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ISBN: 978-1-78520-147-9 Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.

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Contents Introduction ...... 5 Torch ...... 5 K-II and EMF Detector ...... 5 Digital recorder ...... 6 Spirit box ...... 6 Laser grid ...... 7 Camera – full spectrum ...... 7 IR lights ...... 7 Thermometer / Flir Camera ...... 8 Static Detector ...... 8 Rem Pod ...... 9 Spirit / board ...... 9 Ovilus ...... 10 Dowsing rods ...... 11 Mel Meter ...... 12 Trigger objects ...... 12 Boo Buddy bear ...... 13 Pendulum ...... 13 Motion sensor ...... 15 Medium ...... 15 1. Torch ...... 16 2. EMF or K-II meter ...... 16 3. Camera ...... 16 4. Digital voice recorder ...... 16 5. Notebook ...... 17 What is a residual haunting? ...... 18 What type of activity is associated with a residual haunting? ...... 18 How can I catch evidence of a residual haunting? ...... 19 Examples of residual hauntings ...... 19 What is an intelligent haunting? ...... 20 What type of activity is associated with an intelligent haunting? ...... 20 How can I catch evidence of an intelligent haunting? ...... 21 Examples of intelligent hauntings ...... 21

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What type of activity is associated with orbs? ...... 22 Examples of Orbs ...... 22 What is a shadow person? ...... 25 What type of activity is associated with a shadow person? ...... 25 What is an elemental? ...... 26 What type of activity is associated with an elemental haunting? ...... 26 What is an demon? ...... 27 What type of activity is associated with a demonic haunting? ...... 27 Spirits of Children ...... 29 What can you expect to experience when a child spirit is around? ...... 29 How can I catch evidence of an elemental spirit? ...... 30 How can I catch evidence of orbs? ...... 30 How can I catch evidence of a shadow person? ...... 30 How can I catch evidence of a demon? ...... 30 How can I catch evidence of a child spirit? ...... 31 Permission ...... 32 Security ...... 32 History ...... 32 Preparation ...... 33 Walkthrough and Base Readings ...... 34 Wind and weather ...... 35 People walking past ...... 35 Light Pollution and Car Headlights ...... 35 Neighbours ...... 36 Trains and Planes ...... 36 Candle Experiment ...... 38 Twist Torch Trigger Experiment ...... 39

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Paranormal Resource Document

Ghost Hunting Equipment Introduction

There is a huge range of hunting equipment on the market and new ways of monitoring the experiences associated with activity are coming to the market all the time. While it is not necessary to invest in all of the kit, there are a few tools that every paranormal investigator needs, which we will cover. In this lesson we will cover the range of equipment available, how you use each device and what they will help you to monitor. Torch

A torch is a ghost hunting essential. Ghost hunting typically includes running around old buildings, with creaky floors and plenty of things to trip over. A good torch, with a far reaching beam is best. When investigating large sites or outside areas, you need to be able to see long distances. For example, when investigating a battlefield, a high powered torch is a must have in order to eliminate animal interference if you see something moving in the distance. Our advice is to buy the best torch you can afford. K-II and EMF Detector

A K-II meter or EMF detector is a very popular tool for paranormal investigators. Both these tools detect electromagnetic fields. Fluctuations in EMF readings often accompany paranormal phenomena. In some instances you can actually hold intelligent conversations with spirits using EMF detectors. If you ask the spirit to set off the device for yes and move away from it for no, you can then start to ask questions and build up a picture of the spirit you are communicating with.

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EMF meters are subject to quite a few possible sources of interference and it is vital that you rule these out before you can confidently say you are communicating with a spirit. Electrical cables and wires in the walls can set off EMF detectors. Before you run an investigation, it is important to check the entire location for wires and take base readings in every room so you can see when you are experiencing something out of the ordinary. Another device that can set off an EMF detector is a mobile phone or walkie talkie. When these ring or broadcast, they emit an EMF field which will set off your meters and result in an EMF spike.

High levels of EM radiation can cause side effects including paranoia and nausea. If, when carrying out your base readings you find an area with high EMF readings, this could explain some of the supposed hauntings and uncomfortable feelings that have led to you being called in to investigate in the first place. Digital recorder

A well-documented spiritual phenomenon is that of EVPs or electronic voice phenomena. This is the name given to sound recordings of ghostly voices, noises or activity. This is why a digital voice recorder is a vital addition to the ghost hunter’s toolkit.

Many times, a digital recorder will pick up noises or voices that you may not hear at the time but suddenly come through when you listen back during the evidence analysis. Often spirits may speak or communicate on a frequency which cannot be heard by humans. By recording this on a digital recorder and listening to it back through video enhancement software, you will be able to adjust the recording to a range that you can hear. Spirit box

A spirit box is a device that sweeps through radio waves very quickly. It spends approximately a tenth of a second on each frequency. You may pick up radio stations if

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you are investigating in a town or city. While you can pick up the odd word or sound from a radio station broadcast, you would not get a full sentence or even a few words coming through as you are sweeping the radio waves so quickly. Spirits have been known to manipulate white noise to communicate and there are many documented cases where spirits have used a spirit box to successfully communicate. If you get a clear word spanning several radio frequencies then it is likely to be a spirit manipulating the sounds. If you are really lucky, you can get a whole sentence come through, which definitely rules out a radio broadcast as it would have spanned 10-20 different frequencies. If you are investigating underground then you can be sure that any voices coming through are from spirit manipulation rather than radio waves. Some of the best spirit box evidence has come from underground caves. Laser grid

A laser grid is another relatively cheap item of equipment that is used to monitor and track movement. The laser grid fires out laser dots in a grid pattern. It can be pointed down a corridor or in a doorway and allows you to monitor and track any movement. If something steps into the beam, the dots will be reflected off that person or spirit and allow you to track movement more easily. Camera – full spectrum

A regular camera is great for catching most apparitions and orbs. If you think you have caught something in a photo, you need to take multiple shots in the same place to rule out any light reflecting, a camera error or just lens flare. Some of the most compelling paranormal evidence ever taken has been captured on just a regular cheap camera.

For those who are looking to capture more than just the visible spectrum, you can buy a full spectrum camera. These not only take pictures in normal light, but can also detect anomalies that may only be visible in UV or IR light. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that some spirits are only visible in light outside of the light spectrum visible to the human eye. IR lights

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IR lights are a must have if you have a night vision camera. Most night vision cameras have a built in IR light, but they don’t tend to be powerful enough to properly illuminate an area. By using one of these lights, you can light up an entire room. IR light is not visible to the human eye so the room will still appear to be pitch black, even though the camera can see everything as if it is daylight.

Thermometer / Flir Camera

A thermometer is a vital piece of ghost hunting equipment. You can pick up a basic laser thermometer for under £10. Temperature changes are often a sign of paranormal activity and a laser thermometer allows you to check the temperature of certain objects and areas by pointing the thermometer at them and pressing the trigger. A normal room thermometer will only measure the ambient temperature but is useful for placing in sight of a static camera to record any changes that may accompany activity.

A FLIR Camera or thermal imaging camera is an expensive but very useful alternative. A thermal imaging camera records the temperature of everything in its field of view and represents this on screen with a different colour. Cold areas appear blue and hot areas appear bright white. Most have the ability to record, much like a video camera, except you are recording real time temperatures. Typical things seen on a thermal imaging camera include blue apparitions appearing that are the same shape as a person, or the outline of a person sitting in a chair even though there is no one actually there. You do have to be careful when using a FLIR as if you shine it on a mirror or reflective surface, it will often show up the heat of the person using the camera. If a real person has sat in a chair and then moved, it will take a while for the chair to lose heat and again it will look as if a person is still sitting in that chair. Static Detector

A static detector is useful for detecting spirits. Most have a red and a green light that will dim depending on the static charge detected. For example, if a positive static charge is detected the green light goes off and if a negatively charged energy is detected, the red light will go out. Typically positively charged energies include animal and child spirits,

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poltergeists and residual hauntings. Negatively charged spirits tend to include demons, succubus and spirits with malicious intent. A static detector is a great tool to detect if spirits are what they seem. For example, there have been several cases where people believe that there is the spirit of a child haunting their home, only to discover that it gives off a negative charge and could therefore be a demon posing as a child spirit.

Rem Pod

The REM pod was originally designed and used by the Ghost Adventures team on TV. The pod has a telescopic antenna with radiates its own magnetic field. When this field is broken the pod lights up on the side where the interference is and there is an audible alarm. The REM pod allows you to see exactly where the spirit is and allows you to track its movement around the pod. It also has a built in thermometer that detects any temperature changes and alerts you with a light and an audible alarm. There are different alarm tones for each different field direction and temperature change which means you do not need to be in sight of the pod to understand what environmental changes are happening. Spirit / Ouija board

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These are to be used with great caution. An incorrectly run spirit or Ouija board session, can invite in spirits or demons with very bad intentions. Before running a session you need to make sure that you open the board correctly and carry out a blessing to ensure only good spirits come through. When you have finished, you need to close the board down properly and you must never store the board with the glass or planchette stacked on top as this can leave it open.

One of the main problems with a spirit board is the reliability of the people using it. Even if they are all sure they have not moved the glass or planchette themselves, their subconscious could be telling them to move and lead to false results. While many paranormal groups use spirit boards as part of their communication tools, the results are not very scientific and are often dismissed as proper evidence.


An Ovilus device doesn’t come cheap, but is a great tool for directly communicating with spirits. The device monitors several

Atmospheric conditions including temperature, electromagnetic fields, air pressure, humidity and turns adjustments in those into words. Spirits can manipulate the device to

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speak the word they want. The Ovilus contains an extensive dictionary of words that can be used and they have been used successfully to have an intelligent conversation with spirits. Dowsing rods

Dowsing rods date back to the 15th century when they were used to find underground water and hidden minerals. In the early 17th century, dowsing was considered satanic as the German scientist, Gaspar Schott, declared that the reason the rods moved was due to the devil himself. In the 18th century, dowsing rods were often used to track down alleged criminals.

Today, dowsing rods are still used by some to discover underground water sources, but more frequently they are used as a method of communicating with spirits. The most common way they are used is with a simple yes no questioning, where the spirit is asked to cross the rods for yes and throw them apart for no. They can also be used to point to the spirit themselves or ask the spirit to point them at the person they wish to communicate with.

Using dowsing rods is a very low tech way of communicating with spirits, however it is easily influenced by the person using them. If they are not balanced, they will automatically cross due to gravity and can lead to the false impression that they are communicating with a spirit. People will often subconsciously lean forward or back which can also lead to false results. While dowsing rods are fun to use, they are not considered a reliable tool for spirit communication.

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Mel Meter

The Mel Meter combines a high quality EMF detector with a thermometer, allowing you to carry one device instead of two. The latest ones also come with a built in torch saving you even more equipment space. The Mel Meter is more accurate than the K-II meter and can record the minimum and maximum readings on the device. It has an audible alarm setting and a desk stand so you can leave it unattended and still hear if there are any changes in the EMF readings. Trigger objects

Anything can be a trigger object in theory. However, if you know the history or the suspected spirits at the venue you are investigating, then it is important to use this information when selecting appropriate trigger objects. For example, if a child spirit has been sighted, then consider taking a doll or stuffed toy with you. If the venue was once used as a gambling den, then consider taking some cards and poker chips with you. If the trigger objects are something that the spirit is likely to recognise, then they are more likely to interact with it.

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Boo Buddy bear

Boo Buddy is relatively new on the market and combines a trigger object with lots of high tech gadgetry. The Boo Buddy looks like a stuffed bear, but he has an inbuilt thermometer and motion sensor. His paws light up red or blue depending on a rise or drop in temperature. His body lights up green if he is moved. He is also able to speak and will try and interact with a spirit. For example, if he detects movement, he will say ‘that tickles’. He is pre-programmed with a range of questions that he speaks at random including ‘what is your name?’, ‘what is your favourite food?’ And asking them to sing along with their ABCs. This makes it a useful toy for placing in locations that are known to be haunted with a child spirit. It can be locked off with just a video camera and left to investigate on its own. Pendulum

A pendulum is a very low tech ghost hunting tool. If you set a pendulum straight down and still, you can then ask the spirit to move or spin the pendulum. If you get a reaction, you can then ask the spirit to spin the pendulum one way for yes and the other for no. This will allow you to get some basic information out of the spirit. Of course, the pendulum does require a very steady hand to ensure that you are not moving it yourself and there is always the chance of you subconsciously moving it, i.e. moving it without realise that you are doing it, simply because you want a response.

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Motion sensor

A motion sensor is a great addition to a ghost hunter’s toolkit. The best ones have a base unit and a sensor you can put either side of a corridor. When the beam between the two is broken, an alarm sounds. This allows you to monitor activity in one area, without having to sit there and watch it the whole time. Cases where these have been put to great use include stately homes where are said to descend the stairs. By putting a motion sensor halfway down the stairs, you are able to detect any motion with the audible alarm. This could then be linked to a camera which records any activity when motion is detected.

A motion sensor also serves as a good safety device. If you place a motion sensor next to any unlocked doors, it serves as a warning should someone enter the property and allows you to be prepared should you have any trespassers. Medium

A medium is able to communicate with spirits, either directly, or through a spirit guide. A medium can be very useful to have on your team as they have a direct channel to the spirit world. They can often get more information that the yes or no answers you may be able to get with other equipment.

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Beginners Essential Equipment When you are new to ghost hunting, it can be tempting to run out and buy all the latest kit. However, it is important to find out if you have the stomach for it before you commit yourself to buying the newest ghost hunting gadgets. Here is our list of the top five essential pieces of kit for the ghost hunting beginner. 1. Torch

I know what you are thinking, well that is a bit obvious. It is and yet you would be surprised by how many people have turned up to come ghost hunting with my various groups without a torch. Many haunted locations tend to come with a hint of danger as they are most likely old and with many trip hazards. Personally, I recommend a head torch as this leaves your hands free for taking pictures or using other equipment. 2. EMF or K-II meter

It is well documented that paranormal activity is linked to a rise in electromagnetic field (EMF) readings. There are two types of EMF detector. The standard EMF detector gives you a reading on the screen. While it means you are able to record the exact levels you are being exposed to, it can be hard to read in the dark and you may miss rises in EMF during your investigation. However, the K-II consists of a series of lights that go from green, to amber and then red depending on the strength of the EMF field being generated. That makes them a great tool for monitoring EMF changes even in the dark. 3. Camera

Any camera will do, even your phone camera is good enough for early investigations. Whenever you start to feel anything out of the ordinary just start taking pictures all around you. While you may not be able to see anything, often your camera will pick something up. The most captured paranormal entity is that of orbs or balls of light. By taking multiple pictures in quick succession you can rule out dust and normal interference as the paranormal influence tends to only appear in one or two of the photos and will not appear in them all. 4. Digital voice recorder

A digital voice recorder is an essential component of the paranormal investigators tool kit. A spirit may not have the power to talk to you loud enough for you to be able to hear at the time. However when you listen back to the digital recorder, you are able to increase the volume and clear up some of the interference which means that often you capture responses to your questions. This recording is called an EVP or electronic voice phenomena.

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5. Notebook

If you want to carry out a serious investigation, then it is essential that you carry a notebook with you. Not only is this important for noting down the base readings before you start your investigations, but it helps you remember exactly what happened and when. This means that you can then cross check any paranormal experiences with any outside influences. For example, if your paranormal team in split in two and one group is investigating upstairs while you investigate downstairs, you might hear footsteps which could be paranormal or could be the team upstairs, so by noting down the exact time and location, you are able to cross reference it with the team upstairs to rule them out as the cause of the sound.

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Residual Vs Intelligent Hauntings There are two categories of typical hauntings, residual and intelligent. There are some phenomena that are unique to each type and some experiences you can expect from both types. This section explains the different between the two and what you can expect to experience with each type of haunting. What is a residual haunting?

A residual haunting can be likened to an echo of a previous time. Residual hauntings do not involve a spirit, they are just a recording of energy being played over and over again. This means that a residual haunting is not able to harm you and you do not need to worry or be afraid of any activity. Often the haunting will just re-enacting a person’s life or replay their death and there will be no interaction or response to the investigator’s presence. The apparitions tend not to be aware that they have passed and seem to just continue with their daily lives, as if they are still alive. Apparitions seen in residual hauntings, will often be seen going through walls as they continue to walk the path they would have when they were alive and are not aware of any changes that may have been made to the building.

Quite often you will see the same activity happen in the same place and at the same time each day as the haunting repeats over and over again. This fairly predictable behaviour makes residual hauntings the most commonly recorded phenomena.

There is much speculation around how and why some buildings seem to have residual hauntings when others do not. The most common theory is that many older buildings are made of slate, marble and iron and it is these elements that act in the same way as many old cassette tape players and record the energy of the building’s inhabitants. Limestone, quartz and water are also said to be conductors of energy for residual hauntings. It is a well-documented fact that energy cannot be destroyed, and as people are made up of energy, this has to go somewhere when we die. The building materials could store this energy and result in any traumatic events or deaths being replayed over and over. What causes the playback of these events is still a mystery but there are several hypotheses. Many believe that weather conditions or solar activity could act as a playback trigger. Others believe that it could be linked to the energy given off by visitors to the property. Unfortunately most paranormal investigators prefer to connect with intelligent spirits rather than study residual hauntings. Until time is spent trying to research how this phenomena occurs, it will remain a mystery, and we could be missing out on a breakthrough in regards to where our energy and our spirit goes after we die.

What type of activity is associated with a residual haunting?

The type of activity associated with this haunting are noises like footsteps pacing a particular spot, doors opening and generic phrases caught on digital recorders that they may have used while working or living their lives. They will not be able to answer investigators’ questions intelligently or be able to interact with equipment to answer questions. They will not generally interact with trigger objects.

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Typical signs of a residual haunting:

 Footsteps in the same place  Doors opening and closing  Noises typically associated with that spirits job e.g. pots and pans clattering if they were a cook  Phrases associated with their job or life. These phrases may not be heard at the time but will be caught on a digital recorder  Apparitions appearing in the same place at the same time of day  Walking through walls or in areas of the building which may no longer exist

How can I catch evidence of a residual haunting?

The best way to catch evidence of a residual haunting is to stake out an area that is known for its activity and try to see if there is a pattern. Ask the property owner to keep a diary of any paranormal activity for a few weeks. This will allow you to see if there are any patterns or specific times and places where activity consistently takes place, giving you an idea of where to place cameras and digital recorders in order to stand the best chance of capturing evidence.

Examples of residual hauntings

Anne Boleyn was the second wife of Henry VIII. Unable to bear the king a son, Henry decided he wanted rid of Anne and she was accused of treason, witchcraft and adultery. Many men were accused and eventually confessed under torture to having relations with the queen and all were ultimately condemned to death. On May 17th 1536, the five men who confessed were executed at Tower Hill, followed by Anne two days later. Because of the emotional and violent nature of her death, it has led to a residual haunting.

The guards known as the ‘Yeoman of the Guard’ have watched the towers since 1509 and there have been many sightings of the ghost of Anne since this time. One guard

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reported watching Anne lead a courtly procession across the tower green and on towards Tower Hill where she had been executed.

Another example of a residual haunting is the Treasurer’s Grand House in York, England which dates from the 17th century. The city of York was established in 71 AD when the Roman Ninth Legion built a fortress with 6000 soldiers. The Grand House stands within the area of the old Roman barracks. The residual haunting takes place in the cellar of the building and has been witnessed by generations of visitors. On several occasions throughout the year, Roman soldiers can be seen marching two by two through one wall into the opposite wall. These soldiers never interact with anyone but only march where you can see and hear it. Over the years the soldier’s legs have gotten shorter and it looks like they are walking on their knees. When the cellar was excavated, the Roman road was found two feet beneath the floor. The soldiers are still walking along this road, even though the building has been built up above. What is an intelligent haunting?

An intelligent haunting describes a spirit that can interact with investigators directly. This is a spirit that may or may not know they have passed, but they are still aware of their surroundings and the people in their environment. They will use their energy to let you know that they are around. This could be either by answering your questions out loud or through your digital recorder or by manipulating their environment to set off various items of ghost hunting equipment. They will be able to interact with trigger objects and may be able to move other objects.

What type of activity is associated with an intelligent haunting?

In an intelligent haunting you are directly interacting with the spirit of a person or an intelligent entity. This means that you can expect to experience any of the things you would expect while interacting with a living person. However, this also means that you can be subject to that spirits emotions and they can show anger and aggression. The level of interaction you get is subject to the energy of that spirit, although there is no current understanding of how spirits obtain the energy they need to communicate.

Typical signs of an intelligent haunting:

 Setting off your equipment in direct response to a question e.g. make the lights go red if you are a male  Answering your questions with an intelligent, relevant response that can be heard on your digital recorder  Moving of trigger objects  Lights turning on and off in response to questions  Knocks on walls in answer to questions e.g. one knock for yes, two for no  Ouija or spirit board responses  Turning off of equipment e.g. video cameras  Draining of camera batteries and other equipment  Intelligent responses through a spirit box  Touches and pushing or pulling on your body by the spirit

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 The feeling of being followed or the sound of footsteps following you around  How can I catch evidence of an intelligent haunting?

The problem with intelligent hauntings is that the spirits understand what is going on in their environment. This means that should they not wish to interact or be caught on camera, they have the intelligence to avoid your equipment. However, if you find a spirit that is interested in communicating, you can use any items of your ghost hunting toolkit to try and interact. If they are able to alter the electromagnetic fields, ask them to put the EMF detector up to red if the answer to your question is yes and step away and turn the lights off for no. You can also ask them to move trigger objects, turn off lights, make noises or come through on the spirit board.

Examples of intelligent hauntings

Most hauntings are intelligent. If you watch any of the current ghost hunting programs on television, you will see examples of intelligent hauntings. One of the most famous examples of an intelligent haunting is Borley Rectory in Essex. Several families lived at the rectory over the years, but all of them experienced a chilling catalogue of paranormal activity. The spirits liked to write on the walls of the rectory and wrote many personalised notes to the various inhabitants using their names and referencing experiences that only they could have witnessed. These notes proved that the spirits were not only causing the activity but that they had the intelligence to learn resident’s names and interact with them in a conversational manner.

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Orbs One of the most frequently documented paranormal phenomena is orbs. These are small, circular balls of light that appear in photos or video. There will often be an increase in the number of orbs before a full body apparition, as the spirit gains enough energy to start to materialise. Orbs are said to consist of energy and are the spirit trying to show themselves to the investigators.

The one problem with orbs is distinguishing between a genuine orb and a bug or moth, as the two can look very similar when photographed or videoed. It is especially hard to distinguish when you use infrared cameras as you have no colour to help you determine the true identity of the object. The main way to tell the difference is the path the object takes across the screen. An orb is more likely to change direction and move intelligently round an object. Whereas a bug will tend to bob up and down on the screen as it flies and tends to just shoot across the screen in one direction. Orbs will disappear into walls and can be seen going into investigators, with them often feeling like they have been touched at the same time. If you take a series of photographs in the same spot in quick succession you will often find that the orbs may only appear in one or two pictures, whereas a bug will be present in all of them, albeit it may have moved. What type of activity is associated with orbs?

Orbs tend to be a sign that a spirit is trying to manifest and you tend to find that the number of orbs increases in an area, right before a paranormal experience. For example, you often see orbs come into a room and fly through a door right before you see that door move or hear a bang on the door.

They are also often seen flying into people, just as that person feels they have been touched and on occasions have left red marks or scratches on investigators skin.

Generally, if you see a large number of orbs, it means there is an increase in energy in the room and this is usually followed by significant paranormal activity. Examples of Orbs

Due to the commonality of orbs, there are hundreds of thousands of examples. Just typing orbs into google images brings up thousands of results. Here are some examples of orbs caught in photos.

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Shadow People What is a shadow person?

A shadow person is a fairly commonly reported paranormal phenomena. It is often described as a black mass, object or mist that seems to have the outline of a person or humanoid form. They can be solid in appearance or transparent but they tend to be lacking any facial features. They look like the shadow of a person, but there is no actual human there to be casting a shadow. Often they are seen in a person’s peripheral vision and seem to disappear when looked at directly.

There are many theories surrounding shadow people. People report feeling very anxious and often have feelings of despair and hopelessness shortly after seeing a shadow person. Witnesses have reported seeing shadow people with red eyes and even horns, which seem to be an attempt by the spirit to appear intimidating. Some say that shadow people are very negative entities and are considered dangerous due to the feelings they tend to provoke in witnesses. However, it is human nature to associate anything as black in colour as evil or scary so whether these feelings originate from the shadow person or from the witness is hard to identify.

One theory says that they are just human spirits that are black in colour due to their own emotions and the blackness denotes that they are lost and may need help in crossing over. They may be black due to the fact that they want to remain hidden in order to watch loved ones without causing them any stress. This theory ties into the fact that some of the best photos of shadow people show them peering round doors and trying to stay hidden from the camera. Others believe that they are neither evil nor helpful and the black colour denotes a void of emotion. Some speculate that they are in fact just visitors from another dimension. It is very hard to prove any of these theories, although there are some excellent photos in existence of shadow people encounters. What type of activity is associated with a shadow person?

Shadow people tend not to make any noise and are primarily a visual phenomenon.

Typical signs of a shadow person are:  Seeing a black humanoid shape in your peripheral vision  Catching sight of a black mist when you turn your head quickly  Seeing extremely dark spots in a room  Seeing light sources blocked out when there is no one else in the room  A feeling of despair or hopelessness

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Elementals What is an elemental?

The first examples of elemental spirits can be found in the 16th century. They are mythical beings that are said to be intelligent and very aware of their surroundings but they have never been ‘alive’ in the conventional sense. Elementals are not human and are linked to the four elements of earth, wind, fire and water. They are said to have powers and people who have encountered them have witnessed their ability to take on the form of other beings including children or animals.

In folklore, gnomes, fairies, goblins, leprechauns and mermaids are all said to be types of elementals and are examples of the variety of forms that an elemental can take. Elementals attach themselves to nature and as such are more likely to be felt when outdoors. They tend to be invisible to the human eye, but are able to communicate through spirit boards, spirit boxes and other ghost hunting tools. They tend to be quite mischievous spirits and liked to play tricks or games.

Native Americans believed very heavily in elemental spirits, going so far as to worship them as the creators of all natural life. They believed that elementals were responsible for all natural growth and the generation of new life on the planet. They also believed that they were responsible for earthquakes, fires, droughts and other earthly disasters and so it was vital they were treated with complete respect. What type of activity is associated with an elemental haunting?

Elementals are created from the four elements, earth, wind, fire and water. This means any experiments using any of these elements are more likely to bring forward elementals. If you are investigating near a large body of water, then it is likely to attract water based elementals. To attract fire based elementals, use candles and ask the elemental to put the candle out or dim the flame in response to your questions.

Typical signs of an elemental haunting include:  Nonsense coming through on a spirit board – they do not always understand our language or questions so may not be able to communicate clearly through the spirit board  Strange mist or a collection of orbs when investigating outside  The sound of running water or fire on recordings when no fire or water is nearby  Voices in an incomprehensible language on a voice recorder  Pulling of hair, touching or general tugging of clothes.  Dimming of candles or lights

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Demons What is a demon?

A demonic haunting is the worst kind of haunting possible. A demonic entity is one that has the power to cause significant harm to the residents or investigators and they are even able to kill (although often indirectly).A demon is pure evil and fear, depression and sadness help a demon grow stronger. Demons have not lived, they are just negative entities that prey on people often when they are at their weakest. A demon is able to possess people. They often attach themselves to people who may be ill or going through a difficult time in their life. They feed on the sadness and can leave the person affected feeling depressed. They build on these feelings of depression and can convince people affected to commit suicide. There are plenty of examples of people who are suffering with a demonic haunting or possession feeling depressed. The movie The Exorcist, was based on a true story of a . Demons also have the power to harm people both directly. They can push people down stairs, scratch them, bite them and have even been documented to start fires. Demons are able to imitate other people and objects. They commonly take the form of a young child as people are more likely to let their guard down. Always be wary of a property that claims to have a child ghost as it could be something much more sinister in disguise. A common way to end up inviting a demon into your home is through the use of a spirit or Ouija board. Ouija boards are very dangerous if not used correctly. You never know who you are really talking too and it could be a demon pretending to be a child or loved one just to get to you. If you suspect a demonic haunting, you are best to seek the advice of a priest. It can be very dangerous to take on a demon alone. You need to be very spiritually protected to be safe. A priest will be able to carry out a house blessing and / or an to help cleanse the property. What type of activity is associated with a demonic haunting?

A demon has the ability to imitate other people and objects. They can appear as a child or as an elderly person so you let your guard down. Always be wary when you investigate locations where a child is said to haunt. Look into the background of the building to see if there could have been children there in the past. For example, if you are investigating a prison and there are reports of a child ghost, then be wary. A child would not have been in that place in life, so why it would be there in death. When a demon is present, it can make people feel very sad or depressed for no reason. If you find yourself feeling very emotional or depressed, then it could be a sign that you have a demonic entity trying to attach itself to you. Demons are able to hurt people. Typically this is in the form of bites or scratches. The scratches will often only be 3 marks as a way of mocking the holy trinity. A demon can be very clever and can possess or attach themselves to a person in your home, without anyone knowing for a while. The first thing you will notice is a personality change or they may start to show the signs of depression. They may withdraw into themselves and may even start mentioning a new friend that they did not mention before. If you suspect you may have a demon in your home, it will not hurt to have your home blessed. If you tell the person affected, they will object to this

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as it will be the demon trying to defend the property through them. However, do not let the demon win.

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Child Spirits Spirits of Children

It is always sad to hear that there are the spirits of children haunting a location. It usually means that they died in tragic circumstances before they have had the chance to live a full life. There tend to be two kinds of spirit children, those who died suddenly but due to natural causes and those that have been murdered. The first type, tend not to be sad and will often play with investigators. They may not even know they are dead. The second type tend to be less willing to play and often cause feelings of great sadness in investigators. There is one thing that you do need to be very wary of if there is rumours of a child spirit. Often demons and negative entities can take the form of a child to appear less threatening. Investigators can be tricked into believing that they are communicating with a child when they are actually in the first stages of a possession from a demon. What can you expect to experience when a child spirit is around?

A child spirit tends to communicate as freely as they did in life. If they were shy in life, then they will remain shy in death. However, there are many things that you will experience when there is a child spirit around including:  Small footsteps / sounds of children running around  Items moving around the property by themselves  Children’s toys being moved or played with at night  A feeling of overwhelming sadness  A feeling of wanting to giggle or laugh for no reason  Hearing children’s voices or giggling  Seeing a child out the corner of your eye  Animals in the property may appear to be playing with someone you cannot see

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Picking the Right Equipment How can I catch evidence of an elemental spirit?

The best way to experience an elemental spirit is to do an outside investigation, near a water source or body of moving water, like a waterfall. To try and communicate with an elemental spirit, try using two candles. Ask the spirit to dim or blow out one for yes and the other for no. You should notice that they are able to manipulate the candles to give responses to your questions.

A full spectrum camera can be good for capturing the mist or orbs often associated with an elemental presence.

It can be hard to distinguish between an elemental and another spirit. Elementals are natural tricksters and do like to take on the disguise of other animals and people. However, the proximity to a natural water source and the correctness of any message coming through on a spirit board should help you to decide if it is human or not. How can I catch evidence of orbs?

Orbs are one of the easiest paranormal phenomena to catch. You only need a digital camera with a flash. You can even use a smartphone. Make sure that you take multiple pictures in quick succession to rule out the interference of insects. A night vision camcorder is the best tool for capturing orbs as you can see their movement on camera and you eliminate the possibility of it being dust as this does not tend to show up on an infrared camera as clearly as when a flash is used on a regular camera.

Orbs can also set off EMF detectors and we have often recorded them flying into detectors, which have then gone off. How can I catch evidence of a shadow person?

A full spectrum still or video camera is the best way of catching evidence of a shadow person. Using a laser grid can also help you to identify a shadow person as when they walk through the beam, the lights on the wall will be blocked out. A Kinect camera is also a great way to monitor for shadow people. They tend to map in a human form on screen when a shadow person is spotted on camera. CCTV systems and motion sensors can also be a good tool for monitoring, especially when you are in a large building and are looking to eliminate the chance of any outside interference. How can I catch evidence of a demon?

It is hard to catch evidence of a demon as they may imitate other spirits.

The best piece of equipment for trying to really find out whether you are dealing with a demon is a static charge monitor. With this device, a negative spirit or entity will cause

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the red light to go out, indicating a negative presence. If you thought you had the ghost of a child in the room with you but the red light goes out, then it indicates that it is unlikely to really be a child.

We have had good success at capturing EVPs from demonic entities. The language is not always very nice and they will often threaten you or your family.

Bring a camera if you know you are likely to encounter a demonic entity as you will want to capture any red marks, scratches or bite marks on camera before they fade. How can I catch evidence of a child spirit?

The first thing you need to confirm is if you are actually communicating with a child and not another entity in disguise. The easiest way to do this is to use a static electricity detector. If the red light goes off, it indicates a negative charge in the air, which means you may be dealing with a negative entity rather than a child.

Children like to play with things, so set up a variety of trigger objects like dolls, toy cars or other toys for them to play with and move.

Children like lights and things that make a noise, so a R.E.M. Pod can be a great tool for detecting children. It also allows you to ask them questions and get a response as they can move closer to set it off for a yes and move away for a no.

Children tend to communicate more vocally than other spirits. While you may not hear them at the time, by using a digital recorder, you can catch clear and good quality EVPs. Child spirits account for almost half of our captured EVPs.

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Preparing for an Investigation Permission

We cannot stress highly enough, how important it is to get the permission of the owners of any property or grounds that you are planning to investigate. Without permission you risk a criminal conviction, not to mention putting your life in danger. There may be very valid reasons that an owner may not want you on their property if, for example, the structure is unsafe or is at risk of collapse. Even stable looking buildings could have rotten floorboards and if you are investigating on your own and get hurt, it could be a very long time before you are found. Security

When investigating, it is important to tell a relative or next of kin where you are going. Never go ghost hunting on your own. If you were to trip or fall and hurt yourself, it could be a long time before you are found.

When on site, make sure that you secure the site as much as possible. Lock external doors or any gates leading to the property to prevent intruders.

If you have a central base station, make sure that someone is there looking after the equipment and monitoring any CCTV for possible security risks.

Make sure that any close neighbours know that you are carrying out an investigation, or else you could find that one of them calls the police when they see people walking around in the dark! History

There are two schools of thought around researching a location before you investigate. Some paranormal teams prefer to go in completely cold so that their subconscious does not affect the results that they get on the night. Others prefer to research a venue thoroughly before investigating, so they know what trigger objects to bring and have a better idea of what equipment to bring based on previous experiences by other teams.

If you are using a Medium, it is important to keep as much information from them as possible. This helps you to recognise if the Medium is genuine, because if they get things right about the property, but know nothing about the history, then the information has to be coming from the spirits.

Our personal preference is to research any venue before we investigate. There is plenty of information on the internet about most places and your local council will also be able to provide you with local history. Often, the owners are the best people to ask for detailed paranormal experiences as they are the ones who have to live with it every day.

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Preparing for your investigation is key. Nothing is worse than getting to a venue and discovering that half your equipment has flat batteries! Here is our suggested timeline and checklist for preparing for your investigation.

1 week before:

 Confirm attendance with the venue  Check if you need public liability insurance and purchase if necessary  Research the venue’s history and read up on previous investigations, if there are any  Create a list of the equipment you plan to take to the venue 48 hours before:

 Empty digital camera and camcorder storage  Empty digital voice recorder storage  Put cameras and other equipment on to charge 24 hours before:  Get all equipment packed up and ready to go. Crosscheck your equipment list with the equipment packed  Plan the route to your investigation venue and ensure you can park nearby  Inform your next of kin where you will be going and give them the full address of the venue, along with the names of anyone else going with you  Stock up on energy snacks and plenty of bottled water. Pack some painkillers too as often people who are sensitive to spirits can find they have a mild headache by the end of the evening.  Pack a first aid kit  Pack some extra warm clothing and a coat – even in summer it can get very cold at night

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Walkthrough and Base Readings Walkthrough and Base Readings

Before you officially start your investigation, it is vital to carry out a walkthrough and take base readings from all areas. This allows you to rule out natural causes for any evidence you may catch.

You need to work through the following checklist in every room: 1. Go round the whole of the perimeter of the room with an EMF detector and write down the base readings. The best way to do this is to draw a copy of the room layout on a piece of paper. Write down the average base reading if there are no spikes. If you do find any EMF spikes around the room, mark these on your drawing and make a note of the EMF levels. 2. Draw on any windows or doors on your diagram. Go round all the windows and make sure they are closed. If there is a draft coming through, make sure this is noted on your plan. 3. Test the doors to see if they open and close on their own due to a draft or gravity. Note this on your plan. 4. Check the floor. Is it level or is there a slope? Test this by taking a marble round with you on your walk round. Make a note of any sloping on your plan. 5. Take a thermometer with you and make a note of the base temperature in every room. Check doorways and windows to see if there is a temperature difference and make a note of any changes. 6. As you go round the room, make a note of anything that is hanging down that could swing or make a noise. If possible, give them a push and see how hard it is to make them move. Make sure you leave everything still when you leave the room. 7. Check to see that all cupboard doors are shut and write on your plan if you have to leave anything open. This prevents confusion later on if you are reviewing footage and can’t remember if you left a door open or closed. The same goes for doors in and out of the room. 8. Make a note of anything that could flap or move easily if brushed against. You want to make sure that you can rule these out of EVPs later. 9. Mark locations of cameras on the plans for each room 10. Mark the locations of trigger objects on the plan 11. Mark the location of any digital recorders

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Eliminating Outside Influences In order to ensure you get the best possible evidence, it is vital to try and eliminate as many outside influences as possible.

Typical outside influences could include:

 Noises  Wind from open windows  People talking as they walk past  Car headlights coming from outside  Light pollution  Things outside being blown around or banging  Nearby train tracks  Planes flying overhead  Noise from the neighbours (can be significant in a semi-detached or terraced property) It is important to make a note of anything that could cause interference during your walk round and when taking your base readings. This allows you to cross reference anything you capture with your notes when reviewing your evidence and allows you to rule out anything that could be interference.

There are several ways you can reduce the chances of outside interference. Wind and weather

On your walk round, make sure you check all windows and doors to see if they are open or if there is a significant draft coming through. Make sure you shut all the windows and shut all external doors. With internal doors, make sure that you note down if you left the door open or closed but test the door to see if it moves on its own as a result of a draft.

Walk round the outside of the building and make a note of anything that could move, flap or blow around. If possible, move items or reposition them so they have no chance of making a noise. People walking past

Most of the time, there is not much you can do about this if you are investigating a house. However, if you are investigating a large venue or public space, ask the owner or local council if it is possible to get the gates around the venue shut and locked just for the night. You can use temporary tape barriers to ensure that people keep their distance, which will help to minimise the effect. Light Pollution and Car Headlights

Light or headlights coming through windows and reflecting off other surfaces can cause all kinds of light anomalies and sadly there are many examples of this having been classed as ‘paranormal phenomena’. Where possible, draw curtains or bring along

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blackout sheets to cover the windows. It is worth spending an hour covering all the windows if it then means that you know the evidence you collect is legitimate. Neighbours

Neighbours can be tricky. Some will welcome you doing a paranormal investigation in the property next to theirs and some really won’t. Ask the owners of the property you are investigating how receptive their neighbours would be to the idea. If they don’t think there will be a problem, then pop round and let them know when you will be investigating and ask them if they are able to keep noise to a minimum during the time you are there. We have had great success in the past by offering the neighbours the chance to come and investigate with us. It gets them out of their property and you reduce the risk of them making an unknown noise. Another tactic is to offer them a meal voucher or evening out to ensure you have the neighbouring property empty for most of the night. Trains and Planes

Again, this is something you cannot guard against. However, when reviewing your evidence, it is important to check the local train timetables to see if there were any passing when you recorded your evidence. It is also worth recording a train passing and a plane flying overhead during your walk round, so you can compare it to any noise you capture to ensure they are not the same.

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Capturing Quality EVPs EVP or electronic voice phenomena are one of the most commonly captured forms of paranormal investigations. These are also one of the most satisfying pieces of evidence to capture. Nothing beats playing back a recording and hearing the voice of someone you couldn’t see or hear at the time.

There are two main types of EVP. There are the EVPs that you hear both at the time it is spoken but is also captured on the recorder. Then there are the EVPs that you do not hear at the time and can only hear when you play back the recordings afterwards. This second type of EVP is the real motivator for listening back through hours of evidence after your investigation. The excitement of finding a high quality EVP is what makes ghost hunting so worthwhile.

To ensure you capture the very best EVPs, there are 4 main rules you need to follow:

1. Always introduce your venue location, where you actually are within the venue, the date and exact time you are starting your session and the names of the people in the room with you. 2. Don’t move. It sounds obvious, but until you are forced to stand absolutely motionless that you realise just how much you move. Every time you scratch, adjust your foot slightly, swish your hair, it could produce noise from your clothes that could be mistaken for a whisper or muffled voice on your voice recorder. You need to keep absolutely still and if you move, make sure that you record that out loud so it is captured on tape and you know to disregard the noise during evidence review. 3. If you hear any noises outside, which at the time you might dismiss as someone shouting for a taxi outside or a train going past, it is vital that you record it by mentioning it out loud for the purposes of the tape. You might think that you will remember the noise when you get to review the evidence, but it is easy to forget and things often sound very different on tape to in person. 4. The same applies to coughs, sneezes or sniffs. You might think you will recognise the sounds on tape, but they often sound very different. Again, make sure that you record every time someone sniffs or coughs on tape. To make reviewing your evidence easier and more manageable, keep your EVP question sessions to 5 minute blocks before you stop and start the recorder. This allows you to listen back in easy chunks.

Another technique is live EVP playback. This is where you ask 3-4 questions on the recorder and then immediately listen back to the recording to see if you have captured any voices. This is a useful tool to see if it is worth continuing with an EVP session in that particular area. You may as well move on and try another room if you find you are getting no responses after 5 or so short sessions.

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Using Trigger Objects Trigger objects can be a great and inexpensive ghost hunting tool. Pretty much anything can be used as a trigger object, but we have always found that if you use items relating to the history of the house, or suspected spirits, then you have the best chance of something interacting with them.

Examples of potential trigger objects could include:

 Doll  Stuffed toy  Toy car  Round ball  Playing cards  Poker chips  Flowers  Doctors instruments  Candles  Twist torches To carry out a scientific trigger object experiment you will need a large sheet of paper and a pen. Place your trigger object on top of the paper and draw round it. Then shut the room and do not allow anyone else to go in there until it is time to pack up in the morning. That way, you can see if the object has moved since you left it by seeing if it has moved outside the pen outline. If it has moved, draw a line round its new position before you lift it off the paper. This allows you to measure just how much it has moved when it is time to review your evidence. It is even better if you can have a video camera aimed at your trigger object all night to allow you to actually see any movement happen. Candle Experiment

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Another good trigger object experiment to try is the candle flame experiment. However, not all venues will allow you to have a naked flame, so make sure you ask permission before you light anything. The last thing you want is to set the smoke alarms off or worse still, burn the place down by accident.

For this experiment you need a camera and a candle. Before you set up your candle, make sure that there are no drafts from windows or doors that could interfere with the test. Light the camera and ask the spirit to blow the candle out. You can also ask them to blow the candle flame in a particular direction to indicate yes or no answers. For this experiment, you need a camera so you can record your questions and the reaction of the flame. Having the footage means you are able to play it back and really analyse any changes in the flame size or direction properly. Twist Torch Trigger Experiment

For this experiment you will need two small torches that twist to turn on and off. You need to set the two torches on a worktop and twist them to the point where they are just about to turn on or off. Make sure that you clearly identify one torch as the yes torch and one as the no torch with signs or pieces of paper clearly marked.

You can then ask the spirits yes / no questions and ask them to respond by turning the yes or no torch on or off. This experiment works really well and there are plenty of examples on You Tube. Again, this is a great experiment to record on camera as it provides instant visual evidence.

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Analysing Evidence This is the most tedious part of investigating. If you have multiple cameras and voice recorders, you could be looking at 24+ hours of footage to review. This is where having a group is great, because at least you can divide the evidence up between you. While analysing evidence is not the most fun thing to do, finding that quality EVP or catching an apparition on camera is why we do this and honestly, there is no greater buzz than finding a piece of clear paranormal evidence.

Analysing Evidence Process:

1. Add the master list of every video/audio file to the Analysing Evidence Checklist (see below) and rename the files accordingly e.g. Video file 1 – Venue – Date 2. Divide the evidence files up amongst the team and try to make sure that everyone has their fair share. More teams have split up over evidence review arguments than anything else! 3. Print off an Evidence File Record for every recording you have. 4. Make sure that your evidence review room is silent and you are not likely to have any interruptions. Invest in a decent pair of noise cancelling headphones to ensure you don’t experience any outside noise that could pollute your review. 5. Listen or watch your evidence carefully. Use the Evidence File Record to note down everything you see or hear that cannot be explained. Make sure that you add in the start and end time of the anomaly so you can easily find it later. 6. Cross reference all evidence found with your base readings and walk through notes to check if something could be explained by natural causes. Anything that could possibly be explained e.g. curtain moving but noticed a draft during walk round, must be eliminated from your evidence record. There is a saying amongst ghost hunters – ‘If in doubt, throw it out’. If you are not 100% certain that it is unexplained, then it is not a real piece of evidence. 7. Once you have all reviewed your evidence from the night, arrange a team meeting where you can review and carefully go through everything you have found together. Remember to bring all of your Evidence File Records with you. It is great to get a second pair of eyes or ears to check over what you have found as they may know what caused it. 8. Once you have been through the evidence, make a note on your central Analysing Evidence Checklist. You should be left with a set of videos or recordings that are unexplained. Congratulations, you now have paranormal evidence. Once you have your evidence, make sure that you store it properly and back it up just in case the worst happens to your PC.

You can also start to compare your evidence to historical records and see if you can identify the spirits you see or hear.

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