What is ARBD For more information about this service ARBD ( Alcohol Related Brain Damage): please contact: difficulty remembering, difficulty concentrating, feeling confused, irritated, Penumbra Milestone Penumbra Milestone or having difficulty making choices and 113 Oxgangs Road North decisions as a result of alcohol use. It is Edinburgh, EH14 1EB step-down unit for important to remember that with the Email:
[email protected] right care, support and treatment Telephone: 0131 441 5778 people with ARBD people with ARBD can make a significant recovery. (alcohol related COLINTON ROAD GREENBANK DR brain damage) WESTER HILL Who can stay here? LITTLE JOHN RD • If you have ARBD and live in the FIRRHILL HIGH SCHOOL Lothian area OXGANGS RD N LITTLE JOHN RD • You are currently an in-patient in the BRAIDBURN RIE, WGH or St Johns Hospital SCHOOL OXGANGS RD N • You have completed an alcohol COLINTON MAINS DR ENT CRESC detoxification and are sober FIRHILL • Have been assessed by the Multi Disciplinary Team. The Milestones Plan You work with us to agree your goals and plan your recovery. Practice You will work with therapists and other staff to improve your Penumbra Milestone is a residential step physical and mental health. You will Penumbra Milestone has a range of down unit for people recovering from be supported in your recovery professionals, including community alcohol related brain damage. It includes from alcohol. nurses, support workers, psychologists, 10 single en-suite bedrooms with private therapists and doctors who are available indoor and outdoor space where residents You can take part in 1:1, group, to support you.