Neuroptera: Osmylidae, Sisyridae)

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Neuroptera: Osmylidae, Sisyridae) A study on the Hungarian freshwater osmylid and sponge-flies fauna (Neuroptera: Osmylidae, Sisyridae) ABRAHAM LEVENTE ABRAHAM, L.: A study on the Hungarian freshwater osmylid Hungarian freshwater Neuroptera fauna based on the 'and sponge-flies fauna (Neuroptera: Osmyfidae, Sisyridae). collection of their data from the literature and different Abstract: There are four species in the Hungarian freshwater collections of Hungarian museums. Neuroptera fauna according to the redeterminated collections Besides, the seasonal activity of freshwater neu­ found in six Hungarian museums: Osmylus fulvicephalus, Sisyra fuscata, Sisyra terminalis, Sisyra jutlandica. The author ropteroids species in Hungary, the flight activity pat­ gives the collecting data, the distribution maps and both the terns of these species were studied. It gives an impor­ seasonal activity graphs and flight activity patterns of these tant information on their collection possibilities. species. Short evaluations on these species from faunistical, and chorological points of view are also given. Materials and methods Key words: Neuroptera, Osmylidae, Sisyridae, distribution, seasonal activity, day and night activity. The determined collections found in Bakony Natural History Museum (Zirc), Janus Pannonius Museum Introduction Natural History Department (Pecs), Hungarian Natural History Museum (HNHM Budapest), Matra Natural Neuroptera species living presently in. the world are History Museum (Gyongyos), Somogy County Museum known to belong to 17 families (NEW 1989). Most of Natural History Department (Kaposvar) and the Ujhe­ them are considered to be found in terrestrial habitat, Iyi's collection (Budapest) later deposited in HNHM, only five of Neuroptera families (Rapismatidae, were revised. All the other available data from the data­ Osmylidae, Neurothidae, Sisyridae, Polystoechotidae) bases cited in the Hungarian literature were made use .have aquatic larvae or larvae living only near water. of. Besides, several data come from the author's col­ Larvae in family Rapismatidae, Osmylidae and lecting trips. Polystoechotidae are considered to be semiaquatic but Freshwater osmylid and sisyrids were collected by nett­ Neurothidae and Sisyridae species are truly aquatic. ing and beating techniques along the vegetation of Now only Osmylidae, Neurothidae and Sisyridae speci­ watersides and verges. Several specimens were es live in Europe. caught during periods of rest on under bridges, or build­ Osmylidae have about 160 described species distrib­ ings lying close to the water. Light trapping is a very. uted all over the world, expect for North America. Both useful collecting method and, so is collecting them by species occur in Europe, Osmylus fulvicephalus light personally. (Scopoli, 1763) in Hungary, as well, and Osmylus ele­ Summarising the collection data can give a possibility gantissimus Kazanchikov, 1951 in the Crimean penin­ for studying the seasonal activity of imagines. sula and the Caucasian region. Although species Adults are mainly considered to be flying at night, belonging to this genus live near water in damp moss because Malaise traps and suction traps operating by and debris, other species' larvae, being carnivores, are day can catch only few specimens. Adults in the above definitely terrestrial. mentioned collections, collected personally, were pre­ Neurothidae species (10 sp) are mentioned in sumably caught by sweeping. Palaeartic region and in Australia (NEW 1989). The A very simple experiment was carried out to determine only three species, which have not occurred in Hunga­ the activity patterns of these species. ry yet, live in the Mediterranean region in Europe. Its Living specimens were netted and transported into a .larvae are truly aquatic spreading in running streams lab, then they were placed individually in 300-ml glass and rivers. containers covered with paper wadding. Experiments Sisyridae, a small family, is represented by about 50 started in two hours after keeping these insects in glass species all over the world (MONSERRAT 1977), but containers. At least 10 specimens were used in each only five species can be found in Europe (AS POCK­ experiment. Paper wadding were watered moderately HOLZEL 1994). Their larvae are found to be preying on every three hours and temperature was 25 Co ± 1 Co, sponges and bryozoans in deep water lakes and slow­ as DUELLI (1986) pointed out that 100 % of these ly-moving streams and rivers, but in the prepupal and specimens are active above 20 Co. Natural daylight pupal stage within their cocoon, they lie in terrestrial was used in long-day condition but direct sunshine was habitats. avoided. All experiment conditions were kept standard This study summarises the knowledge on the except natural light changes. Activity of these speci- 264 ABRAHAM LEVENTE mens was checked visually, every quarter of an hour 1968 20" RL, July 1, 1973 10" RL, Bakonynana July during a 24-hour-period. At night activity of specimens 19, 1985 10" It, Aug. 10, 1985 19 AL, were observed by the reflected light of a torch, which Bakonyszentkiraly Hajmaspuszta June 5, 1973 19 US, was operated for 5 seconds for each sample to be checked. BalatonfLired Koloska valley May 27, 1972 30" 19 TS, May 29, 1974 10" 39 TS, Bozsok July 28, 1991 10" 19 The following abbreviations are used: NL, B6dvaszilas Vecsem spring May 22, 1990 10" 49 AP. Ag6csy P. RL. Rezbtmyai L. PA, BLikkzserc Oldal valley June 27, 196510" JJ, Cse­ AL. Abraham L. SH. Steinmann H. GyP. Gyulai P. SzCs. Szinetar Cs. repfalu H6r valley June 3, 1981 10" ?, Cserepfalu HA. Haris A. SzGy. Sziraki Gy. Szarka valley July 3, 1981 10" ?, Csorotnek July 14, JJ. Jablonkay J. TP. Tall6s P. 199319 NS, Di6sjen6 Kiralyhaza Aug. 20, 1954 ? US, KGy. Kovacs Gy. TS. T6th S. Domos May 26, 1957 19 US, Forestsmecske June 1, KL. Kovacs L. uA. Uherkovich A. 1989 19 It, June 15, 1989 1? It, July 16, 1990 19 It, LB. Liptay B. US. Ujhelyi S. Feked Karasica stream June 8 , 1987 10" uA. - NS, MF. Mihalyi F. VA. Varga A. June 8, 1989 10" uA, Fels6szolnok Torok stream June ML. M6czar L. WT. With T. 7, 1994 19 uA, Felsotarkany Fekete len June 12, 1984 NS. N6gnidi S. Mt. Malaise trap 10" uA, Galosfa Sarkozi forest July 30, 1989 20" KL, PA. Podlusany A. It. light trap PS. Pazsiczky S. Gorica Gorica stream May 12, 1988 10" uA, Gyal6ka July 15, 1979 10" TS, Gyongyoshalasz July 11, 1979 19 It, Aug. 11, 1979 19 It, Gyongyossolymos Cs6r meadow June 14, 197720" 29 US, June 15, 1977 10" Osmy/us fu/vicepha/us (Scopoli, 1763) US, Gyongyossolymos Nyfrjespuszta June 10, 1971 Abaliget Nyaras valley May 15, 1983 19 uA, Aggtelek 10" Varga Andras, Aug. 14, 1974 10" It, Hajmas stream Bab6tkut June 23, 1993 10" Mt, June 24, 1993 10" Mt, June 5, 1973 10" US, Hidas June 20, 1985 29 uA, Hi­ July 6, 1993 10" Mt, Aggtelek Menes valley May 21, das Mecsekn<3dasdi stream June 2,199410" NS, Hont 1990 10" SzGy, Asz6fo Aug. 10, 1958 10" US, June July 2, 1960 19 LB, Hosszuheteny Hidasi valley July 6, 17, 1965 19 US, Bakonybel Szomorke valley July 5, 1951 10" 19 US, May 16, 1994 20" NS. - uA. J6svafo 1 iii I( / f.r IL FT • I...J. • liii .r. If 1 II XL ~-,-....,l\w'(Q> ~ ~--:: k ,It" " Fig. 1.: Distribution map of Osmylus fulvicephalus in Hungary 1. abra: Az Osmylus fulvicephalus elterjedese Magyarorszagon HUNGARIAN FRESHWATER OSMILYD AND SPONGE-FLIES FAUNA 265 o ++++ +++ + • .. - • ••• • • x xxx x xx x • • • ••• ... _.. • • .- • •• • . .. .. ... ......... ... .. .. I' "I I" 'I"" "I'''''' 'I"" ""I' , ' " " ' 'I " ' '" I " , "i"" 4.20 4.30 5.10 5.20 5.30 6.9 6.19 6.29 7.9 7.19 7.29 8.8 8.18 8.28 time (dd) • Mecsek, Zselic • Alpokalja • Bakony X Borzsony )I( Matra • Biikk + Aggtelek - Zempleni-hegyseg 0 Zalai-dombsag Fig. 2.: Seasonal activity graph of Osmylus fulvicephalus 2. abra: Az Osmylus fulvicephalus szezonalis aktivitasi diagramja July 9, 1970 10" uA, July 1, 1980 ? OS, J6svaf6 J6sva lafOred Garadna valley May 24-28, 1954 19 Os, May spring May 26,198910" 29 uA, May 26,198919 Mt, 24, 1954 10", April 30, 1957 19 WT, April 30, 195920" July 24, 1990 10" uA, J6svaf6 Kees6 May 27, 1989 ?, June 30, 1959 10" ?, Nagyborzsony Kiraly meadow 40" 99 uA, J6svaf6 L6fej spring May 28, 1989 10" 19 June 13, 1957 10" 4 9 MF, June 5, 1966 10" OS, uA, June 19, 199010" 191t, J6svaf6 Tengerszem lake Nagyvisny6 Leany valley June 3, 1957 10" ?, Noszvaj May 29, 1992 19 SzGy, Kaposmer6 June 16, 1991 10" SikfOkOt Aug. 5, 1956 10" ?, Pale July 9, 1979 10" It, HA, Kemenee Kemenee stream June 25, 1950 ?, Parad July ? 1930 10" 29, ? PS, Paszt6 Olomberc KekestetO Pisztrangos lake July 29, 1958 10" OS, Kis­ June 10, 1975 19 VA, Pees SzentkOt June 9, 1992 39 huta K6kapu June 10, 1958 19 Os, May 19, 196630" AL, Porrogszentpal June 27, 1991 10" 39 uA, SH, Kismaros June 1, 1952 ?, KisOjbanya Pasztor Puspokszentlaszl6 June 20, 1989 10" It, Aug. 8, 1989 spring July 1, 1983 10" uA, Koml6 Manfa June 14, 10" It, Aug. 13, 198929 It, Sop ron Tolvaj valley July 15, 1957 10" ML, Koml6 Manfa K61yuk May 26, 1981 10" 1996 19 AL, Szakonyfalu June 23-25, 1957 19 TP, 19 uA, June 11, 1981 19 uA, June 15, 1981 10" 19 July 16,1957 10" OS, Aug. 18, 1957 19 Os, July 12, uA, June 21, 1981 19 uA, July 1, 1981 20" 19 uA, 1959 ? AP, Szarvask6 Margit spring July 17, 197630" Aug. 9, 1981 10" uA, May 1, 1982 19 uA, June 1, ?, July 17, 1976 10" 29 Zald L, Szarvask6 Margit val­ 1982 20" uA, June 3, 1982 30" 19 uA, July 5, 1982 ley June 2, 1961 10", June 2, 1961 10" JJ, Szigliget Hi­ 10" 19 uA, Koml6 Manfa Melegmanyi valley May 24, deg kut July 25, 1990 19 uA.
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