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FASHIONABLE VISITOR ZM an DONE R IT ! m t WEDDING GOLD WATCH PRESENTS. t . BRACELETS. N EW EST A N D BEST. Retd Gold Self-fitting Bracelets LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIDES. with Jewelled Lever Watches FROM 6 0 / “ EACH. Wm.Brnford&Son, GUARANTEED. OoMiwltfci and Silversmiths, Wm. Bruford & Son, BMtbourne and b e tar. FASHIONABLE VISITOR 100) Term inus-rd., Eastbourne I e l e p h o n 22a, E astbourne, at the G.P.O. at a Newspaper, KASTBOU E s t a b l is h e d 1 8 5 6 , PRICE ONE PENNY COMMEBCE, STBOUBNK J i H E LADIES’ OOLLKGE, PrtSiienti GRASSINGTON ROAD. EASTBOURNE. THE DUKE OF DEVON A Day School ) or the Daughters of Gentlemeti Principals: Head1 Master p JOSS HITCHCOCK and MISS ORAKB !he REV. t . 8. WILLM (Successors to Miss I)ea Ensiles) TAssisted by a large Staff of Rosldeut and Visiting Masters and Mistresses. The School la a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for the Sou lie Perfect Combination Pnplls prepared, if desired; for the Preliminary, Junior. -PST. ANNE’SAv----— . ROAD. ox Qnttemen. | j - r Rudge Multi with Rudge Coach built Sidecar Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Examinations, also EASTBOURNE. LI8MORE EASTBOURNE Boys are prepared for the lUnlrentgee, the Army, Navy •rt, speed, silence, .safety and reliability are the for Matriculation, London University, for the Society and C ivil Servloes, 08 of this unrivalled vehicle. The infinitely vari- of French Professors in London and for the RzamlnatkM •atory School for Boys, lfc*l able Multi Gear,ope rated by a single lever by the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Musla There are special Abut and Navs Clabsm. like a car, Is the foundation of its success. mfQk This and much more Is fully explained in and Royal College of Music. For Prospectus and Informatlonaaka reoeot Snooesse the new Rudge Multi Cateloguo NOW Students desirous of pursuing their studies after leaving application should be made to the Mastir. , READY and POST FREE on receipt of School may Join Advanced Classes in English l iterature DICKER & CO. B. fc^FV^SLOWMBE), and History, French. German, Latin and MathemaUos. Physical Drill Is oomptlsary forthe whole School. SaSta Budge Whitworth Ltd. Hookey. Cricket and Tennis Clubs. ■CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS & GROCERS School Frenoh Library. l o v e l l y - kepplbstonk A FEW BOARDERS ARE RECEIVED, OBOBOUGH S OH < OFPOUZS TOWN U U , XABTBOUSNn. Scholarship—open toallunder H—tenable at the Ladles* l UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. 8TAVELSY ROAD, MEAD8. EASTBOURNE. College for three years; examination In connection with Telephone .ljTo, lift ’ ' j this held In January of every year. WINES, SPIRITS AND MINERAL WATERS, For Prospectus, further Particulars, to., apply to the Private School for Boys, School for Girls (Pr and Finishing), Principals, The Ladles’ College. a Premises with 8 acne of ground. Chen N.B.—Miss H itchcock and Miss Crakk are at home t Whiskey, 3/6 k 4 /- p er bottle. Pine Old Tawnoy Port, 36/- is 42/- per doze: Mat. 7 , H. Browne a Pait-Beid, B.A. to see Parents on business on F ridays, a SO to 1.30 p.m. Assisted by a large G A S F IR E S. roft-ellesmerr, PBNCF.B 1 ROAD * ILete ol n . The Avenue). ' Home School f w the Daughters of Gentlemen, 10 % DISCOUNT H ISS LLOYDS] has removed to more oommodlonr , ■ pored to receive autinoroaeod BAKER number of D. TO CLEAR A SMALL CLASS FOR THK CHILDREN XX. OF GKNTLEPEOPLB ONLY MACHINE M A D E B R E A D Is held at 3, GRANGE ROAD. ft H f T J N i e i P AL SCHOOL ART E a s t b o u r n e G a s C OMPANY, A ll. (TBCHNICj GAUDIOK r o a d , Kxam'li&rio 1,8 prepare<i for the Preliminary TOWN DAILY, Beginners are reoelved. References from Parents of Pupils. / Apply, Miss E. Clkatheb. 16 and Si, Ohuroh-atreet; 16, Povenuey-road and 176, Seaaida, SOME PERFECTLY CHARMING (TNOCKMAROONa’’ SCHOO . PATTERNS AND COLORS. ' AND KINDERGARTEN FO R GENTLEMEN’S CHILDREN, ENY8 ROAD, EASTBOURNE. ish Suiting OcrTHrfc. Flannelt Washed in Ann. Water, for the storage of whieh large underground Concrete Tanks haoe teen constructed. - Principals - • • The Missm Skmpls. , throw-over collar, 1 merv. Skirt «NS EASTBOURNE Girls 4 to M years; Boys 4 to 8 years. ioiuNsvyft Khdt. Visitors’ Children received. L i m i t e d , T. CELINE’S How ■ School for GIRLS G u in e a s .; 1ANITARY STEAM. LAUNDRY CO ' (Bexhlll) Re-Opened M DM E. EMELIE PETRELLI, R.A.M. S NewPri CHARLES / I (Of London) BN SCHOOL of LANGUAGES, LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. (Late pnpll of Signor Randegtrer) do.’s Arcade, 40, Terminus-road, .. i 0, UPPERTON | HOi Prima Donna Opera and Principal London Concerts* LTD. ided for ensuring the Highest Glass of Work for Families, Lodging Day-Boarders reoelved anil RMAN, ITALIAN. SPANISH, j.| Houses, or Hotels. ; •! I RECEIVES PUPILS for LESSONS In SINGING fSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, and VOIOE CULTURE (Italian Method). SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. ' : Lectures weekly. IFrfmiqfi and English. stbonrne. CRAIG-Y-DON, 9, JDUKK'S DRIVE, EASTBOURNE. Sanitary Steam Latimer-road, Eastbourne.” Also at Messrs. Clift’s. Gildretfge road, and SAVIOUR’S 1IQIB SCHOOL, Messrs. Hermitage & Sons, Terminus-road* SOUTH DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. THE AGE OF EIGHT. U nder Royal Patronage, Ajnndm. 1 . IS S ELEANOR RATCLIFFB, p!, some of which cover SPRING RENOVATIONS 10 years Assistant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, L 8ILVERDALB ROAD, EASTBOURNE, i >f tbs Fees. HasM resumed her 1 CLASSES at the Grand BoteL ZM A N Saturdaye, at 2,45. Juveniles, 11 o’clock. Also at Devon­ Information apply shire Park, Wednesdays, at 3.30. Baby Class, 11 o’clook. ANGUAGES DEN. Private Leasons at,any time. DO., L td., - Apply—ALLAN DALE, COOMBE ROAD, CROYDON. Nr- TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON,t W Laureate ELOCUTION. Telegrams: "OETZMANN LONDON." Telephone: MUSEUM “ ONE.’ ternal d External Decorations l/T I S S HILDA FLANAGAN COLLINS’ SPOBTS SHOP, GIVES LESSON .U . * (Late pupil of Mrs. Hasluok), 8, SOUTH |T R ^ ^ ^ m Town Hall), InBehooHandFaama. I 8 FREE. Gold Medalist and A.L.A.M. Elocution. For terms, ftc„ apply Heat GIVES LESSONS in RECITING, PUBLIC SPEAKING, [PURE VOIOE TONE, &c. Address: i T ons R aim a Bn-Smuxs and Repaired. M SCHOFIELD LANSDO IE HOTEL, Eastboubns. GRATIS ER *&! SELMES, - DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. NGINBERS, MILLWB^GHTSj, Decorators. I LUCY J] FAY begs to announce that PATTERN MAKERS. *■ have been RESUMED In the .AOKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS, lag and Bones Repairs done at Moderate on 8ATU1 IndBepalM taaf all kinds of Machinery suoh as CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY eld has had 13 yews'r ipila and In elass teaol Hon to Drainage and Sanitary Work, an, Gas A W ater Engines, Hydraulic Lifts, Ae. IN ENGLAND OR WALES; Blouse Patterns c ASHFORD ROAD, EASTBOURNE, OORNPIBLD, W orks TEDBSWELL ROAD, BAS' UENE, engineering Works at Rear. Tele. 1331. DANCING CLASS, t / I H. CHATFEELD <4 SON, WARDROBES. V N O WEST RND DAIRY, MISS MARGARET BENTflOK* (a pupU of Mini IS8 HUTTON MOSS and MISS PAINE Cowkeepers and Dairy Barmen, -vJL Have resumed their CLASSES FOR DANCING AND DEPORTMENT DELIVER HIGH-CLASS DAIRY PRODUCE at THE GYMNASIUM, YORK ROAD, on SATUR­ wlvlco T hree Tlmee Dally to a ll parte of Eastbourne. and Thursdays 7.45 6, Sussex- As It Is neoessary to know from whence the milk supply DONE r IT ! jL b b s a n d a m n s B A L s a l e s m e n , DAYS, at 2.45. lay, 3-1* 1* derived w e Invite Patro n s to lnspeot our Farm s igements made with Private Lessons Given. (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE, Warm Spotst "Dairies: —and every article of Furniture in our Home comes from PETER’S. 39a, Habekoton-boai), London, 8.W. H am pden P a rk . IS, C ornfield-terrace a n d a t of NEW and SECOND-HAND. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Telephone 468. Church-street, Under DlBtlnguishediPatronage. a n c in g , r h y t h m i c ahd o l d g r e e k Fnmitnre to last many lifetimes Royal Drawing Ex e r c ise r MONEY - £2 to £1,000. Exhibitor Royal D ■ ‘ 1 I. 1 ■ . ’ . L: .i'! . K & tffi in Drawing and ty. Iodise and Gentlemen’t Wardrobes Purchased for Prompt Cash. CLASSES and PRIVATE LESSONS will be held at CASH ADVANCED PRIVATELY. —to add distinction to the Home, to le pleasing to the eye, iand of comfort to the body, Paintlug etthi DRESDEN HOUSE? 8ELWYN ROAD (by kind pm- T Moderate Interest. Easy Repayments to Ing Teacher In AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. misaion of the MlssesIGodkin and Park-Brown) for Girls ) but the best materials wore bSTJK and Is open to and Children. Private Lessons to Adults. A responsible Householders. Promptly and In strict to retain its newness to the Iasi ;, to always proclaim that none ot Pnplls have Valse, Bostons, Loulu Fado, Hesitation Valse. oonfidenoe. T s* Only Actual R esident Lkndeb. used in its manufacture, and only the most-shilled labour executed it, and withal to Itton with eohools in MBA ELIZABETH GARRATT, C all or W riteM ISS A. JEW ELL, A-road, Eastbourne. —, 97, New Bond-stbkict, W. Teh 554. L WILMINGTON SQUARE, Eastbourne. offer yon a^] FM I t 1b better ho deal direct with the LENDER than *il. ! !''••! BEST AND FULLEST GUIDE T\/|ISS MINA HUDSON (Cert. Voc. T.O.L^ to apply to Agents and Financial Companies. ELSIE S. M SD, Certificated anoed Grade Asso Board R AM.
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