OLD AND LACK Volume 72 No. 29 W~~ Fores_t _University, Wins~on-Salem North Carolina Friday, April 28, 1989 S.ophomore- -- Expelled After Showing Fake IDs By Mike JW:cKinley upset by the decision. ofthe coum;il. guilty to lying. Her penalty consisted of 30 The woman said that she was informed March reduce the expulsion to suspension was tmani~ · News Editor She said that her problems began last semes­ work hours and 35 days ofprobation, which she 20-38 days after the incident-that she had mous. Straw said that he could not Corliiilenf teraftershewenttoaSalemmixer.Shesaidthat completed. been reported to the Honor Council. about the case. __ _ --- - A sophomore woman was expelled from she had used another woman's driver's license The woman said that the second offense She appeared before the council Aprilll and The defender and the investigator for the Wake Forest College Tuesday for showing to gain access to the party. came when she attempted to enter the Sports was given the 'penalty of expulsion. Honor Council had recommended more leni-: false drivers' licenses at two social functions 'The girl (who was checking IDs at the door) ClubFeb.IO. Shesaidthatshedidnotknow that The Student Government Constitution states ent penalties. sponsored by Salem College. found out (that I had used false identification) Salem was hosting the event Students from that "the penalty for a second violation of the Guy said that he had recommended five to The decision was handed down by the Honor somehow after the incident She looked my Salem were checking IDs at the door. honor system shall be expulsion unless the seven work hours per week for a year to be Council April II and was upheld by theJ udicial picture up in the yearbook from Salem, because 'There were, I know, over 150 people in Honor Council panel by three-fourths vote performed with Mike Ford, director of student Council. She .was informed of the decision I used to go there and found out that it was me there under age and (the carder) just happened reduces the expulsion to suspension." development, so that the woman could wort Wednesday morning. and reported it" to recognize me and said I went to Salem. She Tom Guy, the woman's student defender, with the alcohol education program. He also: The woman, who asked not to be identified, The woman appeared before the Honor didn't even take my ID ... she just recognized said that Wayne Straw, then vice chairman of recommended one year of probation and: said from her home yesterday that she was very Council at Wake Forest Dec. 2 and pleaded my name and reported it" the Honor Council, said that the decision to not See ExpuJsion, Page 6 Group Rallies for Divestment By Shelley Hale eliminating apartheid." eliminating apartheid, not making U.: Pcnpectives Edilor He discussed several arguments that more bearable." are frequently used against divestment The Rev. John Mendez of me Students Against Apartheid shouted and disinvestment, such as the argu­ Emmanuel EMC Church in W~ "A Call For Divestment" at a rally last ment that sanctions against South Af­ Salem commended those who were Friday in front of Wait Chapel. rica will hurt the blacks there and that committed to ending apartheid. : About75 students and faculty mem­ polls show that blacks are not in favor "It is fitting that we are in front ot bers gathered on the Quad to hear of divestment Wait Chapel, because what else shoukt several speakers advocate their views Griffiths said that only one percent a church stand for but freedom,justice~ on the divestment of Wake Forest's of the black population is employed by equality and dignity of all people?" he money from companies practicing in the United States and thatitisclearthat said. South Africa. - blacks have the willingness to suffer "We need to make a long-term: Robert Griffiths, a professor of poli­ for their freedom. In response to the commitrnenttoourbrothersandsistels· tics, was the first speaker. He said that, second argument, he said that most in South Africa," Mendez said. "We; although the university invests only in major anti-apartheid leaders have ad­ will fight for their freedom as long as: South African companies that follow vocated economic pressure and that they will." theS ullivanPrinciples, these principles South African unions have endorsed Mendez said that by staying in South: have been denounced by Leon Sulli­ econcmic pressure dS well. Africa, the U.S. has done more to sup­ van himself and should be considered Griffiths said that polls should be port apartheid than it bas to tear it outdated. taken with a grain of salt, because a down. "Perhaps the university trustees South African who says he is in favor "Apartheid is sinfuDy and morally should re-evaluate their position as of economic sanctions against the wrong. It is indignant and must be well," he said. government is in danger of being pun­ destroyed. Apartbeid violates what it Griffiths said that there are several ished severely by the law. means to be human," he said. · flaws in Sullivan's principles: the code "Blacks have shown the willingness Freedom should not be up for com­ is voluntary; the criteria used to deter­ to be destructively engaged," Griffiths promise or dlbate, and it is wrong to minetheuseofthecodearesubjective; said. "WakeForest' s divestment would research and Slndy apartheid. Mendez blacks have no say in the operation of serve as another voice to support di­ said. 'l1Jtore is hypocrisy in businesses, About 75 students and faculty members gathered last Friday afternoon in front of Wait Chapel to bear speakers the code; and the code "does not ad­ vestment. I hope the efforts of the uni­ c(J'})0f300nsandcollegecampuses widl share their views on the divestment of university from South Mrica. dress the larger issue - the issue of versity will contribute to the goal of See Rally, Page 6 4Student Life Committee Chair Outlines Policies at SG Meeting By Rocky Lantz ied by members of the university community. all aspects of student life except academics velop programs if they do not create a signi­ Also outlined in the document are acfditioftllf Acting Edilarial Page Edit« Suggestions will be considered before the and as the primary ~valuator of the contribu­ figant change in policy. responsibilities for residential groups. AD resi· final draft of the docwnent is issued, he said. tions of student organizations to the life of The docwnent outlines the responsibilities dential organizations will be required to live in The Committee on Student Life is docwnent­ The purpose of the docwnent is to clarify Wake Forest University." of organizations, particularly the accountabil­ univemty housingoruniversity-approvedhous­ ing its policies, practices and procedures, said procedures of the Committee on Student Life, Although the committee has the authority to ity of groups for infractions made by individ­ ing, Hazen said. Mike Hazen, the committee's chairman, at the Hazen said. The content of the document will approve and review student activities and ual members. The document says, "As a guid­ According to the document, this will be re­ Student Government meeting.Tuesday night pertain mainly to student organizations. organizations, the primary authority for super­ ing principle, groups will be held responsible quired "because the university has an obligation The committee has been working on the docu­ According to the most current draft of the vision of the conduct of the organizations lies for the acts of their members when those acts to preserve its distinctive residential character the docwnent, "The Student Life Committee with the Division of Student Life, the docu­ grow out of, or are in any way related to group while assuring the general safety and well-being ment throughout spring semester, he said. The .. most current draft of the docwnent is being stud- functions as the primary policy formulator for ment says. The division is permitted to de- life. See SG, Page 6 . Professor Speaks About Three World Cultures By Jonathan C. Jordan Rieff said that the first world culture had its anti-culture that "explicitly rejects any refer­ Edilor in OUef height in Athens, among the philosophers. That ence to the sacred order," he said. world culture gives a sense of the "primordial," In third world culture, art refers to itself, it We all live simultaneously in three world which Rieff called the primacy of possibility, does not refer to or address the glory of God, as cultures, more precisely in one, which was from which everything derives. the cathedrals did 'They are to the greater glory founded through revelation at Sinai by the Jews, "First world culture is now a fiction - there of themselves," he said. said Professof1>hilip Rieff of the University of are no pagan cultures. Pagan cultures I suggest The war of the third world culture against the Pennsylvania. are fictive recyclings of ... irrationalities that are second world culture can be seen best in the · Rieff'slecture Monday night, entitled "Sacred lodged there in their consciousness," he said. "anti-bible of modem English letters, Finne­ Order/Social Order: Notes Toward Seeing the Thesecondworldculture,foundedatSinaiby gan's Wake," he said. Joyce's passage '"let • ThreeWQddCultures at War in America lllus­ the Jews, is the traditional culture of American there be fight, and there war,' declares war on all trated,"wasthefinalinstalmentoftheTocquev­ society, Rieff said. It was founded upon an secondworldculture;it'salltrash,andhetrashes ille Forum lecture. series. apparatus of commands, he said. it" Rieff said, "Genesis 1:3 is a key pas­ Rieff, the Benjamin Franklin Professor of "Those commands have a certain direction. It sage in the self-understanding of second world Sociology and University Professor at Penn, is is in the tradition of the second world culture, as culture creation: let there be light and there was a noted authority on Freud.
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