Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 133, No. 07
" ~ ~1 I, , "L'~··'.'·,'9~ >. "," presents "Fight One More. ~ ..... '~V.~_,,~_.~~. ,. ">._._., ___ ,,,_~Round" .. ~._,.._~_~~o ........ _-..-..-_--.-...~,~·~,...,-,._,·_~~~,_ ~f~\ "People, fight one more round. -' "'" ~ "I am only one. but I am one. You have to be tough. People are ""-,, \,} can't do all things, but I can selfish, irresponsible and self ' .. ~ do something. That which I' centered. but love them anyway. " can do, I ought to do, and that All the things that took a ; which I ought to do, by the lifetime to build will be tom j grace of God, I wiII do." I down, but build anyway. When ;, you've given the best you have to the world, you are kicked in the teeth, but give your best anyway." "Discipline is the ultimate ,.:';' tenet of education. Discipline establishes the format, the environment for academic achievement to occur. If there is no discipline, no "Don't go around blaming learning can take place. other people for your plight. Without discipline, there blame yourself, because if is anarchy. Good citizenship you end up a nothing, it's demands attention to because that's what you responsibilities as well as want to be." rights." (Whose story was depictated in LEAN ON ME) Thursday October lOth 7:00 p.m. Stepan Center Tickets available at Lafortune Info. Desk (Starting Oct. 3rd) .AdmiSSion $3.00 for Students n"n_unlon~'D General Admission $5.00 - l. t! I • CONTENTS 1992 1867 - SCHOLASTIC A century ahead of the competition. NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE ENTERTAINMENT Parents - Alumni - Fans 5 The Connells 6 Fugazi and Red Hot Chili Subscribe to Peppers NEWS 7 WVFI-FM? CAMPUS LIFE cholastic 10 The Swarm of the Yellow Green Jerseys Notre Dame's Weekly Student Magazine 14 Joe Clark: Up in Arms SPORTS Follow the Fighting Irish 15 Restoring Panther Pride and keep up with campus events as 17, National Champions : 1943 Scholastic celebrates our 125th anniversary! DEPARTMENTS 2 -Editor's Notes Your subscription includes our annual football review issue, published in February 1992.
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