Ꭹ Ꮪ Ꮹ Ꮳ W Ꭹ Ꭺ Ꮺ Ꮅ GIDUWA CHEROKEE NEWS Published Quarterly | October 2020 Official Publication of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma Celebrating 70 years of Keetoowah Sovereignty


Tahlequah – The United Kee- have the right to govern our- The United States Congress That day, the vote would toowah Band of Cherokee In- selves,” said Chief Joe Bunch. officially recognized the UKB in be 1,414 in favor and one dians will celebrate 70 years of “We’ve been here for centuries 1946 under the terms of the Okla- against. Keetoowah sovereignty on Oc- and today Congress and the homa Indian Welfare Act of 1936, The vote was to approve tober 3, 2020. world now recognize Native but our constitution and bylaws the UKB constitution and by- “What 70 years of sov- Americans as tribal nations. would not be written and approved ereignty means to me is that we That’s what sovereignty is.” until October 3, 1950. See Sovereignty, Page 2

2020 ELECTION COVERAGE The 2020 UKB Tribal Council Election will be held Monday, November 2. For a full list of candidates, polling sites, voter informa- tion and a final voter listSee Page 10

ICW certifies first Keetoowah foster home UKB sets COVID-19 hours through 2020 The UKB Indian Child Welfare Department The UKB tribal offices will continue oper- is happy to announce its first fully certified ating on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Keetoowah foster home with house parents only schedule through the end of December Andrew and Robyn Taylor. See Page 9 2020. See Page 4 for more information Health discrimination portal open UKB Gaming Compact takes effect

BY BRITTNEY BENNETT untarily share their stories if BY ADMINISTRATION they believe they, or someone TAHLEQUAH – The United TAHLEQUAH - The United recognition that he is autho- in their family, were treated Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Keetoowah Band of Cherokee rized to deviate, within certain differently by a Cherokee Na- Indians Tribal Council has part- Indians in Oklahoma are proud bounds, from the Oklahoma tion healthcare employee or nered with Jeffrey Nelson Law to announce that on September Model Compact and negotiate received substandard care be- Firm to launch an online health- 8, 2020, the U.S. Government individualized Compacts with cause of their Keetoowah tribal care discrimination portal for published notice in the Federal Oklahoma tribes. membership,” said Nelson. Keetoowahs who feel they have Register that the tribe’s Class III The compact authorizes He noted that the U.S. been denied healthcare at Cher- Gaming Compact with the State certain Class III casino gam- government has a “unique legal okee Nation Healthcare Oper- of Oklahoma has been deemed ing, not to include sports bet- relationship with Indian tribes, ations based upon their UKB approved under the Indian Gam- ting, at a Keetoowah casino to including the “duty to provide membership affiliation. ing Regulatory Act and is now be developed in Logan County, tribal citizens with healthcare.” The portal can be ac- effective. Oklahoma. Revenue sharing This commitment be- cessed by visiting www.mctlaw. This Compact will open with the State at this future fa- gan with the creation of the com/ukb-healthcare. Submis- a new chapter of Indian gaming cility will range from 12–15 Indian Health Service within sions are strictly voluntary and for both the tribe and the State of percent, depending on the lev- the Department of Health and will not be shared publicly. Oklahoma. el of adjusted net revenue from Human Services in 1955. “Council authorized the For the State, the Com- the casino’s gaming machines. creation of an internet portal See Health Portal, Page 6 pact marks a new era of pos- See Compact, Page 4 where UKB citizens can vol- sibilities with the Governor’s Story ideas can be sent to facebook.com/ [email protected] or by calling Giduwa Cherokee 918-871-2800, ext. 2756 News @UKBMedia 2 - October 2020 COUNCIL ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ Sovereignty, continued from page 1

laws as they had been submitted event with a traditional meal, “For me personally, I would Assistant Chief: on May 8, 1950 to the Assistant traditional games and an address say 70 years of sovereignty means Jamie Thompson Secretary of the Interior William from the chief. blessed,” he said. “Our Creator has [email protected] E. Warne. Activities this year been fighting for us, even when we The seven-page document have been cancelled due to have had disagreements or differenc- begins by reading: “We the mem- COVID-19 and the UKB es. Our Creator has always interced- bers of the United Keetoowah Tribal Council hopes to reconvene ed for us. Today, it is an honorable Band of Cherokee Indians in for Celebration again in 2021. blessed state to have our sovereignty Oklahoma, in order to promote Year 70 has been espe- recognized by having our land into Secretary: our common welfare and to secure cially good to the Keetoowahs, trust.” Joyce Fourkiller to ourselves and our posterity the including a decision by the U.S. UKB Media Director Brittney [email protected] rights, powers and privileges au- Supreme Court to let our 76-acre Bennett also shared her thoughts on thorized and offered by the Okla- land in trust decision stand after an 70 years of sovereignty. homa Indian Welfare Act of June appeal by the Cherokee Nation of “It is remarkable to have 26, 1936 and the Act of August 10, Oklahoma was filed in January a history that we can look back 1946, do hereby ordain and estab- 2020. on and say that 70 years ago, our lish the following constitution and Our 76-acres in Tahlequah leaders knew how important it was to Treasurer: bylaws.” is home to our community services assert our sovereignty with the writ- Ella Mae Worley The voting process, which buildings, our childcare center, ing of a constitution and bylaws,” said [email protected] required at least 30 percent of eli- the John Hair Cultural Center and Bennett. gible tribal voters to cast their bal- Museum, a wellness center, the Jim “These principles and lots, was overseen by then Chief Proctor Elder and Nutrition Center foundations of government al- Jim Pickup and Secretary White and our stomp grounds. low us to make national and local Runabout. The decision to honor our decisions that we know are in our This historical vote is now land in trust means that the Kee- own best interest, give our peo- Canadian celebrated each year on the first toowahs will have 76 acres to do ple a bill of rights and allows us to Eddie Sacks weekend in October with the with as we see fit into perpetuity, hold our own elections. We are not (918) 822-1957 Annual Keetoowah Celebration. bringing real weight to our tribe’s a tribe that has been lost to time or Unfortunately 2020 is saying of “Keetoowah Forever.” colonization. We continue to en- the first year that the tribe and Former UKB Chief Jim dure with a federal recognition that its members will not be coming Henson, who served from 1998 cannot be undone. We Keetoowahs together physically to hold to 2000, shared what 70 years of have truly been blessed by the Celebration, which marks the sovereignty means to him. C re at or.” Cooweescoowee Jeannie Tidwell (405) 822-4948

70 Years of Being Delaware Adalene Smith (918) 353-5036 Keetoowah Strong!

Chief Joe Bunch [email protected]

Flint Dear Tribal Members, with our lobby closed to the pub- clinic. The property has a little over Frankie Still Employees and Partners, lic. The tag office has a modified two acres and existing medical (918) 507-1822 schedule so please call ahead. The equipment, provided the purchase Siyo! Jim Proctor Elder and Nutrition is CARES Act eligible. We look At this time, local and rural Center is closed, but you can get a forward to this development. schools have started, some with grab and go lunch from 11 a.m. to The Council also approved face-to-face instruction and 12:30 p.m. the tribe applying for a BIA 477 others with virtual or distant We received good news! contract, which includes Higher Goingsnake learning. Please be alert for the Our Class Ill Gaming Compact has Education, Adult Education and Sharon Benoit (918) 791-1023 school stops in the mornings and taken effect. On September 8, 2020 Johnson-O’Malley program afternoons. we received notice in the Federal funding. I wish everybody well. Register that the Office of Indian On September 11, 2020 the We have had six months of a Gaming has approved our compact Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma tribal emergency due to the Coro- for tribal gaming in Logan County, delivered a mobile pantry, which navirus, or COVID-19 pandemic. which is north of Oklahoma City. provided vegetables for at least 125 Illinois District: Our prayers go out to those who The process is first to find families. The delivery was in bulk Peggy Girty are sick or have lost loved ones a location suitable for gaming, and volunteers assisted with the (918) 457-7067 due to the virus. purchase the parcel, put the parcel sorting and repackaging of the food When the Coronavirus in trust with the federal govern- for the nine district representatives first arrived six months ago, at ment, and develop the casino and to distribute in the nine districts. first we thought in two weeks this employee base. Our next delivery is October will be over and we will be back We now have the approval 27, 2020. Your council representa- to normal. Fast forward and it’s for gaming in Logan County due tives have the dates for further de- Saline District: been 6 months and we are not to our State Compact. We have one liveries. I thank the volunteers and Charles Smoke back to normal. more major step to place that land council for their service in making (918) 457-7071 No one knows when we into trust with the federal the delivery of vegetables a success. will get through this, but we government. In closing, I am sad we have know we will get through this We know there will be op- cancelled the 70th Annual Celebra- sickness. I know we are tired of position against this casino devel- tion of the United Keetoowah Band saying this, but the impact of opment. However, this is an excit- of Cherokee Indians due to the getting sick is lethal. I remind ing time for the United Keetoowah COVID-19 pandemic. On October Sequoyah everyone to mask up, wash and Band of Cherokee Indians, and we 3, 1950, the tribal members ratified Barry Dotson sanitize your hands often, prac- look forward to the development our constitution and corporate char- (918) 315-8849 tice social distancing and dis- of a casino and a new relationship ter, which is still in existence today. tance from sick people. with the State of Oklahoma. This year marks 70 years of In order to protect the In a September 5, 2020 sovereignty and we are still going public and employees our Tribal Council Meeting the Council ap- Keetoowah Strong. Thank the Lord services work day is continue as proved the purchase of a property for our many blessings! scheduled. The departments are in Muskogee to house a satellite Dodagohvi! Tahlequah Jeff Wacoche open Tuesday through Thursday medical and behavioral health Chief Bunch (918) 822-2191 ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ EDITORIAL October 2020 - 3 Get out and vote on November 2nd!

held Celebration on October resources and information 3 to mark the occasion. While about Election Day as possible, Giduwa Cherokee News we are all disappointed to miss including what to bring. Editor: Brittney Bennett out on celebrating together, we Additionally, a final P.O. Box 746 Tahlequah, OK 74465 want you and your families to Election Day voter list is also be with us for many more years. included. This is your guide to The Giduwa Cherokee News is Each member is a book the district in which you are mailed free to Keetoowah regis- tered voters, governments, other in our Keetoowah library, enrolled to vote. offices and upon request, to other citizens. contributing to our language, Knowing as much culture and traditions. information as possible will Mail subscription requests and address changes to Giduwa Cherokee News, Brittney Bennett Honor how sacred you help you avoid mishaps on P.O. Box 746, Tahlequah, OK 74465. Giduwa Cherokee News Editor are by taking care of yourself. Election Day and get you [email protected] Additionally, I wanted through the voting process Editorial statements of the Giduwa Cherokee News, guest columns and letters 918-871-2756 to take the opportunity with quickly and safely. to the editor reflect the opinions of the writ- this column to encourage you Please examine each er and not necessarily those of the Giduwa Siyo from your editor! to vote on Nov. 2. candidate carefully, ask ques- Cherokee News editor, staff or tribal admin- istration of the United Keetoowah Band. I have seen the voter tions. Don’t be afraid to ask This will be my last address in turnout from the last election difficult questions. What makes All editorials and letters must be 650 words or 2020. When we speak again, cycle and I implore you to them qualified? What are less and will become the property of the Gidu- wa Cherokee News. Editorials must be signed 2021 will bring a new year to exercise your right of their goals? What would they and include an address and telephone num- the tribe, one that I hope is choice. Those elected to our change? ber. Send all inquires to: Giduwa Cherokee even more prosperous. Council are a reflection of I say this not as the News, P.O. Box 746, Tahlequah, OK 74465. While we can’t know us and we need to actively editor, but as a tribal mem- The Giduwa Cherokee News is the only of- the future, I hope you are participate in how we want to be ber. Don’t ever settle for less ficial publication of the United Keetoowah doing everything you can to represented to the world. leadership than what we Band. It operates a Giduwa Cherokee News Facebook page, as well as the tribe’s YouTube protect yourself, your families You owe it to your deserve. and Instagram accounts, @UKBMedia. Any and your communities during ancestors to exercise the rights In closing, Happy other publications or online pages are not an this pandemic. Please take they didn’t have, including the Halloween, Happy Indigenous official source of news and are not endorsed by the editor, tribe or tribal administration. COVID-19 seriously. right to vote. People’s Day, Happy Thanksgiv- This pandemic is seri- The last half of the ing (for those who celebrate), For advertising rates and media ous. In our tribe’s 70 years of newspaper is dedicated to Merry Christmas and Happy inquiries, including permissions to re- print stories within this publication, sovereignty, we have always providing you with as many New Year! please email [email protected]. Letter to the Editor

“Fellow UKB citizens, we are lieve will best represent the nation UNITED Keetoowah Band.” living in unprecedented times. as a whole. Your vote matters. Your Sadly, the world is divided on so voice matters. Exercise your right UKB members are always many issues. to vote. Make your voice heard. welcome to submit letters Election season seems Our tribe has already sur- to the editor. Letters must to make this division seem even vived and thrived through so many be signed, have a photo of more evident. As we go to the polls challenges. Unfortunately, those yourself and can be submit- to choose the leadership of our challenges keep coming. ted via email to bbennett@ sovereign nation, please remem- But we shall never give up ukb-nsn.gov. We reserve ber that we are all Keetoowah. Keetoowah. We are all Keetoowah. the right to determine if Ultimately, we are to Together, united, we will overcome these letters meet printing Submitted by Victoria Holland choose the individuals who we be- every obstacle. After all, we are the standards. Wado! In Loving Memory, Mark W. Raper Editor’s Note: Mark’s passing Holler home. joyed having. occured right after the last issue Mark attended Kenwood He enjoyed of our newspaper had already School and would later graduate keeping up with his OU gone to print. His family has from Salina High School in 1977. Sooners and Minne- requested it make it to this issue, He played defensive sota Vikings. An avid regardless of the time that has line-back and was named Se- sports fan, Mark favored lapsed. We send our prayers to nior Homecoming escort for the watching sports on TV his family for their continued Wildcat Football team. Mark was and traveling to car rac- comfort amid his passing. an avid fan of the Wildcats and es with his brother James attended games with his broth- and close friends. On Monday, February er, James, and friends, Andy and He was proud 10, 1958, Mark W Raper was Andrew Hair. of his contributions as a born in Claremore, Oklahoma as Mark would later earn his fluent Cherokee speaker. the first-born son of Myrtle and Associates Degree in Electron- Later in life, his health Willie Raper. ics from Haskell Indian Nations became a challenge in Mark lived in Kenwood’s University. daily life. Raper Holler most of his life un- Mark worked in various Though disabled til his sudden passing on Thurs- positions throughout northeast- from working, he re- day, July 9, 2020 at the age of 62 ern Oklahoma and Arkansas. mained informed with February 10, 1958 - July 9, 2020 years, 5 months, and 29 days. He remained close to the current events by read- Mark was the eldest home to care for his parents. ing the Tulsa World daily. about God when he said, “I pray. brother to James, Emily, Esther, Quiet and loving in nature, Mark It wasn’t unusual to hear first-hand I pray because I know God hears Eleanor, and Melody. was devoted to their care. news from Mark. me. He takes care of me.” Early in his childhood, After the passing of his He enjoyed the local news- The sister and Mark shared Mark grew up in Elgin, Illinois father in 2008, Mark was the sole papers and would often ask family this special time together just during the years Myrtle and Wil- care provider for his mother un- to bring a paper when they visited weeks before he was called home. lie were stationed under the Bu- til her passing in 2014. He made him. Mark was well-known for his Mark is in glory with Jesus, his reau of Indian Affairs relocation sure she was cared for and at her constant smile, kind nature, and Lord and Savior. program. constant side. gentle demeanor. Mark, you will forever be First-time mom Myrtle Mark loved his family He always had a friendly our big brother. doted on her son, making sure and was especially fond of his smile and a kind “hello” when he Rest now and enjoy the he had playmates and plenty of great nephews and nieces. Mark greeted others. Mark may have sights and splendors of heaven. pictures of a bow-tied little boy would light up with a smile any- been quiet in keeping to himself, Dad, Mom, James, Kenne- dressed for many staged photos. time they visited or when he but he did know the Lord. dy and our family greeted you safe- Returning to Kenwood from Illi- learned they played sports or ac- He prayed and read his Bi- ly home. nois, Mark would share his years complished school goals. He was ble. On a recent trip to an appoint- with his parents in their Raper their Uncle Mark, a name he en- ment, he and his sister were talking Dohnahdagohvi, Mark. 4 - October 2020 NEWS ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ UKB sets COVID-19 hours through 2020 BY BRITTNEY BENNETT

TAHLEQUAH - The United Tribal members seeking ukb-nsn.gov, sbluebird@ukb- October 6th, service will open up Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Education services can call nsn.gov or [email protected]. to three days a week on Tuesdays, Indians Offices have extended Interim Education Director Susan There is a $4 processing fee for Wednesdays and Thursdays. its current COVID-19 oper- Adair at 918-871-2828 or visit payments by phone. Hours of operation for ating schedule of Tuesdays, www.ukb-nsn.gov/education. Wednesdays will be for Transit will be 8:30 a.m. and last Wednesdays and Thursdays Tribal members seek- appointments only. To schedule call will be taken at 3:30 p.m. Tran- only from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 ing Health and Human Services an appointment, tribal members sit will be closed for lunch from 12 p.m. through Dec. 31, 2020. assistance are encouraged to call must call 918-871-2770 no later p.m. to 1 p.m. Until further no- “This decision was 918-871-2800 and ask to speak to than 2 p.m. the Tuesday before tice, Transit will only be operating made for both the safety of our an advocate or visit www.ukb-nsn. to obtain an appointment for within a ~5 mile radius of the city tribal members and our staff gov/human-services. Wednesday. Thursdays are for limits (Tahlequah and Stilwell). due to continuing COVID-19 Tribal members seeking renewals by phone at 918-871- Riders will be required to wear a concerns,” said Brittney Ben- Housing services can visit www. 2770, as well as walk-ins with no mask inside the Transit vehicles at nett, UKB media director. “We ukb-nsn.gov/housing or call the appointment needed. all times. A maximum of 2 riders will continue to be open on following employees: Nanci Mc- Tribal members must use from the same household will be select days, though our lobby Cause at 918-316-8795, Charles the south patio of the Federal allowed in the transit vehicles at will continue to remain closed Deason at 918-822-1941, Tishale- Programs Building and are one time. to the public for services. We ta Guevara at 918-822-0568 or encouraged to wear a mask. Historic Preservation encourage tribal members to Richard Vann at 918-457-7075. Keetoowah Tag Agency and the Office of Environmental visit our website at www.ukb- Tribal members seeking forms can also be downloaded at Services are open on Tuesdays, nsn.gov if they need to down- Indian Child Welfare Services www.ukb-nsn.gov/tag-agency. Wednesdays and Thursdays by load any applications. Howev- can visit www.ukb-nsn.gov/in- The Henry Lee Double- appointment only from 8 a.m. to er, we do understand that this dian-child-welfare or call ICW head CDC is operating Monday 5 p.m. Please call 918-871-2825 to is not feasible for everyone. Specialist Rolanda Aimerson at through Friday with normal schedule an appointment for any If you cannot go online, you 918-457-9440 or ICW Director hours from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. needs. can also get forms by visiting Roxana Wilden at 918-457-9383. To read their COVID-19 pro- The John Hair Cultural our front entrance on business Tribal members seeking tocols, visit www.ukb-nsn.gov/ Center and Museum is only open days when weather permits, by Keetoowah Tag Agency services henryleecdc. for private tours that must be reaching out to the department will have three days to do so. Title VI/Elder Nutrition scheduled with Director Ernestine directly or by contacting your Tuesdays will be for renewals via will only be operating Monday Berry. To schedule a tour, please district representative.” phone only by calling 918-871- through Thursday for drive-thru call 918-871-2866. Tribal members 2770. The office will need a copy meals from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The operating schedule will seeking Enrollment services of your insurance card in order to Keetoowah Transit be re-assessed in mid-December can call 918-871-2797 or visit process a renewal via phone. You Services will only be operating and a new announcement made www.ukb-nsn.gov/member- can scan and send a copy to any of on Tuesdays and Thursdays once operating hours for 2021 have ship. the following emails: gmauldin@ through October 1. Beginning been declared. Compact, continued from page 1 the casino’s gaming machines. For the tribe, the compact will help reopen a gaming facility to generate much needed tribal revenue for governmental programs that will benefit approximately 14,000 Keetoowah members. “As a former gaming regulator, I can appreciate the importance of a strong gaming code,” said Chief Joe Bunch. “This Class III Compact will take gaming and gaming regulation to a new level in Oklahoma.” “We are very pleased with this federal approval,” said Jamie Thompson, Chair- man of the UKB Corporate Board. “The UKB Corporate UKB officials met with Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt on July 1 to Board will now work with its sign a gaming compact that allows the tribe to conduct Class II Cowan and Jeffrey Nelson, Assis- developers to select a casi- and Class III gaming. (Pictured L-R: Secretary Ella Mae Worley, tant Attorney General. no site in Logan County, as Cooweescoowee Rep. Jeannie Tidwell, Assistant Chief Jamie As of press time, it was specified in the Compact.” Thompson, Gov. Kevin Stitt, Secretary Joyce Hawk, Tahlequah unclear if any recent Oklahoma The tribe’s compact Rep. Jeff Wacoche, Goingsnake Rep. Sharon Benoit, Saline Rep. court decisions would affect the negotiators were handled by Charles Smoke, UKB Attorney General Klint Cowan and Delaware compact. UKB Attorney General Klint Rep. Adalene Smith) PHOTO: BRITTNEY BENNETT/GCN Tribal Council sets aside funds for “microhospital”

BY BRITTNEY BENNETT Joyce Hawk during the meeting. 2020; The funds would pur- • Approved to accept 4 new Indian Education for the Higher TAHLEQUAH – The United chase both a potential location members and to honor 1 for Education Assistance Program Keetoowah Band of Cherokee and an existing building. Further tribal relinquishment from the for FY 2021; Indians Tribal Council voted details were not discussed in the United Keetoowah Band of • Voted to approve that the Tribe Sept. 5 to set aside funds for a meeting, though Chief Bunch has Cherokee Indians of Oklahoma immediately pursue all BIA pro- possible microhospital during indicated this location would be Enrollment; grams not currently compacted its regular monthly meeting. in Muskogee. • Voted to table a transfer of by UKB including all 477 funds; Councilors voted unan- In other news, Councilors: funds to purchase heavy equip- • Voted down a resolution that imously to set aside $1.5 mil- • Listened to Chief Bunch en- ment in the amount of $1.4 mil- would have created an ad hoc lion from the CARES Act to be courage Council to visit with lion from the CARES Act fund committee to update the UKB transferred to the UKB Corpo- tribal members to complete the from the U.S. Treasury; Business and Finance Regulatory rate Board for the purpose of a Census; • Voted to approve authorizing Act of 2012; “microhospital,” according to • Voted to approve the meeting submissions of a PL-638 con- • and voted to disapprove a the language read by Secretary minutes for the month of August tract proposed to Bureau of virtual online Celebration. ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ NEWS October 2020 - 5 Council requires Corporate Board to produce quarterly financials

BY BRITTNEY BENNETT Federal Corporation to the United and the resolution passed 7-5. “Forensic accounting Keetoowah Band of Cherokee In- Councilors Wacoche, Tidwell, means we’re looking at past fi- TAHLEQUAH – The United dians in Oklahoma General Fund Eddie Sacks, Frankie Still, Peg- nancial transactions for a specific Keetoowah Band of Cherokee for essential governmental func- gy Girty, Charles Smoke and purpose. In this case it’s to account Indians Tribal Council voted tions and services pursuant to the Secretary Joyce Hawk voted in for monies,” said the representa- July 11 to require the UKB General Fund Budget approved by favor. Councilors Adalene Smith, tive. “We documented over $153 Corporate Board to produce the Tribal Council.” Sharon Benoit, Barry Dotson, million in deposits and disburse- quarterly financial statements “They’re supposed to be Thompson and Treasurer Ella ments during the examination to the tribe and agreed to move giving 30 percent of its profits to Mae Worley voted against. period. Right now, all we know is into Phase II of its forensic au- the tribe. They have not given any The tribe was also that we know that ‘x’ dollars went dit during its regular monthly funds to the tribe since May of given a briefing from accounting into these accounts. This doesn’t meeting. 2017,” said Wacoche. firm Eide Bailly on Phase I of its necessarily mean that all dollars Tahlequah District The Corporate Board audit of the tribe’s General Fund, that should have been deposited, Representative Jeff Waco- currently operates five businesses Casino Fund and the Corporate were deposited. che proposed a resolution to including Echota RV Park and Authority Board. “The next phase would “invoke the UKB Corporate Floats, Echota Behavioral Health, The General and Casi- include looking at supporting Board to provide quarterly Keetoowah Cherokee Treatment no Funds were audited for the documentation to make sure that dividends to the United Kee- Services, Superior Funding and period between January 2012 whatever should have been depos- toowah Band of Cherokee KCI Construction LLC. and September 2014, while the ited also was deposited into the Indians General Fund” as Assistant Chief and Cor- Corporate Board was audited accounts. The same thing on the written in the UKB Corporate porate Board Chairman Jamie from February 2016 to July 2017. disbursement side... The question Board Act and stipulated that Thompson indicated the lack of “A lot of this is former then becomes, were they leaving the tribe’s first payment is “due annual reports was due to the casino money,” said Thomp- for appropriate purposes? That part 7/13/20 by close of business.” Corporate Board’s financial status son. “There had never been an would be Phase II.” The UKB Corporate when he took position five years audit, a close out of the casino. The representative shared Board Act, Section B. Busi- ago and that “at the end of July we We decided that we need to get the firm, while it did not have ac- ness Development Powers 5. will have three years of books that an audit and we wanted to get a cess to all accounts in Phase I such (a)(b) states that “70 percent have been audited finally.” forensic audit.” as payroll, is ready to begin Phase of annual Net Profits or divi- UKB Attorney General An Eide Bailly repre- II and that it would take “two to dends shall be retained by the Klint Cowan suggested changing sentative shared financials from three months.” Councilors agreed UKB Federal Corporation for the date of the first payment to each account as follows: General to let the firm proceed. the continued development the tribe to the end of a recent Fund accounted for $43 million In other news, and growth of operations and business quarter for the Corpo- in deposits and $43 million in · Treasurer Worley gave the tribe’s maintenance of existing and rate Board. Councilors agreed to disbursements; Gaming Opera- a financial report for the month new UKB Federal Corpora- change the resolution to make tions accounted for $31 million of June, with $114,007.99 in debts tion business undertakings…” the first payment to the tribe due in deposits and $32 million in and $28,000 in revenue; The remaining 30 percent of “within 30 days” of July 11. disbursements; and Corporate · and Accounting firm Finley and net profits or dividends “shall Cooweescoowee District Authority Board accounted for Cook confirmed tribal members be distributed by quarterly or Representative Jeannie Tidwell $1.8 million in deposits and $1.8 would not be taxed on the tribe’s annual dividend from the UKB gave Wacoche’s motion a second million in disbursements. issuance of COVID-19 checks. Council receives audit report, addresses Corporate Board

BY BRITTNEY BENNETT represented in a prior financial meetings. They never paid them- butions made to either the Corpo- statement that was removed for selves the money because it hasn’t rate Board or Tribal Council,” said TAHLEQUAH – The United this financial statement.” been approved by tribal council.” Moore-Shrier. Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Corporate Board Chair- Moore-Shrier also stated Also at the meeting, Indians Tribal Council re- man Jamie Thompson said he was that no one including Wacoche Cooweescoowee District Repre- ceived a report regarding the proud of the report’s findings. contacted the Corporate Board sentative Jeannie Tidwell intro- UKB Corporate Board audit “We’re very excited about to determine if the stipends had duced a motion to “extend the among other business during this. I guess this is the first time been paid and that he “violated” COVID-19 relief assistance filing its regular monthly meeting. in the history of our tribe that the UKB Code of Ethics by filing up to October 1, 2020 and to Councilors first visited we’ve had financials to present to a report listing embezzlement extend member exclusivity date to with Auditors Mike Green and the tribe from the Corporate side. without following procedures. September 30, 2020.” Anne Cole to receive an audit I’m very proud of the report. It’s a Wacoche responded by The checks would apply report of the UKB Corporate reflection of the Corporate Board stating his report did not list “em- for exclusive Keetoowahs only that Board’s financials spanning the members,” he said. bezzlement,” but “misconduct.” have yet to receive a check from years of 2017, 2018 and 2019. Councilors also listened “On July 11 we passed a the previous disbursement period. “We did issue what’s to a presentation with Cor- resolution that they would pro- Councilors also: considered a clean opinion on porate Board Attorney Pansy vide all contracts, everything, and • Unanimously approved a motion all three years,” said Green. Moore-Shrier regarding allega- they still haven’t provided any to “approve submitting facility “We do look for fraud as part tions in a police report made by information to us, so that right license notices for two sites.” The of our procedures, but we Tahlequah District Representative there is breaking the law,” he said. notice would go to the NIGC don’t go in and look at every Jeff Wacoche. “You’re supposed to come to our (National Indian Gaming Com- invoice that was issued. The “I was informed a few meeting and let everybody know mission) and apply to The River procedures that we preformed, weeks ago by the attorney gener- the truth right here.” Brewhouse and the tribe’s 76-acre which were normal audit al that a police report had been In a notice dated Aug. 18, parcel of land in trust. “We have to procedures for a government submitted by a council member Attorney General Klint Cowan give 120-days notice before we can entity, we didn’t find anything and that was Councilman Jeff confirmed he received “a referral start gaming and the 76-acre par- that indicated fraud or embez- Wacoche. The report was basically of a Uniform Incident Report cel is included there and then the zlement.” based upon a claim of embezzle- received by Lighthorse Police on brew pub,” said Jamie Thompson, Auditors also noted ment, alleging that the Corporate June 25, 2020 from Tribal Coun- assistant chief. “We can put about that funds listed under “Gam- Board had committed a crime,” cilman Jeff Wacoche.” 120-125 there (Brewhouse) easy ing” from the former Kee- Moore-Shrier said. “After review of the fma- and 300 out here.” toowah Cherokee Casino were She addressed the allega- tion provided and discussion with • Voted 5-4-2 to “approve to not included in the report. tion “that the Corporate Board relevant individuals, the Attorney re-engage all stipends for commit- “If you look at your took money that it wasn’t sup- General has concluded that there tees, boards and commissions, but prior year financials in 2016, posed to take.” is no basis for the complaint and to exclude any elected official or where the Corporate Board “The basis of that allega- there will be no further action council representative from receiv- was included but unaudited, tion is that the Corporate Board taken on the allegations,” wrote ing any stipend while serving.” they presented a number that raised their stipend and Tribal Cowan. • Unanimously voted to approve represented the assets of the Council is the authority that has A Council resolution a budget for the UKB Tradition gaming, which was about $2.4 the ability to raise the stipend and requiring the Corporate Board to Keepers; million. We had to take those approve the stipend,” she said. provide quarterly dividends to the • Unanimously approved the assets out of that table in that “The Corporate Board discussed tribe for profit made on Corpo- Election Board budget with the report to present the number and voted to raise the pay to rate Board businesses has also not amount of $72,465; that’s just for KCTS and Supe- $500 for two meetings per month been applicable to date. • and unanimously approved the rior Funding,” said Cole. “No because the second meeting was “On dividends, there use of a UKB satellite office in Stil- actual cash was moved, it was trying to be added so tribal coun- haven’t been any yet to distribute, well to assist tribal members with just an asset number that was cil could conveniently attend the so there haven’t been any distri- their needs amid COVID-19. 6 - October 2020 NEWS ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ Health portal, continued from Page 1 “In its early years, the Indian care that it was providing to the Cherokee Nation to step into this subject, beyond information Health Service provided health- service population,” said Nelson. the shoes of the Indian Health gathering.” care to Native Americans only In 1993 the IHS began Service and fulfill the federal Keetoowah members that by direct service—in hospitals delegating its duties by contract- government’s duties toward all believe they have experienced an and clinics operated by feder- ing with CNO, who in turn were tribal citizens in the area, in- instance of discrimination while al government healthcare em- to administer healthcare services cluding the Keetoowah Chero- receiving healthcare services at ployees. Since the late 1970s, to any Native American in north- kees,” said Nelson. any CNO facility are again en- the Indian Health Service has east Oklahoma including UKB At this time, a lawsuit is couraged to visit the healthcare been authorized by Congress members, according to Nelson. not active and the firm is only discrimination portal at www. to delegate its responsibilities “Through this contractual information gathering. mctlaw.com/ukb-healthcare. by contract to certain Indian relationship, the federal govern- “Council is not predict- A link to the por- tribes, which the Indian Health ment has funneled large amounts ing the results of its inquiry tal is also available on the Service then pays to provide at of money to the Cherokee Nation and at this time, it has not au- UKB official homepage at least the same level of health- over many years, expecting the thorized any action regarding www.ukb-nsn.gov. Judge issues “motion to stay” in impeachment proceedings

BY BRITTNEY BENNETT good outcome for the UKB as a tribe,” he said. “Even though TAHLEQUAH – The United everyone on Council felt very Keetoowah Band of Chero- strongly about the impeach- kee Indians Tribal Court has ment and the appeal, the issued an “order of stay” in the Tribe’s leaders agreed to put impeachment proceedings of aside their differences and let Chief Joe Bunch until 14 days Keetoowah citizens make this after the Nov. 2, 2020 Tribal decision during the Novem- Council Election. ber election. In the mean- The order of stay issued time, Council can redirect Aug. 12, 2020, states the orig- its attention away from such inal five counts of impeach- internal disagreements and ment and punishment of cen- toward the many other things sure against Bunch will stand, that advance Keetoowah but that an ex parte temporary interests.” injunction would remain in Bunch was originally place to block additional im- impeached on five counts peachment remedies proposed during a hearing held Jan. 7, UKB Chief Joe Bunch celebrated with family and supporters after by Council on June 6, 2020. 2020. the impeachment hearing concluded during the early morning “The court issued an Under the definition of hours of Wednesday, January 8, and only a censure was issued. injunction against the Council the UKB Impeachment Code, BRITTNEY BENNETT/GCN in favor of me due to its failure “impeachment” means: “A pro- to recognize basic principles ceeding against a public officer reading a letter that proposed the band’s bank account. The of law. I am confident that the before a body, instituted by a several new items in addition to chief shall refrain from any council’s failure to follow the written accusation called ‘articles the censure. travel on behalf of the UKB. If constitution, together with the of impeachment’.” “If passed by council this the chief violates any of these fact that the original petition Remedies proposed at the addendum will become part of remedies, he shall resign effec- was fraudulent, will result in time for Bunch included removal the official censure of Chief Joe tive immediately.” a reversal of the censure and from office, but Council elected Bunch, will take effect immedi- Bunch sought relief a complete exoneration,” said to only issue an official censure ately and will be effective until through the UKB Tribal Court Bunch. “The stay allows the letter, or reprimand, before the the winner of the next election after the additional remedies members of our tribe to listen meeting concluded in the early for chief is sworn into office were added, upon which Judge to the real facts and make their morning hours of Jan. 8. or until Council rescinds this Charles H. Tripp issued the ex own decisions free of ulterior Bunch filed an appeal of addendum, whichever is earlier,” parte temporary injunction. motivation from those who the charges with the UKB Tribal Dotson read. The Aug. 12 motion would greedily attempt to Court and has continued to serve “If this addendum is to stay states that “this matter snatch personal benefit from in his official capacity as chief of approved by Council, the addi- is stayed until 14 days after our tribe.” the UKB. tional remedies for impeachment the next scheduled election, Representing Council However, on June 6, shall be: The chief shall have no which is set for the 2nd day of in Tribal Court is UKB Assis- Sequoyah County District Rep- supervision authority over any November, 2020, subject to the tant Attorney General Jeffrey resentative Berry Dotson made a employees. The chief shall have Court’s determination of this Nelson. motion to approve an addendum no CEO powers. The chief shall matter after the stay is lifted by “I think the stay is a to the impeachment remedies, be removed as a signatory from operation of law.” CULTURE UKB 2020 Tradition Keepers announced BY BRITTNEY BENNETT Adair was nominated for I’m able to share my culture, Cole-Robinson praised Livers for the honor for her storytelling the Keetoowah culture and the his abilities. TAHLEQUAH - The John Hair abilities, which she says go be- way that I grew up,” she said. “I am honored to have our Cultural Center and Museum yond simply reciting a story from “My stories are mostly about newest Tradition Keeper as a Hu- at the United Keetoowah Band memory. animals or how come some- man Services advocate,” she said. of Cherokee Indians is proud “I don’t think people un- thing came to be the way that “Ronny’s ability to communicate to announce tribal members derstand, it’s different than just it is. Maybe something in the with our Elders and 1st Language Janelle Adair and Ronny Livers hearing a story and remembering sky or on the earth or an animal Keetoowahs is invaluable to our as its 2020 Tradition Keepers. it and reciting it. A storyteller is and there’s always these moral Tribe and Human Services. His Since 2005, the John different,” she said. “It’s a perfor- stories that go along at the end ability to talk to and understand Hair Cultural Center and Muse- mance. You take people some- of them. There’s always some the needs of our members in our um has awarded the prestigious where else. I know if an audience kind of a lesson about how you native language ensures all their title of “Tradition Keeper” to is with me because they’ll be should be with each other and needs are met and they are com- exclusive tribal members with transported somewhere else and how you treat one another.” fortable in seeking assistance.” traditional talents involving as the story ends, you see them Livers was nominated Tradition Keepers are the Keetoowah language, arts wake up. You feel it. It’s really for his ability to speak the Cher- normally honored during the and culture. These individuals powerful to see that happen.” okee language, an especially in- tribe’s annual Celebration festiv- are unselfish with their talents Her specialty is sharing valuable asset to the tribe when ities during the first weekend of and have devoted themselves to Cherokee Creation Stories with considering his work in Health October. Due to COVID-19 con- passing on their knowledge to her audiences. and Human Services. cerns, this year’s Tradition Keep- the next generation. “Through storytelling HHS Director Jennifer ers will be honored at a later date. ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ EDUCATION October 2020 - 7 Enrollment, CCDF, Henry Lee team up for Back to School Distribution jurisdictional boundaries the U.S. government due to the including 135 backpacks for COVID-19 pandemic. 4 to 12-year-olds and 130 “This distribution was espe- backpacks for children 13 to cially important this year because 18 years old. Also distributed a lot of our UKB children and were 223 youth face masks, families have been directly impact- 436 adult masks and 152 fan- ed and continue to be impacted by ny packs featuring the UKB COVID-19,” said Kirk. logo. UKB Registrar Amanda “The iPads provided are Stopp handled distribution for to help our UKB children Enrollment and highlighted the safely continue their educa- continued importance of the event. tion while social distancing. “It is important to assist our The facemasks, backpacks UKB tribal youth because they are and additional money pro- the future of our tribe,” she said. vided this year was to help CCDF Manager Kim Gourd, left, our UKB families with pur- Exclusive Keetoowah children received a $300 check and various and Henry Lee CDC Director chasing extra supplies needed school supplies including backpacks, face masks and other Christie Kirk, right, were on for UKB students who are personal protective equipment during the Back to School hand for the event and helped distance learning or may have Distribution. BRITTNEY BENNETT/GCN distribute backpacks and iPads needed additional supplies for to exclusive Keetoowah children. in-class learning,” said Christie BRITTNEY BENNETT/GCN BY BRITTNEY BENNETT dates in August. Kirk, UKB Childcare director. CCDF and Henry Lee For children 13 to TAHLEQUAH – The United CDC served children 4-12 years 18-years-old who lived outside Keetoowah Band of Cherokee old by issuing 122 checks for $300 UKB jurisdictional boundaries, Indians rallied together its each for the purpose of pur- UKB Enrollment issued 120 Enrollment department, the chasing school clothing, school checks for $300 each for the Child Care and Development supplies and personal protective purpose of purchasing school Fund Program and the Henry equipment (PPE). The programs clothing, school supplies and Lee Doublehead Child Devel- also issued 132 iPads to aid in personal protective equipment opment Center to help exclu- distance learning for children 4 to (PPE). sive Keetoowah children ages 12-years-old living within UKB’s The larger mone- 4 to 18 with back to school jurisdictional boundaries. tary and supply distribution supplies. Both programs also this year was made possible The Back to School distributed various other sup- with departmental funds and Distribution was held on select plies to students regardless of CARES Act funding from UKB Education now offering assistance BY BRITTNEY BENNETT TAHLEQUAH - The United education assistance application Keetoowah Band of Cher- and W-9 form. Additional docu- okee Indians Education mentation such as school verifica- Department is now taking tion is also required. A full list of applications for laptops for those requirements appears on the students 13-18 years old, as application itself. well as applications for Students can turn in ap- college and vocational plications to the UKB Education financial assistance for fall Building in Tahlequah on Tues- 2020. days, Wednesdays or Thursdays The Education from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Department will be giving Students can also scan laptops to exclusive Kee- their documents in via email to toowah students 13-18 years [email protected], return by fax old to aid in distance learning UKB CCDF will not be eligible will receive $2,500, while full- to 918-414-4088 or return via snail amid the COVID-19 pandem- for this program. Students over 18 time students are eligible for mail by addressing an envelope ic. years old who need a laptop are $5,000 in assistance. to ATTN: Education PO Box 746 Students can receive a encouraged to apply for a UKB Adults who wish to seek Tahlequah, OK 74464. laptop by contacting Distance Learning Grant. their education in a vocational If other drop off arrange- Interim Education Director Exclusive Keetoowah program have the opportunity to ments need to be made, students Susan Adair at 918-871-2828 students can apply for a Distance receive up to $5,000 in funds to can call 918-207-6268. or via email at sadair@ukb- Learning Grant to help pay for complete a program. There is currently no dead- nsn.gov. college and vocational classes, as To apply, students must line for these programs, but they Students 12 and under well as supplies. visit www.ukb-nsn.gov/educa- do work on a first-come, first-serve who received a tablet through Part-time college students tion to fill out the appropriate basis until funds are depleted. Internet Payment Assistance appproved for students


TAHLEQUAH - The UKBJennifer Cole-Robinson, Human ed for payment. The tribe will not prompt payment. Education Department has Services director. cover cable costs. Applications will be approved an Internet Payment There are no income If the home does not cur- available and processed through Assistance Program for house- guidelines for the program, rently have internet access, UKB UKB Human Services. To obtain an holds with exclusive Keetoowah though students must be exclu- Education will pay for internet application, contact the UKB main- children whose school district sive Keetoowahs that live in the installation and the bill until De- line at 918-871-2800 and ask for has moved to attendance via nine-district UKB service area. cember 2020. Human Services or send an email distance learning during the For families that currently If the family lives in an to [email protected]. COVID-19 pandemic. have internet access, UKB Edu- area where no internet service Families must provide doc- “This is a new, develop- cation will provide payment for providers are available, UKB Ed- umentation of the school district in ing program and will be mod- their internet bill until December ucation will provide families with which the child is enrolled in dis- ified as needed. Our children’s 2020. a hotspot and pay for hotspot tance learning for program approv- educational needs are a priority If the family currently internet refills until December al. and Human Services will work has internet and cable bundled 2020. Payment assistance will end diligently to ensure each appli- through a service provider, a de- Families will be responsi- in December 2020 unless Congress cation is processed and assis- tailed bill showing the cost of in- ble for submitting the internet bill extends the CARES Act Funding tance provided quickly,” said ternet only will need to be provid- monthly and before due date for deadline. 8 - October 2020 PEOPLE ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ Duncan voices Kvliwohi on Cherokee animated series Inage’i

BY BRITTNEY BENNETT still learning.” Boys Home in 2017 that he start- first-language speakers, would be The animated series is a ed seeking out more of the Cher- there to help me say the words when TAHLEQUAH – United Kee- collaboration between the Cher- okee culture. I started stuttering. I rehearsed ev- toowah Band member Schon okee Nation, the Oklahoma Film “In 2017, I was working ery day up until recording. Harry Duncan went through the au- + Music Office and FireThief at the Tulsa Boys Home and real- and Betty were really great about dition purely out of emotional Productions. It is funded by the ized how many native kids need- being available to me and Lauren support for his friend. He had Cherokee Nation’s Durbin Feel- ed their culture to really cope (Hummingbird) via Zoom for prac- no idea it would actually lead ing Language Preservation Act with the traumas of the world. ticing our lines. I wanted to make him to voicing one of the four and marks some of the first ef- So I was seeking my own culture sure that I could get the tones and main characters on the new ani- forts to truly bring the Cherokee in the same way to help them. I the flow of the language right, while mated Cherokee series “Inage’i”. language through a mainstream was made aware of the Chero- also acting. This was actually really “When I went, I wasn’t medium, according to Duncan. kee Language Master-Apprentice great for my language learning and planning on auditioning,” he “This project is the first Program where I applied and was I’m really grateful to them for it.” said. “I was just the driver for time that a group of people have accepted,” he said. “Through- The pilot episode of Inage’i one of my friends who was set out to compete with today’s out those two years I was taught premiered on Sept. 4. looking into it. Once we got top English cartoons with the by and built relationships with “I think the most exciting there, he decided it was not Cherokee language,” said Dun- very patient fluent speakers such part was seeing other people en- something he was interested in, can. “There are many kids, who as Jerry Ross, Doris Shell, Gary joy it,” said Duncan. “My mother but I was sure he should. Two brought my sisters to watch it and fluent speakers, David Crawl- seeing them be enthralled into er and Anna Sixkiller, pushed something that was fully in Chero- me to audition myself and I kee was moving. It was something I told them I would do it just to always wanted when I was younger show my friend how easy it was. and now I get to be a small part of A couple of months later, I got bringing what was missing for me a call asking if I would voice a to a new generation and hopefully character. And of course, I ac- generations to come. I have heard cepted.” nothing but excitement and sup- Inage’i, which trans- port from my friends and family.” lates to “In The Woods” follows Duncan is also the Chero- the adventures of four animal kee language officer at Dahlonegah friends that reside in the forests Public Schools and will be using the of Turtle Island. series as a way to teach in his class- The animals are based room. on teachings from traditional “I’m excited to use this proj- Cherokee storytelling. Daya’i is ect in my classroom to teach Cher- the mischievous rabbit, Juksvs- okee. The Cherokee speakers have gi is the gruff wolf, Anawegi is been nothing but supportive and the conscientious deer and Kv- “Inage’i,” which translates to “In The Woods” is a new animat- without them I wouldn’t be doing liwohi is the wise bear. ed series done entirely in the Cherokee language. UKB member anything that I’m doing today. I’m Duncan voices Kvliwo- Schon Duncan voices the character of Kvliwohi, the bear pictured sure, as always, they can see ways I hi. above. PHOTO COURTESY CHEROKEE NATION can improve my language and I’m “Kvliwohi is a bear that always open to hearing about that.” lives in a place called Huck- Duncan said three more leberry Hollow. My favorite learn the language through an Vann, Cora Flute and Phyllis Six- episodes of the series have been ap- thing about him so far is that immersion school or through killer. I graduated in December of proved and are in the works. he always seems to be needing public school systems that largely 2019 and stayed on as an intern “There is so much to this a nap and that’s a feeling I real- never get to see their language in for another six-months to help world to explore and I want to see ly identify with,” jokes Duncan. today’s top tier media landscape. with curriculum building and it all, in our language and on the “He makes his home in a giant The team behind this series spe- rounding out my own language.” screen. There is such an opportu- mound and is joined by three cifically set out to create some- Duncan said coming into nity for not only storytelling, but to friends. He also has four med- thing that would be representative the project as a second-language engage the next generation of lan- icine roots that help him help of Cherokee storytelling, culture speaker was intimidating, but guage warriors,” he said. “I do this others when they aren’t causing and most importantly, Cherokee credits his fellow voice actors work to do my part to save our lan- trouble with their own hijinx. language. It’s significant because Harry Oosahwee and Betty Frogg guage and I hope it inspires people But he also seems to be very it carves out a place for our lan- for giving him confidence. in our tribes to do the same. If we compassionate with the other guage in place that has never “I don’t think a sec- idly sit by and let our language go, characters and wants the best made room for it and would rath- ond-language learner ever feels we will lose the cornerstone of our for them. He gives into their er see it extinct. Hopefully, it’s the ready for anything like this. There culture and what sets us apart from curiosity but teaches them how first of many to come.” is always the tingling feeling of the rest of the world. It is going to learn things in a safe way, Duncan was not taught imposter syndrome in the back to take every single one of us. I’m whether it’s about themselves or much of the Cherokee language of your head. I think I felt a sense thankful for every fluent speaker the world around them. I think growing up, though both of his of nervousness and vulnerabili- who has put time, work and words people should expect him to be grandfathers were speakers. He ty, but also a sense of duty to the into me. I hope to see our tribes and a very stable, caring and consis- learned from teachers including speakers who have put so much our communities rise up together tent character, but that doesn’t Florence Sanders, Joanne Watie time and effort into my language to do the real work of language re- always mean he’s right and that and Jim Carrey, but it wasn’t until journey,” he said. “I was relieved vitalization and assert pride in our doesn’t mean he too isn’t also Duncan was working at the Tulsa to see that Harry and Betty, tongue and culture.”

Congrats HLDCDC!

TAHLEQUAH – The United Best of Cherokee County Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Competition is quite a feat, es- Indians Tribal Administration pecially amid the COVID-19 would like to extend its pandemic. congratulations to the Henry The center has carried Lee Doublehead Child itself gracefully throughout this Development Center! difficult time and has always Our administra- kept its children at the forefront tion tips its hat off to the of any decision. HLDCDC and its staff, We know the teach- including Director Christie ers and all staff at the Kirk, for the hard work they center are taking every are doing at the center. precaution to limit the chances To win this award of COVID-19. twice in a row from the Congrats! ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ SERVICES October 2020 - 9 UKB ICW opens first Keetoowah-certified foster home who will? It’s the call that we feel God has put on our lives right now,” said Robyn. “I would say to anybody that’s thinking about it, ‘Get attached. Form a relationship and see what happens.’ Even if we have kids that go home, we still have relationships with them and that’s the best thing for them, to be able to go back to a healthy envi- (Left) The McIntosh Home was donated by Mrs. Davetta McIntosh for use as a foster home in ronment with their birth parents.” 2018. (Right) Andrew and Robyn Taylor are the McIntosh Home foster parents. GCN/BBENNETT Fostering older children also has its own rewards. “A lot of the older kids BY BRITTNEY BENNETT within our tribal court system,” he parents and then as foster par- have been on their own in so many said. “If we take full custody of a ents for the McIntosh home. ways that they don’t realize they TAHLEQUAH – The Indian child, we’re fully responsible for “We’ve had 21 fosters don’t have to be mom anymore or Child Welfare Department at them. We have to provide for that since we started our foster jour- they don’t have to be dad anymore. the United Keetoowah Band child, every need, and so a foster ney,” said Robyn. “We really saw You can be yourself. You can grow of Cherokee Indians reached a home is so important for our tribe the need and having a strong up and do what you want to do. I milestone in July 2020, certi- because it allows us to start taking marriage and a strong relation- think it’s more rewarding to see an fying its first ever Keetoowah full custody. Our job as ICW is ship, we just felt like that was older child make some more ma- foster home with Robyn and mainly to reunify the child with something we could offer. These ture decisions versus a little one,” Andrew Taylor at the McIn- the parents. That’s our goal, but kids just need love. They don’t said Andrew. tosh Home. if we can’t prevent removal, we need you to be a perfect parent.” The certification experience “They contacted me need a place for them to go. We’re The process has not been has also made UKB ICW and the around February and asked if thankful to the Taylors that they easy, but it has been rewarding. Taylors their own type of family. we could take a pair of their understand that.” “You could tell when the “We’ve had some bumps girls and we had openings, so The Taylors are the foster girls walked through the door along this journey so far, but it started a long process of try- parents of the McIntosh Home, they did not want to be here they’ve just stuck with us and it’s ing to get us certified with the the centerpiece of the McIntosh and were angry. Now when you created a bond that’s like family Keetoowahs,” said Robyn. “As Home Foundation, a 501(c)(3) talk to them, it’s a total different between us and the Taylors,” said far as I know we are the only non-profit created by Mrs. Dav- attitude. There are still issues and Grimmett. “A lot of people want to triply-certified foster home in etta McIntosh. She donated the they’re still teenage kids with put fostering an older child aside Oklahoma.” home in 2018 as a safe home for personalities, but their whole because they just think there’s no The department said children in foster care. demeanor has just completely hope for them. The Taylors be- the certification process took When UKB ICW faced changed,” said Robyn. “We firmly lieve in chances and it just takes a six months and is a critical step an emergency situation with two believe that every kid deserves different type of environment to forward in their work. Keetoowah children being re- a chance. Especially if you look show that things aren’t always bad. “We can be involved moved in February, the Taylors at their history because we only They’ve proven it to our girls. They from the very beginning of were there to answer the call. take older kids, they all have a came in here angry and within a their case until we can get “I think when we got bad history. They just need love month or two, they were totally them reunited with their those girls and they said we were and consistency. It’s something different girls. The Taylors are very families,” said Roxana Wilden, going to have to move them from we’ve discovered that none of special people are in a calling that I UKB ICW director. “There is their home, we started praying,” them have ever had.” really am grateful for.” no uncertainty and the Kee- said Wilden. “We were so wor- As foster parents, both UKB ICW extends its toowah child knows that we ried, asking each other what we Robyn and Andrew are aware of thanks to the Taylors and Mrs. are there immediately to take were going to do, but then Caleb the reasons why some choose not Davetta McIntosh, as well as UKB care of them and look out for called the Taylors and everything to foster, but encourage anyone Case Worker Rolanda Aimerson. their best interests.” just started falling into place, so interested to “get attached.” The Taylors and the McIn- ICW Specialist Caleb that’s when we knew that this was “A lot of the times the tosh Home Foundation are always Grimmett agrees. where we were being led.” excuses you hear are, ‘I would get appreciative of donations. For “A foster home is one Robyn and Andrew are no too attached.’ These kids didn’t more on donating, visit www. of the most key aspects of us strangers to fostering after start- ask for this. If we’re not loving facebook.com/TheMcIntoshHome- being able to take on cases ing three years ago, first as kinship them and taking care of them, Foundation. SERVICES Echota Behavioral Health open to the public BY BRITTNEY BENNETT

TAHLEQUAH – Keetoowahs “We follow the crisis body and mind may seem chal- alcohol to cope with emotions. and members of the public can guidelines, which are define the lenging right now, but we’ve got Those substances can make issues now access behavioral health problem, ensure client safety with tips to help,” states the website. worse, not better.” resources and counseling suicide risk assessment, provide “Eat healthy. Get moving. Sleep Services will also be services with the opening of support, examine alternatives, s ou n d l y.” discussed on an upcoming Echota Behavioral Health, the make plans and obtain commit- Individuals are also podcast series in the coming UKB Corporate Board’s latest ment, or a safety plan,” said Fite. encouraged to use technology months. business venture. Services can be received to stay connected to friends and Fite said Echota Behavioral “We were fortunate both in person and virtually due loved ones amid COVID-19. Health is hoping the series will also to get a grant on April 20, to COVID-19. Expecting uncertainty be helpful in lessening the stigma 2020 called Enduring Change, “We offer telehealth and in and making room for your feel- around mental health. which has allowed us to open person sessions,” said Fite. “If the ings are also listed as important “Mental health does have a and to fully staff Echota Be- client opts to be seen in person factors for good mental health. stigma, but with good community havioral Health with licensed we have in place precautions “It can be easy to grow outreach and ensuring confiden- therapists, support staff and a that help prevent the spread (of anxious when you don’t have all tiality to all our clients, the stigma case manager” said Director COVID-19). We have a sign at the answers to what’s happening. seems to lesson and that is what Jimmie Fite. “This also gave us the entrance to ask anyone with Accepting that you may not be good therapy is all about,” she said. the opportunity to reach out symptoms to not enter the build- sure of what comes next during Echota Behavioral Health to everyone and help all the ing, we ask for social distancing COVID-19 may lower your is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday community.” and temperatures will be taken at stress,” states the website. “While through Friday and closed Echota Behavioral check-in. We also sanitize after you can lower your anxieties, Saturdays and Sundays. Emergency Health offers services for indi- each session.” recognize that having these services are 24/7. Call 918-939- viduals throughout Northeast- Echota Behavioral Health feelings is a part of being human. 9694 for the crisis hotline. ern Oklahoma that suffer from is also offering several tips for When you feel yourself getting Echota Behavioral Health conditions including anxiety, those struggling with mental anxious, reach out to others is located at 16414 W. 760 Road depression, bipolar disorder, health amid COVID-19. to describe what you’re going in Tahlequah. For more info, visit ADHD and ADD. “Maintaining a healthy through. Avoid using drugs or www.echotabehavioralhealth.org. 10 - October 2020 ELECTION ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ

UKB 2020 Tribal Council Election Day is Nov. 2, poll sites set


TAHLEQUAH - The United at 128 E. Sequoyah Dr. in Oaks or Keetoowah Band of Maryetta Public School at 470819 Cherokee Indians Election E. 810 Rd. in Stilwell. Board has determined its Illinois District voters will voting sites for the UKB need to report to the Cookson Tribal Council Election to be Hills Center located at 32087 held Nov. 2, 2020. Highway 82 S. in Cookson. This year all four Saline District voters will officer positions and all nine need to report to New Jordan district representative seats Church located at N. 4428 are up for election. Kenwood Rd. near Salina. To be eligible to vote, Sequoyah District voters Keetoowahs must be 21 or will need to report to the Sallisaw older by the Nov. 2 election Nutrition Center at 115 W. Red- day, have been an exclusive The 2020 UKB Tribal Council Election will take place on Monday, wood in Sallisaw. Keetoowah member for at Nov. 2. All four officer and nine district representative seats are Tahlequah District voters least six months, be a resident up for election. BRITTNEY BENNETT/GCN will need to report to the UKB or affiliated with a particular Wellness Center located at 18529 district and be listed in the Canadian District voters will need to report to the Jay W. Keetoowah Circle in Tahlequah. official Voter List in the district will need to report to Warner Senior Citizens Center located at Voting will be from 7 a.m. of which the member wishes Senior Citizens Center located at 816 S. Main in Jay. to 7 p.m. and no absentee voting to vote. 802 3rd Avenue in Warner. Flint District voters will will be allowed. A final voter list by dis- Cooweescoowee District need to report to the Stilwell Voters with disabilities are trict is listed on the next page. voters will need to report to Em- Community Building located at encouraged to bring a loved one They must also manuel Baptist Church located 320 N. 6th Street in Stilwell. or friend with them to assist in the present their Keetoowah ID at 828 S. Muskogee Avenue in Goingsnake District vot- voting process. Poll workers will on the day of the election to Claremore. ers will have two sites for voting. be trained to help both individuals verify identity. Delaware District voters Voters can visit Oaks City Hall through the process. 2020 UKB Tribal Council Election draws 31 candidates BY BRITTNEY BENNETT

District, Incumbent Jeannie vote on officer positions. Tidwell will face off against In the Sequoyah District, challenger Clifford Wofford. Maudeen Vann, Junior L. Catron Cooweescoowee District voters and Joey Duvall will face off to will need to report to Emmanu- replace outgoing Representative el Baptist Church located at 828 Barry Dotson. Sequoyah District S. Muskogee Avenue in Clare- voters will need to report to the more. Sallisaw Nutrition Center at 115 W. In the Delaware Redwood in Sallisaw. District, Caleb Grimmett will In the Tahlequah District, face off against Archie Buzzard Alvin Hicks and Sammy Allen to replace outgoing Represen- will face off to replace outgoing tative Adalene Smith. Delaware Representative Jeff Wacoche. District voters will need to report Tahlequah District voters will need to the Jay Senior Citizens Center to report to the UKB Wellness located at 816 S. Main in Jay. Center located on the UKB In the Flint District, tribal grounds at 18529 W. Incumbent Frankie Still drew no Keetoowah Circle in Tahlequah. challengers and will be sworn in To be eligible to vote, Kee- during the regularly scheduled toowahs must be 21 or older by the tribal council meeting to be held Nov. 2 election day, have been an Ballot shown is a sample ballot from the 2018 UKB Tribal the first Saturday in January 2021. exclusive Keetoowah member for at Council Election. ARCHIVE/GCN Voters will still need to report to least six months, be a resident or af- the Stilwell Community Building filiated with a particular district and TAHLEQUAH - The United Secretary are as follows: located at 320 N. 6th Street in be listed in the official Voter List in Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Ronny R. Livers, Teresa Hair, Stilwell to vote on officer the district of which the member Indians Election Board has Joyce Hawk and Charlotte King- positions. wishes to vote. completed background checks fisher Wolfe. In the Goingsnake Dis- They must also and approved 31 candidates to Candidates for Treasurer trict, Incumbent Sharon Benoit present their Keetoowah ID run for office during the Nov. are as follows: James Wahoo Wal- will face off against challenger on the day of the election to 2, 2020 UKB Tribal Council ters, Sonja Ummerteskee Gourd William Christie. Goingsnake verify identity. Election. and Marlene Ballard. The winner District voters will have two sites According to the This year all four officer will replace outgoing Treasurer for voting. Voters can visit Oaks Keetoowah Election Ordinance, positions and all nine district Ella Mae Worley. City Hall at 128 E. Sequoyah an eligible voter residing in the representative seats are up for All candidates for officer Dr. in Oaks or Maryetta Public territory known as the election. positions will appear on the ballots School at 470819 E. 810 Rd. in “Old Cherokee Nation” will be Due to a in each district. Voters will make Stilwell. allowed to vote in the district in request by the UKB selections for each category in In the Illinois District, which they have resided for a Election Board, the following addition to voting for their challenger Leroy Hicks will face period of three months prior to the candidates will be listed in this individual district Incumbent Peggy Girty. Illinois election. story in the order they appear representative. District voters will need to report If the Keetoowah has on the November tribal ballot. In the Canadian District, to the Cookson Hills Center lo- changed residences in the three Candidates for Chief are Incumbent Eddie Sacks drew no cated at 32087 Highway 82 S. in months prior to voting, they will as follows: Anile Adair Locust, challengers and will be sworn in Cookson. “not be entitled to vote in the new Joe Bunch, Woodrow Woody during the regularly scheduled In the Saline District, In- district” until the next election. Proctor, Roxana Wilden and tribal council meeting to be held cumbent Charles Smoke drew no Instead, voters must vote in Donald Adair. the first Saturday in January 2021. challengers and will be sworn in the old district of which their name Candidates for Voters will still need to report during the regularly scheduled appears on the Voters List. Assistant Chief are as to the Warner Senior Citizens tribal council meeting to be held No absentee voting shall be follows: Jeff Wacoche, Jimmy Center located at 802 3rd Ave- the first Saturday in January 2021. permitted. For voters with physical Ray Thirsty Sr. (Buggy) and nue in Warner to vote on officer Voters will still need to report to disabilities, precinct workers will Jamie Thompson. positions. New Jordan Church located at N. be on hand at each polling place to Candidates for In the Cooweescoowee 4428 Kenwood Rd. near Salina to assist with the voting process. ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ ELECTION FINAL VOTER LIST October 2020 - 11


Adair, Dennis Ray Beaver, Alana Wynette Kuipo Harry, Reuben Orlando Wakiya Adair, Leroy Beaver, Gil- Warren Alii Haughn, Jennifer Jeanette Raper III, Alphus William Atwell, Lisa Ann Beaver, Katrina-Ann Henry, Donna Sue Raper, Sherry Jo Baker, Lisa Charlen Beavers Jr., Larry Dale Henson, Nevin Manuel Rea, Vicki Lynn Brownlee, Leila Rae Belmares, Carmen Olivia Henson, Xavier Makepeace Reid, Darrell Paul Bush, Jackie Dale Bendabout, Ronald Gene Herrington, Jerry Wayne Rhodes, Rita Kay Cabrera, Candace Marie Benge, Nancy Lynn Herrington, Randolph Lee Rice, Roger Steven Cantrell, Jackie Jo Bennett, Brittney Michelle Hicks, Carisa Jo Rice, Zechariah Samson Carey, Dale Bernal, Tiana En Holmes, Derrick Rock, Christopher Shawn Carey, Mose Blackfox, Leon Vann Holmes, Kimberly Ross, Billy Catron, Chester Bluebird, Rufus Wayne Johnson III, Andy Ross, Melissa Ann Cheater Jr., Joe Bluebird, Uriah Joe Jumper, Cassandra Darlene Roth, Irene Peters Dreadfulwater, Joe Lee Bolin, Narcie Jennie Jumper, Donavan Wayne Russell Jr., Joe Dreadfulwater, Tonya Gail Bolin, Rodney Lee Jumper, Dustin Shane Russell Sr., Joseph Estrada, Patresia Book, Connie Lynne Jumper, Josh Lee Russell, Bradley James Finch, Ramona Brame, Katherine Meladie Jumper, Kevin Barrett Russell, Dakota Cheyenne Fletcher Jr., Jerry Eugene Brancheau, Desiree Danielle Jumper, Roosevelt Junior Russell, Dana Lou Fletcher, Joyce June Brancheau, Evelyn Jumper, Sheila Kay Russell, Georgia Ann Fletcher, Neva Jo Brancheau, Matthew Christisn Jumper, Willie Lee Russell, Shannon Rose Foreman, Krysten Juanita Brancheau, Zachary Beau Karre, Cheryl Lynn Russell, Tonya Kay Gilbreth Jr., Paul Wayne Brewer, Carol Susie Ann Kelly, Portia Kay Russell, Tracie Kay Gilbreth, Angela Gene Brown, Christopher Shawn Ketcher-Moore, Ruby Mechelle Russell, Wilma Gilbreth, Ella Mae Brown, Stacee Jera- Rachel Killsnight Jr., Anthony Sack, David Lee Girty Jr., Monroe Buffalomeat, Jason Killsnight, Leslie Jean Sanders, Brian Lee Girty, James Monroe Bunch, Jared Dustin King, David Lee Sanders, Perry Alvin Girty, Jessica Marie Burns, Robert Lee King, Felicia Ann Sanders, Shirley Jean Girty, Judy Ann Busby, Julie Renea Kingfisher, Nancy Lou Scarbrough, Megan Le`chel Gorsuch, Erica Lynn Butcher, Chassidy Rae Kingfisher, Vernon Ray Searcy, Miranda Gail Grass, Linda Kay Buzzard III, William Jackson Kipp-Pratt, Mary Jo Serrano, Adrian Diane Grayson, Dora Arneecher Buzzard, Justin T Kirkland, Sarah Ann Sherrer, Crystal Shavonn Gritts Jr., Terry Wayne Carey, Gary Wayne Lawhead, Billie Edward Simon II, Cleophas Lee Gritts, Anthony Duane Cather, Cherlyn R. Lawson, Casey Simon, Cleophas Lee Gritts, Terry Wayne Chairez, Danellya Rose Leach, Leonard Simon, Jonathan David Gunckel, Melissa Leigh Chairez, Gabriella Josephine Leach, Sylvia Sine, Nessbahe Hart, Janice Yvonne Chairez, Mariakae Ruth Lee, Kristi Nicole Smallwood, Jennifer Deann Holt, Kimmy Chairez, Rosa Maria Lewis, George Edward Smallwood, Jessie Marie Howard, Sarah Alyson Champlain, Cody Fixin Littledave, Briana Janelle Smith, Mart Learo Johnson Jr., Bert Homer Channel, Gay Dawn Littledave, Jodeana Smith, Terri Renee Kerr, Linda Mae Cherry, Kristie Nicole Littledave, Johnathan Smith, Willona Marie Kingfisher/ Miles, Catauyah Chissoe, Jane Alice Locust, Erin Charisse Smoke, Christopher Robin Tallulah Christie, Michael Todd Locust, Lynelle Snow, Mary Bailee Lee, Tina Kay Christie, Samuel Blade Lopez, Monica Renee Snow, Wilson Garrett Lewis, Jeraldine Yvonne Chuckluck, Raymond Manley, Cynthia Soap, Benjamin Blaine Litke, Robert Addison Chuculate-Sequichie, Pamela Sue Mann, Elaine Regina Soap, Malachi Blaine Littlehead, Carlena Marie Clifton, James O` Dean Marks-Shoun, Rhonda Leigh Soldier, April Lee MacKey, Tanya Leigh Cloud, Nona Lee Marlin, Renia Joann Sourjohn, Yona Gene Nimal, Julie Ellen Cochran, Alisa Louis-darcy Marshall, Raven De Ann Spears, Christina Denise Osage, India Sue Cochran, Mack Mc Carter, Amanda Rose Lynn Springwater, Clifford Wright Owl Jr., Daniel Compton II, Charles Dewey McCulley, Charlot Mitchell Springwater, Nigel Ramirez, Sergio Justin Conn, Jeremy Allen McIntosh, Seneca Springwater, Seth Elihu Rector, Stephen Ray Conrad, Raelee Ann McKee Sr., Kenneth Standingwater, Terry Michael Sack Sr., Raymond Dale Cooper, Kenneth Jerome McKee, Caleb Joel Starr, Dewayne Edward Sack, Chealyn Renea Cornshucker, Melvin C McKee, Joshua Dewayne Starr, Leroy Sack, Curtis Eugene Crittenden, Garrick Wayne McKee, Rickey Dewayne Starr, Linda Lou Sack, Donovon Jordan Crittenden, Thomas Gage McMahan, Amaris Dawn Stevens, Eldine Williams Sacks, Eddie Cruz, Eric Wayne McMahan, Mary Cathrine Summerfield, Kendra Kay Sacks, Sharron Ali Daniels, Dennis James Messer, Ethel Marlene Summerfield, Nicole Rashelle Sam, Irene Drywater Davis, Joshua Thomas Morrison, Sandra Kay Sunagoowie, Billy Jack Satawake, Jackie Ray Davis, Linda Mouse, Meshalae Kayelynn Sunagoowie, Deborah Sue Satawake, Michael Dean Davis, Rosa Lavonne Murphy, Henry Swake, Carrie Jean Scraper, David Wayne Dixon, Derrick Yazzie Murphy, Jason Lee Swake, David Spencer Scraper, Sammy Doherty, Freda Dorene Ofield, Carrie Jeanne Swake, Jerry Wayne Soap, Larry Dorsey, Brandon Alan Ofield, Jason Dwain Swake, Louetra Marie Soap, Maggie Lee Dorsey, Polly Ann Ofield, Robert Lee Swimmer, Alex Sparlin, Louis John Downing, Robert Earl Ofield, Tiffany Lynn Tarpalechee, Ryan Tracie Tatum, Brian Lee Jr. Doyeto, Shelbi Ann Ofield, Timothy Scott Taylor, Mckinley David Teafatiller, Nicole Dry, Christopher James Olivares, Eric Scott Tchakirides, Ladonna Billey Terapin, Cicero Wayne Drywater, Alice Ann Osceola, Celesta Earlette Thomas, Sheilah Ann Two Shields, Joseph Dion Dummer, Bobby Gene Oyler, Brandy Jo Thompson, Radek Cobain Vann, Leanna Lynn Dykes, Sarah Jo Paul, Jessie Thorne, Avrahm Josiah Vaughn Sr., Larry Littlebird Echols, Jowanna Gail Pratt, Ian Daniel Tibbetts, Pamela Elaine Vaughn, Jenna Renee Factor, Louetta Kay Pratt, Lula Tidwell Galaviz, Rainy Dey Veith, Matthew Van Feeling, Thomas Edward Pritchett, Jesse Dean Tidwell, Jeannie Renee Williams, Soulowla R. Fields, Brandon Gene Pritchett, Micheal Dewayne Tidwell, Jo Ann Fields, Charles Wayne Pritchett, Sharon Kaye Tiger, Mattie K. COOWEESCOOWEE Fields, Margaret Nell Proctor, Adam Lee Trauernicht, Nancy L. Acorn, Jennifer Lou Fisher, Debra Elaine Proctor, Junior Ray Tyon, Katlyn Karlee Adair, Lindel V. Galcatcher, Ronald Dale Proctor, Shelly Dawn Ukestine, Ramona Darlene Adair, Randy Bryant Garcia, Araselia Isabel Proctor, Stephen Wesley Valley, Gwendolyn Le Ann Alexander, Lisa May Garnette, Jo Anna Pumpkin, Thomas Mitchell Valley, Kathy Allen, Leestie Erin Girdner, Ruth Ann Qualls, Dana Renee Vernon, Jacob Alan Scott Arndt, Jesse Ray Glass, Bobby Lee Qualls, Griffin Jack Wacoche, Isaac Backward Rodriguez, Arturo Glass, Christopher Robert Qualls, Nicholas Montgomery Warner, Johnny Lupe Glass, Phillip Lee Rackleff, Edwin Neal Washington, Emma Lee Backward, Juan Luis Golden, Verdis Irene Rackleff, Edwin Youngdeer Waw, Louise Ballou Jr., Rufus Gomez, Darlene Sam Rackleff, Samuel Gene Weaver, Janice Lawayne Barnoski, Hanna Shay Guthrie, Gary Wayne Ramirez, Tricia June Weaver, Zachriah Eli Barnoski, Phillip E. Guzman, Alyssa Lynn Ramos, Regina Lynn Webster, Richard Lee Barnoski, Russanda Alesha Hair, Brenda Diane Randolph, Kristie Welch, Agnes Novelle Bazille, Valerie Ann Hammami, Noor-al Deen Randolph, Summer Raeanne- Welch, Cody Charles 12 - October 2020 ELECTION FINAL VOTER LIST ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ COOWEESCOOWEE DELAWARE DELAWARE DELAWARE

West, Lana Leigh Campbell, Sheila Lynn Handle, Audrey Osawa Mathia, Bessie Jane White, Gary Wayne Carman, Eliza Jane Hansen, Jerry Dewayne Matthews, Kathy Sue White, Jimi Lee Caughman, Shylah Marie Hansen, Makenzie Brooke McCrary, Kathryn Louise White, Phillip Lee Chewey, Evelyn Darlene Hansen, Sheena Annette McDonald, Maxlyn Joan Whitekiller, Calvin Chewey, Kelli Lynn Harry, Frona McKee Jr., Kenneth Lee Wickliffe, Alec Lloyd Chewey, Stephanie Jane Hawk, Linda Lou McKee, Shannon Dale Wickliffe, Billy Chewey, William Dean Hawley, Cara Sue McKinley, Annabell Proctor Wickliffe, Dana Harlene Chunestudey, Bobby Scott Hayes, Eric Ray Mead, Tishina Dawn Wickliffe, Teja Harlene Chunestudey, Bradley Dale Haynes, Anita Joyce Mendia, Cortney Elaine Wickson Jr., Raymond James Chunestudey, Ralph Eugene Hedgpath Jr., Richard Vincent Millspaugh, Barbara Ann Wildcat, Ericka Ariel Clifton, Amanda Sue Hedgpath, Billie Jo Mooney, Elizabeth Faye Wilkins, Bonnie Sue Clough, Amary Lee Diane Hedgpath, Chawaila Mooney, Kywin Weller Wilson, Brittney Le Anne Cochran, Dakota James Hedgpath, Sammie Gayle Mooney, Mc Kenna Marc Wofford, Christina Marie Cochran, Rachel Hendricks, Kaci Jo Moreland, Alma Ann Wofford, Clifford Wendell Cochran, Vernon Hendricks, Randall Mckey Morrow, Priscilla Christine Wofford, Jaclyn Lorene Compton, Levi Newton Hendricks, Steve Isaic Mouse, Ava Dawn Wofford, Kellen Christopher Cornshucker, James Ryan Hiett, Ailene Mouse, Bridgett Denise Wofford, Wilfred Merle Cornshucker, Patricia Ann Hiett, Ricky Lee Mouse, Christina Danelle Yanez, Nina Marie Cornshucker, Steve James Hilderbrand, Bobby Lee Mouse, David Wayne Young, Mary Ellen Crawford, Billy Jack Hilderbrand, Claudine Mouse, Debbie Lynn Creekkiller, Bob Hilderbrand, Geraldine Mouse, Floyd Dean DELAWARE Crow, Ruth M Hinzo, Deacon Eugene Mouse, Georgianna Culver, Betty Jo Hinzo, Sequoyah Jo Mouse, Joe Dewayne Acuff, Kassandra Leigh Cummings, Patrick Lee Hodge, Junior Jesse Mouse, Leon Brett Agnes, Betty W. Daugherty, Jeremiah Hodson, Micheal Scott Mouse, Mark Anthony Taylor Alarcon, Amy Priscilla Daugherty, Melissa Ivie Hogshooter, Carmalita Lynn Mouse, Shyann Marie Allen, Branden Jacob Daugherty, Wynena Ruth Hogshooter, Lillie Mae Mouse, Victor Eugene Allen, Caitlyn Mallori Davis Jr., Alvis Ray Hogshooter, Samuel Lee Mouse, Victoria-lynn Taylor Allen, Crisanna Davis, Betty Jean Hogshooter, Tyler James Mouse, Wayne Allen, J T Carrington Davis, Donella Faye Holcomb, Marian June Mouse, Wayne George Allen, Polly Ann Davis, George Isham, Holly Jean Mullins, Brenda Kay Leatherman Angelo, Loraine Sue Davis, Jerry Lee Jackson, Deloris Myers, Cora Joella Arneecher, Amanda Davis, Jordan Severin January, Ryan Craig Newcomb, Clark Isaac Arneecher, Frank Davis, Junior Lee Johnson, Batina Rose Newcomb, Katherine Ann Arneecher, Kenneth Carl Davis, Mark Anthony Johnson, Robert Wayne Newcomb, Nicholas Wayne Arneecher, Kim Davis, Mary Lou Jones, Dylan Thomas Nofire, Nathan Arneecher, Sidni Dione Davis, Nancy Jones, Ella Mae Nofire, Thelma Ann Arneecher, Sue Ann Davis, Nancy M Jones, Kenny Joe Ofield, Billie Jean Asher, Makesha Rae Davis, Niximan Jones, Kourtney Dee Ann Ofield, Chelsea Dion Asher, Mary Ella Davis, Quinton Jones, Phillip Lee Ofield, David Lee Asher, Willy Cheyenne Deere, Britni De Ann Jones, Rufus Henry Ofield, Don Edward Austin, Cory Neal Downing, Timmie Jones, Sheryl Lee Ofield, Tahmra Leann Bales, Shawn Dwayne Dry, Angela Pearl Jones, Shirley Ann Ofield, Tara Kayleen Barnes, Henry Douglas Dry, Charley Jumper Jr. III, Jesse Ofield, Tayler Marie Barrett, Ella Mae Dry, Eugene Jumper, Barbara Ofield, Wendell Phillip Barrett, Summer Rae Dry, Jay B Jumper, Haley Nicole On-The-hill, Alecia Marie Bates, Leigha Sade Dry, Larissa Dawn Jumper, Leonard Louis Osage, Kathleen Baumgartner, Sharon June Dude, Ailene Marie Jumper, Raelea Michelle Panther, Elmer John Bearpaw, Anita Laureen Dummitt, Patricia Kay Jumper, Tilitha Denise Panther, Sam James Bearpaw, Brentton Easter Jr., J.d. Edward Jumper, Whitney Kay Panther, Shawn W. Bearpaw, Gary Wayne Edens, Alicia Sue Keener, Charlotte Ann Peterson, Tammy Sue Bearpaw, Jacob Matthew Feather, Jamie Darin Kelley, Jackie Dale Phillips, Katie Bearpaw, Jarrod Wayne Fields, Stephanie Marie Ketcher, Sammie Gene Pickle Jr., Mark Edward Bearpaw, Mary Jo Fisher, Carrie O. Pick-Up Killion, Daron Lee Pickle, Rachell Renee Bearpaw, Richard Wayne Fisher, Sammie Jo Killion, Kenneth Ray Pickup, Anjanette Bearpaw, Robin Daniel Joe Folk, Bobbie Kay Killion, Sue Ann Pilkinton, Ramona Bearpaw, Robin Heath Foreman, Bud King, Brian Eugene Potter, Monica Leigh Bearpaw, Shirley Ann Foreman, Daniel Wayne King, Brittany Michelle Pritchett, James Lee Bearpaw, Zimbalist Fitzgerald Foreman, Edward Wayne King, Kendra Janee` Pritchett, Jerad Lee Bench, Merle Ray Foreman, Freddie Layne King, Margie Pritchett, Mary Catherine Billings, Deanna Rae Foreman, Jennie Marie King, Michael Shondell Pritchett, Oleta Bird, Alicia Marie Foreman, Larry King, Nancy Sue Proctor, Alex Cornelius Black, Dustin Levi Foreman, Mark Neal King, Vickie Louise Proctor, Clara Bel Blackfox, Eric Gene Foreman, Opal Lee Kingfisher, Dale James Proctor, Clint Alan Blackfox, Kalecia Danae Foreman, Wenona Kingfisher, Jesica Nycole Proctor, Dallas Blackfox, Rebecca Irene Fox, Billy Ray Kingfisher, Sally Ann Proctor, George Hugh Blackfox, Titus Richard Gene Fox, Monte Lee Kneeland, Cheryl Diane Proctor, Jeramy Wade Blair, Rachel Frogg, Brian Lee Lambert, James Loren Proctor, Jordan Laine Bolin, Jr., Rabion Lee Fugate, Jenetta Lucille Lambert, Nancy Albertina Proctor, Sharon Brewer, Veronica Michelle Gallardo, Kalijah Lawhead, Beatrice Proctor, Thomas Lee Brueckner, Megan Elizabeth Gallardo, Karen Leach, Levi Query, Sharon Kay Bryson, Ashley Nicole Gallardo, Tristan Leaf, Francis Michael Rackliff, Victor Codee Budder, Claudia Aline Gallardo, Willie Leaf, Marvin Leroy Ramseyer, Rosie Marie Budder, Linda Lou Garza, Joanna May Leaf, Vickie Darlene Ratledge, Bobby Joe Budder, Matthew Gibson, Rebecca Ann Legg, Kenneth Wayne Ratledge, Justine Raye Budds, Donna Sue Gifford, Chalee Kay Leon-Mora, Rosa Lee Richards, Dana Dawn Budds, Donnella Sue Gipson, Sherry Ann Littledave, Karen Sue Richards, Merilynn Jane Budds, Jack Donovan Glass, Gordon Lee Longmire, Meri Ellen Rivas, Shantelle Renee Buffington, James Wade Goins, Chadwick David Loughridge, Tamikki Dannea Roberts, Aaron Wesley Buffington, Leila Faye Goins, Margaret Gail Lowe, Anna Bell Roberts, Adam Lee Buzzard Jr., Bobby James Gonzales, Keith Darren Lowe, Billy Glenn Roberts, Amy Kathleen Buzzard, Archie Lee Gordon, Kayla Anne Loy, Kattrina Kay Roberts, Mark Buzzard, Billy Ray Gordon, Phillip Lee Lozano, Summer Dawn Roberts, Mickey Lee Buzzard, Charles Wayne Grass, Kamichia Dawn Luper, Christopher Wade Roberts, Ricky Leon Buzzard, Consuela Renee Grimmett, Caleb Wesley Lyman, Michaela Lyssette Roberts, Sheri Serene Buzzard, Daryl Lee Guess, Charley Sequoyah Maberry, Kristi Dawn Roberts, Stella Mae Buzzard, Gina Ann Guevara, Tishaleta Danelle Magana, Kimberly Helen Rodriguez, Cassandra Dawn Buzzard, James William Haag, Sharon Yvonne Mahaney, Ronald Richard Rogers, Barry Joe Buzzard, Melinda Sue Haby, Whitni Kay Mann, Stephanie Sue Rogers, Glenda Louella Buzzard, Rayna Aline Hammer, Jason Edward Martin, Tracey Ann Rogers, Lena Turtle ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ ELECTION FINAL VOTER LIST October 2020 - 13


Runabout, Sylvia Renea Turner, Lacie Renee Bunch, Wesley Hooper, Michael Rutherford, Carole Jean Turner, Mckey Burba, Linda Sue Hooper, Michael Wayne Sanders, Billy Wayne Turner, Stephen Dennis Burris, Christina L. Duncan Hooper, Treva Delaine Sanders, Chyla Marie Vann, John Wilburn Burris, Sarah Jane Hubbard, Veronica Regene Sanders, Donnie Jay Vann, Robert Buzzard, James Thomas Hudson, Jonathan Douglas Sanders, Kyle Jodan Wadlow III, Danny Joe Byrd, Sammy L Hummingbird, Angela Nicole Sanders, Tyler Wayne Wadlow, Alexsa Rae Campbell, Levi Hummingbird, Bill David Sapp, Stephanie Hair Wadlow, Selena Darlene Catron, Jessie Wayne Hummingbird, Felicia Dawnn Seat, Ronnie Lee Waeltz, Misty Dawn Catron, Robert Levi Hummingbird, Michael David Sequichie, Gail Reed Wagnon, Kylie Catron/ Luethje, Christa Lee Hummingbird, Roseanna Settlemyre, Jamie Lee Wagnon, Narita Jean Christie, Annie Ishcomer, Ashley Dawn Sharp, Darrell Lee Wagnon, Shawn Eugene Claphan, Amber Rene Jackson, Roger Dale Sharp, Franky Ray Wallace, Carolyn Yvonne Cochran, Johnnie Lee Johnson, Vivian Lorendia Sharp, Howard Wallace, Tyler Wayne Cooksey, Brandon Lee Jones, Alyssia Jo Sharp, Kayla Dawn Watermelon, Minnie Daugherty, Georgia Ann Jones, Betty Lee Sharp, Le Vonda Jo Watie, Ashlynn Norene Daugherty, Leroy Jones, Bob Sharp, Michael Frank Watie, Tiana Danielle Daugherty, Opal Lynn Jones, Charlie Sharp, Mikayla Jade Weeley, Annie M. Blackbear Davis, Wilma Jean Jones, Jeremy Sharp, Queita Manning Weeley, Mimi Le Andra Deason, Deanna Michelle Jones, Jerry Sharp, Sandra Faye Welch, Kendra Rene Dewhirst, Laura Shade Keener, Clayton Tre Sharp, Shelly Dawn West, Halee Louann Diver, Kenneth Wayne Keener, Linda Sue Sharp, Suzanne West, Todd Allen Diver, Nellie Kent, Sandra Dee Shell, Katie Lou Whaler, Betty Jo Diver, Paul Kester, Jodie Michelle Shell, Soldier Whaler, Latisha Carol Doublehead, Gary Allen Kester, Tyler Daniel Shocklee, Leslie Travis White, Randy Lee Jim Doublehead, Loretta June Ketcher Jr., Charles Edward Shotpouch, Heather Lynn White, Sammi Jo Doublehead, Mark Douglas Ketcher Sr, Charles Edward Shuey, Johnnie Lynn White, Samuel Joseph Doublehead, Tara Michelle Ketcher, John Henry Sisco, Stoney Edward White, Serena Darlene Duncan, Brenda Sue Killer Jr., John Six, Mark Brendan Whitecrow, Joanna Ruth Duncan, Dakota Leigh Killer, Dana Larraine Sixkiller, Lucinda Lynn Wickliffe, Charles Leon Duncan, Daniel Ray Killer, Denton Sloan, Shalesah Breann Wickliffe, Reynold Bruce Duncan, Henry Jay Killer, James David Smith, Adalene Wiley, Johnny Dean Duncan, Leo Killer, Joshua Ryan Smith, Daryn Dewayne Wiley, Rebecca Sue Duncan, Lucinda Teehee Killer, Kaitlyn Reed Smith, Meredith Jean Williams, Satch Clinton Duncan, Natalie Lynn Killer, Regina Smith, Whisperingwind Wofford, Charles Jim Duncan, Tom Killer, Sheila Smoke, Donovan Dennis Wolf, D.y. Lee Durossette, Kayla Lynn Killer, Shirley Smoke, Tracie Ann Wolf, Jan M. Eagle, Lee Roy King, Rita Snell, Rickey Joe Wolf, Jennifer Marie Eagle, Lucy Kirk, Christie Michelle Snell, Sheldon Alex Wolf, Mitchell Wayne Eddings, Gwendolyn Kirk, Tena Marie Snell, Tamara Lynn Wolf, Richard Dean England, Teela Sue Langford, Vena Gail Soldier, Brittany Wolf, Tommy Ewing, Neva Leann Leach, Amy Dawn Soldier, Julia Wolfe, Archie Lee Feather, Mary Sue Leach, Beverly Jean Squirrel, Waylon Thomas Wolfe, James Dale Flynn, Earl Leach, Jenny Lynn Starks, Alicia Lynn Wolfe, Lyndol Charles Flynn, Jack Leach, Larry Colson Stick, Adam Lee Woodcock, Chancelor Dean Flynn, Janice Michelle Leach, Mitchell Lydell Still, Jerome Woodcock, Markeitah Jenell Flynn, Lizzie Mae Lewis, Fredia Stopp, Doris Ann Wyatt, Barbara Sue Flynn, Nellie Littledave, Anthony Dewayne Stover, William Yahola, Jerad Josh Foster, Jack Littledeer, Brett James Strickland, Devin Lee Yahola, Kachina Sehoye Foster, Susie Littledeer, Jackie Dale Strickland, Nicholas Ray Yahola, Kearston Leona Fourkiller, Billy Wayne Littledeer, Kendall Lee Stroud, Donna May Yahola, Rebecca June Fourkiller, Julie Irene Littledeer, Makayla Jo Studie, Darrin Lee Youngbird, Kayla Rashelle Fourkiller, Kristi Dalyn Littledeer, Nakima Lynn Studie, Robert Lee Youngbird, Linda Kay Frederick, Vanessa Jane Littledeer, Rosa Lee Sultzer, Blake Edmond Youngbird, Nikita Nicole Frogg, Cecilia Dawn Livers, B.B. Sultzer, Leroy Youngbird, Shaylie Lyn Galcatcher, Joe Ed. Livers, George Summerfield, Diana Sue Gann, Ka Lee Sha Livers, Johnny Ray Summerfield, Nazareth Lee FLINT Gann, Leroy Lee Livers, Kara Dawn Summerfield, Wileena Jo Adair, Kathy Ann Gann, Timothy Alan Livers, Linda Faye Swake Jr., Chester Adair, Larry Gene Garcia, Matilda Locust, Sharon Kay Swake, Jeff Adair, Michael Gene Garcia, Trisha Len Locust, William James Swake, Judy Ann Baker, Sandra Glass, Crystal Gail Long, Jamie Lee Swake, Tasha Ann Ballard, Marlene Glass, Roger Dale Lopez, Viola Swake, Wendy Paige Barker, MeLinda Jacqueline Gonzales, Johnny Marie Luethje, Kyle Wayne Tacker, Jonni Lynn Bean, Peggy Lois Gonzales, Kevin Wayne Mankiller, Robert Charles Tagg Jr., Henry Bearpaw, Darrell Gonzales, Lila Ann Mankiller, William Edward Tagg, Bobbie Bearpaw, Russell Leon Gonzales, Marcus Wayne Mann, Ashley Renae Tagg, Lois Mae Bearpaw, Stand Watie Gonzalis, Leeander Marble, Jr., John Lewis Tagg, Sadie Beaver, Julie Ann Gonzalis, Sandra Lee Marshall, Ervina Lois Tanner, David Lee Beaver, Shirley Ann Gourd, Kenneth Ray Martinez, Hortencia Tanner, Jack Lee Beaver, Terri Dawn Green, Chase Jeremy Mays, Vanessa Jo Tanner, Johnny Lee Belmonte, Elaina Kay Green, Cheryl Ann McClain, Henry Joel Tanner, Santo Carl Benoit, Rita Faye Green, Christopher Charles McCullough, Helen Jean Tanner, Shane Ray Bird, Brenda Kay Grigsby, Jada Renee Mcgee, Christian Schuyler Tanner, Sharlette Renea Bird, Johnny Lee Grigsby, Jakkie McGee, Samantha Jean Tanner, Talesa D`aunn Bird, Shirley Ann Grigsby, James Nicholas McHenry, Nancy Sue Tanner, Wendell Clark Bird, Terry Gene Grigsby, Jarrod Jordan McLemore, Dewey Tarin, Ralph Bishop, Jacob Juwan Grigsby, Jimmy Dean McLemore, Rosie Lee Tarin, Ricarduo Rick Blackbird Jr., Gary Wayne Grigsby, Judy Kay McNac, Steven Joe Teague, Christopher Bolin, Dale Lee Grimmett, Jerrid Wayne Miller Sr., Johnny Dale Tehee, Rebecca Lindsay Boone, Caroline Grimmett, Johnny Lee Miller, Diane Lynn Tehee, William Thomas Bowin, Melvina Grimmett, Marco Wayne Miller, Terry Clyde Tennison, Alan Wayne Bradley, Kristie Dawn Grimmett, Victoria Lou Mink, Dennis Ray Thomas, Lucas Wayne Brewer, Annie Marie Guevara, Brandon Rey Mink, Melvin M. Thompson, Crystal Ann Brown, Cory Lee Handle, Tom Mink, Nathaniel Thompson, Marion Faye Bunch, Colton Ray Harper, San Frisca M. Mink, Walter Tiger, Lea Rachelle Bunch, Coty Jay Hilderbrand, Shalea La Dawn Monday, Hattie Lee Trammell, Meghan Karinn Bunch, George Hogner, Amy Lee Morgan, Cheyenna Mary Turner, Cynthia J. Fields Bunch, La Donna Sue Hogshooter, Belinda Kaye Morton, Kathy Jo Turner, Daniel Joseph Bunch, Landon Lee Hollan, Angela Renee Moton, Nathan Bryce Turner, Dewayne Ray Bunch, Robin Kara Holmes, Loretta Sue Murphy, Timmie 14 - October 2020 ELECTION FINAL VOTER LIST ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ FLINT FLINT GOINGSNAKE GOINGSNAKE

Muskrat, Jimmy Simco, Amanda Marie Balderas, Vicki Lynn Glass, Janet Marie Myrick Jr., Arnold Wayne Smith, Christopher Bearpaw, Thomas J. Glass, Jason Dewayne Myrick Sr., Arnold Wayne Smith, Frankie Jo Beaver, Amos Dale Glass, Rendi Lanae Myrick, Lacy Dawn Smith, Rodney Charles Beaver, Evelyn Sue Glenn, Lydia Ann Myrick, Thomas Lee Smith, Timothy Dwayne Bendabout, Dewayne Phillip Glover, Dennis Paul Nofire, Molly Marie Snell, Johnnie Lee Benoit, Sharon Rose Gonzalis, Ahnawake Marie Nofire, Pee-wee Carl Soap, Betty Sue Bird, Andrew Gonzalis, Arron Lee O’Neal, Tina Dianne Soap, Billie Kay Bird, J.b. Gonzalis, Lorenzo Osceola, Eugenia Soap, Brandon Lee Bird, Jimmy Dale Gonzalis, Sonja Owl, Derrick Soap, Eugene Lee Bird, Leo Gordon, Kyle James Owl, Drywater Soap, Ruby Faye Bird, Marie Grigsby, Kendra Lynn Owl, Juanita Ross Spencer, Stephanie Lynn Bird, Narcie Lynn Gritts, Roddy Rog Owl, Nick Spottedcrow, Malcolm Clay Bird, Sheila Ann Gritts, Virginia Lou Owl, Raven Vanette Springwater, Debbie Lynn Bird, Sheila Marie Guevara, Marcella Owl, Retha Jean Springwater, Marsha Renee Bird, Shirley June Guevarra, Alexandra Carmelita Owl, Samuel Springwater, Sonya Brook Blossom, Aaron Eugene Guevarra, Ruth Ann Sam Owl/ Bailey, Debra Ann Squirrel, Joe Blossom, Brandon Dean Guinn, Anna Marie Parfait, Brandon Stefan Squirrel, Johnny Blossom, Darrell Gene Haddock, Josephine Pettit, Claressa Dawn Squirrel, Jolynn Blossom, Darrin William Hair, Rhonda Kaye Pettit, Sharon Kay Squirrel, Timothy Aaron Bluebird, Dustin Wayne Hallmark, Kevin Dean Phillips, Stacy Denise Squirrel, Wiki Jim Bluebird/ Vintges, Ebony Mariah Hammer, Rhonda Joyce Pigeon, Kota Allen Stanford, Kim Bradley, Sue Ann Hampton, Andrea Michelle Pigeon, Samuel Tyler Still, Brenda Lee Buck II, Henry James Hardbarger, Charley Lee Pigeon, Summer Renee Still, Frankie Eugene Buck, Barbara Jean Harlin, Michaelyn Powell, Phillip Wayne Stopp, Kayla Dean Budder, Stanley Jr Harlin, Vicky Lynn Price, Dwayne Storm, Natasha Rae Bunch, Joe Harold Harrington, Darla Kay Pritchett, Mathew Allen Sumpter, Jeffery Robert Bunch, Thompson Harrington, Emma Lee Pritchett, Pamela Jean Swafford, Lacie Bush, Rowdi Jo Hawk, Kenneth Proctor, Croley Wayne Swimmer, Frank Lee Campos, Derrick Hawkins, Becky Lee Proctor, Joe James Teehee, Barbara Ann Canoe, Mary Lavaughn Hayre, Louise Eagle Proctor, Johnson Wayne Teehee, Billy Joe Catron, Laquetta Lynn Hebert, Wakeena Sky Proctor, Patricia Ann Teehee, Charlotte Anne Caviness, Keysha Mae Henson, Bob Eugene Proctor, Sherman Cole Teehee, Dianna Lynn Cheater, Sandra Gail Hevezi, Kathy Ann Proctor, Tanya Leanne Teehee, Isaiah Thomas Chewey, Hazel Davis Hilderbrand Jr., Sam Proctor, Woodrow Teehee, Jereasa Mckale Chewey, John Lee Hilderbrand, Sheila Ann Ramirez, Jeffery James Teehee, Joseph Aaron Christie, John Edward Hilderbrand, Timmy Ray Riddle, Fred Teehee, Ryan Joe Christie, Nellie Doreen Hogshooter, Justus Ryan Riddle, Jonathan Andrew Teehee, Teresa Christie, William James Holloway, Barney Sequoyah Ridge, Tommy Charles Teehee, Tiffany Jo Christie, William Zachary Hummingbird, Jr., Charles Lee Ross, Adriane Kay Thirsty, Carolyn Cochran, Morris Lee Hummingbird, Kendal Lee Ross, Arthur Eugene Thirsty, Watie Cochran, Randy Hurlburt, Danita May Ross, Charley J. Thompson, Rebecca Lynn Cummings, Lucille Renee Ireland, Stanley Clifford Ross, David Braint Tidwell Proctor, Mary Susabell Daniels, Donice Johnson, Jonetta Elizabeth Ross, George Tidwell, Jackie Ray Daniels, Roy Lee Johnson, Joseph Ross, James Unger, Paula Jo Davis, Aryanna Nicole Jones, Bobby Joe Ross, Kendall Wayne Valdes, Reba Jean Davis, Brent Niles Keen, Tevin Andrew Ross, Lillie Mae Valdez, Geraldine Davis, Brett Miles Ketcher, Charles Clayton Ross, Mae Jeanne Valdez, Sonya Machelle Davis, Charleta Ketcher, Charles Warren Ross, Ollie Mae Vann, Albert Lee Davis, Christine Downing Keys, Derek Scott Ross, Shalissa Dawn Vann, Brandon Lee Davis, Kevin Neal Kingfisher, Anthony Ray Ross, Stephanie Monika Vann, Danny Lee Davis, Kimberly Rochelle Knox, Megan Michelle Ross, Terry Lee Vann, David Wayne Davis, Laura June Leach, Jerika Renee Sam, Jason Daniel Vann, Dexter Davis, Leroy Lewis, Billy Joe Sam, Katie Leanna Vann, Josiah Lee Davis, Scott Elliot Limpy, Betty Lou Sam, Ronny Ray Jr. Vann, Kaneilius Lee Doublehead, Dustyn Daye Lindstrom, Juanita Sam, Samatha Machelle Vann, Lydia Elizabeth Doublehead, Kobe Allen Littledeer, Mary Lee Sanchez, Rachel Vann, Pernell Lee Dreadfulwater Jr., Carl Lee Locust, Letisha Donnell Sanchez, Roberto Jr. Vann, Reba Jo Dry, Virgil James Lowe, Norma Jo Sanders, Bobby Gene Vann, Tarah Beth Duncan Jr., Roger Luethje, Logan Rene Sanders, Christie Dawn Vargas, Amanda Celeste Duncan, III, Walter Luethje, Marissa Rae Sanders, Danielle Vaughan, Susan Renee Duncan, Joe Lyman, Roger Dale Sanders, Gerald Brian Vaughn, Angela Dawn Duncan, Sheldon Ray Magana-Hernandez, Traci Sanders, Grover Walkingstick, Karl Dean Fatherree, Galeta Martin, Brian Douglas Sanders, Jalen Anfernee Waters, Crystal Feathers, Minnie M. Daugherty McCause, Nancy Gertrude Sanders, Lenora Gayle Watie, Joan Fields, Judy McKinzie, Cody Eugene Sanders, Randy Weavel, Louie Fields, Kristie McKinzie, Sheila Kaye Sawney, Aaron Ray Weaver, Maggie Ann Fields, Vanessa Jean McLemore, Sherry Lynn Hawk Sawney, Alex Webster, Jessica Lin Figueroa, Latisa Jane McLemore, Tracey Dewey Sawney, Buzzy Welch, Susan Renee Foreman Jr., Travis Houston McNac, Martina Gayle Sawney, Danata Wilden, Pretty Sky Loujane Foreman, Ann Mae Mink, Amanda Dawn Sawney, Erin Ray Wilden, Roxana Foreman, Arielle Elayne Mink, Colby Ryan Sawney, Jodie Shalene Willhite, Kimberly Marie Foreman, Felicia Lynne Mouse, Cletus Ray Sawney, Johnnie W. Wilson, Judith Annette Foreman, Jerrid Ruben Mouse, George Lee Sawney, Leonard Wayne Winchester, Kenneth Eli Foreman, Joan Mouse, Jase Wayne Sawney, Mikesha Dinah Wing, Leroy Foreman, Marcella Mouse, Morgan Lynn Sawney, Rikki Jene-Ruth Wofford, Susan Gail Foreman, Tanisa Lachelle Mouse, Nancy Ann Sawney, Sharon Jean Wolf, Kenny Ray Foreman, Travis Houston Muskrat, Tristan Jeneen Sawney, Stasha Danae Danielle Wolfe Jr., Billy Ray Fourkiller Hawk, Joyce Renee Myrick, Evelynas Sawney, Waylon Wolfe, Greywolf Fourkiller, Coby Shane Myrick, Ronald Carl Scott, Alison Leigh Wolfe, Scott Fourkiller, Faythe Ann Nofire, Christopher Joe Scott, Jaynelle Elaine Worley, Ella Mae Cooksey Fourkiller, J. C. Nofire, Starla Scraper Jr., Lawrence Eugene Wright, Jada Delight Fourkiller, Jeremy Lee Nofire-Foreman, Summer Dawn Scraper, Harvey James Fourkiller, Karra Shalayne Nunn, Teri Lynn Scraper, Lawrence Eugene GOINGSNAKE Gann, Ginae Michelle O’Field, Brenda Gail Scraper, Sandra Kaye Gann, Mamie Marie Osage, Alvina Scrapper, Gerald Adair, Elaine Gass, Mark Allen Parfait Jr., Jason Charles Sevenstar, Sonya Gail Alarcon, Gina Jolaine Giffin, Tina Elouise Parris, Sandra Lynn Shell-Chuculate, Ollie Mae Alves, Josalena Dawn Glass, Bill Parsons, Emma Lee Sidebottom, Ryan Dale Andrews, Rosanna Glass, Dennis James Pritchett, Edward Siegrist, Louise Bagwell, Whitney Leigh Glass, Elmer Pritchett, J T ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ ELECTION FINAL VOTER LIST October 2020 - 15


Pritchett, Jim Tom Whorton, Lacee Lee Backwater, Willis Dale Hair, Roberta Lee Pritchett, Justin Leon Wickliffe, Craig Neal Ballou, Patsy Ann Hambay, Jennifer Nicole Pritchett, Meagan Kay Irene Wickliffe, Joshua E. Bark, Gary Lee Harper, Brandy Patrice Proctor Sr., Carl Wayne Williams, Jesse Lee Bark, Kirsten Lourey Hawley, Bonnie Marie Proctor, Rhonda Kay Williams, Patricia Louise Bark, Kyle Henry Hayes, Dylan Eugene Rabbit, George Williams, Stacy Ann Bark, Loetta Lou Hayes, Emma Jean Rackleff, Victor Allen Wolfe, Deiadra Diane Bark, Matthew Hayden Henson, Bennie Rackliff, Norman Ray Wolfe, Della Mae Barrett, Jackson Ewell Henson, Carolyn Sue Reamy, Merinda Lynn Wolfe, Jamie Ryan Barrett, Luana Joy Henson, Elisa Michelle Reed, Geraldine Ann Wolfe, Travis Tyree Bendabout, Arnold Dean Hilderbrand, Eldeena Sue Reed, Laura Beth Youngbird, Jerry Bendabout, Dewayne Hitchcock, Pollie Ann Robbins, Rita Sue Youngpuppy, Leo Bendabout, Fawn Rene Hodson, Russell Paul Robinson, Heather Leeann Bendabout, Tiffany Ann Hogshooter, David Robison, Anthony Carl ILLINOIS Bevenue, Misty Dawn Hogshooter, Jesse Jackson Robison, Beverly Ann Bighorse, Julia Mae Hogshooter, Rebecca Diane Rodriguez, Revonda Kaye Adair, Janelle Bird, Brenda Lee Hollan, Mr. Kristie Marie Rogers, Cheryl Adair, Susan Mae Bird, Crystal Lene Jones Jr., Ellis Jody Ross, Justin Levi Beaver, Mohawk Warren Blackfox, Lacey Dean Jumper, Brent Shawn Rumler, Betsy Ann Billie, Lucy Mae Blackfox, Malaurie Leanne Jumper, Callie Anne Sam, Shirley Ann Blackbird, Donald Lee Blackfox, Velma Denise Jumper, Danny J Sanchez, Lena Ann Blackbird, Donald Toolate Blossom, Josie Elaine Jumper, Elijah James Sanchez, Tristian Beto Blackbird, Jim Lee Blossom, Larry Joe Jumper, Ella Mae Sanchez, Vickie Lynn Briggs, Shayna Renee Blossom, Phillip Jumper, Roger Lee Sanders, Adriane Dawn Bryant Jr., Robert Calvin Blossom, Woodrow Luther Kauley, Mildred Maxine Sanders, April Lynn Buck, Charles Lee Bluebird, Diane Michelle Keener, Thomas R. Sanders, Clinton Ray Christie, Kimberly Bolin, Danny Jay Ketcher, Breze Carrie Louise Sanders, David Lee Christie, William James Boney, Mary Jane Ketcher, Melvin Leroy Sanders, Jerrod Tyrone Christie, Wynona Budder, Eric Wayne Ketcher, Mitchell Lee Sanders, Johnson Coachman, Jeffrey Wayne Budder, Rosa Nell Ketcher, Ricky Alvin Sanders, Lynn Alan Davis, Dylan Pete Budder, Sallie Ann Ketcher, Ronnie Dale Sanders, Mary Ann Davis, Tristen Leanne Budder, Sally Mae King, David Victor Sanders, Michael Ray Feathers, John Raven Burrow, Heather Raechelle King, Homer Gene Sanders, Kaye Fourkiller, Christopher Dean Butcher, Chanda Lynelle King, Jerry Wayne Sanders, Samantha Suzanne Fourkiller, Kimberly Jean Butcher, Sydney Mikayla King, Lois Mae Sanders, Sherlene Fuson, Tisha Marie Cantwell, Frances Ann King, Marjorie Sue Sanders, Valerie Delaine Gentry, Kevin George Chancellor, Katrina Daylene Kingfisher, Matthew Lee Scates, Brandy Nicole Girty Jr., John Edmond Chewie, Geneva Kingfisher, Miranda Kaye Scott, Joe Lynn Girty, Joan May Chewie, Linda Lou Kingfisher, Ned Scott, Joleen Dalawna Girty, Linda Jane Chimber, Katina Doylene Kirby, Carl Dee Scott, Marcus Lincoln Girty, Peggy Sue Chumwalooky, Branda Mashell Laconsello, Randall Scott, Michael Anthony Girty, Sara Mae Chumwalooky, Carolyn Lacy, Jerry Wayne Scott, Ned Girty, Tina Lynn Chumwalooky, Donald Lacy, Steven James Shell, Kathy Marie Griffin, Melissa Neel Chumwalooky, William Leach, Frank Six, Franklin Dea Handle, Susie Regena Church, Donald Lee Leach, Tamica Lynn Sixkiller, Tommy Allen Harvell, Brenda Lee Church, Shawn David Leaf, Terek Shawn Smith, Brenda Harvey, William Ronnie Cole, Dawnetta Littledave Jr., Richard Gene Smith, Chris Ryan Hicks, Betty Lou Cooper, Brynell June Littledave, Caleb Jefferson Smith, Galen Neil Hicks, Leroy Crabtree, Willis Lee Littledave, Gail Smith, Roderick Wayne Hicks, Wiley Eugene Crawford Jr., Billy Jack Littledave, Jefferson Wayne Snell, Cecelia Houston, Vivian Sue Crittenden, Joetta Dwaye Littledave, Karen Kay Soap, Melissa Gayle Locust Christie, Hunter Jess Davidson, Kirstie Erin Littledave, William Soap, Nathaniel Ray Locust, James Davis, Bradley Ray Loftis Jr., Clifford Soldier-Bastida, Mattie Locust, Louis Davis, Brittany Nicole Loftis Sr., Clifford Elizabeth Morris, Carol Kay Davis, Earl Ray Loftis, Joshua Dean Spriggs, Jessica Ann Morris, Derrick Wayne Davis, Fonda Renee Loftis, Nellie Jean Squirrel, Bonnie Sue Olivares, Aaron Henry Davis, Michael Dean Loftis, Patricia Ann Squirrel, Cheryl Lee Olivares, Anthony Aaron Dawson, Louann Ellen Loftis, Roger C. Squirrel, Susanna Lee Oliver, Brooklyn Nacole Dollarhide, James Robert Loftis, Shara Faye Squirrel, Walter Lee Pritchett, Ethan Thomas Downing, Nellie Lucy Lyman, Anna Marie Lara Stick, Lance Michael Pruitt, Dianne Helen Dreadfulwater Sr., Carl Lee Lyman, Juanita Stopp, Esther Renee Pruitt, Jacob Ryan Dreadfulwater, Carla Lee Lyman, Kamichia Ann Stopp, Leola Mae Robbins II, W. Lee Driskell, Jo Dawn Mahurin, Tressa Mechelle Studie, Jimmy Joe Roberson, Jennifer Lynn Dry, Carol Jean Mason, Kasey Michelle Suarez, Jaime Elizabeth Scott, Nina Lorrainne Easter Sr., J.D. Edward Mc Carter, Jeremiah Ratunda Tagg, Rodney Levi Smith, Christy Lane Easter, Leanna Mae Mc Carter, Manaynie Leona Tarin, Terrie Gail Still, Corey Matthew Falling, Jamie Rene McBride, Coretha Priscilla Taylor, Dexter Still, Stella Ann Falling, Steven Allen McCarter, Jessie Teehee, Jon Caleb Sutton, Loretta Lorene Farris, Douglas Arnold McCoy, Megan Lee Thomas, Jonathan Tackett, Treva Kay Feeling, Brandy Michelle McKibben, Brenda Lee Thompson, Vickie Hughes Teehee, Jeremy Davis Feeling, Jess Mouse Jr., Tony Tiger, Jacob Edward Tehee, Franklin Feeling, Jessica Tereece Mouse, John Wayne Turtle, Charles Edward Terrill, Leigha Elain Fellinger, Brenda Kay Mouse, Maria Dementri Tyon, Gwendalynn Dee Two- Shields, Stephanie Ann Fields, Janie Mouse, Mary Jane Van Buskirk, Emma Jean Washington, Leon Fisher, Amy Dawn Mutter, Sharon Kay Vanbuskirk, Russell Gilbert Washington, Norma Jean Fisher, Danny Joe Odle, Amanda Gail Vann, Angeleah Dawn Webster, William Lesley Fisher, Devon Polly Ofield, Andrew Dewayne Vann, Billy Joe Wildcat, Annie Lynne Foreman, Derek Joseph Ofield, Deborah Sue Wagnon, Lucas Wilson, Barry Dwayne Foreman, Maudie Ann Ofield, Faith Shereen Walker, Connie Marie Wincle, Jeffrey Scott Foreman, Regina Ann Ofield, Felicia Lynn Ward, Autumn Jo SALINE Goins, Nadine Grass Ofield, Jeffrey Alan Warrick, Katie Jean Grass, April Dawn Ofield, Joshua James Watie Jr., Sundown Adams, Frances Marie Grass, Bobby Joe Ofield, Rosalena Mellowbug Watt, Sandra Lynn Adams, Wauhillau Alice Grass, Cassondra Yvonne Panther, Leona Fredricka Wayt, Lorayne Leona Arneecher, Fay Jean Grass, Jason Lloyd Panther, William Eugene Weavel, Jessee Jo Backwater Jr., Matthew Grass, Waylon Clint Parra, Pamela Kay Whaler Jr., Henry Zachariah Hair, Geanne Renee Phillips, Angel Whaler, Bradley Joe Backwater, Janet Kaye Hair, Joe Edward Phillips, Bradley Joel Whaler, Dewayne Backwater, Johnny Hair, John R. Pickup, Nakia Richelle Whaler, Dora Mae Backwater, Kevin Dion Hair, Lacy Gene Plemmons, Charles Duane Whaler, Kevin Wayne Backwater, Mary Lynn Hair, Nick Plemmons, Tosha Rae 16 - October 2020 ELECTION FINAL VOTER LIST ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ SALINE SALINE SEQUOYAH TAHLEQUAH

Pritchett, Jacky Lynn Wadlow, Kaleb Doyle Pettit, Warren Isaac Brown, Tausha Adelia Pritchett, Marissa Wadlow, Keven Dee Pigeon, Carolyn Jean Buckhorn, Melvina Sue Proctor Jr., Sequoyah Wadlow, Randy Lee Pigeon, Lavonda Kaye Budder, Lora Kaye Proctor, Eliza Backwater Wagnon, Janie Darlene Pigeon, Timothy Dewayne Burris, Nona Lue Proctor, Elsie Ann Washington, Barbara Jean Pritchett, Rodney Dale Butler, Melissa Lena Proctor, Ethan Cole White, Lucinda Ridenour, Juanita Kay Buzzard, Jesse James Proctor, Heath Smith Wilkerson, Larry Joe Ringgold, Melinda Renea Buzzard, Paula Jean Proctor, Phyllis Kaye Wofford, Clifton Roastingear, David Byrd, Lillie Mae Proctor, Stanley J. Wolf, Billy Jo Roastingear, Jennie Mae Carey, Timothy T. Rabbit, Buffalo Bill Wolf, Billy Joe Rosin, Ethan Shane Carnes, Claudia Rae Rabbit, Carol Jean Wolf, Phillip Dean Rosin, Leon Carnes, Kelly Jean Rackliff, Belinda Wolfe, Carissia Michelle Rosin, Wanda Carter, Connie Sue Rackliff, John Wayne Wolfe, Elizabeth Sue Ross, Una Denice Castillo, Carolyn Sue Raper, Cullen George Wolfe, Marvin Dean Sanders Jr., Harold Dean Catron, Cindy L. Remy, Elizabeth Wolfe, Regina Faye Sanders, Carrie Irene Catron, Peggy Fay Reynolds, Sharon Gail Woods, Everett Lee Sawney, Jimmy Lee Cheater, Eric Rice, Wyatt Colten - Lee Wright, Billy Kenneth Sawney, Jimmy Ray Cheater, Nick Robbins, Anthony Wright, Linda Jean Sevenstar, Isaac L Bird Cheater, Sarah Katherine Roberts, Amanda Colleen Young, Virginia Lee Sevenstar, Jackie Ann Christiansen, Lisa Christine Roberts, Eric Jacob Sevenstar, Lisa Ann Christie, Jacob Daniel Ross, Joe SEQUOYAH Sevenstar, Little Jim Christie, Sam Ross, Randy Dale Snell, Darlene Chuculate, Amanda Sudawn Runabout, Jessica Lynn Adair, Donald Lee Taylor, Betty Lou Chuculate, Rodney Dean Russell, Rosenell Anderson, Heather Taylor, Janie Chunestudey, Tony Russell- Mora, Yolina Baldridge, Carolyn Sue Tehee, Larry Hasting Clark, Deion Paul Johnson Saez, Carrie Jean Baldridge, James E. Tovar, Nicholas Ruiz Clark, Winnifred Roberta Jimmie Saez, Susanna Baldridge, Kristy Lynn Vann, Anna Louise Clinton, Landa Camille Sanders, Barry Anthon Baldridge, Tommy James Vann, Maudeen Louise Clinton, Rhonda Michelle Sanders, Eric Douglas Beaver, Jason Allen Wright, Jakima Tatyanna Coachman, Dakota Ward Sanders, Tristan Sadie Bird, Brittny Rashelle Wright, Regina Mae Coachman, Deanna Lynn Santiago, Valerie Faye Bird, Larry Ellis Wright, Samantha Justina Cochran, Jacqueline Ann Sapp, Karma Lynn Bird, Margaret Cochran, Micah Allen Scott, Jessie Jean Bolin, Darrell Wayne TAHLEQUAH Coffee, James Douglas Scott, Joseph Neal Bolin, Tony Coke, Leroy Scott, Tina Marie Boudreau, Lisa Gail Adair Jr., David Clark Coke, Shawn Lee- Ann Shocklee, Barbara Jo Brady, Kathleen Oneta Jean Adair Sr., David Clark Cole, Betty Florene Silversmith, Kenneth Brown, Charlotte Adair, Chad Allen Cole-Robinson, Jennifer D Sitsler, Kenneth Dee Bunch, John Calvin Adair, Levi Paul Collins, Carla Gail Sixkiller, Alfred Wayne Busch, Carolyn Anita Adair, Marissa Nicole Collins, Cindy Lou Smith, Byron Wesley Busch, Charlene Adair, Nakiah Littlefox Collins, Jeremee Cesyl Smith, Caleigh Hope Bush, Samuel Austin Adair, Rebecca Sue Collins, Stephanie Mae Smith, Christine Buzzard, Joe Lee Ade, Don Colvin, Jesse Rodean Smith, Clarence Buzzard- Tovar, Julio Luis Aguado, Vanessa Conrad, Robert Alan Smith, Cornelle Carr, Sandra Lynn Aguilar, Diana Cops, Leslie Kim Smith, Damon Scott Catron, Connie Lousie Allen, Sammy David Cornsilk, Danny Smith, Kenneth James Catron, Junior Levi Allen, Taylor Reagan Cox, Luthena Faye Smith, Lisa Cheater, Daniel Lee Arnall, Hailey Elizabeth Cummings, Chad Aaron Smith, Mashell Lavon Cheater, Jeremy Lance Arneecher, Benjamin Willard Cummings, Traci Dawn Smith, Wilma Hazel Cheater, Lesley Neil Arredondo, Andrew Joel Curtis, Courtney Elaine Smoke, Aaron Lee Cheater, Marcus Wayne Arredondo, Beverly Frances Curtis, Tahleah Russhel Smoke, Betty Ann Cheater, Sally Jo Arredondo, Monica Sue Curtis, Terrace Nicole Smoke, Brittanie Danielle Cheater, Tylar Joe Avilla, Thomas Cornelious Dalrymple, Brittany Nicole Smoke, Charles Lee Cheater, Wesley Scott Baldridge, Ashley Renee Daniel, Loyd Eugene Smoke, Christopher Kyle Chewey, Genese Ann Ballard, Debbra Ellen Daugherty, James Richard Smoke, Geneva May Christie, Larry Wayne Ballard, Joyce Daugherty, Linda Jan Smoke, Joshua Caine Coleman, Gweelick Martin Barbaree, Bernice Daugherty, Ronnie Wayne Smoke, Katie Dawn Copeland, Bobby Doyle Barnoski, David Louis Davis, Misty Kay Smoke, Kristen Amber Daniel, Shannon Richard Barr, Bobbie Lynn Davis, Monica Ann Smoke, Michael Layne Dotson, Barry Owen Barr, Eva Ann Davis, Patricia Alberta Smoke, Michael Lee Dreadfulwater, Anthony Batt, Charley Davis, Richard Lee Smoke, Nikitia Dawn Duvall, Bobby Joe Batt, Florene Day, Rose Anna Smoke, Peter Lee Duvall, Joey Beamer, Elsaphine Deason, Charles Brian Smoke, Ravon Dennis Eagle, Kee Kee Joe Beason, Jimmy Lee Deason, Kyle Jacob Smoke, Sarah Leann Eagle, Lydia Bird Beaver, Daimian Warren Deere, Elizabeth Ann Smoke, Shanoah Mae Fourkiller, Ericka Beaver, Debbie Carol Deere, Jeremy Lee Squirrel, Clyde Wayne Francis, Raven Renea Beaver, Doris Ann Deere, Jesse Lee Staller, April Lynn Girty, Michael Dan Berry, Ernestine E. Deere, Jesseca Bryttani Stapleton, Matthew Garrett Girty, Snake Bilby, James Gregory Deere, Lena Ruth Stapleton-Smith, La Verna Grigsby, Dustin Jon Bird, Deere, Samuel Whitaker Steward, Jr., William F. Hardbarger, Jaci Carol Bird, Elizabeth Deere, Stacy Ann Stick, Leonard Hardbarger, James Lewis Bird, Sue Lynn Deerinwater, Calvin Sullateskee, Billy Joe Harshbarger, Lizzie Birdtail, Jeromiah Dick, Jamie Lynn Tagg, Betty Jean Hawk, Kendra Lee Birdtail, Naomi Rachel Dirteater Jr., Leon Tagg, Daniel Wayne Henson, Jim Lee Birdtail, Nora Kay Dreadfulwater Jr., Andrew Tagg, Jerry Wayne Hoover, Malinda Jane Birdtail, Nova Jayne Dreadfulwater, Albert Tagg, Mallori Kole Johnson Jr., Parker Blackbear, Charlene Dreadfulwater, Edward Lee Tagg, Tammy Johnson, John Lloyd Blackfox, Joe Ann Dreadfulwater, Rebecca Tagg, Velma Jean Johnson, Lisa Marlene Bluebird, Anthony E. Dry, Elvis Lee Tennison, Glenna Dean Levi Johnson, Tara Dawn Bluebird, Larry Dry, Kevin Terhune, Max Ausley Lee, Michelle Ann Bluebird, Matthew Kyle Drywater, Anthony Joe Thompson Jr., Douglas W. Livers, Delmer Eugene Bluebird, Peggy Drywater, Brittany Paige Thompson, Robin Sudon Livers, Sandra Jean Bluebird, Phillip Drywater, Denise Thrash, Cheryl Denise Marrs, Laura Samantha Bluebird, Rhonda Kaye Drywater, Heather Lynn Vann, Dakota Justice Matthews, Katherine Ann Bluebird, Sheila Renee Drywater, Novaline Sue Vann, Eleanor Helen Mccoy, George Bolin, David Neal Dummer, Steven Joe Vann, French Edward Mccoy, Jim Brannon, Angela Gayle Duncan, Bronwyn Ahnawake Vann, George Morgan, Bonita Bravo, Miranda Dawn Duncan, Lora Gail Vann, George Michael Morgan, Joshua Wayne Brehon, Bryce Alan Duncan, Schon Matthew Vann, Shaney Allison Nicole Morris, Martin Brown, Sasheen Alannah Duran-Camacho, Alonzo Valente Wadlow, Delores Ann Nguyen, Kathy Lynn Brown, Stacey Noel Duran ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ ELECTION FINAL VOTER LIST October 2020 - 17


Durant, Sally Ann Henson, Edmond Littledeer, Dallas Ramsey, Davonte’ Rasheed Durant, Winona Marie Henson, Jade Livers, Felix Lee Ratliff, Shelly Diane Durman, Tracey Renee Henson, Krisshell Wyvon Livers, Ronny Ray Reese, James Adam Durman, Tyler Seth Tipton Henson, Luther Locust, Anile Adair Rhodd, Lillian Lisa Dushane, David Matthew Henson, Marjorie Tucker Locust, Brenda Lee Ridge, Charles Wayne Duvall-Collins, Kristopher Del Henson, Watie Gene Locust, Mary Jo Ridge, Roman Jay Duvall-Collins, Krystal Mae Hicks, Alvin Ray Locust, Rochelle Elizabeth Rios, Leticia Ann Easky, Tricia Leanne Hicks, Sarah Ellen Locust, Rozlyn Hana Roach, Jess Lee Eastman, Dakota Raeanne Hodge, Tyler Joseph Logan, Wanda Lou Roach, Jill Lynell Echohawk, Carlene Delores Hogner, Annette Lopez, Mary Jane Roach, Leo Edwards, Dewayne Owen Hogner, Georgia Lozano, Shalah Roach, Rebecca Lea Edwards, Garland Junior Hogshooter, Roseanna Ryan Luethje, Caleb Ryan Robbins, Brianna Ancie England, Robin Yahola Hogshooter, Russell Lee Luethje, William Kyle Robbins, Christina Kaye Erkie, Steven Duane Holcomb, Betty Sue MacDonald, Jessica Marie Robbins, Louise Fairchild, Diana Lynn Holcomb, Joe Lee Mahaney, Nadine Robbins, Shannon Todd Falls Down, Donna Lynn Holland, Victoria Shantel Mann, Verena Mae Robbins, Teresa Ann Feathers, Randy Holmes, Cody Jacob Martin, Lucian Douglas Robbins, Fields, Sheila Wayne Hooper Jr., J. D. Martin, Ronald Richard Roberson, Timothy Ray Fishinghawk, Joseph Thomas Hooper, Crystal Gayle Mashburn, Gary Clark Roberts, Lilly Kathleen Fishinghawk, Lawrence Lee Horn, Johnny Masquat, Randi Brook Robinson, Cody Clay Fixin, Rachel Lee Horner, Wallace Lewis Mata, Veronica Sue Robinson, Dessie Mae Flute, Pearlene Houston Jr., Daniel Mathis, Amy Faye Rock, Le Don Flynn, Christa Kohene Houston, Leah Marie Mauldin, Georgia Rock, Teonna Jen Foreman, Harold Lynn Howard, Jeremy Michael McBride, Lissa Gaye Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Angela Ann Forrest, Amber Nicole Howard, Jonathan Edward McCarter, David Wayne Roof, Martha Sally Forrest, Gary A. Howze, Nancy Jane McCarter, Mary Rose, Wahlesah Sagweniga Foster, Barbara Lou Hubbard, Mattie Louise Mccoy, Calvin Lee Ross, Catherine Elane Foster, Stephen John Hughes, Kristina Lynn McCulley, Rendy Allison Ross, Colene Lamae Fountain, Barbara Drake Hummingbird, Ariana Renae McCulley, Roberta Louise Ross, Jimmie Lynn Fountain, Paul Edward Hummingbird, Newanna Carol McCutchen, Valerie Ann Ross, Johnny Ray Franklin, Melanie Lynn Humphrey, Katherine Margaret McIntosh, James Willard Ross, Lucille Gann Fuentes, Travis Hunt, Nellie Mae Starr McKee Jr., William Rossignol, Rosie Mae Fuller, Lois Marie Huntley, Cleta Gay McLemore, Donald Russell, Timothy Andrew Gann, Carla Denise Ice, Dorothy Lee McLemore, Edwin Lloyd Sam, Sampson Daniel Gann, Jason Frank Ireland, Dorothy Jean McLemore, Regina Sanders, Deandra Lynne Gann, Natasha Sue Irvin, Christopher Eric McLemore, Ronnie Dale Sanders, Janice Sue Garcia, La Donna Janell Isaacs, Patricia Ann Moore, Lucille Campbell Sanders, Jessie Lewis Garcia, Nieves Jackson, Raymond Dean Moran, Sheila Joe Sarnie, Dawn Evelyn Garrett, Sherry Ann James, Anonda Mae Morris, Emma L. Sarren, Linda Kaye Garrison, Barbara Gayle James, Brittani Dawn Morris, Tommy Sawney, Kenneth Gifford, Miles Brandon Jennings, Sallie Proctor Moss, Julie Mae Scott, Drew Allen Gilbert, Crystal Michelle Jessie, Brenda Louise Mouse Jr., Johnny Lee Scott, Dustin Clue Girty, Donna Lisa Jimerson, Bodee Lee Mouse, Aubry Rose Scott, Miranda Lee Girty, Mary Ann Jimerson, Norma Jean Mouse, Jessia J. Scott, Mychal Edward Girty, Matthew Douglas Johnson, Aaron Michael Mouse, Jody Leon Scraper, Juanita Kristene Girty, Stephanie Daphynne Johnson, Billie Colleen Mouse, Sherri Lynn Scraper, Vincent Bryan Glass, Alexanderia Nicole Johnson, Bryan Redbird Murphy, Bobby Lee Scraper/Gonzales, Shirlene Mar- Glass, Andrew Sebastian Johnson, Harvey Dean Murphy, David Scott ion Goingsnake, Gwendolyn Johnson, Ida Jane Murphy, Tina Lynn Scrapper Jr., Earl Gonzales, Brian Keith Johnson, Scott Wesley Muskrat, Colton Ray Searles, Gary Stephen Gonzales, Herbert Allen Johnson, Terri Elaine Neal, Sherry Sequichie, Eli Gonzalis, Brenda Lee Jones, David Michael Neff, Jacob Dean Sequichie, Robert Levi Gonzalis, Tiffany Shalene Jones, Kristen Kaye Neugin, Dusty Dale Shade, Albert Goodrich, Tyrone Jones, Levi Edward Neugin, Maxine Shade Shade, Brandi Nichole Goodwin, Kathleen Renee Jones, Raymond D Neugin, Tommy Shade, Bryan Gourd, Dennis Lee Juarez, Makayla Rehdawn Noble, Sarah Ann Shade, Lacee Gourd, Denton Evan Jumper, John Lee Ofield, David Lee Shade, Loy Gourd, Emily Gayle Jumper, Kimberly Ann Ofield, Esamuel Elkie D. Shade, Raven Gourd, Kimberly Keener, Alice Ofield, Harold Wayne Shade, Richard Gourd, Raquel Lynn Kelley, Louella Ofield, Tyler Zachery Shannon, Lolita Thirsty Gourd, Sonja Rae Ketcher, Amos Todd Olvera, Alvin Corey Sharp, Chelesa Ranay Grasshopper, Sheena Ketcher, Lisa Dawn Oosahwe, Keokuk Hokule`a Simpson Jr., Bobby Dale Grayson, Carrie Radean Ketcher, Willa Dean Oosahwe, Quannee Mokihana Skalenda, Christie Diane Grayson, Raelie Noel Keys, Britteny Autumn Oosahwe-Yellowfish, Evening Smallen, Britney Denise Griffitts, Amanda Sue Keys, Naomi Rose Star Leinaala Smith, Bobbi Jean Grimmett, Danisha Rylee Killer, Jared Mose Pacheco, Delila Ann Smith, Christy Liane Grimmett, Michelle Lynn Killer, Jerry Lee Pecos, Rowenna Sue Smith, Emily Gritts, Ezekial Starr Killer, Lila Jean Perez, Heather Lashawn Smith, James Gritts, Teesuyahkee Daniel Killer, Mose Lee Perez, Michael Martin Smith, Leah Christine Guess, Margaret Lucille Killer, Tyson Allyn Pettit, Lolita Smith, Leo Guthrie, Larry Duran Killsnight, Betty Joyce Pimentel, Rosenda Louise Soap, Hazel Ann Hair, Athena Killsnight, Echota Cheyenne Pratt, Adam Ethan Soap, Rodney Hair, Sondra Marie Kimble, Diana Lynn Pratt, Jessica Elaine Soap, Thomas Hall, Deborah Bowlin King, Jeremiah Alan Pratt, Joy Marie Soap, Thomas Leo Hammer, David Dewayne Kingfisher, Ashlea Suzanne Price, Iva Lee Sparks, Jacklin Kay Hammons, Mary Jo Kingfisher, Johnathan Dean Pritchett, Alandra Jade Spottedbird, Julia Handle, Nathaniel Joe Kingfisher, Sam Houston Pritchett, Clayton Ray Spottedbird, Patsy Ruth Haney, Carrie Leigh Kingfisher, Stephanie Allyn Pritchett, Drew Brian Springwater, Leroy Hansen-Jones, Jamie Lee Kingfisher, Terry Allen Pritchett, Jolene Sherry Springwater, Wyanetta Joyce Harless, Lloyd Dean Kirkpatrick, Trinity Cecilian Pritchett, Karen Starr Jr., William Chester Harris, Lillian Marie Kozicki, Stephen Lee Pritchett, Kelly Jo Steeley, Sunni Michelle Hart, Sonya K Lacy, Aleah Jade Pritchett, Kyle Leon Stepp, Peggy Hartig, Gina Anna Lambert-Dry, Joey Jeanette Proctor, Gwendolyn Mae Stierwalt, Ronald Allen Hayden, Carolyn Joyce Laughlin, Mary Rose Alice Proctor, Kaleb Lewis Still, Sammy Lee Hayes, Brittany Pearl Lee, Tammy Karena Proctor, Melody Ann Stopp, Alicia Dawn Haynes, Sherry Aileen Leep, Jennifer Leigh Proctor, Perry Velmont Stopp, Amanda Elaine Hedrick, Glenda Renee Lewandowski, Diedra Carole Proctor, Shirlene Stopp, Marcus Allen Henson, Alyssa Marie Lieb, Kimberly June Pumpkin, Randi Michelle Studie, Larry Joe Henson, Cherokee Littledave, Norman Hominy Purcell, Janice Walters- Sulateskee, Jimmie Lee Henson, Darren James Littledave-Shannon, Deliana Ramirez, Freddy Inez Sunday, Rene 18 - October 2020 ELECTION FINAL VOTER LIST ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ TAHLEQUAH TAHLEQUAH TAHLEQUAH TAHLEQUAH

Sweeney, Robert Edwin Turner II, Roy J Warren, Nancy Catherine Whitekiller, Michael Nah- Da Swimmer, Carolyn Sue Turner, Kimberly June Washington, Shawna Anne Whitekiller, Robert Swimmer, Jerad Lee Turner, Melody Kaye Washington, Shelby Michelle Whitekiller, Virginia Shirlene Swimmer, Larry Lee Turner, Mozelle Washington, Timothy Glenn Whitener, William Jack Tanner-Crispin, Carolee Turner, Paul Ray Washington, William Nelson Wickliffe, Albert Leroy Tawkoyty, Kenneth Lee Turner, Richard Waterdown, George Warren Wildcat, Lonnie Glosson Taylor, Christopher Lee Valliere, Christina Waters, Theodore Junior Wildcat, Nathan Allen Taylor, Luanna Vance, Archie Thomas Weavel, Joe James Wilkerson, Doreen Catherine Taylor, Nellie Sue Vance, Billie Webb, Eddie Duane Combs Teehee, Joann Vann Jr., Sam Webber, Teresa Wilkerson, James Leon Teehee, Trent Douglas Vann, Bryan Lee Webster, Billie Joe Williams, Jordan Anna Thirsty Sr., Jimmy Ray Vann, Cora Welch, Charlie Williams, Terri Lynn Thirsty, Lillian Weaver Vann, Gay Lynn Welch, Jonathan Williamson, Vernon Wesley Thomas, Lea Ann Vann, Henry Welch, Ray Dean Willis, Helen Eleanor Thomas, Shelbi Ra Anne Vann, Leonard Welch, Spade Wilson Jr., Barry Dwayne Thompson, Brittany Gaylynn Vann, Minnie Lee West, Todd Alan Wilson, Darin Eugene Thompson, Coby Wayne Vann, Nathan Whaler, Alan Edward Wilson, J C Thompson, Daniel Vann, Roy Whaler, Bertha Jo Wilson, Sam Gene Thompson, Jamie Wyman Vaughn, Trista Irene Whaler, Charlie Wishom, Jordan Charles Thompson, John Tidwell Wacoche, Christian Robert Whaler, Derek Adam Wishom, Kelly Dawn Thompson, Spanky Lester Wacoche, Jeffrey Wayne Whaler, Susie Lavina Wolf, William Jerold Thompson, Truly Wendy Wacoche, Joni Wheeler, Jimmie Wolfe, Charlotte Janelle Thompson, Weylin Trent Wacoche, Mona Lisa White Sr., James Albert Wolfe, Mary Jane Thornton, Luella Walker, Debra June White, Billie Jean Wood, Darlene Tidwell, Sandra Kay Walker, Kathryn White, Katherine Ann Wright, Randi Allyssa Tiger, Carla Jean Walls, Virgil Matthew White, Rebecca Dean Wyly, Josephine Tiger, Chelsey Blair Walters, James William Whitekiller, Billy Joe Yahola, Tina Marie Towie, Ronnie Dale Walters, Michael Ray Whitekiller, Buffalo Triplett, Kevin Ray Ward, Renee Anne Whitekiller, Leda Kay