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t.1'?-' ••-•?m • --r/m - •M• •••••«• Publishing Corp. 99c , 08) 666.7700' P.O. ffoSf^id, Hxfe. —P%n?£ZWZ. ^SPRINGFIELD, N.J. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1966 ^ll'.tiV.X" _ 15 Cents'Per Copy requests Democrats^ on Regional honors plqnxhpice students at assembly The annual awards assembly of the Jona- koff; Arthur Boulot bond, Mark Anthony, War- than Dayton Regional High School, Springfield, > ren W. Halsey, Future Teachers of America ways ^candidate was held Tuesday in the high school audltor- award, Cheryl Boyle; ' lum. The following awards.were presented: Jonathan Dayton Regional Hlgh'School Ser-. Cornell Club of Union County Cup, James vice Award bond, Robert Thlele; Daughters To close BaliOsrol.ave,, Walsh, Vezza, Mantehk "Bender;' Elizabethtown Chapter, Sons of the of the American Revolution Good Citizenship SLOW GOING is the order of the day as traffic ooz.es through the detour where, the Rt. 78 American Revolution, Medal, Steven Hodes; •Awards, Evelyn Grlmshaw and Steven Hodes; —overpass is! being built across Morris ave. The barrels in the righc foreground block seen as top contenders Springfield Association of Creative Arts, National'Honor Society medals for highest prevent, through traffic" "off the'entrance to the municipal pool, which will open for.its third season later this Audrey Bloom' Memorial Award, Peggy Kra- "averages in --business education,.Madeline — The Township Committee Tuesday night With the Aug. 4 deadline for filing petitions Kupfer; English, Linda; Relsberg; foreign lan- m0IUh- ' . (Photo by Bob Baxter) to run In the September primary elections' mer; Klwanis Citizenship Award bond, Ernest formally requested that the State Highway De- Mlltner; Ladles of'Unlco bond, Marda Sol- guage. Susan Blackman: mathematics.-MarcIa partment make Baltusrol ave.'adead-end street —only about seven .weeks away, a great deal Solkoff; science, Robert Moreines; and social of speculation'has. been generated within the adjoining Routes 24and78.Underthisproposal, studies, Richard Ciaquina; Baltusrol ave. would not lead into the bridge local Democratic organization with respect, Jonathan Dayton Regional High School PTA across the highway area which will link the to the' coming campaign for a Township Com- • awards — highest ranking girl, .Cheryl Boyle; two ends of Baltusrol way. The plan is in- mittee Post in Springfield. ' ' highest ranking boy. Robert Moreines; most— tended to save the residential character of A number of "prominent local Individuals'"- representative senior girl, Leila Moore; most the neighborhood. ' have expressed their Interest In being con- representative senior boy, James Bender; girl The resolution climaxed a lengthy discus- sidered as the party's candidate for theTown- athlete with highest academic record, Leila sion ot problems related to highway con- . ship Committee, according to a,party spokes- , Moore; boy athlete with highest academic struction In Springfield. - Members of the man. Among the leading contenders are John record, Robert Moreines; governing body had a great deal to say about P. Walsh, Gerard Vezza and Donald L. Mantel, Scholarship awards — Regional High School the cooperation they had received from the _ he added. ^ . , Band Parents •• scholarship, Jordon Denner; Highway Department—none of it favorable. Walsh,, an'attorney, lives at 162 Baltusrol Booster Club, Dennis Lies; PTA, Evelyn •The state agency has Indicated, however, that ave. He is currently serving as local party Grlmshaw; Kenllworth Teachers' Associa- it "probably will agree to the request for treasurer and chairman of the Democratic tion, Ingrld Swenson; Kenllworth Manufactur- a dead-ended Baltusrol "ave. Commltteeman club of Springfield. He was recently a can- ers' Association, Diane Wysockl; Kenilwbrth Robert D. Hardgrove noted that the change didate for the Board of. Education and also PTA, Linda Krueger and Richard Klek; Kenll- will save the state the cCst of a ramp con- served as chalrmanior the 1966 local March worth Rotary, Jane Hoeflich; Kenilworm VFW, necting' Baltusrol ave. with the bridge. "Of "Dimes campaign. He Is a member of the Laurie Goodman and Joseph DeCrlstopher; In other action, the" committee voted three Knights of Columbus at St. James Church, Springfield Teachers' Association, Carol Spl- " to two to deny" a variance for an addition to and the Holy Name Society at St. Rose of gel: . : the White Diamond Diner on Morris ave. Lima. Springfield Lions Club, Cheryl Boyle and near Millburn ave. The addition would have Sanford Neuborth; Springfield Rotary Club, been used for expanded kitchen facilities, as Vezza resides at 42 Pitt rd. and Is a New Steven TaBher and Rona Roth; Key Club, • recommended by the Board CI" Adjustment, Jersey and New York sales representative Ernest Mlltnei'; Baltusrol Golf Club, Michael' (Jomruitteemen Jay Bloom and Hardgrove for Englehard Industries, tad., Amersll Quartz •Mnynr'.i..n<iy Hnlf Cr\Tr\yi\\n^^ pi%h and-Mayor—Robert-C-PtangT^goted tardeny —Division. He has lieeu ».i esldent-of-Sprlng— jyy t Edelstein and Edward Andrew; Elkay Company, the permit. They were opposed by Commlt- field for 15 years \ and. is presently serving teemen William Koonz and Arthur M. Falkin. : as a member of the Springfield Board of Thomas tie to; Student Council, Kathle Correll; and John F. Kennedy Memorial Scholarships, Bloom said that he could not find any ''special Health. He was recently selected as Special reason" required for a variance to extends Gifts Chairman for the local Mental Health Thomas Martin, Robert Moreines, Anita Ran- dall and Linda Roisborg; nonconforming use. Mayor. Planer also re- Drive.. • „•';.••: " '— " Publication awards •="' Reglonalogue, Linda ferred to "undesirable elements" among the Vezza is a member of the Knights of Col- Enz; Dayton News, Richard Ciaquina, and Jona- diner's clientele. -•*._-- umbus, the Springfield Chapter of Unlcoand than's Journal, Pamela Gardiner. « • • the Holy Name Society of St. .James Church. •.;— •'* * ' J DISCUSSION OF HIGHWAY.,., construction He is a. patron pf,fh.e Springfield Association THE FOLtOWING CITATIONS were also. TRAFFIQ1JAMS have-become a way of life In Springfield, as a rosult of the Morris avev problems stemmed from a report by Mayor detour caused by construction-of the Rt. 78 overpass. This picture shows the eastern end of Creative Arts;.;•*>.-!:•':'•• • •'•;/'' ' ' •'•''•'••. .preseritpd::. • , Planer on a-meeting which he and Walter - "••Natioiial Honor Society: '— ~ Kozub, township engineer, had with Highway of Biejdetour, looking toward the main business district. '• •'"•',••', .... •••••".•• •• wituiieiMantel, also an Bcrorneyattorney, IIVCliveBs ati *f27 Tudoluuur ' t> I I I - (Photo by Bob Baxter).. ~cTT He has been active politically on the local- (CJ»L<ar*+ori nc OnHor Seniors — David Black,, Lauren Blausteln, Department officials last month. They had and county level for a number of years..' J*MJSfCV«l CU US ICUUCl Lawrence Budish, Richard Clnquiner-Cdlth-• promised a reply within two days, he said, Edelstein, Linda Enz, Mary Franklin, Carol to a request for relocation of storm sewers He Is presently serving as!chairman, of (he Fruchter, Laurin Goodman, Evelyn Grimshaw, from Park lane to the highway right of way; Springfield Democratic Organization, Heiwns of statewide grogp Kenneth Hausman,.Steyen Hodes, Joseph Jupa, their letter of denial has just arrived, a moflth Welcome set for Vania a Democratic candidate in the 1965 campaign Marilyn Learner, Sanford Neubarth, Ira Pil- slater. ; . for Township Committee. He Is a patron of Methodist delegates to the Northern New ler, Jacinta Smolinski, Steven Tasher, Bar- Although the township has strongly opposed -the Springfield Association of Creative Arts, Jersey Conference of the -Methodist Church; bara Tropp_and Robert Waldman. blasting through rock in the-Park lane area, and Is a member of the Men's Club of Temple -meeting last week at Drew University, Madl- juniors —Trtibmas Brownlie, Barbara he noted, the contractor is going ahead with Ay/ait first AFS foreign student Beth Ahm and a board member of the Spring- son elected Joseph .Gleltsmann of 14Hemlock Bruhlmann, James Cannon, Iris Conklin, Rich- plans for blasting. The mayor had urged use Springfield Is scheduledto welcome its first field B'naiBrithLodge. — " ~" ~~ ter., Springfield, lay leader of their state ard DiMarlo, Ronald Fry, Christine Melchior, of air hammers, even if this would increase A.morlcan Pield Service foreign student in . The spokesman declared, "local Democrats Board of Lay Activities. • Gleltsmann is a Judith Mentzel, Gary Simson, FredTitle.Ina . "costs. - August, the local chapter of the service an- member of the Springfield Emanuel Methodist White and Cheryl Wood. "They- have no regard for this or any.other are confident that, with the great interest being ( nounced ' this-week. The visitor will be Vanla shown and the depth of talent now available Church, chairman of its pastoral relations French National Honor Society: community where they build highways, Pla- Maria Wanderley Cavalcanti of Macelo, Ala- for a Township Committee candidate, a highly committee, and a lay speaker in the Methodist- ."Seniors — Cheryl Boyle, Kenneth Hausman, ner continued. He cited the need this year goas, Brazil. successful and victorious campaign Is In the ChurcK. He has been chalrmanof the Spring-" Robert Mqircines, Marcla Solkoff and Joan for emergency school buses to canxebildreri.... Vanla will be living with the family of Mr. making." / field F.alr Housing Committee. Gleltsmann.will - Warner. through _the