The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury


Committee of the Whole Meeting C8 April 6, 2010

Meeting Location: Council Chambers, Court House 57 Holland Street East, Bradford, ON


That this meeting of Committee come to order at p.m.




1.1 Traffic Controls and Parking Restrictions - FNB Developments Report prepared by Gavin R. Watson, Manager of Development Engineering

That Report 008-ENG-10 entitled "Traffic Controls and Parking Restrictions - FNB Developments" be received and;

That the proposed traffic controls listed in Attachment 'B' be approved and;

That the Clerk be requested to prepare and submit the necessary bylaws for consideration by Council in due course.

1.2 Ministry of the Environment Inspection Report for the pgs. 10 - 15 Bradford/Bond Head Well Supply for 2009 Report prepared by Ed O'Donnell, Manager of Water Division

That Report 016-ENG-2010 entitled "Ministry of the Environment Inspection Report for the Bradford/Bond Head Well Supply for 2009" be received.

*Note: The 98 page Bradford Water/nspection Report is available on Council members USB keys Committee of the Whole Meeting C8 -2- April 6, 2010

1.3 Engineering Department 4th Quarter Report.on Water and pgs.16-21 Wastewater Activities Report prepared by Ed O'Donnell, Manager of Water Division and Brad Sullivan, Manager of Wastewater Division

That Report No. 015-ENG-2010, titled, Engineering Department 4th Quarter Report on Water and Wastewater Activities be received.

1.4 Holland West Parking Restrictions pgs. 22-23 Report prepared by Vince Musacchio, Manager of Capital Projects

That Committee recommends that Council approve the recommendation to establish a weekday parking restriction on the north side of Holland Street West between Moore Street and Street in the PM Peak Period from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM.

2. REPORT OF THE OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT pgs.24-39 Town Contribution Towards 2010 BWG Studio Art Tour

That Informational Report OED 2010-01 of the Manager of Economic Development, dated March 16th, 2010 entitled "Town Contribution Towards 2010 BWG Studio Art Tour" be received.


3.1 Controlled Substances including Marijuana Grow Operations pgs.40-81 Notification and Inspection Response Protocol and Policy

That report ADM-2010-007 of the Municipal Clerk dated March 2, 2010 entitled "Controlled Substances including Marijuana Grow Operations Notification and Inspection Response Protocol and Policy" be received;

That the Controlled Substances Notification and Inspection Response Protocol, policy and necessary by-law to prohibit the use of lands and buildings for purposes related to the use, trade and manufacture of controlled substances including marijuana and grow operations be approved; and

That the schedule for fees and charges in respect to administrative, enforcement and remedial costs be approved and Council direct staff to obtain maximum set fines available in respect of violations. Committee of the Whole Meeting C8 -3- April 6, 2010

3.2 Enforcement Division - Parking Exemption Report pgs. 82-85 Report prepared by Sharon Antonucci, Senior Enforcement Officer

That Report ENF-2010-03 entitled "Enforcement Division, Parking Exemption Report" dated March 17, 2010 be received; and that Council does not endorse a Parking Exemption Programme at this time."



1. Bradford West Gwillimbury/lnnisfil Police Services Board pgs.86-89 Minutes - March 1,2010

That the minutes of the March 1, 2010 Bradford West Gwillimbury/lnnisfil Police Services Board meeting be received.

2. Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board pgs.90-93 Minutes - February 22,2010

That the minutes of the February 22, 2010 Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board meeting be received.


1. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority pgs.94-106 Minutes - February 12, 2010

That the minutes of the February 12, 2010 Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority Board of Director's meeting be received.

2. lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority pgs. 107-115 Minutes - February 26, 2010

That the minutes of the February 26, 2010 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority meeting be received. Committee of the Whole Meeting C8 -4- April 6, 2010


That Items No.1 to 17 on the April 6, 2010 Information Agenda be received.

1. Ministrv of Health and Long-Term Care pg. 116 Improving Access to Health Care McGuinty Government Helps Recruit More Doctors

2. North Simcoe Muskoka Local Health Integration Network pgs.117-118 North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN Launches Local Health System/Information Technology Project

3. Ministrv of Citizenship and Immigration pg. 119 Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2010

4. Minister Responsible for Seniors pg. 120 Senior of the Year Award 201 0

5. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation pgs. 121-122 Negotiations with the Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU)

6. District School Board pg. 123 Trustee Appointment Process to fill Vacancy

7. County of Simcoe pgs. 124-125 Notice of Decision with Respect to an Official Plan Amendment, Town of

8. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority pgs. 126-127 NVCA 2010 Municipal Levy

9. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority pg. 128 Highlights from Meetings of March 12, 2010

10. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority pgs. 129-131 Board Meeting Highlights - March 26, 2010

11. Township of King pgs.132-133 Extract of Minutes - Holland River Phoslock Pilot Project

12. Town of East Gwillimburv pg. 134 Town Wide Transportation Master Plan Public Notice

13. Town of East Gwillimburv pg. 135 Consolidated Official Plan Review and Update Committee of the Whole Meeting C8 -5- April 6, 2010

14. Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury pgs. 136-137 Holland Marsh Drainage System Canal Improvement Project, Notice of Passing of By-law 2009-042

15. Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury pg.138 BWG Official Plan Review - Notice of Public Open House

16. Child, Youth and Family Services Coalition of Simcoe County pgs. 139-146 Correspondence to Hon. Dalton McGuinty Funding for the Children's Aid Society of the County of Simcoe

17. Canada Post pg.147 2010 Canada Post Community Literacy Awards


That this meeting of Committee close at p.m. Bradfordt G Wl-II- Itnuury~es

Report of the Director of Engineering Services

REPORT#: 008-ENG-2010

DATE: April 6, 2010

TO: Chair Roughley and Members of Committee of the Whole

SUBJECT: Traffic Controls and Parking Restrictions - FNB Developments

PREPARED BY: Gavin R. Watson, Manager of Development Engineering


It is respectfully recommended that:

1) Report 008-ENG-l0 be received and;

2) That the proposed traffic controls listed in Attachment 'B' be approved and;

3) That the Clerk be requested to prepare and submit the necessary bylaws for consideration by Council in due course.


As part of the approval process for residential developments a site specific Traffic Impact Study is required. This study analyzes and makes recommendations with respect to traffic movements and traffic control devices within the development, which includes parking and no stopping controls. The study and the associated drawings are reviewed and accepted by the Town's Engineering Consultant as part of the subdivision approval process.

Implementation of the recommendations in the study are key to allow the roads and adjacent to the development to function properly.

2010-Apr-06 cow: Page 2 of3


A Traffic Impact Study was prepared by the developer's consultant and the recommendations contained in the report were accepted by the Town.

The recommendations within the report included the installation of a number of stop signs along with no parking and no stopping signs. A key map (Attachment 'A') has been provided showing the road pattern within the development.

Attachment 'B' represents a full listing of the recommended installations for this development. This attachment is structured in the same format as the applicable bylaw for ease of reference. Should these installations be approved by Committee, the Clerk will prepare and submit the necessary bylaw for consideration by Council.

The stop signs, in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement have been installed on a temporary basis. The no parking and no stopping signs have not been installed, but the developer will be directed to have them installed upon passage of the bylaw. There currently are dwelling units occupied within the development.



There are no financial impacts to the municipality as the developer is required to provide and install the signs in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement. Should an infraction of the bylaw occur the Town could receive money from the paid fines.


Once the development receives final assumption the Town would be responsible for ongoing maintenance and replacement of the signs. Should an infraction of the bylaw occur the Town could receive money from the paid fines.

5. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A -Key Map Attachment B -Table 1 Restrictions for No Parking -Table 2 Restrictions for No Stopping -Table 3 Stop Sign Locations (One Way Stops) -Table 4 Stop Sign Locations (Four Way/All Way Stops)

Prepared By: Respectfully submitted: Approved for Agenda:

Gavin R. Watson, C. Tech. Deborah Korolnek, P. Eng. James~ B. Currier, MBA Manager of Development Director of Engineering Services Town Manager Engineering Attachment 'A' Key Map

Report 008-ENG-2010


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!"$ Stop Sign

No Parking No Stopping

Barricade Development Boundary

© Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved. NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY FNB Developments - Phase 1 ATTACHMENT 'B'

Table 1-No Parking From To Side Prohibited Time Street Rogers Trail Line 8 Crossland Boulevard East Anytime Gosnell Circle Rogers Trail South side of 114 North/East Anytime Gosnell Circle Gosnell Circle East side of 81 West side of 125 North Anytime Gosnell Circle Gosnell Circle Gosnell Circle South side of 118 North side of 11 West Anytime Gosnell Circle Gosnell Circle Vipond Way Rogers Trail Crossland Boulevard South/East Anytime Geddes Street Vipond Way Crossland Boulevard East Anytime McCann Crescent Vipond Way Belfry Drive East/North Anytime Belfry Drive Vipond Way McCann Crescent East Anytime Crossland Boulevard Rogers Trail 20 metres east of Both Anytime Vipond Way Vipond Way Rogers Trail McCann Crescent North Anytime

Table 2 - No Stopping

Street From To Side Prohibited Time Vipond Way Rogers Trail 145 Metres east North Monday to Friday of Rogers Trail 8:00am to 4:30pm

Table 3 - Stop Signs (One Way Stops)

Column 1-lntersection Column 2 - Facing Traffic Rogers Trail & Line 8 Line 8 Rogers Trail & Crossland Boulevard Crossland Boulevard Gosnell Circle & Rogers Trail Rogers Trail Gosnell Circle & Gosnell Circle Gosnell Circle Vipond Way & Crossland Boulevard Crossland Boulevard Geddes Street & Crossland Boulevard Crossland Boulevard Geddes Street & Vipond Way Vipond Way McCann Crescent & Vipond Way Vipond Way Belfry Drive & Vipond Way Vipond Way Belfry Drive & McCann Crescent McCann Crescent

Table 4 - Stop Signs (Four WaY/Ali Way Stops)

Column 1-lntersection Column 2 Rogers Trail & Vipond Way Rogers Trail (northbound) Rogers Trail (southbound) Vipond Way (eastbound) Vipond Way (westbound) Bradfordt G Wl-II- lrn.uury~es


REPORT#: 016-ENG-201O

DATE: April 1, 2010

TO: Chair Roughley and Members of Committee of the Whole

SUBJECT: Ministry of the Environment Inspection Report for the Bradford/Bond Head Well Supply for 2009.

PREPARED BY: Ed O'Donnell, Manager of Water


It is respectfully recommended:

1. THAT Report 016-ENG-2010 be received;


To ensure The Town of Bradford/Bond Head's drinking water system is in compliance with all legal requirements and as an obligation of the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Ministry of the Environment conducted an announced annual inspection of the Town of Bradford/Bond Head Well Supply on January 19, 2010.


During the inspection of January 19th the Drinking Water Inspector conducted a site tour of the water system facilities, including the well pump houses, Standpipe 1, Standpipe 2, and the John Fennell reservoir. All required data from 2009 was provided to the inspector including 5 minute chlorine residuals from all chlorine analyzers, all chemical and microbiological sampling results, daily and monthly flows, calibration records, maintenance records, consumer complaints, adverse reports, and operators certificates. As a result of the three day inspection the highest possible score of 100% was awarded to the Town using the MOE Inspection Rating Record. (lRR) The IRR is a protocol used by the MOE during their inspections to evaluate and rate each Municipal Drinking Water System. The procedure contains up to 14 inspection modules, such as water quality monitoring, certification and training, reporting, notification and corrective actions and consists of up to 122 regulatory questions along with many other non-regulatory questions.

2010-Apr-06 cow i Please see the attached document 'IRR Rating - Risk Methodology' for a comprehensive Description of the methodology used to produce a municipal drinking water rating.





Bradford Water Inspection Report 2009 IRR Rating - Risk Methodology

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved for Agenda:

Ed O'Donnell Deborah Korolnek, P. Eng. Jay Currier, MBA Manager of Water Director of Engineering Services Town Manager


The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has a This document describes the risk rating method­ rigorous and comprehensive inspection program ology, which will be applied to the findings of the for municipal residential drinking water systems Ministry's MRDWS inspection results starting in (MRDWS). Its objective is to determine the com­ fiscal year 2008/2009. The primary goals of this as­ pliance of MRDWS with requirements under the sessment are to encourage ongoing improvement Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, associated regu­ of these systems and to establish a way to mea­ lations and MOE Certificates of Approval. It is the sure this progress. responsibility of the municipal residential drink­ ing water system owner to ensure their drinking MOE reviews the risk rating methodology every water systems are in compliance with all applica­ three years to account for legislative and societal ble legal requirements. changes to acceptable risk levels. As a result of the

PIBS6797e most recent review, the methodology has been modi­ This methodology for assessing inspection findings fied to present an improved metric for the evaluation will be used as a tool to track progress towards the of the risk/safety ofMRDWS operations. Chief Drinking Water Inspector's goal of achieving 100 per cent compliance with the regulatory frame­ The Ministry's Municipal Residential Drinking Wa­ work on a province-wide basis. ter Inspection Protocol contains up to 14 inspec­ tion modules and consists of up to 122 regula­ Determining Potential to Compromise tory questions. Those protocol questions are also linked to definitive guidance that Ministry inspec­ the Delivery of Safe Water tors use when conducting MRDWS inspections. The questions address a wide range of regulatory Each inspection protocol question was assessed issues, from administrative procedures to drinking by MOE drinking water specialists to determine water quality monitoring. Additionally, the inspec­ the potential to compromise the delivery of safe tion protocol contains many other non-regulatory water. These specialists used a risk management approach that is aligned with the Government of questions. Ontario's Inspections, Investigations and Enforce­ A team of drinking water specialists in the Min­ ment (II&E) Risk Management Framework which, istry have assessed each of the inspection proto­ in turn, is built on a universally accepted risk as­ col regulatory questions to determine the risk of sessment method. Risk management is a system­ having a response in the negative (i.e., not com­ atic approach to identifying potential hazards; plying with the regulatory framework) that would understanding the likelihood and consequences of compromise the delivery of safe drinking water. the hazards; and taking steps to reduce their risk This assessment was based on established provin­ if necessary and as appropriate. cial risk assessment principles, with each ques­ tion receiving an assigned risk rating. Based on The Government of Ontario mandated the II&E Sec­ retariat to address the specific challenges of manag­ the number of areas where a system is deemed to be non-compliant during the inspection, and the ing risk in the context of Ontario's regulatory envi­ ronment and across a variety of ministry program significance of these areas to administrative, envi­ ronmental, and health consequences, a risk-based areas. The work of the II&E Secretariat resulted inspection rating is calculated by the Ministry for in the development of the II&E Risk Management each drinking water system. Framework, which has subsequently been adopted as the definitive risk management tool in the Ontario A low inspection rating would not necessarily Public Service. mean that the drinking water provided by that sys­ tem is unsafe; however, it does indicate the degree The II&E Risk Management Framework provides a to which there is room for improvement in meet­ formula to be used in the determination of risk: ing the province's regulatory requirements.

The inspection rating for a drinking water system will reflect the inspection results of the specific drinking water system for the reporting year. When Every regulatory question in the inspection proto­ the methodology is applied consistently over a pe­ col possesses a likelihood value (L) for an assigned riod of years, it can serve as a comparative mea­ consequence value (C) as described in Table 1 and sure both provincially and in relation to the indi­ Table 2. vidual system. Both the drinking water system and the public will be able to track the performance The consequence values (0 through 8) are selected over time, which will encourage continuous im­ to align with other risk-based programs and projects provement and allow systems to identify specific currently under development or in use within the areas requiring attention. Ministry as outlined in Table 2. o APPLICATION OF RISK METHODOLOGY The question risk rating for each legislative inspec­ The question risk rating quantifies the risk of non­ tion question is derived from an evaluation of ev­ compliance of each question relative to the others. ery possible consequence and its corresponding Questions with higher values are those with a poten­ likelihood of occurrence: tially more significant impact on drinking water safe­ ty and a higher likelihood of occurrence. The high­ • All levels of consequence are evaluated for est possible value would be 32 (4x8) and the lowest their potential to occur would be 0 (Ox!).

• Greatest of all the combinations is selected. Table 3 presents a sample question showing the risk rating determination process.

0% - 0.99% (Possible but HIghly Unlikely) L = 0

1 -10% (Unlikely) L =1

11 - 49% (Possible) L = 2

50 - 89% (LIkely) L = 3

90 -100% (Almost Certain) L = 4

Application of the Methodology to regulatory questions asked by an inspector varies Inspection Results by: system (i.e., distribution, stand-alone), type of inspection (i.e., focused, detailed), and source type Based on the results of a MRDWS inspection, an (i.e., groundwater, surface water). overall inspection risk rating is calculated. During an inspection, inspectors answer the questions that The question risk ratings ofall non-compliant answers relate to regulatory compliance and input their are summed (total question rating) and divided by the responses as ''yes'', "no" or ''not applicable" into the sum of the question risk ratings of all questions asked Ministry's Laboratory and Waterworks Inspection (maximum question rating). The resulting inspection System (LWIS) database. A "no" response indicates risk rating (as a percentage) is subtracted from 100 non-compliance. The maximum number of per cent to arrive at the final inspection rating.

APPLICATION OF RISK METHODOLOGY 0 Application of the Proposed Figure 1: Fiscal Year 2006107 Distribution of Ratings

Methodology for Public Reporting 600 538 The individual MRDWS 1btaJ Inspection Ratings will soo be published, as a banded result, in the Ministry's Chief Drinking Water Inspector's Annual Report 400 covering the current fiscal inspection year. 300 Figure 1 presents the results of the Fiscal 2006- 2007 annual inspections using the 5% bands. Using 200 this method, individual drinking water systems can determine how they compare against all the 100 other inspected facilities without being exposed to individual facility results.

Reporting Results to MRDWS Owners/Operators

A summary of inspection findings for each system is A comprehensive evaluation of the inspection generated in the form of a Inspection Rating Record rating model used to date revealed numerous (IRR). The findings are grouped into the 14 possible areas for improvement: modules of the inspection protocol, which would provide the system owner/operator with informa­ • Chronic administrative issues and high tion on the areas where they need to improve. The ratings 14 modules are: • Specific situations ("grey areas") required supervisor/manager intervention • Inspection ratings did not fully integrate detailed risk management principles.

The consequence values that were assigned to each relevant regulatory question remained un­ changed from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2008. The rating methodology used over those three years has been modified based on continuous improve­ ments to the program by the Ministry and now rep­ Changes to the IRR Methodology resents an improved metric for the evaluation the Relative to Previous Fiscal risk/safety of operations at MRDW8. Inspection Years

The Ministry of the Environment assured stake­ holders that the rating methodology would be reviewed every three years. This three-year pe­ riod concludes with the beginning of the current 2008/09 inspection year.


Bradfordt GwillirnBYt~~

Report of the Director of Engineering Services

REPORT#: 015-ENG-201O

DATE: April 6, 2010

TO: Chair Roughley and Members of Committee of the Whole

SUBJECT: Engineering Department 4th Quarter Report on Water and Wastewater Activities

PREPARED BY: Ed O'Donnell, Manager of Water Division Brad Sullivan, Manager of Wastewater Division


1.1 THAT Report No. 015-ENG-2010, titled, Engineering Department 4th Quarter Report on Water and Wastewater activities be received.


This report is produced quarterly to help keep Council informed of Operating and Capital Water and Wastewater activities.

This report covers the 4th Quarter activities for Water and Wastewater operating and capital activities.


Similar to the November 10, 2009 report, the information will be presented in the same sequence for Council's easy reference.

Structural modification work is complete at the Engineering Office at 31 Barrie St.

On December 8th the Engineering Department held it'~ 2nd Annual Department meeting. Debbie Korolnek ch~ired the meeting and Ed O'Donnell, Paul Feehely and Brad Sullivan reported on activities in their respective divisions. Gavin Watson and Vince ~usacchio were introduced and they both gave a brief talk about their role with the Town of Bradford. Page 2 of6

The Water Division has a number of operationally-based Operating and capital Projects underway as follows:


Item Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Total Total for 2009 2009 2009 4th 4th Year Quarter Quarter 2009 2009 2008 Water main Breaks 1 1 2 4 2 7 Hydrant Repairs 2 2 3 7 11 19 New Water Meters Installed (development 30 30 32 92 77 293 activity) Number of call out responded to 2 3 2 7 15 45 Number of routine water samples taken 103 76 88 267 244 982 Number of samples taken for capital 10 22 5 37 12 37 projects/development Number of water quality complaints 3 0 1 4 6 31 received Meters of water mains swabbed 0 0 0 0 0 9023

Cubic meters of water supplied from wells 105818 101853 102,141 3091 542 330,409 1276599 Cubic meters of water supplied from 88,160 84,060 87,695 259,914 229,768 1,067,379 Number of hours of staff training 48 8 0 56 97 504 Lead Samples collected 0 0 0 0 5 75 Water Stake-Out Reports 24 18 12 78 78 403

On an annual baSiS, with and by internal staff, we are undertaking review on Permit to Take Water, Certificate of Approval, DWQMS and various regulations associated with operating the water system, ministry inspection reports, etc.

The Middletown Road Rechlorination building has been decommissioned and has been removed off site. The Magnetic Flow meter and all associated hardware has been removed. A new gate valve has been installed to allow for better control and a butterfly valve was removed to facilitate swabbing.

As a requirement of the DWQMS, an internal audit of the water system was completed in November and a report was sent to council. Weekly training sessions have been incorporated to help staff become more familiar and aware of the requirements of the DWQMS. Page 30f6

The Wastewater Division has a number of operationally-based Operating and Capital projects currently underway or recently completed as follows:


Item Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Total Total for 2009 2009 2009 4th 4th Year Quarter Quarter 2009 2009 2008 Wastewater Breaks 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plugged sewers / backups 0 3 1 4 6 15 After Hours call outs for sewers 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of after hour call out alarms 3 9 8 20 12 60 Emergell<:Y Work Orders 14 6 2 22 13 71 Vactor Sewer Flushing (days) 11 5 9 25 6 69 Hauled Septage received (gallons) 57,000 21000 23000 101,000 64,300 433800 Manhole Repairs for Infiltration 0 0 12 12 15 12 Industrial Discharge Samples 6 6 6 18 18 36 Metres of Sewers Televised 0 60 640 700 240 4608 Odour Complaints 0 0 1 1 3 1 #of samples taken & analvzed internally 120 120 120 360 294 1288 #of samples taken & analyzed externally 24 24 32 80 72 306 Hours of staff training 64 64 176 304 270 1206 Plant Average day f1ow(m 3/day) 6806 6785 6,973 6,855 5,834 14,563 Plant maximum daily f1ow(m 3/day) 7,810 7877 7 SS9 7877 8,847 23891 Wastewater total plant flow m3 210,994 203,562 216,171 630,727 591,300 2,643,835

It should be noted that Item#4 above, "Number of After Hour Call Out Alarms" in November and December were due to new alarms in Plant D which has now been rectified. Two main alarm problems were from the new filter building reject chamber and the existing filter reject chamber.

After three months of operation, it has come apparent that the new filter reject pumps for the new filter building are undersized for the expansion. Measures have been taken to temporarily operate the system until new pumps can be specified, purchased and delivered. This will take place early in 2010.

With Plant "D" on line and operational it was found that the existing filter reject pumps in the existing filter building were not hydraulically capable of pumping to their full potential because of the distance and height of the new discharge location in the Headworks building. Since this is a design issue the cost for this work and replacement equipment will be determined at a later date.

We had four plugged sewer calls in the 4th quarter. Three of the four plugged sewers were video camera inspected and nothing was found. The fourth was filled with grease from the homeowner's property.

The weeks of October 5th and October 12th, Ontario Green ways hauled 5,207 m3 of biosolids Page 4 of6

to agricultural lands. This is down significantly from the previous years due to the new biosolids holding facilities in the new expanded portion of the plant. In 2010 the amount will ultimately appear higher then previous years.

On October 23,2009, the Dissette Street Pumping Station and other properties around Bridge and Dissette Streets were without power for exactly three hours. The pumping station ran on back up power for the duration.

On October 28, 2009, Samantha Gergen, Compliance Coordinator, prepared a three year history data report for the Lake Simcoe Strategy Plan. This information from Bradford west Gwillimbury will be used, along with other phosphorous contributors to Lake Simcoe to aid in their Lake Simcoe Phosphorous Reduction Plan. This plan is scheduled for release in 2010.

On November 4,2009, the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury took part in the "Take a Student to Work Day". The parents and children met at the Wastewater plant for an initial Orientation/Presentation by Brad Sullivan, Wastewater Manager and then they were provided a plant tour by Wastewater Supervisor, Rick Way.

On November 10, 2009, the Wastewater Plant celebrated the Official Opening/ Plaque Unveiling Ceremony. Speeches by Jay Currier, Town Manager, Mayor Doug White, Deputy Mayor, Dennis Roughley, Archie Yu, Kenaidan Contracting, Michael Gundry, AECOM and Brad Sullivan, Wastewater Manager. Mayor Doug White performed the unveiling of the plaque ceremony. A Plant tour was offered to interested participants along with a construction slide show, SCADA demonstration, food, cake and refreshments.

To allow Plant "0" to operate under normal conditions, Plant "B" was taken off line but still functioning/operating as a closed loop system. This way Plant "B" could be brought back on line anytime through the winter without freeze up problems.

On December 1st, Kenaidan Contracting closed up shop at the Wastewater Plant. The site trailers were removed by December 3rd. On going deficiency work has continued through this period.

On going yearly maintenance on the Collection System has continued with our manhole repair program. This quarter twelve more manholes were repaired.

On December 7, 2009, the Town of Bradford welcomed Kyle Williams, Class 2 WWT Operator as the incumbent for the vacant Wastewater position.

On December 10, 2009, Teresa Znajewski, General Chemical performed an optimization dosage study for the reduction of total phosphorous at the Wastewater plant. Through the study it was determined that "the current plant dosage is optimized based on settle sample analysis", therefore no changes are required to the operational practices.

In November, 2009, Boyd Rivers, Maintenance Millwright! WWT Operator attained a Class 1 WWT License. Page 50f6


The Trisan water main and service connection replacement contract on Church St. was completed. Remediation of the road will continue in the Spring of 2010.

The Moretti water main and service connection replacement contract on Col borne St. was completed to Britannia Ave. Work will commence on the remaining portion of the project in the Spring of 2010.


In the 4th Quarter the final construction stages have been completed on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. The deficiency list of over 500 items identified last quarter is slowly being decreased. As stated before this number may seem high but it should be noted that AECOM Consulting (formerly TSH) has identified every meticulous item so that the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury gets the best product and workmanship that this project deserves. The work on these deficiencies will continue until completion. A Maintenance Holdback is in place to ensure all work is completed in a timely professional and competent format.

At the Ritchie Stong Pumping Station, the 2009 capital work was completed in the 4th quarter. This work included paving, landscaping and a SCADA interface security surveillance system.


Work on a Cross Connection By-law and Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury position will need to start with close consultation with the Building Department. Wastewater

The 2010 capital budget includes infrastructure replacement on Dissette St, Holland St East, Holland St West, Colbourne St, and an EA study.

An Inflow/ Infiltration Study (1&1) will take place this year on the Bradford West Gwillimbury Collection System. This could carry over from quarter to quarter.

The Town met with Mike Gundry, AECOM Consulting in December and requested further action be taken to move this process to the next step. Stress testing of Plants Band C was completed in August 2007. Mike Gundry of AECOM has prepared a Final Stress Test Report and has been given to the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. Engineering Cover Report and Consultants Document will be presented to Council within the next 2 quarters. This report has been on the shelf and needs to be addressed as early as next quarter. This recommendation was identified in the Wastewater Compliance Audit this summer by the Environmental Officer, louis Belcourt. Page 6 of6

Sewer Use Bylaw role out will take place in the 1st or 2nd quarter of 2010. This item has been identified in the Engineering StrategiC Plan and is slated for completion in year 2 of the 5 year plan.

An addition to staff has been approved by Council for the Water and Wastewater Divisions. A Maintenance Foreperson will be hired to coordinate and ensure all Maintenance work is being performed or identified and that the PM Program is being administered and adhered to properly and professionally. With the expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the strict regulations in the DWQMS in the water division, this should alleviate maintenance issues/concerns/equipment inspections being missed or not properly addressed.


These works have either been placed into current Operating Budgets or have been identified to Council as capital works in the capital Budget. Some of the items will be subject to separate reports to Council and as such, the financial implications of same will be tabled at that time.

Res I, submitted by:

Brad ullivan Ed O'Donnell Manager of Wastewater Division Manager of Water Division

Reviewed by: Approved for Agenda by: y~ Debbie Korolnek, P. Eng. James~ B. Currier, MBA Director of Engineering Services Town Manager


8:\31 Barrie 8treet\C11 Reports to Council\2010\015.w WW 4th Quarterly Report.doc Bradfordt G Wl-II- Itnuury~es


REPORT#: 018-ENG-2010

DATE: April 6, 2010

TO: Chair Roughley and Members of Committee of the Whole

SUBJECT: Holland West Parking Restrictions

PREPARED BY: Vince Musacchio, P.Eng., PMP, Manager of Capital Projects


It is respectfully recommended:

a) THAT Committee recommends that Council approve the recommendation to establish a weekday parking restriction on the north side of Holland Street West between Moore Street and Barrie Street in the PM Peak Period from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM;

b) THAT the Town Clerk be requested to prepare a by-law to give effect to same for consideration by Council.


In October 2009, the Holland Street Class Environmental Assessment from Professor Day Drive to Barrie Street was completed by iTRANS Consulting. As part of the final report, iTRANS provided a recommended plan to improve the traffic operations through this Holland Street West corridor. A number of the recommendations are operational in nature and do not require an approval through the Class EA process.

It is recommended that a Monday to Friday parking ban be implemented on the north side of Holland Street, between Moore Street and Barrie Street, in the afternoon peak traffic period from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This parking restriction will help reduce congestion on the west leg of the Holland Street at the Barrie Street intersection. 3. BASIC DATA PERTAINING TO THE MATTER:

There is currently a parking ban on Holland Street immediately east of Barrie Street, however, with no such ban on the west side, vehicles fail to use the curb lane as a through lane. In order to make full use of the westbound curb lane to reduce queues and delays, it is recommended that curb lane parking on the north side should be restricted (and enforced) in the afternoon peak period. The additional parking ban needs to extend approximately gOm west of Barrie Street, as far as Moore Street. The parking ban would be in effect for the hours of 3:30PM to 6:30PM on Monday to Friday. The study indicates that there is sufficient off-street parking in the vicinity to accommodate the additional vehicles during the proposed parking restrictions.



The expected cost for the purchase of the additional signage is $1,000





Prepared by, n,...";,...,a,,...,,1 ,"", ·· Approved for Agenda, ~" .:' . fi17to&uL'." ...... : ...... ,. 11....:7~ .. '.' - " . . ~ Vince Musacchio, P.Eng, PMP Deborah Korolnek, P. Eng. Jay Currier, MBA Manager of Capital Projects Director of Eng. Services Town Manager

Page 2 of2 Bradfordt Gwillirnt%'f~


REPORT#: OED 2010-01

DATE: March 16th, 2010

TO: Chairman Roughley and Members of Committee of the Whole

SUBJECT: Town Contribution Towards 2010 BWG Studio Art Tour

SUBMlnED BY: Michael Disano, Manager of Economic Development


That Informational Report OED 2010-01 of the Manager of Economic Development, dated March 16th, 2010 entitled "Town Contribution Towards 2010 BWG Studio Art Tour" be received.


The purpose of this report is to supply additional information following the deputation to Council on March 2nd, 2010 by Nancy Williams and Stella Wadsworth regarding the 2010 Bradford West , Gwillimbury Studio Tour; in order to advise Committee of the Whole on the Town's contribution towards this initiative in 2009 and planned participation in 2010.


In 2009, the Office of Economic Development (OED) liaised with the studio art tour's organizing committee and supported the initiative on behalf of the Town, both financially and through in­ kind support that included: • $1,250 sponsorship level; • Staff provided input and suggestions on proposed event planning, contract agreements, marketing material, sponsorship package, collateral material, communications, etc.; • Coordinated the "meet & greet" session held at Poco Capello restaurant in Bond Head for artists, politicians and press; • Placed ads in local papers and on websites (both Town and OED) requesting artist participation and marketing of event;

2010-Apr-06 cow OED 2010-01 • Leveraged participation from partner organizations such as the Bradford Board of Trade and Simcoe County Tourism to assist in marketing and promotion of event; • Leisure Services offered free space at the Bond Head Hall in order to serve as venues to artists for the entire weekend event; and • Participated in committee meetings, implemented follow-up survey and compiled results.

At the conclusion of last year's tour, the Office of Economic Development (OED) prepared an on­ line survey that was sent to all participants. The goal was to solicit feedback from artists regarding: 1. Overall experience and suggestions for improvement; 2. Demographic composition of attendees, traffic levels and economic impact; 3. Qualitative feedback from visitors and testimonials; and 4. Interest level for participating in 2010 tour.

The results from the survey were compiled, analyzed and reported back to the organizing committee. Highlights include: • 100% rated the tour as very good or excellent. • 100% agreed to participate in 2010. • 200-300 attendees on average per studio. • $10,000 + was generated through sales for artists (assume a 2 times multiplier for economic spin-off within community). • Several positive comments provided by both artists and participants. The completed survey results from al/ twelve respondents have been attached to this report for your information.

The OED approved budget for this year includes money earmarked to support local activities suchasthe BWG Studio Tour and Farmers Market. In 2010, the Town will continue to support the Studio Tour initiative with staff from OED and Leisure Services providing the following: • $2,000 sponsorship level; • Manager of OED has offered to sit on the studio tour organization committee to serve as liaison for the Town and offer assistance with reviewing and providing input on documentation, processes and communications; • Staff will also assist in coordination between other partner organizations (e.g. Bradford Board of Trade, Simcoe Tourism, South Simcoe Business Links, South Simcoe Economic Alliance, Development Marketing Organization); • Placement of some ads in local papers and assistance in distributing signs and promotional literature; • Leisure Services will provide space where available; • New in 2010, the group will be offered a page through the OED website that they can have access to providing communication, promotional opportunities, registration information, etc.; and • Additional marketing support by leveraging cross promotional opportunities with Soupfest, Farmers Market and Carrot Fest. '"


4.1 CURRENT YEAR: $2,000



BWG Studio Art Tour Survey Responses. pc (a)

Respectfully submitted,

Submitted by: Approved by:

s:;:7, Michael Disano Ja~MBA Manager of Economic Development Town Manager Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury


Please note your personal information will be kept confidential. Your feedback will be used to assess the success of the 2009 Studio Art Tour as well as to glean recommendations for next year's event. Responses will be grouped and reported on in aggregate with the exception of committees that you express an interest in becoming involved with. The survey should take 5 minutes to complete and results will be shared with the group. Thank you for your time.

1. Overall, how would you rate this year’s studio art tour?

answered question 12

skipped question 0

Response Response

Percent Count

Excellent 58.3% 7


41.7% 5 Good

Average 0.0% 0

Below 0.0% 0 Average


Very pleased it went over so well for the artist and for the guests attending Wed, Dec 2, 2009 1. the different sites. 3:18 PM Find...

Excitement of participants and visitors was very high. Very positive comments from visitors on the tour. Sat, Nov 28, 2009 2. Support from media excellent. 8:21 PM Find... The quality of art work was excellent.

Wed, Nov 25, 2009 3. One of the best I've attended 1:25 PM Find...

- well advertized Mon, Nov 23, 2009 4. - ended up being very well organized and ran smoothly 7:23 PM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 1


Please note your personal information will be kept confidential. Your feedback will be used to assess the success of the 2009 Studio Art Tour as well as to glean recommendations for next year's event. Responses will be grouped and reported on in aggregate with the exception of committees that you express an interest in becoming involved with. The survey should take 5 minutes to complete and results will be shared with the group. Thank you for your time.

1. Overall, how would you rate this year’s studio art tour?

- people were happy with the variety and quality

Mon, Nov 23, 2009 5. Probably very good plus. 12:07 PM Find...

Really it was excellent, but 'very good' means room to improve. We thought Mon, Nov 23, 2009 6. it was well organized & promoted. 8:39 AM Find...

2. Will you participate in next year’s Studio Art Tour?

answered question 12

skipped question 0

Response Response

Percent Count

Yes 100.0% 12

No 0.0% 0


Yes I will take part in next years show for I felt it was great exposure for the town Wed, Dec 2, 1. and the talented artist that live in the area. 2009 3:18 PM Find...

It was a fun thing to do for the community. Sat, Nov 28, 2. The artists in town need a venue for display.

2009 8:21 PM It should become and annual event. Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 2


2. Will you participate in next year’s Studio Art Tour?

Thu, Nov 26, 3. Very rewarding financially and personally, 2009 8:16 PM Find...

Wed, Nov 25, Find... 4. I had 80 people through my studio. Next year I'm hoping for more!! 2009 1:25 PM

Execellant publicity for the artists, all our visitors were appreciative of the tour Tue, Nov 24, 5. and the effort put forth by the town and commitees. thank you 2009 8:14 AM Find...

- stressful and exhausting, but also fun Mon, Nov 23, 6. - potential to help me grow as an artist

2009 7:23 PM - added bonus - new friends:) Find...

Mon, Nov 23, 7. ABSOLUTELY! It was a pleasure for us to be involved. We're so glad we did it. 2009 8:39 AM Find...

3. Approximately, how many visitors did you have through your exhibit over the entire weekend?

answered question 12

skipped question 0



Hide replies 12

25 responses per page

Tue, Dec 29, 2009 1. 100 4:40 AM Find...

Wed, Dec 2, 2009 2. between 300-350 guests 3:18 PM Find...

300 According to the guest book sign in, just a few more came on Sat than Sat, Nov 28, 2009 3. Sun and 25% came Friday evening. 8:21 PM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 3


3. Approximately, how many visitors did you have through your exhibit over the entire weekend?

Sat, Nov 28, 2009 4. 100-125 7:11 PM Find...

Thu, Nov 26, 2009 5. 75-90 8:16 PM Find...

Thu, Nov 26, 2009 6. I think around 300... 5:57 AM Find...

Wed, Nov 25, 2009 7. 80 1:25 PM Find...

Tue, Nov 24, 2009 8. I am not sure as Stella Wadsworth had the final countas above 8:14 AM Find...

Mon, Nov 23, 2009 9. 200 ish 7:23 PM Find...

Mon, Nov 23, 2009 10. 200? or more 2:33 PM Find...

Mon, Nov 23, 2009 11. Around 140 or so. 12:07 PM Find...

Mon, Nov 23, 2009 12. several 100 8:39 AM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 4


4. Please breakdown the amount of traffic into percentages over the three days. (e.g. 33% Friday, 33% Saturday, 33% Sunday - shows an equal distribution over the weekend) The percentages must sum to 100%.

answered question 12

skipped question 0

Response Response

Percent Count

Friday 100.0% 12

25 responses per page

1. 10 Tue, Dec 29, 2009 4:40 AM Find...

2. 30 % Wed, Dec 2, 2009 3:18 PM Find...

3. 25% Sat, Nov 28, 2009 8:21 PM Find...

4. 25 Sat, Nov 28, 2009 7:11 PM Find...

5. 15 Thu, Nov 26, 2009 8:16 PM Find...

6. maybe 50 or 60 Thu, Nov 26, 2009 5:57 AM Find...

7. 10% Wed, Nov 25, 2009 1:25 PM Find...

8. as above; Tue, Nov 24, 2009 8:14 AM Find...

9. ? Mon, Nov 23, 2009 7:23 PM Find...

10. 30% Mon, Nov 23, 2009 2:33 PM Find...

11. 10 Mon, Nov 23, 2009 12:07 PM Find...

12. 10% Mon, Nov 23, 2009 8:39 AM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 5


4. Please breakdown the amount of traffic into percentages over the three days. (e.g. 33% Friday, 33% Saturday, 33% Sunday - shows an equal distribution over the weekend) The percentages must sum to 100%.

Saturday 91.7% 11

25 responses per page

1. 65 Tue, Dec 29, 2009 4:40 AM Find...

2. 35% Wed, Dec 2, 2009 3:18 PM Find...

3. 38% Sat, Nov 28, 2009 8:21 PM Find...

4. 50 Sat, Nov 28, 2009 7:11 PM Find...

5. 50 Thu, Nov 26, 2009 8:16 PM Find...

6. 100 or more Thu, Nov 26, 2009 5:57 AM Find...

7. 40% Wed, Nov 25, 2009 1:25 PM Find...

8. ? most on Saturday Mon, Nov 23, 2009 7:23 PM Find...

9. 45% Mon, Nov 23, 2009 2:33 PM Find...

10. 60 Mon, Nov 23, 2009 12:07 PM Find...

11. 45% Mon, Nov 23, 2009 8:39 AM Find

Sunday 91.7% 11

25 responses per page

1. 25 Tue, Dec 29, 2009 4:40 AM Find...

2. 35% Wed, Dec 2, 2009 3:18 PM Find...

3. 37% Sat, Nov 28, 2009 8:21 PM Find...

4. 50 These are approximate Sat, Nov 28, 2009 7:11 PM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 6


4. Please breakdown the amount of traffic into percentages over the three days. (e.g. 33% Friday, 33% Saturday, 33% Sunday - shows an equal distribution over the weekend) The percentages must sum to 100%.

5. 35 Thu, Nov 26, 2009 8:16 PM Find...

6. 100? Thu, Nov 26, 2009 5:57 AM Find...

7. 50% Wed, Nov 25, 2009 1:25 PM Find...

8. ? Mon, Nov 23, 2009 7:23 PM Find...

9. 25% Mon, Nov 23, 2009 2:33 PM Find...

10. 70 Mon, Nov 23, 2009 12:07 PM Find...

11. 45% Mon, Nov 23, 2009 8:39 AM Find...

5. Please provide the estimated gross sales experienced over the course of the event.

answered question 12

skipped question 0



Hide replies 12

25 responses per page

1. 600.00 Tue, Dec 29, 2009 4:40 AM Find...

2. $250. very low year for me. Wed, Dec 2, 2009 3:18 PM Find...

3. $2100 including commission work that came from the tour Sat, Nov 28, 2009 8:21 PM Find...

4. I was very pleased with sales Sat, Nov 28, 2009 7:11 PM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 7


5. Please provide the estimated gross sales experienced over the course of the event.

5. $2100.00 Thu, Nov 26, 2009 8:16 PM Find...

6. ? Thu, Nov 26, 2009 5:57 AM Find...

7. $150.00 Wed, Nov 25, 2009 1:25 PM Find...

8. 3 paintings sold and 1 commission Tue, Nov 24, 2009 8:14 AM Find...

9. approximately $400 Mon, Nov 23, 2009 7:23 PM Find...

10. $400.00 Mon, Nov 23, 2009 2:33 PM Find...

11. $900 Mon, Nov 23, 2009 12:07 PM Find...

12. $1,200 Mon, Nov 23, 2009 8:39 AM Find...

6. In your own words please describe what you liked most about the event.

answered question 12

skipped question 0



Hide replies 12

25 responses per page

Tue, Dec 1. Everything was put together very, professionally! 29, 2009 4:40 AM Find...

Wed, Dec Working with Stella ,the Town of Bradford and SSAC 2. 2, 2009

and fellow artists to bring a quality event to our region. 3:18 PM Find...

I like that people came to see the show. It was encouraging to have so many thanks Sat, Nov 3. from the artists for organizing the event. 28, 2009

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 8


5. Please provide the estimated gross sales experienced over the course of the event.

8:21 PM Find...

Sat, Nov It was the 1st studio tour I have been involved in. In the past have mostly displayed at 4. 28, 2009

art in the park so appreciated very much displaying in my home. 7:11 PM Find...

Thu, Nov 5. Location, parking,promotion,organizers, fellow artisans 26, 2009 8:16 PM Find...

I loved being in a show with other artists...I am glad I got to share the day with them...I Thu, Nov 6. was in Bondhead Community Center with 5 other was a great experience for 26, 2009 was my very first show! 5:57 AM Find...

Wed, Nov 7. Good weather,great coverage(flyers and Newspapers) 25, 2009 1:25 PM Find...

Tue, Nov I enjoyed meeting the other artist's , and seeing how much the public enjoyed the 8. 24, 2009

show, selling was good too 8:14 AM Find...

- being seen an artist in my own community:) Mon, Nov 9. - seeing others having fun on 'our' tour 23, 2009 - making a tangible contribution to culture in BWG 7:23 PM Find...

Mon, Nov 10. I was in a shared venue and i enjoyed the mix of artists and the camaraderie. 23, 2009 2:33 PM Find...

Mon, Nov Well planned. Nice brochure. Good venues for those not showing at home. Good 11. 23, 2009

support from the town. 12:07 PM Find...

People coming out were thrilled to have this in BWG. They were impressed with the Mon, Nov 12. level of talent in their own home-town. I liked the mix of artist/artisans. The calibre of 23, 2009 talent was excellent and the event should always be juried to keep it that way. 8:39 AM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 9


7. In your own words, please describe how you would improve upon the Studio Art Tour for next year.

answered question 12

skipped question 0



Hide replies 12

25 responses per page

Tue, Dec 1. Use sandwhich boards for those of us out in the country. 29, 2009 4:40 AM Find...

Like to see a better map provided for the brochure. Important to start the event planning earilier in the year. Event posted on the new Wed, Dec information signs that are place at the entrances to the town. Studio Tour Flags placed 2. 2, 2009

on light standards . 3:18 PM Find... For the artists; Hold a special preview time for them to visit all the studio sites before the week-end.

Advertise further outside the area. Sat, Nov Include a youth component to make flags for the event. 3. 28, 2009

Post date and event at entry signs to town. 8:21 PM Find... Start the process sooner in the year - January call for artists and seek sponsors.

Sat, Nov The only thing that I was disapointed about was the fact I didn't get to view any of the 4. 28, 2009

other displays,& the time may have been a little long at the meet & greet. 7:11 PM Find...

Thu, Nov 5. Broader advertising outside the area. 26, 2009 8:16 PM Find...

Thu, Nov I think overall it went very well with lots of promotion...the only thing I would add would 6. 26, 2009

be a time for all the artists to go and visit everyone in the show and to view the art... 5:57 AM Find...

Improve on our sign placement Town artists were well featured. More coverage for out Wed, Nov 7. of town artists 25, 2009 Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 10


7. In your own words, please describe how you would improve upon the Studio Art Tour for next year.

1:25 PM

Since it was the first time I think next year will prove to be easier, a few commitees, to share the workload, a shorter "meet the artists" if it could be arranged for the artists to Tue, Nov 8. see the other studios that would be very nice too, it would also be interesting to see 24, 2009 how the other artists made out in sales and if any interest from the public , in sales 8:14 AM Find... commissions etc. resulted

Mon, Nov Now we know more about what has to be organized and done, and how to help. Also, I 9. 23, 2009

hope not to read bits of in-house issues in the newspaper next year. 7:23 PM Find...

Mon, Nov i think two days would be enough - possibly just saturday and sunday and friday night 10. 23, 2009

could be set up 2:33 PM Find...

Expand a bit and maybe advertise a little more. Educate the general public on what a Mon, Nov 11. studio tour is. On our own survey using the ballots for the draw we had 1002 ballots 23, 2009 submitted by 386 people. Quite a few submitted ballots at each site they visited. 12:07 PM Find...

Mon, Nov We didn't get out to see the others, so our scope is limited. Maybe not having the 12. 23, 2009

artist's get together event on Labour Day wknd which was impossible for us to get to. 8:39 AM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 11


8. We would like to hear any interesting stories or testimonials from clients that we might use in next years marketing for the event. Please supply as much detail as possible.

answered question 9

skipped question 3



Hide replies 9

Through out the week-end I heard many visitors saying how pleased they where that we Wed, Dec 1. had the Studio Tour in Bradfoed , for they didn't have to drive to Muskoka's to do a fall 2, 2009 tour. 3:18 PM Find...

People over and over said how much fun they had, and how much they enjoyed the tour, Sat, Nov 2. they had fun bumping into and visiting with friends and aquaintances on the route, they 28, 2009 made a day of it, went for lunch, got to see parts of town they otherwise did not see. 8:21 PM Find...

Sat, Nov Most people were very appreciative that this event was organized, & weren't aware there 3. 28, 2009

were so many artists in the area. 7:11 PM Find...

People enjoyed the opportunity to purchase gifts and decorations for their home from Thu, Nov 4. local artisans.Several attendees commented on the high quality of the artisans work 26, 2009 exhibited. 8:16 PM Find...

These art shows seem to bring out the best in people and if they are creative they share! Thu, Nov 5. We had a guy just start playing his fiddle for us! It was would be great 26, 2009 at some venues next year... 5:57 AM Find...

Wed, Nov People in general were delighted that Bradford had there own studio tour,and were 6. 25, 2009

overwhelmed at the NUMBER OF ARTISTS and the quality of the work. 1:25 PM Find...

Mon, Nov Several ladies commented on how nice it was that we were having our very own tour and 7. 23, 2009

that they didn't have to travel elsewhere to enjoy such an event. 7:23 PM Find...

Most that attended seemed to be familiar with a studio tour. A lot, as could be expected, Mon, Nov were just out for an afternoon to see what people had to sell. This event seemed to have 8. 23, 2009

been promoted well and I would suggest that it should be more of an educational process 12:07 PM Find... for those that have never been to one.

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 12


8. We would like to hear any interesting stories or testimonials from clients that we might use in next years marketing for the event. Please supply as much detail as possible.

Echoes in the Attic wholesales to stores across Canada. We are fortunate to have excellent media coverage on both a local and national level. It was wonderful to hear Mon, Nov 9. people saying they knew about us, but this gave them a chance to find us and see a lot of 23, 2009 our eco-wares in one place at one time and hear more of our enviromental-mission. They 8:39 AM Find... were very proud to know we were based right here in Bradford.

9. Finally, please provide the names (and contact information if possible) for any person or group that you think would want to become involved in the 2010 Studio Arts Tour. For example: participants, organizing partner, volunteers, etc.

answered question 5

skipped question 7



Hide replies 5

Viv Wallace - V the ARTist 705-796-8484 Tue, Dec 29, 2009 1. 3788 Line 10, Bradford

4:40 AM Would like to be in the studio tour again. I would like to volunteer to help Find... out.

Town of BWG Sat, Nov 28, 2009 2. South Simcoe Arts Council 8:21 PM Find...

Thu, Nov 26, 2009 3. Unable to think of anyone at this time 8:16 PM Find...

Wed, Nov 25, 2009 4. Me, of course 1:25 PM Find...

I believe the organizers (Stella, etc.) have this information. This would Mon, Nov 23, 2009 5. include info on more sponsors. 12:07 PM Find...

Prepared by: BWG Office of Economic Development January 2010

Page 13

Bradfordt G Wl-II- Itn.uury-.}Ves


REPORT#: ADM-2010-007

DATE: March 2, 2010

TO: Chairman Roughley and Members of Committee of the Whole

SUBJECT: Controlled Substances including Marijuana Grow Operations Notification and Inspection Response Protocol and Policy

SUBMITTED BY: Patricia Nash, Municipal Clerk


That report ADM-201 0-007 of the Municipal Clerk dated March 2, 2010 entitled "Controlled Substances including Marijuana Grow Operations Notification and Inspection Response Protocol and Policy" be received;

That the Controlled Substances Notification and Inspection Response Protocol, policy and necessary by-law to prohibit the use of lands and buildings for purposes related to the use, trade and manufacture of controlled substances including marijuana and grow operations be approved; and

That the schedule for fees and charges in respect to administrative, enforcement and remedial costs be approved and Council direct staff to obtain maximum set fines available in respect of violations.


The purpose of this report is to present Council with the Controlled Substances Notification and Inspection Response Protocol and policy. Also, attached is a draft by-law which includes a schedule for fees and charges and recovery ofenforcement costs incurred by Town Departments in respect to properties which have been identified as having contained a clandestine lab or marijuana grow operation.

This report has been prepared in consultation with the South Simcoe Police Service, Planning and Development Services, Fire and Emergency Services, Office ofthe Fire Marshal, and the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. Comments received supporte~ the implementation of a formal written policy, protocol and by-law.


3.1 Background

What is a clandestine lab? A clandestine lab is defined as "an illicit operation consisting of a combination of apparatus and chemicals used in the production of controlled substances, commonly referred to as grow operations". A clandestine lab can be a marijuana grow operation, methamphetamine lab or any operation to produce illegal substances for the purposes of making money or producing drugs for personal use. 201O-Apr-06 cow! Report ADM-2010-007, Report of the Municipal Clerk Controlled Substances including Marijuana Grow Operations March 2, 2010 Page 2______

Clandestine labs may include: • synthesis labs which produce methamphetamine or ecstasy by way of a chemical reaction • conversion lab: cocaine to crack • milling and tableting labs: ecstasy powder to pill form • . box labs: chemical used to produce controlled substances stored in a self storage • rolling labs: vehicles • multiple process labs: combination of any of the above • marijuana grow ops: marijuana soil or hydroponics • extraction labs: marijuana to hashish oil • cold labs which include abandoned or not in operation labs.

Clandestine labs and grow operations pose an increasing danger and serious threat to the safety, health and security of the general public, first responders, inspectors, investigators and contractors. Responders are faced with dangers which include serious health hazards, fire and explosion, electrocution, entrapment and entanglements. Other examples of dangers are weakened structures, toxic and explosive gases, toxic chemicals, biological toxic hazards and hidden traps. The operations can lead to economic and social impacts, such as: • theft of power and water power supply • mortgage and insurance fraud • artificially inflated property values • increased cost of law enforcement, judiciary and corrections. • drug endangered children • stigmatized communities • increased levels of crime and violence, and • treatment to address illicit drug addictions.

3.2 Legislative Framework for Responding to Grow Operations

The Law Enforcement and Forfeited Property Management Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005 (referred to as Bill 128) amended various Acts with respect to enforcement powers, penalties and the forfeiture of property with respect to organized crime, marijuana grow operations and other unlawful activities. Several amendments were made to the Building Code Act, Electricity Act, Crown Attorney's Act, Fire Protection and Prevention Act, and the Municipal Act to implement significant increases in the penalties for contraventions.

The Municipal Act, 2001, requires municipalities to conduct inspections of buildings containing grow operations and permits the power of entry. Inspectors must be able to conduct their inspections safely. In order to make the building safe, the inspector shall take the necessary actions in order to make the building safe and protect the public.

The Building Code Act, Section 15.1, provides the legal authority for municipalities to pass a property standards by-law and conduct inspections. Property standards officers may enter the property in order to determine whether the property conforms to the standards prescribed in the by-law and may issue an order requiring repairs be made. The order must be served on the property owners. As well, a copy of the order may be posted on the property. Report ADM-2010-007, Report of the Municipal Clerk Controlled Substances including Marijuana Grow Operations March 2, 2010 Page 3, ______

Building inspectors may inspect the building for the purpose of determining whether the building is unsafe, whether structurally inadequate or hazardous. If a building is found to be unsafe, the inspector may make an order requesting the remedial steps necessary to render the building safe. An order must be served on the owner and other people apparently in possession of the building and affected persons as the Chief Building Official determines. Also, a copy ofthe order may be posted on the property. The Town would have a priority lien on the property for the amount spent on the renovation, repair, demolition or other action where the Chief Building Official considers it necessary for the protection of the public.

3.3 Actions Required by the Town

In order for the South Simcoe Police Service, various Town departments and other agencies to provide effective and coordinated response when dealing with premises that have operated as grow operations the Controlled Substances Notification and Inspection Response Protocol and policy has been prepared. In general, the policy establishes an innovative, integrated, community-based problem-solving approach for: • public safety • recovery of costs • remediation • reduced exposure to liability.

3.4 Training Requirements

Proper procedures must be followed and personal protective equipment must be worn before entering a clandestine lab operation. Officials entering a clandestine lab must be trained and have proper personal protection equipment (PPE). Staff dealing with the inspections require training in order to be able to: • recognize the activities and magnitude of clandestine lab operations • know the health and safety legislation • identify the hazards in the workplace • understand the conditions/hazards found in grow operation facilities • identify the safety and other legislations relating to entering such premises • recognize the physical and chemical hazards associated with lab operations • recognize the biological and client based hazards of persons associated with Clandestine lab operations • work in compliance with the legislation • ensure that workers follow safety procedures required by the Town • provide information, instruction and supervision to employees • acquaint a worker with a hazard in the workplace including any physical, biological or chemical agents • ensure that measures and procedures as prescribed are carried out in the workplace • identify the required levels of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).

Training sessions are available through the Ontario Building Officials Association and various professional associations. The training sessions will be incorporated into the Professional Development outline for staff. Staff must be aware of the protocol, responsibilities and best practices to effectively deal with the situation.

If necessary, the Office of the Fire Marshal will aid in meeting the inspection, investigation, enforcement and remediation challenges of clandestine lab operations.

3.5 Next Steps

The two next steps are necessary:

1. That Council adopt the Controlled Substances Notification, Inspection Response Protocol Policy and by­ law. The proposed by-law would establish fees for the recovery of costs related to the deployment and enforcement of the policy. Report ADM-2010-007, Report of the Municipal Clerk Controlled Substances including Marijuana Grow Operations March 2, 2010 Page 4______

2. An aggressive public awareness and education campaign is recommended. Through education and awareness materials, the general public would be presented with triggers to watch for within their neighbourhood that would prompt them to contact the South Simcoe Police Services for investigation. Stakeholder involvement in informal surveillance activities can assist responders greatly. Potential groups to partner with include provincial and federal agencies, neighbourhood watch associations, local and upper tier municipal government, family and children services, landlords associations, real estate boards and associations, home appraisers and inspectors, banks and mortgage holders, title and mortgage insurers, utilities, environmental response companies and contractors.

Remediation models outlining the protocol and procedures are expected to be introduced by the Office of the Fire Marshal in Fall 2010.



Costs related to training, personal protective equipment (PPE), inspections and investigation work will be required. The draft by-law includes a cost recovery schedule for various administrative activities which will offset the costs incurred.


The minimum costs to the Town per grow operation premise could be estimated at approximately $1,500.00 - $8,000.00 per property depending on circumstances. The draft by-law includes a cost recovery schedule for various administrative, enforcement, inspection and remediation activities.


(a) Controlled Substances Notification and Inspection Response Protocol Policy (b) Controlled Substances including Marijuana Grow Operations By-law (c) Questions and Answers

Respectfully submitted by: Approved by:

.p--te--Patricia Nash James B. Currier, MBA I ~ Municipal Clerk Town Manager Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Bradfordt GWI "11" Imuury tW"es 2 TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY

Category: Policy: Subject: Controlled Substance Notification and Inspection Response Policy Effective Date: Revision Date: DRAFT Supercedes: Coverage: N/A Entire Munic~ali~ Reviewed by: Approved by: Council Senior Management Team

Authorized signature:


1.1 The Controlled Substance Notification and Inspection Response Policy is to set out a protocol leading to the effective remediation of threats to health and safety arising from the establishment of marijuana grow operations or clandestine drug laboratories in buildings.


2.1 Controlled Substance operations, including marijuana grow operations, clandestine drug laboratory, pose a serious threat to both the general public and emergency responders including the Police, Fire and Emergency Services for health, safety and security. The detection, investigation, dismantling, and return of properties to legitimate uses is a complex undertaking requiring the cooperation of many different agencies, including fire, police and municipal officials.

2.2 Most chemicals in a clandestine drug lab are highly toxic, corrosive, explosive and flammable.

2.3 A co-ordinated approach to notification, investigation and remedial actions will help ensure that the entire process is conducted in a safe, expedient and effective manner. The safety of the personnel involved in the process, and that of the public, is of paramount importance.

2.4 The purpose of this Policy is to detail a response protocol in order to assist the South Simcoe Police Service and the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury to provide an effective and co­ ordinated response when dealing with premises that have been identified as having a controlled substance operation. This response will help to ensure that once a property has been identified the necessary steps are taken to have the property, including any buildings, made safe for the public. It will ensure that Town representatives have met the legislated responsibilities and due diligence. The protocol provides detail for notification to others; authorization for orders and notice, development of municipal orders and registry, and remediation actions.


3.1 Officials will be able to realize the magnitude of the problem.

3.1.1 be able to list the hazards associated with the clandestine labs;

3.1.2 be able to identify the safety and other legislation relating to entering clandestine labs;

3.1.3 be able to identify the level of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) required to enter the clandestine lab;

3.1.4 be able to follow a formalized Policy and Protocol established for Entry Policy and Procedures;

3.1.5 promptly conduct an investigation immediately upon receiving notification from South Simcoe Police Services/Ontario Provincial Police /RCMP via the Municipal Clerk;

3.1.6 comply with the obligations in the Municipal Act, 2001 to inspect buildings contain marijuana grow operations and to make them safe;

3.1.7 ensure investigating staff are not exposed to unreasonable risks to their health and safety associated with their occupational responsibilities;

3.1.8 assess the subject premises for unsafe building conditions;

3.1.9 direct appropriate remedial action where unsafe conditions are found;

3.1.10 effectively prohibit occupancy where unsafe conditions are discovered and not remedied;

3.1.11 ensure the protection of the public is maintained; and

3.1.12 document the processes associated with the administration of this program in each instance to enable effective management, reporting, etc.


4.1 This policy applies to all senior staff or their designates for providing information to the public in accordance with the Act and this policy.

4.2 This policy applies to the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Enforcement Division, Planning and Development Services and Fire and Emergency Services in cooperation with the South Simcoe Police Service and various outside utilities, agencies or groups.

4.3 This standard practice applies to all properties and buildings within the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury where the Municipal Clerk has been notified by South Simcoe Police Services of the existence of a marijuana grow operation or a clandestine drug laboratory. This standard practice also applies to properties where staff becomes aware of a marijuana grow operation prior to notification by Police or Fire. In such instances, Special Investigators shall inform the Police and await their notification prior to continuing with their investigation of the grow operation. THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURYICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POLICY Policy: Page 2 of 17 4.4 It is recognized that the obligation on the municipality to inspect where such notice is received is limited to marijuana grow operations. This practice standard is intended to also apply to clandestine drug laboratories to which the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury has been similarly alerted. For the purpose of this standard practice, the term grow-op refers to marijuana grow operation and clandestine drug laboratory unless a distinction is drawn.


5.1 Legislative Origin

5.1.1 The Municipal Act, 2001 contains specific provisions respecting marijuana grow operations. It also provides that the council may pass such By-Laws as it considers necessary to safeguard the health and well-being of its residents.

5.1.2 Provisions of the Municipal Act Inspection of buildings containing marijuana grow operations 447.2(1) If the clerk of a local municipality is notified in writing by a police force that a building located on land in the local municipality contained a marijuana grow operation, the local municipality shall ensure that an inspection of the building is conducted within a reasonable time after the clerk has been notified. Persons who may conduct inspection (2) An inspection referred to in subsection (1) may be conducted by, a) by-law enforcement officer of any municipal or of any local board of any municipality; or b)an officer, employee or agent of any municipality or of any local board of any municipality whose responsibilities include the enforcement of a by-law, an Act or a regulation under an Act. Nature of inspection (3) The requirement in subsection (1) for an inspection is for an inspection that includes entering upon the land and into the building. Powers to conduct inspection (4) The inspection shall be conducted pursuant to the powers of entry and inspection that the person conducting the inspection otherwise has under law, but only to the extent that the person conducting the inspection is able to do so. Action to be taken (5) Upon conclusion of the inspection, the person who conducted the inspection shall take whatever actions he or she is authorized by law to take in order to make the building safe and otherwise protect the public.

5.1.3 The Building Code Act, 1997 contains specific provisions respecting property standards and in particular unsafe buildings and structures. It also provides that the Chief Building Official may take specific actions to remedy unsafe conditions, including the demolition of buildings and structures, to safeguard the health and well-being of persons.

5.1.4 Provisions of the Building Code Act

Unsafe Buildings 15.9- (1) Inspection of Unsafe Buildings. An inspector may enter upon land and into buildings at any reasonable time without a warrant for the purpose of inspecting a building to determine, (a) whether the building is unsafe; or (b) whether an order made under subsection (4) has been complied with.

Interpretation. A building is unsafe if the building is,

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILUMBURYICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POUCY Policy: Page 3 of 17 (a) structurally inadequate or faulty for the purpose for which it is used; or (b) in a condition that could be hazardous to the health or safety of persons in the normal use of the building, persons outside the building or persons whose access to the building has not been reasonably prevented. (4) Order. An inspector who finds that a building is unsafe may make an order setting our the reasons why the building is unsafe and the remedial steps necessary to render the building safe and may require the order to be carried out within the time specified in the order. (5) Service. The order shall be served on the owner and each person apparently in possession of the building and such other persons affected thereby-as the chief building official determines and a copy of the order be posted on the site of the building. (6) Order Respecting Occupancy. If an order of an inspector under subsection (4) is not complied with within the time specified in it, or where no time is specified, within a reasonable time, the chief building official, (a) may by order prohibit the use or occupancy of the building; and (b) may cause the building to be renovated, repaired or demolished to remove the unsafe condition or take such other action as he or she considers necessary for the protection of the public. (7) Power of Entry. For the purpose of clause (6)(b), the chief building official, an inspector and their agents may enter upon land and into buildings at any reasonable time without a warrant. (8) Service. The order under clause (6)(a) shall be served on the owner and each person apparently in possession of the building and such other person apparently in possession of the building and such other persons affected thereby as the chief building official determines and a copy of the order shall be posted on the site of the building. (9) Timing. The order under clause (6)(a) is effective from the time it is posted. (10) Lien. If the building is in a municipality, the municipality shall have a lien on the land forthe amount spent on the renovation, repair, demolition or other action under clause (6)(b) and the amount shall have priority lien status as described in section 1 of the Municipal Act, 2001. 16. - (1) Entry to Dwellings. Despite sections 8, 12, 15, 15.2 and 15.4, an inspector or officer shall not enter or remain in any room or place actually being used as a dwelling unless, (a) the consent of the occupier is obtained, the occupier first having been informed that the right of entry may be refused and entry made only under the authority of a warrant issued under this Act; (a. 1) a warrant issued under this Act is obtained; (b) the delay necessary to obtain a warrant or the consent of the occupier would result in an immediate danger to the health or safety of any person; (c) the entry is necessary to terminate a danger under subsection 15.7(3) or 15.10(3); or (d) the requirements of subsection (2) are met and the entry is necessary to remove a building or restore a site under subsection 8(6), to remove an unsafe condition under clause 15.9(6)(b) or to repair or demolish under subsection 15.4(1). (2) Notice. Within a reasonable time before entering the room or place for a purpose described in clause (1)(d), the inspector or officer shall serve the occupier with notice of his or her intention to enter it. 18.-(1) Powers of Inspector. For the purposes of an inspection under this Act, an inspector may, (d) be accompanied by a person who has special or expert knowledge in relation to a building or part thereof; (e) alone or in conjunction with a person possessing special or expert knowledge, make examinations or take tests, samples or photographs necessary for the purpose of the inspection.

5.1.5 This Policy is to be read and applied in conjunction with these Acts and the relevant Town by-laws.

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILUMBURY ICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POUCY Policy: Page 4 of 17 6. In creating this policy, Council considers it advantageous to use the herein referenced steps in documenting and investigating all controlled substance operations. However, since these types of operations are often associated with criminal activities, municipal staff will only investigate complaints/claims of their existence after, or in conjunction with, the site has been secured and investigated by South Simcoe Police Service. Should an operation be discovered during a routine investigation by municipal staff, the site shall be vacated immediately and the South Simcoe Police Service notified.


7.1 The flow chart (see Appendix 4) sets out the work flow associated with this practice standard.

7.1.1 Conduct an investigation immediately upon receiving notification from the Municipal Clerk.

7.1.2 The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury and South Simcoe Police Services have established a protocol for notification in accordance with the Municipal Act. The notification protocol applies also to clandestine labs.

7.1.3 Special investigators shall review its contents of notification (sample attached included with this standard practice) and in conjunction with the enforcement agencies to determine if the evidence provided indicates the existence of an unsafe condition.

7.2 Ensure investigating staff are not exposed to unreasonable risks to their health and safety associated with their occupational responsibilities.

7.2.1 Before entering a hazardous environment, the Occupation Health and Safety Act requires the Special Investigator or any employee to assess the environment and determine the necessary steps in order to enter the environment and protect their health· and safety.

7.2.2 The South Simcoe Police Services notification documents the contents of the building related to the number of marijuana plants and presence of chemicals. Special Investigators shall consider this information in accessing the building.

7.2.3 South Simcoe Police Services are expected to supply photos of the modifications and effects on the building from its use as a grow-op. These photographs would document structural changes, changes to ventilation or electrical systems and the accumulation of mould in the building. Special Investigators use this evidence determining if the building is "unsafe" as the term is defined by the Ontario Building Code.

7.2.4 When photos from South Simcoe Police Services are not available or the evidence in the photos is incomplete for the issuance of an Unsafe Order and the Special Investigator feels uncertain as to the environmental safety of the building, the Special Investigator may engage a qualified third party for assistance in assessing the environment of the building as it relates to Occupational Health and Safety issues, such as mOUld, electrical, pesticides, chemicals, solvents, etc, normally associated with a clandestine or methamphetamine lab.

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILUMBURYICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POUCY Policy: Page 5 of 17 7.2.5 The Special Investigator and staff of third party shall meet at the property location. The third party shall investigate the building and obtain evidence, ie. photos of unsafe conditions.

7.3 Assess the subject premises for unsafe building conditions.

7.3.1 The Special Investigator shall rely on the police photographs or the observations of a qualified third party to determine compliance with Section 15.9 of the Building Code Act for structural, mechanical or plumbing related issues.

7.3.2 An Unsafe Order shall be issued in accordance with Table 1 for issues related to Item 1 and the Grow-op.


7.4 Prohibit occupancy where unsafe conditions are discovered and not remedied in the time specified in the order.

7.4.1 After an Unsafe Order has been issued directing the owner to remedy the unsafe condition and the owner has not complied with the order, Special Investigators shall engage pre-qualified contractors to take the necessary steps to prevent access to the building, including confirming the windows and doors are closed and locked, boarding up openings etc.

7.4.2 The Special Investigator shall not leave the site until the building is secured. On certain occasions, the police or Office of the Fire Marshall will post a person outside the building to prevent unauthorized entry. In such cases the Special Investigator may leave the site.

7.5 Establish and communicate remedial requirements.

7.5.1 Non-compliance with an Unsafe Order allows for the chief building official to issue a prohibit use or occupancy order and if necessary, cause the building to be renovated, repaired or demolished in order to remove the unsafe condition.

7.5.2 In order to have the building or part thereof demolished or repaired, the Special Investigator shall contact the owner and such other persons or corporations affected (financial institutions), of the intention to have the unsafe condition rectified and enlist their help in obtaining this objective.

7.5.3 The Special Investigator shall record all information; names, telephone numbers, etc of persons connected with obtaining compliance with the unsafe order.


7.6.1 Compliance with an Unsafe Order - Order to Make Safe requires the owner to obtain a building permit to perform remedial repairs. The building permit application must include an outline of the remedial work prepared by a qualified professional engineer. The repairs require inspection by the Town's building inspector. The owner must also submit to the Town a report prepared by a qualified Professional Engineer that certifies the building is no longer unsafe and is suitable for occupancy.

7.6.2 Upon receipt of the professional engineer's certification, the Special Investigator shall promptly inspect the building.

7.7 Document the processes associated with the administration of the incident to enable effective management, reporting, etc.

7.7.1 Building inspectors must document their inspections results in Land Manager! Service Request Manager. Table No.2 below provides the acceptable method for recording the results of an Inspector Report- Order.



Subsequent to each site visitor co a Record in the I Report - Order process an person regarding the issuance of the Order or the attempt result of 'Further Inspections Required'. property, the results of the site visit and!or conversation. Where compliance with an Order has not been Record in the Inspection Report - Order process an obtained. attempt result of 'Inspector Request Legal Action'. Where compliance with an Order has been Record in the Inspection Report - Order process an obtained attempt result of 'Order Complied With'. Where an Order has been produced but not Record in the Inspection Report - Order process an issued. attempt result of 'Order Not Issued - Cancelled'. Where a site or building condition requires another Record in the Inspection Report - Order process an Order be issued for the same violation. attempt result of 'Order Re-issued'. Where an has been mistakenly issued. Record in the Inspection Report - Order process an attempt result of 'Order Rescinded'. Where an Order has been issued. the Inspection Report - Order process an attempt result of 'Order to Comply Issued'. Where compliance with an Order has not been Record in the Inspection Report - Order process an obtained. attempt result of 'Request Send Legal Letter'.


Position: Municipal Clerk Name: Patricia Nash Address: 100 Dissette Street P.O. Box 100, Bradford, ON L3Z 2A7 Telephone: 905-775-5366 ext 1101 Fax: 905-775-0153

Position: Chief Building Official Name: Jack Tosta Address: 3541 Line 11 P.O. Box 160 Bradford, ON L3Z 2A8 Telephone: 905-775-5369 Fax: 905-778-4343

South Simcoe Police Service Kai Johnson, Detective Constable Address: 81 Melbourne Drive P.O. Box 1690 Bradford, ON L3Z 2B6 Telephone: 905-775-3311 Fax: 905-775-0711

Fire and Emergency Services Lorne Arscott, Fire Chief Address: 75 Melbourne Drive P.O. Box 1226 Bradford, ON L3Z 2B6 Telephone: 905-775-7311 Fax: 905-775-0163


9.1 When a controlled substance operation, including a marijuana growing operation, has been discovered to be operating on a property, or in a building or structure on the property, within the jurisdiction of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, by the South Simcoe Police service as first responders they shall:

9.1.1 Contact appropriate agencies/personnel as necessary to the police investigations. This may include: Hydro supplier (Hydro One, Powerstream Barrie Hydro); Children's Aid Society; Immigration; Gas Supplier (En bridge) Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Water Supervisor;

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURYICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOnFICAnON AND INSPEcnON RESPONSE POLICY Policy: PageS of 17 Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Municipal Clerk; Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Chief Building Official; Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Municipal Law Enforcement Officer; County of Simcoe (s.447.3 of the Municipal Act); Office of the Fire Marshall

9.1.2 Immediately contact Bradford West Gwillimbury Fire Chief or designate, Fire and Emergency Services.

9.1.3 Conduct an investigation in accordance with the adequacy requirements in police operations as they pertain to drug investigations, the police services Criminal Investigations Management Plan, if appropriate, and the police services policies and procedures.

9.1.4 Render the property, building and/or structures safe for inspection by others by: The police investigation of the site premises and removal of all drug related paraphernalia; Removal of all hazards to entry of which police are aware of, such as explosive devices are dismantled, contained and/or listed on the Site Report; and Affixing a Notice (Appendix 3) to the principle entrance of the property, buildings and structures indicating that a Controlled Substance Operation was discovered (state nature of operation), that is has been dismantled and removed and that the premises may not be suitable for access until inspected by the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.

9.1.5 The South Simcoe Police Service will prepare a Police Notification Form and notify the Municipal Clerk of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury in writing by facsimile or e-mail, of any known details using the On-Site Report (Appendix 2), upon the completion of the on-site police investigation.

9.1.6 Assist the Town and Fire and Emergency Services in any follow-up actions.


10.1 When a controlled substance operation, including a marijuana growing operation, has been discovered to be operating on a property, or in a building or structure on the property, within the jurisdiction of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, by the Fire Services as first responders they shall:

10.1.1 Immediately contact the South Simcoe Police and Fire Chief or deSignate.

10.1.2 Contact Local Hydro Services and request disconnection of electrical service.

10.1.3 Conduct an investigation in accordance with the adequacy requirements of the Ontario Fire Code, Fire Protection and Prevention Act and further applicable fire and emergency services pOlicies and procedures;

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURYICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POLICY Policy: Page 9 of 17 10.1.4 Render buildings and/or structures safe for inspection by others by: Facilitate removal of all hazardous, flammable, or noxious substances if possible; Under the fire Protection and Prevention Act 15(1) "Immediate threat to life" If a fire chief has reasonable grounds to believe that a risk of fire poses an immediate threat to life he or she may without a warrant enter on any land or premises for the removing or reducing the threat.

Once the immediate threat has been removed (e.g. disconnection of power etc.) then the authority under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act ends in regards to immediate threat.

If there has been a fire under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act 14.(2) the fire chief has the authority to close and prevent entry to the land or premises for the length of time necessary to complete the examination of the land or premises for the length of time necessary to complete the examination of the land or premises in regards to conducting the fire investigation.

Appendix 3 should be issued by the building division in regards to Orders to Remedy and Unsafe Prohibit Use. Appropriate agencies/personnel necessary to the fire investigations: Hydro Suppliers; Children's Aid Society; Hydro supplier.(Hydro One, Power Stream Powerstream Barrie Hydro); Immigration; Gas Supplier (Enbridge); Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Water Supervisor; Town of Bradford West GWillimbury, Municipal Clerk; Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Chief Building Official; Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Municipal Law Enforcement Officer; County of Simcoe; Office of Fire Marshall.

10.1.5 Notify the Municipal Clerk of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury by facsimile or e-mail, of any known details using the on-site report (Appendix 2), upon the completion of the Fire Investigation and establish a service request file.

10.1.6 Assist the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury and South Simcoe Police Services in any follow-up actions.


11.1 The responsibilities of the Town are to ensure that appropriate inspection measures are taken by municipal authorities within a reasonable time to identify and list all hazards resulting from the grow operation and that subsequent investigation is conducted as required by the legislation.


12.1 When the Municipal Clerk is notified of the existence of a controlled substance operation as noted herein the Municipal Clerk shall:

12.1.1 Immediately contact South Simcoe Police Services and Fire and Emergency Servi~e via e-mail/facsimile to acknowledge receipt of their On-Site Investigation Notification (Appendix 2) and confirm the contact information for all future correspondence.

12.1.2 Contact the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit via e-mail/facsimile to advise of receipt of the On-Site Notification (Appendix 2) from Fire and Police Services and request confirmation receipt of the notification.

12.1.3 Contact the Town Manager, and the appropriate senior staff for the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury via e-mail/facsimile to advise of the receipt of the On-site Notification.

12.1.4 Contact the Chief Building Official, for the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury via e-maill facsimile to advise of the receipt of the On-Site Notification.

12.1.5 Contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, via e-maill facsimile to advise of the receipt of the On-Site Notification.

12.1.6 Conduct a title search of the property for registered property owners.

12.1.7 Provide the South Police Service and appropriate Town departments with the names and address of the property owners.

12.1~8 Contact the County of Simcoe in accordance with section 447.3 of the Municipal Act;

12.1.9 Contact Office of the Fire Marshall if fire related matter;

12.1.10 Establish or update service request file.


13.1 When the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer is notified by the Municipal Clerk of the existence of a controlled substance operation as noted herein the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer shall:

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURYICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POLICY . Policy: Page 11 of 17 13.1.1 Contact South Simcoe Police Services and the Fire Chief or designate/Chief Building Official to ensure the property, buildings and/or structures have been rendered safe or unsafe pursuant to the Policy.

13.1.2 Conduct an On-Site Joint Inspection of the property, buildings and/or structures with the Chief Building Official to determine if the property is occupied, and are safe secure or unsecure.

13.1.3 Contact the Town Manager and senior staff to advise offinal actions.

13.1.4 Contact the mortgagor to advise of the discovery of a controlled substance operation on the property, or in a building or structure on the property.

13.1.5 Register on title the discovery of a controlled substance operation.

13.1.6 Contact the Chief Building Official to determine if the buildings or structures on the property are suitable for habitation and what action has been taken.

13.1.7 Assist with registration of all orders issued under the Ontario Building Code Act against the property.

13.1.8 Orders to remain on title if building has been demolished or at the direction of the Chief Building Official.

13.1.9 Update service requestfile ..


14.1 When the Chief Building Official is notified by the Municipal Clerk of the existence of a Controlled Substance Operation as noted herein the Chief Building Official shall:

14.1.1 Contact the South Simcoe Police Services and Fire Prevention Officer to ensure that the property, buildings and/or structures have been rendered safe.

14.1.2 Conduct on-site joint inspection of the property with the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer to determine if the property is occupied, secure or unsecure.

14.1.3 Conduct appropriate inspection and ensure measures are taken by municipal authorities within a reasonable time, to identify and list all hazards resulting from the operation.

14.1.4 Ensure appropriate information received from police is forwarded to inspectors.

14.1.5 Subsequent investigations/inspections are conducted as required by legislation.

14.1.6 Issue an immediate Unsafe Building Order pursuant to the Building Code Act, 1992 Section 15.9-(4) and proceed to have order registered on title.

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY ICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POLICY Policy: Page 120f17 14.1.7 If the property, buildings or structures are occupied or secure, immediately issue three Property Standards Orders under Section 15.8 of the Ontario Building Code Act for certified expert reports from: Certified Air Quality Technician; Certified Electrical Technician; Certified Structural Engineer.

14.1.8 If Orders under 15.8 are not complied with, issue one Property Standards Order pursuant to Section 15.2 of the Ontario Building Code Act prohibiting occupancy until Order herein complied with.

14.1.9 If property is not secured, issue an Emergency Order under Section 15.7 of the Ontario Building Code Act, and contact contractor to board up and secure property from further entry or occupancy.

14.1.10 If appropriate steps are not taken by the owner within the time frame stipulated on the Order, issue a Order Prohibiting Occupancy pursuant to Building Code Act, 1992 Section 15.9-(6) and bring the unsafe condition to compliance. This may involve demolition.

14.1.11 Advise the Town Manager and appropriate senior staff, South Simcoe Police Services of action taken.

14.1.12 Conduct inspections and advise when structure safe to be occupied.

14.1.13 Contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers to have all necessary Orders removed from title.

14.2 Current contact information for the Municipal Clerk of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury is to be provided to the South Simcoe Police Services.



15.1.1 South Simcoe Police Service, Lead Investigation Officer notifies Hydro Services regarding Grow operations.

15.1.2 South Simcoe Police Service requests the Hydro Service disconnect the electrical services.

15.1.3 The Hydro Service advises the South Simcoe Police Service to have a Police representative on site at the time of electrical disconnection.


15.2.1 South Simcoe Police Service, Lead Investigation Officer notifies Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit regarding grow operations.


15.3.1 South Simcoe Police Service, Lead Investigation Officer notifies Children's Aid regarding grow operations.


15.4.1 South Simcoe Police Service, Lead Investigation Officer notifies Canada Immigration regarding grow operations.


16.1 Where an order of an inspector issued under Section 15.9 (4) of the Building Code Act is not complied with, Section 15.9 (10) of the Building Code Act allows for the municipality to have a lien on the land for an amount spent on the renovation, repair or demolition or other action. In this regard, all invoices and the applicable Unsafe Order(s) shall be forwarded to the Finance Department for priority lien status as described in section 1 of the Municipal Act, 2001.

16.2 Permit applications submitted in connection with an issued Unsafe Order shall be co­ co-ordinated by the Chief Building Official and reviewed in conjunction with the Special Investigator. All pertinent plan review disciplines shall be considered ie. zoning, architectural, mechanical and structural. .


17.1 Special Investigators are permitted under Section 15.9 (1) of the Building Code Act to enter upon land and into industrial, commercial and institutional buildings at any reasonable time without a warrant for the purpose of inspecting the building to determine whether the building is unsafe.

17.2 Special Investigators are not permitted under Section 16. (1) to enter or remain in any room or place "actually" being used as a dwelling unit. However, when it is clear that the building is not inhabited at the time of investigation, entry may occur.

17.3 When a building is actually being used as a dwelling unit, meaning it is occupied, then the Special Investigator shall obtain a warrant pursuant to Section 16. (1) (a) to (d) to gain entry.

Section 447(2) Municipal Act -Inspection of buildings containing marijuana grow operations

447.2 (1) If the clerk of a local municipality is notified in writing by a police force that a building located on land in the local municipality contained a marijuana grow operation, the local municipality shall ensure that an inspection of the building is conducted within a reasonable time after the clerk has been notified. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184. Persons who may conduct inspection @ An inspection referred to in subsection (1) may be conducted by, (a) a by-law enforcement officer of any municipality or of any local board of any municipality; or

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURYICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POLICY Policy: Page 14 of 17 (b) an officer, employee or agent of any municipality or of any local board of any municipality whose responsibilities include the enforcement of a by-law, an Act or a regulation under an Act. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184. Nature of inspection @l The requirement in subsection (1) for an inspection is for an inspection that includes entering upon the land and into the building. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184. Powers to conduct inspection ~ The inspection shall be conducted pursuant to the powers of entry and inspection that the person conducting the inspection otherwise has under law, but only to the extent that the person conducting the inspection is able to do so. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184. Action to be taken @ Upon conclusion of the inspection, the person who conducted the inspection shall take whatever actions he or she is authorized by law to take in order to make the building safe and otherwise protect the public. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184. Definition !§1 In this section, "police force" means a municipal police force, the Ontario Provincial Police or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.


18.1 The Special Investigator may issue an Unsafe Building - Order to Make Safe.

18.2 The Special Investigator shall issue an Unsafe Building - Order to Make Safe when the building has sustained fire damage. This Order instructs the owner to obtain a permit for the --repairsandprohibitaccessJotba building._ Non~compliance witbJba O(de(p-ermjlath~Sp~~iaL __~ ______' Investigator to take action to have the property secured temporarily. Costs associated with securing the building are recovered via Section 15.9 (10) of the Building Code Act.


19.1 Buildings that have sustained damage from a fire shall be investigated for structural damage and the appropriate Order issued. Where Special Investigators know that the building contains a grow op, they shall not enter the building until notification notice is obtained from South Simcoe Police Services.

19.2 If the Special Investigator discovers a grow-op during the investigation of a fire damaged building, they shall abandon their investigation and await the police notification. They shall confirm with Bradford West Gwillimbury Fire & Emergency Services that they are aware of the incidence of fire.


20.1 All Unsafe Building - Orders to Make Safe shall be registered on title by the Planning and Development Services, Building Division.

20.2 All Prohibit the Use or Occupancy Orders shall be registered on title and removed from title

THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURYICONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE POLICY Policy: Page lS of 17 when the Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Planning and Development Services, Building Division.

20.3 Compliance letters issued by the Building Division shall contain the wording to advise persons making enquiries of a property.


The following are conditions for approving re-occupancy of a building, as listed:

21.1 The building, regardless of the type or size shall comply with the unfinished building provisions of Article of the Building Code.

21.2 A copy of the final electrical certificate of inspection by Electrical Safety Authority.

21.3 Proof of gas code compliance.

21.4 Compliance with any Order issued under the Building Code Act.




23.1 Appendix 1 Coordinated Controlled Substances Response Protocol

23.2 Appendix 2 Notification of Discovery of Controlled Substance Operation Form

23.3 Appendix 3 Notice - Posting on property

23.4 Appendix 4 Flow Chart

23.5 Appendix 5 Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, By-Law 201 O-xxx

23.6 Appendix 6 Law Enforcement and Forfeited Property Management Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005 (Bill 128)


Dated at the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury this ____ day of ______, 2010.

Bruce Davis, Chief of Police Allan Cheesman, Deputy Chief of Police


Dated at the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury this ___ day of ______, 2010

Patricia Nash, Municipal Clerk Doug White, Mayor



1.1 South Simcoe Police Services (SSPS)

1.1.1 South Simcoe Police Services conduct criminal investigation of alleged marijuana grow house/illegal drug laboratory.

1.1.2 South Simcoe Police Services and Divisional personnel obtain a search warrant, if required, and attend the premises.

1.1.3 South Simcoe Police Services contacts Local Hydro-Electric Service and requests disconnection of the electrical service, if required.

1.1.4 South Simcoe Police Services Divisional personnel gather physical and photographic evidence and dismantle the marijuana grow house/illegal drug laboratory.

1.1.5 South Simcoe Police Services to provide the Local Hydro-Electric Service with the following information: Lead investigating officer's name; Officer's badge number; Division and Unit;

1.1 ;5.4 South Simcoe Police Services contact telephone number re: current investigation.

1.2 Bradford West Gwillimburv Fire and Emergency Services

1.3 If Bradford West Gwillimbury Fire and Emergency Services respond to a fire caused by an illegal drug laboratory or marijuana grow operation, to notify South Simcoe Police Services.

1.4 Contact Local Hydro-Electric Services and request disconnection of electrical service.


2.1 South Simcoe Police Services lead investigating officer notifies LHES regarding marijuana grow op/illicit drug lab.

2.2 South Simcoe Police Services requests that LHES disconnect the electrical service.

2.3 LHES advises South Simcoe Police Services to have a police representative on site at time of disconnection.


3.1 South Simcoe Police Services will prepare Police Notification of Illicit Marijuana Grow Operation, Appendix I. to:


3.1.2 Bradford West Gwillimbury Fire and Emergency Services;

3.1.3 Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit;

3.1.4 Electrical Safety Authority;

3.1.5 Local Hydro-Electric Service (Hydro One, Barrie Hydro)


4.1 Where the Grow Operation Report indicates the possibility of the presence of combustible or volatile chemicals or liquids, By-Law Division will contact the Bradford West Gwillimbury Fire and Emergency Services and they may investigate and follow-up on any violations of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c4.

4.2 Forwards to the South Simcoe Police Services Grow Operation Report Appendix I to the Clerk at the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.

4.3 Ascertains the identity of the owner of the property.

4.4 Ensures that a Municipal Standards Officer attends the premises to ascertain if the premises are occupied, performs an inspection.

4.5 Ensures that a Municipal Standards Officer placards the premises with a copy of the applicable order, if necessary, and arranges for the order to be placed on title to the property.

4.6 If necessary, commission a report from a professional engineer regarding the condition of the structure, clearly outlining any potential hazards associated with the premises and a plan for remediation of the property.

4.7 If necessary, commission a report from a professional engineer or the Electrical Safety Authority regarding the condition of the electrical system, clearly outlining any potential hazards associated with the premises and a plan for remediation of the property.

4.8 If necessary, commission a report from an environmental engineer/consultant regarding the internal conditions, clearly outlining any potential hazards associated with the premises, its suitability for habitation, and a plan for remediation of the property.

Note: The environmental engineer/consultant's report will not be required in cases where the Chief Building Official is notified by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit that it will order an engineer/consultant's report. The Health Unit will placard the premises and issue an order to the property owner to have an environmental engineer/consultant provide a report regarding the internal conditions of the premises, its suitability for habitation and a plan for remediation of the property.

Note: In the case of a property owner who fails to comply with the orders requiring the professional engineer's, environmental engineer's or consultant's reports pursuant to the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c.23, the property owner will be charged by the Chief Building Official with failing to comply with an order under Section 36(1) of the Building Code Act. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY COORDINATED CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES RESPONSE PROTOCOL DECEMBER 2007 Page 3 of6

4.9 The environmental engineer/consultant's report is forwarded to Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Attention Minister of Health for review of remediation plan.

4.10 The professional engineer/consultant's report regarding the condition of the structure and the report from a professional engineer or the Electrical Safety Authority, regarding the electrical system, will be reviewed by the Chief Building Official and an Order may be issued, pursuant to the Building Code Act, 1992, S.D. 1992, c.23, requiring the property owner to implement the remediation plan.

4.11 After the implementation of the remediation plan the professional engineers and/or Electrical Safety Authority and the environmental engineer/consultant will provide a report to the Building Department indicating that the remediation of the property has been satisfactorily completed.

4.12 Chief Building Official may, in certain cases, issue an Unsafe Order, which could be followed by the issuance of an Order Prohibiting Occupancy pursuant to Section 15.9(6) of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.D. 1992, c.23, prohibiting occupancy of the building and requiring remedial action to be taken.


5.1 When notified by the Building Department that the Grow Operation Report indicates the possibility of the presence of combustible or volatile chemicals or liquids the Chief Building Official will contact Fire and Emergency Services and the Municipal Clerk, and they shall investigate and follow-up on any violations of the Fire Protection and Preventions Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4.

5.2 Fire and Emergency Services will be the designated agency to contact the Technical Standards and Safety Authority regarding possible fuel safety issues.

5.3 Fire and Emergency Services will provide the Building Department with a written report.


6.1 Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit receives South Simcoe Police Services Grow Operation Report, which, if possible, should be accompanied by photographs and/or videos and any other supporting evidence available.

6.2 Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit evaluates the evidence contained in the South Simcoe Police Services Grow Operation Report for potential health hazards.

6.3 If necessary, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit conducts title search on the premises reported by South Simcoe Police Services if an order under the Health Protection and Promotion Act is to be issued.

6.4 Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit informs the Building Department, in writing, regarding the issuance or non-issuance of an order pursuant to Section 13 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H. 7. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY COORDINATED CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES RESPONSE PROTOCOL DECEMBER 2007 Page 4 of6


7.1 Where a health hazard exists or may exist as a result of mould and/or water damage, and/or chemical contamination is identified, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit will serve an order pursuant to Section 13 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act on the owner of the premises and will placard the premises. Along with the order, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit will provide a copy of the Interim Guidance Document for Environmental Assessment for Mould in Marijuana Grow Houses, requiring anyone or more of the following:

7.1.1 Prohibition of occupancy;

7.1.2 An environmental engineer/consultant's report assesses the risks within the premises, provides a remediation plan for the premise and verifies that the remediation work was carried out in accordance with the remediation plan. This document must state that the premises are once again deemed fit for human habitation;

7.1.3 Public Health Inspector instructs property owner to ensure that the premises remains unoccupied and the placard prohibiting occupancy remains until the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit removes it;

7.1.4 Local Public Health Inspector placards the premises within 24 hours of service of order;

7.1.5 Local Public Health Inspector reviews environmental assessment and remediation plan and confirms with environmental engineer/consultant that remediation has been completed.

Note: Failure to comply with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit order issued pursuant to Section 13 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.7, may result in further legal action against the property owner.

7.2 Order Not Issued by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Pursuant to HPPA

7.3 Where Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit indicates that a health hazard is not identified, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit will advise the Chief Building Official, in writing, that an order will not be issued pursuant to HPPA.

7.4 Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit will request a copy of the environmental engineer/consultant's report, provided to the Chief Building Official for their review and comment.

7.5 Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit forwards the file to the Local Public Health Inspector for review.

7.6 Local Public Health Inspector reports, in writing, to the Chief Building Official, the property owner and the environmental engineer/consultant regarding the appropriateness of the remediation plan. , 7.7 Local Public Health Inspector receives confirmation that the remediation plan has been implemented. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY COORDINATED CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES RESPONSE PROTOCOL DECEMBER 2007 Page 5 of6


8.1 Confirm Application for Inspection (permit) filed after remediation of the electrical system.

8.2 Inspect property for compliance with the Electrical Safety Code.

8.3 Issue connection authorization to Local Hydro-Electric Service.


9.1 Upon receipt of the Electrical Safety Authority connection authorization, and payment of the regulated costs incurred, LHES re-connects electrical service.


10.1 Staff will jOintly conduct an on-site inspection, to the extent that they are able to do so after resolution of any legal or health and safety concerns, which may be dependent upon the receipt, approval and implementation of the remediation plans as set out in the reports provided to the Town by the various engineers/consultants, within a reasonable time after notification by the Local Police Services under this protocol.

10.2 Where the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury and Chief Building Official and Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit have issued orders, pursuant to their enabling legislation, they will conduct a coordinated review of the applicable consultant's reports to ascertain if the building is structurally sound, visibly free of mould and/or water damage, and/or chemical contamination.

10.3 The Chief Building Official, and/or Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit will notify the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Municipal Clerk that the marijuana grow house has had all orders removed and, based on the information provided, is safe for human habitation.


The Clerk of the municipality:

Name: Patricia Nash Phone: (905) 775-5366 Fax: (905) 775-0153 E-mail: [email protected]

Police Service:

Name: Bruce Davis, Chief Phone: (905) 775-3311 Fax (905) 775-0711 E-mail: Bruce. [email protected] THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY COORDINATED CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES RESPONSE PROTOCOL DECEMBER 2007 Page 6 of6


DATED AT ______, this ____ day of _____, 2008.

Police Service Bruce Davis North Division 2137 Innisfil Beach Road Innisfil, ON L9S 1A2

DATED AT ______, this ____ day of ______, 2008.

Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury 3541 Line 11, P.O. Box 160 Bradford, ON L3Z 2A8

Patricia Nash, Municipal Clerk Doug White, Mayor APPENDIX 2


Please be advised that the ~~..,.-______have investigated and dismantled an Operation dealing in a Controlled Substance at the following location;

NumberlEmail Address

*Disclaimer: Police Services and Fire Services are not experts at identifying all hazards. This list is not exhaustive and hazards not identified here may exist. APPENDIX 3


Occurrence #: ______


The premises at (insert civic address) were investigated by the _SOUTH SIMCOE POLICE SERVICE OR BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES and found to contain an operation dealing in the Controlled Substance ------As a result, the premises may contain numerous hazards and may not be fit for human occupancy.

The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury and following agencies have been notified.

o Hydro Supplier o Barrie Hydro o Hydro One o Children's Aid Society; o Immigration o Bradford West Gwillimbury Fire and Emergency Services o Bradford West Gwillimbury Water Division o Bradford West Gwillimbury Planning & Development, CBO o Bradford West Gwillimbury Municipal Law Enforcement Division o Bradford West Gwillimbury Clerk's Department o Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit o Mortgagee DOwner TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NOTIFICATION AND INSPECTION RESPONSE PROTOCOL POLICY


I Receive report from Police

Attend & inspect to determine if occupied or insecure


Issue Orders under 15.8 for Issue Emergency Order under reports on 15.7. Secure property from • Air Quality unauthorized • Electrical system • Structural

15.8 Order responded to: 115.8 Order not responded to: I

Issue 15.2 Orders which address Issue 15.2 Order prohibiting the concerns identified in the occupancy and register on title reports. until the 15.8 Orders are responded to THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY

BY-LAW 2010-000


Being a By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury to prohibit use of lands and buildings in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury for purposes related to the use, trade and manufacture of controlled substances including marijuana and grow operations.

WHEREAS pursuant to Sections 128 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the Town may prohibit noise, vibration, odour, outdoor illumination, including indoor lighting that can be seen outdoors;

WHEREAS Section 133 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, responsible for enforcement of the Building Code Act, to and protective elements applied to land in relation to use of

AND WHEREAS Section 391 (a) of the Municipal Act, pass by-laws to impose fees or charges for services or

AND WHEREAS Section 391 (b) of the Municipa to pass by-laws to impose fees or changes for

WHEREAS Council deem it is necessary and in the Town of Bradford West r.\A/illi''I''Ih. manufacture of controlled sut)stslnoes

buildings in the Town of Bradford West manufacture of controlled substances the threat of fire, and electrical shock, or

use of lands and buildings in the Town of Bradford West use, trade and manufacture of controlled substances is,

and desirable to prevent such public nuisance and provide for requirements where notice of a grow operation has been Gwillimbury pursuant to subsection 447.2(1) ofthe Municipal

AND WHEREAS the Act 2001, as amended further authorizes the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, to delegate its authority to impose fees and charges on persons for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it, to provide for inspections and inspection orders, and to make orders to discontinue activity or to do work;



1.1 "ALTERATION" or "ALTERED" shall mean any change made to the structural, mechanical or electrical components of a building;

1.2 "BUILDING" shall mean any building, structure, erection and installation, including any building, structure, erection or installation fabricated or moved from elsewhere, of any size whatsoever; TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES INCLUDING MARIJUANA AND GROW OPERATIONS BY-LAW NO. 2010-000 Page 2 of10

1.3 "BUILDING CODE" shall mean the Building Code passed pursuant to the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23, as amended;

1.4 "BUILDING INSPECTOR" shall mean the chief building official for the Town appointed under the Building Code Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 23, as amended, and every inspector appointed by the Town to inspect buildings, structures, erections and installations in respect of construction, building or plumbing; .

1.5 "CLANDESTINE DRUG LAB" shall mean any Building, or part thereof, used in connection with the trade, growing, bartering, storing, selling and/or manufacture of a Controlled Substance, and includes a grow operation;

1.6 "CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE" shall mean a controlled substance as defined in the Controlled Substances Act, S.C. 1996, c. 19, as amended, but does not include the trade or manufacture of a controlled substance that is permitted under the Controlled Substances Act or otherwise lawfully licensed under any other Town By-law;


1.7.1 any land in the Town of Bradford West contaminated by or containing trace mounts of chemical or used iii or produced by or in connection with the trade, g selling and/or manufacture of a controlled substance;

1.7.2 any land in the Town of Bradford lab on it or is otherwise used as,

1.7.3 any land in the Town of Bradford being used for the a controlled Ih<::·t .. n,r".~

1.8 defined in the Fire Code, time to time} or in the and includes, but is not gases, flammable and substances, organic peroxides,


s a a property that is used or intended to be used for the of a substance included within the Controlled Drugs and but not limited to, a property containing a building in which the so as to by-pass the hydro meter, or a property containing a booby trap, and shall mean the CUltivation of marijuana plants or

1.12 "HAZARDOUS CONDITION" shall mean:

1.12.1 any real or potential risk of fire, noxious fumes or gases,. or explosion;

1.12.2 any real or potential risk to the health or safety of persons or property, including mould and fungus; .

1.12.3 any unapproved or unauthorized Alteration; or

1.12.4 any contravention of the Building Code or other legislation of the Province of Ontario, any legislation of the Government of Canada, and/or any Town by-law; TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES INCLUDING MARIJUANA AND GROW OPERATIONS BY-LAW NO. 2010-000 Page 3 of 10

1.13 "HYDRO METER" shall mean a device used to measure the consumption of electricity;

1.14 "INSPECTOR" shall mean a Building Inspector, a Fire Chief, a Municipal Enforcement Officer, a Police Officer and any other person appointed by Council as an inspector for the purposes of this by-law;

1.15 "MARIJUANA GORW OPERATION" shall mean a property that contained a marijuana grow operation in respect of which the Clerk of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury has been notified in writing by a Police Force pursuant to subsection 447.2(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001;

1.16 "NOTICE" shall mean any notice made or posted under this By-Law, and includes, but is not limited to, an Order under the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23, as amended, in respect of a controlled substance property;

1.17 "OCCUPIER" shall mean any lessee, licensee, tenant, caretaker, user and any other occupier or person othe.rwise having any degree of f property or part of a property or building or part of a building;

1.18 "OFFICER" shall mean a Building Inspector, a Prevention Officer, a Public Health Inspector, a Police Officer appointed by the Town of assigned or appointed to administer or

1.19 "OWNER" shall mean the registered

1.20 "PERSON" shall include a corporation, executors, administrators or other legal


1.22 limited to front yard, side shall include any building,

1.23 ·provincial" shall have a

1.24 and indirect, incurred by the Town in rennedliatiori"of any clandestine drug lab;

as a system of fines for the purposes of the Municipal

1.26 Corporation of the Town of Bradford Gwillimbury West;

1.27 the Director of Finance I Treasurer for the Town of Bradford


2.1 Every reference in this by-law to an enactment is a reference to the enactment and any regulations made thereunder, all as may be amended, re-enacted or replaced from time to time.


3.1 No person, owner, or occupant of property within the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury shall permit or allow the property to become or remain a place for the trade, business or manufacture of a controlled substance. TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES INCLUDING MARIJUANA AND GROW OPERATIONS BY-LAW NO. 2010-000 Page 4 of10

3.2 No person, owner or occupant shall allow a property to be used in a noxious, offensive or unwholesome manner through the trade, business, cultivation or distribution of a controlled substance.

3.3 No person, owner, occupant of the property shall cause or permit, water, rubbish, or noxious or offensive or unwholesome matter to collect or accumulate around the property in connection with the manufacture, cultivation, trade or distribution, with the controlled substance.

3.4 No person, owner or occupant shall atter any building in any way so as to facilitate or establish a clandestine drug lab.

3.5 No person,' other than a utility or a person otherwise properly authorized, shall disconnect, tamper with or bypass a meter installed for the purpose of ascertaining consumption of any utility, including electricity, water, oil and/or natural gas.

3.6 As part of a clandestine drug lab, no person shall:

3.6.1 Store or use Dangerous Goods;

3.6.2 Obstruct any exit or access to any exit other federal, provincial or municipal

3.6.3 Remove any fire stopping federal, provincial or municipal legrisllaticIn

3.6.4 Cause, allow, permit to be of any .mould or fungus ariSing from or in


3.7 No person shall to be allowed, the manufacture, substance that emits odours, with a clandestine drug lab such comfort and/or convenience of any other

3.8 obstruct, in any manner whatsoever, an by-law.

3.9 cover, mutilate, permit to be removed, permit to be altered, be mutilated, any notice posted pursuant to this by-law, permiSSion of a Building Inspector or Fire Chief.

3.10 guilty person or a person otherwise properly authorized, shall to be connected or permit to be reconnected the supply of gas, or any other utility or municipal service, which has been such utility or service provider as a result of or in connection with a

3.11 No person shall use, occupy, permino be used or permit to be occupied any building or controlled substance property until the remediation provisions of this by-law have been complied therewith.

3.12 No person shall sell, lease, rent or otherwise permit any occupancy whatsoever, by any tenure whatsoever, any building or controlled substance property that has been used as a clandestine drug lab, unless such new owner, lessee, renter or occupier has been advised in writing that the controlled substance property was used as a clandestine drug lab and has been provided the particulars thereof.



4.1 The Officer may enter on a property at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether or not the following are being complied with.

4.1.1 This by-law;

4.1.2 A direction requirement or order made under this by-law; or

4.1.3 An order made under Fire Code, Building Code, Property Standards a contravention of this by-law. 4.2 An Officer may, for the purpose of an inspection under Section 4.

4.2.1 Require the production for inspection of documents or things relevant to the inspection;

4.2.2 Inspect· and remove documents or things the inspection for the purpose of making copies or extracts;

4.2.3 Require infOrmation from any inspection; or

4.2.4 Alone or in conjunction with a make examinations or take purpose of the inspection.


4.4 4.3, sufficient serVice is containing the order in occurred.

4.5 section 438 of the Municipal Act, 2001, in section 4.1 and exercise powers prevented or is likely to be prevented 4.1 and 4.2 provided that:

l:Iuthor'i2'irlCl an inspection of a room or place actually being occupier is given notice concerning the inspection in sublsection 438(5} of the Municipal Act, 2001.

4.6 that a contravention of this by-law has occurred, he or she may make an. the person who contravened the by-law or who caused or permitted the contravention or the owner or occupier of the property on which the contravention occurred to discontinue the contravenihgactivity.

4.7 An order.under section 4.8 shall set out:

4.7.1 reasonable particulars of the contravention adequate to identify the contravention and the location of the property on which the contravention occurred; and

4.7.2 the date or dates by which there must be compliance with the order.

4.8 If an Officer is satisfied that a contravention of this by-law has occurred , he or she may make an order requiring the person who contravened the by-law or who caused or permitted the contravention or the owner or occupier of the property on which the contravention occurred to do work to correct the contravention. TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES INCLUDING MARIJUANA AND GROW OPERATIONS BY-LAW NO. 2010-000 Page 6 of10

4.9 An order under section 4.8 shall set out:

4.9.1 Reasonable particulars of the contravention adequate to identify the contravention and the location of property on which the contravention occurred; and

4.9.2 The work to be done, which may include but is not limited to requiring that: any buildings on the property secured to prevent unauthorized entry; prior to performing any work, all necessary permits or other approvals be applied for an obtained; all workers or others attending the property be notified of the potential hazards resulting from the marijuana grow operation in writing with a copy of the notice supplied to the director; any equipment or material used in the """"W"'''' grow operation be removed from the property; examinations or tests be conducted or taken fro the purpose of determining what if any altE~ra1lion from or damage has been caused by the marijuana such examinations, tests or samples be with any accompanying reports the property be any alterations resulting grow operation; and


4.10 If, after an inspection of a there has been compliance with an order made under this notice of compliance with the order to the

4.11 made under section 4.6 of an order to do personally or by registered mail to the last

where the contravention occurred; and

by it as the Officer making the order determines.

deemed to have taken place five (5) business days

4.13 in accordance with section 4.11, an order to discontinue under section14.6 or an order to do work made under section an officer placing a placard containing the order in a conspicuous where the contravention occurred.

4.14 Where service cannot be given in accordance with section 4.11, sufficient service is deemed to have taken place when given in accordance with section 4.13.


5.1 The owner of any building that is or has been used as a clandestine drug lab shall, at the owner's sole cost and expense, within thirty (30) days of being advised of same by Notice, to the satisfaction of the Town:

5.1.1 remove and dispose of all carpets, furniture, appliances, curtains, equipment and materials and any other chattels in the building, including but not limited to removing, replacing and repairing condition of disrepair or hazard and· provide proof; TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES INCLUDING MARIJUANA AND GROW OPERATIONS BY-LAW NO. 2010-000 Page 7 of 10

5.1.2 return the property to a condition where the property's previous lawful use may be resumed, including but not limited to obtaining all of the inspections, permits and other approvals required for such resumption of use;

5.1.3 have cleaned and disinfected, by a professional cleaner, all air ducts, main distribution ducts, venting and filters, and provide proof same to the satisfaction of the Town;

5.1.4 have cleaned and disinfected, by a professional cleaner, all walls, floors, insulation, moisture barriers and ceilings, and provide proof of same to the satisfaction of the Town, which may also require remediation or replacement, in the Town's discretion;

5.1.5 after complying, have the premises inspected, by a professional person so qualified, who shall provide written certification in the form prescribed by the Town, from time to time, that all the requirements been satisfied and the Building is free from any pesticides, fertilizers, toxic , moulds, fungi and other contaminants;

5.1.6 have the building inspected by the Chief Inspector to ensure the suitability of the remediation, compliance laws, including the Building Code, and to determine to occupy, to the satisfaction of the Building InSDe(:i:or



5.1.9 to ensure the suitability of the and to determine whether the of the Structural Engineer and the

uality expert, to ensure the suitability of the any applicable laws and to determine whether the to the satisfaction of the air quality expert and the

5.2 e Inspector, the requirements of section 5.1 hereof remedied within thirty (30) days or the controlled substance been satisfactorily remediated, the Town may take such ADI~ro,Dri~lte which may include demolition.


6.1 The Council may, from time to time, appoint Inspectors for the purposes of this by-law.

6.2 An Inspector may enter upon the property of any person at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner for the purposes of inspecting the property, and by way of written Notice served upon the owner and or occupant, declaring if the property is being used in a manner that contravenes the' provisions of this by-law and the requirements for compliance.

6.3 An Inspector may enter upon any property in the Town and enter into any building on any property at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner for the purposes of inspecting the property and any building located on the property for the purposes of determining whether the property or any building located on the property has been or is being used in a manner that contravenes the provisions of this by-law. TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES INCLUDING MARIJUANA AND GROW OPERATIONS BY-LAW NO. 2010-000 Page 8 of10

6.4 An Inspector may enter upon any property in the Town and enter into any Building on any property at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner for the purposes of posting any Notice under this by-Law.


7.1 An Inspector may, in respect of any controlled substance property, post a Notice on the controlled substance property that includes a description of the activities being carried on in respect of the controlled substance property and any required remediation.

7.2 If an owner or occupant fails to comply with an order of an inspector, the Town through its employees or other persons, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, may enter the property and effect the compliance at the expense of the owner or occupant who has failed to comply.

7.3 If an Inspector enters the property pursuant to a legal search effect compliance with this by-law, the costs of all such expense of the owner or occupant.

7.4 The Town shall deliver to the owner or OC<"'J[]'.. m compliance. The Notice may be delivered to the registered address of the owner.


8.1 Where a person does not comply with a to do a matter or thing, an Officer, with may carry out such direction,

8.2 The Town may recover the or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in taxes an such costs shall include an interest rate of 15 the Town incurs the costs and ending on the in full.

8.3 ffect to any direction, requirement or order f carrying out the direction, requirement or costs do exceed $10,000, as Council may


9.1 property shall be liable for:

set by Council from time to time in respect of the particularly set out in the Town's Fees and Charges By­ from time to time;

9.1.2 by the Town arising from any work done under this by-law by including, but not limited to: police services, the removal of dangerous goods, and professional cleaners; and

9.1.3 The costs incurred by third-parties from any work done under this by-law, including, .but not limited to: police services, the removal of dangerous goods, professional environmental consultants and professional cleaners.

9.2 Any fees, service costs or other costs, charged to an owner under this by-law shall be in addition to any other fees or service costs payable under any other by-law or any other federal or provincial legislation or enactment.

9.3 Any fees, service costs or other costs charged to an owner under this by-law shall be recoverable in a like-manner as taxes, at the discretion of the Town. TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES INCLUDING MARIJUANA AND GROW OPERATIONS BY-LAW NO. 2010-000 Page 9 of 10


10.1 Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction thereof is liable to:

10.1.1 In the case of an individual, a fine of not more than $50,000.00 for a first offence and to a fine of not more than $100,000.00 for any subsequent offence; and/or

10.1.2 In the case of a corporation, the maximum penalty that may imposed upon a corporation is $100,000.00 for a first offence and $200,000.00 for a subsequent offence.

10.2 The conviction of a person for any breach of any provision of this by-law shall not operate as a bar to a prosecution against the same person upon any continued or subsequent breach of any provision and a court may convict any person repeatedly for continued or subsequent breaches ofthe by-law and the provisions of the Act, 2001, shall further apply to any continued or repeated breaches of the


11.1 Senior staff are authorized to administer and authority granted by Council to execute imposition of conditions as necessary to

11.2 Fees or charges for services and be set and approved by Council from time to time.

11.3 The owner shall pay the compliance issued under this

11.4 manner as municipal

11.5 to enforce this by-law who shall have the to discontinue contravening activities or to effect to any order and otherwise or delegate tasks under this by-law

responsible for the general administration of the by-law. All are all deemed appointed and entitled to enforce the

11.7 for any breach of any provision of this by-law shall not operate against the same person upon any continued or subsequent and a court may convict any person repeatedly for continued or of the by-law and the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001, shall continued or repeated breaches of the by-law.


12.1 If any section, sections, part or parts of this by-law is or are found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall be severed from this by-law and the remainder thereof shall remain in effect.


13.1 WordS importing the singular number of the masculine gender only include more persons, parties or things of the same kind than one, and females as well as males and the converse.


13.2 A word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural.

13.3 If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any section or part of a section of this by-law invalid, it is the intention of Council that the remainder of the by-law shall continue to be in force.


14.1 This by-law may be referred to as the controlled substance including marijuana and grow operations by-law.


15.1 This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon the day of final reading and passage thereof.




I IV V Category Activity " Fee Basis'" Fee Annual Adjustment 1. Marijuana Grow Inspection Services Per Property $350.00 Yes Operation Inspector (1 st class) Enforcement 2. Marijuana Grow Inspection Service Per Property $450.00 Yes Operation Captain Enforcement 3. Marijuana Grow CourtlTribunal Per Property $600.00 Yes Operation Attendance Fee Enforcement


I III IV V Category Activity " Fee Basis Fee Annual Adjustment 1. Marijuana Grow Administration/Reporting Per Property $100.00 Yes Operation Fee Enforcement 2. Marijuana Grow SpeCial Equipment Fee Per Property $325.00 Yes Operation Enforcement 3. Marijuana Grow Property Investigation Per Property $840.00 Yes Operation Charge Enforcement 4. Marijuana Grow Court Attendance Fee Per Property $500.00 Yes Operation Enforcement


I IV V Category Activity " Fee Basis'" Fee Annual Adjustment 1. Marijuana Grow Inspection/Administration Per Property $600.00 Yes Operation Fee Enforcement 2. Marijuana Grow CourtlTribunal Per Property $600.00 Yes Operation Attendance Fee Enforcement BY -LAW ENFORCEMENT

I IV V Category Activity " Fee Basis'" Fee Annual Adjustment 1. Marijuana Grow Inspection and Per Property $500.00 Yes Operation Enforcement Fee Enforcement 2. Marijuana Grow Assessment Per Property $500.00 Yes Operation Report/Remediation Plan Enforcement Review Fee 3. Marijuana Grow Administration/Clerical/Fee Per Property $250.00 Yes Operation Enforcement 4. Marijuana Grow CourtfTribunalAttendance Per Property $500.00 Yes Operation Fee Enforcement 5. Marijuana Grow Preparation & Registration Per Order $400.00 + Yes Operation of Order Disbursements Enforcement 6. Marijuana Grow Preparation & Discharge Per $250.00 + Yes Operation of Order Discharge Disbursements Enforcement 7. Marijuana Grow Title Investigation Per Title $100.00 + Yes Operation Investigation Disbursements Enforcement 8. Marijuana Grow Solicitor Services Per Hour $150.00 + Yes Operation Disbursements Enforcement " Bradfordt G 'WI-II- Irrluury~es


REPORT#: ENF-2010-03

DATE: March 17, 2010

TO: Chairman Roughley and Members of Committee of the Whole

SUBJECT: Enforcement Division Parking Exemption Report

SUBMITTED BY: Sharon Antonucci, Senior Enforcement Officer, M.L.E.O.(C), C.P.S.O.


That report ENF-2010-03 entitled "Enforcement Division, Parking Exemption Report" dated March 17,2010 be received; and that Council do not endorse a Parking Exemption Programme at this time.


This report is prepared in response to Resolution No. 2010117-007, whereby staff was directed to investigate and report on the implementation of a parking exemption programme, with respect to Section 6.2(e) of the Traffic Regulation By-law that currently prohibits parking on any street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 am. From November 1st to May 1st.


Attached as Schedule "A", is a table which shows overnight and or winter parking restrictions within neighbouring municipalities and whether they offer parking exemptions.

You will note that out of the neighbouring municipalities, only two Towns offer parking exemptions. Vaughan restricts overnight parking throughout the entire year and issues year round parking exemption permits for placement on the dashboard of the subject vehicle. Newmarket has a year round three hour parking limit, resulting in an overnight parking restriction. They do allow for parking exemptions during the good weather. However, no exemptions are issued during the winter months. - 2 -

In compiling this report, I contacted representatives from South Simcoe Police Service and the Engineering Department for input relating to consideration of implementing a system for parking exemptions within our Municipality. Their comments, along with considerations from the Enforcement division are detailed below:

1. Overnight parking enforcement within Bradford West Gwillimbury is conducted by both the Enforcement Division and South Simcoe Police. Communication between these two agencies relating to the issuance of parking exemptions would be challenging as we work out of two locations, with the enforcement office open for shorter hours of operation. In addition, the enforcement division issues tickets but does not presently control administrative procedures surrounding parking enforcement. Furthermore, it is not appropriate for one enforcement officer/agency to tell the other whether or not to lay a charge. Discretion has to rest strictly with the officer at the side of the roadway. This is a fundamental principal of law enforcement.

2. As we are unable to accurately predict inclement weather, the prior issuance of parking exemption permits is problematic when snow ploughing is unexpectedly required. It is questionable whether the issuance of a ticket and possible towing of vehicles would be upheld in a court of law, if a prior parking exemption had been issued.

3. Consideration should also be given to liability issues. (ie) a collision between a moving vehicle and a vehicle parked in contravention of the by-law and/or damage to a parked vehicle by road maintenance equipment. The question being, whether in a civil court process, a portion of the blame may be placed on the enforcement agency if it was proven that they neglected to enforce the by-law for whatever reason.

4. The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury presently provides the option of overnight parking within their municipal lots. We are one of the few municipalities that do not have 3 hour parking restrictions throughout the entire year.

5. With respect to the explanation that a person must park on the roadway overnight because they have had too much to drink, people must plan ahead for that eventuality (ie) take a cab, deSignated driver. Another option becoming more popular lately is contacting a company that provides a pick-up service. These companies were started in response to family and friends being injured by drunk drivers. They provide a service whereby two of their drivers are dispatched to a residence, bar, party or corporate function in their company vehicle. The one employee drives the person home in their own vehicle, while the second driver follows in the company vehicle and picks up the first driver when the customer and their vehicle are safely delivered home. I have confirmed the operation of this type of company within our municipality,

6. The Provincial Offences Act provides owners/operators with the option to plead guilty with an explanation. If a person has a valid reason for parking on a street overnight, they can provide their justification to a Justice of the Peace, who may reduce or waive the fine or withdraw the charge altogether. - 3 -

In light of the aforementioned items, it is the combined position of South Simcoe Police Service, Engineering and Enforcement that the implementation of a parking exemption programme within our municipality is not appropriate.

The expense and effort required to design, administer and monitor such a programme would far outweigh any benefits at this time. Our winter overnight parking restrictions are consistent with neighbouring municipalities. In addition, we routinely advertise these restrictions in our local paper, on our Town web site and on signs installed at the entrances to our municipality. If a property owner is planning a party or having overnight guests, it is their responsibility to plan accordingly for parking solutions. (ie) parking in a municipal lot, arranging for parking in a neighbour's driveway, travelling by cab, assigning a designated driver, carpooling, contacting companies that provide a pick-up of car and driver service.


4.1 Current Year:


4.2 Future Years:



5.1 Schedule "A" -

Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Approved for Agenda by, ...~J)M 4

Sharon Antonucci M.L.E.O ( C) Patricia Nash, AMCT Jay ~B: Senior M.L.E.O. Municipal Clerk Town Manager SCHEDULE itA" .... PARKING RESTRICTIONS (NEIGHBOURING MUNICIPALITIES)


Vaughan - 2:00 am - 6:00 am Overnight restriction Yes Enforcement Offices, Display on $5.00 No, Vehicles will Full Time Parking - 3 hour limit during all year round must provide proof of Dashboard be ticketed & Enforcement the day residency towed -& as posted

Aurora -24 hour limit Nov 15 to April 15 No n/a n/a n/a n/a - & as posted 2:00 am - 6:00 am Newmarket -3 hour limit, except Nov. 1 to Apr. 15 No (winter) Call in to enforcement No Display No No, for snow Full Time Parking between 7:00 pm & 2:00am - 6:00 am Yes (summer) office removal and Enforcement 11:00 pm winter snow -& as posted maintenance King -3 hour limit unless -3 hour restriction No, n/a n/a n/a n/a otherwise posted year round , New -5hour limit unless Nov. 1 to Apr. 30 No n/a n/a n/a n/a Tecumseth otherwise signed 2·:00 am to 7:00 am Barrie -As posted Nov. 1 to Apr. 15 No n/a n/a n/a n/a -12:01 am to 7:00 am -Downtown Core: 3:00am to 6:00 am Innisfil -As posted Nov. 1 to May 1 No n/a n/a n/a n/a 3:00 am- 6:00 am MINUTES



March 1, 2010

The regular meeting of the Bradford West Gwillimbury / Innisfil Police Services Board was held on Monday, March 1,2010, commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Cookstown Outlet Mall.

In Attendance: Ms Patti Vanderdonk, Chair Ms Lynda Newman, Vice-Chair Ms Lori Boudreau, Municipal Appointee Mayor Doug White, Bradford West Gwillimbury Representative Member Rod Boynton, Innisfil Representative Chief Bruce J. Davis Deputy Chief Allan Cheesman Andrea Drover, Executive Assistant-Finance Judi Meyntz, Executive Assistant to the Board

1. Call to Order

10.008 Moved - Member Rod Boynton Seconded - Member Lori Boudreau

The Regular Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. Carried

2. Approval of Agenda

10.009 Moved- Member Doug White Seconded - Member Lori Boudreau

The Agenda approved as amended. Carried -2-

3. Approval of Minutes

10.010 Moved - Member Rod Boynton Seconded - Vice Chair Lynda Newman

The Minutes of the Bradford West GwillimburylInnisfil Police Services Board regular meeting on January 18,2010 be approved as circulated.


4. Public Inquiries None

5. Police Service Bureau Reports Chief Davis reported to the Board that the financial reports are not available at this time due to the Audit currently taking place.

10.011 Moved - Member Doug White Seconded - Member Rod Boynton

To receive all Police Service Bureau Reports as presented.


6. Old Business (a) Budget Chair Vanderdonk asked the Mayor White and Councillor Boynton to report to the Board on the status of the Budget in each municipality. Both Mayor Doug White and Councillor Boynton responded that the budgets were complete and the police budget approved as part of the passing of the budget.

Chair Vanderdonk thanked the members of each Council for allowing the Board and the Service to move forward with our initiatives. Member Boynton complimented Chair Vanderdonk on the process of the budget and that responses that he was receiving indicated that they appreciated the transparency of the process.

(b) Financial Oversight Committee Member Boudreau reported on the meeting of the Financial Oversight Committee. Minutes of this subcommittee are included with these Board Minutes. -3-

7. New Business a. Board Packages Vice Chair Newman stated that Board packages have not been arriving with enough time to properly review the package prior to the meeting. In addition, there is a lack of written reports in the Board packages and materials are more often being tabled at the meetings which slows down the business of the Board. Vice Chair Newman would like to see more keeping with standard practice with the deliverables and select a time and media with which to distribute the packages.

Chair Vanderdonk questioned the members of the Board and it was decided that from this point forward, Chief Davis will provide the Bureau Reports to Judith Meyntz on or before the Wednesday prior to the meeting next following, and Judith Meyntz will ensure that the Board Packages are forwarded electronically by Thursday prior to the meeting next following. This is to begin at our next Board meeting later in March.

7. In Camera

10.012 Moved - Member Doug White Seconded - Member Rod Boynton

We go In-Camera. Carried

10.013 Moved - Member Rod Boynton Seconded - Member Doug White

We rise and report progress.


9. Next Meeting

Special Meeting - Monday, March 8, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Cookstown Outlet Mall. Regular Meeting - Monday March 22, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Cookstown Outlet Mall. -4-

10. Adjournment

10.014 Moved - Member Doug White Seconded - Member Rod Boynton

The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m. until the next regular meeting of the Board or at the call of the Chairperson.


Chairperson Secretary

Date and signed Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library 100 Holland Court, PO Box 130 Bradford, ON L3Z 2A7

Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board MINUTES

DATE: Monday February 22nd, 2010 TIME: 7:00p.m. LOCATION: Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Local History Room MEETING #: Meeting 201O-002-February

MEMBERS: Gary Lamb, Chair Steve Prokopchuk, Treasurer Stephanie MacGregor, FOL Liaison Peg Chomenki Jennifer Marks Councillor J eanny Salmon

Liz Fenwick, CEO Luisa Pinto, Recording Secretary

Regrets: Milt Calder, Secretary


Guest Speaker: Lisa Egan Discussed database status report, 2009 Discussed Website Redesign Report, February 22,2010 MOTION "That the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board receive the Database Status Report 2009, dated February." CARRIED

MOTION "That the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board receive and approve the Website Redesign Report, dated February 22,2010." CARRIED

Page 11 Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board Minutes, continued

Guest Speaker: Dilys Ward Discussed Collection Study Report, 2009 Discussed Program Report, 2009

MOTION "That the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board receive the Final Program report 2009 as printed." CARRIED

MOTION "That the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board receive the Collection Study 2009 Synopsis as printed." CARRIED


MOTION Moved by Jennifer Marks, seconded by Stephanie MacGregor "That the Library Board adopt the minutes of the Monday January 18th, 2010 as printed." CARRIED


3.1 Discussed payables payment journals January, 2010 3.2 Discussed the 2009 Actual Library Budget, December, 2009


4.1 Budget 2010 Liz informed the board that the 2009 budget has not been closed off as yet.

4.2 CEO Report

MOTION Moved by Councillor Jeanny Salmon, seconded by Jennifer Marks. "That the Library Board receive the February, 2010 CEO Report as printed." CARRIED

4.3 Automation System Liz informed the Board Infor is still working on correcting the "hang ups". Full payment will not be made until all issues are resolved. Page 12 Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board Minutes, continued

4.4 Strategic Plan Liz discussed Strategic Priority #2 with the Board. This strategy will have to be reconsidered in preparation for the new building.

4.5 Policies P &S -06, Violence in the Workplace has been deferred until the March board meeting for further comment.

4.6 Library and Cultural Centre

4.6.1 Building Design Liz informed the board the building is financially on target.

4.6.2 Public Relations and Marketing Gary Lamb discussed the Golf Toumament to be held by the Friends of the Library on August 17,2010.


5.1 Good Government Act, 2009 Report MOTION Moved by Jennifer Marks, seconded by Councillor Jeanny Salmon "That the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board receive the Good Government Act, 2009 Report." CARRIED


6.1 Letter from Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board to the Honourable Michael Chan, Ministry of Culture, dated January 18,2010.

6:2 Article from NRU Publishing, dated January 13,2010. Milton awards contract to build Milton's Arts & Entertainment Centre and Central Library.

6.3 Federation of Ontario Public Library regarding Media Release dated February 4,2010.

Page 13 Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library Board Minutes, continued


MOTION Moved by Jennifer Marks, seconded by Steve Prokopchuk "That the next regular Board Meeting be held on Monday March 22nd, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m." CARRIED


MOTION Moved by Steve Prokopchuk, seconded by Stephanie MacGregor "That this regular meeting of the Library Board adjourn at 8:45 p.m." CARRIED

Gary LAMB, Chair Luisa PINTO, Secretary

Page 14 NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING #02110 12 February, 2010 Tiffin Centre for Conservation-John L. Jose Environmental Learning Centre MINUTES

PRESENT: Chair: Walter Benotto Town of Shelburne Vice Chair: Gord Montgomery Town of Mulmur

MEMBERS: Rick Archdekin Town of Orville Brown Township of Clearview Chris Carrier Town of Collingwood Reg Cowan Township of Springwater (left at 12:00 noon) Terry Dowdall Township of Essa Tom Elliott Township of Springwater Ron Henderson Township of Essa Ralph Hough Township of Oro-Medonte Harry Hughes Township of Oro-Medonte Doug Little Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Garry Matthews Township of Melancthon John McKean Town of the Blue Mountains Fred Nix Town of Mono Gerald Poisson City of Barrie Ron Simpson Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Joan Sutherland Town of New Tecumseth Robert Walker Township of Clearview Barry Ward City of Barrie Gord Wauchope Town of Innisfil Percy Way Township of Amaranth

REGRETS: Mary Brett Town of Adjala-Tosorontio (D. Little replaced M. Brett) Sonny Foley Town of Collingwood Brian Mullin Municipality of the Grey Highlands Cal Patterson Town of Wasaga Beach Rick Milne Town of New Tecumseth Bill Van Berkel Town of Innisfil (G. Wauchope replaced B. Van Berkel)

GUESTS: Sandy Agnew, Township of Oro-Medonte

STAFF PRESENT: CAO/Secretary-Treasurer Wayne Wilson Manager of Administration and Human Resources Susan Richards Communications/Public Relations Assistant Kim Garraway Director of Land Operations & Stewardship Services Byron Wesson Manager of Stewardship Services Fred Dobbs Director of Engineering and Technical Services Glenn Switzer Director of Planning Chris Hibberd

RECORDER: Laurie Barron, Executive Assistant BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 2 of 13

1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Benotto called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

2. MOTION TO ADOPT AGENDA Add item 17(v), correspondence from Oro-Medonte was added to the agenda

RES.#1 MOVED BY: Ron Simpson SECONDED BY: Reg Cowan RESOLVED THAT: The Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting #02/10 dated 12 February, 2010 be adopted as amended. Carried;

3. PECUNIARY INTEREST DECLARATION Harry Hughes and Ralph Hough, representatives from the Township of Oro-Medonte declared a pecuniary interest with respect to the in-camera agenda. They were not present during the in-camera session.

4. IN-CAMERA RES.#2 MOVED BY: Reg Cowan SECONDED BY: Ron Simpson RESOLVED THAT: This meeting of the Board of Directors No. 02-10 go "In-Camera" at 9:30 a.m. to address matters pertaining to: • litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Authority; and,

THAT: In accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, Sec. 2(a) (iii), Sec. 5 (1) & (2) the members from the Township of Oro-Medonte, namely Mayor Harry Hughes and Deputy Mayor Ralph Hough be absent from the "In-Camera" session (BOD 02-10); therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: That the following staff representing the NVCA be in attendance: Wayne R. Wilson, B.Sc., Chief Administrative Officer/Secretary-Treasurer, Susan Richards, Manager Administration & Human Resources, and Laurie Barron, Executive Assistant/Recorder; and

FURTHER THAT: Mr. Daniel Pascoe, Registrar and Mediator for the Mining and Lands Commissioner and Mr. Ken Hill, NVCA Solicitor be in attendance via conference call. Carried;

OUT OF IN-CAMERA RES.#3 MOVED BY: Reg Cowan SECONDED BY: Ron Simpson RESOLVED THAT: This meeting of the Board of Directors, come out of "In-Camera" at 10:06 a.m. and report.

Carried; The Board of Directors recessed at 10:07 a.m. The Board of Directors resumed at 10:18 a.m. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 3 of 13

PECUNICARY INTEREST DECLARATION Harry Hughes and Ralph Hough, representatives from the Township of Oro-Medonte declared a pecuniary interest with respect to items 5.1 and 5.2. They did not participate in the vote and chose to leave the meeting during the vote.

5. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Note: The following resolutions were prepared at the request of the NVCA Executive Committee and reviewed by the NVCA solicitor for Board Member consideration.

5.1 RES.#4 MOVED BY: Ron Simpson SECONDED BY: Reg Cowan WHEREAS: The Township of Oro-Medonte appealed the NVCA 2009 budget to the Ontario Mining and Land Commissioner; and

WHEREAS: at a Mediation meeting on April 8, 2009, the Township's representatives suggested that the matter could be resolved if the watershed boundaries were re­ drawn to revert to the pre-2003 borders (ie, remove the Severn portion from NVCA jurisdiction); and

WHEREAS: neither the NVCA nor the Mining and Lands Commissioner has the power to change such boundaries; and in fact the Oro-Medonte suggestion exceeds the jurisdiction of the Mining and Lands Commissioner pursuant to sub section 27(8) of the Conservation Authorities Act; and

WHEREAS: the NVCA representatives at the mediation therefore agreed to enter into a process to explore the possibility of having the NVCAboundaries amended as proposed by the Township if the Township brought a suitable motion before the NVCA Board; and

WHEREAS: a Mediation Resolution signed by the parties that day sets out an agreed to process; and

WHEREAS: the NVCA has been ready and willing to proceed as set out in the Mediation Resolution; and

WHEREAS: the NVCA, Oro-Medonte and Severn Sound Environmental Association staff are currently working on a tripartite MOU for the delivery of conservation services within the Severn portion of Oro-Medonte in the best interest of the protection of the environment, and effective utilization of staff and resources; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: that the NVCA requests that Oro-Medonte execute a consent to dismissal of the above-noted matter so the parties may request an immediate dismissal of their appeal by the Mining and Lands Commissioner, with no order as to costs and; further

THAT: in the event that Oro-Medonte does not, that the NVCA file a motion for dismissal of the appeal to the Ontario Mining and Lands Commission. Unanimously carried; BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 4 of 13

5.2 RES.#S MOVED BY: Reg Cowan SECONDED BY: Ron Simpson WHEREAS: the NVCA, Oro-Medonte and Severn Sound Environmental Association staff are currently working on a tripartite MOU for the delivery of conservation services in the best interest of the protection of the environment, and effective utilization of staff resources for the Severn portion of Oro-Medonte; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: that the NVCA requests that Oro-Medonte by Council resolution provide clear direction to the NVCA as to their intentions regarding the possibility of redrawing of the Conservation Authority boundaries in tl:le Severn portion of Oro­ Medonte on or before April 9th , 2010. Unanimously Carried;

Harry Hughes and Ralph Hough, representatives from the Township of Oro-Medonte joined the meeting.

6. MINUTES 6.1 Minutes ofthe Board of Directors Meeting 12/09 dated 8 January, 2010. RES.#6 MOVED BY: Reg Cowan SECONDED BY: Ron Simpson RESOLVED THAT: The Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting 12/09 dated 8 January, 2010 be approved. Carried;

6.2 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting 01/10 dated 8 January, 2010. RES.#7 MOVED BY: Ron Simpson SECONDED BY: Reg Cowan RESOLVED THAT: The Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting 01/10 dated 8 January, 2010 be approved. Carried;

6.3 Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting 01/10 dated 8 January, 2010. RES.#8 MOVED BY: Robert Walker SECONDED BY: Orville Brown RESOLVED THAT: The Minutes of the Executive Meeting 01/10 dated 8 January, 2010 be received. Carried;

6.4 Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting 02/10 dated 22 January, 2010. RES.#9 MOVED BY: Orville Brown SECONDED BY: Robert Walker RESOLVED THAT: The Minutes of the Executive Meeting 02/10 dated 22 January, 2010 be received. Carried;

7. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 7.1 Minutes ofthe Board of Directors Meeting 11/09 dated 11 December, 2009. RES.#10 MOVED BY: Tom Elliott SECONDED BY: Orville Brown WHEREAS: the NVCA and the Township of Essa have agreed to a mutual release agreement regarding the Utopia Grist Mill lease agreement; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Directors meeting 01110 RES. #8 be moved to the in-camera minutes as per NVCA solicitor direction. Carried; BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 5 of 13



8.1 Southern Coastal Initiative RES.#11 MOVED BY: Rick Archdekin SECONDED BY: Tom Elliott WHEREAS: the NVCA Board of Directors recognizes the need to protect, conserve and restore the Southern Georgian Bay Coast; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: that the NVCA Board of Directors supports developing an integrated shoreline management plan that would be a tool to enable the NVCA to work in partnership with its 3 shoreline member municipalities and partner government agencies (Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources etc.) to jointly protect our waterfront; and

THAT: This management plan, which shall be known as the "Southern Georgian Bay Coastal Initiative" will: • Provide the NVCA and its partners with a strategic tool for providing enhanced shoreline habitat protection through the application of the Conservation Authorities Act and implementation of the Level 2 agreement with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, consistent with the NVCA Watershed Plan (revised 2006); and • Provide a basis for developing a strategy for shoreline habitat protection, compensation works and restoration, consistent with the NVCA Fisheries Habitat Management Plan; and • That staff report back to the Board once the $6,000 has been spent for renewed support. Carried;


9.1 Permits for Ratification for the period November 17, 2009 to February 2, 2010. RES.#12 MOVED BY: Joan Sutherland SECONDED BY: Chris Carrier RESOLVED THAT: The Permits/Approvals issued by staff for the period November 17,2009 to February 2,2010 be approved. Carried; BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 6 of 13


10.1 Communications Report - January 2010 RES.#13 MOVED BY: Chris Carrier SECONDED BY: Joan Sutherland RESOLVED THAT: The Communications report for the month of January 2010 be received. Carried;

10.2 Summary of 2009 NVCA Media Coverage RES.#14 MOVED BY: Joan Sutherland SECONDED BY: Chris Carrier RESOLVED THAT: The summary of 2009 NVCA Media Coverage be received. Carried;


11.1 Board of Directors 2010 per diem rate increase RES.#15 MOVED BY: Chris Carrier SECONDED BY: Joan Sutherland RESOLVED THAT: staff be directed to seek approval of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), pursuant to Section 37 of the Conservation Authorities Act, to apply a cost of living increase to NVCA Board of Directors' per diems of 0.43%, which represents the Ontario Consumer Price Index (CPI) averaged inflation rate from December 2008 to November 2009; and that the increase be retroactive to January 1, 2010.

Recorded vote: In Favour Against Declined the vote Walter Benotto Rick Archdekin Ron Simpson Doug Little Terry Dowdall Orville Brown Ron Hnderson Chris Carrier Ralph Hough Reg Cowan Harry Hughes Tom Elliott Garry Matthews John McKean Gerald Poisson Gord Montgomery Joan Sutherland Fred Nix Gord Wauchope Robert Walker Percy Way Barry Ward


11.2 2010 Kilometer Rate RES.#16 MOVED BY: John McKean SECONDED BY: Percy Way RESOLVED THAT: the NVCA kilometer rate for Board of Directors and NVCA staff remain at 52¢ per km for the first 5,000 kms, and 46¢ for each additional km, for the year 2010, as per the 2010 Department of Finance Canada kilometer rate. Carried; BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 7 of 13

IN-CAMERA RES.#17 MOVED BY: Garry Matthews SECONDED BY: Percy Way RESOLVED THAT: This meeting of the Board of Directors No. 02-10 go "In-Camera" at 11 :14 a.m. to address matters pertaining to: • labour relations or employee negotiations; and

THAT: The following staff be in attendance: Wayne R. Wilson, B.Sc., Chief Administrative Officer/Secretary-Treasurer, Susan Richards, Manager of Administration and Human Resources, and Laurie Barron, Executive Assistant/Recorder. Carried;

OUT OF IN-CAMERA RES.#18 MOVED BY: Percy Way SECONDED BY: John McKean RESOLVED THAT: This meeting of the Board of Directors, come out of "In-Camera" at 11 :44 a.m. and report. Carried;

RES.#19(a) MOVED BY: Fred Nix SECONDED BY: Rick Archdekin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Directors approves a 2010 salary grid increase of 0.43% in accordance with the 12 month averaged Ontario CPI from December 2008 to November 2009. Carried;

RES.#19(b) MOVED BY: Joan Sutherland SECONDED BY: Rick Archdekin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The salary increase for 2010 include a 1.25% tenure increase for a total of 1.68% subject to performance consistent with the approved 2010 budget.

Recorded Vote: In Favour Against Rick Archdekin D. Little Walter Benotto Terry Dowdall Orville Brown Ron Henderson Chris Carrier Ralph Hough Reg Cowan Harry Hughes Tom Elliott Garry Matthews J. McKean Ron Simpson Gord Montgomery Gord Wauchope Fred Nix Robert Walker Gerald Poisson Percy Way Joan Sutherland Barry Ward


Carried; BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 8 of 13

RES.#20 MOVED BY: Fred Nix SECONDED BY: Rick Archdekin WHEREAS: The NVCA's Board of Directors approved a NVCA compensation review by Resolution No.4, 21 November 2003; and

WHEREAS: Due to budget constraints an NVCA compensation review by a third party has not been conducted since 2007; therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The 2011 Corporate-Administrative Budget (680) include a third party compensation review not to exceed $35,000; and

THAT: Staff investigate the possibility of coordinating the compensation review with other conservation Authorities and municipalities in an effort to share the cost.



12.1 NVCA Program Review RES.#21 MOVED BY: Fred Nix SECONDED BY: Rick Archdekin RESOLVED THAT: the planning program review be deferred until further direction is received from the Board of Directors regarding a review of all NVCA programs; and

THAT: as recommended by the Executive Committee that NVCA Board members attend a one day retreat/workshop to:

• review current NVCA program mandate, objectives and programs actions described in the most recently approved Business Plan (BP) and the approved 2010 budget,

• refine/focus the program review go forward actions.

THAT: the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) be encouraged to actively participate in the NVCA program review exercise; and

THAT if necessary the Third Party Review costs be covered through existing reserves; and

FURTHERMORE THAT: the NVCA Board of Directors direct staff to investigate the feasibility and benefit to the NVCA of coordinating the NVCA program review with the Credit Valley CA customer service review and report back to the March 12th BOD meeting for further direction. Carried;

Reg Cowan, representative from the Township of Springwater left the meeting at 12:00 noon. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 9 of 13

12.2 Review of Draft 2010 budget RES.#22 MOVED BY: Garry Matthews SECONDED BY: Tom Elliott RESOLVED THAT: The review of the proposed 2010 budget by the CAOI Secretary Treasurer be received.


13. 2010 BUDGET VOTE

13.1 Approval of Non-Matching Levy: RES.#23 MOVED BY: Tom Elliott SECONDED BY: John McKean WHEREAS: THE Non-Matching Levy for the proposed and duly circulated 2010 Budget is $1,633,937.06 and

WHEREAS: A quorum of members is present, and each member'S vote is weighted according to the individual municipal share of the N.v.C.A. Current Value Assessment; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: The Non-Matching Levy for the N.V.C.A. 2010 Budget be approved at $1,633,937.06 '

Recorded Vote: In Favour Against Doug Little Percy Way Barry Ward Terry Dowdall Gerald Poisson Ron Henderson John McKean Gord Wauchope Ron Simpson Garry Matthews Orville Brown Gord Montgomery Robert Walker Harry Hughes Chris Carrier Ralph Hough Fred Nix Joan Sutherland Walter Benotto Tom Elliott Rick Archdekin


Carried; BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 10 of 13

13.2 2010 NVCA BUDGET - Approval of Matching Levy: RES.#24 MOVED BY: Ron Simpson SECONDED BY: Gerald Poisson WHEREAS: The Matching Levy for the proposed and duly circulated 2010 Budget is $183,960. and

WHEREAS: A quorum of members is present and each member present represents one vote; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: That The Matching Levy for the NV.C.A. 2010 Budget be approved at $183,960.

Recorded Vote: In Favour Against Doug Little Percy Way Barry Ward Terry Dowdall Gerald Poisson Ron Henderson John McKean Gord Wauchope Ron Simpson Garry Matthews Orville Brown GordMontgomery Robert Walker Harry Hughes Chris Carrier Ralph Hough Fred Nix Joan Sutherland Walter Benotto Tom Elliott Rick Archdekin

TOTAL IN FAVOUR: 75.64% TOTAL AGAINST: 23.98% Carried;

13.3 General Budget Approval RES.#25 MOVED BY: Gerald Poisson SECONDED BY: Ron Simpson WHEREAS: The associated Matching and Non-Matching Levies for the 2010 NVCA budget have been duly approved by the N.V.C.A. Board of Directors with a total expenditure of $3,866,772.05 ;therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: That Staff and the Executive Committee be directed to implement the approved Budget and report budget activity on a quarterly basis to the Board of Directors. Recoded Vote: In Favour Against Doug Little Gord Montgomery Percy Way Barry Ward Joan Sutherland Terry Dowdall Gerald Poisson Walter Benotto Ron Henderson John McKean Tom Elliott Gord Wauchope Ron Simpson Rick Archdekin Garry Matthews Orville Brown Harry Hughes Robert Walker Ralph Hough Chris Carrier Fred Nix TOTAL IN FAVOUR: 14 TOTAL AGAINST: 7 Carried; BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 11 of 13


14.1 MOVED BY: Harry Hughes SECONDED BY: Ralph Hough That the Nottawasaga Conservation Authority SUPPORTS the April 8th mediation resolution entered into and signed by the Mayor of Oro-Medonte and the Chair of NVCA, endorsed by mediator Daniel E. Pascoe Commissioner for the Government of Ontario, Mining and Lands Commissioner that states as follows:

The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority representatives hereby request that the Corporation of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte put a resolution before the Board of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority to alter the "Oro­ Medonte" boundaries back to their "original watershed basis" subject to:

1) An appropriate process (as identified in #2 below) being agreed to by both the Executive of the NVCA and OM. 2) The process shall include: - a joint staff report from the NVCA Staff and OM Township Staff with details and recommendations that return the watershed boundaries to their pre-2002 status. - Appropriate public consultation with ratepayers in OM to occur on the 27th day of May, 2009. 3) The NVCA will make a presentation to the Minister of Natural Resources and include limited representation from OM Council at the meeting currently scheduled for the 2ih day of April 2009. 4) The parties hereby agree that the OM appeal (as referenced above) be adjourned sine die. Withdrawn;

14.2 RES.#26 MOVED BY: Harry Hughes SECONDED BY: Ralph Hough THAT: the NVCA Board of Directors supports Oro-Medonte's request for clear and accurate identification of the April 8, 2009 mediation resolution between the NVCA and Oro-Medonte, in all public documentation and meeting minutes of the NVCA. Defeated;

Doug Little, representative from the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio left the meeting at 12:25 p.m.

14.3 RES.#27 MOVED BY: Harry Hughes SECONDED BY: Ralph Hough That staff be requested to prepare a draft policy regarding the criteria that must be met for correspondence to be included in the communications report.

Defeated; BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 12 of 13

15. NEW BUSINESS None noted

16. NOTICE OF MOTION None presented


(a) Excerpt from Osgoode Hall Law Journal (Vol. 36 No.4) from Oro-Medonte Mayor Harry Hughes re: The Need for Confidentiality in Mediation. (b) Correspondence from Robin Dunn, CAO of Oro-Medonte dated October 8/09 re: response to questions from the June 12/09 public meeting. (c) Letter sent from the Land Use Council, Chair B. Pearse to MNR Minister Donna Cansfield dated Dec 1/09 re: Conservation Authorities. (d) Township of Oro-Medonte dated Jan 6110 re: NVA Third Party Review­ correspondence dated Dec 10/09 from the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio. (e) Letter from Oro-Medonte Councilor Mel Coutanche former member of NVCA Board of Directors to NVCA Board members and senior staff dated Jan 7/10 re: Resignation from the NVCA Board.

Terry Dowdall and Ron Henderson, representatives from the Township of Essa left at 12:35 p.m.

(f) Correspondence from Blue Mountain Watershed Trust to Mayor Ferguson of Clearview Township dated Jan 7/10 re: proposed Walker Quarry at Duntroon. (g) Conservation Ontario dated Jan 8/10 re: Draft MNR Policies and Procedures for CA Plan Review and Permitting Activities (EBR#010-8243). {h) Township of Clearview dated Jan 13/10 re: Resolution from the Township of Oro-Medonte regarding Minutes of the NVCA meeting held on Oct 9/09. (i) Ministry of Natural Resources dated Jan 12/10 re: MNR Organizational Realignment. (j) Letter sent to NVCA member municipalities dated Jan 1511 0 re: response to Mayor Guergis, Township of Essa letter dated Dec 17/09 concerning Conservation Authorities. (k) Conservation Ontario dated Jan 19/10 re: congratulations to Hon Linda Jeffrey, Minister of Natural Resources on her new appointment. (I) Nottawasaga Futures dated Jan 20/10 re: invite to press conference to introduce the Green Transition Centre initiative. (m) Township of Springwater dated Jan 20/10 re: Oro-Medonte correspondence dated Dec 9/09 regarding Minutes of the NVCA meeting held on Oct 9/09. (n) Credit Valley Conservation dated Jan 2511 0 re: Provincial environmental downloading and its impact on food producing landowners and municipalities through their financial support of conservation authorities. (0) Association of Municipalities of Ontario dated Feb 2/10 re: Propelling Economic Prosperity - AMO 2010 Pre-Budget. (p) Nottawasaga Steelheaders correspondence re: massive quarry proposed for Shelburne threatens farmland and 2 key watersheds - the Nottawasaga and Grand Rivers.

NVCA Budget related correspondence (q) Township of Melancthon - dated Dec 18/09 (r) Township of Mulmur - dated Jan 7/10 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES MEETING No: 02-10 12 February, 2010 Page 13 of 13

(s) Township of Springwater - dated Jan 20110 (t) Township of Essa - Dec 4/09

(u) Township of Mulmur dated Jan 7/10 re: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio NVCA 3rd party review, Township of Essa 2010 NVCA budget resolution and Township of Oro-Medonte - minutes of NVCA meeting held on Oct. 9th . (v) Township of Oro-Medonte dated February 11/10 re: NVCA February 12/10 Agenda.

RES.#28 MOVED BY: Rick Archdekin . SECONDED BY: Fred Nix RESOLVED THAT: Correspondence not specifically dealt with be placed on file. Carried;

RES.#29 MOVED BY: Fred Nix SECONDED BY: Rick Archdekin RESOLVED THAT: The second meeting per diem be waived. Carried;



**SAVE THE DA TE** NVCA 50TH ANNIERSARY COMMUNITY CELEBRATION AND TREE PLANT Date: MAY 1ST 2010 Time: 11:00 a.m. Place: Black Ash Creek in Collingwood (behind the Blue Mountain Mall 55 Mountain Road)

ADJOURN RES.#30 MOVED BY: Fred Nix SECONDED BY: Rick Archdekin RESOVLED THAT: This meeting adjourn at 12:36 p.m. to meet again at the call of the Chair.

Walter Benotto, NV.C.A. Chair Wayne R. Wilson, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer

Dated this ____ day of _____, 2009 Lake Simcoe Region BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING NO. BOD-Ol-l0 Conservation Authority Friday, February 26, 2010

South Shore Community Centre 205 Lakeshore Drive Barrie, ON NEWMARKET, ON MINUTES

Board Members Present Guests: Councillor V. Hackson, Chair K. Hill, Hill Hunter Losell (LSRCA) Councillor S. Agnew H. Walker, Trent Talbot River Association Mr. E. Bull J. Johnson, Innisfil District Association(IDA) Councillor K. Ferdinands N. Rolfe, Environmental Defence Regional Councillor J. Grant Q. Annibale, Town of Innisfil Councillor B. Huson S. Rosenthal, Kimvar Enterprises Inc. Councillor J. McCallum D. Edwards, 1800 FM Councillor A. Nuttall J. Hassley, 1800 FM Councillor J. O'Donnell B. Haine, Barrie Advance Councillor J. Rupke M. Bruineman, Regional Councillor J. Taylor P. Johnson, IDA Deputy Mayor G. Wauchope M.J. Brinlas, IDA Mayor J. Young N. Herdenuch, Degrassi Point M. Massman, Town of Innisfil(Residents) Regrets: D. Avery, IDA Councillor B. Drew, Vice-Chair A. Truyens, Water Watchers Councillor G. Campbell M. Agnew, Town of Innisfil(Residents) Mayor R. Grossi A. Green, Moon Point Regional Councillor H. Herrema J. Holland, City of Barrie Councillor E. MacEachern A. Crandell, Town of Innisfil(Residents) Mayor R. Stevens L. & F. Little, Town of Innisfil(Residents) M. Tijou-Boardman, IDA Staff Present L. Chepurnyj, IDA M. Walters, A/ Chief Administrative Officer D. Davidson, Town of Innisfil(Residents) B. Kemp, Director, Conservation Lands B. & T. Potman, IDA J. Lee, General Manager, Corporate & J. Hurd, Town of Innisfil(Residents) Financial Services W. Rushworth, Town of Innisfil(Residents) K. Neale, A/Director, Corporate Services J. Shankman, Geranium Corporation R. Baldwin, Director, Planning & E. Rumm, Geranium Corporation Development Services M. Giampietri, Geranium Corporation D. Goodyear, Director, Source Water N. Wale, Town of Innisfil (ReSidents) Protection T. & M. Kinnear, Town of Innisfil (ReSidents) B. Booth, Manager, Planning, Regulations & Enforcement G. Casey, Coordinator, BOD/CAO, Projects & Services

I. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None noted for the record of this meeting. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-02-10 February 26th, 2010 - Minutes Page 2of9


Moved by: J. Rupke Seconded by: G. Wauchope

BOD-013-l0 RESOLVED THAT the content of the Agenda for the February 26th, 2010, meeting of the Board of Directors be approved as amended to include the Tabled Items and Other Business Agenda. CARRIED


(a) Board of Directors - Special Meeting January sth, 2010

Moved by: J. Grant Seconded by: E. Bull

BOD-014-10 RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Special Board of Directors Meeting No. SP-Ol-l0 held on January 5th, be adopted and approved as printed and circulated. CARRIED

(b) Board of Directors - January 22 nd, 2010

Moved by: J. Young Seconded by: A. Nuttall

BOD-01S-10 RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Board of Directors Annual General Meeting No. BOD-Ol-l0 held on January 22nd, 2010, be adopted and approved as printed and circulated. CARRIED

(c) Administrative Committee

Moved by: J. Grant Seconded by: J. McCallum

BOD-016-10 THAT the minutes of the Administrative Committee meeting held on February 10th, 2010, be received; and FURTHER THAT the recommendations contained within the minutes be approved as presented. CARRIED

(d) Conservation Ontario Council

Moved by: J. O'Donnell Seconded by: G. Wauchope

BOD-017-10 RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the December ih, 2009, meeting of Conservation Ontario Council be received. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-02-10 February 26th, 2010 - Minutes Page 3 of9

III. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no announcements.

IV. PRESENTATIONS None scheduled for this meeting.

V. HEARINGS None scheduled for this meeting.


Moved by: K. Ferdinands Seconded by: E. Bull

BOD-018-10 RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors move to Closed Session to deal with confidential legal matters; and THAT Authority staff present at the meeting remain in the meeting room for this discussion. CARRIED

Moved by: J. O'Donnell Seconded by: J. Rupke

RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors rise from Closed Session. CARRIED


(a) Mr. Hugh Walker, Trent Talbot River Association Mr. Hugh Walker provided a presentation to the Board regarding the Trent Talbot River and the Permit to Take Water process.

Moved by: J. O'Donnell Seconded by: J. Grant

BOD-019-10 RESOLVED THAT the presentation provided by Mr. Hugh Walker regarding the Trent Talbot River and the Permit to Take Water process be received; and FURTHER THAT the LSRCA Board of Directors send a letter to the Minister of the Environment endorsing the principles of the Trent Talbot River Association in that: • The PTTW system should be inclusive of all stakeholders, unbiased and integrated; • The process should include cumulative impact assessments as a component of the application process; • Monitoring requirements for adverse impacts associated with significant water takings should be a condition of permit approval; and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-02-10 February 26th, 2010 - Minutes Page 4 of9

• The process should include PTTW conditions requiring remedial action where required monitoring identifies adverse impacts. CARRIED

Chair Hackson thanked Mr. Walker for his presentation and confirmed that a letter will be sent to the Minister of the Environment with the above resolution by the end of day.

(b) Innisfil District Association & Environmental Defence Mr. Jon Johnson and Mr. Nicholas Rolfe provided a presentation to the Board on behalf of the Innisfil District Association and Environmental Defence. A copy of this presentation can be accessed at

Moved by: A. Nuttall Seconded by: E. Bull

BOD-020-10 RESOLVED THAT the presentation provided by Mr. Jon Johnson, Innisfil District Association and Mr. Nicholas Rolfe, Environmental Defence, in relation to the Section 28 Permit Application for the Big Bay Point Resort Development be received. CARRIED

(c) Town of Innisfil- Mr. Quinto Annibale (Legal Counsell Mr. Quinto Annibale, Loopstra Nixon LPP, legal counsel to the Town of Innisfil provided a presentation to the Board of Directors on behalf of the Town of Innisfi. A copy of this presentation can be accessed at

Moved by: J. McCallum Seconded by: J. Rupke

BOD-021-10 RESOLVED THAT the presentation provided by Mr. Quinto Annibale, Loopstra Nixon LLP, legal counsel for the Town of Innisfil, in relation to the Section 28 Permit Application for the Big Bay Point Resort Development be received. CARRIED

(d) Kimvar Enterprises Inc. Ms. Susan Rosenthal, Davies Howe Partners, provided a presentation to the Board on behalf of Kimvar Enterprises Inc. A copy of this presentation can be accessed at

Moved by: E. Bull Seconded by: K. Ferdinands BOD-022-10 RESOLVED THAT the presentation provided by Ms. Susan Rosenthal, Davies Howe Partners on behalf of Kimvar Enterprises Inc., in relation to the Section 28 Permit Application for the Big Bay Point Resort Development be received. CARRIED Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting No. BOO-02-10 February 26th, 2010 - Minutes Page 5 of9

X. DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 1, l(a) and 4 were identified for separate discussion.


Moved by: J. Grant Seconded by: G. Wauchope

800-023-10 RESOLVED THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as "Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion" be adopted as submitted to the Board and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same. CARRIEO

2. Correspondence

800-024-10 RESOLVED THAT the correspondence listed in the agenda as item (a) through (f) and (g) of the Tabled Items Agenda be received.

3. Monthly Communications Update

800-025-10 RESOLVED THAT the Monthly Communications Update - Summary, for the period December 1-31, 2009, and January 1-31, 2010, be received for information.

5. Policies and Procedures for CA Planning Activities

800-026-10 RESOLVED THAT Staff Report No. 04-10-BOD regarding the MNR Policies and Procedures for Conservation Authority Plan Review and Permitting Activities be received for information.

6. Year End Planning Activity Report - 2009

800-027-10 RESOLVED THAT Staff Report No. 05-10-BOD regarding the year end monitoring of planning and development applications for the period January 1 2009 to December 31 2009, the Summary of Plans of Subdivision and the Summary of Major Planning Initiatives be received for information.

7. Proposed Trans Canada Trail- Townships of Brock and Scugog

800-028-10 RESOLVED THAT Staff Report No. 06-10-BOD regarding the proposed Trans Canada Trail section in Brock and Scugog Townships be received; and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-02-10 February 26th, 2010 - Minutes Page60f9

FURTHER THAT Kawartha Trans Canada Train Inco's proposal to enter into an Access Agreement with Ontario Realty Corporation to establish said trail be endorsed.


1. Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation 179/06 Councillor Agnew referenced the projects listed within this summary report that relate to shoreline restoration work and inquired if there is any way to recognize the efforts of those performing these works. Staff responded that often these works are done in consultation with the Authority's Stewardship Team and in some instances are partially funded through Authority programs. Staff will explore the opportunity of formally recognizing this work.

Moved by: S. Agnew Seconded by: J. Rupke

BOD-029-10 RESOLVED THAT applications under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 179/06 be received for information. CARRIED

(a) Section 28 Permit Application - Big Bay Point Resort Development The Board dealt with Staff Report No. 08-10-BOD regarding the Section 28 Permit Application. The General Manager, Watershed Management provided a brief overview and background regarding this Staff Report.

Staff responded to Councillor Agnew's concern with the protection of the habitat that currently exists until new habitat has been constructed in the area in question by advising that a variety of staff with an extensive complement of expertise was involved with this process from the onset. Staff will continue to monitor the work being done to ensure that the level of commitment by the applicant in relation to the reforestation and creation of habitat is met. Staff will bring a report to the Board once the work has been completed.

The Board requested that consideration of Staff Report No. 08-10-BOD be done through a recorded vote. Following are the results of this vote: Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-02-10 February 26th, 2010 - Minutes Page 7of9

Moved by: A. Nuttall Moved by: J. O'Donnell

BOD-030-10 RESOLVED THAT Staff Report 08-10-BOD regarding the application under Ontario Regulation 179/06 submitted by Kimvar Enterprises Inc. to clear trees within a portion of the property referred to as Stage lA within the Big Bay Point Resort Development in the Town of Innisfil, Part of Lots 26 to 30, Concession 13 be approved subject to the conditions as specified on the attached permit.

Member In Favour Opposed

S.Agnew X

E.Bull X

K. Ferdinands X

J. Grant X

v. Hackson X

B. Huson X

J.McCalium X

A. Nuttall X

J. O'Donnell X

J. Rupke X

J. Taylor X

G.Wauchope X

J. Young X

llln Favour 2 Opposed CARRIED lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-02-10 February 26th, 2010 - Minutes Page 8 of9

4. Budget Status Report - 2009 Year End Update The 60ard dealt with Staff Report No. 03-10-600 regarding the status of the Authority's budget for the year ending December 31, 2009.

Moved by: J. Young Seconded by: G. Wauchope

600-031-10 RESOLVED THAT Staff Report No. 03-10-BOD regarding the Authority Budget Status for the twelve month period ending December 31, 2009, be received. CARRIED


Moved by: A; Nuttall Seconded by: J. Rupke

BOD-032-10 RESOLVED THAT the Conservation Authority's Board of Directors move to Closed Session to discuss confidential human resource matters; and FURTHER THAT the A/CAO, General Manager, Conservation Lands, General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services, A/Director, Corporate Services and the Coordinator, BOD/CAO, Projects and Services, remain in the meeting for the discussion. CARRIED

Moved by: A. Nuttall Seconded by: J. O'Donnell

BOD-032-10 RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors rise from Closed Session and report their progress. CARRIED

(a) legal Services Status Report - 2009 Year End Update

Moved by: J. Grant Seconded by: B. Huson

BOD-033-10 RESOLVED THAT the Confidential Legal Services Status Report for the twelve months ending December 31, 2009, be received for information. CARRIED

XII OTHER BUSINESS No Other Business identified. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting No. BOO-02-10 February 26th, 2010 - Minutes Page 9 of9


Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. on a motion by J. Taylor.

M. Walters A!Chief Administrative Officer tl>o nta rio NEWS

0nIari0 is impmving accesa ID heaIIh carewilb hIo new pn:Igfllll'lB.1ud: will befp COI1!III'lUIrIi Iud: billie InIcIiIimIdy had 1he1adesl: time mcnJiIing dodmL.

• The NIorIhem and Rural Recnilmenl:and ReI'enIimlInilialive. wlliidl ....., prowide gnmIs ID docb's and new doctorgraduales 'IIIiIo agree to pradiise i1 a nmIIhen1 ar highly. nnI IlOmIIUIity

• The ~ RetumdSeMce Pmgnun, inwhichidm._1lIIf IIIIIKkaI gradi.IIdes agree IDpndae for live,... in,any Ontario~. rm:eptlle Tomnlo area and 0Qaa. in ac:I_lgefor ~b:aining oppcII1uniIiea. Pre\'iouaty.1tese dodIn were resIrided ID pnn:IiIing i1 nnI and IDIhem communiies far_ JIIIIIIIS. IDIfoIIing gmdualion..

TheIle two pn:Igfllli. are delignedlo help .....u and nm;dcarmwnliies WiiIh 1heiir unique cIIdeIlgeB in feClUi!lingand mblinililg ckJdais. while ~ access to dm:bs IhRlll!gtmUlt!he pnMnce.

0nIari0 is"inctu.silg! ac:cess to fmniIyiheallh care far all by .:king SIl Family HeaIIh Teams and2S Nlne AacIiIimer~ Clinics _ the pnMnce bJ2011.


"Our.~. CUFlfinues ID 1ook_'WII>YS_mme OnI8Iiu. to reeeiveheallh care cblerlD bmne,. These it. IRS pmvide immediIIIB beneIiIs ID nodbem and mral communiIies._weI astoolheranmsdthe pmvincewhefethelf.e are aIso·dm:Ior ~" - Deb MllllllteIIII'S,. IiIiniBfer of HIaIIIIIIh.and lang-Tenn care

-Afac:k of'heallh Iwmtm laDUlCllSisa key dJaIIenge far nnland IIDII1em ~ These new iIiIiatives will help nnI and nodhem CGmRU1ities rec:nitand mbIin doc:Iois, iIqnve accesa to heaIIh care and ._""_11 lie 1IIId:of lie Rural and IIIcdIem PImet.- - HIlI f.jeIdsIed. aar of 0rdaIfD's RunII· and Nodhem HIaIIIIIIh Clue PaelI


• lit iii mpecIed IIIIt 175 new inlemalianal medical graduates will btVn piBCi:siirIg ead1 year ~~ ~.... lhisyeBl'" and in 2011 and 2012. Allef"blIt 185wi11:stad pAI4isiIlg annuaBy .. Since 2DW. lIE fIUII1bet"of dm:bs in 0nIari0 has inaeasedlilVdose to 2.300 (10.1 per cent).

Susan French Communications Coordinator North Simcoe Muskoka Local Health Integration Network 210 Memorial Avenue, Suites 127 - 130 , ON L3V 7V1 Tel: (705) 326-7750 x234 or 1-866-903-5446 Fax: (705) 329-2625 susan,french@lhins,

2 £;>OntariO NEWS

Care Connections - Partnering for Healthy Communities North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN Launches Local Health System / Information Technology Project Date: March 31, 2010 NSM2010-03-31

COLLINGWOOD, ON - We're off and runningl Today, with videoconference launch sites in the North Simcoe Muskoka Local Health Integration Network's (LHIN) five geographic regions, the LHIN formally kicked off the long-awaited Care Connections project. Care Connections is made up of two components - the future health system design for North Simcoe Muskoka and the information and communications technology that will assist in making this design a reality.

North Simcoe Muskoka The LHIN has heard repeatedly that residents of North Simcoe Muskoka are unsure of where they Care Connections can access a particular health care service or resource. The North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN Partnering for Healthy Communities wants to create a better health care system, one that sees the health of our local residents improve, ensures individuals receive care in the most appropriate place in a timely manner and takes into account financial uncertainties the province, region and individuals face going forward.

Through the LHIN Leadership Council, comprised of senior staff members from all health care sectors across North Simcoe Muskoka (hospitals, mental health, long-term care, public health, primary care, community support, municipalities, chiefs of staff), as well as representatives from our Aboriginal and francophone populations, the LHIN will design a health system covering all aspects of an individual's life journey from well ness to illness to rehabilitative to supportive care.

Improved health care and health status of our population affects all of us at some point in our lives, whether you provide the service or receive it. The overall objective is better health, better care, and better value. By implementing a comprehensive plan, we help achieve sustainability for our health care system for current and future generations.

In early April, LHIN staff will begin a comprehensive community engagement exercise - holding focus groups, symposiums, education sessions, webinars and other events asking health service providers and residents to relay their experiences with the current system and contribute to discussions on how we can improve it.

QUOTES "After setting the stage over the past few years, the LHIN and our health service providers are ready to define the direction for health services in North Simcoe Muskoka", stated Ruben Rosen; NSM LHIN Board Chair. "In the course of our journey, we look forward to engaging members of the North Simcoe Muskoka community in this significant initiative which will result in improved and sustainable health care for all." "In order to meet the needs of the communities served by our hospital, collaborative work with all our health care partners is required to develop an integrated and coordinated system of care", stated Robert Morton, Chair, Georgian Bay General Hospital. liThe new design, along with information technology platforms, will be the tools to develop an integrated health care system that all consumers need. II

liThe work that has been done to develop a LHIN-wide program for Complex Continuing Care is an

excellent example of how we can re-design our services to better meet the needs of our patients II , commented Dr. Donald Atkinson, Chief of Staff, Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital.

liThe best way to predict the future is to invent it. Care Connections will take us one step closer to achieving this important goal, II notes Bernie Blais, NSM LHIN Chief Executive Officer.

QUICK FACTS • 20 years ago, 32 cents of every dollar spent on government programs was spent on health care. Today, it is 46 cents. In twelve years, it could be 70 cents. • The North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN oversees approximately $700 million of health services in our health region. • As one of 14 LHINs across Ontario, the North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN plans, integrates and funds local health services, including hospitals, community care access centres, community health centres, long-term care homes, mental health and addiction programs and a variety of community support services agencies. The LHINs oversee half of the $46 billion health care budget in Ontario.

LEARN MORE Read more about Care Connections

Learn about the activities of the North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN Leadership Council

For further information on the North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN and the ICT/eHealth Framework Project, visit .

Susan French, Communications Coordinator NSM LHIN Newsroom North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN, 705-326-7750 x234 Disponible en franr;ais susan. [email protected] Ministry of Citizenship Mlnlstere des Affalres clvlques and Immigration at de l'lmmlgratlon Minister Mlnistre

6th Floor 68 atage 400 University Avenue 400, avenue University t"lnt",,;,., ON M7A 2R9 Toronto ON M7A 2R9 TOWN OF BRADFORD Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 WEST GWILLIMBURY Fax: (416) 325-6195 Telae.: (416) 325-6195 Office of the Mayor/CAO RECEIVED "" ~iAi~ J4 2010 I rJb a.qrod£J '" March 2010

Dear Friends:


Every year since 1993, the Government of Ontario has presented the LincolnM. Alexander Award to honour young Ontarians who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in contributing toward the elimination of racial discrimination.

I am pleased to call upon you and ask you to suppOrt this program by nominating a young person whom you believe to be deserving of recognition. As the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, I will join the Lieutenant Governor in officially recognizing the award recipients ata special ceremony at Queen's Park later this year.

Nomination forms and information outlining details of the program, including the deadline date, the selection criteria and the procedures followed in the selection processare available on our website, at www.ontario.calhonoursandawards

Please read the information provided and take this opportunity to acknowledge a young person from your school or community who has made an important contribution toward eliminating racial discrimination in Ontario.

For further information, you may contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration: 416314-7526 or 1 877832-8622 or (TIY) 416 327-2391. The deadline for nominations is May 31, 2010.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider a deserving young person for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award.

Yours truly,

Dr. Eric Hoskins Minister

10-107 Chair of Cabinet President du Conseil Minister Without Mlnlstre sans portefeuille TOWN OF BRADFOR Portfolio, Responsible delegue. BUX WEST GWILLIMBURY -...,r--tr...... ,...... for Seniors Affaires des personnel 8gee Office of the Mayor/CA 6'" Floor. Whitney Block 6' Etage, Edifice Whitney 99 Wellesley St W 99. rue Wellesley Ouest RECEIVED Toronto (Ontario) M7A1A1 Toronto (Ontario) M7A1A1 Tel: (416) 325-3628 Tel: (416) 325-3628 Fax: (416) 314-7421 Telae: (416) 314-7421 MAR 1 ~ 2010


Dear Mayor and Members of Council:

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to participate in the 2010 Senior of the Year Award. This annual award was established in 1994 to give each municipality in Ontario the opportunity to honour one outstanding local senior.

Recipients are individuals who, after age 65, have enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community without thought of personal or financial gain. A certificate, provided by the Ontario government, is Signed by the Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor, myself as the Minister Responsible for Seniors, and the local Head of Council. The Government of Ontario is proud to offer this important initiative. You may wish to consider involving local MPPs in your selection process or presentation ceremony.

Council may also wish to host a presentation ceremony honouring the Senior of the Year Award recipient in June which is the month that we pay tribute to seniors in the province of Ontario. This year will mark the 26th anniversary of Seniors' Month which recognizes the contributions seniors make to family, community, province and country.

The Senior of the Year nomination forms are available on the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration's website, at Follow the link to Ontario Honours and Awards, download the form and fax it to (416) 314-6050 or submit your nomination online by choosing the "Electronic Nomination" option. Nominations must be received by April 30, 2010.

For additional information, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat, at (416) 314-7526,1-877-832-8622 or (TTY) (416) 327-2391.

Ontario's seniors deserve special recognition for their outstanding accomplishments. By working together with municipalities, we can ensure they are honoured in a meaningful way.


Gerry Phillips Minister M UN i elFA 4. PRO FER"tY ASS ESSM E NT COR? 0 RATIO I'll

M$'ch 19" 2010

To: All Ontario Municipal Councils

Ftori1: Carl Isenbutg,PteSi4:ent and Chief Administrative Officer Municipal property Assessment Corporatiotl

Re: Negotiations with the Ontario Public Service Employees Union.(OPSEU)

I am writing in, response to the issues raised in the March 161etter to you from the Ontario PuldicService Etllployees.Union(OPSEU).

We are now in negotiations with OPSEU to renew pur collective agreement •. Further meetings have been scheduled for next week with a Concil1ation Offioertromthe Ministry ofLab6ut.

Wr; a:reimp1ementingatealignment that will ena,ble managers inourfield offi,cesto more effe

The issue of seasonal and parHime staff is also being discussed with OPSEU as part of negotiations,

It is also important to note·that all the costs the union. has estimated are total costs budgeted over four years.

• The Integrated Property System (IPS) is a much-needed replacement for our 25-year­ old OASYSsystem. The system in place today was developed on schedule and within IT budgets according to the specifications, timing and approach, including the use of outside contractors, detailed in that plan. IPS performed well during the 2008 assessment update and has continued to perform well. As atesult of our investment in IPS, our IT budget is now declining in relation to MPAC'stotal budget. All Ontario Municipal Councils;

• 'We have 33 field officesJocated acrqss theprqvince, from Windsotto TbunderBay and Ottawa. The bulk OfOUf traycl and aCCPJ.1.1lll09ation budget is for all MPAC ~ployees and is r~mTed for property insPect1011$, valuation, meetin~and employee training sessions. Travel out of pro'Vince is primarily related to the eXCba:nge of 1nformationon valuauonbestpracticesandptofessional.development

Next weekwe will be atthebatgaining tabletocol1tifiue ournegotiatioriswith OPSEU in an effort to conclude a collective agreement. lwuuld be happy to provide any additional information or answer any questions that you .haveregarding our actiVities and operations.

Yoms truly,

~'.... cmllsenb\l.rg ~ President and Chief Adrtlillistrative Officer MAR 29 '10 16:01 FR SCBE DIRECTORS OFFICE705 722 5647 TO 819057750153 P.01/01

Simcoe County District School Board


The Simcoe County District School Board would like to inform you that, as per Board motion on March 24, 2010, the Board has initiated a trustee appointment process to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Barrie-area Trustee Mary Anne Wilson. The application process outlined below is also available at www.§ The application deadline is noon on Tuesday, April 13, 2010.

TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT (County of Simcoe ... City of Barrie. Representing Wards 1. 2, 3)

The Simcoe County District School Board invites applications for the position of Trustee representing the public school ratepayers in the County of Simcoe - City of Barrie,. representing Wards 1, 2, 3. As outlined in the Education Act, applicants must be: - a Canadian citizen; - age 18 or over; - a resident within Simcoe County; - a public school elector.

Applications with full details regarding qualifications, experience and interests should be submitted to the Director's Office c/o Lena Robyn, Executive Assistant - Board by .12. !loon on Tuesday. April 13. 2010. Applicants will be required to make a brief presentation to the Board before the appointment is made. Please direct inquiries to Lena Robyn, (705) 734-6363, ext. 11231 or at [email protected]

Please forward your application either by mail, e-mail or fax to:

Simcoe County District School Board c/o Lena RObyn, Executive Assistant - Board 1170 Highway 26 Midhurst, ON LOL 1XO E-mail-lrobyn< Fax - (706) 722·5647

Brad Saunders Kathryn Wallace Chairperson Director of Education

** TOTAL PAGE.01 ** File No: NT-OPA-0942 Date of Decision: March 10,2010 Municipality: Town of New Tecumseth Date of Notice: March 12, 2010 Loc~tion: All lands in the Town of New Last Date of Appeal: April 1, 2010 Tecumseth

NOTICE OF DECISION With Respect to an Official Plan Amendment Subsection 17(35) and 21 of the Planning Act

A decision was made on the date noted above to approve Amendment No. 42 to the Official Plan for the Town of New Tecumseth, as adopted by By-law Number 2009-095 of the Town of New Tecumseth and as modified by the County of Simcoe.

Purpose and Effect of the Official Plan Amendment

The purpose of this amendment is to update the Town's current 1995 Official Plan to reflect the applicable Provincial and County policies and the requirements of the Planning Act, as amended by Bill 51, the Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act, 2006, as well as housekeeping matters.

A copy of the decision is attached.

A copy of Item No. CS 10-055 is attached.

'\ When and How to File An Appeal When the Decision is Final Any appealto the Ontario Municipal Board must The decision of the County of Simcoe is final if a be filed with the Clerk of the County of Simcoe Notice of Appeal is not received on or before the no later than 20 days from the date of this last date of appeal noted above. ' notice. shown above as the last date of appeal. Getting Additional Information The notice of appeal should be sent to the Additional Information about the application is attention of Glen R. Knox, County Clerk, at the available for public inspection during regular address shown below and it must: office hours at .the County of Simcoe at the address noted below, from the office of the (1) set out the specific part of the proposed municipality noted above, or by contacting the official plan amendment to which the appeal County of Simcoe Planning Department at (705) applies, 735-6901. (2) set out the reasons for the request for the appeal, and Mailing address for Filing a Notice of Appeal (3) be accompanied by the fee prescribed under County of Simcoe the Ontario Municipal Board Act in the Administration Centre, amount of $125.00, payable by certified 1110 Highway 26, cheque to the Minister of Finance, Province Midhurst, ON of Ontario. LOL IXO

Who Can File An Appeal Attention: Glen R. Knox, County Clerk Only individuals, corporations or public bodies Telephone: (705) 726-9300 - Ext. 1246 may appeal the decision of the County of Simcoe to the Ontario Municipal Board. An appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or group. Ref. Item No: CS 10-055

Meeting Date: March 10,2010




Delegated under the Authority of the Planning Act

MOVED BY: Councillor ~/

SECONDED BY: Councillor ~ /-...acJ Of.! v eu r·

THAT Official Plan Amendment No. 42 to the Town of New Tecumseth Official Plan, as adopted by the Town of New Tecumseth By-law No. 2009-095 be approved as modified by Schedule 17 of Item CS 10-055;

AND THAT Notice of Decision be provided inaccor/.dan~e with the Planning Act.

Carried ~ ~ Defeated /g

.' TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILlIMBURY Office of the Mayor/CAO RECEIVED February 26, 2010 MAR ~r5 2010 'Q·~;ie.: 0. wnl~r-'" Mayor White & Council I.. GOO::lk!lo~ The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury . In.iJ 4-l1l.d - 3541 11th Line Box 160 Bradford, Ontario Member L3Z2A8 Municipalities

Adjala-Tosorontio Dear Mayor White & Council: Amaranth Barrie RE: NVCA 2010 Municipal Levy The Blue Mountains

Bradford-West Gwillimbury On February 12, 2010 the NVCA Board of Directors, representing the Clearview collective interests of the 18 watershed municipalities, approved the 2010

Collingwood NVCA budget with a 76% majority votE!. As per the Conservation Authorities

Essa Act, enclosed please find a copy of the 2010 NVCA general levy invoice for your Municipality. Grey Highlands

Innisfil The NVCA Board and staff look forward to implementing the 2010 Melancthon Conservation Authority programs supported by the approved budget Mono including: Mulmur • Private land stewardship including; reforestation, and water quality New Tecumseth enhancement. Oro-Medonte • Environmental health monitoring including watershed report cards. Shelburne • Conservation Authority land management, education and recreation. Springwater • Flood and Erosion prevention/mitigation. Wasaga Beach • Municipal well protection, through Clean Water Act, Source Water Protection initiatives. Watershed • Protecting people and property from flooding and erosion hazards, and Counties protecting the watershed environment through; Regulations and Dufferin Municipal Technical and Planning support. Grey

Simcoe Should you have any questions regarding the approved NVCA budget or Conservation Authority programs, please review the matter with your appointed NVCA Board member(s) or contact Wayne R. Wilson,

Member of CAO/Secretary-Treasurer, 424-1479 ext 225 or [email protected] :'f:,.l.~.',i.'.i,l,;,.,'.~{[.~.·l.,,·.;.:fJ,:,l·,~,;,;!>~ n~.. JIl'>; '1, tion~1f9io~~afO .~~ :' "<" ~;}'j~

Centre for Conservation

Conservation John Hix Conservation Administration Centre Tiffin Conservation Area 8195 8th Line @ Utopia, On LOM 1TO ONTARIO Natural Champions Telephone: 705.424.1479 @ Fax: 705.424.2115 @ Web: Email: [email protected] Member of Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority 8195 Concession 8, Utopia, ON LOM no TEL (705) 424-1479 FAX (705) 424-2115 (#£ Conservation ONTARIO Natural C:h,unpiolls

InvoiceTo: Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Date: February 17,2010 3541 Line 11, Box 160 Invoice: 3988-235-10 Bradford, ON. Reference: 2010 Municipal Levy L3Z 2A8 Department:

Attention: P. Nash, Clerk Property Location Connty: Voice: 905-775-0153 Municipality: Fax: Lot: E-mail: Concession: 911: Roll:

The 2010 Budget was approved at the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority Board of Directors Meeting February 12, 2010, Resolution 23, 24 & 25 under Sections 26 and 27 of the Conservation Authorites Act R.S.O. 1990

Bradford West Gwillimbury Township Apportionment Percentage 2.9402%

110 Reforestation $123,533.94 $3,632.14 120 Healthy Waters 285,926.04 8,406.80 150 Conservation Lands 149,907.22 4,407.57 310 Planning and Regulations 337,300.66 9,917.31 400 Engineering & Technical Services 191,053.81 5,617.36 420 Environmental Services 237,505.79 6,983.15 430 Flood Forecast & Warning 183,960.00 5,408.79 460 Source Water Protection 0.00 0.00 630 Tiffin Education 28,051.55 824.77 661 Titlin Centre Operations and Maintenance 280,658.05 8,251.91

Total 2010 Levy: $1,817,897.06 Your Share: $53,449.81

Payment Due 15 March 2010 $ 13,362.45 15June2010 $ 13,362.45 I 5 September 2010 $ 13,362.45 15 November 2010 $ 13,362.46

G.S.T. # 107787780 Overdue accounts are subject to an interest charge of2% per month. (26.82% per annum) Prompt payment of this account is requested. NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY HIGHLIGHTS FROM MEETINGS OF MARCH 12TH , 2010

NVCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING -No. 03110. March 12. 2010

INNISFIL APPOINTS A SECOND MEMBER TO NVCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Town of Innisfil now has two seats at the NVCA board of directors table due to a re-assessment of the watershed boundaries. Coun. Dan Davidson joins Coun. Bill Van Berkel as an Innisfil representative on the now 27-member board. Under the Conservation Authorities Act, if a municipality has between 10,000 and 50,000 residents in the conservation authority's watershed, it may appoint two members to the Board of Directors. Approximately 11,600 Innisfil residents currently live within the NVCA watershed

NVCA PROGRAM REVIEW WORKSHOP SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 9TH, 2010 As part of the regularly-scheduled April 9th meeting, board members will take part in a workshop to review NVCA programs for mandate relevance and effectiveness of delivery. The workshop will help to set parameters for a third party review of either NVCA planning services or all NVCA programs.


ASSESSMENT REPORT EXPECTED TO BE DELAYED Chair Lynn Dollin advised the NVSPA that the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee will consider asking the Ministry of the Environment for an extension on its assessment report in March or April. The current deadline is July 13th , 2010, but the report has yet to be completed and public consultation must still occur. Chair Dollin said most source protection regions across the province are experiencing delays with their assessment reports as there are a limited number of consultants available to carry out the technical studies required.

DRAFT REGULATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SOURCE PROTECTION PLANS POSTED ON ONTARIO'S ENVIRONMENTAL REGISTRY FOR COMMENT UNTIL MARCH 26, 2010 The purpose of the draft regulation is to stimulate discussion on the development, content and implementation of source protection plans so that the Ministry of the Environment can use the results of the discussion to finalize the source protection plan regulation. NVCA staff supports the proposed draft legislation subject to confirmation of funding responsibilities describing who pays for what. NVCA staff comments will be forwarded to the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee, Conservation Ontario and the Ministry of the Environment. NVCA staff are also encouraging member municipalities to review the proposed draft regulation (environmental registry #010-8766) and provide their comments to the Ministry of the Environment.

NVCA CONTINUING TO DELIVER ONTARIO DRINKING WATER STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM TO WATERSHED RESIDENTS IN 2010 The NVCA has approximately $381,000 in project grant dollars available to distribute in 2010. The grant dollars can be put towards eligible groundwater quality protection projects including septic system pump-outs/upgrades, runoff/erosion control, business pollution prevention reviews 'and well decommissioning/upgrades.

Future Meetings and Events For more information contact: Executive Committee meeting - March 26 Wayne Wilson, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer Board meeting - April 9 (705) 424-1479, ext. 225 Spring Tonic Maple Syrup Festival- April 10/11 [email protected] NVCA's 50th anniversary celebration - May 1 Announcements:

LSRCA Staff Announcements Gayle Wood advised of the following staff appointments, introductions and changes:

• Ms. Jocelyn Lee - promoted to General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services (previously held the position of Manager, Finance),

• Dr. Ben Longstaff - promoted to Manager, Integrated Watershed Management (previously held the position of Science and Research Coordinator),

• Introduced Mr. Warren Yerex to the Board. Warren is with the Authority in the capacity of Sub-watershed Planning Specialist and Program Advisor. Vice Chair Bobbie Drew, Jocelyn Lee, Chair Virginia Hackson, Gayle Wood. • Announced the departure of Mr. Ken Neale, A/Director, Corporate Services. Ken will be leaving the Authority effective April 14th, 2010, to assume the position of Director of Communications with the Town of East Gwillimbury.

Vice Chair Bobbie Drew, Warren Yerex, Ben Longstaff, Mike Vice Chair Bobbie Drew, Mayor James Young, Ken Neale, Chair Walters, Chair Virginia Hackson, Gayle Wood Virginia Hackson, Gayle Wood

Chair Hackson announced the appointment of Gayle Wood to the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation Board representing Conservation Ontario.

Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, 120 Bayview Parkway, Newmarket, ON L3Y 3W3 Chair Hackson announced the appointment of Gayle Wood to the Lake Simcoe Coordinating Committee and the appointment of Dr. Ben Longstaff to the Lake Simcoe Science Advisory Committee. In addition, Councillor Sandy Agnew, Township of Oro-Medonte and LSRCA Board Member has also been appointed to the Lake Simcoe Coordinating Committee.

Relocation of the Holland Marsh Drainage System Councillor McCallum advised that the Tribunal Decision from the Province has been issued and the recommended adjustments to the Engineer's Report for the Relocation of the Holland Marsh Drainage System have been made. The municipality has moved forward with the third reading of the By-Law. This will permit the municipality to move ahead with addressing the issues/concerns as identified within the Report.

Lake Simcoe Conservation Foundation - Annual Fundraising Dinner Cheryl Taylor, Executive Director, LSCF, reminded the Board Members of the upcoming 22 nd Annual George R. Richardson Conservation Dinner, April 16th, 2010, and requested their assistance in sharing this information with their respective Council Members and encourage attendance.

Meeting with Minister Jeffrey, Ministry of Natural Resources Chair Hackson advised that with the Chair and General Manager of Conservation Ontario, and as the Vice Chair of Conservation Ontario, she attended a meeting with the new Minister of Natural Resources, The Hon. Linda Jeffrey. Chair Hackson reported this was a very positive and productive meeting and looks forward to continued dialogue with the Minister and her staff.

Staff Reports:

• The Board dealt with and approved Staff Report No. 08-10-BOD regarding the Draft Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Technical Guidelines for Stormwater Management Submissions. The Board applauded staff for this document indicating that a number of municipalities are waiting for such guidelines. The document will be circulated concurrently to all muniCipalities and to the public for comment.

• The Board dealt with and approved Staff Report No. 11-10-BOD regarding the comments of the LSRCA in response to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan EBR posting in relation to the Proposed Shoreline Protection Regulation; Draft Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Reduction Strategy; and the Water Quality Trading in the Lake Simcoe Watershed: Feasibility Study. The comments will be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment through the EBR and to Conservation Ontario.

Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, 120 Bayview Parkway, Newmarket, ON L3Y 3W3 • The Board dealt with and approved Staff Report No. 12-10-BOD regarding LSRCA staff involvement, to date, on the implementation of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. The CAO reviewed the Staff Report and indicated that with the Chair, she has met with Policy Staff from Minister Gerretsen's office to discuss the role of the LSRCA in the area of Sub Watershed Planning, Tier II Water Budgeting, and extending the regulation into the areas of the City of Orillia and the City of Kawartha Lakes which are currently outside the Authority's jurisdiction. The LSRCA continues to advise that this work cannot be done without appropriate provincial funding.

Chair Hackson will be meeting with the Minister in the very near future in order to review the role and responsibilities of the LSRCA and the funding required to complete the required work.

Other Business

County of Simcoe - Conservation Authority Review Sub-Committee The Board received information regarding the "Conservation Authority Review Sub-Committee" established by County of Simcoe.

Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, 120 Parkway, Newmarket, ON L3Y 3W3 TOWNSHIP OF KING TelephOne: (905) 833-5321 Municipal Offices Toll Free: 1-800-688-5013 . 2075 King Road Fax: (905) 833-2300 King City, Ontario E-mail: [email protected] . L7B tAt Website: II .KING II INCORPORATED 1850

Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury :1.00 Dissette St. Unit 7 & 8, Bradford March 9, 2010 RECEIVED

\ Mike Walters, Director MARl B 2010 Watershed Management Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority 12n Bayview Parkway Box 282 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4Xl

Dear Mr. Walters,

Re: Township ofKing .. Presentation to Council on February 22nd, 2010 Re: Protection off.-ake Simcoe - Potential Treatment ofHolland River Phoslock Pilot Project

- -- ..__ .... _-_._------.,------'---.,-----...------

Please find enclosed for youiinformation and file, an extract of the Minutes of the Council Meeting of February 22nd, 2010 regarding your presentation on the Holland River phoslock Pilot Project.

Council of the Township of King supports the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority's Phoslock Pilot Project.

Youts truly,

Chris Somerville Clerk Encls.

c.c. Rob Flindall, Director of Engineering & Public Works . Patricia Nash, Clerk, Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Frank Jonkman, Drainage Superintendent John McCallum, Chair, Holland Marsh Drainage System Joint Municipal Services Board TOWNSHIP OF KING




5.1 Mike Walters, Director Watershed Management, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) Re: Protection of Lake Simcoe- Potential Treatment of Holland River Phoslock Pilot Project

Mike Walters provided, a PowerPoint pre'sentation to update Council on the proposed Holland River Phoslock Pilot Project. He explained that Phoslock is a 'Lanthanum enriched clay" which to the central river in the Holland Marsh Drainage System. The clay particles will absorb phosphorous as it falls through the water, and settle in a thin layer on the bottom of the river be. He advised of the toxicity testing that has taken place and the results ofthe test pilot projects that have been undertaken with the applications applied to both Scanlon Creek Reservoir and Cane Pond. Mr. Walters commented that the LSRCA has concluded that. a Phoslock application would not negatively impact farming operations within the Holland Marsh based on results from studies conducted by the University of Guelph and are considering an application of Phoslock in the canalinside the Holland Marsh for spring of 2010. Mr. Walters thanked Council and staff for past support of this and other initiatives and asked that Council provide a resolution of support of thePhoslock Pilot Project. .

A motion was made by Councillor Cober, seconded by Councillor Pabst and carried that the Phoslock Pilot Project presentation by Mike Walters, Director of Watershed Management, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, be received and that. the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority be advised that the Township of King Council supports the Phoslock Pilot Proj ect.

CHRIS SOMERVILLE CLERK Town Wide Transportation Master Plan

Public Notice

The final draft of the town wide Transportation Master Plan will be available for review and comments from the public as of March 19,2010. The public is invited to review the document on the Town's web site . Comments will be received by the Town for 30 days after publication.

Comments can be forwarded to:

Town of East Gwillimbury

19000 leslie Street, Sharon

Ontario, lOG 1VO

AU: Don Allan


[email protected]

Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury 100 Dissette St. Unit 7 & 8, Bradford RECEIVED MAN 1 8 2010 Consolidated Official Plan Review and Update March 10, 2010

Growth Management Report

As a member of the Interested Party List for the Town's Consolidated Official Plan Review and Update, the Town would like to inform you that Malone Given Parsons' (MGP) Growth Management Report was adopted by Council on March 1, 2010. The Town's growth management process has been conducted concurrently with the Region of York's Planning for Tomorrow exercise, which requires the addition of new settlement areas (urban expansion) in order to conform with the Provincial Growth Plan. The Growth Management Report summarizes the findings and key recommendations of the Town's growth management work and proposed urban expansion areas and outlines recommended policies to be included in the Town's Official Plan.

What We've Heard Report: Part 3 -Agency Comments

In addition, the Town would like to inform you that a comprehensive "What We've Heard - Part 3" report was presented to Council on March 1, 2010, outlining the comments and input received from external agencies (such as York Region, the Town of Newmarket, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, etc) in response to the Town's Official Plan Review and Draft Official Plan (August 2009) document.

The Growth Management Report and What We've Heard: Part 3 - Agency Comments report can be downloaded from the Town's website using the following link: http://www.eastgwillimbury.calTown_ HalI/DepartmentslDevelopment_Legal_ServiceslPolicy _Planning/Consolidated_ Officiat.Plan_Review _and _ Update.htm Hard-copies of the reports are also available at the Town's Civic Centre in the Planning Branch (located on the 15t floor) .

. Based on the' findings and recommendations in these 2 reports, staff are modifying the Draft Official Plan document, and will present a revised draft to Council in April 2010.

The Town continues to encourage the public, external agencies and interested parties to provide comments on the various background studies, which are being considered as part of the .Official Plan Review process, as well as the Draft Official Plan document.

All comments or questions can be directed to the Town's Policy Planning Branch: • Dan Stone, Manager of Policy Planning - Tel: 905.478.4282, ext. 3806; Email: [email protected] ' • Robin Skinner, Environmental Planner - Tel: 905.478.4282, ext. 1286; Email: [email protected]

"Our Town, Our Future" 19000 Leslie Street, Sharon, ON LOG 1VO Tel: 905-478-4282 Fax: 905-478-8545 Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury 100 Dissette Street, Unit 7 & 8, P.O. Box 100 Bradford, Ontario, canada L3Z 2A7 Phone: 905-775-5366 Fax: 905-775-0153

March 30,2010


The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury gave first and second reading to By-law 2009-042 on the 22"d day of April, 2009 under Section 46 of the Drainage Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1990, Chapter D.17 in respect of approval of the Engineering Report dated January 16, 2009 for the Holland Marsh Drainage System Canal Improvement Project. The Engineering Report is deemed to be adopted and the by-law shall be known as a provisional by-law.

The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury gave third reading and passed By­ law 2009-042 on the 23rd day of March, 2010 under the Drainage Act in respect of approval of the revisions to the Engineering Report as ordered by the Appeal Tribunal under their Decision dated March 12, 2010 and outlined below.

The purpose of the by-law is to approve the works identified within the Engineering Report prepared by K. Smart of K. Smart Associates Limited for the Holland Marsh Canal Improvement Project and adopt the amended report. A complete copy of By-law 2009-042 is attached and is available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury Administration Centre, 100 Dissette Street, Unit 7 & 8, P.O. Box 100, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2A7, Telephone 905-775-5366 and at the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library, 200 Holland Court, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2A7. Electronic copies of the decision, amended report and by-law are available on our website at

The Decision of the Appeals Tribunal is as follows:

1. The appeal of Martin and Maria Bonigut, Roll Nos. 020-001-02800 and 020-00102900 is dismissed.

2. The appeal of Henry Kedra, Roll No. 020-005-04501 is dismissed and the allowances for this property shall be reduced as follows: a) the Land Allowance (s.29) shall be reduced from $10,900 to $230. b) the Damages Allowance (s.30) shall be reduced from $1,075 to $95. c) the Contingency Allowance in the Report shall be increased by $11,650.

3. The appeal of Lawrence and Connie Curtis, Roll No. 020-005-03000 is dismissed.

4. The appeal of Barlow Square Inc., Roll No. 020-005-00500 is dismissed.

5. The appeal of Dorion and Elizabeth Milleman, Roll No. 020-005-00500 is dismissed.

6. The Minutes of Settlement in the Ron Gleason appeal, Roll. No. 020-001-02803 shall be appended to and form part of this Order subject to the following: a) the Gleason Allowances under section 33 shall be increased from $60,000 to $214,600. b) the Contingency Allowance in the Report shall be decreased by $154,600. c) the Gleason Special Assessment of $2,500 shall be reduced to zero. d) the outlet liability assessment of the roads within the watershed shall be increased by $2,500, apportioned to those roads pro rata. Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury 100 Dissette Street, Unit 7 & 8, P.O. Box 100 Bradford, Ontario, Canada L3Z 2A7 Phone: 905-775-5366 A Tradition Fax: 905-775-0153

7. The Engineer is ordered to: a) amend the Allowances on Page 78 of the Report to reflect Orders 2.a) 2.b), and 6.a) above. b) amend the Allowances sub-totals for each interval and in the Total Allowances in the Report. c) amend the Contingency Allowance on Page 97 of the Report to reflect Order 2.c) and 6.b) d) amend Page 43 of the Schedule of Assessments appended to the Report to reflect Order 6.c) above. e) increase the Outlet Assessment to all Roads in the watershed by $2,500 apportioned pro rata to reflect 6.d) above. f) make necessary amendments to the sub-totals and totals within the Estimated Construction Cost to reflect the net changes. g) amend the Specifications and Contract Documents to provide that all trees identified by the landowners as marketable for timber shall be cut separately and piled along the edge of the right of way for each land. Ifthe landowners and the Engineer cannot agree on which trees are marketable for timber, we direct the Engineer to hire forester Jack Winkler, or if he is unavailable another qualified forester, to determine if the trees have marketable timber value and his decision will be final.

8. The non-administrative costs of the Municipality for these appeals shall form part of the drainage works.

9. There will be no other order of costs and all parties are responsible for their own costs.

Questions regarding the Holland Marsh Drainage System Canal Improvement Project should be directed to Frank Jonkman, Drainage Superintendent and Project Manager at the Holland Marsh Drainage System Joint Municipal Service Board, 100 Dissette Street, Unit 9, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2A7, Telephone 905-778-4321.



What Is an official plan? The main purpOse of the Bradford West GwillimburyOfflclal Plan Is to provkJe a comprehensive framework for the guidance of future land use and physical development of the town. The Plan sets out growth and resource management objectives .for a 2€ryear timefrarne, and provides criteria and policy through which development applfcatlons and muniCipal rnltiatiVes are reviewed and evaluated. What Is an official plan review? The Planning Act mandates that municipalities review and update their official plans every five years. The intent of this requirement Is to ensure that plans remain consistent with the requirements of· varfdus provincial policies, as well as the Simcoe County Official Plan, and the Iong-termstrateQlCgoals of the municipality.

How do I find out more Information? The Town will be hosting a publIC o.pen hOuse during the council meeting scheduled for Apri113, 2010, beginning at 7:00pm. The purpose of the open house Is to present council and the public with an overview of the process, the key areas of the plan that will be reviewed, and the forthcoming steps. Comments and questions from the ·publlCwlll be invited. The meeting will be held at the COuncil Chambers, 57 Holland Street· East, Bradfurd.

For additional information, please contact Geoff Mcl

If you wish to be notified of the decision ·of Counc" in respect or the amendedoffk:ialplan, you musttnake a written request to PatrICia Nash, MuniCIpal Oerf<, Town of Bradford West GwIIlimbUfYr 100 Dissette Street, Units 7 &8/ P.O. Box 100, Bradford, OntariO, L3Z 'JA7. If a person ofpUblic body does not make oral submissions .at a publtc meeting or make wr!ttensubmissions to the Council. of The Corporation of the Town Of Bradford West Gwllllmbury before an amended official plan Is passed, the person or publIC body Is not entitled to appeal the deCisIon of the Council of Thecorporatioh of the Town of Bradford West Gwillirnbury to the Ontario Munlclpa1 Board.

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written SUbmissions tottle Coundl of The Corporation of the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury before an amended official plan Is passed, the person or publIC body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the OAtClrloMunldpal Board unless, In the opinion oftheBoard, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

Dated at the Town of Bradford West Gwiltirnbury this lSthdayof March, 2010.

Patricia Nash, Municipal TOWN OF BRADFORD WEST GWILlIMBURY Office of the Mayor/CAO RECEIVED MAR 0 9 2010 li~~

February 18, 2010

Hon Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario Legislative Building Room 281, Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Dear Mr. Premier:

Re: Funding for the Children's Aid Society of the County of Simcoe

On behalf of the Child, Youth and Family Services Coalition of Simcoe County, I am writing to thank you and Minister Laurel Broten of Child and Youth Services for the emergency funding forwarded to the Children's Aid Society of the County of Simcoe. The forty community organizations that make up the Coalition were immensely relieved to hear the news that this key community organization would be able-·atleast in the immediate term-to continue playing its crucial role in the lives of children in this County.

But beyond the immediate time period, our members have ongoing grave concerns about the funding stability of the Children's Aid Society of the County of Simcoe. Our particular Children's Aid Society of the County of Simcoe has played a vital role in helping to develop and deliver cost­ effective, collaborative solutions to improve the lives of kids and their families in our area. Child protection is an essential segment of what the Coalition sees as an increasingly integrated and inter-dependent service system. Financial insecurity in the Children's Aid Society of the County of Simcoe has significant ripple effects through all our organizations as we share many of the same young clients who have multiple needs. These needs require a coordinated response from schools, health care, mental health care, recreation, and groups meeting basic needs such as shelter and food. We urge you and Minister Broten to seek solutions to what appear to be funding inequities in the system. We are happy to see that a commission has been created to investigate the funding arrangement for Children's Aid Societies across Ontario. We encourage you to consider the vital role Children's Aid Society of the County of Simcoe plays in this area and others as you determine your future course of action.

Peter Hominuk Chair, Child Youth and Family Services Coalition

c.c: Ms. M. Ballantyne, Children's Aid Society of the County of Simcoe Hon. L Broten, Minister of Children and Youth Services Ms. Claudine Cousins, Ministry of Children and Youth Services County of Simcoe Members of Provincial Parliament .0ounty of Simcoe Member Municipalities Cities of Barrie and Orillia Child. Youth and Family Services Coalition of Simcoe County Coalition Council Membership (Revised February 2010)

Ms. linda Adams Ms. Mary Ballantyne Program Director, Mat, Child, Youth: Mental Executive Director Health Program Simcoe County Children's Aid Society Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital 60 Bell Farm Road, Unit 7 170 Col borne Street West Barrie, Ontario L4M 5G6 Orillia, ON L3V 2Z3 Phone: 705-726-6587 ext. 2222 Phone: 705-325-2201 ext. 3551 Toll: 800-461-4236 ext. 2222 Fax: 705-325-2965 Fax: 705-726-9788 LL8.dams_@0~m h &D,<::g maL}'

Ms. Gail Andrews Ms. Gertie Beaucage Kiwanis Club of Barrie Executive Director Secretary Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle 24 Wellington St E 64 Cedar Pointe Drive, Unit 1405 Creemore ON LoM 1GO Barrie, Ontario L4N 5R7 Phone: 705 466 5454 home Phone: 705-734-1818 galLaI1dLew~@bmts._(Qm Fax: 705-734-1812 ed@bj)nac.o~cg Ms. Angela Artelt-Evans Executive Director Ms. Heather Bebb Ontario Early Years Centre - Simcoe North Executive Director 356 King Street Catholic Family Services of Simcoe County Midland, Ontario L4R 3M8 20 Bell Farm Road,Unit 5 Phone: 705-526-2456 ext. 21 Barrie, Ontario L4M 6E4 aogs;1a-®o~ycsimcoe[lQrth,--Cg Phone: 705-726-2503 ext. 107 Fax: 705-726-2570 Ms. Tracy Arthurs h bebJ~® Program Supervisor Ministry of Children and Youth Services Ms. Danette Blue 465 Davis Drive, 3rd Floor Program Supervisor Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 812 Ministry of Children and Youth Services Phone: 905-868-8900 ext. 5602 465 Davis Drive, 3rd Floor Toll: 877-669-6658 ext. 5602 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 812 Fax: 905-895-6804 Phone: 905-868-8900 ext. 5405 tra~y ,(:Ld:Jl!Jrs_@~ss--,gQ'.:',QI1--,Cg Toll: 877-669-6658 ext. 5405 Fax: 905-895-6804 d,;ulette,blu e_@pntariQ~ca

1 Ms. Ligaya Byrch Ms. Margaret Gallow Barrie Community Health Centre Executive Director 56 Bayfield St. Catulpa Community Support Services Barrie, ON L4M 3A5 165 Ferris Lane. Phone: 705-734-9690 ext. 277 Barrie, Ontario L4M 2Y1 Fax: 705-734-0239 Phone: 705-733-3227 ext. 244 Ugaya.b-y[Ch@~chJ;.ca

Ms. Debbie Clarke Ms. Sue Groom Manager of Communications Program Manager Simcoe County District School Board Community Care Access Centre 1170 Hwy. #26 15 Sperling Drive Midhurst, Ontario LoL 1XO Barrie, Ontario L4M 6K9 Phone: 705-734-6363 x. 11328 Phone: 705-721-8010 ext. 2347 [email protected] [email protected]

Mr. Rene Cote Mr. Jim Harris Direction, CSDCSO Program Director Ecole secondaire Le Caron Canadian Mental Health Assoc. Barrie-Simcoe 22, rue John, 39 High Street , ON L9M 1N8 Barrie, ON L4N 1W2 Phone: 705-549-3202 Phone: 705-726-5033 ext. 236 Fax: 705-549-4818 [email protected] ,-Qter@_csdcso... Mr. Paul Heinrich Ms. Jo-Anne David Chief Executive Officer Directrice generale Georgian Bay General Hospital Colibri: Centre des femmes francophones 1112 St. Andrew's Drive Du comte de Simcoe P.O. Box 760 80, rue Bradford, bureau 340 Midland, Ontario L4R 4P4 . Barrie, ON L4N 6S7 Phone: 705- 526-1300 ext. 3517 Phone: 705-797-2060 [email protected] Fax: 705-797-2050 Jo-Anne@centrecolibrLca Ms. Pam Hillier Executive Director Ms. Karen Fleming Community Connection/211 Central East Ontario Program Director, Women and Children's 275 First Street, Box 683, Program, & Professional Practice Collingwood ON L9Y 4E8 Royal Victoria Hospital Phone: 705-444-0040 ext. 234 201 Georgian Drive [email protected] Barrie, Ontario L4M 6M2 Phone: 705-728-9090 ext. 47101 Ms. Karen Hirstwood [email protected] Regional Complex Special Needs Manager Catulpa Comniunity Support Services Ms. Joan Fullerton 165 Ferris Lane. Ministry of Education Barrie, Ontario L4M 2Y1 Regional Manager Phone: 705-733-3227 x. 299 20 Bell Farm Road, Unit 9 khirstWQQd@catutpa!QO-,-ca Barrie, ON L4N 6E4 Phone: 705-725-7631 Fax: 705-725-7635 JQ~J')_.ElJllert.QD.@_QDtad~ 2 Ms. Kelly Hitchman-Powers Mr. Jack Kinch Youth Justice Services Vice President, Leadership Training & Community 34 Simcoe Street Development Barrie, Ontario L4N 6T 4 YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka Phone: 705-737-1311 22 Grove Street West, ~elL~H itcb111an [email protected] Barrie, ON. L4N 1M7 Phone: 705-726-9622 ext. 433 Mr. Peter Hominuk Cell: (705) 828-1010 Executive Director jac;~_ kinch~}'mca.c_a La Cle d'ia Baie en Huronie 63 Main Street, Box 5099 Ms. Rhonda Leduc Penetanguishene, Ontario L9M 2G3 Manager of Youth and Court Services Phone: 705-549-3116 Elizabeth Fry Society of Simcoe County Fax: 705-549-6463 102 Maple Avenue poorni nuk@la~1 Barrie, ON L4N 1S4 Phone: 705-725-0613 ext. 222 Mr. Greg Howse Fax: 705-725-0636 Executive Director rhooda@elizabethfr:ysodei}'.com Simcoe Outreach Services 165 Ferris Lane Ms. Terry MacMillan Barrie, Ontario L4M 2Y1 Executive Director Phone: 705-726-7062 ext. 264 Simcoe Community Services [email protected] 39 Fraser Court, Barrie, Ontario L4N 5J5 Ms. Lynn Huizer Phone: 705-726-9082 ext. 225 Senior Manager, Health System Integration imacmillan@siml:Q~CQmm_unity~e[l!lc~,-~a North Simcoe Muskoka Local Health Integration Network Mr. Kevin McLeod 210 Memorial Avenue, Suites 127 - 130 Executive Director Orillia, ON L3V 7V1 Morton Youth Services Tel: (705) 326-7750 x231 or 1-866-903-5446 46 Toronto St. L4N 1T9 Fax: (705) 329-2625 Barrie, Ontario LYJlrkliuJ z e r@lhins. 0 11.c;a Phone: 705-737-2441 Fax: 705-737-5059 Mr. Matthew Hurd [email protected] Program Supervisor Youth Justice Services, Central Region Mr. Glen Newby 171 Judson Street Chief Executive Officer Etobicoke, ON New Path Youth & Family Services Phone: 416-314-8491 165 Ferris Lane [email protected] Barrie, Ontario L4M 2Y1 Phone: 705-733-2654 ext. 227 Ms. Brenda Jackson Fax: 705-735-6826 Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle gnew_Q}' 64 Cedar Point Dr., Unit #1405 Barrie, ON Mr. Michael O'Keefe Phone: 705-734-1818 x. 235 Director of Education Fax: 705-734-1812 Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board gcb@biOmac,on.c;~ 46 Alliance Blvd. Barrie, Ontario L4M 5K3 Phone: 705-722-3555 ext. 223 moke~f~@smc;dsb, 3 Ms. Louise Paul Ms. Kathy Simpson Chief Executive Officer Area Program Director, Simcoe County Children's Treatment Network of Simcoe York Kinark Child & Family Services 13175 Yonge Street 34 Simcoe Street Richmond Hill, ON L4E oG6 Barrie, Ontario L4N 6T4 Phone Toll: 877-719-4795 ext. 2304 Phone: 705-726-8861 ext. 314 LQJJise'l1gJ.Jl@!:tn:-~imcoeYQrk,c~ [email protected],~a

Mr. Serge Paul Ms. Kathy St. Amant Agent de Liaison Communautaire/Community Community Action Program for Children Liaison Officer Georgian Bay Native Women's Association Conseil Scola ire de District Centre-Sud-Ouest 562 King Street Phone: 905-450-6462 Midland, Ontario L4R 43P pguLs~@_c£d(s.Q.Qn,~a Phone: 705-527-7043 Fax: 705-527-4513 Mr. Gary Perdue gbnwa@I~gerS'(Qm Director of Human Resources Simcoe County Children's Aid Society Mr. Michel St. Amant 60 Bell Farm Road, Unit 7 Surintendant de I'education Barrie, Ontario L4M 5G6 Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud Phone: 705-726-6587 ext. 2237 110,avenue Drewry Toll: 800-461-4236 Toronto, Ontario, M2M 1C8 Fax: 705-726-9788 Telephone: (416) 397-6564, poste 3320 gpen:Jue@£ Telephone sans frais: 1-800-274-3764, poste 3320 Telecopieur: (416) 397-6652 Ms. Lianne Picot mst:gmant@~s.d~cs.~dll.Qn~g Executive Director CONTACT - South Simcoe Community Ms. Michelle Strickland I nformation Centre Executive Director Community Service Centre South Simcoe, John Howard Society of Simcoe & Muskoka Town Square, 39 Victoria Street East, 336-80 Bradford Street , ON L9R 1W1 Barrie, ON L4N 6S7 Phone: 705-4354900 Phone: 705-733-0683 lianne@con1actsou_trrsimco_e,!:g [email protected]

Ms. Karen Pulla Ms. Seija Suutari Vice President Child & Family Development Executive Director YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka United Way of Greater Simcoe County 22 Grove Street West, 136 Bayfield Street, Suite 100 Barrie, ON. L4N 1M7 Barrie, Ontario L4M 3B1 Phone: 705-726-9622 (705) 726-2301 ext. 26 Direct Line: 705-726-6421 ext. 432 seijas@unitedwaysimcoecount)' Ms. Terry Talon Ms. Carolyn Shoreman General Manager, Social Services Program Director, Family Health Service County of Simcoe Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit 1110 Highway 26 West 15 Sperling Drive Midhurst, Ontario LoL 1XO Barrie, Ontario L4M 6K9 Phone: 705-722-3132 ext. 1116 Phone: 705-721-7520 ext. 7361 ttalO-D@CitUnt)'.sLIJKQe.on,ca Fax: 705-721-1495 (aIQJyn.shQr~ma!J@s'[1Jdhu.QJg 4 Mr. James Thomson Ms. Lesley Watts Executive Director Program Manager, Simcoe County Gilda's Club Simcoe Muskoka Community Action Program for Children (CAPc) 93 Bell Farm Road, Suite 120, Lower Level Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP­ Barrie, ON L4M 5G1 MotherCare) Phone: 705-726-5199 Ext. 223 c/o Catulpa Community Support Services Fax: 705-726-7101 165 Ferris Lane !ames@gildasc! Barrie, Ontario L4M 2Y1 Phone: 705-733-3227 ext. 291 Ms. Sandy Thurston [email protected] Director, Planning, Network Development & Evaluation; Privacy Officer Ms. Deborah Woods Children's Treatment Network of Simcoe York Coalition Coordinator, CYFS Coalition of Simcoe 165 Ferris Lane County Barrie, ON L4M 2Y1 c/o Deb Woods Consulting Phone: 705-719-4795 Ext 2328 13 Pemberton Lane, RR # 2 Fax: 705-726-2870 Shanty Bay, ON Lol 2lo Sa.Dd)'.th_urston@ctn-~imcoe)' Phone: (705) 721-0736 [email protected] Mr. Ernie Vaillancourt Regional French Language Health Services Royal Victoria Hospital 201 Georgian Drive Barrie, ON L4M 6M2 Phone: 705-728-9090 ext. 4375 ~ailJancolJrte@rvb&

Mr. Jim Vaillancourt CSC CHIGAMIK CHC 344 King Street, P.O. Box 305 Midland, ON L4R 4L1 Phone: 705-527-4154 Fax: 705-527-4005 [email protected]

Ms. Kristina Veenstra CYFS Coalition of Simcoe County c/o KV Business Solutions 15 Peter Street Barrie, ON L4N SR2 Phone: 705-252-2569 Fax: 705-252-6785 kristinabus-©

Ms. Kathi Wallace Director of Education Simcoe County District School Board 1170 Hwy. #26 Midhurst, Ontario LoL 1XO Phone: 705-734-6363 ext. 11204 kwallace_@_scds_b.!Qn.~a

5 Preamble: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child affirms that all levels of government have a duty to help families fulfil their responsibilities and protect the rights of children. Furthermore, The United Nations Dec/aration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples affirms the distinctive rights and needs of indigenous peoples with particular attention to the rights and special needs of indigenous elders, women, youth and children. Simcoe County Children and Youth Charter March 26, 2009 All children and youth have fundamental rights and freedoms. They deserve respect and support to realize their rights and full potential. Because children and youth are the future of our community, it is in our interest to ensure that they all have the opportunity to grow into healthy, independent and contributing members of our society. Everyone in the community has a role to play in their growth and development. We have a joint responsibility to ensure that children and youth are protected and safe from exploitation and neglect. Children and youth must have access to a fair share of our community's resources.

The Simcoe County Coalition of Child, Youth and Family Services invites government and all sectors of our community to join in ensuring all children and youth enjoy life-long good health and well being through the provision of: ./ Nutritious food and safe water ./ A safe, affordable and comfortable place to live ./ Protection from neglect, abuse, violence and exploitation ./ A diverse and inclusive community ./ Respect and attention for the voices of children and youth ./ Love and support from caring adults in their community ./ The opportunity to learn and exercise the beliefs of their family's culture, including language, traditions and religion/spirituality ./ Access to quality, inclusive child care and/or early education programs ./ Safe places to play in their community ./ Access to affordable, inclusive recreational activities ./ Quality, inclusive, universal education system ./ Governments that recognize the importance of children's needs ./ Access to quality health care, mental health treatment, social programs and services that are timely, safe and effective ./ Services that are delivered in the context of their family, culture, community and school. These rights apply to all children and youth without discrimination due to race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, marital status, family status or ability.


Member Organization Date TOWN OF BRADFORD :5 201 0 WEST GWILLIMBURY Office of the Mayor/CAO Canada Post RECEIVED Community March 2010 MAR 1 ~ .. 2010 Literac.y 60-3426-C6-0S293 ,'nib ~end~ Town of Bradford-West Gwillimbury Awards His Worship Mayor Doug White P,O. Box 160 3541 Line 11 Bradford ON L3Z 2A8

Dear His Worship Mayor Doug White:

As Canadians, we are fortunate to have many literacy champions. Somewhere near the top of that list are those enthusiastic adult learners striving to engage and improve their literacy skills, along with the educators who help them to learn ..

Through literacy, a person's world is transformed for the better: it opens the door to increased knowledge and insight, improved critical thinking skills, and an ability to communicate with greater efficacy. While the world around that person doesn't change, his or her ability to change the world improves dramatically.

Please help us to acknowledge deserving efforts by nominating an individual and/or educator fromyoureommunity for a 2010 Canada Post Community i.iteracy Award. The Literacy Awards are Canada's only national awards dedicated to celebrating the achievements of adult learners, along with those who have helped them learn to read and write.

Everything you need to make a nomination is in the enclosed booklet, including category descriptions, submission criteria and a nomination fOrm. Visit our website at to learn more about the awards, view samples of past submissions and sign up for our free Literacy Awards email news service.

Celebrate literacy in your community - make a nomination to the Canada Post Community Literacy Awards before May 21, 2010!

Anthony Wilson-Smith Vice-President, Communications Canada Post