A brief article explaining Pollution and its outcomes, which we as a community can prevent, if we work together and understand the problems!


An explanation of the different bins within school and outside of school and how they should be used, with examples of what should be thrown where!


Timeline of the Roman Empire with brief explanations of the dynasties and rulers and the accomplishments SPOOKTOBER! during their reign!

T h e s e c o n d i s s u e m a d e b y p r i m a r y s c h o o l s t u d e n t s ! H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! HOW TO ACT AT SCHOOL

We're back! we hope everyone's halloween went well and stayed safe! The last Due to Covid restrictions being restricted once again, day of school before the break, everyone had amazing costumes, truly here is a brief reminder of how you should act at frightening! school and what you should be doing to prevent the spread of the virus. Also talks about how sports are The team who put together this issue are: Pietro Bordonaro, Ludovica Iasillo, being done within school! Federico Demartini, Maria Vittoria Dogliotti, Camilla Ballerini and Martina Bernazzoli from fifth grade. We hope you enjoy this second issue! WINNER OF HALLOWEEN STORY

Students had written a short scary story, and submitted into judging to pick the scariest one. The winner was to be published in the newsletter and here it is! Find the winner on page. 6


Two students have given their opinions about books and a movie which they enjoyed. Both students seemed to enjoy the books and the movie respectively and they hop eyou will too!

I S S U E 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 POLLUTION PROBLEM W r i t t e n b y P i e t r o B o r d o n a r o

In 2020 we are concentrating on Covid-19 but we aren’t realizing the huge pollution problem.There has been an island of rubbish for a while within the Pacific Ocean and it’s getting worse. One reason being adolescents who throw away their rubbish on the ground. If you take care of this world and don’t want to walk on rubbish, B e p a r t o f t h e start recycling your rubbish properly. It could also be toxic so harmful to you and the environment. Even if you have a little piece of paper/plastic, s o l u t i o n n o t try to throw it away properly, it may seem like a small action but a lot of p a r t o f t h e small actions may prevent a big problem like the rubbish island. One solution has been the creation of electric cars. These can help because p o l l u t i o n ! normal cars emit a lot of gas while electric cars emit zero gas and are rather silent. Plastic is the principal problem of pollution because it is made of a material that is not biodegradable. Please help the world and stop pollution! If all of us make a little contribution it will be a huge help for the world!

I S S U E 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 RECYCLING W r i t t e n b y L u d o v i c a I a s i l l o

All of us love our planet and if we want to keep it safe we have to follow a few simple steps- Recycling: In the little brown bin you have to through away organic things such as: Banana peels Core of an apple In the plastic bin you will see that there is written “Plastic”. Throw away things such as: Food Wrappers Cheese Wrappers Plastic Bottles In the paper bin, you should throw away things such as: Waste paper Instruction manual Cardboard These are three bins we have inside school. Outside school we also have other bins:The clothes bin: where you throw away your old clothes, the glass bin where you throw away glass items and the cans bin.Please do these little things to help the world. When you have done these little things you’ll be proud of yourself.

I S S U E 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE W r i t t e n b y F e d e r i c o D e m a r t i n i

The Roman Empire started in 27 BC with Caesar Augustus as emperor, and fell as the Eastern Roman Empire (having lasted longer) on the 29th of May 1453 with Constantine XI Palaeologus as the last emperor. Between the years 14 to 68 A.D. the heirs of Ausgustus succeeded him: Tiberia, Caligula, Cladius and Nero. After Nero’s death and a civil war situated in Rome, the dynasty was interrupted. Three emperors fought to get the throne of Rome but in the end Vespian (part of the Flavian dynasty) emerged as emperor. Later succeeded by the “Antonines”, a generic name given to the next 6 emperors of the dynasty. During this dynasty in the 117 A.D. the Roman Empire had the most extensive political and social structure in the western civilization. In the 285 A.D. the empire had grown so vast that Emperor Diocletian (ruled 284 A.D. - 305 A.D.) decided to divide the empire into Eastern and Western Roman Empire (in 285 A.D.). He elevated one of his officers (Maximian) and made him co - emperor. In this period, Rome was living a period of wealth due to asking other countries to pay taxes. Costantine became emperor in 311 A.D. he believed that Jesus Christ helped him win against Maxentius; therefore he spread Christianty throughout the empire instead of deity, which most of the previous emperors believed. At the First Council of Nicea (325 CE), Costantine presided over the gathering to arrange the faith and decide on important issues such as the divinity of Jesus from which manuscripts would be collected to form the book known today as The Bible. He also formed a new city which was previously known as Byzantinium and renamed it Constantinople. After Constantine's death his three sons (Constantine II, Costantinius II, and Constans) inherited the throne and divided the empire but threatened to undo all of Constantine's accomplishments. Eventually the three brothers went to war, in which Constantine II and Constans were killed. Julian was the successor of the winning brother but he only ruled for two years. Julian rejected Christianity and ended Consantine’s dynasty. He was also known as “Julian the Apostate'' due to his opposition to Christianity. The next emperor Jovian re-established Christianity as the dominant faith. After Jovian it was time for Theodosius I who was responsible for the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Before the fall he closed all the schools and universities and all the pagan temples and converted them into Christian churches after proclaiming Christianity Rome’s state religion in 380 A.D. From 376 - 382 A.D. Rome fought a series of battles against the (known today as Gothic Wars). At the Roman Emperor was defeated and the Roman Western Empire started to decline, officially ending on September 4th 476 A.D. After a two-month long battle in Constantinople the Ottoman Turks ruled by Mehmet II the Eastern Roman Empire fell in 1453 A.D. This was also called the Fall Of Constantinople or Conquer Of Constantinople.

I S S U E 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 HOW TO ACT AT SCHOOL W r i t t e n b y M a r i a V i t t o r i a D o g l i o t t i

Behaviors: We are going to talk about what has to be done at school in an appropriate way. Firstly, bathrooms. I think it’s clear to everyone that we have to flush the toilet and wash our hands after going to the bathroom. You always need to do it not only due to Covid and this period. Secondly, Covid. You always have to wear your mask even outside school. You can take it off when you are eating or for a deep breath but please put it back on soon after. During this period you need to stay distanced from each other if you don’t want to risk the closure of school and going back in lock down. After school try to get your child and leave without creating a crowded group of people all together. During lunch, if you prefer to eat from home you need to let your parents know to send an email to Mr.Monk in a respectful way to say my daughter/son will bring food from home, this does mean that you have to keep your lunchbox to yourself and guarded.

Covid and sports: Everyone knows that in P.E. we can’t play matches of basketball, hockey or other sports with close contact because of Covid. This is because we may touch each other and have constant transmission of the virus through the usage of the same ball. We are able to do cooperative rallies and other activities. This is the same for recess if you play soccer you can’t touch the same things others may touch, be careful!

I S S U E 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 WINNER OF SCARY STORY COMPETITION: ANDREA PAPONE: THE HOUSE W r i t t e n b y A n d r e a P a p o n e

Estoc was a very talented boy. He was the top student in his school and his whole village. The village was made of three dozen houses, but not all of them contained a family. The families that lived there were peaceful enough with one another. All except for one. On the hills that separated Estoc’s village from the world, there was an old, creepy house. Some people claimed to have heard strange noises coming from there, but nobody came out. Ever. One day, while Estoc was in school, he went to talk to his best friend Sharon. When he found her in the school library, he asked her if she would want to do a little trip to the strange house after school. She said she’d think about it. When school finished they met in front of Estoc’s home. She rang the doorbell and a grinning Estoc opened the door. He had a big backpack containing everything they needed for the trip. They marched through the village, without even stopping at the only bar in the village. When they arrived at the lowest part of the hill on which the house stood, they stopped, for a snack. While they were eating, they talked about what they thought would be in the house. Sharon thought that witches lived there, while Estoc thought it was the summer house of doctor Frankeinstein. Afterwards, they continued to march up the hill, until they reached the house. From the top floor, strange noises came, and the door seemed to be made of human bones. “Probably a joke,” thought Estoc. They didn’t ring the doorbell, since the house was inhabited, who would open the door? They pushed the door open and entered the house. The door suddenly closed. The children tried to open it, but it was no use. They continued to walk through the house, illuminating things with the flashlight that Estoc had brought. They saw a room filled with creepy dolls. Estoc was terrified, while Sharon seemed to have developed an interest in them. Estoc tried to pull her back as she entered the room, but it was no use. She simply swatted his arm. Suddenly Estoc had a feeling of being watched, and looked at the dolls. Wait. Why are all of their eyes pointing towards Sharon? Did one doll just reach out with her hands? He wasn’t dreaming. He heard a roaring thunder, and for a second didn’t see anything. He heard a scream. When he opened his eyes, in the place where Sharon had been, there was now a doll staring at him. Terrified Estoc ran out of the room, trying to find a door for escape. He was running so fast that he didn’t see the axe swinging towards his neck. His decapitated head rolled down the corridor, as a new group of people entered the house...

I S S U E 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 BOOK MOVIE RECOMMENDATIONS: RECOMMENDATION: C o m p i l e d b y C a m i l l a B a l l e r i n i S e l e c t e d b y M a r t i n a B e r n a z z o l i

I read this book called “Butterfly Summer”, and I’d Today I chose to recommend Alita: Battle like to share some thoughts!It was written by Anne- Angel to you. Marie Conway and she made it very exciting, I saw this film when we were in full lockdown. mysterious and suspenseful. I could have never It is about two hours long with the main theme imagined how it ended. I think this author thought deeply about writing this book, but the result was being a cyborg world with no weapons worth it.Beckie’s whole life is going to change for allowed except for people that kill bad guys one summer, because she finds out that her whole (they can use swords, axes and other). It is an life can change at the beat of a butterfly's wing. action film and not a cartoon, it’s When I was reading it I loved every part. When it was recommended age is 12+ years to see it. time to close the book, I was so sad….I loved every I recommend this film to you because it has a word, every sentence, page, chapter of this book. lot of different types of genres like: romance, You were always given a different idea. It really astonishes me how Anne-Marie Conway wrote this action and even science fiction, but obviously book, and I don’t know how she came up with the the main one is action. If it doesn’t convince idea, but I do now that this book is magical, and you don’t worry, everyone has their own that's why I really recommend you to read it. opinions. Anne-Marie Conway also wrote: Tangled Secrets Forbidden Friends All of which I think are fantastic.

I S S U E 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0