Offshore Services End-to-End Services for Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal 1500MW MORAY FIRTH Also active in UK ROUND 3 Engineering Project Management North America, MET MAST BLYTH OFFSHORE WIND DEMONSTRATION Germany & Asia DEMONSTRATION O&M Provision TIDAL PROJECT MULL OF KINTYRE Development Support Consent Management Onshore Engineering Design MET MAST DOGGER BANK UK ROUND 3 O&M Provision

300-400MW FIRST FLIGHT WIND MET MAST NORTHERN IRELAND HORNSEA Development 580MW UK ROUND 3 Project Management RACE BANK O&M Provision Engineering UK ROUND 2 MET MAST Development Support WEST OF DUDDON SANDS Engineering Project Management UK ROUND 2 EPC Contract 4200MW Design CELTIC ARRAY Construction IRISH SEA ZONE UK ROUND 3 80MW Consent Management LES GRUNES Development Support Development Support Engineering

500MW 90MW 194MW 270MW ST BRIEUC WIND FARM INNER DOWSING LYNN & INNER DOWSING LINCS Development UK ROUND 1 UK ROUND 1 UK ROUND 2 Engineering Development Project Management Development | Engineering Project Management Engineering Project Management France O&M Support Construction Management RES has delivered more than 8GW of wind energy capacity worldwide


RES Offshore provides integrated development, engineering, construction and O&M services PROJECT DELIVERY 1 for utility-scale renewable energy projects. From offshore wind to wave and tidal, we bring DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2-3 to projects the considerable skills and experience acquired over 30 years in the renewables PRE-CONSTRUCTION AND FEED 4-5 industry. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 6-7 We have the full range of in-house capabilities required to deliver each of the project ENGINEERING DESIGN 8-9 phases, thus allowing cost-effective, innovative solutions that can make the difference ASSET OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 10-11 between project failure and success. We can provide our services as a defined package of MET MAST O&M 12-13 work or as part of the owner’s project team. We have experience in UK Rounds 1, 2 and 3 and in the development of projects in Northern Ireland and France. WAVE & TIDAL 14-15 CASE STUDIES 16-19 RES Offshore is part of the RES Group, one of the world’s leading renewable energy project developers. To date, RES has over 8GW installed capacity in its portfolio, with many thousands of megawatts in development. Our track record and reputation for quality and project delivery is second to none 1


A project can be broken down into a number of discrete and sequential phases each of which can be undertaken as a separate package of work. Our approach leaves our clients with maximum flexibility. Since our expertise covers all the project phases, we can get involved in a project at any point in its development and can adjust the scope of work to suit the client’s specific needs.

Development Pre-Construction and FEED Construction Management Asset Operations & Maintenance

»» Development and consent »» Procurement and contracting strategy »» Health, safety and environmental »» Strategy development and management »» Site assessment including climatic and management performance optimisation »» Detailed site evaluation metocean data and seabed conditions »» Project management »» Health, safety and environmental »» Grid connection feasibility »» Front End Engineering Design (FEED) - »» Procurement and tender management management and monitoring »» Cable routing and landfall studies structural, electrical, cables and SCADA »» Contract preparation and negotiation »» Environmental survey management »» Offshore met masts and »» Major equipment and systems selection »» Contract financial management »» Stakeholder relations management metocean data collection for turbines and Balance of Plant »» Survey engineering management »» Performance and production »» Wind speed and metocean data »» Contract preparation, tendering and »» Client’s engineer reporting and optimisation strategy and analysis contractor selection »» Detailed design »» Reliability monitoring and down- PROJECT DELIVERY PROJECT »» Preliminary design and project »» Construction programme and capital »» Interface and risk management time evaluation definition for consent expenditure evaluation »» Quality assurance and site »» Condition monitoring and »» Construction and operation »» Operations strategy, O&M base representation maintenance planning planning for consent specification and operating cost »» Met mast Engineer, Procurement & »» Equipment failure investigations »» Energy yield prediction evaluation Construction (EPC) delivery »» Grid code compliance monitoring »» Cost and financial evaluation »» Turbine layout and energy yield analysis »» Marine logistics management »» Data management »» Due diligence support »» Financial modelling support »» Onshore and offshore site works »» Contractor selection and »» Due diligence support »» Project planning and control management »» Post construction performance analysis

Providing end-to-end or individual services to utility-scale renewable energy projects 2

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and data management Wind farm design and layout


GIS based site identification and evaluation

Offshore wind speed measurement and prediction

Wake loss evaluation and energy yield analysis

Wind farm design and optimisation

Tidal stream and wave energy project definition Grid connection, cable landfall and onshore substation planning Stakeholder engagement and management

Design and management of EIAs

Environmental consent management Design and management of surveys pre and post construction Land purchase and landowner liaison/negotiation

Contract management EIA surveyanddatacollectionmanagement to achievethemaximum valueofeachproject. environmental issues,significantly reducing programme and budget risks.Suchanapproach iscritical relationship withstakeholders,hasallowedustobringnovelandrealistic solutionstomitigatepotential supported byourin-houseengineeringandtechnical teams,andcoupledwithourcloseworking high qualitydatacollectiontosupportrobust Environmental ImpactAssessments(EIAs).Thisexpertise, Our trackrecord demonstrates our abilitytodesignandmanagemarineenvironmental surveys,ensuring the USA. assessment ofthepotentialforprojects inemergingmarketsaround theworld,suchaseastcoastof Ireland.contribute upto600MWintoNorthern Ourdevelopmentteamisalsoactivelyinvolvedinthe We are currently leadingthedevelopment andconsentingworkforaproject which,ifsuccessful,could work withCentricainsupportoftheplanningapplicationforprojects intheRound3IrishSeaZone. successfully consentedtheRound1InnerDowsingproject andRound2Lincsproject, andcontinueto from resource assessmentthrough project financing. We understandthefullproject lifecycleandhave We approach takeaturnkey indeliveringfullyoptimisedprojects, managingallaspectsoftheproject DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Understanding the realistic solutions andsignificantly reduce risks full project life cycleallowsus tobring Detailed siteevaluation


Electrical system design and studies Analysis of power cable thermal constraints


Project, package and engineering management

Turbine technical due diligence and evaluation Metocean measurement campaign specification and data analysis Layout, site design and sea-bed management

Geotechnical engineering

Foundation and structural design

CAD, GIS and data management

Electrical system design and grid integration

Onshore and offshore cable routing and system design

Civil engineering

Operational strategy development

SCADA and communication system design Tender preparation, bid evaluation and procurement support » » PANORAMA interview about usageofthis-VIPvisitSarwjit Ask LisaSommerscalesorGaryMaddison Pile design,drivabilityanalysisandclient’s engineering clients face. within theproject developmentanddeliveryenvironment givesustheinsighttoknowchallengesour and InnerDowsing,Lincs,RaceBankStBrieuc offshore windfarms.Ourexperienceofworkingdirectly We havegainedexperienceindeliveringhighqualityservicesbytakingleadroles inprojects suchasLynn service tosuityourneeds. engineering teamsandwithsupportfrom ourdevelopmentandO&Mteams,weprovide acomprehensive before clientsreach theoffshore environment. Drawingontheexperienceofourin-house constructionand We understandthechallenges ofoffshore wind,wave andtidalprojects, eliminatinghazards andrisks Front EndEngineeringDesign (FEED). through traditionalconsultancy practices,wesupportyourproject through concept selectionand and packagemanagementtohelpdefineyourproject. Byintegratingourexpertsintoyourteam,or During thecriticalphasepriortoconstructionweoffer engineering,design,technicalservicesandproject FEED PRE-CONSTRUCTION AND providing acomprehensive service tosuityour needs Tackling thechallenges ofoffshore projects and Operations strategyassessments


Client’s engineer from detailed design to commissioning Cable logistics

Services provided on a stand-alone basis, as part of a wider activity or as an end-to-end management package.


Health, safety and environmental management

End-to-end project management

Interface and risk management

Quality assurance and site representation

Procurement strategy definition

Contract financial management

Project planning and control PHOTO:Photo: AREVA Survey vesselcarryingoutmultibeambathymetrysurveys Image courtesyofNIWA (NationalInstituteofWater andAtmosphericResearch) well ascertificationand quality objectivesand,mostimportantly, the applicationofthisknowledge. knowledge ofhealthand safetyconsiderations,environmental constraintsandmitigationmeasures, as management package.Underpinning ourcapabilitiesthroughout project deliveryisour in-depth Services canbecarriedoutonastand-alonebasis, aspartofawideractivityoranend-to-end successful projects forover30years,wehavedeveloped specialistin-housecore capabilitiesincluding: wind, wave,tidalandinter-connector projects. Usingthewealthofexperiencegainedfrom delivering We provide constructionmanagementservicesformarinerenewable energyprojects includingoffshore CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT site andcertifiedbyanindependentauthority, safesystemsofaccessand robust and reliable datacollectionandprocessing. Met Masts–We carryoutfullEPCcontractscoveringkeyproject requirements; ensuringthestructure isengineered forthe project management,ground representation modellingandcableroute engineering services. Survey EngineeringManagement–weoffer unexplodedordnance, geophysical,geotechnicalandoceanographicsurvey contract preparation andnegotiation,onboard companyrepresentation, review of risks (RAMS)andliftingplans. Marine LogisticsManagement–wedevelopvesselstrategiesandconstructionmethodologies, andprovide supportfor with lenders’engineers,qualityinspections,siteconstruction managementandcompanyrepresentation onsite. all phases,from procurement strategydefinitionthrough negotiationstocontractclose-outandhandover, includinginterfacing Project Management(Turbine, ElectricalSystem,FoundationsandCables)–completeproject management servicesin Delivering consistent bestpracticeinproject and health, safety andenvironmental management

We adviseontheoptimum cablesupplyandinstallationprocurement strategies


Detailed design, including structural analysis

Providing insight into the problems our clients face today, and foresight into the problems they may face tomorrow


Wind farm layout and site design Geotechnical and geophysical engineering

Foundation and structural design

Electrical system design and grid integration

Onshore and offshore cable system routing and design

Civil engineering

Equipment specification and siting

Operational strategy development

SCADA and communication system design

Specification development and procurement support Photo: Centrica Pile installationofanoffshore substationjacketfoundation » » » » decisions guidesourworkingpractices. Our abilitytounderstandthefuture healthandsafety, economicandcommercial implicationsofour Underpinning andcomplimentingourengineeringdesignservicesare ourin-houseteams: advice andsupportatanystageofyourproject. project development,delivery andoperationalexperiencemeanweare wellpositionedtoprovide solutions, FEED, procurement, constructionandoperationalproject phases.Ourbreadth ofcapabilitiesandextensive Our dedicatedengineeringteamprovides supportthroughout project development, conceptselection, ENGINEERING DESIGN » » » » range ofproject andbusinesspurposes Technical services,withspecialisminwindandoceanographic datacollectionandanalysisforafull Cable RouteEngineeringandGeophysicalGeotechnical datainterpretation. Design Engineering,withCADand3Dstructural systemmodellingcapabilities GIS andDataManagement,withterrainmodelling capability support throughout thephases of yourproject Our dedicated engineering teamprovides Wind farmlayoutoptimisation Wind


Turbine Maintenance

From complete scheduled maintenance campaigns to specific issues across balance of plant or turbines, we can meet your requirements


Asset Management

Maintenance Campaigns

Advisory Services

Met Mast O&M We canintegrateaspartof theclient’s team engineering, managementsystems,in-houseO&M, operationsmodellingandcommercial support. We provide specialistadviceforallareas ofoffshore wind farmmaintenanceincludingreliability whatever thetask,wehaveexpertise. wide monopilegrouted connectionrepair. Whetherscheduledupkeeporanimmediaterequirement, everyday taskssuchasIDlightchangeout,tocomplex bespokeengineeringsolutionssuchasawindfarm- We canplanandexecuteyourmaintenancecampaigns.We performalltypesofactivities,from minor O&M. management, ofmaintenancecampaignsspecialistadvisoryservicesandmetmast the UK,Europe andUSA thefullrangeofin-housecapabilitiesrequired for complete windfarmasset partner fordeliveringyourO&Mservices.We haveadedicatedteamofover200expertslocatedacross Our offshore operationalexperienceandtechnicalengineeringunderstandingmakesusanexcellent OPERATIONASSET MAINTENANCE AND operation of windfarms for our clients We optimisethe safe andefficientWe Balance ofplantinspections


Whether you require full asset management or specific project support, your met mast is in expert hands


Site acceptance and testing

Provision of specialist personnel and vessels

Data monitoring and analysis

Equipment replacement and calibration

Structural integrity checks Round 3MetMastMaintenanceusinganon-conventionalaccesssystem offshore metmastpackage. Procurement, Commissioning andInstallation(EPCI) We havethecapabilitytoprovide afullEngineering, maintenance faroffshore. experience ofRound3metmastoperationand met mastsandare thefirstcompanywith We haveexperienceofmaintainingRound2 trained technicians. carefully selectedpartnerstoprovide vesselsand engineering, managementandsupervision.We use in-house expertisetoundertakeplanning,technical, Depending onourclients’needs,weuse responsibility toensure consistent,highqualitydata. owners, takingontheoverallmanagement We offer aspecialistO&Mservicetometmast MET MAST OPERATION &MAINTENANCE challenges where safety isparamount Managing thetechnical andlogistical Provision ofSpecialistPersonnel at heighttoprovide: weather andseaconditions,isolationworking We managethelogisticaland safetychallengesof material, cleansingsolarpanels, subseaoperations Balance ofplantmaintenance –removal ofcorrosive Monitoring andanalysisofdatafrom themetmast finding, re-design andupgradesas required Unplanned maintenanceactivities,suchasfault Periodic structuralintegrityandbolttorque checks Change outandre-calibration ofinstrumentation site andtasks Provision ofvesselsandpersonnelsuitableforthe testing andoffshore installation Client representation duringonshore siteacceptance


Bathymetry input to flow study of the Bluewater BV’s Bluetec floating tidal energy North Channel conducted using the fast platform due to be tested at EMEC Princeton Ocean Model


Resource studies

Project development

Project design

Consents and environmental management

Offshore engineering

Site investigation

Electrical design

Construction and installation management

Strategic consultancy HS1000 ANDRITZHYDROHammerfestOrkney challenges. We canhelpprove yourtechnologyandbringproject tolife. energy teamoffers thefullrangeofproject developmentanddeliveryservices.We understandyour We willbethere tohelpmanagerisk,ensure qualityandaddvaluetoprojects. Ourdedicatedmarine For us,thisiscore businessandcompetence. technology developerswishingtodeploynewhardware. grid connection,property agreements, project engineering,technicalassessments–andwecanguide are required. We manageyourproject –consenting,environmental studies,stakeholderengagement, demonstration andearlyarraydeployment,arangeofproject deliveryandengineeringsupportservices As projects movefrom theconceptandlaboratoryphaseintoreal environment offullscaleprototype utility andindustrialinvestment,whilst2TW(terrawatts)ofglobalresource awaitsthewaveindustry. resources –wave,tidalstream, stream tidalhead,oceanthermalandmore. isfornowattracting most Tidal In additiontooffshore wind,theoffshore environment hasanabundanceofotherrenewable energy WAVEAND TIDAL Providing project deliveryandengineering support to managethe transition from Nautricity CoRMaTdeviceinport technology tocommercial array



The Lynn and Inner Dowsing UK Round 1 projects are located off the RES has had an end-to-end involvement in the Lincs project, taking the east coast of and together comprised the largest offshore lead on the consenting process and supporting the FEED, procurement wind farm in the world at the time of construction. RES developed and and construction phases as an integrated part of Centrica’s project secured consent for Inner Dowsing prior to sale of the asset to Centrica delivery team. RES has provided core technical services including energy and subsequently had a leading role in procurement, engineering, yield assessment, electrical design and structural design, as well as key construction and operation of the overall project. personnel including onshore and offshore site representatives, project engineers and senior members of the project management team.

Project Lynn and Inner Dowsing Project Lincs Status Operational 2009 Status Operational 2013 Installed Capacity 270MW Installed Capacity 194MW Turbines 75 x SWT-3.6-120 Turbines 54 x Siemens SWT-3.6-107 Developer RES/Centrica Developer RES (Inner Dowsing) / AMEC (Lynn) Siemens , Siemens T&D, Nexans, Contractors Siemens T&D, Nexans, Subocean, Technip, MT Hojgaard, MPI Construction M T Hojgaard, RES (management support), MPI Limited (Centrica, DONG Energy, Owner Owner GLID Wind Farms Topco Ltd (Centrica, TCW) Siemens Project Ventures) Development support, engineering, project Services Project management, engineering, O&M Support Services management, construction management 17


When installed, Hornsea was the furthest offshore met mast and First Flight Wind is the consortium developing Northern Ireland’s first RES became the first company with experience of Round 3 met mast offshore wind project. This 600MW project, subject to planning, could operation and maintenance far offshore. As well as scheduled visits, we generate as much as 20% of NI electricity needs in 2020. RES is leading have worked with the client and EPC contractor to ensure the met mast the consenting and environmental assessment phase of the project and systems were ready for operation. We looked at the viability of setting up working with its JV partners to define the final layout, location and grid a vessel club to allow met mast owners to share the use of a vessel and connection arrangements. developed a suite of BIMCO-based contracts for such a club.

Project Hornsea Round 3 Zone First Flight Wind Project Northern Ireland Wind Resource Zone Status Operational 2012 Development phase (environmental, engineering, Status technical studies and design). Operational 2020. Tower Height 88 Metres Installed Capacity Up to 600MW Distance Offshore In excess of 70 nautical miles from the port Turbines 100 x 6MW Developer SMart Wind RES/DONG/B9 Construction Hochteif Solutions AG Developer

Client SMart Wind Owner First Flight Wind - RES - DONG/B9

Services O&M provision Services Development, project management, engineering CASE STUDIES 18



RES supported DONG in creating the technical sections of the cable In 2012, RES, in a joint venture partnership set up with Iberdrola supply and onshore installation ITT(s) for HVAC and Renewables, was awarded a zone in France’s first offshore wind farm HVDC transmission asset options. This also included revisions/updates of tender round. St Brieuc is a 500MW project located 20km off Côtes land route and landfall charting and standardisation of route definitions d’Armor, Brittany, northern France. A consortium, Ailes Marines, has for presentation with regard to both ITT and consents. Areas of potential been established to develop the project and subsequent construction and land route improvement were highlighted from lessons learnt for use on operation of the site. This project will create up to 2000 jobs and provide this and their other wind farm projects. electricity to cover the needs of approximately 840,000 people each year.

Project Hornsea Round 3 Zone Project St Brieuc Status Development (consent in progress) Development (environmental, engineering, technical Status studies and design). Operational 2020. Installed Capacity Up to 1GW (options for 2GW) Installed Capacity 500MW Developer SMart Wind - Mainstream/Siemensv Turbines 62 Areva Wind 8MW Construction DONG ENERGY Developer RES / Iberdrola Client DONG ENERGY Owner Ailes Marines Tender correspondence, Invitation to Tender (ITT), Services consents Commissioning Development, project management, engineering 19

UK WATERS, TIDAL STREAM DEVELOPMENT RES COMMITTED TO WORKING SAFELY We deliver services to clients across all phases of projects. We have participated in all UK rounds and in projects across Europe and North America with a client list including Centrica, DONG Energy, SMart Wind, Forewind and Iberdrola.

“We are committed to working safely and to collaborating with those around us to make this happen.” Chris Morgan, CEO, RES Offshore RES is providing comprehensive project development services to Argyll Tidal Ltd to deliver a fully-consented, buildable and financeable renewable project from site selection to financial close. RES is managing the consenting and construction phase of the Argyll Tidal project.

Project Mull of Kintyre Tidal Array, Scotland Status Development Installed Capacity Staged, up to 30MW Turbines Nautricity CoRMaT Developer Argyll Tidal Limited Range of offshore and onshore contractors Construction First phase deployment starting in 2014 Client Argyll Tidal Limited Development support, consent management, Commissioning onshore engineering design CASE STUDIES For further information contact:

RES Offshore Faraday House Station Road Kings Langley Herts WD4 8LH UK

Tel: +44 (0)1923 608 200 Fax: +44 (0)1923 299 299 Email: [email protected]

With thanks to A Bearne (RES), Centrica Renewable Energy, SMart Wind, Areva, Dong Energy, and Bremerhaven for photographs