
Advanced Review Structural : from natural to artificial systems Yulan Fu,1 Cary A. Tippets,2 Eugenii U. Donev3 and Rene Lopez1*

Structural coloration has attracted great interest from scientists and engineers in recent years, owing to fascination with various brilliant examples displayed in nature as well as to promising applications of bio-inspired functional photonic structures and materials. Much research has been done to reveal and emulate the physical mechanisms that underlie the structural colors found in nature. In this article, we review the fundamental physics of many natural structural colors displayed by living organisms as well as their bio-inspired artificial counterparts, with emphasis on their connections, tunability strategies, and proposed applica- tions, which aim to maximize the technological benefits one could derive from these photonic nanostructures. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

How to cite this article: WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 2016. doi: 10.1002/wnan.1396

INTRODUCTION vegetation to look . On the other hand, can be strongly reflected and/ deflected from reach- umans perceive the world in a colorful way ing the because of the interaction of light with because of the selective spectral sensitivities of the structure of an object, as is the case with so-called H ’ the light receptors in our retinas. Objects pre- structural colors. A familiar example of structural senting different light- distributions appear is the atmospheric , which is caused by as possessing distinct colors. Several mechanisms for reflection, , and of light in generating colors in materials are known, including droplets resulting in a spectrum of colors appearing preferential absorption, emission, birefringence, and in the . photochromism. For a non-luminous object, we see a There is a rich variety of structural colors in fi fl speci c color if the object strongly re ects only a par- biology, such as the brilliant of the wings of ticular range of visible . This can happen butterflies, the iridescent colors of some bee- in two ways. On the one hand, the object absorbs tles, and the vibrant metallic blue of the Pollia – part of the light spectrum due to interactions between fruit.1 3 Many efforts have been undertaken in the the illuminating photons and electrons in the mate- past decade or so to both reveal the origins of biolog- rial, which is the general coloration mechanism of ical structural colors as well as replicate them. , dyes, and metals. For example, the chloro- Inspired by the natural creatures sporting these col- phyll found in many bacteria, algae, and ors, researchers have achieved substantial progress in plants absorbs most of the and blue light from developing functional photonic materials with vivid fl the sun and re ects green light, thus causing most structural colors that could find applications in sen- sing technologies, security, light-emitting sources, – paints, and other areas.4 6 * Correspondence to: [email protected] Previous review articles have cataloged and 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Caro- explained in detail the structural colors found in lina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA 7–9 2 nature. In addition, other recent works have Department of Applied Physical Sciences, University of North fi 10–16 Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA reviewed arti cial . In this 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of the article, we focus on the connection between these South, Sewanee, TN, USA two fields and explore the bridge between natural structural colors and the artificial structural colors Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of inter- est for this article. they have inspired. The article is organized as

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Advanced Review wires.wiley.com/nanomed follows: Structural Color Physics section briefly If light is incident from a medium with a smaller reviews the basic physics behind structural onto a medium with a higher one, coloration; Structural Colors in Nature section dis- the reflected shifts its phase at the interface by cusses various manifestations of structural color in an additional π radians. For a thin film in air, the biological species; and Inspired Structural Color condition for constructive interference of order section highlights the artificial structural colors gen- m and λ then becomes: erated by bio-inspired, artificially patterned, func-  tional micro-/nanostructures. 1 2n d⁢cos⁡θ = m− λ: 2 2 2 STRUCTURAL COLOR PHYSICS If the film is attached to a material with a Thin-film Interference higher refractive index, the constructive interference Thin-film interference is perhaps the simplest source condition is: of structural color. It occurs when an incident light ⁢ ⁡θ λ: wave is reflected by each boundary of a thin film and 2n2d cos 2 = m the two reflected interfere with each other to form a new wave.17 This mechanism can be seen if These simple relationships illustrate a depend- fi one considers a plane wave of light incident from a ence between the geometric structure of the lm and the preferential wavelengths it reflects, giving rise to medium of refractive index n1 on a thin film of refractive index n , as depicted in Figure 1(a). The the perception of color when light is incident 2 fi incident and refracted angles are θ and θ , respec- upon the lm. A is a familiar manifesta- 1 2 fi tively. The optical path difference (OPD) between the tion of this mechanism and exempli es the basis of two reflected waves becomes: more complicated structural coloration systems. The next stage of sophistication can be considered when multiple films are stacked on top of each other. OPD = 2n2d⁢cos⁡θ2:

(a) (b) n A A

nB D B 𝜃1 𝜃A n nA dB 1 𝜃1 A 𝜃 A C n B d B A B 𝜃2 d n2 n A A B n B B

(c) (d) ω


1D 2D 3D

k 2ω ω ω 2ω – a – a 0 a a

FIGURE 1 | (a) Two-beam interference in a single thin film. (b) Interference in multilayers (neglecting multiple reflections). (c) Schematics of 1D, 2D, and 3D photonic crystals. (d) Band dispersion diagram of a 1D .

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology Structural colors

Multilayer Interference in all directions, and can confine and control light in Multilayer photonic structures are composed of peri- three spatial dimensions via complete photonic odically stacked thin films with alternating high and bandgaps. low refractive indices, as shown in Figure 1(b). When a light wave is reflected from a multilayer consisting STRUCTURAL COLORS IN NATURE of different films A and B, with refractive indices nA and nB and thicknesses dA and dB, the condition for Despite their complexity, photonic architectures are constructive interference is17: found in naturally formed structures such as opal stones and certainly in many biological materials. 2ðÞnAdA⁢cos⁡θA + nBdB⁢cos⁡θB = mλ: Their occurrence in a wide range of living species is indeed remarkable, as these animals, insects and This equation shows that, for incident sunlight, the plants manage to utilize the fundamental physical apparent color of the multilayer reflector varies with mechanisms described above to create variegated col- the observation angle: as the angle of observation ors for their biological needs. increases, the reflected color blueshifts toward shorter wavelengths. This effect occurs because the Morpho fl net OPD actually decreases even as the reflected Butter ies waves travel longer distances through their respective Among the structural colors displayed in nature, a layers, and thus constructive interference occurs for truly spectacular example is the brilliant blue on the 1,20 shorter wavelengths. The coloration tends to be more wings of the Morpho butterflies. Figure 2 selective as the number of layers increases, resulting (a) shows a photograph of a Morpho rhetenor, which 21 in very sharp reflection peaks with a strong angular gives off a bright metallic blue color. Under a low- dependence. This multilayer only has periodic index power , it can be observed that the variation along one spatial dimension; one can intui- back sides of the fore- and hind-wings are covered tively expect similar physics could be observed in 2- with tilted scales (Figure 2(b)). Closer optical inspec- and 3-dimensional structures. tion (Figure 2(c)) indicates that a single scale consists of seemingly parallel rows, while transmission elec- tron microscopy (TEM) of a cross-section of a scale Photonic Crystals (Figure 2(d)) reveals that the rows themselves have Photonic crystals (Figure 1(c)) are ordered nanostruc- complex nanostructures of ridges and lamellae. tures of two media with different refractive indices The arrays of ridges and lamellae constitute – arranged in a spatially periodic fashion.18,19 The three types of photonic crystal-like structures.22 25 multilayer periodic stacks discussed above can be Firstly, thin films with air gaps and lamellae form a considered a 1-dimensional (1D) photonic crystal. In multilayer structure that gives rise to the blue color higher dimensions, photonic crystals exhibit analo- according to the interference condition. Secondly, a gous behaviors to crystalline solids, providing a peri- ridge is composed of a set of staggered lamella odic potential for photons via the refractive index (‘shelves’) on the right and left sides that form two contrast as solids do for electrons through the lattice phase-shifted photonic crystals. When incident white arrangement of ions. Figure 1(d) shows the band light interacts with the two photonic crystals, the structure of a 1D photonic crystal, in which there is blue component scatters back to the source. Thirdly, no electromagnetic field near k ≈ π/a, where k is the the ridges of random height form a grating-like struc- wave vector and a is the crystal lattice constant. This ture, yet the width, height, and lamella shape of each region marks the bandgap for the electromagnetic ridge contain some randomness that shifts the phases wave. Light with a frequency within the bandgap of reflected waves and cancels out the diffraction- cannot propagate in that direction, so this frequency grating effect. of light experiences a high reflectivity and the photo- The reflection, absorption, and transmittance of nic crystal appears a certain color. Two-dimensional the wings of M. rhetenor are shown in Figure 2(e).22 (2D) photonic crystals are periodic in two directions, The reflection at wavelengths below 500 nm is high, and their simplest realization consists of dielectric with a peak reflectivity of 45% around 460 nm due materials with air holes or dielectric pillars in air. to backward . At other wavelengths, In the plane of the 2D periodicity, light absorption in the pigments beneath the ridges also transmission and reflection are controlled by the plays an important role: Removal of the complimen- photonic bandgaps mentioned above. Three- tary color enhances the blue color and assures color dimensional (3D) photonic crystals, have periodicities saturation. The transmittance is quite weak below

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(a) (b) (e) Transmission 100 Absorption 80

60 % 40

20 Reflection 200 μm M. rhetenor 0 (c) (d) 300 400 500 600 700 (f) Wavelength / nm 180 0.80

Cross 0.64 section ϕ 0.48 [deg.] 0.32

z 0.16 y

y μ 0 0.00 x 100 m z x 0 θ [deg.] 180 2 μm

FIGURE 2 | (a) Photograph of a Morpho rhetenor butterfly.21 (b) and (c) Scales of a M. rhetenor under microscope at low and high magnification, respectively. (d) TEM image of the ultrastructure on the M. rhetenor wing. (e) Reflection and absorption of the M. rhetenor wing. (f ) Reflectance of a male M. rhetenor wing sample over the entire plane of incident (θ ) and reflection (ϕ) angles.

500 nm and increases slightly toward the near- and diffraction gratings. Various types of 3D photo- region. Figure 2(f ) shows the experimentally nic crystal structures have been found in the scales of measured reflectance of a male M. rhetenor wing . For example, the photonic crystals found in sample over the entire planar incident and reflection the scales of Pachyrrhynchus and Metapocyrtus have angular space, producing a high-intensity two-lobe a close-packed hexagonal arrangement analogous to θ-ϕ angular signature at peak reflectance that cannot opal, while the photonic crystal of Lamprocyphus – be obtained by diffraction or multilayer interference has a -based lattice.27 29 A third kind of alone.26 structural colors in beetles is caused by grating struc- Three explanations have been proposed for the tures made of parallel ridges or slits, such as in Serica biological role of the blue coloration of the male of sericea, which diffract white light into its constituent this species: (1) that the shimmering blue wings of wavelengths30 to create rainbow-like reflectance. the courting male attract a resting female; (2) that Multilayer reflectors are perhaps the most com- predatory birds may become disoriented by the mon and best understood mechanism in ‘blinking flash’ of blue; (3) or that the blue color sig- beetles. Figure 3(a) shows a photograph images of nals a territorial claim against other males, since a this kind of natural reflector taken on a buprestid piece of blue metallic paper has been shown to , Euchroma gigantean.31 Their hardened wing attract female Morpho butterflies.17 covers (elytra) have multilayer structures consisting of dark layers and clear layers (Figure 3(b) and (c)). The uppermost clear layer has a Beetles thickness of 0.2–0.4 μm, beneath which are dark There are many types of beetles that reflect bright iri- layers of 0.09 μm thickness for the descent colors, which appear to change with the region of the elytra. The color reflected by a multi- angle(s) of view and/or illumination. The mechanisms layer structure depends on the refractive index of the responsible for these colors can be classified in three component layers and their periodicity. According to groups: multilayer reflectors, 3D photonic crystals, the multilayer interference condition given above, the

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(a) (b) (c) R 1 234567 891011


m s

n~2 n-1.5

6 sk

FIGURE 3 | (a) Photograph of Euchroma gigantean (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euchroma_gigantea). (b) TEM image of the elytra of E. gigantean (50,000×).31 (c) Schematic of interference in the multilayer structures of the elytra of E. gigantean.

first-order wavelength of peak reflection at normal (SEM) images show the barb has lots of barbules.35 incidence equals 2(nAdA + nBdB), which shows that A barbule consists of a medullar core of ~3 μmin layers with a greater optical thickness (nd)reflect diameter enclosed by a cortex layer; the cortex layers longer wavelengths than thinner layers. On the of differently colored barbules contain 2D photonic- buprestid beetle, the reflector thickness varies crystal structures made up of melanin rods connected between body regions, so colors of different by .36 High-magnification TEM imaging may be reflected. clearly shows the lattice structure of the particles in a From an viewpoint, Chrysina resplen- blue . The diameter of a particle is estimated dens is one of the most interesting beetle species at 130 and 140 nm for blue and , owing to its brilliant metallic golden color.32 These respectively, under the assumption that the particles beetles have been found to reflect circularly polarized are close-packed parallel to the surface. Blue and yel- light from incident unpolarized sunlight.33 Their ely- low feathers have 8–12 and 3–6 regular layers with tra consist of two helicoidal layers sandwiching a layer intervals of 150 and 190 nm, respectively.35 layer of unidirectional molecular architecture.34 The Below the lattice structure, the particles are randomly two helicoidal layers twist in opposite directions and distributed. In contrast to the transverse cross-sec- produce the wideband reflection with specific circular tion, the particles have an elongated shape, up to sev- polarizations. The sandwiched layer forms an excel- eral microns, in the longitudinal cross-section, and lent λ/2 retardation plate around 590 nm. When are rather randomly distributed. unpolarized light is incident normally to the material, To explore the origin of coloration in peacock the light with left-circular is completely feathers, the photonic band structure of an infinite reflected, while that with right 2D photonic crystal was calculated by a plane-wave penetrates without any loss. The λ/2 retardation plate expansion method, whereby a partial bandgap was changes right-circular light to left-circular light when found along the normal to the cortex surface for two transmitted. The converted left-circular light is then polarization directions and at frequencies corre- selectively reflected in the second cholesteric layer sponding to observed strong reflections.36,37 The sim- and the reflected light becomes left-circular. The λ/2 ulation further reveals that the coloration is retardation plate again changes the left-circular light controlled by the lattice constant and number of peri- to right-circular light, which penetrates the first layer ods in the photonic-crystal structure. Varying the lat- without loss and emerges out. Thus both left- and tice constant produces a variety of colors, while right-circular light are effectively reflected. reducing of the number of periods brings out addi- tional colors, causing mixed coloration. Peacock The peacock feather demonstrates another excellent Other Birds example of biological structural colors. The male Many other birds, such as and king- peacock is one of the most beautiful birds: it has bril- fishers (Figure 4(b)), have bright colors caused by liant, iridescent, diversified colors, and intricate, col- nanostructures in their feathers. In China, the blue orful eye . In Figure 4(a), one can see that the feathers of the kingfisher were traditionally used to peacock tail feather has a central stem with an array decorate jewelry, and their color has not faded after of barbs on each side. Scanning hundreds of years. The colors of bird feathers can

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(a) (b)

FIGURE 4 | (a) Photograph of a peacock tail feather. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peafowl) (b) Photograph of a common kingfisher. (https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_kingfisher)

also be categorized as iridescent colors, that is, chan- species of birds: Agapornis roseicollis, Melopsittacus ging in appearance with the angle(s) of observation undulatus, and Poephila guttata. The results indicate and/or illumination, and non-iridescent colors, which that the spongy medullary keratin is a nanostruc- remain more or less visually constant regardless of tured tissue that functions as an array of coherent the angle of observation.38 scatterers. The nanostructure of the medullary kera- Iridescent structural colors in avian species are tin is nearly uniform in all directions, thus explaining normally due to barbules composed of well-ordered the absence of iridescence. The largest Fourier com- melanin granules. The granules, arranged in a regular ponents of the spatial variation of refractive index in structure, play an important role in displaying struc- the tissue are of the appropriate size to produce the tural colors, while absorption of the unnecessary observed colors by constructive interference alone. In further enhances the vividness the and blue barbs of the common kingfisher, of the display. The has iridescent green Alcedo atthis, there are spongy nanostructures with and blue colors in its head and breast, respectively.39 slightly different dimensions, causing different reflect- Its iridescence is caused by interference effects in a ance spectra.41 In addition, a broadband background stack of three films whose total optical thickness is reflection is contributed by the cortex of the shiny one-half of the peak wavelength. The films consist of feathers, especially when the feathers are illuminated elliptical platelets of air bubbles encased in a matrix from oblique directions. of refractive index of ~2. The different hummingbird colors are produced by a combination of effects: The platelet thickness decreases moderately across the Tunable Structural Colors in Animals spectrum from red through green to blue, and the air It is generally interpreted that the ability of chame- content increases simultaneously. leons to change color is due to dispersion/aggregation Non-iridescence was treated as arising from of pigment-containing organelles within dermal pig- incoherent light scattering, such as Rayleigh scatter- ment sacks. However, Teyssier et al.42 found in the ing and Tyndall scattering. However, Prum et al.40 skin of panther (Furcifer pardalis) two studied the periodicity of the medullary keratin in the superposed thick layers of structural coloration con- barbs. They performed a 2D discrete Fourier analysis taining specialized cells (iridophores) with guanine of the spatial variation in refractive index of the crystals of different sizes. The reptiles’ color-shifting spongy medullary keratin from four different colors ability (see Figure 5(a)) is due to active tuning of a of structurally colored feather barbs from three lattice of guanine nanocrystals within a superficial

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology Structural colors

(a) Male m2 Male m2 (relaxed) (excited)

(b) (c) 1. 0 236 mOsm (excited) Reflectivity 1416 mOsm 0.0 (relaxed) 300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) (d) (e)

1 cm 200 nm

FIGURE 5 | (a) Reversible color change in the skin of a male panther from relaxed to excited state.42 (b) TEM images of the lattice of guanine nanocrystals in S-iridophores from the same individual in a relaxed (left panel) and excited (excited panel) state. Scale bar, 200 nm. (c) Reflectivity of a chameleon skin sample with white skin osmolarity from 236 to 1416 mOsm. (d) Image of a light-adapted neon tetra fish with schematic outlines of the transversal (red) and longitudinal (green) sections of the stripe.44 (e) Cryo-SEM images of a guanophore located in the lateral stripe of the neon tetra, in a section transversal to the stripe. White arrows, crystals; arrow heads, cytoplasm.

thick layer of dermal iridophores. The deeper popula- on average 30% smaller in the resting than in the tion of iridophores with larger crystals reflects a sub- excited skin, while the crystal size in surface irido- stantial proportion of sunlight, especially in the near- phores did not vary. Samples of excited skin (white/ infrared range, which is likely advantageous for sur- yellow) were subjected to hypertonic solutions to vival in hot dry environments. generate osmotic pressure likely to cause the guanine The upper layer of iridophores is fully devel- crystal lattice to shrink to its resting state. Figure 5 oped only in the skin of adult males, but reduced in (c) shows a blue shift in the reflectivity of the irido- the skin of females and juveniles. The iridophores in phores due to this treatment. The color generated by this layer contain small close-packed guanine crys- a face-centered cubic lattice of close-packed guanine tals, with a diameter of 127.4 17.8 nm (Figure 5 crystals was simulated for a range of lattice constants (b)), organized in a triangular lattice. The guanine obtained from TEM images of various excited and crystals have a high refractive index of 1.83, while unexcited male panther chameleon skin samples of the cytoplasm has a low refractive index of 1.33, and different colors. The simulated reflected colors closely together they form a photonic crystal structure. The matched those observed in vivo and during the TEM images of F. pardalis samples of blue or green osmotic pressure experiments. skin (resting state; see left panel in Figure 5(a)) and The chameleon’s ability to change color is images of yellow or white skin (excited state; see remarkable; nevertheless, color based on photonic right panel in Figure 5(a)) of the same individuals crsytals is pervasive throughout the reptilian class. showed that the distance among guanine crystals was Saenko et al. found that the extensive variation in

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Advanced Review wires.wiley.com/nanomed color patterns within and among Phelsuma lizard example of bio-inspired structural colors. Various species is generated by complex interactions between fabrication methods have been presented to repro- containing yellow/red pteridine pig- duce the butterfly-like colors, and a recent sensor ments and iridophores producing structural color by application has been demonstrated.47 The fabricating constructive interference of light with guanine nano- methods have been improved over the past few years crystals.43 These authors showed that the color pat- to combine ordered and disordered features and the terns of Phelsuma always require precise co- butterfly replicas are now close to the actual butterfly localization of different sets of interacting pigmentary in terms of not only color but angular response as and structural elements. For example, yellow and red well. Moreover, some absorption has also been chromatophores are associated with iridophores with employed judiciously to enhance the purity of the ordered and disordered nanocrystals, respectively. structural colors. As many living species display Many other animals possess the ability to structural and also tunable colors, artificial color- change colors in different environments. For instance, changing photonic structures that can modify their the neon tetra fish (Figure 5(d)) has the ability to optical behavior in response to external stimuli have change the color of its lateral stripe in response to a been widely studied for applications in sensors and change in the light conditions, from blue-green in the displays. The connection between the natural and the light-adapted state to in the dark-adapted artificial counterparts is indeed strong and runs deep state. A recent article44 has shown that the reversible from the early days of the optical theory. Below we variations in crystal tilt within its individual crystal highlight some of the latest laboratory-made struc- arrays are responsible for the light-induced color tures that seek to employ not only photonic crystal variations. theory but also nature’s insight to achieve quasi- Different simulation methods have been utilized periodic and tunable designs. to explore the structural color of living creatures. In Table 1, we list some of these animals along with their type of color nanostructure and the optical sim- Butterfly-like Structures ulation methods employed in the literature. The nanostructures on the scales of Morpho butterfly wings integrate three design principles leading to the fl INSPIRED STRUCTURAL COLOR wide-angle re ection: alternating lamellar layers, ‘Christmas tree’-like shape, and offsets between The structural colors in nature illustrate paths neighboring ridges. Siddique et al.24 studied the indi- toward producing artificial photonic structures that vidual effects systematically by 2D finite element could find usage in security,4 sensor,5 display,45 method electromagnetic simulations of nanostruc- light-emitting sources,6 and cosmetics46 applications. tures of the Morpho sulkowskyi butterfly, showing The proposed applications of bio-inspired structural how the reflection spectrum can be controlled by the colors have thus far been primarily based on opal design of the nanostructures. Furthermore, the same photonic crystals due to their ease of nanofabrication authors fabricated the simulated structures by on large scales. In contrast to the rigid mathematics electron-beam lithography (EBL). The resulting sam- of the photonic crystal theory, many living systems ples mimicked all important optical features of the achieve structural coloration by virtue of a masterful original Morpho butterfly scales and featured the mixing of periodic with random structures to open intense blue iridescence with a wide angular range of up a range of optical responses and perceived colors. reflection. However, the structures fabricated by EBL Replicas of the Morpho butterfly structure are a good were not standing upright like the ridges on the

TABLE 1 | Simulation Methods Utilized to Explore Living Structural Color Structures Simulation Methods – Morpho Butterfly Photonic crystal-like structures time domain21 23,25 Finite element method24 Peacock 2D photonic-crystal structures made up of Plane wave expansion36,37 melanin rods Birds with non-iridescent feathers Spongy medullary keratin 2D discrete Fourier analysis40 Chameleon Face-centered cubic lattice of guanine Block-iterative frequency domain42 crystals

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology Structural colors butterfly scales; instead they lay flat on the silicon mixtures in the presence of a variable moisture back- substrate. ground. The authors used EBL for the patterning of Huang et al.48 replicated the exact structure of alternating layers of two types of positive-tone pho- the butterfly by utilizing a butterfly wing as a biologi- toresist materials, poly(methyl methacrylate) cal template and coating it uniformly with Al2O3 (PMMA) and a copolymer of methyl methacrylate (Figure 6(a)). This approach accurately reproduces (MMA) and methacrylic acid (MAA), and then fur- the exact shape of the ultrastructure of the butterfly ther selectively removed the MMA/MAA copolymer and the photonic bandgap can be tuned by infiltrat- using a binary solvent to form intact PMMA lamel- ing another material into the air spaces between the lae. These individual multivariable sensors achieved butterfly’s lamellae and ridges. However, the need quantification of small analyte concentrations in the for destruction of the natural template limits the scale presence of variable backgrounds, which is challeng- and applicability of any such device. A single Mor- ing for most sensor arrays. pho-butterfly-scale quasi-structure (Figure 6(b)) was demonstrated by focused ion-beam (FIB) chemical vapor deposition (CVD).49,50 The reflection spectra Artificial Multilayers of the quasi-structure were very similar to those of To fabricate artificial multilayers with certain colors, the natural Morpho scales. This method was limited the material indices and thicknesses need to be cho- by the time and cost of fabricating each individual sen according to the photonic bandgap theory. Typi- row of ultrastructures. Mukti et al.51 combined cally, the multilayer photonic nanostructures are chemical vapor deposition, ultraviolet fabricated with two different materials with high and (UV) nanolithography, and chemical etching methods low refractive indices, and the types of materials vary to replicate the ultrastructures of the butterfly’s wing from inorganic dielectric materials to organic poly- scale out of a biomaterial multilayer on a substrate, mers. Different coating methods can be utilized to covering a relatively large area with control of fabricate multilayer reflectors, such as spin-coating shapes, dimensions, and periodicity. and physical or chemical vapor deposition. Inspired by the iridescent nanostructure and Choi et al.5 realized porous, thin-film-based gradient surface chemistry of Morpho butterflies, architectures with flexible compositions based on a Potyrailo et al.47 fabricated 3D nanostructures that sol–gel route to obtain all-mesoporous multilayer not only selectively detect individual closely related stacks. The layers were composed of alternating silica vapors in pristine dry-gas conditions, similar to the and titania slabs with pore sizes between roughly natural Morpho scales and conventional sensor 3 and 10 nm, depending on the surfactant used as a arrays, but also quantify these vapors even in template, and with porosities as high as 40%.

(a) (b)

50 μm 45°

10 nm Al2O3 20 nm Al2O3 30 nm Al2O3 40 nm Al2O3 40°



10° 1 μm 0° 50 μm Incident angle

FIGURE 6 | (a) Optical microscope images of butterfly wing scales coated with different thickness of alumina and an SEM image of the alumina replicas of the butterfly wing scales after the butterfly template was completely removed.48 (b) SIM images of Morpho-butterfly-scale quasi-structure fabricated by FIB-CVD and optical microscope images of the quasi-structure observed with a 5–45 incidence angle of white light.50

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(a) (c)

200 nm


500 nm

1 cm

FIGURE 7 | (a) Four-layer mesoporous Bragg stack in air and in ethanol observed from different viewing angles.5 (b) SEM image of five 52 alternating regions of TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles and different structural colors of the films at normal incidence. Different colors of the Bragg stacks were obtained by varying the number of deposited bilayers. (c) Bright-field TEM micrograph of cryomicrotomed PSb-PI block copolymer showing 1D periodic lamellar morphology.53

Investigation of the optical response of mesoporous Multilayer nanostructures can also be fabri- multilayer stacks to a series of alcohols and alkanes cated by self-assembly of organic dielectric materials. (Figure 7(a)) revealed that their sensitivity and selec- Yoon et al.53 produced self-assembled polymeric dis- tivity are highly dependent on the properties of the tributed Bragg reflectors utilizing thin films of a mesoporous metal oxide layers constituting the lamellar-forming poly(styrene-b-isoprene) diblock Bragg-reflector stack. copolymer with a high molecular weight, which can Wu and et al.52 produced structural color in a act as a photonic microcavity. The block copolymers titania/silica (TiO2/SiO2) nanoparticle system phase-separate into periodic microdomains on the assembled by polyelectrolyte-assisted layer-by-layer length scale of the blocks, driven by competition deposition with subsequent calcination of the between the tendencies to reduce the interfacial free films to remove the polymer components. The result- energy and to increase the conformational entropy of ing conformal, nanoporous thin-film coatings show the constituting polymer chains. With an appropriate the expected narrow-wavelength reflection bands that microdomain size that is large enough to interact lead to analyte-sensitive structural color (Figure 7 with visible light, block copolymers can create peri- (b)). The films also show favorable super- odic dielectric structures (Figure 7(c)) with a photonic hydrophilicity and self-cleaning properties. stop band in the optical frequency range.

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology Structural colors

Colloidal Photonic Crystals non-uniformity, Gu et al.56 developed a ‘lifting sub- Brilliant structural color can be produced by packing strate’ method, in which the substrate is lifted uni- colloidal nanoparticles.16 A typical close-packed formly instead of sitting in the suspension (Figure 8 face-centered opal structure can be fabricated by (c)). With this method, colloidal film fabrication is depositing the colloidal nanoparticles in one of sev- much faster than the vertical deposition method, and eral different ways, among which the most straight- the concentration of particles remains almost forward method is sedimentation driven by unchanged during the deposition, so that the thick- 57 gravitational forces.54 During this process, the colloi- ness of the film is relatively uniform. Prevo et al. dal particles are allowed to settle down onto a sub- developed a horizontal deposition method, in which strate and pack into a hexagonal crystal lattice time and material consumption can be decreased by (Figure 8(a)). Faster deposition can be attained by steadily dragging a small volume of liquid confined enhanced gravitation via centrifugation, higher tem- in a meniscus between two plates (Figure 8(d)). perature, and/or external electric field. To fabricate high-quality colloidal crystal films, a vertical suspension method was introduced by Angle Independence Jiang et al.55 In this method, a substrate is immersed Much of the bio-inspired structural colors have been vertically into the colloidal suspension. During evap- realized by producing a bandgap, and hence the oration of the solvent, the colloidal particles begin to structural colors are usually iridescent. To produce pin onto the substrate in the meniscus region, and non-iridescent colors, that is, independent of the then other colloidal particles move toward the pinned observation and/or illumination angles, isotropic particles and assemble into an ordered structure structures need to be employed. Amorphous photonic driven by capillary forces (Figure 8(b)). However, the structures possess only short-range order but lack thickness of the film deposited with this method has long-range periodicity. When the characteristic length a gradient because the suspension concentration scales are comparable to the wavelengths of visible increases as the solvent evaporates. To overcome this light, amorphous photonic structures can produce

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 8 | Schematics of various methods for close-packed colloidal crystal formation: (a) natural sedimentation; (b) vertical deposition; (c) lifting substrate; (d) horizontal deposition.

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(a) (b) 100 80 1 2345 60 40 0.02 0.18 1. 8 0 3.60 11.2 20 0 100 80 60 40 20

Reflectance (%) Reflectance 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 400 500 600 700 800 Wavelength (nm) (c)

44 nm

500 nm 200 μm

FIGURE 9 | (a) Side-view SEM image (bottom panel) of a film spin-coated 226 and 271 nm polystyrene spheres, and different structural colors (top panel) produced by different ratios of them.58 (b) Images of the structural colors produced by different sizes of polystyrene spheres, and their reflectance spectra (with (red line) and without a water glue added).59 Scale bars: 5 μm. (c) SEM and optical microscope images of a non- iridescent structure and its corresponding structural color.60 non-iridescent structural colors resulting from an iso- visibility (Figure 9(b)). The cuttlefish ink consists of tropic photonic pseudogap, which is a partial energy non-spherical melanin particles with an average size (frequency) bandgap resulting from the disordered of about 110 nm, and its average absorption is about material. Forster and et al.58 realized self-assembled 99% in the visible range. The amorphous photonic isotropic films that display structural colors (Figure 9 structures with mixed nanoparticles showed different (a)). The authors spin-cast a mixed suspension of non-iridescent colors. When the relative proportion two sizes of polystyrene spheres to ensures an iso- of cuttlefish ink particles was high, the resulting col- tropic structure. The transmission spectra of the iso- ors were darkish but non-iridescent. Conversely, tropic film showed less angle independence than when the relative proportion of cuttlefish ink was those of an anisotropic film self-assembled out of decreased, the colors tended to be bright and gradu- one-size spheres. They also added carbon-black paste ally became iridescent because of the ordering ten- to enhance wide-band absorption and avoid the sen- dency of the polystyrene spheres. sitivity of the color to the film thickness, taking a les- To produce non-iridescent Morpho blue color, 60 son from animals that employ the absorption of Chung et al. spin-coated a random mixture of SiO2 complementary colors to ‘purify’ the structural spheres with diameters between ~200 to 400 nm on colors. a silicon wafer to form a loosely packed silica micro- Zhang and et al.59 used cuttlefish ink as an sphere monolayer (Figure 9(c)). To ensure high color additive to monodisperse polystyrene spheres with purity, the authors sputter-deposited chromium to diameters between 200 and 300 nm to produce provide a uniform dark background and reduce the amorphous photonic structures with a high color back reflection of light transmitted through the

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65 monolayer. Eight pairs of SiO2 and TiO2 layers were array. When the film was stretched mechanically in then sputter-deposited, and poly(dimethylsiloxane) the horizontal direction, the lattice distance reduced (PDMS) was spin-coated on top to encase the entire in the vertical direction and the wavelength of the sample. By controlling the layer thicknesses, different reflected light blueshifted; accordingly, the color of non-iridescent colors were obtained. the PDMS sheet changed from red to green. When the mechanical strain on the sheet was released, the reflectance peak returned to its original spectral posi- Tunable Structural Color tion, and the color changed back to red. Based on the origin of the structural color, there are Yang et al.66 developed an efficient and two essential approaches to achieve tunability: chan- straightforward method for preparing a mechano- ging the refractive indices of the constituent materials chromic photonic gel by fixing a metastable SiO2 col- and changing the lattice spacing of the photonic crys- loidal crystalline array in a mixture of ethylene glycol tal. Ballato et al.61 infiltrated a silicon opal with 1- (EG) and poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate through methylnaphthalene (MN), which has a moderately photopolymerization. A high volume fraction of EG high temperature coefficient of the refractive (46%) is introduced to the photonic gel before parti- − index (approximately −5 × 10 4/K). When the tem- cle assembly, but not by swelling after polymeriza- perature was increased, the refractive index of MN tion, which leads to a more deformable composite (nominally n = 1.607 at a wavelength of 656 nm and than most reported opal gels. Compared to the tradi- temperature of 25C) decreased and the photonic tional mechanochromic opal gel, this material is bandgap of the opal structure shifted to shorter more sensitive to external forces and a total reflection wavelengths, so the wavelength at the band edge wavelength shift of 150 nm can be achieved through moved out of the bandgap and its transmission stretching or bending. At the same time, the material increased. Relative percent changes in transmission retains all the advantages of opal gels such as a fast of ~35% were observed over a temperature range of (in the millisecond range), reversible response, and 12 K. This tunable structural color could be applied repeatable reflection wavelength and intensity in as a temperature sensor. cycling and fatigue tests. The molecular orientation of liquid crystals can Ge et al.67 prepared a composite film consisting be controlled by both temperature and electric field, of a thin layer of quasi-amorphous array of SiO2 so the structural colors of opals infiltrated with liquid nanoparticles of 221, 258, and 306 nm, embedded in crystals become tunable. Yoshino et al.62 infiltrated bulk elastomeric PDMS. Angle-independent color SiO2 opal structures with nematic or smectic liquid was reflected by the particle arrays due to their short- crystals. When the temperature was decreased from range ordering but lack of long-range periodicity. 75Cto30C, the refractive index of the liquid crys- The film was highly transparent (>90% transmit- tal was tuned by 0.012, and hence the bandgap posi- tance for visible wavelengths) in the initial state. tion of the opal structure also shifted. Kubo et al.63 Upon mechanical stretching, the transmittance was added photochromic liquid-crystal AZO dyes into dramatically reduced to 30% and displayed angle- the infiltrated liquid crystal in the SiO2 inverse opal, independent structural color at a strain >40%. The and realized photo-switchable photonic crystals. change of optical responses is attributed to an When the film was irradiated with UV light, trans-cis increase in diffuse light scattering and absorption photoisomerization of the dye was induced, leading resulting from the formation of microwrinkles and to the nematic-to-isotropic phase transition of the liq- voids during stretching. The color could be tuned by uid crystal, and the emergence of a bandgap in the varying the nanoparticle size. 45 composite inverse opal. Lee et al. injected Fe3O4@SiO2 core-shell To change the lattice spacing of colloidal crys- nanoparticles in between transparent top and bottom tals, Fudouzi et al.64 infiltrated the void of an opaline electrodes and demonstrated electrically tunable dis- lattice of polystyrene beads with a liquid prepolymer play exhibiting angle-independent structural of PDMS, and then cured the PDMS. When 2- colors across the visible region (Figure 10(a)). The propanol was applied to the surface of the colloidal Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles have a large electropho- crystal, the crystal lattice of the opal structure was retic mobility in organic solvents and high optical increased due to swelling of the PDMS network, and contrast. Due to their negative surface charge, the the color of the colloidal crystal was tuned from Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles localized on the positive green to red. By infiltrating the swollen film with electrode upon application of a bias voltage, and the PDMS for a second time and curing it, the authors resultant increase in the local concentration induced fixed the polystyrene opal as a non-close-packed the color changes. When the bias voltage was

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(a) (b)

μ 5 50 m i ii 4 iii iv Spacer Fe3O4@SiO2 ITO in propylene carbonate v 3 vi vii viii 1.0 V 2.5 V 4.0 V 2

1 Relative intensity (a.u.) Relative

0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength (nm)

(c) 24°C 21°C 19°C

off on off on off on

off on off on on

I diff. off

400 600 800 400600 800 400 600 800 λ / nm

FIGURE 10 | (a) Tunability of a photonic display as a function of applied electric potential difference.45 (b) Generation of high-resolution multiple structural color patterns using M-Ink.68 (c) Multicolor photochromic behavior of the porous gel. Photographs and reflection spectra of the porous poly(NIPA-co-AAB) gel in water at 19, 21, and 24C before UV irradiation and after the equilibrium degree of swelling had been reached in response to the UV irradiation.70 increased from 1.0 V to 4.0 V, the photonic bandgap within the chain (Figure 10(b)). Once the desired color position shifted from 655 nm to 490 nm. was obtained from M-Ink by application of an exter- Kim et al.68 developed a photonic crystal, termed nal magnetic field, it could be fixed by solidifying the M-Ink, the color of which was magnetically tunable photocurable resin through UV exposure. and lithographically fixable. M-Ink consisted of a Walish et al.69 demonstrated an electrically con- photocurable resin, solvation liquid, and superpara- trolled, full-color tunable photonic crystal pixel in a magnetic colloidal nanocrystal clusters comprising simple lamellae-forming diblock copolymer. A hydro- many single-domain magnetite nanocrystals capped philic/hydrophobic block copolymer, polystyrene-b- with silica shells. Under an external magnetic field, the poly(2-vinylphyridine) (PS-P2VP), was spin-coated on colloidal nanocrystal clusters were assembled to form the negative electrode of a pixel filled with an electro- chain-like structures along the magnetic field lines, bal- lytic fluid, 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), where it anced through the interaction of a magnetically formed a 1D photonic crystal. When the P2VP was induced attractive force and repulsive electrostatic and swollen by the TFE, the polymer reflected red light. By solvation forces. The color of light diffracted from the applying a voltage to the substrate, the polymer film chain was determined by the interparticle distance turned from red to green because of an electrochemical

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− reaction that produced trifluoroethoxide ions (TFX ). CONCLUSION − TFX did not swell the P2VP as well as TFE did and − thus the addition of TFX caused the P2VP domains We have reviewed the structural colors displayed by to shrink, blueshifting the reflected light. various biological species. These structural colors fi Tunable structural color can also be produced by originate from thin lms, multilayers, photonic crys- photonic crystals made of organic molecules that tals, and isotropic structures. Some of the structural change their geometry upon exposure to UV or visible colors in animals are even tunable. These spectacular light. Matsubara et al.70 presented a porous gel capa- structural colors in biology have inspired a variety of artificially fabricated, multi-functional photonic ble of rapid light-triggered switching between two 71 structural colors. The authors introduced a periodically structures and materials. Iridescent structural col- ordered interconnecting porous structure and incorpo- ors have been produced by multilayers and different rated azobenzene units into the gel. Azobenzene deri- types of photonic crystals. By employing isotropic vatives are well-known photochromic compounds that structures, non-iridescent structural colors have also exist in two different states, the trans form and the cis been demonstrated. Some of the bio-inspired struc- form, which can be interconverted reversibly by means tural colors can be tuned by changing the lattice spa- of a light stimulus. Figure 10(c) shows the photoin- cing and/or the optical constants of the materials by duced change in the multi-structural color of the thermal, electrical, magnetic, optical, and other sti- porous gel in water at different temperatures. Upon muli. Technologically, bio-inspired structural colors UV irradiation, a new spectral peak appeared at a hold substantial promise for applications in sensing, longer wavelength than the corresponding peak security, display, cosmetics, decorations, paints, and observed in the dark at each temperature. many other areas.

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