ing liner in the first inning saving a homer. The other Red counted two runs. The fence buster also in the fifth on two hits and an opened the second with a single, but by Zimmerman. was allowed on second after played a 'swell field- Borton had sacrificed. - ing game, pulling down five difficult In five innings the first man up flies in center field. for the Sox reached first base. The has a bum finger only time they scored was when two and is taking a rest to let the injured had been put away before runner digit recover. f got on. Funny game. In addition 'to his , Bridwell Joe Jackson jogged a pair of sin- took care of nine chances at 'short. gles and each drove home a Nap run. Tinker ran him a close race for sen- The open a three-gam- e sational fielding honors. Joe's stop series on the South Side this Miller's smash was a bear. afternoon. Jennings' crew does not A big crowd made ground rules resemble the -winnin- g ag- necessary. When Evers and Tinker gregation that represented the Mich- met at the plate to confer with the igan city a few years ago, Sam Craw- umps they did not speak to each ford, George- - Mullin and George Mor-iari- ty other.- - LotSvpf happy families in the being about thejpnly members this year. of the iamous slugging aggregation Detroit pulled up to wifiiin one left. Louden turned game of the White. Sox by beating St. his ankle yesterday in the game Louis in an eleven-innin-g battle. Mul- against St, Louis, and may be out of lin outpitched Baumgardner, and the the fray in this village. Tigers would have won in the regula- - v , and tion time but for an error by Doc Semmons were sad guys today, McKee in the ninth, allowing Pratt to while. John Evers, Mike Mitchell and score ahead of Veach's perfect throw. Bill Phelan are correspondingly hap- Moriarity, Yitt and High of the Tigers py over the trimming the Cubs gave each collected a pair of hits. Shotton, Cincinnati yesterday in the first fray Austin and Agnew did ttie same for of the year between the two teams. St Louis, one of Shotton's being a Cincinnati made seven hits to four triple for Chicago, but two of the Cub Pittsburgh pounded Harmon in the swats were, .triples and each was fifth and eighth and' got enough runs bunched with a single. In the fifth to overcome the rally the Cards stag- Bridwell tripled and Archer singled. ed in the third. Sallee pitched the In the eighth Mitchell singled, Zim la(6t inning for St Louis. All of the tripled and s,cor.ed on Salens infield Card runs were made off Marty out. Not much waste motion there. O'Toole, who quit after the fourth. Cheney, who started for the Cubs, Robinson held the Huggins' crew and Benton, who opened for the safe the remainder of the game, giv- Reds, were both lifted, Lavender re- ing them two hits. The St. Louis lieving Cheney arid Suggs taking runs counted when Magee whaled a ( Benton's place. The Red southpaw homer with the bases loaded. Pitts- Tvas derricked in the fifth after Ar- burgh got nine hits and the Cards cher's blow. Cheney was hoisted in six. Carey and Wilson of Pittsburgh the seventh to letWard Miller liit and Mowrey of St. Louis each got a . with two on. Miller one between pair. short and third, Tinker making a ' father died in Cin- - great stop and throw to force a man cinnatil yesterday, and the Cardinal at second. leader left his team to visit his home. One of Cincinnati's runs came' in :Catcher Gibson of the Pirates in- the "first inning, .when Bates soaked jured his knee colliding with, the