January 2007 Volume 16, No
January 2007 Volume 16, No. 1 APS NEWS www.aps.org/publications/apsnews Highlights Wireless Non-Radiative Energy Transfer A PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY • WWW.APS.ORG/PUBLICATIONS/APSNEWS Page 6 Particle Physicists Meet Halfway Jacksonville Hosts 2007 April Meeting The 2007 APS April Meeting will cists, a high school teachers’ day, a and registration information, be held April 14-17 in sunny students lunch with the experts, and are available online at Jacksonville, Florida. The scientific the presentation of several APS prizes http://www.aps.org/meetings/april/ program, which focuses on astro- and awards in a special ceremonial index.cfm. The abstract submission physics, particle physics, nuclear session. A public lecture, on the deadline is January 12; post-dead- physics, and related fields, will con- physics of NASCAR, will be given line abstracts received by February 5 sist of three plenary sessions, approx- by Diandra Leslie-Pelecky of the will be assigned as poster presenta- imately 75 invited sessions, more University of Nebraska. tions. Early registration closes on than 100 contributed sessions, and Further details of the program, February 23. poster sessions. Among the invited sessions will April Meeting Plenary Talks be a special Nobel Prize session at Saturday, April 14 Laboratory which both of this year’s laureates, • String Theory, Branes, and if John Mather and George Smoot, will • First Results from Gravity You Wish, the Anthropic speak. Probe B, Francis Everitt, Stanford University Principle, Shamit Kachru, APS units represented at the meet- Stanford University ing include the Divisions of • Two-Dimensional Electron Photo by Kay Kinoshita Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, Systems, Allan MacDonald, Tuesday, April 17 Particles and Fields, Physics of University of Texas at Austin • The 21-cm Background: A The APS Division of Particles and Fields held a joint meeting with their colleagues Beams, Plasma Physics, and • New Measurement of the Probe of Reionization and the from the Japanese Physical Society in Honolulu.
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