Constructing a Shared Infrastructure for Software Architecture Analysis and Maintenance Joshua Garcia? , Mehdi Mirakhorliy , Lu Xiaoα , Yutong Zhaoα , Ibrahim Mujhidy , Khoi Phamβ , Ahmet Okutany , Sam Malek? , Rick Kazmanγ , Yuanfang Caiδ , and Nenad Medvidovic´β ? University of California Irvine, fjoshug4,
[email protected] y Rochester Institute of Technology, fmxmvse,ijm9654,
[email protected] α Stevens Institute of Technology, flxiao6,
[email protected] β University of Southern California, fkhoipam,
[email protected] γ University of Hawaii,
[email protected] δ Drexel University,
[email protected] Abstract—Over the past three decades software engineering problem, and engineers are forced to guess—and they very researchers have produced a wide range of techniques and tools often actually ignore—the architectural implications of their for understanding the architectures of large, complex systems. choices and decisions. However, these have tended to be one-off research projects, and their idiosyncratic natures have hampered research collaboration, To overcome this problem, for over the past two decades, extension and combination of the tools, and technology transfer. software architecture research has yielded many different tools The area of software architecture is rich with disjoint research and techniques [9]. However, empirical studies and technology and development infrastructures, and datasets that are either pro- prietary or captured in proprietary formats. This paper describes transfer are impeded by disjoint research and development a concerted effort to reverse these trends. We have designed and environments, lack of a shared infrastructure, high initial costs implemented a flexible and extensible infrastructure (SAIN) with associated with developing and/or integrating robust tools, and the goal of sharing, replicating, and advancing software architec- a dearth of datasets.