★ ★ SECTION E BeaumontEnterprise.com Sunday, February26, 2012 The SoutheastTexas doesn’tlenditself to ashortage spirit of generosity. By AmyMoore he methods some charities usetoraisemoneymight of Thave changed, butthose who givethe mosthave not. Blue-collar,amazing, working- class,generous—that’s howTerry Bourdier describes the Southeast giving Texas donorswho givetothe United WayofBeaumont. “Wethoughtthe last three years that fundraisingwould be down,but ourcontributorshavebeensoloyal and people have been generous,” said Bourdier,CEO of the United Way of Beaumontand NorthJefferson County. “We’ve lostsome contributions be- causepeople have lostjobs or they’re scared (ofthe economy), butwe’ve consistently raised about$2.3 million each year.” Behind the charity scene: 4E Area philanthropists: 8E Find afundraiser: 12E GIVING, page6E Designed and copyedited by MikeTobias,
[email protected] 2E Sunday, February26, 2012 BeaumontEnterprise.com H H In 2011, the company beans and apiece of apple Sudela,who alsoisthe paid $56,000 in wages to pie. incomingpresidentfor the participatingstudents, Harvey Zernial, general the UnitedWay,said the Large, small all of whom areselected managerfor H-E-B Plus! companyinthe lastyear through acompetitive on DowlenRoad,orga- raised about$17,000 for search,application pro- nizedthe firstlocal Feast cessand interview at their in 1991. the MarchofDimes. schools. “Wealreadyhad din- Its most recent United corporate Thecompanyalsosup- ners through the com- Waycampaign —with both portseducation programs panyand Ifiguredthat companyand employee and the UnitedWay, the Golden Triangle is so donations —raised about Jacksonsaid. givingand full of really $37,000, Sudela said. ■ kind people,soIpitched ValeroEnergy the idea and it’s been very
[email protected] donors digdeep Corp. raises asig- successful,”Zernial said in Twitter.com/dwallach nificantamount aDecember2011 inter- of moneythrough view.