TJ3TE 4 SUNDAY CALL. IMPRESSIONS AND OOM PAUL KRUGER. PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF cariosity he corrupt, has put dana handkerchief. Ont of I manner of my getting access to to make the country believe that Oom his part of the world. There was, how- rife that 'is that he church, anticipating danger ever, nothing Poultney Bigelow away vast sums, that his religion Is mere- entered the same of President Xruger was of Itself an Paul's life was In from the In the least malevolent In By may course, Ishould find It crowded, from that conspirators. these fifty-one stares; was fancy ly a cloak for wickedness. That all that rj>i'.r-:2i«» of Krugerism. In It morbid Etc I, one, have no the mere fact that the President went ynr. tlie Transvaal epent After passing the Fentry we knocked at only which made itseem that blank star- Author of "White Mao's Africa." be true: but tor evidence 1^56. support view, and Ifind that sach there. Iwas judging by what on» would £-i>?.000 secret service, and front door of the Kruger mansion ? ing fell short of real thing In cour- to that ibo'-t la the the usually from a of have looked for in Washington? or Lon- part of it wont to pay the man who which mansion, by the way, was of about tesy. Iwas treated quite as well as the stories emanate class THK people It Is to rely mainly don. The little church could not stole my dispatch rate. Ihad come from the size and appearance of a farm out- customs of the place demanded. Iwas at say the first word he opened conversation the President he promptly recovered from whose trade Illness, the my upon money for their influence. Ido not have held more than a hundred or so. arrerd with the strongest pos- building. No answer! We knocked a sec- the Boer court, and was experiencing eti- by a grunt as of a bull in distress, and a his severe and for rest of twenty-four time, He me Kruger Is corrupt? ldo not believe yet Icounted but in the con- elble Mi'!*of introduction to the politi- ond and louder. There was no an- quette n la Kruger. few words that might have been intended visit showed me civility. told believe the majority were swer! My friend pushed the open, place might have many an interesting all American Congressmen are cor- gregation, and of these cal leaders tn Pretoria, ar.d had no other door Yet now Irecall that ordeal with some- to me at my ease; or ancedote about that optimist. their arms. my in a Kruger, Kruger, In turn, many rupt?l prefer to be an mothers with babes In The ©bj~et ;t:-n recording truthfully lm- and we stood hail which traversed thing of a shudder. Ihave met a great been meant as a curse. The badinage of and spun seat in an this dispatch the house, and led to a big yard kings in day? black kings, not salon, a yarn his early days. On Sunday morning Isaw the Presi- President took his armchair prcrFioiie. M Blocmfonteln whole may my white the forecastle Is that of the and about walking very specially provided me, beyond. We knocked again. No answer! yellow many have men West are apt to think pious people dent, quite alone, toward a which had been for case was Klulen from under clrcum- kings, and ones. Monarchs of I heard in the far embrace We home. wore the pulpit? this was the only '?'¦ft no doubt In went out yard to? millionaires, po- In the most affectionate manner while necessarily hypocrites, and Ifound many shabby church near his He him beneath Etsnces* which the minds We Into the and shouted kinds have Ibowed cylinder on head. It was he enjoyed over the rest of his of the chiefs of police In the Free State ?no answer! A negro girl poked her head litical bosses, war lords and other mighty poisoning the air with blasphemous ex- English at the Cape speak contemptuously a black his distinction of which appear* irith ns fellow worshipers. kind hat ? end Natal that the theft had been made out of a Bide building, but withdrew It mortals. But Iconfess cheerfully that that was very simple about the strlctfy political reasons. It was rath- suddenly on seeing us. Evidently Mrs. king, or Congressman ever mainly on the negro minstrel stage. His The service for no kaiser made hinder buttons n-ax sort of thine Ishould have found In er awkward fcr me, because in the same Kruger disliked bells and parlor-maids. me feel so completely the nothingness of frock coat had the or Congregational meet- of his back and the bottoms most Methodist ba£ was b'A my manuscript, my letters Then Ieald to Jooste that Ipresumed my worthless self as did old Paul Kruger the middle ing-houses an American villas*. Ther» Introduction, my home; of trousers were considerably above In ef and? letter of credit. the family were not at but Jooste over his pipe and bowl amidst his fifty his sugrested a was a long prayer, a long: sermon, a hymn Advertising In every peper in South Af- scouted the Idea. Just then I In cowboy cronies. He my his ankle*, The whole outfit heard. commanded dread "¦t_j-«" o*,rlnc or a chapter from the Book «f rica £:d r.o cjod. After my visit to Pre- one of the neighboring apartments, a and admiration; he almost made me caricature of the farmer two.

Books, and a benediction. The b&Mss dl what babies are apt to do when ther tire of one position, or think it Is meal time; but baby voices ruffled neither Paul Kruger, the parson, nor any one else. The President told m<* a story to Uluj»- trats his wickedness as a youngster. Of course we know that his childhood and youth were spent mainly In cattle wag- or.-, and that he did not get an oppor- tunity for being baptized tmtfl he was 15. living pound But In spitp of all these educational hand- toria. and while I-was at Pieter- which suggested the lions' ca^e at gypsy Dartnell, when icaps, the who led this Ufa ir.aritzourg. as guest of Colonel the menagerie about the time food for so many years managed hold fast the chief of the mounted? police, this Iden- Is expected. There was a heavy growling, to night ucposlt- to the Bible and give the youngsters a tical dispatch case was one as of surf heating up into caves on the good mes?enger wholesome dose of old-fashioned e-cTat police headquarters by a seashore. We approached the door and But Kruger vho could give no Ticcount of himself, knocked? we might as have knocked Calvinistlc doctrine. was well rated as a very lad In his day, meas- and did not even wait for a reward. Iat a pilot-house in the teeth of a hurri- bad looked carefully through my treasures; rumbling within rose and fe'l, ured of course by the standard of the - cane. The "Dopper Church." r«ot a thing was missing. And yet there obviously presence He told me that he was but our was not noted: wrestler, tire people who insist that the Bo*rs are pushed open door, not merely the best the best fo Mr. Jooste that as rider and the beat of his time, but corrupt! he had the previous one. and we entered shot When Ireached Pretoria, I smoke thick that Itre- was also noted for playing all sorts of therefore. Into a cloud of so pranks calculated ?was without letters, ar.d- Ishould have minded of engine-room when the to shock the good peo- me an ple of his community. Isuppose he been without money, had not a good steam has be^n leaking. For a while Isaw was a bit of a Tom Sawyer in his way. friend kindly lent me some. 1 had writ- nothing, though the quality of the vapor The first church for the new town was ten ah~ad, however, to Dr. Leyds, detail- assured me that Iwas in the midst of ready.- Iforget the cane ? perhaps ingmy purpose in visiting the Transvaal. ? -doubt about a club of smoker? there was no It was . At any rate, young end ii;voki:.g his assistance. With this by about that. Jooste took me the hand Kruger. along with r-r,t of the peopl* letter Iinclosed one of Introduction. and steered me around corners of the the the of that community, had worked upon the Hut the State secretary was evidently apartment until we stopped by the side suspicious. On the morning after my ar- eacred edifice, and the tlm? tame for some of an armchair. In which there sat. with solemn Its rival in Pretoria there came to my ho- pipe between his teeth, grand function connected with dedi- young a a old cation. On that particular day, when all tel a Hollander whose card was farmer? a of apostolic cowboy? that with coronet, sort the people, in solemn garb and mien, had, decorated a and who told was Paul Kruger. He sat in state as the me that he secretary assembled to do honor to the occasion, was a of Dr. Leyds, master of this roomful of long-haired come to express that gentleman's regrets there was a psychological moment when burghers, belching forth guttural phrases gazed up young- not ? all to the rocf and saw a that he would be able to receive me which sounded blasphemous tj my ears? that he was not in good health? that he ster standing on his head, clacking his but to those of the others it was simply together. That was Paul was too busy? there were lots of other of heels youngster good reasons, but 1 everyday L»ow Dutch. Iwas reminded Kruger. have forgotten them. that famous Potsdam Tobacco Club, in So Iwas inclined to be discouraged? for What happened after that has not yet which the Corporal "King" of Prussia historian. r.ot only was Ithere minus my precious life odious Frederick the Great. become accessible to the I dispatch case, but, apparently, the State made to heard that Influences were subsequently Secretary had determined that Ishould When Paul Kruger caught sight of us, brought to bear upon him which produced not see President Kruger, nor anything and Jooste whispered something in h's a change of heart, to say nothing of a car, else worth mentioning at the Boer cap- he lo'oked at me with bovine stolidity, new skin. His father appealed to him In while fifty apostles did the same. ltal. the various ways? first at one end, then a: Then he prunted, and the fifty echoes But Just then along came a pplendid the other. Which prevailed Iknow not- Boer friend, Mr. Jooste, the made one more grunt. 1 learned after- Some years after this young Kruger be- of . ward that the=e fifty burghers were "We had been fellow passengers to the not came subject to melancholia and retired Cape, for he is one of the here as an official Council of State; on to without letting any one, Transvaalers contrary, the wilderness who have traveled and studied politics at the they were Oom Paul's not even his wife, know of his whsro- fir.^t hand. He took me without further friends, who hud merely dropped in for a abouts. He was several days absent an