CORK CAT CLUB TH 36 Championship Show *************************************************** (Held under rules of Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of Ireland) To be held on SUNDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER 2017 at Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal, 1 Old Blarney Rd, Shean Lower, Blarney, Co. Cork Pedigree Judges Mrs Janet Green (England) FIFE Mr P Collin (England) GCCF Mme Veronique Sangin (France) LOOF Non Pedigree Judge Ms M Lenihan & Ms. E. Callan SHOW MANAGER ASSISTANT SHOW MANAGER Miss M Baker Mr C Noonan Arbutus 26 Elderwood Avenue Carrigloe Boreenmanna Road Cobh Co Cork Cork Tel: 00353 21 3811773 Tel: 086 8588821 Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS 23rd AUGUST 2017 This date must be strictly adhered to as the catalogue is being prepared in UK. Entries with correct fees should be sent to Show Manager Miss M Baker, address as above 1 Committee Mr C Noonan (Chairperson), Mrs. P Starkey (Vice-Chair), Ms C McCarthy (Secretary), Mrs L Anderson (Treasurer), Ms M Baker, Mrs R Murphy, Mr J Neligan, Mr D Hickey (Logistics Manager), Mrs M McSweeney, Mrs G Bowles, Mrs L Gash Hickey, Mr C Collins, Mrs L Buckley ************************************* Honorary Veterinary Surgeons Ms Clare Meade MVB, MRCVS, The Cat Hospital, Glanmire, Co. Cork. Mr. Richard Healy, MVB, MRCVS, Westside Vet Clinic, Model Farm Road, Cork Show Manager: Ms Margaret Baker, Arbutus, Carrigloe, Cobh, Co Cork Asst Show Manager: Mr Colm Noonan, 26 Elderwood Ave, Boreenmanna Rd, Cork GENERAL INFORMATION Registrations, transfers etc should be put in order AT ONCE, if you have not already done so.