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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 335 590 CG 02a 583 TITLE Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue.Joint Hearing before the Senate Committee on theJudiciary and the House Committee on the Judiciary on AnEntertaining Way nf Enlightening Children about the Dangers ofSubstance Abuse. One Hundred First Congress,Second Session. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington,D.C. House Committee on the Judiciary.; Congressof the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. REPORT NO Senate-Hrg-101-1220 PUB DATE 19 Apr 90 NOTE 56p.; Serial No. J-101-70;Serial No, 139. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC20442. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, CongressionalSales Office, U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) F.DRS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Cartoons; *Childrens Television;*Drug Education; Hearings; Mass Media Role;*Substance Abuse; Television IDENTIFIERS *Cartoon :,11 Stars to the Rescue;Congress 101st ABSTRACT This document presents witnesstestimony and supplemental materials from a Congressionaltearing called to examine Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, acartoon designed to teach children about the danger of substance abuse.Opening statements are included by Senator Joseph Eiden, Jr.,chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and by Senators StromThurmond, Howard Netzenbaum, Char_es Grassley, Paul Simon, Patrick Leahy,Orrin Hatch, and Arlen Specter and Representatives Jack Brooks,Hamilton Fish, John Conyers, Jr., and Craig James. Testimony isincluded from: (1) Richard Frank, president of Walt Disney Studios;(2) John Agoglia, chairman of the Academy of Television Arts andSciences campaign against substance abuse steering committee, executivevice president of TV business affairs, NBC, executive vice president,NBC Productions; (3) Roy Disney, vice chairman of the boardof directors, the Walt Disney Company; and (4) Kenneth Barun,vice president and executive director, Ronald McDonald Children'sCharities, McDonald's Corporation.
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