European Medical Physics News
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European Medical Physics News Winter 2015 Contents: Editorial 2 New Chair of publications and communication 3 Meeting of the EFOMP Board March 2015 in Toulouse 4 IAEA Regional Meeting on Medical Physics in Europe 7 A meeting in Prague – first module of the EUTEMPE- RX programme. 10 Medical Physics in Greece 12 ENETRAP European Net- work on Education and Training in Radiological Protection 14 Meeting of the EFOMP Exclusive interview with Board September 2015 in Marburg 17 Highlights of DGMP annual the person above Meeting at Marburg 18 Interview with - Slavik Tabakov 20 Scientific meetings 27 Can you find him among the EMITEL collaborators? European Medical Physics News, Winter 2015/16 Editorial made aware of the work the Board has been undertaking. We hope to put these in short news Dear Readers bulletins in the future. Welcome to the winter edition of the EFOMP We also have a brief article on the history of newsletter. I have enjoyed putting together these Medical Physics in Greece, by John Damilakis newsletters over the past two years, however it and Virginia Tsapaki and we continue with our is now time to hand over this task to Gaspar and interview series Professor Slavik Tabakov, give I am sure you will join me in supporting him as he us an interesting insight into his world and how takes on the role of Chair of publication and his a natural curiosity for all the sciences as well communication. as gadgets and technology lead him in to the field This issue includes a wide range of news items, of medical physics, and gives you a chance to catch up with some Finally. I hope you have enjoyed your Christmas reports from the year’s activities in the EFOMP holidays and, if you find the time to put pen to community. IAEA organized a high level meeting paper this year, we are always on the lookout for entitled 'Regional Meeting on Medical Physics in news items or other contributions and would Europe: Current Status and Future Perspectives' encourage authors to contact one of the editorial within RER6031 project. The meeting took place team. on 7-8 May 2015 in Vienna. The meeting objec- Prof Richard Bayford tive was to raise awareness among national Chair of publication and communication authorities of the roles, status, education, train- ing, recognition, and accreditation of medical Your editorial team: physicists, the impact of staff shortages in Euro- pean Member States as well as providing them with a better understanding of medical physics. In particular, the meeting discussed the need for staffing provision in the field of medical physics in order to to ascertain the level of need for physics services in radiation oncology, nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. There is a short article on ENETRAP, which gives an insight to the history of the project, which is useful for those who are not familiar with this project. Reports of the meetings of the EFOMP Board in March, Toulouse and Marburg in September 2015 are also included in this issue. It was agreed at the Board meeting that brief notes on items of importance discussed at all EFOMP Board meetings should be published in EFOMP Newsletters so that members could be European Medical Physics News is published by the EFOMP Communication and Publications Committee and distributed free of charge in electronic form © EFOMP 2015. Please register at the EFOMP web site to receive this publication free by e-mail: Send material for publication to either of the editors. The editors reserve the right to edit the text when appropriate. Nuria Jornet, Barcelona, Spain Richard Bayford, London,UK e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Markus Buchgeister, Berlin, Germany Gaspar Sánchez Merino e-mail: [email protected] email: [email protected] Advertisements for relevant products and services are welcomed, price list available on request. Discounts are available for EFOMP industrial members. EFOMP registered office: Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York YO24 1ES, UK Phone: +44 1904 610 821 Fax: +44 1904 612 279 EFOMP is A Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales, Registered Number 6480149 - 2 - European Medical Physics News, Winter 2015/16 New EFOMP Communication and Publications Committee Vice Chair Dear friends, Now the time has come to face an amazing new challenge as vice - chair of the Communications As the new vice - chair of the Communications and Publications Committee. For an organization and Publications Committee I would like to intro- like EFOMP, with European-wide scope, that duce myself. provides the link between medical physics organ- izations and their members from different cul- I am a clinical Medical Physicist and I currently tures, communication is a pivotal activity. work for the Medical Physics Department of Ara- Fortunately, a revolution is taking place in the ba University Hospital in the beautiful city of field of communication thanks to the rise of social Vitoria, in the Basque Country, in the north of media and mobile devices. And it is not exagger- Spain. I have a Physics Degree from the Univer- ated to say that the growth of these technologies sity of Granada, and I obtained my professional has changed the landscape of communication license as a Medical Physicist after a three year and collaboration in society, as well as in all fields residence at the Marqués de Valdecilla University of knowledge. So, since we have the tools, lets Hospital in Santander. use them! Since 2010 I have worked in the field of radiation I face this challenge with enthusiasm and the therapy and I have carried out some research in conviction that, with your help, the Communica- nuclear medicine, that has recently culminated in tions and Publications Committee will be able to a patent for a device to conduct biopsies, guided reinforce the links between organizations and only by positron emission tomography image. members and promote fruitful and productive activities that will be beneficial to all. At the end of 2013 a lucky break combined my professional and personal interests when my colleague and good friend Naia Pereda, a medi- cal physicist at the Basurto University Hospital in Bilbao, sent me a message (via Twitter) with a proposal I could not refuse. She asked me to be one of the editors and founding members, with herself and Manuel Vilches, another medical physicist at the Institute of Molecular and Oncological Medicine of Astu- rias (IMOMA), of a blog dedicated to medical physics. The blog, named Desayuno con fotones (Breakfast with photons), became a reality at the beginning of 2014 and now relies on a large number of collaborators and followers. In less than a year we have received recognition from the National Center of Particle Physics, Astropar- ticles and Nuclear Science (CPAN) winning the prize for the best Best Science Blog and we consider (and we have data to support this - we are scientists after all) that we have built an effective platform for the communication of our profession to society. I can never express enough gratitude to Naia for embarking me on this adventure. Gaspar Sánchez - 3 - European Medical Physics News, Winter 2015/16 Meeting of the EFOMP Board March 2015 in Toulouse It was agreed at the Board meeting that brief Professional Matters Committee – Dr notes on items of importance discussed at the all Christofides indicated that there many EFOMP EFOMP Board meetings should be published in documents that need to be brought up to date. EFOMP Newsletter so that members could be The priority is to update policy statements made aware of the work the Board was doing. Education and Training Committee – One stra- President - The meeting opened with an ad- tegic initiative for EFOMP in the field of E&T is the dress from the President Prof. John Damilakis. In School for MPE in Prague, which is now running it he highlighted the importance of the involve- for the fourth time. It has achieved considerable ment of NMOs and their representatives in success with more than 120 students attending EFOMP committees. The future success of the school. It is also important to improve the EFOMP depended on full participation in com- European School of Medical Physics (ESMP) – mittees. He invited committee chairs to outline again addressed later in the agenda. There was their vision for 2015/2016. also a short discussion on CPD. Science Committee – There are 5 working Communications Committee – involvement of groups; on CBCT, Mammography, DICOM WG the whole committee was important for Prof. Bay- 28, Digital Angiography and Implementation of ford, including involving the vice chair on the ICRP 103 in Nuclear Medicine. There is a need process of the latest newsletter; training on the to improve relationships with other physics com- software for the EMP News and involvement in a mittees of other societies, such as the physics short newsletter in the summer. The involvement committee of ESTRO. of new advertisers was also important and there was the possibility to target ‘large’ companies. Projects Committee – Mr Evans highlighted the current involvement in projects. PiDRL is pro- European Congress of Medical Physics gressing well with guidelines drafted; ENETRAP (ECMP) - Prof Damilakis explained that a working III is advancing well; unfortunately the BSS group had been set up to look into the organisa- project was awarded to another group; the ME- tion of the European Congress of Medical Phys- LODI programme is ongoing. A list of future ics and now brought their proposals to the Board. potential projects is being complied so that we He explained the make-up of the Congress Pro- can move forward quickly. It was suggested that gram Committee which would work in conjunction a list be compiled identifying the organisations with a Local Organising Committee.