Roger More a P P S Marshal

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Roger More a P P S Marshal Roger More Roger Markus Leser Photos by Elmar Brümmer By of business. principles ofhissport totheworld Le MansSeries, excelsinapplyingthe partner intheAmerican Porsche’s or—especially—men. RogerS.Penske, to management, motors, money, Whetheritcomes This manisamover. Portrait Page 64 Page Christophorus 327 AmericanLeMansSeriesSpecial successful solongarethepeople I’vegatheredaroundme. Always movinginthepassing lane.“ThereasonwhyI’vebeen alreadydone.” ahead,”saysPenske,“notonwhat’s life onwhat’s achievable onlythroughrelentless self-acceleration. “Ifocusmy Lane The urgetotriumph.skill to win.ThatplaceinVictory heretainsthisresilient tension. marshal. Evenat70 his bodylanguage: alwaysreadytotakeaction,amobilefield wall, onefootontheconcreteledge,hecommunicatesthrough When hestandsbehindthepit order andAmericanfreedom. evidencedbyhisblendofPrussian McQueen andJuliusCaesar, America. HismannerandhischarismaareamixofSteve American LeMansSeriesisoneofthemostsuccessfulpeople in sure theRSSpydergetsofftoagoodstartforPorschein the that besellingcarsortransportingthem.Themanwhomakes passion,asisconductinghisbusiness,whether Racing isPenske’s learn inmotorsportsyou’llneverforget: Nobodywaitsforyou.” andplaceareimmaterial.“Thereisonethingyou through. Time I’ve stillgotanotherhourbeforetheracestarts…”Thiscallwent youthere? Thatwouldbegreat. I’mattheracetrack,and “Are a.m.: 10:30 beabletotalktoday…”Sunday, nately wewon’t Rogeragain,I’monmywaytoaboardmeeting.Unfortu- “It’s a.m.: 5:58 Friday, a.m.:“Hi,thisisRoger…”Noanswer. 6:14 timestamps Voicemail about thetrainingandadvancement ofmyemployees, life.” RogerPenske isself-made, amarkofdistinction.At the age richly rewarded forthat, bothinoursportand inourbusiness are themoderntimeclock.Thursday, and Iam I care D US-Ausg. Frankr. Italien Spanien China Japan Korea Russland Arabisch D US-Ausg. Frankr. Italien Spanien China Japan Korea Russland Arabisch them ontomyemployees.” me andmycompanieswithstrengthresilience,I pass same person andtrue tohisprinciples slips intohisracecoveralls, butheremainsthe Changing roles: RogerPenske Onweekends the effortsyou’ve invested.”Andtherearelonger-term benefits: loves theshort-term seetheimmediate effectsof results: “You phenomenon thatenthrallshim: thesynergyofallforces.He ness hastocompetewitharush ofadrenaline.Speedisstillthe ly ashisgoldRolex.Onsuch occasionshisusuallevel-headed- When itcomestocars, hispaleblueeyesshineasbright- gaged. personality andorganization. Unwindingbybeingfullyen- NASCAR, theIndyRacingLeague—Penske hasamultifaceted do: asingleracetrackwon’t theAmericanLeMansSeries, say, Needlessto “Racing isformewhatplayinggolfanother.” off? Unwinding?Weekends Notforthismultilevelmanager: approaches—providing theylooklikewinningpropositions. Penskeisknownforexperimentingwithnew develop personally. despite hisperfectionismhegivesthemthefreedomtoactand to Andtheyappreciatethat ly holdhiminhighregardasamentor. from pitlanetoexecutive ment forgoodbusiness.”Hetransfersthissenseofcommitment life. Thesecapabilitiesareessentialincreatingtherightenviron- ter traitsonecanuseinallsortsofsituationsdailybusiness anddecisiveness,istheDNAofmybusiness—charac-reliability, competitiveness,teamwork, “Racing, whichembodiesquality, members toembracethesamesportsmanshipandcommitment: Andheexpectshisteam Penske startsinhisownraceeveryday. one forall. and howtomakehiscompanyworklikeateam.Allforone, how tocombinetheprinciplesofmotorsportandmanagement, amanwhoknows them tobeaccountableonalllevels.”Here’s in myorganization.Idelegateresponsibilitiesandempower role asCEOofthewholePenskeempire: peoplework “30,000 ciple thathebringsfromhisroleasracingteamcenturionto mately yoursuccessdependsoneverysingleindividual.”Aprin- you’ve gottodelegateresponsibilityyourpeoplebecauseulti- geteverythingdoneyourself.So about details,butyoucan’t stands muchofachance: “Inmypositionyoucanstillcare teamwork, thisformerrace-car driverisconvinced,noboss that Icanmakepeoplesuccessful.”Becausewithouteffective pects ofothers,heinsistsonit: “WhatIlikebestaboutmyjobis not RogerPenske.Heonlyknowswhathewantsandex- One wouldexpectanautocrattobealoofandinsensitive.But used racecarshasbecomeanautomotiveempire. What beganasasmallbusinessselling namic businessmagnates. mensely successfulcareer. andthatmarkedthestartofanim- heboughthisfirstcar, of 15, Forbes suite withease.“Thesevirtuesendow Those whoworkwithPenskeclose- ranks himamongthemostdy- American LeMansSeriesSpecial ly call him “the Captain.” When hechanges fromhisbusiness ly callhim“the Captain.” people. Heisa true helmsman,andhiscloseassociates reverent- hispresenceseemstoreassure is rightthere.Quitethecontrary, getnervous whentheboss surprisingthattheteamdoesn’t It’s ly. always acarordriverteamthat Pensketakescareofpersonal- There’s delegate authoritycompletely. On racedayshedoesn’t rific compliment. ater- with a“terrific.”Formannotgiventohyperbole,that’s force standsbehindthebrand.”Heevenamplifiedhisappraisal What IlikeaboutPorscheisthattheentirework- back together. “Our willtocompeteinracesandourwinbrought us SaysPenske, already celebrateditsdebutwithaclassvictory. theRSSpyder had off thelaunchingpad,andbyendof2005, ninemonthsthenewpartnershipwas Within with aPorsche917. years sincehe’dbeeninvolvedwiththesports-car category— Ithadbeen32 car project, Penskewasinterestedimmediately. ed himmorethantwoandahalfyearsagoaboutnewsports- Dürheimercontact- Wolfgang search andDevelopmentDirector When PorscheRe- Loyalty andcontinuitymeanalottoPenske. competitive andthatwecanproveittoeveryone.” what mattersintheend.ButIcareaboutmostisthatwe’re onthescoreboard.Ofcoursethat’s people careonlyaboutwhat’s toobadthatsomany them theonlymeasureofsatisfaction: “It’s tial—preferably goodones—Penske considersitwrongtomake While resultsareessen- stay withmelongintomyworkweek.” “The motivationandinspirationIgainfromtheweekendraces Christophorus 327 Page 65 Page A Page 66 Page cites himmostis theneedtobeagile,respond swiftly: “You’ve whatwethinkabout.” Butwhat ex- track afterthe race, that’s When weleavethe day oraweekend.Sometimes awholeyear. thinkahead.A you’ve gottoanticipate.To team oracompany, ence inanticipatingsuchquestions: “Ifyou’reincharge ofa phasis. Ofcoursethathasalottodowithhisimmense experi- along astrategicpath,withdeliberately selectedpointsofem- the impressioniscorrectthat thiswholeinterviewisguided concedes thathiswholelifecouldbedescribedasacontest. And beanyfunforme.” He cars. Justbeinganobserverwouldn’t If youwanttofindme,lookaroundthecarhaulerornear the lookformeintheVIPsection. “Don’t remains thesameRoger. suit intohisracingfiresuit, hestepsintoadifferentlife,but Dürheimer andMotorsport ChiefHartmut Kristen(lefttoright) BoardMemberschat withPorsche MichaelMachtandWolfgang strategy WiedekingandRogerPenske; Winners’ circle: Wendelin Dr. Christophorus 327 American LeMansSeriesSpecial risk victory.” We hear you, Roger. And we can’t waitformore. Andwecan’t hearyou,Roger. We risk victory.” time. Afinalmaxim: “Theonlylosers arethosewhoafraidto arebothdriversand driven atthesame Winners keep winning. and inmaximizingtheresultsto of horsepowerandmanpower, powerstems fromhisgeniusinorchestratingthesynergy Penske’s business atthesametime.” I wasabletopursuemypassion forracingwhileconductingmy “ThatwasprobablythebestdecisionIevermade.Because neur. to bearacerorbusinessman.”Hebecameracingentrepre- turning pointofhiscareer: “Ihadtomakeup mymindwhether er of earning hiscollegedegree.Nevertheless,heappearedonthe cov- buthehadtofinancehisracinghimselfwhilealso ented driver, Penskewasatal- bought aPorscheRSKandwonclassvictory. petitors, thoughtheyracedinmuchnewervehicles.Then he took thewheelofamodifiedPorscheRSanddefeatedallcom- whenPenske counter ontheracetrackatLimeRockin1959, relationshipwithPorschegoesbacktothefirsten- Penske’s as ifitwereyourfirst.” tivational toolthathesaysalwaysworks: “Prepareforeachrace alwayskeepupthepace,heusesamo- revise yourdecisions.”To me. Andespeciallyinracing, yourarelygettheopportunityto whatmotivates got tomakedecisionsminutebyminute.That’s Kathryn fivechildren. have HeisaBoardMemberofGeneralElectric.andhiswife Ilmor. Utah, innercity, andtheenginebuilder ofDetroit’s therevitalization skiresort in withtheDeerValley isalsoactivelyinvolved Penske the AmericanMotorsports nearDetroit. HallofFame intheUSA,“Driver oftheYear” inductedinto andin1995hewas chosen (14) intheIndianapolis500.In1961and1962hewas in allclassestodate, includingthegreatestnumberofvictories 225races over wonwell racingteamshave Motorsports. Penske’s RacingandPenske The multitudeofbusinessunitsincludesPenske CentersPorsche intheUSAandUK. 3,000 locationsaroundtheglobe.Amonghisproperties arenine in morethan35,000employees idated. Hiscompanieshave tivities inautomotivesalesandthetransport businessareconsol- aging BoardandCEOofUnitedAutoGroup(UAG), inwhichhisac- Corporation since1969,Penske asChairman oftheMan- aswell Roger S.Penske, born in1937, hasbeenPresidentandCEOof Roger Penske Champions League Sports Illustrated . At the age of 28, in 1965, he reachedthe in1965, . Attheageof28, B D US-Ausg. Frankr. Italien Spanien China Japan Korea Russland Arabisch.
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