Latin America Timeli
., ,190 SII(;I;I':STLIl I!EAIlINt:~ Inforprcss CcntrO,"llIll"ican;1 The Natio" 9a Calle "A," 3-56, z.l P.O. !lox lOS:! Guatemala Marion, Ohio 13:J05 Institute for Policy Studies Resource The National Catholic Heporter Materials on U.S. Military Assis P.O. Box 281 tance in Central America Kansas City, MO 64141 Institute for Policy Studies 1901 Q Street, N.W. News from Guatemala Washington, D.C. 20009 P.O. Box 335, Station R Chronology of Events* Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1G 4C3 LADOC Latinamerica Press New Left Review Apartado 5594 7 Carlisle Street 1821-Central America follows the example of Agustin Iturbide in Mexico Lima 100, Peru London WIV6NL and declares independence from Spain. England 1822-Central America joins Iturbide's Mexican Empire. Latin America Update Washington Office on Latin America Newsletter of the Heligious Task Force 1823-Iturbide is overthrown and Central America declares itself indepen 110 Maryland Avenue, N.W. for El Salvador dent as the United Provinces of Central America. 1747 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20002 1823-President James Monroe, fearing an attempt by Spain to restore its Washington, D.C. 20009 Latin American Perspectives authority over its rebellious New World colonies, declares that the United P.O. Box 792 Nicaraguan Perspectives States will tolerate no further European intervention in the affairs of the Riverside, CA 92502 Nicaragua Information Oenter nations of Central and South America. P.O. Box 1004 1833-The first major peasant rebellion in EI Salvador occurs. It is led by Latin America Weekly Report and Berkeley, CA !H704 Latin America Regional Reports: the Indian Anastasio Aquino.
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