Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation Author: Porck, Thijs Title: Growing old among the Anglo-Saxons : the cultural conceptualisation of old age in Early Medieval England Issue Date: 2016-04-26 Bibliography Primary sources Ælfric, The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Hexameron of St. Basil , ed. and trans. Henry W. Norman (London, 1848) Ælfric, Ælfrics Grammatik und Glossar , ed. Julius Zupitza (Berlin, 1880) Ælfric, Homilies of Ælfric: A Supplementary Collection , ed. John C. Pope, EETS os 259–60 (Oxford, 1967–8) Ælfric, Ælfric’s Catholic Homiles: The Second Series , ed. Malcolm Godden, EETS ss 5 (London, 1979) Ælfric, Ælfric’s Catholic Homilies: The First Series , ed. Peter Clemoes, EETS ss 17 (Oxford, 1997) Ælfric, Two Ælfric Texts: The Twelve Abuses and The Vices and Virtues , ed. and trans. Mary Clayton (Cambridge, 2013) Æthelwulf, De Abbatibus , ed. and trans. Alistair Campbell (Oxford, 1967) Alcuin, Epistolae , PL 100, cols. 139c–512b Alcuin, Commentarii in s. Joannis evangelium , PL 100, cols. 733–1008c Alcuin, De schola et scholasticis , PL 101, 744c–5d Alcuin, Alcuin of York: His Life and Letters , trans. Stephen Allott (York, 1974) Alcuin, Propositiones ad acuendos iuvenes , trans. John Hadley and David Singmaster, ‘Problems to Sharpen the Young’, The Mathematical Gazette 76 (1992), 102–26 Alcuin, Disputatio puerorum per interrogationes et responsiones , ed. Liam E. Felsen, ‘“Disputatio puerorum”: Analysis and Critical Edition’, unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Oregon, 2003 Aldhelm, Aldhelm: The Prose Works , trans. Michael Lapidge and Michael W. Herren (Cambridge, 1979) Aldhelm, Aldhelm: The Poetic Works , trans.
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