International Boundaries Research Unit MARITIME BRIEFING Volume 1 Number 7 Transit Passage in the Russian Arctic Straits William V. Dunlap Maritime Briefing Volume 1 Number 7 ISBN 1-897643-21-7 1996 Transit Passage in the Russian Arctic Straits by William V. Dunlap Edited by Peter Hocknell International Boundaries Research Unit Department of Geography University of Durham South Road Durham DH1 3LE UK Tel: UK + 44 (0) 191 334 1961 Fax: UK +44 (0) 191 334 1962 e-mail:
[email protected] www: Preface The Russian Federation, continuing an initiative begun by the Soviet Union, is attempting to open the Northern Sea Route, the shipping route along the Arctic coast of Siberia from the Norwegian frontier through the Bering Strait, to international commerce. The goal of the effort is eventually to operate the route on a year-round basis, offering it to commercial shippers as an alternative, substantially shorter route from northern Europe to the Pacific Ocean in the hope of raising hard currency in exchange for pilotage, icebreaking, refuelling, and other services. Meanwhile, the international law of the sea has been developing at a rapid pace, creating, among other things, a right of transit passage that allows, subject to specified conditions, the relatively unrestricted passage of all foreign vessels - commercial and military - through straits used for international navigation. In addition, transit passage permits submerged transit by submarines and overflight by aircraft, practices with implications for the national security of states bordering straits. This study summarises the law of the sea as it relates to straits used for international navigation, and then describes 43 significant straits of the Northeast Arctic Passage, identifying the characteristics of each that are relevant to a determination of whether the strait will be subject to the transit-passage regime.