International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Review on Tephorsia Villosa Per A Useful Weed

Shambhulingaiah H.M1*, Dr. Deenath Jadhe 2 1S C S College of Pharmacy Harapanahalli, Karnataka, India 2SSUTMS Sehore, M P., India *Corresponding Author

Abstract: Tephrosia villosa per a well known of India and Dignostic characters Tephrosia are other part of the world commonly known as “Shevet sharpunakha” in Indian traditional system, Tephorasia villosa 1. Leaves cut into forks (Horn like structure). a weedy plant native to India grows as common waste land weed 2. Pods flat, not joined many seeded. and has been used traditionally as folk medicine in india and other parts of the world for its valuable medicinal properties, but 3. Standard petal obtuse. its identity as medicinal plant is not established till date. several phyto constituents like Flavonoids, Flavones, Retenoids, 4. Sepals subequal, calyx lobes connate. Saponins and Alkaloids etc have been identified and various 5. Anthers muticous, basifixed research work like Antioxidant, Anti microbial and Anti diabetic properties also identified from the plant extracts which indicate Tephrosia villosa further scope in isolation and other activates, in our studies there is a brief explanation about active constituents and - Papilionoideae(L.) Persoon pharmacological actions, along with Ethnobatonical uses of the plant has been discussed. II. BOTANIC DESCRIPTION Keywards: Tephrosia villosa, Weed, Folk medicine , Tephrosia villosa is an annual or perennial bushy herb, 0.3-1.3 Ethnobatonical Phytoconstituents. m tall. Stem white tomentose. Leaves imparipinnately compound with 7-19 leaflets, up to 10 cm long;stipules 2-5 I. INTRODUCTION mm long; leaflets obovate to elliptical, up to 21 mm x 9 mm,hairy on both sides, each side with 4-8 pairs of distinct harpunkha‖ an important ayurvedic drug has been in veins. Stipulestomentose, caducous and lanceolate. Flowers in “S use for a long time two kinds of sharpunkha the a terminal or upper axillary pseudo raceme 8-22 cm long; shevet (white )and Raktha (Red) are described in some of the pedicel with densely matted hairs, 2-4 mm long; calyx densely ayruvedic texts like Vaghbhatas ―Astang Hridayam‖and in matted hairy, tube about 2 mm long, lobes long-acuminate, to 1 Nighantus . shevet sharpanakha is Tephrosis villosa due to its 9 mm long;standard transversely elliptical to broadly ovate, persistently villous like white part and this view receives the up to 7 mm x 10 mm,dorsally with dense brown hairs. Style support also from ―Shivadatta Nighantu‖which mentions glabrous, up to 3-5 mm long, bent sharply upward at base, ―Sharpunkheti vikhya shreepuspha kavachid bhavet‖ Genus twisted, penicillate. Pod strongly curved, up to 4 cm x 6 mm, Tephrosia Pers is a large seasonal pantropic genus of about densely silvery or brown tomentose,hairs to 2 mm long, 4-10- 400species belongs to family Fabaceae, in india genus seeded. Seed 12-16, rectangular, black, smooth, with short Tephrosia Pers is represented by 29 taxa including 27 species hard excrescences, upto 4.5 mm x 2.5-2.75 mm. Flower in 1 variety and 1 sub species out of which 7 taxa are endemic to November and fruit in February in India 3 (agroforestary india maximum taxa of Tephrosia are recorded in database) presidency of Madras i.e 20 (Gamble,1957)2, The specific name ‗villosa‘ means covered in white soft hair The name is from greek word Tephros meaning ash-coloured, in Greek. reffering to the grayish tint given to the leaves by their dense hairs. Taxonomy Kingdom : Plantae Genus Tephrosia Pers is characterized by herbs or shrubs Division: Magnoliophyta leaves stipulate,pinnate,imparipinnate ,rarely simple Flowers generally in terminals or leaf opposed racemes.calyx lobes Class : Magnoliopsida subequal, petals clawed, standard sub orbicular, stamens Order: diadelphous, pods usually linear, flattened, many Tribe : seeded,continuous or scarcety septate(Hooker 1961) some of Family: Leguminosae (Fabaceae) the species are cultivated as cover crops, green manures,fish Genus: Tephrosia poision and ornamental. Species: villosa Pers. Page 5

International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Scientific Name: Tephrosia villosa (L.) Pers. Bodamali hills Kottukolingi The root powder is Raju eastern ghats salutary for brushing sathiyraju 7 Synonym(s): Cracca incana Roxb. Namakkal teeth for dental pain, Cracca villosa L. district and bleeding Cracca villosa L. var. incana (Roxb.) Hiern Tamilnadu,In Leaf paste with Galega hirta Buch.-Ham. dia turmeric applied Galega incana Roxb. externally on boils. Tephrosia ehrenbergiana Schweinf. Salunak Plant is useful in Amit panday Tephrosia hirta (Buch.-Ham.) Benth. Delhi ridge Ascitus,Anasaraca,col,8 Tephrosia incana (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. Delhi,India d, cough, asthama, Tephrosia incana (Roxb.) Wight constipation,calculus Tephrosia villosa (L.) Pers. dropsy and var. argentea Thwaites enlargement of Tephrosia villosa (L.) Pers. var. incana (Roxb.) abdominal viscera Baker Seed paste is used in skin diseses painful swelling and alopecia.

Phytoconstituents identified in tephrosia villosa per

Plant Phytochemical group Reference part Flavonoid (2S)-5,4′-dihydroxy-7-O- [(E)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octa-dienyl]-8-C-


Whole 3,7dimethyl2,6octadienyl]flavanone7- Jayaraman et al., 1980 plant O-methylglabranin tephcalostan 12a- 9 dehydro-6-hydroxysumatrol7- methylglabranin


villosone, villol, villinol and Rao and Pods tephrinone Srimanarayana,198110 and Root Prashant and Whole Triterpenoid lupenone Krupadanam1993 11 Photographs of Tephrosia villosa Herb & Pod plant

Prashant and Ethnobatonical uses of tephrosia villosa per in various Whole Sterol stigmasterol Rotenoid 12a- Krupadanam1993 12 parts of the world plant dehydro-6-hydroxysumatrol

Prashant and Region Common Uses Reference Rotenoid Adehydrorotenone 6a,12a- Whole Krupadanam, 1993 13 name dehydro,2,3,6- trimethoxy-8-(3‘,3‘- plant Kulthia, Root powder with Soumith k dimethylallyl)-9,11dihydroxy rotenone Khandmal Piderkalata black peper is taken Behra,4 David Krupadanam et District in empty stomach for Whole Isoflavone Villosin al.,1997 14 Orissia State, stomach ache and plant India. stomach disorders. Root Rotenone Ganapaty et al., 2008 15 Root paste with raw Ganapaty et al., 2008a Root Triterpene lupeol milk is taken in 16 empty stomach twice Flavonoid (2S)-5,4′-dihydroxy-7-O- Madhusudhana et a day for seven days [(E)-3,7-dimethyl al.,201017 to cure cold, fever Leaves 2,6octadienyl]flavanone

and Typhoid Niligida Crushed leaves are Prashanth p Bidar District taken internally once,5 Karnataka in a day early in the III. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES state India morning for 51days for various skin Anthelmintic activity 18 diseases Kash bach Plant is used in the Mirtuse Gidy Odhong c et al.,2014; reported that leaves and seed extract of Meinit ethnic form of herb(root) for, 6 Tephrosia villosa per. Against gastrointestinal nematodes group Ethopia respiratory track using In vitro egg hatching and larval development inhibition problem, stoma cache and in cattle for assay, finding shows significant inhibition the larvicidal and cough and ovicidal effect of the plant may be attributed due to presence trypanosmiasis of alkaloids,tannins,rotenoids and flavonides. Studies of Page 6

International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Ramadhani et al.,2011;shows that all the ethanolic extracts of IV. CONCLUSION the plant exhibited larvicidal activity with highest activity The traditional knowledge is the holistic approach supported being in fruit extract with LC 50 value of 53.25 ug|ml. by experimental evidences can serve as an innovative and Antimicrobial and Brine shrimp activity 19, 20 powerful tool for newer ,safer and affordable medicines. The present review is focused on overall out line of plant used in S Ganapathy et al.,2008; identified four different compounds Ayurveda and other traditional system and its future namely Stigmosterol,Lupeol prospects for further scientific present review Rotenone and Dihydrorotenone in ethylacetate and any methonolic root extracts and also reported that both extracts Researchers have been shown different activites of the plant showed the moderate action against bacteria and fungi like Anthelementic, Brine shrimp nhibition, Anti microbial, Ramadhani et al.,2011; reported that most of the extract of the Antioxidant, Antidiabetic and also identified various chemical plant showed weak antibacterial and antifungal activity and molecules but still the isolation and correlation of ethnic or good activity observed from the fruit extract against traditional use of the plant is necessary. cryptococcus neoformans Brine shrimp lethality test is normally used to predict the presence of toxic bioactive ACKNOWLEDGEMENT compounds and also possible presence of compounds with We are thankful to all the authors for providing the potential anticancer activity,Fruit and root extracts of the information and also we are thankful to the management of plant were found to be very toxic with their LC 50 value SCS College of pharmacy Harapanahalli and SSUTMS below that of anticancer drug cyclophosphamide where as leaf Sehore Madhya Pradesh. and twinge extracts were found to be non toxic this suggests that toxic characteristic of T villosa is due to fruits and roots. 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