Building a Better Radiation Safety Culture
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Building a better radiation safety culture RaySafe is, within the medical field, a world leading supplier of solutions for quality assurance of diagnostic X-ray and personal dosimetry. RaySafe i2 is one of them. With the insight gained by using RaySafe i2 you will know when to take action to reduce your dose. Learn more at Medical Physics World eMPW eMPW Editorial Board Virginia Tsapaki, MSc, PhD Chair Editor Medical Physics Department Konstantopoulio General Hospital 3-5 Agias Olgas Str Table of Contents 14233 Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece Tel: +30-2132-057-132 Email: [email protected] Message from the Editor.................................................... 4 Dipl.Ing.Magdalena Stoeva,PhD President’s Message........................................................... 5 Associate Editor Review IOMP term of office 2009-2012.............................. 7 Medical Imaging Department Medical University From the desk of Secretary-General, IOMP.......................... 7 15A V. Aprilov Blvd 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Report on the World Congress 2012, Beijing, China............. 9 Tel: +359-88-77-13-111 Email: [email protected] Education and Training of Medical Physicists...................... 10 KY Cheung Report From The IOMP Science Committee........................ 12 Email: [email protected] From the Awards and Honours Committee.......................... 13 Dr. Slavik Tabakov Library program overview.................................................. 13 Dept. Medical Engineering and Physics King’s College Professional Relations Committee Report............................ 14 Denmark Hill, SE5 9RS, London, UK Email: [email protected] Report of the EFOMP....................................................... 15 Ibrahim Duhaini MEFOMP Summary Report............................................... 17 Calender Editor Director Radiation Safety 20 years ICTP College on Medical Physics.......................... 18 OHS Department- HMC EMERALD and EMIT Available for Free Use....................... 19 Doha - Qatar tel: +974-5500-7625 History Sub Committee Report.......................................... 20 email: [email protected] Diagnostic Physics Course, Patras, Greece........................... 22 Madan Rehani Email: [email protected] Workshop on Physics of Advanced Radiotherapy.................. 23 Anchali Krisanachinda Policy statement 1 ........................................................... 24 email: [email protected] Policy statement 2 ........................................................... 26 Prof. A.W.K Kyere Calendar of events ........................................................... 28 Head of Department of Medical Physics Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences (SNAS), University of Ghana P.O Box LG80, Legon, Ghana Tel: 0208147520 Email: [email protected] 3 Medical Physics World eMPW Message from the Editor IOMP ExCom Please do not forget that it will be IOMP OFFICERS made available on IOMP website, as President Dr. Kin-Yin Cheung usual, where all previous issues are Medical Physics and Research Department also available. It will also be sent to all Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital IOMP members reaching a number of Hong Kong SAR, China more than 18000 people in more than [email protected] 81 countries within the 46 Regional Vice President Dr. Slavik Tabakov organizations. Reader in Medical Physics I would also like to take this opportu- King’s College, London, UK [email protected] nity to thank all the members of the editorial team for their suggestions, Secretary General Dr. Madan Rehani Radiation Safety Specialist comments and ideas and particularly Radiation Protection of Patients Unit Dr Magdalena Stoeva, our associate International Atomic Energy Agency editor, for her hard work and help Vienna, Austria during the renovation of eMPW. [email protected] Also, I would like to draw your Treasurer Dr. Anchali Krishanachinda attention to our Calendar Editor, Former Head Section of Nuclear Medicine Dear friends and colleagues Ibrahim Duhaini [email protected]. Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine Please contact him for scientific or Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand [email protected] As some of you may already know, I international events so as to be took over as the editor of the included in eMPW. Deadlines are Past President Prof. Dr. Fridtjof Nuesslin Klinik für Strahlentherapie Klinikum Rechts der Isar electronic Medical Physics World April 1 and October 1 for issues that der Technischen Universität München, Germany (eMPW) very recently (29th May are mailed several weeks later. [email protected] 2012, during the World Congress on Finally, we value your feedback so Medical Physics & Biomedical please do not hesitate to contact us if IOMP CHAIRS Engineering at Beijing China). It was you would like to make any sugges- quite a challenge, since the two tions or submit brief papers on your Science Committee Prof. William Hendee University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, MA, USA previous editors of eMPW, Dr Donald scientific or educational work that [email protected] Frey and Dr Ishmael Parsai, have done would be of interest to our members. Education&Training Prof.John Damilakis an excellent job the past years. After Quoting the mission of IOMP”: University of Crete, Iraklion, Crete, Greece setting up my editorial team, we all “advance medical physics practice [email protected] worked hard to refresh the eMPW. worldwide by disseminating scientific Professional Relations Dr. Raymond Wu Therefore, I am really very proud to and technical information, fostering St. Joseph's Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, USA present to all of you the brand new the educational and professional [email protected] Τ version of the eMPW. his particular development of medical physicists, Publications Committee Prof.Tae Suk Suh issue has been made specifically to and promoting the highest quality Catholic Medical Center, Seoul, Korea announce its new format and is going medical services for patients”, me and [email protected] to be distributed in the upcoming my team will work so that the new Awards and Honours Dr. Tomas Kron Annual meeting of AAPM in Char- eMPW becomes the IOMP tool for Peter McCallum Cancer Centre lotte, NC, USA and also in European accomplishing this mission. Melbourne, Australia Medical Physics Conference which is [email protected] going to be held in Sofia, October Virginia Tsapaki MPW Board Dr. Virginia Tsapaki 2012. Our intension is for eMPW to Chair, editor eMPW Konstantopoulio General Hospital, Athens, Greece [email protected] be partially printed on paper and distributed at the large conferences. 4 eMPW, Vol.3 (1), 2012 Medical Physics World eMPW Looking toward the future, we shall continue with the work of our esteemed predecessors in promoting the advancement of medical physics. President’s Message Kin Yin Cheung, 25 June 2012 promoting the advancement of diation in healthcare. They also help medical physics and the profession in increasing the awareness and visibility recent years. I would particularly like of our profession in our societies. to mention a few things. • Formation of the regional • With the persistent efforts by several organization in Africa, FAMPO. IOMP Presidents and their team Although FAMPO has yet to be fully members, International Labour established, the organization can Organization (ILO) has classified potentially help to establish a network medical physicists in the 2008 edition of collaboration amongst the member of International Standard countries in promoting medical Classification of Occupations physics in the region. A seed (ISCO-08) as professionals. The ILO conference on education and training classification paves the way for official of medical physicists is being planned recognition of medical physicists as for the region to be held in Nigeria in professionals in member states. More 2013. Hopefully the event will information on the ILO classification stimulate strong participation and It is indeed my honour taking over and the IOMP guidance on ISCO-08 collaboration amongst FAMPO from Professor Fridtjof Nuesslin the and its implications to our profession countries, which in turn can help presidency of IOMP. I would like to can be found in the IOMP website improve standard of practice of congratulate Fridtjof for his enormous medical physics and radiation contributions and achievements made ived-news. protection in the region. during his term of office. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the • The role and responsibilities of • Official release of Policy Statements retiring IOMP officers and chairs and medical physicists in radiation No. 1 “Medical Physicists: Role and members of committees and task medicine are for the first time defined Responsibilities” and No. 2 “Basic groups, particularly Dr. Barry Allen, by IAEA in their new Basic Safety Requirements for Education and Immediate Past President, Dr. Harald Standards. This again is a significant Training of Medical Physicists”. These Paganetti, Science Committee Chair, boost to our efforts in raising the documents provide guidance on Dr. Maria Lopes, Education & awareness and status of medical definition and role and responsibilities Training Committee Chair and Don physicists in healthcare. of medical physicists and on the Frey, Honours and Awards Committee minimum requirements on their Chair for their contributions to IOMP • IOMP has established formal education and professional