PROGRAM COMMITTEE But Dedaj, University of Prishtinës, Faculty of Economics, Kosovo GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS President: Vinko Kandţija, ECSA BiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 1. Paper Submissions and Review Process Vice-president: Abstracts must be submitted to the Program Committee by Mila Gadţić, University of Mostar, Faculty of President: Igor Ţivko September 10, 2018 in order to be included in the Conference Economics, Bosnia and Herzegovina Vice-president: Branimir Skoko Proceedings – Book of Abstracts – upon review. All submitted Andrej Kumar, ECSA Slovenia Members: Jelena Jurić, Marina Jerinić Members: abstracts will be considered, but their acceptance is not guaranteed. Confirmation of acceptance, together with the Pero Lučin, University of Rijeka, Croatia CALL FOR PAPERS Enrique Banύs, ECSA World invitation for the full paper preparation and presentation at the Conference will be sent till September 15, 2018. Claude Albagli, Institut CEDIMES University and government economists, business experts Abstracts can be sent to the following e-mail address: ŢeljkoTurkalj, University of Osijek, Croatia and researchers are invited to submit abstracts. Potential
[email protected] Boris Crnković, University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics, papers should address any of the following, or related Croatia topics: Submissions of abstracts have to meet the following criteria: Ion Cucui, Valahia University of Trgoviste, Romania Evrard Claessens, University of Antwerp, Europacentrum official language of the Conference is English, but