Sierra County Advocate, 1899-08-18 J.E
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-18-1899 Sierra County Advocate, 1899-08-18 J.E. Curren Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Curren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 1899-08-18." (1899). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. hillsboro gold pLACEBa. P. J. BENNETT Editor and Proprietor. i a true f is-s- i j;: vein g old air DK VOTED TO THE MINING. RANCH. MERCANTILE AND GENERAL INDUSTRIAL INTEREST? OF SIERRA COl'NTY. 1 MWWiil nWMB N. Volume XVII. No. 903 HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, M., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1899. Three Dollars Ter Year Tji mond ore concentrating mill LAKE VALLEY NEWS. TUB INSTITUTE. LOCAL 1TKMS. Hillsboro Mines and Mills. dry .Iron to-da- y. They Wear .Like over at Cold Springs, will be com The cattlemen are all busy The Normal Institute closes The sessiou has been one of Things are Output of Hillsboro gold mines pleted dy to: morrow evening paying ap their debts. looking up again fe and interest to the teachers in the northern end of Sierra for the week ending Thursday Webster Parker, of the S. W, Kenton's wife arrived profit to of the and will to county. There is considerable August 17tb, 1899, as reported for ereat Lookout mine, expect here from Olobe, A. T., last Tues- county they go of ore to their work with a know- inquiry for mining and ranch COPPER RIVETED The Advocate; maki a $7,000 shipment day. Mr. Kenton has bought a equipped ledge of what is best in the science property end re'd estate at Chlor- Ton?. the El Pajro smelter next Monday ranch hero and expects to become OVERALLO Wlckt....: 10 of pedagogy. Professor Bennett ide, while at Grafton the J. B. or China is not - CPRINQ BOTTOM PANTO K. K w Kaolin, clay, a permanent resident in the oounly- has exerted bin slf to the utmost 550 Adams Company, composed of Richmond uncommon in ti9 Hillsboro dis John Cox returned from his to m iko the institute one of the fcnake ) bave bonded Group is found in several looali-tie- s, best ever held in the aud Chicago capitalists, ' trict. It trip to Garden City, Kansas, and county Opportunity 'H we feel that we are afi in and leased several promising min- Sherman principally near the Hillsboro be said he had a fine time. He saying ft Granville Pendleton f'iin'iiinali Most results Attorney ing properties, "Trippe ... 40 gold placers. day came very near bringing home of Aztei! has filed suit in the dis (sslver-leau- . There is a in ltrti ) from the .decomposition of feld with him a beautiful Dutch lassie. report circulation LEY! Eureka trict court for San Juan county here of STRAUSS & CO. spars in or voloanio rocks. that one the Nelson bovs. Freiburg ganitio J. II. Latham spent all of last entitled Mary b. va SAN FHANCISCO. iA inerican Iron manifests its by im Hartley residing with his parents on the presence week in town to some James S. Warren attending Hartley. The plaintiff river, was shot and killed a Jack parting a red, yellow or drab tiut; unfinished business. by Happy sues for divorce and the custody of Mexican on lilaek Diamond with pure or white feldspar, and Wednesday during a Ji'Kl'ty-Fiv- e 10 Some very ouconragiug articles her three children, giving as no iron, the clay is of a inilky dispute over the ownership of a Hheridan have in eeveral of our ground for divorce desertion, uon- - Every Garment Guaranteed. wbiteuess and is kaolin. Chinese appeared colt. Later The report is now Total 193 late newspapers in regard to the support and cruelty. Mrs. Hart deuied, "chinaware'' was made from de under whose goat as mutton. Dr. W.S.De- ley lives with her father at Aztec, blight its flowers Potal output ince Jan 1. 18l'9-8,;- !55 composed porphyry There will be the usual Epis- febpathio von of the Bureau of Animal while the defendant lis a cowboy in faded, its music was bushed, its The Hillsboro clay men- copal services at Union Church dykes. to t'ie southern of the sunshine was darkened, ami the Just after we bad rood to press dHoom Industry, has said the reporters part territory. next tioned is made by the posi Sibbath. soul was left a desert waste witb jest week a very importaDt strike of the Cincinnati Enquirer and the that he has succeeded beyond his tion eolfatario aud other aque lec-tare- Nowors level of by expectations. The illustrated s now soils only tho new uiude graves of faith ,was made on the 150 foot flows of volcanic St. Louis Republic: "Goat are ous action of the have been of interest to all, ginger ale at 5o, per glass. and I saw like a law- tthe mine, being a 2 foot certainty quite free from disease, hope. him, Trippe rhyolite. old and young, and have -- of ore are and make excellent County Clerk Hall recorded less, erratic raoteor, without ,vfiiu gold assaying $l,f00 fat enting. bon most generously patronized ? fix more miuing location notices orbit, sweep aoross the intellectual to the Ion. Much of the quartz is HOW'S THIS Of course the very common billy by (lie town people for which the from the Cabollo mountains dur ky, brilliant ouly in its sulf. fairly studded with free gold. We nflVr one bundled dollars goat would have a tmdency to ho managers are truly grateful. The timbers' examination will ing the work. cousnming fire, gouerated by fric- - Senator Andrews, the owner of tins reward for case .of ,Cntari h thai ntrong and have a bad odor," This begin any this p. ni. but the hold liou with now left the is true of a at, but the examiners A fine bicycle belonging to the iudestructiblo ami famous mine, had just cannot be cuisd by Hall's Cataiih very billy ihetnselvos at the service of all in corr mou ram mould be Mrs. S. W. Sanders will be. rallied eternal truths of God. That ma camp for his home Pittsburg. pure. just as bad, teachers who ruay present them off at G. M. was the nich angel of modern in- and V & ai d we will i.ll hail the when Felven for examination on Tomlinson's Place aa Ph., congratulatory telegrams F. J. CliKM Co., Props, day Monday and 1 said: the as advertised. soon as the number of fidelity 'How true ii was sent him on his gjefit good Toledo, 0' ComU can b eoU in the market ne 21st, necessary the Writ which declared thtt tickets are sold at 50o. each. Holy fortune J rapidly as The butchers of fool has said iu i We, the underfligcrd, n v o known eheep. It is a (act not generally known, his heart there ne-.- St. Louis have bren no God. Tell me oh T'le afrik inalsut the F. J. the 15 years, selling goat says the Silver Wolves, or coyotes, are killing not, mlide', Cheney f,r for and City Independent, there in no God; no no K. K a mouth appears to be believe hi honoinbie meat, ;ni;ltrui since one has two calves and colts up in the northern heaven; aio, and id perfectly that McGinnis and Franks, the hell I Tell me not, oh infldiL with lepurted it, and now hava to end of .growing larger dovelopmnit. in nil ti h ijRnct I; ijh, and they train robbers for whom there is a the county, nnd several then is no risen Christ I whether What nt specify they are selling crack been The Catherine mine mitiRgo-.m- linanciallv able lo fut any reward tif $1, 100 offered, were for shots have employed by intelligence Jess than God rouM cany or th-- id-- mutton meat. The rnneh to fashion ? at hist feels confident it i;j tin ir fbni. gost residents of this section. the men hunt them down. the human body What ibli'ii'on ly iiierly . , mtchi'is now clam th it qoat meat T 11. rt , motive power is it, if not God, that ja bing mined ami slocked, pend- Wi;sr & Tiu ay. Whole-al- u Drug McGlnnis was in the employ of i. Vj. voiinru,, is up h better on its ovrn merits than drives the throbbing engiue of th the of tin? new lull). y idts, Toledo, () . W. S. French at the W. S. there looking for a wolf ecalp or ing completion Capt. human heart with ceaseless, tire Krsw'AK Sr it did when substituted for mutton. for which the ranchmen offer Jack Buiko, the well kbnVn, Mahvin, Ranch near Alma fot a number of two, less stroke, sending the crimson holesnle Toledo, O, 1 tny rial in that youug kids and is well ktiawn $50 and nnuer, has joined Piuggists,. ysirs, through- apiece. streams of lifs hounding and circl- experienced even hettt-- r than lambs and ore out that It is known that with Lcrsou in Hall's Catarrh Cure is take.i N. B. the ing through every vein and artery, fortunes Charley much in MeGitihiH was wounded in the Daniels, big Kings- Whence and internally, acting ditectly upon the very demaud by the fancy fight what, if not God, is his rich lease on the Lookout mine.