Report 2010:13 R Swedish universities & university colleges Short version of annual report 2010 In English Report 2010:13 R Swedish universities & university colleges Short version of annual report 2010 Högskoleverket (Swedish National Agency for Higher Education) • Luntmakargatan 13 Box 7851, SE-103 99 Stockholm • phone +46 8 563 085 00 • fax +46 8 563 085 50 e-mail
[email protected] • www.hsv.see Swedish universities & university colleges Short version of annual report 2010 Published by Högskoleverket 2010 Högskoleverkets rapportserie 2010:13 R ISSN 1400-948X EDITOR Lena Eriksson GRAPHIC DESIGN AND GRAPHICS Lena Ernstson ILLUSTRATIONS Students from Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University PRINT Åtta.45 Tryckeri AB, Solna, August 2010 PRINTED ON ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY PAPER CONTENTS Introduction 5 An international perspective 9 Facts about higher education in Sweden 15 Trends and developments 23 Education at first and second-cycle levels 24 Third-cycle education 31 International mobility 32 Education and employment 35 Teachers and researchers 36 Financing 38 Key figures for higher education institutions 43 First and second-cycle 44 Third-cycle 44 Teaching and research staff 44 Funding 44 Universities and university colleges in Sweden 51 ”How do I design a bicycle that solves the problems of service and maintenance? What are the requirements and needs to meet my target group?” Daniel Gunnarsson Sweden Industrial Design Project: ”Ett enkelt cykelägande” (An easy way of owning a bike) In collaboration with Nishiki. INTRODUCTION THIS SUMMARY OF the Swedish universities es. The subsequent section presents key data and university colleges annual report 2010 about students, staff and finance for each uni- gives an outline picture of higher educa- versity and university college.