______- _ _ _ _ - - - 24-HS/ . , f.8 .g. i "> p~ k UNITED STATES . j } - NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIGSION . WASHINGTON, D.C. 30selk 0001


Ncvember 25,1997

Mr. Robert A. Williams Safeguards Coordinator Westinghouse Electric Corporation Commercial Wocisar Fuel Division Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29250

SUBJECT: REQUIRED CRITCALITY SAFETY ANALYSIS SUMMARIES (TAC NO. L30812,1.2 3840, L30862, L30863, L30877, L30881, L30888, L30913 AND L30974)

Dear Mr. WiWlams:

This refers to your submittals dated September 29, November 30, and December 22,1995: b February 15, 29, , June 28, and September 30,1996: and April 30,1997, responding to License Condition S-2 of Materials License SNM-1107 a..ich requires summaries of criticality scfety analyses and criticality safety evaluations to be submitted to and reviewed oy the NRC. Our reviews of your responses have identified that additional information is needed in order for the NRC to conclude that you have met the license condition.

Please provide additional technical information on the criticality safety analyses for the following systems: URRS Dissolver, URR3 Scrap Processing (LLW Processing & Mop Water), and UN Tanks (TAC No. L30812); UF6 Cylinder Washing (TAC No. L30840); Powder Blending (TAC No. L30862); IFBA and Rods (TAC No. L30863); ADU Conversion (TAC No. L30877); URR3

Waste Treatment (TAC No. L30881); ADU Pellt ting (TAC No. L30888); Labs, Hoods & , Containment and URRS Scrap Processing (ltrcinerator, Ash Recovery, Liquid Honing, UT ,4 Cleaning, & Shredder) (TAC No. L30913); and Storage (TAC No. L30974). 3

The technical information should demonstrate your basis for concluding that the processes are i safe. Thus, it should include (1) process descriptions detailed enough so that independent ig models can be de/ eloped (e g., materials of construction and dimensions), (2) the normal and abnormal assumptions used in your analysss (to verify accident conditions were considered), and (3) the results of the analyses (including calculated k-effectives for normal and abnormal conditions and margins of safety for the parameters controlled).

, . _ _ . . NPA iM E!TP cony [N"!.88n UsahPDR 010095



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* Mr. Robert A. Williams 2 ,

The first submittal of information should be provided within 30 days of the date of this letter. The final submittal of information should be provided within 90 days of the date of this letter. Please reference the above TAC Numbers in future correspondence related to these requests.

If you have question regarding this matter, please contact me at (301) 415-8116. -, Sincerely,

Charles E. Gaskin Licensing Section 1 Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS


Docket 70-1151 License SNM-1107

Distribution. w/o encl.

. (Control Numbers 490S, , 530S, , , 560S, , 620S, and 700S ) [ PARTIAL]

L%et 70-1151 PUBLIC' NRC File Center Region || FOLB R/F FCSS R/F NMSS R/F CBassett, Rll '

[g: wral.wpd] * see previous concurrence

OFC FCLB C FCLB FCLB (_, FCLB FCLB . 6 | t 6 NAME HFelsher * lhardk PShea * @C"d$ skin * MA(fid$ohay DATE 11! /97 11/]$/07 11/ /97 11/25/97 11/q(197



DATE 11{ f /97




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" Mr. Robert A. Williams 2

The first submittal of information should be provided within 30 days of the date of this letter. The final submittal of information should be provided within 90 days of the date of this letter. Please reference the above TAC Numbers in future correspondence related to these requests.

If you have question regarding this matter, please contact me at (301) 415-8116.

incerely, % *e $r - Charles E. Gaskin Licensing Section 1 Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS

Docket 70-1151 License SNM-1107

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