40th Anniversary Program

(Celebrating 40 Years of Awarding Scholarships)

Scholarships Awarded by

4:00 p.m.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

“Dollars for Scholars”

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers President: Dr. Janice Lopez Vice President: Doug Handy Secretary: Stephanie Munn: Treasurer: Camille Scott Parliamentarian: Alice P. Frazier Chaplain: Rev. Sadie Woolford Standing Committees and Chairpersons Campaign: Mavis P. Lewis Historian: Mavis P. Lewis Logistics: Darrah F. Hall Scholarship: Rose Waters Publicity: Tracy Anderson Sunshine: Jean Somerville Technology: James Harrison

Campaign Mavis P. Lewis, Chairperson Dorothea Baity Rosemary Fitzgerald Darrah Hall

Logistics Darrah Hall, Chairperson Frances Henderson Vickie Manning Rose Waters

Development Janice Lopez, Chairperson Yvonne Harrison Darrah Hall Sandra Hudson

Anniversary Program Committee Dorothea Baity Co-Chair Darrah Hall Co-Chair Sandra Hudson Mavis Lewis Jean Somerville Rosalind Thompson Rose Waters Herbert West, Ph.D

Scholarship Committee Rose Waters, Chairperson Darrah F. Hall Frances Henderson Sandra Hudson Hugo Jackson Carnell Williams Shafonya Turner, M.D. Herbert West, Ph. D Deidre Sykes

Members Ramsey Alexander, Jr. Mae Beale Angela Klugh Joe Mason Rosalind Thompson Elwood Thornton, III Albertha Workman Arnettia Wyre

Emeritus Member Ruth Craigen 40th Anniversary Program HCFBECA, Inc. Scholarship Awards Program Sunday, May 17, 2020 Table of Contents

Founding Members……………………………………………………………………… 1

Foundation History……………………………………………………………………… 2 Scholarship Awards Program…………………………………………………………… 4 Anniversary Committee………………………………………………………………… 5 President’s Message……………………………………………………………………. 6 Co-Chair’s Message……………………………………………………………………. 7 Letter – Michael J. Martirano, Ed.D, Superintendent of Howard County Schools…….. 8 Letter – Mavis Ellis, Chair, Howard County Board of Education……………………... 9 Past Guest Speakers……………………………………………………………………. 10 History of Giving by Year……………………………………………………………… 11 Scholarship Recipients…………………………………………………………………. 12 Host, Video Conferencing……………………………………………………………… 18 Video Program…………………………………………………………………………. 19 How the Lottery Works………………………………………………………………… 20 Scholarship Candidates………………………………………………………………… 21 Special Awards and Lottery Drawing………………………………………………… . 22 Contributions Received ………………………………………………………………. 23 $40 Challenge to the Endowment Fund………………………………………………… 25 Contributions Received too Late for the 2019 Program Book…………………………. 26 Honor and Memorial Scholarships……………………………………………………… 27 • Dorothy Baity, Family & Friends • Drs. LeeRoy & Yvonne Bronner • Howard County Center of African American Culture, Inc. • Yvonne Harrison • Hugo Jackson in Memory of Mother • Ernestine Jones (HCFBECA, Inc.) • William “Bill” Lewis (HCFBEA, Inc.) • Vickie Manning and Children • Jean Somerville, Family & Friends • Carnell Williams & Family • Gloria T. Williams & Daughters • Albertha Workman, Family & Friends • Howard County Maryland Chapter (NHAA, Inc.) • Foster Henry • Hugo Jackson in HONOR of Father • Jack & Jill • Dr. Genevieve Knight, Ph.D

Appendix………………………………………………………………………………… 28

• History of Special Givers

Jackie Antoine *Barbara O’Banion *Hilda Barrett Thomas Wallace *Yvonne Edwards Aubrey Edwards *Ernestine Jones *Joyce Murray *Gilda Lewis *William Lewis Irma McNeal Arthur McNeal Telesta Riggs Earl Riggs Rosalind Thompson Calvin Thompson Rose Waters Kenneth Waters


Words can’t express our thanks for your foresight in addressing a special need in our community, and working hard to bring it to fruition. We are grateful for the founding of the Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc.


he Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc. is a community-based non-profit organization which has served as a resource for the encouragement and T financial assistance to African-American youth in Howard County, Maryland for more than three decades. The primary focus of this organization is to provide scholarships to graduating, high school seniors in their pursuit of post-secondary education and training. The outgrowth of a grassroots effort by sixteen concerned African-American parents who met initially on September 16, 1977 to contemplate ways in which to maximize the achievement efforts of black students in the county, this organization has evolved to its current status. These sixteen parents, along with two others who joined the group shortly after its inception, operated under the name of Concerned Parents for Educational Excellence (CPEE). They tackled the job of advocating for their children forthright. Overcoming many obstacles, such as the lack of operating funds, apathy, and differences of opinion as to their direction—they persevered.

Within the first couple of years following their initial meeting, this small group of determined parents sought 501©3 status from the Internal Revenue Service, investigated and accessed funding from a number of sources, established scholarship criteria (based upon scholastic achievement, extra-curricular activities and community involvement of the applicant) and changed their name, thus the establishment of “The Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc.” (hereinafter referred to as “The Foundation”). The first group of students was awarded scholarships by The Foundation in 1979— a crowning achievement! Each year since that time, with the exception of 1985 and 1986, when the organization took a hiatus, The Foundation has awarded college scholarships to qualified African-American high school graduates of Howard County.

Since its inception, the chief source of funding for The Foundation’s scholarships has been the African- American community, in keeping with its original ideal as a self-help, grassroots organization. Solicitations were made from black families, individuals, businesses and other community organizations. A unique strategy was utilized in which a donor could become a Foundation “member” for the amount of $52 (based on the concept of $1 per week, per year). As the organization has evolved, the donor base has broadened considerably. At this point, funding is received from a variety of sources, including businesses, fraternities, sororities, churches and other organizations, both for profit and non-profit.

For many years, the sum of $1,000 represented the basic scholarship award. Quite often a lottery drawing was utilized, thus embracing the element of fairness. Some years, the funding has been large enough to underwrite an award for each applicant, making the lottery unnecessary. In recent years, a book award has been instituted. This is given to each qualified applicant who does not receive a scholarship. In 2007, the amount of the basic scholarship award was increased to $1,500.

Whereas the scholarship program has been the principal activity of The Foundation, other areas have also been explored. Many of the alternative events have included a cultural aspect and also served as fundraisers. This category includes sponsoring trips to Broadway shows in New York, Book Fairs, a performance at Toby’s Dinner Theatre, to name a few. Other significant activities are the college tours offered to students, most notably, the trips to Washington, Oberlin and Vanderbilt Universities for the period 1995-2002. (These trips were sponsored in conjunction with and were funded by Washington University). In addition, tours of black colleges were implemented by The Foundation in 1997, utilizing funds from a grant provided by Associated Black Charities (ABC).

Special awards were established over the years in memory of individuals having a legacy of service to the community. The following Special Awards are listed below, with date of initiation.


Delores P. Harper (1979): Community activist and early Foundation supporter, along with husband, Robert, who funded the Award for many years.

Dr. James F. Cooper (1983): Founding member and early supporter of Foundation; Practicing Psychiatrist. Award has been funded by wife Jean, daughter and son-in-law for many years.

Gilda W. Lewis (1987): Founding member of the Foundation. Past President of Columbia Alumnae Chapter of Sorority, who designated scholarship in her name. The Sorority has funded the award at $1,000 or more per year for thirty-one years.

Since its inception, The Foundation has employed various fundraising strategies. In addition, the donor base has been broadened to include a variety of organizations from the larger community who have given assistance. The following entries will attest to the success of these endeavors.

Adopt-a-Student Program (1989): Student may be “adopted” in honor or memory of loved one. Minimum contribution is $500. Has been very popular (see chart elsewhere in this program).

Hammond High School Black Cultural Awareness Club (1989): Held fundraiser for The Foundation. Similar clubs from other high schools participated.

Rotary Club, Columbia Town Center (1990): The Foundation received donation for the first time.

Columbia Foundation (1990): Since that time, has provided annual operating grants to The Foundation.

Columbia Foundation (1999): Selected The Foundation to be the recipient of matching Endowment Funds for three consecutive years. The maximum matching grant of $5,000 was exceeded each year.

Howard County Volunteer Community Organization of the Year (2001): Named by County Executive and County Council—expression of appreciation for The Foundation’s work with youth.

Casey Willis Making a Difference Award (2002): Foundation was recipient of community service award in spirit of award’s namesake, Carolyn “Casey” Willis, wife of Dr. Willis. This award included a $1,500 cash prize.

Twenty-fifth Anniversary (1977-2002): Celebrated in October, 2002, with banquet at Columbia Sheraton Hotel. Proceeds benefitted scholarship fund. Net profit from ads in souvenir journal: $2,769.

Mano Swartz Furrier (2003 & 2004): Donated items of fur to be raffled off. Net profit to Foundation first year: $1,800; second year: $300.

Charles Brown Adopt-a-Student (2006): Gave $5,000 in memory of his wife, Shirley Vining-Brown, Founder of “One Generation Helping the Next” Youth Enrichment Program, Inc. Award was largest single donation in Foundation’s history. Donation was awarded to a needy student.

Rotary Club of Columbia – Patuxent (2000): Special thanks go to the club for significant contributions made to the Foundation from 2000 – 2015.

The Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc. is immensely proud of the young people whom we have assisted in their pursuit of higher education. We also owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the generosity of the individuals, families and various organizations who have contributed to our efforts. By pooling our resources, we hope to continue to generate more “Dollars for Scholars” for future generations of young people.

3 Scholarship Awards Program Celebrating 40 Years of Awarding Scholarships


Dorothea Baity Darrah F. Hall Co-Chair Co-Chair

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. --Eleanor Roosevelt

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2020 Anniversary Committee

Back Row: Sandra Hudson Herb West Dorothea Baity Front Row: Rose Waters Darrah Hall Mavis Lewis

Jean Somerville Rosalind Thompson

5 .


Celebrating 40 Years of Awarding Scholarships

June 30, 2020

Greetings: It is truly a privilege to bring warm greetings as President of the Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc. on our 40th Anniversary of awarding scholarships to Howard County African American graduating high school students. The Foundation is proud to have been providing scholarship and book award support to the Howard County community for so many years. As a 501(c)3 organization, our volunteer Board of directors is dedicated to raising money for scholar ships. Founded by a group of concerned parents which included my aunt and uncle, the Foundation has shown consistency throughout its existence by maintaining its original purpose and mission to support our youth. Since its inception, we have awarded more than $900,000 to more than 850 stu- dents in scholarships and book awards. On behalf of the Foundation, we are especially appreciative of our “village” of contributors and donors that have allowed us to continue during this historic pandemic. In spite of relying on Zoom for our 2020 Awards Program, the Foundation could not be more proud of this year’s scholarship winners and their achievements. We are happy to enrich our community by supporting black students as they pursue post-secondary education through our “Dollars for Scholars” program, cultural programs, scholarships, and book awards over the past 40 years. Sincerely, Janice Lopez Janice Lopez, Pharm.D President


President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Janice Lopez, Pharm. D Doug Handy Stephanie Munn Camille Scott Chaplain Parliamentarian Campaign/Historian Publicity Rev. Sadie Woolford Alice P. Frazier Mavis Polson Lewis Tracy Anderson Scholarship Anniversary Program Logistics Technology Rose Waters Dorothea Baity, Co-Chair Darrah Hall James Harrison Sunshine Darrah Hall, Co-Chair Jean Somerville Members

Ramsey Alexander, Jr. Mae Beale *Ruth Craigen Rosemary Fitzgerald Yvonne Harrison Frances Henderson Imani Henderson Sandra Hudson Hugo Jackson Angela Klugh Vickie Manning Joe Mason Deidre Sykes Rosalind Thompson Elwood Thornton, III Shafonya Turner, M.D. Herb West, Ph.D Carnell Williams Albertha Workman Arnettia Wyre, Esq.

*Emeritus Member

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Celebrating 40 Years of Awarding Scholarships

June 30, 2020


Welcome to the Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc’s. (HCFBECA) , Inc annual Scholarship Awards Program. Today we are commemorating 40 years of awarding scholarships to graduating seniors residing in Howard County. It is with great pride that since its humble beginnings in 1977, HCFBECA, Inc. has been able to provide over $900,000 in scholarships and book awards to 832 African-American students in their pursuit of higher education.

We owe our success to you, our contributors and supporters. Without you, this milestone would not be possible. Please accept our heartfelt appreciation for your consistent generosity over the years. May you, too, share our pride and joy in this significant accomplishment of 40 years of financially assisting students in their pursuit of post-secondary educa- tion.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, today’s program is on ZOOM. This virtual platform replaces the special program that had been planned to showcase the past four decades of our history. Because of Coronavirus, the special celebratory events had to be put on hold until next year, 2021, when hopefully, in-person gatherings should return. As in past years, the awarding of scholarships is the highlight of today’s virtual program, marking the culmination of our 2020 fundraising effort.

HCFBECA, Inc. would like to thank you for your ongoing support and invite you to attend the 41st Anniversary Program next year. Remember we are a 50l(c)(3) non-profit organization; one hundred percent (100%) of contributions go to our scholarships. Please note all monies received before the close of our fiscal year, June 30, 2020 will be added to the amounts received to date for the 2020 scholarships and book awards.

Sincerely, Sincerely,

Dorothea Baity Darrah F. Hall

Dorothea Baity Darrah F Hall Co-Chair, 40th Anniversary Program Committee Co-Chair, 40th Anniversary Program Committee


President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Janice Lopez, Pharm. D Doug Handy Stephanie Munn Camille Scott Chaplain Parliamentarian Campaign/Historian Publicity Rev. Sadie Woolford Alice P. Frazier Mavis Polson Lewis Tracy Anderson Scholarship Anniversary Program Logistics Technology Rose Waters Dorothea Baity, Co-Chair Darrah Hall James Harrison Sunshine Darrah Hall, Co-Chair Jean Somerville Members

Ramsey Alexander, Jr. Mae Beale *Ruth Craigen Rosemary Fitzgerald Yvonne Harrison Frances Henderson Sandra Hudson Hugo Jackson Angela Klugh Vickie Manning Joe Mason Deidre Sykes Rosalind Thompson Elwood Thornton, III Shafonya Turner, M.D. Herb West, Ph.D Carnell Williams Albertha Workman Arnettia Wyre, Esq.

*Emeritus Member

Visit our website: Like us on Facebook!!


April 1, 2020

Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc. P.O. Box 69 Columbia, MD 21045

Dear Ms. Dorothea Baity and Ms. Darrah Hall:

Congratulations to the Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc. (HCFBECA) for your 40 years of awarding scholarships. Your support for graduating Howard County African-American seniors in helping them access further educational opportunities is vital for them to reach their full potential.

Thank you for your dedication to our students’ success. The scholarships you provide ensure that they continue to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to obtain meaningful and rewarding employment in a dynamic, international workplace. In short, you’re an amazing partner as the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) works to provide an equitable and excellent education for all our students.

I am humbled to send HCFBECA my congratulations, as you have been a wonderful friend to our schools and families for so many years. Your contributions mean more than ever as our students navigate uncharted waters during this uncertain time. Thank you again for remaining an unwavering rock of community support.


Michael J. Martirano, Ed.D. HCPSS Superintendent

10910 Clarksville Pike  Ellicott City, MD 21042  410-313-6600 


April 1, 2020

Ms. Dorothea Baity Board of Education Ms. Darrah Hall of Howard County Howard County Foundation for Black Educational Mavis Ellis and Cultural Achievement, Inc. Chair P.O. Box 69 Columbia, MD 21045 Vicky Cutroneo Vice Chair Dear Ms. Baity and Ms. Hall: Kirsten A. Coombs On behalf of the Board of Education, I offer my sincere congratulations to the Christina Delmont-Small Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement,

Jennifer Swickard Mallo Inc. (HCFBECA) for your 40 years of awarding scholarships to graduating Howard County African-American seniors. Your commitment to supporting Sabina Taj students pursue post-secondary education and training is critical in ensuring their lifelong success. Chao Wu, Ph.D.

Allison J. Alston We are deeply grateful that your organization has enabled so many of our Student Member students to achieve their dreams. You have much to celebrate on this milestone anniversary, as HCFBECA has awarded more than $800,000 Michael J. Martirano, Ed.D. Superintendent through over 800 student awards. Secretary/Treasurer It is a privilege to support an organization that has been such a powerful force for good in our community, especially in these challenging and uncertain times. The Board offers best wishes to HCFBECA for many more years of success in transforming the lives of Howard County children.


Mavis Ellis Chair Board of Education of Howard County

cc: Board of Education Members

   10910 Clarksville Pike Ellicott City, Maryland 21042 410-313-7194 FAX Number 410-313-6833 • [email protected] 9


1979 Dr. Joyce Ladner Civil rights activist, author, sociologist and Howard University Professor 1980 William Smith Acting Commissioner, U.S Department of Education 1981 Dr. Joyce Ladner Civil rights activist, author, sociologist and Howard University Professor 1982 The Honorable William Murphy, Jr. Judge, Supreme Bench, , MD 1983 The Honorable Kurt Schmoke State’s Attorney, Baltimore City, MD 1984 Father Maurice Blackwell Pastor, St. Edwards Catholic Church 1985 Organization was Inactive 1986 Organization was Inactive 1987 John M. Wesley Poet and Political Activist 1988 Dr. Spencer Crew Curator, Smithsonian National Museum of American History 1989 Roger Lyons Executive Director, Baltimore Urban League 1990 The Honorable C. Vernon Gray Member, Howard County Council 1991 Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, III Vice Provost and Executive Vice President, University of Maryland, Baltimore County 1992 Dr. Richard M. Milbourne Assistant Superintendent Department of Student Services, Baltimore County Public Schools 1993 Traci Miller Attorney-at-Law, State’s Attorney’s Office, Baltimore, MD 1994 Betty McLeod Retired Educator, Prince George’s County Public Schools 1995 Reporter, WRC-TV, Channel 4 News, Washington, DC 1996 April Ryan News Commentator, Radio Station V-103 1997 Craig A. Thompson, Esq. Council for Economic and Business Opportunity 1998 Daisy M. Saunders Motivational Speaker, Daisy M. Saunders, Inc. 1999 Rev. Robert A. F. Turner Pastor, St. John Baptist Church, Columbia, MD 2000 Mrs. Mavis Lewis Chairperson, Campaign Committee, HCFBECA, INC 2001 William H. Lewis President, HCFBECA, INC 2002 Louis G. Hutt, Jr. Attorney and CPA, Bennett, Hutt & Company, LLC 2003 Mike Easterling Actor and Producer-Director, The Easterling Group 2004 Dr. James E. McLeod Vice President, Student Affairs, Washington Univ. St. Louis, Missouri 2005 Craig Valentine 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking, Toastmasters, Inc. 2006 Dr. Valerie Manning Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineer 2007 Barbara Lawson President and CEO, Columbia Foundation 2008 Roger Plunkett Assistant Superintendent Howard Co. Public Schools 2009 Tanya Green Technical Consultant for the Intelligence Community 2010 Craig Thompson, Esq. Law Partner, Venable LLP 2011 Dr. Janice Phillips, RN, Ph.D Manager of Nursing Research, University of Chicago Medical Center 2012 Rev. Carolyn Fredericks Associate Minister, St John Baptist Church, Columbia, MD 2013 Shawna Williams Frazier Profit Investments 2014 Erick Bronner Global Private Equity Fund Phil Bronner Co-Founder, American Honors 2015 Dr. Carey-Walter F. Closson, MD Anesthesiologist and Interventional Pain Medicine Specialist 2016 Harold L. Williams, Ph.D Deacon, St. John Baptist Church 2017 David R. Anderson President & CEO of Anderson TrueNorth, LLC 2018 Dr. Lindiwe F. Greenwood Chief Innovator Total Renaissance Wellness: A Health and Wellness Consultation and Advocacy Company 2019 Lieutenant Stephanie Walls Commander of the Howard County Police Department’s Community Outreach Division & Mental Health Section 2020 No Speakers Zoom Program

Anniversary Speakers (25th) 2002 Dr. Floyd Malveaux Dean, College of Medicine, Howard University (35TH) Joshua Parker 2011 – 2012 Baltimore County and State of 2012 Maryland Teacher of the Year


Year No. of Scholarships Total Amount Book Awards Amount

1979 6 $ 6,000 1980 10 10,250 1981 13 13,500 1982 14 14,500 1983 11 11,500 1984 9 9,500 1985 No scholarship awarded 1986 No scholarship awarded 1987 11 12,700 1988 11 12,700 1989 11 12,700 1990 16 17,000 11 $ 100 1991 13 13,000 12 100 1992 15 15,000 1993 18 19,400 10 225 1994 14 21,100 1995 12 13,000 13 200 1996 14 18,600 12 200 1997 14 14,000 12 150 1998 14 17,000 14 125 1999 14 15,500 13 125 2000 18 24,250 14 250 2001 14 18,250 21 125 2002 20 20,600 1 200 2003 23 28,500 2004 19 19,000 12 250 2005 24 29,000 2006 21 36,575 1 200 2007 24 31,600 4 300 2008 14 28,500 2009 16 24,950 3 650 2010 24 31,000 1 1,141.50 2011 13 28,909 2012 15 31,020 13 540 2013 18 33,095 5 576.40 2014 20 33,380 2015 25 30,808 2016 21 37,018 18 252 2017 17 33,434 6 814 2018 24 39,156.70 5 982.77 2019 22 36,927 10 544.20 2020 25 41,516

A Supplement Award was initiated in 1990 and is given to students who do not receive a scholarship. The amount for each year varies upon the amount raised.


Scholarship Recipients

(by school year)

1979 1982 1985 -1986 *Reginald Fletcher Alicia Chapman Donna DonnaHarriday Hariday ReginaLeonard Basnight Clay Jason Coates INACTIVE Angela Moore Donna Rattley Lisa Cornick

Lisa Winston Hugh Ferguson Deborah Williams Kevin Fitzpatrick Emily Harrison Jennifer Johnson 1987 Sherry Offord Lakeisha Anderson *Roger Parrish Lytonia Breland 1980 Mike Phillips Reginald Clay Jerri Lynne Conway Freeman Sands Clarence Hatchers, Jr. Aretha L. Fleming Donna Toomer Jamahl Johnson Lynette Frank Donna Williams Jillian Kong *Kathryn Gaillard Zenobia Moorman Gina McClain Heather Peeler Caprice R. Payne 1983 Thomas Scott Sherman Ragland Mia Alexander Casandra Sparrow Carol Thrower Regina Basnight Charlyce Wallington Kimberly Turner Robert Bradford Greta A. Winston Camille Coley

Tracy Edgecombe 1988 Rosie Johnson David Bevett Jesselyn McCourdy Phillip Bronner Alexander Morris Trody Bundy 1981 Stephanie Stephens Rorie Lynn Mason Glynis Brown Shawn Smith Richard McCloud Darryl Clapp Kimberly G. Williams Alacia Montgomery Regina Clay Alternates Marie Nelson John Green Bary McClurkin Michelle Parker Melvin Gentry Debvin Davenport April Sheffield Kenneth Cooper Camille Vaughn Gary L. Jones Nicole Winter Yolanda Roberts Paul Stewart 1984 Donald Strong Deidre Baity Laurie Woodard Erick Bronner Jeanean Willis Kevin Howard Stephen Williams Xiomara Leslie Alternate Suzette Malveaux Kwame Workman Andrea Moore Tanya Sellars Sybil Valentine Jamelle Wilds Alternate Rodney Hall


1989 1992 1994 Michael Alston Tristan Alexander Monique P. Alston Erika Clark Marc Alston S. Amanda Beckenstein Todd Campbell Leonard A. Boyd James Elliott Harry Nelson Dunston Miquel Collins Danielle Lowery Charlene Gamaldo Sydney Cousins, Jr. April Lavern Page Wendell Hanes Sharon D. Davis Tucker Peterson Erika Lawrence Bryan C. Dunston Danielle Lauren Sams Tonya Jameson Denham Fassett Scott Purcell Savoy Kisha Martin Eric Bradley Grant Maya Angelou Thompson Frederick McCullough John A. Guyton Nina Tucker Michael Barry Simms Schonda Kaye Jessie Brandon D. Turner Alternate Haskin Jones Tara A. Waters Dionne Rogers Sonya A. Lawyer Melanie White Frank S. Turner, II Robin J. Zellars

1990 1995 Alexi Auld Carey Closson 1993 Amatiombi Sekou Brown Candace Dodson Reginald Alston Tawanna Green Kacie Dorsey Nyema Barnes Varian Henry Nicole Green Damian J. Biggs Christa Allen-Henry Stacey Elliott Dana D. Johnson Lindewe Greenwood Gregory Long Lakenya Johnson Danita Shantell Jones Elana Mezile Lisa Alexis Leak Matthew J. Maddox Hendrick Middleton Jench Massaquoi Alcine Mumby Nathaniel Morton Tori Lyn Mills Imani Myles Nicole Samuels Stephanie Niblock Kevon Newman Stacey Tate Lagerald Pulley, II Ramses D. Rogers **Diceman Washington Michael A. Stewart Titia Shelton Kafi Waters Anika Thompson Alternates Shawna Williams Clinton J. Totten Nicole Cousin Alternates Adei Wallace Jamila A. Griffin Terrence Beale Angela West Anika Middleton Krystyll Gardner Tamekah West Michelle Angelique Willis Kirk Wise Tobias Lutterrodt Ayanna Parish Brigitte D. Yuille Alternates Vanessa Atterbeary 1996 Renard Brown Hilda Y. Afoakwah 1991 Jenna Bryant Kara Bland Kristen Jackson Daniel Burns Stephanie Bryant Sherrey Lowman Tanikka D. Carter Keri K. Farmer Milonda H. Mitchell Dedrick M. Dunbar Kanika Feaster Tshaka Warren Charlita C. Durham Alyssa Gamaldo Charles Gayle Shani Harris Brent Johnson Adia Hayes Oba McMillian Brian Howard Star M. Minott Naomi Johnson Diana M. Moore Karen Lowery Julia T. Parham Darrin Oduyoye Tencisha M. Pinkston Reginald Ray Stacy L. Spann Cherise Williams Randall P. Walters Alternate Candace S. Howell


***1997 2000 2002 Obenewa Amponsah Nicole Apollon LaShaun J. Belton Carroll E. Burley Angela C. Darity Kristen Clopton Traci Joy Gaskins Esosa S. Imoisili Sachelle R. Edwards Eliza Hammond Ivie I. Imoisili Aauturo M. Evans Maya C. Harris Morgan Kimble Vernon Hampton Mahogney Hutt Christopher Kojza Taneesha Derrick Jameson Keisha Jones A. Matthews Shannel Johnson Justine Lutterodt Terea T. McDaniel Tanvier Nicole Lee Coleen T. Parker William F. W. Merrick Brian C. Martin, Jr. Candice Savoy Dare Oguinfolaju Samatha E. McCoy Janice Sawyer Valerie I. Okehie Kea McKoy Keisha D. Slack Freddie L. Pruitt, III Dana Bradford-Melvin Le’Keishia S. Tyler Jason L. Robinson Thomas Ogar Leah Workneh Courtney M. Savoy Reese Brooks Phillips Alternates Sarah Smith Nydia Pouyes Dalphne Altema Kyla Sullivan Amelia D. Riddon Loreal N. Harvey Tanya Sullivan Terrence D. Showers Barrett D. Wragg Nicole Turner Connie Natalie Taylor Nia Yvonne McDonald Alternates Joi D. Thornton Marcus West Lauren N. Wethers Allison Stephenson 1998 Erika N. Stewart Alisha Banks Alisha Gray Fredric Biggs Kori A. Scott 2003 Assmaa El-Haggan Aneisha Andrews Megan Funches Monique S. Apollon Dominiece Lightfoot Cherise Clarkson Maurisha S, Macklin 2001 LaTia Douglas John O. Nwagbaraocha Brandon Lamont Barrett Victoria Eggleston Myrja Paul Kelly April Brooks Christopher B. Freeman Erin Taylor Marcus R. Bryant Dara Foster Alternates Tsega Girma Frederick D. Graham, III Summer V. Harvey Janelle Marie Gross Kendrick Gwynn Ila K. Gibson Ashley Brooks Harrington Staci Henderson Jamie Beale Lisa N. Headen Jarret Jeffery Jamila Morrow Brandon Moore Kori Johnson Genevieve C. Olds Heather Jones Leonie Prao Courtney Keaton Alternates Stacy McClurkin ***1999 Elise Ayeh Randal Brown Justin Elliot Pruitt Crystal Y. Blue Alycia N. Reddon Helena Dagadu Tamara M. Jackson Melissa Sims Kerica Marie Henlon Michelle L. Goddard Dennis Jerome Jackson Briana Stephenson Courtney Robinson Angel Kennedy Chmaika P. Mills Erica Camisha Tatum Danielle Terry Marlita Nina Taylor Lamont Thompson April Turner Alternates Melissa Madzel Nailah A. Jackson Rachel Casely-Hayford Stacey Stewart


2004 2006 2008 David C. Byron Courtney Andrews Alexandra Conway Kaili C. Darbouze Jamin Baty Alexia Carter Michael A. Gross Kennard Blackwell Raine Cunningham Omoye Imoisili Tashaine C. Campbell Chelsea Everett David C. Johnson Courtney D. Dockins Beverly Obenewaa Frimpong Latisha Jones Kamille I. Guinn Eviealle Dawkins-Griffith Lindsay Kadiri Britanny Harris Imani Henderson Lacy Liggins Matthew N. Harold Stephanie Hunter Tatum Manning Amber Henry Justin Montgomery Raemond A. Parrott Khaleila Iwuoha Whitney Plunkett Alexander Tyson Tanisha Montgomery Briana Rhim Marian Salisu Christopher Moore Brandon Walker Alisha Sanford Regis Murayi Andrea Williams Cory T. Sumpter Taleah Parker Kelli Wyatt

Whitney Terrill Kendra Parson Marjorie Tolson Kraig Peel Danielle Woodland Courtney Powell 2009 Shaynae Young Dennis Proctor, Jr. Ademola Ajimatanrareji Alternates Jonathan Waddy Lexie Britton Brandon Brooks David Warren Najae C. Collier Janelle Henry Alexandra Gordon Joelle Makon Alex Guinn Jesse Martin Cameron McAliley Andreas Mitchell Amber Montgomery Evan Olney 2005 2007 DiAndra S. Rocke Christopher Atkinson Rebekah Y. Best Rakia Stancil Jennifer Beckwith Nana Kwame Owusu-Boaitey Jonathan Stephenson Ashley Brooks Korinne Covington Faryn Wooten-el Kamau Collins Allison Gotcher Meghan Worsley Dana E. Christman Kristen Haley Jameson Zacharias Kele Marie Darbouze Stephen Hanley Chauncey D. Dockins, II Morgan Blake Harrington April Marie Dorsey Sia Henry 2010 Andre Durham Vanessa Hill Stephanie Akota Antonio D. Ervin Alyssa Johnson Tiffany Bell Whitney Fears Tyesha Johnson Justina Ahenkora Deborah Girma Bianca S. Mayo Christopher Cason Clayton Allan Graha Theresa McKay Gabrielle Cazeau Danielle Haley Angelica McKissack Cierra B. Colon Jasmine Hicks Alexa Morris Melissa Delia Monica Holloway Travis Payne Jordan Hagans Brandon Hutcherson Sean M. Perry Sean Haggerty Channing McKindra Quianna Roberts Cedric Hanley Johnny Montgomery Danielle R. Robinson Jonathan Hunter Miltonia K. Peal Maxine-Dianne Trusty Jelani Inc Chante Sessomes Alternates Haikeem Johnson Rachel Spivey Joshua D. Austin Rick’kell Johnson Kevin Tomlinson Samantha Tinkamanyire Courtney J. Kane Alycia Williams Tiffrany Kearns Taylor Kimble Josh Manley Olamide Orebamjo Oluwagbemiro Oyewole Anthony Ratliffe Jonathan Reynolds Marisa N. Robinson Naomi Wilcox


2011 2014 2016 Niwa Coleman Khalil Anderson Jasmine Edwards Olanike Grace Awotunde Julia Fuller Estrella Alleyne Adwoa Boateng Ashley Hayes Edem Awuku Rachel Day Rebecca Basena Kampi Nautica Burden Andrew Ellis Cordney Cameron Landers Kennedy Bowie Olusola Fadiran Joshua Montgomery Randall Britt Malerie Gamblin Kiara Moore Alexandra Ethridge Cristina Gregory Rhona Mutibwa Morgyn Farnum Courtney A. Hayes Dickson Poku Olivia Fortson Jordan Kerr Ericka Rocke Anisah Ingram Jeremy Lomas Metasebyaq Berhanu Tilahun Leah Jordan Casmerra Miles Justin Turner Isaiah Lemons Chineme Obiefune Naomi Lilly Nkechi Okoronkwo Jiana Lopez Talyn Parker Chryston Otubu Ross Evan Perdue Miracle Pedro 2012 Keana Simone Richards Alexis Roggerson Jonelle Allen Deion Richardson Maame Sapong Kaaya Allotey Ayauna White Alex Scott Joury D. Bell Tiffany Margaret Wood Patrick Sinisterra Ciera Boyd Brooke Tucker Jabari Canada Craven Wright Isaiah Dupree 2015 Danielle Ellis Morgan Fleming Ainsley W. Ashman Alternates Sowa Imoisili Travia Belton Raynna Nkwanyuo Brittani A. Borden Zakiya Ince Nkem Nwogbo Khelli Bryant Heather Lauture Oreoluwa Oluseye Stefen B. Chavis JhorDan Sykes Khristin Charity Jenelle Williams Olulola Fadiran Kai Young Miles Julian Franklin Ari Harris 2017 Phillip Dean Hilliard Damiel Jacques 2013 Di’en N. Jenkins Ayomilekan Akinbinu Christopher Daniel Johnson Erik Anderson Myrrh-Illia-Arobo Kwabena Bofah Douglas L. Chambers Lliana Jones Shontese Kidd Naomi Carter Maya Durham Nicholas Claud Olutomiwa Fadiran Joshua M. Lancaster Jennifer Lucas Zarina Davies Abena Frempong Edima Essien Jared K. Hagans Jeily Mata Destinee Mbangu Ayana Latimore Emma K. Hughes Cire Nicholson Elisha Miller Justin McCree Anna Mitchell Alex Okafor Kehinde Oyekanmi Kendra Phillips Gentry Pack Alana Ratliffe Isaiah Stokes Kirsten Phillips Cassandra Pope Asha Rogers Aaron Robertson Ashli Tiara Taylor Montria Walker Sherise Scott Akilah Rogers Xavier Wabara Xavier Scott Amber Wynne Kristen Smith Mohammed Yahaya Tanae Smith Diara L. Urey Khalaya Wilson

16 2018 2020

Allysa Carvalho-Anderson Anjayooluwa Adegboyo Cameron Anderson Iman R. Ahmed Mary Asubonten Allison Alston Sierra Burrison Tatum Anderson Madison Charity Darian Avery Austin Collier Chelsea Baker Ryan Davis London Cobb Lathdeus Dortch Garland Crosby Diana Ferdinand Clifton Cunningham Nathaniel Gilmore III Aniya Diggs Samantha Hall Allen Dixon Malik Hassan Amaiyah K. Epps Obinna Nwaeve Jacob Ethridge Kafayat Oyinlola Brooke Foyles Bradley Pierre Noni Grimes Nyla Kai Gruning Seth Ragin Maria Ramsey Moktar Juury Ka Jenaye Rivers Jonathan Marter Maya Smithson Oluwaseyi Omotoye Emmanuel Stokes Aaron E. Price, Jr. Jaidyn Sykes Jeffrey Sims John Smithson Charles Thompson, Jr. Summer Williams William Sykes Ellis Wright Jessica Turner Jacob T. Uwimana


Oluwamayowa Aj imatanrareje “Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be Chelsea Amihere wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things Nia Anderson and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks Tyler Autrey behind perfectionism”. --Dr. David M. Burns Oluwasemilore Ayo-Gbenjo

Makenna Burns Amaya Collins Javon Daniel Kaia Godsey Delaney Haggins

Daniel Kundrat

Chelsea Mikal

Ayana Monroe

Maxwell Myers

Aniyah Nelson

Sydney Quan

Austen Roberson

Sheridyn Rouse *Deceased **Two Awards Merina Seldon ***Additional money was raised after the Awards Ciana Swain Program, and we were able to give the first, Chider Umeozulu Second and third alternates a $1,000 Scholarship Brandon Williams


Carnell Williams Host – Video Conferencing


Normally, this program would be held in a local venue here in Howard County. However, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and in compliance with CDC and STATE OF MARYLAND orders and guide- lines, the program today is being conducted via VIDEO Conferencing. Since this is a video conference, we ask that you please adhere to the following: • Ensure that you are in a quiet place • If you are not speaking, put your microphone on mute. • Distractions that become detrimental to this program may result in participant’s removal. We have with us today 27 of the brightest minds in Howard County. This is because of the generosity of our community that this Foundation is able to recognize these students and provide scholarships and book awards to support their academic goals. This is also the Foundation’s 40th year of celebrating our OUR students. Over that time, you the community have helped us support over 800 students with more than $887 in scholarships and book awards. Finally, we hope that you will join us in future campaigns to support our students.

18 Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc. 2020 Scholarship Awards Program Sunday, May 17, 2020

Celebrating 40 Years of Awarding Scholarships

Introduction and Moderator………………………………………………………….Carnell Williams

Invocation……………………………………………………………………………………..Rev. Sadie Woolford

Annual Report……………………………………………………………………………….Janice Lopez, Pharm. D President

Introduction of Scholarship Candidates…………………………………………Mrs. Rose Waters

Scholarship Lottery Drawing Format……………………………………………..Janice Lopez, Pharm. D

Special Awards………………………………………………………………………………Shafonya Turner, M.D.

Scholarship Lottery Drawing………………………………………………………….Janice Lopez, Pharm. D

Remarks and Acknowledgements………………………………………………….Doug Handy Vice President

Benediction……………………………………………………………………………………Rev. Sadie Woolford


Once it has been determined that an applicant meets the scholarship criteria, he or she becomes certified and eligible for the lottery. The Foundation believes the lottery system is an equitable method of dispensing scholarships. Students who receive full scholarships from another source are not eligible to receive a scholarship from the Foundation.

Students are listed alphabetically and the number preceding their name is their lottery number. Numbers are drawn until the funds are exhausted. The student, or an adult designee, must be present to win. Alternates are selected to take the place of those who may be unable to accept their award.

20 Scholarship Candidates

Atholton Centennial

1. London Cobb 3. Darian Avery 2. Clifton L. Cunningham, II 4. Noni Grimes

Glenelg Country School. Hammond 5. Aniya Diggs 6. Jesuseyi Oyeyemi

Howard Long Reach 7. Anjayooluwa Adegboyo 9. Iman R. Ahmed 8. Garland Crosby 10. Jacob Ethridge 11. Moktar Juury Ka 12. Jeffrey Sims 13. John R. Smithson 14. Montrae Williams

Marriotts Ridge Mount Hebron

15. Nyla Kai Gruning 18. Allen Dixon 16 Oluwaseyi Omotoye 19. Brooke Foyles 17. Jessica Turner

Mount Saint Joseph Oakland Mills

20. William Sykes 21. Amaiyah K. Epps

Reservoir River Hill

22. Allison Alston 27. Chelsea Baker 23. Tatum Anderson 24. Jonathan Marter 25. Aaron E. Price, Jr. 26 Jacob T. Uwimana Set your goals high and and don’t let anybody tell you no. Muriel Siebert


You may keep a record of the drawing by listing the names as they are called

No. in Program Amount Recipient Contributor/s 1 $1,500 London Cobb Foundation in memory of Ernestine Jones 2 $1,600 Clifton Cunningham Jack & Jill 3 $1,500 Darian Avery Jean Somerville, Family & Friends 4 $1,500 Noni Grimes Yvonne Harrison 5 $1,500 Aniya Diggs Albertha Workman, Family & Friends 6 Absent 7 $1,600 Anjayooluwa Adegboyo Vickie Manning & Children 8 $1,500 Garland Crosby Carnell Williams & Family 9 $1,600 Iman R. Ahmed Dorothea Baity, Family & Friends 10 $1,500 Jacob Ethridge Howard County Chapter, NHAA, Inc. 11 $2,000 Moktar Juury Ka Howard County Center for African American Culture 12 $2,500 Jeffrey Sims Dr. Genevieve Knight 13 $1,525 John Smithson Jean Somerville, Family & Friends 14 Absent 15 $1,500 Nyla Kai Gruning Gloria Williams & Daughters 16 $1,600 Oluwaseyi Omotoye Jack & Jill 17 $1,500 Jessica Turner Foundation in memory of William “Bill” Lewis 18 $1,500 Allen Dixon Fannie Avery & Friends & the Foundation 19 $1,500 Brooke Foyles Hugo Jackson (father) 20 $1,500 William Sykes Drs. LeeRoy & Yvonne Bronner 21 $1,500 Amaiyah K. Epps Foundation 22 $1,500 Allison Alston Foundation 23 $1,500 Tatum Anderson Omega Psi Phi Fraternity & the Foundation 24 $1,500 Jonathan Marter Hugo Jackson (mother) 25 $1,500 Aaron E. Price, Jr. Foundation 26 $1,500 Jacob T. Uwimana Foster Henry 27 $1,500 Chelsea Baker Foundation

All money raised from July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 is given away in scholarships. As a result of money raised after the May 17th Program, each scholarship recipient will receive an additional $83.64.


2020 Contributions Received Alice Cornelison Dynanet Corporation Platinum ($1,000 or Greater) Frenzela Credle Bettye Culpepper Dorothea Baity Cloyd & Patricia Dodson Drs. LeeRoy & Yvonne Bronner Samuel Dove Howard County Center for African American Sandra E. Edgecombe Culture The McCullough Family Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Columbia Chapter Bettye Fennell Yvonne Harrison James & Helen Fitzpatrick Foster Henry Farris Forsythe Hugo Jackson Charlotte Gordon Jack & Jill, Columbia Chapter C. Vernon Gray Genevieve Knight, Ph.D Darrah F. Hall Vickie, Billy & Valerie Manning James & Yvonne Harrison Howard County Maryland Chapter Rachman Harrison (National Hampton Alumni Association, Inc.) Gloria Williams & Daughters Jacqueline Hilson James Hoffman, Jr. GOLD ($500 - $999) Charles & Gail Howell Sandra Hudson Ramsey Alexander, Jr. Diane Hunter Fannie Avery Louis W. Jones Mary Boyd Andrew & Celissi Klugh (Memory of Ernestine Jones) Bradley & Shauna Lewis Regina Davis Cook Mavis Polson Lewis Gloria Owens Jesse & Janice Lopez Bertha Richardson Allycia & Justin Lottie Dr. Kathy Robie-Suh Barbara Love Deidre Sykes Joseph Mason Shafonya Turner, M.D. Prenard Mickens Carnell Williams Ann Neale Elsie Page SILVER ($250 - $499) Elisabeth Rice Billye Sanford Pamela Battle James & Barbara Scott Alice Clark Clint & JoAnne Sellers Sidney & Helen Holmes Whatever Services, LLC Community Foundation of Howard County (In Honor of David Barrett) Phyllis Sharps Vergie Pope Levonna Sheppard Lauren Reyes Susan Simeon Jean Somerville Audrey Smith Dennis & Sharon Stephens George & Frances Smith Calvin & Rosalind Thompson Mildred Smith-Evans & Geraldine Smith Kimberly Turner, M. D. Phyllis Thomas David Witherspoon Jackie & Elwood Thornton, III LaBonè Workman Rev. Ostein Truitt Kwame &Tracy Workman Twig Consignment Shop Leonard S. Vaughan (BRONZE ($100 - $249) Jerry & Judy Warfield Rose Waters Robin Abello Katura Weatherspoon Tracy Anderson (Memory of Jimmy Weatherspoon) Herb West, Ph.D Carl & Delores Barham Drs. John & Roxanne Wheatland Darlene C. Barnett Geraldine & Coleslee Wiggins Mae A. Beale Harold L. Williams Barbara Brown Ella Witherspoon Dr. Jesse Paul Clay Albertha Workman


BASIC ($52 – 99) Golden Hearts Memory of Gloria Owens (Sister—Margaret Butler Caufield) Sheryl Lewis Anderson Golden Hearts Althea Bates (Memory of James Smith, brother of Ella Witherspoon)) Cynthia Brown Golden Hearts Paul W. Brown Jr. (Memory of Rayfield Avery, Jr., husband of Fannie Avery) Helen & Brice Burgess Golden Hearts W. Ruth Conway (Memory of Charles Somerville, husband Michele Crosby of Jean Somerville) Fran Henderson Susan Defibaugh Joyce Henderson Oletha Devane Emily Holthaus Cynthia Durant Eloise Hunt Aubrey Edwards Michelle Becote-Jackson Maureen & Anthony Gomez Martin & Joanne Johnson Robert & Alma Goodman Tina LeBaron Fred & Beryl Graham Mary MacPherson V. Jane Green Laurie Markoff Doug Handy Danese Moore Joyce Harris Barbara O’Neal Deborah Hayes Rubye Rhodes Theodore E. King Ernest & Gloria Robb Angela Klugh Shirley Robinson Peter Kojzar Andrea M. Williams Michael & Patricia McPherson Annette M. Williams Beverly W. Moore Elizabeth M. Wolfe Stephanie Munn Im Power Me Now Contributions to the Endowment Fund Fred & Dianne Oliver John Pasteur Trend Setter ($100 and Above) Gloria, Lonnie & Sean Perry James A. Powell Bettye Culpepper Marlene Rhim Sandra Edgecombe Camille Scott Leslie Smith Turner Strivers ($50 - $99) Maurice & Tammy Walton Ben & Lestine Williams Dorothea Baity Marilyn & Michael Williams Dianne & Fred Oliver Rev. Sadie Woolford Dr. Kathy Robie-Suh Arnettia Wyre Friends ($49 or Less) CONTRIBUTIONS ($51 or Less) Cynthia Durant Gladys Boyd Rosemary Fitzgerald Christine Buffaloe Tammy Jones Foyles Beverly W. Byron & Family Queen & Walt Carr Carolyn H. Cole Columbia Chapter, Epicureans Rosemary Fitzgerald Alton & Charlotte Fleming

Pamela Fleming Sunshine Fund (Memory of Charles Somerville) Sunshine Fund (Memory of Nate Frazier) Alyssa Gamaldo Iris Garrett

24 $40 Challenge to the

During the fall of 2019, board members were challenged to get 40 people to contribute $40 ($1 per each anniversary year) to be added to our Fund. This challenged ended on December 31st. Listed below are the participants and amount raised by each board member.

Jean Somerville - $730 Darrah Hall - $150 John & Brenda Allen Fannie Avery Joyce Baughn Donal & Sally Hogan William & Eloise Lee Theodore & Barbara Reynolds Lee-Com Media SVCS, LLC Patricia Speights Ronald & Sheila Yancey

Albertha Workman – $725 Carnell Williams - $80 Rutena Blake Heather Lentz Sheryl Ellison-Blue Carnell Williams Johnnie Belle Boddie Alice P. Clark Rosemary Fitzgerald - $65 Angela L. Corbin Rosemary Fitzgerald Ndubisi & Tracy Ekoh Lisa Thompson Kathy Headen Gloria Holley Janice Lopez - $50 Michael Jackson Bruce A. Malson Hugo Jackson - $40 Barbara Murdock Jessica Rush Bernice L. Williams Gloria T. Williams Angela Klugh - $40 Albertha Workman Stephanie Abel

Mavis Lewis - $460 Stephanie Munn - $40 Nathaniel & Barbara Daise Damian Owens James Hammond Russell & Maria Hopewell Betty Ledbetter Allen & Gail Lewis Jerilyn Roberts Geraldine Smith Pauline Woolford

25 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND Contributions received too late to appear in the 2019 program


Hugo Jackson Omega Psi Phi Fraternity SILVER ($250 - $499)

Aurora Trigg

BRONZE ($100 - $249)

Doug Handy Robert W. Hoffman, Jr. Joynes Funeral Home, Inc. Jean West Lewis Additions Plus, Inc. Sheila Yancey

BASIC ($52 - $99)

M. L. Jordan Bradley & Shauna Lewis Maurice & Tammy Walton

CONTRIBUTIONS ($51 or less)

Peter Axelrod Beverly Y. Byron

26 $1,500 or Greater

Memorial and Honor Scholarships (Honor scholarships are in red and Memorial Scholarships are in blue.)

The individuals/organizations listed below contributed a minimum of $1,500 to fund a full scholarship.

Dorothea Baity, Family & Friends Drs. LeeRoy and Yvonne Bronner Howard County Center of African American Culture, Inc. Yvonne Harrison Hugo Jackson in Memory of Mother Ernestine Jones (HCFBECA, Inc.) William “Bill” Lewis (HCFBECA, Inc.) Vickie Manning and Children (Billy and Valerie) Jean Somerville, Family & Friends (2) Carnell Williams and Family Gloria T. Williams and Daughters (Kim, Paula and Shawna) Albertha Workman, Family & Friends Howard County Maryland Chapter (National Hampton Alumni Association) Foster Henry Hugh Jackson in Honor of Father Jack and Jill (2) Genevieve Knight, Ph. D

The number after the name represents two scholarships given by the individual/organization.


Remembered with Love

A. Thomas Baity

He took in all the wonders of life, wrapped them in a colorful package and gave it to us. We'll miss you! Contributions from Family and Friends

Dorothea Baity Michael Baity Barbara Love Shirley Robinson Deidre Baity Sykes & Keith Sykes JhorDan & Jaidyn Sykes

Drs. LeeRoy & Yvonne Bronner Scholarship In Memory of

Odinga Lawrence Maddox

Memories are the flowers in the garden of life.

Your Cousin, LeeRoy & Yvonne

Gone, but not forgotten!

Howard County Center of African American Culture Inc.

Founded in 1987, by the late Wylene Burch.

The Howard County Center of African American Culture Inc. is an independent, non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the collection, preservation and interpretation of African American history and culture of Howard County Maryland and the surrounding region. The Howard County Center of African American Culture has over 1,000 artifacts, memorabilia, and murals depicting African American life in rural Howard County and elsewhere over a span of 200 years. Its Children’s Library consists of books, objects, and periodicals by and about African Americans.

Located at: 5434 Vantage Point Rd Columbia , MD 21044

HOURS: Tuesday through Friday: 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Saturday: Noon – 4 p.m. And by special appointment CALL: (410) 715-1921

Principal Officer: Dr. Everlene Cunningham Group Tours by Appointment

In Memory of Belle Spearman

(Mother of Board Member, Yvonne Harrison)

“There are no goodbyes, wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Your daughter, Yvonne

Scholarhip in Memory of

Mary Joynes Jackson

“If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” --Claudia Ghandi

Your son, Hugo

In Loving Memory of Founding Member Ernestine M. Jones

(Your memories live on forever in our hearts)


The Foundation Honors the Memory of Founding Member

William “Bill” Lewis

For 20 years of exemplary service as President of the Foundation with an annual HCFBECA Board scholarship.

Time passes, love remains. The HCFBECA Board


William Manning First African-American to serve on the Howard County School Board

When someone you love becomes a memory……that memory becomes a treasury.

Your loving family, Wife: Vickie Daughter: Valerie Son: Billy

In loving you, we are gifted with memories that can never die.

Charles Somerville

We hold you close within our hearts, and there you will remain until we meet again.

Contributions from Family and Friends

Dorothea Baity Christine Buffaloe Carolyn H. Cole Frenzela R. Credle Sandra E. Edgecombe Columbia Chapter Epicureans Pamela Fleming Alton & Charlotte Fleming HCFBECA Sunshine Fund Darrah F. Hall Rahman Harrison James & Yvonne Harrison Golden Hearts Joyce Henderson Sidney & Helen Holmes Emily Holthaus Michelle Becote-Jackson Martin & JoAnn Johnson Mavis Polson Lewis Barbara Love Mary McPherson Michal & Patricia McPherson Prenard Mickens Danese Moore Vergie Pope Lauren Reyes Rubye Rhodes Ernest & Gloria Robb Clint & JoAnn Sellers Susan Simeon George & Frances Smith Jean Somerville Kimberly Somerville Eric & Nelle Somerville Coleslee & Geraldine Wiggins Ben & Lestine Williams

Gone, but not Forgotten!

This Photo by Unknown Author is This Photo by Unknown Author is Scholarship in memory of S. Q. Williams & Vicki Williams

Memories are the flowers in the garden of life. Your loving family,

Pamela Battle Marcus Battle Alycia & Justin Lottie Andrea Williams Annette Williams Lucille Williams Marshall Williams Marilyn & Michael Williams Carnell Williams

Scholarship in loving memory of Elehue Williams

Deep in our hearts you are fondly remembered, Sweet, happy memories cling round your name; True hearts that loved you with deepest affection, Always will love you in death just the same.

He will remain in our hearts forever.

Your loving wife, Gloria and daughters, Kim, Paula and Shawna Scholarship in Memory of James F. Workman (The late husband of board member, Albertha Workman)

Contributions from family and friends

Gladys Boyd Alice Clark Alice Cornelison Alma J. & Robert T. Goodman, Sr. Gloria D. Owens Elsie R. Page Albertha Workman Kwame & Tracy Workman LeBonè Workman

The memory of a good person is a blessing. Proverbs 10:7

offers a $1,500 scholarship to a student who plans to matriculate at Hampton University

Hampton University is nestled along the banks of the Virginia Peninsula, near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.

Motto: "The Standard of Excellence, An Education for Life."

Contact us at: Follow us on Facebook: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/NHAACOLUMBIAMD [email protected]

Scholarship in Honor of His Daughters

who have excelled and made him a proud father

Amber Henry Sia Henry 2006 2007 Contributed by Foster Henry

The love between a parent and children is ALWAYS and FOREVER.

Scholarship in HONOR of my father Hugo Jackson, Sr.

It is not possible to be a great father until a person becomes a great human being, and dad, you are both.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND for everything.

Your son,


Columbia, MD Chapter

Jack and Jill of America, Inc. founded in 1938, is the oldest and largest African American family organization in the United States, with more than 200 chapters nationwide. The Columbia, Maryland Chapter was chartered in 1970 and has become an integral part of the Howard County community, exposing children to educational, legislative and cultural opportunities promoting the importance of community services, and helping to develop leadership skills and life-long friendships.

HCFBECA Inc. is overwhelmed by your generosity of $3,200, presenting two scholarships (male and female) at $1,600 each.

Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen --Unknown A Special to Genevieve M. Knight, Ph. D

A strong supporter of the Foundation since 2005

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back. — Maya Angelou

Thank you Dr. Knight for your commitment to the education of African- American students and our mission.

Graduation, a conclusion of one chapter, a beginning of another ---Catherine Pulsifer

(Additional Information)

28 History of Special Givers

Date Giver Memory/Honor/Grant to Foundation Amount Total Given 2002 A. Thomas & Dorothea Baity, Family & Friends Memory of Waverly Roberson Mother of Dorothea Baity $500.00 2003-2006 A. Thomas & Dorothea Baity Memory of Waverly Roberson Mother of Dorothea Baity $500.00 $2,000.00 2009 Albertha Workman, Family & Friends Memory of James Workman, husband of Albertha $2,193.00 2010 Albertha Workman, Family & Friends Memory of James Workman, husband of Albertha $1,200.00 2011 - 2019 Albertha Workman, Family & Friends Memory of James Workman, husband of Albertha $2,000.00 $18,000.00 2020 Albertha Workman, Family & Friends Memory of James Workman, husband of Albertha $1,500.00 2016 - 2017 Alice Frazier In honor of son, Kevin Frazier $500.00 $1,000.00 Memory of James Workman (Added with Family and Friends of James 2016 Alice P. Clark Workman) $500.00 1991 Alma Stephens Memory of husband, James L. Stephens, Sr., DDS $500.00 1992-1994 Alma Stephens Memory of husband, James L. Stephens, Sr., DDS $500.00 $1,500.00 1998 Alma Stephens Memory of husband, James L. Stephens, Sr., DDS $500.00 2016 Alma Stephens and Children, Stephanie & Michael Memory of husband and father, James L. Stephens, Sr, DDS $1,000.00

2014-2015 Alma Stephens and children, Stephanie Michael & Family Memory of husband and father $1,500.00 $3,000.00

2018 Angela Klugh, Family and Friends Memory of Angela's mother & founding member, Ernestine Jones $3,407.00 1992, 1995 Associated Black Charities Granted to the Foundation $5,000.00 $10,000.00 1993 Associated Black Charities Granted to the Foundation $7,000.00

2006-2014 Aurora Cook Trigg Memory of Otis & Lucy Cooke, Parents of Aurora $500.00 $4,500.00 2016-2017 Aurora Cook Trigg Memory of Otis & Lucy Cooke, Parents of Aurora $500.00 $1,000.00 1997-2008 Barbara A. Reynolds, Darrah Hall Given in memory of sister, Paula Weakley $500.00 $6,000.00 2010 Barbara Love Memory of husband, Ltc. USA Retired, Sam Love $500.00 2004 Bill and Sadie Fletcher Memory of son, Reginald Fletcher $500.00 2016 Brenda McKoy and Joan Williams Memory of their sister, Delores McKoy $1,000.00 2014-2015 Carnell & Arnette Williams Given in memory of Carnell's sister-in-law $1,500 $3,000.00 2016--2020 Carnell & Arnette Williams Given in memory of Carnell's father & sister-in-law $1,500.00 $7,500.00 2006 Charles Brown Memory of wife, Shirley Vining-Brown $5,000.00 2014, 2016 Charles E. Dorsey A strong supporter of the Foundation and its mission $500.00 $1,000.00 2005-2007 Charlotte Beckenstein Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,500.00 2006 Christine Diaz-Malone Granted to the Foundation $800.00 2007-2008 Christine Diaz-Malone Granted to the Foundation $640.00 $1,280.00 2006 Club DeJouir Granted to the Foundation $500.00 2009 Clyde Mayhan Construction Granted to the Foundation $600.00

1 History of Special Givers

Date Giver Memory/Honor/Grant to Foundation Amount Total Given 2007 Colleen Smith & Collette Gabbidon Memory of Clinton Ray Smith $700.00

2000-2006 Columbia Chapter, National Hampton Alumni Association Student who plans to attend Hampton University $500.00 $3,500.00

2008-2010 Columbia Chapter, National Hampton Alumni Association Student who plans to attend Hampton University $1,000.00 $3,000.00

2015-2016 Columbia Chapter, National Hampton Alumni Association Student who plans to attend Hampton University $1,500.00 $3,000.00 1993-1998 Columbia Sportsmen Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $3,000.00 2000-2005 Columbia Sportsmen Granted to the Foundation $500.00 2006 Columbia Sportsmen Two adopted students at $500 each $1,000.00 2007-2009 Columbia Sportsmen Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,000.00 2002-2016 Continental Societies, Inc., Columbia Chapter Memory of Sarah Clark who lost her life in 911 crash $1,000.00 $15,000.00

2016-2019 Continental Society, Inc. Southeast Howard-Laurel Chapter Granted to the Foundation $1,500.00 $6,000.00 1998 Cora T. Walker Memory of sister, Ida Williams $500.00 1998 Daisy Saunders Memory of father, David Moye $500.00 2009 Daniel and Norah Burns Granted to the Foundation $500.00 2010 David and Robin Steele Granted to the Foundation $500.00 2012-2013 David and Robin Steele Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,000.00 2015 David and Robin Steele Granted to the Foundation $500.00 2005-2006 David Rakes Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,000.00 1987-2011 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Memory of Gilda W. Lewis $1,000.00 $25,000.00 2012-2019 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Memory of Gilda W. Lewis $1,500.00 $12,000.00 2010 Delton and Sherry Atkinson Adopted a student to assist in continuing their education $500.00 2009 Donald L. Cash Granted to the Foundation $500.00 Memory of A. Thomas Baity, husband of Dorothea and daughter. Deidre-- Dorothea Baity, Deidre & Michael & Friends 2019 Board members & Friends $2,000.00 Memory of A. Thomas Baity, husband of Dorothea and daughter, Deidre, Dorothea Baity, Deidre & Michael & Friends 2020 Board members & Friends $1,600.00 2003, 2010 Dorothy V. Harris Honor of husband, Oliver Harris $500.00 $1,000.00

2014 Doug Handy and Family Memory of Board Member, Doug Handy's grandmother, O'Nell C. Henry $1,500.00 1992-2000 Dr. Martin & JoAnn Johnson Two Adopted Students at $500 each $1,000.00 $9,000.00

2006, 2013-2014 Dr. Martin & JoAnn Johnson Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,500.00 2015 Dr. Martin & JoAnn Johnson Memory of JoAnn's mother, Malona Clinkscales $500.00 2016-2018 Dr. Martin & JoAnn Johnson Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,500.00 2010-2011 Drs. Gerald and Jocelyn Apollon Adopted a student in appreciation for education $500.00 $1,000.00

2 History of Special Givers

Date Giver Memory/Honor/Grant to Foundation Amount Total Given 1998 Dr. LeeRoy Bronner Granted to the Foundation $500.00 1999 Dr. LeeRoy Bronner Honor of wife, Yvonne Bronner $1,000.00 2000 - 2003 Drs. LeeRoy & Yvonne Bronner Granted to the Foundation $1,000.00 $4,000.00 2006 - 2008 Drs. LeeRoy & Yvonne Bronner Granted to the Foundation $1,000.00 $3,000.00 2012 - 2016 Drs. LeeRoy & Yvonne Bronner Granted to the Foundation $1,000.00 $5,000.00 2018 Drs. LeeRoy and Yvonne Bronner Memory of LeeRoy's brother, James Wessley Bronner $1,500.00 2019 Drs. LeeRoy and Yvonne Bronner Memory of Yvonne's Parents, Drew & Carrie Cade $1,500.00 2020 Drs. LeeRoy and Yvonne Bronner Memory of LeeRoy's Cousin, William Sykes $1,500.00 2019 Elva Belton Grant to the Foundation $500.00 1994 Family and Friends Memory of Walter Caldwell $500.00 2006 Family and Friends Memory of Robert L. Anderson $630.00 2007 Family and Friends Memory of Samuel Moore $670.00 2018 Family and Friends Memory of Alma Stephens $2,225.00 2011-2012 Family, Classmates and Friends Memory of William "Bill" Lewis, awarded in 2013 $2,513.00 2015 Family, Classmates and Friends Memory of William "Bill" Lewis $2,000.00 2020 Fannie Avery & Friends Memory of Her late husband, Rafield Avery, Jr. $775.00 2010 Foster Henry Endorses our efforts to support outstanding students $500.00 2012-2013 Foster Henry Endorses our efforts to support outstanding students $1,000.00 $2,000.00 2014-2020 Foster Henry Endorses our efforts to support outstanding students $1,500.00 $10,500.00 2005-2008 Genevieve M. Knight, Ph.D Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $2,000.00 2009 Genevieve M. Knight, Ph.D Granted to the Foundation 1,200.00 2010 Genevieve M. Knight, Ph.D Granted to the Foundation $500.00 2011-2016 Genevieve M. Knight, Ph.D Granted to the Foundation $1,000.00 $6,000.00 2017-2018 Genevieve M. Knight, Ph.D Granted to the Foundation $2,000.00 $4,000.00 2019 - 2020 Genevieve M. Knight, Ph.D Grantd to the Foundation $2,500.00 $5,000.00 2014 Gloria T. Williams & daughters Given in memory of husband & father, Elehue Williams $1,500.00 2015 Gloria T. Williams Given in memory of husband and father, Elehue Williams $700.00 2016-2020 Gloria T. Williams and daughters Given in memory of husband and father, Elehue Williams $1,500.00 $7,500.00 1983 HCFBECA, Inc. Memory of James F. Cooper, MD $1,000.00 2011-2020 HCFBECA, Inc. Given by the Foundation in memory of William "Bill" Lewis $1,500.00 1999-2000 Herbert & Sheran Wilkins Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,000.00 2001 Herbert & Sheran Wilkins Two students, $500 each $1,000.00

2017-2020 Howard Co. Chapter, NHAA, Inc. (Formerly Columbia Chapter) Student who plans to attend Hampton University $1,500 $6,000.00 2015-2019 Howard Co. Ctr of African American Culture Memory of Wylene Burch, CEO and Director $1,000.00 $5,000.00 2020 Howard County Center for African-American Culture Memory of Wylene Burch, CEO & Director $2,000.00 2019 Hugo Jackson, Family & Friends Memory of Hugo's mother, Mary Joynes Jackson $1,700.00

3 History of Special Givers

Date Giver Memory/Honor/Grant to Foundation Amount Total Given 2020 Hugo Jackson Memory of his mother, Mary Joynes Jackson $1,500.00 2005 Jack & Jill of America, Columbia Chapter A male and a female student @ $1,000 each $2,000.00 2006 Jack & Jill of America, Columbia Chapter A male and a female student @ $1,200 each $2,400.00 2007 Jack & Jill of America, Columbia Chapter A male and a female student @ $2,200 each $4,400.00 2008 Jack & Jill of America, Columbia Chapter Granted to the Foundation $1,500.00 2010 Jack & Jill of America, Columbia Chapter A male and a female student at $1,750 each $3,500.00 2011 Jack and Jill of America, Columbia Chapter A male and a female student at $1,000 each $2,000.00 2012 Jack and Jill of America, Columbia Chapter A male or female student $1,000.00 2013 Jack and Jill of America, Columbia Chapter A male and a female student at $2,100 each $4,200.00 2018 - 2020 Jack and Jill of America, Columbia Chapter A male and a female student at $1,600 each $3,200.00 $9,600.00

1999-2000, 2003 James & Mary Peay Memory of Albert Peay & Ronald Coleman $1,000.00 $3,000.00 2016 James Hawkins Granted to the Foundation $500.00 2020 Jean Somerville, Family & Friends Memory of her late husband, Charles $1,525 2020 Jean Somerville, Family & Friends Memory of late husband, Charles $1,500.00 1996-1998 Jennifer P. Singleton Honor of Debra Harvard & Memory of Hope $500.00 $1,500.00 1999 Jennifer P. Singleton Honor of Mother, Jean Singleton $500.00 2000 Jennifer P. Singleton Honor of Husband, Mark Ciccarello $500.00 2001, 2003 Jennifer P. Singleton Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,000.00 2002 Jennifer P. Singleton Honor of son, Mark Ciccarello $500.00 2015 Jordan Hagans 2010 recipient, reaching back to help others $500.00

2012, 2019 -2020 Kathy M. Robie-Suh Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,500.00 2018 Kellie Ware Memory of Henry A. Jackson $500.00 2002 Kevin and Andrea Frazier Memory of Kevin's grandparents, Lucille & Peter Poinsette $500.00 2010 Marvin and Marcia Thomas Contributor because of their belief in education $720.14 2002-2010 Mavis & William Lewis Memory of Polson & Lewis Families $500.00 $4,500.00 2011 Mavis Lewis Memory of Polson and Lewis Families $500.00 1999 Melissa Earle Granted to the Foundation $500.00 1989-1998 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hoffman, Jr. Memory of parents, Azalee & Robert Hoffman, Sr. $500.00 $5,000.00 2000, 2003 Myrna & Floyd Malveaus, MD Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,000.00 2005, 2007 Myrna & Floyd Malveaux, MD Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,000.00 2004 National Assoc. of Women Business Owners Granted to the Foundation $500.00 1996-2003 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut $500.00 $4,000.00 2004 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut $1,000.00 2006-2007 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut $1,000.00 $2,000.00 2008 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut $500.00

4 History of Special Givers

Giver Memory/Honor/Grant to Foundation Amount Total Given 2009 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut $1,000.00 2012-2013 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut $1,000.00 $2,000.00 2014 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Endowment Fund $1,000.00

2015-2016,2018- Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut 2019 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 2017 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut $1,500.00 2020 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Memory of Ronald McNair, Astronaut $1,000.00 2014 Raven Power Given to a male or female studenty $1,000.00 2015-2016 Raven Power Given to a male or female student $1,500.00 $3,000.00 2015-2017 Regina D. Cook Memory of parents, Elston and Lillian Davis $500.00 $1,500.00 2018 Regina D. Cook Memory of parents, Elston and Lillian Davis $600.00 2019 Regina D. Cook Memory of parents, Elston and Lillian Davis $750.00 1990 Robert A. Jones Memory of his father, Walter Jones, Sr. $500.00 1998 Robert Clay Granted to the Foundation $500.00 1979 Robert Harper Memory of Delores P. Harper $1,000.00 2006-2007 Rochell and Melvina Brown Honor of five sons who are college graduates $1,500.00 $3,000.00

2017-2018 Ronald and Hortense Britt Given in memory of their parents, Shirley Britt and Elizabeth Redd $1,000.00 $2,000.00 2000-2015 Rotary Club of Columbia Patuxent Granted to the Foundation $27,000.00 2017 Sadie Woolford, (Rev.) Memory of her late husband, Llewellyn $500.00 2017-2018 Shafonya Turner, M.D. Granted to the Foundation $500.00 $1,000.00 2019 Shafonya Turner, M.D. Granted to the Foundation $1,000.00 2020 Shafonya Turner, M.D. Granted to the Foundation $600.00 2000-2006 Stephanie Stephens, MD Memory of father, James L. Stephens, DDS $500.00 $3,500.00 2009-2012 Stephanie Stephens, MD Memory of father, James L. Stephens, DDS $500.00 $2,000.00 1993 for Howard County Granted to the Foundation $1,000.00 2000 Thomas Land Cleaning Company Granted to the Foundation $1,000.00 2011 TwentyFiveFortyFive An initiative of the Columbia Foundation. $1,500.00 2008 Upper Room Fellowship Center Granted to the Foundation $2,700.00 2009 Upper Room Fellowship Center Granted to the Foundation $1,000.00 1994 Vickie Manning, Family & Friends Memory of husband, William Manning $500.00 1995-1997 Vickie Manning Memory of husband, William Manning $500.00 $1,500.00 1999-2011 Vickie Manning Memory of husband, William Manning $500.00 $6,500.00 2013-2015 Vickie Manning Memory of husband, William Manning $500.00 $150,000 2016 Vickie Manning & son, Billy Memory of husband & father, William Manning $750.00 2017 -2019 Vickie Manning and Children, Billy and Valerie Memory of husband & father, William Manning $1,500.00 $4,500.00 2020 Vickie Manning & Children Memory of husband and father, William Manning $1,600.00

5 History of Special Givers

Date Giver Memory/Honor/Grant to Foundation Amount Total Given 2005 Yvonne Harrison, Family and Friends Memory of Belle H. Spearman, Mother of Yvonne Harrison $680.00 2007-2008 Yvonne Harrison Memory of Belle H. Spearman, Mother of Yvonne Harrison $500.00 $1,000.00 2009 Yvonne Harrison Memory of Belle H. Spearman, Mother of Yvonne Harison $1,052.00 2010-2013 Yvonne Harrison Memory of Belle H. Spearman, Mother of Yvonne Harrison $500.00 $2,000.00 2014 Yvonne Harrison Memory of Belle H. Spearman, Mother of Yvonne Harrison $1,246.00 2015-2017 Yvonne Harrison Memory of Belle H. Spearman, Mother of Yvonne Harrison $500.00 $1,500.00 2020 Yvonne Harrison Memory of Belle H. Spearman, Mother of Yvonne Harrison $1,500.00


“If You don’t change what you’re doing today, all of your tomorrows will look like today.” --Jim Rohn

Noteworthy Notes

✓ We welcome your comments and suggestions. ✓ Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 69 Columbia, Maryland 21045 ✓ Website: ✓ Follow us on Facebook ✓ Scholarship Awards program is always the third Sunday in May. ✓ The deadline for scholarship applications is March 15th – When the application is received, it must be received with a postal date stamped. (no exceptions). ✓ Every scholarship candidate who receives a scholarship or book award must write a thank you note to the contributor by June 30th. (No thank you, no money)