AABRAustralian Association NEWSof Bush Regenerators o working with natural processes N .140 AABR Workshop. Tuesday 30th April April Water Weeds, the Biosecurity Act, and the National Restoration Standards. 2019 Charlie Mifsud, DPI’s Aquatic Weeds Project Officer in the Invasive Species Program, is the main presenter. President’s Perspective The day is designed to be a learning and networking opportunity with morning tea and lunch New Members provided (Indian) to optimise networking time. AABR Tidbits Tuesday 30th April. Time: 9-4pm (8:30 registration) Venue: Harry Todd Band Hall ,10 Jubilee Lane, HARRIS PARK NSW 2150 2 Cost AABR Members $20, non-member $25 Testing biocontrol for All information and Bookings are via the Eventbrite site, https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/aabr- Tradescantia workshop-with-dpi-water-weeds-biosecurity-act-and-the-recovery-wheel-tickets-59749358941 3 or if an invoice is required please contact Suzanne
[email protected] . Bookings close 26/4/19 The learning outcomes include Myrtle rust on the move Aquatic Weeds: Examining live plant specimens to help to distinguish between native and introduced species; Water weed habitats; Impacts and vectors of spread; Legislative requirements; 4 Recognising plant characteristics; Correct disposal of aquatic plant material Biosecurity Act; Understanding of the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 in relation to weed management. Flying the Flag for AABR National Restoration Standards; An overview of the standards; Using the recovery wheel as a site Translocation Guidelines assessment tool 5 Restoration on Lady Elliot Island 6 regenTV 8 The South Australian regeneration projects of Albert Morris 10 The conservation value of small patches of bushland 12 Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th May 2019 Crowdy Bay Celebration and Workshop Victorian Biodiversity Management Network Kylies Beach, Crowdy Bay National Park, NSW mid north coast AABR is off to Kylies Beach on 18th -19th May to celebrate the 40th anniversary with the mid-north 14 coast NPA, of Australia’s longest running Bitou eradication project.