Letters to Atticus
THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED BY JAMES LOEB, LL.D. EDITED BY fT. E. PAGE, C.H., LITT.D. H. D. ROUSE, litt.d. t E. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. t W. f.b.hist.soo. L. A. POST, L.H.D. E. H. WARMINGTON, m.a., LETTERS TO ATTICUS III CICERO LETTERS TO ATTICUS WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY E. (). WliNSTEDT, M.A. OF MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD IN THREE VOLUMES III LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS ilCMLSl First printed 1918 Reprinted 1925, 1945, 1953, 1961 I Printed in Qreal Britain CONTENTS Introduction #P«g« vii Letters to Atticus Book XII 1 Letters to Atticus Book XIII 109 Letters to Atticus Book XIV 217 Letters to Atticus Book XV 293 Letters to Atticus Book XVI 369 Chronological Order of the Letters 445 Index of Names 449 INTRODUCTION The lettei's contained in this volume begin with one written just after Caesar's final victory over the remains of the Pompeian party at Thapsus in April, 46 B.C., and cover three of the last four years of Cicero's life. When they open, Cicero was enjoying a restful interval after the troublous times of the Civil War. He had made his peace with Caesar and reconciled himself to a life of retirement and literary activity. In the Senate he never spoke except to deliver a speech pleading for the return from e.xile of his friend Marcellus ; and his only other public appearance was to advocate the cause of another friend, Ligarius. In both he was successful ; and, indeed, so he seems also to have been in private appeals to Caesar on behalf of friends.
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