Vol. 9 Núm. 25 / Enero 2020 49

Artículo de investigación Human textuality as an interdisciplinary problem: the relationship of the genome, gunas of nature and biological destiny of a human being

Человеческая текстуальность как междисциплинарная проблема: взаимосвязь генома, гун природы и биологической судьбы человека

Recibido: 5 de septiembre del 2019 Aceptado: 14 de octubre del 2019

Written by: Maya Vilyevna Rakhimova21 SPIN: 2516-9058

Abstract Аннотация

The purpose of this work is by relying on the Цель данной работы: опираясь на interdisciplinary aspect to provide evidence in междисциплинарный аспект представить defense of the thesis about the textual nature of a доказательства в защиту тезиса о текстуальной human being. The author believes that a human природе человека. Автор считает, что человек- being is a text on the biological and metaphysical это текст на биологическом и метафизическом levels of matter, and an interdisciplinary уровнях материи, а междисциплинарный approach is able to discover the mutual подход способен раскрыть взаимосвязь между relationship between the gunas of nature, genes гунами природы, генами и биологической судьбой человека. В качестве ведущего and the biological destiny of a human being. An используется междисциплинарный подход. interdisciplinary approach is used as the lead. The Автор опирается на научные данные генетики, author relies on scientific data of , эпигенетики, философии языка, лингвистики, , philosophy of language, linguistics, философии и философии религии. В статье philosophy and philosophy of religion. The paper представлено сравнение, анализ научных presents a comparison, analysis of scientific data данных гуманитарных и естественных наук о of the Humanities and natural Sciences about a человеке. Новизна работы определяется human being. The novelty of the work is междисциплинарным подходом к проблеме determined by the interdisciplinary approach to текстуальности человека. Лингвистика the problem of human textuality. The linguistics помогает понять структуру ДНК как help to understand the structure of DNA as a лингвистическую структуру. Философия linguistic structure. The philosophies of religion религии помогает заметить сходство между help to notice the similarities between genetic генетическим полиморфизмом и кармой, polymorphism and karma, gunas and genes. The гунами и генами. Эпигенетика помогает epigenetics help to capture the special уловить особую связь между питанием, relationship between nutrition, stress and стрессом и эпигенетическим ландшафтом, epigenetic landscape, human mood and настроением человека и биологической biological destiny. Philosophy helps to notice the судьбой. Философия помогает заметить interdisciplinary connections between the междисциплинарные связи между Humanities and natural Sciences and to bring the гуманитарными и естественными науками и вывести изучение человека на новый уровень study of a human being to a new level of понимания. understanding. Ключевые слова: текстуальность, геном, Keywords: Textuality, genome, epigenome, эпигеном, слово, гун природы, биологическая word, gunas of nature, the biological destiny of a судьба человека human being.

21 PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the department of Socio-Humanitarian and Psychological-Pedagogical Disciplines, South Ural State Institute of Art named after P. I. Tchaikovsky

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Rakhimova, M. /Vol. 9 Núm. 25: 49 - 58/ enero 2020 50


Human textuality is very complex to understand. A number of facts of genetics are taken from the The author is in the very beginning of the works of V.S. Baranov and A. S. Spirin. Data on research, and yet it’s already clear how exciting the linguistic nature of the text are taken from the journey to this “terra incognita” is going to be. works of I. R. Galperin. Data on the philosophy The basic idea behind this research is very of religion are derived from the works of simple: Human is a text. However, this very Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. simple idea is very hard to explain and prove, especially in the light of Bacon’s Idols of the At this piece of paper textuality is understood as Theater that are firmly entrenched both in ability of human nature to collect, preserve and scientific and common consciousness. communicate information (at genetic level of matter) and meanings (at metaphysical level of But let’s, however, assume that Human is textual matter). Those information and meanings are on biological, as well as social levels of matter sufficient by themselves, but they do not exist patterning, and ask ourselves a question: what if independently, they interact. our findings could help us better understand how to be human? From this perspective human looks like a text (Anshen, 2005) that is being simultaneously What if the linguistics could help us to written by Nature, biologically, and by Himself, understand the structure of DNA as a linguistic socio-culturally. So, Let us try to prove this structure? And the philosophies of religion help assumption. to notice the similarities between genetic polymorphism and karma, gunas and genes? Methodology What if the epigenetics help to capture the special relationship between nutrition, stress and The study by itself is a review study.It is epigenetic landscape, human mood and important to emphasize that paper based on biological destiny? And Philosophy helps to theoretical simulation. An interdisciplinary notice the interdisciplinary connections between approach is used as the lead. The scientific work the Humanities and natural Sciences and to bring relies on data of genetics, epigenetics, the study of a human being to a new level of philosophy of language, linguistics, philosophy understanding? and philosophy of religion. The paper presents a comparisonand analysis of scientific data of the Can we continue to ignore the interdisciplinary Humanities and natural Sciences about a human connections between the Spirit Sciences and the being. nature Sciences, or would it be productive to assume that they influence each other and have Discussion mutual feedback, and thus at least help man preserve his humanity before he becomes Just like any other text, human as a text has its completely disillusioned with his nature and own structure. rushes into a Posthuman future without man? Our world is rapidly changing, technogenic and According to the Linguistic encyclopedic biogenic technologies of human immortality are dictionary, text is a semantically coherent developing, attempts to blur the boundaries of sequence of signs, the key features of which are sexual identification are observed. But man as a coherence and completeness. Proper text philosophical phenomenon is still a mystery. structure shall meet the criteria of textuality, i.e. Who are we: an open self-developing system or cohesion, coherence, acceptability, a dying rudimentary element in a new, digital communicability (Yartsevo, 1990). reality? Can we say that we know what a person is in his current bio-psycho-socio-cultural According to I. Galperin, text is a product of incarnation? Can dialog, synergistic way of speech represented in a written form, thinking of modern philosophy to remind a characterized by completeness, wholeness and person about his awesome nature? coherence, and consisting of specific text units (supra-phrasal units) joined by various types of In the context of this scientific work, the lexical, grammatical, logical and stylistic means following authors helped to find some answers: under one title (headline); it is pragmatically Matt Ridley, Wells Spencer helped in the field of focused and has definite communicative aim textuality of the genome; Peter Spork and Nessa (Galperin, 2006). Kerry - in the field of textuality of the epigenome.

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I. Galperin interpreted text as concentration of beginning was the “Word”, it wasn’t DNA, but something organized and harmonized and in the DNA does carry its image (Ridley, 2015). meantime as something unpredictable in part that evolves in the process of text creation. It seems to be true that in the beginning it was RNA that ruled the world (Spirin, 2003). RNA Human being as philosophical phenomenon may was this very first “Word”. RNA molecule be defined as open self-organizing system that replicates itself and catalyzes its own synthesis implies structural unity and rationality (the (Chemical encyclopedia). RNA is the live word, Apollonian element) and elements of dynamic able to absorb nutrients from the environment in chaos and spontaneity (the Dionysian element) at order to replicate itself (Ridley, 2015). the same time. In light of these considerations RNA – the first Textual nature of a human manifests itself live Word – looks like the most self-sufficient through his name as headline; human genetic, substance in the living matter, with functions epigenetic, mental and cultural functions may be similar to those of a word, a basic linguistic unit. read as specific text units (supra-phrasal units); Just like a word, during biochemical catalysis while bio-cybernetic and socio-cybernetic process RNA carries information that is relationships of human with his environment contingent on any change in its meaning. Just like might be lexical, grammatical, logical and a word through its replication and coding stylistic means of joining these units together. functions RNA preserves and communicates Human continuously creates himself as a text. information and meanings. Just like a word by From biological perspective human body could performing its templating function RNA be characterized as text too. It interacts with the contributes to making genetic text a complete environment and builds itself genetically and whole. epigenetically. What are structural units of ribonucleic acids, Regular linguistic text consists of specific and is there any similarity between linguistic structural units – phrases, sentences, words. units and genetic units? Biological text” of human body too has its own sentences and words, the function of which looks In every live organism there are two types of similar to the function of linguistic text units. nucleic acids: a ribonucleic acid (RNA) and a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA and RNA We know there are such linguistic units as both are composed of monomers called phoneme, morpheme, word, phrase and sentence. nucleotides, that is why they are known as Morphemes, words and phrases carry polynucleotides (Echeverri and Perrimon, 2006). information. When the meaning of the The RNA molecule is composed of a chain of morpheme, word or phrase changes, this change ribonucleotides (adenine, cytosine, guanine, affects the information they carry. uracil). The unique structure and function of the DNA and RNA molecules results from their Word and sentence have their own function that nitrogenous base sequences (Golenchenko and is not limited to merely preserving and Silaev, 2003). communicating meanings and information, they contribute to making text a complete whole. Now let’s see if there is any similarity between graphic symbols (like letters) that we use to Is there any chance that “genetic text” functions represent sounds (like phonemes and their similarly? Does genetic text has its own variations) and the nitrogenous bases of RNA – phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases and A, U, G and C, as well as ribose and phosphate sentences? How does the science of biology group, if we dare suggest those are genetic interpret biological words? phonemes.

Modern genetic scientists understand what a Genetic phonemes of the RNA molecule build genetic “word” is by reading genome and its bigger units of biochemical language – parts in their labs, using specific laboratory nucleotides, which look like morphemes. devices. While interacting biochemically, the units of Alexander S. Spirin, a Russian biochemist, and genetic language build syllables or polymers, Matt Ridley, a writer of popular science, and which in their turn build phrases and sentences. other researchers believe that even if in the And comparing to what we know from linguistics as units of language - like letters, phonemes,

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52 morphemes, syllables and words, in genetics it is individuality, make humans readable. At the nitrogenous bases that look like letters, ribose level of matter they interact with those elements and phosphate groups look like phonemes, that are present for and deserved by a particular nucleotides could represent morphemes, conditioned soul, i.e. with karma and karmic polymers are syllables and RNA could be read as circumstances. the first word. For example, if rajas and tamas are predominant All this could mean that text encoded in a human in a person at a particular time, we can hardly has its own structure. imagine that the conditioned soul of this person is holy or that this person is the incarnated Human as a text is written “biologically” and Buddha. Because it’s not the way it works. “transbiologically” or metaphysically Material nature creates a unique text for each life according to unique circumstances of its owner. Gunas of Prakriti that as we know influence everything about a human, reveal metaphysical If we assume that gunas provide for the substance nature of textuality of a human. of the human life text, the text itself, then it’s obvious this text must have a form, so there must According to Bhagavad-gita, material nature is be letters, syllables, words, phrases and the lower or inferior Prakriti (Jada-Prakriti) and sentences, which should serve as the means of the living entity belongs to the higher or superior writing this text that gunas would use whenever Prakriti (Jiva-Prakriti). However both are always they do their job. controlled (Prabhupada, 2014). Material nature is endowed with three qualities or modes (gunas) In this context, why don’t we take a closer look that under the control of eternal time combine at DNA macromolecules and genome itself, and and permutate to produce activities called Karma why don’t we think better about how gunas (Prabhupada, 2014). themselves are born? What if we can draw parallels between the phenomenon of genetic A living entity that is biased by the influence of polymorphism and Karmic function? matter is conditioned or is a ‘conditioned soul’ (Prabhupada, 2014). A body that is a part of The Sankhya philosophy says that the rope of matter, is subordinate to the laws of nature gunas is composed of three intertwining strands (Prabhupada, 2014). When a living entity that of threads, where each ‘guna’ thread has three originally is pure spirit comes into contact with subunits (minor threads) weaved together. This matter, it becomes conditioned by gunas. strong rope of Prakritigunas, woven countless times, creates a myriad of individualities Bhagavad-gita defines guna as a strand, as well (Patanjali, Yoga – Sutra). This feature of the as quality, mode, thread or string. It says that the ‘gunas’ rope makes it similar to functioning of conditioned soul is tightly tied by the ropes of . illusion (Prabhupada, 2014). According to Spencer Wells, one of the main The three gunas are the following: “sattva” - problems molecular biologists faced when goodness or purity, “rajas” - passion or energy, studying DNA sequences was the DNA “tamas” - darkness, dullness or sloth. They replication: in each cell of our body what we call cannot be separated and are tied together like a genome exists in two copies. tongues of fire. Gunas are responsible for the diversity of nature, depending on which guna The reason why we have two copies of a dominates in each particular soul and each is complex, but fundamentally it is particular thing. Gunas intermingle and weave due to gender. One of the reasons why sexes exist together countless times into a strong rope. is creating new genomes. The DNA rearrangements called genetic recombination, Gunas of Prakriti produce all forms of life and which precede fertilization, are possible due to create all types of reality, they provide a unique linear nature of chromosome, which allows for stamp of individuality, of character and relatively easy transposing chromosome’s parts personality. onto its pair chromosome, so creating new chimeric . The actual reason why If we draw parallels between gunas and textuality all this is happening is that it makes a good way of a human being, we can notice that gunas create to ensure diversity in each generation. Broken meanings which are the core substance of and rejoined chromosomes are not exact copies textuality, they write a book of human

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of each other, they have different individual karmic circumstances, and second, segments/fragments all along the chain. due to genetic polymorphism and genetic predisposition. So Karmic circumstances and Thus, genetic recombination creates new genetic predisposition regarding each particular chromosomes different from their parent form of life both can be read or interpreted as a chromosomes (Spencer, 2013; Barber, 2008). So, life-text that is unique both in form and similarly to gunas of material nature, human substance. genome is designed so that it ensures genetic diversity in generations, due to genetic We can hardly deny that heritable polymorphic polymorphism. variations in gene structure are the basis of the unique genetic passport and textuality of each Vladislav Baranov and other authors (Baranov, person, that they play the key role in generating Baranova and Ivashchenko, 2005; Popes - cu, a unique biochemical profile of each person and MacLaren, Hopkins et al., 2006) argue that in evaluating his heritable genetic predisposition genome sequencing of representatives of to various frequent multifactorial diseases. different races and ethnic groups showed remarkable resemblance of the original structure Based on the assumption that gunas and genetic of their DNA. It turned out that genome of these polymorphism both affect material nature, it different people was 99, 9% similar in its base turns out that human being is responsible for the composition (Baranov, 2009). substance of his life-text. The process of building a human being from scratch depends on many One the other hand, they found that genetic factors, i.e. genetic burden, dynamic mutations variation which actually makes us genetically (Gorbunova and Baranov, 1997), genetic different from each other exists. Genes vary in predisposition and genetic polymorphism the number of copies of DNA sequences they (Golubovsky and Manton, 2005). We should also contain and, most importantly, by single remember that mutations and polymorphism can nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). stay latent in a ‘sleep’ mode in human genome and never manifest. So far, in addition to sequencing the human genome, scientists sequenced the genomes of a Gunas of material nature within their Karmic number of species. Interestingly, human and activities in the process of creating a human other mammalian genomes were found 90% being too go beyond just giving birth. The similar (Baranov, 2009; Connor, 2006; Tomolin, substance of human textuality is contingent on 2008). how a human reacts to external and internal challenges of his life. For example, human genome has hundreds of copies of MGC8902 (more than 2 hundred Under the influence of mutations of meaning, precisely), a gene, responsible for cognitive genetic text writes itself, mapping a unique route abilities or learning; chimpanzee genome has that would comprise internal storylines, personal thirty-seven copies of MGC8902, and rats and dramas of a hero, his multifactor diseases, mice have just a few. Another study discovered genetic predisposition, and finally his unique that humans and fruit flies have more than 60 biochemical profile. But this genetic text, as well percent of similar genes. Comparative genomics as everything else in our reality, does not exist by proved that there is high homology between a itself. Its substance is subordinate to the human and a chimpanzee. influence of three gunas of material nature that weave together in peculiar and ‘conditioned’ With all this in mind, how can we not rethink fields of Karma. from this perspective the gunas of material nature that as we know are responsible for all forms of This paper does not cover the issues of genetic matter and that condition all living entities garbage and pseudogenes, although correlation according to their Karmic circumstances? We between pseudogenes and gunas and genes, the know that all forms of life can be structured both relationship between pseudogenes and textuality into gunas and genes, that both intertwine in could explain a lot in terms of Karmic action of a different ways and modes, as the individual conditioned soul. textual nature of their owners prescribes. It would be fantastic one day to know that The processes of gunas and chromosomes genome, just like a perfect library, has its every intertwining result in a unique individual entity, part thoroughly organized and structured. No the uniqueness of which is ensured, first, due to books with no cover, torn or absent pages, no

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54 defunct manuscripts, no controversial papers the vast majority of the and genes that about afterlife or communication with code for a human being; they are the design from extraterrestrial intelligence. Nothing like that. which we are created (Carey, 2012). Everything is barren, clear, and obvious, just perfect. Unfortunately, this perfect dream can A different thing though is that cells may very never come true, neither in library, nor in life and much differ from one another although they most likely genome. derive from a common mother cell that offers one development plan for all of them. The Genome is a book that has been writing itself explanation for this phenomenon, as Carey continuously during billion years. Like an author, asserts, could be that cells use common it has been drafting, adding and deleting information differently (Carey, 2012). fragments of text it once wrote (Ridley, 2015). So, just like books, we differ from each other not But how do cells remember what they are only externally, but also in our biochemical, supposed to do, and follow this plan no matter physiological and psychological qualities, that all what? in one portray each person’s (Baranov, 2009; Gregory, Barlow, McLay et al., In an attempt to understand how this works Nessa 2006). Carey compares DNA to a script that can be read in a thousand ways, each depending on cellular So if we assume that human is a text, then his context (Carey, 2012). choices and decisions add up to the substance of his unique book and unique books of his DNA offers one single scenario, but in each descendants, because each family from particular case this one scenario due to a number generation to generation creates and preserves its of genetic and epigenetic causes would transform own core texts in its genes that pass down to the into a unique text. next generation and are stored latent in pseudogenes (Gerstein and Zheng Du, 2006). In a theatre, when the play is really bad, even a great director and perfect actors cast could not All in all, gunas and genome have similar produce anything good from it. On the other function and ensure diversity of the material hand, we all happened to see a bad theatre nature. Gunas and genome build human beings performance of esteemed literary writings. Even from scratch. Gunas and genome are responsible in a case a script is perfect, the final outcome can both for the form and substance of human be awful, when the interpretation is poor. textuality, where gunas build individuality – traits of character and qualities, i.e. the substance In the same way, genetics and epigenetics work of human text, and genome moulds its structure intimately together to create the miracles that are (Rakhimova, 2017). Therefore, human as a text us and every organic thing around us (Carey, is written “biologically” and “transbiologically”. 2012).

Textual nature determines human biological Hardly we can consider the processes happening future in a living cell chaotic or random.

These days there is more and more research in Genome is very smart, it’s a smart book. Under western science on how epigenetic code favourable conditions genome can self-replicate influences human destiny, in which context and be read on its own (Carey, 2012). All human destiny is more and more often associated thousand billion cells of a human body are the with human biological destiny. result of perfect DNA replication (Carey, 2012). Nessa Carey emphasizes that genome is Genetically, a human being is ‘written’ in various primarily designed to ensure transparent DNA combinations that are based on the replication, word by word, when each cell is toughest foundations of genetic language which committed to make all the DNA duplicates the DNA speaks. This language consists of just identical to the original. four letters, but people as the products of this language turn out to be absolutely different from Nessa Carey suggests to recall one of the most one another, each person represents an exclusive, famous lines in all English literature: unique text. How is that possible? “O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?” Nessa Carey, British biologist, draws our attention to the fact that nucleus of a cell contains

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If we insert just one extra letter, then no matter Peter Spork argues that epigenetics analyzes how well the line is delivered on stage, its effect structures that provide each cell with an is unlikely to be the one intended by the Bard: individuality, and collectively create its epigenome. Epigenome memorizes not only “O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore fart thou structures for , but also the rules Romeo?” according to which a particular structure shall or shall not apply. These rules along with the rest It can be the same with our DNA – one genetic text shall be passed down to daughter inappropriate change (a mutation) can have cells during . devastating effects (Carey, 2012). To a certain extent, epigenome defines the future Therefore, on how perfect the DNA replication of a cell. It decides how the genome is expressed, is, on the quality of genetic information too many which gene to turn off or turn on and when. outcomes depend this problem to be left without Epigenome regulates the speed of cell aging and thought. how sensitive a cell is to external irritants. It determines how long the cell is supposed to live So how is our body able to build different cell and controls predisposition to diseases. types if they all emerge from a common genome (Carey, 2012)? Peter Spork emphasizes the importance of the so- called epigenetic program that cells inherit To answer this question Nessa Carey again refers (Spork, 2016). to an analogy of actors reading a script. She says: “BazLuhrmann hands Leonardo DiCaprio According to Spork, epigenome has its own Shakespeare’s script for Romeo and Juliet, on gadgets, the so-called epigenome’s ‘switches’. which the director has written or typed various They purposefully connect to specific parts of the notes – directions, camera placements and lots of genome to choose which particular genes a cell additional technical information. Whenever shall use, and which not. Leo’s copy of the script is photocopied, BazLuhrmann’s additional information is copied Therefore, epigenome creates the grammar along with it. Claire Danes also has the script for which shall structure the text of our life. Romeo and Juliet. The notes on her copy are different from those on her co-star’s, but will also It’s the software that is supposed to help cells use survive photocopying. their hardware (their personal ) correctly. Because if a cell had to be reading its That’s how epigenetic regulation of gene genes and simultaneously synthesizing its expression occurs – different cells have the same proteins, its life would be chaotic (Spork, 2016). DNA blueprint (the original author’s script) but One of the main functions of the epigenome’s carrying varied molecular modifications (the switches is ensuring intermediation between a shooting script) which can be transmitted from genome and the environment. Dynamic mother cell to daughter cell during cell division. environment may cause modifications in the These modifications to DNA don’t change the second code, which would result in the essential nature of the A, C, G and T alphabet of transformation of genome activation program of our genetic script, our blueprint (Carey, 2012). cells. This may cause changes in the whole body (Spork, 2016). Epigenetics deals with bio-molecular information which cells preserve and transfer to Epigenetic ‘switches’ are responsive to the their daughter cells, but this information is not external environment, so external factors, such as inherited transgenerationally (Spork, 2016). So, the environment in which we were raised, the when speaking about epigenetics, we should emotion of love, nutrition, stresses, hormonal remember of the second code. balance, our prenatal experiences, psychotherapy, smoking, overloads, According to Peter Spork, a German psychological traumas, climate, distress etc. may neuroscientist, the first genetic code is reprogram our genes (Spork, 2016). represented by the sequence of letters of the genetic language, but besides this, there is one Biologists very soon understood that genetic more information system, which ensures that code itself cannot help in achieving the outcomes every cell knows what it derived from, which they envisioned. It is just a hardware apparatus way it is supposed to go, and what her destination controlled by software they know nothing about. point is.

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So for now we can see the code, but we are yet to text. Therefore, the biological destiny of a understand its meaning – not just to read the text human, that is a product of the epigenetic code, in this book, but understand the concepts (Spork, depends on how he responds to external 2016). That’s where epigenetics will help. challenges. This is how textual nature of a human determines his biological future. So, genome and proteins cofunction as one huge library, where DNA provides texts while Conclusion epigenetic structures serve as librarians, catalogues and signs and are designated to In conclusion it is necessary to draw the manage and organize data. following conclusions:

In 1942 Conrad Waddington proposed his own 1. Textuality at this stage of research is illustration of the epigenetic landscape. In this understood as the property of human figure epigenetic programs are envisioned as a nature to enclose, preserve and translate slope composed of hills and valleys, that direct a at different levels of matter structuring, ball, that is an aging cell, into different possible both information (at the genetic level) paths as it rolls down the slope. Environmental and meanings (at the metaphysical effects may alter its path, and if they are severe, level). they can even move the ball into another valley. 2. Human Being is a text that is Then following the changes in the epigenetic simultaneously written by Nature (at the code our whole body will change. biological level) and by human being himself (at the social and cultural level). And the older we are, the deeper valleys we roll 3. Like any text, the textual nature of into, and the harder it gets to switch them human being has a certain structure. (valleys). 4. If the units of language in linguistics is considered to be graphic signs (letters), This is how epigenetic programs ensure phonemes, morphemes, syllables, word, interaction between a body, its genome and mind then the units of language in genetics (Spork, 2016). can be called nitrogenous bases of RNA Cells retain memory that due to extensive as graphic signs (letters), ribose and changes in epigenome is able to store memories phosphate groups as phonemes, of our responses to various external challenges. nucleotides as morphemes, polymers as The second code continuously changes in the syllables, RNA as the "first" word. course of our whole life, not just during 5. The content of human textuality is embryonic growth only. Even in very old age we formed at the biological and non- can affect it both positively and negatively. biological (metaphysical) level. 6. The gunas and the genome have the Changing our lifestyle cannot cure our genetic same function, and are the cause of the defects, but these changes may positively affect diversity of the world. The gunas and our second code. By the power of our will and the genome are involved in thought we can at least to some extent prevent or the"formation" of human being. The induce epimutations, and even reverse them. gunas and the genome are responsible for the textuality of human being in a These alterations may become part of our meaningful and structural way. biological destiny, it’s all in our hands (Spork, 7. If the gunas contribute to the formation 2016). So, genome creates and encloses genetic of the framework of individuality- alphabet, genetic syllables and sentences, and character, human qualities, meaningful from this perspective it looks like a kind of a textuality, then the functions of the book, or script, or even a library. DNA provides structural component of textuality are framework for genetic text, but cells use genetic performed by the genome. data differently, depending on individual 8. Human Being's textual nature shapes circumstances of their owner. Epigenetics is his biological destiny. responsible for the autonomy and identity of a 9. The genetic text is based on DNA as the cell, as well as for its memory. "wiring diagrams", however, cells are able to use the original genetic data on The second code is highly responsive to various an individual basis. Epigenetics is external factors, these factors can affect the responsible for the independence and epigenetic landscape of human cell. Human individuality of cells, their "memory". being, in its turn, can correct his personal life

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