UNCLASSIFIED Drug Slang Code Words DEA Intelligence DEA-HOU-DIR-020-17 May 2017 ReportBrief (U) This product was prepared by the DEA Houston Division. Comments and questions may be addressed to the Chief, Analysis and Production Section at
[email protected]. For media/press inquiries call (202) 307-7977. 1 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DEA Intelligence Report Executive Summary This Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Intelligence Report contains information from a variety of law enforcement and open sources. It is designed as a ready reference for law enforcement personnel who are confronted by many of the hundreds of slang terms used to identify a wide variety of controlled substances, designer drugs, and synthetic compounds. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information presented. However, due to the dynamics of the ever-changing drug scene, subsequent additions, deletions, and corrections are inevitable. Further addendums to this report will attempt to capture changed terminology, to the extent possible. This compendium of drug slang terms has been alphabetically ordered, and identifies drugs and drug categories in English and foreign language derivations. Details Drug Slang/Code Words Amphetamine Amy; Amps; Bam; B-Bombs; Beans; Bennies; Benz; Black and Whites; Black Beauties; Black Birds; Black Bombers; Black Mollies; Blacks; Blue Boys; Bombita; Brain Ticklers; Brownies; Bumblebees; Cartwheels; Chalk; Chicken Powder; Chochos; Christina; Chunk; Co-Pilot; Coasts to Coasts; Crisscross; Cross Roads;