JANUARY — MARCH 2016 The Good News

A publication of Letter from Our Pastor St. Mary’s Catholic Church of the Dear Parishioners, Assumption We have all heard the carol ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ and some of us love it while others cannot stand it. Have you ever wondered why someone would compose a Christmas carol like it? I mean traditional carols have a message about being good otherwise old Saint Nick will bring you a Rev. Paul Hudson; lump of coal; they remind us of the birth in a manger; or a night that is Pastor silent or holy. ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ is not the ordinary Rectory 254-826-3705

Christmas carol. 301 S. Harrison P.O. Box 276 In England between 1558 and 1829, Roman Catholics were not permitted to practice West, Texas 76691 their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden AT A GLANCE meaning known only to members of the Church. Each element in the carol has a code Inside this issue: word for a religious reality, which the children could remember. Parent Teacher Club 2

The "True Love" one hears in the song is not a smitten boy or girlfriend St. Anne’s Altar Society 3 but Christ, because truly love was born on Christmas Day. The par- tridge in the pear tree also represents Him because that bird is willing to Men’s Fellowship 3 sacrifice its life if necessary to protect its young by faking injury to draw away predators. C.D.A News 4 The two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments. Parish Advisory Board 4 The three French hens stood for faith, hope, and love. J.C.D.A. News 5 The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Grief Support 5 The five golden rings represented the first five books of the Old Testament, which St. Vincent dePaul 6 describe man's fall into sin and the great love of God in sending a Savior. The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. Infant Jesus Garden 6

Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit----- Adult Formation 7 wisdom, understanding, counsel, patience, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. DCCW News (Continued on page 2) 7 SMS News 8 SMS Fun Run 8

KJZT #11 News 9 Father Paul explains the origin of a famous Christmas carol. KJZT Jr. News 9 Letter from our Pastor continues…..

Eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes. Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit-----Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Mildness, Fidelity, Modesty, Chastity. The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments. The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful Apostles. The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.

The next time you hear this Christmas carol, see how many of these you can remember and give thanks to God that we can practice our faith in the open.

Have a blessed Advent and Christmas Season.

Fr. Paul

Parents Teachers Club

By Rita Watson Playground News: We are considering building another carport covered-area and plan to install a water fountain, too. We hope to have this completed by Summer 2016 before it gets too hot! Author Day: We are hoping to have a local author come to visit our students and discuss the importance of reading. Last quarter: The Angel Trees looked beautiful during the Christmas season. We had our 10th annual San- ta's Workshop. It was a huge success thanks to all who helped. Thank you to the following performers: Jennifer’s Dance, Ericka Lopez's Music Class, and West ISD Cheer Camp.

The winners of the Basket Raffles are below.

Pre-K Yeti Fishing Basket Rachel Harrington Kindergarten Chocolate Basket Dallas Casares 1st grade Gift Cards Mary Wagner 2nd grade Restaurant Gift cards Marisa Kapavik 3rd grade iPad Basket Caleb Gerik 4th grade Grocery Basket Melissa Kubitza 5th grade Visa Gift Card Donna Matus 6th grade St. Mary’s Tailgate Aimee Bivens 7th grade Sports Basket Zachary Gerik 8th grade Movie Basket Shaela Bivens Daycare Christmas Suzanne Matus

Page 2 January—March Issue 2016 St. Anne’s Altar Society by Evelyn Petter

St. Anne's Altar Society elected officers for with us, especially at this time of year. May you the 2016—2017 term. They are as fol- be blessed abundantly! lows: President - JoAnn Wolf; 1st Vice Presi- Our Society decorates for weddings at our dent - Evelyn Petter; Second Vice President - church. Contact JoAnn Wolf at 826-4107, if you Carolyn Pustejovsky; Secretary - Laurann have any questions or would like for us to deco- Grimm; Treasurer - Tracy Devers; and Finan- rate for you. cial Secretary - Jeanne Roznos. Many thanks to the outgoing officers Debbie Janek The next St. Anne's meeting will be held in Janu- and Kathy Doherty for serving as first and ary. Watch the bulletin for date, place and second vice presidents the past two years. time. We wish to thank everyone for honoring Everyone have a happy and blessed New Year! their loved ones with beautiful poinsettias for the altar this Christmas season. It is so spe- cial to remember those who are no longer

Men’s Fellowship Group (MFG) by Jim Maguire

Our men’s Friday morning group is currently studying a series entitled “Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Ex- plained.” This series brings together noted Catholic teachers and evangelists to guide us through the breadth and richness of the Catholic faith.

The Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men will sponsor the fourth annual men’s conference on Febru- ary 20, 2016 at San Jose Catholic Church in Austin. The keynote speakers will be Tim Staples and Trent Horn. Both are noted Catholic apologists and public speakers. Tim’s talk is entitled “God is Looking for a Few Good Men” and Trent’s is “Combating Modern Atheism.” Watch our church bulletin for more infor- mation or go to www.centexcatholic.com for complete details.

The men’s Friday group sends a weekly e-mail announcing upcoming programs. Men who have attended ACTS or a Friday morning session should be on the e-mail list. If you are not getting the weekly e-mails and would like them, you may e-mail: [email protected].

The Good News Page 3 Catholic Daughters News by Regent Evelyn Petter

CDA has welcomed several new CDA served lunch to those couples attending the members in the last two Marriage Workshop held at the Parish Center on months. We are very excited and December 12th. The workshop was well attended encourage all ladies of the parish and it was wonderful to see all their smiling faces. to become a member of our group to help carry out charitable works for our parish and communi- On December 23rd, CDA provided refreshments for ty. Our official membership drive is in Febru- the Christmas Mass reception at West Rest Haven It ary. Contact Cyndi Lair at 254- 537-2250 for more was wonderful to have this Mass once again in our details on how you can join. community. Plans are coming along very well for the annual Taco CDA hosted the anniversary couples reception which Soup and Salad fundraiser which will be held on Fat was held December 27th in St. Joseph's Hall after the Tuesday, February 9, 2016, at the KC Hall. Many 9:00 a.m. Mass. What a joy it is to see so many cou- committees have been busy finalizing the details and ples honored! we look forward to everyone coming out and enjoy- It's not too late to place a shirt order with Debby ing food, silent auction, bake sale, and raffle activi- Marak. If you wish to have a CDA shirt, contact ties. All ladies are welcome to come out and help Debby at 749-8605 to place your order. with this fundraiser. We have a lot of fun getting together and having a successful fundraiser. CDA will serve supper to the CCE diocesan teacher meeting which will be held January 7, 2016 at St. December was a very busy month for us as we pro- Joseph's Hall. If anyone would like to help with vided goody bags for the Chamber of Commerce this meal, please contact Evelyn Petter at 826-5675. Christmas event the first weekend in Decem- ber. Then CDA, along with the CCE students of St. Our meetings are the first Tuesday of each month Mary's, assembled gift items for the nursing home with social time beginning at 6:30 p.m. and the meet- residents at West and the surrounding nursing ing beginning at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph's Hall. Hope homes. Over 75 gifts were distributed and bright- to see you at our next meeting. Happy New Year!! ened many residents' day! A big thank you to the CCE students for the items they collected for the residents.

Parish Advisory Board by Dorothy Warren

During this special time of the year, everyone on the Parish Board would like to wish you a Blessed New Year!

New board members that begin their duties in January are: Robin Waters, Julie Jensen, Carolyn Muska and Dennis Bohannan. They will do an awesome job. If you need assistance or have any questions, you can speak to any member of the Board.

I’ve enjoyed my tenure on the parish board, it has been rewarding to serve our church and the pa- rishioners.

Page 4 January—March Issue 2016 JCDA News Submitted by: Charlene Cook

JCDA met on Sunday, Novem- tions, especially all of the children and teach- ber 8th at the West Community ers at St. Mary’s School. Library to create owls, turkeys and 3 ‘thankful trees’ for the residents at West The Juniors and Juniorettes met at St. Jo- Rest Haven. Each Junior and Juniorette seph’s Hall Sunday, December 6 at 5:00 PM wrote something they were thankful for on a where they loaded onto a trailer and went paper leaf and hung them on the trees. caroling throughout West, ending up at the Once the crafts were finished, they delivered West Rest Haven. The girls sang many them to the residents and placed them on Christmas songs such as Silent Night, Joy to their dining room tables to be enjoyed the World, Frosty the Snowman and We throughout the month. There were approxi- Wish You a Merry Christmas for the resi- mately 40 girls in attendance. dents while they were eating their dinner. Many complimented how well the girls JCDA collected baby items for the Shower for sounded together. There were approximate- Baby Jesus. It began December 5th and con- ly 35 girls who shared their beautiful voices. tinued through December 13th. They col- The wonderful night ended back at St. Jo- lected a generous amount of items ranging seph’s Hall where they enjoyed hot cocoa from diapers, wipes, bottles, and baby and cookies. clothes, as well as maternity clothes, a bath tub, pacifiers, shampoo and powder. The We have an event planned for each month, items were dropped off at the CareNet Preg- so please find the JCDA calendar on the nancy Center in Waco. JCDA would like to Church’s website http://assumptionwest.org thank everyone for their wonderful dona- to make sure you stay informed.

Grief Support by Janice Kaluza

January 21, 2016 - Grief Support Group Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Hall. The speaker for this evening will be Deacon Ron Sykora of St. Mary's Church of the Assumption in West. There will be food and fellowship following the meeting. February 18, 2016 - Grief Support Group Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Hall. The speaker for this evening will be Rev. Terry McElrath, Pastor of Tokio Baptist Church. There will be food and fel- lowship following the meeting. March 17, 2016 - Grief Support Group Meeting – 7:00 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Hall. The speaker for this evening will be Dr. Paul Stripling, Counselor for Hand in Hand Counseling in Waco. There will be food and fellowship following the meeting.

The Good News Page 5 Society of St. Vincent dePaul By Cheryl Hoelscher

Our Parish was very generous during the holidays and we were able to provide over 60 fami- lies in the West area with Christmas meals including a ham. As the weather became colder last month, we were called by many in need of utility assistance. One of the toughest jobs of the Vincentians is to help those in need find a way out of poverty. Often those calling have had a crisis that caused them to be unable to pay their bills (unexpected medical expenses, car repairs, temporary loss of work…) and a one-time payment to help them ‘catch-up’ is all they need. Other times, after meeting with the requestor, we try to find a long-term solution when their income does not cover their monthly expenses. If their expenses are only the basics, then an increase in their income is needed which is typically tied to their skills or education. West is fortunate to have a new Tree of Life Women’s Center that will help women increase their marketable skills, teach budgeting, and work to help women in our community. Our Society of St. Vincent DePaul intends to coordinate our efforts to end poverty with the goals of the new women’s center.

Would you like to be a Vincentian ?  We need people to visit those in need (Home Visit Teams)  Assist in data entry of our records  Answer the Help Line and log the information into our system to notify Home Visit Teams

Infant Jesus of Ancestral Prayer Garden By Clarice Snokhous, Maggie Grmela and Mildred Dokupil November 29, 2015 was the 6th Anniversary of the dedication of the Garden at the 10:30 a.m. Mass with the choir singing the hymns in Czech. Although the weather prevented us from having the prayers afterward at the Garden, Father Paul gave an overview of the history of the Infant summarized as follows: The history of the Infant Jesus of Prague dates back more than four hundred years. The statue was modeled by a monk to whom its likeness had been revealed to him in a vision. The statue is eighteen inches tall and crafted of wax-coated wood. The left hand holds a miniature globe adorned by a cross signifying the world-wide kingship of the . The right hand is extended in blessing. The first two fingers are upraised to symbolize the two natures of Christ. The statue was brought to Prague from by Maria Manriquez de Lara, who in 1556 married Vratislav Pernstyn, a Czech nobleman. It was later given to her daughter Polyxena who later married Baron Zdenek Vojteach Popel de Lobkowitz, Prince of the Holy Empire. In 1629, Polyxena resolved to make the statue available to all believers and consequently dedicated it to the Carmelite Monastery and the adjoining Church of Our Lady of Victories in Prague. During the Thirty Years War, the nuns had to flee their convent and leave the statue behind. Five years later, they were able to return and Father Cyril found the statue but both hands had been broken off. It was at this time that the Infant is said to have appeared to Father Cyril and told him, “Have pity on Me, and I will have pity on you.. Give Me My hands, and I will give you peace. The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you.” Wishing everyone a Vesele Vanoce a Stastny Novy Rok 2016

Page 6 January—March Issue 2016 Adult Faith Formation By Jim Lockhart

Adult Faith Formation …….. what a long “stiff” title for our group. But it really is what we are, a group of like-minded individuals (a community) that has come together to study the Word of God and grow closer to Him. We are all in different places on our individual faith journey, but feel that the sharing and support we receive helps us as we go thru the ongoing transfor- mation, reformation and formation in our love for Christ.

We have just completed our celebration of the birth of Christ. And now have a brief period of ordinary time in our liturgical year before beginning our Lenten journey. Join us on Sundays at 9 a.m. in the Parish Center as we resume our study with “Symbolon – The Catholic Faith Explained.” It is a great opportunity to spend an hour with the One who loves you the most.

D. C. C. W. News By Evelyn Petter

The Northern Council of Catholic Women held its regular quarterly meeting on November 11, 2015, which was hosted by St. John's Catholic Church in Waco. The meeting was well at- tended and LuRue Gilbert Dorsey was our guest speaker. She was very entertaining and kept us all laughing! Anne Peter was installed as our Treasurer and will complete the term formerly held by Dorothy Maggard. The DCCW Annual Convention is scheduled for April 11th and 12th at the Austin Crowne Plaza Hotel. Some wonderful guest speakers are scheduled to be at the convention including the governor's wife. Our parish will host the Rural Life Mass in 2016. We are waiting on the Bishop's office to confirm the date for the Mass. More details will be provided when available. The next meeting of the Northern Council of Catholic Women will be held February 10, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. at St. Mary's Parish in Waco.

Reminder: If you missed having your group or organization’s latest information in this Newsletter, please mark your calendar now so your events can be included in the Spring 2016 Newsletter. Please send articles or calendar dates to [email protected] by March 15, 2016 or you may call Cheryl Hoelscher at 254-826-3481

The Good News Page 7 ST. MARY’S SCHOOL NEWS By Adrienne Janek, Director of Development

This quarter is a busy and re- There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for Pre-K, Kinder- warding time for St. Mary’s garten and 1st grade, which will take place on Thurs- Catholic School with many of day, March 24th at 10 a.m. our past successful annual events coming up again, and Spring SPORTS being just around the corner! In the area of sports, we have home basketball games tentatively scheduled for: SPECIAL EVENTS On Monday, February 1st there will be a Mayor’s Proc- January 7th here at St. Mary’s vs FWCS 5:00 & 6:00 lamation, Muffins with Mom event on Tuesday the 2nd, January 11th at Live Oak 5:00/6:00/7:00 the Parent Luncheon on Wednesday the 3rd, Donuts January 14th here at St. Mary’s vs WBA 5:00 & 6:00 with Dad on Thursday the 4th, and a Bishop’s Mass on January 25th here at St. Mary’s vs Parkview 5:00 & Friday morning, the 5th. Our annual school Mass will 6:00 not be held on Saturday night, and instead, we would February 1st here at St. Mary’s vs Vanguard love for everyone to join us for our Bishop’s Mass. 5:00/6:00/7:00 The Talent Show and Chili/Stew Supper will be held on Friday night, February 5th. Come celebrate with us! EARLY RELEASES/ HOLIDAY CLOSURES SCHEDULED On Ash Wednesday, February 10th, St. Mary’s School will observe a Divine Mercy, Bury Alleluia at 2:30 SMS is closed January 1st - 3rd with staff returning p.m. and a silent lunch dedication in the cafeteria. from the Christmas holiday on Monday, January 4th and students returning on Tuesday, January 5th to start St. Mary’s will host its annual Pre-K Roundup event the 4th 6-week period. The next early releases are as February 18th at 7:00 p.m. for potential 4K students to follows: February 5th (staff luncheon), February 12th, join our pre-kinder program. Look for information in March 4th, and March 24th. Spring Break is the week the church bulletin. of March 7th to the 11th. There is no school on Friday March 25th for Easter holiday. We will have at 2:00 p.m. on Fri- day, February 19th and February 26th.


St. Mary’s School is having a 5K and 1 mile Fun Run on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. The run will begin and end at the school. Entry fees: $10 students $15 St. Mary’s Alumni $20 Mail In/Hand In $25 Late Registration—Day of Race. Entry includes long sleeve race shirt and refreshments after the race including sausage wraps, fresh fruit, hot chocolate, etc. Entry forms can be picked up at the school office or downloaded on the school’s website at www.stmaryswest.com. All entry forms are due by February 1, 2016. Please contact Joanna Rogers at [email protected] or Mandy Kutscherousky at [email protected] for questions. See you at the run!

Page 8 January—March Issue 2016 KJZT Society #11 By President Mary Kallus

Wishing all of you a blessed, prosperous and more information. Deadline is February 1. happy New Year. Thank you to all who support and donate to the food Now that the holidays are over its back to busi- pantry. Many thanks to Delois Earl and Dolores ness as usual. Our annual meeting was held Sykora for their dedicated service in keeping the pan- December 13 at the St Martin Tours Hall. The try organized and boxes filled for distribution. Any- election of 2016 officers was held. Officers one that would be interested in helping them, please elected for 2016 were as follows: President give them a call. Mary Kallus, Vice President Dolores Sykora, Secretary Theresa Plsek, and Treasurer Joyce If anyone would like to know if they are a current Nors. Congratulations to all. member, please call any of the officers. Each of our officers have a full list. Most of us were enrolled by Also we discussed the next bake day and sale to our parents and grandparents and may not even know be held Saturday, March 19. With the funds we are members. earned at this bake sale, we will donate one half of the proceeds to a charity of our choice. It Anyone interested in joining the KJZT, can join as a was voted to donate these proceeds to “Meals social member. If you are interested in what the Cath- on Wheels.” The other half of the earnings is olic Family Fraternal has to offer you, your children, used to fund our local scholarship program. or grandchildren, give Theresa Plsek a call. She is also Any senior who is a member of our local society our local representative and her number is 867-1973. is encouraged to apply. Our next meeting is January 10, 2016 after the 7:30 Seniors who are members of the Catholic Fami- a.m. Mass at the Parish Center. Next bake day is ly Fraternal (KJZT) are also encouraged to apply March 19 watch the bulletin for more details. for a State scholarship. Go to KJZT.org for

KJZT Juniors #11 by Theresa Plsek

The Juniors will install their new officers after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 10, 2016 at the St. Mary’s Parish Center followed by a short meeting. The new officers are: Nicolas Hovde - President; Rachel Zacharias –Vice President; Coleman Wolf – Treasurer; Marisa Kapavik- Secretary and Tanner Marak - Reporter.

There will be no meeting in February.

There will be a meeting on Sunday, March 13th at the St. Mary’s Parish Center. Following the meeting, the Juniors will start making corsages for the women who are living in the West Rest Haven. Juniors will be help- ing with the bake sale on March 19th. The Juniors did a great job at the pre-Thanksgiving bake sale in No- vember as a number of the Juniors came at 7:00 a.m. to help make the kolaches. They also helped the food pantry by purchasing canned goods, picking up the canned goods from the church and bringing the goods to St. Joseph Hall.

The Good News Page 9 “The Good News” Non Profit Organization Church of the Assumption U.S. Postage Paid P. O. Box 276 West, Texas 76691 West, Texas 76691 Permit No. 24


Remember to check out our Parish Website Various organizations have contributed data about their groups, so you can find out what time your group will be meeting, read the latest bulletin, Parish newsletter, CDA newsletter, Lector/Server Schedule, find Mass times and much more—including links to other organizations’ web-pages. If your parish organization would like to have information added to our website, please contact the Rectory.

We’re on the Web www.assumptionwest.org

Remember to pull-out the Calendar page in the center and post on your frig so you don’t miss any of our Church events!

Calendar of Church Events

January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 Su M Tu W Th Fri Sa Su M Tu W Th Fri Sa Su M Tu W Th Fr Sa 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 31 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 When What Where Time 2-Jan Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle South Lawn-City Hall 9 AM - Noon 2-Jan West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Family Dinner St. Joseph’s Hall 4 PM 2-Jan / 3-Jan KJZT food pantry collect at all Masses Church all Masses 5-Jan CDA meeting with social preceeding meeting St. Joseph's Hall 6:30 PM & 7:00 PM 6-Jan West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting SMS Library 7:15 PM 7-Jan CCE Diocesan Teacher Meeting (CDA will prepare supper) St. Joseph’s Hall 10-Jan KJZT Society Meeting Parish Center after 7:30 AM mass 10-Jan KJZT Juniors. Meeting & installation of Officers Parish Center After 10:30 AM mass Over 40's Dance - 'Branded Heart' $5 admission; 15-Jan please bring finger-foods Tours Hall 7 - 10:00 PM 20-Jan West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting SMS Library 7:15 PM 21-Jan Grief Support Group Meeting St. Joseph’s Hall 7 PM 1-Feb Catholic School Week begins at SMS 2-Feb CDA meeting with social preceeding meeting St. Joseph's Hall 6:30 PM & 7:00 PM 3-Feb West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting SMS Library 7:15 PM 5-Feb Chili Stew Supper followed by Mass & Talent Show SMS 5:30 PM Special Mass with our Bishop 5-Feb celebrating Catholic Schools Week Church TBA 6-Feb Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle South Lawn-City Hall 9 AM - Noon 6-Feb & 7-Feb KJZT food pantry collect at all Masses Church all Masses 7-Feb 50/50 Club has quarterly meeting Parish Center 9-Feb CDA Fund-raiser Fat Tuesday Taco Soup KC Hall 11 AM - 1 PM St. Mary’s Church 10-Feb Northern Council of Catholic Women quarterly meeting In Waco 10 AM 10-Feb Ash Wednesday—SMS Divine Mercy Church 2:30 PM 13-Feb St. Mary's School Fun Run SMS 9 AM

Calendar of Church Events January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 Su M Tu W Th Fri Sa Su M Tu W Th Fri Sa Su M Tu W Th Fr Sa 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 31 28 29 27 28 29 30 31

When What Where Time

14-Feb KJZT Society Meeting Parish Center after 7:30 AM mass

17-Feb West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting SMS Library 7:15 PM

18-Feb Grief Support Group Meeting St. Joseph’s Hall 7 PM

18-Feb Pre-K and Kindergarten Round up at SMS SMS 7:00 PM Over 40's Dance - 'Texas Heart Beat' $5 admission; 19-Feb please bring finger-foods Tours Hall 7 - 10:00 PM Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men - San Jose Church 20-Feb Men's Annual Conference Austin

1-Mar CDA meeting with social preceeding meeting St. Joseph's Hall 6:30 PM & 7:00 PM

2-Mar West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting SMS Library 7:15 PM

5-Mar Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle South Lawn-City Hall 9 AM - noon

5-Mar & 6-Mar KJZT food pantry collect at all Masses Church all Masses

7-Mar thru 11th SMS Spring Break—no school

13-Mar KJZT Society #11 Meeting Parish Center after 7:30 AM Mass

13-Mar KJZT Juniors Meeting Parish Center 4:00 PM

13-Mar First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association –Branch W077 St. Joseph’s Hall 3 PM

16-Mar West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting SMS Library 7:15 PM

17-Mar Grief Support Group Meeting St. Joseph’s Hall 7 PM Over 40's Dance - 'Spur City Rounders' $5 admission; 18-Mar please bring finger-foods Tours Hall 7 - 10:00 PM KJZT Bake Sale to raise funds for Meals On Wheels and 19-Mar Scholarship fund—Juniors are asked to help Parish Center 7 AM