Ꭹ Ꮪ Ꮹ Ꮳ W Ꭹ Ꭺ Ꮺ Ꮅ GIDUWA CHEROKEE NEWS Published Quarterly | October 2020 Official Publication of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma Celebrating 70 years of Keetoowah Sovereignty BY BRITTNEY BENNETT Tahlequah – The United Kee- have the right to govern our- The United States Congress That day, the vote would toowah Band of Cherokee In- selves,” said Chief Joe Bunch. officially recognized the UKB in be 1,414 in favor and one dians will celebrate 70 years of “We’ve been here for centuries 1946 under the terms of the Okla- against. Keetoowah sovereignty on Oc- and today Congress and the homa Indian Welfare Act of 1936, The vote was to approve tober 3, 2020. world now recognize Native but our constitution and bylaws the UKB constitution and by- “What 70 years of sov- Americans as tribal nations. would not be written and approved ereignty means to me is that we That’s what sovereignty is.” until October 3, 1950. See Sovereignty, Page 2 2020 ELECTION COVERAGE The 2020 UKB Tribal Council Election will be held Monday, November 2. For a full list of candidates, polling sites, voter informa- tion and a final voter list See Page 10 ICW certifies first Keetoowah foster home UKB sets COVID-19 hours through 2020 The UKB Indian Child Welfare Department The UKB tribal offices will continue oper- is happy to announce its first fully certified ating on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Keetoowah foster home with house parents only schedule through the end of December Andrew and Robyn Taylor. See Page 9 2020. See Page 4 for more information Health discrimination portal open UKB Gaming Compact takes effect BY BRITTNEY BENNETT untarily share their stories if BY ADMINISTRATION they believe they, or someone TAHLEQUAH – The United TAHLEQUAH - The United recognition that he is autho- in their family, were treated Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Keetoowah Band of Cherokee rized to deviate, within certain differently by a Cherokee Na- Indians Tribal Council has part- Indians in Oklahoma are proud bounds, from the Oklahoma tion healthcare employee or nered with Jeffrey Nelson Law to announce that on September Model Compact and negotiate received substandard care be- Firm to launch an online health- 8, 2020, the U.S. Government individualized Compacts with cause of their Keetoowah tribal care discrimination portal for published notice in the Federal Oklahoma tribes. membership,” said Nelson. Keetoowahs who feel they have Register that the tribe’s Class III The compact authorizes He noted that the U.S. been denied healthcare at Cher- Gaming Compact with the State certain Class III casino gam- government has a “unique legal okee Nation Healthcare Oper- of Oklahoma has been deemed ing, not to include sports bet- relationship with Indian tribes, ations based upon their UKB approved under the Indian Gam- ting, at a Keetoowah casino to including the “duty to provide membership affiliation. ing Regulatory Act and is now be developed in Logan County, tribal citizens with healthcare.” The portal can be ac- effective. Oklahoma. Revenue sharing This commitment be- cessed by visiting www.mctlaw. This Compact will open with the State at this future fa- gan with the creation of the com/ukb-healthcare. Submis- a new chapter of Indian gaming cility will range from 12–15 Indian Health Service within sions are strictly voluntary and for both the tribe and the State of percent, depending on the lev- the Department of Health and will not be shared publicly. Oklahoma. el of adjusted net revenue from Human Services in 1955. “Council authorized the For the State, the Com- the casino’s gaming machines. creation of an internet portal See Health Portal, Page 6 pact marks a new era of pos- See Compact, Page 4 where UKB citizens can vol- sibilities with the Governor’s Story ideas can be sent to facebook.com/ [email protected] or by calling Giduwa Cherokee 918-871-2800, ext. 2756 News @UKBMedia 2 - October 2020 COUNCIL ᎩᏚᏩ ᏣWᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ Sovereignty, continued from page 1 laws as they had been submitted event with a traditional meal, “For me personally, I would Assistant Chief: on May 8, 1950 to the Assistant traditional games and an address say 70 years of sovereignty means Jamie Thompson Secretary of the Interior William from the chief. blessed,” he said. “Our Creator has [email protected] E. Warne. Activities this year been fighting for us, even when we The seven-page document have been cancelled due to have had disagreements or differenc- begins by reading: “We the mem- COVID-19 and the UKB es. Our Creator has always interced- bers of the United Keetoowah Tribal Council hopes to reconvene ed for us. Today, it is an honorable Band of Cherokee Indians in for Celebration again in 2021. blessed state to have our sovereignty Oklahoma, in order to promote Year 70 has been espe- recognized by having our land into Secretary: our common welfare and to secure cially good to the Keetoowahs, trust.” Joyce Fourkiller to ourselves and our posterity the including a decision by the U.S. UKB Media Director Brittney [email protected] rights, powers and privileges au- Supreme Court to let our 76-acre Bennett also shared her thoughts on thorized and offered by the Okla- land in trust decision stand after an 70 years of sovereignty. homa Indian Welfare Act of June appeal by the Cherokee Nation of “It is remarkable to have 26, 1936 and the Act of August 10, Oklahoma was filed in January a history that we can look back 1946, do hereby ordain and estab- 2020. on and say that 70 years ago, our lish the following constitution and Our 76-acres in Tahlequah leaders knew how important it was to Treasurer: bylaws.” is home to our community services assert our sovereignty with the writ- Ella Mae Worley The voting process, which buildings, our childcare center, ing of a constitution and bylaws,” said [email protected] required at least 30 percent of eli- the John Hair Cultural Center and Bennett. gible tribal voters to cast their bal- Museum, a wellness center, the Jim “These principles and lots, was overseen by then Chief Proctor Elder and Nutrition Center foundations of government al- Jim Pickup and Secretary White and our stomp grounds. low us to make national and local Runabout. The decision to honor our decisions that we know are in our This historical vote is now land in trust means that the Kee- own best interest, give our peo- Canadian celebrated each year on the first toowahs will have 76 acres to do ple a bill of rights and allows us to Eddie Sacks weekend in October with the with as we see fit into perpetuity, hold our own elections. We are not (918) 822-1957 Annual Keetoowah Celebration. bringing real weight to our tribe’s a tribe that has been lost to time or Unfortunately 2020 is saying of “Keetoowah Forever.” colonization. We continue to en- the first year that the tribe and Former UKB Chief Jim dure with a federal recognition that its members will not be coming Henson, who served from 1998 cannot be undone. We Keetoowahs together physically to hold to 2000, shared what 70 years of have truly been blessed by the Celebration, which marks the sovereignty means to him. C re at or.” Cooweescoowee Jeannie Tidwell (405) 822-4948 70 Years of Being Delaware Adalene Smith (918) 353-5036 Keetoowah Strong! Chief Joe Bunch [email protected] Flint Dear Tribal Members, with our lobby closed to the pub- clinic. The property has a little over Frankie Still Employees and Partners, lic. The tag office has a modified two acres and existing medical (918) 507-1822 schedule so please call ahead. The equipment, provided the purchase Siyo! Jim Proctor Elder and Nutrition is CARES Act eligible. We look At this time, local and rural Center is closed, but you can get a forward to this development. schools have started, some with grab and go lunch from 11 a.m. to The Council also approved face-to-face instruction and 12:30 p.m. the tribe applying for a BIA 477 others with virtual or distant We received good news! contract, which includes Higher Goingsnake learning. Please be alert for the Our Class Ill Gaming Compact has Education, Adult Education and Sharon Benoit (918) 791-1023 school stops in the mornings and taken effect. On September 8, 2020 Johnson-O’Malley program afternoons. we received notice in the Federal funding. I wish everybody well. Register that the Office of Indian On September 11, 2020 the We have had six months of a Gaming has approved our compact Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma tribal emergency due to the Coro- for tribal gaming in Logan County, delivered a mobile pantry, which navirus, or COVID-19 pandemic. which is north of Oklahoma City. provided vegetables for at least 125 Illinois District: Our prayers go out to those who The process is first to find families. The delivery was in bulk Peggy Girty are sick or have lost loved ones a location suitable for gaming, and volunteers assisted with the (918) 457-7067 due to the virus. purchase the parcel, put the parcel sorting and repackaging of the food When the Coronavirus in trust with the federal govern- for the nine district representatives first arrived six months ago, at ment, and develop the casino and to distribute in the nine districts. first we thought in two weeks this employee base. Our next delivery is October will be over and we will be back We now have the approval 27, 2020.
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