SMOKY MOUNTAIN TIMES Volume 131, No. 35 Bryson City, NC 28713 Thursday, April 2, 2015 $1 In-home aide program stuck between rock, hard place By Jessica Webb Another factor is that, many ers during a work session meet- $13.88 per hour since 2012. The county has also had a workers in the program that
[email protected] of the people employed in the ing Thursday, March 26. “The program has strug- decline in the number of people cared for 55 clients. program say their options By the end of the 2014- gled for several years,” Lewis it employs and cares for in the Very few counties in North The future of Swain Coun- would be limited and their re- 2015 fiscal year, Lewis said said. “I’m assuming that in the program. According to infor- Carolina still run in-home aide ty’s In Home Aide Services tirement would be devastated the program will close with a past, other programs have had mation submitted by the health programs, she added. Accord- is on shaky ground. Swain if they lost their jobs now. $147,000 deficit. to take up that expense or the department, there are currently ing to the health department, County commissioners are Misty Lewis, finance officer While costs have risen for county has had to increase 16 full-time employees and there are four other agencies faced with the tough challenge with Swain County Health De- the program, the Medicaid its allocation to cover those three part-time, who care for that offer in-home aide services of what to do about the pro- partment, presented the facts reimbursement rate has not.