Commonwealth Size Individual Charter *Multi-day (cm) passenger boat limit charter trip Managed Species catch limit

Up to 3 Up to 6 More than 3 days passengers passengers

Albacore - 2 6 No multi-trip Barracouta - 10 30 limits permitted. Bight Redfish 30 10 30 Boat limits for up Blue Warehou - 10 30 to 6 passengers Gemfish - 10 30 apply irrespective Gummy/School 45 2 6 of the number Note: These are combined Gummy/School Shark limits.- of persons on Ling - 3 18 the boat or the Morwong (Jackass) - 10 30 number of days Silver Warehou - 10 30 fishing. Southern Bluefin Tuna - 2 6

GLOSSARY Individual passenger catch limit Number of per person, per boat, per day. Charter boat limit Number of fish per boat, per day. Multi-day charter trip Three times the daily individual limits that apply. IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. Boat limits apply when there are more than three and up to six people onboard. If three people or less are onboard, then individual bag limits apply. For the species listed in Table 1, a different individual catch limit applies where there are more than three passengers onboard. 2. On multi-day charters, the catch limit for Commonwealth-managed species is restricted to one daily boat limit, regardless of the number of passengers onboard or the number of days. South Australian Charter 3. It is an offence to cut up, fillet or otherwise mutilate fish in a boat (except for scaling and gutting) unless the fish are to be eaten onboard. This applies to all species subject to minimum legal lengths. 4. All undersized fish must be returned to the water immediately. Boat Fishing Limits 5. Charter boat operators and recreational fishers are not permitted to sell their catch. 6. Once you have caught your individual limit you are not permitted to catch any more of that species during that 24 hour period (applies from midnight to midnight). EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 2016 7. A number of closures are in place in South at certain times of years or in certain areas to protect key species. Charter operators and passengers must comply with closure rules at all times. 8. Some species that are totally protected in South Australian waters and penalties may apply to anyone who takes or causes them harm. Protected species include: all marine mammals (including whales, seals, sea lions and dolphins); leafy sea dragon; Western Blue Groper in Gulf waters, Investigator Strait and Backstairs Passage; White Shark and all Southern Rock Lobster, Blue Swimmer , Crab and Giant Crab with eggs attached. 9. Charter boat operators are not permitted to undertake personal fishing while conducting a chartered fishing trip. Penalties may apply for non-compliance with these regulations.

NOTE: These limits specifically apply to recreational fishers participating in charter activities. For information on size, bag and boat limits that apply to recreational fishing generally, visit, download the free SA Recreational Fishing Guide app from or call Fishwatch on 1800 065 522. Size Individual Individual *Multi-day Size Individual Individual *Multi-day (cm) passenger passenger charter trip (cm) passenger passenger charter trip TABLE 1 catch limit catch limit TABLE 1 catch limit catch limit

Up to 3 More than 3 More than 3 Up to 3 More than 3 More than 3 passengers passengers days passengers passengers days

Abalone Western Blue Groper Min 60, Max 100 1 1 * Greenlip (western zone) 14.5 5 3 * Note: A closure applies at all times in both Gulfs, Investigator Strait and Backstairs Passage. Greenlip (all other waters) 13 5 3 * Whaler Shark (Bronze/Dusky) - 1 1 * Blacklip (all waters) 13 5 3 * Wrasse (All species) Min 25, Max 35 5 5 * All other species 13 5 3 * Yellowtail Kingfish 60 1 1 * Australian Herring (Tommy Ruff) - 40 40 * Blue Swimmer Crab 11 20** 20** * *Multi-day charter trip limits are equal to three times the daily limits in the previous columns. ** Note: This is a combined Blue Swimmer/Sand Crab limit. Bloodworm - 4 litres 4 litres * Size Individual Charter Individual *Multi-day Congolli - 2 2 * TABLE 2 (cm) passenger boat limit passenger charter trip Garfish 23 30 30 * catch limit catch limit Giant Crab 15 2 2 * Up to 3 4 to 6 More than 6 More than 3 passengers passengers passengers days Harlequin Fish - 2 2 * King George Whiting Blue Morwong (Queen Snapper) 38 5 15 3 * East of 136°E 32 10 10 * Bream 30 10 30 5 * West of 136°E 30 10 10 * Eastern School Whiting - 20 60 10 * Note: A spatial spawning closure applies from 1 to 31 May. See PIRSA website for details. Flathead 30 10 30 5 * Mud Flounder - 20 60 10 * Coffin 3.8 300 150 * Mullet (All species) 21 60 180 30 * All other waters 3 300 150 * Mulloway (Outside Coorong) >82 2 6 1 * Pipi Razorfish - 25 75 13 * East of 136°E 3.5 300 300 * Salmon (Western Australian) 21-35 20 60 10 * West of 136°E 3.5 100 100 >35 10 30 5 * Note: A closure applies statewide from 1 June to 31 October. No recreational fishing for Pipi is permitted on the Snapper 38-60 5 15 3 * Younghusband Peninsula between the Murray Mouth and 28 Mile Crossing. This is a zone only. >60 2 6 1 * Samsonfish 88 1 1 * Note: A closure applies statewide from 12pm 1 November to 12pm 15 December. Sand Crab 10 20** 20** * Snook 45 20 60 10 * ** Note: This is a combined Blue Swimmer/Sand Crab limit. Southern Calamari () - 15 45 8 * Scallop 6.5 50 50 * Swallowtail 30 10 30 5 * Sea Urchin - 20 20 * Sweep 24 20 60 10 * Southern Rock Lobster Trevally (All species) 24 20 60 10 * Southern Zone 9.85 4 2 * Yelloweye Redfish 30 10 30 5 * Northern Zone 10.5 4 2 * 24 20 60 10 * Note: Southern Zone closure applies 6 pm 31 May to 6 am 1 October. Northern Zone closure applies 6 pm 31 May to 12 pm 1 November. Pots can only be used by persons holding a recreational rock lobster pot registration. *Multi-day charter trip limits are equal to three times the daily limits in the previous columns.