 27 Los Angeles at Chicago, 8 p.m. Jacksonville at Arizona. 7 p.m. Chicago. M t A b ra m Isgr 12 tra ils 4 litts ^ “78’ 'g 3 0 itr^ '^ °'"'’-’ ‘^^' Chicago at M ichigan, 7 p.m. Following a brief stall meeting, Angels' vice- quarterback Fred Besana. will have a lot of new faces but still pleasant Mtn Isgr frgr 12 trails 4 litts (All Times EST) Saturday, April 21 New Orleans at New Jersey. 9 p.m. Former NFL coaches Walt Mi­ Detroit 26 22 29 23-100 Frid a y, M o rch 2 Saturday, June 9 president Mike I’orl inlormed Kapstein of the no high-salaried stars outside- of winter carnival New Jersey at N .Y . Islanders, 7:05 Indiana 29 29 21 29— 108 A rizo n a at Houston, 8 p.m. League runner-up Philadelphia Tam pa B a y at Arizona, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 22 Michigan at Oakland, 1:30 p.m. chaels (New Jersey), Marv Levy Lost V a lle y corn snow 12 tra ils 2 lifts p.m. Three-point baskets— None. Fouled out club's decision not to pursue Baker. will test the expansion Showboats. returning running back Craig W ashington at Detroit, 7:35 p.m. New Jersey at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. Denver at New Orleans, 1:30 p.m. M em phis at Tom pa Bay, 8 p.m. UPi photo (Chicago) and Jack Pardee (Hous­ Eastern Massachusetts —Walters. Total fouls—Detroit 24, In­ Soturday, March 3 James. Jacksonville coach Infante Noshoba V o lle y opr 2-25 6 tra ils 4 lifts Philadelphia at Hertford, 7:3Sp.m. Phllodelphia at San Antonio. 1 :Xp.m . Sunday, June 10 ton) get their first taste of spring The Stars added linemen Pete diana 27. Rebounds— Detroit 47 (Lam­ Denver at Oklahoma, 1:30 p.m. Washington at Birm ingham , 1;30 Seaver casualty in camp is passing-minded and has given Wochusett Mtn wet gr 7 trails 3 litts ns St. Louis at Quebec, 7:35 p.m. beer, Levingston 8), Indiana 45 (Carter, W ashington otO akland, 1:30p.m. football. Former pro assistants Kugle*' and Mike Fuller to an N.Y. Rangersat Montreal,8:05p.m. Pittsburgh at M ichigan, 9 p.m. New Jersey at Pittsburgh, 2::X)p.m. p.m. Sugar Ray Leonard announces that he Brodford may opr 2-25 3 trails 2 lifts G. Johnsan, Stipanovich II), Assists— Sunday, M a rch 4 • already solid defense and league the starting quarterback job to Ward Hill may opr 2-26 3 trails 2 lifts Chicago at Pittsburgh, 8:05 p.m. Monday, April 23 Los Angeles at Oklahoma, 1:30p.m. S.AR.ASOT.A. Fla. — Tom Seaver, chosen as Joe Pendy (Pittsburgh), Lindy R-l*'"..®.' (Thom as II), Indiana 30 Birm ingham at Los Angeles, 1 p.m. Chicago at Houston, 1:30 p.m. has the medical go-ahead from his eye M VP Kelvin Bryant is again the veteran Matt Robinson. ca ll ahead Toronto at Edmonton, 8:05 p.m. (Sichting 9). Technical fouls— Thomas, Tampa Bay at Michigan, 6 p.m. Type-.A Iree agent compensation olf the New Infante (Jacksonville). Woody Wi- Boston at W innipeg, 8:05 p.m. Chicago at M em phis, 1:30p.m. Friday, April 27 Monday, June 11 The defending champion Michi­ Western Massachusetts Det. A — 11,794. New O rleans at Oakland, 1:30 p.m. A'ork Mets' unprotected roster lust month, was doctor to resume his boxing career. At a denhofer (Oklahoma) and John backbone of the team which had B rodle M tn wet gr 14 trails 4 lifts ns Buffala at M innesata, 8:35 p.m. NewOrleansat Philadelphia. 7 p.m. San Antonio ot Pittsburgh, 8 p.m. gan Panthers open at home Mon­ Philadelphia at Washington, 2:30 Friday, June IS the first casualty ol the Chicago White Sox the USFL's best regular season B erksh ire East Isgr corn snow 12 trails Sunday's Gam es Jacksonvilleat Oklahoma, 7 p.m. news conference Friday, Leonard said Hadl (Los Angeles) make their Washington at Harttord p.m. Pittsburgh at Memphis, 7:30p.m. Washington at Philadelphia, 7p.m. record last year. day night, with quarterback Bobby 4 litts ns M ondoy, M o rch S training camp Friday. he plans his comeback fight for May 11 head coaching debuts, while Jimlny Peak Isgr 13 trails 4 lifts 5 St. Lau ls at Quebec Blazers 119. Sixers 114 . Saturday, April 28 Jacksonville at New Orleans, 7 p.m. Rozier makes his debut in the Hebert back after a training camp Houston at San Antonio, 6 p.m. San Antonio at Arizona, 7 p.m. Arizona at Chicago, 7 p.m. Seaver was out with lower back spasms and Pepper Rodgers (Memphis) and m iles of terrain N.Y. Islanders at Philaelphia, night Soturday, M a rch 10 in Worcester, Mass. only game that features two holdout. Michigan again has a nice Bousauet vc 11 trails 2 lifts ns pro am Pittsburgh at N.Y. Rangers, night Washington at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m. O akland at Los Angeles, 7 p.m. probably w ill not pilch again until next week. Gil Steinke (San Antonio) join the PORTLAND (119) Jacksonville at Tampa Bay, 9 p.m. Sunday, April 29 Saturday, June 16 expansion teams. The Pittsburgh blend of experience and young races wknd Taranto at Vancauver, night Sunday, March 11 USFL from the college ranks. Detroit at Chicago, night Natt 12-17 7-7 31, C a rr 4-7 2-2 10, Birmingham at Denver, 12:30 p.m. Denver at New Jersey, 1:30 p.m. Otis Rl^ae Isgr 5 trails 3 lifts Thom pson 5-8 5-6 15, Paxson 10-18 2-2 22, Michigan at Denver, 12:30 p.m. Maulers have NFL veteran corner- stars like receiver Anthony Carter Butternut Basin wet gr Isgr 14 trolls 5 Calgary at Los Angeles, night Oaklond at Chicago, 1:30 p.m. Birmingham at Memphis, 7p.m, Cut player decks HadI and safety David Greenwood. The Valentine 3-8 0-0 6, Lever 2-8 0-2 4, Memphis at New Orleans, 1:30 p.m. M ich ig an at New Jersey, 2:30 p.m. Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh, 8 p.m. Star players new to the league back Jerry Holmes to go along with lifts ^ Cooper 7-12 1-1 15, D rexler 3-7 1-2 7, Houston at Chicago, 1:30 p.m. M t Tom wet gr Isgr 7 trails 4 lifts ns M ondoy, A p ril 30 Monday, June 18 MANH.ATT.AN BEACH. Calif. — Asheadcoach include Heisman Trophy winner Rozier and Stoudt, while Okla­ new Chicago Blitz hardly resem­ N o rris 3-4 3-3 9, Lam p 0-0 0-0 0. Totals San Antonio at Oklahom a, 1:30 p.m. Los Angeles at Houston, 6 p.m. Oklahoma at Michigan, 8 p.m. Medical okay Catam ount Isgr 7 tra ils 4 lifts 49-69 21-25 119. Los Angeles at Oakland, 1 :X p.m. ol the I S. Football League's Los Angeles Mike Rozier (Pittsburgh), former homa quarferback Williams plays bles the team which floundered in Friday, May 4 San Antonio at Houston, 8 p.m. PHILADELPHIA (114) Philadelphia at New Jersey, 2:30 p.m. Express. John Hadl has learned that the his first USFL game. Arizona last year. Evans, running PhUodeiphloat Birmingham, 7:30p.m. Frid ay, June 22 NFL quarterbacks Brian Sipe B asketball E rvin g 16-25 2-4 34, W illiam s 0-5 1-2 1, Birmingham at Pittsburgh, 2:30p.m. Soturdoy, May 5 Oakland at Denver, 7 p.m. awkward business ol releasing a player can (New Jersey), Doug Williams John Reaves leads the Tampa back Vegas Ferguson and safety M alon e 2-7 6-9 10, Richardson 5-8 0-0 10, Mondoy, March 12 Pittsburgh at Los Angeles, 5 p.m. Pittsburgh at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. sometimes cause the loss ol sleep. Hadl has also (Oklahoma) and Vince Evans Bay Bandits quarterback derby Doug Plank have N FL experience. Cheeks 5-8 2-2 12, B. Jones 4-6 (H) 8, Washington ot Arizona, 7 p.m. Denver at O akland, 5 p.m. Saturday, June 23 given Toney 7-11 6 6 20, Edw ards 1-2 CK) 2, Soturdoy, M a rch 17 Los Angeles at A rizona, 6 p.m. Tampa Bay at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. learned it can cause the loss of blood. (Chicago), former All-Pros Joe that might not get settled until Scholastic Johnson 2-3 2-2 6, lavaro nl 5-8 1-1 11. Los Angeles at Son Antonio, 2 p.m. Sunday, M a y 6 Sunday, June 14 * Inlormed by Hadl that he had been cut, 6-foot-6, Cribbs (Birmingham), Gary Bar­ several weeks into the season. NBA standings Totals 47-83 20-26 114. Oklahoma at Chicago, 3 p.m. Chicago at San Antonio, 1:30 p.m. Tampa Bay at Birmingham, 1:30p.m. 265-pound delensive end Greg Fields punched the BOSTON (U PI) — Sugar Ray Leonard gbt the bara (New Jersey) and college Whether it’s Reaves, Jimmy Jor­ P ortkin d 38 20 26 35— 119 Memphis at Birmingham, 7p.m. O klahom o at New Jersey, 2:30 p.m. Michigan at Chlcogo, 1:30 p.m. Phllodelphia 29 26 31 28— 114 Sunday, March 18 NewOrleansat Washington, 2:30p.m. coach in the eye. the Express said. Friday medical go-ahead Friday from his eye doctor to (LoteGomes Not Included) Houston at Michigan, 2:30p.m. All-Americas Reggie White (Mem­ dan or Wayne Peace calling Eastern Conference Three-point goats— None. Fouled Tam pa B ay at Denver, 12:30 p.m. Memphis at Washington, 2:Xp.m. New Jersey at Philadelphia, 2:30 p.m. resume his boxing career and plans his comeback Cheney giris out— New Jersey at Houston, 1:30 p.m. nioi iiing. Hadl sported evidence — a large cut phis) , Gordon Hudson (Los An­ signals, they’ll be looking for A tla n tic D ivision M onday, M a y 7 Oklahoma at San Antonio, 7:30p.m. over his lelt evebrow . bout for May 11 in the Worcester Centrum. Lewises Cheney Tech girls' basketball team W L Pet. GB None. Total fouls— Portland 23, Phila­ Pittsburgh at Washington, 2:30p.m. Arizona at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Monday, June 25 geles) and Freddie Gilbert (New running back Gary Anderson and delphia 21. Rebounds— Portland 42 (Natt Ooklond at Philadelphia, 2:30 p.m. Dr. Edward A. Ryan of the Massachusetts Eye and completed Its tirst season of play Boston 42 13 .764 — Memphis at Houston, 6 p.m. Jersey). wide receiver Eric Truvillion. Friday with a 25-24 win over the Philadelphia 34 22 .607 8Vz 11), Philadelphia 34 (M alone 10). Assists A rizona at M ichigan, 2:30 p.m. Friday, May 11 Soturdoy, June 30 and Sunday, July 1 Ear Infirmary said a Feb. 13 operation in which part Standout running backs Cribbs Houston Gamblers, who have Stattord High lunior varsity team at New Y o rk 33 23 .589 9'/j — Portland 31 (Thompson 6), Philadel­ Mondoy, Morch 19 Chicago at Denver, 7 p.m. Divisionol playoffs of Leonard's right eye was frozen to repair damaged the Beavers' gym. Diane Sandberg and phia New Orleans at Jacksonville, 8 p.m. New Jersey at Washington, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 7 and Sundoy, July 6 and Herschel Walker will square strong-armed rookie quarterback New Jersey 28 29 .491 15 Son Antonio at Memphis, 7:30p.m. High jump mark set Nora Kosha each had eight points and Washington 26 30 .4M 16Vz 25 (Cheeks 13). Technical—None. A— Saturday, M o rch 24 Conference championships retinal tissue was a success, and the former double 15,221. Jacksonvilleat Birmingham, 7:30p.m. off at Legion Field in Birmingham, Jim Kelly, suffered their first loss Sholene Westry added tive for Cheney, Central Division O akland at San Antonio, 2 p.m. BERLIN — West German Carlo Thraenhardt welterweight champ could return to the ring. along with former NFL quarter­ in the courtroom when running which finished ol 7-7 tor the season. M ilw aukee 33 24 .579 — Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 4 p.m. Saturday, M ay 12 Sunday, July 15 Oklahoma at Arizona, 7 p.m. Houston at Pittsburgh, 8 p.m. USFL championship, Tampa, Fla. set a world indoor best high jump mark of 2.37 "1 guess in the past two weeks Dr. Ryan and I were backs Cliff Stoudt and Sipe. back Billy Sims was sent back to Carleen Lazure played well Detroit 31 24 .564 1 Big East standings able to see eye to eye," Leonard said, his remark defensively. A tlanta 30 27 .526 V / i meters Friday at West Berlin's Schoeneberger From coach Michaels on down, * the Detroit Lions. Chlcogo 22 32 .407 9Vj Sport Hall. drawing laughter at a news conference held with his in jumps Georgetown n *5 ^ •••••••••••••••• McEnroe, U.S., det. Hie the New Jersey Generals have Los Angeles Express recently Cleveland 21 33 .389 10'/j He bettered the previous mark of 2,36 meters physician, fight promoters and members of the Indiana 17 39 .304 15'/z Syracuse 10 ^7 2 -u^ - Nastase. Romania, 6-2. 6-». Massachusetts Boxing Commission. Western Conference set by the Soviet Union's Igor Puklin. R adio, T V Midwest Division t\t^i D e a ls t?HradecKro..v.,Cx.cb...o. The fight will mark the first time Leonard has NEW YO RK (U P l) — Carl and W L Pet. GB NO GIMMICKS! PUtlburoh"'"* sal?? ...... '-Ib'.r Pimek, Czechoslo- fought since February, 1983. The bout will be Carol Lewis kept the national long Utah 34 22 .607 — s o i? •••••••••••••••• vakla, det. Michael Mor- Wiiander gets Sweden even D allas 30 27 .526 4Vz Connecticut broadi ist on Home Box Office television. jump crowns in the family Friday Kansas City 24 31 .436 9'/j PrSjrdence \ ? 1? 11 BoseboM tensen, Denm ark, 10G, 6-2,6~4; NO GIFTS! SATURDAY Seton h m i . L Tomas Smid, Czechoslova- NORRKOPING. Sweden — Mats Wiiander That deci.‘ ion to step down came after he had by winning their respective events San Antonio 25 34 .424 tO'/z Seton HallS ® ) 13 '2 $ 1117 Houston — Acquired g|a, ' det. Petisr .Basflansen, ' 10:00 Tennis: U.S. D a v is C up vs. Denver 23 34 .404 11'/z scored a 6-3, 6-2, 6-1 triumph over Ricardo Ycaza undergone surgery for a detached retina in his left at the U.S. Track and Field Indoor Rumania, ESPN catcher Tom Wleohqusfrbm DeniDark,^2,6-1,G2. Houston 22 34 .393 12 ’rodov iGames Montreal (or a plover to be AtTkl(ord,Enfllond ' Friday, helping Sweden even its Davis Cup match eye. Championships. 12:00Tennls: Women's Indoor, Chan­ Pacific Division nel 3 UConn ot Holy Cross, 2 p.m. named later. against Ecuador through the opening two singles Leonard is slated to fight Kevin Howard, who was to Los Angeles 35 19 .667 — Seton Hall at St. John's GlonnI Ocleppo, Italy, Once again facing an imminent 12:00 C olleg e b asketb all: Seton H a ll Portland 35 23 .625 2 JUST PRICE!!! matches. have been his opponent in the fight originally Vs. St. John's, Channel 20 Georoetovvn at Bosotn def. ColinDowdeswell, Brl- defeat, Carl Lewis waited until the Seattle 29 25 .537 6 P tsburoh at Syracuse 4.2, 7.9, 6-2; John Earlier, Ecuador's Andres Gomez fought lor scheduled for Feb. 25. . 2:00College basketball: Connecticut Phoenix 26 30 .464 10 - third of his preliminary jumps vs. Holy Cross, WDRC Vlllanova at Providence Oklahoma (USFL) — Re- Lloyd, Britain, det. Cor- three hours before beating Anders Jarryd, 6-1, Golden State 25 32 .439 11 Vz • leased running back Kerwln rado Barazzutti, Italy, 6-4, 3-6, U AMC HORNET 75 OPEL 1900 2:00 College bosketball: Boston Col­ San Diego 19 37 .339 17 before getting off a fair mark — lege vs. Georgetown, Channel 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a Bell and traded runningback 6-2,6-3. 2 2-6. 8-6, 3-6, 6-3. Friday's Results Larry Key to Jacksonville At Stuttgart, West (eormanv and it proved good enough for the . 2:00 College basketball: St. Joseph's Portland 119, Philadelphia 114 *995 victory. The Willingboro, N.J., vs. Rutgers, SportsChannel Bea.e.lZaaaa 1 for 0 future draft cholce. *1295 Indiana 108, Detroit 100 Guillermo Vilas, Argentina, 2:0G/4. San Diego at Seattle 218223617, Ray Chltttck 200-559, John first round aa ______.. ______CHICAGO — The three-time heavyweight , 8:00 College basketball: Pittsburgh Clevelond at Detroit, night *2695 *2695 hopes is his last bout before a rematch against Qawi. Myricks was the last athlete to „vs, Syracuse, USA Myers 223-200-602, Butch Savino 210, matches,Feb.24 H O W lm C I boxing champ who floated like a butterfly got Portland at Indiana, night Chorles Hartley Sr. 210, Al Senna 205, w wa ■ I ■ 79 DODGE COLT 77 OLDS DELIA 88 R Before he unified the 175-pound title against Qawi in 9:00 College basketball: Iowa vs. Boston at Phoenix, night stung in the foot, fracturing his right big toe while beat Lewis, 33 meets ago in this 'MInnesoto, ESPN Charles Hartley Jr. 224-603, Dave AtChrlstchurch.NewZeolond March of 1983, Spinks knocked out Eddie's brother, meet in 1981. stepping out of a hotel room shower. Johnny Davis, Mozzoli 208, Ken Cooley 217-588, John aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SUNDAY Van Tassell 200-573, Leon Bilodeau Francisco Gonzalez, Para- *2995 *2995 A spokesman at Michael Reese hospital said Since Johnny Davis handed Qawi his only previous Earlier, Carol Lewis, who last 9:00 a.m. Tennis: U.S. Davis Cup vs. Buiiets 102, Buiis 96 238208609, C a rl Ogren 223-213-586, J im guav, det. Russell Simpson, nan . . . . . i t . 77 I-BIRD, AIR, IMMAC. 78 DAISUN 810 Muhammed All, 42, entered the hospital Thurs­ loss, Spinks used his victory as a confidence-builder. summer edged Tatyana Bapsku- Rumania, ESPN Magowan 223-557, Roger MIeezkowskI New Zealond, 81, 83, 88, 2-6, rHA TBSUIIS day morning to have doctors put a cast on his "'ITf^ Pro basketball: Lakers vs. 556, Joe Parker 221, Ernie Whipple 550, 84; Victor Peed, Paraguay, ^ The same effect can come from an impressive win ryakova of the Soviet U n S j b win .SIxM^Ehannel 3 W A SH IN G T O N (102) Pat Castagna 552, Fred KozIckI 243-594, def. Chris Le9rls, New Zealand, At North Olmsttd, Ohio, right foot. Ali left the hospital on crutches, the over Eddie Davis, since he gave Qawi ail he could the bronze medal at th ^W orld I 2:dl^:ollege bosketball: Arkansas B a lla rd 8-15 5-5 21, Ruland 4-11 0-1 8, Gary Rawson 21()-589, John Stratton 46,86,66,26,83. Ftb.24 *2995 *2995 spokesman said Friday. vs. Houston, C h an n els 22, 30 M aho rn 2-6 1-2 5, F. Johnson 8-13 3-4 19, 238580, John KozIckI 200243612, John (The lenders with match 78 GRANADA 78 OLDS DELIA 88 R handle before succumbing in 11 rounds in November Championships, repeated that feat " 2:00 Hockey: Capitols vs. Whalers, Sobers 12-17 1-1 25, M cM Illen 0-3 GO 0, Jenkins 571. Al Perth, Austrollo plqy records ol 1982. with a jump of 21 feet, 8 inches. ..SportsChannel, WTIC D ave 3-5 OO 6, M alone 7-13 OO 14, and total plnfolls otter live " I was at that (Qawi-Eddie Davis) fight,” Spinks, Proskuryakova had to settle for ...2:30 Pro football: Generals vs. KopIckI 1-1 2-4 4. Totals 45-84 12-17 102. Paul McNomee, Australia, rounds— 34 Whalers recall Randy Pierce Stallions, Channel 8 C H IC A G O (96) udlBiBlS def. Slobodan Zlvollnovic, Yu- games) *3295 *3595 27, said. 'Eddie impressed me, h0got knocked down third place when her mark of 21-4 2:30 College basketball: Louisville Greenwood 8-14 0-116, Woolrldge4-174- aoslavla,9-7,46,9-7,)08; John 1. Guppy Troup, Jackson- in the first round, then got up and did extremely well. was beaten by Jennifer Inniss of ..vs. D e P a u l, C hannel 3 4 12, Corzine 2-5 1-1 5, W hatley 6-11 0-1 HARTFORD (UPl) - The Hartford Whalers B u n nv Fellow s 148133-397, Je a n n e A fiV " * S to jn 's k M S o ; e ’ ‘W ? u a u e r a S 7 announced Friday the recall of ring wing Randy He moved his head well. Braxton missed a lot of Cal State-Los Angeles with a 21-S,‘/4 . 4:00 Running: Orange Bowl 10-K, 12, W iggins 4-7 2-2 10, H iggins 50 1-2 11, Volp 132-133-128-393, Undo Tomas- MorcoOstola,Yuooslovlo,26, SMdmore, Albuquerque, UPI photo C hannel 30 D ailey 8-21 5-5 21, Lester 3-6 30 9, S. Pierce from Binghamton to replace injured right punches. jump. Johnson OO OO 0. Totals 40-8916-20 96. zewski 132, Edie Cavanaugh 130-363, 4:00College basketball: North Carol­ Anne FIdler 125, Helene Dev 127-354, At New Delhi, Indio 4 oSVld Buh^ wing Mike Crombeen. "But I ’m taking him seriously. 1 can’t see much ina vs. Clemson, ESPN W oshlnoten 23 30 29 20—102 Dorothy Mathes 135, Linda Lazoroft ViiS' ,(«, 7,721 5 In a mostly lackluster sprint ',,^4:00 Boxing: Rocky Lockridge vs. Chicago 20 34 2715—96 OLDIES >UT Crombeen sulfered a broken right hand in the problem right now. In fact, this might be one of my 128344, Bettye OrtolanI 137-376, Lblne Yannick Nooh, France, Seaver now with Sox exhibition, Stephanie Hightower "J*oo«f Mayweather, Channel 30 Three-point goals— None. Fouled quickest fights. My guns are too heavy for him. I'm Steullet 129, Angle OrtolanI 139-125, del. Ramesh Krishnan, In- gS 7 *m ' Whalers' 3-2 victory Thursday night over the (7.43) and Greg Foster (6.96) 'Ofinter sports: Figure skating out— C a ro l Lew ie 125-35., A u d re y C ody 140. dio, 82, 7-5, 82; H enri Highland, Buffalo Sabres and was expected to be out of the not saying I ’ll get him in the first round, but I ’d like ■X.™?." X *ttotlng, Channel 3 None. T otal fouls— Washington 18, Chica­ Tom Seaver, who needs just 27 victories to join the defended their 60-yard hurdles go 18. Rebounds— Washington 44 (Ma­ Leconte, France, del. Anand lineup from lU days to two weeks. to." added Spinks, who is 25-0 with 18 knockouts. T e x a s A & M 300-win club, will be pitching for the Chicago White Sox titles, Alice Brown captured her -^*4 S P o rttC h an ne l horn GOP WoiUBn Amrltral,26,82,83(reflred). Egenberg,' Meso, ArIz., 12-4, Qawi faces Larry Lane in a scheduled 10-rounder on 13), Chicago 44 (Greenwood 12). Assists— ^ g Keanes- GOODIES LID.' Pierce was expected to report in time for the first women’s 60-yard dash crown "WSA° lilanderi vt. Flyers, AtBuettorMnRomomo j ^7^ 7 5^7 9 Whalers' game tonight with the visiting Philadel­ the undercard Saturday. If both fighters win, this season. Seaver was claimed by the Sox when the Washington 31 (Ruland 8), Chicago 28 323 Center St., Manchester, Conn. (6.62) and Emmitt King clinched ,,*7:30 Pro basketball: Blozers vs. (Whatley 13). Technical—Washington Karen Paquette 194, Corolyn Wilson ______u« Edwards, Tulsa, Okla„ 9-7, phia Flyers. promoter Butch Lewis plans to stage the Spinks-Qawi New York Mets failed to include him on their protected )?Qcers, ESPN the overall men’s Grand Prix title Ille­ 194, Sandy Sowyer 189, Joyce Tyler po 7,515. 10. Alvin Lou, El Colon, across Irom Mona-ty Brosi) rematch in late April or early May. list. 10:00 P ro b a sk e tb a ll: C e ltic s vs gal defense, Chicago Illegal defense. A— 200-521, G ra y c e Shea 180, S a lly H eavl- Calif., 8-8 7,494. 647-0908 with a 6.08 triumph in the men’s 60. ■Guns, E S P N '- .m c s vs. 4,522. sid es 177-507, B a rb a ra T w ib le 457. m ania. 6-4. 6-3, 0-4. j o -m

I , f; r \ 18 MA.N'CHKSTKR HERALD, Siiturday, Fob. 25, 1984 ■MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, Feb. 25. 1984 - 19 643-2711 LOOK FOR THE STARS. . . Classified—Store/Otfice Space ...... 44 Household Goods...... 62 For advertisem ents to be Business Opportunities .22 Rates Notices .23 Resort Property ...... 45 MIsc. for Sole ...... 63 published Monday, the dead­ Minimum Charge: Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get Lost/Found...... 01 .24 Misc. for R e n t...... 46 Home and Garden ...... 64 line is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. $2.25 for one day Personals...... 02 .25 Wanted to Rent...... 47 Pets ...... 65 Announcements ...... 03 Roommates Wanted ... . .48 Musical Items...... 66 P e r W ord: 1-2 d a y s ...... ISc Read Your Ad better results. Put a star on your od and see what a A uctions...... 04 Real Estate Recreational Items...... 67 Services Antiaues ...... 68 3-5 d a y s ...... 14« Classified advertisements Homes for Sale — Tag Sales...... '69 6 d a v s .l...... 13« are taken by telephone as a Financial .32 Services O ttered...... 51 Wanted to Buy ...... 70 26 d a y s ...... 12« convenience. difference it mokes. Telephone 643-2711, AAondoy-Friday, .33 Painting/Popering...... 52 Happy Ads: The Monchester Herald is M ortgages...... 1> .34 Building/Contracting .. . .53 $3.00 per column Inch responsible only for one i;icor- Personal Loons...... 12 .35 Roofing/Siding ...... 54 Automotive rect Insertion and then only 8:30 g.m. to 5:00 p.m. Insurance...... 13 .36 Heating/Plumbing...... 55 Deadlines for the size of the originqt; Wanted to B o r r o w 14 F lo o rin g ...... 56 Cars/Trucks for S a le ...... 71 For classified advertise­ Insertion. Income Tax Service ...... 57 Motorcycles/Bicycles__ 72 E rro rs w hich do not lessJ ments to be published Tues­ Income T ax Service 57 M isc. for Sole 63 Wanted to Buy 70 ■’ cors/TruckS for Sale 71 Autos for Rent/Leose 75 Employment Rentals Services Wanted...... 58 Rec Vehicles...... 73 day through Saturday, the the value of theadvertisement & Education Rooms for Rent .41 For Sale Auto Services...... 74 deadline is noon on the day will not be corrected by 47 Autos for Rent/Lease...... 75 before publication. additional Insertion. WANTED: CANOE OR 1975 CADILLAC COUPE Holldav/Seasonal...... 61 Misc. Automotive ...... 76 W O M A N 'S G O L F C L U B S Help Wanted ...... 21 .43 — Northwestern Lady ROW BOAT, $100 or less. DE VILLE — New paint, RENT A CLEAN Signature. 3 Iron thru C o ll 643-0860, ask fo r many new parts. $2500 or pitching wedge. 2 years Greg. best offer. Call 742-8101. USED CAR old. $65. C a ll 646-1691. Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 investment Property 34 Apartments for Rent 42 Paintlno/Paperlno 52 AND SAVE Notices 1979 C H V E Y MALIBU Lowest Rates 30" GAS STOVE — Avo­ C L A S S IC S P O R T C O U P E cado. Window In door. A u to m o tiv e — V-8, aut'omatic, power VILLAGE AUTD ASSEMBLERS AND M A N C H E S T E R — O ffice MANCHESTER — Five PAINTING AND PAPER ^Income Tax Foirlv new. Clean. $100. ste e rin g , o/c, om /fm , 01 Lost/Found COIL WINDERS — Fin­ building on large corner room apartment. Conve­ HANGING — Exterior Call 649-8007 after 3pm. v in y l top. C oll 643-2880. RENTAL ger dexterity necessary. lot with paved parking nient to busline and all and inferior, ceilings re­ Service 360 Center SL, WE'RE GROWING... area. Owner will ossist in rIN'S-3to11and11to7. Experience not neces­ schools. M a rch 1st occu­ paired. References, fully START YOUR TAN Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 1974 CHEVY % TON Manchester financing. Gordon IMPOUNDED — Mon­ Our high technology company has various Excellent working condi­ sary, will train. Four day pancy. Security required. Insured. Quality work. < FORM 1040 PREPARA­ EARLY I Sunlamp and PICKUP — Wagon grel, female, black, white tions and a good support­ week, Monday thru R ealty, 643-2174. $350 monthly plus utili­ M a rtin M attsson, even,-,, TION. Good tax repres- wheels. 1200 x 6, 5 tires. 646-7044 openings at our new modern facility and protective eye glosses. chest. Vicinity Merritt ing staff in superior nurs­ Thursday, 7am-5:30pm. ties. Call after 4pm, 649- ings 649-4431. entotldh should not be $12. C a ll 649-0832. 1973 BUICK APOLLO — Runs good. Some rust. 643-2979 Valley Road. Call the there may be something here just for youll ing facility. Complete Apply at Able Coll, 9066. available, only to the New alternator, battery, C o ll 742-8101. Andover Dog Warden, orientation for RN's re­ Bolton. Rentals wealthy, anymore I The ROBERT-SHAW THER­ radiator, transmission, 742-7194. MACHINISTS turning to work. Please MANCHESTER — Mod­ GEORGE N. CONVERSE"' T ax Sover 646-0015. MOSTAT — Excellent exhaust system. Good GOVERNMENT SUR­ Five years of machine shop or tooling ex­ coll Mrs. Louni, Director ern 4 room apartment. — Painting and paper-— condition. $17. Set bock running condition. Best PLUS Cars 8, Trucks Misc. Automotive 76 of Nurses, 646-0129. M a n ­ Business Opportunities 22 March 1st occupancy. hanging. 30 Years Expe­ INCOME TAXES — Pre­ type. C o ll 647-1561. otter. Coll after 10pm, under $100. Now availa­ Announcements 03 perience. Room s for Rent 41 chester Manor Nursing $350 plus utilities. Call rie n ce! C a ll 643-2804. ■ pared by CPA. Business & 643-4644. ble in your area. Coll Home, 385 West Center 647-1113 after 7pm. Individual. Coll John, PLUMBERS TOOL 1-(619)-569-0241. 24 hours. TWO WHEELS — 14”. Fit ORDER ENTRY CIERK St., Manchester. CAREER DISTURBED? 659-3069. Lea 1978 DODGE COLT — 2 1976 to 1979 Dodge or M A N C H E S T E R - 4 room 1976 DODGE ASPEN P lym o u th , $10. C oll 649- INVITE CELEBRA­ High School graduate. Computer experi­ Seeking highly motivated GENTLEMAN PRE­ Furnace (both on 20 lb. door, 4 cylinder, stand­ apartment, first floor, WAGON — Power steer­ TIONS to your child’s ence helpful. 40-45 wpm with accuracy. individuals with manage­ FERRED. $50.00 weekly. Building/Contracting 53,. TAX PREPARATION & tanks) Lead, Ladle, Calk­ ard. Excellent condition. 2048. birthday party and let us $550. Utilities and parking ing, power brakes, outo-‘ ria l sk ills. If like people. 646-2000. ACCOUNTING — Indlv- ing Irons, Two Extra 20 $2100. C oll 649-2736. included. 649-3379. motlc, om/fm, roof rock. TIRES — Good Year HR entertain or give that MECHANICAt TECHNICIAN Intelligent, willing to dual and small busi­ lb. Tanks, Prestollte certain someone a Slng- WANTED — Licensed $1800. Call 742-6629 78-14 custom polysteel work. Be your own boss. nesses. Free consulta­ Torch with Gauge. 163 1977 CHEVY BLAZER — A-Gram. Caii Ceiebra- Associate Degree In Engineering Science or dental hygienist. Part Apartments for Rent -42^. FARRAND REMODEL-.- ; evenings. rodiols w.s.w. depth Unlimited Income. Ex­ tion. Brian Dungan,CPA. Hebron Rd. Bolton. Excellent condition. V." tions, 644-1318 M onday Math — or equivalent experience. Artistic tim e w ork. C all 875-8346 ING — Cabinets, roofing,—' ' of tread with pdir hub ceptional fringes. Call C a ll 647-8799, evenings 63,000 original miles. Au- thru Friday after 3pm, during working hours. Homes for Rent 43 gutters, room additions/" tomatlc. AM/FM 1979 DODGE WINDOW caps, spec, edition. $15 and silkscreening background helpful. 647-8730. decks, all types of remo- : and weekends. Saturday and Sunday, MANCHESTER-One, two cassette, power steering, V A N — B200, 318. Pow er for the pa ir. C o ll 649-1794. CALL deling and repairs. FREE — ■ 9am to 5pm. RN - LPN — Weekend a n d three bedroom power brakes, tracker steering, power brakes, DATA ENTRY CURK estimates. Fully insured. position available, 7am apartments. Heat and hot M A N C H E S T E R — A v a il­ ALUMINUM SHEETS - tires. Cheyenne package. cruise control, delay LEOAL NOTICE High School graduate. 1-2 years office ex­ to 7pm. Extremely high Telephone 643-6017, after w iper. $4000. C a ll 742-6629 Situation Wanted 23 w ater. $400, $440, $495. able Immediately. At­ used os printing plates. Asking $5800. Must Be Town o l Andovtr Employment perience. Typing — 45 wpm with accuracy. hourly rates. Please call 6pm, 647-8509. 1 Seen. Daytime, Art, 244- evenings. Zoning Board o l A pp atli C a ll 649-4800. tractive four bedroom TAX PREPARATIONS — .007" th ick, 23 x 24” . In addition to a fuMv 647-9946 Familiarity with computers helpful. M r s . J . Brownstein, Cape. 1 Vz baths, fireplace In the convenience of 50

Kfderul income tax deductions lor your medical has been repealed for 1984. taxes. expenses will be 'changed again lor I984. In your Whether you're filling out your income tax return 2) Consider mailing your returns by certified or" lavor: Drugs aijd medicines can now be included covering 1983 now or will do it later, be sure that registered mail with return receipt requested. without regard lor the 1983 rule that permitted you to Y o u r before you complete and send in your 1983 return, you Admittedly, the vast majority of returns are received include only your purchases ot drugs and medicines M o n ey 's check these points: by the Internal Revenue Service promptly with no exceeding 1 percent ol your adjusted gross income. 1) Have you chalked up substantial gains in your problem. But in today's Postal Service quagmire? Against you; You can claim as 1984 medical W o rth stock or bond holdings? Or has your spouse recently When it may take weeks for a letter to be delivered expenses only those requiring a prescription and entered the work force and thereby boosted your across town or when whole bags of mailj ^ ply insulin. This new limitation means you can t claim a Sylvia Porter combined income? Or for some other reason, was "disappear"? medical expense lor such over-the-counter drugs as Pvt ^ your 1983 income considerably higher than in the Assume you are one of the unfortunate among us aspirin and the like ^ even though your doctor past? If so, don't ignore the possible use of income (including me) whose return goes astray, either recommended theni specitically lor your ailment. averaging as a means-ol cutting your tax. arrives late or is lost. You are in for an extremely hard There will be a somewhat better chance lor 1984 ol income over $10,009 or $7,500 depending on whether While Schedule G. the income averaging computa­ task of proving you filed on time. obtaining some credit lor the elderly. Until this year, you were married or single. tion, is tough to complete, you can manage it without It could be cheap insurance to use the special mails the special credit allowed individuals age 65 or over B’or 1984, though, the base figures have been too much difficulty. You qualify lor income averaging and have the proof attached to the copy of the return has been ot little use lor most elderly people. The 15 doubled to $7,500 and $5,000 respectively. if your 1983 taxable income, line 37, Form 1040, is more that you keep. Or you may prefer to deliver your percent credit was based on a flat $3,750 lor a married But a tax break has been taken away from totally than $3,000 higher than 30 percent of your total taxable return in person to a local IRS office. Ask an IRS couple with both spouses 65 or over, or $2,500 lor disabled individuals under 65 who are retired on incomes from 1979 through 1982 as determined in Step employee to stamp your copy as a receipt. That's married couples with only onespouse65orovei\ orthe disability, even while the elderly are handed a better 1, Schedule G. proof beyond question. unmarried. But since this base hud to be reduced by deal. For 1983, such individuals can exclude up to $100 Qualifying doesn't guarantee you will save taxes. If 3) Final note. Be sure you: attach your Forms W-2; Social Security benefits (w Inch have risen drastically per week of amounts received under an employer's you find that you don't qualify for income averaging, give your complete address and accurate Social over the yea rs), there was rarely any credit left. Blven disability income plan. just forget it. If you find you do qualify, don't be turned Security number; check correct blocks lor your filing if there was any base amount left, a further deduction The $100 exemption had to be reduced by the excess' off by the job of compulation. It will pay you to status, personal exemptions, dependents; list all was required equal to 50 percent of the adjusted gross ol adjusted gross income over$15,000. This exempt ion complete the form to see how much you can save on items on right lines; and sign your return. Business Pioneer lists In Brief big ’83 gains Yankee most productive HADDAM — A trade publication has listed the Pioneer International Corp., the Manchester-based Connecticut Yankee nuclear power plant as the manufacturer of parachutes and aerodynamic world's most productive nuclear plant for the retardation and recovery systems, posted substantial fourth straighl year. increases in sales and earnings during 1983, including According to statistics supplied by ''Nucleonics a $3.6 million gain in net income. Week. " a publication ot McGraw-Hill, Connecti­ Sales in 1983 rose to $29.3 million, up from $20.3 cut Yankee had generated more than 66 billion million in 1982, according to figures distributed by a kilowatl-hours ol electricity by the end ol 1983. New York City public relations firm. Net income more than any other nuclear plant in the world. increased from $644,000 in 1982 to $4.2 million last Connecticut Yankee became the United States year. Earnings per share were $2.49 in 1983, compared production leader in October 1978 and became the with 38 cents the previous year. world leader in February 1980, Since beginning Pioneer International president Andrew N. Bohjal- commercial operation in January 1968, Connecti­ ian attributed the increased profitability to "the cut Yankee has operated at an overall ctipacity company's expanded presence in aerospace and factor of 76.6 percent. military markets " and an expanded product line. Capacity factor was defined as the percentage "In particular, we have been gratified by the results ol the amount ol electricity the unit would have of the introduction and pilot production of the produeed ii it could liave operated at full power, B'lightstar. the first in a line of ultralight and light 24 hours a day. over the 16 years it has been on aircralt we will be producing and marketing, " he line. said. Northeast Utilities, operator ol the plant, said it The light aircralt division should play an important has spared the burning ol more than 110 million role in Pioneer's growth "as it establishes dominant barrels of oil. positions in the commercial, military and recrea­ ICE UPl photo Connecticut Yankee, a 582,000-kilowatt- pres­ tional markets, " Bohjalian said. " surized water reactor, was the state's lirst Pioneer International manufactures the recovery nuclear plant. It is owned by NU and eight other .system for the space shuttle rocket boosters, as well Keeping an eye on production New England utility companies. as products used in the rapid deployment ol military troops. Computers are manufactured, at least inflated to check for leaks and to dry out Pioneer International's parent corporation — temporarily, under the watchful eyes of after being in a snowstorm while on Pioneer Systems Inc. of New York — also reported a a 12-foot-high frog at the Charles River display in Washington, D.C. The Rock of Ages sale done prolitable year in 1983, after having loSt $642,000 in 1982, Data Systems production facility in Framingham company makes the Uni- .CRANSTON, R.l. — Nortek Ine. said Thursday Framingham, Mass. The frog, which the verse 68 family of super It completed the sale ol its Rock ol Ages Corp. Pioneer System's net sales increased Irom $44.8 subsidiary for about $20 million. million in 1982 to $56.3 million last year. Net income company uses at trade shows, was microcomputers. The sale was made to an investor group rose to $3.8 million in 1983. ineluding Tlie John Swenson Granite Co. Inc. of Per-share earnings in 1983 were $1.34, compared Concord, N.H. and a New York City investment with a loss of 23 cents per share the previous year. banking firm. The firm's three subsidiaries all reported increased Products find new markets "The funds from the sale ol Rock ol Ages will be protits in 1983. allocated for debt reduction and investment in "The company's strong return to profitability is the operations that fit more closely with the result ol the rebuilding program we have been company's long-term growth plans,'' said Nortek undergoing, coupled with an increase in demand for Chairman Ralph Papitto. our products,'^aid Alan H, Greenstadt, president of via export trading company Nortek is a diversified company producing and Pioneer sy.stems. marking produucts and services for a variety ol He predicted a strong 1984, Bv Bruce B. Bakke sells them to a wholesaler who then Kong-headquartered trade organi­ basic industries. "Looking at the combined results of our three United Press International places them in retail stores in zation with substantial marketing subsidiaries, we are proceeding into 1984 with a Europe, Jablonowski explained. contacts in China. It is represented stronger sales base which w ill enhance our earnings DALLAS — Now that Texas "The distributor has translated in Australia and New Zealand by capacity, " Greenstadt said. First Trading Co. is six months old, all of the literature into Dutch and United Midwestern International Restaurant closes Donald Jablonowski admits his French and whatever other lan­ Co. of Cincinnati. In turn, TFT HARTFORD — The Oyster Bar has closed and biggest surprise has been the guages are necessary,” he said. represents United Midwestern the owner says he intends to sell the popularity of barbecue smokers in The transaction fulfills the pur­ clients in Europe. ■stabiishment. Chrysler profit Europe. pose of the 1982 Export 'Trading While T F T buys some products The restaurant tiled for reorganization under Jablonowski founded Texas Company Act. T FT has found a outright for resale, it also will work Chapter 11 of the federal bankruptcy code last First Trading last August under considerable overseas market for as an agent for a manufacturer, lall, saying it was more than $225,000 in debt. sets new record the federal Export Trading Com­ an American-made product. With­ handling the details of overseas The owners, Louis and Dana Matsikas, made pany . Act to help export the out TFT, Mr. Meat barbecue units marketing of products for a ;m agreement with the federal Small Business products and services of mid-size would not be sold in Europe and commission. It also helps Ameri­ Administration to sell the business by Jan. 30. The DETROIT (U P l) — Chrysler Corp. has reported it domestic suppliers. very likely no one in Dallas would can firms sell services. Masikases owed the SBA $77,000. according to earned a record $700.9 million in 1983 — more than At the time, Jablonowski and his even know that such a demand "Our representative in Hong court papers. lour times its 1982 total. small staff of international trade existed. Kong is looking for expertise io Martin Chorches, an attorney representing the The 1983 figures showed Chrysler earned $5,79 per experts had no specific idea of the Also on the list of Texas-made personal computer soldering," Matsikases. said the SBA closed the restaurant share, compared to $1.84 on 1982's earnings. things they would be handling, consumer products T F T is han­ Jablonowski said. "One of the best this month alter the Matsikases were unabled to Chrysler's previous record profit was $422 million in although they talked generally dling are Moslem prayer clocks, sources of that service is right here sell it. Louis Matsikas said he has since found 1976. about high technology products Mexican food items, and Weed in Dallas. W e're working on it now. buyers, but declined to identily them. "Chrysler made major gains in 1983,” Chairman and production equipment for Poppers, a lawn-care device. "And the Chinese have come to Lee lacocca said. "It was a year of dramatic industry and natural resources. U.S. manufacturers which sell us saying, ‘We're looking for improvement with revenues up 33 percent, profits up Instead, the best-selling items products to T FT for export "basi­ potato chip factories.' Entire fac­ 312 percent, factory unit sales up 26percent and exported by TFT have been Mr. cally look at us as another tories. They want the equipment Company being sold hourly employment up 26 percent." Meat home barbecue units made domestic buyer, which is fine,” and the expertise to run it. This The earnings report by Chrysler brings automak­ PROVIDENCFU R.l. — The Sprague Meter by Smoker Products Inc. of Dallas. Jablonowski said. "And we pres- comes from the government of ers' combined 1983 profits to a record $6.1 billion. Division of Textron Inc. will be purchased by The "They're selling strong in the .ent them with no greater risk than China." General Motors Corp. reported reeordearningsof $3.7 Benelux countries, the United any other domestic buyer. We are, Jablonowski expects substantial Greenwich Company Limitedof Stamford, Conn., billion. Ford Motor Co. made $1.86 billion and representatives ot the two companies have Kingdom and West Germany,” in effect, giving them free a good trade with China. announced. American Motors Corp, had a $146.7 million loss. Jablonowski said. For that he deal of our expertise and market "The Chinese are really active,” Chrysler said it would have made $927.4 million last Officials of the two companies have signed a thanks Great Britain's Prince research." he said. “ They've got dollars and year had it not had to deduct an investment in the letter of intent for the sale. The sale is scheduled Charles. T F T started out by locating they have want lists.” to be completed April 3q. French automaker Peugeot. The re-evaluation was "Prince Charles says his favor­ mid-size companies making itenfis due to poor economic conditions in France that had Sprague, based in Bridgeport, Conn., is a ite meat is barbecue. It's big now for which there might be overseas reduced the value of the franc and hurt Peugeot's all over West Europe.” interest but not large enough to leading manufacturer ol gas meters, regulators operations. and associated products for gas utility compan­ T F T 's exports of the barbecue have set up a sophisticated export In the fourth quarter, Chrysler's net earnings were ies. Greenwich is a holding company with two sets is a classic example of how a department. Flag display $118.3 million or 91 cents a share. The company lost operating subsidiaries. trade export company works. At first pass, Jablonowwski said, The U.S. flag should be displayed $96.1 million or $1.30 a share in the fourth quarter of Smoker Products is a mid-size they found about 110 companies in on all days when the weather 1982. firm that has no international the Dallas-Fort Worth area with permits — especially on legal Chrysler had an operating profit of $342.7 million in marketing arm. products they felt they could holidays — on official buildings, at Investment report the lourth quarter but had to deduct both the Peugeot T F T buys the units from Smoker handle. polling places on Election Day and investment and $89 million for a six-day strike at the for about $27 each, marks them up T F T has entered into an agree­ near schools. A citizen may display Twinsburg, Ohio, stumping plant. as of 3 p.m. Friday. between 25 and 30 percent, and ment with Sun Hung Kai, a Hong the flag on any day.

Price Change Friday This Week U.S. has biq stake in Latin debt crisis

Advest Inc. m dn Vb Acmat 10'/« up NEWYORK (UPI) — Thedebterisis banking leaders commissioned by the eliminate non-tariff obstacles to im­ hemispheric tensions.” is being managed but it's far from over Aetna 343/8 dn >/4 Americas Society to study the hemis­ ports from developing nations, reduce “ The problem didn't happen and the United Stales has a vital CBT Corp. 283/< nc pheric debt problem. those which exist and insist that m ajor night and it won't be solved oveii economic and political stake in helping Colonial Bancorp 29>/4 dn 1/4 The worldwide recession and auster­ trading nations In the developing world Hormats said. "Rut we did co. to resolve it, according to a study by top FinasI 93/4 dn 1 ity measures taken to help solve debt respond in kind. with recommendations, some ____ business and banking leaders. B'irst Bancorp 6 0 '/2 dn 1 problems have cut U.S. exports to Macomber stressed that U.S. eco­ term and others that will take a longer So far the debt crisis has been South American and Caribbean coun­ First Conn. Bancorp 45 dn ¥ i nomic progress is linked to helping tim e." managed well by the commercial tries by $17 billion, Hormats said. First Hartford Corp. D/b nc hemispheric neighbors solve their debt bunks, the International Monetary Hartford National 23 dn U/2 "The government says that $1 billion problems but he emphasized that Among m ajor concerns of the com-, Fund and central banks," said Robert Hartford Steam Boiler 50 nc of exports creates 20,000 U.S. jobs so humanitarian concerns are a top mission were the possibility interest; D. Hormats, vice president at Goldman Ingersoll Rand 473/8 up l ‘/4 this means we are talking 340,000 jobs priority of the commission. rates might go up and hurt the recovery- J.C. Penney 51 nc Sachs & Co. "But there are enormous lost because of the drop in exports to the "T o address one without the other and that austerity programs in Latinl concerns over the future." southern hemisphere," Hormats said. countries would cause such severe; Lydall Inc, 15'/4 dn Vb would be like throwing a rope to a man " At stake are growth and jobs in the Pressures to restrict imports should hardship there would be political- Sage Allen B ‘/2 dn V h in the water without holding on to one United States as well as social stabilty pressure to abandon them. SNET 3 U /2 up Vs be resisted, he said. "W e didn't get into end of it," Macomber said. and economic progress in Latin Amer­ individual cases, which might or might Travelers 32 up IV b "W e wanted to identify ways nations ica," Hormats said, not be valid, but too many import Tyco Laboratories 27 up Vb of this hemisphere could overcome Hormats co-chaired with John D. restrictions could reduce the ability of United Technologies 60V b dn Vb their debt problems and at the same grows in Minnesota. Seven ' Macomber, chairman and chief execu­ New York gold $395 up$11.85 many countries to service their debt,” time strengthen their democratic insti­ species of the plant usually associated, tive of Celanese Corp., a 26-member The commission urged that the tutions, limit domestic hardships, with the arid Southwest grow in Blue group of high-powered business and United States make a special effort to achieve social progress, and lessen Mounds State Park. I "1

Town healtH clinics Bolton Insurance setbp USIA blacklist welcomed by elderly may violate antitrust law was destroyed ... page 3 ... page 5 ... page 4

Manchester, Conn. Cloudy tonight; Monday, Feb. 27, 1984 snow Tuesday Single copy: 254 — See page 2 iJIaurkat^r Unnlh Moslems take P&W plans 370 layoffs 2 U.S. positions; -iS i EAST HARTFORD - The Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group said today it plans to lay off about 370 non-production employees on March 2. The employees, who work primarily in the war continues Manufacturing Division and group staff, will be notified of the layoffs today, the company said in a 7 By Hugh Pope had sent one of his envoys to north news release. United Press International Lebanon to meet opposition leaders In addition to the layoffs, the company said it will Suleiman Franjiah and Rashid recall about 200 production workers and transfer 150 BEIRUT, Lebanon — Soldiers loyal Karami. other employees to production jobs. Another 60 to Christian President Amin Gemayel In Paris, the 10 European Common employees, who otherwise would have been laid o ff,' clashed with Syrian-backed Moslem Market nations backed a French are expected to be placed in other Pratt & Whitney militiamen in Beirut and in the hilts proposal before the U.N. Security divisions, the company said. outside the capital today. At least 15 Council to send a U.N. peacekeeping The company said the adjustments in its work force people were injured by shellfire, police force to Beirut, conference officials "were required to meet current schedule said. said. requirements." The fighting came a day after U.S. The proposal was in line with an idea Company officials were not available to elaborate. Marine peace-keepers abandoned their presented by Israeli Prime Minister However, the company did say the shuffling of its bunkers - at the Beirut airport. The Yitzhak Shamir to the ministers in work force did not result from the recent decision by positions were immediately taken over Brussels a week ago. Shamir suggested the Air Force to award 75 percent of a lucrative jet by the Lebanese army's renegade 6th the U.N. force in southern Lebanon be engine contract to General Eelectric Co, Brigade — a mainly Moslem unit that moved to the Beirut area to establish a The contract was for the production of jet engines refused to fight three weeks ago for the buffer zone between rival Christian and for the F-15 and F-16 fighters, both of which are now U.S.-backed government against Mos­ Moslem militias, on condition they powered by the Pratt & Whitney F-lOO engine. lem rebels. accept a truce. The Air Force had experienced performance Moslem militiamen guarded the The U.N. force could play a similar problems with the F-lOO engine and was upset by entrance to the base where the Marines role between Syrian and-Israeli troops allegations that Pratt & Whitney had charged too were stationed for more than 17 in Lebanon, Shamir suggested. much for spare parts. months. The Americans were airlifted Today's fighting, while intermittent, The Air Force said the rival GE F-110 engine was to 6th Fleet ships off the coast of involved artillery, mortar and tank fire lower in overall costs and ensured more competition Lebanon. in the mountains and rocket grenades in the procurement of spare parts. Military sources said an American and heavy machine guns in downtown Pratt & Whitney President Arthur E. Wegner said priest and a French peace-keeping Beirut. that the effect of the loss of the contract on the soldier were killed in heavy shelling in In the city’s southern suburbs and company’s employment levels will not be known for the capital Sunday. mountains overlooking the capital, some time. "Our best assessment now, however, is that overall F In Washington, the Pentagon and the similar clashes continued through State Department said they were Sunday night and early today. employment levels in the Manufacturing Division will aware of reports of an American being Private radio stations in the Chris­ be largely unchanged through the rest of 1984," he killed but bad no further details. tian and Moslem halves of the city said. The radio of the Christian Phalangist today warned residents to "be careful The company said it is making an effort to find jobs militia said shrapnel from artillery and and take all the necessary tor those workers who will be laid off. Both salaried . mortar fire killed the Rev. James precautions." employees and hourly employees with three or more Michael Finnigan and wounded three Two shells crashed outside a rightist years of service will- receive severance pay Lebanese, There was no immediate Christian Phalangist party office in the Herald photo by Tarquinio determined by the length of their employment, the information available on Finnigan’s east Beirut neighborhood of .Furn el company said. E Charles Blanchard of Coventry examines a stone unearthed by hometown and order. Chebak, wounding two civilians. Today’s skirmishes coincided with Other shells in the same vicinity workers from the town when they came in to remove gravel. With newspaper reports of an imminent wounded another 13 civilians, and the help of the Coventry Conservation Commission, he hopes to breakthrough in Saudi Arabian-led ‘ 'several other people were wounded on stop quarrying on this land, “at least until a proper and correct Chernenko grabs peace efforts to end the fighting. the other (Moslem) side of the city survey can be made." The Beirut newspaper An Nahar said center front,” a police official said. Gemayel had “ finally taken a decisiolii The departure of the American military powers to abrogate” the May 17 troop withdra­ contingent in the multi-national force, wal agreement with Israel and that his which followed the evacuation of the B decision would be conveyed to Syria British and Italian contingents, left MOSCOW (UPI) — Konstantin Chernenko, who later today. only the French contingent in Beirut. Amateur archaeologist became Communist Party chief just two weeks ago, Government sources, while not com­ The French suffered their 87th casualty has been named commander-in-chief of the Soviet menting on the report, said Gemayel late Sunday. military in a consolidation of his power, a Western diplomat said today. battles with Coventry The appointment gives Chernenko two of the three top positions in the Soviet leadership opened up by the By Tracy L. Geoghegan the town may be forced to do more than death of Yuri Andropov, leaving just the largely West Hartford arsonist Herald Reporter just move its quarrying operations. ceremonial presidency vacant. Current plans call for the construc­ The Western diplomat said Marshal Nikolai COVENTRY — Six years ago, tion of a sewage treatment plant on the Ogarkov referred to Chernenko as chairman of the gets 5 years’ probation Charles Blanchard found an arro­ same parcel of land. So when the Defense Council at a reception to celebrate armed whead in his garden and his passion for Conservation Commission — avowed forces day last Thursday. archaeology was sparked. opponents of the sewer project — got The diplomat said he did not know how or when the HARTFORD (UPI) - Barry Dov for Schuss, described by supporters as He began poking around the fields wind of Blanchard’s finds, they were defense title was given to Chernenko, who was Schuss, the teenager charged with a “ deeply religious person” and "a and woods near his Main Street house, quick to rally behind his efforts. unamimously elected Communist Party general setting four fires last summer in West bright boy who is obviously now ill.” and unearthed axes, jewelery and "No treatment plant should go in secretary Feb. 13, four days after Yuri Andropov’s Hartford’s Jewish community, today Schuss read from a typewritten other tools he believes are the remains there at least until the dig is complete, ’ ’ death. was sentenced to five years probation statement, telling the court, "I want of a prehistoric society which could said Daniel Manley, chairman of the "It’s been kept a secret, but it seems that Ogarkov and ordered to undergo psychiatric you to know how sorry I am. Please date as far back as 2000 B.C. Conservation Commission. definitely wanted us to know that Chernenko was head treatment. allow me to stay under psychiatric The amateur archaeologist now finds of the defense council," the diplomat said. Superior Court Judge John Brennan treatment.” himself battling the Town of Coventry BLANCHARD, a professional musi- He said the position of commander in chief was spared the West Hartford youth a jail His father. Jack, told Brennan, "We in an effort to protect land he says is almost always held simultaneously by the president. term after listening to the pleas of still find it hard to believe what has especially rich with artifacts of archae- Andropov assumed the commander in chief mantle Schuss' family, supporters and his happened. Barry fell ill to a disease ^ Please turn to page 10 logical significance. by May of last year, six months after being named attorney, John F. Droney, for leniency. that August and he still is sick. secretary general. In June, he was named president, Schuss, a 17-year-old son in a family . "He’s only 17,” his father said. THE LAND, unfortunately for Blan­ consolidating the top three positions of Soviet of devout Orthodoz Jews, admitted "There’s still time to treat him. We all chard, is owned by the town, and is leadership. setting fires in August and September want to make sure Barry will never be 2 quarried for gravel periodically. "The Inside Today "How or when that (the presidency) will happen is at two West Hartford synagogues and a threat to society again. Please allow town has gone in and ripped up some difficult to know," the diplomat said. S f. tbe homes of Rabbi Solomon Krupka, him to receive medical treatment.” really great stuff in their ignorance,” 20 pages, 2 sections Chernenko today pledged to implement the leader of one of the synagogues, and Brennan imposed concurrent senten­ Blanchard said. economic and social programs drawn up by the party state Rep. Joan R. Kemler, D-West ces of seven years each for the arson A dvice...... 17 Lottery ...... 2 during the Leonid Brezhnev era. fires at the Young Israel of West “ All I’m asking is that it be properly Area towns ...... 5 Obituaries ...... 10 Hartford, who is Jewish. His promise to follow the parly line was made in a Hartford Synagogue and the Emanuel and correctly surveyed before they do Business...... 18 Opinion...... 6 Droney told Brennan that to place message of “ cordial gratitude” to all party and Synagogue. He imposed 14-year sent­ any more damage,” he said. Classified...... 18-19 Peopletalk ...... 2 Schuss in prison "would be virtually a Comics...... 6 Sports...... 11-14 government bodies- and foreign dignitaries who ences for fires set at the homes of If the importance of Blanchard’s death sentence.” Entertainment ...17 Television...... 8 congratulated him on his election Feb. 13 to the post of Krupka and Mrs. Kemler. findings is substantiated by a profes­ “ We are aware of the defendant's Communist Party general secretary. 7 sional archaelogical survey, however. suicidal tendencies,” Droney said. "He The fires at the synagogues were probably would not survive the first filed as third-degree arson because no day in prison. The facts cry out for one was inside the buildings at the time. suspension of the sentence and The charges of second-degree arson probation.” were imposed because people were Officials urge calm about EDB in wells Two rabbis also appeared and spoke inside the two homes. HARTFORD (UPI) - State health because it was unlikely anyone but a positive finding and draw a circle and go as officials have urged residents of Connecti­ licensed applyer would have used it. far as necessary to find the contamina­ Forecasters expect snow cut’s tobacco-growing region not to worry Galbraith said he was surprised at the tion,” Hitchcock said. as they continue to search for wells EDB levels found in several drinking water A public meeting was scheduled for 7:30 BOSTON (UPI) — New Englanders seasonal for February. Normally contaminated by the cancer-causing pesti­ wells, because tobacco farmers used much p.m. Monday in East Windsor Town Hall to cide ethylene dibromide. are used to this sort of thing, but temperatures in February range from less of the chemical than Florida citrus answer questions about EDB. another abrupt change in the weather a high of 37 to a low of 23 in Boston.” Tbe chemical, used as a fumigant on farmers. Galbraith said charcoal filter systems tobacco fields until last spring, has been “ We just didn’t want to take any chances. attached to a house’s main water supply today may be a bit much: the recent February Was warmer than usual hint of spring was expected to give way found in higher than acceptable levels in We didn’t expect to find EDB,” Galbraith pipe are the best way to protect against though because of upper level jet seven wells, including one used by 32 East said. contaminated water, but he did not to a blast of snow, sleet and rain. stream winds from the southwest. "If The National Weather Service pre­ Windsor families. Unacceptable levels were found in three recommend using faucet filters. you’re a warm weather freak and can’t wells in Enfield, one in Somers not used for dicted an overnight change to cloudy Peter D. Galbraith, director of communi­ wait for winter to end it was very drinking water and two in South Glaston­ In East Granby, 11 homeowners whose conditions with snow beginning late cable diseases for the state Department of favorable, although ski areas might bury. Others were tested in East Windsor, wells are contamined by the chemical through much of the region, changing Health, said the search for EDB began argue,” he said. Windsor, West Suffield and Portland. trichloroethylene have asked the town’s to rain and possible flooding in some three weeks ago with department records Residents with contaminated wells were Board of Tax Review for a 75 percent areas. Smallis said the typical changes in that showed the names of people in the state advised not to drink or cook with their reduction in their property tax for fiscal Some commuters hoping moderating New England weather occur because who sold or applied the pesticide. 1983. temperatures were a harbinger of the region is is an exit point for water, but Stephen W. Hitchcock, head of warmer times had been caught un­ migratory winds and weather patterns "Those good records allowed us to the hazardous waste unit of the state Another nine homowners whose wells aware in less-ihan-layered clothing from all over the United States. contact the two applicators and we went out Department of Environmental Protection, may be next to be polluted asked for a 25 today. Forecasters said the weather He described it as “ a zone of and identified which tobacco fields it was advised residents "there is no need to percent reduction. Tuesday could be nasty with a mix of discontinuity between two air used on,” Galbraith said. "Most other panic." David B. Losee, an attorney representing precipitation. masses.” New Englanders anticipat­ states haven’t started looking extensively. ’ ’ "All we’ve found now is in these wells. the homeowners, said the contamination NWS meterologist Chris Smallis said ing cold air and snow might descrite it He said contamination may be limited to Now that the DEP has made the initial has left the property with value only "as a the temperatures in the 30s are "more differently. 30 sites identified by the applicators. findings, what we’ll do is go back with every basic shelter.”