Radiative Transfer in Stellar Atmospheres

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Radiative Transfer in Stellar Atmospheres 3. Transport of energy: radiation specific intensity, radiative flux optical depth absorption & emission equation of transfer, source function formal solution, limb darkening temperature distribution grey atmosphere, mean opacities 1 Energy flux conservation No sinks and sources of energy in the atmosphere all energy produced in stellar interior is transported through the atmosphere at any given radius r in the atmosphere: 4().rFr2 const L F is the energy flux per unit surface and per unit time. Dimensions: [erg/cm2/sec] The energy transport is sustained by the temperature gradient. The steepness of this gradient is dependent on the effectiveness of the energy transport through the different atmospheric layers. 2 Transport of energy Mechanisms of energy transport a. radiation: Frad (most important) b. convection: F (important especially in cool stars) conv c. heat production: e.g. in the transition between solar cromosphere and corona d. radial flow of matter : corona and stellar wind e. sound waves: cromosphere and corona We will be mostly concerned with the first 2 mechanisms: F(r)=Frad(r) + Fconv(r). In the outer layers, we always have Frad >> Fconv 3 The specific intensity Measures of energy flow: Specific Intensity and Flux The amount of energy dEν transported through a surface area dA is proportional to dt (length of time), dν (frequency width), dω (solid angle) and the projected unit surface area cos θ dA. The proportionality factor is the specific Intensity Iν(cosθ) dEν = Iν (cos θ ) cos θ dA dω dν dt 2 1 1 1 ([Iν ]: erg cm− sr− Hz− s− ) c Iλ = λ2 Iν (from Iλdλ = Iν dν and ν = c/λ) Intensity depends on location in space, direction and frequency 4 Invariance of the specific intensity The area element dA emits radiation towards dA’. In the absence of any matter between emitter and receiver (no absorption and emission on the light paths between the surface elements) the amount of energy emitted and received through each surface elements is: dEν = Iν (cos θ) cos θ dA dω dν dt dEν0 = Iν0 (cos θ0) cos θ0 dA0 dω0 dν dt 5 Invariance of the specific intensity projected area dA0 cos θ0 dω = distance2 = r2 energy is conserved: dEν = dEν0 and dA cos θ dω0 = r2 dE = I (cos θ) cos θ dA dω dν dt and ν ν dEν0 = Iν0 (cos θ0) cos θ0 dA0 dω0 dν dt Specific intensity is constant along rays - as long as there is no absorption and emission Iν = Iν0 of matter between emitter and receiver In TE: I = B 6 Spherical coordinate system and solid angle dω dA solid angle : dω = r2 4πr2 Total solid angle = = 4π r2 dA = (r dθ)(r sin θ dφ) dω = sin θ dθ dφ → define μ = cos θ dμ = sin θ dθ − dω = sin θ dθ dφ = dμ dφ − 7 Radiative flux How much energy flows through surface element dA? dE ~ I cosθ dω integrate over the whole solid angle (4): 2π π πFν = Iν (cos θ) cos θ dω = Iν (cos θ) cos θ sin θdθdφ 0 0 “astrophysical flux” 4Zπ Z Z Fν is the monochromatic radiative flux. The factor π in the definition is historical. Fν can also be interpreted as the net rate of energy flow through a surface element. 8 Radiative flux The monochromatic radiative flux at frequency gives the net rate of energy flow through a surface element. dE ~ I cosθ dω integrate over the whole solid angle (4): 2π π π Fν = Iν (cos θ) cos θ dω = Iν (cos θ) cos θ sin θdθdφ “astrophysical flux” 0 0 4Zπ Z Z We distinguish between the outward direction (0 < < /2) and the inward direction (/2 < so that the net flux is + πF = πF πF − = ν ν − ν 2π π/2 2π π = Iν (cos θ) cos θ sin θdθdφ + Iν (cos θ) cos θ sin θdθdφ Z0 Z0 Z0 Zπ/2 Note: for /2 < cosθ < 0 second term negative !! 9 Total radiative flux Integral over frequencies ∞ πF dν = ν Frad Z0 Frad is the total radiative flux. It is the total net amount of energy going through the surface element per unit time and unit surface. 10 Stellar luminosity At the outer boundary of atmosphere (r = Ro) there is no incident radiation Integral interval over θ reduces from [0,π] to [0,π/2]. 2π π/2 + πFν (Ro) = πFν (Ro) = Iν (cos θ) cos θ sin θdθdφ Z0 Z0 This is the monochromatic energy that each surface element of the star radiates in all directions 2 If we multiply by the total stellar surface 4πR0 2 4πRo πFν (Ro)= Lν monochromatic stellar luminosity at frequency · and integrating over total stellar luminosity 2 ∞ + 4πRo πFν (Ro)dν = L (Luminosity) · 11 Z0 Observed flux What radiative flux is measured by an observer at distance d? integrate specific intensity Iν towards observer over all surface elements note that only half sphere contributes Eν = dE = ∆ω ∆ν ∆ t Iν(cos θ) cos θ dA 1/2 sZphere 1/2 sZphere 2 in spherical symmetry: dA = Ro sin θ dθ dφ 2π π/2 E = ∆ω ∆ν ∆t R2 I (cos θ) cos θ sin θ dθ dφ → ν o ν Zo Z0 + πFν because of spherical symmetry the integral of intensity towards + the observer over the stellar surface is proportional to F , the flux emitted into all directions by one surface element !! 12 Observed flux Solid angle of telescope at distance d: ∆ω = ∆A/d2 + 2 + Eν = ∆ω ∆ν ∆t Ro πFν (Ro) flux received = flux emitted x (R/r)2 radiative energy R2 unlike I , decreases with obs = = o πF +(R ) F Fν area frequency time d2 ν o increasing distance · · This, and not I, is the quantity generally measured for stars. For the Sun, whose disk is resolved, we can also measure I ∞ obs 2 0 ν, dν = 1.36 KW/m F ¯ (the variation of I over the solar disk is called the limb R darkening) 13 Mean intensity, energy density & radiation pressure Integrating over the solid angle and dividing by 4: 1 J = I dω mean intensity ν 4π ν 4Zπ radiation energy 1 4π u = = I dω = J energy density ν volume c ν c ν 4Zπ 1 p = I cos2 θ dω radiation pressure ν c ν 4Zπ (important in hot stars) force d momentum(= E/c) 1 pressure = = area dt area 14 Moments of the specific intensity 1 1 2π 1 1 1 0th moment Jν = Iν dω = dφ Iν dμ = Iν dμ 4π 4π 0 1 2 1 Z Z Z− Z− for azimuthal symmetry 1 1 1 Fν st Hν = Iν cos θ dω = Iν μ dμ = 1 moment 4π 2 1 4 Z Z− (Eddington flux) 1 1 2 1 2 c Kν = Iν cos θ dω = Iν μ dμ = pν 2nd moment 4π 2 1 4π Z Z− 15 InteractionsInteractions betweenbetween photonsphotons andand mattermatter absorption of radiation ds dI = κ I ds ν − ν ν κν : absorption coefficient I 1 [κν ] = cm− microscopical view: n loss of intensity in the beam (true absorption/scattering) Over a distance s: s κν ds s o − 0 o Iν (s) = Iν e R I I(s) s optical depth τν := κν ds Convention: = 0 at the outer edge (dimensionless) of the atmosphere, increasing Z0 16 inwards or: d = ds optical depth The optical thickness of a layer o τν determines the fraction of the Iν (s) = I e− ν intensity passing through the layer o Iν o We can see through if τν = 1 Iν = 0.37 Iν → e ' atmosphere until ~ 1 optically thick (thin) medium: > (<) 1 The quantity has a geometrical interpretation in terms of mean free path of photons s¯ : s¯ τν = 1 = κν ds Zo photons travel on average for a length s¯ before absorption 17 photon mean free path What is the average distance over which photons travel? ∞ expectation value < τν >= τν p(τν ) dτν Z0 probability of absorption in interval [+d] = probability of non-absorption between 0 and and absorption in d ∆I(τ) Io I(τν ) I(τν ) - probability that photon is absorbed: p(0, τν ) = = − = 1 Io Io − Io I(τ ) ν τν - probability that photon is not absorbed: 1 p(0, τν ) = = e− − Io dIν - probability that photon is absorbed in [τν , τν + dτν ] : p(τν , τν + dτν ) = = dτν I(τν ) τν total probability: e− dτν 18 photon mean free path ∞ ∞ x x τν xe− dx = (1 + x) e− < τν >= τν p(τν ) dτν = τν e− dτν = 1 − Z Z0 Z0 mean free path corresponds to <>=1 1 if κν (s) = const : ∆τν = κν ∆s ∆s = s¯ = → κν (homogeneous material) 19 Principle of line formation observer sees through the atmospheric layers up to 1 In the continuum is smaller than in the line see deeper into the atmosphere T(cont) > T(line) 20 radiative acceleration In the absorption process photons release momentum E/c to the atoms, and the corresponding force is: momentum(=E/c) force =dfphot = dt The infinitesimal energy absorbed is: abs dEν = dIν cos θ dA dω dt dν = κν Iν cosθ dA dω dt dν ds The total energy absorbed is (assuming that κν does not depend on ω): ∞ ∞ abs E = κν Iν cos θ dω dν dA dt ds = π κν Fν dν dA dt ds Z0 4Zπ Z0 F 21 radiative acceleration ∞ κν Fν dν π df = 0 dA dt ds = g dm (dm = ρ dA ds) phot c R dt rad π ∞ g = κ F dν rad cρ ν ν Z0 22 emission of radiation ds d dA dV=dA ds energy added by emis sion processes within dV em dEν = ²ν dV dω dν dt ²ν : emission coefficient 3 1 1 1 [²ν ] = erg cm− sr− Hz− s− 23 TheThe equationequation ofof radiativeradiative tranfertranfer If we combine absorption and emission together: dEabs = dIabs dA cos θ dω dν dt = κ I dA cos θ dω dt dν ds ν ν − ν ν em em dEν = dIν dA cos θ dω dν dt = ²ν dA cos θ dω dν dt ds dEabs+dEem = (dIabs+dI em) dA cos θ dω dν dt = ( κ I +² ) dA cos θ dω dν dt ds ν ν ν ν − ν ν ν dI = dIabs + dIem = ( κ I + ² ) ds ν ν ν − ν ν ν differential equation dIν = κ I + ² describing the flow of ds − ν ν ν radiation through matter 24 TheThe equationequation ofof radiativeradiative tranfertranfer Plane-parallel symmetry dx = cos θ ds = μ ds d d = μ ds dx μ dIν (μ,x) = κ I (μ, x) + ² dx − ν ν ν 25 TheThe equationequation ofof radiativeradiative tranfertranfer Spherical symmetry d dr ∂ dθ ∂ = + ds ds ∂r ds ∂θ dr dr = ds cos θ = cos θ (as in plane parallel) → ds − dθ sin θ r dθ = sin θ ds (dθ < 0) = − → ds − r ∂ ∂μ ∂ ∂ = = sin θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂μ − ∂μ d ∂ sin2 θ ∂ ∂ 1 μ2 ∂ = = μ + = μ + − ⇒ ds ∂r r ∂μ ∂r r ∂μ ∂ 1 μ2 ∂ μ ∂r Iν (μ, r) + −r ∂μ Iν (μ, r) = κν Iν (μ, r) + ²ν angle between ray and radial direction − is not constant 26 TheThe equationequation ofof radiativeradiative tranfertranfer Optical depth and source function optical depth increasing In plane-parallel symmetry: towards interior: κν dx = dτν dI (μ,x) − μ ν = κ (x) I (μ, x) + ² (x) x dx − ν ν ν τ = κ dx ν − ν RZo dIν (μ,τν ) μ = Iν (μ, τν ) Sν (τν ) dτν − S = ²ν ν κν source function Observed emerging intensity I(cos ,= 0) depends on = cos , (R ) and S dim [S] = [I] i dτν ∆τν 1 = 1 corresponds to free mean path of κν = The physics of S is crucial for radiative transfer ds ≈ ∆s ≈ s¯ photons ²ν S = ² s¯ source function S corresponds to intensity ν κν ν ≈ · emitted over the free mean path of photons 27 TheThe equationequation ofof radiativeradiative tranfertranfer Source function: simple cases a.
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